#My Smartphone
sofiaflorina2021 · 4 months
I Hope My Current Smartphone Can Last Until I Get A New Smartphone
Fuck you Sake! He is one of my cats and I really don't like him. He pulled my charger cable many times when I was charging my smartphone and because of that the smartphone also fell on the floor many times.
I've tried to make my smartphone safe but still this bastard cat always pulls my charger cable. My smartphone could suddenly die when I use it because it falls so many times, I'm afraid of that. I hope that doesn't happen.
Argh, I hope my smartphone can still last long enough until I get a new smartphone, this year, especially as my mother is saving to buy me a new smartphone. This smartphone will be three years old next May 20 since I bought it in 2021.
I'm really afraid if I don't have a smartphone because that means I can't connect to the internet. We need a device to access the internet, right? It wasn't easy for me to buy my smartphone at that time (I'll tell you later).
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silvermoon424 · 7 months
This is a subject that really interests me because I (28 years old) had computer classes in grade school where learning how to efficiently type was a big focus. As a result I have a very high WPM (words per minute) count and am an excellent touch typer.
However, I've heard that they started phasing out computer classes in a lot of schools because it's assumed that kids/teenagers already know how to use a computer in this day and age. But smartphones are more popular than computers now, and as result a lot of Gen Z/Gen Alpha kids are able to text very quickly but their typing skills aren't as good.
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reebmiester · 8 months
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For a commission, Alfred the Dadler
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jonnywaistcoat · 3 months
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4 in the morning (or as we call it "Poster's Noon") is usually when I decide it's a good idea to open the gently burning tire fire that is my Tumblr asks. It is the night that gives me the inspiration to reply and the fatigue that gives me the courage to hit "post".
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haliibugg · 1 month
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when vincent eventually gets his phone i hope they give him one of those coffin shaped cases to go with it
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
It is my sincerest and unironic belief that we must invest in preserving "old technology." The more we move to a hegemonic, easily-surveilled way of living, the worse we will find this world to be.
Letters, public phones and transport, cash, and so much more are key to ensuring both freedom of movement and information, but also to combat the surveillance state. We need to preserve the ability to both access the world but also to be untraceable. I truly hope more people start to recognize this. It isn't about nostalgia for the past. It is about ensuring that we are actually afforded freedom, from the richest person to the person who lives on the sidewalk.
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needklainenow · 10 months
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karpachev · 9 months
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When your kid thunder doesn't like selfies :(
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todayintokyo · 3 months
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Early-blooming Kawazu-zakura at Sakura Jingū in Setagaya, Tokyo. It is said that your wish will come true if you write it on a pink ribbon and tie it to one of the trees.
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midnightmah07 · 1 month
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Daisy pre twst!
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crunchchute · 4 months
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you got the wrong address
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acnologias-ass · 11 months
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The feel when u have a daughter 🌸
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blueteller · 8 months
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In the honor of the good old Demon Slayer meme... Say hello to Disgusted Cale(TM)
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dnd-smash-pass-vs · 4 months
I've been gathering all the elligible creatures for next tournament, double checking my work. And I hit the retriever.
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This thing stopped me for hours. Because they keep changing what it IS. Because look at it, cool spider robot, right? oh, and it knows languages, that means it's either a mindless automaton (fine because it's like a toy) or it's an intelligent creature, right? Wrong? Turns out it's NEAR mindless. Red flag, especially given it has 3 int. Usually sentient creatures don't go below 5, so it's likely either a smart automaton like your phone or animal, right? Well turns out it's made from an imprisoned bebelith that had most of its intelligence removed. MOST? Is it animal level or not, because that's down to the usual animal range but it apparently still understands language. Does it even matter, does being made from an imprisoned spirit that follows orders mean it couldn't consent anyways? I made an argument for that with golems, and we know that spirits imprisoned spirits cannot fight even if they want to as long as the vessel's durable metal. But then you look at the MPMM, this new book we're going into. and hey look, they removed the "imprisoned bebelith" part that's been in every description for decades. But it is gone because it's not true anymore, or is it gone because the MPMM shortened nearly every description? Some PLAYER RACES got reduced to 3 sentences, so is that no longer canon, or is it just not included in this summarized version of it because they assume you know from Tome of Foes?
ultimately, sorry, not including it in next tournament. 14 foot spider droid with paralysis and restraint powers would've done numbers. But I am really unsure if this is sentient and if it could consent even if it was (since the ritual seems to override its free will). And I can't in good conscious include an option unless I'm confident it can consent. I'll take "I can't think of a scenario in which it would want to, but it technically could." but not "incapable of consent."
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dreamofbecoming · 2 years
anyway please enjoy this photo my brother (a sheep farmer) sent to our sibling groupchat without context or further comment
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update: the mutuals are sleeping on this so i’m doubling down and making Everyone look at it
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romancemedia · 8 months
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Cartoon & Anime Romances + Fantasy Wedding
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