#wizard king
idevourglass · 4 months
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Some stick of truth content ✨
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taelqn · 3 months
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♡ Very interesting duo we have here... Two is always better than one, anyway!
♡ First things first, Julius is not content with even the thought of Lucius crushing on you. He’s bothered by that fact, and he would prefer it if you stayed away from Lucius and stuck with him instead. It’s not even out of jealousy; it’s out of concern for your safety. It’s Lucius Zogratis, after all.
♡ Lucius, for his part, finds the situation rather amusing. When it comes to winning you over, Lucius has an unwavering faith in his ability to win your heart and sweep you off your feet before any other man can. In short, Lucius isn’t taking the situation too seriously, for he knows that he can and will have you.
♡ Not that Julius lacks confidence; rather, what I'm trying to convey is that, despite his confidence to win your love, he carries an immense amount of worry for you. Because Julius is the one who knows Lucius best, he fears that Lucius is merely using you.
♡ The situation is complicated, and it’s unlikely that it won’t be any better for you either. Sure, you have two powerful men trying to be yours, one might even say you’re suffering from success.
♡ But you can’t love two people at once, can you?
♡ Unless you can 👀
♡ But anyway, enough with all the complexities of this situation—let’s move onto the benefits of earning these men’s hearts!
♡ Julius and Lucius would literally have to alternate because they are two souls sharing a single body. But I don't think Lucius is a fair player. Since he is the dominant soul, he has the authority to determine whether or not to allow Julius to regain control.
♡ What I’m trying to say here is that if Julius or Lucius wish to spend time with you, they literally have to fight over who gets control of the body. In most cases, it's Lucius who ends up taking over, since he’s the dominant soul and all.
♡ Either way, no matter who’s in control of the body, I'm positive they’ll provide you with a beautiful experience. 
♡ You can anticipate being taken to locations with stunning scenery that are moderately populated if Julius has possession of the body. He will lead you to gorgeous flower-filled gardens, select a flower for you while you're preoccupied and not paying attention, and then surprise you.
♡ Julius won't limit himself to gardens, of course. He'll turn to other naturally beautiful places, frequently taking you to spots where you may feel the sun on your face, feel the wind tousling your hair, and hear birds singing as you and Julius stroll through verdant meadows.
♡ Furthermore, Julius will change his appearance so that no one can identify him, so you shouldn't worry about someone ruining your moment with the Wizard King. In other words, before Lucius takes back control of the body, Julius makes sure to treasure every minute he spends with you.
♡ You will also be taken to beautiful locations by Lucius when he is possessing the body. Lucius will take you to places where you feel as though you are up near the stars, where the soft light of the moon falls on your face, and where you and he can be alone with no one else.
♡ If you have a fear of heights, prepare to face your fears. Of course, he won’t go too crazy with choosing the locations once he finds out about your fear of heights. However, you should still prepare. The man can literally fly, and he wants you to show you what it feels like to roam around the night skies freely.
♡ Lucius, to put it briefly, likes isolated, nighttime locations. One of his favorite tricks is to subtly caress your arm, waist, or neck a few times, just enough to get you flustered.
♡ To sum up, the two men's drive to win your heart will never waver, even if one soul is more dominating than the other. You can decide who you love and whether to quit this game.
I feel like I went off track with this one, oops sorry. Let me know if this even made sense at all I feel like I struggled to explain some stuff here 🫠
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avacadowo · 9 months
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zesty ahhhhh
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chihoshisai · 1 year
Tenderness and Warmth
Fandom : Black Clover / Pairing : You x Julius / Genre : (imo its mild but it depends on the person) smut and fluff, lighthearted / Other : if you prefer reading it on ao3 it's also there
Summary : After a long day of mutual pinning, You and Julius can finally secretly let it loose once night has fallen and most of his duties are over. Each night brings about a new compliment on his part followed by another shower of physical affection.
“Your hair is so long!”
Julius sat by your side. One of his favorite things to do after a long day of work and some intimate lovemaking was to compliment you. Each night, he managed to shine light upon a different feature of yourself, which made the feelings you felt for him bloom even more. He never ran out of ideas and most importantly never pointed out the same perfection twice in one night. During the day, he would compliment your overall beauty or say that your current attire suited you well, but at night – as you laid bare before him – he would never resort to such superficial claims. 
“They are soft and fair. You must take good care of them,” he said, stroking the waist long hairs. 
“Don’t even get me started on my haircare routine,” you said with a smile.
“Do share!” Julius said eagerly. The secret was good genes and in fact you didn’t do anything special but use shampoo and conditioner. Afraid of disappointing Julius, you put a finger to your lips, indicating they were sealed and he gave you a pout. 
“They are too beautiful for you to let them be everyday.” Julius began. 
You stared down at the slightly disheveled hairs who shielded your nipples from being shown. You never bothered to style them let alone worry about how they looked. 
“Braids would enhance their beauty!” he finished, before taking a part and making a poor attempt at putting together a braid. You scoffed at his struggle and gently put your hands on his to part them. You took back the part of your hair which Julius was holding and showed him the motions.
“I see! So that’s how it’s done! How fascinating!” he beamed. Whenever he shocastes his – childish – enthusiasm, you couldn’t help but be reminded of a golden retriever wagging its tail. Julius Novachrone, the Wizard King with a hobby of sneaking off of work to discover new magic was now showing eagerness at the idea of learning how to do a braid, all while wearing nothing but his underwear. Who would have thought? You handed him the braid you started and his excitement and contagious smile spread to you. He treated the hair with so much unfamiliarity, the braid wound up loose and undid itself.     
“Oh,” he frowned.
“Do it again,” you encouraged him.
He did it once more and this time, tied it with a ribbon he fetched, seemingly satisfied with himself. A waist length braid now descended from the right side of your neck and down to the bedsheets. 
“I knew it!” Braids do enhance the overall look of your hair.” he said. 
You stroked it, as ideas of hairstyles raced through your mind. You made a mental note to call upon your maid in order to help you out the next morning. The thought of Julius’ reaction made you bite your lips who threatened to let escape a snort. 
“Do you not like it?”
You snapped back to reality and shook your head fervently. “No that’s not it. I love it.” Julius’ heart sunken face made you cup his cheeks, “I’m honored you made it for me. It’s not everyday someone gets to have their hair braided by the Wizard King.” You gave him a sneer, and he scoffed, amused by your words. “Do you believe me now?”
“Under normal circumstances yes, but I am not here as the Wizard King,” he added with a playful look in his eyes. 
“Do you not believe me Julius?” you stroked his cheeks. “I love it, I love everything you do for me, to me. I love you.” You saw his face flush, as you gave his lips a light peck. 
“I believe you now,” he wrapped his hands around your waist, “and I too, love you very much.” 
He returned the peck tenfold. Pressing his lips against yours with fervent motions, only parting to allow you both some air, before leaning back in again. It was already past midnight, and you knew there was no stopping him until he was sure that you were satisfied. The usual round two involved some lighter, delicate intimacy after the longing and mutual pining from a long day of work unfolded as soon as you both reached the bedroom. You slid a hand from his cheek to grab his neck, and the other down to his chest. With great motions, you guided the kiss until you moved to your desired position. As you sat on his lap, allowing one hand to run rampant on his upper body – grazing, scratching, clutching and sinking your nails into his well-built muscles – feeling his hard finger grip the fat of the back of your lower body. To his brief dismay, you parted from the kiss to instead direct your lips to the surface of his neck, both of your hands now resting upon his chest. Julius buried his face on the top of your head, and the sensation of his raspy breath sent a turmoil of butterflies in your stomach. 
“I don’t recall telling you how good they smell,” he said in a whispering voice. You smiled in his neck and grazed your nose upon it’s outline. 
“No, but I do appreciate the compliment. You couldn’t have picked a better moment to mention it,” you teased. 
He brought his hands to your face, lifting it up and pushing back your hair with his fingertips, your cheeks now in his palms. He stared down at you with a forced serious expression that hinted at amusement. “Are you saying I should have kept quiet about it?” he said. 
You gave him a patronizing mock of a smile, “you tell me. As a citizen of the Clover Kingdom, I would never dare tell Julius Novachrono what he can and can’t do.”
“You’re such a tease!” he exclaimed. He gave you a loud peck on the forehead, which caused you to chuckle, before he went and closed the distance between his lips and yours. 
He moved you down to your back, effortlessly removing his underwear while he was at it. His lips found your collarbone, showering it with kisses, as your hands ruffled his blond hair and ran through his back. A groan of pleasure escaped you – his fingers had found your vulva and were manipulating it with dexterity and experience. The familiar sensation sent quivers up your abdomen, as your cunt responded in pleasure, wetting his finger with warm liquids. 
“Julius,” you whimpered. Each moan brought about an increase  of movements on his part – one finger playing with your clitoris in clockwise motions whilst the remaining fingers went in and out of yourself, occasionally caressing it’s outer region.
“Say my name once more,” he said. You did as you were told, moaning in between each syllable, as you knew he liked. Clasping your legs around his body, you grabbed his head and directed it towards yourself.
“Kisses,” you demanded. A rain of pecks descended upon your face’s feature before your lips – the final stop – were rewarded. He slumped on you – making sure his full body weight didn’t hinder you – and took your hands, intertwining his fingers in yours. His body heat mingled with yours, whilst you faintly moved yours rhythmically under his. Julius let go of your left hand for a moment, before reuniting both hands back. You felt the inside of your already loosened cunt welcome him back inside for the second time of the night. Your thighs and stomach ebbed with thrill upon the familiar yet still enjoyable thrusting movements of Julius, as he matched his rhythm to yours. You could feel your eyes – tightly shut – roll to the back of your head, as his hips moved his cock slowly inside you. Julius’ lips parted with yours and found your left ears. He breasted deeply in and out from both nose and mouth, surrendering himself to your moans.,  before he bit the edge of your ear and nimbled it. This was it. You felt your body reach its climax as you gripped his hands tighter. He gave you a peck on the temple before sliding his cock out, and descending down on you to swallow the now done exploding orgasm. He didn’t waste this opportunity to lick your clitoris and let his tongue add pleasure to your sweet spots – cursing you to grip his hair tight and your toe to curl on the bed sheets. He stopped only when he heard your moans to raspy breathings. He smiled, as you released him, parting your arms to allow him to nestle in them. 
“You devil,” you teased. “Eating me out right after I come. You should do it more often.”
He chuckled, “I am no devil, but I can certainly do the latter again tomorrow.” He positioned himself on his elbows to look at you, “But didn’t you say earlier that you are in no place to tell me what I can and can’t do?” He stared at you, with his lips curled in a smile and his eyes sneering.
“Julius! Do not bring sex conversations outside of sex.”
“Oh but we are very much still in bed and not done,” he said, and gave you another round of kisses, combined with laughing. You had to beg him to stop otherwise neither of you would get some sleep and god forbids the Wizard King of ever being tired. 
The next day, you woke up to an empty bed as usual – no traces of Julius being there last night were left, as being in a public relationship would prove to be a weakness for him. You called upon your maid and tasked her with braiding your hair, prior to going on about your day, already anticipating the tension and discreet kisses from the interactions you would get with Julius, as Marx’s personal aid.  
A/N : this was an attempt at writting smut. it may not be perfect as i'm still learning but constructive criticism and opinions are most welcome :)
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“Shop is open”
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1 - Moon stone - 20 currency
2 - enchantment stripper - 17 currency
3 - lock-picks - 13 currency
4 - Kings and crowns’ TCG - 5 currency
5 - dust - 4 currency
6 - organ - 19 currency
7 - Skulls booster pack - 5 currency
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"Wizard Essentials"
Staff - wooden - 4 currency
Orb - glass - 8 currency
Robes - red/blue/purple - 1 currency per robe
1 - Mana potion - 10 currency
2 - healing vial - 5 currency
3 - skin of dragon mana - 20 currency
4 - healing tablet - 10 currency
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@bi-gender-sorcerer @viscerawizard
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rodrigobaeza · 7 months
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Wallace Wood: The King of the World (Wizard King) page 11 original art (1978)
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kalolasfantasyworld · 13 days
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Secre's watching you 💛💙
With all the LumiNero talk lately I got inspired ^^
Mellon_soup pose reference
9th of #KaLola BC Ships Art Series
@meircury I'm a big fan of your art and since I drew you favorite ship I thought you might want to see 💕
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icequeenfanfic · 9 months
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bearded wizards: i sleep 😴
colorful goblins: i go 🤯
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certainmusicchaos · 7 months
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Definitely what yuno would do :D
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grandpizzaponypie · 2 months
Nothing new but Yami being the realest of the real
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idevourglass · 3 months
I ask for the following, and you have the right to turn it down, as well as make a few changes; They boys, which are Stan's and Craig's gang, are playing Dnd (board game version), with cartman as the game master. Choy's along for the ride in the ttrpg too.
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Couldn't fit everyone in lol
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There’s something about this damn man that got me ready to act a fool. The voice, the smile, the attitude. Everythang!
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burroestelar · 10 months
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Wizard King and Sir Kitty + Process
Still experimenting my rendering while realizing I have to do more art studies. I love playing around with Cartman's possible eye color.
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cloverkingsmith · 1 year
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arjengelly · 1 year
I’m fully convinced that Charmy will sit on Ciel’s lap
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She’ll be like: Can I call you Mom?
And if Ciel says yes, Charmy will be like: We got your mom’s blessing Yuno!
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“Shop is open”
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1 - horn - 20 currency
2 - enchantment stripper - 17 currency
3 - lock-picks - 13 currency
4 - Kings and crowns’ TCG - 5 currency
5 - dust - 4 currency
6 - water totem - 36 currency
7 - Skulls booster pack - 5 currency
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"Wizard Essentials"
Staff - Cain - 10 currency
Orb - ritual - 10 currency
Robes - red/blue/purple - 1 currency per robe
1 - Mana potion - 10 currency
2 - healing vial - 5 currency
3 - skin of dragon mana - 20 currency
4 - healing tablet - 10 currency
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