#life skills
picknmixsims · 2 days
The Skilling Sim - Updated
The Skilling Sim
Fixed the bug where the life skills would only display if the Sim had started to study Parenting.
Limited the life skills to a max of 1000 (so no more 1012 out of 1000).
Thanks to Bulbizarre for help with this.
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femmefatalevibe · 11 months
Femme Fatale Guide: Game-Changing TED Talks Everyone Should Watch
"How Five Simple Words Can Get You What You Want" by Janine Driver
"Master your Mindset, Overcome Self-Deception, Change your Life" by  Shadé Zahrai
"How to talk to the worst parts of yourself" by Karen Faith
"Think before you speak, hacking the secret of communication" by Catherine Molloy
"The Hidden Code For Transforming Dreams Into Reality" by Mary Morrissey
"Don't Believe Everything You Think" by Lauren Weinstein
"The public speaking lesson you never had" by DK
"Programming your mind for success" by Carrie Green
"How to stop screwing yourself over" by Mel Robbins
"Own Your Behaviours, Master Your Communication, Determine Your Success" by Louise Evans
"The psychology of seduction" by Raj Persaud
"Why we're unhappy -- the expectation gap" by Nat Ware
"Think Fast. Talk Smart" by Matt Abrahams 
"Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix' by Tasha Eurich 
"5 steps to designing the life you want" by Bill Burnett
"Staying stuck or moving forward" by Dr. Lani Nelson Zlupko
"To reach beyond your limits by training your mind" by Marisa Peer
"Emotional laws are the answer for better relationships" by Diana Wais
"Feelings: Handle them before they handle you" by Mandy Saligari
"Cultivating Unconditional Self-Worth" by Adia Gooden 
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pastel-charm-14 · 2 months
hygiene tips for the girlies
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-silk pillow cases have so many benefits for your skin and hair
-always moisturize after baths/showers
-rubbing ice on your face or using a cold jade roller can reduce face puffiness in the mornings
-bad breath? use a tongue scraper
-ALWAYS take ur makeup off before bed! trust you'll regret it if you don't
-cut ur nails often, to keep them healthy!
-wash your clothes before you wear them again, especially if they smell!
-don't wear pads/panty liners every day unless ur on ur period
-use a non scented soap down there, it prevents infections, it's also a self cleaning organ so you don't need body washes to make it smell nicer
-remember to clean behind your ears after u wash your hair. soap can build up there!
-roll on deodorant stays on longer and are the most effective
-drink more water than usual whilst on ur period!
-don't wear a sweaty bra the next day, wash it!
-NEVER dry shave!
-never wear bras to bed! it can cause damage to the breast tissue! if u want support wear a wireless bralette
-don't EVER sleep with tampons in, it's really dangerous
-wear 100% cotton underwear so the air can circulate down there
-for rapid hair growth, wash with rice water!
-invest in a body brush! it gets all ur dead skin off before showers
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a-meh · 3 months
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theambitiouswoman · 7 months
Hobby Ideas 🎨💻🎵🧁🪴
💰 Hobbies to Make Money:
Freelance Writing
Graphic Design
Web Development
Online Selling (e.g., Etsy, Amazon, eBay, Shopify)
Stock Trading
Real Estate Investing
Affiliate Marketing
Freelance Consulting
💪 Fitness Hobbies:
Martial Arts
Rock Climbing
Dance (e.g., Zumba, Hip-hop)
☀️ Outdoor Hobbies:
Mountain Biking
Horseback Riding
💻 Technology Hobbies:
3D Printing
Virtual Reality (VR) Gaming
Home Automation
Drone Flying
App Development
Electronics DIY
PC Building
🎵 Music Hobbies:
Playing an Instrument (e.g., Guitar, Piano)
Music Production
Music Recording
Music Theory
Joining a Band or Choir
Vinyl Collecting
📚 Brainy Hobbies:
Crossword Puzzles
Board Games
Learning a New Language
Brain Teasers
Logic Puzzles
Math and Mathematical Puzzles
✨ Other Hobbies:
Cooking and Baking
Painting and Drawing
Pottery and Ceramics
Knitting or Crocheting
DIY Home Improvement
Model Building (e.g., model trains, airplanes)
Collecting (e.g., stamps, coins, vintage items)
Volunteer Work
Meditation and Mindfulness
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1readervb · 2 months
Embroidery Stitch Resource
A website with descriptions of the stitches, a short history of their use, and pictures and step-by-step instructions on how to make them! Really good resource for embroiderers and menders!
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~ Blue and White ~
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hillbillyoracle · 1 year
For those with home related New Years Resolutions:
I’ve been a disabled homemaker for 5 years now so I wanted to share the resources that have helped me take our home from complete chaos to reasonably functional and enjoyable.
If you’re not functioning...
If you’re constantly tripping over things and getting injured, eating food that makes you sick, dealing with pests in the home, and struggling to complete basic tasks like feeding, clothing, and bathing yourself, then you should start with...
KC Davis aka StruggleCare aka DomesticBlisters
I recommend KC Davis’s stuff with a big heaping dose of “keep what works and leave what doesn’t.” She’s one of the few people I’ve seen talking about compassionate care focused on maintaining a level of personal functioning rather than maintaining a home. Her stuff has been very helpful to me during some very challenging times. 
I think her some of her best work is probably her videos on the 5 step tidying process, the ones on setting up bedside hygiene and food kits, and the ones on dealing with DOOM (Didn’t Organize Only Moved) boxes. 
That being said she has a tendency to use neurotype as a shield for not reckoning with other dynamics in a situation (gendered, narcissism, etc) when asked for advice by viewers which can lead to this “all people with neurodivergence are good” vibe which I find off putting (especially as an autistic person). I mention it because her bleh stuff was all I was coming across and I missed out on her good stuff for a while. It’s worth picking through though. 
Her book is a little better on the whole. 
If you’re functioning but still very overwhelmed...
If you can complete your daily activities of living pretty regularly but you’re still losing papers you need, rebuying items you didn’t realize you had, or looking around your home at a mess that feels impossible to clean, then check out...
Dana K White aka A Slob Comes Clean
I love Dana K. White’s stuff. Honestly, I recommend her to every level on this list but I think she probably shines brightest in this category. 
Her 5 step decluttering process is pure fucking gold. It’s a decluttering process that doesn’t rely on feelings at all - really helpful for those with trauma or alexthymia generally. She has multiple videos explaining it and even more where you can watch her go step by step with someone over the course of an hour and make a huge dent in some very overwhelming mess. Its the process I’ve used to go through over 50 moving boxes to declutter so we could fit in this much smaller space we moved to in April. 
Her day to day cleaning advice is also excellent. Her concept of dishes math has really helped me make decisions about what chores to focus on when I’m low energy. Her 14 Days to Opening Your Front Door series is amazing if you’re having to host for a given occasion but your home is a wreck. 
If you’re not painfully overwhelmed by your stuff but there’s still a lot of friction in your home...
If your stuff doesn’t overwhelm you but your home still doesn’t feel that good to be in, you’re still not finding things when you need to or it’s taking you a long time to find them, you create homes for things but they look terrible or they never seem to stick, then you’d love...
Cassandra Aarssen aka Clutterbug
Clutterbug types were kind of a game changer for me. It’s what really opened my eyes to why the systems that worked for me did not work for my partner. She is a Bee - lots of small categories that are all very visible - and I am a ladybug - big bucket categories that aren’t visible. When I reorganized our space according to the compromise between our types, Butterfly - big categories and very visible - all of a sudden the systems just worked so much better. There were many fewer fights sparked by things not getting put away or not being able to find things. So I really recommend her videos on the different types and examples of each. 
Quick word of warning, she does have regular videos about diet and exercise that I personally find pretty triggering to my disordered eating habits so I’m not subscribed to her and just check her channels every now and then so it’s easier to skip over videos where that might be a topic she talks about. 
Cliff Tan aka Dear Modern
Cliff Tan’s work is the most recent of these resources that I’ve come across but holy shit I cannot recommend it enough. 
Because my parents didn’t originally intend on my partner using the room she wound up using, there’s simply not space to keep some of the furniture and items in there anywhere else. Meaning she just kind of has to keep a fair bit of junk in there. But after watching (read: binging) the Dear Modern YouTube channel and seeing him completely change spaces by moving furniture around, I redid my partners room over the course of about 2 hours and it’s a completely different room. Way more comfortable and she’s already mentioned she’s getting much better sleep. 
So I really really recommend his stuff. Sometimes what you really need isn’t new stuff but just rearranging what you already have. 
If you’re pretty content with your home but want to streamline the process of caring for it...
If your home is pretty functional but regular tidying, deep cleaning, and maintenance tasks specifically keep falling through the cracks, then you might like...
FlyLady System
The Secret Slob - YouTube
Diane in Denmark - YouTube
There are lots of systems out there for house keeping but I’ve yet to try or see one that seems to do better than FlyLady for me. Since with my illness my energy varies wildly, I don’t necessarily do things when her system recommends but I do them according to the priority her system ascribes to them as I’m able. 
FlyLady is a notoriously convoluted website so I really recommend learning from a secondhand source. The Secret Slob and Diane in Denmark are my favorites. 
Maintenance Lists
This Old House
There a lots of maintenance lists out there and honestly finding one and doing what you can is better than nothing. I personally like the ones from This Old House because they’re broken up into annual, seasonal, monthly, and some weekly tasks - which are essentially priority categories, similar to FlyLady. I’ve linked the winter one here but there are many others to pick through depending on what you want to work on. 
Bonus: Paper Clutter
My System
This is what I’ve arrived at after years of experimentation. It’s an amalgam of a few different ideas from different systems in one place. I keep mind on my fridge but put yours where ever you’re dumping paper anyways. If you’re in a room or live in a car/backpack - I have ideas on how to organize it for those in this post too. 
Sunday Basket
YouTube Video
The Minimal Mom’s Video
She’s in Her Apron Video
Need something a little more robust? The Sunday Basket is probably be best version of a paper (and other stuff) system I’ve seen. Got something that needs dealt with? Chuck it in the Sunday Basket. The creator also has videos on long term paper storage ideas if that’s something you need as well. But her videos usually run an hour long so I recommend starting with either the Minimal Mom’s video or She’s in Her Apron’s video. 
Bonus: Digital Clutter
PARA System/Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte
YouTube Channel
Essential Video
The branding on this system can be very productivity tech wonk which is off putting to me but when I finally started hearing what was at the core of it and applying it - my digital life was changed. I’ve linked my absolute favorite video he’s done here. Ignore the bit about it being the last in the series, most of us are already using some note app and if you like it you can always go back and watch the rest. But just applying what’s in that video to your digital systems will make things easier to find. 
Hope this helps someone out there! 
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autismisaokay · 11 months
I feel like humanity would greatly benefit from a late adulthood support group. To my neurodiverse company, there are so many of us that got a late start into adulthood.
We could talk about what is like with little job experience or none at all.
College going in late, dropping out, or not going at all.
Relationships and navigating them as adults.
Having to live with parents or still supporting you in some way.
Being busy all the time or not at all and how that effects our mental health and what that means as adults to us. ( Adult busy is soo much different)
Special day for what I’m calling “Alternative, Nerdy, and Young At Heart Interests” A day where we talk about what it’s like and how to deal “what is weird but harmless and people have to deal with it” and “that’s crossing a line on my part how do I do better”.
Not having a license as an adult.
Navigating not having kids because it’s your choice, no money, physically can’t, or mentally it’s not something you can handle.
I seriously think it would help a lot of folks.
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femmefatalevibe · 9 months
hey! Do you have tips on being well mannered?
Always greet people/say "thank you" to others when any gesture, or act of kindness is done for you or opportunity given to you (either verbally or in writing)
Let others speak, feel/be heard, and never interrupt others while they're speaking
Greet/say goodbye to others with respect to their cultural norms and context (a handshake in a professional context/first time meeting someone vs. a hug or wave/kiss on the cheek to someone you know)
Don't take others' emotions personally. Respond with respect to your boundaries but display radical empathy
Wait your turn and allow others to have their moments to shine
Accept compliments and praise with grace and gratitude (say "thank you" instead of trying to explain it away)
Never show up as a guest to a dinner party or housewarming empty-handed
Always offer someone water to drink when they enter your home for a visit or a scheduled business meeting
Always be and appear clean, odor, and germ-free around others
Express gratitude for what you have and what others offer you (materially or emotionally)
Remain tactful, honest, and encouraging of others to also become their best selves in every setting
Hope this helps xx
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fly-the-pattern · 28 days
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k-wame · 10 months
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Stonemouth (2015) · S1·E01 · 08.06.2015
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dxmxuse · 1 year
A few things ive been doing recently that help manage my adhd
Not sure if this will help anyone but i've made a list of things ive been working really hard to do to help manage my adhd and general inability to be a functional adult:
Make reminder posters! Get on canva and create personalized posters to put around your room/house to help remind you to do daily things like take your meds, feed pets, take out trash, etc.
Keep a junk notebook! Anything you think of that cant do immediately write it down. If its important it'll help you remember it, if not it saves you from getting distracted or making impulsive decisions. (This is especially helpful if you tend to get distracted when studying!)
CLEAN AS YOU GO! Whether its taking a cup out of your room every time you leave or washing each dish immediately after use. If you can develop this habit it keeps your space so much cleaner!
Have two laundry bins: one for worn but not dirty things and one for dirty things. It limits what ends up on your floor!
Make use of bins. I have several around my apartment that I use for things that dont have a home. Once those bins are full, I go through them and discard or find a permanent home for them.
Don't study/work at home. Even if it means buying a $5 coffee just so you can sit in a spot and effectively work, its much better than getting so behind on tasks you get overwhelmed.
It takes some work to develop habits and im far from perfect with all of these, but if I can do these things even 3 days a week it makes a huge difference!
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pastel-charm-14 · 2 months
how to organize your room and keep it that way
a lot of people think of their rooms as just a place to dump stuff, but that's not the case! so here are a few tips on how to keep your room clean. it's not just for super organized people either; these are things anyone can do.
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-have a dump bin
have a place to throw things like clothes/extra items you have/anything you want to put away in the moment but will put away later. this keeps stuff off of your floor.
-sleep on top of your covers
put a blanket at the bottom of your bed instead and use that. this is so you don't have to make your bed every single morning to keep it looking decent.
-have a place to put all your papers
have a spot to put school notes, receipts, volunteer forms, coupons, anything you want to keep in a safe spot. it's hard to organize papers if you don't have a place to put them! you can get some cute dividers from staples/walmart/target, wherever. hanging folders also help keep things tidy.
-have garbage/recycling bins
kind of an uncommon tip, but yeah. bigger ones work better because they can hold more before you have to empty them. not huge but big enough so that you don't have to empty them all the time. set a time to empty the bins so it doesn't just accumulate and it looks nicer.
-use under-bed storage
this one is super important! have a bunch of bins/bags under your bed if you can to hold things you want to keep but don't know where to put. like extra bags/makeup etc.
-group "like" items
if you have drawers/bins, have a different category for each drawer/bin. plastic bins with different compartments like from walmart or ikea work really well for this.
-use hangers
this helps you avoid just throwing clothes on your floor or bed. you just hang whatever it is up and deal with it later (more on that in a sec). this works for bags too!
-purge regularly
dedicate some time each week to cleaning out your dump bin and putting stuff on your hangers away. set a reminder on your phone or put it in your planner to remember.
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tlbodine · 1 year
How to Socialize
OK, before I dig into this, a few disclaimers:
1 - I'm not like. A psychologist or anything. Just a writer who's been part of a whole lot of online communities and has run a pretty successful one for a few years.
2 - The advice that follows is not intended to make anybody feel bad or be a condemnation or enforce standards of behavior. If you read this and don't vibe with it, cool. Keep on scrolling by.
**also, oops, this is really long because I wanted to be thorough.
OK. So with that all out of the way. I was talking with a coworker today. She's undiagnosed but suspects she's some flavor of neurodivergent, and she works over on the sales side, where she was recently hired. Part of her training involves being coached specifically in how to interface with clients -- active listening, etiquette, how to ask good questions, that sort of thing.
She said to me today, "For like 27 years everybody has always just told me I was weird and intense and off-putting but nobody ever told me what I was actually supposed to DO until literally this week. Mind blown."
And I was like, shit, you know what? You have a point.
And that got me to thinking about communities -- from online spaces to meet-ups to society at large -- and the way we try to teach people behavior.
I feel like, overwhelmingly, folks are assumed to just understand what they're supposed to do. If there are community guidelines in place, they're usually rules about what not to do. But you can follow the rules to the letter, and still come off all wrong, and then nobody will ever tell you what you're doing wrong because it's impolite or whatever, until you irritate them so much that they either blow up at you or else just straight-up start avoiding you, and neither of those are really helpful pieces of feedback.
So. In case nobody has ever actually told you, specifically and explicitly? Here are some tips on being a good community member, the kind of person that folks will generally like to be around and want to be friends with.
Show Interest in Other People
The number one most important thing you can do to be a good community member, is to show interest in your other community members. After all, you want them to respond to you when you say things, right? Well. They want the same thing for themselves.
"But I'm not interested in what they're talking about." No problem. You're interested in getting along with them, right? Cool. So this interaction isn't actually about the subject. It's about making them feel good. And, hey, you know what? If you keep an open mind, you might find that what they're saying is actually pretty interesting.
Some phrases to remember and use when people are talking about an interest of theirs:
"Oh?" (general usage prompt for more information)
"That's really interesting! How does that work?" (acknowledges their interest + prompts them to talk more)
"I heard once about [related thing]." (shows that you are engaged with the topic, and allows you to shift conversation in a direction you're more comfortable)
"I'm really interested in [thing], I feel like that might be similar in [way]." (forges common ground and allows you to shift conversation to a topic you enjoy).
So for example, let's say you're talking to someone who mentions that they're really interested in...idk...volcanos. You don't really care about volcanos. But you like this person. So instead of just saying nothing (because you don't care about the topic), or changing the subject, engage instead: "I saw that movie Dante's Peak. How realistic is that?" "What got you interested in volcanos?" "I don't know much about volcanos. My thing was always horses. What's it like being a volcano girl?"
Whatever. The point is not to learn about volcanos (although learning new things can be fun!) but to give them a chance to talk about their thing.
Give Other People a Chance to Speak
The flipside of the thing above: If you're talking to someone about their interest, don't go so overboard trying to relate to them that you don't actually let them talk. In the horse/volcano example, see how it ends with a question? The question hands the topic back to the other person. It's like playing a game of catch. Conversation is tossing a ball back and forth. If one person hogs the ball, it's no fun for the other person.
When you're talking about your interests, you'll want to pay attention to the person/people you're talking to. In general, engaged conversation partners will mirror your energy. If they're asking questions and relating what you're saying to something they know, then they are trying to carry on conversation with you. Proceed!
If you notice they are:
Responding more slowly (without saying a disclaimer like "sorry, multitasking/at work, keep typing!")
Starting to reply with single-word responses ("cool!" "Okay" "lol") or emotes
Saying the same thing over and over ("That's awesome!" three times in a row)
They are most likely trying to disengage from the conversation. It's almost certainly not that they dislike you or that you've done anything wrong. They've probably just run out of things to say, or they really want to talk about something else, and they're looking for a way to politely exit the conversation. You can provide them with a graceful out by saying something like, "Anyway, that's my thing. What have you been up to?"
(Incidentally, if you notice that people have a tendency to stop talking to you or change the subject when you're trying to converse, check that you're not inadvertently giving off those disengagement signals. Saying things like "ok" or "I know" without any further prompting or question can be perceived as a cue for the other person to stop talking).
Avoid Self-Deprecation
Sometimes, you realize that you've made a misstep, and it seems natural that your next step should be to apologize. This isn't a bad impulse! But the way you apologize makes a difference.
For example, let's say you're talking in a discord channel and realize that you've been going on for a while and nobody else is saying anything. You get self-conscious and realize, oh, maybe you're talking too much.
So perhaps you're tempted to say: "Sorry. I know I talk too much and it's annoying."
Do not do this. Because now the people in chat will feel contractually obligated to reassure you that you are not annoying.
Instead, try a joke: "Phew that was a lot! Anyway. Anybody else want a turn?"
Keeping things light-hearted alleviates the pressure that other people might feel and keeps the mood from being too awkward.
"Isn't all of this dishonest and manipulative?"
Look. Here's the thing. People who are good communicators -- folks you might hear described as charismatic -- are folks who understand these rules, and other social rules, intuitively. Most well-socialized neurotypical folks communicate this way without thinking about it or even knowing what they're doing.
For those people, conversation is usually less about exchanging specific information and more about nurturing a social bond. Remember -- it's not about volcanos. It's about making the other person feel heard and appreciated.
To stretch the example to its breaking point: What would be dishonest or manipulative is if you pretended that you loved volcanos, or lied about your experience with volcanos, or went out of your way to build a relationship with someone on a shared passion for volcanos when actually you don't really like volcanos at all and one day you won't be able to stand it anymore.
Showing polite interest for a few minutes by asking a question? Is not dishonest. That's just you signaling to them, "I don't get your thing, but I care about you as a person and talking about this seems to make you happy, so please continue."
That's all for today. I might be back later with a post about sympathy and venting and advice. But for now, I hope this was at least a little bit helpful for somebody. Good luck out there making conversation!
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reveriesatelier · 3 months
Tips for hair growth
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Massage your scalp for 5 minutes a day. This increases the blood flow in the scalp. Your hair follicles derive their nourishment from the blood which delivers oxygen and hair-building nutrients, so the more blood circulation their is, the more nutrients the hair gets, which leads to hair growth👌👌👌.
Regularly oil your hair. Sebum is a natural oil that is produced from the sebaceous glands in our scalp that helps maintain our hair health. Sebum is meant to help by moisturising and lubricating hair as a natural conditioner. But when it’s not produced in balanced amounts, hair feels extra greasy or super dry and flaky. This is where hair oiling can be helpful. A quality hair oil will mimic the effects that natural sebum provides. Because we all produce sebum, hair oiling works for all hair types. When you coat the strands, it seals in the moisture instead of having it evaporate. This properly nourishes the hair deep within the strands and scalp. 
Consistently eat pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seed extract is a gentle yet effective ingredient that has been scientifically proven to block the 5-alpha reductase enzyme that produces DHT, a byproduct of testosterone that causes hair loss.
Don't wash your hair with hot water. Hot water in the shower can contribute to over-stripping the scalp and hair of natural oils, which can make hair feel brittle and scalp dry.
Remember that you won't see hair growth results immediately, it takes a few months to a year, just remember that consistency is the key! 
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