#stephen grant
reineboots · 1 month
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more old moon knight art. i went through a sickeningly intense 1 month obsession w this silly little show
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karmaspidr · 3 months
Batman: What is the situation, Commissioner?
Gordon: Some of Joker's guys tried to rob a shipment of Ace Chemicals. My guys got an anonymous tip, most likely from those responsible for this, saying where they are and that the situation has been handled. And to also bring a few ambulances.
Batman: Scans the scene. Paramedics are treating men with clown face paint. Cops are struggling to cut down tied-up men in ridiculously high places. Some were receiving emergency surgery.
Batman: Any idea who did this?
Gordon: Figured it wasn't your squad. Hands Batman a note. It reads, 'Courtesy of Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends. P.S., sorry about the blood.
Batman: Turns to some of the thugs.
Thug 1: The Devil... The Devil is in Gotham. He's come for us all!
Thug 2: It was like fighting three different people at once. One moment he was throwing baterangs at us and the next he was caving our fucking skulls in.
Thug 3: I don't know how he did it. He was like ten feet away. I shot him. I should have hit him. But when I fired, he was in my face. And he made fun of me!
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iamthehamburglar · 7 months
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geekhead79 · 2 months
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new version of a splitting headache!!!
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nobrain-onlysteven · 10 months
My new favorite thing is when I see World’s Smallest Violin by AJR on a playlist or amv for a character with SO MUCH TRAUMA who definitely has a massive violin to play
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vertigoartgore · 2 months
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1984's Moon Knight Vol.1 #38 cover by Michael Kaluta.
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fandoms-writings · 9 months
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Below is a list of current wips that you can expect from me in the near future <3 I do write slow, but I'm working on these as fast as I can <3
"You're a mess"/"I'm not a mess."/"I can tell you've been crying."  &  "Let me kiss it better" - Knight! Bucky x Queen! Reader - A + F
"Choose me" - Bucky - A
"Choose me" & "let me hear you make that sound again" - Biker! Bucky - A + S
"You were supposed to be different. They were supposed to be wrong about you, but they were right. They were so fucking right." - Bucky w/ morally gray reader - A
"Keep your pretty eyes on me." and "You shouldn't be out here by yourself." -Vampire! Bucky x Human! Reader - A + S + (version 2)
"You know my door is always open for you, right?" and "You're already wet sweetheart." - Bucky w/ kinky virgin reader - F + S
"You know my door is always open for you, right?" and "You're already wet sweetheart" - Stephen Grant - F + S
"Don't go where I can't follow. . . I thought I lost you." - Bucky - A
"Why didn't you say how bad it was?" - Steve Rogers - A
"Come get me? I miss you" - Loki - F
"Is that my shirt?" & "Keep your pretty eyes on me." - Bucky - F + S
"Don't go where I can't follow… I thought I lost you" & "You're exhausted honey. Go back to sleep." - Nomad! Steve Rogers - A + F
"What are we doing?"/"Why are you doing this?" - Miguel O'Hara - A
"Can I hold your hand?" - Miguel O'Hara - F
"You're not as bad as everyone says you are." - Mob! Steve - F
"Will you taste this? Tell me if I'm missing anything?" - dealers choice - F
"You were supposed to be different. They were supposed to be wrong about you, but they were right. They were so fucking right."- Mob! Steve - A
DBF!Bucky x College!Reader - A
Boxer! Miguel x PR! Reader - A + F + S
This one will be more of an AU then a series I think, but I'm still working on it.
Miguel's boxing career is starting to pick up, and that means you, as his public relations specialist, are to insure that the people love him. You also make sure he doesn't take any fights he isn't ready for. However, when another boxer by the name of Kron Stone openly challenges Miguel, and Miguel accepts, you have to come to terms that what you know may ruin the trust he has in you.
Mafia-Dilf! Miguel x Dance-teacher! Reader - A + F + S
Everyone was terrified of Miguel O'Hara, the most powerful man in the city. But you knew better. To you, he was just a single dad trying to raise and protect his daughter, bringing her to your dance class every week. That is until someone looking for Miguel shows up at your studio, and Miguel takes it upon himself to protect you from outside forces, showing you just what kind of a man truly he is.
Bucky Barnes x Dream-witch! Reader - A + F + S
Looking for something to aide in his sleepless nights, Bucky searches weeks for you, the dream witch of New York. You're known for helping vets with ptsd have terrorless nights and sometimes, if they're lucky, they actually have pleasant dreams. What Bucky didn't expect, was for you to be so captivating, or for him to open up so easily around you. But to have the powers you do, you've got to be more than just a mutant, right?
Bucky Barnes x single!pregnant!reader (neighbor AU) - A + F + S
This one will be more of an AU rather than a series.
You moved into your small apartment alone and nervous, with a broken heart and a little one on the way, just wanting to be the best mom you can. Lucky for you, your neighbor is the sweetest man in the world and has offered to help you out when you need it. It doesn't hurt that he's the most attractive man you've ever met. But you don't have time for a relationship with anyone, you need to prepare for the baby.
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tagging some mutuals below to spread the word <3
@sweetdreamsbuck @perdidosbucky-yyo @pocolottie @banana-cheese-cake @nexusnyx @foreverindreamlandd @writing-for-marvel @historygeekfics @jessybarnes @poetic-fiasco @redgillan @chloelucia13 @shamevillain @thornsnvultures @targaryenvampireslayer @vibraniumcollar @bucksangel @buckybleu @barnesafterglow @rookthorne @nickfowlerrr @aquariusbarnes @captainsimagines
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Moon Knight Season 2 confirmed??
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squippy360 · 2 years
Marc Spector x Monster!Male reader x Steven Grant
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Cw:(tentacles, monster reader, silent reader, its kinda bad but oh well, I realized I spelled his name wrong god damn-)
You were a monster who used to work for Khonshu by eating the bodies to get rid of the evidence. It was a win-win for both of you. He didn't have to worry about the law, and you could continue eating without feeling guilty. Most of the time you only ate them because you wanted to and not because you needed to. You would only need to eat at least once every 7 months. Good thing you ate already. 
After asking (threatening) Khonshu to give them their own body, he agreed and you all have been living together ever since (he took Jake) After the divorce between them and Layla (they're still good friends) Marc and Steven fell in love with you and now, you are dating.
You were sitting on their bed, holding his pillow and staring at the door in the dark. You just absolutely loved their scent that was everywhere. You had started your heat earlier today and your…appendages were so desperate for Mark and Steven's body on yours.
The tendrils on your back waved in the air, touching your boyfriend's bed. You thought of all the dirty things you could do to them, consensually of course. You were usually the stoic and pretty silent type of person so when they get to see you smile (or at least try to) they will smother you with kisses. 
Your head immediately snapped up to the sound of a door opening. It was Steven and Marc. "I'm sorry we're coming home so late, Love. I wanted to get more of those things you liked." He said and gestured to the bag he had in his hands that had some candy and other sweet stuff. 
Marc peeked out from behind him. "Are you baking something? It smells sweet." Marc asked and they both came closer. I looked up at them quietly. I pointed at the note on the wall that I had written to them. You don't know how to speak humanly well so you practiced really hard at writing. 
"Dear Marc and Steven…You may be wondering why I haven't greeted you yet and that's because I am in heat. If I were to get up now…I could end up losing control. If you would like to help me, I would gladly appreciate it." Steven read the note out loud. "P.S, the sweet smell is me." Marc smoked a bit at that.
They looked back at me, seeing the differences from before they left. My breathing was a bit more heavy and slower. My tendrils were desperately reaching out for them, my eyes were glossed over and I had a slight hazy hue in them. 
They looked at each other for a bit and slowly made their way over to me. As soon as they got close enough, my tendrils reached for them and pulled them in. I immediately went for Steven's lips and my hands were fumbling to take Marc's clothes off. 
I summoned more tendrils from my back and had them touch Marc. "W-Wait! You know how sensitive that a-area is- Haaah!!" He let out a loud moan when I brushed over his nipples. My hands were busy with Steven's pretty body. I quickly shoved all of his clothes off and laid him down on the bed. 
I held up my hand to him. It's something I like to ask them. If they leave 1 finger up, we'll have sex the normal way. He put 2 fingers up, I'll handle them with my tendrils. If they leave 3 fingers up, they want to change something like the idea or position. If they leave 4 fingers down, it usually means they want to stop. If they leave all 5, They want me to continue. 
Steven blushed and took my hand. He left 3 fingers up and I tilted my head. "Can Marc be closer? I like the sounds he makes…" Steven whimpered. I used my tendrils to carry him over to us. He was already sucking on one in his mouth and had some tears streaming down my face. The tendril in my pants was starting to get restless. I quickly took off my clothes and tossed them somewhere on the floor. 
I held both of my hands up at them. Stephen and Marc both left 2 fingers up. I smiled a bit, knowing I'm not hurting them, and quickly produced more slick so I didn't hurt them. I teased Steven's hole with my cock and gently put it in. One of my tendrils made its way under Marc and entered him. 
They both let out long and loud moans. 2 dark blue tendrils (I was going to say that your tendrils are black but you can be in charge if that)  they poked out of my back and shoved themselves in both of their mouths. It began to pump them with my special slick. It works like an aphrodisiac and makes the other person…feel good. 
After about 20 seconds of pumping their mouths with that, you took them out. You knew their human bodies could only take so much so you didn't use a lot. 
Marc and Steven started squirming immediately. My favorite part about the aphrodisiac is that it makes the other person lactate, no matter their gender. You smiled when you saw white liquid drip down their chest. The other tendrils approached themselves to their chests, milking them. 
I watched as they squirmed from pleasure. More tendrils attached themselves to Marc and held him up in the air. 4 tendrils were holding both of his thighs apart. 2 were on each ankle. A big one was on his waist. One of them was around his neck, lightly choking him. There were 2 on his nipples, 1 sucking his cock, and 2 of them fucking him. And of course, one down his throat. 
You knew Marc loved it when you fucked him in the air, the feeling of being restrained by you was enough to make him cum alone. 
Now back to Steven. You didn't need to move much since your appendages moved by themselves. You leaned down and pulled Steven in a kiss. You got more tendrils to hold him down. Stephen loved to be held, which is why you would use softer tendrils with Steven more since Marc liked it rough. 
You didn't really need to move but you began to hump him, only testing it out first. Then you started to get faster and faster. Stephen went to moan out again but a tendril in his mouth stopped him. You knew his neighbors wouldn't like the noise so you had to keep him quiet somehow. A soft tendril wrapped around his neck and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. I felt both of them cum into the tendril. I smiled a bit and wrapped my arms around Steven before frantically jumping him, chasing that orgasm I've been craving since noon. 
Steven cried out around the tendril when they started leaving love bites on his neck. Marc was already lost in a haze. He had cum so much already. Both of their irises were a slight pink from the aphrodisiac. Steven came with a loud moan and squirted his cum inside my tendril. I'm using their cum for a special breeding process that they'll get to do tonight. 
My breathing started to get heavier and my thrusts became more desperate. Steven accidentally bit on my tendril and I let out a groan, cumming inside of him. The tendril that was in Marc came inside of him too. I stilled everything, overwhelmed by their scents and touch. I could feel both of their eyes on me and I gently set Marc down next to Steven. 
"W-Wow…that sounded…so attractive…" Steven panted as I removed my tendrils from them. They still seemed to be squirming a bit but most of the aphrodisiac had worn off. "Was that your heat?" Marc asked. I shook my head. Two indigo tendrils came out as the rest of the tendrils were put away. I pulled out an index card and gave it to them, explaining what was going to happen. 
"The breeding process is a bit…uncomfortable. I know human males can't birth anything but I want to try with you two. My blue tendrils are for…pumping eggs inside of you. If you're uncomfortable with this, please tell me and I'll stop." Marc read the card. I fiddled with my fingers, a bit nervous about this. They both looked up at me and grabbed my hand. Marc took my right and Steven took my left. "Please breed us then." They both said. 
My eyes squinted at them, a sign that I was very happy with them (kinda like a cat). They smiled back and opened their legs. My tendrils gently went down and wiggled inside of them. The tip opened inside of them, locking the tendril inside of them. I gently intertwined my hand with theirs. "Are…you sure?" I awkwardly asked, wincing a bit at my deep voice. 
They nodded. "Please~ I want to know what it feels like…" Stephen whimpered. I nodded and began pumping the eggs inside of them. They weren't too small nor too big. 3 ½ inches wide and 4 inches tall. They moaned loudly. Steven's hand jerked off Marc's cock and Marc jerked off Steven's. I put my hands on their thighs and silently praised them. I saw their tummy distend slightly. The last of my eggs entered them and my tendrils pulled away. 
I let out a shaky sigh as I stated at my work. Steven and Marc had cum on their tummy and are now enjoying the afterglow. I put my hands on their tummy. My tendrils were excitedly wagging in the air. "A-Are we…going to actually have kids?" Marc asked. I shook my head. I pulled another card out and wrote something down. 
"No…me and your kind can't breed kids…" Marc read out. "Aww. It's ok. I'm not mentally fit for kids anyway." Marc reassured me. They whimpered and whined as they started to push the eggs out of them. I gently ran my hands on their tummy, ignoring the wet feeling of their cum. I understood that their human bodies can't hold something inside them that long. I was still happy I got to breed my lovers. 
"Can I still keep the eggs?" Steven asked. Marc chuckled and curled up with him. I nodded and cuddled on the other side of Steven. My tendrils wrapped around them held them close to me. We all fell asleep in a warm and comfy haze. 
Next up: Tony x Natasha x Wanda x Bucky x Steve x male reader
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superherocaps · 1 year
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reineboots · 1 month
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karmaspidr · 2 months
Moon Knight: Well if it isn't my arch nemesis, the Sun God!
Clark, trying to figure out why Bruce is dressed as a mummy: ...What?
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iamthehamburglar · 7 months
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geekhead79 · 4 months
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"Listen. Where You're Going? Tell Your Friends. Tell Everyone You Meet. You Tell Them All. When You See Me Coming? Run."
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babyjackdaniels · 7 months
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goodwhump-temp · 10 months
Steven Grant Whump | Moon Knight
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1x01 The Goldfish Problem - Jaw dislocated, confused, manhandled, heartbroken, panic x2, scared x2
1x02 Summon the Suit - Panic attack, abducted, scared x2, comforted, overwhelmed, thrown out a window, thrown, manhandled, choked, weak
1x03 The Friendly Type - Impaled, weak, collapse, unconscious
1x04 The Tomb - Unconscious, punched, falls, scared, trapped, panic
1x05 Asylum - Learning the truth; emotional, protected, manhandled, tackled, abused childhood, panic, denial, crying, falls, dies
1x06 Gods and Monsters - Dead, punched, thrown
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