#he’s not Bruce’s favorite because Bruce is so mean but he can’t be Bruce’s least favorite so he does everything for him
deaddovedecadence · 8 months
hello ! I hope you’re well I wanted to ask you if are planning to do something about the platonic batfamily ? Thank you for your work, you’re literally my favorite blog 🥰. (sorry if there are spelling mistakes)
Ah thank you for the question i love it so much! What we’re doing today is breaking down each yandere and how they treat you in order
Alfred: very gentle, very caring. He makes you think that he’s on your side only to betray you if you ever try to run away. His loyalty is to the health and well being of the family and if you left it would nasty for all parties involved. He isn’t overly possessive, and is the most likely to let you out and about (so long as you’re with him or another trusted member of the family)
Bruce: At least you were a tool for making up with his son, but he grew to see you as his own child. You’re younger then Dick so he treats you as such, and is very unlikely to let you out of his grip,/let you out of the house because he’s paranoid. He’s the ultimate possessive yandere, wanting to keep you safe in the house at all times. He’s like this with his children too but because they’re fighters/have proven themselves it’s a lot different
Dick: Good luck with this. Dick sees you as someone who deserves childhood, who deserves to be young, so he treats you younger then you actually are. He’s very possessive, and almost doesn’t realize that you’re capable of taking care of yourself and he’s ver y smothering because of that. He’s the type of yandere to be in his own world and not really see. things as they actually are..
Jason: Caretaker to the fucking MAX. He likes. taking care of people and things that he considers his and you are absolutely one of those things to him. He needs to tak3 of things because it makes him feel real, feel. focused again especially when he’s tired of angry. The least likely to ever hurt you but will break you mentally if he has to.
Cass: does not get it, at first. She doesn’t understand why her family wants something that she perceives as helpless as one of them. Cass is all about getting her shit done and you interfere with that. It isn’t until she sees Jason visibly relax around you and stay in the same room as bruce that she understands. You keep things stable which means that you need to stay. She‘ s obsessively, can be cruel and uses physical punishment like forced dancing or sparring to keep you in check if you leave or deny your place in the family.
Tim: Oh good fuck. Tim is pretty close to yandere in canon, he’s terrifying, possessive of what he thinks is his and cruel as hell. with you he’s cruel cold, only to turn gentle when he deems it the right moment. Tim wants to break you because that means that you won’t run away and try to go and be somewhere else (with someone else). Tim is sadiastic and if he and damian are working together it’s best to go and beg jason for sanctuary from them.
Duke: Honeslty you aren’t sure whether he’s like you or like them at first because Duke is so easy doing, listens to your problems so well and makes. you feel like you’r valid for being angry. It’s all true what he says, it’s just that he also is on his family’s side about you and is slowly working his way into your heart in a way that the others can’t because they’ve never been where you (and he) has. Duke is the gentle yandere unless you really manage to make him angry by getting hurt in any way.
Damian: I wish you the best of luck. Damian is the son of thalia and bruce. His ver y nature is to be possessive over anything that he considers his and you are his. You’re his older sibling in a way that Dick is, someone to be trusted, someone to ask questions too, but that does not mean he’ll let you escape. If anything the thought makes him infuriated and he’s likely to blow up. Damian is obsessive, and sadistic, willing to do anything if it means that you’re safe at home with him.
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demon-witch-cat · 3 months
Hi there,
Question for your Branch is Keith’s Unofficial Dad AU (Sorry I can’t remember the actual name of the AU)
How would BroZone react to meeting Keith for the first time? And vice versa.
Also would Keith get along with BroZone?
And would BroZone think Keith is actually Branch’s Son?
Guess I ask more questions than I thought I would😅
(So sorry for taking so long to answer! I feel so bad!) 
Don’t worry, I only recently figured out the name! (thanks to @super-secret-agent-of-sin) Though, their relationship is less father-son, and more just big brother-little brother. That’s just how I personally see them! Which is especially funny when you throw in Brozone, Branch’s “actual” brothers.  
Before I start, I just real quick want to say that this is for if I stick more closely with cannon, where Floyd is the one captured and Keth just happens to tag along.   I have another idea for the AU, where Branch is the one captured, in front of Keith/after saving Keith, instead of Floyd. So, Floyd and Keith both replace/swap with Branch in the journey (If that makes sense). I can talk about that too, but I figured this one would be easier to work with. 
Now, I do like to think that there is a moment for each brother (maybe not Floyd, idk) where they’d see this trolling with blue hair, almost the exact same shade of blue as Branches when he was little, holding their youngest brothers hand staring at them with wide blue eyes, and immediately think “Oh shit, this is B’s kid!” And if they say this, Branch will quickly correct their thinking with a “What, no, Keith isn’t my kid! He’s my little brother, who I adore very much!” saying it both proudly, and slightly pettily. With Keith going “Yeah!” Before sticking is tongue out. 
Anyways, after that part, I think each brother would have a different reaction and feelings. 
Starting with Keith, he doesn’t like them. At least at the beginning he doesn’t. In his mind, they left Branch when he was little, and Branch clearly doesn’t like them, so he doesn’t like them. Because of this Keith decides to tag along on the mission so he can ‘protect’ Branch. Over the course of movie, he relaxes a bit with the creepy stares and feirce and childishly blunt comments. However, that doesn’t mean he likes them, especially with all the talk of ‘perfect’ and them calling Branch nicknames he very clearly doesn’t like. Keith doesn’t really understand the entire situation, he just doesn’t like how they just act like everything is normal with Branch. Like they are brothers. He does slowly warm up to them after the events of the movie though. Eventually seeing them all as older brothers as well. Though not after a bunch more creepy glares, blunt comments, and many pranks. Keith can be a menace when he wants to be. Branch will always be his favorite though, and vice versa. 
John would be surprised, especially with how close they are, and probably feel jealous about it but ultimately take it in stride. Maybe during the fight, he makes a comment on the fact that Keith isn’t really Branch's brother, which sets Branch off even more, but he’d feel bad about it immediately afterwards. Especially seeing the heartbreaking look in Keiths eyes. After the movie’s events, though, he’d be all over it, and I can see him being the first or second brother to win over Keith (after apologizing for the comment). Especially with their common interest in the woods/outdoors (which is also shared with Branch, obviously). I think they could have a cute dynamic, once they get past the cannon drama. 
Bruce would also take Branch and Keith being brothers in stride. He’d also feel very proud of Branch, especially when the first interaction he sees between the two is Keith tugging at Branches hand, asking if he can play with his own kids, and Branch turning to look at him in his own question, before agreeing, insisting that he be careful and to not wander off too far. His baby bro is so responsible and clearly a good big brother! Also, his dad instincts would totally kick in when he’s around him (like with tiny), but at the same time he wouldn’t usually get a chance to act on them because Branch was usually already on top of it. Keith looks like he’s wandering too far off? Branch is already calling him back or walking over to him. Keith’s looking nervous about the situation? Branch seems to know exactly what to do to calm the young trolling down. Hug time? The two don’t even think about it, Branch just automatically opens his arms for Keith to immediately jump into(or, even funnier, Keith and Poppy both race to hug Branch, who looks like he’s just accepted it a long time ago) That part does kind of sting though, as when he’d hugged Branch for the first time in years, he was shoved away with an uncomfortable, yet stern look. And then immediately almost being bitten by the green trolling. 
Clay, for some reason, I see him both the most confused, and maybe the most jealous over this. I don’t know why, it’s not because the two wouldn’t get along, because they would. I just see him being like, “Wait what? You have a little brother? ...How?” Like, same vibe as his late reaction to their grandma having been eaten. But then after Branch giving him a quick explanation, he’d kind of just... Doesn't interact with Keith unless he’d need to. At least during the events of the movie. After the movie events though, Clay would learn that Keith likes to create stories, specifically more morbid stories. Just like Branch, he’d also like to listen to Keith’s stories (I hc that Clay likes a lot of different literature. He just has more of an interest in ‘sad’ books).  
Floyd would be like “Aw, your a big brother now too! That’s so sweet!” And then try to talk to Keith, but Keith would immediately just be on edge and glare at him, considering how the others were. This would throw Floyd, and Branch honestly, through a loop, but he’d try his best to get past it. Branch would try to get Keith relax a little bit, but Keith is stubborn and, as I said before, protective. The others already hurt Branch; he doesn’t know if he can trust Floyd not too. Of course, he’s not as much of a menace with Floyd as he is with the others. But it's literally only because he almost died and is still healing. By the time he’s recovered though, Keith would trust/like him enough not to go full menace little brother on him.  
Sorry, I just went on a tangent here, but I’d been thinking about this a lot! So, thank you for giving me a chance to talk about it! 
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schrijverr · 4 months
You Don’t Know Me, But I Know You 5
Chapter 5 out of 6
5 times Tim showed he stalked Robin + 1 time Jason did
Inspired by this post of thecrazyleader.
On AO3.
Ships none
Warnings: none
5. A Familiar Blackmail Moment
It’s during a chase through Gotham that it happens. Most of them are focused on locating the robber of multiple dangerous weapons when there are suddenly two yells over the coms, before a storm of cursing starts up.
“Nightwing, Red Hood, report,” Bruce demands anxiously.
“We’re fine, Dickface just fucking entangled us on the grapplers, like a fucking Dickhead idiot, stupid asshole,” Jason curses.
Dick immediately defends himself: “This was so not my fault, Little Wing. You’re rusty with yours and being mean about it.”
“Don’t you fucking dare put this on me. You bumped into me,” Jason hisses.
“You didn’t check your six properly,” Dick protests.
“I swear you need to shut the fuck up, right now. I have knives and I’m near all your sensitive parts,” Jason threatens.
“Oh my god, are you two tied to each other with your own grapplers?” Steph asks, sounding delighted at the idea. “O, please say you have a visual on that.”
Barbara chuckles: “Oh, I definitely have a visual on that. They’re properly tangled and stuck. I’m getting a video of them dangling there to use later.”
“You have to show me that,” Steph says.
“Of course.”
“It’s not fucking funny,” Jason complains. “I don’t wanna get blackmailed for shit Dickface did. I refuse.”
“For the last time, it’s your fault we’re in this mess,” Dick shoots back. “I’ve been grappling all over non-stop, you haven’t. It’s okay to be rusty, but don’t start pushing this on me.”
Before Jason can give what would have probably been a scathing reply to that, they’re interrupted by a snort. Tim says: “I find it hard to believe Hood caused that when you got B tangled even in your later Robin years.”
It’s quiet for a second, then there’s chaos on the coms.
“Oh, yeah, I remember that,” Barbara comments, as Steph says: “Wait, you’re saying that Bats and Nightwing as Robin did a fish on a hook impersonation? Please tell me you captured that, stalker boy.”
Dick is whining: “Shut up,” as Damian says: “Yes, I refuse to believe this sort of slander.”
“Slander. Slander?” Jason shrieks. “Golden boy here is pinning his shit on me, that’s fucking slander. I can’t believe you, you know. How fucking dare you.”
“No chatter on the coms,” Bruce tiredly reminds them, something he often forgoes, because they have never listened once in their lives. He has already decided to make a strategic withdrawal when they turn against him, happy to have at least diverted the conversation again.
“Oh, now you’re picking his side, huh? When it’s your dignity on the line as well, I see how it is,” Jason bitches. “Creepy McCreeperson, make sure you find those stalker pics you took so I can defend my honor when this asshole tries pinning it on me again.”
“Not really inclined to help you when you’re calling me a creeper,” Tim deadpans.
“I’ll make you a coffee cake next time they put you on a caffeine ban,” Jason offers, obviously trying to sound enticing.
Dick admonishes: “Don’t bribe Red Robin with coffee. You know it’s for his own good and you know that we’re all above bri-”
“Deal,” Tim cuts him off.
“Hell yeah, you’re my favorite paparazzi stalker,” Jason cheers. “Now shut up, Dickface, and tell me how to get loose without plummeting, since you’ve obviously done this before.”
“I hate you both,” Dick complains, before he starts to explain.
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greenhappyseed · 5 months
MHA 413 leak reactions
ALL MIIIIIIIIGHT!!! HE CAN SEE THE AFO-OFA RESONANCE!! He and Tomura are both seeing Star!!! Also, I’m glad he got one small vestige interaction with Star.
(But at the same time I’m hoping this is it for Star in the endgame, just as we had Nagant deliver a few critical shots from the hospital roof and that was it.)
Tomura has reinforced his heart/spirit, wrapping Tenko in walls of hands. He thinks that’s made him stronger, but it’s really the same hands AFO used to control him. Luckily, there’s a crack in those walls…
Kudou’s plan is to force OFA on to Shigaraki, since OFA can be forcibly offloaded, like a box of chocolates. Or, if not all of OFA, Kudou will at least force himself into Shigaraki in order for Izuku to save Shigaraki. (Yes, I know how that sounds….)
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Creepy overtones aside, I do like the setup. Our heroes have to break the walls associated with AFO to open the crack enough to save Tenko. But forcing a quirk into Shigaraki to change him and make him more “acceptable” also sounds like something AFO would do. Are we the baddies?
En says no, don’t. He’s said 2 sentences the whole manga but the last two chapters he’s been panic-rambling….but then En changes his mind. He says if they’re gonna give someone away, make it him. He’s willing to make the sacrifice. Especially since Smokescreen doesn’t work against the Search quirk OR the AFO-OFA resonance.
Kudou says no, it has to be him because his quirk factor is exhausted. If he’s transferred, his exhaustion will transfer and any attempt by Tomura to use Gearshift will cause massive recoil (worse than the breathlessness Izuku is experiencing).
Bruce (still can’t get over that name) agrees with En. Banjo has nothing to say for once — I guess the loss of Fourth, his predecessor, did something to him. Nana steps in to say Izuku sees OFA as a treasure from his favorite hero, and excuse me I have something in my eye.
AND IT’S DECIDED: KUDOU WAS VOTED OFF THE ISLAND!!! Izuku agrees to send him to Tomura, and Kudou says his goodbyes by telling Banjo and Yoichi to protect Izuku Midoriya (not Ninth). Of course, Yoichi can’t let go of Kudou without a little flirting. My hero, sigh.
Despite the heroic swooning inside OFA, on the outside Izuku uses Blackwhip to tear off Shigaraki’s arm. Shigaraki tells Izuku he doesn’t look like a hero. Which, I mean… generally one doesn’t try to save a person by dismembering them. Or forcing a quirk into them, which was one of AFO’s moves.
Break next week and good for Horikoshi. I’m sure he’s not actually resting and is instead working on the anime and the new movie, so if he needs time to finish the manga the way he wants then I support that 100%. TAKE THEM BREAKS!
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luwritesomething · 2 years
ah, love of my life. this man right here got me years ago into learning more about the batfam and now here i am. you can say it’s kind of his fault. anyways,,, no one asked for this but my brain did. 
requests are open! hit that anon button and tell me your idea!
warnings: swearing, hadn’t been proof-read.
damian’s head is a MESS. don’t get me wrong, the guy is a little genius, but imagine the chaos of languages he has -- arab, english, chinese, i’m a hundred percent he knows russian, urdu is nanda parbat’s official language... 
because of this (^^) he just sometimes shuts down and stays silent. he can’t even think.
he loves all animals but he can’t handle insects. jason found out, and damian bribed him with a collectors special edition of classical books. nobody must know his weaknesses.
he writes in cursive, i have no clues but also no doubts.
words are difficult for him, that’s why he talks the way he does -- so professionally, like he is from another age. 
can stand tim (in small amounts) but no longer they will always have an intellectual rivalry -- it’s probably more from damian’s side rather than tim’s.
he still feels like he has to hide that he looks up to dick.
damian searched what fanfiction was. he’s scarred for life now. 
he’s straight up bored of paparazzi. he’ll go lady gaga on their ass and stare at the ones that are hidden in a bush trying to take pictures of him in secret.
also he will go full cole sprouse on the people trying to take pictures on him while he’s walking through gotham (this means he will snap pictures of the civilians before they snap a picture of him. camera duels, that’s the name)
listens to A LOT of music. everything his siblings listen to, he does too. classical music is his favorite, however. (also enjoys jazz).
taking care of his animals and his duties as robin are his favorite activities.
doesn’t understand social media, but still uses it. he’s too stubborn to admit he’s bad handling that.
too lazy to figure out how to cook, but if he tried in the slightest, he would be an amazing cook.
damian is an incredibly fast learner. it amazes the fuck out of bruce how many new things he can learn in just one day. 
he grows to be an actually very kind person, but his snarky remarks and dry humor never disappears.
likes the addams family. what a surprise.
doesn’t get horror/slasher movies. he keeps getting bored and doesn’t react to the jumpscares. jason says he is dead inside, which everyone agreed on.
they don’t know (^^) that damian is making a superhuman effort to not kick someone when the jumpscares occur because this little guy has his senses to the maximum all the time.
can’t be bothered unless someone is being ignorant or trashing about his family. he’s the only one that trashes about his family >:(
texts like a grandpa but at least he knoews what’s happening (most of the times)
like jason, damian has been kicked out of the wayne family chat numerous times.
has an elderly person soul except for when he’s fighting. then he’s a vicious little shit-
plays piano. no, i will not elaborate.
will correct your grammar in a condescending tone of voice.
“don’t patronaze me.” @ everyone.
has general knowledge about a shit ton of things. and since he doesn’t know how to properly socialize (canon) will spill those facts in order to start a conversation during galas.
has threatened the police -- 10/10 will do it again.
damian couldn’t care less about gossip but since he’s a good listener he always ends up knowing the tea about  E V E R Y T H I N G.
cocky bastard. that’s it, that’s all i’m saying.
he has no idea how to handle compliments. it still makes him freeze whenever someone says he’s cute or has pretty eyes.
“no.” (damian’s answer every time someone calls him cute).
believes in soulmates and in love at first sight, not as a superficial concept but as a ‘i’m clicking and mystically attracted to this person rewardless of their looks’.
reads A LOT.
never as much as jason, and also he doesn’t just read like narrative books -- he reads those thick books about how to do things, biographys, and studies about subjects he randomly knows about.
barely sleeps, if he ever does. 
sleep is for the weak™
(^^) proceeds to randomly fall asleep during patrols or family dinners.
acts like a brat but he actually isn’t -- it’s so complicated to explain, i hope someone just gets it.
at 17 he’s taller than dick and almost as tall as jason. suck it, @ everyone who mocked his height.
jon kent is his Best Friend™
(^^) damian told me himself.
he’s very handsome (canon lolz)
no but like, i mean, he will actually be one of those men you think ‘good fucking lord, he’s handsome’
damian thinks selina is cool.
has a lot of anger and frustration inside. it calms him down knowing jason also has problems like those because it makes him feel more... normal.
because normal is something damian would have liked to feel if he hadn’t been conceived to be perfect.
he would love six of crows -- would really like kaz brekker.
secretly enjoys the ya genre, will never admit it out loud.
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38sr · 10 months
I love your headcanon Bruce for MAWS, but one thing about it really bothers me: Now, if Bruce doesn’t appear in the show, I’ll be sad because you made me think about how cool it would be if he did. But if he *does* show up, I’ll probably just be disappointed that it won’t be as cool as your version :(
Aw anonㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Yeah, unfortunately in animation when you’re working with IPs there’s a lot of red tape for certain things you can or cannot touch. Especially for superhero stuff since that’s been dominating the live-action space since the first Iron Man movie. Sometimes a studio wants to do a D-tier hero ‘cause there are too many iterations of the A-tiers or vice versa.
Since I only worked on season one I truly don’t know what DC characters will appear in season two. But hey, if you guys really want Bruce I mean….it doesn’t hurt to voice that now while you can. Not just for the character itself but if you wanna see more of MAWS.
The truth is that animation in America is made so far in advance (season one production started in 2021, that’s two year ago!) that fans don’t realize how sometimes it’s a little too late to support a show. And that’s not the fans’ fault, you don’t get to see the work at least two years after it gets green lit. So decisions like “Oh this character can be in the show” or “this character can’t be in the show” are decided WAY in advance. But I don’t necessarily think it’s a closed door forever. As long as y’all keep showing up every week for new episodes (especially on cable) that will make execs consider continuing/expanding your favorite shows! Which by the way, the MAWS fandom has been killing it so thank you to everyone who tunes in every week to watch the show and stream it later. Keep it up and make some noise now while you can!
The team is very aware of my Bruce Wayne headcannon and I have gladly volunteered my services if they choose to go that route haha. So yeah, don’t give up hope and keep supporting the show!
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Really excited for how your brotherly love series will go. And I just love how you included Tim and Jason because they’re my faves.
Can’t wait to read about some bonding between Jason and the reader
Sorry this is gonna be a long ass ask because there’s just a lot of things I want to comment on and ask.
There’s so many avenues you can explore. I’m kind of surprised only Damian is the only one who decides to take up crime fighting while the twin is fine with staying behind and exploring the mansion. One question I have is does the reader ever feel as if they’re living in Damian’s shadow? Like especially since Bruce bonds with Damian since Damian has taken up the mantle of Robin, then I’m gonna assume that Dick and Tim also spend time training their successor. Between training, vigilante duties, and time running Wayne Enterprises, that doesn’t leave a lot of free time. Does the reader ever feel left out/ignored or that Damian is the favorite? Or in other words, since the reader hasn’t thrown a tantrum that they’re stuck at the manor and they mainly seem to keep to themselves, do Bruce, Dick, and Tim seem to think Damian is a higher flight risk/the twin that is more reckless and needs more attention?
Poor reader. It hit a little close to home on the insecurities of being irritating/a nuisance to those your love.
Two, I think it’s so sweet that the reader was able to open up to Alfred that Damian yelled at them. I love how at least one of the Wayne’s is able to be open and express their emotions in a healthy way.
Three, you know how DCAU’s Batman vs Robin, Damian has a hard time getting past the security system. Idk but especially since Damian is the one who took up the mantle of Robin and it seems as if his primary focus is on training, I think it’d be such a funny thing to see him frustrated that his twin can bypass the security system with ease when the last time they picked up a sword or did any kind of conditioning was months ago before they lived with Bruce. And even Bruce, Dick, and Tim are scratching their heads since they thought you were the more well behaved and quiet one they didn’t have to worry about.
Damian: *fuming* I trained 18 hours every day for the past two months and couldn’t bypass the electric fence. How were you able to get pass the security system and then travel all the way to another country without any one detecting you until you got back?
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Reader: *shrugs* don’t know. Maybe you’re rusty.
Next point, I mean especially since you mentioned that Jason’s eyes were an unnatural shade of green and he has that white streak in his hair, you can have the reader get inspired after hearing Jason’s story. They sneak away from the manor and try to (or successfully??) revive Ra’s by digging up their grandparents corpse and dunking it in the Lazarus pit.
That would be such an interesting parenting moment between Bruce and the reader. Poor Bruce can’t catch a break. He has to sit one kid down to explain why murder is not justice and then talk to the other kid that death is a natural part of life and it is not normal and somewhat questionably unethical to sneak out of the house to dig up your grandfather’s corpse and dip them in a magical lake to bring them back to life
Bruce: *sitting across from the reader rubbing his temples* so hypothetically if your hamster died, would you dunk it in a Lazarus pit because you missed them
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Reader: I don’t know. I’ve never had a hamster.
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But judging by your tone, I assume you want me to answer no..? You told Damian it was wrong to kill Deathstroke to take revenge for killing grandfather. Hypothetically, if if a very very very bad parakeet killed your hamster—
Bruce: dear god you’ve spent way too much with Jason
Anyways sorry to bug you with the long ass ramble. Hope some of it made sense. Bottom line, I’m looking forward to what comes next and if you ever need a beta reader or just want to spitball/brainstorm with anyone I’m all ears
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You were not bugging me at all, I'm so glad that you enjoyed my story!!<333.
(I hope I make sense in this I have issues explaining things so bear with me)
To go over some of your topics, I feel that Damian is more career driven and felt comfortable being Robin because his life was spent being trained to be an assassin. I feel as if the reader is taking a break from the life they were forced to have by trying to live a "normal" life at the Manor. I will now go more into the topics of reader's insecurities, as we know they feel like they are annoying the people they are around, after a while they start to see how everyone is treating Damian like a normal person, whilst they are being treated like a child(even though they are), and they start to think that since Damian has been proving himself they just like him more. Everyone in the Manor does love them though, it's just Damian has hobbies in common with them so they feel that they have more to talk about(Wayne enterprises/Vigilante work), plus reader just stopped hanging out with everyone so how can people get to know them?
Yes, I wanted the reader to be able to have a healthy coping mechanism such as talking, literally all of the batfam has bad issues with talking except for Jason because homeboy goes to therapy(he too is an ex emotionally constipated person). Also yes reader does just have that magic touch, they are an Al-Ghul/Wayne, everyone knows reader was trained the exact same as Damian so it's a little bizarre that they are so good at something after being away from their training.
The reader is much aware of Ra's dips in the Lazarus pit and how it's kept him alive all these years, but I think that they understand that there is no help for Ra's, just like Talia said "the pit can't help a body that far gone"(or something), the reader is a little upset that after Jason had been beaten and put in a building with a bomb that the Lazarus pit still had a way to revive him(Reader and Damian both love animals and have definitely been in trouble for reviving random animals with dips in the pit LMAO). Reader, Damian, and Talia all share the same hatred for Deathstroke and all want him gone, whilst Damian and Talia are attempting to find and kill Deathstroke, reader just sits back because they know Talia has it handled. After spending time with Jason and sympathizing with him about his death, Bruce realizes that reader is all for getting revenge on people, they never did anything about Deathstroke but fully agree and understand Jason's reasoning behind wanting the Joker dead.
This actually meant so much, I'm sososososo glad you enjoyed Pt.1 of Brotherly Love!!! I have had a terrible night and this made it better!!!<33
( I definitely projected in this story, does anyone else have sibling issues?)
....Much love, Strangeshoepatrolbandit....
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lysol1201 · 2 years
crack ass headcanons but this time they were written at 5am
made this at 5am when i was stressed over school in march and i spilled redbull all over my desk and setup (i was a video game art major so everything i did was on my PC and then redbull got all over it so my life flashed before my eyes. at least i'm graduated tho now lol)
has some 18+ themes on here, nothing explicit just some suggestive jokes.
this is a long one so enjoy bbg's
-Mammon’s favorite marvel hero is iron man because rich bitch
-Satan relates to the hulk, he empathizes with him, satan goes full on empath mode with bruce banner
-MC boutta blare the p*rnhub drums music in HoL, the people who turn their heads
Asmo (lmao duh, also like smirks and is like omg what video)
Levi (he knows what it is but didn’t like it, he prefers hentai thanks. also probs knows from memes, is embarrassed because he’s levi even if he isn’t a p*rnhub avid viewer)
Mammon (oh shit oh fuck)
Lucifer (avatar of horny)
Satan is an intellectual!!! (He looks lol catgirl shit in that history and you know it)
Beel knows the sound but doesn’t care or feel embarrassed cuz it isn’t something he indulges in and Belphie is asleep.
-Levi has had significant others in the past but all have been online and most just stopped coming online after a couple days
-Satan had a skrillex phase, don’t ask why, i just can feel it
-Barbatos once played his playlist when he was baking with Luke and Luke was like “can’t wait for smooth jazz” and suddenly fucken breaking benjamin starts fucking blaring “SAY GOODBYE! AS WE DANCE WITH THE DEVIL TONIGHT! DON’T YOU DARE LOOK HIM IN THROUGH THE EYES! AS WE DANCE WITH THE DEVIL TONIGHTT” and Luke had a breakdown he had to go home. Barbatos was no longer allowed to play his playlist around Luke. So Barbatos played Cooking by the Book in apology. Luke once again got angy and went home.
-Asmo has once convinced Mammon, Levi, and Satan to do a performance for a Christmas event and it was the fucken Mean Girls choreography. Levi weirdly got way too into it
-Asmo listens to NSFW asmr this isn’t a self projection okay look let me explain I tried it out of curiosity and then passed out like good ass ASMR until the sounds of fucking woke me up n e wayz that’s Asmo
-“Oh fuck, Lucifer found the pee drawer… in his study HIGH FIVE” -Anti-Lucifer League
-ButterSock owners:
-“Beel stop, don’t eat your brother-“ -Lucifer
-Who can do the WAP dance the best, from best to worst
Asmo (lmao is that a question)
Barbatos (don’t ask why)
Belphie (weirdly good at things without trying, just kinda like his grades)
Solomon (just listen)
Satan (wasn’t going to let Lucifer be better than him)
Lucifer (could be better if he wanted to but he’s not sure whats worst, being the best at it or being the worst at it. settles with the middle)
Diavolo (mmm fuck)
Levi (probably practiced before it was brought up, but too embarrassed to use his full potential)
Mammon (too much force)
Beel (too distracted by “macaroni in a pot” lyric)
-Pacifist Route Undertale Players:
Diavolo (dunno why I just feel like he’d just be happy to be there)
Renegade Route Players:
No Specific Route:
Both Playthroughs:
-Lucifer wears crocs
-Buys discord kittens nitro:
Is a discord kitten:
Belphie (fakes identity for free shit)
Mammon (b urself❤)
-No Nut November Survivors:
No Nut November Failures:
Lucifer (avatar of horny)
Levi (someone looked at me, horndog)
-“This one’s for you bbg.” *misses*
-belphie studies by listening to like audio shit and falling asleep to it, gets that shit engraved in his brain and he can sleep also win-win he’s unstoppable
-“Hey…. do you know about Candice? Candice dick fit in yo mouth.” -Anti-Lucifer League
-Mammon can outrun lucifer but he lowkey wants to be caught cuz its fun
-“Hey, what do you have?”
“A knife!”
“NO!” -Lucifer and Belphie interaction
-“If you enjoyed the Bee Movie, you’re going to Hell!” -Luke
-Solomon told Diavolo about Spaghetti Tacos from iCarly and Diavolo immediately made Barbatos make some. He loved it.
-Asmo gets Lucifer to do tiktok dances with him and Lucifer is good as fuck
-Barbatos is perfect at tiktok dances. and everything. he’s perfect.
-Belphie is skilled with firearms, be afraid (proof right here)
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doctordirectioner5 · 2 years
Brance (and Finbin) HC’s from my story :)
- Bruce will always protect Finney when Robin can't, resulting in him sometimes having to fight and/or scare his bullies
- Vance isn’t the big bad everyone says he is, at least not really around Bruce
- Bruce adores finbin, they are his favorite couple and the only reason he believes in love
- Vance calls his mom “ma”
- Vance has a light blue electric guitar
- Finbin constantly wants to know what is going on with Bruce or what he’s up to
- Robin calls Finney Mi amor
- Bruce actually likes talking to Vance and being himself with him then with anyone else
- Vance sometimes calls Bruce mean names in a endearing way, which doesn’t bother Bruce one bit
- Bruce will do anything for Vance, even if that means punching someone and being punched back
- Vance’s house is a cute little brick cottage type house, his mom is really into gardening so there's flowers everywhere in the front and backyard. 
- Bruce knows how to do makeup because of his little sister and Mom, sometimes having to cover bruises and wounds from baseball. 
- Bruce draws in his free time
- Vance bakes in his free time
- Vance is a big snuggler, he will not let go once he has Bruce in his grasp while sleeping
- Bruce is more surprised when Robin and Finney aren’t together at the same time, it throws him off to only be speaking to Robin or Finney by themselves.
Here’s the link to my story on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42048615/chapters/105574425
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mylittlediarys-stuff · 6 months
Bite Back Part 3
Part 4- https://www.tumblr.com/mylittlediarys-stuff/738641453738246144/bite-back-part-4?source=share
After Amaka spent about 10 minutes throwing up in the bathroom, she spent 2 minutes realizing that a teacher saw her throw up and decided to call her Bruce and all her brothers.
“Mrs. Rosemary, I don’t think any of them are going to pick up,” She said, wanting to roll up in a little ball and hide in the corner.
“You're right,” Mrs. Rosemary replied. The teacher tried calling everyone at least ten times, but it all went to voicemail. “Honey, do you know anyone else I can call to pick you up?”
“May I ask why I can’t stay here? I mean, the tour is over, right?”
“Yes, but we are staying another hour for the kids to go to the gift shop.”
Oh, I’m jealous.
“Okay, you can call Mr. Alfred then; his number is-”
“Thank you for picking her up,” Amaka heard Mrs. Rosemary tell Alfred before the girl ran to the car.
She was so happy that he got here so fast. But she didn’t want to hear the teacher tell him the whole story about how she threw up.
She looked out the window, and Mrs. Rosemary and Alfred seemed to have quite a good and a really long conversation. Knowing her teacher she was probably trying to find out why no one picked up the phone and she would probably send an email to Bruce later telling him that he needed to pick up her calls. Then he may get one of his assistants to reply to. About 5 minutes later Mrs. Rosemary and Mr. Alfred shook hands and walked in a separate direction. Soon her favorite butler in the world made it to the car.
“Miss. Wayne, how are you feeling?” he asked.
Like shit.
“I’m feeling better, thank you for asking.” She said, “But I might throw up again.”
But I'm guessing that bucket in front of me is just for that purpose.
“Just in case, I bought a bucket for you.”
“Thank you.” She whispered.
“Miss Wayne, may I ask, how did you think you got sick?” the butler asked.
I can name many reasons why I'm sick mentally at least.
 “Well… I had a sandwich. A chicken sandwich and I’m pretty sure that the chicken was a bit raw. This could be food poisoning. But I don’t think food poisoning works that fast. Maybe I got sick from a classmate… It was this one girl who threw up on my desk a couple of days ago.” Amaka just spilled out her thoughts.
Or it could be that spider bite? If that was a spider bite, it could just be a really weird feeling I got. I don't even know if it was a spider bite. I’m just guessing it’s a spider bite. 
“I can assure you that you will feel good as new in a couple of days; just take your time and rest when we get home.”
“Roger,” she said, “Mr. Alfred may I ask, is Bruce okay? My teacher called him multiple times but he never picked up.”
“Master Bruce is having a meeting with the Justice League for the whole day, he won’t be back until dinner,” he said.
“She also called everyone else, though, and no one picked up, are they also at the meeting?”
“No, they're not, I believe Masters Jason and Dick pulled Masters Damian and Tim out of school and went to have a brother bonding day,” he replied.
“Brother bonding day?” She muttered. 
They are all too busy to pick up a phone call. I wouldn't be surprised if they ignored it. They're only busy when I need help. 
Amaka started to look out the window for the rest of the ride, and she noticed just how ugly Gotham looked. The highways are crowded, and each street looks like a homeless shelter or is littered with trash. You could barely even see the sky.
“Why do you live here?” She asked. “You made more than enough money to retire and live somewhere nice, but you stay here.”
“Miss, I stay here because of the Wayne family. It makes me happy seeing how much Master Bruce changed this city.”
Change the city? The crime rate in this city never falls. One can argue that it has just gotten worse since Batman was here. But I can't lie that Bruce does have ambition though. Even with the high crime rate, Gotham has gotten safer, I guess.
Amaka was broken from her thoughts by a sudden feeling. She stopped slouching and sat up straight. Her head started to tingle. She started to look around. She knew that something bad was going to happen but why? Before she could even tell Mr. Alfred anything, she passed out.
Note: I just realized that I never really told you guys what Amaka looks like so in chapter 4 I’m going to try to explain her looks. To be honest, every time I think about her I kinda change into her looks. I can't decide if I want her to have glasses or not. Also, the reason why Amaka uses mister when addressing Alfred is due to the respect she holds for him.
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vellaphoria · 1 year
Can I ask about "truth serum or dare" from you WIP list? 👀
it was originally my February YOTP entry which I am very late on lol
Basically: every year, Bruce makes everyone go through something akin to exposure therapy with truth serum. Tim, Dick, Jason, Steph, and Damian have instead turned it into a modified game of truth or dare where you challenge someone to a dare and if they decline, you get to ask them a question, prompting a forced response via truth serum.
Tim usually wins the game with his lying to Batman skills, but Steph is trying to pull of a surprise victory that year by exploiting Tim's crush on Dick.
Long excerpt is below the cut:
Steph glares down at the aerosol canister like it personally broke her dad out of Blackgate, once upon a time.
"I just don't get why we have to do this every six months," she says, tossing the canister from one hand to the other.  
Tim shrugs. "Could be worse. Could be every two months. Like the Gotham sewer escape drill."
"Ugh, don't remind me," She grumbles.
"At least it isn't shots anymore. That's one good thing."
There's a knock at the door frame.
"Hey, are you two ready?" Dick asks, poking his head in. He looks a bit… dressed down.
Steph almost laughs at that. While comfortable clothes are probably a good idea for tonight, he's the only vigilante she knows who consistently wears his own merch. Though she’d be lying if she said that he didn’t make the too-tight t-shirt and Nightwing sweatpants look good…
"One sec," Tim says. He holds up the aerosol and promptly sprays himself in the face with it.
“Alright. I think it’s working, but…” He raises an eyebrow at Dick. "You get one free shot. Ask me something."
"Why can't I ask you something?" Steph asks, trying not to sound whiny.
Tim makes a face. "Because you know too much," he says. Which is honest, if uninformative. "Also, that was a question."
She sticks her tongue out at him.
Dick, on the other hand, looks like he's really thinking about it. After a moment, he grins. Wide enough that it can’t mean anything but trouble.
"Who's your favorite vigilante in Gotham?"
"You are," Tim says, apparently before he can think better of it. 
Steph gasps in faux-offense. "Rude."
"Hey, he calls it like he sees it." Dick waggles his eyebrows in a way that's exaggerated enough to make Steph laugh.
"Jerk," Tim mutters. Though he smiles as he says it, so he can't be too mad.
He stands up from his seat, putting the aerosol canister back on the counter.
"I think there's an extra one back there if you haven't gotten yours yet," he says.
"Nope, not yet. Thanks for not asking."
It's the tradition, of course, to only ask questions within the game itself or by specific request. Anything other than that counts as cheating, and generally results in automatic disqualification and the offender being made to pick up extra chores from Alfred.
Usually the worst ones. Like scraping bat guano off of various things in the Cave.
“Well, don’t take too long,” Tim says. 
Dick doesn't make any particular effort to move out of the way as Tim walks past him, but he does glance down, his eyes tracking him as he leaves.
Is he… staring at Tim's ass?
When he looks back at Steph, he startles like he'd forgotten she was there. Then his expression turns a little guilty. It's confirmation enough that yes, he absolutely was.
Steph feels herself smirking. Because this? This gives her an idea.
This is how she’s going to finally be the one to finally beat Tim at his own game. And there's nothing he's going to be able to do about it. 
Apparently her thought process is showing, since Dick raises an eyebrow at her.
"Okay…" he says, "that's a mildly terrifying expression. Do I even want to know what you're thinking?"
He shakes his head. Then he goes for one of the leftover aerosol containers.
"Well, better get ready. This game isn’t going to lose itself…"
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stevetonyweekly · 2 years
SteveTony Weekly - November 5th
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Welcome back! I didn’t read as much as I wanted this week, but there’s some delicious stories here. 
***Marks my recent favorites 
An Obeisance to Faults by drifloon
When Tony was little, he hated Cap because he stole Howard’s attention and affection. Captain America was gone, even Tony knew that, but he was right here—dad, don’t you see?
Cap became the standard Howard held him to, and that was the source of Tony’s resentment as he grew older, but eventually—
Eventually, he hated Cap because he looked at Steve Rogers and found himself lacking.
I adore when Tony’s self loathing comes out as aggression towards Steve until he figures out WHY he’s being so dumb. 
in another life (you and i) by isozyme for Kiyaar
It’s a man, half-clad in silver armor. His face is covered by an angular mask, eyes glowing blue slits. The suit is a sick frankenstein of Captain America and Iron Man. Tony raises his palms, readying a repulsor blast.
The man opposite him raises a red-gloved hand which, like a terrible mirror, bears an identical repulsor.
The Civil Warrior makes it to Earth-616 six months too late.
This is so sad. Lovely and so sad. 
moonlit horizons by msermesth 
Tony doesn't believe in magic, but that hasn't stopped Timely's latest visitor from making him an offer he won't refuse.
Ironsides by copperbadge
Antonia Carter Stark takes no shit and no prisoners.
I love this whole fic--female Tony fic is hard to do well and still hit the right note on personality and this is just--flawless. 
I'm in the habit of having what I don't want by wobblyheadeddollcaper
Toni Stark, unstoppable force, meets Steve Rogers, immovable object. It's not love at first sight.
"She'd been prepared to like Bruce since she'd first read his scientific papers. It's a pleasant surprise to find out Clint's been hiding a deadpan sense of humour. Natasha – well, she'd always had a thing for wickedly competent redheads in impractical shoes (see Potts, Pepper) so that works. Thor is just really fucking fun. Captain Steve Rogers is... not."
Another female!Toni fic that’s just super well done--I especially love the relationship between Toni and Natasha. 
Love in every word you say by AkikoFumi
Steve makes a very precious discovery: Tony blushes at almost everything he does or says to him.
So soft and fluffy. 
Brinkmanship by Mollyamory (Molly), Speranza
Robots from the future appear, but only Steve can see them. They thank him for their creation. Then Tony starts seeing them.
I love the playing with time and the way Tony and Steve are brought together. 
your tender touch by Perlmutt 
After the battle against the Chitauri, Tony comes crashing into Steve's life, wonderful and amazing Tony, and Steve falls for him so hard that he can't put it into words.
And Steve feels like a mammoth in the wrong century. It's up to Tony to show him how wonderful love looks on him
Speak Now by iam93percentstardust
Don't say yes, run away now
I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door
Don't wait, or say a single vow
Your time is running out, and they said, "Speak now"
“You don’t have to do this,” he says, reluctantly passing Steve his cufflinks when he holds his hand out for them.
“I know, Tony,” Steve sighs, his refrain as old as Tony’s by this point. “You’ve said that before.”
“And I mean it! It’s not too late to turn around and run away. I’ll meet you at the back of the church; we can take the limo, leave Bucky that ridiculous convertible. You don’t have to do this.”
I am a huge sucker for song fic and this was so we done. 
The Center Of My Universe by KandiSheek
Steve and Tony get hit with a spell that makes them each other's center of gravity. And not in the fun way.
Whoever came up with this curse has a prime spot on Tony's shit list for at least the next decade.
Fresh Start by Annie D (scaramouche)
Everyone can see that Tony and Steve like each other, yet Tony inexplicably turned Steve down. Tony has his reasons, though.
sweet nothing by ohjustpeachy
He would happily spend the rest of his life being surprised by the quiet kindness of Steve Rogers, by the way he gives love in a thousand small, perfect ways every single day, seemingly without a second thought, the kind of love Tony never imagined himself deserving of.
Or, 5 times Tony was caught off guard by his perfect boyfriend.
Steve Rogers Versus The Multiverse by copperbadge
Agent Steve Rogers, callsign Nomad, has been pushed through a dimensional wall. Fortunately there are a couple of Tonys to set things right...
Knock You Down A Peg by KandiSheek
Steve couldn't be happier with his relationship, but he does sometimes miss the feeling of getting fucked. Toni takes it upon herself to blow his mind with a strap-on.
running home (to your sweet nothings) by himboplantdad
i am so sorry for this (no i'm not).
stay tuned for more tswift lyric-based fics because midnights has me in a CHOKEHOLD
I love this fic. I just. Song fics have my whole heart. 
the symphony played when you told me your name by meidui
Tony returns the stones and goes back in time.
The day he goes toe to toe with Steve on the Helicarrier. No, that's too late. The night he lands in a flash of red and gold next to Steve in Germany—no, earlier, earlier. One of the many days Steve wanders down the streets of New York carrying his insurmountable grief, sits alone in his apartment with the shutters drawn as he watches old videos and pages through old personnel files— No, no. Earlier.
The day they pull Steve out of the Arctic.
all that you ever wanted from me (was sweet nothing) by meidui
Steve's not sure he’s ready to hear it from Tony, the same things his ex used to tell him. He’s twenty-four now and he still hasn’t outgrown the kid who dragged his body out of bed at dawn and worked himself to the bones to afford a seat inside a studio classroom.
Tony won’t want to be with that kid.
It's so soft.
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arkhamsrevenge · 2 years
You took my book.
Batman stole your favorite book and Jason helps you get it back.
“I came here for my book.” I spoke. “Not so you can introduce me to another son.” Bruce blinked, showing no emotion. Jason, the son I was now getting introduced to was leaning against one of the marble walls in a black T-shirt and jeans. His eyes were burning right through me. The weather was muggy and gross as always in Gotham. I was on my way to Starr City when I was alerted that someone had entered my home. One look at the security camera confirmed it. But it was not what I expected. Batman had broken in and stolen my copy of Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein. Why? Who knows?
“I thought since you both liked classics you could get to talking.” My eyes flickered to Jason who is just as confused as I am.
“Are you having some kind of mental breakdown?” I asked genuinely concerned.
Bruce let a small smile peak through his scowl. “No. My mental health is not in jeopardy, I sure you.” Jason finally stood up and started to walk away. I thought he was going to leave until,
“I know where he put your book. Come on.” With that he continues walking. I looked back at Bruce who had an odd look on his face. I didn’t push further and followed Jason. He took me into the BIGGEST library I’d ever seen, a house host. The shelves were almost to the ceiling. With paintings and tapestries all over, covering the walls. Golden, GOLDEN, pillars were holding this part of the manor up. Apparently, I stood in the massive wooden polished doorway, with my jaw on the floor a little too long.
“Do you want to get your book back or...?” My eyes fell on Jason, who had a peaceful look on his face. The library must do that for him.
“Yeah...is this place organized by the author's last name?” Jason nodded. “Cool. That makes this a lot easier.” I walked by Jason a little cautiously as he hadn’t taken his eyes off me since I got here. He seemed so guarded. Like I’d attack him at any minute. “Are...you, OK?” I asked. Jason’s eyes lit up in surprise at my question.
“Yeah. Just...get your book so you can go.” I opened my mouth to make a snarky remark but didn’t. I held out my hand as if calling my book and waited. The skin on my hand broke open, showing a glowing red underneath.
“Magic won’t work here.” I retracted my hand, turning it normal, turning to Jason waiting further explanation. “Zatanna's doing. Bruce asked her to. Lots of important documents are in here. Didn’t want...”
I inhaled, “Me to be able to take something. In case we had a falling out again I assume.” Jason nodded.
“Yeah. He didn’t tell me what happened though.” I nodded.
“Wouldn’t have cared if he did.” I said walking to the ‘S’ section. Jason followed a little way behind. Like he purposefully was keeping his distance. “Is there a reason you’re acting like I’m going to burn this place down? Is it because I’m a witch or a bitch?” I tried to ease the tension. At this Jason breathed out a laugh.
“Sorry. Just a little annoyed. Didn’t mean to I was take it out on you.” I waved him off.
“You aren’t just, felt the tension. ‘S’ finally, ‘Sh’ is the next bit...he put it at the very top didn’t he.” I said seeing a book resting on top the giant shelf.
“That he did. I didn’t have the heart to tell you. I can get it if you’d like. You can’t fly up there anyway.” I chuckled. “If only. I’m pretty sure he keeps a tall latter somewhere...there.” I pushed the big silver latter over to the shelf.
“Not to offend you but I still don’t think you’re 4’11 ass is going to be able to reach even with the latter.” Jason joked. At least he’s getting a little more comfortable around me.
“5’2 actually.” I shot back starting to climb. “And stop looking at my ass.” I flashed him a cheeky smile as he rolled his eyes.
“No chance you’re 5’2.” He snickered.
“Wanna consult my medical records?” I said looking down at him. Jason didn’t say anything back, just watched me continue up. Finally, I reached the top of the bookshelf. My book was indeed there. I reached for it, able to grab the corner and inch it over to me. “Screw you. I got it.” I called down to Jason showing him my book now in my hands. He stood there shaking his head. I flipped through it to make sure it was indeed my copy. The notes I’d written on the mergers were all there and the bullet points I wrote on the pathological narcissism of the doctor were still in the back of the book. They were. I was satisfied that this was my copy. I held onto the railing and started to make my way back down, when I heard a metal squeak. The bad kind. I stayed still trying to assess where the damage was. Another squeak rang out, a screw had come loose, the left side of the latter had gone tumbling down and me along with it. Before I knew it, I was falling, fast. Gravity’s a bitch. I finally started to process what was happening about halfway down. This will break my neck...shit and Alfred is gonna be pissed about cleaning up the blood. I waited to hit the ground then. I landed in someone's arms. Jason’s arms. He had a panicked look on his face. My heart pounded in my ears as the adrenaline continued to run through me. My left arm rested around his neck while his right arm supported my back, the other under my legs. Every inch of me felt like it was electrified. After at least 10 minutes of heavy breathing and us just looking at each other I spoke.
“Nice catch.” It came out as a whisper. Jason opened his mouth to respond when Bruce, Tim and Dick came running in.
“Is everyone....” Bruce started before seeing his son holding me. Bridal style. Oh boy.
Dick, always the sarcastic started to snicker with Tim.
“Are we interrupting?” I felt my cheeks turning red, suddenly becoming hyper aware of where Jason’s arms were and how close he was to me. Jason, clearly feeling the same, lowered me down and looked away, trying to hide the pink tint his cheeks were starting to get.
“We’re fine...the latter broke when I was trying to get my book. Jason...caught me.” I explained going to pick up my book. “Bonus points, books not damaged.” I brushed off the dust that accumulated on it from the fall. “I’ll uh...be going now. I gotta meet Barry in Starr City...like two hours ago.” Dick and Tim gestured as if to say, “right this way m’lady” I gave them the middle finger. Looking up Dick burst out laughing at something behind me and Tim held him up from falling to his feet. I turned to see Jason, red as a tomato now. Trying to hide his embarrassment.
“Shut up Dick before I make you.” Jason said trying to sound threatening but ended up making Dick laugh harder.
“I’m-I’m sorry Little Wing bu-but you’re BRIGHT RED! YOU MATCH YOUR HELMET!” Tim then started to laugh along with Dick. I on the other hand had to get going. I rolled my eyes at the laughing Batboys and turned to Bruce.
“Don’t take my shit again...please.” I smiled lightly. Bruce nodded, looking at his sons all wrestling each other now in a big pile. Acting like kids, for once. I saw a ghost of a smile on his face. “Have a nice day, Bruce. And Jason?” I said a bit louder. The boys stopped wrestling for a second. “Thanks.” I smiled genuinely and started to walk away. I turned the corner, seeing Steph propped up against the wall.
“So are you just not going to tell them that Zatanna’s spell doesn’t work on you or did you just want to get closer to the Prince of Gotham?” She said smirking. I smiled not saying a word before rising my hand opening a portal and walking through to Starr City.
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Mary Todd pt 17
ao3 Beginning Previous
Marinette had told Artemis, that the only thing they could do, was live their lives until destiny called. But that didn’t mean they had to be idle, so that was what they did. For the three months between Marinette coming to Gotham, and her scheduled departure to Themyscria, they lived their lives to the best of their ability. Jason and the Batclan got to know Marinette and soon it was like she was always there. Using Longg, she often went out with them at night, but she stayed out of the press and away from the big cases.
When the gala came, everyone agreed that the Wayne’s outfits were to die for. And while everyone expected the designer to draw inspiration to the heroes because of her work for the Heroes Gala in Paris, Marinette surprised everyone by paying homage to the city itself. A negative of the distinctive Gotham skyline was embroidered on Bruce’s solid black coat, which faded into golden stars up his back and chest. Tim’s grey marbled suit was patterned after the Wayne Building, and Dick’s dark blue suit flowed and shimmered in a way reminiscent of the river at night. Barbara’s silver and blue gown was perfectly fitted to her wheel chair, and paid homage to her father who escorted her in with a smile. Cass’s black dress swept the floor with a thousand silver stars, and no one knew that the train was detachable. And of course, Damian’s Forest green suite was embroidered with the flowers and animals found in the Botanical Gardens.  
But Jason, Stephanie, and Duke’s suits were her favorite. Taking inspiration from the neighborhoods where they grew up, Marinette made them the most elegant and royal outfits she could in their favorite colors, and then ruined them. She did it artfully and with intention. Ripping the tulle in Stephanie’s skirt, staining the Gold of Duke’s jacket with browns and blacks, and printing newspapers on the lining fabric of Jason’s coat. If anyone less skilled or intentional had attempted it, the work would have looked messy, and they would have ruined three very expensive outfits. But Marinette had done them, in such a way, that at first glance, you didn’t notice anything wrong with their outfits. It was only on closer inspection that you noticed, the patches on Stephanie’s bodice, the rip in Duke’s tie, and the mismatched fabrics of Jason’s jacket.
The press most certainly noticed what she was doing, and they kept her at the front door for at least forty-five minutes demanding answers. Marinette smiled and explained patiently. “I was adopted from Gotham. In fact, when I was a child I lived in Crime Alley, before my parents, who were visiting, found me and took me home. When I took the Wayne’s commission and these three told me their story, I asked for their permission to share our shared experience with the world tonight. They were very happy to agree, and I’m so glad they did…”
She then proceeded to rave about every single charity, legitimate adoption agency, and foundation available, until Roy, in a more understated but still fabulous suit she had made for him, pulled her into the ballroom. He laughed as he checked his phone when a notification went off. “Looks like you started another internet war.”
“What?” Marinette said as she snatched a champagne flute. She looked over his shoulder.
“Apparently,” he said, “Revealing that you were originally from here has Gotham and Paris fighting over you.”
Marinette laughed and shook her head as she selected one of the tweets. “‘I can’t believe,’” she read, “‘There’s a black-haired, blue-eyed orphan from Crime Alley that Brucie Wayne hasn’t adopted. Someone make sure he doesn’t try to get her by marriage! #whippedGothamboytoy and #badassParischick for life!’ Oh kwami! People are ridiculous!”
Roy chuckled as he put his phone away. “I just can’t believe that hashtag is still trending. Oliver hasn’t shut up about it.”
“How’s that going by the way?” she asked gently.
“It’s good,” he admitted. “But I don’t want to talk about that right now. If you don’t mind, I think I can see the d’oeurve table, and I want to drown myself in it. Care to join me?”
Marinette and shook her head as they moved toward the table. “Always…thanks for coming with me by the way.”
“Hey, it was my honor,” Roy said gently, “Besides what kind of whipped Gotham boytoy would I be if I didn’t escort my bad ass Paris girlfriend to her boring work functions.”
Marinette giggled, as she leaned on him, “Well next date night, you get to pick where we go.”
“So, it’s official then!”
“Zatanna!” Marinette cried as she embraced her friend. “I didn’t know you were going to be here!”
“Yeah well,” the Sorceress said flicking her hair, “Thought I’d crash the party see how my favorite power couple was doing. You’d be amazed the places I can get into with a snap of my fingers. And how are you, Roy?”
“I’m good Z, you?”
“Thriving, mind if I borrow your date for a second?”
“Only if you point me to Jason and/or the bar. I refused to be cornered by the vultures.”
Zatanna complied, and then she and Marinette vanished into the crowd. Roy smiled after them and then, with the skill he’d been honing since his early teens, promptly faded into the background of the party. He made his way to the bar where Jason had predictably latched himself.
“If Marinette comes and asks for a wine, then I’m going to have some severe déjà vu,” Roy said as he ordered a glass of brandy.
“I thought you we agreed you two weren’t going to flirt in front of me!” Jason groaned. “It’s disgusting.”
“It’s not my fault, your sister drives me crazy, and that you’re an overprotective jackass.”
Jason muttered into his glass, and Roy laughed as he leaned back to watch the dancers. In the end it was Jason who broke their easy silence. “Has she talked to you yet? About the whole Paris, Executioner, Arbiter, thing?”
Roy sipped his drink and nodded, “We have. She was very insistent on it. Said it was important.”
“It is important,” Jason said.
“Do you believe you’re the Executioner?”
Jason sighed and knocked back the last of his drink, he ordered another one and then lead them into a secluded corner of the party where they could talk a bit more openly. “I don’t know,” Jason said running a hand through his hair. “I thought I was. When Marinette first explained it, it sounded…right. It would make this whole mess make sense.”
“But…” Roy prompted.
Jason shook his head as he sipped his drink. “Whenever I think of leaving Gotham, even if I’m leaving with her, it doesn’t feel right. I…I tried leaving this place. There have been moments, on missions, with the League of Assassins when I thought, yeah, I could be happy outside of Gotham. But then…”
 Roy waited for Jason to get his words. Jason raised a hand and touched the lining of his jacket. A slight smile tugged at his lips. Marinette had shone him the articles she had printed there. It was a clipping of Jason’s debut. The head line had read, “Robin cusses out the Penguin!” and Jason had laughed when he saw it.
“This city,” the antihero said calmly, “It’s a part of me. I don’t know if I can be what she needs me to be. I’m too…broken.”
“We’re all broken Jay,” Roy said, hand on his shoulder. “And Mari will always need you, even if you’re not some divinely appointed warrior sent to protect her.”
Jason scoffed into his glass as he shook his head, “Shut up, before I have to say something rude to keep my reputation.”
“What reputation?” Roy scoffed.
“It’s coming,” Zatanna asked quietly. She and Marinette had hidden themselves in a dark hallway away from the party. “Can you feel it?”
Marinette sighed and opened her bag. Plagg and Tikki flew out and greeted the Sorceress Supreme with uncharacteristically somber moods. Zatanna’s eyes bulged at being in the presence of the two most powerful beings in the multiverse. She turned to Marinette and hissed, “Are you wearing both of them?”
Marinette sighed and nodded as she removed her evening glove to show the slender rose gold ring in her finger. “The city’s energies have been swirling for weeks,” she said calmly, “I think Jay-Jay knows somethings up. Roy definitely does. I might have rushed things a bit in order to spend more time with him.”
“You’re going to take the mantel yourself,” Zatanna said somberly.
“I can’t take Roy from Lian,” Marinette said shaking her head, “And I can’t do this to Jay-Jay. His personal balance is too precarious, and I’m running out of time.”
“Do you know when it will happen?”
“I was going to say tomorrow, but I guess that’s wishful thinking.”
“Why do you say that?” Zatanna asked, and Marinette looked away. There was so much pain and exhaustion in her eyes that Zatanna wanted to wrap her up in the biggest hug, but she refrained as the two small gods floated up in between them.
“Because you are here,” Plagg said sadly.
“What?” Zatanna asked startled.
“Sorceress,” Tikki said, “You have been called by the universe to bear witness on behalf of the magics to the ascension of the Executioner, and the completion of the three. Tonight the Keepers shall be made whole, and we of the divine energies of the world might finally be permitted to act and restore balance to the world.”
Zatanna drew in a long breath as Marinette dapped at her eyes in an attempt to preserve her makeup. Zatanna closed her eyes and centered herself. Her friend needed her. She cursed; Marinette shouldn’t have to go through this. She had already given so much to save the world; she shouldn’t have to give more. Zatanna felt like a little girl again, watching her father taking the Helmet of Fate. It had taken years to get him back. Would something like that happen to Marinette? Would Jason and Roy have to fight tooth and nail just to get one hour a year with her.
Zatanna shook herself. This was not helping. She centered herself again and opened her eyes. “What are you going to do?”
Marinette sighed and said, “What I’ve always done…I’ll do what the universe demands of me and pray that it’s enough.”
Zatanna nodded and pulled her into an embrace. “I’ll help,” she whispered. How long they stayed like that, neither of them could say. But they only broke apart when the sound of glass shattering and screams echoed from the gala. The pull of the universe tugged at the hearts of the two most powerful magic users in the world. And so, Zatanna stepped to the side and bore witness.
There are three Keepers of Balance. The Guardian who protects the Miraculous, the physical tethers for the embodiment of the Universe’s divine energies. When the Keepers are called, the Guardian gives the Miraculous away to those who are worthy, and who are in need. But of all the miraculous given, two are reserved for the other Keepers, and none others. The Miraculous of Creation, which is given to the Arbiter, the one who passes judgment. And the Miraculous od Destruction, which is given to the Executioner, the one who sees that judgment done.
Others might wear and use the miraculous, should the need arise, but on the Keepers may use them to fulfill their divine purpose. Only the Arbiter could use the Ladybug to pass judgment. Only the Execution could use the Cat to fulfill justice.
So, Marinette closed her eyes and called upon the magics. The kwami nodded their respect to Zatanna and went to their Keeper’s will. But even as they were drawn into the jewels, they could not help but smile. In a way, they had always known it would come to this. Ever since that final fight with Hawkmoth. Their chosen just needed time before she caught up to destiny. Time and a reason.
Jason fell to the ground as soon as he saw the large windows shatter. Goons dressed as clowns carrying everything from tommy guns to bats with nails swung in and quickly surrounded the guests. Jason scanned the crowd and cursed. Bruce was in the middle of the floor with Cass. Tim and Steph were right beside them. Barbara and Dick were with the Commissioner. Duke and Damian were in the middle of a group of socialites who had decided to cling to them. Damian looked like he was about to stab one of them, which was fair, but now wasn’t the time for that.
It looked like he and Roy were the only ones in a position to sneak away, but he wasn’t going to leave until he saw Mari. Roy had said that she had disappeared with Zatanna, so she was undoubtedly safe, but they were no where to be seen in the ballroom.
“Come on,” Roy hissed, and they started to rise in an attempt to make it to one of the nearby exits. But then the main doors burst open in a rocking explosion.
In walked the Joker. He wore a brand-new eggplant purple and line green suit. People screamed as he tossed his fedora at a nearby goon, revealing his stretched and twisted smile.
“What’s this! A party? But where are the balloons? The cake? The party games? Old Brucie! Did you even think to hire a clown?” Joker cried as he sauntered into the middle of the dance floor. The crowd parted before him like the red sea. Only Bruce stood in his way. His face twisted in the fear of his “Brucie” persona, but the hand he used to shield Cassandra was steady. And stood tall and firm, as he stared down the worst villain in Gotham.
“Joker,” Bruce said, allowing a single quiver of his voice. “I’m assuming you want a check?”
“Half right there, old Brucie, old pal!” The Joker sang as he lightly tapped Bruce’s cheek. Jason felt himself growl, and green began to creep into the edges of his vision. That was his father, and the man who had killed him. There was no way in hell, he was letting the Joker get in between them again. Not now, after they had worked so hard to finally get to a place where they could actually talk to each other.
Someone tried to pull Jason out of the room, but he was rooted to the spot as the Joker continued his taunting. “I want every diamond, every ruby, and every gold encrusted bobble in this joint. Laughter ain’t cheap folks, so fork it over or you all get sprayed! But! Before I leave, there’s one more thing I need to see.”
“Whatever it is,” Bruce said as calmly as he could while a goon with a bag began walking around. “I’m sure we can come to an understanding.”
“Yes, I’m sure we could!” Joker sneered, “You see…there’s a rumor floating around Arkham. A rumor of a little China chick, who likes to judge others? Specifically, their fashion. I hear Gotham’s practically in love with her, and their all dying to have her judge them. So, come on Brucie! I’m here to get with the trends! Where is she? I want to be judged! I really, truly want to know what she thinks of me!”  
The Joker’s smile practically doubled, as Bruce’s face paled. And if Jason had been in his right mind, he would have been able to guess the cause. However, the moment the Joker had mentioned Marinette, Jason’s vision went pure green, and he began to stalk towards the Joker. Someone was trying to keep him back, and he went to break their hand.
“So, you wish to be judged!” A voice echoed through the assembly.
Jason blinked as the green vanished. He froze and saw that the wrist he was holding was Roy’s. He was about to break Roy’s hand. Roy, however, didn’t seem to be paying attention anymore. His face had gone a deathly pale, but he wasn’t looking at Jason, or even the Joker. Instead, he was staring up at the ceiling, his face twisted in regret and awe. Jason spun and followed his gaze, and his heart sunk even as it soared in wonder. The Joker had called for Marinette’s judgment, and she was here to give it.
Descending from the skylight like an Old Testament angle, A masked warrior dressed all in black stared at the Joker with blue cat eyes that glowed with a fire brighter than the chandeliers that she was among. Her solid black breast plate faded into an emerald green at her arms until it looked as if her hands had been dipped in poison. Her billowing black skirt faded to red until it looked as if she had been wading through blood. She flew on four wings eagle wings. The two that came from her shoulders were a shimmering red as if they were encrusted with rubies. The two that came from her back were green and were like emeralds. Her ebony black hair fell to her waist, but some unseen wind was blowing it about her so that the golden tips resembled a glowing crown about her head.
She was beautiful, wonderful, and terrible all at once. But Jason knew, despite the golden mask covering half of her face, it was Marinette. He didn’t know what had happened to her, but he could guess. Just as he could guess what was about to happen. He wanted to scream. He wanted to run to her, tell her that this was his place. He wanted to stop her…But he couldn’t.
Something rooted him to the floor, and he couldn’t move. And even as he watched in shame and horror, he also watched in pride and wonder. Because that was his sister. That powerful being coming to bring, just a little more peace to Gotham, their home, was his sister. And he couldn’t have been prouder. So, he stayed exactly where he was. He didn’t fight the force holding him back, even as he blinked back tears.
“Joker,” The Keeper declared in that echoing voice that filled the innocents with hope and sent the guilty trembling, “You have asked to be judged, and so I judge you. I judge you guilty. I judge you evil. I judge you a threat against the natural forces that govern this world. I judge that you have destabilized the balance between Order and Chaos, and have turned the world towards evil. You have polluted the rivers of chaos and distorted the natural ley lines.
“I judge you disserving of Justice. And so as Keeper of the Balance, justice shall be met.”
With the last line, the Keeper drew the sword at her waist. The ruby hilt was graceful and elegant, but the emerald blade was twisted and cruel. A slender line of gold ran down the center of both, and caused the sword to glow with the same light of her eyes, dimming the rest of the world with it.
The Joker didn’t even have time to open his mouth before his neck met the blade. There was utter and complete silence as the body slowly fell to its knees in a final act of respect before the Lady, and then fell to the ground. Jason expected the head to role off, but it did not. Instead the Joker just lay on his side, and not even his ghastly makeup could hide the look of pure terror on his face.
“So it is done,” the Keeper said, and she flew away.
For exactly five minutes, no one, not even the goons, moved. Then someone screamed, and the ballroom erupted into chaos. The goons ran out the way they had come. Gordon was on his phone, as the Wayne’s disappeared to get changed. Jason flinched when a gentle hand was placed on his shoulder. He spun and saw Zatanna, her face firm and unyielding.
“Come,” she said quietly, “We have to bring her back.”
Roy was shaking. Zatanna had teleported them to the top of Wayne Tower, and it was freezing. But that didn’t matter. They had to find Marinette, and as Zatanna explained the more his panic grew.
“Did she know that could happen?” Jason asked as they scanned the night sky for two pairs of glowing wings.
Zatanna nodded as she worked on a spell meant to draw her to them. “It’s one of the reasons the Keepers are traditionally three. Acting on the will of both Creation and Destruction is…seductive. Imagine doing the thing you were always meant to be doing, you’re whole life, and then having every single barrier removed. If we don’t act quickly, she could lose herself in that state forever.”
“But why?” Jason demanded, “Why did the Universe bring her to us, if we were never meant to help her?”
“You are meant to help her!” Zatanna shouted, “Just not in the way you guessed. Right now what Marinette needs is an anchor, not a protector. So, one of you…anchor her!”
“How?” both men shouted at once.
“We don’t even know where she is?” Roy shouted.
“Where who is?”
Roy jumped and spun to see Marinette floating off the side of the building. She lazily rose up and down with the beat of her wings. Her inky black armored dress blended almost unnaturally with the night sky, making the glow of her eyes and the tips of her hair only that much more luminous in contrast. She stared at them with an innocence that belied the power she radiated, but it didn’t matter. Because she was there, and she was beautiful.
“Mari!” Jason cried rushing forward, as Zatanna approached more cautiously. “Can…can you come down please!”
“Why?” The Keeper asked with that same questing innocence, like a child who couldn’t understand why climbing on the furniture was dangerous.
“Because its dangerous!” Jason cried gesturing to the thousand foot drop beneath where she lazily went up and down, up and down with the beat of her powerful wings.
The Keeper smirked and say, “Silly Jay-Jay. Nothing can harm me! I am one of the forces of nature. I cast a magic spell and make everything better. I hurt those who hurt. I help those in need. I give mercy. I give justice. There is nothing you every need to protect me from again.”
Jason looked like he was about to choke on his tongue. He was so desperate, he couldn’t lose her again. But before he could say anything else. Zatanna stepped forward and said, “Marinette you need to come back. You need to train with Hippolyta. You need…”
Marinette giggled and shook her head. “The universe is guiding me. I am beyond Hippolyta. There is nothing she can teach me. Besides, what I need doesn’t matter. I serve the needs of the world now.” She looked out at the Gotham skyline, the city lights turning the smog into a golden hue. She looked so blissfully happy it was heart breaking. “It’s amazing,” she whispered, “To be so needed. To be able to help so many. I cast a magic spell and make everything better. It’s amazing!”
“But—" Jason started.
“I have to go know,” She said twisting in the air.
“But Mari—"
“The world needs me. Goodbye.”
“But so do I!”
Marinette froze in the sky, as everyone turned to look at Roy. Roy ignored them and took a breath stepping to practically lean over the railing guarding the edge. “Marinette,” Roy said desperately. Praying that his longing and panic seeped into his ever words. “Marinette, I need you to stay. Lian…she still has a lot to learn from you.”
“I can’t stay Roy,” the Keeper whispered, but the wind carried her voice anyway.
“I know,” Roy said, “And I’m not asking for forever. I’m not even asking for tomorrow. But please, just right now. Can you give us right now? That’s all we need.”
For a moment no one moved. There was not a sound on the roof top aside from the swish of the wind, and the beat of her wings. Finally, slowly and gently, the three moved back to give Marinette space in the roof beside them. She dropped her transformation and promptly collapsed into Roy’s waiting arms. Jason rushed forward and clung to his sister. Tears fell down her face at the loss of her power, and the kwami cuddled into her neck and cheek, as she struggled to become mortal once again.
Roy just sat back as he breathed a sigh of relief. It was done. For now. It was done, and Marinette was ok.
@laurcad123 @craftgremlin @toodaloo-kangaroo @blackroserelina @maanae @kitsun369 @idkamt @aksartisticlife @its-maemain @iglowinggemma28 @officiallydarkgeek @meira-3919 @crazylittlemunchkin  @read-fantasy-to-escape-reality @raven-ette
18 notes · View notes
roccinan · 1 year
The teaser is probably all we have to go on for a while so I decided to go insane and do a deep dive analysis of it. And maybe we can predict some things. So ignoring all my complaints about the aesthetic, let’s just dive into what we do see in the teaser:
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First shot is of this old-timey car driving through Paris. You can’t see the person at the wheel, but judging from the profile, I’m assuming it’s Andres. BUT it could also be Roi since we see him driving too. Now, moving on:
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My second least favorite shot. We see Bruce, Roi, Keila, and Cameron jumping around on a bed in some fancy French chateau (or hotel- either way, every expensive). Lots of laughter found family uwu-ness here. This is either 1) somebody’s imagination 2) the group celebrating after completing the robbery 3) the four of them meeting for the first time and partying over the opportunity to get rich a la Tokyo partying with the others in part 1. 
**Notably, Andres and Damian aren’t here. Which either means the director knows how stupid that would look, or what I’m chancing a guess on, because Andres and Damian really are not very close to the four young people (maybe excepting Roi)
**Also interesting to note that Damian is presumably narrating the teaser. This means we could have a different narrator every episode (since Andres gets some narration too) or Damian is narrating the whole show and what we thought was Andres’ narration was actually just dialogue in the show
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Next shot. This one is definitely of Andres and the wife of the guy he’s going to rob, frolicking around “young” and in love. 
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Clear look of some things on display here, in an auction house maybe. I’m assuming highly expensive and fragile antiques/jewelry. Judging by later shots, these items could be a distraction for the Real treasures hidden elsewhere, likely underground 
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Definitely a chalice on display here. Andres in a turtleneck again lol. And a new character hidden from view. It could be Damian, it could be an employee that works there. Definitely someone middle-aged, judging by the grey hair.
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For some reason, Damian knows Andres as “Berlin.” They might explain it, they might not. Easiest explanation is that Damian is speaking to us, the viewer, and is saying something like “you know him better as Berlin...” That or, Andres really has been calling himself Berlin for 10+ years and Raquel miraculously forgot about it when the Mint heist happened.
As for the shot itself, still in the auction house I think. Andres pulled out that tux so he could blend in as a bidder, most likely.
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They say the Chez Vienot is a Paris auction house. There’s the mockup. We have Damian on the left there and Andres on the right. Matching sweaters LOL. Also this implies that Damian helped Andres plan the heist, and possibly recruit the others. 
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The other four are just nodding and listening. They’re dressed differently than they were in the bed-jumping scene, so maybe that took place after the robbery. This is probably when we first meet the new gang. It doesn’t reveal anything about their characters lol, but notice that Roi has glasses(!).
We see Roi with glasses a few other times, so I don’t think he’s wearing them for disguise reasons. Most likely, he actually needs them. Entirely possible that Andres took Roi under his wing because he reminded him of Sergio. 
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Nothing to comment here, but this dude could have a speaking role. Looks like a valuable tiara there. As we can see, lots and lots of boxes/compartments/secret rooms in the house.
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Roi has some lock-picking abilities, apparently. In a tux likely because he’s also blending in with the bidders. Again, prominent glasses that I don’t think are for show. Behind him, Cameron and Keila. Nothing to remark on for their screenshots, so I won’t grab them- but we do see Cameron with a drill and Keila working with some hole in the wall. Which confirms that what Andres really wants is hidden within or under the auction house.
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Hmm, up to now, we still don’t know what Damian’s special “ability” is. But here, we see him with some kind of infrared laser?? mining device??? whatever it is, he’s leading the others in digging through or searching through a tunnel beneath the auction house. This could take place at the same time as or immediately after Roi and co. drill through the wall.
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Someone opens a vault, so the vault and tunnel must be related somehow. Maybe the tunnel leads directly to the vault.
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Two people on a motorbike. I think it’s Cameron driving and Roi behind her. Maybe they’re going to swipe something from that guy up ahead.
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Now we see the four young kids disguised as police/security. Roi pulls a gun on somebody. Again, glasses. This is another step in the robbery, and I’m assuming happens before they actually enter the auction house. 
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Now we see a different area. And for some reason, everyone is in space suits?? antigravity suits?? hazmat suits?? The air is either toxic wherever they are, or this is to avoid all the laser traps in their way. My only takeaway is that we now have a visual for astronaut Andres.
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(Is that an actress from Sky Rojo??) Now we see the latest woman Andres is into. What we know about her is that she’s not on the IMDB cast yet, she’s the wife of the auction house(?) owner, and has a vespa. There’s another man behind her, but it’s pretty clear that’s her bodyguard.
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This shot tells us Andres and co. are staying directly across from the woman’s flat. He and Damian also have a ridiculous amount of technology at their disposal, some of it too advanced for my taste. Also Andres is apparently wearing Damian’s cableknit sweater
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Since Andres is presumably looking at surveillance of the wife here, he’s either already met her previously and they’re in a “romance” now or he fell in uwu love with her from the footage alone and starts purposely pursuing her from here on out. I mean, I can see lcdp Andres doing that, but would this Andres do it? Only Pina knows.
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A very Toledo House/Monastery setup in the background here. Andres and Damian are again dressed almost the same lol. And we have Damian basically playing Sergio’s role here in “dissuading” Andres from stupidity. Doesn’t tell us much, but it does tell us that unlike with Sergio who he always tries to convince otherwise, Andres- at least on the surface- actually does defer to Damian. Which also implies that Damian’s successfully pulled Andres out of the clouds before. 
This is then followed by a montage of Andres fiddling around with the wife. It doesn’t reveal anything, so not taking those screenshots.
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Next, we have Bruce throwing a shoe (or a dumbbell?) at a Tamayo lookalike or is it Tamayo himself!? These could be cops, security, or hired thugs. 
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Keila’s next to Bruce in the same shot. so she and him must have been cornered. It’s blurry here, but there’s a name on her right breast- seems like a uniform and she’s pretending to be an employee of Something.
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There’s some kind of roomba back there adfad Now, this must be before OR after they’ve finished digging that tunnel. The robbery has multiple parts to it. Looks like everyone is dressed the same here so maybe it’s another disguise and they’re pretending to be ghostbusters or something. Then Andres sees a door to a catacomb.
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They must enter the Paris catacombs at some point, which I actually didn’t expect. Then the teaser gets less coherent:
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We see Cameron doing sick tricks on her motorbike, which again tells us nothing about her. So far, she’s a hot and wild partygirl that seems to combine Nairobi and Tokyo’s surface-traits. 
Next, we see Bruce dump water (or oil?) all over himself in the tunnel. Keila then touches his muscles. The shot is disgusting (scenes you can smell asdfasdf), so I’m not grabbing that. This shot tells us that Bruce/Keila will be together as a himbo x innocent nerd pairing, and like it or not, we will be forced to see their chemistry in action.
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Next shot is more interesting. We see this tattooed dude attacking a car with an axe. We can’t see who’s driving the car but I’m assuming someone from the gang. This guy could be anything: hired muscle, someone from Bruce’s background, someone from Roi’s background. 
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Then we have Cameron making bedroom eyes at someone, I’m assuming Roi. Again like it or not, we’ll probably see their sex scene.
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Roi enters an elevator like this, can’t tell why. But I think this is the first time we see him smile in the teaser aside from the bed jumping scene. This could be after hitting it off with Cameron or being “rescued” by Andres. 
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Space suit Damian! He’s welding(?) or burning something off. Now we see that he’s in the auction house vault. 
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Then a blink-and-you’ll miss it shot. Here I’m pretty sure they’re in the catacombs. It’d explain why they need those suits. Also that roomba thingy is there. Who’s getting this tech??
Next shot is just of Andres admiring the auction house mockup. 
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Then we have a high-velocity car chase. With the gang in the blue and red cars, and the cops or hired muscle maybe in the others. 
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We have Roi running up the stairs of either the auction house or Andres’ base
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Then some random guy throws a trashcan at these two (I’m assuming Cameron and Roi? Or Bruce and Roi? it looks like Cameron’s bike). No idea why, but this implies a lot of slapstick violence in the show.
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Back in the tunnel, in uniform, Keila’s excited about something. I hope it’s because she found whatever it is Damian told her to and not agreeing to have sex with Bruce or something. 
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I think this is Cameron with the fireworks. Maybe there’s no chase after all and the two cars are just racing in the wild. This could be a distraction or a glimpse of Cameron’s life before she was “discovered.”
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Then we have people on top of the cars. Can’t tell context here. Might be part of Cameron’s lifestyle again. I think that’s her on the left. Damian on the right LOL? But those are the same two cars from the previous scene so I don’t think these shots are at all related to the heist.
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We see Cameron with some protective eye gear, possibly standing ontop of a car or tall building. This one is probably part of the heist.
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Then Andres in a gas mask, either testing it out or scouting out the catacombs. 
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Another of Roi smiling. Definitely paired with Cameron. I like how he’s not wearing his glasses while driving asdfasdf Next shot is an airplane taking off- could be related to anything.
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This is some kind of office, and there are some blurry people here. We then see Keila threatening these people at gunpoint
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With the same uniform she had when Brue threw tha thing at the police/security. I’m assuming she snuck in here as a false employee and pulled the gun out as part of the plan. Her expressions so far have all been really exaggerated- not sure if that’ll be fun for us to see on screen.
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Back in the tunnel, something throws everyone off balance, pushing Damian and Andres into each other’s arms LMAO
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Next, we have these guys punching Bruce. They look like civil guards(?) of some sort. I think we’re going to see Bruce knocked around a lot like a cartoon character, but he’ll always get back up like one too.
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Then we have a whole shot of Andres and his team pretending to be police. Can’t place the timeline of this, or why they had to. But I remember from other press stills that there’s another guy meeting them here.
final shots don’t reveal anything except people’s faces- just tells us that we’re going to see a lot of dramatic stares and disguises. But this shot of Roi implies they’re going to set off some explosion in the tunnel/catacomb
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Things we’re noticeably missing from the teaser:
All Raquel/Alicia scenes
The identity of the guy they’re robbing
All Madrid scenes
Things also worth noticing:
We never see Andres or Damian interacting one-on-one with the other four members, or doing any bonding with them. They have plenty of moments together though. Damian and Andres might have a more interesting relationship than we thought and Roi might be more interesting than assumed.
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cloudbells · 6 months
How about these for the ask game?
6. Least favorite movie
9. Favorite fight scene
21. Unpopular opinion about anything
34. Favorite outfit/look of the character of your choice
6. Least favorite movie
I was gonna say this was hard because I don’t think I have an MCU movie I despise, but also not really hard at all: every Thor movie after the dark world for the OG6. More recently Quantumania. I enjoyed Quantumania, but I’m not a fan, if that makes sense? I think I was just overall disappointed with Kang in this movie. I was sooooo hyped, like unbelievably hyped, about seeing Ant-Man and Kang fight. I rewatched the trailer countless times, I obsessed over the soundtrack - I was really into it. And it fell really flat towards the end for me. I was expecting more. Nonetheless, the world and idea of it is still super cool to me and I may even rewatch it.
For the post-TDW Thor movies, I’m being insanely petty because I can’t even remember Ragnarok clearly and I haven’t watched Love and Thunder. I remember enjoying Ragnarok, but I also remember disliking it. I think I felt it was weird on the characterization front and also too comedic in a bad way. The things I’ve heard about Love and Thunder makes it seem that it has the same issues as Ragnarok, but like, way worse. I still plan on watching it though, because I don’t like speaking on things I have no business speaking on lol. 
I’m just really sensitive about Thor characterization, I’ve realized. I think he’s so complex and I really don’t like to see him…portrayed as a shallow clown. Or a fool. Or any resembling that. I adore Thor, so so much and so I’m extra nitpicky about him. He has depth and insight that deserves to be explored! I don’t understand where the MCU is trying to take him, but I don’t like it! Same with Bruce, kind of.
Honorable mention: AOU but only for that scene where Bruce fell into Natasha’s boobs. Literally so fucking ridiculous, I will never pass up a chance to talk about how much hatred I have towards that cliche - ugh. 
9. Favorite fight scene
I answered this in the previous ask, but I’ll add another one! Not so much of a fight…but a pre-fight maybe. STEVE IN ENDGAME WHERE HE FACES THANOS’ ARMY ALONE. I melt into a puddle each time. I tear up each time. As I’m typing this my eyes are getting misty because I love that moment so much. It encapsulates Steve Rogers (Captain America) so damn well that it makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs. A lone, human, with a broken shield, knowing it’s completely hopeless, but standing up to fight anyways cause the vulnerable people who rely on him are more important than fearing what’s in front of him. I LOVE STEVE THAT’S MY MAN, MY ONE AND ONLY, I WILL NEVER GET OVER EG STEVE. 
This is also why I hate when people bash EG for his last 10 minutes of screentime because we have some of his absolute BEST moments in this movie. Literally so fucking good…and people want to circlejerk over how much they hate him because he decided to go back in the past. Mind you, I’m a former “I’m not fond of Steve’s ending because I feel like it doesn’t fit him, but I don’t blame Steve for it” fan - but after all the slander, I’m now the type to draw up an essay on why it makes perfect sense for him to make that decision. 
21. Unpopular opinion about anything
I’m trying to think of a #real unpopular MCU opinion that I haven’t said before. One of my pet peeves is when someone asks for an unpopular opinion and it’s like the coldest take you’ve ever heard, lol. I don’t want to be that. I’m realizing I have a huge mouth and talk too much because everything I’m thinking I’ve already said, examples being: 
Endgame Steve going back into the past makes perfect sense for his character arc and the circumstances he’s had in the future
I’m not sure if this is unpopular in my corner of fandom or overall: IM1 Tony still holds at least some responsibility for his weapons being…misused. I mean, I feel like even Tony acknowledges this and I don’t even think he’s wrongly giving some blame to himself. I think it shows his self-awareness…and I like that about his character. I know a lot of people say that Tony doesn’t do accountability, but I’d say he absolutely does. Half of his mistakes in the following movies are because he’s trying to find a way to atone. It’s moreso a lot of his fans that like to absolve him of his mistakes, he seems to own up to them pretty frequently. Not always verbally.
Oh! I just thought of one that yes, I’ve said…but I think I’ve said it in DMs not publicly (or maybe I said it in the server before)? Also it’s not even an MCU criticism. I think every conversation surrounding SteveTony in CACW is automatically in bad faith if we only discuss the murder of Howard and Maria and not the Accords. This is partially why I’m in a state of constant annoyance when giving CACW fics a chance. I don’t think it’s a fair or honest discussion or break down without looking at the two main corners of the conflict. Because the Accords is not something to gloss over people! The implications of what would happen to people like Steve is not something to be taken lightly. And the way they were presented is not - Let me stop here before I fall into a rant. I have some self-control.
34. Favorite outfit/look of the character of your choice
I love, love, love Steve’s AOU suit. Well, aesthetic wise at least. They could lose the red accent on the chest and it would be 10x better. But if I’m going for Captain America realism, I’m throwing in my vote for the CW suit! I was going to say the Smithsonian suit was my favorite (lowkey is….) but someone told me that it’s a replica and isn’t fully accurate to the suit he wears in CATFA and frankly, I’ve never checked to confirm. But if that’s wrong, then the Smithsonian suit is absolute my favorite. I can’t even tell you why I like it so much. Classic. Leather. It could benefit from a tighter fit, but the look of it screams Captain America to me <3
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