#oblivious lan wangji
wangxianficrecs · 14 days
💙 Am I (Gusu Lan Cultivator, 24 M) the Asshole? by moonwaif
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💙 Am I (Gusu Lan Cultivator, 24 M) the Asshole?
by moonwaif (@moonwaif)
M, 41k, Wangxian
Summary: After learning that his roommate and BFF Wei Wuxian is gay, Lan Wangji vows to be a supportive ally. Then one day, Wei Wuxian brings home another man. [Inspired by that one AITA subreddit story.] Kay's comments: AH! This story really is the epitome of one of my favourite tropes: oblivious Lan Wangji! It's so well-written and I love the misunderstandings so much and Lan Wangji's unintentional dickishness, because he doesn't realize that he's crushing hard on Wei Wuxian. He gets sooo jealous of Wen Ning, it's such a joy to read. Excerpt: The first thing he sees is, thankfully, Wei Wuxian. He’s lying on the couch, flat on his stomach and moaning while another man massages his back. Lan Wangji doesn’t breathe. “Mn, Lan Zhan.” Wei Wuxian stirs, head turning slightly in the direction of the door, his eyes remaining closed. “That you?” Lan Wangji doesn’t answer. The other man—the one who is seated on top of Wei Wuxian, straddling his hips—withers under Lan Wangji’s glare, but he doesn’t stop massaging. “Oh, sorry.” Wei Wuxian laughs breezily. “This is, ah—Wen Qionglin. Wen Ning, this is Lan Wangji.” Wen Qionglin ducks his head. “P-pleased to meet you.” Lan Wangji refuses to look at him. “What are you doing?” he grits out, teeth clenched. “Night hunt,” Wei Wuxian grunts. “Threw out my back. Ugh, yeah, Wen Ning, right there . . .” Wen Qionglin digs his thumbs deeply into Wei Wuxian’s lower back, while Wei Wuxian makes some more lewd noises. Lan Wangji has the sudden impulse to grab them and throw them both off the couch. Instead he stomps off to his room, tosses his duffle bag on the bed and starts to unpack. Aggressively. Is this why Wei Wuxian didn’t text Lan Wangji, because he was busy fooling around with Wen Qionglin?
pov lan wangji, modern setting, modern with magic, roommates, oblivious lan wangji, friends to lovers, misunderstandings, miscommunication, jealous lan wangji, jealous wei wuxian, implied/referenced homophobia, lan wangji has friends, angst with a happy ending, feelings realization, hurt wei wuxian, emotional hurt/comfort, coming out
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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funkyshoes · 1 year
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When he’d been a small child, Lan Wangji had found an injured rabbit. Mother had arranged for a veterinarian to come and heal the rabbit, but they’d had to release it back into the wild once it was better. Mother had told him that rabbits want to be free. In some ways, Wei Ying was wild like the rabbit. Did Wei Ying want to be free? No, that did not make sense. Wei Ying had never been injured. Wei Ying was trusting and, like the rabbit, could not defend himself. Lan Wangji remembered when Wei Ying had worked in the coffee shop. He’d always been too friendly with the customers. He had no idea that people could hurt him, but Lan Wangji had brought Wei Ying home where he would be safe.
Courtship Rite
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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There is a platonic explanation for all this. Right?
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1895locktva · 6 days
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"Mourning clothes!
Mourning clothes, indeed. Even though all the clans in the cultivation world used extravagant words to describe the Gusulan Sect's uniframe as the most beautiful and Lan Wangli as an incomparable and rare beauty, nothing could prevent his bitter expression from making him look as if he thought his wife passed away"
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raevnq · 14 days
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He calls him my heart,sweetheart,and my Wei ying.
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unfamd · 2 years
look i just think that lwj should get to be as petty and mean and sublimely, perfectly dickish to jiang cheng as he wants, preferably in front of witnesses and with immense prejudice. say what you want about post-canon yunmeng shuangjie and their relationship but you can't tell me lwj would ever forgive jc even if he and wwx repair all their problems and get back to something approaching their relationship pre-war. there's no way lwj wouldn't make every lan clan gathering jiang cheng attends Actual Living Hell for the man with all the pointed subtlety that being Diplomatic 4D Chess Player Lan Xichen's brother has given him. jiang cheng cries multiple times every visit, and not even for nostalgic missing-the-good-times reasons. even the lan juniors feel sorry for him. lan jingyi once asked lwj if he thought he'd gone just a little too far when he told jiang cheng that there was a nice area up in the hills for sword practicing that 'had a good cliff edge he could use'. jiang cheng has never wished to die so many times in one visit. lwj would love to help him with that request, if the opportunity arose
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lilly10 · 1 month
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WWX (post reincarnation): Lan Zhan looks like his wife just died.
Everybody else: You’re actually not that far off…
WWX: Oh no! Is Mianmian okay?!
WWX: … I’m so sorry to hear that. She was very nice.
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Honestly want to bonk my head when I'm thinking about Wei Wuxian's obliviousness. Like, dude you really thought you've become gay after reincarnating into a body of one?? Bitch no you thought.
He really thinks that AS IF constantly fawning over Mr repressed gay clenches face and throwing flowers at him and constantly yelling out loud that he's the most handsome man he's ever seen isn't fucking gay
And I'm here like, what the fuck
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Me when part of a fandom calls a main character "oblivious" because *check notes* they are not aware they are in a romance novel:
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No because I saw a post that showed gif sets of Nie Huiasang kind of low-key nudging Wangxian together pre-All Of The Bullshit and immediately fell in love with the idea of him shipping from the shadows and pulling strings to try and set them up, but MOSTLY I love it for the sake of Lan Wangji, reflecting on all the many (many, many, many) days he spent during his childhood sitting silently in a room with Nie Huiasang doing whatever the hell it was Nie Huiasang was doing while Xichen visited Mingjue or Shufu visited the late Nie-Zongzhu. Lan Wangji did not enjoy these visits. He does not consider them friends.
And Nie Huiasang, who fully knows this, just goes “Yeah, we’ll, I’m YOUR friend, asshole,” and immediately tries to hook him up with his crush.
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
💙 Slow Dancing in the Dark by adrian_kres
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💙 Slow Dancing in the Dark
by adrian_kres
T, 3k, Wangxian
Summary: Five times Lan Zhan misunderstood Wei Ying's feelings, and one time Wei Ying didn't let him.
Kay's comments: Hehe, a cute little modern AU with a flavour of oblivious Lan Zhan, who thinks all the times Wei Ying is making a move on him are just Wei Ying "joking around" or "being a friend." I really love adrian_kres's flavour of Wangxian, it just feels so much like them! I really enjoyed the parallels to canon in this AU as well and how sweet it was.
Excerpt: And then, like something out of Lan Zhan's most secret fantasies, Wei Ying wrapped his arms around his neck, kissed the corner of his lips, and whispered, "You're so good, Lan Zhan." He backed away and slipped off his shirt, then his pants, surprising Lan Zhan once again with his dexterity despite how much alcohol he'd imbibed, and then wrapped Lan Zhan in his arms again. This time, his lips were nearly pressed against Lan Zhan's ear which burned in shock and embarrassment. "You're so so good, Lan Zhan. So good to take me home when I needed it. Why don't you let me thank you properly? I'll make it good for you, I promise. You can do whatever you want to me." Lan Zhan swallowed. He'd wanted Wei Ying when they first met and didn't understand it, but he understood completely now. Of course, he wanted it, but not like this. Never like this. "You are drunk," he said, and Wei Ying pulled away. "You really are the best of us, Lan Zhan." In the darkness, he could not make out Wei Ying's face. Lan Zhan imagined he was probably rolling his eyes, no other reaction would make sense.
modern setting, pov lan wangji, modern no powers, 5+1 things, angst with a happy ending, fluff and angst, jiang family dynamics, background character death, getting together, friends to lovers, oblivious lan wangji, college/university, @bichen-suiban-blog
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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funkyshoes · 1 year
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“No. We will marry tomorrow. No more delays.” Before Meng Yao could reply, he added, “Goodnight.”
“Wangji,” Xichen said, “we’re in the middle of a conversation. You can’t just leave.”
While Xichen had spoken, Lan Wangji had unlocked his door. “Can. Goodnight again.”
He shut the door in their faces. Xichen looked as if his brother’s rudeness was the most shocking thing he’d ever encountered.
Courtship Rite
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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Dishonourable Demonstration
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bnnywngs · 2 years
an alternate universe where there's no golden core transplant (either jiang cheng never loses his, or wei wuxian just don't want to lose his) and wei wuxian is on the front lines beside his peers, just waving suibian with precision and doing perfect jiang sect forms while in battle
everyone around just go wow watching it, they look up to wei wuxian, they love talking about his prowess, they want to be on his side or behind him while on battlegrounds, and wei wuxian is as oblivious as he could get
and then we have lan wangji
yes, him
he watches wei wuxian, his lovely, lively, beautiful wei ying, smile sharply as he cut some wens, as he smirks with his face dirty with earth and blood, as he laughs when someone points out he's hurt, and lan wangji gets distracted enough to be on the end of a wen sword, taken by surprised when he hadn't realized there was a soldier so close (when he forgot where the hell he was for a solid second)
lan wangji was mortified while waiting for the doctor to dismiss him, lan xichen looking worried at his brother and trying to understand how it happens because "wangji you're so cautious, you were never hurt before, why now?" but lan wangji refuses to answer and just blush like the loser he is
fortunately (or not), wei wuxian is oblivious, although worried
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jiaoji · 1 year
Everytime i read misunderstunding WangXian fic and they are ALREADY in a relationship, it just doesn't work well, unless they are forced into it and start to know eachother
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travalerray · 4 months
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was writing TGoATT and honestly. Felt like I had to make a SQQ joke here
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