#shera critical
shyrgyrryn · 4 months
y'all, I just remembered that Bow is the youngest of thirteen. Where did the other twelve go? Even when the world is quite literally ending, Bow shows no concern for or even mentions his brothers. His fathers don't mention them either. Not a single one.
What's the point of giving him siblings, especially that many, and not including them in the story some way. Especially in situations where it makes sense.
They could have easily made Bow's backstory involve these characters. In my rewrite, I plan(?) on having Bow have an older brother (only one because thirteen kids are way too many) who was killed by the Horde. This is the reason why he insists on fighting in the war. It is also the reason why his fathers are so against him being involved.
They could have easily added something like this in the reboot. Bow literally said in the second episode that "everyone has lost someone to the Horde."
Who did he lose? Where are his brothers? Are they okay? Does he not have a close relationship with them? I guess we'll never know.
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stanlunter · 2 months
I really do find these comment hilarious
It's funny to be evil just bc you have a critical thinking tho. It's even morals funny, how this person is searching for critical content only to get offended by it. Some people have a very strange logic, ngl
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imminent-danger-came · 11 months
Nimoma has good emotional payoff and animation but nothing else to really write home about TBH
It's very SPOP in that way, where the arcs and scenes are solid when viewed outside of the media in gifset or clip form but don't work as well when actually watching what they're from
For sure! I think that's a problem she-ra and toh both share with Nimona—they struggle with setup but then go ham on the payoff, which leaves everything feeling somewhat unearned.
The end of the movie bugged me in particular—Ballister's 180 with calling Nimona a monster (something he KNOWS pushes her to the brink) after one conversation with his ex-boyfriend was...I think out of place?
Normally if you have a character make a wrong choice like that you, as the audience, would be questioning the whole movie if they had ever REALLY changed. Was Ballister's loyalty truly to Nimona or to the Institute/Goldenloin? But, by that point in the movie they had really sold me on Ballister's complete acceptance of Nimona and disregard of the institute, so....why would he turn on Nimona then? I'm surprised they didn't do this plot the other way, which would instead have only made it seem like Ballister betrayed Nimona, you know? Like they did in Tangled. That way you don't undo Ballister's movie long arc with one scene, but you can still have Nimona go berserk and make her way into the heart of the city.
There were also a couple of other things that felt kinda dropped by the end. Ballister being the first commoner to become a knight? The Queen's important role in this society? This kingdom's prejudice going SO deep that not even a child would give Nimona a chance after saving their life, yet blowing up the wall changed everyone's minds in the end?
There were a lot of good pieces, but they weren't quite put together in the right ways.
#I think a lot of my dislike of the movie might have been just differences in taste#That movie was NOT my sense of humor and I disliked how they handled some things#Like...it kinda bugged me how they went about Ballister's prosthetic limb I won't lie.#I also don't know if Nimona ''not wanting to be a monster'' yet also wanting to cause so much destruction around her worked for me#Or at least not the way it was done#Like. I'm ALL for a character that wants to hurt others because of the way they've been hurt. That's based.#But that's not...really what they did? Or at least I don't think so#Like she's not REALLY a villain but she did sincerely want Ballister to be.#She values life. But she also wants to murder people? She wants violence??? Idk. It was a weird mix#She's SO sad that child was scared of her but earlier she like. Completely fucks up another kid's game. For no reason.#God and Nimona being 1000 years old makes a lot of her actions kinda weird. She feels so 14 to me yet she's immortal afssf#Also just not that big a fan of the trope where it's revealed ''this ancient legend was actually kids the whole time!!!''#but I know that's just my tastes#HOWEVER. I also think it made the movie weaker in certain aspects.#Prejudice is learned. So making it feel SO ingrained into the very beings of this world's people#IDK man did not hit it's mark for me#the queer allegory was legitimately very good though. loved that#asks#shera critical#toh critical#nimona critical#I will say skimming this movie for a second time was way more enjoyable for me#maybe I was just in a bad mood yesterday sfdjklsfdjkl#I think some of my points still stand though
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bi-sapphics · 2 years
Hey i read your DNI and i have two questions:
1. Whats bad about she-ra o would like to learn
2. What do you mean that people wo think _4_ is like offensive to trans people? (Im a trans guy dating another trans guy and im all for people dating people who get them, its awesome, what could be bad about it?)
- in addition to the entire show having many racist/antiblack undertones (tiktok link lol), the crew itself is problematic; ND (showrunner) has drawn offensive Black stereotypes of bow, a cishet man has said dyke, and someone else made jokes about double trouble being a pedophile. after i post this ask i'll edit a twitter screenshot from when it happened. the entire series is a really bad case of "quantity over quality." their poc rep is diverse and many but very shallow and tossed-aside. it doesn't actually mean anything just because it's there. also apparently both hordak & horde prime’s VAs are Black. so is shadow weaver’s. pretty much everyone else, though...? yeah.
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- your guess is as good as mine. there is no issue with it. but some transmeds love to claim that _4_ is oppressive and/or appropriating of t4t somehow, like someone else's relationship choices directly affects theirs. idk, i have too much common sense to know how to explain that to ya.
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Toxic Ships That Poisoned A Show
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Because people say it's a straight person thing, but nope as some shows it's an all sexualities thing.
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lightlavenders · 2 months
she-ra (2018) isn't about redemption arcs it's about healing through love. unrelated did you know hordak fans and catra fans can coexist without condemning the other-
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starlight-bread-blog · 9 months
Ememy Vs. Abuser: Catradora
Disclaimer: Netflix doesn't allow me to take screenshots. I tried to find clips on Youtube but a lot of these are stolen. And an obvious tw for abuse.
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When Catradora antis bring up how Catra abused Adora in seasons 1-4, a lot of people seem to be confused. The go-to defense is the following:
"Catra and Adora were enemies, they were put against each other in many battles. The 'abuse' is just what you'd normally expect from enemies to lovers".
A complelling argument, for sure. How can you expect of Catra to not be violent with someone who was put against her? The answer to this question can be answered through a different question: Why is Catra the abuser? Why not Adora?
What's the difference between an enemy, and an abuser?
1# The aggressor is particularly cruel to their future partner.
Catra doesn't use her claws on real people very often. She mostly uses them on objects or robots (or Shadow Weather's mask).
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At times, it's clear tnat she would gain a lot from using her claws, but she doesn't.
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One might suggest that it's because she understands the full weight of using them. Whatever the case may be, there is a person she doesn't seem to have these reservations about: Adora.
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2# Their intreractions contain emotional abuse.
Catra often blames Adora for things that aren't her fault. She's cruel to Adora, deliberately and viciously hurts her.
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She makes mean spirited remarks and belittles her.
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Additionally, Catra gaslit her.
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And wouldn't you know it, she takes pride in having control over Adora.
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3# There is no balance.
As we previously established, Catra has no problem being needlessly cruel to Adora. But is Catra in the same danger? It it at least mutually toxic?
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It's not. Adora can fight and defend herself, but won't do more than she needs. Meanwhile, Catra seem to relish in brutalizing her.
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Further more, moments that could be considered romantic build up in their own, "spicy" way, are positioned with Catra on top, where Adora has no choice but to comply, where she's stuck there.
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4# The aggressor got in the victim's head.
Adora has a guilt complex. That's not a controversial take. She takes too much responsibility and thinks everything is her fault. A lot of this stems from Shadow Weaver, but there's another source.
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And Adora is very quick to internalize her cruel remarks.
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In Conclusion:
Catra and Adora's relationship can and was abusive during the war. They share specific patterns of abusive relationships even at war zone. Catra hurting Adora isn't all war stuff, it's personal, it's abusive.
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“catra broke the cycle of abuse!”
girl,,, where? what did catra even do to "break the cycle of abuse"? adora was the one who rejected shadow weaver's influence, taking back her own liberty and vowing to never be like shadow weaver. scorpia was the one who finally realized that she was being mistreated, and called catra out for her toxicity before leaving her.
what did catra do? she kept abusing other people and crying about being left behind, digging herself deeper and deeper into a hole. and then when she had no chance of winning against horde prime, she had her victim save her and joined the rebellion so she could keep abusing people. all she did was stop being a war criminal and that too, by force. if horde prime had found catra useful, i'm a 100% certain that she would have joined him and helped him defeat adora. she didn't even fight against shadow weaver the way adora did, even though she knew how toxic shadow weaver was way before adora did.
in short, no. catra did not break the cycle of abuse. adora did.
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sigmas-split-hair · 8 months
anti catradora rant
honestly i don’t even care what catradora stans say at this point. “it was because of her childho”-
catra tortured adora. catra hurt adora, even when they were friends. you’re not supposed to be in a relationship with someone like that, no matter how awful someone’s childhood was
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to elaborate on the torture thing, I’m specifically talking about the episode “white out”. catra gets hold on first ones tech, and decides to use it against adora. she had every chance and reason to run away, but chose to hurt adora, and didn’t seem to even flinch when her so-called crush was screaming in pain from her actions
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adora fought catra too. adora did try to hurt catra: they were enemies after all. but she didn’t try to kill her and cause pain. and catra did. maybe out of anger or trauma, but it doesn’t change the fact that she hurt adora when she had the opportunity not to
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catra on the other hand literally tried to end the fucking world. she told adora that she made catra what she became, blaming her for her own abusive actions. adora tried time and time again to reach out to catra so that she could run away with her. but catra refused and stayed, which was obviously adoras fault according to the show’s undertones
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she also killed glimmer’s mother but lets forgive her, everyone makes mistakes. i don’t think that glimmer got the apology that she deserved
another thing i noticed is how catra defenders will make glimmer out to be the bad guy.
glimmer and adora fought, and glimmer was honestly a pos against her friends in parts of the last seasons. she should have listened to the people around her.
but she had a fight with adora. she didn’t abuse her, she didn’t hurt her physically or torture her. she was trying to do the right thing, and ended up hurting the people around her in the process because she didn’t listen. she was also a great friend to adora for most of the series, and they made each other grow as people
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catra isn’t morally gray her morality is pitch dark
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bitterlynsposts · 10 months
Man... i really dont like this scene. Like i know its supposed to be this " beautiful" moment, oh adora loved catra even at her worst but like... why?
After everything she did adora is still like i love you.
Like they could have honestly just put portal catra here too, like why not, adora loved her there anyway. She loved her when catra left her to die, she loved her when she was beating her and berating her for everthing, when she tried to kill her friends, when she ruind her friends kingdoms, when she tried to DESTROY the world, when she sent a double agent to destroy her friendships. Like in her vision with s4 catra, everthing around her destroyed and with a smug look on her face. And adoras just like yup i love her.
lol i didn't expect this to be so long. I probably sound angrier/saltier than i really am, im pretty chill yk. But i mean why not, its just for fun.
If you like catradora that fine, i respect it so if this reaches the wrong crowd. Lets just be civil about this.
take a shot everytime i say "like"
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shyrgyrryn · 7 months
Can we talk about how bad a friend Perfuma is? (And I'm not just talking about how crappy she treated Entrapta.)
In season 5, Perfuma had acted all angry and heated over Catra being around, giving her side eyes and making off comments. But, if I'm remembering correctly, she had only done it because she treated Scorpia terribly. She didn't defend, or even mention, Adora, Glimmer, Entrapta, or Mermista.
Catra had tried to kill Adora on multiple occasions, but she says nothing.
Angella (Glimmer's mom!) is practically dead because of her. Crickets.
Entrapta was sent to die on a dangerous island, nada (which unfortunately makes sense considering she treated her poorly anyway).
Not only was Mermista's entire kingdom was completely destroyed not long before by a attack Catra had led, but also was chipped (just like Scorpia) and unable to confront her herself, yet not once does she mention her.
(Also, all of the Etherians Catra had killed or displaced during villain era. I guess the innocent civilians of Etheria just do not matter whatsoever.)
Now I'm not saying she shouldn't have defended Scorpia. However, she had supposedly been "friends" with them for three years, yet she defended none of them. She went on an entire tangent for someone she had only known for about two or three months at most. None of her other friends mattered. Only her new love interest did.
For a show that had the whole "friendship is power" message at the end of season 1, the writers clearly don't care about platonic relationships, only romantic ones. It's absolutely ridiculous.
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stanlunter · 3 months
Glimmadora antis be Like: "would you like to be shipped with your best friend, while ur already in relationship with someone else?"
But would YOU like ito be shipped with your adoptive sibling who has been abusing you since childhood, hurt you both mentally and physically, kidnapped your friends and tried to kill you multipe times?
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I think LMK succeeds where SPOP fails because it's charactersare actually allowed to be flawed. I feel like lot of modern cartoon characters, protagonists especially, are superficially flawed in a way, like their flaws or self-doubt aren't ever allowed to be fully realized if that makes sense
I think I do want to say that if you follow me and like Shera (and honestly even The Owl House, I complain about that one sometimes too), power to you! If you don't want to see me complain about the show PLEASE feel free to block the "spop critical" tag (or the "toh critical" tag). I'm not in the business of forcing anyone to see stuff they don't want to or forcing anyone to see negative things about something they love (I know I can rant a lot) (I try to tag appropriately).
I think LMK succeeds in a LOT of different places where SPOP fails, but man anon, if you didn't hit the nail on the head.
A lot of the times SPOP chooses like, 3 traits for a character to have in an episode for the sake of the episode's conflict, which is. Not good in a show entirely about it's characters.
Another problem it has is kind of...backtracking I would say? Like, Glimmer in s4 of the show literally tells Adora that she just "makes things worse" and that if Adora were a better She-ra, Glimmer's mother would still be alive. And, Adora and Glimmer never talk about this, and it's never fully resolved. Glimmer doesn't apologize.
Like, that's a SUPER fucked up thing for Glimmer to say! Which is great! Characters doing objectively shitty things and making flawed choices is what I'm here for! (I mean, it wasn't really set up, and it's kinda just the trait/opinion they decided to give Glimmer to make Adora feel bad for the sake of the episode, BUT PRETENDING IT WAS SET UP FOR THE SAKE OF DISCUSSION)
However, when you don't resolve a plot like that and just roll on right past it, almost pretending it didn't happen...it makes your characters feel superficially flawed. Or even worse, like you don't want to write flawed characters to begin with.
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
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(that one was a GIF, I couldn't load it directly)
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An incomplete list of awards the She-Ra and the Princesses of Power was nominated for or won…
Don't mind me, I'm doing an experiment to see if I can archive old Dreamworks She-Ra posts on Tumblr in case the Twitter account goes inactive and everything is deleted…
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hikaaa-bi · 10 months
i just realized how similar Simon from Infinity Train and Catra from SPOP is.
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both of them start at a pretty bad place but only gets worse from there. they have anger issues. they support a cult-like environment that fosters animosity and cruelty towards innocent people. they kill people, they are controlling and possessive of their best friend/love interest, and they refuse to take responsibility for their actions.
both of them have gone through some kind of trauma that left them with abandonment and trust issues. both are powerful villains but horrible people. they violate their best friend/love interest's boundaries. their best friend/love interest tries to get them to snap out of it and stop all their evil bs, but they respond to that with bitterness and toxicity. both of them have a mental breakdown at some point. their best friend/love interest would save them in a heartbeat, and they would kill that person in a heartbeat.
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the only difference is that:
1. Simon was at least a better friend to Grace before she started to deflect. he seemed to actually care about her. he also had the potential to be redeemed. I would even argue that he starts out slightly better than Grace, because he wasn't as manipulative as she was in the beginning.
2. Simon doesn't get a lazy and rushed redemption arc. he doesn't get his happy ending with Grace. instead, he gets the ending he deserves, even if it was a little brutal. Simon was a sympathetic and insanely complex character, and that is why the creators chose not to redeem him, because it would have ruined his character.
(also the reason why i love Simon and hate Catra)
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