#the archives
deadthehype · 10 months
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Strella Kat
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I've just recently ( Oct 2023 ) entered the magnus archives fantom and everyone has the most severe case of " no the family dog didn't die he went to live on a farm" I've ever seen. Tim is off kayaking with his brother and Peter Lucas. TMA Is an office comedy and Jon and Martin are in a nice Scottish cottage happy with good cows ( and definitely not dead or turned into eldritch monsters) .
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handbarfs · 2 months
The Archivist
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foxdrawdoodles · 2 months
MAG78 Jonathan Sims ”It is remarkable easy to buy an axe in central London”
I swear I have not stopped giggling since I’ve heard this. Not only is that sentence alone funny but the imagine of a sleep deprived, groggy and skinny guy walking into a department store (I think they would sell axes there) in the most professional clothing ever that you would wear at an office job and request an axe, just a axe and nothing else is so funny to me. The poor cashier must of been so confused
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autismprotocol · 2 months
TMAGP Theory Board ( EP 10)
Hi guys sorry for the late post I ended up drawing a lot for this update especially because it's the last one before the hiatus so wanted to give it a little more pizazz :D
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What Happened in Episode 10: Saturday Night
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Interview with Nigel Dickerson. The inccident report this week was all about Mr Bonzo. If you remember from last episode Nigel is the famous tv personality who created the character of Mr Bonzo. During this interview he recounts the rise and fall of Bonzo while being ominous and on edge the whole time. what I gathered from the interveiw is that Bonzo is either trapping Nigel or Bonzo and Nigel are linked somehow. (when he say "he won't let me leave" and refers to himself as "us") we also learn about the murders that are connected to the Bonzo suit, first by the serial killer Terrance Menki and very recently 3 unsolved murders. Nigel also mentioned that the actors who wore the Bonzo suit would be prone to injuries on set which is also really stange. Could be they were used as Bonzo's victims near his begining
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Gwen meets Mr Bonzo. The other section of the episode dealing with Bonzo is when Gwen goes to Nigel's house on her first assignment as the Externals Liason. So turns out Bonzo is maybe a hitman for the OIAR! Also, big thing Mr Bonzo is atually alive and is introduced with some kind of practice almost resembling a ritual. I heard somone mention they think Bonzo is an avatar of the Stranger and I can definitely see this. I'd love to hear if anyone else has a theory for what entity Bonzo may be connected to.
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The Return of Colin. Colin isn't dead!! Shocking absolutley everyone Colin is still kicking. a few episodes ago he was sent on mental health leave by Lena after his parnoia caused him to mentally snap. Celia sees him while on break and they have a short convorsation. Colin tells Celia that he need to figure out the computers. also big thing Colin is back without the permission of Lena. It will be interesting to see what hes looking for and if he'll continue to sneak behind Lena's back.
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Sam and Alice's Adventures into the Institute. Probaly the biggest development lore-wise was Sams and Alice investigating the ruins of the Magnus Institute. They don't find much (but I'm still am gonna talk about it for awhile) Alice mentions that there were weird carvings in the floor which she later equates to the worms on the ground. If you are a Archives listener hearing about worms in the archives starts seting off all kinds of alarms. This means in this universe the Jane Prentiss attack still happens, which is especcially iteresting because If I'm not mistaken in TMA the worm attack happened spesiffically to mark Jon with the corruption. Was Jon ever part of the institute? or if not Jon there must have been an archivist role in this Magnus Institute that would require Jane to attack it.
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ERROR and the Tape Recorders so far in protocol we have been listening to the characters through either the computers or though their phones. But during the last few minutes we here the click of a tape recorder. and TMA fans around the world rejoiced. The magnus archives is entirley told through tape recordings and are a tool used by the web (spesifically the avatar Annabelle Cane) does this mean Annabelle made it to this universe? or it could also signal the presense of Jon (since the tape recorders are linked to him) Alice and Sam investigate the archivist office looking for a place for the key when the floor collapes and Sam drops the key. After some Sam and Alice banter, they leave but the recorder stays running we then hear the scraping sound and some shutterd breathing. This is when I highly suggest going through the transcript after listening to an episode becuase they specifically what were hearing and who is breathing.
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I included the snippet from the transcript that pinpoints every not verbal sound we hear
water from the pit under the archives is disturbed
thud on wood then a rattle of a padlock
Key being dragged across the wood then fumbled into a lock that clicks open
trapdoor opens and ERROR imerges
ERROR takes 3 breaths
ERROR has been used before for redacting the roles played by Johnny, Alex and Tim (aka the voices of FR3-d1) during the cast anouncements for protocol. This makes me think that ERROR must be someone from the Archives universe my running theory is that it is a entity that houses Jon, Martin and Jonah's souls or consiounous. but It could literally be anyone. I'm also thinking ERROR has been locked in the tunnels under the archives (Mentioned in TMA)
And thats about Everything! plese let me know your thoughts or if you wanna correct me on any mistakes :)
Also I would love to know if you guys would prefer this style of post where I illustrate moments and scenes from each episode? it would probably delay when I'm able to post the breakdowns but I'd love to know if you guys perfer that format over the less illustrated one.
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callsign-rogueone · 4 months
the archives // Fourth Wing masterlist
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welcome to the fourth wing.
these are all reader inserts, using the second person “you”. everything about a certain series, including my fics and things I’ve reblogged that fit their vibe, will be tagged as “#Garrick and Angel”, “#Brennan and Duchess”, etc. see this post for further information. let me know if you have ideas / requests for any relationship listed below, or one that isn’t. my ask box is always open! request guidelines can be found here. last updated: 5.30.24
standalone fics / headcanons
Aaric Graycastle - intimacy alphabet Bodhi Durran - by your side - where were you in the morning? - not that bad at all - the night we met - intimacy alphabet - fractured 🆕 Brennan Sorrengail - you're somebody else - this is me trying - intimacy alphabet - older (agegap!Bren) - you called 🆕 Dain Aetos - midnight snow - part of the family Garrick Tavis - all the small things - intimacy alphabet - one for the books 🆕 Imogen Cardulo - the dress Liam Mairi - harvest day - the spider Mira Sorrengail - reunited - mercy Ridoc Gamlyn - not joking - love at first fight Xaden Riorson - a brief history of Navarre 1. i wish i hated you 🆕 all fourth wing boys: - excuses, excuses - under the weather - that time of the month all fourth wing boys + girls - study season random thoughts about multiple boys - dragon rings - xaden's birthday
Garrick and Angel about Angel 1. keep her safe 2. what was I made for? 2.1. letters from samara 2.2 thank you - misc relationship asks
Brennan and Duchess about Duchess 1. the last six years 2. allies 3. fireproof 4. the chess game - this is me trying - braids - relationship questions - thoughts about her and Xaden - thoughts about her rings - thoughts about "their songs"
Ridoc and Sweetheart about Sweetheart 1. love at first fight 2. like snow on the beach - relationship questions
Bodhi and Darling (no particular reading order) - not that bad at all - by your side - the night we met - deja vu 🆕
Sawyer and Peach 1. faking it
Liam and Spark 1. at last 2. alone with you - relationship questions
Dain and Love 1. falling, floating, flying 🆕 2. reunification day 🆕
Aaric and Sunny 1. conscription day 🆕
misc girlfriend stuff - modern!girlfriends' music tastes
poly fics
Dain + Xaden - our girl Ridoc + Sawyer 1. hey roomie Garrick + Bodhi - three in the morning 🆕
ship fics (not reader-insert)
Garrick / Sloane - wrong to love you
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yannyyanyan · 2 months
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dont let the collector catch ya now
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sneesketch · 1 month
Statement begins c:
ignore that the audio's out of sync XP
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ask-courier-eddie · 6 months
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Regarding the Archivist (Page 1/??)
Context / Part 2
Archivist Frank @ask-archivist-frank
Do you really think I forgot? Well I didn’t, im just going through it too this past weeks due my finals, so I’m trying my best to finish this mini comic [the next pages won’t be on color since, it takes more time and I really want to show this comic as fast as I can!]
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cult-of-the-eye · 8 months
I love the way people imagine the layout of Jon's office. Like it makes no sense but I imagine the archival assistants in a bullpen outside his office and then his desk like to the right of his door, facing the wall and like the archives for some reason are inside Jon's office?? I don't know but I'd love to know other people's layouts
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margindoodles2407 · 27 days
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these panels are love these panels are life
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deadthehype · 6 months
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The EASTER SPECIAL HAS DISAPEARED FOREVER!!! If no one saved it it will be gone forever .IT will haunt new fandom members who join later forever. I LISTENED TO IT ALL AND I AM CURSED WITH THE KNOWLEDGE . IT EXISTED !!!
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need-a-name-101 · 3 months
Literally anyone who meets Jon the Archivist: oh you are the Archivist. Elias made a good choice.
Meanwhile everybody who knows Jon: that man’s a paranoid mf. He needs to sleep, he needs a vacation, he needs friends.
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persephone-tim · 10 months
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Archivist (he looks so flabbergasted and silly)
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theworkerofkeay · 2 months
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Another view of The Archivist 📚 👁️
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