#lillia x reader
Your writing was adorable! I have a headcanon request for TWST. Feel free to ignore if it's not interesting, I won't mind. ( ̄▽ ̄)=3
Lilia, Leona, Azul (or whomever as long as Lilia is there)'s reaction to crush!reader sleepily telling them they want to marry them one day.
I'm a sap for mushy things. ˘͈ᵕ˘͈
A sleepy confession
Thank you so much for the request, it's adorable!! and of course, thank you for the compliments too! I'm a sucker for mushy things too, so this was so much fun to write!
Crush!Reader sleepily telling him, they want to marry him / Part two
Characters: Lillia, Leona, Azul
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: None that i can think off
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-you probably found silver asleep somewhere comfortable and instead of waking him up like usual (cause you're a good friend) you decide to also lay down and sleep... You most likely had History with professor Trein before this.
-Lillia just happened to be nearby, or maybe he was keeping an eye on silver, yk, like a good dad :D
- If you're napping under a tree, he might just be sitting on one of the branches
-You'd sleepily look up to him on the branches, as the old fae smiles down at you, and you, probably already half a sleep and maybe even thinking it's a dream, mumble out a soft "I wanna marry you one day.." 
-poor guy almost fell out off the tree
-you can't just do that to his old heart!! You can and you did
-his expression would soften, like he'd still be smiling, but it wouldn't be his typical trickster kinda smile (please tell me you know what i mean)
-Despite his usual attitude, I feel like he was very worried about loving you. I'm a huge believer in the Idea that fae usually only fall in love once, so after Meleanor, he believed that was it, he'd never love again. And then you came into his life, like a shining star, guiding him out of the darkness.  
-While he was grateful that he got a second chance at love, especially with someone as amazing as you, it's also nerve wrecking for him. The last and only time before this, he had his heart broken and ended up raising her son. Just the thought of the same thing happening again terrified him.
-But after what you just said, he won't need to worry about that anymore, right?
-Now he just needs to come up with the best way to confess... maybe he could cook you something! 
-Due to Leona being a bit of a tsundere, I don't feel like he'd get you to cuddle/sleep with him before officially dating
-BUT, if you two got paired together for a project, especially if it's in the botanical garden, chances are very high, you are doing the project and he's napping
-and doing a project by yourself gets you tired, especially one meant for magic as a magicless student, so you eventually lie down next to him
-due to his sensitive hearing, he lazily opens eyes, and sees you, already half asleep, looking at him, confusing him at first not that he's complaining, till.. "Despite you making me do this project by myself, i somehow i still wanna marry you some day" and just like that you're asleep.
-He, on the other hand, is suddenly very wide awake. 
-what?? you didn't mean that, right?? that's just the tiredness speaking, right?? you couldn't have meant that, right? why, or rather how, could you like him of all people?....He can't imagine being anyone's, let alone your, first choice. He's so used to being second.
-For the first time in forever, he is fully awake and can't go back to sleep, just what are you doing to him, Herbivore? 
-But this means you like him back, right? alright fine, he'll put some work into confessing, just don't expect anything to grand
-He'd still be awake once you wake up again, much to your confusion, but still deliberately refuse to help. Not a word of what you said is spoken, but if you look closely enough you'll see the blush on his cheeks!
-You wanted to rest after a long day, maybe even after a long shift at the mostro lounge, and Azul was gracious enough to let you rest on one of the couches in the VIP room, while he worked. He actually wanted to appear like a gentleman in front of you and impress you.
-You can't convince me that those couches aren't comfortable. Which is why you almost immediately fall asleep the moment you lay down.
-But before you do, you make one last comment "I already want to marry you one day as is, but if it means I get to rest like this every night, I'll buy the ring tomorrow"
-If a student walked in right now, they might just confuse him with a crashed pc; or maybe with riddle, considering how red he is
-Just completely stops everything he's doing, he's in shock. he doesn't believe he can actually be loved
-It genuinely shocks him so much that you actually like him back, let alone want to marry him, but he can't say he isn't happy! So him being even more of a gentleman to you and giving you countless discounts worked! (You actually already liked him before that! but he was to busy being insecure to notice)
-Immediately starts working on a relationship contract for you two, hell, you said you want to marry him, right?? might as well start working on the marriage certificate!
-He continues to be absolutely flustered as he writes the two contracts, if either of the twins saw him right now, he'd never hear the end of it!
-Prepare to be asked to dinner at the most romantic table in the mostro lounge with Azul, where he will then ask you out and discusses your relationship as if it was a business meeting :)
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Ahhhh my first request, thank you so much again for your kind words and the adorable request, I truly hope i lived up to it's greatness <3
I'm still in book 4, so i tried to write Lilia as in-character as possible based on what i saw of him during events and from other writers :)
feedback is welcomed, just be Kind! Hope you all have a lovely day/night!
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hazashiovo · 2 months
Remember in "Sleeping Beauty" the live action how Maleficent had a crow? That's what we're doing now,but with Malleus.
Malleus x crow shifter!Reader
Genre:Fluff, master and loyal servant trope.
Little bird
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You always had a thing for shiny,pretty things. No matter whether it was some trash on the ground or a nice ring in a pawn shop.
Shiny objects never failed to grab your attention.
Malleus is shiny and definitely pretty, and you, being you, got attracted to him. Naturally of course.
Malleus is a shiny,pretty fae.
It was near impossible for him not to attract your interes.
Once he realized a certain bird was stalking him, the fae started leaving small amounts of food for you. It always brought a smile on his face when the mysterious bird tilted its head,its dark eyes filled with curiosity. In his eyes,it was such a cute action to do.
He must admit,the bird got his attention,and soon enough it became a habit.
Like crows usually do, you started leaving small trinkets that you personally found pretty, at his window.
It might be a flowery metallic hair clip that attracted you,or maybe some bottle cap with a pretty color.
He appreciated neither less ,it was a curious habit the fae and the animal picked on.
So malleus started reading. About crows,their habits and soon enough he found stories about them.
Those little creatures are quite interesting,it's what he would think while reading a particular sentence that made him think about the bird,once again.
Some say if a crow is fond of somebody they leave gifts as a sign of appreciation and sometimes, loyalty.
When this little black feathered animal chooses a person to grow attached to,it's quite the view to other people. And it means that you, as a person,are enough to gain one animal's trust.
Dark, beautiful creatures of the night, growing attached to complete strangers.
What Malleus didn't know was that inside the dark bird,there was a human soul.
Free to transform whenever they pleased, not really.
You can't shift whenever you want to,unless you want to be seen bare by other students,and you definitely do not want that.
When you're in your animal form you feel free, peaceful to do as you please,fly wherever you want.
Even if you're not truly a crow,the tendencies to behave like one are real besides eating worms and insects. That's not you.
Before Meeting the tall guy,you used to collect the shiny things you found,but now that he's here, most of the objects you pick up are for him.
He leaves outside his bedroom window bread crumbs,cookie crumbs and whatever the indulging boy thinks is good for you or that you would enjoy.Even if you don't need it,you take them. Mostly to show him you trust him with.
They taste better when somebody gifts them to you. It's a fact.
Soon,Malleus allows himself to touch your head. A gentle rub on your black feathery small head. His green eyes whiden when you push your head in his hand, practically telling him to keep going.
He smiles,as he rubs below your dark beak. Malleus notices the way your eyes close affectionately. He could even imagine a ghostly smile on your beak.
It's one truly cute interaction.
Malleus's friends soon started to notice a particular bird on his shoulder, always watching.
Silver even had a feeling that you understood what they were saying,simply by your body language.
But most of the time crows and ravens are smart birds,some reaching the level of understanding of a 5 year old child.
It's very interesting,you are interesting, especially in Silver's eyes.
But he doesn't pay much attention to you,more busy to focus on Malleus.
You like Silver,he cares about Malleus a lot.
The first time Lillia has met you,he knew that you're not what you seem.
His age isn't a young one, therefore he's been through stuff,and learned things in his life.
Like now,he knows that you're not just a bird. You couldn't fool the older fae even if you tried.
So he silently watches,and he's not ashamed to make comments when you're alone, which isn't often since you're with Malleus most of the time,but still.
This man has you sweating,even if you don't particularly hide yourself on purpose.
Even if you're most comfortable around Malleus in your shifter form,the truth can't be hidden from him forever.
At the same time,you can't just shift in front of him back in your human form.
Meeting him with no clothes on,for the first time even, doesn't really seem like a good first impression.
Unfortunately,that is exactly how it happens. Not the naked part,but let's just say you're not clothed either.
Almost 6 months of constantly being on Malleus's shoulder taught you his schedule. So seeing him in his dorm room,eyes wide open watching your form,that's covered by his blanket.
Your original plan was to shift in his room, quickly change in some clothes that belong to him,and tell him the truth about who you truly are.
Simple as that.
It wasn't simple as that. Malleus arrived in his room earlier than he usually does, barely giving you time to cover yourself up.
Now this situation is exactly not the kind that you wanted to land in.
It's not like you could've brought your own clothes in Malleus's room. Your animal form can't carry that much weight,after all it's a small bird.
"Who are you?" Malleus's voice breaks your line of taughts,all thinking of your failed plan and the embarrassment of being in such a situation.
"This isn't what it looks like." The fae holds a curious expression,after all not every day he's met with a naked person in his chambers. Now that he thinks of it,you do white look familiar,but he just can't figure it out from where.
"Malleus,I swear I'm not a creep or anything of the sort." His silence allows you to continue explaining yourself,the blanket around you getting squeezed tighter around you, praying to whatever God was mocking you that this blanket remains on your naked body.
"You know my name?" You watch as the said boy moves closer towards you,now more curious than before.
You squint your eyes, focused on the floor,trying to find the right words to explain yourself.
How do you tell the boy you're completely loyal to,that you're actually a person with the ability to shift forms.
Exactly,you try explaining it.
"I know everything about you, not in a weird stalking way,don't get me wrong." Swallowing the lump in your throat,you meet eyes with the dark haired fae.
This situation is less than comfortable for you.
"Then do explain,what are you doing in my bedroom and why are you bare?"He leaves out the part where you mentioned knowing him,and focused on the important matter.
"Well,I wanted to tell you the truth,or rather show you the truth but..." A sigh leaves your lips at the failure of your oh so great plan, "I didn't have enough time."
He watches as you follow his steps with your eyes,the deja Vu clear as day.
Just who is this interesting person who claims to know Malleus Draconia?
"Say, child of man, what might the truth be? The one you desired to tell me so bad that it was necessary for you to be bare in my room. Enlighten me." Malleus speaks,voice steady and calm,unlike yours. Shaky and anxious.
"I will gladly talk to you...mind if I ask but, can I borrow some clothes?" The question leaves Malleus a bit shocked,only nodding in agreement.
What shocked him even more was that you knew from where to take the clothes.
Excusing yourself to change,you don't miss the unusual expression on Malleus's face. Not so often do you get to see him expressing such an emotion, especially one you caused.
Finally dressed,you dare to properly meet eyes with Malleus. Ready to explain yourself properly.
"Now,I owe you an explanation." The boy takes a few seconds to take in your new appearance,his clothes looking quite nice on you.
"That you do,child of man. Starting by why you were in my room?" He doesn't take his eyes off you,instead fixates them in your eyes. There it was again,that sense of familiarity. Like he's known you for a long time.
"I came to your room, because I wished to show you who I truly was." A deep breath in,and an exhale. It's time to break it to him,that's the whole reason why you came here , right?
Your eyes dart around the room,a singular object catching your eye. A shiny silver ring you found on campus a couple months ago.
Making quick effort,you move towards the table to pick up the ring.
Malleus realizes it,and before your hand could make contact with the piece of jewelry his palm wraps around your wrist, stopping you immediately.
"How is you touching my belongings going to answer any of my questions? Are you perhaps here to steal,human?" His green radiant eyes narrow at you,gaze burning into your own. This ring could never be worn by the fae. Unfortunately you learned that one of Malleus's weaknesses is silver.
If you had known before you would've kept the ring to yourself. Even with his condition,Malleus still kept it, because it was a gift from his loyal little bird.
"Allow me," your soft eyes break contact with his narrowed ones,just for a second. He allows you to pick up the ring,his gaze fixated on what you're trying to show him.
"I brought this to you 3 Months ago,you fed me candy bits,even if it's unhealthy for a bird,I accepted them." Malleus's narrowed eyes widen he seems to be doing it a lot nowadays,or is it just the effect you have on him? Maybe.
"Now how could you have known that,and why would you refer to yourself as a bird?" He's not quite getting the hang of the situation,in his defense,this has never happened before.
You sigh,maybe the best thing to do is just show him,but then when you'll turn back you'll be naked again. Ugh...this is a curse.
"What if I just show you instead?" This was more a question towards yourself rather than for him,even so,Malleus nods. Carefully watching you as you back away.
You take a deep breath in,and there it is. The clothes you just borrowed from the tall male in a pile on the ground.
His brows furrow, was this a trick? Did you wish to play a prank on him?
He doesn't get to drown to deep in his thoughts,the sudden movement in the pile of clothes draws his attention.
The boy slightly bends down, trying to get a glimpse of whatever might be there. And out of the clothes,a crow emerges, a black feathered beautiful crow.
Not just any Crow,but you.
Now it's clear,why you were so familiar in the boys eyes.
Even so,the realization hits him hard, especially when you take your designed place on his shoulder.
Malleus's eyes link with the bird's,your eyes."It's...you?" Voice questionable,you knew he wouldn't have an extreme reaction. The time spent with him taught you that.
From your beak, the ring lays securely gripped. The fae's hand extends, allowing you to drop it in,only for a few seconds. The metal burning his porcelain hands. The ring quickly lands on the table, remaining as nothing more than a gift,and a decoration to his dark room.
You cow,like Malleus could understand you. It feels good to show yourself to him,not having to carry what felt like a horrible lie in your chest.
Once the shock wears off, he smiles. That warm beautiful smile that warmed your heart every time you saw it.
Fortunately,most of the time it was directed to you,after you brought him something nice from one of your trips outside the school.
"You're quite the interesting one,little birdie." He takes the liberty to adjust your position, setting you on his wrist.
"You never fail to surprise me." His white,large hand gently pet your little head,right above the beak. He swears he could hear you purr,like a cat.
Maybe it was only his imagination,but the way your head once again leaned into his palm,that wasn't his mind.
You two make quite the pair.
I had this little idea and I just had to write it. Maybe I'll make a part two to it, depending on what ideas I get next.
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the--rebel--fae · 2 months
do u think I could ask for some angst->fluff for nightmares for the Diasomnia boys?
(twisted wonderland)
A/N: Hiya, my dear! First off, I'd like to say I'm so so sorry for the late response to your request. Life's been...hectic, to say the least, and I'm still getting the hang of trying to do proper time management. Anyhoot! Thanks so much for the request! I really enjoyed writing this one. Tbh, I love these boys so much and have been getting back into the Twist fandom again, so yea 💜 Well my friend, I hope the wait was worth it! Enjoy!
Pairing: Diasomnia boys x Reader
Tw: None! Just pure fluff!
Word Count: 607
Chase The Nightmares Away - Bad Dream Comfort Headcanons
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First up, we have our lovely bat dad. We all know he’d probably be the perfect person to go to for nightmares.
He’s bat dad for a reason y’all.
When you walk in he’s probably still up, probably playing video games. 
So when you mumble you couldn’t sleep because of nightmares, he’s pulling up a chair, getting you a blanket, and snacks. Everything you need, peepaw has it. 
Wanna talk about what happened? No worries, he’s helped Silver, Sebek, and Malleus many times with their nightmares.
“Little bat? Are you alright? Ah, a nightmare. There’s no need to worry, why don’t you come sit by me and we can play this new video game together? And if you want, you can tell me about what happened.”
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Sebek, yea..good luck on getting some comfort from him. But he’ll try his best!
He’ll probably be like: Human what are you doing in here? Oh, you had a nightmare? Uhm, why are you here then?
Poor boy would be so confused.
He’ll definitely point out how weak humans are, but then I think when he sees you truly upset, he’d feel it as his duty as a knight to protect “those weaker than him”. At least that’s the excuse he’s playing when we both know the crocodile boy cares in his own tsun-tsun way.
“Human? Why are you here so late? A nightmare? I do suppose a human would be bugged by something like that. Fae are much stronger. O-oh I didn’t mean to make you more upset. Ahem, well, as my duty as a knight in training I’ll do you the service of protecting you. You should be honored. Here, you can borrow my Malleus-Sama plush. I made it myself! It looks just like the young lord, doesn’t it?”
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Ah yes, our sleepy little prince Silver. If this boy is actually awake for once I think he’d do a pretty good job at comforting you.
I can see him as the type to have a lot of blankets so he’d probably give you one to snuggle with as comfort.
I could also see him get some of his little animal friends to comfort you too if you wanted that. 
And if you wanted to talk about your nightmare, he’d be all ears, at least until he’d fall back asleep. But, I bet he’d do his best to fight back the sleepiness as long as possible for you.
“Oh, Prefect. You’re up late. What’s that? You had a nightmare? I’m sorry, not sleeping well is never a good thing. Here, I have some extra blankets, and we can even get some of my animal friends here if you’d like. Don’t worry, it was just a dream, you’re ok now.”
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Ah, our Housewarden of Diasomnia, the future ruler of Briar Valley. Malleus Draconia. Our sweet draconic prince.
I think he’d care the most but not know whatever the loving hell what to do.
Does this man even get nightmares?
Walks around the Night Raven campus is definitely going to happen the second you tell him what’s wrong. Nothing solves problems better than a nice walk in some fresh air.
He’ll probably even tell you stories about his time in Briar Valley to distract you or even let you play with Gao Gao Dragon-kun!
10/10 best person to go to for comfort aside from Lilia.
“Child of Man? What’s the matter? You seem upset. Oh, a nightmare? Yes, those can be troubling. How about we take a walk outside and if you feel up to it, you can talk about it. It's better than being alone. I'll even let you play with Gao-Gao Dragon-kun.”
Well, that's it for these headcanons! I hope you enjoyed them! It was a lot of fun to write! And again, so sorry for the delay! Feel free to request again!
And if you guys want even more stories--like maybe your own personalized several-page long one-shots or even a multi-chap fic take a look at my Etsy Shop! I do commissions! I even have listings for Twisted wonderland!
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Enchanted Pages
Word Count: 408
Warnings: None
Lilia Vanrouge x Fem!Reader ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
The quaint bookstore nestled in the heart of the city was a haven for those who sought the comfort of stories and the thrill of new knowledge. It was here, among the towering shelves and the scent of old paper, that your path crossed with Lilia Vanrouge’s.
You were both reaching for the same book—a rare edition of fairy tales that spoke of ancient magics and timeless adventures. Your hands touched, and you both retracted them quickly, a blush creeping onto your cheeks.
“I apologize,” Lilia began, his voice a gentle lilt that seemed to dance with the dust motes in the air. “It seems we have similar tastes in literature.”
You laughed, the sound soft and melodic. “It’s quite alright. I’m just surprised to find someone else interested in such an obscure collection,” you replied, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
Lilia’s eyes twinkled with a mischievous light. “Ah, but the obscure often holds the most enchanting tales, wouldn’t you agree?” he asked, his gaze lingering on yours.
You nodded, feeling an unexpected connection forming between you. “Absolutely. There’s something magical about discovering a story that’s been forgotten by time.”
The conversation flowed effortlessly from there, as if you had known each other for years. You discussed your favorite tales, the ones that had shaped your dreams and sparked your imagination. Lilia listened intently, his head tilted in that charming way that made you feel like the only person in the world.
As you spoke, Lilia’s hand brushed against yours, a touch as light as a feather, yet it sent a shiver down your spine. “May I?” he asked, gesturing to the book still nestled in the shelf.
“Of course,” you said, stepping aside to give him space.
Lilia carefully pulled the book from its place, his fingers caressing the spine with reverence. “Would you like to share it?” he offered, his smile warm and inviting. “We could read it together, perhaps over a cup of tea?”
The idea was delightful, and you found yourself nodding before you even fully processed his words. “I’d like that very much,” you admitted, your heart fluttering with the prospect of spending more time with this intriguing stranger.
And so, a bond was formed, over shared stories and whispered secrets, in the cozy corner of a bookstore that felt like a portal to another world. It was the beginning of a tale that neither of you would soon forget. 
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goodbye-exclusion · 4 months
xx || masterlist || 01 ->
⋆༺𓆩 00 PROLOGUE  𓆪༻⋆
"Hey, Nami! What's that?" Luffy calls out, leaning over the taffrail.
Nami hums, not bothering to look up from the newspaper. "Hm? What's what?"
"There's land! A biiig island, the size of 10 million Usopp noses. No… 100 million!" 
"Hey, what type of measurement is that?" Usopp yells, and Nami is inclined to agree, not having an inkling of how big the island really is.
"It's probably Roguetown," she says dismissively. "Let me take a look anyway." Nami sets her newspaper down before stretching. She blinks a few times to adjust to the bright sun as she steps out from under the parasol. 
As she approaches Luffy, she furrows her eyebrows. The island was, as a matter of fact, not Roguetown.
"I don't know," she murmurs. 
After retrieving her map and compass, Nami's confusion only grows. It didn't exist on the maps, despite it being a massive continent with its own smaller islands forming an archipelago just south of it. 
"We'll stop here," she announces.
After nearly 4 weeks of travelling, you arrive back at Weh'le. You had ventured far Southeast to collect Vlonqo flowers and Raikkon berries, the main components of the ink mixture you use for tattoos. You refuse to settle for anything less than the perfect ingredients, and that means fresh and ripe berries, so you had already made the ink as you collected them.
Which lets you set off again after a quick half hour of settling everything in place at home, aside from the satchel situated at your hip. You'll be back soon anyway. 
After all, with the Spirit Blossom festival coming up in less than a week, you won't have much time to venture off. Of course, you'll have your booth to set up, but you're always glad to help decorate the rest of Weh'le Market for the celebration. 
So before you spend the better part of your days with those preparations, you set off to visit two of your dear friends in the forest.
Typically, you're happy to take your trip slowly. Admire the beauty of the magic around you and appreciate the scenery that nature has spent years and years detailing.
This time, though, you're off to see Lillia and Ivern after a month, and you're impatient.
Such a time, however, is short relative to their ages. Lillia is nearly 200 years old (197 this year), and even that is considered rather youthful in comparison to the old forests. And Ivern, the Green Father, is far older, to the point where nearly any amount of time is no longer significant to him. Living for thousands and thousands of years would do that. But all that time never made him jaded. He cared for you as you grew up, and he cares for you now, just as he cares for every other living being.
You can't stop the smile from spreading across your face as you think about them. Your run turns into a strong sprint, eager to see them again. 
Past the stony base of the mountain that Weh'le is tucked against, past the river separating the rocky ground from the rich soil, past the hills and through the trees, is the grand forest of Navori. You're a bit out of breath, and the sun is nearing its peak, but you've made it.
Magic flows around you. Sitting on a smooth rock, you close your eyes and bask in the floating magic mixed with the gentle sun dripping through the trees' canopies. 
The quiet sound of trotting on soft soil announces Lillia's arrival. You turn your attention towards her with a smile. 
And although she's only peeking her head out from behind a tree, you still wave to her. "I'm back!" you greet.
And Lillia thinks you look breathtaking, smiling softly with patches of sunlight draping over you. Her heart floats, thinking about how that smile is just for her. 
"I missed you so much, [Name]. Ah, of course w-we all did. The whole, um, the whole forest did!" she adds on quickly.
"I missed you, too," you assure. "Come, sit with me!" You pat next to you on the rock, even though she can't really sit directly with you.
At last, Lillia rounds the tree and makes her way towards you, staff in hand, semi-confident with the knowledge that you might have missed her a fraction of how much she missed you. 
She's a fae. Where her legs would usually be is instead the body of a deer. Her fur is a soft tan, growing reddish-brown near her hooves. Instead of human ears, she has somewhat droopy, long ears. Reaching just below them, around the small of her back, is purple tinted magenta hair with an almost glowing blue hue at the tips. Two smaller sections are parted away into pigtails, held together with leafy bands. 
"You look lovely as always," you say, and her face reddens. 
The purples and blues in her eyes shine at the comment. "Oh m-my, thank you so much!" She giggles nervously, lying down in the grass in front of you, in fear that her legs may give out from excitement. 
Without a second thought, you move from your seat on the rock down to the grass next to her. 
"Oh, [Name], your clothes will get dirty!" she frets. You chuckle, and she sighs. "I k-know you don't mind at all, but, well, I've heard many humans do. If they were to think poorly of you for it…"
"It's alright, Lillia. Most people are lovely people, I'm not sure anyone would care all that much."
And she can't exactly argue. After all, you're the only human she's ever spoken to. But she's still seen many, many humans come and go in the decades she's spent observing them. If only you knew, she thinks, of all the horrible things humans will do without a care, then you may not think so. In fact, you might decide to come live in the forest with her! 
She sighs dreamily at the thought.
"Something on your mind?" you ask.
Lillia shakes her head, but she can't help but smile at the thought of you and her living together. "Not really. So, tell me about your adventures! What kind of things did you see? What kind of humans did you meet?"
You hum thoughtfully. You open your satchel and pull out your journal. It's a relatively new one, but it's already filled to the brim with stories and notes and drawings. Lillia happily adjusts herself next to you to look at everything you've documented in the past few weeks. 
You show her several pages dedicated to your experience with an older lady, who had helped you for a day and housed you for a night. She taught you how to make white tea from Xaolan flowers and a delicious toast spread from Kiwa berries. Your tea was nowhere as delicious as hers, but she simply smiled and told you that it was just fine.
I'd be far more impressed had it turned out poorly, she had said. That nature must have seen the idiocy of too many hard headed humans and decided to make it easier on us.
And a few pages held detailed sketches of your experience there. A page for her small cottage. Half of a page for the small plate of toast with Kiwa spread and cup of tea, the other half containing drawings of the berries, flowers, and trees themselves. Then, a full page of her.
An old lady with a bright smile, one she must have worn for many of her days given the crinkles lining her eyes. Her name was Ahn, and when you asked for her age, she chuckled and said to take a guess. 
"No older than 30, I would imagine," you said, and she agreed.
"28, actually."
And with that, you decided that it didn't really matter.
You flip the page.
Immediately smiling, you begin to tell Lillia about the tall man you drew sitting in a field. Four patches of flowers were almost perfectly positioned behind, in front, and to the sides of him.
Lillia nearly saw red at how brightly you spoke of him. She glared. Glared at the drawing of the cute little matching flower crowns you made for the two of you. At the fact that you were so enthralled with talking about him that you didn't notice how clearly upset she was. Can't you see how unsettled it makes her? Don't you care?
Look at that man. He had a mask, far from organic, far from nature. His body looked stiff, like the limbs of a puppet. Don't you like nature? Don't you like her? 
"He was so kind," you say. "For a while on my journey, I felt followed, like a creepy force always behind me. We happened to meet on my way back, and he travelled with me for a few days."
She could make you feel safe, too. Does she seem too weak?
In the midst of her silent rage and your distracted rambling, a light voice interrupts both of your thoughts.
"My children!"
The two of you snap out of your own minds. 
"Ivern!" you greet.
His long, thin legs fold beneath him as he takes a place next to the two of you in the grass. 
"I trust you've been safe in your ventures," he says, and you nod eagerly. 
"I was! How have you been?"
"I've kept well. I know you must be in a hurry with the Spirit Blossom Festival preparations. Go, child, we can gossip later!" 
The two of you share a giggle before you depart, saying your farewells to the two.
When you're out of range, Ivern turns to Lillia, frowning.
"My child, do you wish to talk about it?"
Lillia stomps one of her hooves and scowls. "You sent them away! You're going to make them leave me for good!" she accuses. 
The elder simply shakes his head and sighs. "Perhaps one day you'll grow up."
Shivers run down Lillia's spine. She's not a child anymore. You're the only one who takes her seriously. You're the only one who truly cares. 
The sun that once burned at Nami's eyes and skin seems like a dream now. 
Instead, a thick fog wraps around the Going Merry. It feels heavy, spreading across the ship's deck. Nami's compass is circling aimlessly, spinning almost as much as her head is.
Usopp and Luffy's babbling doesn't help, either.
Nami rubs her temples as Sanji tries to get the two to quiet down, but ends up yelling, too, out of frustration.
Zoro sighs, regrettably getting up from his nap. "Quit freakn' out already, there's land right behind us," he calls. 
"Behind us? When did we get so turned around… And just how far have we gone?" Nami murmurs to herself.
But she finds that, sure enough, there's a glimpse of a port not too far away. The docks poke through, as if inviting them. It's the only direction the fog lightens up—or rather, the fog feels like it's purposefully blocking out everything else, leading them where it wants them to go. 
Luffy is thrilled, bouncing and pointing at the newfound sight of land. "We're not lost!" he cheers. 
But Nami can't shake this bad feeling that twists her gut.
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ocean-blue-orchids · 1 year
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You’re so feral I wanna give you a toy to bite and also self worth
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Beautiful man, precious child. How do I format your name you don’t have a last name
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Pls sleeping spell me half because I think it’s romantic half because I’m sweepy
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kirans-wonderland · 1 year
Lilia Birthday Special~
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Someone I know mentioned this idea and I couldn’t pass up writing it cause it’s so stinkin adorable <3. My friend is writing a Lilia origin story and gave him a sort of regency upbringing so I used that as some inspiration. Happy Birthday peepaw~
not the exact kind of song I described but close here
Lilia loved sharing the things he has picked up and learned through this many many years of life with you. May that be stories, art, food just don’t eat it but his favorite was the music. Wether he played the music on his gramophone or performed the songs himself it always brought a smile to your face. And a flush to your cheeks.
Today he was showing you music that was commonly played at extravagant parties from his childhood. It was elegant and beautiful, each note running together to make a melody that couldn’t be described as anything other than utterly romantic. The closest thing you could compare it to was a waltz but this was still far better yet you couldn’t place what made it so. Together you sat in his room, the only sound being that of the music as you held each other close. 
“What do you think of it dear?” He inquired. Always eager to hear your opinions. “Oh it’s just wonderful. I’ve never heard anything like it.” You beamed. He chuckled “I’m glad you like it.” He paused for a moment. “come here” he said getting up from his seat dragging you along with him by your hands. “W-whoa Lils-“ you exclaimed as a result from the sudden movement. He placed his hand in your own and the other on your waist. “With such music it’d be a shame if we didn’t dance… especially with someone so lovely.” He winked. 
The rest of the world faded away as he lead you around the room to the music. The only thing you could see was him. You felt your heart swell with the melody as you looked into the eyes of the man you cared most about. Lilia Varouge. So mysterious yet so, so charming. As the music came to close you stopped in the middle of the room as he pulled you into a hug. He kissed your forehead, if you’re tall, don’t worry he floats ;). “Thank you for letting me share these moments with you” You smiled at him before pressing a kiss to his lips. “Well of course, I love you silly” He spun you around and into a dip “and I you dearie~”
swnasjxhxwwbwaj- I killed my heart with that oml why do I do this
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Is it possible for you to write a small bit about Mc talking to Lilia Vanrouge about how they also took care of children at their old world too? But children who just need a little more help than others via low/no-income, some mentally challenged, health conditions, over all being caring for those who need it the most because others won't or can't.
And explain that they want to go back home for them but scared they won't be able to. And admits they may be willing to restart their life and help others if they can't go back home.
→ A/N:  I have to confess, I didn't have a lot of ideas for this. Also I'm finally off for the week [that's how long our break is]
→ Warnings:
→ Fandom: Disney: Twisted Wonderland
→ Genre: Oneshot
→ Word Count: 255
→ Pronouns: They/Them
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You stirred the tea with your spoon, the soft ringing breaking the comfortable silence between you and Lillia. 
“So,” you said after taking a sip, “how was your day?”
“Quite uneventful really,” he responded while drinking his own tea. “Silver fell asleep in his classes again.”
Your eyebrows pulled together, “I hope he didn't get in too much trouble.”
“No, just a light scolding.”
You stared at the cup in front of you.
“He actually reminds me of someone.” You whispered. Lillia quirked an eyebrow in response, a small ‘oh’ escaping his lips.
“I used to work at a daycare,” you started, “There was this boy, Sam, he came in after school and stayed until his parents picked him up.” Lillia hummed in response. “He was always tired, and he used to fall asleep in his classes so he struggled with school a lot.” You took another sip of the rooibos. “He wasn't the only one there that struggled , and I really miss those kids.” You let out a small sigh. Lillia looked at you, with pity or compassion you couldn't tell.
“I couldn't imagine what it would be like if I was just taken from my children.” Lillia confessed, staring into his own cup.
“If I can’t go back,” the thought alone made your throat tighten, “Then I’ll try my best here.”
“That’s very kind of you,” he said, “and I’ll be happy to help if you need it.”
You shot him a smile and kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks for the offer.”
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twsted-fates · 2 years
~ May we meet once again ~
A Past!Lilia Vanrouge x Reader one-shot song fic
The song is called Carry me by Eurielle
Feel free to change the Pronouns, looks left up to the readers imagination.
I have severe brain rot, it's been years since I've written so expect errors and oocness
Warnings: Angst, mild description of blood, and death
" While you sleep, dream of me
I'll be keeping our memories
Living in my heart and soul
Waiting for the day
When we will be together again. "
White lilies were placed upon an ancient grave, unaffected by times shifting sands. The winds blow through the leaves overhead, the moon full and bright with its soft luster. 
Crimson eyes cast downwards, looking at the ivory tomb, a small tear escaping his eye. It had been centuries since he had last seen her smiling face, eyes unafraid, unaffected by the war raging in those tumultuous times of a bygone era.
" Carry me to my love
O'er the sea to the clouds above
Where I know she's waiting for me
Carry me to my love
O'er the sea to the clouds above. "
Dancing happily in fields of the most brilliant wildflowers, smiling warmly as he returned home, to their little cottage holding their son in all but blood in her arms. The smell of a home-cooked meal wafted through his senses after a long day's work. 
Of a warm cloth washing the splatters of blood off his face, murmured praises of joy and relief, as he had returned home safe to her arms once again. 
Of a warm spring day, with a picnic amongst the field of flowers in the ancient heart of the forest, soft songs like silver bells spilling from rose colored lips.
The smell of ink, parchment, and wildflowers was a scent he had long since memorized; and would never forget so long as he lived. Her songs forever rang through his mind.
" Take me away to the shining light
Over the waves peaceful at night
There among the stars glowing in the dark
You watch over me
Smiling down patiently "
The fae were often fickle beings, so quick to gain interest and just as quick to lose it. The dark fae specifically, doing what they wanted when they wanted. Yet she still smiled so freely around him, despite what he was. He could have killed her easily, with a simple spell or a twist of the neck.
But her songs, her hypnotizing voice, the way she stood up for what she believed in. So cunning in the way she avoided the pitfalls most humans would unwittingly fall into. How she matched his wit word for word, even though she was fully aware of who and what he was. It enchanted him, in a way no one had before.
Many moons passed in this way, them meeting in a clearing of delicate blooms, growing closer and closer. He offered her an escape from the horrors soon to befall her town, the fae was not obligated to warn her- to allow her to fall with the rest.
But the fae was just as equally possessive of what they considered theirs as they were ruthless. And somehow this human girl charmed her way into his heart, even though he knew that a human's lifespan was nothing but a mere blink for his kind.
She left her cross of rowan, her iron, and salt; taking his hand, accepting his offer with a warm smile, not a single ounce of fear within her eyes. She had no one else, an outcast, a witch the priest had called her. A wild caring soul that was so unsuited to the confines of her village.
" Carry me to my love
O'er the sea to the clouds above
Where I know she's waiting for me
Carry me to my love
O'er the sea to the clouds above. "
Love blossomed between them, the times they spent together in peace. Even as he went to war, raging through the battlefields slaughtering the enemy side, commanding the Thorn Fairy's with pride and bravery. Peace was always awaiting him once he returned home.
Yet fate was a cruel mistress, on the day he was to return, an urgent meeting was called, one that lasted 3 days and three nights.
When he returned to their field his heart dropped, seeing the cottage door busted open. In a panic he rushed into the cottage fearing for his wife and son. Blood splattering the walls, a corpse of a human soldier, his skull bashed in, laid slumped against the wall. Urging forward he ran to their shared room, eyes widening when he saw his bloodied wife hunched over a small bundle still wiggling, a soft cry being heard.
 The residue of magic lingered heavily in the air, two more corpses, well- more like silhouettes of charred ash, marred the walls.  It was the first time in his long existence that he had cried, sorrow resounding through him along with unbridled rage. His beloved, his dearest flower, the sun to his moon died defending their home, protecting their son.
Gingerly he took the swaddled bundle covered in his mother's blood, hushing the crying babe. 
He created a beautiful grave for his fallen love, ancient magic protecting it from the weather. Placing a small kiss upon the tombstone he turned, child in his arms did he return to the valley. 
They would pay for this unforgivable act.
" Carry me to my love
O'er the sea to the clouds above
Where I know she's waiting for me
Carry me to my love
O'er the sea to the clouds above. "
Time marched on, and he carved a name for himself, forever etched within the annals of history. Treatises were drafted and ink dried on the parchment. There was peace for the first time in hundreds of years.
And now here he is once again, just like every year since her passing. Leaning against the cold stone, talking to her grave. The color of Diasomnia's uniform  illuminated by the light, he stood glancing at the three who stood behind him in silence, his precious boys. They had grown so much, it felt unreal. 
He had always come with Silver, recalling tales of his brave and wild mother of her sacrifice. However, this time he had his prince and his other guard with him.
" I wish you could have met her " he chuckled softly " she would have doted on you, like her own child, Malleus "
He sighed glancing down at her grave once more, eyes forlorn
" May we meet again, my beloved wildflower. "
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ristelmornigstar · 2 years
Day 19: Boot Worship
‘Life is only a dream
                                        But sometimes it’s a fantasie.’
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Summary: Boots just boots
Warnings: N-sfw content, Sexual Activities, Dom! Reader, Porn with no plot.
 Lillia held your boot in his hand, placing a soft kiss on it.
He had always loved to worship you… even more when you had your boots on.
 You didn’t know what or why, but you could never say anything about it.
He would just lick and kiss your boot constantly, but not that you minded, it was what pleased him after all.
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Can I rq for hc about twst.. Where the fem!reader(gn!reader if like) has an abusive father and caused her a truma? And the boys ( the first years + lilia & leona & azul & trein) are shocked when they find out?
Something about angst/comfort with some fluff .... I hope you're comfortable writing that.
A new start
thank you for the request. I'll be honest, i was debating wether to write this or not, as abuse is a complex subject, and i was worried about misunderstanding or accidentally offending those who have gone/are going through this. But remembered that, I too, turned to fanfics for comfort during some of my worst days, and if i can be, or at least create, that comfort for someone else, then I'm satisfied with what I've achieved in live. But I do have a 4 character limit that i have to enforce for the sake of my own mental health, so i didn't do the first years, I'm very sorry.
Reader opens up to them about their abusive father
Characters: Lillia, Leona, Azul, Proffessor Trein
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: Talk of past abuse
written platonically, but Leona and Azul can be read romatically
!Please note that this is not meant to glorify or romanticize abuse, but meant as a form of comfort for those that need it!
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-Lillia has always been one to sneak up on and scare people, he just found their reactions so funny!
-But he can easily tell that you react a lot more intensely than others. He eventually stops sneaking up on you, because your reactions aren't fun, they just seem.. sad to him.
-Instead of surprise, you feel fear, and he doesn't like it. He can tell, just from that, that something is wrong, and while he wants to know what, he won't pressure you. As a father, he learned quickly that, that only leads to dishonesty
-As the two of you become closer, you start to be more comfortable and open with him
-And during a particularly calm conversation, a rather rare thing with someone like Lillia, you finally open up to him
-You two are sitting on a bench near his dorm, with no one around, when your conversation suddenly shifts to the past.
-As you tell him what your father did, Lillia feels anger, no, rage.
-But not at you, never at you. No, he is enraged that your father could treat his own child like that. He raised his enemy's son, after a war that lastet years, the child of the same man that killed the woman he loved, and still managed to be the best father he could be. And that trash bag of a person- if you could even call him that - couldn't even take care of his own?! 
-When you see the look in his eyes, you almost get scared, but something just tells you, that anger isn't directed at you. And before you can question him, he pulls you into a hug. You would dare to call it the most gentle hug you have ever experienced.
-"You are safe now. You always will be for as long as I'll live."  His words are as genuine as can be, as his grip tightens ever so slightly. But it doesn't feel like a cage, more like a weighted blanket engulfing your body, the weight slowly lulling you to sleep.
-If you weren't crying before, chances are you are now. And he lets you, comfortingly rubbing your back your back as you sob into his shoulder, finally letting it all out.
-The days after that, you notice that Lillias attitude towards you has changed over so slightly, he is acting a lot more caringly, he is acting.. almost fatherly. And you don't even realize that, that is his goal.
-He makes sure you always eat enough, and will cook your lunch and dinner himself if he has to, and that alone is motivation enough to eat properly, checks up on you, helps you with homework and similar, and always lends you a shoulder to cry on.
-Lillia has already made up his mind. He raised a human and a fae prince, what harm could taking in one more human do?
-You may have not have had a proper father up until now, but rather late than never, no?
-He noticed how skittish you seemed to be when you first met. The fear in your eyes obvious, no matter whether you try to hide it or not, as he snapped at you for stepping on his tail. It was the main reason he let you of so easily.
-He saw it again during his overblot, right before he transformed, as well as shortly after his recovery, when he approached you to sort things out. He expected fear, an overblot is nothing short of scary after all, but something about your fear just seemed different to him, but he decided not to bother you about it.
-Eventually you two get closer, he considers you one of his closest friends ...which isn't that great of an achievement since he doesn't have that many- but at least actually becoming one of his friends at all can be counted as one!
-One day, while simply hanging out, he decides to bring it up. He says it casually enough that you know you don't have to answer, without him having to outright say it. 
-You decide you trust him enough and tell him about your father and what he did
-He's shocked. He doesn't know what exactly he expected, but it, for some reason, it wasn't this. He thought maybe bully's, a bad ex, or something like that... but your own father? He didn't know he could hate someone so much without ever meeting them
-He's now wide awake, but stays quiet. He has never been good with words, let alone comforting someone, so he just lends you an open ear. 
-The quietness might put you off at first, but his tail subconsciously wraps around your arm, as he processes it, I'm afraid this is as much proper comfort you'll get, but if you decide to hug or cuddle him, he'll let you
-While he may not be the best with words, he does know how to take action while still being lazy.
-He practically has his own fan club at his beck and call, also known as the savanaclaw dorm, and he puts them to use.
-He tells them to make sure no one gives you trouble, and that you remain harm free, or else they'll have trouble with him. And it works! Suddenly all your bullies leave you alone!.. you don't even realize the amount of savanaclaw members staring the bully down.
-It's Leona's way of comforting and taking care of you, because if your father won't, then he damn sure will.
-Azul can be very observant when he wants to be, so it wasn't hard to tell, that the fear you felt when the twins got violent in front of you.. your fear was different, than that of the usual person
-He has to be honest, when he first saw it, he thought maybe he could utilize it to make you sign a contract.. but after his overblot his entire perspective seemed to change, you just seemed to understand his childhood trauma a little to well, how the constant abuse could hurt and even change oneself
-He'd be lying if he said that, that wasn't part of the reason you two got as close as you did, you two just seemed to understand to understand each other on a deeper level
-One day, while simply sitting in the VIP lounge while he worked, you two once again ended up talking about the past, and this time, you decided to be the one to open up to him about your childhood
-Azul stops in his tracks as you do, horrified at the thought of that happening  happening to you. He was just quiet for a moment, and unlike usual, this wasn't a comfortable silence
-"Well.. you're here now, he won't reach you here. I'll make sure of this, I'll make a contract to prove it." His voice was quiet, as he was debating what to do, he wanted to properly comfort you, but he didn't know how. He was still very young when his mom got divorced and, well, the twins never exactly needed comforting. So instead, he does what he does best, write a contract.
-For once, it's a contract that benefits you more that him. It mentions that you'll get protection from bully's and your father, should he somehow end up in twisted wonderland, and that Mostro lounge can be like a save haven that you can go to even after it's closing times. In return, he asks that you come to him should anything happen to you, from your father actually finding you, to simply getting triggert by something that reminds you of the past, whatever that may be.
-He just hopes that, even though he isn't the best when it comes to comfort, he can be the save haven for you that your dad failed to be.
Professor Trein
-Trein likes you for the simple reason that you're one of the very rare students that doesn't either cause trouble or fall asleep in his class
-During the topic of ancestry and how it affected history, ever so often the topic would change to the students family's, some students interested in yours, since your from another world. He couldn't help but notice how you never brought up your father.
-Eventually Trein became your favourite teacher! Sure, his lectures can be boring, but history is one of the few subjects you can participate in, and as long as you behave, he's actually pretty nice!
-Trein, already a father of multiple daughters, couldn't help but feel fatherly towards you, he made sure you knew you could confide in him
-One day, the lesson is about the past of some important historical figure, as things happened to be, this historical figure was abused too. Trein almost immediately noticed how quiet you got, and how hesitant you were to do the assignments. So, Trein asked you to stay after class
-He told you he noticed the change, and you decide to entrust him your story
-Trein, as a father himself, is horrified. How could anyone do that to their own flesh and blood? He lets you speak, nodding occasionally to let you know he's listening.
-"I am so sorry that happened to you. you deserve better". If you need or want it, he'll hug you and let you sob into his shoulder
-Trein, similarly to Lillia, will start to act more fatherly after that. He won't be less strict with you exam wise, but if he feels a subject could be triggering to you, he'll let you know before class, so that you can mentally prepare yourself, or miss class with his permission if needed.
-Since you aren't from twisted wonderland, you don't have a legal guardian here, do you? How do you feel about adoption? He's already raised multiple daughters, he's sure he can do it again. That way you also have somewhere to go during holidays! 
-He can't change what has already happened, but he'll make sure your last few teenage years are spent happily in a proper home
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Abuse is a sensitive subject, and while i tried my best to be as respectful as possible, I know it is very possible for me to have done something wrong. So, if anything here is disrespectful, triggering, or just generally insensitive, I beg you to tell me, so that i can fix it as fast as possible.
I admit to not being the most educated on this subject, but if you are still in this situation or believe someone else is, I believe there are different hot lines for different country's that can tell you what you can do to get help. If you can, find a public computer or use a friends phone to find and call said hotline.
I truly hope that your okay anon and anyone else that is reading this, and that this fic could bring you some comfort.
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jelsah27 · 1 month
MC: *tries to open dorm door but it's stuck* what the? Grimm, did you break the door again?
Grimm: The great Grimm did nothing of the sort!
MC: *sighs and goes outside the back door.*
*Outside the front door is a stack of iron bricks. Malleus is also there, placing down more with magic with Lillia grinning behind him.*
MC: Malleus... my dear, dear fae... why does my front porch look like a construction site?
Lillia: *chuckles* Why, child of man, our... *tries not to giggle* our dear Malleus has decided to help you with your... problem.
MC: My... problem?
Malleus: Yes. Trappola and Spade made me aware of your iron deficiency. Lillia told me that swords would also be helpful, so I have commissioned two for you, although they will take some time.
MC: Malleus... thank you... for trying to help... but I have anemia... which means I don't have enough iron in my blood. This is very sweet of you though. But... if you don't mind... could I still have the swords?
Crowley: *popping up out of nowhere* My, my. I could provide you with what you need! For I am gracious!
MC: *hides behind Lillia* I'm getting supplements from Crewel, you worse than the American health care system leech!
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myeagleexpert · 24 days
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Do you think the Savanaclaw/ Octavielle/ Dianonmia boys look like this when they enter Yuu's room? :3
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Maybe Silver will be more discreet with this, but I bet Sebek would pretend like everything is fine and not like he's ogling you.
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v3lvieraven · 4 months
𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐳𝐞
(Riddle, Floyd, Leona, Malleus, Lillia)
Synopsis- reader tends to give really big and tight squeezes similar to Floyd whenever they hug/cuddle/get excited
Warnings- cursing, mood swings (Floyd), accidentally pushing away (riddle)
•he collared you for the first time
•this didn’t really do shit though considering you have zero magic.
•takes him a second to realize then un-collars you!
•After a few times of him lying through his teeth about not liking it, you figured you should stop.
•But those squeeze times had found their way into his schedule, literally.
•so when you stop squeezing him it messes his schedule up! Which is absolutely unacceptable.
•usually he wouldn’t straight up tell you his feelings but his poor poor organized schedule was falling apart! And all because you stopped the squeezing.
•“Why aren’t you doing the squeeze thing anymore?”
•You opened your mouth to answer but seeing his unusually upset expression you kept it shut
•With a shake of your head you bring him into your arms with a big squeeze.
•”Awww you like my squeezes!”
•”shh… you have three hours to make up to me”
•that meaning he made you squeeze him in bed for three hours (after his already busy schedule)
•he fell in love the moment you squeezed him.
•obviously it wasn’t as tight as he does it.
•but he still loves it nonetheless!
•he definitely pouts whenever you arnt squeezing him. Which makes it very inconvenient for Jade and you.
•he’s very clingy though, but if he saw you squeeze someone else, even if it was in a friend way. He gets so jealous!
•when you went to give him a squeeze a few hours after he saw it, he probably would yell at you.
•He has really bad mood swings so it’s not surprising but it didn’t hurt any less.
•depending on your personality this could go two ways-
•first way: you give him space
•he would be more aggressive towards everyone at first.
•Azul and Jade had begged you to calm him down but you stood your ground.
•not wanting to cross his boundaries.
•but after he gets his anger out one way or another, he realizes he royally fucked up.
•Definitely starts crying and finds you, drags you into a bed, and squeezes you. VERY HARD.
•ends in you either passing out or he falls asleep.
•second way: you wait like thirty minutes and give him another squeeze
•after about thirty minutes he should have probably calmed down
•other than his pout and occasional muttering he is actually holding onto you for dear life.
•both ways he bites you tho.
•When you found him in the botanical garden asleep you thought this was the perfect time to cuddle with him
•momentarily forgetting about your habit
•it woke him up, he probably hisses at you, even when he realizes it’s you.
•Almost shoved you off until he notices that he really likes this.
•often orders Ruggie to escort you to him whenever he is in a bad mood or a squeeze mood.
•I’m gonna be honest I actually can’t imagine if he were to get mad at you for squeezing him, ironic considering his temper
•like Floyd he can and will bite you to get what he wants.
•he flops on top of you often and demands it with light insults.
•Maybe you should try squeezing him whenever he overblots that might work.
•soon finds out he can’t really sleep without the pressure around him.
•one night when you were on a small trip somewhere he couldn’t sleep, so he tried to squeeze himself with his tail.
•craves it more than anything.
•please don’t stop. He will actually cry.
•he’s really touch staved, so whenever you show up and squeeze him, he returns the gesture
•thinks of it as a human way of expressing love
•which it is to you.
•he’s so adorable, you can’t understand why anyone is Afraid of him. Of course he can be scary but not to you
•He also cries when you do squeeze him, but out of happiness. So either way, if you do or don’t, he will still probably cry.
•Sebek scolds you a lot because you started this and now he often gets really mad and causes thunderstorms.
•sneaks into your dorm and kicks grim off the bed and onto the couch
•poor grim :(
•Sometimes when he’s had a particularly bad day and he needs to unwind he will come to you. Which usually ends up with him letting out some of his more dragon features.
•Not fully though, unless you are okay with him destroying a bit of your dorm house.
•overall he loves you dearly, wouldn’t trade this for anything at all.
•please keep going!
•he teases you all the time for it.
•the first time though he was genuinely surprised but wiped that expression off his face VERY quickly
•he sleeps upside down so sometimes he will ask you if you wanna stay upside down with him and do your thing
•most of the time your squeezing sessions will turn into play fight or tickle session instead
•he gets really giddy when it happens
•don’t be fooled though, he will threaten anyone you squeeze.
•also might curse them or something but you don’t need to know that!
•He’s smitten for you though, and even when it sometimes doesn’t feel like it because of his playful demeanor, he truly appreciates these moments with you
•might sometimes mutter things under his breath before he falls asleep in your arms.
• “don’t let me go..”
• “your squeezes are mine…”
•he means the second one in all seriousness though.
•this is one of the most vulnerable times when he is too sleepy to keep his silly facade
•not saying he isn’t silly naturally, but sometimes he covers up his problems with his cuteness or calm demeanor.
•He’s usually not as silly when he’s not with you, but again, sometimes he uses it to cover that he is hurting
•so please don’t call the things he is saying at the moment “silly” because he means them with his whole heart.
•just keep squeezing and reassuring him, and he will open up!
Note- totally not based off the fact I squeeze ppl when I hug/cuddle
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random-twst-things · 6 months
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Malleus: I require assistance on what to get my dear Mc/Y/N/Yuu for Valentine's
Lilia: oohoho? Why of course! What do you have in mind?
Malleus: I'm not sure, but I do know I want it to be something that is lasting
Lilia: something lasting?
Malleus: Yes, something that will last an eternity and when they look at it they will think of how much I love them
Lilia: fufufu~ it's as if you were to propose with a wedding ring 🤭
Malleus, in deep thought: a wedding ring huh?....
Lilia: I never said it had to be a wedding ring Malleus
Malleus: but a ring is a symbol of love for humans, no? It is something that symbolizes a forever with that person and if my child of man were to look at it they would always remember my love for them as well, no?
Lilia: My~ you do have a point
Malleus: Perfect. Well then, thank you for the help father
Lilia: Malleus, wait you have to-
*Malleus not in his spot anymore, gone without a trace*
Lilia, sighing: Oh dear~ Young ones these days are so passionate
*Somewhere at Ramshackle dorm*
Mc/Y/N/Yuu, sneezing: achoo!
Grim: hey! You better not get the great Grim sick! Not that I can get sick anyways!!
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: oh hush! It's not even cold out, someone was probably just talking about me
Mc/Y/N/Yuu, picking Grim up: I just hope it wasn't anything weird or crazy
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Dividers from @/cafekitsune
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witch-craft-works · 7 months
Playful Land spoilers
Malleus: So you're saying that Lilia and MC/Yuu have gone missing? and they were last seen with some shady looking fellow?
Crowley: Yes unfortunately
Malleus: Ah I see...so he's chosen Death
A/N: Not gonna lie this new event is some borderline Black Buttler shenanigans bullshit
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