#life stuff
If I’m too much, go find less tf
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nfsdiaryy · 3 months
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cadere-art · 2 months
I saw the most divine creature today
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panimoonchild · 2 months
"Don't escalate" - they said
Say that fucking Russians for who peace talks never work. Especially now, when aid to Ukraine keeps postponing. 
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Today, my hands are shaking and my heart hurts, even though it shouldn't. The fear of the number of human victims because of Russia is killing me. 
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Please keep spreading our voices and donate to our army and combat medics (savelife.in.ua, prytulafoundation.org, Serhii Sternenko, hospitallers.life, ptahy.vidchui.org and u24.gov.ua).
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The Ukrainian mental health is held on this every day. 
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Yes, please don't be ignorant. Ukrainians need that energy and hope boost to hold on now.
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bl00dfroma-fairy · 2 months
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knottahooker · 5 months
Saw a toddler was with a giant umbrella that they were REFUSING to give up.
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Kid looked like a mushroom XD
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markiza297 · 5 months
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merry crisis
its chrysler
oh god i managed to finish it in time AND i have a story to tell you. So i went to mi local store to buy this little paper things for cupcakes and AT THE ENTRANCE. IN THE MIDDLE OF DECEMBER. THEY HAD THIS ON SALE.
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gingerbread bunnies.
I've been thinking about it for like a week, and then I decided "yeah, why not, I'll make gingerbread rabbits."
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and i did.
unironically considering making a tutorial on this guys they are really fun to make
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rondo-grazioso · 8 months
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My job is stressful cuz im dumb as hell
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hellocloudyart · 2 years
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he doesnt want me to draw other cats 😔
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I don’t give up on anyone easily. I’ll be there hoping for the best until my brain eventually convinces my heart that letting go is better for us in the long run. So don’t ever doubt my loyalty or my love
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dxmxuse · 1 year
A few things ive been doing recently that help manage my adhd
Not sure if this will help anyone but i've made a list of things ive been working really hard to do to help manage my adhd and general inability to be a functional adult:
Make reminder posters! Get on canva and create personalized posters to put around your room/house to help remind you to do daily things like take your meds, feed pets, take out trash, etc.
Keep a junk notebook! Anything you think of that cant do immediately write it down. If its important it'll help you remember it, if not it saves you from getting distracted or making impulsive decisions. (This is especially helpful if you tend to get distracted when studying!)
CLEAN AS YOU GO! Whether its taking a cup out of your room every time you leave or washing each dish immediately after use. If you can develop this habit it keeps your space so much cleaner!
Have two laundry bins: one for worn but not dirty things and one for dirty things. It limits what ends up on your floor!
Make use of bins. I have several around my apartment that I use for things that dont have a home. Once those bins are full, I go through them and discard or find a permanent home for them.
Don't study/work at home. Even if it means buying a $5 coffee just so you can sit in a spot and effectively work, its much better than getting so behind on tasks you get overwhelmed.
It takes some work to develop habits and im far from perfect with all of these, but if I can do these things even 3 days a week it makes a huge difference!
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omgcatboi · 5 months
Ok, I've avoided having to do this as long as I could. I've exhausted all my options. But I need a place to stay.
My dad pays me roughly 150$ a week because I am disabled and can't work. Still fighting for disability.
Willing to travel. I'm currently in SC. My parents will find a way to get me to you as long as you're not, like, in oregan or something. In that case, we'd have to meet halfway.
I don't have my own car, my dad says he's going to get me one with his income tax. Don't know when that will be.
I can cook very good food and it is my passion so I will absolutely cook meals for everyone as long as I get to eat too.
I'll have to figure out food stamps, it depends on what your local SNAP office demands out of me. It could take me a while to get all the paperwork mailed from my Drs as proof I can't work so they don't try and make me do vocational work.
I like to stay clean, I shower daily and keep to myself. I am disabled however so I am not good at cleaning. I struggle with things like dishes and sweeping / vacuuming. Though, I find washing dishes as I dirty them is easy for me to do.
I only get about 600$ a month from my dad, which I need some of to get food /medicine/ pay for bills. I've been paying 150$ where I'm at because the person here was kind enough to only ask for that. I'm willing to pay more because I understand that it isn't easy in this economy.
I am open to feedism related things, so if you're looking for a feedee roomate then this is your chance 😅
Really hoping someone can help.
I kno one person offered a few times, and I almost took the offer, but I was able to figure something else out last minute. This time, I have no plan to fall back on /: no saving grace to swoop in and keep me off the streets. I don't know if this person is still open to letting me stay with them as they were a follower here that I never really got to know.
Anyways, that's my situation, if anyone is willing to help, let me know!
I don't know how long I would have to stay.
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xiaq · 3 months
Just curious how old you are? Because I'm feeling a little behind sometimes for not being married, in my career, etc.
I'm 32! And I really want to emphasize that I don't think there's such a thing as "behind." What even is "normal" when many of the traditional benchmarks of adulthood are no longer attainable for the majority of a generation? And who decided what those benchmarks would be? Who are they serving? I'm not going to have kids. Does that mean I'll always be "behind" in my attainment of adulthood? Of course not. There's no shame in whatever your timeline is to achieve the goals you set for yourself, but please don't let someone else set goals for you if they're not going to serve you.
For context: I lived in my parents' house on and off until I was 29. I published my first book at 30 (even though I wrote it at 22). I found a career I was happy with at 31. I got married at 31. I bought a house at 32. I finally have a solid friend group I regularly see at 32. I spent most of my 20s figuring out who I was, what I wanted from life, and the kinds of people I wanted to spend my life with. And now I'm making it happen. But all those things above are things I decided I wanted to be part of my timeline. If you don't now, or ever, want to buy a house or get married that's entirely up to you. If you do want to do those things, but not until you're 50, awesome, make that the plan. As much as the world may try to tell you you're failing by not achieving certain things by certain times in your life, it's lying to you. Don't believe it. Do what will make you happy. Fuck the rest.
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sonicexelle-junkary · 6 months
So I’m starting University next year in January, so posts will be much less frequent from me. I’ll try and answer asks when I can, but anything to do with art won’t be shown as much anymore. I’ve also been super stressed the past few months because of this, so I haven’t been really wanting to do art.
I really do want to give you guys more content, but for the time being my social media will be secondary to my schooling. I don’t know when I will post new updates.
That is all, stay safe and cozy.
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cadere-art · 5 months
you know you're really having fun with worldbuilding when you bust out the excell tables
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aformerghost · 3 months
Shaking myself by the shoulders why can’t I just let it go why can’t I just let it go why can’t I just let it go
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