#jealous wei wuxian
wangxianficrecs · 14 days
💙 Am I (Gusu Lan Cultivator, 24 M) the Asshole? by moonwaif
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💙 Am I (Gusu Lan Cultivator, 24 M) the Asshole?
by moonwaif (@moonwaif)
M, 41k, Wangxian
Summary: After learning that his roommate and BFF Wei Wuxian is gay, Lan Wangji vows to be a supportive ally. Then one day, Wei Wuxian brings home another man. [Inspired by that one AITA subreddit story.] Kay's comments: AH! This story really is the epitome of one of my favourite tropes: oblivious Lan Wangji! It's so well-written and I love the misunderstandings so much and Lan Wangji's unintentional dickishness, because he doesn't realize that he's crushing hard on Wei Wuxian. He gets sooo jealous of Wen Ning, it's such a joy to read. Excerpt: The first thing he sees is, thankfully, Wei Wuxian. He’s lying on the couch, flat on his stomach and moaning while another man massages his back. Lan Wangji doesn’t breathe. “Mn, Lan Zhan.” Wei Wuxian stirs, head turning slightly in the direction of the door, his eyes remaining closed. “That you?” Lan Wangji doesn’t answer. The other man—the one who is seated on top of Wei Wuxian, straddling his hips—withers under Lan Wangji’s glare, but he doesn’t stop massaging. “Oh, sorry.” Wei Wuxian laughs breezily. “This is, ah—Wen Qionglin. Wen Ning, this is Lan Wangji.” Wen Qionglin ducks his head. “P-pleased to meet you.” Lan Wangji refuses to look at him. “What are you doing?” he grits out, teeth clenched. “Night hunt,” Wei Wuxian grunts. “Threw out my back. Ugh, yeah, Wen Ning, right there . . .” Wen Qionglin digs his thumbs deeply into Wei Wuxian’s lower back, while Wei Wuxian makes some more lewd noises. Lan Wangji has the sudden impulse to grab them and throw them both off the couch. Instead he stomps off to his room, tosses his duffle bag on the bed and starts to unpack. Aggressively. Is this why Wei Wuxian didn’t text Lan Wangji, because he was busy fooling around with Wen Qionglin?
pov lan wangji, modern setting, modern with magic, roommates, oblivious lan wangji, friends to lovers, misunderstandings, miscommunication, jealous lan wangji, jealous wei wuxian, implied/referenced homophobia, lan wangji has friends, angst with a happy ending, feelings realization, hurt wei wuxian, emotional hurt/comfort, coming out
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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touchlikethesun · 15 days
wei ying’s virgin ass not even 5 minutes after his first kiss: obviously i am very experienced in the love department, not that you would know anything about that sort of thing lan zhan with that stick up your ass you’re way too rigid xoxo lmao
lan zhan, the person who just kissed the living daylights out of wei ying 5 minutes ago: …
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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No Sharing.
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myartsing · 7 months
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What reading mdzs is like
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zhansww · 3 months
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thegreatgremlingang · 18 days
lowkey insane that wwx has so. much. sex. every day but he never shows any health consequences or need for like slowly opening his booty or something like lube? no. ass injuries/tears? no. stds? no. loosening/leaking? noooo. and he does this shit every day
bestie has a literal butthole of steel
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travalerray · 5 months
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the funniest part of MDZS canon is LWJ being jealous of JC....post everything. Like he is still gotta be a petty jealous bitch
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lanzhansexual · 4 months
My question to you all..
When WWX had the ghost girls throw flowers at LWJ and he gave them back when he entered the tavern.. had LWJ already pocketed the pink peony or was it after they parted ways?
There's something really adorable about him trying to give WWX the flowers minus the flower he specifically gave him. But there's also something rather hilarious about a version where WWX leaves first (unconsciously heartbroken, as he clearly was) and LWJ looks the ghost girls dead in the eye and takes the pink peony with a stoney expression before turning on his heels and leaving.
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bnnywngs · 2 months
A young man with a elegant uniform was standing still right in front of the school gate, arms crossed and a stern expression in his beautiful face. By the crest on his chest and the color, it was clear he was from the extremely expensive prestigious private school two streets away from the public one he was currently glaring at - Cloud Recesses Academy. And by his look (the way his shoes shined, his bag looked expensive, and his haircut was very much like a young master) he could see he was from a prestigious family, too.
Yiling High School was an average public institution with it's lack of facilities and funds. It has a quite gloomy vibe around, with dark unwashed outside walls, dirty overgrown lawn and the vandalization that could be seen anywhere you walked by.
"Maybe he came to ambush our Louzu." a student murmured to their friends.
"Eh~? But why would Louzu be close to these rich kids?" one of them asked back "He's always talking shit about them."
"Right? Maybe this one didn't like it." another one laughed "They're quite sensitive, right?"
"Yeah!" they all laughed together, staring at the private school boy as they walked past.
They boy didn't even move to acknowledge the students staring at him not at all discreet, he was just standing there waiting for something or someone.
The ones ready for a good gossip, or who liked to watch their Laozu, the leader of the delinquent group of these school, the fear of the others, fight stayed close by waiting to see what was going to happen.
Some girls got interested in his beautiful face and wanted to get close, but decided to also wait.
They didn't need to wait for too long, because not long after, a boy with the same uniform as them came running out of the building, his long hair flying behind him quite prettily. It was the Yiling Laozu himself, going straight to the private school boy.
"Lan Zhan!" he yelled, a bright smile in his face.
The stern expression have way to a soft look, a barely there smile, and his arms uncrossed to open in wait. The Yiling Laozu jumped and hugged his boy with his long arms and legs, looking very happy.
"Wei Ying." the one holding him with too much easy said.
"Did you came to pick me up?"
"Mn." he nodded, sparing a small look around him using the corner of his eyes "Came to pick my boyfriend so we can walk home together."
Every student around them froze in shock hearing those words. Since when their Laozu had a boyfriend?!
With the happiest expression they ever saw on his pretty face, Yiling Laozu kissed the other boy on the mouth quite shamelessly, putting the last nail on the gossip billboard.
"Then, let's go!" Yiling Laozu said, getting down and walking away with his boyfriend holding hands in a very, extremely romantic way, the sunset making everything look even more surreal.
"Eat the rich, huh?" someone said in the silence they left behind.
It was complete and utter chaos the other morning when Wei Ying arrived in school, a hickey on the back of his neck.
(apparently, someone tried to confess to Wei Ying that week, and couldn't take no as answer and kept insisting and stalking him, so the boyfriend, Lan Zhan, decided to take matters into his own (big) hands)
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weiwuxianismybae · 8 months
My fandom pet peeves
Lan Wangji’s dislike of Jiang Wanyin
So, I dived back into the world of fanfiction and was quickly reminded of all the fanon things I hate. Starting with Lan Wangji’s unreasonable dislike of Jiang Cheng. In order to promote "Wei Wuxian's little brother Jiang Cheng", Lan Wangji's very good reasons to hate Jiang Cheng are reduced to some petty, stupid bs like "He [LWJ] didn't like how often Jiang Cheng hit Wei Wuxian." And later on we get this gem: "After some time LWJ understood that violence is JC's way of showing affection." Like, wtf? If my younger sibling (and I have one) showed their affection through violence, I wouldn't see it as love, but as abuse, 'cause that's what it is. And I'm not talking about the normal sibling fighting because that's not what Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng's relationship is. I mean, just reread the Cloud Recesses Study arc. The only thing Jiang Cheng seems to know is how to belittle and criticise Wei Wuxian. I'm not gonna lie, I found some of the remarks quite funny (I'm a passive aggressive bitch myself), but when that's the only thing that comes out of Jiang Cheng's mouth, it really starts to eat at you. I deeply respect Wei Wuxian's ability to not take it seriously. And when Lan Wangji’s actual grievances with Jiang Cheng are stated, we get the "but he [JC] still loved his brother" nonsense. Lan Wangji’s real reasons to dislike Jiang Cheng are as follows: abandoning Wei Wuxian, being the prime reason and catalyst of Wei Wuxian's death, spreading hateful rumours about Wei Wuxian (who else could have been the source of "WWX is responsible for Jiang Clan's massacre" if not the only surviver, besides Wei Wuxian, of the said massacre?), and hunting down the so-called demonic cultivators because "what if that's actually Wei Wuxian." I commend Lan Wangji’s restraint, because if it had been me, I would have long since punched that guy in the nose. And I absolutely love Lan Wangji’s attitude of "I won't look at you; I won't speak to you. Sizhui, you may speak on my behave."
"Lans only love once"
Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets toothache whenever I read this. When I came across it for the first time, I didn’t think much of it. Like, at first, I thought it was cute, but then it started grinding on my nerves. Why? Because it diminishes Lan Wangji’s love, trust and devotion to Wei Wuxian to a mere fate thing that is beyond your control. He is already being reduced to some block of ice (by the mob in mdzs and the fandom), and now you also simplify such an important part to his character. Like, where did this even come from? Yes, we have the famous Lan "I will leave this world, because my love is no longer in it" An and Lan Wangji, but that's it when it comes to die-hard romantics in the Lan Clan. The story of Qingheng-jun and Madam Lan is not really romantic (I'm not gonna speculate on what there was and wasn't between them because Lan Xichen telling Wei Wuxian about his parents had a different purpose, namely, to esteblish Lan Wangji as someone who doesn't just listen to what his elders have to say, but as someone who seeks to understand and then judge the reasoning by his own moral beliefs). And that's it. So where is "Lans only love once" coming from??
So why did I write all of this? Well, I'm just tired of seeing this over and over again. Aren't we all so creative? Come up with new head-canons (so that I have more things to criticise /jk) or stick to canon characteristics. Please.
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wangxianficrecs · 7 months
Day 4: Ghost!Xian by UseMyMuse
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Day 4: Ghost!Xian
by UseMyMuse (@museywrites)
T, 5k, Wangxian
Part of Xiantober 2023
Summary: Wei Ying died at the age of 10, but miraculously the little boy Lan Wangji from down the street was able to see him. They become an unlikely pair and form an unbreakable friendship. Things seem fine until a hostile presence shakes Wei Ying to his ghostly core. Kay's comments: I can honestly recommend all stories in Musey's Xiantober, so I'm cherry-picking those I love especially. This is one of them. An AU where Lan Zhan grows up with ghost Wei Ying beside him, together they grow older and closer and along the way, they might also solve the mystery of Wei Ying's murder. A very fitting story for spooky month! Excerpt: It was a weird experience, attending your own funeral. Wei Ying stood beside the grave, watching as the casket was lowered into the ground. He glanced around at his friends and family, saw their tears and their grief. Anger bubbled inside of his transparent chest. Then, by chance, he made eye contact. The young Lan boy from down the street who Wei Ying had desperately tried to befriend, but he was always too shy and ran away, always avoiding A-Ying. Yet right here, right now, surrounded by the people he loved most who couldn't see him, this young boy was looking directly at him with wide eyes. Wei Ying lifted his hand hesitantly and waved. Lan Zhan's gaze flicked to his hand, then back to him, and just as hesitantly, he gave a little wave back.
major character death, pov wei wuxian, modern setting, modern with magic, background character death, ghost wei wuxian, mystery, murder, friends to lovers, jealous wei wuxian, getting together, developing relationship
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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kachawo · 1 year
Next on the agenda is:
Wei Wuxian having stress-eating habits, but he eats very questionable and borderline inedible things but doesn't flinch.
I mean we know canonically he puts so much spice in his food that anyone could lose their tastebuds, who's stopping him at that?
It's just Wei Wuxian triggering a stress episode without him realizing and the next thing you know he has a bell peper on his hand or a lemon's skin in his mouth.
He realizes that his fellow shidis get super disgusted when he does this, and sometimes he pokes fun at them by chomping down a fried lizard all while keeping eye contact.
(He got mild food poisoning after that.)
So sometimes situations go like this
Wei Wuxian: I sense I am at a certain breaking point and feel an overwhelming nervousness, I must chomp.
Shidis: Shixiong no.
Wei Wuxian, already heading towards the gardens: Shixiong yes.
Jiang Yanli: A-xian, a-xian
Wei Wuxian: yes shijie
Jiang Cheng: eating shit again
Wei Wuxian: no shidi
Jiang Yanli: telling lies?
Wei Wuxian: no shijie
Jiang Cheng: open your mouth
Wei Wuxian:
Jiang Cheng: open your mout-- DON'T YOU FUCKING RUN
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silverflame2724 · 1 year
Alternate universe where Su She admires and wishes to support Wei Wuxian for saving her life 2 times (Aquatic Abysses and Xuanwu Cave) in addition tobe convinced that he hates Lan Wangji and Jin Zixun too
I actually quite like this prompt so forgive me for taking so long to write it! Hope you enjoy!
Su Minshan thought that this was the end. That his arrogance that he thought he could match up to Lan-we-gongzi would be his downfall.
Never would he have thought that Wei Wuxian, whose was thought to be the most arrogant of all, would disregard his own safety to help someone like him!
But Wei Wuxian was known more for his speed than strength and was soon weighed down by Su Minshan.
Su Minshan thought that Wei Wuxian would do the obvious thing and let him go to save himself. As he had seen many others do.
But no.
Wei Wuxian did not do the smart thing and let him go. He weaved through the relentless attacks of the waterborne abyss, holding him even tighter than before.
In the end though, they had to rely on Lan-er-gongzi’s arm strength to pull them out. Wei Wuxian teased the young master, only to receive the expected biting sarcasm as before. Su Minshan might have missed it if he weren’t so close, but Wei Wuxian’s hand trembled with an unseen hurt.
Su Minshan narrowed his eyes at this. He would make sure to repay his savior, Wei Wuxian. Not now, but perhaps when he has the necessary power and resources. Or, at a good time.
He found an opportunity soon enough. Jin Zixuan was famously known for disrespecting Wei Wuxian’s Shijie. While Su Minshan did not want to draw a sect heir’s ire, if he could get revenge for his saviour somehow, wouldn’t Wei Wuxian look upon him with favor?
So he put his plan into motion in the coming few days.
The common people were rather grateful to him and the others that helped contained the Waterborne Abyss so it was easy to buy a bunch of fish at a cheap price.
He planned to donate the fish to the Cloud Recesses’ kitchens - he was not naive - wasting food was just wrong - only asking for the scraps of the fish - namely the guts. Of course, to not implicate himself, he had left the fish in special storage containers after gutting the fish. Soon after, Su Minshan waited until the afternoon, made sure his savior was locked up in the Library Pavilion to complete his copying punishment and smeared most of the fish guts all over Jin Zixuan’s room.
The reason he waited until Wei Wuxian was in the Library Pavilion was because he knew people would be quick to blame his savior for the incident. After all, Jin Zixuan had recentlymade a snide remark about Jiang Yanli recently and Su Minshan had watched Wei Wuxian tremble with rage, being barely held back by his shidis. Wei Wuxian had ample motive to carry out this revenge and Su Minshan wished not to implicate him.
Jin Zixuan soon arrived in his room and nearly retched at the smell. Su Minshan grinned. 
Jin Zixuan had raged for a while, thinking it was Wei Wuxian, but when questioned, Wei Wuxian had been in the library completing his punishment. There was not enough time for him to do that to Jin Zixuan and no one had seen him anywhere near Jin Zixuan’s room.
Wei Wuxian was let go and Su Minshan sighed in relief. Revenge complete.
Wei Wuxian was evidently a lot smarter than people thought and quickly found out that it was Su Minshan who had done that. Turns out he hadn’t been as sneaky as he had thought.
When asked why, Su Minshan merely smiled. “Wei-gongzi, you rescued me, remember? This is what I should do to repay you.”
“Ah...that--” Wei Wuxian looked sheepish. “Thank you.....umm....”
“Su She, Su Minshan. I know we never got introduced to each other.”
“Then.. Su-xiong. Thank you, really.” He gave Su Minshan a bright smile. “I really appreciate it.”
Su Minshan felt elated being recognized like this. “Can....Can we be friends?”
Wei Wuxian grinned. “Of course! Call me Wei-xiong or Wei Wuxian, whatever you’re comfortable with.”
“Okay, Wei Wuxian.”
After an invitation to join Wei Wuxian and his friends was offered, Su Minshan agreed and parted soon after. He had classes to get to. But when he turned around, he was met with a glare from Lan-er-gongzi. Which was odd considering he hadn’t done anything.
But, as Su Minshan found out, Lan-er-gongzi was jealous. Jealous of the closeness between them, of the casual, affectionate touches Wei Wuxian gave everyone but him.
Hmph. If he was so jealous, he shouldn’t have hurt Wei Wuxian’s feelings.
It was regrettable, but the time the guest disciples were here came to an end. Wei Wuxian promised to write letters to him and Su Minshan was elated at that. 
However, he had to breathe a sigh of relief at the same time. He had had a tough time keeping Wei Wuxian from punching Jin Zixuan and getting sent home early, but thanks to Su She’s interference, it didn’t end up like that. He even spent a lot of time distracting Wei Wuxian from mischief that the Jiang clan always seemed to draw him into.
But, thanks to that, Wei Wuxian and him had become close. 
And perhaps, because of that closeness, Su Minshan despised Lan Wangji. That man had finally had the balls to approach Wei Wuxian after the other had left him alone and only had the harshest things to say. Watching Wei Wuxian flinch imperceptibly had made him shake with anger.
Su Minshan took great joy in making sure Wei Wuxian hardly ever crossed paths with Lan Wangji and seeing Lan Wangji’s distraught face from afar. Eventually, Wei Wuxian avoided Lan Wangji on his own and Su Minshan was satisfied seeing Wei Wuxian finally start to dislike the Second Jade.
Childishly, he wanted to stick his tongue out at the man.
However, tragedy struck. The Cloud Recesses burned and they barely had time to recover before being forced into an indoctrination. As usual, Wei Wuxian took care of everyone and did his best to make sure everyone's spirits were up, even Lan Wangji's. Su Minshan might have disliked Lan Wangji for his treatment of Wei Wuxian, but after what had happened, Su Minshan didn't block Wei Wuxian from assisting Lan Wangji. Especially since Lan Wangji's leg was broken during the Wen invasion.
Wen Chao is a terrible, good-for-nothing and Su Minshan wants nothing more than to crush him. But as weakened as he was and how surrounded by Wens they were, there was not much he could do. However.....when push came to shove and a girl - Luo Qingyang, if he recalled correctly - was to be bled to force out whatever beast was in the cave, Wei Wuxian, as always, came up with a great solution and held Wen Chao at sword point, effectively stopping the Wens' movement. Not even a few minutes later, a huge murderous turtle moved from underneath Wei Wuxian, distracting everyone. This was Su Minshan's chance!
Wen Zhuliu had been a deterrent to all. The Core-Melting hand had been a big reason for everyone's hesitance to rebel. If he was gone.....
Su Minshan sent a strong kick towards Wen Zhuliu's back and quickly hid amongst the panic. He watched in satisfaction as Wen Zhuliu was snapped up in the turtle's jaws and quickly swallowed down.
There. He won't bother anyone ever again.
He didn't want to. Wei Wuxian had volunteered to stay behind and distract the monster to allow everyone to escape. Su Minshan wanted to stay behind but Wei Wuxian grinned and pushed him out.
"Don't worry. I'll be right behind you. Thanks for worrying though, Minshan."
Su Minshan nodded and reluctantly started to leave with the others. He turned around to say goodbye and saw the turtle snap at Wei Wuxian.
"Wei-xiong, watch out!"
Wei Wuxian turned too late. However....Lan Wangji had pushed him out of the way and gotten captured by the turtle instead. He didn't see what happened next as he was pulled underwater and through the exit.
He didn't see Wei Wuxian when they exited the cave. He heard, of course, how they killed the Xuanwu of Slaughter. But didn't see him. He didn't see Wei Wuxian at all until he came back, cloaked in darkness.
He pushed everyone away and his sunlight-like smile was replaced by a manic grin. Su Minshan of course knew what might have happened. He had heard of the burning of Lotus Pier, of the loss of their disciples. And, of course, Wei Wuxian being captured by Wen Chao. There were rumors and whispers from the Wen guards that Wen Chao tossed Wei Wuxian into the Burial Mounds.
Most brushed that off, saying it was impossible for anyone to survive it. But not Su Minshan. He knew that that had probably happened. What with Wei Wuxian controlling resentful energy, his uncharacteristic attitude towards the Wens, towards his friends.
No one gets out of the Burial Mounds alive. And, perhaps, in a way, that is true. For the Wei Wuxian they all knew - the sunshine-bright boy - was gone.
But what Wei Wuxian needed was not judgement, like that bastard Jin Zixun. It wasn't pity (or whatever Lan Wangji was attempting to do). It was support. And if Su Minshan could provide that for him, he who remembered him and saved him over and over again. Su Minshan would be satisfied with that.
"Hm? Minshan? What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Wei Wuxian asked.
Su Minshan shook his head. "I'm fine." He paused. "Well, as fine as anyone could be with the war going on. But I'm worried about you."
"Me? I'm fine, there's nothing wrong." Wei Wuxian put his shields up, eyes shifty and nervous.
"Wei-xiong.....we're friends, right?"
"Then, you should know that I support you, right?"
"But doesn't GusuLan have rules against demonic cultivation?"
"Sure they do. But you're not evil. Those rules are bullshit sometimes. Like they think that just by following the "orthodox" path, you can avoid being evil. But if that were true, the Wens wouldn't have done all of this."
Wei Wuxian gave a small chuckle. "That's true enough."
"Now, Wei-xiong, I heard from many Wen guards that you were tossed in the Burial Mounds." Wei Wuxian paled. "Now while most refuse to believe that. I believe that that had happened. How else would you have such mastery over it? You love to boast about your cultivation. Why would you risk tainting it with demonic cultivation? Something must have forced you to use it."
"You're quite smart." Wei Wuxian whispered after some time.
"Heh. One of my best strengths." Su Minshan felt happy at the praise. "But most people are idiots."
Wei Wuxian laughed again. "You're the best. Thank you."
"No problem. You've always saved me. I would be an idiot to not help you in return. If you can't accept my help, think of it as a debt I want to pay back to you."
"Alright." Wei Wuxian smiled, not as bright as before, but still there. "Alright."
Lol. Anon, you asked for me to have a Su Minshan that wishes to support Wei Wuxian but I took it as Su Minshan actively supporting Wei Wuxian from the shadows. Let me know if this is fine or if you'd like me to change it!
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
Whenever JC stans have the audacity to call WEN NING mean and disrespectful for telling off Jiang Cheng for not respecting or being kind to Wei Wuxian.
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ninjakk · 2 years
When WWX met WN - Where LWJs jealousy for him stems from?
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We know WWX met WN the day of the archery competition, during the Qishan Discussion Conference. This is the same day WWX saw LWJ again, after a year of pining for him - which I covered in a previous post here.
So, we can safely assume, judging from the fact WWX entered the arena just after he had seen LWJ, the scene below is set just prior to him being absolutely stunned at LWJ looking positively ravishing in the red uniform they were all wearing.
So let's dive straight into the scene where WWX meets WN.
Chapter 59
On that day, before the archery competition began, he was strolling around the Nightless City alone. As he strolled, he passed through a small garden and suddenly heard the sound of a bowstring vibrating from in front of him. Wei WuXian brushed through the leaves and branches. He saw a boy stand there, dressed in white, soft fabric. He drew a bow in the direction of a target before him and let go. The side of the boy’s face seemed to be quite handsome. His drawing posture was both standard and beautiful. On the target, feathered arrows had already thickly dotted the red center. This arrow had hit the center as well. None had been off the center. Wei WuXian exclaimed, “Bravo!” After the boy shot the arrow, he took out a new arrow from the quiver behind him. Head lowered; he was about to set it onto his bow as he suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice from toward the side. Surprised, his hands quivered and his arrow fell to the ground. Wei WuXian walked out from behind the garden, grinning, “Which of Wen Sect’s young masters are you? Well, well, beautiful, your shots are amazing. I haven’t seen anyone from your sect with such good…” Before he could finish, the boy had already disappeared, leaving behind him his bow and arrows. Wei WuXian was speechless. He felt his chin, Am I really so charming? So charming that I scared him away? He didn’t take the matter seriously either. He just thought that he saw something cool as he returned to the square.
This scene always brings a little smile to my face. WWX is so sweet and kind, he'll pay anyone a compliment if it is warranted. He loves to encourage people and he's actually very nurturing - which we see time and time again in later scenes with A-Yuan and the juniors.
It's quite a funny scene, with WN running away all flustered. Poor WWX, if men keep running away from him, he's going to get a complex! My favourite part of this scene is at the end when WWX thinks he's so charming that people just cannot bear it - it's just hilarious. Funnily enough, this is not what he thinks when LWJ does something similar in the not too distant future. This is because he's actually quite insecure about how LWJ sees him - after all, he's the object of his subconscious affections.
The competition was almost starting. Over on the Wen Sect’s side, there was much clamour. Wei WuXian asked Jiang Cheng, “How could they make such a fuss over their Discussion Conference? They have something going on every single day. What’s happening today?” Jiang Cheng, “What do you think? The spots are limited.They’re fighting over the people to let into the arena.” After a pause, he continued with disdain, “These Wen Sect’s… archery skills are the same level of bad. Wouldn't it be the same no matter who goes? What difference would be fighting over it make?” Wen Chao shouted from the side, “Another one! Another one, we’re still short one! The last one!” Amid the crowd beside him, the white-clothed boy was also there. Looking left and right, he finally raised his hand. But his hand wasn’t raised tall enough. He didn’t dare shout his name like the others did either. After a while of pushing around, somebody finally noticed him, musing, “QiongLin? You want to participate as well?” The boy called 'QiongLin' nodded his head. Somebody else laughed, “I haven’t even seen you pick up a bow. Why do you want to participate?! Don’t waste the spot.” Wen QiongLin seemed as if he wanted to protest for himself. The person said, “Alright, alright. Don’t be so curious. The rank is recorded. If you go up there and lose your own face it wouldn't be my problem.” Wei WuXian, Lose face? If anyone in the QishanWen Sect could find some face for you all, he’d be the one.
The Wen sect are making quite a big scene, we can imagine that a lot of the disciples waiting to enter the hunting grounds are watching from afar and wondering what is going on. LWJ is probably nearby as well.. so let's bear that in mind.
"Wei WuXian wasn’t too pleased. He raised his voice, “Who said that he’s never picked up a bow? He has, and his archery is quite good!” Everyone looked at him, somewhat surprised. They then turned to look at the boy. Wen QiongLin’s face was rather pale to begin with. Because of how everyone’s eyes centered on him, it immediately became bright red. Those pitch-black eyes stared at Wei WuXian. Wei WuXian walked over, hands behind his back, “Back then, weren’t you doing quite well in the garden?” Wen Chao turned around as well, doubting, “Really? You? Good at archery? Why haven’t I ever heard of this?” Wen QiongLin’s voice was low, “… I… I only startedpracticing recently…” His voice was not only low but also staggering. It sounded as if it could be stopped at any moment, and it was indeed often stopped. Wen Chao interrupted impatiently, “Alright, there’s a target over there. Quickly shoot an arrow for us to see. If it’s good then go, if it’s not good then don’t.”
WWX can't stand to watch WC being rude to WN after he had summoned up the guts to put himself forward. As he's witnessed, WNs archery skills are actually very good, so he interjects, vouching for WN.
Now.. as I said before, LWJ is most likely amongst the crowd waiting to enter the arena. LWJ is always very well aware of WWX if he is nearby - so it's safe to assume he had seen WWX prior. If not, he certainly would have heard WWX speaking up for WN. You can almost imagine LWJs cold glare homing in on the boy who is getting praise and attention off WWX!
The area around Wen QiongLin was immediately emptied. The hand that he clutched the arrow with tightened as he looked around, seemingly looking for help. Watching how unconfident he looked, Wei WuXian patted his shoulder, “Relax. Just do as you did before.” Wen QiongLin looked at him gratefully. With a deep breath, he drew his bow. Unfortunately, with the draw of the bow, Wei WuXian shook his head secretly, Uh-oh. It was likely that Wen QiongLin had never shot an arrow in front of other people. He was shaking all the way from his arm to his fingertips. The arrow flew out. It didn’t even land on the target. The Wen Sect’s people that watched from aside all laughed mockingly, “How is this good?!” “I can shoot better than this with my eyes closed.” “Okay, okay, stop wasting time. Let’s quickly pick somebody to enter the arena!
If LWJ was watching the scene from the crowd - he'd have seen WWX get closer to WN and put his hand on his shoulder, encouraging the mystery boy. LWJ probably also noticed that, according to an earlier description, WN is 'quite handsome'. He's been pining for WWX for a year and the first time he sees him again, he's acting friendly with a handsome boy. We know it doesn't mean anything, but if LWJ did indeed see this, jealousy would have surely sprouted within him - just as it does later in the novel when WWX is paying others attention. You can't really blame him either, yes it's all innocent, but he's a teenager with a huge crush and conflicting hormones waging war in his body!
Red seeped through Wen QiongLin’s face to even the bottom of his ears. There was no need for others to beckon him away; he fled self-consciously. Wei WuXian chased after him, “Hey, don’t run! Uh… QiongLin-xiong right? Why are you running?” Hearing his name called from behind him, Wen QiongLin finally stopped. Head hanging low, he turned around. It seemed as though shame rippled from his head to his toes as he stammered, “… I’m sorry.” Wei WuXian mused, “Why are you telling me you’re sorry?” Wen QiongLin replied with guilt, “You… You recommended me… but I made you lose face…” Wei WuXian, “How did it make me lose face? You haven’t really shot in front other people, have you? You were nervous?” Wen QiongLin nodded. Wei WuXian continued, “Have some confidence. Let me tell you the truth—you shoot better than everyone in your sect. Out of all of the disciples whom I’ve seen, no more than three people are better in archery than you.”
I find WWXs last comment about there only being three people better at archery than WN very interesting. Since the reader is already aware who placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th in the forthcoming competition - he's most likely referencing them. For reference, in case anyone has forgotten:
Chapter 51
In the end, after the calculations, the four with the best results were Wei WuXian, Lan XiChen, Jin ZiXuan, and Lan WangJi. If it weren’t for having to leave early, Lan WangJi could’ve done even better.
LWJ placed 4th, but according to WWX, he could have done even better if he'd not left the competition early - placing him higher than JZX. So it's highly likely he's stating WN is only marginally less skilled than himself, LXC and LWJ. Interesting, considering WWX claims a few short moments later (in chapter 45)... He hasn't thought about LWJ in some time! Which we knew was a lie anyway, but wow.. WWX you little liar! And I guess, if you wanted to really read into the above - you could also say that he has even contradicted himself further. He states, 'of all the disciples I've seen..' so, is this also him admitting he'd already seen LWJ prior to the start of Chapter 45, where he is gawping at LWJ's good looks? He's he been watching him practice as well? Just an interesting thought!
Anyway, I digress! Back to jealous LWJ.
So if LWJ has witnessed all of the above, which he most likely did - he would have saw WWX running after the WN. If he wasn't a little bit jealous of the attention he was giving WN before, be probably was now. I don't want to make LWJ sound pretty, because he's far from that. He is just a boy with a huge crush! And who didn't act a bit irrational regarding anything involving their crush at that age. Let's not forget, he was most likely well aware WWX would be attending the conference. LWJ was probably a potent cocktail of nerves, excitement and longing, in anticipation of catching a glimpse of WWX at the week-long event.
With that in mind... Try re-reading chapter 45 and notice how LWJ is acting. He's not seen WWX in a year. Yes, he finds it hard to talk to his crush - but he's not normally that rude to him really. He won't even look at him. Possibly because, he's jealous..?
You can find the chapter I'm referring to in my blog post on the archery competition, if you want to re-read it in full along with analysis. Or if you want to check it out for yourself, it's chapter 45.
Silly headcanon... LWJ is even witness to WWX praising WNs archery skills while hiding in the bushes stalking him from afar! 🤣 No wonder he has a thing about WN and pushes him when drunk 🤣😱 Jealous LWJ is adorable ❤️
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travalerray · 5 months
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these are the times where I really have to ask what the heck happened. Because this implies that Something Had Happened Prior To This. What happened to Jiang Cheng. Jiang Fengmian never really stops being the clown of the century huh
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