#gaza aid request
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PLEASE consider donating today, they’re £1,200 away from their goal and we can ensure this family gets to safety.
As little as $5 helps!
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nikoco11 · 18 days
there is something horrifically grim to it, but illustrations for gaza and palestinians tend to catch more mass attention that actual photos of people. this made me feel incredibly helpless for a long while, seeing both how people would rather look at a neat drawing of red black green and white than look a human in the eyes, and how online platforms would rather push a viral drawing while suppressing those begging for help at the same time.
a way to cope with this feeling has been taking advantage of it to directly guide people to helping palestinians.
if art gets better traction, then there’s an incredible amount of good that can be done by creating art that immediately links to fundraisers. creating art of the many images of those who are asking for help.
within hours of posting my drawing, there has been jumps in the thousands for bashar from gaza’s fundraiser. it’s a small effort in the grand scheme of things. it’s not a fix it. but it’s something good. please take care of each other and do what you can. i think this could help a lot of people if a lot of people did it.
here is bashar. i’ve drawn him, spoken to him, and known him now for a few months. any shares help, any art helps. draw who you see, draw what you see. thanks all
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renadmagidnew · 5 days
Our Tent Collapsed!
Hi friends, before I can say anything I am beyond grateful to all of you especially the anonymous do-gooder who helped share my story & gfm link.. £5,298  raised of £35,000 goal when I lost contact and my account got banned. My Family thanks you from the bottom of their hearts ❤ DOANTE PLEASE : HERE
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Elhamdullilah, we lost our tent ! Leaving behind even the modest shelter of our tent felt like losing the only piece of stability and safety we had fought hard to maintain. Thing are tough. We try to remain positive , but it's getting harder and harder everyday. My mother's health is getting worse and worse ,also AbdulRahman's (my brother) Hepatitis A, we're all hit with diseases, add to that we have very little money left , and everything is ridiculously expensive ! We went through a lot the past two weeks .. every day feels like a year .. everything drains us both physically and mentally. I am sorry for bothering you and I am sorry for being gloomy . Please Help us! - Escape to Egypt - Treat our family's health issues - Afford Living Expanses until we leave inshAllah WE REALLY NEED TO LEAVE Donate and Share Please !🙏 Thank you for donating and sharing! You are literally saving our lives .I am afraid I will get banned again verified by: @el-shab-hussein
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troythecatfish · 8 days
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Please read the following🇵🇸
Help Aspiring Physicist from Gaza Reach the Stars
Message from organizer:
Dear Supporters,
My name is Ahmed and I'd like you to meet my cousin Nour, a brilliant young mind from Palestine, whose passion for physics and astronomy knows no bounds. Despite facing unimaginable challenges due to the siege on Gaza, Nour has emerged as one of the top high school graduates in 2023, with an outstanding grade of 99.1%. Her dream was to pursue higher education in physics, specializing in astronomy, but the war shattered her plans as her university and home were destroyed.
But Nour's determination refuses to be overshadowed by the devastation around her. She refuses to let the circumstances dictate her future. Instead, she is determined to pursue her dreams against all odds. With your support, we can help Nour continue her education and embark on a new journey of learning and discovery.
Nour is now seeking to study abroad in the UAE, where she can access quality education and fulfill her aspirations. However, she needs our help to make this dream a reality. We are aiming to raise £50,000 to cover her tuition fees, living expenses, and travel costs.
This is Nour's personal message:
"I am a student of knowledge, Nourhan Ahmed Baraka, from Gaza. I am a first-year physics student at the Islamic University. Since my childhood, I have loved contemplating and looking at the sky, whether it is at night or in the morning. My interest in stars and planets began when I was in middle school. I was observing the changes in their positions, their shine, and their dazzling colours. So I started studying online and watching videos related to astronomy, and I found that most of this science is physics. The movement of the universe, the displacements, the approaching and moving away of galaxies and black holes are due to the theories and principles of physics. The study of cosmic physics, theories regarding the beginning of the universe, new discoveries, and strange objects in space are interesting. It makes the blood flow quickly and the heart beat with excitement when studying it. Astronomy and cosmological physics prove that science is beyond imagination.
The astronomy major was not available in my city of Gaza. Only the general physics major was available. Unfortunately the university where I studied for one month majoring in physics was destroyed. This is in addition to the destruction of my home and neighborhood.
I have planned my journey in life, and I will begin studying a bachelor’s degree in astronomy, God willing, and then I will continue my journey even beyond that with a master’s degree and a doctorate. I will not stop there. Rather, I will continue with my own research and work with astronomy institutions. Also, knowledge is not limited to studying my own field. Scientists in the past were distinguished in all fields. So I will try to become educated in as many fields as possible.
Now I am in the city of Rafah, which is threatened with invasion by the Israeli side, and I and my family do not have any financial means to to complete my educational journey."
Why support Nour?
Exceptional Talent: Nour's academic achievements speak for themselves. Her dedication and hard work have earned her recognition as one of the brightest students in Palestine. With the right support, she has the potential to make significant contributions to the field of physics and astronomy.
Resilience in Adversity: Despite facing immense challenges due to the war, Nour remains resilient and determined to pursue her dreams. By supporting her, we can show solidarity with her courage and determination to overcome obstacles.
Investing in the Future: Supporting Nour is not just about helping one individual; it's about investing in the future of science and education. By empowering Nour to pursue her studies, we are contributing to the advancement of knowledge and fostering innovation.
Global Collaboration: Nour's journey transcends borders and serves as a reminder of the power of education to unite people across cultures and nations. By supporting her education abroad, we are promoting global collaboration and understanding.
Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a difference in Nour's journey. Together, we can help her reach for the stars and make her dreams a reality. Let's stand with Nour and show her that the world believes in her potential.
Thank you for your generosity and support.
P.S. I will be collecting the money on behalf of Nour and will make the necessary arrangement to pay for her tuition fees online
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tikkunolamresistance · 4 months
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Organised by the Asad sisters, Leena, Amanda and Loren with Pious Projects.
— At $20 each, this kit will include - but is not limited to - sanitary pads, a hair brush, tooth brush, toothpaste, cotton swabs, wipes, tissues, and other hygienic items depending on availability!
You can donate as little as $5 if you just want to help out, or donate a bulk of kits for between $100 to $1,000!
Access to the right hygeine products is essential for Palestinian people, as the Israeli blockade has left millions without access to proper hygeine that can lead to potentially fatal infections and diseases.
Do your part today:
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nikoco11 · 2 months
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too many dreams cut short 🍉
bashar is just one of many palestinians you can help continue their lives, dreams, futures, but time is running out and every second counts.
please support him here
life is tiring and hard, so please lets do what we can to take care of each other. RT, share, talk, draw, boycott - do whatever is accessible to you!
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violetdisasterzone · 1 month
THIS CAMPAIGN IS ALMOST TO ITS GOAL!! please donate so we can reach the goal today, every dollar will help 🍉🫶
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please reblog, share, and tag people whether or not you can donate!! Fady's wife gave birth early, their 1mo old baby is now sick. they need to evacuate as fast as possible
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introjis · 6 months
introduction post
requests(can 'do's)
our stances on using our base emojis as an art base or otherwise tracing/"copying" our work (also art advice for those beginning to draw) -> 1 2
blog rules
plaintext version of blog rules
how to give us credit when using our emojis (even if just for reaction images!!)
tws/cws so far tagged
donations for palestine = art thing we are apart of! (project on hiatus)
discord art/animation server we're a part of!
fandoms we're in in case requests are spooky for you!
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troythecatfish · 10 days
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praxis-newsletter · 1 month
"Hello, I am Muhammad Al-Madhoun. I am running this campaign in order to help my niece, Rahaf, and the rest of my family members, my brothers, their children, and their wives.
I am Rahaf Al-Madhoun. I am 17 years old. We lost those dear to us, and we lost many of our possessions in this war.
I hope that you will help me to provide for the needs of me and my family and to help my relatives to provide our most basic rights in light of the high prices of all prices.
We were patient and endured in the hope of returning and repairing what was ruined, but unfortunately the war continues and has not stopped, and even if it stops, we need a lot of time to repair what is ruined, and now we do not have it.
There is no choice but to try to leave the Gaza Strip to rebuild our lives and continue our studies.
I hope you don't blame us, as the damage to us has become severe. With your support, you will take us to safety."
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xwisegirlx · 20 days
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Please help Shimaa's family! For anyone who's going to attend protests or has the chance to distribute flyers, print the image with the QR code and distribute it, if you're not able to do that then share the GFM link. Let's help this family to evacuate, they lost everything and they have a 2 years old daughter!
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This family of seven lost everything, and need immediate medical assistance for the Father, Mohammad, requiring urgent surgery. Please consider donating as little as $5/$10 dollars— everything helps!
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mushroomstems · 22 days
Hello, I'm from Gaza, my little daughter Nour has hydrocephalus and seizures, we are now in a tent in very bad conditions, and every thing destroyed our house, hospitals and physiotherapy centers 😔 I'm waiting your reply hope you will support Nour as she's a palestinian child needs your urgent help because the seizures attacks have increased, and hospitals don't receive her because of the huge number of injuries and martyrs. She must see a neurosurgeon soon to adjust the doses of the antiseizure medications. Also she needs CT scan and MRI to ensure that the shunt is working well. She also needs to continue Physiotherapy ASAP and Occupational therapy sessions to enable her to stand and take her first steps. Please support my campaign because Nour needs special care out of Gaza war, GOAL $1350
Please help support this family !!!!
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violetdisasterzone · 2 months
hi guys, I know I don't normally post these and I don't have a lot of reach, but someone in Gaza reached out to me and her gfm campaign is at less than 10%
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if you were thinking of getting coffee today or have a few extra dollars to spare from your last paycheck, please consider donating to Dana and her family. every dollar helps 🩷 if you're unable to donate, please rb or share elsewhere so this can reach someone who can
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asordidbarwere · 2 months
btw i haven't been tagging any palestine posts bc I don't want ppl filtering them out.
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