#poison ivy x reader
strawberrybyers · 6 months
being a slut and mentally ill means i’d do really well as a patient in arkham asylum
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ghostfacesvalentine · 1 month
Princess treatment only - MultiMuse x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Multimuse x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Not many, some mentions of killing, but nothing graphic. Kind of fluffy
Type: HC’s
Request: N/A
Word Count: N/A
Prompt: Some HC’s as to how the muses would give the reader the princess treatment.
Notes: I don’t know where I was going with this, but this is mainly fluff, maybe sometime I’ll spice it up. I just had to get my writing juice brewing. Not proofread at all just go.
Jason Voorhees: Honestly, would treat you like a princess regardless. Will pick flowers for you when he’s outside. Always lets you borrow his flannels. Always walks in front of you to make sure there’s no danger, but looks back constantly to make sure there’s no danger behind you?? lmao. You won’t ever have to lift a finger when you’re with him. Literally at your beck and call. Will try his best not to kill in front of you, but sometimes it just ?? happens lol. Tries to be soft when touching you because you’re literally the most perfect thing that has ever crossed his path.
Michael Myers: Is your literal bodyguard. Will follow you anywhere and everywhere, you might as well call him your shadow. Lets you hug him and climb onto his lap whenever. Won’t hug you back yet, working on it. Nobody comes near you, no exceptions. Sorry. Stares at you most of the time. Can’t say it, but you’re literally flawless to him. Will use his body as a shield for you. Would kill anything for you. Eventually learns to put his palm against your cheek and that’s his second greatest accomplishment, the first being bagging you, literally and figuratively.
Tiffany Valentine: You won’t ever have to worry about a thing when you’re with her. Always gets her hands dirty for you. Lots of cheek and neck kisses. Praises your looks all the time. She will always brag about you whether it’s what you do, how you look, anything and everything. She would always make sure you have the latest clothes. She’d make sure you always had your staple make up pieces available. When it comes to killing, she’d get creative, that way you guys will never have literal blood on your hands, especially you, never you.
Billy Loomis: Lots of nicknames. Kinda only has a soft spot for you. Can never ever tell you no and stick to it. Won’t hesitate to kill anyone who makes fun of him for this. Drives you everywhere. Ties your shoes. Always makes time for you. Will help you pick out your outfits and tell you which one he likes and which one he doesn’t. Will wear the bracelets you make him. Anything in his closet is yours, help yourself. Always touching you, holding your hand, holding your waist, you’ve infatuated him enough to have him carelessly cover you in soft kisses, laying his head on your shoulder. Kinda creative with dates tbh.
Stu Macher: You will forever be his princess. Will carry you across puddles. Lots of cheek and forehead kisses. Would learn how to paint your nails for you during class. Always makes sure you have a good grade on your exam, whether he has to swap out the papers after class or make sure you get the right answers, you can absolutely count on him. You don’t have to use your brain around him, no worries. Thinks you look adorable in his sweaters, especially oversized. Loves when you sit on his lap. Prioritizes you over anything and everything. Even if you don’t like horror movies, Stu would absolutely find something else for you to watch.
Patrick Bateman: Honestly, when he falls in love with you, it’s princess treatment only. Will give you a skin care routine and help you follow through with it. Kind of makes you feel dumb, but not like a stupid dumb, more like a ‘oh dear sweet baby you are a little dumb but pretty, but dumb, let me help you’ Same thing if you fall asleep with your makeup on, Patricks on the way with the micellar makeup remover. Will speak up for you if you don’t like a service, he won’t be mean about it unless he has to. Always makes sure you’re hydrated (also part of your skin care routine). You will be a housewife/girlfriend. Feel free to splurge, you are his trophy princess after all. Will take you anywhere you want. Will make things up for you if he has to be at work late.
Leatherface: I don’t ever see a scenario where Bubba does not treat his s/o like a princess. It’s like part of the deal. Either way, expect wild flowers all the time. It’s his favorite thing to do for you. He even makes you a vase and makes sure your flowers are always fresh. Will literally die and kill for you without any hesitation. At his knees for you. Bubba will crawl to you across pins and needles if you asked him to. He’s always making sure you’re comfortable and safe, never hungry or in your mind for too long. Melts at your touch. Would learn how to dance just to dance to your favorite songs. Always gets awestruck with you.
Harley Quinn: Will absolutely take you anywhere you want, no matter how random it is. Always dazed when looking at you. Keeps pictures of you all dressed up in her bag or car or wherever she goes. Selina gave her a heart shaped locket once and yeah, you guessed it, the cutest picture of you is in there. Doesn’t hesitate to shoot any man for you. Leaves your face covered in red kisses. She would do anything to make you laugh. Anything you want, it’s yours! Just point at it.
Poison Ivy: Pamela will always spoil you, regardless of how you act. You’ve heard of people growing gardens for their s/o, she would grow forests for you. She’s the most gentle with you, gentle caresses and soft kisses. Paints your nails, brushes your hair while adding flowers into the locks. Always admires dressing you up and putting make up on you. Almost never wants you to leave. Slow dances with you. She’d do anything to keep you out of danger. You think Michael is a good bodyguard? Pamela is the bodyguard.
Bruce Wayne: hhnnnngh. Ok. No but you are the Princess Wayne. Spoiling you rotten goes without saying. Anything your little heart desires is yours. Helps you get dressed. His favorite is helping you with your stockings. Gentle kisses everywhere. Brushes your hair. Lifting you up constantly when there’s a crack in the pavement. Always the driver. Your safety is always first, always. No because whatever you want means whatever you want, which is why there are hello kitty plushies scattered across the Wayne manor. You’ve somehow managed to get your own cozy theater in there too. Princess treatment also means Bruce having to lay back just a teeny bit on Batman just to guard you too while you sleep.
Jason Todd: nmmnnmf YES. I don’t see him treating his s/o any other way. Lots of pet names. Loooves to help you get dressed. Sits you on the counter as he cooks. Never lets you out of his sight. Anything you want it’s yours. Always buying you cute socks and letting you wear his clothes. Forehead kisses. Oh man it’s so disgusting how much Jason loves his princess. Always taking pictures of you, no matter the angle. Would 1000000% tie bows into your hair if you asked.
Billy Hargrove: Honestly if he’s in love with you, princess treatment is granted. Always giving you his jackets, especially when you wear skirts or dresses out. Lifting you over mud and puddles. Subtle kisses on the head while you’re out. Body guard mode activated. He kinda becomes your shadow, appearing out of nowhere and greeting you with a kiss on the forehead. Ties your shoes without asking. Wiping any tears or smeared makeup off your face. Winks at you all the timeee.
Steve Harrington: Kind of similar to Stu, he always makes sure you pass your class. Poor princess doesn’t use her brain in school, too busy trying to stay awake. Always gives you his jacket, even if you don’t want to wear it, he’ll wrap it around you. Finds any excuse to carry you or pick you up. So affectionate. Kisses on the cheek, lips, forehead. Sometimes he will miss and kiss your eye but ugh it’s so fucking cute. Only has eyes for you. Tying your shoes, putting your socks on, literally just dressing you in general is a must. Literally will take you wherever you want, whenever. Drops everything when you call. Such a sucker with the nicknames for you.
Steve Rogers: Ugh another one. Think of him as a body guard who you get to kiss and sit on his lap. Always drops everything to make sure you’re okay. Cannot take his eyes off of you. So smooth with the reassurance. Kisses on the forehead constantly. Always tucks you in. Would help you bathe if you asked. Pulls you onto his lap every time you both sit down. Whatever you want, you’ll get. If he can’t do it, he’ll find a way. Cups your face in his hands when you cry, kisses your tears away. Ugh he’s your literal teddy bear, if you don’t like to be smothered? Pick another muse.
Bucky Barnes: Similar to Steve, he’s your shadow, but he’s a little more … upfront with it. He’s constantly wrapping an arm around you, eyeing anyone who’s eyeing you. He’s so gentle if you’re sensitive. Kissing your cheek is his favorite. Always lingering his fingertips around your crevices. Makes sure you’re never hungry. Always up before you are. Lets you sleep in. If you fight, he will never raise his voice at you. Ready to carry you if you’re too tired to keep walking around. Slow dances with you just because. He’s always worried for you, making sure you’re okay, you’re not sick or hungry. Pet names with him are a must.
Loki Laufeyson: Okkkk and in what situation did you ever think loki was not going to give you the princess treatment??? You are literal Princess Laufeyson. Though he, and Sebastian maybe, are the only ones who can probably, maybe, say no to you, if you pout enough maybe he’ll come to a compromise with you. He never wants to upset you though. Would literally wipe out a small world for you. Or a few. Ok even betray anyone for you. Always cleaning your smeared makeup, fixing your hair, wiping you because you spilled your drink. He’s so devoted to you, im going to throw up. He devours you with his eyes from a distance, you’re never leaving his sight.
Cloud Strife: Ugh ok. Literal bodyguard, as he’s hired to be at times. At your beck and call, though he’d never admit it. Such a sucker and can never say no to you. Though it may take time, he can start calling you ‘baby’ ‘sweet girl’ ‘love’ he’s so infatuated with you and doesn’t know how to handle it. Your safety is his priority. Always listens to you ramble on and on. Brings you flowers for no reason other than he was thinking of you. He’s such a sucker for you. Follows you everywhere.
Sebastian Michaelis: He’s probably the most tame out of everyone but that doesn’t mean he’s not a sucker. There are rules he’s willing to bend for you, literally willing to kill anyone that has the slightest interest in hurting you. Always makes sure you’re fed and if you want a sweet treat, he’s on it. Listens to you talk, even if it’s silly. Dances with you almost every night. He’s so graceful with it. Dressing you and feeding you is his favorite but he might throw in a few teases “poor sweet baby, you haven’t woken up yet to tell your left foot from your right” as you rub your eyes with the wrong shoes on. Of course he’s willing to help, even if he has the idea that you do this on purpose, he's more than happy to oblige.
Spencer Reid: Though his job wouldn’t encourage it, he still drops almost everything to answer you. Always finds a way to share time with his job and his attention to you. Reads to you all the time, whether in person or over the phone. He’s always making comparisons of you being the princess in most fictional stories that you both come across. He’s so gentle with you. Caresses your face all the time. You lay your head on his lap or sit on his lap as he reads away. Always making sure to keep up with your well-being before his own. Would 10000% pick up a habit of writing you little notes or picking flowers for you or taking Polaroids or something to remind you of your everlasting presence in his mind.
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babyyoda234 · 2 months
Gotham is an environmental NIGHTMARE⚠️
This may be a really niche topic, but my degree is currently in Environmental science, so this is on my mind constantly.
Think about it:
The Joker is constantly messing with the air quality with his "laughing gas".
Poison Ivy's pheromones are definitely going to end up in the water supply.
Killer Croc lives in the sewers? Imagine having to deal with a sewer emergency and your boss goes "Dammit Waylon. Again?"
He's not even the only person who lives in the sewers canonically.
Bruce Wayne is constantly flying private. Don't even get me started on Batman and the Justice Leagues carbon emissions...
The Joker is constantly crashing planes/ cars into Gotham Harbor. You know that water is polluted beyond repair. Imagine having Aquaman step in because all the fish are in Gotham are dying...
Not to mention, Batman's rogues are constantly poisoning that water supply.
The Rogues' are also poisoning themselves by working out of old abandoned buildings that are riddled with asbestos....
On the topic of my girl Poison Ivy...
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Can you imagine having this woman in class? Freshman year she teaches the hardest intro level botany course offered. You spend every week going to her office hours hoping to pass her class, then a decade later she is bullying you for not remembering the exact equation for photosynthesis while you clean up the mess SHE MADE. The drama.
Might write a fan fic about this in the next couple months. Comment if you would be interested!
Edit: I started writing a fic similar to this called the intern if y’all are interested! Check it out!
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hxney-lemcn · 5 months
Affections + First Kiss — General! Scarecrow, Riddler, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman x gn! reader
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summery: affection and first kiss headcanons.
tw: mentions of abuse (physical and verbal), mentions of toxic dynamics
a/n: I've never wrote headcanons for multiple characters in one thing before, so enjoy! I love them all.
wc: 2k
Master List
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Scarecrow
❥Jonathan wasn’t used to a kind touch. Being bullied growing up, being beaten by the bat. No, all he knew was the harsh touch of a fist. The relentless shoves. The purpling of bruises that always showed after. The red blood that would drip from his nose. The burning hatred that steadily grew towards those who wronged him.
❥So when you came into his life, he would flinch if you raised a hand. He would unconsciously back away. The warmth in his heart that you stirred was unusual to him, a feeling he’s never felt towards anyone. He was used to the bitterness after an interaction, not longing. 
❥You eased him into it. Only when you two started dating did he ever think twice about your touch. He knew you held back your affections. He watched you lift a hand up, only to bring it back down to your side. And to Jon, that meant the world. He felt relief when you didn’t push him into uncomfortable territory, and he respected you all the more for it.
❥Although a part of him wished you would hold him. Touch him. He wondered if your skin felt as soft as it looked. Though he also feared that your touch would sting, and the comfort you brought would be no more. No, he would never reach out first.
❥Starting out slow, he let you hold his shoulder. No matter how careful you’ve been for however long, you slipped slightly. It was a gesture not many think twice about. Holding onto someone's shoulder as you look over them, holding onto them for balance. It was only when you felt him tense under you, his ramblings pausing, that you realized your mistake. Yet, Jon had only reassured you that you did nothing wrong. 
❥Having realized that Jon seemed to open your touch, you continued. Lightly brushing your hands, shoulder touches, even just sitting closer. It was like you were single handedly rewiring Jon’s brain, teaching him that not all touch hurts. That he too deserves a kind hand. The flinching had dulled, and he would even look forward to you being near him. 
❥So when you finally got to kiss him? He was a dead man. You got him hook line and sinker. I hope you weren’t expecting to leave him any time soon, because after you opened him into a world of warm affection, he doesn’t want to let go. 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Riddler
❥Touch is a big no no. Similar to Jonathan, Edward had been bullied from a young age. Teased and ridiculed, shoved and hit. If not from his peers, then from his own father. His world was cruel for as long as he could remember. In fact, his brain started to warp, perceiving the hits as a form of love, no matter how hard he tried to deny it.
❥Edward Nygma is a touch starved man. He longs for the comforts others seem to get so seamlessly. Yet at the same time, he doesn’t want anyone touching him. Tap his shoulder if you dare.
❥You were no different, at first. You quickly caught on to his distaste of touch when he reprimanded someone for getting a little too friendly with him. But you managed to weasel your way into his estranged heart. With how respectful and kind you were, he quickly found himself ensnared with your affection. Even hands free you managed to boost his ego and make him feel, should he dare say, loved for. You gave him praise that he had longed for, which earned you a seat right by his side.
❥It was also partly to keep a closer eye on you. Part of him preened at your praise, and another was weary. Why were you so kind? He was a well known criminal, he knew better than to just believe you were doing it out of the kindness of your heart. Y’know the saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
❥I honestly don’t know how you deal with it. He always tries to catch you off guard with a riddle or puzzle. He pushes you away by ridiculing you and belittling you. Yet you won’t stop. You keep spilling his praises, and it’s so baffling to him. Yes, he is the smartest man in the world, but you managed to become a riddle. Good luck now.
❥When you first touched him, it was an innocent hug. He had managed to pull off a heist and got away from Batman without a scratch! Of course he had no doubts about his success, you didn’t either. When he got back to the hideout, you were clapping while singing his praises. Edward felt on top of the world, adrenaline rushing through his veins. When your arms wrapped around him, your scent clouding his thoughts, your warmth leaching into him, he found himself reciprocating.
❥Now, whether your dating or you’re just friends, it matters little to the green clad man. You had given him a taste of a touch he’s always longed for. And he realized that he’s more comfortable around you than he’d like to admit. He never reaches out first, but he’ll never turn you down if you want to hold his arm. 
❥His teasing towards you turns lighter, just as his heart feels. So when you finally seal the deal with a kiss, he’ll make sure you never slip through his fingers. 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Harley Quinn
❥She will smother you with affection right out the bat. Hugs, hand holding, kisses, you name it. You don’t even have to date her for her to leave a smooch on your lips. Harley Quinn easily trusts people, and you’re no exception. She finds comfort in touch, so why should she deny herself it? She also finds it expresses her genuine affection for you in ways she couldn’t verbalize. 
❥If you don’t like PDA, please tell her right away. She doesn’t understand it, I mean why wouldn’t you want to show your love to the world? But she also doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable, so if you wanna keep it behind closed doors, she’ll try her best. But don’t be too surprised if she sneaks in a little smooch or hug if no one’s looking.
❥Harley Quinn is one of the most affectionate rogues out there. But it’s not always sunshine and rainbows with her. She had been in a seriously abusive relationship, and you have to help her remember that she doesn’t have to walk on eggshells around you. That no matter the argument, you won’t raise your hand to strike her. It takes her a long time to come out of that headspace, if ever. It’s a good thing you’re by her side to help coax her into healthier practices. 
❥If we want to get a little darker, Harley may try to treat you like the Joker treated her. It’s scary to see her go from bubbly to dark. Her features twisted into a wicked sneer as she asks that you’ll never leave her. That no matter what, you’ll always love her. During these moments, you gotta stand up for yourself. She’s trying to gain a sense of control she never felt in her previous relationship, and you have to make her snap out of it. When she comes to and realizes what she just did, the look of utter terror in her eyes is the most heart wrenching thing. She’ll sob, pleading that she didn’t mean to, that she never wanted you to go through that, that she’s terrified of becoming him.
❥Please hug her, kiss her, squeeze her gently. She loves it. All Harley wants is to be loved and to love, and getting affection shows her how genuine you are and is the biggest comfort for her. Feeling your warmth, feeling the softness of your skin, it brings her peace. 
❥The first time you made the first move to kiss Harley, she nearly did a backflip. Her little sugar plum made the first move! I hope you didn’t have anything planned, because Harley won’t let you go for the rest of the day.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Poison Ivy
❥I’m not sure how you weren’t just killed or turned into one of her goons. She’s not one for humanity. She keeps a sharp eye on those who dare tread into her territory. There’s no way to beat around it. She drugs you, finding out what your true intentions are. It has to be something she deems worthy enough to keep you around. She barely puts up with Harley as it is. 
❥Once you gain your free will again, you have to continuously prove your loyalty. Of course she can guarantee it herself if she has to, but you’ve managed to catch her eye. So prove your worth to her, prove that her interest in you isn’t just a mistake. It will take a long time. She’s been wronged one too many times, and she won’t make that mistake again.
❥Even if you manage to gain her trust, she won’t drop her walls around you. Though she’s a bit nicer. Ivy knows that a person works better with praise, but she also means it deep down. She doesn’t say what she doesn’t mean, so don’t take her words for granted. Not that you really can when her perfume scent always seems to cloud your senses. 
❥You let Ivy make the first move when it comes to touch. For a seductress, she won’t touch you if she doesn’t have to. Not to mention the toxins that fill her blood. Who knew if one tap on her shoulder meant your certain doom…but maybe that was a bit of the thrill you loved when being by her side. Though you’ve seemed to find a small soft spot in her heart, right next to Harley Quinn. She wouldn’t tell you that though, best to leave you on your toes lest you get too comfortable. 
❥After going so long without a single touch from the green goddess, when she started playing with your hair, you found yourself seizing up. Ivy brushed her fingers through it so gently, yet all you could wonder is if it was finally over. If she grew bored of you, or if she started to find you bothersome. But her gentle reassurances lulled you. Her warm voice and gentle hands relaxed you. It was then that you realized her affections for you ran deeper than she led on.
❥You’re first kiss was electrifying. That underlying thrill that your life was held in her hands. That she killed men with the very action she committed tenderly with you. Yet deep down you knew she wouldn’t hurt you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Catwoman 
❥It's not easy catching her attention. She won’t settle for less than perfection. She is catwoman after all, she has a reputation to uphold. So when she looked at you, and I mean really looked at you, she decided why not have a little fun? Whether you’re a villain, anti-hero, vigilante, or civilian, she’ll take time out of her busy schedule to drop by.
❥She likes to give mixed signals. It keeps you far enough for her to feel in control, yet it also satiates her hunger. She’ll lean in real close, only to grab something from behind you type of beat. She loves to watch you become a stuttering mess, but she doesn’t mind if you banter back. It’s all a part of the fun.
❥No matter how close you seem to get, you’re somehow still a mile away from Selina. She slips away from your affection without you even realizing it. She always turns the moment into a suggestive one. If she left it tender, then it would be too real. It takes time for her to warm up to you and really trust you.
❥If anything, the first kiss happens before anything truly tender. The kiss catches you both off guard, neither sure who started it. Selina tries to wrap it into something that doesn’t make her heart stutter. Tries to turn it suggestively like she always does, but with the way you tenderly hold her cheeks, she feels herself melt. Finally, she succumbs to these feelings you managed to stir within her, and she isn’t sure if she wants to thank you or curse you out. Maybe she’ll settle for a dinner, tab on you of course.
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Who fell first and who fell harder
Joker: You fell first and harder
Harley Quinn: She fell first and harder
Catwoman: She fell first and harder
Riddler: He fell first but you fell harder
Penguin: He fell first and harder
Scarecrow: You fell first but he fell harder
Deathstroke: You fell first and harder
Bane: He fell first but you fell harder
Mr Freeze: He fell first and harder
Two-Face: He fell first but you fell harder
Poison Ivy: You fell first but she fell harder
Killer Croc: You fell first and harder
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amphibiahawks321 · 14 days
[Y/N tangled in Ivy's vines]
Pamela : I finally have you~
[Ivy makes the vines towards her while carrying Y/N]
M!Reader blushing : U-Uhhhh are you gonna hurt me?
Pamela : Chuckles don't be ridiculous dear~
[M!Reader thought 💭]
Did....Did she call me dear!?
Pamela : I've been eyeing you for quite some time Y/N~ And now....
[Ivy makes the vines even closer to her making both of them way closer]
Pamela : I can make you mine sweetheart~
[Y/N blushes redder]
M!Reader blushing : i-i don't think the controlling kissing ability you have is necessary...
[Ivy became a bit shocked]
Pamela : Hm?
M!Reader blushing : I've actually always thought you were very attractive...
Pamela : .....Really?
M!Reader blushing : Yeah...
Pamela : Chuckles Goodness Now I know you're perfect for me dear~
M!Reader blushing : 💧0///v///0
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fandomnerd9602 · 14 days
Harley kisses Ivy on the cheek…
Harley: good job baby
Y/N: hey! What about me?
Harley jumps into Y/N’s arms and kisses them too…
Harley: I promise you your own special award when you get home (winks)
Ivy: (purrs) make that two specials (winks)
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Being a Magical Girl in Gotham (Platonic)
Y/n is 15 in this and started being a magical girl at 10
I don’t read the comics so the timeline is likely fucked along with some characters maybe being out of character. I don’t care tho cause this took a long ass time to write and I had fun writing this. So please enjoy
Part 2 Part 3 part 4
3302 word count lol
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Becoming a magical girl like in the cartoons you watched as a young girl initially seemed like a dream come true
A wish wrapped in a big pink sparkly bow that when unwrapped opened Pandora’s box to the amount of responsibilities that would be carried over to you
You were naive back then, but after years of being one your much mature now
That initially girly sense of joy soon fading away as the glitter and glam could no longer shield your eyes from the weight of something bigger than yourself was voluntarily placed on your shoulders
Doesn’t matter much in the end. there's no turning back time no matter how you longed to reset its hands
You hunt shadow-like creatures you had nicknamed shadowmites. Entities from a different realm that feed themselves off of traits like greed and anger before sucking out its targets life
You hunt shadow-like creatures you had nicknamed shadowmites. Entities from a different realm that feed themselves off of traits like greed and anger before sucking out its targets life
You hunt shadow-like creatures you had nicknamed shadowmites. Entities from a different realm that feed themselves off of traits like greed and anger before sucking out its targets life
You hunt shadow-like creatures you had nicknamed shadowmites. Entities from a different realm that feed themselves off of traits like greed and anger before sucking out its targets life
You hunt shadow-like creatures you had nicknamed shadowmites. Entities from a different realm that feed themselves off of traits like greed and anger before sucking out its targets life
You hunt shadow-like creatures you had nicknamed shadowmites. Entities from a different realm that feed themselves off of traits like greed and anger before sucking out its targets life
It’s no surprise that they ended up gravitating towards earth. Even more so Gotham, a breeding ground for the worst of the worst
Their mindless creatures. Just feeding and taking over entire universe’s to suck them dry until moving to the next
You used to feel sympathy for them, how horrific it would be to one of them. but now you feel nothing for them. 5 Years of watching them shrivel into nothing and hurt others made that go away though
Their screeches of pain becoming background noise along with their snarls of hunger.
You're now desensitised to it all. The loneliness and sadness at watching others you age enjoys their lives oblivious to everything.
Sometimes it makes you smile though. Knowing that because of your actions those same girls can live their lives, happy and full of joy.
At least you're not truly alone though. Your mentor/companion/eldritch-type being in the form of a ferret named Rigel.
They're an odd company. A being of seemingly endless knowledge and power, one that traversed through countless dimensions and universes, something that could end the world with a single thought…in the body of a adorable ferret that curls around your neck and perched on your shoulder
Rigel is stern but caring. A mentor who pushes you to your limits but knows when to stop and when you need a break despite how much you protest.
Someone/something that cares for you despite the fact that compared to them you're a single dim star in an entire cosmos of brighter shining ones.
As a Gothamite you know the streets well, and its people even better. Giving you the advantage at tracking down and stopping shadowmites as the midnight hour ticks onwards
You usually get rid of around 7-16 a night. Most being weaker varieties but occasionally having to toughen up to defeat the strong ones who had found a particular rageful host.
During the 5 years you had been doing this ever since your 10th birthday you surprisingly (and luckily) hadn’t had the chance to meet Batman face to face
Sure, they had been times you saw him off in the distance but you hadn’t fully talked to him by a stroke of chance
His enemy’s on the other hand, oh boy do you know them well
You had saved quite a few of them.
The goal was to eliminate the shadowmites, it didn't matter who you saved in the process…unless it’s Joker.
Even Rigel would allow you to let Joker be sucked dry like a cool-aid packet lol
Because of you saving a ton of them you're on their good lists. A metaphorical safe card given to you as you spend your nights saving more people
After saving Penguin the older man allowed you free use to the iceberg despite your complaints of not wanting anything
You have your own little private table set up.
Mr.Cobblepot insists you don’t need to pay but you do so anyway
The food is much better than the McDonald’s you buy on a daily basis. It deserves the money you insist to spend on it
Most of His goons now know you. Sometimes joking you when off duty to talk while you eat
Most are pretty nice (to you anyways), often times rambling about their day or talking about their families
Some have kids your age. Some of them you even recognize from Gotham academy
The waitresses are also nice. Most of them very pretty and always fawning over how cute you look.
Penguin himself occasionally joins you in his spare time. Making causal talk, asking of your hunting and how your life has been
It’s….nice?. Kinda weird to be having a mob boss ask about your day but it’s a change of pace from your relatively lonely life
Kinda reminds you of some rich uncle who swoops by every now or then. Spoiling you before being whisked off on a new endeavor
He tells you that you're welcome during closing hours as well. This place serving as a safe haven of sorts if you should need it
Riddler is another though you see him less than Penguin
It’s the occasional blink and you see it kinda encounters but their amusing
The green clad man finds it fun to bitch about how the Gotham time’s riddles are too easy or how Batman is a dick
He (of course) also tells riddles. Seemingly getting a ride out of watching you try to figure them out
He also seems weirdly protective. Warning that if the bat gave you trouble then come to him
He’s not the only one to say that to you but you appreciate the sentiment
Seems oddly worried that if your in school and if your getting a good education
You tell him you are but don’t specify where just in case
He’s satisfied with that answer though. Even offers to help with math and or science homework
Gloats a lot and talks even more. Seems to appreciate that you actually listen to him and his ramblings
At one point he suggests making your colour scheme to match his
You politely decline saying you couldn’t pull it off like he did which makes his ego expand
Sometimes he hacks into security cameras or large screens to give you a riddle cause he’s bored
May or may not slip Rigel a 20 for you to have some spare change that you desperately need
Harley, Ivy and Catwoman fucking love you
You had initially only saved Harley but after that the two just joined in with her on basically becoming your honorary aunts
You end up running into them a lot during your long nights. Usually stopping by Ivy’s and Harley’s apartment for small breaks
They patch you up as best they can, ivy fixing you a cup of tea as Harley’s hyena’s curl up near your lap
Catwoman usually stops by during these breaks. Sometimes with a box of kittens whom she has you name
All of them are worried for you both mentally and physically so they make you a deal. On Saturdays after 12am unless super urgent you have a girls night with them, in return you have their help in patching up your wounds
They prep popcorn, drinks and the whole 9 yards to give you a break. They play a movie (usually a chick flick) and just let you rewind
If they hadn’t made this deal you probably wouldn’t have taken any breaks
Their all silently impressed that you’ve not only survived this long but also somehow ended up befriending half the villains in this damn city
You say that their just acquaintances but Ivy argues that Mr.Cobblepot is a cheapskate who wouldn’t give you a basically lifetime pass to his lounge for nothing
Harley warns you to stay away from Joker no matter what. And that if he even walks 10 metres near you he’s getting a lifetime trip to deadsville
Red Hood is the first of the bats that you run into. During his whole escapade to take over the underworld something that was kinda considered a myth to the rest of Gotham but was confirmed by the many people you saved
The meeting was ok…but then derailed when you noticed the black clawed tendrils clinging into his shoulders
His shadowmite that feed off his rage was fucking hard to beat. It took a lot out of you, almost killed you and left you hobbling to Harley’s for help before passing out
You woke up in a warehouse, patched up by him personally before he began to question you
Like usual you gave him the rundown of things. The entities that feed off negative emotions, eventually drained their life force, your the only one who can stop them with your magical powers etc etc
What catches you off guard though is when he asks if your parents know
The silence answers his question. One that feels deafening to his ears as he realizes that your basically alone in this
Pitted against a cruel world with no one but yourself and the kindness of literal criminals to accomplish an impossible task
It seems to shake something in him, something that’s not your business to ask about but makes him seem fragile in that moment
It’s not a word you’d associate with him yet that’s the only thing you can describe him as in the moment
The dim blue glow of his helmet’s eyes seeming now less intimidating to your smaller shaking form
He then asks how you got away with this so long without the bat (he says it with a certain poison in his voice) didn’t stop this
You just answer that you were just lucky in evading his notice. You were careful not to gain public attention and just focused on your job (his fists tightened a bit at this wording)
He helps you after this, dropping you off at Harley and Ivy’s
He seems hesitant in letting you go but trusts your decision enough once he sees the two fuss over you from a distance
He appears commonly to you after that. Inviting you to sit atop the old Gotham library with a bag of Dairy Queen in hand
It makes you wonder if he has younger siblings, if this is how it felt to be cared for by a older brother
You used to wonder what that felt like along with having parents. It makes your normally hollow chest feel warm and fuzzy
Couple months later he ends up working with batman. Whatever disagreement with the man now resolved as his uniform now has a red bat added to his chest
Your initially nervous until he promises not to “rat you out to the old man” as he put it
He opens up a bit more during your talks with him. Talking of how he grew up in the slums, had to rely on himself to survive just as you do
It’s kinda comical to see the gun wielding, motorcycle driving, leather jacket clad vigilante talk about Jane Austen but it certainly becomes a fun pastime as you work on an english essay
Just like the Gotham Sirens he worries. But even more than they do
He suggests tagging along with you on some of your hunts but you decline. Appreciating the sentiment but making a clear line in what you are comfortable with.
He accepts but there’s still a sense of worry that seems to claw at him everytime he finds you with cuts, bruises and dried blood caking your elaborate uniform
Eventually during your meetups with him your talk of pride and prejudice is interrupted by Nightwing
It’s kinda awkward sitting there eating ice cream with Rigel as the two grown men bicker like brothers about you
You end up leaving midway though to hunt again
But then the blue wearing hero ends up finding you much to your displeasure of just wanting to get back to work
He’s much more cheery and charismatic compared to Red hood. More of a people person by how he easily seems to break down your hesitation to talk to him
Like hood he’s definitely worried for you but seems to hide it a bit better with humour and general polite talk
You notice he does acrobatics a lot, leading to you asking him him about it
He kinda ends up being your teacher and you now know how to cartwheel and a few other tricks
Like hood he promises not to tell Batman he even jokes that at this point he should get red Robin and Robin so Batman is the last to know
He talks about a variety of subjects but kinda focuses in on how you have a healthy way to relive the stress you have
Doesn’t exactly approve of you stopping by the Gotham sirens for that but he relents after red hood calls him out on also being friends with villains before (an apparently more than friends in some cases?)
Both he and Red hood argue quite a bit but it’s funny especially when it has both grown men throwing fries at one another like 10 year olds
He has you swear not to drink coffee cause apparently red Robin is addicted to that shit and he doesn’t need another coffee adict
Briefly mentions how he has a friend named Raven whom you should meet
Y’all have mock battles cause he wants to see you in battle. Safe to say he likes the sparkles and the glamour of it all
He finds it interesting that your magical girl weapon can change depending on the situation and still looks cute
Those once cold and lonely nights that you spent fighting evil shadow creatures has changed seemingly for the better
Despite the fact that frost nips at your fingertips through your gloves, attempting to suck the warmth from your flesh you feel oddly warm inside
During the day your a seemingly normal 15 year old student at Gotham academy. Someone who blends into the Background, someone who no one really knows about but doesn’t question why
The only really noticeable thing about you is your above average grades and quiet nature
You're just known as that one seemingly nice student. That’s really the only thing people can label you as, you don’t really mind.
It was your goal to be unnoticeable, to just be another face to everyone.
It kinda becomes a bit complicated though as through your normal school year you notice the infamous Damien Wayne seemingly gaining an interest in you?
Odd. You never really interacted with him other than polite hello’s and the occasional moment you’d sit near somewhat near him in the library for lunch
Hell he wasn’t even in the same grade as you. He was 13, you never even had a project or something that led you to actually talk to him.
And now for some reason he decided to have a curiosity in you. The one thing you didn’t want happening.
During lunch you end up eating in random places. Randomly Rotating between areas and locations like the courtyard, library, empty classrooms and the gym
He’s smart though, scarily so. Almost as if he was experienced in tracking people down. Leaving you light on your toes as you dance to weave past and try to outsmart and outlast him until the bell rings
It doesn’t get any better when you leave for the end of the though. He waits for a few minutes by the front of the school, limo ready to take him home yet he still tries to spot you as you leave.
Eventually you up and ask him why he's been stalking you for the past 2 weeks, turns out Damien saw Rigel and wanted to pet them plus his older brothers encouraged him to make a friend
Safe to say he got to pet Rigel who crawled out your bag and scurried up his arm
The friend bit is a bit more complicated
You never had a friend your age after gaining your abilities. Being so busy had deterred people at the orphanage before you ran off, faked some paperwork and found yourself an apartment who didn’t ask questions as long as you paid for rent.
You had purposefully made yourself invisible to everyone, to avoid becoming gaining attention and becoming attached knowing they’d leave you for being so busy
You know you should say no but…your heart tugs at the somewhat nervous look he has in his eyes despite how much he tries to hide it along with the feeling of joy clawing at your heart
For the first time at school you smile genuinely as you nod. His eyes light up with joy, a small somewhat prideful smile painting his face
Your days at school after this are much more eventful, less of a cycle like it was before
Due to your new friendship with the elusive and loner wayne it causes some stir but the young boy quickly silences all hushed talking with his infamous glare
He’s actually quite fun to be around, always talking about his pets or how his step-brothers were a pain in the ass
He still sometimes has an attitude but you got to eventually see past that. To see the real Damien who nerded out over random animal facts or had his dog as his screensaver
It took a long time to get to this point but you don’t find yourself regretting the decision because of the fact he’s understanding of you being busy or having a far off look in your eyes that looked eternally tired.
His are the same sometimes, drained and empty of colour and life
You asked him one day while you both ate lunch in the courtyard, laying down on the dark green grass, why he decided out of all people to befriend you. The wallflower, the name without a face, the kid whom everyone just knew as nice and that’s it
He said it's because of your eyes. How they reminded him of himself, not in personality per say but in the fact they held untold secrets and a weight that no one else but you would understand.
That day he invited you to his home. The glorious wayne manor as to finally meet his canine friend Titus
It feels kinda out of nowhere but with some hesitance you agree, hopping into the limo that picked him up everyday as a old butler greeted you with a surprised smile
Damien greets him with the same fondness he seemed to hold for you, introducing the older british man as Alfred
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ok how about the gotham sirens(and anyone else you like) with an S/O who has unconventional way of reacting to dangerous situations like lets say that when they first met the sirens kidnapped the S/O but all S/O did when they came to was ask for food and go to sleep or S/O escapes just to get some food but comes back and ties themselves back up again
I honesty love when characters do that.
Kidnapped Y/N Just Chills
She said they're not her guest so they shouldn't expect anything from her and to not make too much noise.
She went to the city, leaving them bounded, knowing they won't break through it.
When she came back she saw food in trash can that she didn't eat. But Y/N is still in the same place.
"Want to explain it to me?"
"Oh I called food when you weren't here. Sorry I was just really hungry. Got your ropes back though so don't worry"
Honesty speechless.
When she gets money tells them to get out.
Even when dating them she can't believe it happened.
Harley Quinn
Got so angry when they run away. It was supposed to be her first kidnapping by herself but she blew it.
Just throws stuff around and gets ice cream while watching TV.
Then doors open and her victim walks in saying they just went for food.
This little-!
She starts strangling them. How dare they make this to her!
Didn't kill them because she still wants kidnapping to success and get money.
Annoyed afterwards but with time she does finds it funny.
Would talk about it like an anecdote when they started dating.
"Hey babe, remember when I kidnapped you and then almost strangled you? Good times."
Poison Ivy
Supringly chill. If she gives them some fruits from plants and Y/N falls asleep she just sits back.
Most relaxed kidnapping she had.
Y/N might ask some questions about plants which she anserws soon they're just having normal conversation.
Invites them again after she gets money.
Isn't mist proud of kidnapping her S/O but she never did that again.
Mad Hatter
Got distressed when they run away, how could they do it? He just wanted his Alice to spend time with him.
Just cries until they walk in and sit back in the chair.
Jumps to hug them asking where they have been.
Dumbfounded? They went for dinner? He could have prepared them something!... then again most of his food here are sweets.
Well at least now they can have dessert.
Thinks it's a sigh they belong together.
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ghostfacesvalentine · 26 days
Multimuse x Fem!Reader - Muses as tropes
Pairing: Multimuse x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of killing, nothing explicit but a little nsfw. I don’t know if there’s more.
Type: Blerps
Request: N/A
Word Count: N/A
Prompt: The muses’ as some tropes! Maybe they don’t all fit as accurately but maybe I’ll do another one (?) idk lmk if they work or not.
Notes: I didn’t proofread anything. I don’t know if I’ll keep this up (?)
Jason Voorhees:
Fish out of water- Reader isn’t outdoorsy at all, forced to get a job during summer while college classes are out, they apply to camp crystal lake. The reader has a really hard time fitting in with the rest of the camp counselors, mainly for not knowing the processes of camp or how to handle equipment. One by one counselors go missing, often found in gruesome circumstances. One counselor takes a liking to the reader, when reader doesn’t reciprocate, the hazing gets worse. Eventually the reader meets Jason, learning the history of camp crystal lake, reader sympathizes with him. Jason goes on a rampage when he finds out about the hazing/bullying, until the reader is the only one left.
Michael Myers:
Grump and sunshine- More than likely met at the asylum Michael is incarcerated in. Reader learns about Michael’s past and struggles then decides to be his sunshine. Reader has the mentality of “I could fix him” but often is let down by his gruesome actions. Somehow Micheal is still drawn to the reader and does have a little bit of an obsessive bodyguard mentality. Reader is constantly kissing Michael and being affectionate. She’s the only one to get a non violent reaction from him.
Tiffany Valentine:
Wants different things- Reader wants to pursue Tiffany, but she just wants something casual. Reader spends time trying to impress her and make her realize they are the one. Tiffany could just want to date or go out every other day/the reader is not on her mind/ maybe she goes back and forth with chucky. Reader goes out of way to make Tiffany fall in love with them and stay with them.
Billy Loomis:
Unrequited love- Reader falls in love with Billy, going out of their way to help them and spend time with them but can’t help but be jealous of Sydney for being with Billy. Listens to him about all of his relationship issues, eventually learning of his double life as ghostface. Reader goes out of her way to cover up his crimes and eventually has to make a choice of whether or not to admit her feelings to him after taking the fall for one of his mistakes. Once the reader is detained, they have to hope that Stu or Billy could kill again to get them out of jail.
Stu Macher:
Popular boy x shy girl- Reader doesn’t go to parties much in fear of being made fun of or taken advantage of, until Stu meets them in class. After consistently pestering reader to skip class or hang out after school, reader eventually does so. With time they both become great friends, Stu takes the reader under his wing. He invites her to parties and even with the attention he receives, none of them are her.
Patrick Bateman:
Fake relationship- Patrick uses reader to make his ex fiancé jealous, he helps the reader appear more accomplished, spoils them to look their best. Fake dates turn into real ones, handing the reader gifts becomes surprising the reader with them. Once the readers eyes begin to wander, Patrick’s back is against the wall to admit to the reader that he doesn’t want her to be with anyone else.
Love at first sight- Reader for some reason visits the farm and bubba falls in love with her immediately. He’s dumbfounded and clumsily follows her around the farm. Reader doesn’t understand but over time she gets to know him. Bubba spends his time picking flowers and trying to find a way to make her a mask. He mourns when she’s gone but when she comes back he’s all over her again.
Harley Quinn:
Amnesia- Reader and Harley wake up in a basement, tied together and without any resources. At first they start to bicker, wondering who got the other in this situation. Without any source of light or anyone to hear their cries, they start to get to know each other. After hours, they try to break loose to no avail, forcing them to continue their forced friendship. Eventually Harley forces herself out of the restraints, making the decision to break the reader free even with the danger of being caught. As they try to escape, they begin to retrace their steps and learn what led them to their initial predicament.
Poison Ivy:
Love potion- Ivy experiments with reader by trying her love potion with them. Of course it starts to work and now the reader is disgustingly lovesick and wants nothing but to be loved by Ivy. Ivy loves the attention and dedication but eventually comes to terms with the fact that this could be just the love potion. Ivy has to come up with a cure and after she does and gives it to the reader, the reader still loves Ivy.
Bruce Wayne:
Too dumb to live- Reader always ends up in dangerous situations, even without trying. ‘Batman’ or ‘Bruce Wayne’ always ends up barely rescuing her. She’s oblivious to the coincidences, however Bruce loves to see her from afar. He tries desperately to find a way to get her close to him, maybe by hiring her for Wayne enterprise or frequenting her job. Eventually, the reader puts two and two together and they confront each other about the coincidences. Eventually they start to date and Bruce has to maneuver with being Batman and being the readers body guard, basically.
Billy Hargrove:
Ladykiller in love- Of course Billy has all eyes on him at school, eventually making their way to the reader. At first she’s skeptical but decided to give Billy a chance, which he gladly takes. Billy slowly begins to fall hard for the reader, to a point where he can’t stop thinking about her, often going out of his way to be with the reader. Though the reader is skeptical, they try to avoid Billy and his advances in hopes of not being just another pursuit. With time, Billy has to prove the reader that she’s wrong about him.
Steve Harrington:
Second chance lovers- Almost dated, but whether reader or Steve weren’t ready, one of them got kidnapped by the government or in another relationship etc. Eventually reader and Steve (whoever left) has to entice the other to give them another chance. Really sweet and disgustingly romantic.
Steve Rogers:
One night stand- Reader and Steve hook up one night, afterwards reader avoids Steve at all costs in fear of bringing up that night. Steve goes out of his way to look for the reader, hoping to reconnect. He tries to be subtle about it, ordering coffee at the same shop at the same time she does, stopping by the same bookstore she meets her book club at during the week. Eventually Steve confronts the reader about them avoiding him, which leads them to reconcile and hook up again.
Bucky Barnes:
Disapproving parents- Though Bucky is a charm, your parents disapprove of your relationship, they think he’s far too old for you. Not to mention the kind of work he does makes them worry for your safety. You spend nights sneaking out or having him sneak in, you both can’t stay off of each other, even with the risk of getting caught. He spends his time trying to swoon you, not to mention your parents, but they simply side eye him. You think you have it under control until you don’t, it’s either him or your parents.
Loki Laufeyson:
Captor falls for captive- Throughout his time with the grandmaster, he was under strict supervision, one mistake after the next, he was forced to become one of the grandmasters bounty hunters. He was given the instruction to bring back a handful of women and men to serve in the grandmasters favor. After capturing a handful of prisoners, reader included, he takes a really great liking to the reader, instead deciding to keep her to himself. With riches and gold, he tries to buy her love, but maybe it’ll take more time for her to see the real him.
Cloud Strife:
Bodyguard- Reader meets Cloud in seventh heaven, not knowing the area, she opts to stay close to the bar. After some whispers among the bar, Cloud finds out about the readers lack of knowledge about the dangers of the area. Eventually Cloud decides to strike up a conversation with the reader, asking if he could help her get anywhere. At first the reader opts to get to somewhere safe to sleep, but as they get to know each other more, Cloud lets the reader follow him around. Though he has the second headache of keeping them safe, they take a liking to one another.
Sebastian Michaelis:
Runaway bride- Reader was in an unhappy relationship, or being cheated on, not knowing how to handle the situation in fear of her fiancée retaliating, the reader up and leaves the ongoing wedding before walking down the aisle. While running down the streets in her dress she bumps into Sebastian, who knows of her fiancée. Offering her to help her calm down, he offers her a place to stay until she gets herself together. She eventually becomes essential to the phantomhive household, still hiding behind Sebastian in hopes of never seeing her ex again.
Spencer Reid:
Professor x college student- Reader pursued Dr. Reid’s class in hopes of learning more about criminal psychology. After appearing in class every week without an absence, the reader tries to get close to the professor in an innocent manner, simply wanting to learn more and with hopes of making his job easier. The more time they spend with each other, the more they start to be attracted to each others features, way of thinking and understanding each other. Things escalate and they have to keep their relationship a secret in hopes of not being reprimanded.
Jason Todd:
Good girl/Bad guy trope- Though I wouldn’t classify Jason as a ‘bad guy’, seeing him with someone who loves him purely would be so cute. Reader met Jason at the park when walking alone, he decided to help her get home safely when he realized she was buzzed after drinking for the first time. After meeting in secret time and time again due to readers strict parents, they begin to fall for each other. “Touch her and you die” kind of vibe. Bonus points for Jason being the readers first everything or mostly everything.
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phantomlifes · 9 months
rules: send in a song title from this list with one of the characters from this list
“ribs” - sharing a bed with your friend for the first time. they’re just a friend, right?
“cause for concern” - god, you hate them. but you’re stuck together. might as well fuck their stupid face, right?
“like a prayer” - fucking them in a church. just straight up
“505”- you show up at your ex’s door, you had nowhere else to go.
“maroon” - you can’t help but think of your first love, even with someone else.
“tear you apart” - you were sent here to kill them/they were sent here to kill you. tensions rise to the bed.
“from eden” - both of you have resisted for too long, finally giving into temptation.
“tongues and teeth” - you can’t wrap your mind around why they love you when you find yourself so unloveable.
“enjoy the silence”- a confession interrupted by a kiss.
“cinnamon girl”- soft sex with two traumatized messes.
“i melt with you”- soft 80s au.
“dream girl evil”- mean female dominant in a m/f relationship.
“francesca”- post break up reunion sex.
“it will come back”- you swore there would be no strings attached until one started showing up.
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madnessreruns · 1 year
Would it be possible to request headcanons for arkhamverse selina, Ivy and Harley falling for Bruce Wayne’s sister :)
Arkhamverse Girls x Fem! Reader being Bruce Wayne’s sister
Harley Quinn x reader, Pamela Isley x Reader, and Selina Kyle x Reader - All Seperate
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Harley Quinn
Uh oh. Destruction time. I mean that can be said for any situation with Harley but especially now.
Expect lots of unexpected visits and party crashes from her, especially post! city. Sometimes she’ll just show up and be like hey ^•^!!!!
Since she’s, you know. A criminal. It’s kind of off putting how used to her you get after the first like, two break ins. You’ll stroll up to the manor and she kinda just pops out of no where. There’s always an extra plate made cause she’ll just walk in, say she loves you, eat your food, pet your animals, and leave. And you love her for it.
Every now and then there’s a routinely kidnapping. Cause you know. Crime. She doesn’t hurt you or anything, she just kinda hangs around, maybe gets you dinner. You know, the works.
She’ll definitely get on the other rogues when they target you. But it’s completely fine when she robs your place of work, with sparkly little eyes beaming when she sees you. She claims it was 100% a coincidence, but her goofy grin as giggles give her planning away.
There will times where people are like “S/O!!! Why are you spending time!!! With a well known criminal!!!” And your just like. “Criminal? No this is my baby. Her name is Harley. She’s never done anything wrong in her life.” And their like “S/O she’s covered in blood”. “So what?”
She’s also the equivalent of those small little mean dogs. You know the stereotypical little chihuahua. Little mean little bitch. She’s not a little bitch, she can be a bit mean to others though. She doesn’t mean it, she just doesn’t like it when people are being rude about you. You tell her she can’t shoot people cause they don’t like you. She begs to differ.
She’ll hang out with you before any of your public outings. Putting makeup on before a gala? She brought the perfect lipstick for you!Yes what are you saying, she bought it 100% legally she doesn’t know what your talking about.. stealing???? Noo she could never. Just shut up and put it on.
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Pamela Isley
Angry >:(
She absolutely HATES your brother. She hate hate HATES HIM. The amount of harm his stupid company does to the environment is going to make her bite someone. Not you she promises. She fully acknowledges you have no say in the company and don’t even have any relations to the company. Except for your brother. She’s amazed that someone as beautiful and sweet as you can be related to someone so horrid and disgusting.
She’ll send you roses with little notes attached to it. Of course they aren’t poison. The ones she sent your brother though, she can’t say the same.
Again, lots of unexpected visits. But not to your house specifically, to your bedroom alone. You’ll walk back in and she’ll be sitting herself in front of your vanity mirror fixing her hair, or fumbling through your bookshelf, or trying on clothes from your closet and drawers. She’s always hard to say no to. She’s so nice and sweet to you, and she’s so gorgeous. You have trouble telling her to get out.
She’ll take you out to a very public places. She likes to flaunt the fact you spend time with her, and not anyone else. Her jealousy kicks to 900% very easily, especially when it’s a man trying to make advances on you.
She has a habit of leaving small marks on you, even if you don’t notice. Your lips are tinted green from her toxins, small hidden hickeys placed on your neck, flowers she grew decorating your dress, or braiding your hair with roses decorating it. Or maybe you smell particularly floral today. Must just be a new perfume hm?
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Selina Kyle
Okay so, she’s the one that most likely knows your brother’s identity. So it’s a bit embarrassing when she realizes that the sister of the man she was trying to court was 10% hotter then he was.
She actually doesn’t break into your house uninvited. She sits outside your window and asks very politely to come in, kinda like a vampire. But instead of biting you to drink your blood she bites you cause she’s weird like that.
She also has a habit of trying to steal something from your manor. You’ll catch her in the middle of the night in the middle of your house, you just tell her to take what she wants and leave. But when she says she wants you, you just roll your eyes and go back to bed. But you said she could have anything she wanted :(
Please take her to galas and events as your date. She’ll act like it’s nothing but inside she’s crying she so happy. She loves to be with you in public especially. She doesn’t know why, she just does.
Except many very legally obtained gifts. Ignore the height in robberies of jewelry stores, but enjoy this gorgeous necklace she found for you. I mean bought. She means she bought it. She bought it with money it was a legal transaction.
If you give her gifts back she will act like it’s nothing, she could just steal this easily. But it honestly means the world to her.
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hxney-lemcn · 5 months
Fake Dating — General! Scarecrow, Riddler, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman x gn! reader
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summery: an excuse to pretend to date the rogues (some scenarios go better than others)
tw: Harassment, bad intentions (scarecrow), toxic ex
a/n: do some of these count as fake dating? It's more like kissing to throw someone off but same deal ig.
wc: 2.2k
Master List
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Scarecrow
❥Your stupid boss made you stay back late. They didn’t care that it was dangerous at night, and you had to walk home. No, only work came first, safety was barely a thought. You were rightfully pissed, and the thought of quitting briefly fluttered through your mind. 
❥Which led to your current predicament. The streets of Gotham were dark as you walked along the wet pavements. Your paranoia was proved correct when a catcall was heard from behind you. You kept walking, hoping that ignoring them would deter their unwanted advances. You heard two more pairs of footsteps fall in sync with your own. 
❥Your heart started beating faster, eyes frantically looking for a way out. You were on a main street, but the people of Gotham don’t look twice when someone needs help. The men continued to harass you as you walked faster. You didn’t want to lead them to where you live, but nowhere was open this late at night.
❥That’s when you saw him. You didn’t know who he was, but so far he was better than the men behind you. It was a 50/50 chance that he was gonna kill you. So you jogged up to him, a fake smile on your lips as you greeted him, “Hey…love.”
❥When Jonathan had gone out for some fresh air, the last thing he expecting was someone coming up to him and calling him…love. Remind him that perhaps staying in his lab was better than taking a break. Jon stared at you like you had two heads, but the way your breath was rapid, your pupils constricted, and your eyes kept glancing behind you. You were scared, something he found amusing. Eyes trailing behind you, two drunken men leaned against a wall, seemingly waiting for you to be alone again. 
❥Jon wasn’t a good man, he found the fact you ended up looking to the master of fear for help hilarious, but he didn’t let that show on his face. You clearly didn’t know who he was, otherwise you would’ve taken the two drunken idiots. He could’ve had his fun, deny you help and watch as your fear grew. Hell, he could’ve taken you in for his own heinous experiments, but there was something about you that made him reconsider. Perhaps it was the fact you trusted him (at least enough that you weren’t just running away), or maybe it was a tinge of selfishness. He wanted to be the cause of your fear, not some lowlifes.
❥”Hello…dear,” Jon replied back awkwardly. He wasn’t used to helping people, less so treating a stranger like a loved one. You felt your body relax when the stranger complied. Not to mention the fact that he looked intimidating. He was outrageously tall and his expression was grim. The two men groaned loudly, crying out about maybe next time. 
❥For some reason, that rubbed Jon the wrong way. You weren’t his, not in any way, he didn’t even know your name! But for some damned reason, he didn’t like the thought of those two coming back to haunt you. He was supposed to be the one who haunted people's nightmares, not some nobodies. It was a matter of pride. And so he walked over to the two men, hand fiddling with the new fear toxin he had created. It was a dust, that once ingested, it would take immediate effect. He needed some test subjects for it anyway.
❥You felt your blood drain at the sight of your two harassers start screaming as the stranger blew an orange dust at them. No, he was no stranger, he was the notorious Scarecrow, and when he turned back around, he felt utter delight at the fear that shone through your eyes.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Riddler
❥It was hard focusing on the mechanical work when Eddie wouldn’t stop talking. When his fans found out you were his assistant, they blew up, drawing art and speculating about your relationship. You’ve been a part of fandoms before, so you didn’t think much of it. But seeing fanart of you and Eddie kissing did take a bit of a toll on your mental health. 
❥Eddie had a harder time ignoring it, which made it harder for you to ignore it. Whenever he would look himself up, you seemed to pop up with him. It irritated him greatly. I mean he was supposed to be the one getting all the praise and attention, not you. And the fact that they put you on a pedestal right next to him? Were they even really his fans? You were a mere assistant, he could swap you out for anyone! 
❥He’s read multiple fanfics of you two. He would never admit it. He’d also deny how they would make his heart pitter patter like an absolute sap. You bet your ass you walked in on him one time, laying on his stomach, feet kicking in the air as the fanfic he read concluded with the two of you kissing. He totally has an alt account that likes and shares all the stories he really thinks make him shine. 
❥”Maybe if we pretended to date they’d get off our backs,” You offered. It was absolutely ridiculous and you knew it, but you’d do anything to get some work done in peace. Eddie scoffed, looking at you with a slight sneer. Really, how idiotic could you get? Why should he give those morons what they want? Absolutely not.
❥Yeah he caved pretty quickly. There was no other reason than to quench the masses. Nope. Nada. Why would he want to date you? He’s a man of intellect, not emotion. Mhm. Totally. And when he went live one day (obviously he covered his tracks so no one could find his location), and when you kissed his cheek on said live, the masses went crazy. In fact, your little plan had the opposite effect.
❥Eddie ate up all the attention you were bringing him. The revelation blew up on social media (much to Batman’s disarray). This caused Eddie to be even more annoying, and you found yourself completing even less work than before. He’d stop you to show how well someone drew him, he showed you praise, that was meant for you both, but twisted it to be about him only. He was a menace, but he was a charming menace. 
❥The line between reality and fake blurred between you both. Now your role as assistant included showering Eddie with affection, on and off camera. You’d huff and puff about it, putting on a show of how much you didn’t want to kiss his cheek goodbye if you left the hideout, but deep down you loved it. No one was as close to the green clad man as you had become, and you felt a sense of pride that you had managed to overcome those barriers. Maybe you should thank your fans for aggressively shipping the two of you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Harley Quinn
❥You found yourself dreading friend night. You and your friends would take time out of your busy schedules and catch up. Whether it would be about work, dating life, or any wrong doings you encountered. It was all fun…until they all started dating. Of course you were happy for them, that they were happy with their partners and wanted everyone to meet them. But that made you feel more of an outsider. 
❥You frowned as the group chat bounced with more and more texts. You all were going to hang out tonight, and you were the last one to have a partner to bring with. Harley had noticed that your lovely smile was gone, so she asked about it. When you explained the situation to her she looked dumbfounded. “I’ll just go as your partner then, silly!”
❥That’s how you found yourself nearly sitting in Harley Quinn's lap during karaoke. Some of your friends were off put by the fact that Harley freaking Quinn was there, but the others welcomed her with open arms. She was loud, rambunctious, and never failed to sing loud and proud, even if she didn’t know the song. She also was being overly affectionate…well if she wasn’t already.
❥When she noticed one of your friends and their partner getting lovey dovey, she’d lean over and give you a kiss with a loud ‘mwah’. She held onto you tightly the entire night, boasting about how great you were and she was lucky you picked her. It was nice, but it felt bittersweet. She wasn’t saying that as your lover, she was saying that so your friends bought the story. 
❥As the night finished, you found yourself in a worse place than you started. Bringing Harley made you realize just what you were missing. But Harley was a woman who knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to take it. So as you waved goodbye to all your friends, she wrapped her arms around your waist, leaning her head on your shoulder. “How about we do this for reals?” 
❥Did you really think she’d let the night end there?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Poison Ivy
❥You glared at your phone. They just wouldn’t leave you alone. You had blocked them from everything, and they still managed to contact you. It was over between the two of you but they couldn’t get the hint. No, it wasn’t even a hint anymore. You were practically screaming into their face that you were over them. 
❥It went too far when they had reached out to you via your address. Even worse, you were having a day in with Pamela Isley, better known as Poison Ivy. Even worse than that? They had sent you a bouquet of red roses. Ivy frowned from where she sat, eyeing the vase with disdain. You yourself felt very similarly. 
❥You didn’t even notice when Ivy walked up to you, taking the card that was imbedded in the dead flowers. Her expression continued to sour as she read the note. “You have quite the taste,” She murmured, tossing the card into the bin. “That taste has changed quite a while ago,” You replied back, unsure what to do with the flowers. 
❥Ivy asked you to explain. So you told her about your previous relationship, how you ended things, and how they seemed to cling to you desperately still. She only let out a small ‘tsk’. She wasn’t jealous, no. She had no reason to be. She had the world at her fingertips. She could also tell when someone was lying, and you were telling the truth. 
❥”Show them you moved on,” Ivy offered, taking a seat on the couch once more. You placed the flowers on a table, you’ll decide what to do with them later. You asked her how you could do that when that’s all you’ve been trying to do. She beckoned you closer, then grabbed your phone. Unlocking it, she pulled you closer into her, causing you to fall onto the couch. Then, she brought your face towards her and pressed your lips together. You felt like your problems vanished in an instant, unaware of the photo Ivy took. Then she pulled away, finding the unwanted admirer of yours quickly and sent the photo. 
❥You watched with slight terror, only for Ivy to shut your phone off. If your ex was truly smart, they’d realize the woman you’re kissing in that photo was Poison Ivy, and that if they didn’t back off she wouldn’t take it lightly. But who knew, they were never the smart type. And you couldn’t help but long for more than just the taste Ivy had given you, your ex a distant memory.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Catwoman
❥Catwoman ran solo, everyone knew that. She worked best on her own. So when she asked you to accompany her on one of her heists, you did a double take. When you had asked her to clarify, she only winked. Oh how you hated how she had you wrapped around her pinky finger, but that’s how she likes them. She also promised a cut, which was more than enough to entice you.
❥She had you on watch guard. Not too bad you suppose. It wasn’t until the jewelry stores’ security alarm went off that you felt yourself double thinking this. You’d never leave Selina behind, but the thought of getting caught made your blood pump faster. You glanced around for witnesses, and only watched as people scuttled away. An alarm blaring was never a good sign, especially in Gotham. 
❥Selina slinked down, civilian attire helping her blend in. You furrowed your eyebrows, not sure how she normally stole, but this seemed out of the ordinary. Selina pulled you away into the alley. Before you could ask her what the plan was, her lips were on yours. You gasped in surprise, sirens starting to ring out. Even scarier was the fact that a dark shadow overpassed you both. 
❥Although, it was hard to think when she held you, when her lips pushed into yours so fervently. But you knew who she really was hiding from this time. Batman passed over, not even giving you both a second thought. Selina pulled away, she sent you a wink before sashaying away. You followed quickly, trying to ignore the way your heart pounded faster.
❥”If you’re really good, you might see more of those in your future,” Selina smirked.
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acapelladitty · 8 months
Poison Ivy/Reader - Vine Bondage 🌿🔞 (Kinktober #4)
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Summary - Some downtime finds Poison Ivy enjoying an impromptu kinky afternoon where she decides to use you and her vines for some new and exciting fun.
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The heat of the early afternoon mixes with the natural humidity of Ivy’s lair as you stretch your arms overhead, enjoying the soft exhale of her breath against the nape of your neck.
“Morning.” She drawls, the words muttered directly into your ear, and she places a small kiss below your left ear before sitting back upright, her naked groin hot against your lower stomach as she straddles you.
Her red hair, voluminous around her face like a molten halo, cascades down her back as it fans out against her skin. Skin which held a vibrant green tinge that was an unnatural as it was beautiful; every inch unmarred and as flawless as the woman who possessed it.
“Hello, gorgeous.” Purring your appreciation at the sight of her, your hands drift lazily along her hips to mark out her figure with soft fingers. “Is someone feeling frisky this morning?”
In lieu of an answer, her hand is quick to dip down once again and catch your lips in her own. The kiss is sweet, laced with a casual tenderness that speaks to the fact that neither of you have anything better to be doing at the moment than enjoying the pleasures of the other, and you moan lightly as she pulls away once more.
“Would you like to see my garden?”
Quirking a brow at her offer, you flick your tongue out to lick at your lips in an unspoken answer as you push yourself up from the sheets, indicating for her to switch places with you. A request which she fulfils immediately, and you find yourself straddling her hips; her chest quickly finding itself warmed by your hands as you massage the skin there softly.
You startle as something slithers across the sensitive skin just below your chest and you glance down to see one of her many vines – their positions littered across the walls – and it secures itself like a harness, raising your back slightly.
“Ivy.” You gasp as more vines come to join the party, weaving along your skin almost like rope as they secure and adjust you into a position where they control your entire movement; your body now hanging only a few inches above Ivy’s own as she watches you with a contented expression, one which sparks a deep flush of green high on her cheeks.
The vines wrapped around your body held you tightly in place but their pressure was more of a comfort than a pain; each vine pulsating in such a way that they almost seemed to massage the skin they encased.
“They like you.” Ivy purred, tracing her fingers along your jawline as she rises up to meet you. “They know how good you’re going to make me feel.”
Wanting nothing more, you allow the vines to move and reposition you delicately between her legs as Ivy falls back to her cotton-soft sheets. Visibly aroused, the glisten of her sex as her fingers spread her lips – the dusting of red pubic hair curling gently against her skin – forced your own cunt to clench in anticipation, your walls pulsing around nothing.
Pushed forward with a slight jolt, the vines press your mouth against her slit and your tongue is immediate in its eagerness to work; swiping across her exposed lips before delving in greedily to the prize below.
A muted gasp escaped the goddess above you, her hips involuntarily canting up to your willing mouth as her fingers massage gently at the swell of her breasts.
“So good to me, my little peach.” Ivy hissed between breaths as your tongue flicked cheekily across her clit. “So beautiful.”
Invigorated by the praise, your tongue swipes across her clit once more, enjoying the way the simple movement makes her thighs visibly tense around you. She tastes sweet against your lips, her natural pheromones making your skin burn with an unmatched heat, and the desire for more draws a shudder down your prone frame as your cunt clenches around nothing.
Perhaps sensing your frustration, Ivy tilts her head to the side coyly.
“I shouldn’t be the only one having fun,” she teases as her fingers leave her chest only to trace gentle circles around your nipples, the movement making you squirm and moan, “so let’s see about trying something new.”
The strangled grunt which escapes your lips as one of her vines rubs itself against your aching cunt quickly dissolves into a moan when it brushes against your most sensitive skin, trailing across your clit with an almost electric energy. You bury what remains of your moan in her cunt, quickly resuming your earlier adoration as the vines which hold your knees aloft spread them further to allow for easy access.
Rocking your hips against the thick vine which is pressed between your thighs, the slick of your sex is warm on the smooth surface as the tip of the vine continues to tease the sensitive skin just above your clit.
“Ready, baby?”
Smiling brightly up at her, your head nods with enthusiasm as your thumbs brush across her wrists, the weightlessness of the vines holding you in place making your heart thrum in your chest with every frantic beat.
Running itself along your slit, the vine coats itself in your juices before pressing itself within you, its movements gentle as it slowly stretched you open; retreating every few moments to allow you the time to adjust before pushing in further. It was so different to anything else, lacking the warmth of a human cock while keeping the sensation of being something alive as it pulsated within you.
You settle into a rhythm quickly, every thrust of the vine pushing your lips harder against Ivy’s sex as you continue to devour her like a woman possessed. The way it moves within you is almost cruel; the discomfort of the stretch quickly being overtaken by the pleasure as it twists and brushes along your most sensitive spots, leaving you a shaking mess as you suck at Ivy’s clit with pursed lips.
Ivy’s moans match your own and her hand drop to your head, her fingers carding through the strands there as she mutters out unintelligible praises, admiring your skills by the way her body writhes against the sheets. She’s beautiful in her pleasure and the sight of it is enough to snap that growing band of tension which stretches across your groin as your orgasm catches you, almost off-guard.
Burying your cries of pleasure by pressing your mouth tightly against her hole, you can tell she appreciates the vibrations of your muffled sounds by how tight her grip of your hair grows and you’re not too surprised when you feel the telltale signs of her own orgasm. Her head thrashing against the sheets, she smears your mouth against her cunt messily as she rides out her pleasure on your face, coating your lips and chin in her release as soft moans escape her throat.
Your fingers claw desperately against nothing as they remain bound in place by your sides and your cunt clenches harshly around the vine as it never ceases its assault on your walls, forcing your orgasm to drag itself out to the point of overstimulation even as you continue to allow Ivy to use your face as she wishes.
Just as your body is getting to the point where pleasure is quickly turning to genuine discomfort, the vine pulls free of your hole and you breathe a sigh of relief. The heavy sound of breathing fills the room as both you and Ivy recover from your orgasmic highs and you startle in place as the vines which bind you in the air shift you forward, following their mistresses’ unspoken demands, until they have placed you gently in the space to her side.
They retreat slowly, pulling free of your sweat-laced skin, but they are quickly replaced by Ivy’s arm as it slings itself across your chest to pull you close. The scent of sex and sweat hangs heavily in the air but it means nothing as Ivy tilts your head to catch your lips in her own.
It’s a sweet kiss, one which allows her to taste herself on your lips, and she hums contentedly for a moment before pulling away.
“Did you enjoy that? I know I did. You’re quite the talented little thing with that tongue.”
Chuckling lightly, you trace a finger along her exposed stomach as you answer.
“I’ve never been fucked with a vine before. Can’t say I didn’t enjoy it.”
Ivy’s laughter joins your own and the cadence of it brings a genuine smile to your lips as you settle in position, having no intention to move from this particular spot anytime soon.
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Your relationship trope
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Enemies/Lovers on sight.
God X Follower
Gremlin X Sunshine.
Rowdy delinquent X Sweet dork.
Harley Quinn: 
Chaotic badass X Sweet badass.
Quiet listener X Lord always talking.
Aggressively supportive.
Ultimate mom friend X Feral gremlin.
Each other's impulse control.
Loves talking X Loves listening
Crazy moron X Intelligent moronsexual.
Parents without kids.
Tall angry bastard X Short actual sunshine.
Partner in crimes that are polar opposites.
Dumbass X That's my dumbass.
Dense X Dense.
Angry and protective X Soft and concerned.
Asshole X Tired of it
Please stop X Too much energy.
Chaotic with a soft spot X Normal but Chaos enabler.
Sweet baby X Litteral demon.
Overthinker X Touchy drama queen.
Grumpy X Sunshine.
They probably hate me X In love just terrible at showing it.
Stoic and serious X Chill.
Feral dumbass X Voice of reason.
Ray of sunshine X Touch them and die.
Evil X Reason they haven't destroyed the world yet.
Low maintenance X High energy.
Big evil bastard X Smitten idiot.
Tall X Small.
Pessimist X Optimist.
Mr. Freeze: 
Morticia and Gomez.
Pure-heated bean X Cynical goblin.
Super hyper and loud X Loves them anyway.
Has a crush X Doesn't notice.
Edgy baby X Soft bastard.
Idiot X Loves their Idiots.
Flirty X Flustered.
Quiet X Bubbly.
Poison Ivy: 
Mutual pining idiots.
Confident flirt X Expert at not taking the hint.
Sun X Moon.
Cinnabun X Hot-head.
Killer Croc: 
Monster X Monster fucker
Cinnamon roll X Guard dog.
Hand warm X Hand cold.
Cluess as fuck X Bad at expressing emotions.
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amphibiahawks321 · 3 months
M!Reader : Sorry again for both of their mischief Officer
Officer : no need they only did minor damages to the restaurant
M!Reader : Phew... Well that's a relief
Officer : all the prisoners are having their lunch break at the cafeteria right now after we found them you three are good to go-
[Opens the cafeteria area door]
Harley Quinn : REVOLUTION!!!
[She screams standing on the metal table]
All the prisoners :
Officer/M!Reader : WHAT THE!!?
[The officer unlocked a red button in a metal box next to the door with a key and pushed it]
[All the light starts flickering red]🚨🚨🚨
Harley Quinn : Hell yeah! Hm? Oh! Hey dear!
Poison ivy : Hey baby~
M!Reader : seriously Harley! Ivy what happened?!
[Reveal Ivy sitting on a chair near the metal table Harley's standing in]
Poison ivy : Were just having a little fun Sweetheart~
[A bunch of guards enter the cafeteria and a fight starts between the guards and the prisoners]
Harley Quinn : Welp! Time to go!
[She hops off the table and runs out while holding Y/N's arm with ivy also running out with them]
M!Reader : Harley explain!
Harley Quinn : Bored, food was terrible, started a revolution because of boredom
[Y/N stares at Ivy]
Poison ivy : Yep that pretty much sums it up dear
[Enters Y/N's car but Harley puts Y/N on the backside while ivy sits at the front seat while Harley on the driver's seat]
Harley Quinn : Just warning you sweet cheeks I drive like a CLOWN!
Poison ivy : trust me dear she really does
[Y/N immediately puts on seatbelt]
Harley Quinn :
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