#i understand you lan wangji (and i love lwj too)
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
Hi! Your Hollow Knight AU has really cheered me up so I wanted to do a little drawing for it! This got me to get my art tablet out after months of not feeling like it so thank you for the inspiration! I hope the colors look good on any monitor that's not mine sdfsdf
Bugs In the Jingshi wyd?
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I am so genuinely awestruck at how well you translated this AU to the hollow knight style! Also obsessed with the height difference.
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mewtwo24 · 1 month
You know reading vol 5 of mdzs before all the rest (don't ask me why I'm a clown and there were Circumstances) has to be the craziest experience of my life. Because it took all of ten minutes of wwx talking to literally hit me so hard in the gut I had to sit down and listen to really loud music for a while to calm down.
Who needs therapy when mxtx is alive and writing, I guess????? 🤡
Can't wait to get to the actual tragic parts I just know I'm gonna be that "help" frog phone meme
#mdzs#i was really out here thinking svsss would be my fave bc of lbh#and then i finally get around to reading mdzs and it blows my expectations out of the fucking water holy actual shit#and i just had this feeling the first time i read parts of it like 'oh. this series is going to kill me. im not coming back from this.'#and here i am booboo the fool getting my clown ass make-up on#idk how to explain it like i just fucking LOVE mxtx's takes on arrogance#that wwx is constantly being perceived as a show off and an incorrigible flirt and a know it all#how wwx cant always help the ways he acts out the desperation that has embedded itself into his very bones#how wwx only ever wanted to do the right thing and that having been so much of his downfall#how his worth and talent would always be eclipsed by virtue of his circumstances#how he's above needing recognition at his core but at the same time longs for an ounce of good will and positive recognition ->#how human he is despite his brilliance. how he never gets it no matter how hard he tries to be worthy.#like to me wwx is emblematic of what it means to be poor/an immigrant in high places#always villified always alien always wrong always unwelcome#no matter how clever or capable or kind youll always be an eyesore because you don't 'act right'. not 'one of them.' you never will be.#i just...the way he just wanted it all to be over by the end. the way he didnt even want to come back to life. that he was sick of it all.#im rattling the bars of my cage i love him I LOVE HIM i love him#i understand you lan wangji (and i love lwj too)#and even lan wangji too like. the way so many of their issues in the beginning stems from that self-same problem#how lwj couldn't live with his out of control feelings how he too couldn't quite lay down his pride#how lwj was also trapped by the expectations of his clan in his own way how so much of their separation was a form of penance#that the calamity of wwx's loss forced him to reconsider everything he thought he knew about himself and his life#how he was left with nothing but regret. how when wwx returns--lwj refuses to leave anything to chance this time#he refuses to let wwx be alone anymore--refuses to let him hurt himself for the sake of others refuses to just let it all happen#even if it means overstepping a boundary or propriety it doesn't matter--as long as wwx stays with him. pride be damned#god i just can't i just can't do it im biting im ripping things apart GOD#will also say the jokes about lwj being like. 'strict moral compass or BUST.' and then wwx literally committing like 17 felonies in the bg#while lwj is like 'crimes? what crimes. nothing to see here.' NEVER stops being funny. like i was pissing myself laughing#i know its a known trope but by god are they hilarious about it#also. lan qiren how many times do your nephews have to go catatonic for you to stop with the catholic guilt and repression
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shanastoryteller · 5 months
Happy happy holidays 🎁🎉🕎🎄❄☃️ As always, I’d love some more of thee MDZS Identity Porn (with the masks and LWJ getting jealous of all of his husband’s “husbands”) (Or JC traveling back in time?) Thanks!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5
Nie Huaisang has spent most of the banquet fluttering back and forth between his brother and Meng Yao, stroking and then soothing Nie Mingjue's anger by turns.
At this point, Lan Wangji can't help but find himself wholly unsympathetic to Nie Mingjue's plight. Meng Yao has his husband's trust and care and whatever friction he'd experienced in the Nie is lacking in the Burial Mounds.
The more formal portion of the night has faded and people are intermingling and drinking and spread throughout the Jin gardens and main hall.
Wen Qing spends the evening drinking and scowling and unsubtly putting as much distance between herself and Jiang Wanyin as possible.
Lan Wangji had gotten so caught up talking with his brother and other Lan, now that it's socially permissible to do so, that it takes him a while to notice that his husband is missing.
It takes him significantly less time to notice that Nie Huaisang is missing too.
His face drops into a scowl that he's afraid he's learned from Wen Qing. Xichen blinks then his eyebrows push together in concern. "Wangji?"
He forces his face to smooth out. "Apologies, brother. It's nothing."
Xichen raises an eyebrow then leads him away from the others with some murmured excuses that they pretend to believe. “Go on.”
“It’s fine,” he insists, then under his brother’s unwavering gaze swallows down his embarrassment to say, “The Yiling Patriarch and I have a political marriage.”
“Yes,” Xichen agrees in puzzlement before his faces darkens. “If he is behaving dishonorably-”
“He had a life before me, Xichen,” he says. “His personal and political interests are simply not aligned.”
Not completely. He had flustered Wei Wuxian before. He’s never seduced anyone before, but Wei Wuxian seems as if he’d be amenable, if only he can figure out how to do it.
Xichen looks at him carefully before his mouth tips up on the side. “This is displeasing to you. That the Patriarch’s interest in you is not personal.”
He flushes but gives a single nod.
There’s clear amusement in his tone now. “So he is handsome under the mask then?”
“Xichen,” he says, helpless and a warning at once. He’d spoken in generalities all evening, unwilling to reveal any of the particulars about the clan he’s married into, even to his brother. Meng Yao and Wen Qing are correct. Their clan will have to come more fully into the public soon but that’s Wei Wuxian’s decision, not his.
Well, realistically it’s Meng Yao’s, considering it seems as if Wei Wuxian would happily keep[ their clan in the shadows forever.
“Do you promise it’s not terrible?” Xichen continues, the teasing gone and just leaving gentle concern in its place. “You weren’t just saying that so the others wouldn’t worry? The burial mounds is such a horrible place. I hate thinking of you there.”
The burial mounds are beautiful.
It holds their village and their people and lush fields and thriving crops. There’s soft greys and blue skies and every horrible part of it is underneath his husband’s control and he would never, ever let that horror touch the people he’s sworn to protect.
“It’s not what it looks like on the outside,” he says finally. “The Patriarch isn’t either. You’ll understand when you see it.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Xichen says.
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pakhnokh · 11 months
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I keep coming back to this specific panel and thinking about how vulnerable Wei Wuxian looks in the last frame. Thinking about it and assuming everything that happened before the start of HoG was canon, this is probably the first time ever Wei Wuxian was allowed to be human without everyone judging him for it or demanding that he explain why he fucked up again.
Lan Wangji just says Wei Wuxian doesn't need to explain, doesn't owe him that, he's not *entitled* to Wei Wuxian or his thoughts and feelings. Irony of finally owning himself while also feeling trapped aside, I can't imagine how raw that must have made Wei Wuxian feel.
(this late analysis brought to you by me being bored at work 😂)
Awwww thank you so much for being bored at work because I loved this analysis a lot! 🥺
If there's one thing that guides this story is LWJ understanding WWX's harsh position and trying to respect him as a man, as a former part of the proper cultivation world of their society, as a boy who was happy and enthusiastic once, and as a person who always stood up for what is right, even if it brought destruction upon himself and others.
In several parts of this arc I saw many people comment stuff like "hug him, lan wangji!" "kiss him!" etc, and I know it was people getting really emotional hahaha I would've commented the same.
But LWJ won't do that unless he earned WWX'S trust and love. He wants to show him support not by words of love, but by words of understanding, of taking action, of making him know that he has someone to rely on. LWJ knows what it's like to be a cultivator, how much hard work it takes, and what it means to be a part of their society. He knows that WWX position and honor as a cultivator in their world was harmed and he knows how hard it is, so if he offers any comfort, it's standing by his side as an ally in this political world and trying to find a solution to redeem his reputation. Offering romantic love is something that he'd really want to do, but doing it to a person who's been through all that hardship feels like mocking him and belittling from his status, or at least, the status WWX once had. So he's being patient and wants to help WWX the best he can. To be honest, he doesn't even rely on the possibility of his feelings being returned. He just wants to save his Wei Ying from those who wish to harm him, and to make things better for him.
In this part you shared, LWJ knows how it must feel like for WWX. Even without knowing about his trauma of being pushed from the sword, LWJ suspects that WWX might not have his core anymore (see arc 1) and plus, he feels guilty for all that WWX had to deal with on this day he planned to take him out. So even if WWX says that it's just cause he's tired, LWJ believes it too, since it's a huge emotional toll to have to sneak out hiding your identity, then the fear of being discovered, being the cause of mass panic and hate, hearing insults and accusations, realizing he's hated by all, and on top of it all - staying hungry 😭
He doesn't need WWX to explain nothing. He just wants him to rest and be safe, so that he could figure out how to help him 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Thank you again for your message ❤❤❤❤❤ hope it got better at work lol
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bishy437 · 5 months
i HATED mdzs but mostly bc lan wangji is such a stuck up cunt that it completely ruined the vibe for me. also the timeline was weird and it was hard to tell what was a flashback or not and there were justway too many flashbacks in the first place. i genuinely DO. NOT. understand how mdzs can be the most popular of mxtx's works 😭 i didn't find it enjoyable in the least. (but in true shen yuan kin fashion i read the whole thing)
tbf most people probably dont notice lwj’s sucky behaviour during their first read through. I certainly didn’t. There was a lot of dog food to distract you lololol
imo he’s not that different from jc; they’re similar in certain aspects but lwj gets away with his behaviour by fandom since he’s the ml and jc isn’t. i’ve sort of learnt to accept it as just the way the cookie crumbles atp lol
i agree there were too many flashbacks back-to-back 😵‍💫
but i personally love the book and i think it deserves a lot of its love; i thought it was a fascinating story, had an awesome protagonist, compelling cast of characters, great moral themes, plus i enjoy tragedy haha
also it gave us Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling, two of the best fictional characters ever created 🤗
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canary3d-obsessed · 8 months
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 39 part 2
(Masterpost) (Pinboard)  (whole thing on AO3)    
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Warning! Spoilers for all 50 Episodes!
Tumblr's godawful new editor has a hard limit of 30 images in a post, so I'm splitting this episode into 3 posts instead of 2. There's a lot of important gazing in this part of the episode and 30 images isn't going to cut it. (To be fair, the old editor would start to die after about 35 images)
Funeral Time
We start off at A-Qing's funeral. The gang has found a spot right next to the road to bury her, and has managed to pull together an impressive set of funeral accoutrements.
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A well-prepared cultivator always travels with apples, oranges, peaches, ceramic bowls, incense sticks, sand for holding the incense sticks, candles, a sanded & finished board for carving names into, and paper money.
It's nice of them to make sure A-Qing has a proper grave with proper offerings. You know who they don't bury properly? Shishu Xiao Fucking Xingchen, that's who. Do better, Wei Wuxian.
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Jingyi and Ouyang Zichen ugly-cry while Jin Ling threatens the already-dead Xue Yang with being bitten by his dog, to Wei Wuxian's discomfort.
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The three adults on the scene don't cry at the grave or even look distressed, really; after the shit they've been through, they probably don't have a lot of feelings to spare for a stranger, even Wei Wuxian, who feels for everybody.
And Lan Wangji is busy with some important gazing.
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Lan Wangji is having feelings; feelings about how it's a lot better to be Lan Wangji than it is to be Song Lan. He looks earnestly and intensely at Wei Wuxian and says "fortunately" or "how fortunate" (幸好, xìnghǎo), and then gazes even more earnestly at him.
(More after the cut!)
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Wei Wuxian can be forgiven for not getting what Lan Wangji is saying here, because Lan Wangji isn't actually saying most of it. From WWX's perspective, a fresh grave is probably an unlikely place for a confession of love or anything like it, although by Lan Wangji's standards this is a romantic idyll compared to the various caves where they've had most of their dates.
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Wei Wuxian asks him to explain, but the qiankun bag of cock blocking suddenly distracts Lan Wangji, and that's the end of that conversation. They tell everyone to wait while they go back to the coffin house.
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Wen Ning watches them go, wondering what the fuck it is going to take for these guys to get together, for fuck's sake.
It's a Sad Sad Situation
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Back at the coffin house, Song Lan is dejectedly caressing Xiao Xingchen's coffin.
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This scene is poignant but it's also a reminder of what nice hands everybody in this show has.
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It's also an opportunity to appreciate the details of Song Lan's costume. All the costumes have such variety in the fabrics, even an all black or black/grey outfit like this has a lot of textural variation.
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Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian each have something important to return to Song Lan. Wei Wuxian gives him the spirit trapping bag that contains what's left of Xiao Xingchen's consciousness.
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Xiao Zhan and Li Bowen each make a valiant attempt to pretend this bag is not empty and about to collapse if they hold it too firmly.
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Lan Wangi watches him receiving it, with a deep and painful understanding of Song Lan's feelings in this moment.
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So, I assume that Lan Wangji is probably mainly feeling grateful that he has all of Wei Wuxian (well, minus his old body, which doesn't really matter to LWJ) returned to him. But I also can't help thinking about what the Lan Wangji of ~10 years ago would have given to have a scrap of Wei Wuxian's soul that he could carry with him. I wonder if Lan Wangji is thinking about that too.
Song Lan tells them, by writing in the dirt with his sword, that he plans to travel the world to fight evil in company with what's left of Xiao Xingchen. Essentially returning to the life journey that they shared, all those years ago. Lan Wangji responds by presenting Xiao Xingchen's sword to him.
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Song Lan hits the road with both swords on his back, while Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji watch him go.
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We don't hear Lan Wangji's thoughts, but his expression is, I think, a reflection of the grief he carried for so many years.
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We do hear Wei Wuxian's thoughts, wondering if Song Lan and Xiao Xichen will ever meet again.
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I'm not sure how reincarnation works when one of you has part of his soul trapped in a bag and one of you is a possibly-immortal walking corpse, but maybe they'll manage to be reborn together in spite of all that.
When WWX and LWJ are done contemplating how shitty the world can be, they reboot by having an intense gaze at each other.
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Then it's back to mystery solving.
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Wei Wuxian smacks the lid off of Xiao Xingchen's coffin....which is now empty?
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Maybe they buried him between this scene and the last one. Without using his coffin. *shrug*
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Lan Wangji lets the sword spirit out of the bag, and watches it sink through the open coffin and down underneath it. He shoves the coffin out of the way and finds another underneath it. Bunk coffins!
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This one is covered with magic shit, which Wei Wuxian uncovers so we can see the heap of talismans on top of it.
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Hand enthusiasts, this really is the episode for you.
Lan Wangji, who never does anything halfway, splits the lid in half with Bichen rather than, like, opening the lid in some normal way.
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The sword spirit turns into Baxia, which is a big clue that the headless corpse in the coffin is Nie Mingjue.
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Note that in traditional Chinese death...stuff, it's important to have a complete corpse, so separating a corpse into parts and keeping its head in your linen closet is a big fuckyou to the dead person in question.
Side note: Wei Wuxian continues to sense resentful energy directly, in his new body; once you open the doors of perception there is no going back, I guess.
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Lan Wangji still seems to depend on his eyeballs and the presence of black smoke to tell him what's up, despite probably being pretty familiar with the feel of it, by now.
Additional side note since I can fit one more image into this post before Tumblr stops me: Lan Wangji continues to be impossibly pretty.
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Continued in part 3!
Soundtrack: Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word by Elton John
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
Throwing this into the ring of the gray morality discussion of mdzs, but I think something that also tends to trip people up when talking about the characters’ relationships with one another is the concept of love within Western culture where “love conquers all” is taken as love superseding all other reserves a person might have about the object of their affections. So for example, you have people who chalk up all of Wei Wuxian’s actions regarding his golden core and time in the Burial Mounds with the Wen remnants as “love” for Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli driving his need to shield them from his actions rather than his sense of duty (the golden core exchange) and moral code (breaking with the Jiang and cultivation world to protect the Wen). There are people who think that Lan Wangji loves wwx “despite” him being evil, rather than understanding that the point of the story is that wwx was never evil at all and lwj knows this.
Then there’s the fandom conception of wangxian that portrays them as obsessive lovers who would commit terrible acts for each other or excuse each others’ immorality out of love. But the thing about wangxian is that they only love each other because they know the other is good, because they are assured in each other’s goodness and morality and that is the turn on. Everything else—Lan arm strength, wwx’s fat ass—is set dressing. That’s why lwj falls in love with wwx and wwx alone, and wwx meets the “nicer” version of the Twin Jades who lacks the strong moral compass and feels no attraction whatsoever.
This isn’t a “love conquers all” story in that love smooths over all of a person’s problematic characteristics, but a story in that characters with like ideals are able to find each other in the chaos of others’ actions to validate their own morality in the face of mass disapproval and derision. And it’s a more realistic, too, as we 1) are motivated/driven by more emotions than just love and 2) tend to fall in love not because random circumstances drop a soulmate in our laps but because we meet someone whose beliefs and life goals match our own. And nobody needs to be “morally gray” for any of that.
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inappropriatewenning · 7 months
Okay, really niche AU time:
It's a production of Guys and Dolls.* Pretty amateur, maybe university level, and it's not good. I cannot stress enough how not good it is. Bear with me. Ignore gender for now, more or less.
Nie Huaisang is the director. Nie Huaisang does almost nothing, but his choice of WWX as Adelaide sets off the whole thing.
WWX auditions on a lark, singing Bushel And A Peck, very over the top, NHS thinks it's HILARIOUS and casts him on the spot over any objections. WWX and his buddy Wen Ning seem to have pretty good rapport, and NHS detects hidden comedy potential in Wen Ning, so there's your Nathan Detroit.
Jiang Cheng doesn't have time for this and isn't really much of an actor and refuses any kind of lead role. But he is in fact a highly competent singer, and ends up as Nicely-Nicely Johnson, carrying the weight in some tricky group pieces. Wen Qing and Jiang Yanli are the other Guys. Jiang Cheng finds that he does have time for this.
Lan Xichen is also a highly competent singer, good romantic lead voice, and is cast as Sky Masterson on the strength of it.
But who is Sarah? LWJ, who has been ignoring the whole thing because musical theater is beneath him and Huaisang is incompetent, finally, angrily, tries out on provocation from Wei Wuxian. Sarah Brown. Prim, uptight. Everyone is a little concerned: can the Lan brothers play opposite each other like this? Lan Wangji flatly points out that it's not like he's actually in love with anyone here, so why would it be harder to act with Xichen than with anyone else?
Now. You are saying to yourself: but inappropriatewenning, most of this casting is terrible. And that's the beauty of it:
Jiang Cheng is surprisingly intense working with Wei Wuxian on bringing real emotion to the (Semi-) Scorned Woman part. No you don’t fucking get it Wei Wuxian, they DO love each other and of course she’s not going to just find someone else! And yes she’s also angry! People can be angry and loving! People can care about each other and still have problems!
Lan Xichen doesn't really bring a lot of...energy? dare I say chemistry?...to the role, but as he works with director's assistant Meng Yao one begins to see glimmers.
Things of course unravel. Wen Ning is too scared, and Wen Qing takes his place after stepping in with Jiang Cheng in rehearsal to show WWX what he means about the emotional shift that makes Sue Me work. Jin Zixuan takes over her initial role. He and Jiang Yanli are engaged by the end of the last show.
Adelaide and Sarah barely interact--until their surprisingly sexy Marry The Man Today. Were the characters supposed to sound like they’re fighting? ……..Were they supposed to, uh, “practice kissing” at the end?
Nie Huaisang is in fact a lousy director. Meng Yao does most of the work and Lan Xichen finds time to help him. There’s an awkward moment when Nie Mingjue (crew) walks in on them and doesn’t quite understand the vibe.
(* actually thematically appropriate because this is the jianghu, this is the otherworld of people living outside of regulated society)
Right okay my bus is almost at my workplace so I gotta leave you all with this.
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Part 2 to this because it's an incredibly sexy concept and you all know it
Obligatory warnings: this ficlet isn't nice to JC and LWJ isn't either!!
Wei Wuxian curls up against his husband, sated and pleasantly sore. He feels a placid sort of tiredness seep through his body, still basking into the afterglow of a long bout of passionate sex.
His eyes catch onto Lan Wangji's right hand, where Zidian gleams silver into the moonlight, on his middle finger. Wei Wuxian stares at it, remembers how Lan Wangji came to take it for himself, and the uproar it caused.
How Jiang Cheng brought fifty disciples and a near declaration of war at the gates of the Cloud Recesses, asking for his spiritual weapon back, and how Lan Wangji had so simply asked him to just take it if he wanted it so much instead.
How Zidian rejected its former master, writhing against his hold and dispersing his spiritual energy, shocking his hands and drawing blood until it burned through skin and nerve endings.
How Lan Wangji turned his back on the pathetic display of cries and shouts and insults, winning a battle that had never even started.
"Wei Ying." Lan Wangji's gentle voice pulls him out of his thoughts. "Would you like me to take it off?"
"Ah, no, it's fine... I was just thinking... why did you do it, back then?"
"He wanted to hurt you." Comes the simple, natural answer, a forehead kiss sealing it. "I wanted to make sure he never could."
"It was..."
"It was deserved."
Wei Wuxian runs a tentative finger over the ring. It responds with a gentle, playful zap, like a little kiss of its own. Lan Wangji had tamed it, turned it into an extension of himself, devoted and loving Wei Ying the same way he did.
"Since we're cultivation partners... do you think I could use it too?"
"Do you want to?"
Wei Wuxian opens his mouth to respond but no words come out. He can still feel the phantom pain of Zidian on his back sometimes, even in a new body, even a lifetime later. He doesn't normally hesitate, but the thought of having to wield that weapon makes his heart shrink with a lot of contradictory emotions.
Lan Wangji understands without being told anything and pulls the blanket further up Wei Wuxian's back, kissing him softly. "You don't need to."
Wei Wuxian burrows into the blankets and his husband. "It's better if I don't."
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
❤️ Across the street to another life by danegen
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❤️ Across the street to another life
by danegen
M, 99k, Wangxian
Summary: Wangji stays on the piano bench as they’re closing up. Wei Ying chews his lip, knowing what he’s going to do but horrified at himself. But what’s the alternative: kick the guy out and find him sleeping beside the dumpster in the morning? And that’s if the cops don’t take him in for vagrancy. “Wangji?” Wangji looks up. Please don’t be a serial killer. “So, we’re closing up for the night, but A-Yuan and I live upstairs. Do you want to join us for dinner?” Wangji blinks. His head bobs in what’s probably a yes. “Great!” Fuck. Or a ragged monosyllabic man wearing a collar shows up at Wei Ying's music store. Wei Ying and A-Yuan ask, is anyone going to adopt this guy? And then they don't wait for an answer.
Kay's comments: This story really had me hooked and I could hardly wait for each new chapter. It's a modern AU set in America based on the movie Unleashed. I didn't know the movie and thankfully, that didn't matter, because no knowledge is needed! Wen Ruohan is a crime boss here and Lan Wangji is his top-fighter that he keeps in a cage and collared and uses to commit violence on his enemies and to win illegal fights (he gave me Winter Soldier vibes!). One day, Lan Wangji manages to escape and he gets taken in by Wei Wuxian and his son A-Yua. Cue lots of hurt/comfort, some drama, family feels, tragic pasts, Wangxian getting together and having to deal with Wen Ruohan. Lots of angst and a well-deserved happy ending. Despite the author warning that Lan Wangji is way out of character here, it didn't really feel that way for me. Like, it totally made sense given his circumstances. I really loved the character dynamics in this story. The Jiang parents are divorced for example and now Yu Ziyuan is trying to be a less shitty parent and mostly doing it by bribing her grandchildren with gifts and one of my favourite parts, though he doesn't play that much of a role, is what the author made of Wen Zhuliu, because I'm really weak for him! I also really loved the slow thawing of Lan Wangji and him growing into his new life and finding a place for himself. Mojo's comments: Fucking spectacular, and I'm in a car and not able to make a good bookmark, but DAMN, y'all. Lwj has been kept in a cage and made to fight all his life, and finally slips his chain and sinks into domestic bliss with wwx and a-yuan: learns to read and use a fork and it's beautiful. But of course, his past doesn't want to let him go.
Excerpt: “Was that woman your mother?” Wei Ying’s smile falls. His mouth opens in a pretty O. “Oh, you mean Yu Ziyuan? The one who picked A-Yuan up?” Wangji nods. “No. Well, not really. My mother died when I was about A-Yuan’s age. My father, too. Yu Ziyuan and her husband—well, ex-husband now—raised me after that. More or less.” Wangji nods like he understands and stares down at the counter. He doesn’t know what to call a woman who is sort of a mother but not really. “Where are your parents?” Wei Ying asks. His voice is soft, like he isn’t sure he wants Wangji to hear. “Dead.” He doesn’t remember his parents, but when Wangji was younger, Wen Ruohan told him that he had taken Wangji in after they died. “Oh. I’m sorry.” Wangji doesn’t understand why Wei Ying would apologize. He’s afraid to ask why. “A-Yuan’s mother died, too,” Wei Ying says. When Wangji peeks up at him, Wei Ying has gone back to staring at the computer screen. He isn’t smiling. “She died when he was a baby.” It hadn’t occurred to Wangji that Wei Yuan must have a mother. He knows about mothers, but he’s never actually met one. He doesn’t know what to say, so he says what Wei Ying said: “I’m sorry.”
modern setting, modern no powers, pov alternating, family feels, set in america, based on unleashed (2005), past wei wuxian/others, wei wuxian is lan sizhui's parent, wei yuan, single parent wei wuxian, addition, implied/referenced drug addition, amnesia, ableist language, musicians, angst with a happy ending, found family, @danegen
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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ultfreakme · 5 months
Danmei ask, what are your top 5 (or top 7) favorite moments from MDZS? Also, can I ask why you love those 3 (JC, WWX , XXC)?
(Riki, I'm so glad when found out you also love Jiang Cheng. You must know how many haters on his character in tumblr and twitter. Like, I was blocked 4 times by MDZS lover blog, when they knew I love Jiang Cheng.)
I love reading your MDZS/ SVSSS crossover, they're so in character.....And yes, SQQ must love Sukuna and Jogo if he ever read JJK...
Thanks for the ask Anon!!
Top 7 moments:
When we find out the Jiang Cheng sacrificed himself to the Wens to save Wei Wuxian. It was dropped so casually and I had to backtrack and go "wait, wait, WAIT! DISCUSS IT PLEASE!!"
The juniors in the Yi City arc, they were so adorable, I loved reading them putting on a brave face and investigating.
Wei Wuxian murdering the crap out of Wen Chao with his sexy undead ladies. Him and Jiang Cheng together torturing him while Lan Wangji was sent out and it's like, LWJ is confused, shocked, and horrified.
The scene where Wei Wuxian's roasting Jin Guangshan at the conference post-war and everyone's scandalized. I love it when Wei Wuxian gets bitchy.
Jiang Cheng's intro scene in the donghua where he emerges from the shadows of that tree, pushing aside the leaves. That's so hot of him.
Wei Wuxian covered in blood in the second siege of Burial Mounds and Lan Wangji is defending him. That scene's so cool and romantic in all its iterations. The donghua went above and beyond and made it seem like a wedding.
Jiang Cheng giving Zidian to Jin Ling ;_; It hurts me. It's so much worse knowing that MXTX was planning on killing Jin Ling soon after to really hurt Jiang Cheng.
Reasons I like:
Jiang Cheng-
He's so complicated! You can't immediately look at him and say he's the good guy or the bad guy. I personally think he leans more towards the good guy category.
He's the perfect opposite of Wei Wuxian, he's not a genius cultivator like wwx, he had to work for every bit of progress he made. He started off simply wanting to keep his family together and at peace, but the war happened and his priorities shifted. He's duty-bound, he's always fighting and scraping to be recognized but no one ever does. He wanted so bad to help wwx, but duty made it so that he was forced to pick between his sect and wwx. Forever chained, closed off.
He's jealous and vicious and so, so angry. I get it, I understand the worst parts of him and relate to it.
Wei Wuxian-
Again, super complicated as a person. Wronged at every turn. He wanted to do good and protect people, and for that he kept sacrificing himself over and over again with little value given to himself as a person. He's got his sharp edges and cruelty too, and I feel like people often forget that Wei Wuxian's traumas and his lack of self-appreciation and value on himself show in ugly and vicious ways.
His story obviously shows a key message of MDZS, which is that when people sacrifice themselves thinking that they're protecting their loved one, they only hurt them in another way. I understood his desire to do good, protect people, but there's no one to stand at his side. The loneliness and fear that comes with fucking up so bad that no one even tries to hear you out, no one's listening no matter how loud you shout.
Xiao Xingchen:
He's like Wei Wuxian but 100% times worse and more self-sacrificial. Too trusting, too good, and everyone kept taking advantage of that without bothering to guide him or be honest with him. Like legit, no one told him what they were truly thinking.
I love that xxc wants to be a good person, i hate that he was ruined for it. God I really wanted him to have a happy ending because he's just, he's so NICE. In a world filled with betrayal and deceit, xxc wanted to spread goodness. And yet.
I think these characters made me see the point of MDZS in a very clear way, or in a way that impacted me most. So they're my faves.
Being a Jiang Cheng liker is a struggle! I was getting into MDZS even before the donghua started airing, like around 2018 and back then Jiang Cheng hate was so bad. I kept waiting year after year for the hate to go down but it just got worse the more popular MDZS got. The misunderstandings built up too. I got black and got into a million arguments too ;_; We have to stick together!!!
i have so many thoughts about Jiang Cheng specifically because, okay I read and watched everything about 3 years ago, so I don't remember much other than my fav, so I'm always thinking about everything he did.
nbsdhfb SQQ's monster-loving ass would go gaga for Sukuna. Four armed man wrecking people??? Yes sir! (side note; big tall powerful man who is called king who is only nice to his close servant and confidante???? SQH come get your boy!)
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youhideastar · 3 months
I'm one of the readers for whom the ending of Concord didn't work and I think the commentary helped me realize why. WWX's depression really resonated with me extremely deeply, whereas the parts where you intended to show that he was getting better once LWJ started making an effort were incredibly subtle. So I continued feeling the angst building up and up and was expecting a climax that would be cathartic and drain all the pent up emotion, only for the angst to suddenly fizzle out (1/2)
(2/2) If the intention was that LWJ was an unreliable narrator and also, like the reader, had misunderstood WWX's mental state, it would have been nice to see him grappling with that realization for a bit. Maybe disbelieving or shocked at first but then rewinding his memories and picking up on all the things you pointed out in the commentary. Or something. Instead, he takes it in stride and then WWX tells him he loves him, and then theyre holding hands, the end. It's too rushed.
My usual response to constructive criticism with which I disagree is to carefully and patiently explain why I wrote the fic the way I did and why I think the way I did it is good. In this case, I already spent tens of thousands of words doing just that, so I'm disinclined to show my work all over again, especially for someone unwilling to attach their pseud to their criticism - instead, I'm going to speak from the heart.
I have spent a lot--a lot--of time talking to people with depression. Like you, they often try to convince me that the unrelentingly negative view of the world that they see through their Depression Goggles is, in fact, objective reality. It is not.
Wei Wuxian's growing happiness in the second half of Concord is not "incredibly subtle." Frankly, it is not "subtle" at all:
Wei Wuxian still conducts himself according to the principles, when they travel together – still eats in silence, sits properly, refuses alcohol. But he seems more comfortable in crowded spaces full of laughter and color – teahouses and markets and small-town festivals, where he banters easily with shopkeepers and hawkers. And if Lan Wangji fills his bowl after he has already eaten three, or orders meat dishes for him, Wei Wuxian accepts the implied permission and eats with pleasure. He is still too thin. But he no longer looks as if a strong wind could blow him away.
Because he cannot take Wei Wuxian night hunting as often as he would wish, given his teaching responsibilities and other tasks as head disciple, Lan Wangji begins finding excuses to visit Caiyi Town. He brings his husband with him, and watches with satisfaction as Wei Wuxian offers effusive compliments to the innkeepers and waiters when his meal is finished; as the staff come to know Wei Wuxian’s likes and dislikes, and bring him his particular favorites.
On one such occasion, a small child toddles up to their table and deposits a toy lion in Wei Wuxian’s lap. “Can you make it roar?” the child asks, blinking up at him.
“Of course,” Wei Wuxian says, beaming. “What’s your name?”
“Well, xiao Yan’er, are you sure you want me to make your lion roar?” He makes a ridiculous face. “It’s going to be very scary!”
The fact that someone can read a passage like the above and think, "The angst just keeps building up and up, nothing is getting better," says something about the lens with which they are viewing the fic; it says nothing about the fic itself.
You say, "If the intention was that LWJ was an unreliable narrator and also, like the reader, had misunderstood WWX's mental state"--but that was not the intention at all. "The reader" does not misunderstand WWX's mental state. Most readers got it just fine. For the other readers (including at least one previous anon of the same mind), I have already expended hours and hours of time and effort on the commentary trying to help them understand, so going forward, I won't be responding to any more anon asks that boil down to "I don't get the ending of Concord." It's not a good use of my time or theirs.
Frankly, even if nobody else liked Concord, or its ending--which is very much not the case--that wouldn't change how I feel about it one bit. I am very proud of Concord, including and perhaps especially the ending. No anon is going to change my mind about that.
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raidens-bitch · 1 year
A-Yuan remembers everything AU
Ok so, I have this little angsty head cannon that LZ didn't talk to Sizhui about his childhood because he didn't want him to seek for revenge and hate both Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen (and the rest of the cultivation world) for WWX death. One because LQ and LXN were his "inmidiate" family and the other because he didn't want him to be a pariah like his Wei Ying.
So, how about a fanfic where A-Yuan remembers everything and has kind of a big, titanic trauma about the day of the siege, how he saw men dressed in gold, purple, white and tons of other colours kill his family without mercy, without caring if they were guilty or not. How his Xian-gege dies after destroying the stygian tyger seal, and all that A-Yuan can think of is 'why is everyone so mean? Why are they hurting us? WHAT DID WE DO? Why isn't everyone waking up?' Of course he can't understand anything while he has the possesions of the clan with himself in a qiankun bag. Then LWJ finds him and A-Yuan is scared because he saw people dressed like Rich-gege kills unlce fourth so there is a huge probability that he will hurt him too, he doesen't, somehow he triess to get his little hands in Chenquing before Jiang Cheng (wich includes more trauma because he is seeing what is remaining of his Xian-gege) but he didn't succeeded because he is five and Jiang Cheng is stronger. But it's ok, A-Yuan will regain the flute sooner or later because it was his Mommy's flute so it was his now.
Then LWJ takes him to Gusu and A-Yuan absolutely hates the place. To many rules, the food is abundant but didn't taste like Popo's food that was cooked with love, he hates every colour that isn't red or black except the opaque white of his old Wen robes (he tried to convince LWJ to wear black and red but LQ didn't let him, the only red in his outfit is the red ribbon of his Xian gege), the place is nice, but to quiet, he can't hear laughs of anything that isn't random thing that he doesen't care. He hates the whole clan and sect and he doesen't have any friends except Jingyi (because Jingyi is like Xian-gege, so A-Yuan keeps him close). Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren tried to talk to him but A-Yuan knows they hurt his family and in consequence him, so he doesen't talk unless is necesary wich is only to Lan Qiren and only when he is questioned something in class. He is naturally a cold, introvert kid when he is young, and his hate towards the sects gets worse as he grows up and undesrtands ehat happened more and more, and LWJ doesen't know what to do. He becomes fifteen and he mets his "cousin" for the first time Jin Ling is spoiled, has a bad humour and talks shit of his Xian-gege so much that Sizhui wants to use his strength to rip the twelve year old's head like a watermelon, but he is young and easily driven by the adults around him, so he stays calm. That same day, Suibian amd the demonic cultivation notes dissapear, but no one knows what happened. A week later, Lan Wangji discovers the sword and notes in the back hill so he talks with Sizhui just to tell him he will take care of WWX things. Suibian remains sealed, under the tabloons of the Jingshi besides the Emperor's smile jars, and the notes are preserved in nice box besides it.
Another year passes and during the discussion conference in Yunmeng, Chenquing dissapears. The only trace is a peace of a red ribbon, but no one knows who is the owner because Sizhui is nowhere to be found, the cultivation world just blames the Yiling patriarch, again.
Of course Nie Huaisang knows this and decides to help.
And I don't know how to continue, but if you want it, you can write a fanfic. Just give me the credits of the main idea.
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mamoonde · 2 years
science guy wwx x figure skater lwj au
imagining physicist wwx. Professor of Physics wwx who organizes all these science festivals where he invites scientists and specialists to panels that Everyone can join and make science more accessible and easy to understand...meeting the most beautiful man skating in the park
olympic gold medalist figure figure skater lwj skating in a public park even tho he got kicked out of the rink to Take a Break meets this beautiful man trying to skate while talking himself thru the motion theories and when he falls, laughing with the kids watching, lwj falls too
wwx is just brimming with genuine love and interest for his field and lwj is just instantly enraptured, incapable of not listening, and even tho he barely has interest, watching and listening to wwx makes it so Interesting and wonderful--
later, when lxc gives him his latest batch of fanmail and a summary of the crowd reaction from his last program, new and old fans of fs talking about how his genuine love for fs made them fall in love with him and fs too -- lwj gets it now.
as for wwx, he's incredibly charmed having someone who not only /lets/ him ramble about his niche discoveries, but also genuinely listens enough to ask thoughtful questions, that in turn inspire him with new points of view of looking at things.
and when said someone is Particularly Beautiful Beautiful man, who isn't shy at all about giving him sincere verbal affirmations... well, it just really isn't good for his heart, but he can't stop coming back for more.
and then of course, as in bunnxianluvsu's thread (which started this whole shebang for me), there's the hilarity of wwx's friends and family belatedly realizing wwx's shiny new boyfriend is THE lan wangji of the figure skating world...
lwj's family, coaches and trainers torn between exasperation, frustration and gratitude because lwj having a boyfriend means he's now sometimes not as in top condition as he was before; but when he /skates/. well. he's Very inspired and passionate about it which is. fine, not Bad
jc, 3 secs from pulling out his hair over their weekly family dinner: DO YOU EVEN /KNOW/ WHAT YOUR BOYFRIEND DOES FOR A LIVING!??!?!? wwx: he says he skates sometimes! and sometimes coaches the children's skating lessons during the summer in gusu! isn't he the best?
later, as wwx devolves into another rambling session over something lwj did or said that was incredibly funny, "he's so knowledgeable in figure skating and also really secretly bitchy about the !5U, he's hilarious--":
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also hilarious when wwx holds a smaller master lecture - the first lwj can witness (which is also a marvel, being in the sidelines and watching another master in his own element, watching wwx rouse a crowd with words) - and when a kid on the 2nd row falls asleep, lwj is Furious
wwx: ah, forget about it, that's par for the course honestly, for this particular subject matter - hehe, get it? cuz it's one on dark matter hehe lwj, still scowling: nonetheless, it was Rude. lwj, inwardly: how could ANYONE find wei ying boring?! what an ingrate...!
3 years of marriage later, lxc messages lwj abt a tiny piece on the newspaper - an article about wwx winning a nobel peace prize - captioned, "is this our wwx???? he's a big deal?????" lwj, smug, "yes, that's My wwx. i told you. wwx is Special."
the first family dinner they have right after, lwj spends the whole time "subtly" gloating about it, how wwx IS as famous as lwj is wwx: aiya, you're still more famous than i am! more kids would rather watch the most beautiful and the GOAT, lwj skate than listen to me ramble!
wwx: which they should! cuz lwj is truly the best--! jc: god someone please get them to STOP nmj passing money to lxc: that was cheating, you practically goaded your brother; we could've at least gotten through dessert before he got started lxc: whatever you say a-jue
wangxian had been dating for a year and living together for 6 mos. of that before wwx finally realizes just what his boyfriend does for a living. and no, it wasn't when he found lwj's olympic gold medal while wwx was rooting through lwj's sock drawer for something or other.
(which at that time he'd thought was a prop??? some inside joke kind of replica????)
no, it was when, on a rare day off (where wwx was banned from the lab for holing up in there for 72 hours when he was supposed to be on mandatory leave), wwx finally turns up the news to find his boyfriend answering questions in a very formal very live press conference.
it takes wwx 5 mins of ogling his boyfriend all made up, so handsome, In A Suit, before he processes the headline: NATION'S REPRESENTATIVE OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST LWJ PREPARING FOR WINTER GAMES
(which, he knew lwj was leaving for work related to the olympics, but he didn't know it was AS A COMPETITOR - AND AS THE DEFENDING CHAMPION AT THAT!??!!?!?!!??!?!? LIKE, LAN ZHAN IS AMAZING WBK, BUT?!??!?!?!? HE'S DATING AN OLYMPIAN????? LAN ZHAN????????)
and Then, someone asks about lwj's new program. "i cannot say much detail, but i have been very inspired lately by cosmology - my partner has taught me a lot about matter and anti-matter, the various theories, and the wonder of its mystery. i dedicate my free skate to him."
wwx, in his boxers and one of lwj's older shirts, sitting in their shared living room with his red face in his hands: "y..yaep. yaeh... that's my lan zhan...lan zhannnnn"
and it's not like wwx is dense or dumb. he just has very niche interests and a near-obsessive, singular focus on these very niche and choice interests. but he does know how to put 2 and 2 together, very quickly when he notices them.
5 mos ago when lwj kept asking him about his last panel on anti-matter theories. the kids' idolization of lwj. the rigorous training lwj goes through. the couple of competitions lwj had left for a few days at a time (he'd thought as a coach!).
and knowing lwj, it's not so much as him actively keeping it from him, but rather that lwj rlly isn't one to talk about his achievements, fame and status. "gusu lan won again" probably meant /lwj/ won again. and wwx just replied with "oh yea? that's nice, as expected of my lz"
on the spot, wwx makes a few calls to his department (who is relieved and more than a little surprised that wwx finally decided to spend his vacation leaves) and his research assistants. he sends vicious messages to his siblings (YOU GUYS KNEW?!? HOW CLD YOU NOT TELL MEEEE?!?!?"
and then he fixes himself up and waits for lwj to come home.
lwj comes home, mentally exhausted as most media days always tend to leave him. except this time, there's a little more relief to coming home, because he knows wei ying will be waiting for him there.
wwx is not waiting for him there. or well, he's not waiting barefoot in the kitchen like he'd promised to this morning.
instead, wwx is staring up at the lwj skating his short program for sochi 2014 with the same starry-eyed, slack-jawed expression he wore when lwj did a tiny double toe loop at the public park on their first date.
(he'd been immediately scolded by the guard but that same expression on wwx's face had been worth it) lwj feels his ears heat up, though most of his embarrassment is taken over by slight trepidation.
he'd known from the moment they met that wwx had no interest or much knowledge about figure skating - he barely even knew how to skate. and though lwj never really talked about his career, he /has/ mentioned it to wwx, who seemed to have taken it in stride...
on screen, lwj's short program comes to a close, the camera focusing on the overwhelmed tears lwj had thought he'd managed to completely hide. wwx sniffles a little and lwj offers him his handkerchief. "wei ying...? are you oka--"
wwx jumps a foot of the couch with a screech. "LAN ZHAN!" lwj flinches a little. "YOU SCARED ME!! SINCE WHEN DID YOU COME BACK?!?!"
"just a few minutes..." truthfully, lwj's starting to feel a little miffed, the stress of the day catching up with him, and not a single hug or kiss from wwx in sight. "--ah, no, that's not it," wwx groans into his hands.
"aiyaa i lost track of time, this wasn't how it was supposed to go." wwx laments before launching himself out of the couch, wrapping arms and legs around lwj.
lwj inwardly thanks his core training for keeping him steady, and letting him enjoy having wwx in his arms.
instantly, all the tension eases from his shoulders and disappears completely when wwx pulls away to kiss him deep and slow.
"lan zhan, i missed you so much." wwx says in between pecks all over lwj's face. lwj hums in agreement. it truly was a long day.
"poor you," wwx says, rubbing circles at his temple and beneath his eyes. lwj barely resists the urge to purr. "were the press people mean to you?"
"not any more difficult than usual." lwj says, depositing the both of them on the couch.
then lwj pauses, wondering if he'd mentioned to wwx that today was indeed a press day...
"well, you know who's been mean to me?" wwx pulls away. "my whole family and friends, and even my own boyfriend!"
wwx pokes at his chest before lwj can even get a word in. "that's right, even my own boyfriend!"
"why didn't you tell me you were famous?!?" wwx grasps him by the shirt and shakes him, wailing, "ALL THIS TIME I'VE BEEN DATING A CELEBRITY!!!"
"i am not--"
"lan zhaaan, you get featured on TV and lots of people know you, and you've got people idolizing you!"
"wei ying is the same." wwx gives him an unimpressed look. "that's not the same, and you know it. i'm not the one breaking world records every competition!"
"i do not break world records every competition." lwj replies dryly.
"lan zhaaan, that's not the point!" wwx kicks his legs in the air. "my boyfriend turns out to be a very important person and i didn't even know about it - i haven't been treating you right at all!"
"in what ways has wei ying not treated me right?" lwj tugs wwx closer by the wrists. "have you ever harmed or abused me in any way? have you ever treated me unkindly or with disrespect?"
"of course not, but that's basic human decency!" wwx says. "i should've been spoiling you!"
"and am i not spoiled with wei ying's affection every day?" lwj asks. wwx pouts. "the only way i want to be treated is as wei ying's partner - not as a celebrity or someone to worship - but as wei ying's equal."
"aiyaa, what have i said about those words of yours! have mercy on my poor heart." wwx whines, before kissing him again, and lwj knows he's won.
"i still think you deserve better..."
"i could say the same to wei ying." lwj says.
"my boyfriend is also an important figure in his industry, and has contributed greatly, making history with his many accomplishments." lwj says, immensely enjoying the deep flush creeping up wwx's face and neck.
"lan zhaaan, you don't play fair," wwx whines.
“i’m still bummed i had to find out through your press con - by /accident/!” wwx huffs later, after dinner and dessert featuring all of lwj’s favorites, and then Dessert...
“i truly did not mean to keep it from you.” lwj kisses his temple in apology. “i thought you knew.”
"i know," wwx blows a raspberry into lwj's nipple. lwj jolts and he grins with an apology kiss.
"at first, i did enjoy wei ying not knowing about me." lwj admits. "it was...a relief. there was no pressure."
"having all that attention, must be tough on you, huh." wwx laments.
"mm..." lwj hums, and wwx waits.
"but then, when i attended that conference with you, and saw you in your element - i wanted you to see me, too." lwj admits.
"oh, lan zhan," wwx rises so he can look into lwj's eyes. "i want to see you, too. i want to be part of your world, too"
"that's why i'm going with you to the olympics - and every event that puts you on ice, for that matter!" wwx says. "i want to see you doing what you love."
and lwj melts, the lines of his face softening into that rare but beautiful smile wwx loves so much.
"i would love that."
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layzeal · 1 year
hi hi ~ why do you think lwj hates/doesnt like when wwx speaks formally/politely (esp when wwx is thanking him) to him? what is your whole view on this part of their relationship? lwj really loves his goofy silly boy, it must make things weird and awkward when wwx acts so formal? it seems when theyre going to have a more serious conversation where thank you’s are being thrown in is when things go bad :((( LIKE NO PLWASE JUST KITH T_T
oh god okay so this goes both into LWJ and WWX's speech patterns and also elements of chinese culture that i have zero authority to talk about (there are some great posts by @hunxi-guilai) but i'd have to hunt them down and i dont rly have the time right now)
but all you have to know basically is that
LWJ's speech pattern is very formal, polite and brief, using few words to convey a lot of meaning
WWX's speech pattern is for the most part very casual, using a lot of interjections and not worrying about saying too little or too much
BUT!! this changes when wei wuxian gets angry or tries to draw distance between him and someone else. it shows that he knows exactly how to speak to someone to get what he wants (ie in carp tower, when trying to find wen ning's whereabouts, he is angry but his speech is polite)
with lan wangji, we can see how this plays out when they're hanging out in a friendly manner VS fighting VS amicable but with distance, and the most heartbreaking example for me is when they're parting ways in the burial mounds. wei wuxian had been very relaxed in how he speaks for the most part, but when it came to saying goodbye, his speech turns very polite and distant, and even thanks him, as if lan wangji coming to spend time with him was a favour he was thankful for, rather than something two friends would do
all that is on purpose on wei wuxian's part, and lan wangji understands it. but the thing is: EVERYTIME wwx tried to draw a line and distance himself from lan wangji, things get worse by the next time they meet, and lan wangji starts slowly acquiring a bad reaction to it. so, by the time of post-ressurection, and especially when they both start suspecting that their feelings are requited, everytime wei wuxian thanks lan wangji, he freezes, because it feels like wwx's affections are coming from a place of gratitude rather than sincerity (especially after you learn about the things that wwx doesnt remember)
JUST. *GESTURES VAGUELY* lan wangji doesnt want gratitude, he doesn't want wei ying to treat him with distance, he doesn't want this bond they have to be tied by anything other than genuine wish to be close to each other. when wei ying starts talking to him with such distant words of politeness rather than the overfamiliarness of their younger years, it hurts him a lot
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qourmet · 1 year
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a part of me is Really tempted to just start rounding up any of the related pieces & posts to this & just put them on one post, , ,, maybe eventually
anyways more modern!cultivator au that won't stop swarming around my head like an angry hornet
don't get me wrong i Love forlorn & pining lan wangji, but my favorite iteration of him is still Angry and I Don't Understand Why I'm Attracted to That. That is the version that fuels the cat & dog fighting/chase that leads itself with flirting taunts & "look at me" "you don't give me a choice to look anywhere else" push pull that claws my brain real good
so all i can think of is What's the Quickest Way to Make lwj Mad & the answer is flirting, girls, wanton behavior, an overall life of debauchery On Top Of Dealing frivolously with the Dead. they dont officially meet until they're well into their 20s & by then its bcos there's too much fierce-corpse activity going on that Someone needs to find & deal with the source
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