idealuk · 3 months
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Cousins bonding in complimentary sunglasses.
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menace-behaviour · 2 years
Eddie: Buck, I’m in love with you.
Buck: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, Eddie, remember? But, I appreciate the effort.
Eddie: No, I know.
Buck: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcoolcool. Unrelated, but I'm going to need to hear that on repeat for the rest of my life.
Eddie: I'm sure we could arrange that.
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porcelainxxx1x1 · 9 months
@davidaltofsky continues from here:
Eddie moaned deeply when their lips met, all the love, the passion, the hunger the felt for each other, all melting perfectly together with the way their bodies moved back and forth together. His body burned and ached all over, but in all the good ways, the adrenaline pumping through him with force, knowing this was the final consumation of what they had held back to one another for while. It was why, when Buck told him to go harder, that he could take it, that he wouldn't mind if they broke the bed, it was like a brand new flashfire ran through him, and he looked down at him and grinned. "Your wish is my command" he whispered over his lips, his tongue swiping over them teasingly before pulling his head back, then he placed his hands on both sides of Buck's broad shoulders, his arms bulking up as his whole weight rested on them, and he pulled his cock out of him and then slammed it right back in, his loose hips twisting and pushing as he proceeded to practically impale him into the bed, his lover's head banging the headboard each time he pushed right back in.
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svd126 · 1 year
So we know we’re getting the poker scene what if like, when TK went into his coma, and he is having that dream and he’s talking to Gwen and they’re talking out everything but for buck it’s Eddie 
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fisheadz · 2 years
Ok, so, I made a part 1 of a Buddie (EddiexBuck) … series? Extended oneshot? Idk but I made part 1 and I think ima move it to here so it’s out of the way, or maybe I should ponder that a bit more cuz I use Wattpad more then Tumblr and don’t wanna forget about it here, so ima post part 1 on here in a minute-
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hamletsshadow · 3 years
*118 family BBQ*
Harry, looking at Eddie in awe: the self-control and composer shown by that man is an inspiration to us all!
Chris, lives with his father and knows him: yesterday he fell out a window because Buck smiled at him, but okay.
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lovepurplequeen · 2 years
This is brilliant. I burst out laughing. 
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whattarush · 4 years
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buck and eddie leaning against walls. that’s it. that’s the post.
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thelittlemars · 3 years
Okay, so I just have something to get off my head before I go to sleep or I won't be able to.
I finished watching 9-1-1 a month ago and it quickly became the Obsession of the Moment™, and before I was done with it I didn't join the fandom here on Tumblr. I was convinced I was the only one picking up gay vibes™ from Eddie and Buck and I am so used to disappointment [hello there, Destiel] that I don't hope for it anymore, you know?
And then I joined the fandom and I've found this amazing family of people that just genuinely enjoy the show and you know what? I realized that I don't really care about Buck and Eddie being endgame.
Now, this might sound controversial, I know. I ship those two idiots, they're most likely to become my OTP and, as a queer person myself, I'd appreciate the representation. But then I realized that the reason why I love them so much it's exactly because they've been written as they are. I wouldn't change a thing about this show or about the relationship between Buck and Eddie. They're perfect as they are, for me.
And yes, I'd love them to be canon, and have a family of their own with Christopher and all of that, but still – I'd be okay if that won't happen. I'd be okay if they continued to be friends. Because, let's be honest, Buck and Eddie's friendship is one of the best male friendships I've ever seen on screen.
So yes, this is what I've been dying to clarify. If you see me shipping them and reblogging analysis, theories or whatever, just keep in mind that yes, I ship them, but I'm happy with them anyway – canon or not.
An honestly, I love this show entirely, every single character, their interactions, the themes they approach – this show means a whole lot to me and I'll take is as it comes.
Thank you for reading this, I guess. Now I'm going to sleep, hopefully
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renmagi · 2 years
Buddie Choose Your Own Ending
 I saw this post and had it saved until inspiration struck so thanks for this @idealuk
Basically, I came up with two endings to this and couldn’t decide which one I liked more so may the odds be ever in your favor!
Now, are you feeling sweet, or are you feeling spicy? 
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bby01boi · 3 years
Here are some screenshots I took of Buddie from episodes in season 3 so
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Lol the last one is for personal reasons 😌
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idealuk · 2 months
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They're trying to kill us.
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luv-eddiediaz · 3 years
It's been 47 minutes and I am NOT okay yet.
It was so silent, it was SO beautiful! The way they stared at each other, and I understand it was shock, but you can see it in Eddie's eyes at he's staring at Buck; you can see that realization, and when he reaches out his hand toward Buck, it isn't for help, it's for comfort - he just wants Buck to be with him. And right as the episode ended you saw the fear and the anger rising in Buck's eyes, and next week is just going to open with Buck screaming Eddie's name...
Have I mentioned I'm not okay?
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porcelainxxx1x1 · 2 years
davidaltofsky || Eddie & Buck
continues from HERE:
Eddie held Christopher close to his chest, safe and warm, where he wished he could keep his son forever, and he intended to do for as long as he could, and he placed a soft kiss on top of his head, just as he felt Buck’s embrace around them, like a big bear, making them all look like a single bundle of love and family. “And you’re the most important thing to us too, Buck!” Chris declared with an earnest laugh, which was more than true. He looked up when he held his face like that, their lips meeting in a single, soft kiss, and Eddie couldn’t wipe the smile off his face when the other pulled back. “I’ve been wanting you to do that too” he said softly, then chuckled and shook his head. “Well, I happen to know that it doesn’t take a lot to make you cry, Buck” he said, teasing him, then when they took their seats back and went ahead to finish their dessert, he chuckled. “No piers? Damn, there goes half my plan” he said, laughing, then they talked about maybe of a trip to the zoo soon, which Chris loved because he got to ride the horses there, or perhaps the unavoidable trip to El Paso, where his family lived, so they could hear it from himself, about him and Buck. Of course, that would happen after they met Aunt Pepa, who had for long now suspected about them both. 
After a good while, it was time to get Chris in his bed, no matter how much the other seemed to object about that. Kisses and hugs were given in great amount, from both of them to the kid, then they finally closed the door behind them and he sighed happily as he leaned against it. “That went well, right...?” he said with a soft chuckle, then sighed and grabbed Buck by the back of his neck, clashing their lips together in a passionate kiss that up until that moment he was dying to give him.
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svd126 · 2 years
The 118 all walking out of the firehouse together was everything. I am so happy that Eddie is back to being a firefighter. Everything is right at the 118.
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stellarstacey · 4 years
I actually have a prompt idea! I can never think of anything, so I’m excited 😆. It builds on one of prompt stories from today. Okay, dangerous situation of your choice where Buck shields Eddie in some way. Eddie is mad/upset but Buck points out that if Christopher had to lose someone it would be better to lose Buck because Eddie is his legal parent and if anything happened to Eddie, Buck wouldn’t have any legal rights to step in and be his parent. Leading to meaningful conversation...
Buck and Eddie had been in some rough situations before but this one takes the cake. A drunk with a head injury and a loaded gun was by far not the best situations. Especially, when the gun was aimed at Eddie. So Buck did what he always did, he reacted without thinking. He jumped in front of Eddie and waited for the pain of bullets piercing through his body but it never came. He opened one eye to see the man pulling at the trigger aggressively and the little click-clicks sounds the gun made went straight to his stomach. Athena burst into action knocking the man to the ground. Buck could feel Eddie's fingers gripping into his hip and shoulder. Buck smirked as Athena cuffed the man and turned to face Eddie.
"Justice preveils!" Buck held up a hand for a high five but was met by the coldest glare Eddie had ever sent his way.
"Or not?" Buck asked confused as Eddie shouldered passed him roughly.
"What just happened?" Buck asked Bobby who had just come up to check on him.
"You nearly took a dozen bullets for him, Kid. Of course, he is pissed off." Bobby shook his head with a sigh.
"Pissed off? I should be getting a thank you and a hug!" Buck grumbled and Bobby frowned.
"Jesus, Buck... You really can be dense sometimes." Bobby patted his shoulder.
The ride back was awkward and uncomfortable. Eddie was glaring holes into the floor of the truck. Once they pulled in, Eddie left in a hurry slamming the door. Buck went to follow but Hen stopped him.
"Give him time to cool off, Buckaroo." Hen muttered and Buck frown.
"Hen's right. Talking to him now, won't do either of you any good." Chim nodded.
Buck huffed. After an hour passed of Eddie moping in the bunk room Buck had enough. He walked in to find Eddie curled up on a bunk. Buck sat down next to his legs.
"Bobby's making his famous cheese burgers you like..." Buck tried but Eddie grunted and kicked his side.
"Piss off." Eddie grumbled and Buck sighed.
"The fuck is your problem?" Buck asked in annoyance.
"The fuck were you thinking! Had the safety been off you would be dead! Buck, dead!" Eddie growled lifting himself on his elbows.
"But it was on. No one got hurt. Why focus on what could have happened, when everything turned out fine." Buck shrugged.
"You can't do shit like that!" Eddie hissed.
Buck glared. "I've got your back..."
Buck stopped as Eddie slammed a hand against the wall.
"That's not what that means!" Eddie growled and Buck winced.
"What was I supposed to do? Let you get shot? Think about Christopher! He already lost his mom. If he loses you what happens? I love Tia Pepa and Abuelita but they don't have the energy to look after him. Shipping him back to Texas to live with your parents would be horrible. I love your parents but the best school for kids with CP is here in LA. The teachers know him. Plus Carla is here. And with your parents being retired they can't afford all the things Chris needs. Think Eddie! Chris needs you." Buck explained frantically and Eddie frowned.
"I know all that. Exactly why that if sometime happens to me, you are to receive all legal guardianship of Christopher. I mean I still need you to sign a few papers..." Eddie trailed off.
Buck stared wide eyed at him.
"What?" Buck whispered.
"I told you before. The only person I trust with my son...truly trust is you. You know exactly what he needs. How do you think I do this job everyday? I wouldn't be able to if I didn't know at the end of the day that if something were to happen you would be there for my son. Buck come on... I know you would raise him to be a great man...just like you are." Eddie told him firmly.
"Are you trying to get me to cry, you asshole." Buck teared up with a small smile.
"Buck... If I lost you...I would lose my mind. I would even be able to tie my shoes in the morning let alone get out of bed. So please for my own sanity just think before you act." Eddie mumbled.
Buck frowned... "I'm about to do something without thinking..." Buck whispered and Eddie furrowed his brows.
Buck leaned in and kissed him. Eddie froze before pulling him down onto him.
They came out an hour later. Bobby stared at them and sighed before pulling out a file.
"Sign here and here." Bobby pointed to the form.
"What are we signing?" Buck asked confused.
"Relationship within the workforce forms for HR." Bobby stated and they both blinked.
"That's a hell of a hickey, Buck." Chim whistled.
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