ao3-crack · 11 months
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So I’m a huge Achilles and Patroclus shipper
And I love them
And recently, I found a musical about these two
It’s called: Aristos: The Musical
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It is really good. I’m in tears when I’m listening to it.
It surprised me that how little people knows about this brilliant musical.
It is completed, and have 18 songs.
I highly recommend this to anyone who loves Achilles and Patroclus or just simply interested in greek myth.
Whether you’re a fan of the iliad or the song of Achilles, I’m sure you’ll love this musical.
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kiaerinnn · 4 months
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This is Cole, Zane, and Jay😭😭
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troythecatfish · 8 months
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Here’s my personal recommendation of a YouTube video to check out:
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justakiro · 1 year
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Small a/n: basically them getting kabedoned by you! Hope u enjoy.
Be warned that this may be a bit ooc since I don't actually play the game.
Ft. Riddle, Leona, Malleus, Idia
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Poor Riddle just walking peacefully until a student 'accidentally' fired off a spell which coincidentally was targeted at him
Luckily his beloved savior was there and managed to pull him backwards to dodge the spell!
What both of you didn't expect was to tumble both together to the floor faces inches apart from each other
You were above him both of your hands pinning him down on the floor, he could hear you breathing right beside his ear while both of you were on the ground
You swear you could practically hear his heart pounding in his chest while he was scrambling to get out of this situation with his face red as his hair
The poor student who accidentally fired off the spell was collared and greeted with a red face Riddle who was both flustered and angry
Was it just you or was Leona being extra pestering this day?
Leona would pamper and tease you much more than normal and it was getting on your nerves
You tried to recall what you did to make him do things he wouldn't normally do but nothing came across your mind
This went on for days until you finally got tired of him and pinned him to a nearby wall where no students can be seen
You were towering over him with your gaze, one of your hand slammed towards the wall making it slightly shake cornering Leona by the wall
You snapped back to reality a few seconds later, your cheeks being red from what you just did
You quickly apologized to a shocked Leona and ran as fast as you could back to your dorm
Leona would stand there a bit of red in his cheeks but with a cocky grin. He smirked, a bit more amused to see you again after this.
You may be tall, but Malleus is a giant, so just imagine a confused Malleus pinned to the wall in a private area
You had amazing rizz, gotta respect that.
Would most likely ask Lilia about this and be even more confused when Lilia laughs it off
Humans have such weird flirting strategies
If he does find out, he will pull a reverse card and try it on you, he will be a bit hesitant at first since this is a foreign thing for him. But nevers hurts to try something new
Is satisfied when he sees you flustered or embarrassed and will do it again
Cocky motherfucker
He surprisingly sometimes gets on your nerves on his little sassy and judgmental comments
Now picture you and idia, body inches away from each other, with some random imaginary flowers falling and love music playing in the background
His hair would immediately go pink while squirming, it suprises you sometimes that this is the same idia.
He's be so confused and flustered on why we are like in an anime or otome game, and why is he the 'weak damsel' in this position. He would've preferred if he was the big one you know? But, in the bottom of his heart, he didn't mind this position.
When you finally realized what your doing and retract your arm, idia is on the floor, hood up knees close to him and begging for the darkness to swallow him.
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An note//: Yeah im gonna start uploading more frequently this time. Capice
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thehorrormoviechick · 10 months
My Ultimate Found Footage Horror Movie List:
The Taking of Deborah Logan (2014)
Be My Cat: A Film For Anne (2015)
The Tunnel (2011)
The Visit (2015)
Cloverfield (2008)
Unfriended: Dark Web (2018)
The Blair Witch Project (1999)
Creep (2014)
Creep 2 (2017)
The Dirties (2013)
Rec (2007)
Rec 2 (2009)
V/H/S Anthology
Butterfly Kisses (2018)
Willow Creek (2013)
The Sacrament (2013)
Lake Mungo (2008)
Apollo 18 (2011)
The Fourth Kind (2009)
The Den (2013)
Exhibit A (2007)
The Bay (2012)
As Above So Below (2014)
Jeruzalem (2015)
Megan is Missing (2011)
The Possession of Michael King (2014)
The Houses October Built (2014)
The Devil Inside (2012)
Unfriended (2014)
Horror in The High Desert (2021)
Horror in The High Desert 2: Minerva (2023)
Hell House Trilogy
Behind The Sightings (2017)
Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes
Grave Encounters (2011)
Grave Encounters 2 (2012)
The Last Broadcast (1998)
The Atticus Institute (2015)
Curse of Aurore (2020)
The Last Exorcism (2010)
The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007)
Afflicted (2013)
Paranormal Activity 1-4
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015)
Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin (2021)
Descent Into Darkness: My European Nightmare (2013)
Amber Alert (2012)
Exists (2014)
Incantation (2022)
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agirlwithglam · 1 month
My best and favourite recommended resource for glow ups, self improvement, wellness, etc. :
Ive been checking out the 30-day glow up challenge and it looks AMAZING. I definitely recommend that you check it out!!
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on-leatheredwings · 1 month
Dude the Damian Wayne x reader immortal lovers trope... Imagine it's a couple hundred years along and because of Murphy's law you finally manage to escape. You don't know this new world, you don't have any connections to it... The technology has changed most of the world is a wasteland and even as you know Damian is hunting you down and when he gets you it'll be a punishment worse than you've ever had... And still, you stop running, because after all this time you know that no matter what, his feelings won't change for you...
I'M OBSESSED WITH THE EXISTENTIAL ENNUI AND HOLLOWNESS THAT COMES WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME .... when immortals are doomed to walk the earth but at least there's One person who's there, and always will be... the only constant in a world that means Nothing to you anymore... <3 it's all very romantic
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cryptidmuffin · 3 months
1982’s The Thing does not have any romance subplots. Not even in a gay way. And yet the fan fiction writers of the internet have been able to create them and expand upon them and this is true for all media. The human spirit is unbreakable!
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p3nnyroyal3 · 7 months
Anyone have any fanfics recommendations?? (Preferably crossovers ;)) I’ve been rereading Dark Matter by mysterycyclone, Magic and Mystery and Coil by Allegory_for_Hatred on AO3
I normally use AO3 but I wouldn’t mind anything on Wattpad and Tumblr.
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silver-survey · 8 days
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shitpostsoup · 1 year
Mom, how its made is getting weird again
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bloodkrieg21 · 2 months
So…. I binged all of jello apocalypse’s play through of In Stars and Time…. Please… play the game or what a play through like me
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kiaerinnn · 4 months
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We all talking about Zane but PIXAL?? She really just fell on the table and called it a day😂
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troythecatfish · 7 months
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Here’s my personal recommendation of a YouTube video to check out:
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justakiro · 10 months
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୨୧ — ꒰The apocalypse started years ago, how did the first years managed to survive in a whole new and dangerous world?
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Be suprised he is actually surviving #1
Grim is your companion who you found while the apocalypse was happening, he was just too cute to be left alone! so, after some time of hesitation, you decide to keep him.
Grim is a curse and a blessing. He's got magic, so of course it will be much more easier dealing with the zombies than usual.
But Grim is also heavily reckless, he wouldn't even notice it till the last moment. Not to mention his big appetite, that makes you go scavenging for food more lately.
Grim has somewhat abandonment issues, you never knew what really happened to Grim before you found him. But he frowns a bit when you have to leave him alone for even a minute. (note; he understands when you have to go to the bathroom or any private things)
Be suprised he's actually surviving #2
Ace was a bit of a jerk when you both met; Both you and Grim where just doing some looting on an abandoned gas station, till you heard someone's voice from behind
Ace was really pushing your buttons when you all first met, he really couldn't just keep his mouth shut for even just a second
In the end, both you and Grim almost killed ace till he was basically spamming apologies to both of you
Ace offered to join both you and Grim on your adventures. You were pretty skeptical about ace, but he just kept annoying you till you accepted.
Biggest regret you ever made since Grim is already a handful, Now imagine another full on trouble magnet as a companion
You can't even count how many times buildings almost fell on your group
"Oh shi!- that's the third zombie group that almost jumped us!!"
Victim of the idiots
Seriously, there's not a single moment where deuce can even find peace without getting dragged into it by the two trouble magnets
You didn't knew much about deuces past at all. He barely talked about it, seemingly embarrassed. But you didn't push it onto him
Deuce was just another survivor, but got dragged into the mess your group made after ace and Grim were running away from over 4 groups of zombies
Sooner he ended up joining your group by will. He's someone who tries to control both ace and grims recklessness but ends up failing miserably, give him credit though for atleast trying.
Deuce can put up a good fight which you're thankful for, the more power the more easier it is to deal with the apocalypse
It did suprise you when deuce showed his 'aggressive' side after a survivor was making him frustrated. You definitely did felt a shiver down your spine as you didn't expect deuce to also have a personality like that.
"(Name)! You're back from patrolling? That's good. The three of us were about to- Grim put that down! that can be poisonous!!"
"Aggressive princess"
Is what ace nicknamed epel when the group met him, Epel ended up almost giving ace a concussion
Epel was in a large group of people, The leader offered him a good deal which can benefit him and his family from the apocalypse
Boy was epel not prepared to be a barbie doll!
He hated it how he was treated 'girlishly'. Epel suffered through the strict and harsh leaders commands, he's very thankful for your group finding him and defeating his leader after their leader went berserk
Epel joined your group after the situation; He's a hard working person who does alot of labor for the group. Just don't tick him off!
Epel can freely express himself now because of your group, like he was finally broken free from a evil curse. Also kinda reckless but can control it more
"Oi! Waddya think ya doing!? Ya picking a fight?- Oh, Mornin (Name)! Don't min me, just gonna deal with this guy over here"
The favorite one
When you thought all hope was gone after you kept getting on trouble magnets for your group. The gods finally blessed you with jack
Jack is the other one that keeps the group maintained while also in shape
Occasionally gives the group some training and exercises in the morning; And is also one of the people who wakes up early
Jack comes from another group that he still keeps in contact. Jack choosed to join your group after a fight with his leader (of course your group also got dragged into the fight)
One of the few people with common sense and expirience, usually the one who sometimes leads the group when you're busy. Overall an angel
"Good morning (Name), Me? Accompanying sebek in patrol. You can come and join us if you'd like"
You're so concerned how he's not even attracting any zombies with how loud he talks, especially when you bring up his leader
Can probably talk non stop about his leader which makes you want to just tape his mouth shut
But of course, he also has his positives.
Sebek also trains the group and keeps them in line, he may be a loud mouth but he also had some logical thinking I to him
Sebek is usually the one who plans the groups goals alongside you; He patrols your groups base in the morning for anything that can be of risk of danger
He's also VERY strong, if only he didn't had 5 microphones shoved inside his vocal cords
"(Name)!! What in goodness are you doing!? How can you do something so risky! Tsk Tsk, My leader would've never done such mistake"
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A/n: Going to the beach tomorrow, have this post for now. Apologies if the characters was ooc, I finished this in 2 am
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