#wizard rambles
I don't think we talk enough about the fact every time Shouta has interacted with the public/Press he has looked like this:
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(Not counting the Sports Festival in which he was all covered up.)
And whenever he's interacted with parents or Guardians of the kids, he looked like this:
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Now this is how Shouta usually looks:
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Curly and wild hair, facial hair as well, dark eyebags, he's scared many characters just by his looks. (Ochako, Izuku, etc.)
Shouta is a man that has no care for appearances nor how others view him. And yet, he cleaned up in the name of his kids. He, or someone, straightened his hair, maybe even cut it a bit, he shaved, put on a suit and tie, I even think he could have put make up under his eyes because of the lack of heavier eyebags.
Now, we know this. Old news.
But consider:
There's a real possibility that the kids parents have never met Shouta when he was not dressed up, and do not know him as anything else but that cleaned up version.
Can you imagine you meet your kids teacher, he's quiet but polite and well kept. Very straight to the point and well mannered.
Time goes by, parents evening comes up and you're talking with all the teachers, asking about your kid's grades and such, you ask where the homeroom teacher is, Mr Aizawa, they point across the room, you expect to see that quiet but polite man talking to another parent maybe.
Instead you see a sickly tired looking man, curly hair unbrushed and knotted, he's holding a ugly yellow sleeping bag under his arm. He's drinking out of a jelly packet, next to him is a punk rock guy with the ugliest fucking moustache you've ever seen, and a woman who looks like she's from Victoria Secret.
Tell me you would NOT wonder what the FUCK happened.
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[ *Tick, Tick, Tick.* ]
[ Well that sounds familiar. In the middle distance, the pale figure, that Chronomancer, is walking towards your shop. He carries the limp (and ragdolling) body of one notable Pickpocket. ]
[ He seems to skip forwards a bit, standing before you in less than a second, as if by teleportation. ]
Right. Did I overshoot this again, or is this after we had or conversation about this idiot?
[ He nudges the Half-elf. ]
( @pale-gear-mage and @local-pickpocket )
“Ya, you got it this time. Well it did happen after for me but still _____ should remember this time.”
“Ya Jerry I remember the first meeting, so chronomancer, you have the ring?”
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wizardadventures · 6 months
dawg i am 20 years old and ocarina of time is genuinely so fucking scary and horrifying, some of the storylines and the actual monsters are SO scary and when you think this game is meant for children its like whfhhf, im not complaining i LOVE the horror and how it actually scares me. its so scary man,
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writerwithbrainrot · 2 months
My god has life been rough rn uuuugggh
I'm sad cause I haven't been able to write my stooories.
@dragkbluire imagine this:
*Youre apart of the Bucci gang, not only are you a stand user, but also somehow taught yourself Hammon. The enemy I'd getting away and are across a canal, and the closest bridge is too far. So, you run across the water like it's solid, freaking everyone out.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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“New book”
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haywood-the-wizard · 1 year
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humming-fly · 1 year
Every now and then I'm reminded Real People with Actual Jobs use tumblr and I've always been legitimately curious what all you weird adults are up to when you're not on this site and with tumblr's New Poll Feature I can finally get an answer! (or the closest approximation of an answer possible with only 10 available options h a)
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canis-caro · 7 months
Japans law abt having a loud click whenever u take a pic is the thing all country’s need especially these days with so much unconventional photos and videos.
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kirnet · 10 months
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fight went well
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void-mancer · 9 months
Can we just normalize coming back from the dead. I swear every time I come back from the dead there's always one person that will just not let it go. I am so tired of people throwing pans at me.
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Rumi and Shouta are both on the same spectrum as characters. They are highly competent and effective Heroes, with aggressive methods, both have canonically killed before. both are terrifying and have walked off life-threatening injuries because of their own fucking will power.
Rumi and Shouta have lost LIMBS and are still going. Both these Heroes also have an almost sadistic edge to them.
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Rumi enjoys the fight, and even more so she loves pushing herself and letting loose in the violence, as where with Shouta, he likes the chase and pushing other people's limits. It's what makes him the Teacher he is. It's what makes him the Hero he is.
That's partly what makes the U.S.J so impressive, because not only did he take on roughly seventy low level Villains despite his expertise being in one on one fights and rushing them with quick hits and binds, he also survived it.
As with Rumi, who took on four High-End Nomus and even more on the way there. Both Heroes survived direct contact with Nomus. creatures that gave both All Might and Endeavour pause. The Number One and Two Heroes respectfully. (I know Endeavour is Number One now but fuck that.)
Both of these characters did the impossible despite their injuries. Both Shouta and Rumi are incredibly different people, even in terms of their Hero Ranks, Rumi being 5th and Shouta being Underground and unknown, but their strength of will and constitution are almost unmatched amongst Pros and I think if we had more time with Rumi, I'd love to see her and Aizawa interact on common ground.
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“Shop is open”
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1 - Moon stone - 20 currency
2 - enchantment stripper - 17 currency
3 - lock-picks - 13 currency
4 - Kings and crowns’ TCG - 5 currency
5 - dust - 4 currency
6 - organ - 19 currency
7 - Skulls booster pack - 5 currency
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"Wizard Essentials"
Staff - wooden - 4 currency
Orb - glass - 8 currency
Robes - red/blue/purple - 1 currency per robe
1 - Mana potion - 10 currency
2 - healing vial - 5 currency
3 - skin of dragon mana - 20 currency
4 - healing tablet - 10 currency
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@bi-gender-sorcerer @viscerawizard
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werepaladin · 2 years
being a wizard is an inherently trans profession. what are you transmuting? your gender?
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allaboutlov3 · 21 days
The amount of people who started as Jily shippers only to discover Jegulus is astounding. It’s me. I’m people.
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studebakerhearse · 2 years
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Interesting glasses frames I found
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haywood-the-wizard · 1 year
My friend Frederick from Niedzica Castle has informed me that raw celery is better than cooked celery.
In consequence, he is no longer my friend /j
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