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batmanlovesnirvana · 3 days
What would a Batman, Nightwing, Red Hodd, Red Robin,Robin,Superman,Spider-Man who were born into and lived in a war-torn country with an oppressive, controlling, apartheid state be like?
It's cliche but they totally would fight to put an end to it and take down the said government to death.
A Side note i want to add: I feel like if Battinson (Robert Pattinson's Batman) had been born, raised, and lived in a place like this, he would definitely have been traumatized even more and worse. I mean, I think being a child, a teenager, and living in such a place, on top of the death of his parents, would definitely take a severe toll on and make Batman's already bad trauma and psychology worse, therefore as a result, we would see a more depressed Battinson. Also,being exposed to racially based oppression, discrimination and marginalization because of their race would be a factor that affected Dick and Damian.
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batmanlovesnirvana · 3 days
— 4 students of Jewish faith harass a 5th grade student of North African origin in France.
“Terrorist", "dirty Arab", "conspirator with Hamas" or even "rocket launcher".
In Neuilly-sur-Seine, Karim, a 5th grade student of North African origin, was allegedly the victim of harassment and racist insults for months by four classmates, all of the Jewish faith.
They also claim to have been insulted. Two other students confirmed that Karim was insulted and reported hearing phrases such as "Karim, we said no bomb. today" or "Karim is going to blow up the school". One of the witnesses declared that the insults occurred "at least two or three times a day".
The school initially considered changing Karim's class, but decided finally decided to distribute the four other students to other classes after their reintegration following a disciplinary council, considering that "the faults were shared".
The cabinet of Nicole Belloubet, Minister of National Education, assured that "the faults were shared". Teams will know how to take the time necessary for Karim to continue his education."
However, Karim is now out of school on sick leave until the end of the school year, because a psychotherapist reported "significant signs of post-traumatic stress: inability to sleep, permanent stress, states of fear, difficulties of concentration and inability to return to school.”
An investigation is currently underway.
(via LE MONDE, a French general news media )
link : https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2024/05/29/terroriste-lanceur-de-roquettes-a-neuilly-sur-seine-la-detresse-de-karim-eleve-de-5-face-a-des-insultes-racistes_6236144_3224.html
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batmanlovesnirvana · 4 days
“Colonized people recognize themself with Palestine. Colonizers recognize themselves with Israel.”
@latent-thoughts I wonder if your perspective has changed after seven months of relentless suffering, including genocide, ethnic cleansing, and massacres.
Over 45,000 people have died, the majority of them women and children. Among them, 14,800 children, not to mention those still trapped under rubble.
We have witnessed unspeakable horrors—decapitated children, some without limbs or organs.
Millions of people have been displaced in Rafah.
This situation demands reflection and compassion.
I am not asking you to support Hamas, but to reconsider labeling them as terrorists. They are a resistance group.
If you still view Hamas as the sole terrorists here, I find it hard to understand your stance. It’s akin to labeling Algerian resistance groups in the 1950s, who fought for liberation from French imperialism, as terrorists. The same applies to the Vietnamese resistance, which employed similar tactics, and the French resistance against the Nazis. History is replete with such examples.
Hamas is exercising their right to self-defense against a colonial power.
You talk about hamas like it's some invasive occupying regime or some inexplicable evil terrorising palestine or even a religious hate group which is both racist and completely inane.
Whatever your opinion on hamas, i urge you to actually consider the position of palestinians on the ground--if everyone you loved was killed by an airstrike while the world cheered on, who the fuck wouldn't join an organisation promising revenge and action ??? When the alternative is looking down at the barrel if vanishingly short life expectancy amid more airstrikes in an open air prison with a 47% unemployment rate.
You might not think that hamas is good or right or correct, but you have to understand it as a response to the situation it exists in or you'll just end up uncritically accepting the islamophobic propaganda lines being used to fuel a genocide
Have you ever wondered why only Western countries classify Hamas as a terrorist organization? These are the same countries that do not even recognize Palestine. The same countries that send weapons to Israel and are complicit in the genocide.
You all love Marvel, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, or whatever, and you praise the resistance groups in those movies—until it happens in real life. Until real people have had enough of their oppression and oppressors and decide to take matters into their own hands.
Do you really think the Palestinians haven’t tried anything? Protests? Negotiations? These people have suffered for 75 years. Hamas didn’t exist until the 1980s; they are a result of oppression. Most members of Hamas are orphaned children who have witnessed the devastation caused by Israel to their families, their country, and neighboring countries.
You kill their families, r@pe their women and children, steal their lands, and systematically bomb their houses and cities for 75 years. And then you wonder why they exist? Why they revolt? Why they want revenge? Why they've had enough? Why they resort to violence?
The audacity you have is outstanding.
I also live in a country where terrorism exists, but I also know what it's like to be colonized, oppressed, and unable to express my feelings or grief. To be deprived of my rights.
"Hamas leaders are billionaires but they don’t uplift Palestinians"? As if Israel weren’t controlling what goes in and out of Gaza—money, food, medication, everything—for decades. You talk like those Zionists on Instagram, claiming that if Israel completely controlled Gaza, they would turn it into Singapore or Dubai.
You talk about r@pe when we don't even know if those same allegations are true, because most have been proven false time and time again, without any proof whatsoever and simply just feed racist stereotypes against Arab men.
Meanwhile I don’t see you talking about how IDF soldiers r@ped Palestinians women and children. Just the other day, they r@ped a pregnant women while forcing her husband and family to watch at gunpoint. How in the West Bank, IDF sexual assaults is a common thing against Palestinian women because they know that those women won't talk about it, because of the threats and shame they receive and feel. Israelis spies used to take pictures of Palestinian women naked to bribe their husbands with it. Don’t even let me start with the sexual assaults that Palestinian prisoners (which some of whom are children) receive everyday.
“Freedom struggle shouldn’t include brutality” then you don’t know ANYTHING about freedom struggle. Go open a history book and find me a country that has been able to win their independence and human rights without using violence. I’ll be waiting.
It’s funny to see you criticize Hamas but not the IDF. Really. But also extremely infuriating.
Take a look at that :
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And for the last time I’m not asking you to support them, just like I haven’t said if I support or not, but for god sake STOP CALLING THOSE PEOPLE TERRORISTS. The only real terrorists here are Benjamin Nethanyahu from Poland & the state of Philadelphia and of course, his fascist government as well as the IDF.
Being on Tumblr is super depressive these days.
My favourite character got twisted and destroyed by new canon, and many of my fandom mutuals celebrated it. It just feels weird, because I'm in mourning (even though I do reject that canon and am trying to keep him alive in my world), but they're not. I don't know how to interact with them anymore. So I've stopped.
Meanwhile mutuals who agreed with me on many things are suddenly spewing antisemitic rhetoric or reblogging posts praising terrorists like Hamas and bin Laden. It's giving me such a whiplash that I'm unable to process it still.
I want to close my eyes and ignore all of this, but I can't. I unfollow and block, but the sense of shock and betrayal remains...
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batmanlovesnirvana · 4 days
“What’s happening with 🍉 is the same YT supremacy we’ve always seen.”
Incredible & very important video. #alleyesonrafah 🇵🇸🍉🕊️
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batmanlovesnirvana · 5 days
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From Gaza. There are no words for this.
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batmanlovesnirvana · 5 days
If you’re still filtering tags related to Palestine in May of 2024 to avoid seeing posts related to it on your dash you’re evil AND if you’re accommodating people ask you to tag Palestine posts so they can filter it you’re even more evil. It’s been 229 days of genocide, at what point are you going to decide you’re ready to bear witness to it?
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batmanlovesnirvana · 8 days
I'm not here to tell Zionists that they're on the wrong side of history, they're well aware of that and they don't care.
It's been seven months and all they've done since then is double down on their horrid fucking behavior.
These folks will go out of their way to brag about being pro genocidal lunatics because they don't view Palestinians or Arabs as people. And if they see other westerners call them out on their shit, they'll just play the antisemitism card.
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batmanlovesnirvana · 8 days
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batmanlovesnirvana · 20 days
MAY 10TH 2024
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CREDIT TO @ eye.on.palestine ON INSTAGRAM
“CNN has released leaked images of the Israeli torture camp Sde Teiman in the Nagev desert, where Israel perpetrates grave crimes against Palestinian prisoners abducted from Gaza.”
A literal concentration camp.
Free Palestine.
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batmanlovesnirvana · 20 days
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This is literally the core of what our fight for liberation means
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batmanlovesnirvana · 22 days
Colin Farell wearing an outfit inspired by Tony Soprano on the set of The Penguin.
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batmanlovesnirvana · 23 days
What would Bruce Wayne be cancelled for ?
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batmanlovesnirvana · 23 days
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You son of a bitch. You have any idea what kind of trouble you're in?
THE BATMAN (2022) - dir. Matt Reeves
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batmanlovesnirvana · 1 month
Honestly love that, Anthony would be logical since one of his ancestors from the 18th century was named Anthony Wayne, he was a colonial-era guerilla fighter.
Fun fact : Like his descendant, Anthony worked alongside a sidekick and partner named Robby Douglas. His brother is Darius Wayne. At some point during the war, Batman traveled back in time and met Anthony Wayne, discovering that the two were almost identical.
Missed opportunity to make Bruce's initials B.A.T by giving him a second middle name
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batmanlovesnirvana · 1 month
I have a headcanon that Bruce used to be terrified of guns (because when your parents are shot in front of you at an extremely early age, it's a tiny little bit traumatic). And it took him a long time to go from a complete panic attack to barely noticeable flinching due to the shots next to him. He could hide it really well tho, with the amount of kidnapping he dealt with, he had to, but internally he was losing his shit every single time.
Yet, Bruce was always the first to volunteered to be hostage at the gala and stood resolutely at gunpoint, protecting others. Not because he wasn't scared, but because he truly believed, still does, that these people, even the most unpleasant ones, had a family that would mourn them, and if someone had to die, it should be him.
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batmanlovesnirvana · 2 months
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1961: Photographs of Bassam Shakaa and Enaya al-Fassed, a Palestinian couple. They were staying in Syria as political refugees.
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