chiimi-png · 1 day
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112 Days of Uni [75-77/112]
Touched some grass this weekend so that meant really bad internet and phone signal. Anyways, I finished my academic writing task, started my next thesis assignment and went to a design expo
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nenelonomh · 2 days
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day 39/100 ~ 100 days of productivity
achievements: ♡ studied some maths, and spanish ♡ fixed some blog disparities (aah new name!) ♡ worked, 5.5hrs
insights: ♡ it's the perfect time to grow and change!
habit tracking:
morning stretch study time daily physical activity practice a hobby
photo credits: pinterest
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learnelle · 4 months
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(2/30) Pictures of my study spaces ! Normally I study from a library or at work in between tasks, but recently I made my desk higher (with a bunch of books lol) so I’m hoping to do a lot more study from home 📚✨
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owlchimedes · 10 months
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Day 9/100 of Productivity
I keep swinging between feeling very on top of everything and feeling wildly unprepared. I'm sure the coffee jitters don't help.
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starrystvdy · 9 months
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07.09.23 ⭐︎ 32/100 days of productivity
who needs a pomodoro timer when you’ve got a cat that sits on your work and demands you take a break every ~40 mins instead?
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g-inspirationstudies · 11 months
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14.07 || 28/100 days of productivity
I love studying at library.
📖dissertation (3 hrs)
📝writing (1 hr)
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shlrleystudies · 11 months
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rare occasions when my roommates are out and I get the whole house to myself
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cyberstudious · 4 months
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friday, february 2nd, 2024 | 17/100 days of productivity
hooray for friday! I stressed myself out a bit this morning by sleeping in and then putting too much on my todo list, but I took the time to figure out why I was stressed and pushed some tasks until tomorrow. I'm looking forward to resting this weekend :)
today's productivity & self-care:
finally finished section 2 of this certification course!
reviewed anki cards
helped a coworker with some code stuff, which always feels nice :)
took a walk on my lunch break
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studentbyday · 5 months
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habits i should try to avoid burnout 🍵
to varying degrees, every semester i burn out. this one may become the worst i've had in recent years if i'm not careful bc of the way i'm trying to pack my schedule. anxiety has been unexpectedly high this week and it's only week 1! 😖
🐢 self-care:
get 8-10 hours of sleep daily
daily exercise - enough to get me physically tired enough to sleep
meditate AND journal daily
give myself at least one day a week to chill (probably will be a "reset" day bc i can't just vegetable and expect my brain to not self-destruct. for now, let's try saturdays.)
more quality time with the people i love throughout the week
fresh air + sunlight when the weather isn't too inhospitable
no phone mornings (i quickly fell out of the habit but it did wonders for my mental health 😭)
🐰 time management:
set reasonable goals. don't kid yourself into thinking you can complete everything on a to-do list you doubt you can finish even half of - if you doubt, you're probably right.
take plenty of breaks throughout the day
don't procrastinate bc procrastination's consequences will definitely lead to burnout. on the days you just don't feel it, give yourself a reason to study that speaks to you. what is demotivating you? give yourself the encouragement you need to not give up.
vary the order in which you do things so your days feel like they have more variety (e.g. vary the order in which you work on different subjects every day)
study based on energy level (i.e. try to study high-energy subjects when you have high energy and low-energy subjects when you have low energy. stop for the day when you're just not there anymore, don't try to push it.) this doesn't have to be contradictory to the point above cuz i still have lots of choices for what to do and my energy sometimes fluctuates like crazy throughout a single day.
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white-flwrs · 5 months
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09. 01. 2024.
i’m honestly starting to feel burnt out from tryna be productive hhhh can’t wait for school to start i miss seeing my friends :(
also i changed my table set up to make it more dark academia :)
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chiimi-png · 3 months
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112 Days of Uni [2/112]
Second lecture of the week and also worked on my first piece of homework, I have half of it done but wanted to change and update some things.
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nenelonomh · 3 days
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day 38/100 ~ 100 days of productivity
achievements: ♡ took my family out for breakfast, to celebrate my mums birthday ♡ outlined some characters for a new story ♡ did some maths study, exam is on tuesday ♡ scheduled some posts,, updated my content page on notion
insights: ♡ not every day will look the same, and that's ok
notes: ♡ work tomorrow ♡ played roblox with my sister today - it was fun, and different
habit tracking:
morning stretch study time daily physical activity practice a hobby
photo credits: pinterest
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learnelle · 4 months
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(3/30) my ideal study plan for the weekend would be to finish the biggest chunk of my psych assignment and my extra french delf B2 tasks before 4pm on Saturday so I could enjoy the rest of the evening watching the fake jury show in bed with my cat or bf or both :’)
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owlchimedes · 5 months
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11/100 Days of Productivity
Last night I attended a 2.5 hour class, watched 3 lectures, read 2 chapters, submitted the associated write up, picked and prepped my research article, started on an assignment not due for 2 weeks, and wrote a page of my master’s thesis. Today’s to do list includes emails, cleaning, grading some student tests, another lecture and write up, calling my bank, therapy, hustling to work through the snow, taking a quiz, continuing that far off assignment, and getting to 3 pages of thesis preamble. We can do it!! Jesus Christ, but we can!!
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starrystvdy · 10 months
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25.07.23 // 7/100 days of productivity
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greenhouse-studies · 3 months
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Day 91 • 100 Days of Productivity
i’m so fucking tired but i’m pushing through it. i got a 100% on my lab exam which im really proud of and now im studying for my next lecture exam. the rest of my study group didn’t do as great, so im trying to meet with them more so i can help drill the information into their minds. i’m also working on writing up my cheat sheet for my sociology exam (i get a page, front and back, of whatever i want to use on the test). midterms are coming up and im just trying to push through and make it to the end of the semester lol
🎶 in our bedroom after the war - stars 🎶
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