#it feels like they just don’t want Tim associated with that
starlooove · 8 months
Genuine answer tho kindaaaa because my entire point with the tim wealth thing is that even if the point about it not having much basis in canon was true (which. Lmao) it’s still gonna impact how he’s written by the writers and viewed by the fans; when it comes to writing stories a lot of people see middle class as the Relatable class which is precisely why I think those hardcore Tim Stans are pushing it so much
#im not gonna make it long bc like. if u get it u get it there’s not much u have to explain#but i am gonna say it’s very funny they don’t wanna say he’s broke#if his wealth doesn’t matter at all they could easily say he has nothing#but they’re too classist to say it#hard assumptions buuuuut im not giving plot points don’t impact character guy the benefit of the doubt#when it comes to monetary status there are implications that come with them#when it comes to the general public middle class has the most neutral implications#atp with so many convos on class consciousness and negative traits associated with the wealthy#it feels like they just don’t want Tim associated with that#imo that’s what makes him cool#the fact that he’s extremely intelligent but held back by limited world view which can cause him to fuck up his relationships (steph)#or be callous and cruel in his words (Jason when Tim was first starting as Robin)#i think him choosing to be Robin even tho he would’ve arguably been extremely successful otherwise#and choosing to have this worldview expanded in ways that he might not like (his arrogance biting him in the ass meeting ppl like Lonnie-#-learning to extend empathy and compassion in a way that might seem unnatural at first) is cooler than middle class kid picked up by#billionaire like the other 20#plus i think him being written as the opposite of Jason was so intentional that to ignore it is stupid. not even explaining like c’mon man#but i think the parallels this creates with Bruce -did NOT have to do that shit ur life is WORSE bc ur doing that shit- are fun#like in conclusion if u wanna ignore that Tim’s rich fine whatever#but ur so boring and I’d rather watch paint dry than hear whatever you have to say about him#there’s too many bad things associated with both lower class and higher class for them to be comfy with tim in either#so they’re pushing for neutral middle#just like tim isn’t arrogant and rude at times but he’s also not a complete pushover#so he’s smart but he forgets to take care of himself#he’s not Bruce’s favorite because Bruce is so mean but he can’t be Bruce’s least favorite so he does everything for him#just bland takes on bland takes bc God forbid the rich white boy has some spunk#which is a massive disservice to his character btw. like i hate on canon Tim a lot but he’s interesting to me#it’s why takes like this don’t even piss me off or anything it’s just. so boring#evil opposite to ‘Batman is the man Bruce is the mask’#ur so smart and profound I’d love to hear more. please tell me about how much tim loves coffee and worshipped Jason as Robin.
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phoenixkaptain · 3 months
DC is so silly because none of them can agree on what Batman’s motivation actually is.
Like, does this guy only care about Gotham City? Is he obsessed with keeping this one specific city safe? Is obsessed to the point that he’s willing to risk other people’s lives in the pursuit of justice?
Or, does he care about other people? Alfred, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, even Selina. Is he obsessed with keeping his loved ones safe? Is he obsessed with keeping Gotham safe because he wants the people in Gotham to be safe?
Does he train Robin out of a desire for a soldier or a need to cling to a thread of humanity? Does he keep Alfred employed primarily because Alfred is good at keeping secrets or because he trusts Alfred to keep his secrets? Does he ever love any of the women he dates, Selina included, or does he see them as another part of his disguise?
What is Batman’s motivation? What is he feeling at any given time in a story? What keeps him going when the nights drag on endlessly? What makes him get out of bed? What makes him take care of himself so that he can take care of it? Is it Gotham, or is it the people in Gotham?
And honestly, the answer is all of the above. The writers don’t agree on the answer, so the answer is that all apply. Batman would die for Gotham, Batman would die for Robin, Batman would die for Alfred. Batman wants to protect Gotham more than anything. Batman finds that he wants to protect Robin and Alfred and those he loves even more than Gotham. Batman views Robin as a soldier to be kept at arm’s length. Batman views Robin as his son and loves him like a father would.
It affects everything that Batman touches, this inconclusive motivation. Batman views the Justice League as his friends, his family even. Batman never gets close to any members of the Justice League because he only views them as associates and nothing more.
Batman can be conceivably anything. His motivation can become anything. Because his motivation is set up and reset and reset and reset- his motivation, what he cares about, it can be basically whatever you want. Whatever the writers want.
And this is why you have people hate Batman because he’s cold and uncaring and nigh abusive. You have people who love Batman because he thaws for those he loves and is kind and caring. You have people who like Batman because he’s good with children. You have people who like Batman because he’s awkward and doesn’t even know how to hold a child.
All of these versions have been portrayed, and sometimes multiple versions are portrayed in the same comic line. Batman lets Robin tease him and misses Robin when they’re apart, but he also gets mad at Robin for something that he has to know isn’t Robin’s fault. Batman is cold and distant to Robin but also says he trusts Robin as much as he trusts himself. Batman doesn’t know what Tim’s family life is like because he doesn’t feel it’s important, as long as it doesn’t affect Tim’s work, and he also asks Tim to tell him about his family’s situation because he sees himself in Tim and wants to offer comfort.
These are all Batman, but are also not Batman. Because the writers want you to view Batman as whatever they’re portraying him as in that one specific comic. What is Batman like? Well, it depends on the comic issue, not the comic series.
I like to focus on Bruce having interests and cares outside of Gotham alone. I like writing him as having friends he trusts and kids he loves. Because this is more interesting to me than the Bruce who is cold and uncaring. But, I also understand that this isn’t the only way he’s portrayed. This is the way I perceive him, the way I read all of his comics and the reason why I can make excuses for his actions that others find objectionable or unforgivable.
My way of reading Bruce isn’t the right or wrong way to do so, because there is no wrong way to read Bruce’s character. He’s genuinely been portrayed as just about all the versions you can find. And of course people exaggerate, they worsen him or (in my case) make him better. Which isn’t wrong either.
Batman is both a loving and a distant father. Batman both cares only for Gotham and has interests beyond Gotham. Batman has no friends and a few close friends. Batman is serious and dark and brooding and Batman is silly and playful and pretending to be emotionless. The writers don’t agree, the fans don’t agree, no one agrees so Batman is a nebulous character of clear motives only when it suits the narrative he’s engaged in.
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ijustthinkhesneat · 4 months
I feel compelled to expand upon the previous fae/folklore! Batboys headcanons:
-Bruce is just a straight up normal human. I think this provides a great opportunity for angst because unlike his immortal? children Bruce does age and it terrifies them. And Bruce is young he’s in his early 30s but like his knees will crack a little or his back is slightly stiff after a bad patrol and it just sends them into a spiral because they cannot fathom their dad not being around forever. I can definitely imagine them trying to strong arm Bruce into becoming some flavor of unaging. You could go super dark or just more generally emotional angst but damn the possibilities.
-Cass is giving me shadow person. Very cryptid of her. I’m not sure that I have a clear backstory for her worked out yet. Either magic gone wrong or she’s another flavor of undead like Jason and Tim. I like to imagine she just hovers over people at night to be creepy.
-Originally I wanted to say Duke was a Will-o-the-wisp. But I’m not really sure it fits, especially since he’s primarily active during the day. Then it hit me. Mothman. My lamplight boy is a moth creature. I like the idea of him hiding his little antenna under a beany and wearing sunglasses. The wings would be difficult. But my boy is creative.
- I think Steph and Barbara are also human like Bruce they just are extra bad ass.
-Coming back to life as a magical creature warps peoples memories and emotions from both the trauma and changing into something not human. Tim is significantly less effected than Jason, at least outwardly, because he was only a toddler when he died so he didn’t have many memories or experiences to draw from, but Jason was super volatile. His memories surrounding Willis became even more dark while his memories of his mother sort of glossed over her absentee parenting and drug use. Jason can’t help but struggle with associating the negative learned experience he had with his first paternal figure with Bruce. Jason ends up going to live with Talia for a while because he doesn’t want to feel that way about his dad anymore.
-Basically I think Jason, at least mentally, is the most human of Bruce’s kids besides Damian because he actually lived a life as a human, where as Tim changed so young that he doesn’t really know how to be anything but his extremely disturbing self.
-I think Gotham just has major ‘I do not see it’ energy. Like The Batfamily? Demons from hell. The Wayne’s? Hot neurodivergent people. Did you see Dick Grayson unhinge his jaw like a fucking snake at a gala? No you didn’t he just has a really big smile. Jason Todd??? Has scales??? Nope actually he just developed early onset Eczema and he’s really self conscious about it how dare you! Tim Drake sucking the blood of the himbo blonde boy? Everyone knows Tim and Bernard are total freaks. Cassandra Cain is your sleep paralysis demon? Honestly fair.
-It’s totally a coincidence that strange misfortune befalls anyone who threatens the Wayne’s!
-Clark is Bruce’s favorite man to sleep on so he gets a pass. I don’t know why but a midwestern spin on the story of princess kaguya lives in my head rent free. Like Martha Kent is just shucking corn and then boom baby in the corn. We call that children of the corn. I still love to imagine him being like so perfect that it’s high key alien, but his little sharp nails and fangies! Maybe even slightly pointy ears. And like Clark fully thinks he is human, like his parents don’t tell him humans can’t fly until he’s in kindergarten, and even then they just tell him he is special and learned super fast and shouldn’t embarrass the other kids and Clark is such a Good BoyTM that he just never uses his powers in public cause he doesn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. Like bro doesn’t learn he is adopted until he is about to go to college, he is just straight up clueless.
-Clark learns Dick is a Fae creature when Batman brings Robin to the Watchtower cause he couldn’t get a baby sitter and Alfred doing some spooky shit like dusting the mausoleum. Like Batman just slinking around but there is this super colorful child with him. And then Dick turns and smiles and it’s just so wrong, like his mouth just stretching his face like some horror movie shit. Clark almost shots himself cause like what the fuck. Bruce told Dick to just ‘be himself’ so like he just thinks he’s being friendly. Despite being creepy as all hell Clark kinda thinks Dick is super adorable. Like was he spider crawling around the floor with all his limbs bent the wrong way while Bruce and Clark were talking? Yeah but then he just tugged on Bruce’s cape to ask for a juice box, like that’s a baby.
-Jason freaked him out in a different way. Since Jason is undead he doesn’t have a heartbeat and doesn’t need to breath so when he isn’t moving he makes literally zero noise. When he first met Clark he was just watching him from around corners and behind stair banisters and Clark was convinced he was losing his mind and hallucinating the kid from the Grudge. Then Bruce is just like “Oh you met Jason! He’s so sweet, just a little shy. He’s my second oldest! I think he likes you though.” And then a little grey blue slightly webbed hand just reaches around the corner to give a little wave and boom Clark would kill for him.
-Tim is similar in that Clark has trouble pinpointing his location because of a lack of normal bodily functions, but Tim has no idea what a boundary is. So like at first he’s a shy little toddler and then that night he’s crawling all over Clark and pranking him nonstop.
-Damian is a baby but like Clark looked in his eyes and just felt like this infant could see his past present and future and was judging him heavily. Clark was relieved cause at least he had a heartbeat.
-Cass lives to fuck with Clark. She’s Jason’s age but not only has no heartbeat and doesn’t breath, when she is in shadow form he can’t see her with X-ray vision. She can literally make herself undetectable to Superman. He learns this one night sleeping in a guest room at the manor. He gets the feeling he is being watched but can’t find anyone. Then right when he relaxes her arm shoots out from the darkness under his bed and grabs his leg. Clark screams so loud it cracks the window. And then just nearly silent muffled laughter as the arm retreats into the darkness. He X-Ray visions but nothing is there. He demands to stay in Bruce’s room after that. Bruce is just like “Oh that was just Cass. She likes playing practical jokes, she is my little princess!”
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igotanidea · 1 year
Anchor : Jason Todd x reader
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Requested as a part of my 1k celebration by @yourmomsleftmissingpinkytoe: late night with Jason Todd .
“I like having you like this, you know.” Y/N smiled lightly, closing her eyes, her head lying comfortably on Jason’s thighs.
“Like what?” he smirked, running a hand through her hair.
It was that one night since forever that he did not spend on patrol. Or at least, not in the whole. He went on for a while, but quickly realized nothing was really happening. Therefore after checking his usual enemies and conforming that is was indeed peaceful came back to his girl, to spend some quality time with her. (if only the boy knew it was Tim and Damian who saw Y/N hurting and missing him so much, it physically hurt them so they took action to remedy her bad mood)Jason didn’t know how much he missed her, but it was not his style to relent so quickly. He just had to tease her a bit. They were sitting on the rooftop of her tenement house, surrounded by dark, staring at the space, hoping to see something more than Gotham’s somberness and gloominess. Two dreamers, two caring souls that found each other in the most hopeless place on earth. Indulging in each other’s presence.
 “Peaceful” her e/c orbs met his and he caught himself melting in the warmth and love he saw in them “not running around, chasing criminals, getting hurt. Not soaked in blood and injured. Just …. you.”
“That’s pretty unusual, huh?”
“Very….” She sighed deeply.
“you’re cold, princess” he cupped her cheek gently rubbing it “Maybe we should get back inside?”
“No, please, I don’t want to ….”
“You’re gonna get sick.”
“I don’t mind a bit of a break from everyday duties.”
“Bet you just want to stay in bed instead of waking up early, don’t you?”
“Sure. Preferably if I can keep you there with me…” she grinned, but quickly turned serious again, eyeing him with so much love it was impossible to keep it all inside. She might have been cold, but inside she was melting just because he was hers for the moment.  
“Come here” he urged her to get up and shrugged off his jacket, swaddling her in it. It smelled like him – gunpowder and cigarettes, he was trying to ditch - and she just couldn’t stop sniffling the material. It was surprising how much those scents grew on her. She hated them at first, even despite the fact that she was born and raised in Gotham and probably should have been used to smelling those at every corner. But that was before him. Flavors once connected with fear and pain, now were associated with safety and longing and loving teasing.   
“Did you just inhale my jacket?” he smirked
“You said you quit smoking” she retorted “liar!”
“I said, I was trying to. Never guaranteed any results.”
“I wish you were as effective with this as you are with crime lords in your Red Hood version.” She shook her head “Aren’t you gonna get cold?”
“Nah. I think I’m hot enough.” Jason smirked again, impatiently awaiting her reaction.
“Sure you are, Todd. But you got a 10/10 girl in front of you, so are you gonna take some action or not?”
“Mmm, let me think a moment.” He squinted “Not.”
“Not?! Why not?”
“Because I just want to hold you and feel you next to me. Not under me.”
“Oh, I can be on top, you know that.” She scoffed “in fact, I think you prefer me there, don’t you?”
“I…..” he blushed a bit and it was so adorable she just couldn’t help a little laugh
“Jason.” She cooed snuggling into his side “Come on, you don’t have to be afraid to be a little sensitive. It’s me.”
“I know.”
“So what’s on your mind, pretty boy?” she wrapped her arms around him and he put his on her shoulders pulling her closer.
“I like having you like this too. It’s just so normal and natural, being with you. And that scares me.”
“Why?” she asked softly, trying her best not to startle him, not to break that little moment of honesty and  vulnerability. “tell me, so I can make it better.”
“Huh!” he snorted “we both know me and normalcy does not work well together. I let my guards down for a moment and people just pull the rug from under my feet."
“Did I ever?” she whispered, entwining their fingers in a gentle, fluid motion. Their hands just aligned so well. Maybe he needed just a little comfort, reassurance and reminder he was not one of those "people"
“Never.” his response was immidiate
“So what’s the worry? If it’s all about that danger and protection shit again we’ve been through this million of times before, Jay.” the girl rolled eyes at him "You, Jason Todd, are getting bo-riiiiing....."
"It's not just that." he muttered
"We've also been through honesty and being more open in this relationship...." she pointed out "go on, spit it out."
"I'm worried about the future."
"Future? You? Since when?"
"Since I met you." he looked straight into her eyes and the amount of feelings he was holding in one simple gaze shocked her. It was like an electricity in her veins.
"Hey...." she cooded cupping his cheek, speaking with the most calming and convincing voice she could produce "I'm not leaving you, you know that right?"
"I know, but ...."
"I'm also not planning on getting killed or hurt or abducted or raped or whatever. Get out of your head, Jay, can you do that? For me?"
"I'll try...." he smirked
"Please tell me it's not gonna be the same try as with your smoking."
"Promise." he kissed her temple with a loud peck. "Teach me how to do that?"
"For starters you can just focus on the moment. I mean, living in it, not planning or forseeing or wondering. I just need you to be, Jay. Nothing more. No contingencies, no strategies. No danger. You're with me. You're safe. And if you need an achor to reality, I'll be yours. How does that sound?"
"I'd like that...." he mummbled again, pulling her closer. Due to some crazy magic her words and caresses were calming him down, a bit. "But if you're my anchor, does this mean I am your ship?"
"Oh, love, you have no idea about the ship for us in your family." she laughed
"Wait! WHAT!?"
She could swear his scream was heard in the whole Gotham and his family, who definitely was on the patrol might have actually heard it. Y/N almost heard Dick's laugh in her head and was pretty sure the brothers were going to have a litte discussion on privacy in the neareast future.
But for now, she was going to keep Jay with her for as long as it was possible.
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Day twelve of fic NaNoWriMo, obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU.
Tim waits until the next morning, after their latest Young Justice sleepover has both occurred and concluded, and catches Kon while Cissie is bullying Bart away from the pancake mix and taking over the kitchen for her and Cassie to make everyone breakfast. It’s their turn, which is for the best; last time was Kon and Suzie, and they’d absolutely wrecked the kitchen before finally confessing that Kon had never actually cooked before and Suzie didn’t know if she knew how to. 
Breakfast had been Pop-Tarts and it’d taken them two hours to clean up the kitchen. Tim had just decided not to ask questions, at that point. 
“I’ve got a summary of the intel you asked for,” Tim says, holding out his single-page “report” for Kon, tucked nice and neat into a manilla folder. Kon looks startled. 
“Huh?” he says, blinking down at the folder. 
“I looked into Tim Drake,” Tim clarifies. “Long story short, you’re in the clear. His grades are stable, his disciplinary record isn’t concerning, and his psychological profile falls within acceptable parameters. His mother passed away a couple years ago, but his father just got remarried and he and the stepmother aren’t involved in anything shady, there’s no other relatives or criminal associates on record, and the family business’s practices are only a little morally dubious, which in Gotham is practically sainthood, frankly. Maybe don’t accept any unsourced archeological finds from him if it comes up, but otherwise you should be good. Go ahead and make friends.” 
“Uh, right,” Kon says, a brief flash of embarrassment crossing his face as his ears redden. “Friends. Yeah. Uh–you seriously checked him out to Bat-standards that quick, though? Geez, man, you didn’t have to do that. I coulda waited a couple weeks.” 
“Just rearranged a little casework that wasn’t time-sensitive anyway,” Tim replies, repressing a wince. Maybe he should’ve padded the time a little more on this. He doesn’t want Kon to think he wasn’t taking his request seriously. “Also, he’s a civilian high school student with exactly two family members and a fairly small friend group. There weren’t a lot of rabbit holes to go down.” 
“I guess not,” Kon says, looking awkwardly at the folder for a moment before pushing it back towards him. “Uh. I don’t need to, like . . . read that or anything. If you say he’s good, I mean.” 
“You don’t?” Tim asks, a little mystified. Kon looks embarrassed again. 
“It’s weird enough asking for a background check on a dude who’s apparently just trying to be nice,” he says. “I’m not gonna read it if there’s nothing I actually need to know.” 
Tim blinks, still more mystified, though he’s not sure if it’s Kon turning down perfectly-presented intel on a stranger or Kon trusting his opinion enough to turn down that intel that’s doing it. 
“Okay,” he says. “If you’re sure.”
“Uh, yeah. You really didn’t have to rush it, though,” Kon says, still looking embarrassed; tucking a loose curl of hair behind his ear in incredibly distracting fashion that Tim has to struggle to not be distracted by with limited success. “Like–it’s cool of you, but I really could’ve waited a couple weeks. Like, he’s probably not gonna go full mask-off supervillain day one at the mall, you know?” 
“I had the time,” Tim says, still feeling a little odd. “And it’s better to know before you spend too much time around him anyway, isn’t it?” 
Also, better to know so Tim can progress on bribing Kon out of his shitty lab-life and into a cute little cul-de-sac somewhere. Or an apartment building. Or an apartment block. 
“I guess, yeah,” Kon says, his face inexplicably reddening. “Um. Yeah. Uh. Thanks, Rob.”
Then he zips off abruptly without another word, and Tim is left mildly bewlidered and looking at the empty space he was just standing in. 
“. . . you’re welcome,” he says after a moment, no less bewildered, and puts the report away. 
He doesn’t really get Kon as a person, sometimes, but at least this is another step forward on the plan. He still needs to talk it all out with him as Tim Drake and work him up to it, because even Kon’s very weird socialization clearly still thinks it’s kinda strange for somebody to just offer to rent an apartment for him out of the blue, but then again, maybe that’s just because he thought Tim might be a supervillain. Which Tim still isn’t, technically. He’s like, a proto-supervillain at best. And only when it comes to bank fraud and pre-planning, because if he’s learned anything from Bruce at all, it’s that being the most prepared person in a situation absolutely always pays off. 
Maybe he can get Kon to quit Cadmus completely, if he plays his cards right here. He’ll start with a place that Kon can commute from, or at least by pretending they’re looking for a place that Kon can commute from. Maybe Cadmus would actually fucking pay him more than a pittance and an expense account, then, and Kon could save up a little. Tim should look into what the other field agents get, actually, though chances are “free room and board” is probably on most of their paychecks too, since Cadmus more than likely made most of them too. 
Fucking shitty asshole cloning labs. 
Maybe Tim should actually bribe some lobbyists the next time clones’ rights come up in legislation. Or just as soon as he has Kon safe and settled and secure outside of Cadmus, whichever comes first. That would definitely be a good use of his trust fund. 
Or just all of Drake Industries’ profits for that quarter, depending on how effectively he can distract his dad for said quarter. 
Tim’s a reasonably resourceful person. He could work something out. 
Also, clones’ rights implies getting Cadmus potentially shut down or at least more closely monitored, and maybe conning Superman into paying back child support for being irresponsible with his DNA. An incredibly powerful alien specifically primed for the local environment absolutely should’ve known better than to not have something arranged in case of his death besides just letting someone bury him, of all things. Incredibly stupid idea on his part, frankly. Isn’t there an AI running the Fortress of Solitude, to say nothing of all the androids? He absolutely could’ve set up a failsafe to come collect his body and lock down the Fortress once it was inside. Not a perfect solution, obviously, but definitely a better one than “let Metropolis just do whatever they feel like”. 
Much better, in Tim’s opinion. 
Seriously. Kryptonians are basically invasive predators on Earth. Superman absolutely should’ve known better than to leave his own dead body lying around. Frankly, Tim’s disappointed in Bruce for that one. He really should’ve had a talk with Superman about that particular oversight before Kon even happened. Not that Tim’s complaining about Kon existing, but Kon is basically the best-case scenario they could’ve gotten out of that. What if somebody’d possessed Superman’s empty body? What if they’d stripped it for parts and made a whole army of Supermen? What if any fucking number of things had happened? 
There’d better be something in place now, is all Tim’s gonna say. 
. . . maybe he’ll set up a high-yield savings account for any potential future Kon 2.0’s, just in case Superman decides to be stupid again. Just make monthly deposits and let it all collect interest. Tim’s not ready to be a clone-dad, but he can get the groundwork going. 
Hell, maybe he’ll make a Kon 2.0 one day. 
. . . that is an insane person thought, Tim recognizes. And way farther down along the supervillain pipeline than he wants to be right now. 
Still, Kon’s a hybrid, so he’s probably infertile, right? Which means if he ever wants to have kids or anything, he’d need–
Oh god, Tim thinks, and immediately hides his bright red face behind his fake summary of his own life story. Okay. New thought processes. New thoughts. New . . . everything, at this point. New all-the-things. 
He’s sixteen, he reminds himself accusingly. There is absolutely nothing about the idea of Kon with a little Kryptonian-ish baby that should appeal to him at all at this stage in his life. 
Just, well, his inner future supervillain apparently has a thing for punk telekinetic DILFs, he guesses. 
Well, given the timeline he’s intending to go supervillain on–
If Tim ever meets a telepath, he thinks he should probably just quit, actually. Like, for good. There is no possible way it wouldn’t end in absolute mortification. 
Oh god, Dubbilex is a telepath, isn’t he. Tim is never going to be able to be in the same room with the man again without employing every possible meditation technique he knows, because otherwise his brain is just going to be screaming about what Kon looks like soaked in Kool-Aid with his hair slicked back. Or how he smirks when he’s flirting with a civilian stranger at a café. Or the mental image of him in a crop top and Daisy Dukes version of his superhero costume, ngh–
Tim can definitely just never be in the same room with Dubbilex again. Or Martian Manhunter. Or maybe just anyone. 
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feyburner · 6 days
yeah going a little. hmm. going a little insane over your text fic. Actually going insane
They wanna fuck each other so bad it makes them look stupid
Btw if I’d felt like carrying on for another 10k before the resolution, which I didn’t, the day after they have phone sex for the first time Jason completely freaks out bc he’s convinced he’s Bad News for Timothy and will ruin his life especially if the Bats ever find out, the Bats will definitely think Jason is fucked up for this (projecting.) and will forbid Tim from ever speaking to him again (unclear why he thinks Tim would listen but that’s the nature of the Feelings You’ve Been Ashamed Of Being Unexpectedly Requited panic) and he asks Tim to forget it ever happened and they’re both soooo sad for like a month. And then probably someone almost dies and things sort themselves out. And Tim talks to Dick and is like [guy pretending childhood hero’s opinion does not mean the world to him] Hey so I want to be with someone, he and I are kind of a thing, and I want us to keep being a thing and I don’t ever want to choose but if you force me to make a choice here, I don’t know if you’ll like the result. And Dick is like, Just tell me which Rogue you’re fucking so I know how big of a Biblical fucking drama I’m about to have with our mutual associate and beloved hypocrite Batman. And Tim is like, What??? No it’s just Jason??? And Dick is like [lowering sniper rifle so Slade Wilson is no longer in the scopes] Oh, okay.
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ultraxavbo · 1 month
Hi Guys, I usually don’t post anything, but I wanted to give my thoughts on Tim drake being bisexual.
We all know that Tim drake it’s an super cool Robin, but I feel that the way writers are writing Tim in the comics lately it is just shitty, I fell the way they write about him coming out as bi is not natural and slow, it feels more like forced, they could have just give him his time and write his process to understand himself and his sexuality in a way that it feels more appropriate.
I know many people love it but if I’m completely honest I don’t like it. I don’t mind that his bi I just think now all his character is just him being bisexual.
They just write his bisexual like it is his personality, Tim is more than just a young bisexual men, I feel that dc and marvel en many other company’s want be supportive but this not the way.
LGBT characters have been always be part of the world of comics, but people are getting tired of the “woke” thing and I am a person that’s supports the rights of the community even tho that I’m not part of the community, we just need a good writing, that all I’m asking for.
And I’m nos just talking about Tim drake and I’m talking about Jonathan Kent (Superman son), it happens the same situation with his character. I’m just disappointed that they think this is a good what to write about a character that so importante in the dc comic world and bat-family.
Inclusion is not bad, it’s the way it is portrayed in comics, I know many people associate the word inclusion like it’s something negative or bad, the only bad thing is the way represent things.
Please don’t think that I’m a person that doesn’t like bi o gay people, I just feel the writers just wanted to give fan service but a shitty fan service.
I will like that if you want to share your thoughts on this, please do so. With respect of course.
Thank you.
Xavi Torres
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lemotmo · 1 month
I don’t know what to think regarding buddie. Like one hand we’ve got Tim saying he stopped writing them because he didn’t want to queerbait but now is writing them again because he realized it was harmful to the show to not do so because they are so natural with each other, coupled with Ryan and Oliver having said they want buddie if it happens to be done naturally on one hand and then on the other hand you have Kenny talking about Lou and how great he is and what positive energy he adds to the cast and set and how he can’t wait to see the Buck and Tommy relationship continue on and keep growing.
It’s like what direction are we supposed to be preparing ourselves for them to be going. One second it seems like buddie and then the next it’s right back to feeling like the delusional shipper people had made buddie fans feel like for years now.
Hello Nonny! How are you today? Hope you're having a splendid day.
First order of the day: You are not delusional! We are not delusional! Say it with me! We aren't! It has been confirmed by Oliver and Tim. Buddie was in the works at a certain point in time, but Fox stepped in and prevented it. So no, no delusional people here. We're valid in our convictions.
As for your ask. Well, I don't work for the show, so I don't have any insider information. But I do have common sense, so let's break everything down in smaller parts.
Tim not writing for Buddie anymore out of fear of queerbaiting is something from earlier seasons when Fox was in charge. It's obvious he has changed his mind about it with ABC in charge, seeing as how every single episode has some great and meaningful Buddie scenes. Not just that, there was also a great Buddie and Christopher scene, once again cementing the Buckley-Diaz family as a unit. It's true what he says, they have this natural unforced chemistry.
I didn't know that Kenny said those things about Lou, but I get it. For Kenny Lou is a great co-worker. He has worked with him before in previous seasons and he obviously likes the guy, which... you know, valid. That being said though, Kenny doesn't know where the showrunners are taking all the storylines. Tommy is involved in Buck's storyline and so far only Buck's storyline. (Well, and Eddie's as well I suppose, since Eddie is almost always there when bucktommy are together, which... choices!) Sure, Tommy was at the wedding, but that was only a very brief scene. Also, whether we like it or not, Buck is currently involved with Tommy. So of course Kenny is going to talk about them. What is he going to say? 'Oh hey guys, LOL don't get too attached to Tommy, he won't stick around LOL!' He might have some idea about the oncoming Buddie train, but he can't just talk about that.
Let's take in account all the things we have so far: Buckley-Diaz family in full force, Oliver and Ryan can't shut up about Buddie, Oliver hardly ever mentions bucktommy and when he does it's always in the same way -> Tommy as a guide, gay Yoda to help Buck out. That doesn't sound very romantic to me. Next, Tim likes writing for Buddie (confirmed), magazines are all over Buddie and bucktommy is hardly ever mentioned. The last episode they juxtaposed Tommy and Eddie and showed Eddie consistently by Buck's side, willing to step into his world. Tommy didn't. Lou himself revealed that he isn't allowed to use 'Buck' to address Buck, but he has to use Evan. Evan is a name that Buck heavily associates with his parents and his upbringing. I'm sure there is more, but I can't think of it right now.
The difference in chemistry. I myself don't see it at all, but a lot of people seem to like the bucktommy chemistry in their kisses. But outside of those kisses there is a lot of wooden interactions that don't ring true. I'm not sure if it's intentional or not, but if you place those interactions next to Buck and Eddie's scenes the difference in chemistry is palpable. Buddie oozes natural chemistry. Something bucktommy lack. Again, I really think this might be part of the narrative, to show the eventual incompatibility of both characters.
The list just goes on and on. So, I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to bury the battle axe quite yet. To be honest, I'll probably never bury it. As long as Eddie and Buck are on my TV-screen, I'll ship them, because they are literally made for each other. 6 years of history, friendship, family, hope and love. That is not something to waste and the show knows it all too well.
So yeah Nonny, I said it before and I'll say it again:
I'm securely riding the Buddie train, destination endgame. I won't be satisfied with anything less.
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vinelark · 1 year
do you have any good reverse robins fic to rec?
oh hell yeah!
Reverse Robins: Joker Junior series by miyaji_08 i rec’d the second fic in this series over here for the timkon of it all, but the series—two parts, both complete—is also one of my absolute favorite reverse robins stories. it goes the joker junior!tim route, so heads up for A Lot of tim-centric trauma, but gives tim (and everyone else) so much healing, too. it also gets creative with the robin of it all, as in, the call sign for batman’s partner is different from the jump because dick wasn’t around to originate “robin” for it, which i always think is a fun extra detail. the batfam characters are great and the young justice crew is also great, so read for top-tier hurt and comfort and great characters and satisfying plot and tim and damian competing to see who is the most Tired big brother of the bunch.
blood of the covenant by envysparkler robins are angsty in any order, but man does this hit the angst sweet spot, which in turn makes the soft parts feel even softer. i genuinely can’t decide what my favorite dynamic is in this AU, between damian & tim (damian wracked with guilt, tim hurting and still wanting an older brother even if he’d never admit it) and tim & jason (no spoilers but chapter 4 especially lights my brain up like a supernova) and tim & dick (i think about the part where dick grayson [tiny, cheerful] uses tim [undead, annoyed] as a jungle gym like once a week).
Wing Beats in Reverse by firefright a longfic where jason gets kidnapped by the mysterious red hood, who turns out to be jason’s not-so-dead predecessor. the jason pov here is great, and i was so compelled by how this AU explored his place in the bat family, and how it managed the emotional fallout from the kidnapping. tim is also so interesting in this—it does something i love in a reverse robins concept, which is make tim’s motivations (and lazarus pit effects) less about anger/hurt/revenge and more about ice cold logic, about being the villain so the bats don’t have to/whether they want him to or not. plus some league of assassins trauma as a cherry on top. also, kon gets to show up for a bit. (as a fair warning—and spoilers ahead—the fic has a somewhat hopeful ending for tim, but doesn’t reach full reconciliation in the scope of the plot.)
i woke up so worried that the angels let go by circees a short but potent batkids age reversal au that’s also a grisha au, starring duke as the coveted sun summoner that damian is trying to deliver to safety without mentally adopting a new brother (damian fails on the second part). even with my limited memory of grisha lore i could tell a lot of thought was put into this au, and i have a feeling it would be even better if you are able to catch all the details. i also love that even in a fantasy world where some of the bat family have magical abilities, duke is still extra special—a great analogy to being a metahuman among the bats.
The 90s Are Back! by RedWritingHood saving the two silly ones for last to lighten the mood! in this one, red hood!tim gets de-aged to sixteen and meets all his new siblings. it’s like .01% angst and 99.99% shenanigans, and pretty much all the dialogue is super quotable but Dick holds out his hands like he's calming a bunch of wild animals. "Okay, I know everyone's real upsetti spaghetti right now, but I think we all just need to calm down." might take the cake.
Clowns Don’t Kill People by mademoisellePlume very short, very silly reverse robins brother shenanigans, in which tiny dick grayson isn’t scared of recovering joker junior!tim because dick, having been raised in the circus, doesn’t associate clowns with evil yet. the fic is fun (and a great palate cleanser if you need a break from the angst above), and the author’s note at the end made me fully laugh out loud.
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cassandracain52 · 12 days
Alternative Bat ship names
Some of the batship names leave much to be desired (as I somewhat mentioned here )I wanted to propose some new ones or bring awareness to ones I think should be more popular! My credentials are that I was a part of the RWBY fandom back in 2015 so
Pairing: Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon
Original: DickBabs
Alternative: Nightwatch
"DickBabs" is not that bad tbh but also not at all creative. “Nightwatch” Was something I first saw on Spotify as a ship playlist name and thought it fit perfectly. "Night" is the first part of Dick’s hero name and watching the BatFam during patrol is kinda Barbara’s whole job description so it combines them both beautifully
Pairing: Bruce Wayne and Selena Kyle
Original: BatCat
Alternative: Thieves Crusade
“BatCat” just feels too much like “CatDog” and I don’t want to associate them with that. Now the easy choice is to go "Black Cat" As it still fits them but that's not that much better creativity wise. "Thieves Crusade" Is fairly self explanatory with Selena being the thief and Bruce being the caped Crusader but is also Selena’s goal in a way
Pairing: Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown
Original: TimSteph
Alternative: Ultra Violet
Again, “TimSteph” isn’t the worse but it’s just so bland. "Ultra Violet" Is the name of an energy drink which while mostly fanon based does remind me of Tim and Violet is a shade of purple which is Stephs favorite color
Pairing: Damian Wayne and Nika
Original: DamiNika
Alternative: Knightshade
I just don't like the way "DamiNika" sounds. "Knightshade" would be said the same as "Nightshade" which is a poisonous plant. Damian is the heir to the mantle of the Dark Knight(something he use to point out often) and Nika's whole powers surround death so I feel like it can apply to them both
Pairing: Conner "Kon" Kent and Cassandra Cain
Original: KonCass
Alternative: Star-Crossed
"KonCass" could be worse but it also could be better, it also is a bit too close to "KonCassie" for me which is a whole other ship. "Star-Crossed" Is a bit more of a stretch but my reasoning is that DC had set their relationship to fail from the beginning so the phrase itself fits and also one of the only "dates" we really see of them in canon is when Kon takes her into the sky to see the stars and the clouds(Kon is also half ailen which can kinda apply here)
If anyone knows some other good ones please share! I'm not even saying these are particularly great, In fact I’m aware they’re not, but I just miss the fun shipnames so bad:(
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arkhamknightmare · 10 months
Inspiration Saturday
(Just a little late)
I was tagged by @generatorcat thank you!!
This is from a jaytim fic I’ve been working on for awhile where Tim becomes Red X but no one knows it’s him.
Before Jason could even say anything, Red X was soaring through the air. He landed in the alley where Robin was. More accurately, he landed on Robin in the alley, kicking him in the stomach before tumbling to the ground.
“What the fuck, X,” Jason muttered before shooting his grapple to follow his mysterious new ally.
When he landed, he found Red X holding Robin up by the collar of his uniform. He was holding him up against a wall and the latest Boy Wonder already had blood running down his face. Was that from earlier in patrol, or had Red X done that to him just now?
“It’s all your fault!” Red X hissed in his modulated voice.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Robin spat, stubborn as ever. “I don’t even know who you are.”
Red X slammed Robin into the brick wall, his head making a resounding thud upon impact. “I don’t care. You’re still a spoiled brat who needs to be taken down a peg,” he said, charging up the X on one of his palms.
“Hey man, take it easy,” Jason said carefully, approaching slowly.
Robin seemed to just notice that Jason was here. “Hood, is this psychopath with you? I know you do things differently than we do, but this seems a little too far--”
Red X cut Robin off with a swift fist to the face. “I’m not a psychopath!”
“X, come on, just let him go,” Jason pleaded.
“No,” Red X said vehemently, slamming Robin into the wall again. “He deserves this.”
“Listen, he’s not my favorite kid, but I don’t think he did anything to you,” Jason argued.
“Gee, thanks Hood,” Robin muttered. “Wait until Batman gets here, then you’ll be sorry,” Robin sneered, turning back to Red X.
That seemed to set him off. As soon as Robin mentioned Batman, Red X started slamming him into the wall repeatedly, his hits getting faster and more aggressive as he went.
Whoa, was Jason’s only thought as he surged forwards, prying Red X off of Robin.
When he finally pulled him away from the young sidekick, Jason pinned Red X against the wall on the other side of the alley, holding his forearm under the antihero’s chin. He stared at him for a minute, trying to understand the sudden change in temperament that Robin, or maybe Batman, had caused.
“I don’t usually associate with Batman,” Jason said calmly. He heard Robin snort, but he chose to ignore that. “But I’m not his enemy. We have a sort of understanding. I stay out of his way and he leaves me alone. I don’t work with him often, but I never work against him, not anymore.”
“That’s great for you,” Red X said, his voice sounding frantic, even with the distortion from his mask, “but I have my own agenda.”
“Well it seems like you have some shit to figure out then,” Jason said, digging his arm into Red X’s throat. “If you’re gunning after any of the Bats, we’re through. But I don’t want that, and I don’t think you do either.” Jason pulls away, watching as Red X drops slightly from where Jason had been holding him up. He keeps forgetting how much smaller than him this guy is. “Go think it over and get back to me when you make a decision.”
Red X stoods there, staring at Jason for a moment. Whatever he was thinking or feeling, it was a mystery because of his mask. Jason watched as he jumped and disappeared midair.
“Todd, what the hell was that about?”
Before Jason could answer, he heard a thud behind him. “What happened here?”
“Todd’s new sidekick just beat me half to death,” Robin said, brushing himself off.
“Names,” Jason said, not like it mattered.
Batman turned to Jason, his face a mystery behind the mask. “You have a sidekick now?”
“It’s more of a partnership,” Jason said.
“What was his name?” Robin asked. “I heard you call him X.”
Now Jason could tell that Batman was angry, even with the mask in the way. “As in Red X?”
“Who is Red X?” Robin asked.
“Ask your big brother, he’ll tell you,” Jason said to Robin, not looking away from Batman. “I’m trying to help him.”
“He kills people,” Batman said.
“So do I.”
“That’s my concern.”
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crimzoncrow · 1 year
tell me about the purring fics. i must know. 1 2 AND 3
So! I’m actually going to try and find the dates of my initial ideas for them, bc some of them are older than the others!
Technically speaking my first purring fic idea is from March 6, which was simply, “kon can purr and tim makes it his mission to make him so happy/content that he does so,” which kind of evolved into purring fic #3.
Purring Fic #1: Injuries and Consequences
The first purring fic is from March 23, it looks like. This is actually one of the ones I’ve mentioned to you before!
Kon first discovers he can purr pretty soon after he came out of the tube, even if he doesn’t really know what’s up with it, specifically. He doesn’t purr very often. He thinks it’s embarrassing. Over time he does get more comfortable with it, but it’s still something that’s weird for him & as he gets more comfortable with it another problem arises.
Tim, mostly thinking to himself out loud, brings up that Kon’s purring might have a similar kind-of-healing effect that a cat’s would. Kon hears this and goes “oh, yeah, that’s a way to help people” and starts to try and make himself purr for other people when they’re injured. Usually it’s easy enough—he likes spending time with most of the people he’s trying to help, and usually he can also do something else or have them pet his hair or something depending on the person—but over time it gets harder and harder, and he purrs less and less when he would genuinely be otherwise.
What he doesn’t realize is that he’s building up an association between him purring and one of his loved ones being injured, which isn’t really conductive to feeling happy and safe and content. He doesn’t even notice when he altogether stops purring normally. He doesn’t notice anything’s wrong until he tries to make himself purr again for an injury and he just can’t do it. Even then, he doesn’t really bring it up with anyone else. It can’t be that big of a deal, right?
He wouldn’t be surprised if Tim did this on purpose. Not the getting stabbed part—not this time, at least—but the falling asleep on him part. He’d suggested before that Kon’s purring might have a similar soothing, kind-of-healing effect that a cat’s would, and if Kon had a hole in his gut he’d probably want some magic healing sound effects too.
He can purr. Sure, it won’t be natural, and, sure, it might feel weird, but he can see how Tim’s face scrunches up even in his sleep and he knows that he can help, so he will. He can purr. Except he can’t.
This fic is also where the first timkon quote I’ve ever posted is from! This one:
“Mm…” Tim tilts his head. It’s obscenely cute for someone who’s probably in the middle of psychoanalyzing him.
The fic would probably follow Kon from getting more comfortable with purring to only purring to help soothe others to not being able to purr at all to trying to start getting better with everything purr-related, with maybe flashbacks or dreams or something to get in points with what happened between him first figuring out he can purr and the start of the story. I think the original plan was for that to be included more thoroughly in the fic, but at this point it mostly depends on how big of a project I want this fic to be whenever I do come back to elaborate on it.
Purring Fic #2: The Sickfic
Exactly what it says on the tin! This one is from March 26. It has less of a focus on the purring bits than the others, mostly being centered on the whole sick part of sickfic. It’s also a bit shorter; it was always meant to be a oneshot while the others were meant to be longer!
Kon gets sick. I don’t know if I ever specified how? He gets sick and it sucks and he is very unhappy about it, understandably so. He tosses and turns in bed and is already icky from being sick and on top of that him being sick for whatever reason makes him even more aware of his senses, so he’s overwhelmed from everything going on around him on top of that.
Tim takes care of him while he’s sick. He does his best to make sure that there isn’t any more sensory input than there has to be, and he stays with him as much as he can. Most of this fic would be Tim taking care of Kon, basically. Kon feels icky and gross and Tim helps as much as he can. The purring comes in at the end, when he’s just exhausted and out of it and Tim’s running a hand through his hair and even though he’s sick he just feels content in that moment. He doesn’t even know he can purr, let alone that he did purr, until afterwards when Tim tells him he was.
He groans yet again when his door clicks open. Tim says nothing as he shuffles into the room, the door shutting with a thump behind him. A plastic bag crinkles in his hand. He opens his eyes to look and immediately shuts them again. It’s too bright. He rolls onto his stomach to bury his face in his pillow, then barely a second later rolls back onto his back because his nose is still all stuffy and he couldn’t breathe right. Something—the lightswitch?—makes a plasticky click across the room, and even with his eyes closed the darkness feels so much better. The plastic bag’s rustling and light footsteps’ thumping and Tim’s heartbeat and all of his inner organs’ sloshing noises come closer. Tim’s hand presses against his forehead and it’s kinda gross with all the sweating but it’s cool and the touch might fry his brain a bit in a bad way but it fries it in a good way too and he tries to lean into it with what he thinks has to be the most pathetic sound he’s ever made ever.
This is also where another one of my already posted quotes comes from:
Ugh, he just wants to turn off sound. All of it. The world’s sound rights are gonna get revoked and Kon is gonna be the one to do it.
This one probably fits the category of “purring fic” the least. It’s mostly here because of a followup idea, one to make it part of a series where Tim tries to make him purr more often or tries to figure out what makes him pure and Kon tries to get more used to the fact that that’s even a thing he can do. Which, now that I think about it, is kind of similar to another idea I had.
Purring Fic #3: I am going to punch Tana Moon directly in the face
The other one that I’ve told you about! From March 28. Apparently all of these came from the same week of time, which is wild.
Kon figured out that he can purr around when he got into his relationship with Tana. Most of the beginning stuff stays pretty similar to the start of fic #1, except with more of Tana’s… everything. Kon only really purrs around her because he still to some degree finds it embarrassing, and he thinks he wouldn’t be taken seriously as a cool, awesome hero if he purred. He gets flustered whenever he does wind up purring, usually exemplified by some comment Tana makes about it.
Kon represses everything hard when Tana dies, including purring. He just doesn’t purr after her death. He doesn’t even think about it. Honestly, he just completely forgets that he even can purr until someone else brings it up years later because apparently he’s been purring while he sleeps. His purring being brought back up drags a lot of things back up with it, and he can’t just ignore them now that he knows that they exist.
Bart tilts his head. “Why don’t you ever purr? I’ve heard it. You were sleeping and you told me to pet your hair so I did, and you started purring.” he nods sagely. “It was very cute.”
A muscle in Kon’s arm jumps. Aw, you can purr? That’s adorable!
“Don’t call it that.” He says it meaner than he means to, but any remorse is buried under the memory of the last time someone found out.
This one would also cover a longer period of time and recover like #1, too, though what exactly it covers would be slightly different.
Secret Bonus Purring Fic #4 (I counted wrong): “I Need to Pet You for Research Purposes”
The only one on here that isn’t hurt/comfort, as well as the only one (primarily?) from Tim’s POV! From… three or four days ago, I think? Tho it expands on another idea from June 4.
Tim notices that Clark and Jon can purr and realizes that Kon can probably purr too. This is actually the one that #2 reminded me of! Tim figuring out that Kon can purr through Clark and Jon could be substituted with the events of #2 with minimal changes. I think I like how it is now, but that is an option I’m gonna keep in mind :]
Tim notices that Kon can probably purr and decides that the best thing to do would be to embark on an adventure of using the scientific method to figure out if he really can and how to make him. Most of his initial attempts fail, but eventually he does figure something out.
This would be part of a trilogy of either oneshots or short chapter fics, all following timkon with Tim doing some scientific method something instead of talking about things like a normal person. I’m v heavily considering also doing a sister series thing with Kon’s POV, but I’d want to finish the initial ones first before branching it into something else.
This all also also reminds me of another idea I had a while back, where Tim spends waaay too long watching and observing Kon for Kon to not notice it. For this fic, though, at least the first one, Kon doesn’t really notice something’s up aside from Tim just being kind of weird. Not weird enough for it to be out of his usual range, though, so not weird enough for him to bring it up as a concern.
This one doesn’t have a quote yet, but it does have more of a solid outline than the other three!
That’s it for the purring fics, at least that I can remember! I could probably go on about them more, but I’ve already written more than I thought I would! V happy to continue about them, though, as well as any other ideas :]] It was fun to talk about them!!
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doodlegraveyard · 2 years
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3/5 specialist designs (riven and sky can be a set because they’re both pissing me off)
[Image description: Specialist redesigns. The Red Fountain uniform is restyled as something like a cross between a fencing uniform and futuristic flight suit, a white and grey cropped military jacket with high boots and gloves with pointed, dragon-like flairs. A red crest in the shape of a dragon is over their heart. All the Specialists wear the uniform a little differently: Tim, slim with shaggy brown hair, wears his jacket open, as it’s a bit too large; his weapon is styled as a laser crossbow rifle. Brandon, broad and confident, wears some additional armor and heavy duty gloves, wielding his oversized halberd phantoblade. Helia wears a monk-like red sash draped over her shoulder, with three pleats signifying she is their upperclassmen; her hair is pulled up with a pin in the shape of a dragon’s head. End description.]
long winded mess of thoughts under the cut
my rage and confusion @ why the red fountain uniforms are BLUE...(didnt make them all-red bc i know the paladins who show up later are also red... anyway i like the white) i also got rid of their unnecessary color coding and just let each boy wear the uniform a little differently. There are red capes for the standard uniform most students just don’t wear them on missions for practicality’s sake.  I was trying to balance sci fi and fantasy and im really partial to it tbh.
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Red fountain thoughts: there are courses for Specialists and sorcerers, but the sorcerer core is much smaller, exclusive and specialized and is mostly for older students/basically the equivalent of extended education (all the sorcerers at red fountain have to go thru basic specialist/combat training, its one of the things that are specific to this ‘order’ of sorcerer.) In my quest to differentiate witches/fairies/the male magic users (i’m using ‘sorcerer’ over wizard bc i like it better that's all) i decided that sorcerers have an almost dnd cleric/warlock pact with a Magic Entity who they draw power from. This power can be revoked hence theres developed an almost a monk or knight-like code of honor and ethics in most larger sorcerers orders. In the case of Red Fountain they are, of course, Dragon sorcerers. I’m making Dragons a bit rarer and more revered (what with them being associated with basically the creator deity of this world) so those skinny things the specialists ride are....draconic animals but not Dragons. i’ll call them drakes or make them wyverns maybe?
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Anyway the RF Sorcerers all swear fealty to The Dragon of Red Fountain who i imagine is mostly dormant in a secret treasure room lair at the center of their school-fortress. MAYBE this is where Helia was for that hot second where she ‘dropped out’ of being a specialist (YET HELIA IS A SPECIALIST AGAIN LATER WITH NO EXPLANATION......i want the show to know theres a difference between ‘ougjhgutj mysterious’ and ‘literally we know nothing about what this person has going on’)
Also. I made Helia a girl. I know he’s already a bishonen but i wanted to co-ed-ify both RF and Alfea and while background male faries works i REALLY wanted an on screen female specialist. Figured it was easier to just trans one of the existing known characters than ingratiate ppl to a new one and tbh helia is the one this affects least. if anything it makes her more interesting. also that agonizingly shy non-courtship between helia and flora where they like barely talked but are obsessed w each other IS lesbian behavior.
Helia in my version has a Reason to be there, which is, ‘this underclassmen squad is STILL not meshing and they keep Causing Problems, also maybe one of them is under watch bc he mutinied/got mind controlled, here is an upperclassman to be In Charge. She then proceeds to NOT be helpful in solving their problems.
Bran’s weapon got switched out. a polearm feels appropriate for a royal guard while also feeling Stately enough to lend to him making a convincing fake prince? he’s definitely the tanky guy here
I love Timmys little mullet. I feel like he’s from a colony planet for some reason. some backwater moon, smartest guy in town who got into a really prestigious school, u know? Also I am a “Timmy is the leader” truther
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imnotoverlyobsessive · 7 months
What do you think of the timothee chalamet SNL joke? Do you think it was in poor taste and just really bad timing or do you think it speaks to something deeper. I honestly no longer know what to think of him anymore. Dating Kylie Jenner and now being a part of a terrible SNL skit. Sure he didn't write it but he did agree to say it. I don't know part of me wants to believe the better in him but another part of me doesn't want to feel like an idiot if I am wrong.
Okay so I originally wasn’t gonna talk about this just because people are so reactionary with it and I’ve seen friends of mine get like death threats and shit, so I will preface this by saying the following:
1) I am not a Zionist, more on my beliefs in second. 2) I am a smut writer with various mental illnesses, please do not rely upon me as any sort of authority because I am a certifiable mess. 3) If anyone sends me hate, I will report you immediately. I’m not going to engage with it or respond to it; the only thing you will get from sending me hate is reported and blocked.
So I do think the joke was mostly a situation of bad timing. Something I’ve learned recently is that in other cultures, joking about this kind of thing is very much not done. That’s not the case here. In the US, we make those kinds of jokes all the time. This is the kind of joke you might see on, say, South Park. There is something to be said about the fact that the death is still happening, but, well… that hasn’t really stopped shows like South Park and Family Guy from making those kinds of jokes before, has it? But yeah, either way, it was bad timing.
Do I think Tim is a Zionist? No, I don’t. The beliefs of most Jews I’ve spoken to about this is basically, “yeah, Jews should be allowed in Israel if they want… and so should anybody else.” I think he likely has a similar viewpoint. I think he was given a line and he said it. The joke, I’d like to point out, was just, “Hamas is not an organization you’d want to associate yourself with publicly.” That’s it, that’s the whole joke. It wasn’t suggesting or implying that they (SNL) were pro-Israel, nothing like that. Just “Hamas is not an organization you’d want to associate yourself with publicly.” It didn’t mock anyone who had died or was suffering, it was just saying that you don’t wanna publicly associate yourself with Hamas. That’s it.
I was not remotely bothered by the joke when I saw it, honestly. It didn’t occur to me that people might be this upset by it until the next day. If anyone is so bothered by it they think Tim deserves hate, I think you should really dig deep and figure out where you being upset is rooted. Is you being upset about it just a reaction to what other people said? Did you feel that way upon first viewing? If so, I think you should ask yourself why. If you’re angry about what’s happening over there (and I think we all should be, because it’s horrifying), don’t misdirect that anger at some actor who only has a platform becauee we gave him one and whose opinion would otherwise be irrelevant. Direct it where it belongs: with the Israeli government.
Edit: also btw anyone who supports Hamas is gross and that includes the Israeli government
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clambuoyance · 1 year
ngl I know nothing ab your DC blorbos except they're gay and cool or something Idk I just think they're neat... I'd ask what comics I could read ab them being super blorbo-y but Idk...
OKAY so there’s a lot of characters in dc but the ones I draw/talk about the most are these group of friends!! They feature in Young Justice 1998, Teen Titans 2003, and Young Justice 2019, as well as having their own comics and other appearances :)
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each comic run has different vibes but my personal favorite is yj1998 bc I like its wacky and zany vibes. It was not my first comic though, and it’s a little older so it might be hard to understand or read if it’s your first time reading comics like this, and again it is old soooo some stuff does Not age well such as certain jokes or depictions and it is of course not all perfect but overall I love it and think it has a lot of heart
I think i have a lot of fun with it bc it feels so…animated? And it has funny slapstick humor. Honestly I probably like it bc it makes me laugh the same way ninjago makes me laugh…a group of 4+ friends that have cute dynamics with each other and just Being Silly Together. I really don’t know how to explain it but between all three runs, I can see yj1998 in my head the most as a wacky animated show with exaggerated bouncy animation idk so that’s part of the fun for me. I think the moment I realized this was going to be a long term emotional investment was When I read the issue where they randomly end up on a planet and have to play baseball bc I am a SUCKERRR for baseball shenanigans
But yeah the group starts out with Bart, Tim, and Kon in JLA: A world without Grownups, and they just have a good trio dynamic 🙏 the banter between all three is so good 🤩and I liked seeing their friendship develop throughout yj1998 too! Especially for Tim, with his hesitancy at the beginning.They weren’t without conflict ofc but that adds to why I like them bc eventually they became besties for life. They are also quickly joined by others but the main one that stays w the group through all three runs is Cassie Sandsmark , aka Wonder Girl ii.
But yeah I guess some things I like are the way they actually Hang out? like they will do camping trips or go to the mall and games together etc etc, but there will be parts that feel more serious while never losing that humorous tint to it. For some examples, I love how Tim tries to be a leader in the beginning, but then one arc shows just how much Cassie is more fitting for it, and how they bond over Leader things like how hard it is to tell Bart what to do and then will share a really nice hug 🥺, and I love Cassie and Cissie’s relationship a LOT because they sometimes misunderstand each other but clearly care for each other (they aren’t canon but in my heart they are.) I also like Tim and kon’s build towards understanding and friendship for a similar reason, and cissie and Anita also have a nice development with each other, but yeah all the dynamics are just fun to think about tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️ I am pointing at them eagerly and going “wow! Friendship!!”
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And as for the guy I never shut up about…well that’s a whole thing I could ramble about but i became obsessed with him the moment he quoted Peter Pan while lamenting about how he was afraid his friends would leave him behind after several issues of him acting like Hot Shit and erm I’m predictable so it got to me 🙄 also he makes dumb jokes every second like he expects someone to laugh at them like he’s so dumb sometimes….anyways I do not want to ramble too much so I will get on with it
I was only familiar with his black tshirt look before, so when I first saw this goofy looking dumbass with a leather jacket and glasses and an earring I WAS LIKE “THATS SUPERBOY? THATS REAL?” and quickly became interested in the notion of a Superman associated hero wearing something like this bc I don’t think my brain ever considered the possibility before….also it is something I cannot explain some panels just activate my cuteness aggression 😔 I just think he’s really cute 🫶🫶🫶
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crushedsweets · 2 months
it’s been a while back so i’m w more song analysis!! this is too long i’m warning u now. in fact this might not even be readable im so sorry it’s just. so much rambling 😭
when memories snow (more mitski mm also i got tickets for her tour and i will not shut up ab it!!! she’s so cool!!!!!!!) is incredibly tim coded. the very sinister chords at the chorus, really makes you *feel* him spiralling - and the LYRICS ugh very ‘i’m trying to ignore/suppress my memories but they keep coming back against my will’ slash ‘bottling up all my feelings and forging on with my work. pretending they don’t exist’
hate yourself by tv girl is very nina x kate (in the sense of kate watching nina destroy herself for a man who does not even like her) ough. ‘i think you’d fall in love with anyone who fell in love with you / and they frequently do’ BC KATE DID!! kate fell in love with her!! also ‘i’ll just wait til those arms belong to me’ is so subtly manipulative which is very. yeah. kate’s definitely not perfect and i wouldn’t put her above being like that if she really wanted to. + the deceptively happy instrumental with vaguely dark lyrics = nina being overly outgoing and social to make up for the fact that her mental state is in absolute shambles (poor bby)
the wolf by siamés is both tim and brian but i think leans more brian (what is it with this man that makes me think of ‘walking music’. ykwim? the chain, the wolf, house of the rising sun all remind me of him. all very slow-threatening-determined-walk songs) once again, driving beat, heavy bassline. (i play bass guitar so i love a song w an interesting bass part) i think shows resilience as well as grounding - imo he’s always been one of the more mature / level-headed creeps, to the point he’s very self aware. this man knows exactly what he’s doing at all times. ‘somewhere far away i can hear your call’ even in the future when he thinks he’s escaped from slender he knows deep down he’ll never be truly free…. yes ok
keep myself alive by get scared for jane. she’s so angry - AS SHE SHOULD BE and i feel it’s just a audible version of her rage. ‘i just wanna leave this place behind / everytime i see your face in mine’ because her and jeff have the same burned face thing going on…….. ough. she can never escape from the man who ruined her life. the guitar shifting from this melancholy, reverb-y tone in the verses to the loud distortion in the chorus reflecting her mood shifting from self-pity to raw anger
bonus: class of 2013 by mitski x toby
i should rlly make a playlist for each creep but i use musi not spotify 💔
- 🌙 anon
sorry for making u read all of this ❤️
anon. oh my god. i need you to know how often i think about this ask. and how guilty i feel knowing i shouldve responded forever ago but kept putting it off. im going to respond now with shame. thank you so much for your patience. my god
when memories snow for tim is soooo real. i associate him with a longing for life before slendy, while also repressing it cuz it hurts knowing itll never ever come back. going to bars, hanging out in his friends apartments, going to class, late night driving... "I shovel all those memories, clear the path to drive to the store" i think even the imagery of him shoveling snow out of a driveway gives off that sort of strong, cold idea of him. and 'drive to the store' obv being...proxy work... SO SAD
ALSO FUCK NINAKATE MENTION IM IN TEARS ok listen. theyre both really bad. and i super agree that kate might be a bit deceptive and manipulative (intentionally or not) cuz she wants nina to completely remove jeff and take his place (NOT HIS ROLE, just his place in ninas arms). also "how long will it take before you start to hate yourself and go straight to the arms of someone else" i think its undeniable that ninas obsession with romance is related to her own self image, and kate doesnt really like herself that much either. "im not saying that you love me, im not saying anything" OHH BUT SHE WANTS NINA SOOO BAD... man.
also im absolutely in love with how you take the sound itself into account, not just lyrics. the way you explain the wolf connecting to brians determination, reslience, and grounding presense is SOOO PERFECT and i can see it in the first few lyrics as well. the also "sneaking in the pain, every truth becomes lie / i wont trust myself once i hear your call" THATS TIM AND BRIAN COME ON GUYS DO YOU HEAR THIS
also i love keep myself alive. i heavily agree she has every right to be angry, and thats a core part of her character - rage, grief, strength. "to sleep i of course think i'm stronger now / to sleep i gotta catch myself" im crying. the sleep menton + she feels alone. she has a support system, a literal wife, but she still holds all of her grief on her own shoulders. who the fuck else can relate to being violently stalked for months, walking in on your parents being tortured together, being attacked, nearly burnt alive, then LOSING your parents? also "how could this dark cloud make me stronger now" i think a lot of people would have told her that her experience made her a survivor and made her strong and whatnot. but i dont think she feels that way. i think she feels like a victim, she feels tortured, she feels like that same little girl who'd sleep in her parents bed after a nightmare - but this isnt a nightmare she can wake up from. her parents bed burnt to ashes. there is relief in just letting yourself grieve and hurt - but she's so beyond focused on being strong. and it doesnt make sense to her. doesnt make sense how she can be strong after all of that . but she is, cuz she has to be
ALSO YES OH MY FUCKING GOD CLASS OF 2013 DFUCK FUCKFUCKF FIFJF FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKK i dont even need to explain why this gets me. yall already know. my god
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