#personal story
africanmorning · 10 months
*Knee of my pants tears*
Me: Clearly the only logical course of action is to create an embroidery pattern of Master Chief by hand on graph paper, cut up an old curtain, and use modified cross-stitch through two layers of fabric to put John Halo Himself on my otherwise crappy pair of jeans.
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Bad photo of the pattern I made in case anyone else wants it (I might try to digitize it later, Idk):
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ao3-shenanigans · 6 months
Personal story I want to send into the void:
I went to visit friends in my small conservative hometown for the holidays and whilst in the local Barns and Nobel (the centerpiece of our dying mall) a person told me: “I like your sweater!”
I said: “thanks! I like your hat!” I had seen it was a beanie with a pin on it, though I could not make out the pin.
The person said: thanks! And somehow managed to incorporate a very smooth limp wrist (💅) into the gesture and we went back to browsing happily
My sweater I should note, is the ugliest, most oversized, thrifted knitted thing ever- garish purple and green on dark blue. I like it for a lot of reasons but tonight especially so for causing this interaction
I was later shifting through the D&D books and chatting with my friend about the campaign I’m running when the person from before comes up excitedly to mention that they too have run the same campaign (Curse of Strahd)!
We struck it off talking about home brew elements and different story arcs as one tends to do; I think they might’ve been flirting and I’m a little dense to see it
It didn’t go anywhere but they introduced themselves as Rebecca (if I heard right)
And Rebecca, if you see this- thanks; you made my night, it was really nice to see other queer nerds out here
I hope your dnd scheduling issues clear up soon and you can get a real good game in
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thoselethalarts · 12 days
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𝓚𝓪𝔃𝓾𝓸 𝓖𝓾𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓻𝓸 - 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼
An (almost) complete compendium of all of Kazuo Guerrero’s character cards and personal stories! SR Groovies and SSR Dorm Card + story to come!
~ Personal Stories (ENG) ~
( R ) School Uniform: “I Totally Forgot!”
( R ) Gym Uniform: “I’m So Stupid…!”
(SR) Lab Uniform: “I Can't Really Turn Back Now.” ( 1 || 2 )
(SR) Ceremony Robes: “I Won’t Let You Down!” ( 1 || 2 )
(SSR) Dorm Uniform: “(AS OF YET UNNAMED)” ( 1 || 2 || 3 )
(SSR) Birthday Suit-Up: “Happy Birthday!” ( 1 || 2 || 3 )
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cardiophilejulia · 2 months
Going crazy.
I was in the P.E. class, quiet, minding my own business while my friend was running around and playing with his other friends. I was daydreaming about him grabbing my hand and placing it against his chest cause I was thinking about how fast his heart would be at that moment and I didn't even felt the time passing. The bell rang and I was going back to see my friends...and he walked towards me to talk, I was distracted and he hugged me from behind, pulling me closer to his chest....and I felt his heartbeat, I held my breath for a second and froze, he chuckled a bit and then he broke the hug, I was visibly sad...but then while we were talking he suddenly pressed his hand against his chest and said while heavy breathing: "Man I'm tired, my heart's going to explode, here, feel it" and he grabbed my hand and placed it on the middle of his chest. I felt my own heart starting to beat faster as I tried to keep calm while my imagination ran wild.
his heart felt like a hummingbird frantically flapping it's wings, trying to break free, I barely pressed my fingers in his chest and I was still able to feel his heart, strong and fast, I felt my face starting to burn and I quickly removed my hand of his chest and I spoke in a shy-low voice: "It's pretty fast, got tired huh?" and we giggled a bit at the end as we walked towards our class
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reality-detective · 4 months
A brief write up of my personal story. 👇
I haven't been lucky in life with getting my way, I've worked hard for everything including vehicles for myself since I got divorced in 2013 and then it got worse, I lost everything. I had 2 Harley Davidsons, a 1976 FLH shovelhead and a 1990 Ultra Classic, I had a 2010 Ford Edge and a nice house with an in ground pool (16' x 32') and a hot tub. I lost it all.
I had health issues in 2015 which damn near killed me. I continued on a downward spiral with depression and anxiety, the feeling of worthlessness, it seemed as if my life was out of control. I fell into the BIG pharma scam and walked out of an intensive care unit where I spent 2 weeks in and 3 weeks out of an ICU hospital stay with 16 different prescriptions and half were psych meds.
I fell as far as one could fall, I was contemplating suicide and then in the twinkling of an eye my life changed, I went cold turkey on all medications but one. My head lost the fogginess and I was able to think.
I went through my Dark Knight of the Soul which wasn't easy, It took me a couple of years to get through that, but I gotta say Q and having Trump as president shook me awake even more as I watched all this unfold while I fought my own demons.
I have totally regrouped my physical, mental and spiritual well-being. I'm not ashamed of the path I took because now it all makes sense and validates where I am today.
I have a small circle of friends but the ones I do have are rock solid brothers and sisters from another mother and that includes the comrades I have met from different countries throughout this war. I have excellent connections in the Netherlands, Germany, Georgia (the country), the UK, and Australia.
Anyway the point of my story is to just share more of my personal struggles, my experience, where I'm at and where I'm going. This IS a spiritual war, this IS biblical and this IS historical. It's the greatest time ever to be alive.
My life has turned a complete 180° although I don't have anyone special to share my life with I feel it is still complete, I'm happy, I have another motorcycle and a nice vehicle, a roof over my head and the blessings just keep coming. Throughout all the shit this old soul has been through I will say this: "It doesn't matter what material bullshit you have in life it's not going to make you happy if you don't have yourself. If you lose yourself, you have nothing, even if you have everything."
- My name is Terry, I was banned from Fakebook, I had a Twitter account for 6 months before being tossed off there. I had a Tumblr account for years until Trump was elected, then I was deactivated, opened another account/deactivated, so I opened another account... Boom 💥 deactivated a again. So I opened a 4th account only to be booted again but I fought them this time. As that battle continued for 8-10 months. Meanwhile I opened a 5th account which is what I use here. 10 months later I won the battle to get my 4th account reactivated which is called constantly-deactivated (now my backup account.)
Stay positive, never surrender and for God's sake... "TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF" Don't ever lose yourself, self care is important especially NOW.
We're nearing the end of this show and remember... 👇
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Never give up on yourself, keep climbing thos stairs. 🤔
I care deeply about humanity surviving, you have no idea what you really are. You are the universe, seriously 💫
I Love you all. 💜
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bird-brained-biz · 8 months
A personal story at the pumpkin patch I work at [ pop up, not all year ]
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cornflowerblue10 · 11 days
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Freedom of and from love and gender for everyone.
Happy pride month everyone! :D
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I literally know the exact date of when I found out I was aromantic asexual: September 22, 2022. I just came home from a dentist appointment and my mouth was numb and super uncomfortable because I got some cavities removed. I decided to watch this one video that back then I vaguely remember watching but didn't remember anything from.
As I watched this video, the puzzle pieces started to come together and I reached the conclusion that I was aroace. In my entire life, not once was I sexually or romantically attracted to anyone. Basically I never had a crush, I don't have a crush, and I never will have a crush.
Being aroace is one of my favorite parts about myself. I'll never have to get worked up over someone else. I'll never have to deal with all the struggles that comes with having a crush and then asking them out and then dating them and then maintaining that relationship; I could never. "YoU gEt nO b1TcHeS-" I never needed any in the first place. Allos wish they were us; no romance gives us more time to waste!
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felixcloud6288 · 1 year
Lately, I've been way more hungry than usual. And I can tell it's not stress or boredom cause I genuinely want to eat food and seek out particular things rather than just snacking on whatever garbage I can find.
It got to the point where I decided to look into potential reasons a person's appetite might increase and ...
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I think I might just be experiencing a normal sense of hunger.
Tumblr, you're ruining me. First you made me enjoy interacting with people, then you made me want to talk about myself, and now you're making me want to enjoy eating.
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A friend started playing GW2 and now i get to relive the personal story through the eyes of someone so completely uncommitted to the story that we get to enjoy such stuff at:
Sylvari Personal Story:
Player character: This prophetic dream contained a terrible monster that I can only assume is a metaphor for the evil in the world.
Caith: Yeah, nah. That guy is real, he looks exactly like that. Thanks for the assist, he was very confused how psychic unborn children helped kick his ass.
Player character: OK, well...what about the mysterious unkillable green knight in my prophetic dream?
Caith: That guy is also just a guy, he's over there. Kick his ass, he's very much killable.
Player character: So you're telling me prophecies aren't real?
Caith: Nah, yeah. They're real, you just happened to dream about really specific things that are one to one how they appear outside of the dream.
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endlessnightlock · 2 months
I love Katniss so much because I, too, am very stupid about obvious things sometimes.
I remember talking to my best friend (who I don't get to see nearly enough) when I was like 28 or 29 and telling her I thought I might want kids but wasn't sure because I hadn't babysat when I was younger or thought I was great with kids, and she says to me "you know you feel different about your own kids, right? you just figure out your own kids?" (she had three at this point) and it was like. Yes, you are right. Why didn't I assume that myself?
The point is that Katniss is the most relatable fictional character I've ever come across.
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4bec · 6 months
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“Please drive fast”
Illustration of my Oc Dylan ✨
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africanmorning · 1 year
Just remembered that when I was a kid I was torn between wanting my body donated to science when I died or buried whole so future archaeologists could dig me up to learn about 21st century people. I was going to write a diary explaining daily life and everything. I can't believe adult me has forgotten all of the important questions. Why did I stop actively aspiring to be a corpse in a museum.
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mikiusol · 1 year
Sometimes fanfiction is a love letter to a story and sometimes it's just raging hate mail to the author disguised as a story. But at the end of the day stories really do make a difference to someone. No matter the medium.
One of my favourite fanfictions was published when I was three, and I found it over a decade later after reading the book that inspired it. Reading that fanfiction after was like being hugged by someone I've never met, across time and space. I left a comment under a username I no longer use, and the person who wrote the fanfiction will probably never read it.
A book I read when I was 10 devastated me. I couldn't comprehend the ending. It took me years to realise that the protagonist had to die - there was no other way he could've survived hypothermia, and that sometimes things just end. I think it was my first time realising that bad endings happen in life. That book didn't shy away from telling that to children. The plain, hard truth was there for me to see.
When I was 11, I was rushing back to class after recess but I visited the library for a quick book loan. I didn't actually have a title in mind. But I wanted to read anyways, so I grabbed a random book. Fast forward a few weeks later, and I was reading another book written by the same author. I liked it even more than the first one I had found. Four years later, I drew fanart for it and the author replied to it. It made me so happy I didn't shut up about it for days. Fast forward another two years, and now I've gotten at least two people to read the same book. I've met people online from Italy and France who've read the same book as a child and loved it too.
I still love every story I mentioned. I'm rambling and it's late at night but I've been thinking a lot about stories lately. School's starting again soon and I don't want to go, but I've been thinking of a fanfiction I've been following for the past couple of months and it keeps me going. I really do think that stories are here for us to enjoy and carry with us through hard times. Don't be afraid to write whatever story you have in mind, no matter it be fanfiction or a novel you want to publish. Writing has always been here. Whatever you write will never be the worst someone has read.
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ashtray-shayy · 17 days
There is a monster that lives just less than a mile away from me.
The monster lives in a house that I used to visit regularly as a child.
I used to sit with that monster and eat dinner and play videogames and watch movies and engage in the childish banter that you do when you're seven.
The monster is not a regular monster; it is not old or ugly or poor.
It went to a grammar school, it has parents that adore it, it has a social life and a good job and it wears watches that I do not know the names of.
No one knows what it has done to me.
Even I did not know what the monster had done to me; I had managed to forget, to push the experience aside.
Until the memory came back to me randomly when I was a young teenager.
I wonder if I would have been different
Had the memory never resurfaced to haunt me.
And did the monster remember it as I did?
Or has it successfully let the event, all those years ago, slip from it's mind?
Is that how it has built itself such a life?
Because I do not think a man would be able to live with himself after ruining the life of a girl, barely eight years old.
And I think that was the start of my anxiety;
Whenever my mother told me that we would be having dinner
And the monster would be there.
I have had the thought on many occasions of telling someone what the monster had done to me.
But what would it matter?
The monster, and all that loved it,
Would easily turn around and point fingers and
Claim I was in the wrong.
"How could you say that?"
"He would never do that!"
In mind and words
But they would refuse to acknowledge that
I did not think these words,
The monster gave them to me.
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beneaththefloorboards · 7 months
To my fellow lesbians: I have found something even more lonely than the experience of being around your friends while they're all talking about men.
Let me tell you what happened
I never expected to experience this, as I am the only lesbian I know and while I have plenty of sapphic friends, none of them have ever been in a serious relationship with a woman. That in itself makes me feel quite isolated. But the other day I went to this event that I was so excited for, you see: it was a ball!! A real gothic/victorian/dark academia esque ball in an old art museum with classical music and ballroom dancing!! I was beyond excited and it was a perfect evening, and my heart was elated when I saw how many wlw were there attending... until I realised they were all there as couples.
Except for a few friend groups I was the only single lesbian.
In a room full of wlw couples.
And my heart was so torn. I was so happy for them, for a lot of them were much younger than me and to think that they already knew who they were and were able to date freely (unlike I who repressed my sexuality until I was 23). But I was also hit by this enormous wave of sadness. Of loneliness.
And I wanted to share this story here because, again, I am the only lesbian I know. And I doubt my friends will understand exactly the feeling I was feeling that day. Of being in a room full of people who share your experience for the first time, but at the same time feeling so lonely because you repressed who you are for so long and so you're suddenly overcome with so much longing and jealousy and regret 🖤💀
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detransition · 2 years
from tightbra
My mother supported me when I explained my dysphoria and intention to transition. One day though, she asked me a vital question. She asked me why I had to be a boy. “What will you be able to do as a boy, that you can’t do now? Why do you need people to see you as a boy? What is the difference between a boy and a girl?” 
At the time, I interpreted it as transphobia, due to old age and ignorance. I dismissed the questions, assuming that she was too dense to understand my struggle. What I realized later though, was that those questions were valid, and had to be answered if I were to continue with my transition. I needed to understand why I felt the way I did.
After two years of introspection, therapy, and learning, I found the answers I needed.
What will you be able to do as a boy, that you can’t do now? Live, free from the oppression inevitably tied to being female.
Why do you need people to see you as a boy? I don’t. I need people to see me as a person. An individual. A whole.
What is the difference between a boy and a girl? Nothing, not really. The only difference is in how we’re perceived and treated.
What I learned was that there is nothing wrong with me, or the way I was born. Rather, it was a problem with society: the way they viewed me, and all women.
14 year old me didn’t want to be a woman. I wanted to be a person. Only now, years later, have I come to understand that women are people, we are individuals, we are whole. Despite the way society pushes us down and demands we wither.
thinking of detransition? you are not alone
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