#tw toxic family
sant-riley · 2 years
[Ghost with OFC!Reader who has a toxic family] [p1 of ?]
A/N: straight up this is self indulgent/me projecting (like all my work is) bc it's comforting for me to imagine that I have someone to protect me from life bc wow this shit sucks. Not tagging anyone due to this potentially being triggering.
CW: toxic family dynamics, swearing, mental illness, simping, age gaps, definitely not professional, Ghost punches someone (let me know if there's anything else)
Now I don't even have to say that Simon is extremely sensitive when it comes to family, especially since he himself grew up in a toxic environment. He knows the signs because they're the signs he saw in his day to day life.
He knew something was up when you never want to go home when breaks come, any young Rookie is usually bouncing off the walls to go see their loved ones but you? You almost look depressed at the thought. Ghost may tell people he has a cold heart, but not when it comes to you. You wormed your way into his chest next to that said cold heart and now he can't help but worry. You're too young to have probably been in a place on your own, so no choice but to go back to the family home. He was in your shoes once, he too had joined the military to find a way out.
Ghost doesn't speak to people off duty, never has but things have changed. You, Soap, Gaz, Price? You all are the closest thing he will ever have to a family again, so against his better and usual judgment, he asks you if you'd like to stay with him at one of his safe houses.
"Runt, do you....for fucks sake, do you want to come back with me? Stay with me until our next mission."
"Oh! No, I'm fine Ghost, I'm alright to go home."
A smile on your lips but it doesn't reach your eyes. He feels his own turn down into a grimace.
"Teds, stop the shit for a second, yeah? I see that look on your face, you don't want to go back there."
He rests a skeleton glove covered hand on your shoulder, caressing the skin there with a thumb graze.
"I don't want to be a bother.'"
"You're never a bother sweetheart, c'mon then."
Staying with Ghost is, different to say the least. He takes you to his home in Manchester and goddamn the place is barely lived in, the only place that look used is his kitchen. He really lets you have free reign of the place, the only room not allowed is his bedroom. Not because he doesn't trust you rather it's just a personal thing.
Overtime the place filled with little traces of you, your hair ties liter the counters and tables, your laughter in the other room while you scroll on your phone. Hearing your footsteps run to area of the house so you can show him said video, the groceries you buy once you learn Ghost solely lives off of take out.
"Are you serious?"
"I work out to balance it."
It warms his chest to see you show so much concern over him, a man 6'4 who could easily snap your neck. He rustles your hair with a deep chuckle.
You try and not encroach on his space but he finds that he likes it. He likes seeing your shoes next to his at the doorway, he likes seeing you cook in his kitchen, he likes seeing you wake up groggy with crust in your eyes. He loves it all. Though he'd never admit it.
You make his house, now his home feel so much warmer and brighter. You insist on catching him up to the newest movies and shows, forcing him to sit down next to you to watch the newest Marvel movie while he pretends he hates it. He makes jokes in between that he could do better than that and that if he were there, he'd just put a bullet between the enemies eyes.
Seeing you fall asleep on his shoulder brings a peace to him, his arm around your shoulders as you nuzzle in closer. He doesn't deserve this, he doesn't deserve you. But he's gonna pretend he does, just for a little while longer.
Imagine his surprise when he meets your family for the first time. You had wanted to go home and get some things to bring back to his place so he came with you on a flight since he knows you don't care for air travel by yourself.
Ghost was used to his presence scaring people and warding people off. He knows how to keep people in line, its been his job for as long as he could care to remember. So he wasn't expecting them to treat you so horribly in front of him. Really, what'd they expect to happen. First mistake.
It's such a stark contrast you are in this place, from base, the field, to the woman in front of him. You curl into yourself, hands cracking in your hoodie pockets as you sit there and just take it, waiting for a break so you can speak. You're not looking at him or even making an attempt to talk back.
Ghost knows you're grown, he knows it's not his place but he feels his blood pressure get higher and higher as they scream and belittle you for things out of your control, your looks, your weight, telling to come back home, to leave the military, anything and everything under the sun. Second mistake. He can feel his knuckles turn a stark white under his gloves and it isn't until your sibling gets up in your face with a hand raised that he springs into action. Third mistake. Ghost is a big man, but he moves fast and unexpectedly.
Before he registered it, your sibling is on the floor clutching their stomach after being gut punched. He hears them heaving while trying to curse him out, looking up with him with hatred. Simon wants to take his heavy steel toed boot and kick the fuckers face. Hell, he wants to beat the ever living shit out of every single person in this fucking house. To think they can treat you like this? Over his dead body.
He hears your parents screaming about how dare he and that he's fucking insane but when he turns to look around at you, he sees you staring up at him with tear filled eyes and a whisper of thank you. In that moment he knows, he knows he'd do just about anything for you. He shoots a withering glare at your parents
"We're taking her shit and leaving." He barks out, his eyes burning a hole in their heads while they shakily nod and avoid looking at either of you.
Ghost grabs your hand and leads you towards your bedroom where he grabs anything he can bag and helps you stuff all your belongings into it, making sure you have everything until the room is completely cleared out.
Shuffling the bags on his arms, he holds your hand again and intertwines your fingers, gently pulling you out the house and towards the rental truck. Not taking one glance at the so called family watching you two.
"You're staying with me from now on, got it runt?"
The smile on your face is so bright when you say "Of course, L.T."
If you'd like to be tagged in future works, please comment under my rules that are pinned to my blog!
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mhathotfic · 5 months
Thinking about writing a quirkless au about the Todoroki family being a influencer family, all so I can write about how the “black sheep son” aka Touya who never wanted to be in the spotlight and hated his father’s obsession with the “perfect family brand” comes back home “to bury the hatchet”. I mean, he’s burying something alright. Burying his cock deep in his new stepmom’s guts.
To be fair, what did Enji expect when he married his 22 year old sugar baby? For her to be faithful and respect him out of genuine love?
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ravenwitch45 · 11 months
What if fem s/o invited Blitzo over for dinner to meet their dysfunctional family? S/o doesn't have a lot respect for their dad because he isn't emotionally plugged in as he doesn't get it and he made everything chaotic for them along with the mom who is the victim when they were growing up which is why they have self esteem issues along with having poor taste in men as they had 2 broken relationships.
Oh lord, well this sounds fun, I'm a bit unsure what you meant with a few parts but I'll try my best to do the whole "Blitz meet his S/Os dysfunctional family" Schtick. He's dealt with plenty before after all.
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Blitzo gets invited by his Fem S/O for dinner with her dysfunctional parents.
He has very awkward feelings on biological family. His own crashed and burned, Got a front row seat to Moxxie's thing with his Dad, and even remembers how dismissive Paimon's treatment of Stolas a little bit. Not to mention Loona's abandoned her or at least left her alone and he's ready to kill em if he ever meets them but that's all beside the point.
Point is he has a jaded view on famlies. So when you invite him he makes a off handed remark, saying he hopes your parents were good ones, he cares about you after all, and when you awkwardly chuckle and stammer at an answer that care turns to concern. "Babe? They weren't... you know, abusive right?"He asks again only stiffening you more.
He never asked about your parents, he keeps his own past and family under wraps so he gives you the same courtesy, if you wanted to tell him that's your choice and sees no reason to push for answers. But the idea that you had anything like he did makes his stomach squirm.
Eventually you explain that while they... weren't perfect, they still tried, especially your mom despite everything and that you'd like him to meet them. He agrees wanting to make a good impression if you've already discussed it with them and the date is set.
You both dress nice, and nervously knock on the door, him putting an arm around you which you hold and your mother answers, seeming to be a very tired but nice and welcoming woman who eagerly welcomes you and Blitz. Saying she's happy to meet him, and that you've told her so much about him
"All good things I hope?"Blitzo jokes but your mother assures that it's been nothing but praise, saying she's glad her daughter found such a great man that loves her so. Blitzo, always loving praise reciprocates the politeness, overall a pleasant meeting.
Your father on the other hand isn't seen or heard until dinner (Which is quite a large meal for one woman to make alone btw)But he comes down once it's done and almost immediately the alarm bells are ringing.
Your father just looks so done with everything and doesn't even smile upon seeing you or his wife, just asking blunty "So this is your new boyfriend?"To you and Blitz, and the look he gives makes chills shoot up Blitz's back.
Still he's still awkwardly polite, same as you oddly enough. Answering basic questions with your mother occasionally chiming in as you eat. It's a awkward dinner, but not unpleasant, most light small talk is mainly between you, Blitz and your mother. Your father rarely asking a question or mumbling in response to whatever you are talking about but then... it happens...
"So what do you do... Blitzo right?"Your father asks, Blitzo composing himself real quick before answering, correcting him on the O before stating the truth, that's he's an assassin who kills people sinners want dead in the living world. While your mother finds that very intresting and impressive, but before she can even finish her sentence her husband interjects with a loud sigh.
"So another daredevil, why am I not surprised?"He asks with a very annoyed tone, earning a glare from you as your mother frowns and Blitz is just unsure what's going on, as your father and you go back and forth with your mother trying and failing to mediate
"He's not a daredevil, he runs an entire busisness for satans sake!"
"Oh he might get more money then most, but still, you just can't keep yourself away from the dangerous ones can you?"
"Blitz isn't dangerous, he's my boyfriend! A very good one, he treats me right, he makes me happy!"
"Well clearly danger finds him, it's clear on his face, how long before he almost get's you killed like the others?"
That's enough for Blitz to shoot up from his seat, declaring he'd never put his S/O in danger and that he'll protect you no matter what, to which your father just replies "They all said that." and before he replies he hears whimpering and turns to you, seeing tears in your eyes as you clutch your arm tightly
"I-I learned from the last times... Blitz is different..."You get out inbetween sniffling and your father just sighs as his wife get's after him, while Blitz holds you close, kissing you on the forehead.
Eventually he interrupts your parents fighting to say your leaving, complimenting the food but certainly not the company as he escorts you out, you staying silent the whole way to the car, him setting you in the passenger seat next to him, and you drive off, him spotting your mother watching from the window, she seemed nice, and deserving of more then her husband but your his priority right now, with you resting your head on his shoulder, still snifling as he drives home.
He's not gonna ask even though he's curious, he just wants you to feel good again, he wants to see your smile, he didn't expect you to have pain like that, but maybe you being so kind despite that makes him love you more he thinks as he wraps his tail around your waist.
When you get home you've already fallen asleep so he carries you to bed, getting you out of your shoes as he kicks off his boots and removes his jacket and joins you. Hoping holding you close makes your dreams stray from remaking tonight, as his often do about his own awful nights. Either way he makes sure your safe the best he can.
Whew! Not sure If I've ever done a full hurt comfort thing before as X Reader but I enjoyed it! One of my longer ones too XP Hope you enjoyed!
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bonefall · 9 months
why is fernsong on thin ice with dovewing, did ivypool use him to send her messages or something like that
Yeaaaaahhh. I figured it was obvious enough to figure out lmao.
Dovewing really likes Fernsong (who doesn't?) but Ivypool continues to be a petty badger for years. She's changed a lot after the impostor murdered her daughter publicly for codebreaking and suddenly ShadowClan didn't look so crazy to resist him from the very start...
But she treated Dovewing like garbage for years. Always looking for ways to spite her and her 'Friendship' with Tigerheart, and it didn't even stop after she booked it. Dovewing doesn't WANT to fix this.
Sure, this stems from Lionblaze being a really bad parent, playing obvious favorites with Dovepaw and neglecting Ivypaw. But Ivypool would take it out on her. Well into their adulthood. And NOW she wants to reconcile? When Dovewing's finally away from her, and living happily?
Fernsong and Dovewing have a history, making friends with each other before Fern started dating Ivy when he first joined ThunderClan, but he FLOATED the idea of Dove talking to her sister, "you know... Ivypool talks about you," and she shut it down fast.
(That means she walked away, cutting the whole reunion short. She really did discover the power of Just Leaving and has been using it like a superpower)
He hasn't dared try again, since that moment. He knows very well he won't get a second chance, and Dovewing is his friend. He doesn't want to ruin it. She's forgiven him, but hasn't forgotten.
I think Dovewing has a reputation of being really sensitive, according to ThunderClan cats. And, she kinda is? But it's because she was so patient for years with them. She feels like if she gives an inch, they'll take a mile, and reacts accordingly.
...it's why the deafness isn't ALWAYS a bad thing, in Dovewing's mind. Sometimes she really appreciates it. She doesn't have to listen to her dad bark for her to get back here, or Bumblestripe break out into a sob, or whatever stage of denial Ivypool's circled back around to. If she does, it's quiet.
It's SO much easier to walk away now.
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I need help, my life is now a living hell. (TW suicide attempt mention)
I know this is gonna annoy a lot of you for bitching and whining again but as of late my life has been really hard. I had to sell my soul and my life to a demon against my will. There is a toxic parasite I want to cut ties with but can’t. I am talking about a toxic family member who has no respect for boundaries and loves to judge and be rude to everyone around her.
I just really need some help rn guys because at this rate it really feels like I can either endure and sacrifice my sanity for as long as she lives or I could only ever end it via suicide. I have tried to do it twice while she was down and my mother has to hide away medication so I don’t overdose and sharp things such as knives and scissors when her new favourite person ever, her karen on steroids sister is here.
To paint a picture there is a story about when I was a baby with my cousin and toxic aunt. My toxic aunt would use grandma ( her mother) as a slave whenever she came to visit her grandson. “Now that you’re here I want you to do EVERYTHING for him while I go and bitch and whine about coffee and ask to see managers (I’m not joking. She literally does that. Saw it multiple times when she stays with us.). Whilst my Mom would offer to do fun activities with her and us, like go to the beach, etc. Because of this she enjoyed our company more than my toxic aunt who threw a tantrum over it. “You love my sister’s daughters more than my son!”. She got so pissed that she moved out of our place during a vacation. Mother offered to have my cousin and grandma to play in the pool with me and my sister whilst she helped my toxic aunt pack. She EXPLODED over that! Why? Idk. She then stormed into the house screaming and it woke baby me up and I was sobbing. Dad got mad and told her to get out and we had nothing to do with her until grandma died.
She hasn’t changed at all. Very toxic, always complaining and saying horrible things behind our backs. I had multiple extreme meltdowns when she came. She stayed for four whole months last year. One summer, one spring, one for every season. She has this rule too where only she is allowed to talk, all she does to complain and she gets weirdly excited when someone else is struggling…she loves to happily talk about others misfortunes and then she finds no joy in going to the beach and going out for lunch. Instead she complains constantly and it ruins the whole day. Mother told me she says the most horrible things about me behind my back too…which gets her upset but she puts up with it because she is going through a divorce. We put up with her rude behaviour out of pity. I understand how hard getting divorced is but it shouldn’t excuse…whatever the fuck she is doing to us. Mother and I got into extreme arguments because of her as well and we rarely fight. My toxic aunt turns my parents against me. I’m freaking out because she is going to come down again.
Last time she claimed to be more respectful of our boundaries. “We don’t have to do something every day, I’m ok to hang out by myself every now and then.” Then she guilt trips us by saying “I don’t know why I bother coming down here if I’m going to be alone.” Over me wanting to spend ONE fucking weekend alone with my mom out of an ENTIRE month of her hovering around us and never shutting up. She also loves to interrupt. I would be in the middle of saying something and she cuts in as if I’m worth nothing! Then I can’t even say anything because she never shuts up ever! Then when I am blessed with a moment of talking (usually because mother says Izzy has something to say) I get nervous about saying something she will judge me for!
She belittles every trigger of mine too. Once I used to like this cafe and she has this huge obsession with their muffins. I don’t go there anymore though because some mean teenage girls work there now and they have been openly rude to me two times when I visited. So rude I ended up crying once. I didn’t want to go back (keep in mind I have been bullied a lot as well, I have a huge fear of mean girls) My aunt gave me this huge lecture about it and tried to force me to go in just so she can get her muffins. I felt completely shattered as she gave me a hard time over it. In the end mother figured out her angle and just dropped her off there whilst I waited in the car…for her to do that though about my own experiences and my triggers and not wanting to return to a cafe with rude service…it was just so insensitive.
She used to say rude things to me because of me displaying typical autistic traits like my weird eating habits and my special obsessions. Mother made her stop saying things to my face but she told me she just says judgemental things behind my back now and she gives me this god awful judgemental stare when we go out to eat…She also shows no respect for mental illnesses such as anxiety, saying it’s not real. She also once made fun of someone who committed suicide…which shows how she isn’t really a good person. She picks at Mom and gives her a hard time and openly judges her and says rude things to her and mother always bottles it and takes it out on me in the end because the one who HAD been rude to her is going through a divorce.
I never want to have to endure her abusive behaviour again but I’m completely powerless. I feel so hopeless. Idk what to do..
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theflagscene · 16 days
🏳️‍🌈 Fundraiser 🏳️‍🌈
Help a queer neurodivergent person escape a toxic situation 🫷
Hi! My name is Stacey (also know as Lynn) and I’m currently looking for help to escape a toxic environment, a few years ago I had a complete mental breakdown and was unable to care for myself. Before and after this happened, I had been living with my parents. But the situation at my parent’s place has become more dangerous for me than protective, because of this my doctors and mental health professionals have worked hard to find me alternative housing. The problem is that I have no furniture and no way of paying for vital things I need for the new room I’m going to be moving into, so I’m looking for help. I honestly am terrified of these changes but also cannot wait until I can leave, I would live in an empty room if I had to, just to be able to find some form of comfort and safety again. But a bed and some small kitchen appliances would go a long way in helping me turn this tiny room that I’ve be offered into a real home.
My move in date is June 15th, I would love to have raised enough to at least pay for a bed.
I have created a GoFundMe, as seen below. I also have a PayPal if anyone would like to donate directly since GoFundMe takes a percentage of all funds raised.
Thank you to anyone who can donate or share this post, the farther it goes the more help I can hopefully receive. You are helping save my life 🙏
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britney-rosberg06 · 1 year
it was actually incredibly therapeutic to me to watch ellie fucking murders a bunch of religious leaders and father-like abusers
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cormancatacombs · 2 years
Trying to hash things out with a family member who refuses to acknowledge how they’ve hurt you is like bashing your head against a wall and expecting the wall to bleed first.
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cemetery-drive-sys · 2 months
small vent
i hate having one of those like toxic but loving households, it makes me feel crazy for being upset :( - 🕸️
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problema-fic-prompts · 4 months
Character A is a musical prodigy despite only being a teenager, and has an amazing career ahead of them. Even if their family had impossibly high standards and has been cruel to them.
Character B is a music tutor who’s taken an interest in A that turns into obsession.
As B helps them further their career, they groom A to be their lover and stay by their side. Forcing them away from their toxic family. I like thinking about this set in like a Victorian setting but I think any time period works great
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
I was reading a fic and it reminded me of another fic. I’m honestly amazed by how Nico and Hades’ relationship is portrayed in that particular fanfic.
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Beautiful. When you love someone but not necessarily like them
For context: this is a Modern AU, Maria and Bianca are dead (as usual. Shame), Nico has a few mental issues and Hades is an absolutely cold and strict father. That is to say: he restrains him. It has been a while since I read this fic, but technically it’s those along the line of: strict education, regulations, degenerating voices.
He set up a whole overabundant homeschooling course for Nico, pressuring him about grades and educational performances. He hardly lets Nico out of the house (it takes a twenty minute phone call of convincing). He doesn’t think Nico is capable of faring well in the outside world. He disapproves of Nico’s hobby (which is gaming btw).
But I wouldn’t be babbling if that was the case now would I? The fascinating thing about this is that: Hades actually does love Nico.
He is a man of rules, so he drew a path of future for his son. He doesn’t want Nico out of the house because he knows how bad Nico’s agoraphobia can get. And the fact that Nico can still get his way, albeit with extensive convincing, says a lot. He disapproves of gaming instead of education, but he still lets Nico play as long as it doesn’t get in the way of studying.
Here’s the thing. Through out the fic, Hades is portrayed as an absolutely scary, harsh and toxic (the degenerating voice doesn’t help) father figure. But - I don’t know if that’s my bias mind talking - I can still see that he cares for Nico and wishes the best for him. His delivery is wrong, of course, and that results in their tense, always-wary relationship. And the fact that Nico blatantly announces his father’s dislike towards himself earlier this screenshot.
It’s kinda relatable, and a reflection of unfortunate reality, when good intentions turn out not as good as we wish it to be.
Hades and Nico’s relationship is no where near perfect in this fanfic. Hades appears downright cold to his son, and Nico is either tired or wary when talking or mentioning his father.
And it’s half of the reason why I adore this fic so much.
-> That, right there, is exactly how I prefer to think of Hades and Nico’s father-son dynamic. They are not perfect. Nor is their relationship. Hades has issues and oh issues does Nico have. As much as I like to fantasizing about a healthy family, I think it would take more and longer for them to achieve it. Gods rarely make model parents. Hades is trying, which I appreciate, and is the exact reason why I say there should be fluctuation and mishaps and fights and a lot more.
But the key is that there’s love. And they’re both trying. And that alone is beautiful. The mistakes are what makes the efforts precious.
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bonefall · 1 year
i like how you show how abuse can warp someone’s judgment and make them do things they don’t really believe in gray wings arc in this feels much better then in canon and actually sets out to show him how they intended too
It's easy to sympathize with victims of abuse and products of toxic families when they're "innocent" and blameless. There's this idea, spoken or unspoken, that if you ever lashed out, or begged your abuser to stay, or went on to hurt someone in a similar way, that you're LESS of a victim
People get locked in those cycles, thinking that their abuser, or their toxic family, is the only one who will ever "tolerate" them. Sometimes people don't want to believe they've been hurt, or that their family could be toxic, because confronting that is painful. Sometimes it's just love. Sometimes you really can love someone too much.
Sometimes you REALLY fuck up and hurt someone else. You do stupid, mean shit. Abuse isn't logical and pain isn't either. There are times where you realize it too late, and only realize it when you're staring at the smoldering ash of a burned bridge
And I want to write that. People who are hurt and hurt in turn, people who perpetuate those cycles, people who break them. You deserved better, and the people around you do too.
Sometimes I legitimately worry about the writers of these silly cat books. They keep writing the realest, most harrowing depictions of toxic family/abuse I've ever seen in my fucking life and then turning around and saying, "and then it was all fine :)" like... are they okay?
Gray Wing would mean a lot to me if this was intentional, but he's RIGHT in the end in canon. "Ohhh he wasnt greedy he was just scared and had too much responsibility :))) i dont have to reckon with anything i said ever :)))". Clear Sky's "redemption" drags the entire arc down with it.
So I am here. Furiously writing foe fiction. Feeding myself.
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iceicewifey · 1 year
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shamelessly copied Sinner /j /lh and did one of those Araki style character sheets for Shay to see if i could share her info easier and I'll say it worked 😳
had to redo the template because I'm stupid and the layout kind of confused me plus I'll never pass up an opportunity to make my own version of whatever thing fjdnfjdgb but I hope it makes sense. alot of the info can be found in her mini bio, but it was still fun to fill this out. plain text under the cut because it's alot to read. thanks again to sinner for both posting theirs and providing the original template ♡
editing because this is so outdated already 😭
Name / Nicknames
Shayleigh Disa Malmsteen / Shay, Spanky (childhood nickname), Dee (from Hol Horse)
23 (SDC)
CIS Female
Birthday / Zodiac Sign
August 12th, 1965 / Leo
Blood Type
Miami, FL USA
5'4" / 162cm
~137lbs / 62kg
Sexual Orientation
Hair Color
Platinum blonde
Eye Color
Pale icy blue // Pink (Manga)
Eyesight / Colorblindness / Wears Glasses?
Slight myopia Not enough to warrant glasses.
Dominant Hand
Type of Voice
High pitched / "soprano" A bit scratchy from smoking
Medical History
Minor nerve damage from particularly deep scar in right forearm, partially perforated septum (corrected; from cocaine use) Uterine Arteriovenous Malformation — required surgery
Scars / Birthmarks / Tattoos
Numerous scars on hands, arms, torso, shoulders, back, legs, and left eyebrow // Barbed wire tat around right wrist, palm tree on left ankle, devil tail on lower back
Other Defining Physical Features: Nose, Eye Shape, Chest Size, Legs, Moles, etc.
Slightly downturned doe eyes, small slits in eyebrows (left has hair displaced by scars, right is shaved to match). Larger than average chest (~E cup)
Ancestral Background
½ Swedish on father's side
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Criminal Record / Education
Criminal record is extensive. Dropped out of high school during 11th grade but stopped attending long before then.
Formative Experiences as a Baby or Young Child
Grew up without birth mother (passed away soon after she and her twin sister were born), Father worked as motorcycle mechanic and would frequently bring his daughters to work; fostered her love of motorcycles at a young age. Dealt with abusive stepmother for ~7 years.
Sexual History / Lovers
Several boyfriends & a girlfriend during high school years, numerous ‘flings’ throughout mid 80’s. Not on good terms with any exes.
Thoughts Towards Romance / Marriage
Says she’s indifferent. Would like to get married, but wants it to be with “the right person.” Has trauma from parents about relationships.
People the Subject Looks Up To / Idolizes
Evel Knievel, Lemmy Kilmister
People the Subject Hates
Her father. Stepmother, Lydia. Stepbrother, Adam. Half brother, Viggo. Estefania, Jotaro Kujo, Polnareff, Nukesaku
Personality Traits / Habits / Fav. Sayings
Tends to hide her true emotions, acts apathetic. Cautious around new people, especially if they know who she is and she doesn’t recognize them. Her defense mechanism tends to make it so she comes off as rude or abrasive. // Honestly just enjoys telling people that annoy her to shut up.
Dreams for the Future
Wants to eventually return to Miami. Wants to build her own custom Harley, right down to the paint job. Wants “a buncha badass lookin’ tats” to cover her more prominent body scars.
Drowning, being strangled, seeing more of her friends die in front of her, upsetting DIO and having to face his wrath.
Most Traumatic Experiences
The years of emotional and verbal abuse from her stepmother and stepbrother. Her first night in jail. Witnessing the deaths of some of her closest friends at the hands of the gang they once belonged to.
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Relationships - Incl. Behavior
Neneh is the first best friend she’s ever had; loves her dearly and would kill for her if she asked. Misses her dearly while in Cairo. Gets along well with other Terence T. D’Arby, Kenny G., Enya, and most other mansion residents. On DIO’s better side. Romantically involved with Vanilla Ice.
Familial Relationships - Incl. Behavior
Hasn’t seen her sister since 17, misses her. Got along very well with Swedish grandparents, used to visit every Christmas as a child; visits slowed and eventually stopped upon her father remarrying. Positive relationships with maternal aunt, Caroline and her daughter, Rita. Gets along well with ‘pseudo father’, Ozzy, misses him while in Cairo. The gloves she wears to hide her scarred hands were a gift from him.
Problematic Relationships
Relationship with father was good as a young child but has deteriorated. Misses how he used to be, hurt that he chose a new partner over his daughters. Never had positive relationships with stepmother or stepbrother. Never really got along with former “boss”, Estefania despite trying. Feels no remorse for her death. Her murder is the reason she ends up in Cairo.
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Education / Work History
John F. Kennedy Middle School (Miami, FL) Elizabeth Cobb Middle School (Tallahassee, FL) Lincoln High School (dropped out; Tallahassee) Has never been formally employed or had a ‘legal’ job.
Economic Class
Grew up middle class, struggled with money after being kicked out.
Pets / Plants
Never had pets. Had a monstera clipping that grew in the motel room she lived in.
STUBBORN. Hates being told what to do and will often do the opposite. Tends to clash with authority figures. Has a bit of a sharp tongue, she’s wary of strangers and tends to speak her mind freely, even if what she says isn’t exactly polite. Used to act out rudely for attention from a bad home life but grew out of that phase. Rarely rude to strangers without reason nowadays. Insanely devoted to friends and loved ones, likes going the extra mile to show that she loves and cares for them. Very outgoing, a bubbly ‘people person’ and a bit of a ‘party girl‘. She’s typically laid back and enjoys being surrounded by those she loves. ‘Bitchiness’ is a defense mechanism stemming from trauma; “If I don‘t care, I can’t get hurt.” She’s a spitfire with a feisty side and a terrible temper, never one to back down from a fight and will start one if she’s worked up.
Loyal to the end, skilled with knives and using her stand, won’t quit until the task is done or it kills her, can seemingly sense when someone is upset, can pick things up with her feet
Hedonistic, lower physical strength than muscular male opponents, argumentative, easy to anger, extensive criminal record, bottles feelings Deep down she’s scared and hurt, hiding behind a façade to escape any future pain
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Special Skills / Fighting Style(s)
Mostly accustomed to street fighting. Fights dirty; punching, hitting, slapping, kicking, biting, hair pulling, nothing is off limits. Skilled with using switchblades. Likes to use her stand to trip non-stand user and see their confusion when they stumble.
Wields twin automatic “stiletto” switchblades, keeps them hidden in her boots
Driver's License / Vehicle of Choice / Driving Language
Obtained learner’s in 1981 and full license in 1983 but had been illegally driving since she was ~14 // Prefers motorcycles over cars. Favorite bike is the 1973 Harley Davidson FL Electra-Glide // Typical Florida Driver™. Has a lead foot and tends to speed. Tends to get a bit aggressive at times and will partake in road rage if provoked.
Hobbies / Recreations
Likes to draw things she thinks are cool; skulls, motorcycles, tigers, devils, playing cards. Tinkering with her bike, watching trash TV, riding motorcycles with friends, swimming, etc. Often upset she can’t do much of this in Cairo
Likes & Dislikes
Likes metal music, leather pants, motorcycles, billiards, chicken shawarma Dislikes formal clothing, being bossed around, running out of hairspray, driving in the rain, prudes
Food / Clothing / Shelter
Had a few outfits (a lot of them shoplifted) and mostly ate instant or microwaveable food while living in a motel paid for with money from ““odd jobs”” // Kept most of the same clothing upon moving to Cairo, despite her style clashing with local culture. Lives and works in DIO’s mansion
Motives / Passions
Self preservation, making “a shit ton of money”, has thought about killing her stepmother in the past but doesn’t want to deal with the consequences
Favorite Color / Locations / People
Dark teal, black, hot pink // South Miami Beach, Aunt Carol’s house // Neneh, Terence, Vanilla, and Enya
Fashion Style
Wears a lot of tight and overly revealing clothing after years of being forced to dress “like a proper girl” as a child. Likes wearing leather and wants to look like the girls in the metal magazines (i.e. Doro Pesch)
Used Substances
Tobacco, alcohol, marijuana (formerly), cocaine (formerly addicted)
Perfume / Cologne?
Used to wear “City Girl” perfume, but prefers scented lotions.
Any Accessories?
Crescent moon earring worn only on her left ear (twin sister wears the other), two hoops on right ear // stud on left side of nose // black leather fingerless gloves to hide scars
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Supernatural Abilities / Attuned to Spirits?
Not necessarily sensitive to spirits but sometimes feels what she assumes is her mother’s presence when she sits on the beach alone at night. She can’t explain it, but it’s somewhat comforting and tends to happen when she’s stressed or upset.
Accent / Dialect
Miami accent; pronounces the ‘L’ in “salmon” // speaks in short form and slang often (i.e. wanna, gonna, ain’t) // drops the ‘g’ on words that end in ‘-ing’ (i.e. swimmin’ )
Anything Else?
Knows how to juggle. Allergic to shellfish. Not a serious reaction but the kind that makes her throat tingle. Used to think it happened to everyone, not just her.             ↓ “Everybody’s throat tingles after crab cakes. It’s part of the experience.”
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autisticflapper · 7 months
Shoutout to anyone who grew up with siblings being pit against each other. I hear you. You deserved better.
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Being aroaceapl with a toxic family culture is feeling lonely all of the time and hating talking to another person even more. At least I have my art, I can just lose myself for hours drawing. My life is not bad tbh, it just sometimes hits me a little and I don't know what to do. I think I just need a therapist, I'm starting to save up for a few sessions.
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my-cages-were-mental · 11 months
that moment you realize that you aren't unempathetic. you've just been around the wrong people for far too long. you care deeply about specifc people and feel horrible if they're hurting in any way. but a toxic family member who's victimized themselves, forced you to share every little secret, and made you feel bad about doing things you like? yeah no. no sympathy or empathy for them there. why the fuck should you? they rarely showed any for you so why would you show them any?
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