#you already know what ship it would be......hehehe....
skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
Lone Ranger Gunslinger! Fernando (context)
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
Tuvok’s intake of breath/slight straightening of posture when Janeway says she spoke to his family before she left....................................................I can’t speak
#yes this is important enough to merit its own post <- favortism#Janeway & Tuvok are so <3#you know that fanfiction trope where Kirk is like 'Spock please - we're in private. No need with this Captain stuff' ?#they are the COMPLETE opposite HEHEHE#Janeway (to her friend of twenty years): Hello Mr. Tuvok. / Tuvok: Hello Captain v_v <- just got done telling an ensign that HE knows the#captain would not appreciate being referred to as 'ma'am'#Janeway & Tuvok: what if 'you're right as usual' could be our always?? <- something's wrong with them#AAAAAAAAA 'they're worried about you' (Vulcans do not worry) 'they...miss you.' (...as I do them.)#Then Janeway immediately rising with her wide eyes and promising to get him back to them like she's making a blood oath AAAAA#H E ALREADY MISSED THEM. HE ALREADY MISSED THEM AND THE Y ALREADY MISSED HIM.#Tuvok is the 'I lived bitch' meme twiceover but specifically to T'Pel#Tuvok's goes undercover with the Maquis - The Maquis ship is lost - Voyager is lost - Voyager is found but thousands of light years away -#AND YET HE MAKES IT BACK TO HER IN THE END#NO GRAVE CAN HOLD MY BODY DOWN!!!! I'LL CRAWL HOME TO HER!!!!!!#Anyway Janeway and Tuvok would make a blood oath to each other about anything they are so dramatic and duty bound#O H MYGFUCKING GOD IS THAT NEELIX~!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!#HI NEELIX~!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3 HIII!!!#Janeway (to some guy she found in a dumpster): My Name Is Captain Kathryn Janeway Of The Federation Starship V-#Also I love Neelix trying to act like 'oh there's just ONE thing really you could get me to make me cooperate...'#when the one thing is LITERALLY water...GIRL....!!!! HE 'S DYING!!!#me seeing the scene where Tuvok meets Neelix: WOOW just like leolaroot's moth to the flame music video!!#Tuvok's speech pattern my beloved <3#'I aSsure you that everything in thisrom HAS a specific fuuunctiooon.'#B'Elanna: (so scared she's literally shaking) Sorry I'm just freaking out bc I'm Klingon#BABY. GIRL. NO. YOU ARE /NOT/.#how she pronounces her name changes...here she says BAY-lanna instead of BUH-lanna#livetweeting
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mint-yooxgi · 6 months
Promises - Yandere!Kraken!Felix
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Yandere AU & Kraken AU - First Person POV
Genre: Mature, Smutty Themes, Internal Monologue
Pairing: Felix X Implied Chubby!Fem!Reader
Words: 1,958
Warnings: Implied violence and shipwreck, kidnapping, Felix is a type of Sea God in this, mentions of past sexual relations. Tentacles. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Did I base the start of this drabble on the ending scene in Dead Man's Chest? Perhaps. Is this a bit tamer than the others. Maybe. Either way, I still hope you like it! I've been slowly easing myself back into writing, so I'm happy with what I've been able to do. Plus, I just fucking love the banner I made for this hehehe... Anyways, Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
The Thirteenth of The Feral Drabbles
They thought they could keep you away from me.
They really thought they could keep you away from me.
It’s laughable. I thought it was a known rule for sailors not to anger the sea, but alas. Here we are.
The frantic screams and shouts don’t deter me for one second. I know what I came here for, and I’m not leaving without you. You’re mine. I warned them what the consequences would be, yet still they refused to give you to me. Even after we promised ourselves to each other! Can you believe that?
Oh, that sounds so harsh. It’s not like you didn’t also choose me. It’s these… these… things keeping us apart. They don’t understand our love. Think I’m corrupting you, or something.
Such bullshit. The only thing I’m corrupting is their ability to live.
They hid you on the third level, thinking you’d be safe within the deepest confines of the ship. Little do they know it’s the worst place you could be. It’s like they want you to get hurt, like they want me to kill you. Such things I would never do. 
Still, despite my anger as I tear this floating piece of wood apart, I’m careful. Your safety is my top priority, and I’ve already ensured that. Right now, you rest, cocooned inside a few of my tentacles. Magic surrounds you, ensuring none of their attacks have any effect on me or you. Like hell I’ll allow them to disturb you now. Besides, you passed out shortly after my assault started on the ship, but you don’t have to worry. I’ve got you.
I can still remember when we first met, how you told me you didn’t fare well with sea travel. Yet another offence they’ve made against you. I’ll never forgive them for their transgressions. Sinners need to pay, and I am here to pass my divine judgement on those that would call themselves ‘heroes’.
Do not fear, My Beloved. Once I finish smashing apart this pathetic excuse of driftwood, I’ll take you home. 
Where you’ve always belonged. 
With me.
These planks are so brittle, it’s almost laughable. Your captor’s pathetic attempts to defend themselves are cute, in a way. If not for the fact that every time I start to pull you out of the wreckage, more of them show up to try and hinder me. I don’t know why they’re so obsessed with protecting you now when they’ve never done so before.
I’m the one who always saves you. I’m the one who ensures you no harm. Not them.
No matter. They haven’t seen everything that I can do. My capabilities far surpass what their puny, closed off minds can comprehend. I’ve got magic beyond the darkest depths of the ocean, strength greater than the harshest of tides. There is no being, save myself, that could keep me away from you.
I don’t even know why they try.
Finally, I’m able to pull you out of that godforsaken wreckage and unleash my full wrath upon these wretches. The boat snaps like a twig as I pull the debris and all remaining survivors below the surface. 
None will survive. They don’t get to. I won’t let them.
Honestly, it’s kind of fun tearing stuff apart. I’ve always enjoyed making a mess of things. I only wish you could be awake to see just how strong your lover can be. After all, I’m doing this for you. I warned them about what would happen should they lay their filthy, traitorous hands all over you. I’m simply staying true to my word!
You know firsthand that I’m a very truthful guy. I would never lie to you, My Pearl. I would rather be slow roasted over an open fire than even think to deceive you.
Aren’t I so loyal?
Oh. Right. You aren’t awake to hear my teasing. Teasing which you seem quite fond of whenever I’m with you.
I think you just like hearing my voice…
That’s okay, Beloved. I will speak for as long as you desire me to. Besides, the feeling is quite mutual.
Gods- I can’t wait to see your face when you wake up in our home, and I get to tell you everything that I’ve done for you. Finally, we can be together, free of oppressive opinions and suppressive stares. Where I’m taking you, we can be ourselves, and the magic of my ocean will keep you safe. Eventually, when you’re ready, you’ll even become like me, too. 
Won’t that be incredible? Just thinking about it makes my whole body tingle.
Or maybe that’s just the change in depth.
I promise my home isn’t too much further out, and it’s in a safe area. You’ll be able to live here with me free of any restraints. I’ll be your comfort. I’ll be your guide. I will provide for you everything you will ever need. 
There is nothing stopping our love now.
I’ll even make sure that no sliver of the wreckage I just caused gets to you. The currents listen to me. They’re my friends, and soon they will be yours, too.
Either way, I’m glad that’s over, because now I can focus on you! I know that you’d be celebrating with me if you were awake, but for now, I’ll simply revel in this sweet victory alone. Having you safe in my arms is enough reward, and when you wake, the true celebration will begin.
Hmm, I wonder what we should do first? Should I take you to the reefs so you can see all of the colourful coral that I’ve grown just for you? Should I present you to the schools of fish that always seek refuge around my house? Get them to revel in your beauty? Or maybe I’ll worship you in the den of our own personal sanctuary, where nothing - no one - will be able to interrupt.
My Beauty.
My Beautiful, Beloved Pearl.
I’ll admit, there’s a certain ring to those names that I enjoy. It calls to me like the cavernous songs of the sirens. An enchantment I can never seem to escape: you.
Not that I want to. 
No. Never. Not since the very first time I laid eyes on you.
You’re addictive, you know that? One glance caught my attention. One melodic note of a spoken word, and I was hooked. Your eyes are deeper than the darkest sea, and I could swim in them forever. You hold me, transfixed, with your gaze whenever you look at me, and I never want it to stop.
Honestly, I can never grow tired of you looking at me. I want you to look at me, and only me. I want to be the first thing you see in the morning when you blink those glorious eyes open, and the last thing you see when you go to sleep at night. I want to wrap you in my arms and hold you close, whispering the sweetest words of all the worlds in your ears, and hear you do the same for me in return.
There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Beloved, and I will never hesitate to prove that to you. With me, you will never have to settle for less than what you deserve, for I will always give you every single thing your heart could ever desire.
Fuck- I can still remember the way your body trembled from the very first touch. The more I trailed my arms over your body, letting the tips of my tendrils caress your skin, the more your whole being warmed. You fit so perfectly in my hold, that I long to always touch you - to always be near you, and obey your every whim.
I am but your loyal servant, sent to worship the very depths of your soul. Your entire being calls to me, and I could bathe in your warmth for all eternity. Right now, it’s that warmth that I crave more than anything. That glorious nectar that seeps from between your legs beckons to me. One taste isn’t enough. I need to feel you flooding my every sense once more.
I could spend ages defining it, but nothing could ever truly put into words just how ethereal you are to me.
People always thought my existence was mere myth itself. Rumours and legends only meant to scare those away from pursuing adventure on the high seas. Nothing more than a fable to tell their children at night to ensure they don’t go off swimming in the bay alone.
They have always been, and will always be, wrong.
I’m as real at the tide, as sure as the sand that resides against the ocean floor. There is nothing in these waters as deadly as I am, and all those that oppose us will face my wrath.
Well, where we’re going, we won’t have to worry about being disturbed at all. Plenty of room for the both of us. Plenty of privacy. No one dares disturb that which should be left undisturbed. At least, those smart enough to.
That is, of course, unless I use my magic to let those sirens get a taste of their own medicine. Water echoes even the smallest of sounds, and yours should be heard for miles around. I can still hear your glorious voice calling out my name as you bathed me in your own sacred waters, and I want all to know that you are mine, and I am yours. For all eternity. 
I’ll admit… I’m addicted to you, and I can never get enough. Though, from the way I remember your hands clinging to me that night only days ago, I don’t think you can get enough, either.
Good thing we have forever to spend fully satisfying each other!
Ah… looks like we’re finally getting close to home. I can see the familiar drop off up ahead. Don’t worry, Beloved, there’ll be plenty of air for you to breathe inside. I won’t always have to keep you covered in a veil of magic. Though, I would always like to have an arm around you. Feeling your skin pressed against my own is a sensation unlike any other, and I long to never let you go.
Perhaps I should tidy up a little more before you wake. I always have way too much energy after destroying a ship. Something about adrenaline and all that.
Perhaps when you wake up you could even help me with it… You might be a bit tired and disoriented when you wake, but my magic can help with your exhaustion. You seemed to like that that last time I used it on you.
How else could we have gone as many rounds as we did?
Oh, you flatter me by pulling yourself in closer to me subconsciously when I shift into such a basic form. It easier to move around like a human within my home when it’s drained like this, and besides, I haven’t exactly shown you my entire true form yet. The last thing I want to do is scare you as soon as you wake up. You’ve already suffered the trauma of being stolen away from me today. I don’t want to make things worse.
There. All you need to do is rest now. 
In my arms? Well, who am I to pull away from My Pearl when you’re clinging onto me so tightly in your sleep? 
I truly can never say no to you…
Just rest, Beloved. This creature shall keep you safe, tucked away deeply in his heart for all eternity. Once you open those glorious eyes of yours, our own adventure will start.
Just you and me, forever. 
I promise.
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frieschan · 1 year
𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭. pt 2 // genshin men
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➳ character/s featured: thoma, kazuha, albedo, xiao x f! reader
➳ unrequested | scenario // fluff
➳ TW: not proof-read
➳ summary: you and said character have started growing close, finally they open up to you about their personal life.
➳ AN: part 1 with ayato, diluc, childe, and zhongli here.. part 3 with cyno, alhaitham, tighnari, and kaveh is coming soon :)
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—THOMA ; protector from afar !
TRUST LVL. 4 ; about y/n
"y/n? she's quite a helpful hand here in the Kamisato estate! Though she isn't an official worker, she does as much work as me around here when she gets some free time from being a shrine maiden!"
TRUST LVL. 6 ; about lover
"ahh heheh.. you've heard about my lover? F-From Yae Miko?! Godd... That's just embarrassing.. y/n is my girlfriend, I love her till the end of time but I tend to avoid visiting her since she'd be at the shrine and a certain Fox lady would be there.. If you get the chance to pass by the shrine, could you tell y/n that I want to eat hotpot with her?"
YAE MIKO ; about Thoma's lover
"oh? y/n? she's quite an adorable lady.. she works so hard at the shrine! I sometimes wish she would have worked my publishing house instead, pity. She could always lend a hand at the publishing house but, all her spare time is spent on her boyfriend, Thoma. Such a cute couple, don't you think?"
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—KAEDEHARA KAZUHA ; scarlet leaves pursue wild waves !
TRUST LVL. 4 ; about y/n
"y/n is a very reliable pirate aboard Beidou's ship, a true comrade of the ship. At the time I was wanted, I was being followed by groups of patrol soldiers.. That's when I witnessed the strength of the right hand woman. She truly is never afraid to pull out her sword in the face of injustice."
TRUST LVL. 6 ; about lover
"Hm? my lover? Ah, y/n is my lover. You look quite surprised traveler.. I thought it was quite obvious... You had your suspicions? Ehe.. I can't help but admire beauty. y/n is very dear to my heart, everyday I ask myself just what I would be doing at this moment if y/n wasn't here.."
BEIDOU ; about Kazuha's lover
"y/n.. that little devil is quite a handful when we're at sea! Even when she's such a rascal, I'm grateful that she is here on this boat.. Always tending to the crew, especially Kazuha. Young love, ey? Best you keep this between us though, lest you want the crew to have swords at Kazuha's throat for 'stealing y/n' hahahaha"
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—ALBEDO ; kreideprinz !
TRUST LVL. 4 ; about y/n
"The second daughter of the Gunnhildr clan.. She holds the title 'blade of snow' with how much of her time is spent here.. With that, me and her hold a close relationship.. Another part of that is Klee always looking for her...."
TRUST LVL. 6 ; about lover
"You've heard rumors of me and y/n being engaged? That is something I cannot deny, you have already seen the ring on our finger. She holds a place in my heart, she is just as special as Klee actually. Sucrose and Klee adore her very much.. they always seem disappointed when she is busy and cannot visit. I can't help but be disappointed too.."
KLEE ; about Albedo's lover
"y/n is the best! She always plays with me! I don't get why Albedo always pulls her away, I wanna play with her too!"
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—XIAO ; vigilant yaksha !
TRUST LVL. 4 ; about y/n
"y/n? her presence is far more comforting compared to other mortals, though there is something very odd about the aura she exerts."
TRUST LVL. 6 ; about y/n, truth
"It seems as though y/n isn't mortal afterall, she is adepti. How could I have missed this..."
TRUST LVL. 6 ; about lover
"What is it that you want with y/n, traveler? y/n as my lover..? just who has told you this information... tsk, mortal lives can't help but meddle in the business of others so it should be expected. So what if she is my lover? Though, I sometimes worry if I really will be able to protect her from the horrors and years of pain I have endured. No matter, I know that you will protect her also."
GANYU ; about Xiao's lover
"lady y/n? I have heard the fellow adeptis mentioning her every once and a while.. but from what I have experienced with her, she is a very gentle and soft-spoken lady.... I have just learned recently that she is the lover of Xiao! I wonder what it's like to be with her.. I can't help but be a bit envious of Xiao, lady y/n seems to be such a goddess!"
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copyright © 2022 | frieschan
reblog or like if you enjoyed!
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celaenaeiln · 6 months
Damian: Richard! He won't give me the remote!
Tim: It's my turn! You had it last time!
Damian: You said that last time too!!
Tim: And I meant it!
Damian: Richard!
Tim: Dick!
Dick: *on the comms* please. I'm not even done patrolling yet.
Dick: *having a serious conversation with Bruce*
Tim: *running in* Dick he scratched me!
Damian: *running in after* Richard, he's lying, I barely even touched him!
Tim: You literally dug your nails into my skin! Look!
Damian: There's nothing there!
Dick: Bruce-
Bruce: I need to catch an uber.
Dick: I checked your schedule, you don't even have anywhere you need to go-
*on a cruise*
Jason: so you decided to go with the purple one?
Dick: Well, it's not really purple, it's wine-colored and while I was in korea, did you know they have palette matching shops?
Jason: wait, really?
Dick: Yea, so you go into the place and they try several different colors against your skin to see which one would suit you best and then they try different shades. Since I have a warm skin tone they gave me a bunch of suggestions to try so I'm trying them out.
Jason: huh. Looks good.
Dick: Thanks! I'll-
*sounds of screaming and yelling*
Dick: What's going on?
Jason: I don't know, probably kids just having fun. So what were you saying?
Dick: um..oh! That I'll send you-
Frat Guy 1: *running by talking to his friend* -dude I still can't believe I'm going to see it! I thought this cruise would be so boring since most of us couldn't be here!
Frat Guy 2: I know right?! Who thought we'd see people getting arrested in the middle of an ocean?!!!
Dick: ..arrested?
Frat Guy 2: *still talking* who even happens to just own a sword in the first place?!
Frat Guy 1: WICKED!!
Dick: ....jay, I'm not mishearing that right?
Jason: Mishearing what?
Dick: He said sword. He said sword.
Jason: I didn't hear anything.
Dick: *running after the frat guys to find a crowd of people with Tim and Damian in the center and cruise ship officers*
Tim: Officers, I promise these nunchucks were used as decoration. They were just in the swimming pool by chance. I have no idea what's going on or even why I just happened to have them but I promise that-Dick! Tell them it's all a misunderstanding! If it wasn't for Damian, none of this would've happened!
Dick: Oh my god what happened???
Officers: Sir, are these kids yours?
Dick: what happened??
Officers: We recieve reports of two assailants attacking each other with prohibited weapons. We will be taking them into custody.
Dick: wait, wait, what? I'm sure it's a misunderstanding, there's no way, they're jsut kids-
Officers: Sir, as their legal guardian or parent, you have to come with us.
Dick: I-Jay, can you-
Dick: *turning to see Jason filming with the biggest grin on his face* Jason.
Jason: what??? You're telling me to stop filming this comedy goldmine? Roy's gonna love this so much.
Dick: Put. Down. The. Camera. And come over and help me.
Jason: Fine, fine. *muttering under his breath* hehehe I still have the spy cam to capture all of this on heheheheheeee.
Dick: *Waking at at 2 am bc of a call* hello?
Dick: what?
Dick: damian? Damian stabbed you? But aren't you in New York? He's supposed to be in Gotham.
Tim: *screeching* WELL HE ISN'T ANYMORE!!!!!
Damian: *muffled* Richard he's lying! He cut himself in a kitchen knife because he thought he could cook! He's just blaming me because he wants attention!
Tim: Go away! Dick!
Damian: *mumbled* Richard!
Dick: *already dressing tiredly* yup. i'm on my way.
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artemish · 7 months
Sous chef | opla!Sanji x fem!Reader
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word count: 2.1k
genre/tags: Sanji x reader; first-person pov; fluff; pining (but is it mutual??); angst; hurt/comfort; friends to lovers
warnings: mild ptsd; mild trauma
summary: A restless night at sea turns into one of revelations, as the reader finds that the depths of the ocean are much like a certain chef’s heart…
a/n: Hello opla girlies! First time fanfic writer here!!
I am ever the lurker on this website, but something inside me changed when I started watching One Piece, and now I’m down bad for this crew (specifically for the hot cook)
So I thought I’d give it a shot, write a bit of fanfic and see where it goes! I’ve finished the live action and currently watching the anime, so my interpretation of Sanji is quite mixed, however I tried to stay closer to opla!Sanji. I’ve also left this open ended cos I might write more (who knows hehehe)
Shoutout to @honnelander for inspiring me to write again ☺️ (please read her go fish! series if you haven’t!! It’s great!!)
𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺, 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰!
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Sanji often stayed up late during those long nights at sea, prepping for the next day's meals, making notes of what had been used and taking stock of the ingredients that were left.
It was almost obsessive at times, desperate even.
He ignored everyone’s concern for him to just take it easy and go to sleep, even Nami’s, and refused to give us an explanation.
He would count every last bean, every last grain of rice or drop of water that he could, and he had tried many times but failed to make an accurate record (mostly because Luffy would lessen the supplies significantly).
I hadn’t really understood his habit, until one night, when the waves were particularly rough and I was disturbed from my sleep.
Usually, rough waters didn’t bother me too much, but I was already quite restless that night and had only truly been half asleep.
My mind was a blazing mess from all the thoughts that had been looping endlessly through it.
Thoughts of him.
I sat up on the futon. My hair draped in a tangled mess around my face and over my shoulders.
I looked across at Nami, her back facing towards me, breathing deeply as she slept.
I envied her ease.
I hauled myself out of the bed and straightened the silk nightgown I was wearing. I slipped on the woven shawl I had laid out over my blanket and made my way down the corridor, towards the kitchen.
The waves had picked up their brutality and began to batter the ship quite hard, so that it swayed violently from side to side.
Gripping the sides of the walls and trying to match the sway, I wondered how everyone could sleep so peacefully.
The ship moaned and croaked as it continued to sway.
I stumbled into the kitchen just as it crashed against the starboard side hard, pushing the ship port.
The force took me by surprise, causing me to lose my grip of the wall and my footing.
I tumbled through the doorway, and slammed hard against the stack of barrels in the corner.
The momentum of the ship turned once more. Lurching towards the right again, I slid off the barrel and slammed face first onto the ground.
“Ah shit!” I yelped. All traces of sleep had officially left me.
“Luffy, that better not be you,” came a brash voice from the darkness, “and if it is, you best be walking out that door right now.”
“Ack, Sanji?”
In the dull light, I saw the concerned face of the cook instantly pop around the counter.
“Y/n! Gods, are you alright?”
He moved swiftly to where I was laying and gently lifted me up.
“You're alright now, love. C’mon up. That’s it, easy”
He swung my arm around his neck and held my waist tightly as he led me to the bench seating on the other side of the kitchen counter.
Despite the daze I was in, I still felt my heart quicken, at his firm grip on my waist and at the ease with which he picked me up.
“Sanji, what are you doing up?” I whispered, not because I was trying to be quiet, but because the knock had left me completely winded.
He sat me down and wrapped my shawl around me tightly, rubbing my shoulders as he did, and kneeled down in front of me.
“Are you okay? Look at my fingers, how many do you see? Are you cut anywhere, y/n? Do you have a concussion? Do you want some water, tea? What do you need, I’ll get it for you, anything you nee-”
“Sanji,” I said, holding my hand firmly on his mouth to keep him quiet, “I’m alright.”
I squeezed his shoulder, as I saw a sigh of relief wash over his face. “You really got to stop treating me like some princess you know.”
“Madam, you are the loveliest person to ever grace this ship. I would hate it if I couldn’t bask in your beauty everyday.”
“You’re laying it on a bit thick, aren’t you?” But I could feel my stomach fluttering at his words.
He grinned, “madam, someone as lovely as you deserves to hear it said often.”
I shoved his shoulder. “Shut up!”
He laughed. He looked so soft in the light of the lantern.
“You didn’t answer my question by the way.”
“What question?” he asked, as he got up to sit next to me.
“Why are you awake?”
He turned his face away from me and shifted uneasily on the bench. “Why does it matter?”
“Sanji, why are you awake, really? What is it that you’re not telling us? You know I’ve lost track of how many times Luffy’s found you asleep in here because you’ve been up doing… well, whatever you do. What’s going on?”
He let out a deep sigh as he turned back around to face me, looking at me through the flop of blonde hair that covered half his face. He bit his lip hard and dropped his head, defeated it would seem.
The ship continued to sway and croak and groan, as the silence between us grew.
He looked small, afraid. I reached out to hold his hands and he took them eagerly, squeezing them tightly as he did.
“You all know about what happened to me and Zeff,” he said finally, “and I appreciate the kind words and empathy you’ve all given me, but you could never really understand what that was like, being out there. Waiting to die. The scorching, unrelenting sun in the day that made my skin flake off. The icy air of night that felt like daggers, prodding at my burnt flesh. Being hollowed out from the inside, from the hunger, until the numbness set in and I thought I’d melt into that shitty rock. Even being as careful as I was, as precise, I still didn’t have nearly enough food to survive, and it really was only by fate or luck, a real miracle actually, that we were rescued.
I guess I haven’t shook that feeling yet, that fear. It was easier to distract myself in the restaurant, you know, being surrounded by food and all, but here it’s different here. I-I just want be sure, I want to know that we’re good, at all times, because I don’t want any of you to go through what I did. It’s shit, yeah I know, but I’d rather not sleep then let any of you go through that.”
Again, the silence between us was palpable.
I felt like I’d been punched.
He breathed heavily, as if trying to catch his breath and I knew then that this was something he had kept buried deep within himself because the true nature of his fear was so horrific, so raw, who could ever understand it?
None of us had been out there with him, even though we would all do the same for each other.
But our sentiments were just words.
He had lived it.
The silence grew stifling.
I knew he would do anything to protect us from that fate.
“You-you can’t tell the others. They don’t need to know, yeah? I’m happy as long as they’re fed with no complaints.”
“But Sanji-”
“Y/n, please don’t tell them.”
“Then why are you telling me?”
The mess of thoughts in my mind was growing.
He held my hands tighter and used them to pull himself towards me. His thumbs made circular motions on my palms.
I heard my heart pounding in my ears and I stupidly hoped he couldn’t hear it.
“Darling, I am a ball of dough in your hands. You can knead me and form me any way you’d like, and I’ll give you no resistance.”
“Pfft” I giggled and so did he.
At this, I felt like we were both at ease again.
I always admired his way of keeping things light.
“No, but, if you’d allow me, madam, to be serious,” he straightened up a bit then, “I suppose I was hoping that you’d find me in here. I was hoping that I could tell just you. You’ve got a way about you that everyone just finds trustworthy. I don’t know but there’s, there’s something about you...” He trailed off and laughed before he could finish, and I could see a faint blush of pink on his cheeks. “Sorry I-I ugh, I’m a bit sleep deprived. I’m just glad you’re here.”
I had never seen this side of him (or any side of him for that matter) though I knew it existed. Somewhere under the flirtatious, playboy persona he put out, I knew there was a genuine sweetness. I just wished I was more awake to really enjoy it.
Once the pain I was in wore off, my whole body felt heavy, like it was being pulled down with the full force of gravity, and the sway of the ship was less violent and more like the gentle rock of a cradle.
“You know, you don’t have to pretend with me.” I swept his bangs out of his eyes and kept my hand cupped around the side of his face. I hadn’t realised how blue his eyes were until now.
Even in the dull light, I could see every shade of blue there was swirling in them, like the ocean’s raging swell on a moonlit night. I saw the sleep in his eyes weighing him down too.
“You know this is the most words I’ve heard out of your mouth since I got here.”
He grinned sleepily, “well I’ve just been trying to find the right time to talk to you, my swan.”
I could feel my cheeks burn and I hoped he didn’t see the blush come over them.
“I didn’t think the right time would be 3am, me face planted and bruised in the kitchen, but here we are.”
“You are alright now, yeah?”
“Of course,” I scoffed, “I’m just sleepy. You look sleepy too.”
As if on cue, he yawned and leaned back on the bench.
“Yeah,” he said, “it’s super late. And Luffy wanted everyone to have a big breakfast tomorrow, you know with eggs, bacon, croissants, etc. Breakfast service is always the most important. But I just…” his voice trailed off again, but there was a hint of frustration this time.
“You just can’t sleep, like you cannot.”
“I get it,” I said, and I did, “the memories, they come back; more vividly, more real at night. It’s like it’s better to be awake than asleep. Like sleep causes you to relive the pain. Every moment, everything.”
“Y/n,” he said with concern in his voice, “what caused you pain, my love?”
My love.
Those words rang in my ears for some time, even now. Did he mean it?, I thought, maybe he feels the same?
Was all that flirting genuine or was he just being nice?
Was he just being Sanji?
It had been such a long, revealing night, but that stuck out to me and I couldn’t shake it.
He had been so open about his fears, not even the captain knew what he was telling me, I was sure of it.
So then, I kept thinking, why me?
If I didn’t mean something more, then why me?
While I was mulling all this over, I hadn’t noticed that I was leaning on his shoulder until he pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tightly, so that my face rested on his chest.
The slit in his poet shirt revealed his tanned skin underneath.
I boldly moved my hand up his chest and traced his freckles with my fingers.
He played with my hair.
Friends definitely didn’t do this.
“Let’s not talk about that now,” I whispered, “just close your eyes, okay? And Sanji?”
“If you need a sous chef tomorrow morning, I’ll be there.”
I felt his soft laugh hum in his chest.
“Thank you, y/n. I’ll take you up on that.”
He buried his face in my hair as he continued to hug me and I felt his whole body relax.
In one night, the chef had shown me that there were more layers to this cake of a personality he had than I had fully anticipated, and all of them were deliciously sweet.
Delectable even.
And confusing.
As we slipped further into sleep, we had also unknowingly laid ourselves out on the bench, still tangled in each other's embrace, and sharing my shawl for warmth.
An embrace that was a little too close for friends.
— — — — —
“We’re just friends, Nami,” I hissed, trying to restrain myself from yelling in her ear, “there’s nothing there! He-we- we’re just friends! There are no feelings, we are JUST friends.”
She found us in the morning and woke me up, leaving Sanji still asleep.
I flapped around our room, growling out my protests as I did, but it was no use.
She just sat there.
Just sat there.
Arms folded and tapping her toes.
With a huge smirk plastered across her face.
“Yeah, I bet you are.”
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happy-beeeps · 10 months
for the prompt list you just reblogged, what about "i didn't sign up for this" with either obi-wan kenobi or the bad batcher of your choice?
I’m on the run (with you my sweet love)
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Pairing: obi-wan x reader
WC: 1.2k
Summary: after hearing that obi-wan is living in exile, you do your best to find him, determined to live out your lives together as you’d dreamed.
Suggested listening: Chemtrails over the country club by Lana Del Rey
A/N: IM SO BAD AT ANSWERING OH MY GOD. Thank you for the request I’m so excited!!! tbh, I struggled with this so hard because I physically cannot give Obi-Wan an angsty situation but we made it work hehehe. Obi-Wan is both my fav Star Wars man (which surprises people sometimes) and one of the characters I write the least, so this was SO fun! Sorry it’s so short, but I plan on writing much more for him soon!❤️🫶🥰
The house was small, really just a small kitchenette and living space with a bed nook off to the side. Like all houses in the dune sea, it was low in the ground, slatted windows up high on the walls to offer light with as little heat as possible. You wouldn’t call it nice by any means, not compared to what you’ve lived in before, but it had a certain coziness that had excited you. You had flushed out your credits just as soon as Bail had told you of Obi-Wan’s exile, and gotten yourself on the first ship to Mos Eisley that you could. The house had been easy enough to find, there were plenty of people in Mos Eisley eager to sell property to someone, particularly when that someone came with a sack of credits.
The hard part was finding Obi-Wan.
You spent the morning in the center of Mos Eisley, gathering supplies and what small furnishings you could transport for your new home, listening intently for anything. Any word of a newcomer, any whispers of the fall of the Jedi. Unfortunately (or fortunately) no one said anything.
Beru and Owen were the obvious next choice, and they came with much greater information than you had anticipated. You hadn’t met Anakin’s brother and sister-in-law before, but you had seen holos of them during your nights in with Padmé. Owen had been… reluctant to talk to you, but Beru had quickly pointed you in the direction of the cave Obi-Wan had been hiding out in the past few rotations, not terribly far from your home or the Larrs homestead.
Which is how you found yourself here, at the mouth of a cave, a fabric shawl draped carefully over your shoulders to protect as much of you as possible from the blazing Tatooine suns.
It was easy to walk into, and the dark walls and open space gave the whole space a chill in the air that hung itself uncomfortably around your shoulders. He wasn’t here, but there were signs of him present. A rucksack with some rations and credits, his robes and tunic–carefully folded in a pile resting on a large stone, and a small lamp. You ran your hands down the soft fabric of the robe, before picking it up and bringing it close to you. It smelled just like him, and for the first moment in what felt like a millenia, you let yourself ache in your chest. You had missed him something awful, worried something awful. When Padmé had explained what had happened, what he would have to do, you had feared the worst.
When none of them came back, you had all but accepted it.
“Don’t move.”
The voice that came from the cave mouth was cold and cautious, strong and intimidating. It was also home.
“Ben,” you whispered, using the nickname you had given him some night who knows how many moons ago, hoping to show him you were you. You were here.
You removed the shawl slowly as he stepped out of the mouth of the cave, his form no longer silhouetted against the blinding sun. His hair was looking slightly ragged, the tunic he wore now hung awkwardly on his frame–it must’ve been a loan from Owen you decided.
“Is it really you?” he asked, walking up to you cautiously, moving slowly as if you were made of mist that would simply vanish if he got too close. The sun had already begun to bring out even more freckles across his skin, growing ruddy with exposure.
“I’m here to take you home with me,” you murmured, closing the gap between the two of you and pulling him close to you, one hand cradling the back of his head while he pressed soft kisses into the crook of your neck.
“You can’t, I have to stay here. I can’t return to Coruscant with you.”
You pulled back for a moment, brushing the hair away from his face, “who said anything about Coruscant?” Before he could answer, you pressed your lips to his, capturing him in a kiss meant to soothe yourself and reassure him. He was alive. You were here. The rest you could figure out together.
* * *
You hadn’t said much on the walk back to your home, hadn’t been able to. Obi-Wan refused to let go of you, his hand lingering on a spot on your body at any moment. It was as if he was finally allowing himself these open, semi-public touches at last, though you knew the price of this freedom had been costly.
When you approached your home, you led him down to the living quarters and quickly worked at getting a small iced tea ready while he settled in. Well, attempted to settle.
“You bought this? Here?”
“You think I’d rent? In this economy?” You scoffed, and he gave you a lighthearted smile in return as you guided him towards the small sofa in the middle of the room. “I’ve only been here a few rotations, been looking for you,” you moved to settle beside him, knees clinking into one another with a familiarity you had been longing for. “You’re a hard man to find Master Kenobi.”
“I didn’t realize you’d be looking,” he reached over to place a hand on your cheek, steadying himself against you for a moment. It had taken you the better part of the afternoon to get from the cave to your home, and your living room was now painted in the orange and magenta hues of the setting suns, low light making him look even softer than you had imagined. “To be quite honest, I feared you’d assumed the worst.”
“Then you don’t know me at all.”
He pulled your head closer to him, bringing his forehead to yours in a sweet, intimate gesture. “I cannot put you in danger, I will not. You’re a senator, you cannot give up your life for me. You didn’t sign up for this.”
“I’m more than just a senator you know,” you breathed, your eyes fluttering open to look into his while his breath hitched in his throat, “as per that night on Chandrila, I’m your wife. You think I don’t want to be here? That I didn’t sign up for this? I said "till death”, Kenobi, and I meant it.”
“I couldn’t contact you, I’ve had to close myself off to the Force since arriving. I’ve lost so much. I cannot lose you dearest.”
You moved closer to him to bridge the gap between your mouths again, breathing a simple, “you’ll never have to,” as you did. This time you kissed him with the fervor and passion of a woman coming home, and he drank you in like a man lost in a desert. Which, you suppose he was. Here was your Obi-Wan, your Ben, wrapped in your arms and in your home for as long as you’d like. You were free to press yourself against his freckled chest and trace the starlight colored scars across his skin. You could live in the serendipitous bliss of him, his smell of caf and leather and something woody, the kind way he carried himself.
It had cost you both everything, had cost the Republic, but at last you were free to be Obi-Wan Kenobi’s wife in more than just secrecy, your sanctuary guarded by the twin suns of Tatooine.
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lunamochii · 1 year
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NYCTM: Years of yearning || part III
Synopsis; Back to where you were born, you discover things that are new to you. Meeting people who look so much different. As the new olo’eyktan, Neteyam have bigger duties now but there you are, standing before him.
content warning; fluff(?), slight angst, pieces of reader’s past coming back, first italic paragrahp is Neteyam’s rest are readers flashback. Nate is a character made up of me
🎐2.2k words
a/n; this is still not the last part so yeah don’t worry hehehe, also I would like to see what you guys can say about for this chapter. Happy reading everyone! Reblogs are okay!🤍
part 1, part 2
“I miss you… it’s been 5 years now, when will you be back? Father and mother have been telling me to move on and find a mate already but I just know you’ll be back… come back to my arms, Y/N”
“Y/N wake up, we’re here”
Your eyes squinted as you slowly got up from the pod that you laid on, Max told you that in order to get on Pandora it will take 6 years but something is telling you that you guys got here earlier than expected
“Was it 6 years already?”
You said while stretching your body, it took you 1 more year to recover fully and now you can say that you’re body is already healed up. You got some bubblegum to chew with as you grab your bag getting ready to get off from the spacecraft
“We got here 4 years earlier”
“Well, would you look at that!”
You clap and the door opened, grabbing the mask as you embrace yourself on what you were about to see
The moment you got out, you couldn’t believe your eyes. The beauty this place holds are ethereal, plants that you never saw on Earth, animals you haven’t seen, the noise they make, the glowing lights on the ground
“This is freaking amazing!”
You scream nearly choking at the bubblegum and raise your arms up, Max just laugh and told you to come inside first to the lab not far away where the ship landed as he wants to introduce you to the people who were left in here. Removing the mask once you’re in, you spit the gum on a piece of paper and throw it on the nearby trash can
Your eyes went wide when you saw man so tall that your neck almost broke looking up
“Hey there kiddo! I see you’ve grown to a such fine young woman!”
“Norm Spellman!”
You squeal and hug him even though you were practically hugging half of his leg, you walk around him getting more curious as seconds passes by, observing how his tail moved and how his ears perk
“You’re like a kitten”
You said making the man laugh as he excuse himself as he have to do some data collection although he told you that he got so many stories to tell
You heard the door that you just came in and you turn around to see who went in, your eyebrows arch up seeing another boy who is just around your age
“Ah right, this is Spider. You guys grew up together”
The boy look at Max with questioning eyes and Max lean in to him and whispered something, Spider then look at you as his lips curve into a warm smile
“Welcome back Y/N. I’m Spider.”
“Weird name but since we grew up together. You’re my brother then!”
Spider broke into a laughter and Max left you with him since he have to arrange the things you guys brought together with you
“Hey Max! Where am I gonna put this?!”
Spider was curious as to who is this another man. Norm told him that you’re coming back but he didn’t know that another one will be coming with you
“Oh! Max told me that you need to put those on the storage room”
“Thanks pretty”
Spider saw him wink at your direction and he immediately whipped his head to you and saw your eyes roll but your lips were curve into a smile
“Who was that?“
“That’s Nate, Max manage to recruite him to join him here. Plus he doesn’t have any family back in earth so he just kind of agree”
Spider just hopes that this Nate person won’t be a bitch and be the cause of Neteyam’s rage.
Night came and you laid down comfortably on your bed, you saw some photos and all of it are just pictures you have taken of different flowers, animals, sceneries and many other things. When a photo fell off you reach for it and when you flip it, you saw a man
Similar to what Norm looks like hours ago but his wearing garments that doesn’t look like clothes. His hair are tied up on a braid, you stared at it for 2 minutes when someone knock at your door
“Sleep early Y/N! We got some things to do early in the morning!”
You sigh and put back the pictures but left that one photo above your desk
“Yes yes dad!”
You replied in a joking way as you wrap the blankets around you, you haven’t felt this comfortable for a very long time.
“Smile ‘Teyam! You’re too pretty not to be captured by camera”
Together with Max, Norm, Spider and Nate. All of you sat on the table as you guys eat the breakfast Nate made. Max told you that he wants you to meet the people who took good care of you when you were a kid
“Although let’s not push you on remembering all at once. It might cause some complications”
Max reminded you once again and you just nod it off, you were also told that you guys will be going on the Omaticaya’s clan home, so you have to be at your best attitude as years ago, a war broke out causing for them to hate the race of humans
After the breakfast you took a quick bath and change into a cargo pants and tank top, pairing it with combat boots. You slip your camera at one of the pockets wanting to take pictures
The ride to where the people reside wasn’t that long in just 25 minutes you guys arrived and you couldn’t help admire them. Taller than you, they stood firm. Some of them doing a gesture where they touch their forehead and points it at you. Remembering Max’s words you just did the same to them, making the people smile
Max instructed and you look at Nate and you both nodded following him. You also noticed that when you were done, Spider wasn’t there but you were told that he is close the family that took you in
A few more walk and you arrive infront of a hut, you can hear chatters inside but you’re curiousity got better of you as you look at Max with a ‘hurry up and get inside’ look
With a cough Max called out a somewhat familiar name and a man with a muscular body, his hair is tied up at the back, his ears perk up the moment he saw you
He beam and went to you as he hug you and spin you around, you can only let out a laugh and when he put you down. He look at you with so much emotions that you couldn’t help notice the tear trail down from his eyes
“Jeez Jake! You could have atleast greeted me first!”
Max whine and the man name Jake who just greeted you broke out into a laughter and went to Max
“Are you okay?” Nate ask as he got closer to you
You replied in a jolly tone, Jake turn to you again and open the curtain that serves as a door
“Come on in! My family have been waiting for you!”
You didn’t waste time and got inside, they were a big family but all their eyes are on you. You couldn’t help but scoot closer to Nate and you let out a nervous laughter
“H-Hello… I’m Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you— oof!”
Before you can finish your sentence two girls ran to you and tackle you down with a hug. You can tell they are crying since you feel your top getting drench
“Y/N! Is it really you?! I’m not dreaming right?! Right?!”
“Calm down Tuk!”
“You aren’t even calm sister!”
You look at them as they move away from you but still sat closer to you. You sat up and blink twice before giggling
“We must have been really good friends! I’m sorry if I can’t remember you though..”
When you woke up, Max was the first person you met and he was also the first person to ever inform you that you were sick and is in recovery. As time goes by he told you piece by piece that you weren’t born from Earth, that your parents died on a war that broke out on a another planet. By then he have told you that you have forgotten your memories since he notice that you kept asking on the things he told you that you were fond of
“My child..”
A woman lean down before you and she’s wearing the same garment same to the man you saw in the photo. They even have the same features!
The woman look at you with wide eyes and immediately look at Max with questioning eyes
“Haha sorry! I don’t know where did that come from. Anyways, I’m Y/N! Nice meeting you!”
You offered your hand as if nothing happened and Neytiri felt her heart ache for his son, Jake have inform her in advance that you lost your memories and Max hoped that they can offer some help on helping you remember
“I’m Neytiri. Jake’s mate. It’s nice seeing you again”
Neytiri did the same gesture to you just like how the people have greeted you before you got here, you smiled and did the same. She offered you her hand helping you stand up, then another two came up doing the same so you did so too
“Name is Lo’ak, hope we get along”
“Welcome home Y/N. I’m Kiri”
He have a cheeky smile plastered on his face, you can already tell that you guys will surely get along. Your eyes scan your surroundings
“Nice to meet you all”
You smile at them and since that day you have been hanging out a lot with Sully kids together with Spider, you always ask Nate to join but he refuse reasoning he just want to stay back on the lab in which you call home now
Today, under the shining sun you are playing at a river with them. Laughing at Lo’ak’s mischiefs as he shares his stories. They have also told you that back when you guys were young, you rarely hang out with them and that you just hang out with their eldest
“Where is he now? When I first saw you guys, he wasn’t there”
You said making them look at each other then it was Lo’ak who spoke up
“Well his the clan’s leader so his busy always! Don’t worry I think you’ll meet him tonight”
“Mhm since there will be a feast to celebrate his birthday”
You were about to say something when something cross your mind
“Happy Birthday!”
You got out of your hiding spot scaring the boy, he fell off first in his butt making you laugh
“Y/N! You scared me!”
“S-Sorry! You should have seen your face”
You manage to blurt out in between your laugh and the boy grin and tickled you down, trying your best to push him away
“Stop it! Hahaha Neteyam!”
You groan and that’s when you notice that all of them are already at your side with Kiri on your side. You assured them that you’re alright then you excuse yourself. You immediately ran to where your home is, ignoring the people inside as you went straight to your room. Throwing the mask you were wearing, you plop down to your bed and a another cross your mind
“You shouldn’t joke about that”
You look at him and just laid down your head on his arms
“Sorry, it’s just we don’t belong to the same race… a human can only live up to 90 years if I’m that lucky”
You felt him shift and now your head is laying on his chest, his arms wrap around your shoulder. You felt him kiss the crown of your head
“I will die if you aren’t by my side, my Y/N”
You clasp his larger hands and close your eyes
“I love you, Neteyam”
[ you can play the song since I was listening to this on this part haha ]
Your face says it all that you aren’t in the mood but you did your best on hiding it as you want to be on your best behavior. Everyone are gathered by the entrance waiting for something, no, someone. You heard something up above and saw a large bird descending, you covered your view as a strong wind past, if you didn’t stand on your ground strong enough, you would be rolling now on the floor
“Big brother!”
You saw Tuk ran past by you and went to the man who just came down from the bird, you squinted your eyes to see better and when he step more forward your eyes went wide
“Neteyam! My son!”
You felt your world stop, your hands going cold, sweat dripping down from your forehead. Remembering the night you once stared at that photo, the man in the photo is now standing infront of you. Broader shoulders, hair that isn’t tied up on a braid
Finally, his gaze meets yours and he have the same reaction to yours.
After all these years of yearning, you’re here. Standing before him, your beauty never failed to snatch all the air in his lungs. He have been dreaming of this, for you to be back. He slowly walk towards you by the time his in front of you. Neteyam notices how your breath hitch with his hand touching the corner of your face. He smiled, finally… you’re here
“I see you, Y/N”
🎐taglist; @n1ght5h4d3-24, @mashiromochi, @itscheybaby , @calums-betch, @devil-on-acid, @laylasbunbunny, @neteyamsmate4life, @szchaql
part 4, part 5
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bajistadiamond · 5 months
Yuu and the Magical Power of Songs
Yuu Singer, 🎶💎Ramshackle💎🎶 (We wish you a Merry Christmas - Phineas and Ferb Version)
I couldn't think of a better idea for this Christmas than to use "We wish you a Merry Christmas" that they used in Phineas and Ferb… Well. I will do the same for this New Year... This story takes place after the OverBlots; After the near destruction of NRC, Malleus and Yuu combined their magic into a time spell that returned them all to the entrance ceremony to start things off without disaster.
The holidays are the funniest and happiest time of the year for many.
When Yuu first arrived at Twisted Wonderland he didn't imagine the seriousness with which they prepared for each celebration… what he discovered in spring and fall.
And that's not to mention the events that occurred randomly.
Anyway, at this moment the 8 dorm leaders were in a meeting.
"So we agree to decorate everything?" Yuu asked those present, who nodded at his words.
Since for some reason the entire student population wanted to celebrate the holidays at NRC, they needed to vote on whether they would decorate just their dormitories or the entire school.
Azul already had many ideas for the most fruitful season for Mostro Lounge.
"I have many selected items to order." Kalim said excitedly as he showed his cell phone to Riddle.
"Send me the links, I have my contacts so shipping will be cheaper hehehe~". Idia said with a giggle, who was present forced by Ortho.
Leona looked at the largest of the Shroud inquisitively, but he did not want to know.
"And who will pay for everything?" Vil asked, adjusting his Santa hat.
Yuu smiled and the others could swear that demon horns appeared on his head. "The director of course."
The others looked at Yuu strangely; Crowley was a cheapskate no matter how much he said otherwise, they highly doubted that he would pay for Christmas decorations.
"The director is so kind that he gave me his credit card." Yuu said taking said card out of his pocket. "Besides, when he realizes it, it will be too late."
Everything was silent for a moment before everyone laughed like "villains."
These holidays would be expensive for Dire Crowley…
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The light music club was preparing to practice; they would have a lot of work performing at Mostro Lounge and the Christmas and New Year party.
"So what should we play today?" Cater asked looking at her cell phone for ideas.
"How about it, all I want for Christmas is you~." Lilia suggested doing a riff.
"It's already widely seen." Kalim commented, much to Carter's surprise.
Kalim had been using a lot of internet tutorials to be more independent, so he also updated himself on trends on the web… Jamil still couldn't decide if Kalim being addicted to MagiCam was good or bad.
"And a classic?" Ortho suggested with a smile. The young man with the shrouds had become a member of the club shortly before the Malleus OverBlot.
At that moment, Yuu entered. "Sorry guys, the decorations arrived and I wasn't going to risk leaving Grim alone with the glass things." He explained, leaving his coat on the coat rack.
"Don't worry Yuu-kun, we're still thinking about what to play." Cater said to the white haired one.
Yuu thought for a moment; He had managed to listen to Ortho's suggestion and thought it was a very good idea.
"And if we sing, we wish you a Merry Christmas?" The others looked at Yuu, it wasn't a bad idea.
"We can use a classic, with a little tweak." Yuu explained to them grabbing a microphone.
"Alright, you're in charge Yuu." Carter said to the aforementioned before turning on a LIVE for everyone to see. Yuu smiled mischievously as Kalim started playing the drums...
We wish you a Merry Christmas ~
We wish you a Merry Christmas ~
The "voice of the gods" was instantly present. Everyone's clothes changed to a unique Santa Claus outfit for each one. For Kalim it was with two shades of red and round gold glasses, for Ortho it was blue with white and a tulle cape with snowflake embroidery, for Carter it was bright green with black and pearls in her hair, for Yuu it was the typical red and white and cool ski goggles.
We wish you a Merry Christmas ~
And a Happy New Year ~
The song was heard throughout the campus; filled everyone with joy. They organized themselves in the patio to decorate. Many were singing or humming with their hands full of golden tinsel.
We wish you the best day ever ~
And hope all your Christmas endeavors ~
At Heartslabyul, Trey watched in barely concealed horror as Riddle pulled out the fruitcake the aforementioned had made. Riddle cut a piece of the cake from him and then looked nervously at the green-haired man. The one with glasses forced a smile before trying the cake… It was because of the magic of friendship and the miracle of Christmas that Trey didn't have stomach pains.
Are super-fun, amazing and clever ~
And that your New Year's rocks too! ~
Many were using their brooms to fly around NRC and decorate it. The white already contrasted the black and gray of the building beautifully, but with the gold and green tinsel it looked much more impressive. Inside the building there were white LED lights as far as the eye could see and pine trees were added in the largest rooms. Meanwhile, in the teachers' lounge, they were enjoying a good eggnog… The principal was just crying in a corner because of the receipt of everything.
Oh, come, tell me what'cha doin' ~
All my relatives just flew in ~
In Pomefiore, Vil was reflecting on his life choices. The salon was in chaos with many enjoying to "let their hair down" and enjoy themselves. Epel led the party wearing an ugly sweater with lights while he sang about his family's traditions.
From Harveston and Shaftlands ~
For the holidays! ~
Neige had been included in the party. It had been a shock to have discovered that he was distantly related to Epel and now the two got along very well. Vil had no problems with this, after meditating and having Yuu with a therapist, he was able to come to terms with himself and accept that he and Neige were unique.
Both Christmas trees and menorahs ~
It can be confusing for us ~
Strangely enough, Epel managed to bring out the most sarcastic and stubborn side of Neige. The two always ended up arguing whether it was about musical tastes, food or clothes. And now they were fighting over which decorations were better. Luckily for Vil, Rook managed to calm things down by saying that both decorations were beautiful together; and he also brought cocoa, which Vil was happy about.
When we break into a chorus ~
Of olé, Olé ~
And oy vey, Oy vey ~
In the NRC cafeteria, many were preparing a magnificent Christmas dinner; Many were grateful that Lilia was busy and not in the kitchen.
Delicious meals I will try~
Groceries A through Z ~
Leona sang before taking a big bite out of a turkey leg. The lion was in a dream when the taster of the dinner was selected, to the jealousy of many. And Leona enjoyed teasing the others with moans of satisfaction at how delicious the food they brought him to try was.
Ruggie, get away from that punch bowl ~
Ruggie pouted as he was caught drinking the fruit punch while pocketing a couple of cookies.
I'm saving that for me ~
Hyena Boy, offended that his lazy friend wouldn't share punch, threw some figgy pudding into the punch bowl.
Sorry, sir ~
Ruggie sang mockingly because he knew that of all the fruits, Leona hated the fig the most. In the yard, Silver was sleeping peacefully among a small mound of snow. No one wanted to bother the boy during his nap, but they couldn't help but decorate him; They put a headband on him with reindeer antlers and shiny spheres in his ears.
We wish you a Silver Christmas ~
We wish you a Silver Christmas ~
Yuu had changed it from "Perry" to Silver as a joke, but when he sang it he realized that the phrase was not so bad, a silver Christmas.
We wish you a Silver Christmas ~
And a (ZZZ~ Silver´s snoring ZZZ~) New year ~
Azul seriously needed a calculator; His had broken strangely shortly after Jade told him she needed to rest. Now, the lens guy was in her office doing the math by hand and with an abacus.
I want a calculator ~
Slash-Earnings-English Translator ~
"At this rate I finish in the new year." Blue thought tiredly as the music from the music club's LIVE was what kept him sane. The boy was also grateful that Yuu's magic decorated his office; he hadn't had much time to do it.
To find a common denominator ~
In all my tongues! ~
Mostro Lounge was enjoying free time with good music. Some were dancing dressed as elves and others were enjoying a good coffee or hot chocolate.
I will give you good hugs ~
To all you shrimps ~
Floyd with a big smile was trying to hug whoever he could, but everyone was avoiding him because of the mistletoe that the boy had hung on his head. Everyone knew how strong the hug and joking kiss they would receive from Floyd would be.
That's how I say "Merry Christmas" ~
I ain't good with words! ~
Floyd was finally able to grab someone to hug him and kiss him on the cheek, poor thing was Jamil. The one from Scarabia walked out calmly, still in shock, to go to the bathroom and wash his face with bleach.
I wish you would let me rule you ~
I'm going to teach you about anime ~
In Idia and Ortho's room, the oldest was dancing around the room while programming the lights, preparing the gifts he had for his brother, and turning on all of his monitors for the special Christmas events in all of his RPG games.
I won't sugarcoat or fool you ~
Your New Year's looks grim! ~
The oldest of the Shroud danced in the comfort of his chair, for him it was very noob to start singing at Christmas. Although he will deny to death that he sang Christmas songs from his favorite anime in the shower.
We wish your every endeavor ~
Makes this the best Christmas ever ~
The music club put the best of their voices into the final part of the song. Carter, Kalim and Ortho could tell that this was the best version of "we wish you a merry Christmas" they had ever heard. LIVE had ranked #1 in trends and throughout Twisted Wonderland they were dancing no matter what.
And we're all so glad that we will never ~
Mention figgy pudding ~
"Pudding?". Many people asked themselves when they heard the lyrics. Although they didn't give it importance; It was the best one of the best Christmas songs. And needless to say, they enjoyed the chorus at the end.
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"Merry Xmas!". Yuu, Carter, Kalim and Ortho exclaimed into the cell phone before the LIVE ended...
Night Raven College had a good day that day and the decorations could be seen from the town on the island. And they were better than the other academy, to the envy of some in the RSA.
... As for Crowley, he stayed in his nest for the rest of the holidays…
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freesia-writes · 1 year
OMFG!!! Congrats on the 500 sweetface!!! That's gotta feel amazing <3
For the prompt, could I possibly have #10 with Fives?
hehehe thanks so much friend! Heeeere you go! Also... these are getting LONGER... I'm concerned that by the time I get to #13 they're gonna be like 10k words, LOL. That being said, hopefully this is a delight! I never realized how nerve-wracking it could be to try to write for someone; you want it to be everything they ever dreamed of but you're a totally separate brain, with only one line to go off of! LOL. And it's so hard to end these! I want to write a whole novel off of each one. ;)
“You shouldn't be with him. You should be… with me." - Fives Word Count: 3.7k Content Warnings: None really Fives x GN!Reader with a boyfriend ;)
It was arrival day, and you were already dreading the agenda that lay ahead of you. Two separate squads and their Venator-class cruisers were scheduled for a quick turnover, requiring immediate service, detailed repairs, and thorough inspection before being ready to go as quickly as possible. Somehow it felt as though it had been happening more often lately, and you were starting to wonder how many of these damn cruisers there were. Your team was starting to chafe against the longer hours and constant pressure, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel -- a few days off, provided there were no unscheduled arrivals that would throw the whole thing out the window. 
The first cruiser docked with a whoosh, and the debarkation routine began. The previously-empty platform was suddenly swarming with mechanics, droids, shuttles, officers, and troopers, each headed in their own direction. Your boyfriend jostled your shoulder playfully as your crew headed for the ion engines, walking ahead of you to catch up with some other friends. You offered a feeble smile but weren’t quite sure what he was aiming for. Sometimes he treated you more like a “bro” than his girlfriend, except when he wanted… well… you know. But he had been kind and fun, taking you out to dinner and buying you things often, and while you could suggest quite a few ways you’d like to see things change, you didn’t want to be nit-picky. 
You cleared the thoughts from your head as you saw a herd of troopers exiting the ship, a blur of white and blue indicating that it was none other than the 501st. Your face curled into an inexplicable mix of a grimace and a grin, scanning the familiar helmets out of habit. There it was… the tiniest flash of red, in a downward triangle right in the middle… And just like that, it took you back to that night, memories flashing across your mind to the rhythm of your footsteps as you continued distractedly toward the work that lay ahead. 
Flashing lights, neon signs. Raucous voices, cheers, laughs. Good conversation, suggestive whispers, the effervescent warmth of liquor in your veins that fueled the anticipation of potential adventure and meaningless fun. The dark hair clenched between your fingers, the heavy breathing, the throes of passion and the gentle, intimate caresses afterward. That simple tattoo, a small 5, that you’d touched and kissed and fallen asleep against… 
“Watch it!” A sharp voice broke you out of the replay, and you stumbled sideways as a couple of grumpy pilots made their way past. You could hear laughter up ahead, as your boyfriend and two others watched your distracted mishap. Flipping an obscene gesture their way, you pulled your bag higher up on your shoulder and hurried to catch up. Today was not the day to be daydreaming and dawdling. 
What you didn’t see was the lone straggler behind the group of clones, now free of their helmets, exchanging quips and laughs as they headed toward their day of freedom. He shifted on his feet, holding his helmet at his hip, watching you scuttle toward the ship. His brow furrowed, a litany of expressions decorating his face, and he slowly turned to join his brothers, tearing his eyes from you and leaving them on the ground as he made his way to rest and refreshment.
The engines were a hot mess, requiring more than a few trips back to the supply station for some of the most abstract parts you’d ever heard of. What they were doing on this starship, you didn’t know, but they were definitely putting you through your paces when it came to maintaining it. You brushed the hair from your face, christening your forehead with grease, and smacked the maintenance panel shut with a huff. You were already late for lunch, and had skipped breakfast, and therefore were in an absolutely horrible mood. 
The mess hall was fairly empty, most having finished their meals and cleared out by now. Your boyfriend had waited for you, surprisingly, chatting with some crewmates and beckoning you over when he caught sight of you with your tray. You slid onto the bench next to him, accepting his sloppy kiss and side hug as he finished the story he was telling, and promptly began stuffing your face with the most unexciting ration bar you’d ever touched. Most of the exciting stuff in the food line had been gone already by the time you went through, including the apples, which were one of your favorite things, even though they seemed plain.
“Whoa, easy girl, they’re not gonna run out of food!” came his playful taunt, and you elbowed him in the ribs in response. You’d initially loved the witty banter between the two of you, but sometimes the jabs had an edge, or didn’t quite land, and you were beginning to tire of it. Your complaints had been brushed off as being “overly-sensitive” or “not being able to take a joke”, so you let it slide, but you didn’t appreciate it quite so much anymore. 
As the group of you headed back to the ship for hours of maintenance and inspection, a figure caught your eye on the side of the platform. A clone trooper, still in armor, was heading back toward the ship, scanning the herds of people bustling about their duties. You squinted, drawing closer, wondering why any of them would choose to be here when they had such little time off. Perhaps he’d forgotten something. But as you both approached the maintenance hatch, you saw the helmet clearly. 
“Fives?” you asked, feeling awkward and excited at the same time. After your [pretty darn awesome] little fling together, you had both enjoyed some conversations here and there, but it had been clear that there wasn’t really any future there… He was constantly being toted around the galaxy, and you… well, you were stuck here. You’d be lying if you hadn’t thought about it since, though… What it would be like if your lots in life were different. It had been a one-night stand, yes, but there had been substance in your discussion, intriguing glimmers of personality, and a depth, kindness, and intelligence that had really left an impression on you. “What are you doing here?” you continued, watching him turn toward you quickly at the sound of your voice. 
“Oh! Hi. I… I thought I left something on the ship,” he began, pulling his helmet off to reveal those rich brown eyes and sharp features. You began to form a question as to why it would be in the maintenance sector, but he continued quickly, “But while you’re here…” The couple of crew members with you, including your boyfriend, were lingering in the doorway as well, watching the interaction. “They’re doing a crew appreciation thing at 79s tonight, and I just didn’t know if you… all… knew about it. Free snacks and cheap drinks for mechanics and whatnot…” 
“That’s awesome,” you said warmly, catching his eye with your soft smile. “Thanks for telling us.” 
“Yeah! You… all… deserve it, with all your hard work. Anyway… Maybe we’ll see you there,” he said, eyes roving across the group before he retreated into the expressionless safety of his helmet. He gave you one last nod before turning to head out. You snuck a glance over your shoulder as your team climbed onto the ship, noticing his fist clenching and unclenching at his side as he walked. 
* * * 
“This is ridiculous,” your boyfriend muttered as you exited the taxi in front of 79s. 
“Hey. I never get to choose what we do. You said you’d be a good sport. Plus -- free food!” you said enticingly, feeling disproportionately enthused as the neon lights and bumping bass met your senses. 
“I know, but a clone bar? I don’t know… isn’t that kind of weird?” he whined, taking your hand begrudgingly as the two of you made your way in the door. 
“Why would it be weird?” you said, voice getting louder so he could hear you over the music. But you never heard his reply as the raucous noise of the bar took over. 
* * * 
“Okay, ‘free snacks’ may have been a bit of an overstatement,” you chuckled, a few drinks and three bags of salty crackers later. The two of you had come to an uneasy truce, settling to play cards and watch the various interactions going on around you. There had been a few arguments, some decent arm wrestling matches, and a general spirit of joviality that was infectious. Well, to you, at least. The music shifted to something right up your alley, and you rose to your feet, holding a hand out. Your boyfriend took it, with the tiniest of eye rolls, and followed you downstairs to the dance floor, making a quick swerve last minute to order two shots at the bar. You laughed, reaching a hand out, but he gulped one down, and then the other, to your shock and slight disappointment. 
“Alright, now I’m ready!” he said, grabbing your hand and dragging you back toward the dancers. It was an improvement to his mood, at least, though you’d be talking about the rudeness of the act later, for sure. The dance floor was particularly full tonight; a number of ships had reported back to Coruscant at once, making for a diverse and colorful crowd. That familiar warm, tingly feeling was flowing through your veins and you smiled, letting the music fill your mind and flow through your body. 
* * * 
“Yoo hoo!” came the taunting call as Jesse waved his hand in front of Fives’ face. “Did you seriously just drift off mid-sentence? Man, that clanker must have hit your head harder than we thought, eh Kix?” 
“That brain was damaged long before that,” Kix answered, running a hand over his closely-shaved hair and intricate skull tattoos. Jesse’s laughter was joined by Hardcase and Echo, who were reclining in the large booth with the rest of their brothers. 
“Sorry -- got distracted,” Fives muttered, shaking his head and looking back to his squad. The conversation continued, with quips and jabs, as well as heroic tales that expanded each time they were told, but he couldn’t stop glancing off to the side. Every so often, he caught a glimpse of you on the dance floor, appearing between the bodies all around you and then disappearing again into the crowd. There was a funny clenching feeling in his chest, as he remembered the scent of your hair, the darkness of your eyes, and the little gasp that had accompanied the way you moaned his name… Suddenly there was a funny feeling under his codpiece as well, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying to focus on whatever joke Hardcase was completely botching at the moment. 
The dance floor cleared a little bit, giving him an unobstructed view of you, though he wasn’t sure if it were an improvement or not. Your boyfriend had decided that now was as good a time as any to try to grind on your backside like an adolescent horn dog, and you kept trying to shift to a more natural and fun way of dancing together but he was persistent. And getting a bit gropey. Finally, you gave up, and Fives watched as you left the dance floor, stalking to the refresher in a huff. The boyfriend slumped over to the other end of the bar, toppling onto a stool and waving to the bartender. 
“Be right back,” Fives said, scooting out the side of the booth. “Refresher,” he muttered in response to the questioning glances, and was quickly forgotten as he edged down the packed hallway. He lurked awkwardly outside the doors for a few minutes, wishing he’d come up with a better plan, when you finally reappeared, sending a little jolt of energy down his spine. 
“You made it!” he said with a clearly forced brightness, startling you out of your rumination. 
“Yeah,” you answered, any joy at seeing him dulled by the disappointment of how it was all going. 
“You alright?” he asked, tilting his head with apparent concern on his face. The way the hair on his chin accentuated the expression was adorable, and his interest lifted your spirits a little.
“Sorry, yeah,” you answered, getting jostled to the side of the hallway as a group went past. “Long day at work, regular life troubles, you know. Nothing crazy like the stuff you have to face.” 
“Hm. From what I hear, getting shot at might be preferable to that sometimes,” Fives muttered, arching an eyebrow with a little sparkle in his eye. That got a genuine laugh out of you, which changed the whole mood of the interaction immediately. 
“What is TAKING you so long?” came a belligerent voice, as “boyfriend” came staggering up behind Fives. “This guy bothering you?” he asked, jabbing a thumb at Fives, who wrinkled his nose in disdain at the pathetic creature next to him. 
“No, we were just chatting,” you said quickly, noting the edge of the voice and the clumsy movements. He clearly didn’t recognize Fives, despite him having been the one to invite you here, a detail that was not lost on the clone, who gave you a look that couldn’t have been more plain -- really?
“Alright, well let’s go,” said the boyfriend, who wasn’t worth even giving a name, and he reached for your hand, giving it a sharp tug, which pulled you right across Fives, who found a sudden urge to grab you right back and tell this little womp rat to scurry off into a hole somewhere. You paused for a moment, turning back to face Fives, whose intense gaze made your heart skip a beat. 
“Thanks for thinking of us,” you said, giving one last smile before being whisked toward the door. 
* * * 
The next day was not going well. You hadn’t slept much at all, tossing and turning with all kinds of thoughts and considerations that kept you from any sort of real rest. The boyfriend seemed to be in a crappy state as well, rubbing his head and squinting at the bright light as he worked next to you. There was a distinct tension building between the two of you, and you knew it was going to come to a head. It would be good, because there were things that needed to be said and addressed and changed and dealt with, but you weren’t one to look forward to conflict. Neither was he, so the two of you puttered about your mechanical duties until it was about lunchtime, when you set your wrench down with the intention of getting to the mess hall on time for once. 
Alas, fate was not on your side. The walk between the shipyard and the cafeteria was just enough time to get into a huge fight with your boyfriend about last night, which ballooned to include topics like drinking, respect, joking, autonomy, and all sorts of other things. It was a hot mess, and while you tried to keep it civil, you were both tired, frustrated, and clearly triggered. By the time you got to the mess hall, it had reached the breaking point, and you turned to flee for solitude, tears streaming down your face, as he yelled criticisms after you, much to the surprise of quite a few onlookers. 
You found a supply closet, smashing your hand on the keypad so the door would whoosh closed behind you, silently cursing the fact that you couldn’t slam it. You threw an arm up against the wall, resting your forehead against it and burying your face in the cool grey metal, surrounded by shelves and the whirring fans of the ventilation ducts above your head. You wanted to cry, but now you couldn’t, which somehow made you feel even worse. There were so many emotions, it was impossible to sort them out. You were frustrated with the situation, angry at yourself for tolerating so much, confused why there couldn’t be a middle ground, and despair at the aching pain of yet another failed relationship. Or had it failed? You felt sick to your stomach at the thought that, knowing you, it might just get patched up and continued, with hopes that this time it would be different. Were you really so stupid? 
The door slid open, and you flattened against the wall, hoping that whoever it was would find their supplies and leave without even noticing you were there. But when it closed, and no footsteps were heard, you shifted slightly to peek over your shoulder to see if anyone had come in at all. To your surprise, a fully-armored clone stood just inside the door, ducking his head to peer through the many shelves that lined the walls, making the rather large closet feel incredibly small and claustrophobic. 
“Fives?” you said in disbelief, leaning out from the shelves you’d crammed yourself between.
He let a single curse word fly as he jumped to the side, knocking over a stand full of brooms and mops, sending them all clattering to the ground as he frantically tried to regain his footing. You couldn’t help but laugh, feeling as though you’d already emptied yourself of all the crying and anger and pain. He stood tall, righting his crooked helmet, and cleared his throat, staring at you from within the helmet. 
“You scared the kriff out of me,” he said, modulated voice still sounding a bit shaky. 
“Sorry?” you answered, having no idea how to go about this conversation with all that had transpired. “Why are you coming in a supply closet?” 
“I heard you…” he said quietly, pulling his helmet off now and setting it on a shelf nearby. “I wanted to see if… if everything was alright.” His face was earnest, but there was a nervousness to his gaze and stance. 
“Ugh,” came your ashamed response at the spectacle you’d provided in the halls. “It’s fine. Or it will be. I don’t know. This isn’t really how I usually am…” Why were you explaining yourself to him? Perhaps it was because he was the first person to seem to truly listen to you and care about you in a while. Perhaps you felt a need to justify yourself. Or perhaps you were still just reeling from it all. 
“And how are you, usually?” he asked, taking a step closer and leaning against the shelf next to you. “You seemed quite a bit more lighthearted when we…” he drifted off, grasping his hands together. 
“It’s just been a long week,” you offered, shrugging it off.
“Are you happy?” he said suddenly, with a confidence that came out of nowhere. His chin lifted slightly as he regarded you. “I know we didn’t know each other very long, but in what time we did have together, it was clear that you are incredibly intelligent, witty, and fun. In more ways than one,” he added, hoping the insinuation would bring some levity. It did bring a tiny smirk to your face, as you wiped some leftover tears from one eye, thinking about the slightly adventurous escapade you’d enjoyed. But it was quickly overwhelmed by confusion at his words.
“What are you doing?” you whispered, unable to meet his gaze any longer. “Why does it matter to you?” 
“I… I didn’t just forget about you, you know,” he said, swallowing and pausing for a moment. “I figured you weren’t interested in anything else, and I was shipped off…” 
“And now you’re back to judge my choices?” you snapped, shocked at your own vehemence. Clearly, you’d been on your last straw… about six straws ago… He straightened in surprise, holding up his hands in surrender.
“No! I just…” he stopped again, lowering his hands slowly and taking a deep breath before speaking in a quiet, solid voice. 
“You shouldn’t be with him. You should be… with me.” 
His amber eyes were locked on yours, simultaneously intense and kind, confident and vulnerable. You were reeling at his words, mouth slightly open. You were sorry for your sharpness, sorry for your assumptions… And sorry for your choices as well. The way he put himself out there had a wildly disarming effect on you, and your shoulders slumped in defeat. How could he say something like that when you were clearly a mess?
He closed the space between you, slowly approaching with tentative caution, and lifted a hand to your face. His hands were rough yet gentle as he cupped your cheek, eyes growing larger as he took a shaky breath in. “I’m sorry, I’m not here to tell you what to do. I’ll respect your choices, always. But I haven’t stopped thinking about you, and seeing you here… seeing the way he treats you… I just… I had to say something.”
You searched for the right words to say, but could find none, instead closing your eyes and nestling into his warm hand. A single tear squeezed out and rolled down your cheek, falling to your shoulder in silence. He continued, voice softer now, “I know I don’t have anything to offer you… no stability, no future, nothing. But you deserve better than… that… at least… And I’d like to do my best… while I can.”
You lifted your hand to his, pressing into it as though you could communicate your overwhelming emotions through a single touch. A small smile curved the corner of your lips, and you felt a sudden freedom at the prospect stretching out before you. Opening your eyes, you felt as though your chest would explode as you saw his face, so close to yours, so earnest in his affection and admittance, and you couldn’t hold back any longer. Reaching your arms around his neck, you pulled him in, bringing your lips to his in a desperate, grateful, hopeful kiss. His sharp inhale was quickly followed by the warmth of his embrace as he wrapped you in his arms, pressing you against the shelf behind. When you finally came up for air, you leaned your forehead against his, a thousand questions held back by the simple savoring of the moment. 
“Fives,” you whispered, and his heart leapt at the way you said his name, “I’m a mess.” 
A quiet chuckle rumbled in his chest, and he leaned in again, lips brushing yours as he answered, “Well I’d love it if you’d be my mess.” 
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taylorswitch09 · 10 months
Tickle Tickleee~
Characters: lee!reader, (Y/N, female) ler!c/n (crush's name, male)
Ship: Y/N x C/N
Word Count: 1,170
Synopsis: One Friday evening, C/N finds out Y/N is DEATHLY ticklish, COMPLETELY by accident.
This fic is from the lee's perspective. (2nd/3rd person)
It was a Friday evening in June. School was ending in a few weeks. Speaking of school, your 4-8 after-school job at the local pizzeria was FINALLY over for the day. You were on your way to your crush, C/N's house to have a sleepover, and you were SUPER excited, because although it had just been about 5-6 hours since you've last seen C/N, deep down, the two of you had a VERY deep connection.
You and C/N have been childhood best friends for almost 10 years, and you've been dating for 6. Still, the relationship goes strong with the two of you because you two love each other so much despite all of the arguments and fights.
After 5 minutes, you finally get to his house and ring the doorbell. Excited, C/N opens the door.
"C/N!!" you squealed. You jump into his arms for a hug.
"Hahaha, awww! Hey Y/N!" he laughed. The two of you touch lips and enjoy a good one minute kiss. After the kiss, you walk in as C/N holds the door for you. You blush admiringly as he shuts the door behind you.
"C/N, you don't know how much I've been wanting to sleep over! It's been almost a month," you bubbled.
"Awww, you don't know how much I've been wanting you to come over either!" C/N smiled.
The two of you plop on the couch. Luckily, some cozy blankets were already set up for the two of you, so you both got snuggled in. C/N's body was nice and warm for you to cuddle in, and as you heard the beat of his heart, you felt nice and relaxed, until suddenly, C/N accidentally touches your sides, which caused you to squeal and jump away.
"Oh, I'm sorry darling. Did I accidentally touch your sides?" C/N questioned. You just smiled and nodded.
"Oh... then why are you smiling?" he smirked.
"Uhhh... N-nothing! Nothing. N-no reason." You felt red in the face.
"Okay..." C/N already had a feeling you were a little ticklish. So he "accidentally" touched your sides again, this time causing you to not only squeal, but also giggle. C/N immediately lit up.
"Hehe, C/N, that tickles!" you laughed. But you knew he was just joking around.
"Hehehe, I'm sorry!" C/N joked. "I, uhh- just have always thought of something about you..."
"What's it about?"
"Everytime I touch you, you seem to squirm away or giggle..."
You nodded nervously. You were EXTREMELY ticklish, so it would be crazy if C/N found out. Speaking of which...
"Are you... uhm-"
"-Ticklish?" you finished. You were red in the face again, as you knew what was gonna happen next.
"Yep!" C/N beamed.
"Hehehe, yeah, kinda," you nervously laughed.
C/N immediately smirked. Your blush deepened.
"D-dohon't tickle me though!" you cried. However, deep down, you did want to be tickled.
"Whyyy? It's only the first time!" C/N laughed. "It'll be fun, I promise."
"Okay," you said through giggles. You were excited for this. You LOVED being tickled, but you didn't want to tell C/N JUST yet.
He dimmed the lights, probably to add suspense.
"Now, lay down on the couch."
You did just as he said with a big smile. You even squealed, much to his surprise.
"I can tell you're excited," C/N smiled, and you smiled back.
"Yeah, a little." you replied.
"Hehehe, are you ready Y/N?" C/N playfully questioned.
"Yep," you smiled.
"Okayy! Let's see... let's start with... right here~." He started to slowly drag your fingers along your sides.
You instantly started to squeal and giggle. Even the smallest touch on a bad spot like your sides tickles to you. "Thahat tihihickles!"
C/N instantly melted. "Awwww, Y/N! You really are ticklish, aren't ya? Your laugh is... adorable."
"Shuhuhut uhuhuhp!"
C/N didn't hesitate to tickle a LITTLE faster. He thought this was the cutest thing ever.
"Tickle tickle tickle~!" He even laughed in spite of himself.
You started laughing louder, and you also started squirming. Your sides sure are a REALLY bad spot. "C/N, THAHAHAT TIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUCH!!" you screamed through a fit of giggles.
"Awww, we got a tickle spot! Coochie coochie coo~!" C/N cooed as he started tickling faster. You were laughing so hard that you started blushing deep red, which C/N admired. You covered your face, but C/N pulled your hands away.
"NOOOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!" you whined through giggles.
"Yesss~!" C/N cooed again. "I just loveee seeing your smile. You're wayyy more ticklish for your own good than I thought!"
Although it sounded like you were hating it, deep down, you were having the time of your life. And C/N was loving it.
"I wonder, where else are you ticklish?" C/N cooed as he slowly moved towards your stomach and started tickling it. "Here~?" "AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, STAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIHIHT!!" You couldn't help but belly laugh. Your stomach was your DEATH SPOT. Your blush even deepened once again.
"Awww, another tickle spot!" C/N smiled.
"Don't say sorry!! Or else I'll have to move to a different spot..." And then, C/N moved to your armpits. You were DYING.
"Perfect," he grinned.
"Yesss, here! You are too ticklish~" C/N teased.
"AWWWW, was that a snort? You're so cute~!"
"It was definitely a snort~!" C/N cooed once again. You couldn't help but laugh. Your ribs were getting tough, and once C/N started tickling them, you even started hiccuping through your giggles.
"You're hiccuping too~!"
"Seeee~, I told you you were cute~! Now, repeat after me." C/N grinned.
"I am the cutest ticklish girl in the whole world!"
"Good~!" C/N chortled as he finally, FINALLY let you go. You were left almost breathless with a super red face. Your heartbeat, which was probably at about 200 BPM, could be heard.
"Hehehe, what'd ya think?"
"Hahahahah... *sigh* Thahat- was so fun!" you beamed.
C/N blinked. "Really?"
"Hehe, yeah! I loved that!"
"W-wow," C/N gasped. "I- really didn't expect that!"
You laughed. "Really? After all of the things I said through my giggles?"
"I mean... I guess," C/N chortled.
You beamed. "Awww!" You ran to him for a hug. He giggled and cradled you in his arms once again. You giggled back.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too," you whispered back as you two leaned in for a kiss once again. After that, you fell asleep in C/N's arms.
That night was the best evening of your life, and it was C/N's too. Tickling had become your bond together. But you have yet to find out if HE is ticklish. That's your next step.
To be continued...
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fumifooms · 4 months
Hey what're your thoughts on how marcille and chilchuck show affection for marchil?
I mean, marcille seems to be the type to be the most blatantly affectionate of the two, but I want to know your headcanons and observations on the subject. How do they communicate their wants for affection, and what do they view as signs of affection (ex: hugs, small gifts, ect.) and such?
Sorry it took me this long to answer!! Thank you sm for sending a marchil ask my way I swear I love them sm, they spark joy and even if I have uhh -checks- 67 drafts already I love dropping everything for them when the mood comes hehehe. I love talking about love languages actually! Little did you know that the first post I made on this blog was about analyzing the love languages of an ot3 lmao. The only reason why this is so late overdue is because as always I’m going to talk so much about it. The pics I put in it are relevant but I don’t put them right beside where I make my point, so stick with me even if they’re a bit jarring at first, they’re just meant to show aspects of them~.
Marcille and Chilchuck’s love languages
+ their domestic romantic dynamic. I’ll say, I ended up talking even more than I expected, and though it is in a marchil context I think my analysis of the characters is relevant even if their partner was anyone else, so non-marchil shippers might also enjoy this post! Give it a shot maybe~
To open it up, I think this post is very relevant. Marchil is def a ship where the ways in which they say they love each other feel more subtle, for Chilchuck at least.
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Their perspective, boundaries and overlap
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I think Chilchuck and Marcille recognize the other’s way of showing affection well, though it’s very obvious that Marcille and Chilchuck’s ways are super different. Marcille is very open and loud and Chilchuck… Isn’t. Chilchuck is reserved while Marcille loves to get all the affection she can get. Marcille could be seen as too much while Chilchuck would be too little. One could even say they aren’t compatible, but I think that’d be a mistake.
Yes Marcille loves big grand gestures and a lot of open communication, but her thing is analyzing people as they are, like how when she imagines how it’d have been like as his wife she put in details like how he’d be annoyed at having to wait for her to get ready and didn’t idealize that part of their relationship. She’s very good at putting herself in others’ shoes, at understanding why they might feel this or that way. She typically doesn’t seem put off when Chil is snappy or discouraging at her, like when she shows him the ball of Izutsumi’s hair that she shaped into a cat lol. (The panel at the start of this section was when she was disappointed in him for cheating on his wife, so her good esteem for him was gone). She has a high esteem of Chilchuck’s intentions and has good faith in him overall, so instead of going "He’s annoyed at waiting on me… Am I annoying to him? Does he dislike me?" or "He didn’t notice I got upset when we were out drinking with his colleagues. Does he even love me anymore? Would he care if I left him?" she goes "Oh that’s just how he is, I know if there’s an actual issue he’ll tell me, and he still has my best interests at heart.". Who knows if she’d always be able to rationalize and keep that optimistic attitude up long term, but it gives me a good impression that she would! Or that at least she’d communicate about it if she felt their relationship had a problem. She loves to confront people about that sort of thing! She can be more insecure and meek when the topic is sensitive to her like her being a half-elf, but when it comes to relationships like that, I believe she’d stand up for herself if it came down to it. The way she said that his wife might have left to "test his love" and see if he’d chase after her is a bit worrying to me, but ultimately I think that was her dramatic novels fan self talking and not something that she’d do herself. If she did leave, she would sooo leave a super long dramatic letter about how she felt and the situation and he’d reply and they’d make up I think. ANYWAYS!
Of course everyone needs to be shown some affection once in a while regardless of if she knows well how he is or not, and Marcille would be very unashamed about asking that of him. She’d respect his boundaries with public displays of affection as much as he’d demand it, but she’d be her usual overt self with stealing kisses or making him say I love you regularly. 0 PDA would be rough on her if Chilchuck wanted it that far, but she’d do it, she’d be able to twist it into something endearing too, like her being like "No one else gets to see him this way but me, I have this sweet side of him all to myself" and "He’s just reserved like that, it makes the time when he does show it all the more meaningful", them cuddling a ton as soon as they get home and Marcille feels touch starved, etc etc. So what I’m getting at with all this is: Marcille’s love languages are very self-evident and hard to miss so unless Marcille suddenly acts mopey and doesn’t tell him why, and unless Chilchuck has some anxiety (what with his ex wife just up and leaving without him having been able to see the warning signs), he would feel very confident in her love for him and comfortable in the relationship, if not a little tired or frustrated with some aspects of it if she sometimes does too much.
Meanwhile, like mentioned, even if Chilchuck’s love languages are more subtle, more rooted in casual domesticity rather than big gestures or words, Marcille would see and recognize that and not hold it against him or feel burdened by it. She highly values communication —in a way they both do, even if when it’s about feelings Chilchuck becomes a bit of an ostrich hiding his head underground— so if there’s a problem she’ll for sure confront him about it too. Chilchuck is good at voicing when there are practical problems or when he’s uncomfortable, and Marcille is good at voicing when there are emotional problems, so they’re pretty complementary in that way.
Surprisingly I think if she ever did a marriage proposal it’d be very private though, it’d be a big deal to her and she would want to talk about it in the comfort of their lonesome, already thinking through the grief and how everything would work. I think Chikchuck would also prefer a private proposal, but on the other end I could totally see him thinking she’d love this grand fancy gesture of a big public proposal and organize one for her (Ooh good fic prompt right there). Once they’ve talked it through though they’re both very enthusiastic about it and openly talk about it with friends and coworkers, and Marcille gushes about her fiancé and they both have bachelor parties on their own end and whatnot. The big day would be a fun one, and the daughters would be the perfect wingwomen I believe~
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Their love languages
Alright now that the groundwork is done let’s do this thing! Ok so the "official" love languages are words of affirmation, physical touch, gifts (giving and receiving), quality time and acts of service.
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Starting with Marcille, she’s pretty balanced I’d say! In the sense that she cranks them all to the max. Oh yes, and part of it is that she’s very aware that the time they have together is counted, so she wants to make the most out of every moment.
Idk if it’s fair to say that Marcille has something like separation anxiety, what with her getting mad at Falin when she left and they didn’t see each other for 4 years, and with during canon with Falin and such, because they’re all intense situations that don’t necessarily show how clingy(or not) she would be under normal circumstances (and she doesn’t live with them so she’s def ok with distance to some degree), but also I def think it’s fair to say that due to her experiences with loss she’s scared of taking her eye off of someone she loves for one moment and for them to disappear, also like how we see her talk to Izutsumi when she thinks she’s going to prison. All that to say that yes, quality time!! She adores quality time, she’s the kind to soak up in someone’s presence even if they’re doing completely different things in the same room. She loves talking with him, cooking with him, bathing with him, even just chilling on the couch together. Post-canon they’d both be rather busy I imagine, so it only makes those moments they share more important. They’re trying out the long distance thing and making it work with the power of communicating well 🙏 Again, she’s big on acts of service, would resurrect you, would bathe you, would nurse you back to health or do something for you. Since she’s observant I could see her noticing subtle things in Chilchuck’s routine that she could help with, like getting his mug of coffee for him each morning, etc. I feel like those things are so natural to her that she wouldn’t mention them to Chilchuck or talk about how she does these things, so if she’s doing too much Chilchuck has to tell her because she won’t realize otherwise.
Gifts. We see with how she showers Chil in apology gifts intended to be from him to his family that she does value gifts! Giving wise, I think she’d be the type to be out shopping, see something that reminds of you then get it for you casually. It’s probably resulted in a few joke gifts that did not land lol, like idk modern AU a grumpy cat mug, or socks with "If you can read this bring me a beer" written underneath them. She’ll also put her heart and soul into gifts sometimes, especially for birthdays which mark the passage of time for her and even if a year passes by a little fast she makes it a point to always always go all out about it, she wants to show that he matters to her and thinks of him a lot, so she’ll put all of herself into picking out an heartfelt gift. She can get a little stressed and perfectionist over it but she does genuinely enjoy picking out gifts and giving them. Receiving wise, she’s also super big on it! She’s the kind to instantly value gifts more than other, maybe better suited options she has, like if you give her an ugly hair accessory or a mug she’ll 100% use them all the time from then on… Until she passes onto something new and the item gets sidelined a bit, but then when she’ll find it again years from then on she’ll be struck by memories and emotions and how much it all meant to her. I could see Chil getting her choker necklaces like she often wears for example, or books he can’t begin to understand about magic theory. It’s not as much of a ‘love language’ as the other ones I think, but she does really appreciate them, and if Chil makes an effort to get her flower bouquets somewhat regularly it would for sure make her feel really loved and happy. Oh yes! Also I def think that if she took up sewing or (personal hc) she’d love felting bc of when she did a tiny Izutsumi with her hair, she’d love making handmade gifts! She’d weave him a bracelet. She’d write him letters and put a nice scented oil on them.
Physical touch ohhh she’s big on touch. Even platonically we see that she’s very casual with her touches and does it a ton to most people (mostly Falin, Izutsumi and Chilchuck, but with her being a healer it also happens with Laios etc) and likes to cuddle or hang onto others, in daydream hour artworks, when sleeping with Izutsumi in an extra, etc etc. Even if she had a romantic partner I think she’d keep doing that with her friends and maybe even favoring Falin when she’s there for platonic touch, but I also def think that she’d be super touchy feely with her partner both in public and in private. As long as it doesn’t interfere with what Chil’s doing and he can remain cool and collected™️ he wouldn’t mind I think, so they’d be holding hands often and like, if he were to sit down on a couch with a beer she’d just drape herself over him and they’d chill out there (until they talk and she makes him laugh too hard and he spits his beer out all over them rip), not unlike how Izutsumi would. But YES physical touch is def a big love language for her, wether they’re arguing or just sharing a soft moment together, if he put his hand to her cheek gently she would melt into his touch. And she loves doting on others herself and touching them and feeling like they’re real and warm and alive, so yes yes touch is a big thing to her. Words of affirmation aren’t a big deal to her to give out, because it’s so natural to her, but they would mean a lot to her to receive. She can get insecure and feel lonely/alone, and having someone be supportive and tell her that she is valued like in the mandrake chapter lifts a lot of weight off of her shoulders, and I imagine that’s doubly meaningful when the words are each and all true and earned when they come from Chil. Whenever he says "I love you" unprompted it’s like an arrow to the heart. Again, if he made the effort to be romantic and like idk, tell her poetic things like it’s a love letter she would absolutely melt. "My boyfriend is the best, most romantic most loving most virtuous man" @ everyone in hearing distance etc etc. She wants to keep his words all to herself and be a little greedy but just maybe while kicking her feet she’d go "and then he said blablabla~" with friends and coworkers at the palace (who may or may nit be willing listeners lol).
So because of all of this, of how she values all of them, I think she’d cherish whichever love language her partner does the least! She likes variety, and like we’ve talked a bit she adapts herself to whoever she’s with a bit. She’s personally a big cuddler, but she’d value whenever Chilchuck says that he loves her etc more in the end because she knows how much that means for him and how many feelings were put into that gesture for her.
She wants the full range of affection, everything that someone is ready to offer. She wants the full storybook romance experience babyy, if it’s a crumb of love she’ll take it and gobble it up whichever form it takes. They all mean something to her in different ways.
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Chilchuck is more picky. He knows what he likes and what he doesn’t like, and he doesn’t like to compromise much (though learning to do so is part of his arc in canon). His favorites are acts of service and words of affirmation, and physical touch selectively, imo.
First of all, Chilchuck is a more private person by nature, but I think it’s also worth pointing out that he has some stress over how things ended with his wife, so someone growing on him and him getting to trust them etc also just takes slower. Wether you think Chilchuck will largely be open and comfortable once the confession’s done and they’re dating, or if him opening up and growing used to being loving and loved again is more gradual even throughout their romantic relationship, his love languages will differ depending on what "stage" he is at. For example, I think he’d actually love receiving words of affirmation, they’re just not his highest priority and he needs to highly value them and trust them first, trust that they’re not lies or that you don’t have shit judgement. For the rest of this though I’ll assume they’ve been dating for a good while and have grown used to it and are very familiar with each other. Like Marcille maybe his insecurities creep up on him sometimes, but with the power of communication and support those moments tend to be short lived 💪 She keeps him from using alcohol as a bad coping mechanism & distraction too much.
Ok so starting out with quality time… I’ll get it out of the way but yes I think they’d be sexually active, though with how they work away from each other like with his wife and he spent 4 years holding out fr her his libido isn’t as intense as we’d asssume I think, and for elves "often" might be like once a month, so who knows. This is gonna come back in the physical touch section~ But yes Chilchuck spent a lot of time away from his family, so I think if he values quality time he super values the quality more than the quantity of time spent together. That said, I also headcanon that he gets stuck in his head a bunch about it so as long as he thinks about his family to motivate him on the job for example, he also half-asses the time he spends home and he’s generally too tired to go out and do big things, just wanna relax, so idk!! He might be a bit of a neglectful lover and Marcille needs to poke him so they go out on dates, but yes I think in a similar way to Marcille he really appreciates the time just spent together, even if it’s working on their own thing in the same room. As for conversations or emotionally meaningful moments, I think emotional stuff tires him out quickly, unlike with Marcille where she seeks emotional stimulation from books, so spending time being heartfelt and vulnerable together would be appreciated, but would need to be kinda rare for him to not be exhausted dead lying on the pavement and unable to keep up. Feeling gets him tired too, he never knows wether to repress or let the love grow or how to word what he’s feeling etc etc. At least at first, dates that are activities and allows him to just have fun without thinking much are best. It’ll take him time to grow more used to feeling emotionally naked with her and for it to come more easily and naturally, but they’ll get there and they’ll be sooo domestic. So in the end! Quality time is appreciated but not particularly important, Chilchuck can really keeps the love going even when spending a loooong time away from each other or keeping the moments spent together casual. Oh yes I haven’t gone into that in any of my posts so far I think, but part of why he’s so casual and seemingly dismissive with his wife imo is because the relationship was sooo based on familiarity, respect and trust to him, they’ve been together forever, he trusted that they loved each other and were in this together and that he didn’t have to be extra for her to feel comfortable in the relationship because he trusted that she knew him well enough, trusted that she would stay with him even if their relationship wasn’t perfect, etc etc. So imo as long as he’s like "I love her and that’s enough for me, I trust that if there’s something up she’ll tell me and we can figure it out, I trust in our relationship to stay strong even if we don’t see each other much" then he can seem very casual and neglectful from an outside perspective. But make no mistake he thinks about her all the time and sighs forlornly because he wants to sleep in her arms after a hard day of work and has horny dreams of her 10/10 she matters a lot to him.
Acts of service!!! Biiig big one, there’s little more that Chilchuck values receiving than respect, though he’s much more stingy about giving it out, what with his teasing and insulting snappy remarks and how he’s always laughing at Marcille in canon. But yes like mentioned just before, Chilchuck likes familiarity in a relationship, so his partner anticipating his needs and going out of their way to do services for him would be suuper appreciated and would make him feel loved, would make him feel understood which in turn makes him feel safe that he doesn’t have to try and be someone he’s not to satisfy her and that she understands him well enough that she wouldn’t leave him due to miscommunication. Doing big favors would also be appreciated, but he prefers to live a routinely daily life imo so the acts of service would show themselves in small ways, like idk letting the water run in the bath because he knows Marcille will want to take a relaxing bath when she comes home from work. It’s definitely the love language that he does/give out the most imo, they’re the way he’s most comfortable showing that he cares and that he thinks of them and that he loves them, and he can feel safe doing them in any context wether he has all the eyes in the world on him or if they’re alone. He’s also generally protective, and looking out for her would fit into this category imo. But yes post-canon, I think one way in which this shows is that he’d do her hairdos, maybe even daily if possible. He loves blonde hair and he’s agile with his fingers, but he doesn’t value complicated hairdos much, but he’d learn a lot of hairdos for her, because he loves her and knows how it was once super important to her, and also bc he wants her to slay out there and at the same time he’s doing himself a favor by prettying it up hehe. He had a thing for undone long hair but he loves Marcille and when in the final chapters her hair was all messy the unfamiliar sight of it unsettled him, so besides just wanting her to get through the day without eating her hair and getting the urge to shave it all off, he also just does it because it feels so her and he remembers that side of her fondly (yes, even if that used to make her take even longer to get ready in the mornings).
Might surprise you might not but I think gifts are everything to him. Like the cowl from his daughter that he always wears, and all the mementos from his family we see he keeps in his room, like the dragon plush and the flower. Maybe they help him feel that the love people hold for him is real and exists/has existed at least at one point, maybe it’s about the memories, maybe it’s about being able to keep hanging onto them even after a relationship is over, idk!!!! But I think having gifts from his loved ones makes him feel like his life is fuller and warmer and like he always has some love surrounding him. For that reason he would super value gifts that Marcille would get for him. She overdoes it a bit and often gets him stuff for no particular occasions, mostly stuff that’s useful and that gets consumed so it’s not a problem or a bother though, but when it sticks it sticks, like a durable pair of gloves in a style he likes that she got for him. I don’t think photographs exist (at least not for the non-dwarves) but if they did oooh he’d be keeping stacks of them, would have some framed, he wouldn’t want people to know because he thinks he’d look corny but he wouuuuuld. He’d also have the "this reminds me of Marcille" moments when out into town, looking at jewelry or food that she likes (I imagine this is often the sort of gift/act of service he’d get for her, meals that he picked out because she loves them), but he’d also have the instinct to get her a gift on special occasions, and he’s s bit clumsy with it but he wants to make the item meaningful. He knows what she thinks is romantic, the woman has made plans for him to apologize to his wife with gifts after all, but he also knows that she loves gifts that scream "him" too so the man just doesn’t know what to do to make it as best as he could and he really doesn’t want to fuck it up. I think once he’d made a little metal sculpture-puzzle for her, like a little rabbit out of metal scraps, and he’d be so self-conscious about it but my god she’d adore it sooo much. It’d be cute if he got her a locket, even, and then with the help of imported dwarven technology they could get a picture of them or even all their friends into it and it becomes her most precious item for the following centuries. Ouuugh that’d make a sweet fic where he plans out a birthday party for her…… But yes yes, practical gifts… He knows she values ornamental useless things, unlike him, and though he doesn’t fully approve he also wants to do right by her so he’d go out of his comfort zone and find pretty gifts for her. I touch upon it a bit in my fic Grind Me Down Sweetly (named bc ground coffee beans & it’s meant to be like her slowly getting through the walls he built around himself :] Finding a newfound vulnerability with someone new but finding it soothing, sweet even if a lil bitter bc it’s coffee), and for example he gives her money for a favor she did for him as a friend. She doesn’t want to accept it, because to her doing something for her friend to help them out is more meaningful than getting rewarded for it, but for him respecting each other’s time and abilities is a big thing too. They end up compromising somewhat, because she then spends that money on gifts for him/them to share, so it ends up being a gift to the both of them for a shared effort~
Alrighty physical touch. In canon we see him get touched quite a lot, and when it isn’t patronizing or crowding (like others going to pet his head) he doesn’t seem to mind at all. But it’s a question of wether he’d enjoy it here. We don’t really saw that I think? He often doesn’t mind touching others but usually his touches have a practical purpose like pushing or pulling someone out of danger, and when it isn’t he doesn’t seem to enjoy it, like when Izutsumi sleeps in his bed. As far as I remember the only time we see him happy for touch beyond the few meaningful hugs like when he wanted the party to head back to the surface, was when his succubi were seducing him, sooo overall I get the feeling he’s not big on touch. Like being open with his feelings it’s something he’d keep for the more occasional time rather than something he does often. He is casual with touches but doesn’t give it out and seek it out naturally, so Marcille being very clingy’s not a problem, and as we see with Izutsumi always sleeping with him he’s ready to sacrifice his comfort for others too sometimes. I think being Marcille’s lover though I feel like he’d warm up to touches more, like she’d love to have him rest his head on her lap and to massage his scalp so eventually Chil looks forward to that as part of their routine and it relaxes him and feels right. I think he does like kissing, the routine goodbye peck feels warm and soothing, but with touch what he’d like the most would be making out and having sex and whatnot. Listen it’s super meaningful to him like, the peak of being vulnerable and naked and pouring out his emotions for someone for him. But yes she hangs onto his arm, holds his hand, goes to hug him from behind when he’s cooking, etc etc, and he doesn’t dislike it, but it’s not one of his love languages perse in that sense. It’s more that physical touches are a part of her, so he associates those with her, and so in a way he quite likes them, but it’s nit something he gravitates towards.
Words! I forget what I’ve mentioned already and what I haven’t oof, but yes Chilchuck values respect a lot, and with his last relationship he now values straightforward communication a lot. "If you want to leave me, at least please tell me first" style. But just with the way he is in canon too, where he hypes up his professional skills a lot, getting earned praised does mean something to him. Inversely, he devalues himself interpersonally quite a bit, calling himself a coward or selfish etc etc, and ultimately it’s Marcille telling him that he was a virtuous husband and that he may still have a shot with his wife that makes him see the glass half full and reflect on himself more positively! Remember what I said about Chilchuck first needing to value someone’s opinion before putting stock in their words? This is the canon moment that makes me feel the most like she earned that trust from him, he values what she says and her perspective. He knows her words aren’t empty and he’s able to trust in them more than he trusts his own judgement about himself. So yes yes, he loves getting told that he has qualities, that he’s skilled and manly and handsome and virtuous and kind, though he doesn’t need to be told "I love you" he’d still find it nice ofc. I say this because as I’ve said I think his way of being in a longterm relationship is soaking in the familiar casual soothing energy of it, he loves knowing her and noticing the little things (much like her with how she notices that he hates having to wait on someone for example), and he trusts her love in him, so he doesn’t feel like being told I love you is necessary, but it is a nice bonus.
And this is the bit where the post I linked at the beginning becomes especially relevant. I think Chilchuck shows his affection in subtle but thoughtful ways that showcase just how much they know each other, because to him love languages are less about proving how much love one holds for another but about defining the bond that they share, about quality more than quantity. He’s not one for big gestures, he just wants to feel connected with the person he’s with. Access intimacy, in-jokes, being protective/attack dogism, knowing the little details (Marcille’s favorite) and voluntary vulnerability… These truly ARE more in line with how Chilchuck shows his affection. And thus Marcille would see them for what they are and greatly value them as well.
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Last points
… Help I forgot to talk about how teasing is like their whole thing lol
Ok so more concisely, Marcille will receive and give as much affection as she’s allowed, while Chilchuck needs to have the right setting right mood for it and makes more efforts for her sake to outwardly show it.
Edited in: Short section about pet names!! Chilchuck likes to call people by name and finds that in itself to be intimate but with half-foot names having ‘first names’ where Chilchuck’s is Chil, he might instinctively shorten it to Marci. Otherwise I’ve thought it’d fun if he gave bunny themed pet names teasingly, like his silly rabbit like the meme or harebrain rip, ‘bun’ would have the benefit of being related to food… But also I could see him defaulting to calling her ‘love’, ESPECIALLY if they had a conversation about pet names and discussed it- it could be a more sustainable way for her to feel loved since he’s not regularly showing his affection outwardly much or saying "I love you", that’d be sooo sweet I think. They discussed pet names, and since he doesn’t regularly say "I love you" or show affection all that much, having him call her love as a pet name eases all of that and makes her feel so special and loved. He takes a bit of time to get used to it and not feel silly and self-conscious, but nowadays it slips off the tongue so easily.
How do they communicate their wants for affection: Marcille will blatantly ask for it and/or make the first move herself, except for when she senses that Chil is tired and needs his space. Chilchuck will blink in morse code, and Marcille will somehow understand (to his upmost relief and adoration). He’ll grab her sleeve subtly to ask for her attention and touch, wordlessly walk up to her and reach for her face to leave a tender kiss on her lips, quietly speak to her if he wants to tell her something. And, you know, the other half of the time he feels horny and on top of the world so he indulges her wants for big passionate gestures and being very blunt and forward about it.
What do they view as signs of affection: They recognize each other’s way of showing affection well enough, but it’d be more about which signs they prefer I’d say. For example, Chilchuck does love getting smothered by her kisses and affection sometimes, but if it’s in public 99% of the time the embarrassment will win over, so it ends up meaning more to him that she doesn’t, that she holds back for his sake and she loves him enough to do that and she doesn’t blame him for it and she cares and she would stay with him even if he’s maybe flawed and- It means a lot!!! It’s like an act of service in that way. They compromise and do acts of service sooo much for each other, like she hurries in her care routine so he doesn’t have to wait on her for long, but then he sees her get out ready with her hair a mess and he takes the time to tie it up nicely for her. But yes Marcille overanalyzes everything and will seek out signs of affection into literally anything, but values whichever way to show affection she knows is hardest to do for Chil beyond the ones that feel so heartwarming because they just scream "Chil" to her. Meanwhile Chilchuck values her keeping in mind his boundaries, values her words and her being there for him, an unchanging fixture in his life offering him unconditional love through thick and thin. He values how well they know and understand each other, and how they communicate when things don’t feel as easy. Like, you know, when one of them becomes a dungeon lord and threatens humanity for example.
The compromises that being in a romantic relationship inevitably brings, and having to put some efforts to understand the other person and better the relationship, are points at the heart of Chilchuck’s plot with his wife imo. With the bicorn chapter, Marcille and Chilchuck have already hashed out a lot of their differences and come to a deeper understanding, so I’d say they’re halfway there to making it work :) Oohh what if I gave you hope in the world sometimes being a good bright p’ace where things can go right and love can be fulfilling and rewarding, and what if you gave me a concrete real example of the virtuous man figure that I’ve always idealized in books even if no one real can be as flawless, and the compromise both our outlooks on lives mixed to make made something beautiful and productive…
A bit like how the sweet & salty sandwich feels like an ill-fitting mix of ingredients but still tastes surprisingly good… Like perhaps a sweet woman and a sour man would go well together after all.
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I’ll share this lil marchil song analysis @thatsmimi did once of Soap by The Oh Hellos to be the note I leave this post on~
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iralyn · 9 months
Older brothers reaction to you pitching a crazy solution
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-you were were both locked in Lucifers room. No way out. Even with Lucifer in his demon form, you just couldn’t find a way.
-just when hope seemed lost, and idea popped into your head.
-you gasped, “LUCIFER!”
-Lucifer rubbed his head, getting more stressed as every second passed. “Yes?”
-“i know how to get out!”
- Now Lucifer was sceptical. But, what was the harm in trying?
- “we just have to burn the door down!”
-the silence that spread across the room was almost like a… wild fire.. hehehe
- he thought you were joking at first, so he started laughing. But as he looked back up at you he saw that you were confused as to WHY he was laughing. he realized you weren’t joking.
-he didn’t think he’d even have to say this. “No, what, obviously not?? You’ll burn down the house!”
-“i think you’ve been hanging around with mammon too much”
- don’t ask him how, but somehow you both managed to end up in a MASSIVE box being shipped off to somewhere in the celestial realm.
-the second you both realized where you were going mammon swore you from telling Lucifer.
-You two had to get out, but Mammon couldn’t think of a way out for the life of him.
-“I GOT IT!” You yell out
-some commotion was heard outside the box, that sounded suspiciously like “did that box talk”
-“what?!” Mammon is very excited that you have an idea
-“we just have to use our teeth, we can eat out way out!”
-you both start gnawing at the box before mammon stops randomly
-“wait a minute… what are we doing?”
-mammon forgot he’s a LITERAL DEMON and he could just break the cardboard box.
-when you tell him that he’s smart for realizing (even if it’s sarcastic) he’s gonna respond something like;
-“of course i am! I’m the GREAT mammon after all!”
-dude puffs out his chest till your both home.
-but seriously, don’t tell Lucifer about this.
-your both at a TSL convention, and it’s VERY crowded.
-as we know, Levi hates people, so obviously he would hate crowds. So being pushed around, and all the physical contact would be horrible.
- right when Levi’s about to give up and melt into a puddle on the floor you tell him your solution
-“oh my gosh, Levi, if u summon Lotan everyone will leave!”
-dude gives u the most judgmental look. What the hell?
-softens his gaze eventually
-“MC that’ll kill them.”
-“oh yeahhh…”
-he would sigh like an old man with back problems.
-as you continue looking around he would start considering your solution, but would get his merch, maybe get something signed, and then your both out of there
-you don’t need to stay to watch any of the pre-releases, he already has those at home
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creative-kny-fics · 3 months
Can you make a Lee Giyuu and Ler Shinobu fic?
For Shinobu's birthday, Giyuu is one of her favorite victims and I suppose she could blackmail him and tickle him for that special day for her.
Well, maybe not her directly since she doesn't like (somewhat) blackmailing someone in order to tickle. But Giyuu will get on Shinobu's nerves and that will make him tickle... (but I will take or try to take your suggestion into account)
A/N: I can't say it's a ship, interpret it however you want!
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Lee: Giyuu Tomioka
Ler: Shinobu Kocho
'Isn't the morning beautiful?! Today is a good day! What if-?!' 'GUYS GUYS GUYS!!', Rengoku and Tengen stopped, giving their friend the chance to join in. 'Hey Kanroji, we were going to go to...-'
'TODAY IS SHINOBU-SAN'S BIRTHDAY!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO GIVE HER AS A GIFT!! HELP ME!!', Mitsuri pulled Kyojuro's cloak desperately, she had so many options to give her friend but none of them convinced her that much.
Tengen moved Mitsuri away a little and calmed her down, she wasn't the only one in that situation.
'Well, we were just going to Himejima's estate, he's been planning something for her... You could help us if you like', needless to say what Mitsuri's response was.
'Since we're all here... I guess you
know that Kocho's birthday is today, the good news is that I have everything prepared to celebrate here. Even the girls at Shinobu's estate know it... The bad ones... I didn't have time to complete some things, among them is to go get the cake and keep Shinobu away from here...'
'Mmm... I know of something that will keep Shinobu away from here... Or rather... SOMEONE', Sanemi laughed and left the house without saying anything else, leaving everyone intrigued.
Where was he going? What did he have planned?
'Shinazugawa... Let's see if I understand... Are you telling me to provoke Shinobu to tickle me so you can plan the party?', Sanemi nodded, pushing him in the direction of Shinobu's estate and grunting when Giyuu put his strength and decided not to go any further. 'Oi... What the hell is wrong with you?! WALK THE FUCKING TIME!!'
'And why don't you come in and be the one who receives the tickling?'
'Because you're her best friend, her favorite victim and because she wouldn't scold you for it later', well, he had caught Giyuu in that situation. Even though Sanemi was right, Giyuu did not agree...
Shinobu had nothing more to do on her estate, the girls had already congratulated her and convinced her to go out so she could distract herself and have fun, something Shinobu had accepted and was about to do until...
'OUCH!! HEY-!!' 'AND YOU BETTER NOT SAY ANYTHING!!', Sanemi ran away after having pushed Tomioka to Shinobu's office, who screamed but calmed down when she realized that it was Giyuu. 'Tomioka-San? You scared me... Tell me, what brings you here?'
Giyuu sighed, turning around and approaching Shinobu for a hug and pat her head
'Happy birthday Kocho. I know that as a doctor, your duty is to stay and treat patients, but I would like you to have a little fun and de-stress this day... I love you very much, friend'
'Awww, thank you very much Tomioka-San! I thought you had forgotten... I was just about to leave, what do you say we go out to eat?', she smiled
He could have said yes, but if she went out, her surprise party could be ruined and Shinazugawa would probably hang him for doing so... It was now or never... 'Tomioka-San? Yoohoo! Hey hey Tomioka-San? Are you listening to me?'
'Yes, I'm sorry... It's just that, I'm surprised that even though you're an adult, you haven't grown a single centimeter...', Giyuu was going to regret that, he was sure of it.
Shinobu smiled and moved one of her fingers, motioning for Giyuu to come closer.
He had to, if he made her chase him, she would be even worse off than she already was. 'Now now Tomioka-San... Raise your arms and if you dare to lower them, you'll know what will happen...~'
'Hehehe Kocho... I didn't mean it... I just...-' ' I said... Arms up, you know what happens if you don't...', the movement of her fingers was enough for Giyuu to raise his arms nervously.
But it didn't last long, as he almost immediately lowered them, covering his ribs as Shinobu began to move her fingers like spider legs. 'SHI-SHINOBUHU!! C-COHOMEHE OHOHON!! NOT THE-THEHERE!!'
'Tomioka-San... I said arms up... This is your last chance... Very good! Now... Where was I~?'
Shinobu smiled to repeat the same movement again, also trying to contain her laughter when she saw Giyuu start kicking his feet in the air, she didn't know if she was trying to hold back her laughter or keep her arms up, but she wasn't achieving either of the two.
'Why did you say that Tomioka-San? You have hurt my feelings... I could have expected it from Tengen, Obanai or Sanemi, but from you? I'm disappointed...'
'Mmmm, are you really sorry? I don't know, you wouldn't bother me like that if there wasn't some reason...', oh fuck, she had realized! '...So Tomioka? Which is the reason? Tell me and then I'll stop tickling you...~'
Giyuu shook his head, Sanemi's words immediately coming back to him as he was going to confess the truth.
Shinobu just sighed and shrugged, reaching down with one of her hands and starting to play with the buttons on her uniform. 'Your uniform bothers me a little... Unbutton it!'
'B-BUHUHUT-!!', he couldn't even think of excuses to avoid it anymore.
He lowered his arms and unbuttoned part of his uniform, it was enough for Shinobu to continue. As if that were not enough, Shinobu this time chose to sit on his lap, smiling and raising her arms and giving him one last chance.
'Last chance Tomioka-San! Confess why you did it and I'll set you free!'
'Oh well, you asked for it~'
It was only a matter of a few more minutes for Giyuu to give in, he couldn't take it anymore! Shinobu's weight preventing him from kicking, his arms above his head making him more vulnerable and sensitive, added to the fact that his skin was somewhat exposed made him feel that that tickling session had been a torture that lasted HOURS.
'Know? I'm starting to think you forgot to buy my gift and that's why you did this. Did you want to give me your person as a gift so I could tickle you~?'
'I gave you many chances to tell me the truth... But your snorts are cute, if you make one more, I'll give you another chance. So-!', her sentence was interrupted by a snort from Giyuu.
Keeping her word, she looked at Giyuu, giving him the last chance, without stopping... What did you think? Shinobu didn't fall for such games of deception so easily, so Giyuu had to take a deep breath to at least say a sentence without laughing.
Shinobu let Giyuu hold her as he tried to catch his breath, perhaps she had overdone it. After making sure Giyuu was okay, he let him explain the situation. 'And that's why... Excuse me Kocho... I didn't want to ruin your surprise...'
'Well, if you had told me that instead of calling me "dwarf", I would have understood and you would have been saved!'
'I know...', Shinobu raised her eyebrows as she smiled at Giyuu, who understood why she smiled that way.
Well, maybe it wasn't a bad birthday for Shinobu after all...
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courtmartialme · 3 months
two questions that can be as related or unrelated as you want :P have there ever been other characters u love as much as riza over the course of your life or is she in a league of her own? & do you have any non-fma characters u think would be fun to crossover ship w riza
i never did actually!! before i got into fma i've had different obsessions across the years(one of which included a different traumatized blonde lady who is talented with guns... i'm predicable...). i got to love other characters a lot before but then riza showed up and grabbed me by the larynx LMAO my hyperfixations tend to last like 2 years or so, but i've been obsessed with riza for almost 6 years now...! i love her so much that even though i don't really have any say on what fictional guy my brain decides to latch onto, the thought of eventually moving on from riza is actually scary to me, since so far i haven't ever felt compelled into getting back to old interests, it's as if the time i was obsessed with other stuff didn't exist LOL i don't want to move on from riza she's been in my life for so long and the mere thought of her has helped me through life so many times wehhhhhhhh i love her lots
AND also.... the aforementioned blond lady ... one time i drew her and riza together because i was like hehehe my two blonde wives then i was like hey..what if.... LOL but that's as far as it went... i could take it further if i wanted though :^) but it's embarrassing i don't want you to know what the other character is because it's from media i don't respect LMFAO i don't think of crossover ships unless as a joke but if you threw me a character and say "make it work with riza" I PROBABLY COULD ... i already do it with fma characters who have never interacted with her anyway COUGHS
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ringdabel · 5 months
My thoughts on OP ships except I’m being 100% honest (P.3)
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- I don’t know about you but to me I’m neutral about it, if you ship this, good for you! If you don’t then okay!
- I do think it’s a cute ship though with their interactions, relationship between the two, etc..
- And it actually MAKE SENSE
- Like hear me out, Law would actually marry a polar bear because of how much of a freak he is and considering he’s a pirate, he wouldn’t care if other people think it’s weird, at least he has his fluffy boyfriend.
- I draw these two a lot in my sketchbooks, like every single one just HAD to have Law and Bepo together or else those sketchbooks are not mine
- he has a soft spot for Bepo, definitely Bepo. He hates everyone and everyone but his crew, Corazon and BEPO.
-In the SBS, Oda did tell us about how Law met Bepo (with Penguin and Shachi), at that time Law was a kid along with the three others so that means Law and Bepo knew each other since they were children and are super close.
- FUNFACT : You know how Law hates Umeboshi right? Well Bepo likes eating it with onigiri pretty much! I like to imagine that if someone ever gift Law some onigiri with umeboshi inside, he will give them to Bepo.
- Small girl with her gigantic DILF (idk what that means but I think it’s fitting).
- it’s the size difference isn’t it?
- I like their chemistry a lot! It’s pretty cute in my opinion.
- for some people, a 10 year age gap is too much (Shigi is 23, Smoky is 36, so that means it’s 13 year age gap then) but they’re both adults so I guess it’s legal? I mean Rayleigh and his wife has a 10 year age gap and they’re old now-
- this might be controversial but… Smoshigi is better than Zoshigi or Lawshigi in my PERSONAL OPINION.
Zoro is confirmed to have no interest in women by Oda and for Law i don’t think he’d date her or even taken interest in her in general.
(I telling all this like a hater I’m so sorry I don’t mean to sound like one DDDX!! If you ship Zoshigi or Lawshigi it’s totally fine and valid! It’s just my opinion!)
- MY FAV SHIP!!!!! I love them so much they’re so cute!!! <3333333333
- Theres this one part of the OP stage actors and actresses like an event or something?? And I saw a video of these two where basically Sanji is being a simp as always, drops on one knee and like hold out his hand to Nami
- They’re the DEFINITION of GIRLBOSS MALEWIFE FRFR!!! No 🧢!!!!!!
- wait did I already put this ship in part 1 or part 2? Man idc anymore I just genuinely LOVE this ship!! If it becomes canon I will become happy! (Even though it’s highly unlikely it’s fine!)
- I just love their moments together you know? When I was young I always wanted the two of them to kiss a lot, I have never change at all 😈
- Like look at the sad French man! How can you not kiss him!?!?!?! He makes you desserts you really like, compliments and swoons at you everyday, cooks for you, loves you for who you are, patient and will listen to you whenever you have a bad day, shows affection to you, a gentleman, IN A SUIT, ALSO WEARS AN APRON AS WELL, Respects you, etc… etc… he’s the only French I like <333/j
- They’re also both good with kids and have a soft spot for them! Oda stated that if Nami is ever kind to someone it’s women and Children, for Sanji he always has a motherly nature surrounding him, his interactions with the DK crew proves this!!!
- a HUGGGGEEE fan of childhood friends to lovers trope <3333333333
- I love these two a lot, I ship them a lot TOO! I want them to have more interactions!
- in the Heroines novel, I just love Vivi’s episode with Koza and the love letter (NO CONTEXT HEHEHE 😈) it’s so so so SOOO sweet it’s giving me diabetes
Like it’s so funny, full of sweetness and wholesomeness! I love them!
- I wish these two would be canon… if not it’s fine as well… because I have another ship up my sleeve… *takes out hand*
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