#helluva boss apology tour
the-l00ker · 2 days
When you realised you loved him but let him go too soon, thinking he hated you...
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And now, you don't know if he'll forgive you... For letting your love go & not grow
-Apology Tour, June✨
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randommmthoughts · 4 hours
If the next episode does not start with Blitzø banging in Stolas’ door because he wants to talk I’m not gonna watch it
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shellforbrains · 1 month
the idea of Stolas publicly humiliating Blitzø in Apology Tour needs, needs, NEEDS to be looked at through the lens of their class difference.
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(this is an idea that's been floating around twitter. that stolas is going full diss track in the scene the above screencap is from.
and weirdly enough, there's been some people PRAISING or DEFENDING the idea.
so i did a thread about it on twitter & decided to post it here too bc why not. slightly edited of course bc i made typos in the original lmao.)
first off: i am of the belief that one of the big reasons that Full Moon goes badly is bc stolas is off his meds.
i think that both stolas & blitzø will share some blame for the conversation spiraling out, but i think the main underlying reason that this happens is bc stolas is off his meds & not communicating his point properly.
second: i think that if blitzø DOES cross some sort of line in FM & ends up really hurting stolas, stolas is obviously within his rights to be hurt & feel bad about that shit. and especially bc he's going through his second adolescence & feeling a lot of these intense & big feelings for the first time.
him lashing out in some way or being a little petty could be in somewhat understandable. he's not perfect & has flaws just like everyone else.
HOWEVER. i do not think stolas lashing out after FM or going so far as to PUBLICLY HUMILIATE blitzø is what will happen. doing something like this would kinda be major steps backwards in stolas' character growth.
he has done a lot of work on himself over the 1st half of season 2 but he still has a long ways to go, ESPECIALLY in regards to how he treats imps as a whole.
stolas, a very powerful and influential prince of hell showing up to publicly humiliate blitzø, an imp at the bottom of hell's class system, would be... very questionable at best. and potentially dangerous for blitzø at worst.
regardless of how hurt stolas could potentially be & what big feelings he's experiencing for the first time in his second adolescence, the position & privilege he still currently holds are things that always needs to be considered. especially since a huge part of his character arc is that he's starting to REALIZE the extent of that class divide & how he unintentionally took advantage of that with the Full Moon Deal.
i REALLY do not think that stolas will actually belt out a blitzø diss track. i think that he will be using this opportunity to attempt to communicate properly what he WANTED to say in FM but couldn't bc their conversation spiraled.
but i am still writing this to try to get people to look at this from an alternate perspective.
i love stolas. i relate to him so much & i don't want to make it seem like i don't think he's allowed to be imperfect or hurt by things. i am merely REMINDING anyone that reads this that the class difference between stolas & blitzø currently still plays a large part in A LOT of aspects of their relationship.
publicly humiliating blitzø with the influence he has would NOT be a girlboss moment. it would carry a LOT of weight on how blitzø & his company could be seen & maybe even have an effect on their livelihood.
which is exactly what stolas wanted to AVOID by giving blitzø the crystal in the first place.
he is giving the crystal so that I.M.P can keep going & growing, as well as trying to put blitzø & himself on ever-so-slightly more even footing. this idea of publicly humiliating blitzø would be the exact OPPOSITE of that.
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bleucaesura · 5 days
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I believe Stolas is belting about his heartfelt feelings here. No Blitzø slamming. Probably some heartbreak. But just giving it his all.
I don’t know if it’ll be a separate song but it’ll tie heavily into the imagery of his shattered view of how happy he thought Blitzø was to be around him (instead finally seeing the resentment- and yet ignoring all the other signs around him to the contrary; UGH!)
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And of how Blitzø’s presence changed things from night to day in his life.
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But I digress… Why I firmly believe he’s NOT slamming Blitzø (despite the banner) is because of the faces of his companions on stage.
Verosika should look smug. Pleased that someone else is publicly humiliating Blitzø. But she doesn’t. She’s got a casual open stance. She’s calm. Serene. Present.
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And Vortex. My man! 🤣 Look at my dude! He is stoically INTO THIS! He is trying to keep his “bodyguard” stance but he’s SO into the music. Vortex is a softie. So an emotional song would hit hard with him I think.
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He’s just “NNN! YA! FUCKING SING IT BOTHER! LET THEM EMOTIONS GO!” Ears perked. Lips pursed. Eyes closed. Brows furrowed in concentration. Head tilted. Fist clenched - cuz he wants to pump it. He’s taking it ALL in.
That is my interpretation.
Ps: I feel like Stolas would have chosen metal/rock aesthetic if he were to go on an I HATE BLITZO tear lol not goth.
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fleshgerm · 1 month
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likesomanywrecksdo · 1 month
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want to talk about this a little because what is so sad about this part (and what I think the point of this song) is to show stolas panicking and all anxious which, for me, built a feeling of extreme dread with regard to Blitzø because HE DOES NOT KNOW. he doesn't know and he will not be given time to process or understand how he feels about the situation (bc of his denial abt loving stolas). So the contrasting singing of stolas and blitzø helps highlight just how blissfully unaware of what is about to go down blitzø is.
another thing i wanted to mention was how blitzø singing about "the sexy stuff" is because his expectations of more in episodes like "Truth Seekers", "Ozzie's" (expectations and feelings he didn't realise were towards stolas but were still there) and "Queen Bee" have fizzled out with time and he feels that he has to be optimistic, to prevent himself from slipping back into another depressive episode, as well as accustomed with the deal, for fear of losing stolas entirely if he tries to cut it off. In Blitzø's mind, he never had the control, power or resources to even think about ending the contract. the fact that stolas has the choice to and is breaking the deal off infuriates him just as much as it makes him sad.
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bluepigeon300 · 16 days
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Ready for Apology Tour?! 😈💔👊
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kathews · 1 month
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i am SO excited for these next few episodes!!! gotta hyperfocus on hb again while hh season 2 is in production, and it seems like it's gonna get heartcrushing! :'>
the full moon will be about blitz and stolas going out together, but it seems like fizz appears too?
in apology tour we get blitz and verosika interacting again and i'm really excited for that
ghostfuckers is the one i really don't know what to say about tbh, but it seems like blitz gets possessed in one of the scenes
mastermind will have the cherubs teaming with the dhorks and apparently they're gonna open a portal to hell (fucking crazy to think these dudes were massacred by a team of just 4 demons but are willing to go to HELL ITSELF)
i'm the most excited for sinsmas since it seems like shit will really go down in that episode, looks like mammon and satan will appear, andrealphus will come back, and something will happen to octavia! O.O
also the red bird guy that appeared in that overlord scene in the hazbin hotel pilot is now vassago from the ars goetia!
we still gotta wait till december to see everything, but at least we're already getting the full moon now in may! i'm so exciteeed :))
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pastiesotherstuff · 1 month
That is 100, f'ing percent... Satan.
If not, I'm going to eat my socks..
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funtomfiction · 2 months
Helluva Boss Episode Release Dates Twitter Post
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zakequaznook · 1 month
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I'm. Am. SO FUCKING SCARED For The Full Moon Episode.
I have TEARS FALLING DOWN MY FACE. The animations looks FUCKING AMAZING!! AND The voice line snippets have stamped me in the heart OMFG. Especially Blitz. Our boy deserves to take openly and honestly about his feelings and Be Accepted (once he works on those issues of course).
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giulia266eyes · 1 day
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Is Time. Episode 9. Apology Tour!!
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ifwebefriends · 3 days
Are you guys thinking about the Fact that even after Full Moon drops we’re going to have to do this ALL OVER AGAIN in June and then THREE MONTHS IN A ROW later in the fall?
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likesomanywrecksdo · 1 month
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what i think happens
Blitzø and Millie get recruited for a job in the human world, investigating paranormal activities and its pays a shit ton of money. They arrive at the venue (which is a undercover D.H.O.R.K facility probably a hotel) and meet an off-putting receptionist. Now there are theories that this is Leviathan but i personally feel it is a right-hand man or devout believer in Leviathan's rule over the Envy ring. I feel that this receptionist is a hellborn demon, undercover as a D.H.O.R.K employe (a position that allows him to remain covert and not ever be suspected).
So the receptionist lets them do their thing slowly luring them with short hallucinations (mostly auditory) of their deepest fears (eg: Millie's guilt over not having time for her family or Blitzø's seeing Fizzarolli in the hospital). These small moments set the tone for when Blitzø and Millie get seperated. Millie get lured away with the voice of Moxxie in trouble and Blitzø with Stolas' voice (hallucinated Stolas is likely angry at him). The receptionist exposes Blitzø with the chemical that causes the acid trip (which he knows is efficient because of Agent 1&2). The receptionists attempts to pick off Millie by shapeshifting into Blitzø and get her to hurt her friends and people she loves.
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Stolas' voice lures him in and away from Millie and suddenly he's in his van or car or wtvr outside Stolas' house and the scenes of him being angry at him and sarcastic from the trailer ensue. The reason I think this is because the clip of Stolas smiling sarcastically (above) is JUST before the full montage of everyone he's hurt in the past, so I think this whole "stolas is pissed" (makes sense since the last ep literally had Stolas singing on a stage that had 'Blitzø Sucks' on it) plays out until he says the infamous, soul-ruining line; "do you feel any remorse for what you do" . Let me explain my reasoning for this segment a bit. As of the event of the music video 'Look My Way', Stolas understand why Blitzø is closed off and he has these (literal) walls around him that prevent him from opening up ("the walls you conjured up to live, is this what you feel? scorned by a realm that cannot comprehend, what you are.")
So saying this NOT EVEN ON THE NIGHT OF THE FULL MOON where emotions are high and you can get caught in the heat of the moment (which would make more sense) would make ZERO character sense for Stolas. It's not that I don't want to see Stolas snap it's just the line honestly just seems like a manifestation of Blitzø's self hatred and not an actual line Stolas would say.
So after the Stolas scene, Blitzø is at the circus fire, then he's at the hospital, then Ozzie's while Verosika is singing. Everything is happening so fast he can't keep up. Then, it all stops at the sight of one person. His mom. Blitzø is his teenage self again, the braces and everything, crying in his mom's arms and her telling him everything will be alright and that he's not a bad person. Just as he is starting to snap out of his acid trip. The receptionist pulls him back in with seemingly real footage of her getting really badly hurt by some version of Blitzø. He's spiralling again, this time with Millie and Moxxie in his hallucinations but not for very long as once Blitzø sees Millie come to break him out, he calms down enough to snap out of it but his emotions are still running high which leads to a real-life breakdown in front of Millie (below).
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and that's our acid trip guys. sorry if it's badly written, just needed to get it out of my system.
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absolutebozo · 6 months
It's December 1st. Time to obsessively check YouTube to see if Vivziepop uploaded the new episode. Does that mean it release today? Nope. Does that mean I'll check 53 times a day until it's uploaded? Yup.
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arcanareads · 2 days
What will we be seeing in the Apology Tour episode: 4 of cups, page of swords, 6 of pentacles, the fool
4 of cups: this card signals a time of depression and the inability to find anything to be excited about. This could be a self-imposed darkness stemming from a disappointment or a bad relationship. This card encourages you to look inward to find what brought this sadness on and to take stock of all the good things in your life in an effort to raise your spirit
Page of swords: this card you to throw caution to the wind. Now is the time to take action. This card denotes movement, energy, and communication, which are all essential for starting a new adventure
6 of pentacles: this card signals a time of receiving or offering help with strings attached
The fool: this cards ask that you have faith in the universe and live fearlessly. You will come through the storm, and if you allow hope to replace fear, adventures will be waiting
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