dailydccomics · 2 days
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the Starro infection Justice League Europe #27-28
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satoshy12 · 9 months
Baby Phantom and Green Lantern Corps:
It all started when the de-aging because of magic, Danny was found by a green ring. The ring chose Danny because of the strongest will he had before his de-aging. After falling Asleep in the Ghost zone, Danny was pulled into a portal and came out on the other side in space out.
The next thing Danny knew was he was on the Plant Oa. And found by an older green lantern who has no idea how to take care of a toddler.
Kilowog had no idea what to do with that toddler, but he knew it was a human.
So time for extra training for Hal then.
And that was how Hal in Coast City ended up with the "Baby Lantern" sidekick…
Which brought many problems to JL; at least Guy and John helped him.
"He isn't a sidekick! Batman, stop glaring at me! You too, Supeman and Wonder Woman… Wait, where is Danny?"
Baby Danny is playing in space, still angry to be taken away from the cool alien planet. But this space station is cool!
Danny the "The most adorable Sidekick, voted that way by public and JL. "
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harveydont · 3 months
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people who cannot see the beauty of hal+kilowog will not survive the winter.
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jesncin · 1 month
How would you (or Ma’al, whatever is more fun to do) rank the green lanterns?
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Ma'al's opinions are not reflective of my opinions I would rank Kyle Rayner in supreme S tier for being a comic artist alone.
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jetslay · 2 months
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DC Super-Heroes by Darren M A Calvert.
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zed-sabre · 5 days
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soooooo i've been playing around with the idea of making stickers
but stickers specifically for my interests that never get merch ever
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soranatus · 2 years
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DC Comics Movie Poster Variant Covers: superman | super fly! 
wonder woman | 300
detective comics | the matrix
action comics | bill & ted's excellent adventure
catwoman | bullitt
green lantern | 2001: a space odyssey
green lantern corps | forbidden planet
aquaman | free willy
harley quinn | jailhouse rock
justice league dark | beetlejuice
grayson | enter the dragon
sinestro | westworld
justice league united | mars attacks
the flash | north by northwest
teen titans | the lost boys
(this isn’t every single one)
Thread made by fentyheffa!
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90spiderbros · 5 months
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orange-s-mario · 8 months
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sapphyreblayze · 1 month
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I love how, whenever the JLI showed up in the 1988 Mister Miracle series, they were always in full-blown 'silly billy League for goobers' mode.
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mlim8 · 1 year
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Chibi Lanternssss ouo
Planning to make this into a sticker lol
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reashot · 10 months
Red means Stop, Green means Go and Yellow means you can ride on Blondie. 🚦
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Jaune: it's so great that you decided to stay here with us forever Jessica.
Ruby: Jess are you sure you're making the right decision? After all you're leaving everything you ever knew behind.
Jessica: Oh it's not really a big deal. I mean there's already like, what? ten Green Lanterns already. They won't notice one missing.
Meanwhile on OA...
Tomar-Re: Okay, are all the Green Lanterns from Earth already in attendance and counted for?
Hal Jordan: Here!
Guy Gardner: The one and only.
Kyle Rayner: Present!
John Stewart: Attention!
Simon Baz: Ready.
Jo Mullein: Let's get it started already!
Kilowog: Wait! We're missing one poozer.
Tomar-Re: Who are we missing?
Guy: Who knows? There's so many Green Lanterns from Earth that it's hard to keep track of... And while we at it. I'm not a geo/space-political egghead or anything like that, but don't you think it's kinda messed up that Earth is overly represented in the Green Lantern Corp. Compared to other planets?
Kyle: I hate to admit this, but Guy here have a point. Why do we have so many Green Lanterns from Earth anyway? Heck! I got to be one and all I had to do is be in the right place in the right time.
Hal: Huh? You know I never thought about it like that. And this kind of put all the Alien attacks we had into a new perspective. Do you think they attacked us because we have too many influence in galactic affairs? I mean Green Lantern aside there's too many notable humans in Galaxy despite us not being a space faring species.
Jo: This is definitely gonna make my assignment to the Far Sector a lot more problematic. I'm in the same boat as Kyle I was personally recruited by the Guardian in a club. I don't think that's normally how you get the ring.
John: What the heck with there's more humans in the Lantern Corp. Has to do with anything? All of us are Green Lanterns now and there's no changing that. Whether the ring chose us or the Guardians did, matters little, we still have the responsibility of a Lantern. And I don't think they are wrong in making their choices.
Simon: You said it John. You said it... Argus you getting any of this?
Meanwhile at Argus...
Amanda Waller: We hear you loud and clear Agent Baz. Make sure you keep them talking as much as you can. We need as much info as we can get from this glow in the dark clowns. Junior! Keep giving me constant updates on the Green Lanterns situation. You got that?
Gordon Junior: Yes mrs. Waller. We will monitor the situation as best as we can.
Amanda: It better be, for your sake too.
Returning back to OA...
Simon: While we wait for Jessica. How about we all talk about Green Lantern stuffs. Seeing we probably missed a lot by not being here. Preferably as loud and clear as you can...
Hal: Who's Jessica?
Simon: Ha, ha, ha, nice joke Hal. How could you forget about Jessica?
Jo: No. Seriously who's Jessica. This is the first time I ever heard of her?
Simon: I know you're new and all but that doesn't excuse for not knowing your fellow Green Lantern.
John: I don't know what you're talking about Simon? But there is no Green Lantern named Jessica.
Simon: Then which Green Lantern are we waiting for?
Guy: We're waiting for Keli Quintela. Who else are waiting for Baz?
Simon: A-am I losing my mind here. How could everyone in here forgot about Jessica Cruz?
Kilowog: Who the heck is Jessica Cruz?...
Simon: Not you too! You know Jessica. She's the... Eh, the.. Why can't I remember her?
And finally back on Remnant
Jessica: I'm sure it's fine...
Jaune: Well if you said so Jess... And Jess thank you again for choosing to stay with us. *hugs her*
Jessica: Oh Jaune... Now I know I'm making the right choice. After meeting you I can't imagine myself without you. You are everything to me Jaune...
Jaune: Jess...
Ruby: *grind teeth*
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Jaune: Then we have to celebrate. I'll make a reservation at my favorite restaurant. And maybe afterward I can show you around the place.
Jessica: That would be lovely Jaune. And I think any place would be great as long as I am with you...
Jaune: *blush* Y-you do? Then I better go and make my reservation. Ruby can you keep Jess company while I'm out. Okay thank you, bye...
Jess: *blush* He's so thoughtful... 💕
Ruby: So you done trying to steal my man? 😡
Jessica: N-no I wouldn't dream of it Ms. Rose... He-he is way out of my league. With him being so tall, handsome, blonde... Oh I'm just making it worse for me, am I?
Ruby: *sigh* Look Jess it's not that I don't know where you're coming from but I love Jaune too and I have no intention of giving him up.
Jessica: I know that. Ms. Rose but I love him so much. If I met him first like you do I won't give him up. But I have no intention of stealing him away from you. I-I just want to be close to him that's all. Being with him makes me feel safe and loved. I feel I can be a better version of myself just by being with him... *tearing up*
Ruby: Oh Jess... *comforts her* You're just like me. Before me there was another girl named Pyhrra. Just like you I pretend I didn't want to steal him from her. But deep down I wanted him for myself.
Jessica: Pyhrra... Is that the red headed girl I met before right?
Ruby: Yes. But she died a while ago and Jaune loved her dearly. He was devastated by her death... And Jess if you decide to go after Jaune, I will allow it.
Jessica: Really?!
Ruby: On strict conditions of course. That I Ruby Rose will remain his number one girlfriend and you need to ask my permission first to go on a date with him and for other things to.
Jessica: O-of course I will always ask for your permission beforehand and I will never break your trust. (Yes. I can be with Jaune.)
Ruby: Oh, very well then. I Ruby Rose will allow you to go on a date. But make sure to keep it PG-13. Or else.
Jessica: Yes, of course. I will make sure to bring him home before midnight.
Jaune: Hey you two. I hope you haven't been waiting too long. So what are you talking about?
Ruby: Oh we're just talking about girls stuffs you know... Anyway, enough about us. Where are you taking Jess to on your first date together?
Jaune: I-it's not a date Ruby. I'm just showing her around her new home that's all. And Jess how do you feel about French food is it okay with you?
Jessica: I love it Jaune...
Ruby: Remember keep it PG-13 or I'm gunning for you Jess.
If anyone ask why do the DC characters suddenly can't remember anything about Jessica. Well that's just the price for abandoning your own reality unfortunately. I'm sure it's nothing...
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months
Me and the Ring
Part 2 of Me or the Ring
Pairing: Hal Jordan x fem!reader
Summary: After Hal broke your heart and failed his mission, the Guardians send Kyle to pick up where he left off. You can't trust Hal, but that doesn't mean you don't love him.
Warnings: angst to fluff, some suggestiveness/objectification (it's innocent, just Hal Jordan flirting), lots of DC Lantern lore references. ignore the incorrect timeline of the GLs
Word Count: 2.9k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist | DC/Hal Jordan Masterlist
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Coast City isn’t the same without Hal Jordan. Every time you see Green Lantern fly across the sky or a picture of him on the news, you miss your Flyboy a little more. Leaving Hal was the right choice, or so you keep telling yourself. As you walk out of a mediocre coffee shop, because you’re too nervous and heartbroken to return to the one where you met Hal, you accidentally bump into someone.
“Sorry,” you murmur without looking up.
“I’m not,” the man replies.
You glance up at his face before dropping your eyes again. He moves his arm, and you see something green reflect the sunlight.
“I’m not interested,” you say. “Excuse me.”
“Look, I know I started poorly,” the man continues, moving to block your path. “But let me start over? My name’s Kyle.”
“Okay. Kyle, get out of my way.”
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“Where’s Gardner?” Kilowog mumbles. “Guardians sent ‘em both, but I ain’t seen him since we left.”
“I’m not worried about Guy,” Hal replies. “She keeps backing up. She’s different than she was with me. This is all my fault, Kilowog.”
“You’re right, poozer. But don’t give your apology to me.”
Hal sighs as he watches you. He can’t hear, but Kilowog’s Bolovaxian ears pick up every catch of your breath.
“Hal,” he grunts. “He’s taking her somewhere.”
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Kyle sighs, and when his shoulder rolls back, you see the unmistakable ring on his finger. Another Green Lantern. As if one breaking your heart wasn’t enough, they still think you are guilty of some intergalactic crime spree.
“Kyle, I’m late for a meeting. Maybe I could give you my number?” you suggest.
Playing along seems like the best option. He smiles and moves again, blatantly showing off the ring. You accept his phone and input a fake name and a fake number.
“Now, lying isn’t nice,” Kyle says as he takes his phone back.
“That’s not your name.”
You take a step back as your face drops in worry. Hal was never this pushy, and you wish he was here now. Before you can turn on your heel to run, Kyle reaches out and wraps a hand around your arm.
“If you don’t willingly go back to Oa and confess to your crimes, I will drag you across the worst planets I can think of on the way,” he threatens quietly.
You fumble with your phone at your side, navigating to your favorite contacts with only one name in mind.
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“C’mon, you’re my girl,” Hal murmurs as he watches Kyle lean in to speak. “You know what to do. Don’t trust him.”
“She just said your name,” Kilowog announces.
A single second later, Hal’s phone rings. At the same time, a sapphire portal opens behind you and Kyle. Hal is angry for you, at Kyle, at the situation, but he doesn’t bother to answer your call as Kyle pulls you closer.
“Rayner,” Hal greets as he lands beside you. “Let her go.”
You lean toward Hal, and Kyle’s eyes remain on the opening portal.
“This isn’t over, Jordan,” he responds. “She’s coming back to Oa.”
“Don’t do this,” Kilowog says as he lands behind Kyle.
Your eyes widen at the sight of Kilowog, another Green Lantern. Hal steps closer to you, and you find comfort in his proximity. The other Green Lantern is large, but he seems to be with Hal, unlike Kyle.
“Last chance,” Hal tells Kyle. “Don’t make this worse.”
Sapphire sparks fly off the portal as it reaches its peak. Kyle hesitates before releasing his grip on you. His suit forms around him before he flies away, but you use your new freedom to turn toward Hal. You grip his suit, although you’re surprised you can actually feel it, and hide your face against his chest.
“This is Kilowog,” Hal says calmly. He presses a hand against your back to keep you close before promising, “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, pretty girl.”
As Kilowog steps back urgently, you anticipate that Hal will break yet another promise. The portal begins shrinking suddenly, and Kilowog yells something before an unseen force pulls you closer to the pink circle.
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When you open your eyes, Kilowog groans in a language you don’t recognize. You step back, out of Hal’s hold, and look around.
“Where are we?” you ask softly.
“Zamaron,” Kilowog answers.
“Why can I breathe?”
“My ring,” Hal says. “I can create an atmosphere for you.”
“How am I supposed to go home?”
“I’ll get you home, I promise.”
“Stop promising! Tell me how!” you demand.
Hal sees the fear in your eyes and shakes his head. “I don’t know yet,” he admits.
“Okay. What now?”
“Hal!” Kilowog alerts. “We’ve got company.”
“Hello,” a pink-skinned woman says as she lands before you.
Hal moves quickly to press himself against your back. You want to find comfort in the touch, but you’re terrified and don’t want to fall for another Hal Jordan trick.
“The Guardians- the guys who make the rings thought you were working with her,” Hal whispers.
You turn to look over your shoulder with wide eyes. The accusations have a new layer of unbelievability, now. There’s a sapphire ring on her finger, and when she doesn’t acknowledge the Green Lanterns with you, you tense your shoulders nervously.
“I’m sorry,” Hal adds.
“Save it,” you snap. “Tell me when you get me back to Coast City.”
Hal nods, and you turn away. There are more women before you now, and you unconsciously lean against Hal before he is pulled away.
“Take the men to their quarters,” the woman commands. “Welcome to Zamaron, human.”
“Where are you taking my friends?” you ask.
One of the women lays a hand on your back, but you step forward to preserve your personal space. They let you follow at your own pace, though they do not answer your question.
“Where did you take them?” you repeat loudly.
“Do not be concerned. Our atmosphere has adapted to your presence, so you no longer need the men to protect you,” someone answers.
“We are taking you to my palace,” the first woman says. “I am the current leader of Zamaron, and I would like to extend our hospitality to you.”
“I would appreciate a plane ticket home a bit more than hospitality,” you argue.
“In time. You will have the chance to return home, I assure you.”
You continue in silence. The palace appears as you turn a corner, and you wonder where Hal and Kilowog are. If you needed him, could he come? Would he?
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“We have to get out of here, Kilowog,” Hal says before hitting the prison bars again.
“You know we can’t,” Kilowog replies.
“She is out there alone! I’m not going to just sit here and accept my fate!”
“I’m not tellin’ you too, poozer. I’m sayin’ that you need a new approach. You’re not a hero, remember?”
Hal nods as he begins pacing. “Right. I’m not a hero. But I am a Flyboy.”
Kilowog agrees before asking, “Is this a translation problem or are you making up words?”
“They’re going to offer her a ring, Kilowog,” Hal says. “I trust her, but she doesn’t know what the Sapphires do.”
“You broke her heart. If she accepts the ring, you’re her first stop.”
“Trust me. I know.”
“She called for help, Hal. Work on finding a way to do that.”
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“You have strong emotions toward the human Lantern,” the leader of Zamaron muses. “Is there love?”
“Not anymore,” you answer.
“I see. My friends and I here are the Star Sapphire Corps. Do you know what that means?”
“I don’t. We humans aren’t well-versed in the whole ring thing.”
She chuckles, her laughter just as royal and majestic as her voice. “Star Sapphires are a race built on love. As our first members said, ‘Life without love is blasphemy.’ Tell me, what would you do for a life of love and power?”
“Work,” you answer. “Love and power aren’t given; they’re earned and created.”
“Poor child, you have no idea of the possibilities in the universe. Accept a ring, join our people, and the life you crave, the love you no longer have, can be yours.”
You shake your head, determined to get off of this planet. “I just want to go home.”
“And you may. A portal can be made available to you.”
“Thank you. Can I see my friends now?”
“I fear you misunderstand. We, women, are the only beings who understand what love truly is. There is no place for men on Zamaron.”
“You’re going to kill them,” you realize. “You kill all men.”
“We free them from their failed responsibilities. They cannot love, so they cannot live.”
“That’s not true.”
“Your Hal Jordan could not love you as you deserve. What proof do you have?”
“I- I can show you.”
“Green Lanterns are not to be trusted. Prove your worth with a ring or return home. Without your unfortunate friends.”
You close your eyes and take a deep breath before saying, “I would like a ring. Hal Jordan used me, and he must learn what life without love is like. He takes but never gives. It’s my turn.”
Your dramatic speech wins over the Sapphires, and the leader nods. Another Zamaron kneels before you and slides a pink ring onto your finger. Power surges through you as sapphire ribbons circle your form.
“Go and eliminate blasphemy.”
Hal makes using a ring look much easier, and as you shakily take flight, you wish he was here to help you. Here and now, it’s your turn to help him. Hal Jordan hurt you, but he doesn’t deserve to die on an alien planet. As you fly, you use the ring to scan the planet. It happens without much conscious thought, and when you find the prison, you raise your arms and increase your flight speed.
“Hal?” you whisper at the first opening.
“Pipe down,” a woman calls from inside the prison.
The prison is full of men from different planets, but you don’t allow yourself to think about what will happen to them. They need help, but your mission is to free Hal and Kilowog. When the bars beside you shake, you follow the sound of impact around another corner. A large, green bulldozer is ramming into a wall of bars, and you shake your head in concerned amusement before raising your own ring. You form a pink coffee cup, which causes the green machine to disappear.
“Whoa,” Hal says in place of greeting. His eyes are wide at the sight of you, and he asks, “Is that a new outfit?”
“Shut up,” you demand. You haven’t looked down at the skin-tight pink bodysuit more than once, but the mention of it makes you shift uncomfortably. “We need to get out of here.”
“The door won’t open. I’ve tried everything.”
You grab a bar and open the door with minimal effort.
“Your ring’s the wrong color,” you say.
Hal and Jordan step out, and you lower your gaze to the ring momentarily. You shake your hand, and all of the cells open. The men walk out before running for cover.
“How do I get this ring off, Hal?” you ask.
“You have to prove you love and are loved at the same time, with the same person,” Kilowog answers.
“How do you know that?” Hal asks.
“Did you mean any of it? What you said at Ferris Air?” you interrupt.
Hal turns toward you and nods. “I meant all of it.”
You look into his eyes, and he sees that yours have a depth and a hurt that he missed. The hurt is his fault, but what lies behind it caused him to fall in love with you. With your eyes locked, you think about everything that Hal has done to prove he loves you, and then admit to yourself that despite his seeming betrayal and how he used you, you love him, too. The sapphire ring hits the prison floor with a clang and Hal rushes to adjust the atmosphere for you.
“You did it!” he cheers before pulling you into his arms.
“Hal, something’s wrong,” Kilowog says.
You try to agree, but everything goes black before you can.
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“Ma’am are you okay?” someone asks above you.
Your head pounds until you open your eyes. The Coast City sky above you is clear and bright, and you sit up quickly at the sight and feel of earth. There’s a crowd around you, but Hal and Kilowog are nowhere in sight.
“Where’s Green Lantern?” you ask.
“He hasn’t been seen in days,” the man kneeling beside you says. “Did you hit your head?”
“I have to go,” you say as you push yourself up to stand.
Several people yell for you to wait, but you run past the coffee shop where you first met Hal on your way home. There’s a list in your mind of things you need to do. First, you have to find some comfort, and then you can worry about Hal and where he is.
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“Don’t you people know how to make a phone call?” Hal complains when he realizes he and Kilowog are on Oa. “We would’ve come if you’d just sent an invite.”
“Quiet, Green Lantern Hal Jordan of Sector 2814,” Ganthet demands. “This is a trial, not a debate.”
“A trial for what?” Kilowog asks. “Bein’ imprisoned?”
“The Intergalactic Court sent you to find a woman guilty of murder, yet you allowed her to take you to Zamaron. She has been sent back to Earth, where Green Lantern Guy Gardner will do what you failed to do,” Sayd explains. “Failing in a mission that was requested is punishable to the full extent of Rimbor law.”
“We didn’t fail!” Hal argues. “She is innocent! She saved us from the Sapphires; would a killer do that?”
“Have you any proof?”
Kilowog grumbles before summoning a hologram from his ring. A blurry video of your arrival in the prison plays for the Guardians, who then turn to one another and whisper.
“Can you send me that video?” Hal whispers as he leans toward Kilowog.
“Focus, poozer,” he replies.
“The Guardians have decided to investigate this occurrence in more depth. Green Lanterns Jordan and Kilowog, you are free to go. Be prepared to return to Oa at a moment’s notice,” Ganthet announces.
“Go,” Kilowog demands. “Or you can watch that video in your dreams.”
“I think I’ll do that either way,” Hal says before disappearing into the clouds.
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“Where are you, Hal Jordan?” you ask as you click another search result.
Plenty of people have claimed to see Green Lantern today, but none of them are your Flyboy. Someone knocks, and you ignore it as you add “Coast City” to the search again. The knocking continues, and you groan as you stand.
“Coming!” you yell.
“Hi, pretty girl,” Hal says as you pull the door open.
“Hi,” you reply softly. “You know, when I called you this morning, I didn’t expect anything.”
“I’ll always be here for you. You can hate me, tell me you never felt anything, but I’m yours.”
“Hal, I-“
“No. Look, I’m not going to pretend like I know what I’m doing or that I’m relationship material. But I love you, and I will help you no matter when or where. Not because of the ring that I wear, but because of who you are and how wildly in love I am with you.”
You raise your brows as he speaks, and when he finishes you say, “Love. Do you know what that means?”
“You know I do.”
“Then you know I feel the same way. But I can’t let you use me again, Hal.”
“I never thought you were guilty, and I was trying to convince the Guardians to let it go. I’m sorry that I failed and got you into even more trouble.”
“It worked out,” you remind him. “Because I love you.”
Hal smiles and grabs the jacket you’re wearing – his jacket, you remember suddenly – to pull you against his chest. “Thank you,” he murmurs before kissing you.
You grip Hal’s shirt and return the kiss, giving and receiving love at once. Your life hasn’t been short of love since Hal walked into it.
“I love you,” you say as you pull back. “I’m sorry for reacting like I did.”
“I don’t blame you for that. Walking away wasn’t,” Hal hesitates before finishing, “It didn’t change anything for me. Except make me hate myself a little for hurting you.”
“Consider it forgiven and forgotten.”
“You,” Hal says. “I choose you. Tell me that you want me to prove it and I will throw this ring into the sky and let it find a new bearer.”
You purse your lips as you consider how the ring works. When Hal raises his hand, you wrap both of your hands over his knuckles and the ring.
“This ring is part of you, so I love it, too,” you promise.
“You really do love me,” Hal says with a smile.
“Obviously.” You gesture dramatically to his jacket on your arms to reiterate your point.
Hal leans forward and drops his voice to ask, “Enough to find a sapphire outfit? To remember old times?”
You roll your eyes before walking farther into your home. “You wish, Flyboy. The jacket’s as good as it gets for you. At least until you put a ring on my finger.”
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wajjs · 17 days
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^ That's the face I make when tumblr approves the community I created due to lack of self control.
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If you've got an issue with that, please regulate your own internet experience accordingly, don't make it anyone else's obligation.
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Green Lantern (2023) #7 variant cover by Doc Shaner
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thwackk · 2 years
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im just making my own au at this point. this started off by me wanting more father-like kilowog content but it escalated from there and now i keep thinking about hal taking terrible images of ppl he loves on purpose
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