#i’m using humor to cope okay
dramadred · 8 months
thinking about how lanfear interrupted a very much needed conversation between siuan and moiraine as revenge for moiraine cockblocking her in episode 4. she really uno reversed her
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fandomfairyuniverse · 10 months
Thee should watch kinnporsche maybe then he’ll feel more comfortable crossing the line between a bodyguard and his charge
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astralarias · 7 months
Just had a moment of “damn I wish my parents played video games like I do”
immediately followed by “damn I wish my dad was ALIVE”
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samcro-jnt · 10 months
yes i’m playing the sims and listening/watching eclipse and breaking dawn pt.1&2 of the twilight series. what else would i be doing as an emotionally distressed 25 y/o.
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theladybarnes · 8 months
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"Do you ever feel like you're losing your mind?”
▸ summary: fall brings in new beginnings, new friendships, and new insecurities ▸ characters: nancy wheeler, robin buckley, eddie munson, & steve harrington 💕(ft. dustin henderson) ▸ word count: 11.5k         ▸ warnings: SMUT (18+MINORS DNI) unprotected p&v smut, semi oral sex, semi-angst, & fluff ▸ series masterlist
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 Fall had finally arrived in Hawkins. Bringing in the crisp air, new school year, festive holidays, and the homicidal urges to kill your cousin. 
 “Dustin, move your ass! We’re literally running so late now!” you barked outside his bedroom door. 
 It was the first year ever that you and Dustin attended the same school together. Something that might actually sound cool if your cousin were normal. 
 “I spent two years dealing with you waking up late! I just need five minutes to find a damn shirt, you witch!” He screeched from the other side of the door. 
 Aunt Claudia quickly came down the hall at the sound of the yelling and quietly ushered you to gather up your things as she pounded on the door. “Dusty we can’t be late for school! Let’s hurry up!”
 There was a moment of incoherent yelling from the other side before he slid open his door. Giving his Mother an exasperated look before coming down the hall.
 “All right. I’m here, let’s go!” He chided at you. 
 You were about to tell him off for that late comment when you caught sight of his shirt. “Aunt Claudia!” You gasped. Eyes wide as you pointed at his chest. “We cannot leave this house if he’s wearing that!” 
 She came over and glanced at his shirt before looking at you curiously. “I’m sorry dear, I’m confused.” 
 “Yeah, what’s the deal?” Dustin frowned. 
 “What’s the deal? WHAT'S THE DEAL?” Reaching over you grip onto his shirt, shaking him wildly to get your point across. “You are attempting to go to school. The very same school I attend in a WEIRD AL YANKOVIC SHIRT!”
 Dustin started to slap at your hands, getting you to let go of him so he could straighten out his shirt. “He’s cool! Okay? People actually like his music.” 
 You gaped at his words in disbelief. This couldn’t be happening. Dustin was always different from people. Especially with things such as intellect but this was just borderline..dorky. 
 “I can’t do this.” You gasped, holding your bag up to cover up the line of vision to the shirt. “I can’t walk beside him in that!” 
 Aunt Claudia, having been fed up with the two of you, pushed you towards the door. “Then just walk ahead of him, dear.” She chuckled nervously as she led you outside, ignoring your growing protests. 
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  “Now Miss Henderson, I know you had quite the traumatic summer..”
 “Don’t you mean blazing?”
 You bit down your lip, turning your gaze away from Ms. Kelley. This was her first attempt of the year to try and talk about Starcourt. Something you were dreading. On top of not even being able to disclose anything due to the lawyers of Hawkins Labs, but there wasn’t any part of you that wanted to talk about it. 
 Especially when it led to talking about Billy. 
 “I understand that using humor to cope through some of your feelings might help. But I just want you to know that this is a safe place.” 
 The two of you meet eyes at that. You gave a slightly skeptical expression to her kind one. While you’ve always thought Ms. Kelley to be kind and caring, this particular time you wished for the opposite. 
 “Look,” you chuckled awkwardly. “I appreciate the help, Ms. K. Really. But there just not anything I really need to talk about here.”
 “Really?” she asked slowly. “So someone you’ve had a personal relationship with dies in a tragic fire and you’re expecting me to believe that you’re fine?”
 “Miss Henderson,” she said leaning forward. “No one would be upset if you of all people had some sort of mourning period for the boy you knew. I know things didn’t end well–”
 “It didn’t just end badly, Ms. Kelley. It was actually all just bad.” You can’t help but feel something snap inside yourself. Finding it hard to keep hold of the anger you had inside towards everyone who kept bringing this up. “The only thing I feel out of everything is relief. Okay?”
 “Billy was the only person in my life who ever did me wrong. He cheated on me, he hurt me, he hurt my friends, and that was with the last two years!” 
 A part of you felt crazy bringing up your horrible past again. But if it got Ms. Kelley to back off, then you’d take on the weird looks. 
 “I’m sure there are bad moments that come to mind but surely there are some good memories that you’d like to reflect on.”
 “Good memories?” you scoffed, leaning towards the desk. “There is no such thing as a good memory with Billy Hargrove. Okay? There’s only regrets and a lot of headaches.” You laughed in disbelief. “The only good thing he ever did was cheat on me so bad that it caused me to leave that party, get in that stupid accident, and wind up here.” 
 Getting up from your seat you point outside the door. “Because of him, I got taken to a place where people actually give a shit about me. Where friends stick around despite my attitude, and where I have the most doting and loving boyfriend that I could ever dream of. So if you’re asking me to reflect on anything, it’s only that!”
 Ms. Kelley stared up at you with wide eyes. The sudden outburst from you was probably a bit unusual, but you’ve been feeling the emotions bottle up about Billy since the damn funeral last summer. 
 “I don’t..revel in the fact that he’s dead. Especially since I’m not the only person that was in his life.” You briefly remember the hard, distant, look on Max’s face after the funeral. How she closed off on you trying to talk it out.
  “Even then,” you went on. “That doesn’t mean I need to grieve for him either.” 
 ..Who could miss evil like him..(tick)
 Your mind wanders off again at the thought. Going to how you felt that night again when seeing the monster attack him. Shooting limbs and teeth all over his body while he screamed out in pain. How his blood spit out of–
 No, you didn’t want to grieve or think about him anymore. 
 ..You do..(tock)
 “I don’t wanna talk about it.” you whispered out loud. Unaware of the weird look you were getting from over at the desk. The room is almost filled with an awkward silence. Having only that small ticking sound you heard before as the only noise between you two for a minute. 
 “While I understand there’s a part of you that hasn’t forgiven Billy for the grievances he’s brought to you over the years. I do want to make it known that there’s a chance you’re not fully taking in the whole thing properly. Sometimes loss hits someone at a later time…”
 “Well, if that time comes then I guess I’ll have to come back here right?” you snapped, looking away from the woman. The ticking only grew louder, making it hard for you to follow along to whatever little speech Ms. Kelley was trying to say in order to diffuse the situation. Which was really bringing on a headache, but you pushed the pain away in order to hear her last words.  
 “..of course, it’s whatever feels right for you, Miss Henderson. I just want you to understand that there are people here willing to listen.”
 “Thanks Ms. K. I’ll keep it in mind.” you sighed, ending the conversation. “I’ll see you next week.” Not waiting for a proper dismissal, you grabbed your bag and made it out the door in time for the bell to ring. 
 Students burst from the classrooms, yapping away to one another while you weaved through them to get to your locker. The day was barely midway and you already felt over it. The only solace you had was that after lunch you’d be only an hour and half closer to getting out of these walls. 
 “How’d the meeting go?” 
 You jumped at the sudden voice of your friend, nearly dropping the book in your hands in the process. “Can you like, not scare me right now?” you said with a slight glare to Nancy.
 The girl simply chuckled at your reaction as she opened up her locker beside you. “Sorry,” she smirked a bit. “To be fair, I did call out your name. I think you were lost in thought.”
 “Yeah, been like that all day.”
 “Well now that I have your attention I can finally give you this.”
 Glancing over at her bag, you watched as she pulled out her binder from her bag to retrieve a couple of papers. “It’s your admissions essay!” She grinned. “I finally finished reviewing it for you.”
 “Oh, you mean the essay that you stole out of my very tired hands during study hall?” 
 “The very one!”
 Looking over the pages, you’re at least pleased to see very minimal markings from Nancy’s ruthless red pen. Truthfully, despite finishing it fast, you weren’t so sure how well it had turned out. “Glad to know I can turn this in sooner than I thought.”
 “Yes!” she agreed before pulling out another stack. “And because of that. I was hoping if you could maybe read mine? Tell me if it's bad or not?”
 You take the papers from her hand with a heavy sigh. Unsure if you could mentally handle another task on the list of things you already had. But something in the way that Nancy stared at you with hopeful eyes tugged at your cold heart.
 “How soon do you want to have this back?” you said defeatedly. The girl clapped her hands a bit before pulling you into a small hug. 
 “Do you think you can meet me back in the newsroom afterschool? I have this front page that I’m trying to fix up. Fred Benson tried getting it and I managed to snag it this morning.”
 A whine nearly escaped out of your lips at the idea of sticking around any longer than necessary today. But Nancy is pulling that wide eyed look again and you’re slightly aware that with the lack of Jonathan around Nancy didn’t have the chance to bond like this with anyone else. And honestly, neither did you aside from the days you hung out with Robin.
 “You got me for one hour after school. If you don’t like my corrections, you’ll only have sixty minutes to discuss them with me.” you warned, slipping her papers into your trapper keeper. “And you better supply me with some snacks because I’m gonna have to dig through this during lunch today.”
 “Snacks will be prepared along with the editor's desk empty just for you.” she nodded, holding her binder more excitedly against her chest. “So I’ll see you then?”
 “You’ve got yourself a deal, Wheeler.” 
 The two of you jokingly shook hands on it before Nancy made her leave for her next class. You were about to close your locker and do the same when the sound of your name being screeched came from behind you. Making you jump again.
 You’re shocked to find that it’s Robin making a turn into the hallway you were in. She was using a pair of papers in her hands to wave over at you as she dashed down the hall. “Sweet, Trouble!” she panted, leaning against the locker beside you. “I’m so glad I caught you.”
 “You got me.” you chuckled, patting at her back gently while she tried catching her breath. “Why the hell are you screaming my name anyway?”
 “Have you had English with the Terminator?” she gasped, waving off your question. 
 “You mean with Mr. Terman?” you laughed, remembering someone from last year gave the poor man the moniker. “Yeah, I’ve had him before. Why? Is he trying to kill you for the sake of the future or something?”
 She turned her papers to face you, showing you what looked like an essay with a big fat red D on the corner of it. You couldn’t help but reach out, reading down the small comments he had added to her work. Normally the teacher was a pain in the ass, but this seemed personal with the tiny corrections he gave.
 “Geez, did you spit in his coffee or something, Robs?”
 “That’s what I said!” she frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. “He’s been mad at me since I’ve started this damn class. I work three nights on that only for a D?” Wiping her hand over her tired face, she looked sad for a moment before clasping them in a prayer in front of you. “Do you love me?”
 “Do you love me?”
 “Robin, duh. Of course I do.” you said using the papers to smack the top of her head. “But what does that have to do with this?”
 “If you love me..you’ll tell me how to fix it.”
 The groan quickly built up in your throat. Why was it suddenly this year that all your friends decided you were the wordsmith in their lives? Looking back at the notes, you frown deeply at the idea of going through everything to help fix this for her. “C’mon, Robin. How would I know how to fix this for you? What if he just gives it another fail?”
 “He won’t!”
 “How do you know that?”
 “Because I told him that I’d get a tutor to help me fix it up today.” Her blue eyes shifted down at the papers before back at you. “I actually kinda specifically said you would help fix it up. He seemed to be okay with the idea.”
 “Great, so you’re volunteering me to do things now.”
 “Please!” she begged, reaching out to grab you by the shoulders. “I’ll make sure to have you home just in time for Dingus to come over and you guys can be gross and do the gross things you like to do alone.”
 You rolled your eyes at her jab. At the current time you didn’t even have any plans with Steve. Let alone do ‘gross stuff’ with him. “I don’t know..I already have a lot of work tonight. Plus, I’m supposed to go over Nancy’s essay afterschool and–”
 “Oh I see how it is.” she sniffled, looking away from you dramatically. “Just because you knew Nancy Wheeler first, poor ol’ Robin Buckley gets pushed aside. As if you and I weren’t stuck on an elevator with me all summer.”
 “We were stuck one day.” you pointed out, feeling another tired sigh building up. 
 “Wasn’t it just a week when you first helped Nancy? Do I have to be in a traumatic situation with you for seven days to earn your help?” She asked with a pout quickly tugging on her face. “Because if that’s the case then—“
 “Robin, stop!” You cried out, watching as her face turned from pouting to shock. Reaching for her hands you clasped them with yours and gave her a sympathetic smile. It was true that Robin wasn’t around for your first year here. But it was silly of her to think there wasn’t any time at all this summer that you didn’t bond with her enough to want to help her. 
 “I wanna help.” You said finally, holding the papers up. “But I already said I’d meet Nancy in the newsroom after the final bell. So I’m not sure how much I can—“
 “That works out fine for me!”
 “How?” You asked confused as she glanced at her watch. 
 “I have band practice afterschool for an hour. By the time you’re out, I can meet you at the front and get the papers back by then. We’ll be twenty minutes tops.”
 Your mouth flopped open as you scrambled to understand everything. It was oddly convenient since you were already sticking around. But even then, the urge to go home would be even stronger. 
 “I can call dingus after lunch and tell him to pick us up. Maybe convince him to take us to dinner?.” She winked, trying to make the plan sound alluring. Which in a way it did so you defeatedly gave her a firm nod. 
 “Well I’d have to be an idiot to say no to that..” you nodded slowly. “I guess after band practice it is.” 
 Her arms engulfed you in a tight hug. Continuously thanking you for a good minute before the tardy bell rang. She quickly pulled back to dash down the hall. Waving at you with a grin on her face. 
 The silence that filled in after that was heavy. 
 The day which felt like it was going on forever was just extended by both of your friends. It made everything about the day feel suddenly overwhelming. But which one was bothering you the most?
 Being late? Talking with Ms. Kelley? The essays? Why were such trivial things suddenly getting to you? It was making your mind a mess and you felt your head pulsing with a ticking noise that only grew louder. Rubbing a hand through your hair, you tried to ignore the sudden sick feeling that hit over you. 
 Senior year had just barely begun and it was already kicking your ass. Especially now that there was no cute Steve around to make it better.
 “Those girls are working you dry, princess.”
 The sudden voice caused you to gasp out loud. Being scared for the third time today was making your poor heart race. It didn’t help that Eddie was amusingly watching you from the lockers on the other side. He used the dark book in his hands to wave at you. 
 “Eddie!” you grinned, making the boy’s smile grow even wider. “Lovely to see you again but you do know you don’t have to sneak up on me  just to talk, right?” you said ignoring the previous comment he made. “Have a good summer?” 
 He slinked off the metal door to saunter over to you, not really seeming to care that at this point you’re both incredibly late to whatever class you were supposed to head to. “It was pretty tame.” he shrugged lazily. “Nothing compared to yours though. Heard you were in that mess with the mall.”
 “Something like that.” you chuckled nervously. Just how many people knew about that? Shaking your head, you point over to the boy with your chin. Turning the conversation around again. “Taking another stab at Senior year? Thought I’d have seen you drive off in the sunset last summer.”
 “Yeah, well, looks like they got me again. Third times the charm, right?” he laughed sadly as he held up the book in his hand. You couldn’t help but frown over at the cover. Having seen that exact book in your living room the other day.
 “What class are you taking here that teaches D&D?” 
 “Ah, shit." He scrambled to cover up the front of the book against his chest. Running a hand up to scratch against his messy curls. “You weren't supposed to see that.” he coughed before he realized. “Wait, how do you know what this is?”
 You close up your locker fully now, throwing a sardonic laugh over your shoulder at his question. “I’ve only ever seen my dumb cousin and his friends play it constantly. I’m actually a little bit surprised you two haven’t crossed paths yet. Especially if you carry around books like that.”
 "Wait, you have a cousin that goes here and plays D&D?”’ He made it a point to dramatically search down the hall for anyone that might be around before he turned back to you. “Where are you keeping this hidden gem, Henderson?’
 “He’s a freshman so I've been steering clear of him and his disciples of nerdom.’ you said bitterly before catching his reaction. It was hard to remember that people weren’t around for this morning’s debacle. 
 “You okay?” he asked wearily. 
 “Sorry. Look, they’re not..horrible. But Dustin made me really late this morning. All because he couldn’t find his ridiculous Weird Al shirt. Something I begged him to change out of since it’s a total fashion disaster. Then there was Ms. Kelley getting on my case. Now the new assignments from my friends. My head is sort of a mess and blaming that little gremlin seems like the best thing to do.”
 Eddie stood quietly for a moment, almost contemplating on how to answer all that before he stepped forward. “You know when you get annoyed your nose does this little scrunch thing?” 
 “Seriously?” You asked, slightly in disbelief. 
 He laughed a bit, giving an empathetic nod before he leaned in close. “Don’t worry, it's cute.”
 There was a lingering hint of cologne and cigarettes on his clothes. A combination that used to make you queasy from dating Billy. But whatever Eddie had on seemed to be..almost pleasant. 
 “Anyway, thanks for the four one-one, Princess.” he smirked as he peered down at you. “Maybe I’ll see him around and take at least one problem off your hands?”
 His closeness became suddenly too much and you forced yourself to slowly take a step back. “I like the sound of that.” You smiled. “Maybe you can really save the day and convince him to ditch that horrendous t-shirt.” 
 He nodded his head again before moving towards his original direction. The two of you hold an unusually long, but nice gaze before you remind yourself about  heading over to class. Waving goodbye, you turned on your heel, ready to go when Eddie softly called out to you. 
 “Maybe there’s a chance I'll see you around too?”
 You felt a little stumped at the question, feeling like there’s a different kind of hope to his tone. One that you haven’t quite felt from someone else in a while. “Maybe,” you shrugged, offering him a small smile. “If I’m not working on essays.”
 He let out a small breathy laugh before turning away, a little skip to his step. The idea of hanging out with Eddie seemed interesting. Enough so that you were a little bit hopeful you’d talk again soon.
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 It’s a completely new world for you with brand new changes. 
 For starters, having a stable job with your new friend, your other best friend leaving for California, and being in an actual loving relationship. 
 And with things like college applications out of the way, it definitely helped make things better over at school. Not to mention how fun things can be when your boyfriend is incredibly distracting...
 “Did I ever tell you that you look good in green?” 
 Somehow he’s managed to get you trapped in the corner of the Documentary/Horror section. His hands snaked around the edge of your hips as he tried to casually drag you towards his chest. For five minutes now you’ve been making an attempt to put away the tapes you checked back into the store. But that was before Steve came back from his break and suddenly needed to check over your work. And way before his hand started to tug at the hem of your shirt. 
 “Steve, there is no way in hell that you mean this ugly green vest.” You make it a point to look down at your outfit. While your blouse from Chanel looked exceptionally cute this morning, under the neon lights and green vest of Family Video, it looked tacky.
 “I think you look good in it.” he laughed, leaning close so he could peck at your cheek. “I think you’d look even better in just the green vest.” he finished, letting his breath fan against your face. You tried not to react so openly, but you couldn’t stop the flustered chuckle that fell past your lips.
 “We literally have one hour left until closing.”
 “Which is why I think we should close up early..”
 Pushing him away gently, you ignored the whining noise he made as you kneeled down to finish placing the last few tapes away. It was always on slow nights like this that Steve tried the most to get in some action. 
 “We’re trying to keep our jobs, right?”
 “And we will! We close up, make sure everything is clean, and then...”
 “Then what? We screw in Keith’s office?” you scoffed from down below. He extended a hand out, wiggling his fingers at you until you tangled them up with yours. With a tug, he pulled you up from the floor so that he could get you close again. His other hand moved to cup around the base of your neck. Bringing you in for a slow and deep kiss. It’s deep enough that you’re still in a bit of a daze when he’s pulled back to look at you. 
 “Well either that or we can go in behind the curtain.” he smirked, pointing behind you to the curtain with the neon ADULT shining brightly. You scrunch your nose, a bit disturbed with the idea alone of the type of people who went past the curtain during the day. 
 “You are a complete horndog, Steve Harrington.”
 There’s another attempt to make an escape, but Steve was smarter this time and moved his lips to your neck. Peppering kisses against the spots he knew very well you liked. The thumb on the hand still holding your neck in place began to rub at your skin, making it very hard to concentrate.
 “I’m gonna kill you.” you laughed weakly, reaching a hand up to playfully push at his shoulder. Stopping the kissing assault so that you gain some sort of control over yourself.
 “I am nothing but a loving–”
 “A loving boyfriend. Who just wants to make his gorgeous, sweet girl feel good.” He raised a brow up at you. “Don’t you wanna let me make you feel good? I can do that thing you like. Let me do that thing you like.” 
 You let out a small giggle, needing to get away from Steve and his sweet temptations before you gave in. But that only made him eager to make you trap you even more, wrapping his hands against your hips to press you lightly into the video displays. He was about to lean in for another kiss when the sound of the door’s front bell rang. 
 “Hey, do you think I can get some help over here?!”
 Steve let out a heavy sigh as he let you go. Giving his cheek a pat, you whisper for him to finish up your stack of tapes before heading over to the counter. 
 “Sorry about the wait, Sir. How may I help you today?” you said throwing the customer your most dazzling customer service smile. But no matter how cheery you sounded, it would seem nothing would please this man. Not with the way he was glaring at you. 
 “What you can do for me,” he said, slapping the tape down on the counter. “Is give me my money back for having borrowed this terrible movie.”
 The loud snap scared you a bit, but you managed to keep your composure intact. Grabbing the tape, you take one glance at the name before internally groaning. 
 Terms of Endearment in bright cursive font stared up at you innocently. Leave it for a bozo like this to listen to Robin of all people for a movie choice that he clearly wouldn’t enjoy. 
 “This..is a great choice.” you said honestly. “Amazing cast, riveting plot, and–”
 “And a total snooze fest!” he cried out as he leaned against the counter. “My girlfriend was so bored that she ditched me halfway in.” 
 “Not a Shirley MacLaine fan?” you chuckled, still trying to ease the tension. But all that did was make him more mad as he flared out air through his nose. “Look, sir. While I apologize on behalf of the store, Family Video’s return policy doesn’t offer back refunds just because you didn’t like that movie.”
 His glare turned even worse at your reply. “Excuse me?”
 “You’re free to exchange it for another movie if you want, but the money stays here. It wouldn’t be fair for our business to issue back money for every movie you didn’t like.”
 “It was shit!”
 “So was Fast Times at Ridgemont High but I still had to put up with promoting that movie so–”
 “Listen, you dumb bitch. Are you hearing me? You guys give shit movies. Now give me back my money!”
 Whatever reserve you had been holding in instantly shut down the moment the words came out of his mouth. He was no longer a customer, but a buffoon invading the store. It breaks through your composer enough for the anger to come out. “That’s funny, I’ve never been called dumb before.”
 “Why am I even wasting my time with you!? Give me my goddamn money back!”
 “I’ll tell you what we can give you,” Steve said, suddenly emerging from the back. His breath was heavy as he stepped up beside you, moving closer to the register that had him almost acting like a wall between you and the customer. “How about a permanent ban from Family Video?”
 From the side you could tell how angry he was from the way his brows were furrowed. It was the angriest you’ve seen Steve in a while now. The last time being when the two of you were dealing with Billy last fall. Like before you’re taken back by it. O ddly flustered that this was for your sake again.
 “W-what?” the guy sputtered, not expecting this kind of fire thrown back at him. “No. That’s not what I want! I just want my damn three bucks.”
 “Three bucks?” Steve laughed sarcastically. “Harassing our best employee over three bucks and a movie? That’s against store rules.” 
 He leaned over to press down at the register, making the cash drawer pop open. Getting three bucks, he slapped it over the counter and clicked on the movie title with the mouse “Ooh.” he cooed, tutting at the computer screen. “Looks like you’ve actually returned this a day late, champ. That’s a three dollar late charge.” 
 He quickly snatched back the money and threw it back into the register with a grin on his face. Without hesitation, he clicked over the man’s name on the screen before deleting his name from the store’s registry. Your jaw slacked at the blinking deleted text on the screen. Not thinking Steve would even go as far as to go through with the threat. It was so ballsy, so quick.
 It was also insanely hot. 
 “Y-you can’t just do that, you little shit!”
 “Sorry man, looks like the good times at Family Video are over for you.” He walked around the counter, moving to stand before the man as he sized him up. “I’d say if you want better choices you can try Blockbuster.”
 “Oh come on! They charge up the ass there!”
 “Then your only choices are to give her an apology, change up your attitude, and leave. Then maybe I’ll consider letting you register again with us next week.”
 The man’s nostrils flared as he let out another frustrated huff of air. Looking down at the tape that’s still on the counter in disbelief before he finally turned to look at you. “Sorry.” he muttered quietly. Not seemingly too keen on saying the words.
 But Steve was quick to catch onto that and cleared his throat before leaning in closer, holding a hand to his ear. “I’m sorry.” he said loudly with a slight pleading tone. Steve scoffed a bit at that before he looked over at you. Raising a brow for your signal of approval.
 You feigned mulling over the man’s apology before figuring it was the best either one of you would get tonight.  “It’ll do.” you said calmly, pursing your lips. “Now leave.”
 “You heard the lady.” Steve chimed in after, making his way over to the door. “Beat it.”
 The man grumbled to himself, keeping his arms at his sides in fists as he stalked out the door. It oddly resembled an angry toddler more than a grown man. But you didn’t take too much of a glance as your eyes wandered over to Steve who was still at the door. Keeping it open as he stepped out to make sure the man left the entire premises. 
 The back of his muscles were rippling through his polo, causing your eyes to drift over the expanse of his back as he stood guard for the store. You couldn’t hold back your urges anymore.
 Quietly, you made your way around the counter. Moving to stand just behind Steve as he closed up the door. You weaved around him and turned the lock over, making sure that on one could get back inside the store. 
 “Honey, you okay?” he asked, confused. “He’s not coming back in.”
 “I’m not locking up because of him.” you said simply as you turned Steve to face you. Pushing his vest out of the way, you allow your hands to scratch up the front of his chest, stopping just at the collar of his shirt. “I’m making sure the doors are locked so that you can take me into the office in the back and let me show you how much that whole thing turned me–.”
 Steve doesn’t let you finish as he quickly leaned down to press his lips against yours. Feverishly pulling your body to flush against his. Your hands moved up from his shirt collar to wrap around his neck so you could deepen the kiss. 
 “Let’s go.” He said against your lips when pulling back to breathe. You don’t argue and turn around to dash to the private office in the back, working on the buttons of your top before Steve did something stupid like rip them off in the name of passion. 
 The back office was a small room. Only big enough for a regular sized desk and a creaky old chair that Keith loved to lounge on. There’s a couple of papers of stock invoices left on the desk but you carefully chuck them inside one of the drawers before feeling Steve come up behind you. 
 “If I recall,” Steve muttered into your ear as he pressed his front against your back. “You wanted to show me something?” Feeling him so close to you now had you taking in his clean, crisp, cologne scent with a hint of musk that had you going wild these days. And honestly, as much as you liked to pick on Steve for always being horny, it’d be a lie if you said you weren’t the same with him as well sometimes. 
 The lines of his muscles and ridges were curving around your backside. Making you want to curl around to wrap around him. He had other ideas and moved his arms to wrap around you instead. One of his hands snaked into your open top so he could cup at your breast. It made your breath hitch as you tried to answer him.
 “Yeah, I wanted to show how thankful I am.” you whispered, trying to control the moan that wanted to emerge already. 
 “Thankful?” he cooed softly. “You’re thankful for me doing my job?” The smirk is evident in his voice without having to look at it yourself. Steve was definitely getting off on the idea of having you turned on by his heroics. 
 But you didn’t care. In this case, he’d be right. 
 “I am.” you said more clearly this time. “Especially when we both know I could have handled that myself.” 
 He pulled you in tighter, pressing the front of his groin against your backside now. “I know, you would have made him cry if it got bad enough.” He rubbed the tips of his fingers against the pebble of your nipple, flickering with the sensitive skin before he pinched it lightly, earning a soft gasp from you. “But if you thought for a second that I’d let anyone talk to my girl like that, you’re wrong.” 
 He kept the hand changing from pinching to rubbing at your breast while the other slid down your front. Brushing over the front of your stomach before he got to the button of your jeans. It’s only a second for him to single handedly get the buttons and zipper loose. 
 “No one gets to talk to me like that?” you asked, panting at the slight sensation going at your chest right now. It didn’t help that for once having your partner use such possessive words would actually do something to you. 
 “No one.” he confirmed, as his lips started to nip at the vein of your neck. 
 You tipped your head back to rest against the base of his neck and shoulder. Giving him room now to not only press his lips better at your skin, but to get a view at what he was doing to your body. The whole thing was so intimate and slow and you were embarrassed by how needy your body was turning.
 Like he heard the thoughts in your mind, he gently pushed into the front of your panties. Trailing down until he was able to cup around your pussy. “Steve,” you whispered, wriggling a bit in anticipation. “I want you.” 
 “You have me.” he chuckled lightly. “I just wanted to see how damn wet you are.” He pushed two of his fingers now to brush at your clit. Twirling lightly at the small slick of arousal that had begun to build once you were held in his arms. The area is already so sensitive from how horny you were and now Steve’s light teasing was going to get the better of you.
 You’d be more embarrassed about all of that if Steve didn’t moan at the touch. Letting himself play with your pussy like it was his own toy to mess with. When you couldn’t stop wriggling from the light touches, he moved on to what you really wanted. 
 Circling the two fingers against your sensitive bud one last time before he finally inched down to slip them inside of you. A heavy moan escaped your throat finally. Giving into the sensation starting to heat up within your body. 
 “I can’t believe how turned on that made you.” he sighed, moving the hand from your breast to slowly flow up to your neck. “So wet all because I was doing my job as your boyfriend.” The hand wrapped around your neck and you’re a bit excited at the idea of him actually doing the thing he promised earlier. 
 “So wet.” you whimpered, bringing a hand up to place on top of his. He took that as an approving signal and wrapped his fingers around your throat, giving it a tighter hold.
 “Just for me, huh?” he grunted into your ear, keeping the pace quick as he fucked his fingers inside of you. There’s a small wet noise as his hand slapped against the skin. Sounding awfully sinful in a place you both are supposed to be just working at. But you don’t care, not when Steve is starting to hit the right spot and his hand is getting tighter around your throat. 
 “Fuck, Steve!” you choked out, feeling light headed from Steve’s relentless fingering. His long fingers were stroking at your wet walls perfectly. Crooking at just the right angle that was making you weak in the knees. 
 “God I wish you could see how good you look right now, honey.” Steve whispered back, enjoying the pleading tone in your voice. With every grasp to your throat, the walls of your pussy tightened around his fingers. He changed things up by using the heel of his hand to press down on your clit every other stroke. Creating a stimulation that has you rolling your eyes to the back of your head. 
 “So close.” you gasped, writhing beneath his hold. He took that as a sign to speed up, letting his pace go at such a speed that you were practically bouncing on top of his hand. 
 “Oh honey,” he panted, “my hand is practically soaked.” 
 You turned your head up, angling towards his so that you were able to press your lips against his. Quickly, he turned the sweet kiss into a hot open mouth kiss. Petting the tip of your tongue with his until he swirled it against the walls of your mouth. It made your mind spin like crazy. His kiss, touch, body, all of it, gave you an overload of sensations. It’s only a few more thrusts from his hand that you’re spasming against him in a hard orgasm.
 He dropped the hand from around your throat to hold you tightly. Making sure you don’t fall to the ground as you crumpled into ecstasy. 
 “Such a pretty girl.” he chuckled against your mouth. The air is hot and you’re trying to inhale Steve’s scent like it’s the only oxygen left. “Think you got one more for me?”
 You’re so drunk on the orgasm he just gave you, that you’re barely able to nod your head. Weakly giving him a peck on the lips as the signal to continue. He gently pulled his hand out from your pants, turning your body around so that you could stand before him. 
 The look in his eyes is dark and hungry. But before he could do anything else, you reached out to wrap your arms around his neck. Dragging him in for another kiss before things got crazy again.
 “I’m supposed to show you how that made me feel.” you pointed out, when you pulled back. Steve doesn’t seem to care as he pulled you up a bit to reach for the line of your jeans. Helping tug them down enough that he’s able to reach down and get one of your legs out. Apparently he’s on a mission of some sorts as it’s the soaked panties he discarded next. 
 You shyly crossed your legs a bit as he helped push the rest of you on the desk. Letting your backside rest more comfortable and give him a better space to check you out. “You can just show me instead.” he said simply, rubbing gently at your thighs before he pushed them open exposing your bare core for him. “You can also let me taste how that made you feel.” 
 With a slack jaw, you watched as Steve kneeled before you. Pressing loving kisses against the inner corner of your thighs before he gradually moved to your pussy. The slick of your arousal was still clear on the lips of your skin and Steve wasted no time in licking them up. 
 A shiver runs through you and you try to control the small whine that wanted to fall out from having him lick around such a sensitive area. But that failed the moment he began to suck gently at the center bud, making you reach down to tug at the ends of his hair.
 “Steve,” you gasped, giving a hard tug. “Please.”
 “I know, baby.” he said against your lips. Not yet coming back up right away. “Just needed to make sure I tasted every bit.” 
 The gloss of your arousal was all over his lips and you couldn’t help but moan at how much he seemed to be enjoying himself. Switching between licking and sucking on areas of your pussy that had the heat returning to your body.
 Having enough of him toying with you again, you reached down and pulled his face towards you again to steal another kiss. Tasting both yourself and a bit of Steve before letting him go with a grunt to him. You needed him in you and you needed him now. He caught on to that and reached for the front of his pants, undoing his belt and buttons until he was able to get his jeans to fall down his hips. 
 The sight of his hard erection had you licking over your lips. He was red, swollen, and leaking from the tip with a bit of precum. Reaching between you, you grabbed onto the base of his cock. Brushing your thumb over the tip gently to coat up the glossy cum before bringing it up to your lips for a taste. He watched in awe as he grabbed the member back in his hands.
 “Taste good?” he grunted, stroking at the base. You watched as he jerked his wrist up and down, getting the erection to full attention. It was oddly distracting. 
 “So good.” you whispered, almost wanting to forgo everything else to get down on your knees for him. But seeing as Steve was already wedging himself between your legs, you’d have to pin that idea down for another time. 
 You felt the tip of his cock brush against your wet folds, coating it for lubricant before he slowly and smoothly thrusted into you. “Yes.” you sighed, blissfully. Eyes closed as you feel every part of your body react to feeling full again. Any aches were gone with and replaced with the pleasure of having Steve in you again. 
 “Been thinking about this all day.” he groaned, rubbing his hand to wrap around your lower back. “Need to be in you all the damn time.”
 “Steve, move, please.” you begged. 
 He shushed you gently. Leaning forward so that he could pepper kisses against the side of your face, neck and shoulder. Then finally, he began to thrust his hips, slowly pushing in and out of you. Another gasp fell past your lips and you placed your hands against the nape of his neck reaching up to tug at the ends of his hair.
 Steve grunted from the tug and tightened his hold on you, digging the tips of his fingers into your skin as he began to drive harder against you The pace became so fast that the sound of his skin slapping against yours, mixed with the wet sounds of your pussy being pounded by his cock, turned the room obscenely loud. Between the shared body heat between you two, the air grew hot, and you could feel it hard to breathe. But the need for release from the two of you seemed to make both you guys ignore it in order to be close. 
 In fact, your mind was so frazzled, you almost couldn’t make out what Steve was trying to say to you. 
 “..f’cken..gon..a cu–.”
 “What?” you gasped, trying again to listen to his grunts.
 “Fuckin’ gonna cum, honey.” he said again. “Let me feel you cum around me.”
 Nodding your head, you wrapped your legs around him, bringing his waist closer to yours until you could feel him finally fill you all the way in. It has the both of you letting out a moan together, pausing to enjoy the new sensation before Steve started to rut against you again. 
 The desk beneath you made an annoying squeaking noise as it was rhythmically being pushed in place from the thrusts from Steve. But neither of you seemed to care enough about it as you both rocked together to reach climax.
 Steve brought a hand up from your hip so that he could slide it down between you. The pad of his thumb brushing over the slick on his cock before he brought it up to circle around your clit. Creating another stimulation that has you keening with pleasure. “Fuck, Steve! Don’t stop, I’m so close!” you gasped, back arching as you felt your pussy tightened around him.
 It caused Steve to let out a gasp himself as he tried to focus on the double assault he was giving to your pussy. Keeping up with rubbing and pushing at the same time. “Come for me,” he whispered through gritted teeth. “Fuckin’ come for me, honey.” 
 The sudden demand took over your body and you felt your eyes roll to the back of your head as you fell into the blinding pleasure. A small tremor followed your rocking and you held onto Steve’s arms as you cried out from everything that had been building up. It didn’t take long for his hands to fall back to your hips, gripping tightly as he gave one hard thrust forward. 
 A guttural growl fell past his lips as he came. Hot ropes of his cum shooting inside you while he pressed his body tightly against yours. 
 Steve continued to thrust lazily, helping you both ride out the remnants of your orgasms. His hands rubbed lightly over your hips and backside soothingly. Giving your body some love until he finally ceased his movements. Letting his head fall a bit to rest against your shoulder so he could catch his breath. 
 “Holy shit.” he gasped softly. Hot breath fanning over your exposed skin. “That was..”
 You chuckled a bit before carefully snuggling into his arms. Needing to have some of Steve’s sweeter side after having such a crazy few moments just now. He reached his arms up to wrap around you. Engulfing you into a more comfortable type of heat. 
 Moving your head, you nuzzle against his pecs and listen to the slight thump of his heartbeat. It’s still beating so fast but it brings you comfort instantly. He brought a hand up to brush down the bits of your hair that became frazzled before tipping your chin to make you look up at him. 
 There was a look in his warm eyes that had your heart beating fast. You were happily selfish to know that he would only look at you like this. Similar thoughts must have ran through Steve’s mind because he suddenly grinned, taking in a deep breath before he leaned to press a sweet kiss to your lips. “I love you.” he said suddenly, thumb brushing at your jawline now. “A lot.” 
 The words still have such a heavy affect on you after all this time. Making you feel flushed and flustered again. “I love you, too.” You said softly, placing your hand over his. “Especially since you did that thing I like.”
 Now it’s Steve’s turn to get flustered, making him shake his head before giving you another kiss. With that distraction, he reached between the two of you and gently eased himself out from your core. The tip of his cock brushed over your swollen puffy lips, coating them in your mixed juices. You broke apart from the kiss with a small gasp. You could tell from the small smirk on Steve's lips he was pretty pleased with the sight. But he didn’t say anything other than let go of himself to gently caress at the places his hands had pressed down on too hard.  
 “Sorry I can’t help clean that up right now.” he sighed.
 “It’s fine. I’ll shower when you drop me off at Robin’s.” you said, reaching down to help tuck him into his pants. He bounced a bit from your touch but let you finish up. 
 “Oh, is that where I’m taking you after this?” he chuckled, helping reach over for your underwear and jeans. It’s more of a struggle getting you back into your clothes. Especially with how sweaty you were. But eventually you’re climbing off the desk with pants on again.
 “Well those were my original plans.” you answered finally, buttoning up the front of your shirt. “I was gonna finish work, get in a quick makeout session, and convince you to drop me off.” Pointing over at him, you give a small frowning pout. “Would’ve been a perfect plan but you got greedy.”
 “I thought I was your hero?” he asked, raising a brow as he helped adjust the vest over your shirt. “Wasn’t that how we ended up here?”
 “Well yes,” you agreed. “But I was thinking of something along the lines of head or a hand job. But then you came in and let your little sneaking hands have their fun. Which led to more craziness and now I’m gonna go to Robin’s looking incredibly messy. She’s gonna tease me all night!”
 “Incredibly messy? Don’t you mean freshly fucked?” 
 If you knew it wouldn’t give Steve an ego boost, you’d cover up your face from his dirty words. Knowing how flustered they truly made you feel. But he’s already with a big head tonight. 
 “God,” You said, crossing your arms instead. “You’re terrible!” 
 Steve laughed a bit at your dramatic words before nodding his head. “You’re right. I’m the worst.” He reached out to cup at your cheek, looking at you with such adoration that you can’t stop the smile from tugging at your lips. “I guess I should make up for that with a ride to Buckley’s.”
 “A ride would be great.” you sniffed wrapping your arms around his waist to hug him lightly. “Though, if we maybe hurry...I can still show you what I wanted to do to you in your car..”
 Steve's face changed quickly from content, back to excited with your lingering promise. Without saying much he pressed a quick kiss to your lips. “Let’s go!” he practically sang, reaching down for your hand so he could lead you out. But you’re quick to stop him, giving him a puzzled look.
 “Uh Steve, honey? You forgetting something?” 
 “What’s that?”
 “We still have to close and clean up…everything.” 
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 “I’m just saying, you two shouldn’t be allowed to close the store with each other anymore if that’s what you guys do with spare time.”
 Steve let out a tired groan, gripping onto his wheel tightly as he shook his head at his friend’s words. It’s been ten minutes of Robin’s jabs and your poor boyfriend was slowly losing his patience. Ever since she caught the two of you giving a more affectionate type of greeting this morning, she hasn’t stopped talking about it since. Much to Steve’s dismay. 
 “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” he lied, acting like Robin had no context clues as to what you two did once you had arrived at her doorstep last night.
 “Oh? So you guys didn’t have sex at the store?”
 “That’s a serious accusation, Robin.” you chimed in, trying to stick with your boyfriend and act like the smeared makeup on your face was from something else. “Steve and I are respectful, hard working, employees who would never do such a thing at a workplace.”
 From your passenger mirror, you could see Robin give you an exasperated look. “I think you guys are forgetting that I was stuck with the two of you in your summer heat at Scoops.” She leaned forward to give you a scrunched up look of disgust. “You’re part of the reason why I had to start timing Steve’s break times.”
 You can’t help but giggle a little bit at the memory. There was definitely no excuse to cover up those times, but a part of you knew you couldn’t give in to her teasing just yet. Reaching around her you slapped lightly at Steve’s arm for help.
 “That was uh, us trying to gain control over our emotions. You know..connecting and uh talking..”
 Robin snorted at that, sitting back against her seat as she shook her head at the two of you. Turning over, you give a small sympathetic smile to your friend. Not quite wanting to fully annoy her. “When you get a boyfriend this year, you’ll see how hard it is to keep control of your emotions.” 
 What was supposed to be taken lightly seemed to affect Robin differently. Her eyes shifted side to side before landing on something behind you. Before you could glance at what it was, you felt Steve patting at your thigh. Getting you to sit back against your seat. 
 “Buckley’s gonna tough out her time in Hawkins single.” Steve said lightly, looking at his friend through the mirror for a moment. Something flickered over his face as he raised a brow at the girl. “That is unless she’s changed her mind from our last conversation?”
 “No!” Robin bellowed quickly, rubbing her hands over her face. “I’m not interested in dating right now, thank you.”
 You frowned a bit, confused as to when the two of them had an in depth conversation about dating that you weren’t aware of. Sure, they worked together alone without you. But one of them would usually bring up something at a later time to include you..
 “So there’s no guy in your grade that you’ve had your eye on?” you asked slowly, trying to keep your curiosity at bay. “Because if there is, I can totally and subtly set you up. Ask Steve, I’m really good at it!” 
 “You are, honey. But Robin isn’t into anyone right now.”
 “How do you know? She hasn’t said–”
 “I just do!” he said quickly, making the car become quiet. You’re painfully aware of how much your words are the threatening tone that’s causing the disturbance that Steve’s trying to get rid of. He was never so defensive over anything with you. Not even when he was your ‘enemy’ did he ever push you out of something.
 So what the hell was so different this time? 
 “That’s odd. Since when the hell did you suddenly become so defensive over Robin’s dating life?”
 Steve’s jaw slacked a bit as he continued to drive. There’s a venom to your tone that hasn’t had to come out in so long. But you couldn’t help but feel there was something being kept from you. And by the two people you were considering close friends. 
 The blunt question threw him off a bit, but he quickly shook his head.  “How is it odd with me but okay with you?”
 You crossed your arms over your chest. “For starters, I’ve been known to meddle in people’s love lives. I’m a pretty good wingman.” 
 “Congratulations, Cupid. But this might be a time your services aren’t needed.” he chuckled, trying to ease you into joking around again. But you couldn’t help but frown even more. You opened your mouth, ready to ask why he was trying to put a stop to your work when Robin leaned forward again.
 “I had a friend who liked me back in Sophomore year. It didn’t end up well.” she looked solely at you now, giving you almost a pleading look. “It’s kinda put me off on dating highschool boys..”
 “Yeah, which is why it’s probably best if we just drop the subject.” Steve added right after.
 It was almost dumb for either of them to think that you’d so easily ignore not only the subtle lies in their voices, but the fact that there were things and conversations you weren’t even aware of.
At this point you didn’t know whether to be insulted as a friend, girlfriend, or a regular nosy bitch. But since the car turned down the familiar road to the school, you knew you wouldn’t have enough time to dive into another round of questions.
 “Well, thanks for the ride, dingus.” Robin chuckled awkwardly once the car had stopped. “I’ll uh see you later.”
 She quickly opened up her door, grabbed her things and got out of the car. Sensing that things between you and Steve weren’t done just yet. The door slammed quickly and you kept your gaze on the dashboard before Robin turned around to stick her head through the window. Giving you a small but hopeful smile. 
 “I promise that the very moment I wanna date again...you’ll be the first person I go to. Okay?”
 Her attempt to mend your mood does bring a small smile to your face. You give her a small nod before letting her walk off to enter inside the school. Steve shut off the engine with a small smile. Probably already in his own thoughts about what you were going to say now that you were alone. But the petty girl inside of you wants to leave him to mull over those thoughts alone.
 “I’ll see you later.” you muttered, unbuckling your seatbelt. Reaching for the door, you were about to open it up before Steve shot across to keep you from doing so. Sputtering your name until you let go of the handle to lean back against your seat. 
 “Seriously? You’re just gonna leave like that?” he asked incredulously before sitting back. “What’s wrong?” he asked carefully, extending his hand out for you. The mean girl that wants to be cruel to him is gone, and you have to remind yourself that you were just happily gooey in love with him not fifteen minutes ago. 
 “I’m...upset.” you got out eventually ignoring the peace offering of his hand to keep your arms in your lap. 
 “Why? Because of Robin?”
 “Yes!..No..Yes and no. I’m mad at the both of you.”
 He visibly gulped, looking at you for a moment before he dropped his gaze down. “Why would you be upset? I was just trying to help Robin out. She’s not ready for that kinda stuff. She’s not like us, baby.”
 “She is perfectly normal to date.” you said ignoring the pet name. “What’s not normal is how adamant you are about her not dating.” 
 Steve frowned, shaking his head slowly turning in his seat to face you better. “Honey, I’m only sticking up for her because I know she won’t. Lord knows I’m barely able to tell you no. She wouldn’t have a fighting chance.”
 There’s a bit of truth to his words. But something is still off. A flicker of worry comes into your mind. Something you haven’t thought about once since becoming friends with him last winter. But a deep angry voice kept flooding one question in your mind.
 ..he’s never been so off with you.. (tick)
 Steve wouldn’t lie to you, would he?
 ..yes, he would.. (tock)
 A brush of a finger to your cheek pulled you out of your dreadful mind. Steve had moved in closer now, using the console between you as a way to lean towards your face. His hand was touching your face gently and carefully. “I’m sorry if what I said made you uncomfortable.” he mumbled softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “I sometimes forget you might not be around for every conversation I have with Robin. I promise it’s just me looking out for her, okay?” 
 While you knew that whatever bullshit detector was going off about this whole thing with Robin. It definitely wasn’t with Steve's words. He really did care about Robin in the same way you would with Jonathan. You had to give him the same benefit he would for you. 
 Keeping up with that previous worrisome mind would be an awful way to start school. So you settle for pushing down that venom in order to make peace. For now. 
 “Okay. I’m sorry..I believe you.” 
 He seemed pleased with your slight deception and leaned to cup at your cheek. “You know, you’re kinda cute when you get mad. Sitting there with a pout and frown on your face.”
 “Keep going, your highness.” you warned with no real threat.
 He took his chances of having your mood been lightened up to give a sweet kiss to your lips. It had the same warmth from the one this morning and your body doesn’t waste its time relaxing into it.
 “Wanna skip school?” He mumbled against you, seemingly unable to pull himself away from your face now that things were better.“ Got an idea of what we can do right now.”
 That brought out a laugh from you, forcing you to be the one to pull back to look at him properly.
“After that car ride I feel I should make you work towards getting some alone time with me again.” You teased lightly watching a small pout form on his face. You reached out and gently rubbed at his plump pink lips with your thumb.
 “I’m willing to put in the work, boss.” He smiled, making you need to kiss him stupid again. Leave it to only a couple of seconds of alone time to get you out of your bad mood. 
 “I might have some spare time later on for you then.”
 You watched as the smile on his face turned into a wide grin. Cheeks round and rosy from his excitement. 
 “Tonight.” He said out of breath. Reaching up to pull at your hands in order to press kisses against the palms inside. “I’m gonna take you out. Make it up to ya with food, more kisses, and maybe that thing you like again.”
 “Oh.” You giggled with a nod. “I’m gonna hold you onto that.”
 He’s almost insatiable when he dove in for another deep kiss that had your stomach doing somersaults. Thankfully, Steve managed to pull away in order to look at the time on the dashboard clock. “I’ll see you later.” He smirked, letting you finally leave the car.
 It took only a few seconds of gaining the courage to leave his side before you finally did. Waving him off as he made his leave to work. Hopefully without any annoying customers this time. 
 Nancy, who had been waiting patiently in front of the school, joined your side when you made your way to the front doors. “You know, I always thought I’d feel awkward seeing you and Steve finally together. But I don’t.” 
 “Well, thanks, I guess?” 
 She laughed a bit, nudging you with her shoulder. “I was worried about it. But after seeing you guys a couple of times I’m more than sure now you guys really are good for each other.” 
 “Good for each other.” You repeated. Still slightly skeptical of her words.
 “Yeah, you guys are actually so infatuated with one other in a sickeningly sweet kind of way. It’s kinda nice.”
 “Kinda nice or kinda gross?” you teased, making her shake her head worriedly before you held up your hand to stop her worrying. “I’m joking, Nance. I know Steve and I are sort of..a lot these days. But he makes me happy.”
 “I know! And I’m happy that you’re happy, truly.” she insisted. You smile and nod before leading the two of you into the threshold of the front doors. “There is just one thing I’ve kinda been curious about.”
 “How good is our sex life?” you joked, making her blue eyes go wide.
 “No.” she coughed a bit, flustered at the question. “It’s uh, well, you’re close to Robin now, right?”
 “Yeah.” you answered honestly. “Maybe not as close as her and Steve apparently. But I consider us close.” You moved to go towards your lockers, prying open the door to collect your things. 
 “So you aren’t weirded out about that? Don’t they work together without you sometimes?”
 You frown over at Nancy, confused where she was getting at with her questions. Not only because it was odd for her to point out, but also because of their horribly timed arrival. It was almost like she knew what went on in the car just now.
 “They close together and sometimes work in the morning on the weekends. But we all hang out a lot when we get the chance. And I just found out Robin isn’t currently looking to date at the moment so it looks like she’s our third wheel for the time being. Why the cross-examination?”
 Having someone as naturally curious as Nancy Wheeler, have her thoughts be on the subject of your boyfriend and other friend definitely wasn’t helping squash your growing current insecurity. 
 “Right. I’m sorry.” she said quickly, closing the door to her locker. Her eyes were wide and shifting over the area. “It’s nothing, I guess I’m just not used to Steve having friends who are girls.”
 “He’s had friends who are girls before, Nance..”
 “Yeah, you.”
 “Yeah, so?”
 “Now you guys are dating.” You’re about to point out how that was completely different before she held up her hands defensively. “It was just a small, passing, thought! If you say you’re good, then you’re good. If I’m being honest, I guess it’s mostly just me that feels a little bit skeptical about their friendship. And that’s mostly because it’s been a couple of months since Starcourt and I have no idea who Robin really is.”
 You glanced down the hall towards the school bulletin boards. Watching as Robin looked over the new flyers posted up. You’ve hung out closely with her for four months now and even consider her a good friend. The two of you have bonded over different things that didn’t even involve Steve. 
 So why was it suddenly after one morning of hearing her and Steve tag team against you, that you feel there might be something you don’t know about her?
 “Let’s go.” Nancy said, softly. “There’s this article I’ve been working on about gaining equality at this school that I want you to read. If it’s good enough maybe we can convince Fred to let me get it on the cover instead of his piece on the mystery meat served last week.”
 Your gaze followed Robin as she left the hall. Smile on her face as she disappeared from your sight. 
 “It’s not the only mystery around here.”
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A/N: If you’ve managed to read through all that mess I love you. It’s been so hard for me in the rl lately to be able to write and continue this. But I missed writing these two out so much and there’s so much stuff I need to set up for the actual plot of the show to come in. So enjoy these sort of longer chapters along the way. I hope you guys are ready for the drama coming up!
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bobbin-buckley · 4 months
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Vada Cavell Headcanons
Vada Cavell x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of school shooting, mentions of smoking & getting drunk, smut, fluff, mentions of anxiety and depression, some angst,
SFW (Some Angst)
-You & Vada we’re dating for about 3 months before the shooting happened. Then slowly drifted away after it.
-I wouldn’t perhaps say you broke up, Vada just was keeping herself away from you and everyone else, well, almost everyone else
-Nick told you Vada was hanging out with Mia Reed, this made you feel a lot of different things; confusion, anger, sadness and jealousy you wanted, no you NEEDED to ask her why she was all of a sudden hanging out with this Mia girl
-You felt as if she was cheating on you, maybe? You stormed into her room one day and started rambling about how she just started ghosting you and smoking with the blonde girl
-Vada did feel bad, infact she did regret everything after realizing how upset you were. That’s when you found Vada in your arms again
-She did start to invite you over at Mia’s house, you didn’t like the idea but accepted when Vada have you those puppy eyes
-Helping each other through all this depression and pain, venting
-Vada is a pretty affectionate person if you are really close
-She definitely has acts of service as her love language, she’ll buy you stuff (if she isn’t broke), take care of you, take you out somewhere etc
-Movie nights with make-out sessions throughout the film
-Shed love your pet(s) if you have any, (she totally seems like a dog person)
-Being besties with her little sister Amelia, she loves you sm, you both love to tease Vada, prank her and hangout together w/ Vada
-Finds it weird her family adores you
-When your alone together there can be three different moods; fluffy, sweet, soft, silly cuddly or hot, horny, lust & flirty, or sad, fluff, upset, depressed but you cope together by cuddling and talking
-Always being side by side, Vada craves your touch or needs to touch you. Wanting to cuddle but if she can’t she’ll hold your hand, pinkies intertwined under a table or knee to knee and head in shoulder
-You find it hilarious when Vada gets cranky and throws a fit. She smacks you when you laugh
“I’m dating a literal four year old”
“Then that would be fucked up also, nuh-uh!”
-Loves to make dirty jokes just to see you hot & bothered
-Can be a pretty flirty person
-Going off to college together
-Doing pretty much everything together
-There is never a time you and Vada will have serious sex
-This girl is full of humor, she’ll make all kinds of jokes when intimate
“Dude! You have huge tits.”
“There like literal melons”
-Preferring Vanilla sex most of the time
-making love to each other makes you both feel alive again
-I could see her as a switch
-Skin to skin the entire time
-Secretly loves your boobs
-Probably doesn’t shave much down there cause she’s scared she’ll hurt herself, you don’t mind though and you offer to help her
-Making sure her family isn’t home and won’t be home till late when having sex at her house
-She looooves shower sex
-One time Vada had gotten you something as a gift….it was a strap-on
“Vada where the hell did you get that? You’re broke.”
“Nick bought it for me.”
-Loves to use the strap-on on you, claims she wants to “breed” you even though she can’t (you think it’s hot though-)
-Took her a while to understand how to please someone but it’s okay
-Makes you suck on her strap
-Always wanting to take off your clothes for you
-I’d say for her first time (in this she doesn’t fuck Mia) she was pretty good
-You guys could go in for hours if her parents weren’t home so often
-Almost getting caught
-Attempting to have sex in the school bathrooms to make her less scared
-High sex
-Quite the begger
-Anytime you have sex it’s always soft and at a good pace (unless you have 10 minutes before her mom gets home)
You’ve got Vada wrapped around your finger that’s for sure
This seemed quick to write I hope it’s alright
Cairo will be next since you guys tied Vada & Cairo (You sillies)
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sloppy-rants · 2 months
Rottmnt Rant #2
(Leonardo centered)
One thing I adore about rise is that if you pay attention there are no character traits that ever come out of the blue. They have always been present within the show, they just don’t have any spotlights on them.
One example of this is Leo’s martyr complex, as well as his habit of making jokes out of serious situations. These traits are very present in the movie, and are even main plot points that push the narrative forward. These traits have always been present in the show, however one episode that I think contains multiple examples of these is the episode “Flushed but Never Forgotten.”
In the episode Flushed but Never Forgotten, the boys accidentally flush their dad’s pet fish, Piebald. They decide to cover it up, lying to their dad and replacing piebald with a ‘perfect’ replica (a rock with googly eyes glued on). After about a year, Mikey starts to feel guilt over the loss of piebald, and tells the rest of his brothers about writing on the walls and voices he’s heard that he thinks are coming from her.
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We find out that Piebald has returned, and is now a mutant capable of talking and possessing abilities such as turning invisible/camouflaging with her surroundings. Upon initial discovery, the boys are terrified. All of them except Leo.
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Leo responds to seeing piebald with “Okay so she’s a mutant.” While the others are obviously scared shitless. This only lasts for a moment, but it demonstrates his true nature, as in this moment he hasn’t had enough time to lie and come up with some sort of fake or funny reaction. He uses one of his coping mechanisms, humor, to deal with the situation. Now of course, after this he goes right back to being scared with all of his brothers, as one would do, but I find it interesting that his initial reaction was to tone down the situation and after that he showed fear, rather than the other way round. Moments like this are sprinkled through the whole show, but I decided to focus on this one simply because of how small and fast it is. It would have been so easy to have Leo just scream along with all the others, but the writers decided to add this bit in. You might think of this as just a joke the writers added in for shits and giggles, but he does this multiple times in the series. A rather popular example of this being his line “Soo.. you guys from Jersey?” in the very first episode.
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Now his Martyr complex, I know is a very popular topic for Leo. It provides juicy angst, and it’s a wonderful topic to use for drawings, fan fictions, and rants such as I’m doing now. But usually, those are all centered around the movie. The movie’s climax features Leo locking himself in the prison dimension with Krang prime, sacrificing himself for those he cares about. What I don’t think people talk about enough is that this isn’t the only time Leo does this. This is another reason why I decided to focus on this episode specifically.
Later in the episode, Piebald ends up taking Leo’s entire family. His brothers, his dad, even the paper foot ninja they took in. Initially, he has a plan to gain the upper hand against Piebald. He uses her own trick against her, camouflaging with his surroundings to use the element of surprise against her. Once this fails, however, he finds himself backed into a corner. His family is tied together, hanging behind him as they dangle over a large whirlpool of sewer water, about to be flushed as they had done to Piebald so long ago. In one last desperate attempt to save his family, he pleads with Piebald to let his family go, and take him instead.
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He says, “flush me and let my family go.” Clearly stating the he wishes to sacrifice himself for those he cares about. He’s been running this whole episode. Running from the monster, running from the responsibility of Piebald’s “death”, and running from telling the truth to his dad. Now, as the only one left, he knows it’s him who has to save his family, and when given no other choice, he chooses himself as the sacrifice. It’s not even suggested to him that he sacrifice himself, he came up with that on his own. He doesn’t know what will happen to him, he just wants his family to be safe.
Sadly, this moment is short lived as immediately after he says this Piebald cuts the rope to drop the others into the whirlpool, which is where the whole thing is revealed to be a ruse made up by Splinter and Piebald to teach the boys a lesson. But I still think this moment should be talked about more. It’s so interesting to me.
It’s one thing that I think people get wrong a lot. A popular trope I see with Leo is that in any danger whatsoever he will deliberately go out of his way to sacrifice himself first. It’s his first and only plan, and he truly believes it will 100% work out. Watching the show though, this just isn’t true. Leo is a good leader, and he knows what his brothers are capable of. He’s able to use their skills to come up with a clever plan that almost always works when he really puts thought into it. It’s when he’s backed into a corner, stuck between a rock and a hard place that he resorts to his final plan. His last chance to keep everyone he loves safe and more importantly alive. If it comes down to it, he will use himself as the scapegoat willingly, even if the others don’t want it. I love Leo angst so much, and I love it even better when it’s done right. Leo is a smart guy, he knows when he can find an easy way out of things. That’s what makes it even more devastating when he resorts to his martyr complex, because it’s always either a last resort, or a split second decision. I think what people try to do is make it his first instinct, which I can agree with if written to be believable.
Moments that represent these traits come and go quickly, but I think that’s part of why Rise is so well written. The creators trust their viewers, and are aware that things don’t need to be spelled out in order for us to understand them. This show is honest to god just so amazing, and a wonderful example of when artists put out a work that they really care about for others to enjoy.
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frownyalfred · 11 months
*busts down your doors* HEY! Long ask for ya
okay so I was rereading your fic where EMS showed up because Dick couldn’t flip on the trampoline (rip) and it got me thinking about routine trauma.
So here’s the thing: I am not EMS. I know three people who are EMS, but my extent of EMS experience comes from one (1) ride along and lurking on EMS subreddits. Those guys are a hoot. Great memes. Anyways.
A comment stuck out to me: “You haven’t truly lived the job until you’re eating a gas station burrito next to a dead body”. I’ve seen a bunch like that. Nonchalance and dark humor because well, that’s their job. Gore is the norm. Sure, depending on the area, your usual calls might just be lift assists, but other areas are neck deep in gang violence and violent crime.
A pretty common post on that subreddit is also, sadly, “I just got a call that’s never bothered me before but all of a sudden I’m broken” or “I’ve never had a problem running this type of call before but all of a sudden it just hit me.” Delayed trauma is a bitch. Someone pointed out that if a civilian saw a fatal car accident with multiple corpses, they’d be in therapy and given support and it’d be a huge deal. With EMS, they’re just expected to deal with it. (EMS mental health is getting better- there are helplines and resources and first responder focused therapies- but it’s still a developing field)
ANYWAYS, now that I’ve given you a crash course on the EMS mental health crisis (someone should really write a feature on EMS in Gotham those fuckers would be crazy and I love them already), my point is, how would this apply to the bats? Seeing bodies is treated as very much the norm to them, but do you think it ever just… catches up? The impact of seeing corpses day after day? Do you think they have to fake being fine and tough during those times because well, “everybody else in the family is fine with it, I’m not going to be a liability/burden/weak/etc”
Do you think Bruce, the goddamn batman, who shouldn’t be ruffled by anything, ever just feels something crack inside when he looks at a little boy who could have grown up healthy and strong like his Jason, had (Bruce) someone been there for him? and then he can’t work cases with kids for a week?
This is such an excellent ask, thank you so much for gracing my inbox with it!
It's a very good question. I'm also on a lot of those subreddits (needed to do some research for that fic) and the discussion in those forums and on TikTok is like you described, a kind of practiced desensitization to all gore and suffering in order to survive in their job.
What I've seen from those discussions (and my EMT friend) is an almost sub-conscious trend where they allow themselves the "thing" that breaks them, and they push a lot of that trauma and emotion onto that thing. Like an EMT saying they don't do kids, or they don't do gunshots to the eye, etc. And they'll sob like a baby on those calls, while remaining stone-faced and level-headed through the triple homicide.
I'm just theorizing here, but I imagine the Batfamily uses similar coping skills -- pushing all that trauma and suffering into a box which cracks only under limited, defined circumstances. And they break or snap only under those conditions, because, subconsciously, they allowed themselves to.
So yes, Bruce might be 99% fine with most of the bodies he sees, but there might be a little boy who has a detail (like Jason's dark hair) that just slams into him out of nowhere.
PTSD and trauma literally change the structure of the brain. Individuals react differently to trauma after that, but there does appear to be a "desensitizing" effect with repeated trauma, as the body tries to compensate.
I agree that the Gotham EMTs must be some crazy motherfuckers. They probably deal with 6x the normal shit EMTs deal with in other cities. They probably take on a lot more trauma and burn out quicker than other EMTs, too.
Anyone else have thoughts on this? I admit I don't cover PTSD explicitly in a lot of my fics.
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b4b3tte · 7 months
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꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary —some detailed head-canons of dating Kano!!
Pairing — Kano!MK11 x GN!Reader
Includes of — Dating, Relationships, Affection, communication and all that jazz
Babettes note — GIRL BYE dude the whole MK game has had a chokehold on me so I’ve been obsessed with the lore & the characters so I’d figured I’d write something for one of my favorites!! Sorry if some of these things seem inaccurate I’m still learning about the lore so BARE WITH ME😭 anyways enjoy! Besitos💋!
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Dating Kano is a rollercoaster no doubt, and you as a person have to be a rollercoaster if you are interested in him romantically so His unpredictable and often mischievous personality keeps you on your toes and maybe either make you happy with his decisions or absolutely pissed, but it's also what makes your relationship exciting. You've learned to adapt to his quirks, and it's taught you to be flexible and patient.
Kano's sarcastic and twisted sense of humor often leads to playful banter between you two. You share a unique connection where you can exchange snarky comments, even in the most dire situations. Your relationship is built on a foundation of teasing and laughter, a coping mechanism in the chaos of the Mortal Kombat world.
Despite his rough exterior, Kano is fiercely protective of you. Not necessarily in the way he will lock you up and keep you away from others but he definitely has the average jealous and possessive type issues, He might not admit it openly, but he'll go to great lengths to ensure your safety and make sure your only his. It's not uncommon for him to step in when you're facing danger, and his actions speak louder than his words.
Kano might be an asshole or seem heartless but he isn’t entirely cold, for him to even take you into consideration for a romantic relationship genuinely takes a-lot, so You're one of the few people if not only one who gets to see Kano's vulnerable side or see him acting like “ a pussy “ is what he calls but at the end you and him know you’ll won’t judge. It takes probably awhile but at the end He confides in you and trusts you with his secrets and things he has done that he isn’t too fond of, creating a process of making a deep connection between you two.
Your love story is far from conventional. Kano's connections to the Black Dragon and the chaos of the Mortal Kombat world make for a unique, twisted romance. The unpredictability of your life together has its own kind of allure, and you've embraced it with open arms. But Since you two have different “ jobs “ and come from different backgrounds, having the rumor going around that Kano is dating someone will be a shocker and matter of fact controversial and not safe especially knowing that you can be used against him within the whole MK war to gain information, or simply have him join the good side
You've learned to balance your relationship with Kano with your own principles and sense of right and wrong. It's a constant struggle, but your love for him keeps you going. You're often torn between your loyalty to the forces of good and your affection for a man deeply entrenched in the world of crime and chaos. If you are or were on the good side for the beginning and slowly started developing feelings you definitely had a break down on everything you believed on and what was right and wrong, it took Kano to convince you it’d be okay, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than you since he was in the similar situation
When you're with Kano, even simple dates turn into adventures. Whether it's a night at the underground fight club or a spontaneous getaway to some far-off, exotic location, you're always in for a wild ride. Your relationship is anything but ordinary, but hey who said what was a bad thing!
There are times when Kano's teasing and selfishness hurt you. He has a way of pushing your buttons, and you've developed a thick skin as a result. Him being a tease and finding a joke out of everything sometimes he unintentionally treats you like a child and likes to think you need him usually because it’s an ego boost and or he likes your reaction and frustration But you can also give as good as you get, and your dynamic is one of mutual understanding and resilience.
To keep your romance hidden from prying eyes, you and Kano have developed an intricate system of secret codes and signals. It's not only a practical way to communicate discreetly but also a fun and bonding aspect of your relationship.
( here is if you are involved with the mk war)
While you may be on opposite sides of the conflict, you occasionally find ways to collaborate on missions or objectives. These joint adventures are exhilarating and serve as a testament to your unique partnership. Sometimes when you encounter each other on a mission you have to use signals or any secret communication when you're working together to draw the least attention but when you guys are alone during a mission you guys usually share a quick kiss or make out session of 5 minutes before some one comes looking for you or for him there is just a surprising synergy that keeps your connection alive during work
despite the whole dating thing it’s like flirting is his love language, even infront of others he will always refer you as “ Baby “ , “ Sweetheart “ , Sugar “ , “ Peach “ and “ babe “ and no one really pays any focus on it because that’s just how Kano naturally is, speaking of affection, he definitely is more on the sexual side like groping, ass grabbing, intense kissing, hands on waist and hips, it’s usually rare to have a soft and cuddly moment with him
You and Kano have become skilled at resolving conflicts. Your disagreements may be passionate, but they're never detrimental to your relationship. You've learned the art of compromise and finding common ground, even when your loyalties pull you in different directions.
You both secretly share aspirations for a peaceful future. It might seem like an impossible dream given your circumstances, but you cling to the hope that one day you'll find a way to be together openly without fear of reprisal. These dreams are the driving force that keeps you both going.
In the most unexpected moments, you and Kano steal kisses, hidden from prying eyes. These fleeting, affectionate moments remind you of the love that binds you and offer a sense of normalcy in an otherwise tumultuous relationship.
You've come to realize that you can influence Kano in subtle ways. Through your actions and your own moral compass, you've introduced him to acts of kindness and empathy. You've shown him that there's more to life than just crime and chaos. Sometimes you like to believe These teachable moments may transform him over time.
Both of you have managed to maintain friendships with individuals from opposite factions. While these friends may not be aware of your relationship, they serve as connections to the other side of the Mortal Kombat conflict. These connections help you navigate the complex world you live in.
Your relationship with Kano is a complex, multifaceted journey filled with passion, secrecy, and hope. It's an unconventional story that defies the odds and tests the limits of your commitment to each other.
Deep down, you believe in Kano's capacity for change. You hope that your love can inspire him to make better choices and leave his life of crime behind. You're a source of hope and optimism in his life, a guiding light in the darkness he's often surrounded by.
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Thanks for reading!! Feedback and requests are very much appreciated!! ❤️
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broadwaybalogna · 22 days
superhero au where zutara gets kidnapped together and they have a conversation for the first time? (for the prompts thing)
Ooooh wait this is so cute. Lemme do a mini Drabble rq.
Featuring flirty Zuko, Trauma dumping, using humor to cope with trauma, and chiche’s galore.
Katara had seen Zuko a few times in the past, fighting off a series of evils that struck any of the four nations. While Katara had spent most of her time positioned in either of the two water tribes, Zuko would focus himself more on the fire nation. And once, maybe every few months, they would find themselves working together to fight off something that had infiltrated the earth kingdom or air temples.
This was no different. Katara had spotted Zuko first as he hid amongst the trees, watching Zhao, an enemy they had both fought before, roam the forests looking for a secluded tribe of non-benders.
Zuko spotted her not too long after she saw him, and he passed her a wink. She rolled her eyes and smiled. They never actually communicated often. The most they had really spoken to each other had been during fights when contemplating how to defeat whoever was terrorizing one of the nations.
Katara focused her eyes back on Zhao. It took her a moment to find him but once she did, her blood ran cold.
Zhao was staring at her from under the trees, a sly smirk painting his face.
“Shit,” Katara whispered before taking the water from her small hip pack and jumping to the ground. She needed to make sure Zuko remained unseen if they still wanted to use the element of surprise. She just had to hope Zhao hadn’t seen her wildern conversation with the boy.
“Nice to see you again, Lady Katara,” Zhao calmly spoke, which raised an abundance of red flags in Katara’s mind. She kept her best poker face on stared into his eyes.
“I don’t feel like it’s that hard to leave non-bender’s alone. I mean, you really have to go out of your way to organize and plan your schemes. It must be a shame either Zuko or I stop you each time.”
“It really would be a shame. It’s a good thing I’m not after the non-benders this time.”
“Stop lying through your teeth. You and I both know about the letter you sent to your second and command detailing their tribes whereabouts.”
Zhao smiled. Not good.
In less than five seconds, Zhao sent out a whistle that signaled at least ten fire benders to surround Katara and begin throwing flames at her.
“Shit!” Katara yelled, using her water as a shield and watching it slowly evaporate with each fire blasted at her.
She quickly picked up the water from surrounding plants to turn into ice shared and throw at her opponents. But they blocked and sent twice the amount of fire back at her.
Now would be a great time for Zuko to come out of hiding.
Just as the thought crossed her mind, a flash of red came from the trees and toward the closest firebender to Katara.
“Sorry, you’re just so pretty when you fight.”
Katara let out a chuckle and focused back on the firebenders at hand.
Yeah, they’ve got this.
They in fact, did got ‘got this’ Katara thought to herself as she was shoved into a dark, dry room, arms tied behind her back, at the bottom of an army ship.
She let out a grunt as she was thrown onto the ground and reluctantly tied to a wooden pillar in the middle of the room.
“The Fire Lord will pay a hefty bag for the two of you,” the man who threw her in spoke, his voice nasal and cruel.
“In your dreams, she spat back.”
The man laughed before leaving her alone to her own thoughts.
1. She was in a dark, but more importantly, dry room, so water was out of the question.
2. Her hands were tied, so she had no way to control any water if she even wanted to.
3. She had no clue where Zuko was so she was probably alone.
Okay, she wasn’t alone.
“Zuko?” She called, surprised to hear his voice so clear.
“The one and only.”
“Huh,” she spoke to herself, contemplating a new plan on how to get out given this new discovery.
“I hate to be a bother, but do you have a plan on how to get out of here? You’re pretty good with that.”
“Thanks? And I’m working on it.”
“Well it’s a good 2 days we have before making it to the dock of the Fire Lord’s palace.”
“Did you see how many guards were on the deck?” Katara asked, making a mental note of Zuko’s statement.
“I was blindfolded, but I could hear maybe five.”
“I’ll count on there being at least ten, then. Do you have any other abilities that could possibly aid us in getting the hell out of here?”
Zuko took a moment to think, then, out of the corner of her eye, Katara saw a flame of smoke come from the opposite side of the room she was in.
“How’d you do that?”
“I’ve got awesome breath support.”
“Okay, nice, breathing fire. Any way you can breathe your ties off?”
“Mine are metal.”
“Well shit.”
“I could set this place on fire?”
“The Top of the deck is mostly metal. And I doubt the Fire Lord cares if we get to him dead or alive.”
“Hmm,” Zuko thought.
They spent the next few hours strategizing a way out of the room they were in until they finally landed on a plan.
“You think it’ll work?”
“I suppose. We’ll just have to wait for the ship to make it to the dock.”
Then, there was a long silence. They had come up with a plan, so there was little to actually talk about now. Katara felt incredibly awkward.
“So…” she started, “How long have you been doing the whole heroine thing?”
“About two years. What about you?”
“Year and a half.”
“Cool… I don’t think we’ve ever actually had a conversation before.”
“Yeah, well, life’s busy.”
“What’s your favorite color?” Zuko spoke after a good minute had passed.
“Yellow, you?”
“Favorite animal?”
“Zuko, I think you’re going to drive me insane.”
“I’ve personally already gone insane.”
“Can we please skip the small talk.”
“What do you want to talk about instead?”
“I don’t know, something of substance?”
Katara could feel Zuko rolling his eyes.
It had been maybe a few hours of on and off conversations, teasing, and a weird amount of flirting that Katara didn’t like to admit she enjoyed.
“You’ve got a tragic backstory superhero origin?” Zuko asked, providing a much deeper question.
“Oh! Um. Not really? I just, uh- want to help people, I guess. My dad isn’t around often, so I get a lot of free rein. I guess my brother and I raised each other. Oh, and my mom died when I was eight.”
“I’d say that’s pretty solid?”
“You’ve got something tragic?”
“Well, not that it’s a competition.”
“Okay, something juicy.”
“I kind of do this whole hero thing as a rebellion against my dad.”
“Daddy issues, that’s something we’ve got in common. And very tragic backstory esc.”
“Yeah. I actually…” he took a deep breath, “I think he uh- killed my mom.”
“Zuko, what the FUCK,” Katara whisper shouted.
“Well, is say i’d get the tragic backstory trophy.”
“I-“ There was a long silence. “How can you just- joke about it?”
Zuko took another breath. “Yeah I… I’ve had a lot of time to consider it. I suppose it’s the easiest way to cope with the idea that it might be true. Humor always helps.”
Katara couldn’t help but nod. “Well, you get all the trophies and metals for that right there.”
She heard Zuko shuffle around in his corner. Then, silence.
Suddenly, another wave of fire came toward this, this time, it was much closer than before.
“Did you move?” Katara asked, changing from the touchy subject.
“Yeah, I guess they don’t have flexible metal so they just chained me up.”
Katara raised her eyebrows in amusement. “So why have you just been there the whole time?”
“Didn’t want to spook you. And I didn’t want to make you jealous that I had the ability to roam.” Katara could tell he was still across the room. If he could travel far enough, maybe he could’ve fire bend her own ties off. She rolled her eyes at his statement.
“Is there any way you can make more light?”
Another flame made its way across the room from Zuko’s mouth.
Katara thought for a moment, then grabbed the outer layer of her clothes. “Here,” she said, as she pushed her coat towards Zuko, “set this on fire so we can have some proper light.”
Zuko took a moment.
“Something the matter?”
“Yeah, no, I just. The jacket that I wear holds a few knives in it… that Zhao noticed.”
“So he took my jacket.”
“But you only wear a jack- OH.”
“So just don’t be too spooked by my, ahem-“
“Upper body.”
“I prefer rock hard abs but you get the jist.”
Zuko lit up Katara’s coat and finally gave the room light.
And yeah, Katara wouldn’t mind staying here for two days with Zuko.
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hahafixon · 10 months
Ateez Reaction ~ They're Vampires
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Summary: This is my take of what it would be like if Ateez were vampires. Just a reminder, a coven is where the vampires live and a hive is a family of vampires.
Pairing: Ateez X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffyish Oneshot
Word Count: 2861
Warning: Minor blood warning. Nothing too bad.
Taglist: @foxwinter @maeleelee @mxnsxngie @kpop-will-kill-me
Kim Hongjoong
Your fidgeting fingers should have tipped him off right away to what you were about to ask. Nevertheless, he dumbly asked, “What’s wrong, love?”
“Hongjoong, I was thinking.” You mumbled, avoiding eye contact with him.
“Love, you can tell me anything.” He assured you.
You sighed before saying. “I want to become a vampire.”
He blinked in shock, unsure of what to say. “Pardon?”
Sitting next to him, you explained. “You know I love you very much, with my whole heart and soul and everything. And you love me just as much-”
“More.” He added, smiling affectionately.
A sincere smile found its way onto your face before you turned serious again. “And believe me when I say this was not an easy decision to get to. I’ve thought about this for almost a year now.”
He sighed, taking your hand and rubbing his thumb over your knuckle. “Love, I don’t know what to say. I’m glad you’ve thought about this situation long and hard, but please understand when I say I’m still nervous.”
“I know.” You sighed. “If you don’t think it’s a good idea, then I won’t go through with it.”
“It’s just very risky, Y/n, you know that.” He sighed. “If the posion doesn’t take hold, you could die. And I couldn’t live with myself if I killed you.”
Again you nodded. “I understand.”
Seeing your face fall, he bit his lip. Desperate times call for desperate measures. “How about this instead? You live in the coven, with the rest of the hive. It’s not becoming a vampire, but it’ll be similar, I’d assume. If you can handle it for a year or so, then we can talk about you becoming a vampire again.”
Your face lit up like a firecracker and you hugged him tight. “Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you Hongjoong! I know I can handle it! I’m sure I can!”
“I’m sure you can too, love.” He replied, smiling brightly and hugging you just as tight.
Park Seonghwa
“So,” You started, trying to break the awkward tension surrounding you. “You’re a vampire. Tell me about that.”
He sighed, raking his fingers through his hair. “This isn’t how I wanted you to find out.”
“What with blood dripping from your chin because you killed a bunny rabbit?�� You asked self-consciously. “Yeah, probably not the smartest move.”
“Can you please take this seriously?” Although his voice was forceful there was a slight pleading undertone in it.
“Sorry, sorry! It’s just I use humor as a coping mechanism.” You defended, holding up your hands in mock surrender.
Again, he sighed. “I know. Sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You assured him. “We’re both kind of sort of at a loss right now.”
More awkward tension started to fill the air. He weakly pointed back to where the apartment was before saying, “I’m just going to uh, go get cleaned up.”
You nodded and followed him back to your shared apartment. When he had finished wiping the blood off his face and hands, and changed into a new shirt, you were both sitting in the living area on opposite sides of the room.
“So, um, what now?” You asked.
He sighed, “Well, I’m sure you have a lot of questions, but I would just like to ask you one first.” You nodded, signalling for him to go ahead. “Are you going to break up with me?”
“What? No!” You all but shouted, bewildered by his question.
“It’s just, being what I am, I know that can make a lot of people very uncomfortable and I don’t want you to feel like you have to stay with me because-”
“Seonghwa.” You stopped him by making your way over to him, kneeling in front of him, and taking his hands in yours. “This is like every girls dream, more or less. But I love you and you being a vampire will never change that. I just ask for you to help me understand this better, okay?”
He sighed, relief flooding his face as he nodded. “Thank you.”
You nodded. “Of course. So now, I gotta ask, is this the reason why you wanted to get heavy drapes for the windows of the apartment?”
Jeong Yunho
Carefully and meticulously, Yunho watched after his prey. Currently, you were simply sitting in one of the easy chairs, scrolling through your phone aimlessly. You were completely and blissfully unaware of the dark demon lurking behind you, staring at you with hungry eyes.
Silently and stealthily, he approached you. He tiptoed closer and closer and closer. Finally he was directly behind you, baring his fangs, he inched his way closer and closer and closer to your neck. Each inhale gave a tantilizing whiff of your delicious blood coursing through your veins. He just had to get a taste-
He reared back before pouting. “What do you mean no?”
You glanced over at him from over your shoulder, an unamused expression on your face. “Because you’ve been getting greedy lately.”
“What? No I haven’t!” He argued, crossing his arms over his chest as he continued to pout like a child.
“Yes you have! You’ve fed from me at least six times in the past two days! I’m tired Yunho and my blood needs to replenish itself. So please, not right now.” You explained with a sigh.
He reciprocated your sigh as he slumped into the easy chair across from you. “Fine.”
“Don’t get all huffy with me, child.”
“Hey! I’m older than you by a lot!” He whined.
A small smile crept across your face. “Yeah, so?”
“So!” He shot back, smiling as well. “Show your elders some respect!”
“Did you just admit that you’re old?” You grinned in triumph.
He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, comprehending what he just said, before sighing in defeat. “I might have…”
“Don’t worry, it’s completely natural for you to be old.” You teased and he frowned at you.
“Not helping.”
With a chuckle, you stood up and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. “Wasn’t trying to be.”
Kang Yeosang
After just a crappy week of work along with a lot of other things going your way, you had finally reached Friday, and you already had a way to make up for the past week. As soon as you were inside your apartment, you were calling up your best friend while kicking off your shoes.
“Hey Y/n, what’s up?” Yeosang’s melodic voice cooed from the phone.
You smiled, already feeling better. “Hey, are you busy tonight?”
“Cool. How do movies and take out at my place sound?”
He chuckled over the line. “Sounds perfect. Be there in a few. Do you want me to pick up the takeout?”
“Please?” You asked. “I just got home and I want to take a shower before you come over.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
An hour or two later and you were both in comfy clothes, cuddled up together, watching trashy romance comedies on the TV with take out in your hands. It was honestly the perfect night and just what the doctor ordered. You cuddled in closer to Yeosang, making him chuckle.
You sighed, smiling wide. “This is the best.”
“Yes, making fun of movies and eating greasy, unhealthy food.” He teased.
“See? You see it too.” You snickered. “Seriously, if I could do this everyday, I would. This is literal heaven. I believe I have reached nirvana.”
“Two religions in one? You absolute madwoman.” He continued poking fun at you, laughing as he did so. You gave him an awkward shove with your shoulder before grabbing the remote to change the movie as the one you were watching wrapped up.
“One more?”
He shrugged. “Sure, I’m game.”
You found a really cheesy vampire movie and instantly pressed play, not noticing the flash of anxiety on Yeosang’s face. “Aw man, this is going to be the best! These movies are always the worst!”
“Hehe, yeah.” He muttered, not looking at the TV and continuing to pick at his take out.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, all movie vampires are hot as hell.” You sighed before chuckling to yourself. “Too bad they aren’t real.”
He stiffened slightly at your words. Swallowing thickly, he nodded, absentmindedly poking at his retracted fangs with his tongue. “Yeah, right.”
Choi San
You were bent over the island, your forearms splayed out in front of you while you sat on a stool. Your hands drummed the island in some made up song as San made himself tea on the opposite side. Your eyes never left his backside as he moved to make the perfect cup of tea.
“Hey Sannie.”
He inclined his head a little but didn’t turn around. “Yes, dearest?”
“Do you have any kids?”
The tea cup flung out of his hands before he swiftly caught it before it could shatter. “Excuse me?”
You shrugged. “I mean, you’ve been around a long time, and have probably been AROUND a long time, I think it’s only natural to think you have children somewhere out there in the world. That is, unless you’re sterile.”
There was a long pause before he shook his head and finally turned to face you with a complacent smile on his face. “Ah, well, contrary to popular belief, I do not have any children nor am I sterile.”
Nodding seriously, you then said, “Then let’s have a baby.”
Instead of throwing the cup, he crushed the handle in his hand and the tea cup fell to the floor, shattering on impact. As he stood there, processing your words, you made quick work of cleaning up the broken porcelain from your hardwood floors. When you completed your task, you went back to your stool, in hopes of discussing future children with the man in front of you.
When he finally regained his composure he asked, “Can I ask why?”
You shrugged. “I just think it would be nice to have a baby with you. And besides, if the child is a vampire, you’ll have someone to remind you of me when I pa-”
“I understand.” He quickly cut you off. “I’d rather not think about that.”
Nodding, you gave him a small smile. “So, what do you think?”
He took a deep breath before answering, “I think, we need to take this slow. I mean we’re not even married for heaven’s sake. Not that we need to be, but I would like to before we think about having children-”
“So what you’re saying is you want to marry me?”
There was a long pause until his shocked expression melted into a soft smile. “Yes, I would love to marry you.”
You broke out into the biggest grin, “Then let’s get married.”
Song Mingi
You didn’t mean to be this far from home. What you thought was a shortcut, took you into enemy territory. You were trying, and failing, to hide from some vampires from a rival hive.
“C’mon Mingi, pick up!” You mumbled into your phone, hoping that your boyfriend would finally answer your desperate calls.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” The voice of one of the vampires called.
With tears pooling in your eyes, you breathed, “Mingi,” before squeezing your eyes shut.
Right when you were sure he was going to attack, you heard grunts and the sound of someone being bodyslammed to the ground. When you opened your eyes, there was Mingi standing over the vampires who were after you.
“Scram.” He growled and the adversaries ran off back into the night.
Slowly creeping out of the shadows, you whispered, “Mingi?”
He whipped around before relief flashed on his face as he raced over to engulf you in a huge hug. “Oh Y/n! Don’t scare me like that! I thought something bad was going to happen to you!”
“But you saved me.” You whispered. “Thank you for rescuing me. I didn’t mean to come here.”
“Why are you here anyways?” He asked. There wasn’t a hint of malicious intent whatsoever. Just genuine curiosity.
Your cheeks turned pink. “I was just trying to find a shortcut.”
He chuckled before tousseling your hair, making you frown. “Jeez, kid. Making me worry like that for a shortcut.”
“I’m sorry.” You sighed. “But I did ask you to walk with me. But NO! You said you were going to hang back.”
Frowning, he huffed, before burying his face in your shoulder. “Lovely! Don’t make me feel guilty.”
You giggled. “It couldn’t be helped.”
“Ah, couldn’t it?”
“I just love making you flustered.” You teased before pecking his cheek and making him blush.
“Ah the things you do to me.” He muttered, wrapping an arm around your waist as he started to walk you home.
You smiled, nuzzling into his side. “You love it though.”
He kissed the top of your head. “You’re right, I do.”
Jung Wooyoung
“You’re not being fair!” He whined, stamping his feet on the ground.
You shrugged, still scrolling on your phone. “I’m just too busy.”
“Too busy for your boyfriend?” He cooed, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pressing a soft kiss to your earlobe. Ah, so he was switching up his tactics.
But you were smarter. “No, I’m too busy to go to the doctor.”
He started to whine again. “But baby!”
“Wooyoung.” You turned around to face him before putting your hands on his face. “You’re so sweet for worrying about my well-being, but I am not going to the doctor for iron supplements.”
“Your anemia is a serious health hazard! You need to take care of yourself!” Wooyoung exclaimed, taking your hands in his and staring you deep in the eyes. “Please, for both are sakes.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh jeez, dearheart. Next time just say you want me to take care of my anemia so that you can suck my blood.”
He gasped, pretending to seem disgusted. “So vulgar!”
Rolling your eyes, you continued to laugh. “Oh, honestly. Don’t try and act so innocent with me now. You know that’s the truth!”
“Just because it’s the truth, it doesn’t mean you have to say it!” He all but shouted.
This sent the both of you into a fit of giggles. Eventually, you wiped away a couple tears before nodding. “Fine, fine, I’ll go to my next appointment. But you have to do something for me.”
Wooyoung instantly became serious, pulling you close into a back hug. “Anything, baby.”
You smiled, craning your neck to kiss his jaw. “You better smother me with kisses, dearheart.”
He smirked. “That I can do. Your wish is my command.”
Choi Jongho
“So, before you were a vampire, were you just naturally strong? Or is this vampire strength you have?” You ask, watching your boyfriend lift your heavy boxes out of your apartment.
He frowned at you from over his shoulder. “Seriously?”
“What! It was a legitimate question!” You defended, a sly smile tugging at your lips.
“Look, just because I wasn’t born a vampire, doesn’t mean you can ask questions like that.” He tried to explain, his ears becoming a faint shade of red.
“Why not?” You pouted.
Sputtering, he answered with, “Because you sound like the other guys!”
A shit-eating grin stretched across your face. “Aw, so you’re afraid if I ask questions like that, I’ll be like everyone else in your little coven, yes?”
“Yes, no, I mean-” He sighed, sitting down on one of the boxes. “Look, I get teased a lot for being the only vampire in the coven who wasn’t a born vampire. Not only that, but I’m the last one to invite their significant other to the coven, so I’m getting teased for that as well.”
“Oh Jongho, sweetie.” You cooed, making your way over to him to wrap your arms around him. Pressing a kiss to his cheek, you mumbled. “I was just curious. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“I know.” He sighed. “I’m just a little defensive, that’s all.”
You nodded. “I know that. Next time, if I say or do anything that makes you uncomfortable, just let me know.”
He nodded, smiling up at you. “How did I get so lucky to find someone like you?”
“I honestly ask myself that same question.” You admitted earnestly. “Look, I know how much it means for you to invite your significant other to the conven, and I know I’m bound to make a lot of mistakes while I’m there, but knowing that you’re going to be there makes me less worried.”
Chuckling, he stood up to hug you tighter to his chest. “You’re going to be great. I’m so glad you’re coming with me.”
“Of course. I don’t want my poor little Jongho to be kicked out of the hive.” You teased and he frowned at you.
“Watch it.”
“What? You don’t like when I imply the idea of you becoming a rove?” You continued your teasing.
He rolled his eyes. “When we’re alone go for it, I guess. But with the others, keep talk like that away from them. Vampires have a tendency to be possessive.”
You smirked, winking at him. “Oh I know.”
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coffeelovinggayidiot · 5 months
Ok I know I’m from the outside looking in, but can you explain the bingo blog a bit more cause based on the heritage posts post it does look bad, but I feel like I’m missing context.
Okay, look anon, I'm tired and if I wasn't about to cry I would be in bed right now, but because you seem to be coming from a reasonable place, I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities.
The bingo blog, aka @israel-palestine-bingo (tagging them so that they can also explain) is a blog designed to point out and call out antisemitism on the left in a way that A) people take notice and B) allows Jews to both find humor in these horrifying situations and cope with them.
It's part of why I started my side blog comparing leftist antisemites to nazis using tumblr polls. It's so that we can call out these things without spiraling into a depression.
It's coping with the suffering we're going through, which is being ignored, trivialized, and mocked with humor, because we NEED to find ways to cope. Because (for the most part) on one is listening to us when we talk about antisemitism
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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signedmio · 3 months
Hii! Congrats for your 300 followers! <3 I’d love to take part in your event if that’s okay, there are plenty of super nice options but I’d love to request MORE THAN ANYTHING ; “send in a short description of yourself, a character, and i’ll write a letter to you from that character” for Alastor!
My name is Matilde, but I usually go by Mati. my pronouns are she/her and I’m asexual biromantic. I’m an ESFJ and a Gemini. I have green eyes and dyed cherry red hair. I dress with vintage/fairy grunge clothes. Long skirts and corsets are my fav type of outfit. I wear lots of rings and crystal/pearl necklaces and love to exchange them with others.
I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own. I love making others laugh to lighten the situation. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for someone else but sometimes it’s hard for me to say no to things. I also dislike when someone is too serious and really can’t take a joke as I tend to use humor as my coping mechanism. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading, I adore reading out loud to people. I especially love fantasy and I recently got into greek mythology. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid.
I hope I did this right and didn’t write too much, have a good day :)
hellooo tysm!! ofc i will do that for you :)
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Dearest Matilde,
The hotel isn’t the same without your lovely companionship, and I’m very delighted at the thought of your return, as I have something very enticing coming up!
Also, if you would be so kind, check on my dear Rosie while on your outings?
But that aside, I hope you are well, my love, I’m right as rain!
I look forward to your return, I cannot wait to see that charming smile again.
Yours truly,
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ros3ybabe · 7 months
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Weekly Check In - November 12th, 2023 🎀
ugh I feel like I’ve been neglecting my blogs, and that’s not what I want to be doing!!!
I have finals coming up so soon, including exams and final papers (looking at you, psychology research paper). Not to mention I’m still working 5 days a week, classes 4 days a week, working out 3-5 days a week on top of all my adulting duties. It’s safe to safe I have been a little stressed lately, no doubt about that. It really got me bad because it was impacting my relationship with my boyfriend and the last thing I want to do is cause unnecessary stress and anxiety for him. I know I let my stress and anxieties get the best of me when I realized I was the one causing 98% of all of our arguments and issues this last few weeks. Luckily I was able to come to the realization that it had been my fault, so him and I talked it through and worked it out and I missed him that I would work both on myself more as well as work with my therapist and develop better coping strategies for times of high stress.
🩷 let’s recap this last week with some highlights! And then I will tal about my goals for the upcoming week!
I had to go talk to my PSYC TA about how far I’d fallen behind in the class and she was able to give me some encouragement and a lot of help and really set me on the path in the right direction, so I definitely have hope that I’ll pass this class with a B at worst, which is still an awesome grade!
I finally made it back to my cooking class and the professor was so kind, he told me it always upset his days when I’d miss class for the week and he asked me if was doing okay and how things were going. I think he’s in his 50s or 60s, and he’s just a very kind man, reminds me of my own dad. Has that typical old man dad humor and his cooking class has actually help me become more comfortable with my own cooking skills as of this semester. Definitely one of my favorite classes, and my classmates were the best too.
I registered for the next semester and I am sooo looking forward to the course load. Well, for the most part anyways. I have to retake Chemistry 2 as well as the lab but luckily the college offers a supplemental type of course to help with the actual class so that’s gonna be awesome. I’m also taking a sports medicine focused medical terminology course online, another once a week food focused course about food production, a psychology of emotion course (super super excited for this class), and I registered for a yoga class for the semester! I feel like having yoga twice a week will definitely help with stress and relaxation and just overall keep me on the right track health wise for the semester! I think I’m taking a total of almost 18 credit hours but other yoga class itself is 2 credits so it’s definitely gonna be an easier semester at least schedule and course load wise.
My work bestie had her baby shower! I can’t believe she’s 8 months pregnant with a little boy, he’s already so lucky to have her and her man as parents. She was absolutely glowing at her baby shower and I’m so happy that I got to go and support her. I’ve known her for going on three years already so it made my day to both be invited and get to see how excited she got when I went.
I bought matcha powder! (Amongst other health stuff, including some new gym gear for my lower body days) I have a mini traditional matcha set so I thought I’d finally use it no bought some matcha powder online! I’m super excited to try my hand at making myself matcha lattes. I even bought a milk frother so I’m a little excited.
I changed up my fitness goals and routine a bit. I’m still going to the gym 3 days a week for weight lifting, but now two of those are lower body days and the other is an upper body day. I’m also going to continue with my two days of cardio but on those two days I am also going to do some at home mat Pilates to help with my overall fitness, appearance, and health goals. I’ve heard that some lower intensity workouts are pretty good for women with PCOS so I thought incorporating that would be a good idea.
I’m Vitamin D deficient and I had no idea! I used to take vitamin D supplements at my old doctors request when I was a teenager but I stopped when I can rot college because I was no longer being advised to take it nor were my blood levels being check regularly so I figured ehh not a big deal but I recently got lab work done and yep, I am semi severely vitamin d deficient. So now I gotta look into different foods I can incorporate as well as a vitamin d supplement and more time in the sun!
I’ve been keeping up a decent skincare routine with a bunch of new products I bought and can I just say, the Anua Heartleaf Oil Cleanser is an absolute god send. I’m obsessed with Asian/Korean skincare. It’s done so much for my skin, I can’t recommend it enough!
overall, not a bad week this last week. this recap is for only (mainly) November 4th through yesterday, November 11th.
🩷 my upcoming goals and things for this week! (November 12th thru 18th)
Keep up with all my homework and turning assignments in completed and on time. I’m trying to finish the semester off strong, or at least as strong as I can. That just means it’s grind time and I gotta buckle down and get my school stuff done.
Insurance. I need to purchase insurance because the state I live in says I make too much to qualify for full coverage insurance which is an issue with the meds I take and the doctors I currently see, as well as my therapist. Adulting, yay!
Complete at least a draft and/or reel for my dietetics mentor by Saturday/next Sunday as the deadline was to have something sent to her by Monday at noon. So my goal is to have some drafts of content for her as soon as possible.
Work out at least three days this week. I’ve been consistent with going every week for the last four weeks but I haven’t been as consistent with how many days within the week that I’ve been going. So that’s definitely a goal of mine.
Look into a Pilates class/studio I can join by the beginning of next semester. I definitely want to take some classes to help with form and proper technique, but I think I want to give myself some time to build more confidence so that way I can give it my all in the future classes I take. Plus, my finances don’t exactly permit me taking Pilates classes at the moment. So my goal is to do some research now and then make a decision by mid January.
My boyfriend and I are hitting a year and a half together this week! Ahh I love him so much, I’m so excited for yet another milestone. Pretty soon we’ll be coming up on two years and I just couldn’t be happier. My man is my best friend, I’m so lucky and grateful that I have him in my life, especially as my partner <3
Attempt to make a matcha latte! My matcha powder comes in this week so I’m gonna try my hand at making my own matcha now!
Keep consistent with my skin care and self care. Also pick up journaling again this week as I think it’ll help me sort out my stressors and anxieties without harming my relationship with my man or my relationship with myself. Self care and working on my own well being benefit me in so many ways, I just need to keep consistent with it.
Restart my Duolingo and Busuu streaks as an attempt to get back into learning the Japanese language! Also begin to pick up Spanish again! Spanish is not too difficult for me to understand as a lot of people I’m around speak the language and I also took classes in high school and some in college. So I think splitting my time between Spanish and Japanese will be good and keep me from being bored and dropping my language studies altogether. I’m going to start with Spanish Duolingo and just go from there with it! once I get more comfortable with the languages I will start making small posts in those languages! Spanish will definitely come easier than Japanese tho, that’s for sure.
that’s all for this upcoming week! It feels like it’s going to be busy but next week is our break for thanksgiving so that’s one week of rest and relaxation and recovery for me. I won’t be spending the holiday with anyone but I don’t mind, it gives me a day to be mindful and grateful and just give me some time to myself that day, and for the whole week. Everyone who knows me in person knows I definitely need the time for myself. I think it’ll be very restorative for sure.
for those of you who follow my side blogs for my fitness, I’ll be posting to it here soon as well! I think I might update you on my current split and routine more in depth then what I mentioned here. And I’m going to drop a review of some of the new skincare products I’ve recently bought and tried as well! I’ll try to do a mid week update this week on this blog too!
til next time, lovelies 🩷🤍
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anderscim · 1 year
oh! something actually not about david for once
(whit young train of thought)
(take this giant wall of text with a grain of salt)
// spoilers for drdt chapter 2
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i believe many of you have already picked up on this, but i’m just thinking about how whit uses his sense of humor and his lighthearted “indifference” to deflect any feelings of grief.
okay i think i’ll have to explain a bit further so. here we go
think back to whit’s secret:
“your mother is dead. you always omit that truth.”
and, unironically, this is true. he had a couple of opportunities to bring up his “true secret” but never did.
for me, the part that specifically stands out is when he claims his life is too uneventful to know what his motive secret is, and even lists some of his minor secrets to prove his point:
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(side note: whit being a bisexual icon. hehe)
in a way, he’s almost acting like he forgot about his mother’s passing, although something like the death of a family member is usually a painful fact that would hang over people’s minds.
whit probably felt that, if he ever tried to properly process his grief, he would break down as he was unable to hold all of that emotional baggage at once. so instead, he pushed his mother’s death into the back of his mind; in doing so, he wouldn’t have to remind himself of it again.
also, when he admits to his secret during the 2nd trial he handles it very lightly.
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he mentions it in passing almost as if it’s a spontaneous realization, rather than something that hangs heavy on his mind.
and yes, i do know that there isn’t really much else he could say here, but i still feel like it’s important enough to address. and this may just be me, but i feel like his word choice was really vague which seems slightly out of character for him—but i may be wrong about that so i’ll fact check later.
both of these together, i think it’s safe to say that whit:
refrains from addressing anything about his mother / repressing his grief surrounding her death
tries to act indifferent about it
and my personal interpretation is that he does this so he doesn’t have to deal with his grief.
however, this doesn’t just apply to his family.
this also applies to whit’s sense of humor in the killing game. think about the number of times hu had to yell at him at class trials for the way he seemed to be taking everything lightly—at first i didn’t think much of it, but now, i think the reason why he’s actively trying to be lighthearted, and comes up with as many jokes as possible during the trial, is so he doesn’t have to think about the fact that someone just got murdered.
whit’s current lighthearted demeanor is his coping mechanism, but i feel like he’s accumulated a lot of bottled up emotions over time because of it. however, he’ll have to face them sooner or later—and i think that’ll be a very important portion of his character arc.
and actually, i’m kinda scared that character arc is gonna consist of whit actually having to face grief head-on sometime in the next two trials or so.
and uh, i think
you know
what i mean
silently places a death flag on charles
feel free to reach out to me, refute me, etc. whatever floats your boat honestly
because i would LOVE to hear your opinions on this! really
(and as always take this with a grain of salt)
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targaryenluvs · 14 days
Hi! Congrats for your 100k likes!! 🫶🏻
I’d love to request for a matchup with a male character from House of the dragon if that’s okay!
my pronouns are she/her and I’m asexual biromantic. I’m an ESFJ and a Gemini. I have green eyes and dyed cherry red hair. I dress with vintage/fairy grunge clothes. Long skirts and corsets are my fav type of outfit. I wear lots of rings and crystal/pearl necklaces and love to exchange them with others. I also have tattoos, currently I have three but I’m planning to get more; and I recently got a vertical labret piercing. I love to wear makeup and come up with something creative and different everyday. Also if someone lets me do their makeup they’ll have my heart forever.
I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own. I love making others laugh to lighten the situation. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for someone else but sometimes it’s hard for me to say no to things. I also dislike when someone is too serious and really can’t take a joke as I tend to use humor as my coping mechanism. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
My love languages are, receiving, physical touch and words of affirmation and giving, quality time and words of affirmation.
I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading (I love reading out loud to others, when I read dialogues I act them out a little to help picture the scene). I especially love fantasy and I recently got into greek mythology. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends anytime I can. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid.
Have a good day 🫶🏻
a/n: hi my love! thanks for participating and thank you for reading ❤️ i personally see you with…
aemond targaryen!
take care
you’d been worried sick whilst waiting for your husband to return your chambers. to the point where you were borderline considering sending out your guards to look for the silver haired man.
your worries settled as the doors opened to make way for a particularly bruised up aemond, which had you out of your bed in seconds. “oh my heavens, what happened to you aemond?”
he ignored you, instead changing into the clothes laid out for him. you knew better than to push your husbands boundaries. but he could at least try to give you peace of mind.
“if i wanted to tell you i would’ve, no?”
that sure as hell made you quiet down, as you sat back down on your side of the bed. the silence irritated aemond, he didn’t mean to snap at you. you were the one person he actually cared for besides his family, which you were now.
you laid down quietly, staring off at the stars that shone through. aemond laid down next to you, trying to find the words that seemed right.
“will you read tonight?” a small smile came across your face, “of course, if you tell me why you’re bruised and cut.” aemond scoffed before straightening up, “i was only practicing, it was dark and i was distracted.”
your eyebrows furrowed as you sat up and turned to him, “what distracted you from training?”
“do not. just read.” you grinned before picking up your book, “it is nice to know my dear husband actually thinks of me.” you teased as aemond removed his eyepatch, you couldn’t help but stare.
your favourite jewel.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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