#one sided
hg-aneh · 17 days
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how embarrassing
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xirvso · 2 months
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Vox just wants Alastor to himself lmao
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mykoolage · 10 days
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pigpo100 · 2 months
“As we dance to the masochism tango”
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Two posts in a row where I use a song quote for the title thing look at me go
Version with blood:
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chaoticace2005 · 3 months
Vox: -and that’s why I think we should be partners! Also would you maybe be interested in going to dinner sometime?
Alastor’s aroace ass:
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xirvso · 2 months
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Vox is just too cute! <3
Couldn’t find the most recent post, so the oldest reposter is: @Stormcutter427
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theroachking2930 · 3 months
Vox: Your smile looks forced.
Alastor: That’s because it is.
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forbiddenseason · 3 months
Thinking about how Alastors asexual identity absolutely alienates him especially from queer men. Like. Vox was his friend for years and then suddenly is bringing someone like Val around and decides to go into the porn business + make love potions with Vel. like fuck no Al’s not joining this fucking team Vox are you out of your mind?? And on top of all that Vox is also coming onto him in his weird way.
But I imagine their friendship was genuine and the split painful, Vox feeling betrayed and rejected by someone so close to him and Alastor feeling completely alienated from him.
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chipsy · 2 months
Why do they call it a CRUSH?
Because that's how you feel when they don't feel the same way in return.
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chaoticace2005 · 3 months
(By Velvette, the only competent of the Vees)
(Her list for Valentino here)
1. He’s just not into you
2. We have better things to do than allocate company time to this.
3. He makes you look stupid
4a. He makes US look stupid (and Valentino already does that enough)
4b. Seriously how are we supposed to stop your boy toy from chasing whore around town when you can’t do the same with your ex? We need to set a (gag) good example for him.
5. What do you even see in him? Tacky coat. And that voice is so old-school.
6. You have two people who (reluctantly) want to work with you. Why spend energy on a guy who doesn’t?
7. This was seven years ago babe. Give it up.
8. I’m tired of finding your Alastor Body Pillow around the penthouse
9. Speaking of the body pillow, did you really have to spend 5k on it?
10. Company money should be used for COMPANY things. The fact we even have an “Alastor” budget is stupid. HE DOESNT EVEN GO HERE. ( @onesidedradiostatic )
11. He fucked off once, he probably will again.
12. Do you really want to fuck with someone who has the princess and king of Hell on his side?
13. It makes Valentino insecure about his sexual prowess, which is not good for anyone.
14. I have to LISTEN to him complain about it.
15. No matter how hard you try, nobody will ever beat “Susan” for #1 rival in that man’s heart. (Which is valid cause Susan SUCKS.)
16. Also you’re wasting company time by having Val put together shitty-Alastor look alike porns? Angel Dust does NOT look like Radio Demon ffs, I though Val was the blind one not you.
17. Your screens keep crapping out whenever you think about him, and we’re running out of ones in storage.
18a. I don’t want to keep having to go to overlord meetings for you because you’re having a breakdown over of he’ll be there or not.
18b. Speaking of breakdowns, STOP MAKING THE WHOLE CITY LOSE POWER.
19. You’ve taken over the entire office space with your Alastor-shrine. It’s not really an inconvenience, just creepy.
20a. Not to kinkshame but I walked in on you and Val fucking with Alastor-wigs on, REALLY?!
20b. Also I think you’re making Val insecure about his lack of hair.
21. STOP asking me to design Alastor-cosplay clothes for you. I don’t want anything to do with this.
22. I already have to deal with one pissbaby
23. Seriously, he isn’t into you. Maybe it’s cause you’re a mess. Maybe it’s cause he’s AROACE. Who knows.
24. You keep interrupting channels to brainwash people into hating the Radio Demon, when we should be brainwashing them into other things.
25. We can all hear you talking to yourself in the shower when trying to come up with shitty comebacks.
26. You display your dreams when you sleep, and while it was funny at first at this point it’s so boring. Val and I want to watch something actually interesting for once rather than the same shit.
27. You keep glitching out in bisexual whenever he comes up and it’s annoying waiting for you to put your shit back together again.
28. I’m sick of movie nights where we just watch your self-made compilations of “Alastor’s Epic Fails” or just watch security footage of him at the hotel.
29. Why do you even try and film him? Your shitty cameras can pick hardly anything up.
30. Honestly this whole thing is just pathetic.
31. Like it used to be cute but now?
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noicyleech · 1 month
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Watching you
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feayline · 3 months
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Photos taken ten seconds before someone gets their hand bitten off.
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overflowofcrows · 1 month
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Original video
A very one-sided crush, part 2
Horror's outfit by @westaysilly
Disclaimer: Images were drawn on top of screenshots
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whumperofworlds · 28 days
A Whumper who was hurt so much that they don't know what kindness is like.
Then one day, Whumpee shows them that kindness, even for a few seconds.
Whumper fell in love then, wanting to know who Whumpee is and get close to them, even to the point of stalking Whumpee. They learned so much about Whumpee, someone who showed them kindness for the first time.
This culminated with Whumper eventually kidnapping Whumpee, to keep them all to themself.
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jadeactuallysucks · 1 month
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Chosen is very clingy to people he likes
But they’re not getting married 😡😡
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theroachking2930 · 3 months
Alastor: *points at Velvette* A human turtleneck, *points at Valentino* a narcissistic monster, *points at Vox* and literally the dumbest person I’ve ever met.
Vox: And who am I? Describe me now.
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