#Tims confused on the numbering too
nu-so · 10 months
I feel like Tim would know about Lance. Like.
Bruce and Dick don't say anything, Jason doesn't know. But Mr. stalker over here knows everything about the batfam.
So maybe Jasons arguing with bruce again on how he died as robin and tim (on like 2 hours of sleep in 48 hours) goes 'you weren't even the first one. calm your tits'
jasons demanding answers, bruce and dick want to know how he knows, and everyones kinda mad that they kept lance a secret.
it'd be cool if Lance did come back too, but he's just living his life in like. San Diego or smh as a beach body.
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phantom-dc · 1 year
Jason was acting strange.
Bruce was worried. It had started when the batfam investigated the hideout of a new gang in Gotham. They had attacked Jason earlier that week with strange weapons, so Batman, Nightwing and Red Hood followed them to a warehouse. They saw the men in white suits with the weapons, several vans and some sort of powersource they called a core. Batman and Nightwing were making a plan when one of the men activated the machine housing the core.
Suddenly Red Hood had gone ballistic! He attacked them recklessly, with much more force than neccesary. Nightwing had to sto him from beating one of them to death! Batman was furious. They left the men for commisioner Gordon and took some evidence to the cave. When they arrived, Jason looked shaken. Bruce wanted to scold him, but the look on Jason's face made him pause. He needed to focus on the case, but he knew he couldn't bring Jason along. So he 'benched' Jason. Thats what the Robins called it, anyway. But someone needed to guard the evidence, they had no idea what this power core even was.
He expected Jason to protest. To insult him to complain. But when Bruce told Jason to look after the core, he instead looked suprised. Really? Jason had asked. Then Jason had told Bruce he could count on him. Red flag number 1. This had confused Bruce, but if it kept Jason from following then it was fine.
Then Jason had started carrying the core everywhere. He held it in his hand, close to his chest. He stayed in the manor, wich was red flag number 2. Damian had caught him talking to the thing numerous times. Alfred had heard Jason in the library, reading a children's book out loud. Tim noticed whenever they discussed the gang of men in white suits that Jason would leave, instead of listening. Dick had even caught Jason singing softly to it! Too many red flags to count.
Bruce was worried about him. He was starting to worry about mind control! But when he had tried to confront Jason, he had cut him off. Jason told Bruce that he knew he had messed up at the warehouse, that he had gone too far. So he was really happy that Bruce had trusted him with this. After that Bruce had been too stunned to say anything about it. But they knew the problem had to be adressed. During dinner, the whole family where going to discuss this matter with Jason.
That was before the core transformed into a glowing, white haired child.
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writingsonsaturn · 2 months
Tim and Y/n are high school sweethearts but they go there separate ways not because they want to but for some reason, and y/n moves to LA (maybe sometime after the break up with Rachel) and meets tim again after she calls 9-1-1 for help and they reconnect - you're an amazing writer
rekindled love - tim bradford
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{ masterlist }
🪐: i’m so sorry it took me so long to write this, i made it a little longer to make up for it so pls forgive me lol :)
word count: 1.8k
Senior year was the beginning to the end, Tim had talked to you about joining the military and The moment your eyes met Tim’s freshmen year during first period you knew your heart was his.
Your secret crush developed as you continued to stare and daydream about his pretty face, your friends all laughed at you and practically screamed at you to finally make a move on him.
“He doesn’t even know who I am! Why would I make a move?” you had groaned over the phone.
“Y/n, babe, I need you to be serious. That man has the biggest crush on you! He barely even knows what class he’s in because he’s too busy gawking at you” your friend, Darla, argued with a roll of her eyes.
After the much needed push to finally get the ball rolling, you had sat next to Tim in class. Unbeknownst to you his heart had started racing, hands began to profusely sweat, and mouth became dry at the simple thought of you being next to him.
The class was long, and boring. That was until Tim asked “are you understanding any of this?” you were surprised, and slightly caught off guard.
“Honestly, no, but i personally enjoy a good game of pretend” your witt had caught his attention, he smiled and looked back at his paper seemingly writing something down.
Your gaze was curious, looking over his shoulder. “Ms. L/n, please keep your eyes towards me” your teacher had declared loudly, causing your cheeks to heat up.
Tim had looked at you once the teacher's prying eyes had left you two alone, he slyly slid over a note.
“Here’s my number, call me?” the note had read, you smiled and put the note in your backpack. 
Your eager body was nearly out of the seat before the bell could even make the first ring, hurriedly running out of the school halls, ignoring the confused calls of your name spoken by your friends.
The rest was history after that, late night calls began and he started picking you up in the mornings for school. Tim bragged about you to his friends, and you to yours.
you told him about a writing program you had been accepted into. You both were happy for each other, but deep down both of you knew that long distance wouldn’t be something that could work for you two at the moment.
Graduation night you and Tim went out to the coast, sitting on the sand and taking in the serene atmosphere. “I really don’t want to go” you broke the silence tearfully, the impact of the moment finally hitting you.
“Neither do I” he agreed, putting his arm around your shoulders.
You both sat there, tears streaming down your faces in quiet acceptance. 
You both had said your goodbyes, the hug lasting longer than usually knowing it would be the last one. “I’ll find you again” he whispered in your ear, and kissed your forehead, leaving you with his love.
You looked around your now empty apartment, the heavy brown boxes filled with your life already on its journey to Los Angeles. 
Your job had offered you a chance to move offices, you took the chance to finally move back to your hometown. Your life was seemingly perfect, you had a well paying job, a beautiful high rise apartment in the upper east side, you were living the dream.
Although your heart never seemed aligned with your head, it stayed where you left it. The ache never left your bones, the longing for the once in a lifetime love you had experienced. 
While you sat in the back of your cab, your mind wandered off, running away with different thoughts and daydreams. Tim was a recurring image in each of those daydreams and thoughts, you wondered if you’d see him again, if he still thought about you the way you thought about him.
The simple thought of seeing Tim again made your stomach flip and heart pump faster than you could have prepared for. That feeling only enlarged when the airport came into sight, you knew the idea of seeing Tim again was a mere fantasy as you hadn't heard from him or keep up with how his life had been. You both agreed it was better to make a clean cut, seeing each other live their respective lives without one another would just be another grueling stab to the heart. 
You didn’t even know if Tim still lived in California, all of these old, decrepit feelings were clawing their way out of their tomb. You simply just shook your head, hoping to scramble the memories, and quickly made your way inside the airport.
The flight was as nice as a flight could be, you would've gotten first class but you didn't feel like selling any organs. You were lucky enough to get a window seat and a nice older woman who gave you little sweets that she claimed would help pop your ears.
You were greeted by your mother, who was gracious enough to pick you up at 11:30pm on a weekday. “Mom!” you squealed, hugging her tightly with excitement, you only had your bare necessities with you so you didn't have to go to baggage claim. 
You and your mom walked out arm and arm, you talked about your long flight and she mentioned how excited your dad was to see you again. Your parents were letting you crash at their place for tonight while you waited for the moving trucks to arrive.
As soon as you got to your parents house and greeted your dad, you went right up to your old room and immediately went to sleep, not worrying about your skin care or taking a shower. 
Once you had woken up, you were met with the comforting smell of your mothers cooking. You got yourself off the bed and walked into your bathroom, hoping that a nice warm shower would rid you of the suffocating airplane stench. The warmth of the water melted into your sore muscles, while the steam rolled through your stuffed sinuses.
You took a couple of deep breaths before getting out, wiping the steam of the mirror before getting ready. 
“Oh how i've missed your cooking” you exhaled as you reached the kitchen, your dad spoke from the dining room table “you gonna need help moving in?” 
“No, the moving dudes will help with all of that pops” you patted his shoulder while grabbing a piece of bacon, “I’ll be able to stop by sometime next week after i've gotten settled in, and my work hours situated” you explained, your parents smiled at you “we’re glad you’re home, y/n.”
When the moving company had finished their job, you finally were able to take a moment and breath. You were once again exhausted but still needed to eat dinner, you weren't in the mood to cook, let alone were you willing to dig through all your boxes to find your kitchen utensils. You pulled out your phone and ordered take out, as you waited you unpacked the box with your bed sheets and made your bed sleepable. 
Your house was in a dainty little neighborhood, it was older architecture with beautiful accents and all around wonderful. When the room had been unpacked to your standards, your next battle was to unpack your bathroom. 
The doorbell rang, you quickly made your way towards the door. You tipped the driver and said your thanks closing the door. You were thankful they packed you plastic silverware and dug into the mouth watering food in front of you.
You decided to call it a night after a little more unpacking here and there, but you had tired yourself out and you were ready to go to bed.
You flinched awake at a loud clashing coming from downstairs, you sat up quickly thinking it might just be home alone jitters until the loud crash was heard again. You knew better than to try and investigate the noise so you quietly tiptoed to your bedroom door and locked it, then went into the conjoined bathroom also turning and locking it before hiding in your tub and dialing 911.
“911, what's your emergency?” the voice on the other line asked, “There’s someone in my house.” your shaking voice answered, fear present in your speech, “Okay, and what is your address?” she questioned “4758 garden road.” “Okay, and do you know where this person is located?” she asked for clarification “I think he's in the kitchen” you tried to stay calm but the adrenaline and fear were catching up to you.
The 911 operator stayed on the phone with you until the police arrived and arrested the intruder, you hung up the phone when you heard a knock and an announcement stating it was the police. You hurried to the door, unlocking it and ready to profusely thank the officer who had possibly just saved your life. “Oh thank god, i thought i was going to-” you abruptly paused when you noticed who you were thanking.
“Y/n?” you heard Tim’s voice call your name, you almost thought you were hallucinating out of fear. “Tim?” you replied, all the emotions you were holding in waiting for the cops to show up spewed out. 
“It’s okay, it's okay, you’re safe now” Tim comforted you, your shaking form easily fit into his body. He held onto you, also in shock at seeing your face after so much time had passed, he knew he needed to get a statement from you but he just can't seem to let you go. 
When he had gotten you to calm down, he took you to the precinct to get a statement from you. “So you became a cop” you tried to make small talk, your voice nasally and hoarse from crying. “Yeah, i did” Tim responded, putting paper on a clipboard “when did you come back to town?” he continued as he tried to make you comfortable.
You and Tim went over your written statement, and after that you caught up on life. You talked to him about your time in New York, and he told you about his time spent in the army and how he went on to become a cop.
It had felt natural, like the flame rekindled as if it had never been put out.
Before you left the station Tim slipped you a note and a quick smile before going back to his duties and having another officer drive you home, you read the note “Here’s my number, Call me?”
You felt the same excitement you had the first time you read those words, and still were just as eager to get home and call him.
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bluerosefox · 11 months
Friendships Between Realms (YJ and Danny Shenanigans Being Peek Friendship)
So the 90s YJ group got into a lot of shenanigans tbh. Like a lot and mostly without their mentors knowledge. And whenever I think of YJ I think of the Core 4 (mainly cause Tim is my fav, and the Core 4 is just so amazing together) anyways I honestly wouldn't put it past them if they had accidentally summoned or were being sacrificed by some cult, or meet Danny who accidentally fell into their world via a random portal in someway. (In this DC and Phantom universes are not on the same world, fyi)
Like Danny, still new to being a hero but getting the hang of it, meets them, learns some things from them, and actually gets along with them to the point that when he has to leave Robin gives him a communication device to keep in touch (and Robin Tim would, despite being the second most paranoid of the Bats this boy lies to Batman to his face and had hidden an entire Batmoblie cost in the Batarang budget and keeps it with YJ) and Danny does.
It's nice to have hero friends who understand the struggle of balancing hero and normal lives. Don't get him wrong Danny loves Tucker, Sam and Jazz but sometimes they just don't... fully get it. The danger, the stress, the anxiety, the relief when things are solved or saved, etc etc that comes with being a hero or at least try to be one. They don't understand the urge he gets at like 3 am to go patrol Amity Park just to make sure everything is safe. YJ on the other hand does.
He talks to them about his problems and they help out and Danny in turn helps them out too when he can. Like they needed help with Secret, call up Danny see if he knows what kind of ghost she is (he turned to Clockwork and Frostbite in that case) and Danny in turn talked to them about Dan (they told him about them having to face their own future evil self to at one point). Danny talks to Conner when Dani came into the picture, he wants to make sure he doesn't screw up like Superman did towards his clone's feelings and self worth. Etc etc.
Point is, despite being dimensions and Realms apart, YJ and Phantom are friends and have been in touch. He's friends with all the YJ at the time and keeps in touch with them all but is very close with the Core 4. (Danny was the one that reassured Tim when Bruce was thought to be dead. Couldn't find his soul or ghost in the Realms and Clockwork was being 1000% more crypticd about Batman when Danny had asked if he was lost in time, Danny (or CW) couldn't do much to help due to certain rules but Danny could tell Tim "He isn't dead. Just lost. You're not insane Rob I promise."
So imagine a few years later, DCverse is under heavy near world ending supernatural danger and it gets to the point someone in JLD suggests they may have to summon the Ghost King in order to stop it (maybe its an old ancient ghost/spirit someone foolishly unleased). Of course there are some that strongly advise not to, that summoning him would spell the end of everything, but someone else points out they're already close to that edge they already got no other choice.
So they try and it fails and everyone is confused.
Bart, because of course it's gonna be Bart, returns from helping evacuations takes one look at the summoning circle and says.
"Why are you using those outdated sigals and symbols? That'd like trying to call an out of service number." Bart says before he speed texts Tim, Conner, and Cassie to come over.
Tim, RR, takes one look at the circle and asks who they were trying to summon. When told they were trying to get the Ghost King, him and the Core 4 look at each other before Tim pulls out his communicator and texts Danny.
It takes less than a few minutes before RR tells Impulse that Danny was cool with the summoning and to bring him in. Impulse nods and quickly runs around and changes the old summoning circle around with new symbols and sigals. Then RR turns to most of the JLD members and says sternly.
"You all better not memorize this, this is Phantom's personal summoning line and he only wants friends to know it. He gave us permission."
And with Superboy (Conner) and Wonder Girl agreeing with nods.
Before any of the JL or the JLD could really ask or even interrogate what that meant Impulse was done with the preparation. the Summoning circle was changed around with constellations and other signs of stars, there was a bag of fresh burgers and three milkshakes in the middle of it, and under it was a stylized symbol of a D and a P.
Its Impulse who starts the... chant and raises his hands up. (its actually the dumbest song anyone can think of. Danny wanted it to be funny and the Core 4 totally encouraged it) the candles shift from red to green fire, the star symbols start glowing before flying around on the floor in a circle like shooting stars, the area starts feeling like a cold winter wind beginning to blow, and the stylized symbol is glowing green before...
Danny pops up in his Ghost King form (flaming crown, galaxy cape, looking more ghostly than human but still a teen), finishing up the song and laughing. When he spots his friends he's grinning and waving hello to them, all of them greeting him back.
The JL are confused as heck but noticed how shell-shocked most if not all the members of JLD as their staring at what has to be the Ghost King...
Basically. I want Danny to be one of the people/things the 90s YJ did/meet during their insane shenanigans that most of their mentors most likely didn't know about. They all kept in touch and if they knew, and were later invited to the coronation, of Danny becoming the new Ghost King and later needs to bring out the big guns against a supernatural entity and stuns everyone else that they have a friend in a very high place well... yeah.
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snaileer · 8 months
Everyone Loves a 2-for-1 Sale Part 3
Part 1 & 2 (And original Prompt)
The dining room was suspiciously quiet for a Wayne breakfast when Danny walked in.
He glanced up from his phone, pulling one earbud out, “Oh feel free to continue arguing my morality like I’m an object, my music’s on full volume.”
Dick looked uncomfortable, “We weren’t-Look, Ti- Danny, we are just a bit curious as to why you’re…. here,” Dick finished, glancing at the others like asking if they’d share the plate of batguilt-fries with him.
“Surely the world could have done without a second Drake,” Damian cut in before Danny could even start.
“And we could have done without even one of you, yet here you are,” Danny glared, “Factory defects and all.”
Damian jerked upwards with a raised knife, narrowly pushed back down by Dick.
Danny rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to his phone-Tim’s phone-their phone. He held a folded paper out to Bruce with two fingers, still typing, “I have a list, if you want it.”
He continued typing as they opening the note and read it, he knew what it said.
To Do in Gotham:
1. Get to Gotham
2. Find original - don’t freak family out
3. -Find- Talk to Bruce
4. Convince Vicki Vale that Tim is/ actually engaged to Tam Fox
5. Get safe house
6. New identity? (what do clones do? - ask Connor)
9. Leave?
“What’s number seven and eight?” Dick asked, and Danny actively made sure his typing pattern didn’t change.
“Don’t know yet,” He answered with a shrug, the picture of nonchalance. Bruce probably didn’t believe him.
Didn’t matter. Dick did. Because Dick felt guilty.
Bat guilty.
About time he believed him about something.
And Danny didn’t care about Damian’s opinions one way or another.
He stepped away from the table, plopping another grape in his mouth as he walked past, “Welp that’s it for me, busy day, fake engagement, gotta find some crutches because I don’t think Vicki will accept my ‘you got new legs Lieutenant Dan-ny’ joke, all that,”
Danny slipped out the door past a sleep-deprived Tim with a jaunty salute, “All’s well in Clone Town!”
Danny kept walking, his brain running miles ahead of him, Ted Tobin steering the wheel with his fingers on the keypad of his phone as he moved forward and mentally filled in the list.
Number 7: Find Ra’s Al Ghul and the Lazarus pits.
Number 8: Stabilize yourself.
Danny continued up the stairs. He had people to see and rings to buy. Busy is the life of a saboteur.
Red Robin watched his clone linger in the jeweler’s store, trying to keep the frown from taking over his whole face.
He was making Tim’s life difficult. Tim suspected it was on purpose.
Largely because people would ask way too many questions if two Tim Drakes showed up in Gotham at the same time.
Hence, Red Robin being relegated to rooftop surveillance.
He turned his attention back to the clone, watching as he left the shop and turned down the street. Red Robin swept after him, following from above.
The clone remained focused on his phone- which was also Tim’s by the way, and stolen- as he walked down the street, turning into an alley without even looking up.
Tim tilted his head and swung to the rooftop, peering into the darkness.
“You could always just come down and actually talk to me, you know?”
Tim dropped into the alley, unsurprised to come face to face with the clone. It was weird to see his own face look so annoyed by him.
“Thought it was best to stay out of sight. We’re not exactly a daylight hero.”
Danny rolled his eyes, “Already annoyed with Vicki Vale?”
Tim nearly growled, “That is your fault,”
“Oh come on, you can’t tell me it’s not hilarious.”
“You’ve spent all morning in ring shops! I have meetings!”
“Lucius can handle them. It’s not like we actually did anything this last year anyways.”
Tim stared at him for a second, confusion in the squint of his eyes and laced with suspicion.
Danny groaned with a roll of his eyes, “Fine, you want me to stay put somewhere so you can do your civilian thing?”
“I am not staying in the manor. You can’t make me.”
Dread filled him as Tim smiled, “Not a problem.”
Danny glared at Tim standing arms wide in the center of the room of his emptiest safe house, “This is so not what I meant and you know it.”
Tim’s face betrayed nothing, “Look, none of us are happy with this situation-“
Danny scoffed. Understatement of the century.
“But..” Tim continued with a pointed look, “It’s my fault, and I get that. So…compromise? You stay here, work on cold cases while I sort out my current job, and when I’m done, we’ll figure out what to do, okay?”
Danny sighed, feeling Ted Tobin stir to life with plans already forming.
Tim nodded succinctly, reaching for a laptop and multiple cords, “Ok, here’s my old computer, -huh, I could have sworn that had a different charger- anyways- I’ll take this,” he plucks the phone from Danny’s hands in one smooth motion, giving a mocking smile in return to Danny’s glare, “Thank you very much, now I just have to-and find the guy who…”
Tim’s voice tapers off into mumbles as he heads into the bedroom to peel off his suit, fingers focused on the keypad of his newly reacquired phone.
Danny slumps himself down on the secondhand couch, dust echoing around him. This was fine, he could do stuff in the meanwhile, maybe help Tim with his case -or solve it himself, he bets he could- and then finish the new specs for the suit wings that Danny’s suit still didn’t have.
Tim fumbled through the doorway, now in civilian clothes, already on a call with Lucius probably, or Tam. Tam helped him a lot.
Danny slouched further into the silence.
It felt like being left behind by his parents.
They had bigger priorities.
Danny shook his head, opening the computer and letting Ted Tobin fish through the passwords for case files.
He’s nearly 3 hours deep when he really pauses for the first time, finally stopping the continuous notes sitting next him, each a different clue. Most for different cases.
The current case pulled up on his screen scratches at him, facts slotting into place with rapid fire precision.
The officer assigned to the case is a vet.
The case is perpetrated by a senatorial candidate.
The officer assigned served on three active fronts and 2 undisclosed.
The guilty candidate is running support for a bill cutting veteran supports.
Best of all?
It’s not in Gotham.
Danny smiles as Ted Tobin’s plan fills in, piece by piece.
Ra’s Al Ghul should really make it harder to hack into his confidential back market mercenary dealings.
Then again, maybe it was for the better. How else would he make sure Red Robin was able to intercept the assassin in time to save that poor officer’s life the night before his case-closing arrest?
“Detective, I assumed holding my business outside of Gotham would keep it from being the concern of you and yours,” Ra’s’ voice is muffled through the bag over his head, “It seems I was wrong.”
“Oh well, you know me…,” The bag is ripped roughly off his head, leaving him blinking rapidly against the light even as he smirks, “Always butting into things when I shouldn’t. It’s kind of what we do.”
“Tell me, Timothy,” Ra’s says, turning his back to him once more, as he waves his ninjas away, “What does this officer matter to you, more than a state away from your usual stomping grounds? What-“ Ra’s pauses as a different ninja approaches him to whisper in his ear. His body stills.
“Well, we’ll start there. First of all, as I’m sure you just found out, I’m not Timothy,” Danny says, standing up smoothly. He relishes the look Ra’s gives him as he turns around. “And secondly, the officer wasn’t what mattered. Getting you here on the other hand. Now that.. that takes a little more planning.” Danny brushes himself off, removing the cowl to leave just his own domino behind.
Ra’s al Ghul hums, his eyebrow twitching up even as his eyes narrow in suspicion.
“What? No sudden desire to stab? No impromptu attempt to put a sword through my chest?”
“You are curious. So much like the detective, and yet… my people tell me he is currently patrolling in Gotham with the Grayson boy.”
Danny scoffs, “Oh great, another fruit loop interested in me, like I need a new one of those.”
Ra’s’ stare doesn’t change. Albeit a bit more annoyed, but still flat and calm.
“You wanna know what makes me different from Timothy, Ra’s?” Danny pauses, taking a deep breath and letting the ectoplasm ripple inside him for the first time in months. “The difference between me and him,” When he looks up he knows his eyes glow fluorescent green, “Is that I’m stronger.”
Bonus Scene:
Dick stared at Tim’s clone as he left, sweeping past the original’s bleary form stumbling to the coffee machine.
“Are we sure he’s Drake’s clone? He seems… less of a fool,” Damian sneered, watching Tim stand listlessly in front of the cabinet, coffeemaker off, and tablet in hand.
He looked out of the Dining room doors, spotting Danny standing not far away in front of one of the closets by the stairs rather than the actual steps, fingers tapping away.
Damian turned back to his breakfast, “I retract my statement. Clearly his stupidity was simply blinding.”
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A rose by any other name (dp x dc)
Bernard Dowd was freaking out. In large part because he had just discovered his name might not in fact be Bernard Dowd. Or at least, it hadn’t always been? This whole thing was very confusing, not too mention highly distressing.
It started like any day, really. He didn’t know how it had gone so wrong.
Oh and what was he going to do about Tim?
Tim, his boyfriend, who very much was Robin even if Bernard had been pretending he didn’t know about that.  Though really, there were only so many times you could walk in your boyfriends appartement to find a domino mask hanging to dry before you put two and two together.
Oh my god, what was he going to tell him? He wasn’t Bernard anymore, was he? Or at least, not just Bernard. Not when half his mind was insisting his name was Danny and he had two sisters and no brothers and he had died and then lived long enough to die again and again and-
Without quite realizing it he had dialled Tim’s number. As the tone sounded, he came back to himself but by then, Tim had already answered.
“Bernard?” His boyfriend voice was hoarse like he’d just woke up and in the back of his mind, somewhere that wasn’t going in full panic mode, there was a bit of guilt over disrupting his boyfriends already terrible sleep schedule.
Bernard opened his mouth, ready to just explain everything to his boyfriend and then he took a quick breath and-
“Would you still love me if I wasn’t blond?” Bernard blurted out.
“What?” Tim mumbled. Then there was a slide of fabric as Bernard cursed himself in every language he knew how to curse. “Is this like the worm thing?”
“Uh,” Bernard faltered. “Um, sure?”
Tim sighed. “Yes, Bern, I would still love you if you weren’t blond.” He yawned, and then there was a bit of silence. “Was there anything else?” Tim’s voice finally said.
“No,” Bernard answered, wishing he could punch himself. “Nope, that- that was it.”
“Great,” his boyfriend mumbled. “I’m going back to bed." Then, "love you.”
“I love you too,” Bernard answered and the line cut.
Bernard slid down the wall until he was rolling himself into a ball, his hands in his hair as his internal screaming reached decibels never recorded before. What the fuck.
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kinardscoffee · 4 days
I get so confused when people complain about the writing of Buck and Tommy’s relationship this season. I’ve always thought that the 4 episode arc with Tommy was kind of like a trial run? They weren’t sure how it was going to be perceived and if Tommy was going to stick around. I think once episode 4 -6 aired with huge popularity and love they knew they had a sure thing. It’s why I think there was no throw away line about Tommy in episode 7 because they didn’t know how it was going to be taken. Then for 9-10 they knew they wanted Tommy back because all of the love but the episode is also packed with other storylines so this season was never going to be a fully developed BuckTommy relationship because it’s a tester season.
The amazing thing is that I get the impression that Tim has fallen in love with BuckTommy as a couple and with Tommy as a character. I am so confident that Tim will be keeping them around and has stories that he wants to tell with him. I have not seen him act this way with a new love interest before. Plus with all of the positive things the cast has said about Lou and BuckTommy post episode 6 there was definitely a shift behind the scenes.
Sorry for the long rant but I’m so excited for season 8 and what it has to offer!
Don't you ever apologize for such an amazing ask, Anon!!
You're completely right about the 4 episode arc and this entire season being a tester season! Because, what some fandom people don't understand is that the general audience is most important when it comes down to the numbers and the feedback.
I mean, yeah, at the end of the day, Tim is going to write what he wants to write (with ABCs approval) and it's extremely clear that he wants to write this relationship between Buck and Tommy.
And it's not just Tim. The cast love bucktommy too. We have Kenny saying "it's the Buck and Tommy show now," we have jlh saying, "I really don't think Buddie is going to happen, guys," we have Ryan quadrupling down that Eddie is very much a Heterosexual, we have Oliver doing an interview with Lou on national television, and just this morning I saw that the actress who plays Sue liked a few comments about a Madney and Tevan double date for S8.
Then, there are also things intentionally placed in the episodes.
The most obvious, imo is how Buck is literally the personification of heart eyes when he's around Tommy. (Lack of chemistry, my ass) Every time we see Buck look at Tommy or even talk about the man, Buck exhales... that's a CHOICE, okay? It means that Buck can breathe. He feels calm and at ease with Tommy, something he's never experienced before from any other LI.
Tim has literally captured lightning in a bottle with this relationship, and I feel like he's having fun with it. It's a wonderful story to tell, and he has two actors who are willing and excited to be a part of this story, so why not run with it? GA reception is good, numbers are great, and they're renewed for S8.
There's really only one finish line that truly feels deserves for these characters, and that's to explore this relationship throughout season 8.
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thealtoduck · 4 months
Eye for an Eye
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Tim Drake x Riddler Sidekick!Male Reader
Batfamily x Riddler Sidekick!Male Reader (kinda..)
Warnings: Superhero stuff
Riddler Sidekick!Male Reader: Masterlist
Summary: You get another visit in Arkham…
The door to your cell was thrown open revealing one of the Arkham guards. You threw an annoyed glance towards him. ”What?” you questioned. ”You have another visitor” the guard said making you confused. ”It’s past visiting hours” you stated but the guard came up towards you and cuffed your hands anyway.
He then led you out of your room and through the hallways of Arkham but he didn’t lead you to the visiting rooms, he led you out of the inmate section and towards the staff section of the Asylum.
You however didn’t question it as you were curious to see where he would lead you. Then he stopped you outside the warden’s office belonging too ”Jeremiah Arkham”. The guard knocked and there came a muted ”Come in” from the inside.
The warden was sitting at his desk but he wasn’t alone, Batman and the Red Hood were also waiting for your arrival. Where was Tim? Had they not managed to save him. ”Welcome Clue, have a seat?” the Warden Arkham said. You did as told. ”You’ve already met our guests, Batman and the Red Hood” the Warden stated.
”I brought you here because they are in need of help as Riddler seems to have taken a hostage” he explained. ”I already helped them they were here this morning” you said. Batman then spoke up ”The Riddler wasn’t where you thought he’d be we need you to help us track him down”.
”I can’t do that from here” you stated. ”We know, we’re bringing you with us” Batman explained. You turned to the Warden and asked curiously ”Really? You agreed to it?”. ”Of course, we need to do whatever we can to rescue that poor hostage” the Warden said.
”And… what do i get for my help?” you questioned. ”Clue, i will personally look to have your sentence shortened” the Warden offered. You nodded and said ”Alright, i’m in” with a satisfied smirk.
You, Batman and the Red Hood made your way out of the Asylum. Your hands were still cuffed to make sure you wouldn’t try anything. The two vigilantes led you to the Batmobile. They opened the door to the back seat for you.
You sat down in it and looked around the inside of the infamous Batmobile. As the other two entered you found yourself saying ”This isn’t as cool as i thought it’d be”. ”What were you expecting?” Red Hood questioned already annoyed by your presence.
”I don’t know, something just something more exciting…” you told them, they didn’t respond. The three of you sat in silence as Batman started driving, leaving Arkham behind. ”So what’s the plan? Where do we start?”.
Bruce let out a sigh and said ”We did manage to find Riddler or at least a message from him, he demanded you in exhange for Tim or else he’d kill him”. ”So you- YOU lied to the warden, you didn’t need my help, you needed me for a trade” you realised.
Their silence told you that you were right. ”Damn Bats, freeing a criminal, what would the comissioner say?” you teased. The Batmobile eventually stopped outside a telephone booth. Batman and Red Hood got out, Red Hood opened the door for you and you got out.
”What are we doing here? Eddie dosen’t have a lair here” you questioned. ”We know, you’re giving him a call” Batman said pointing at the phone booth. ”He wanted to make sure we actually got you out before he revealed the location” Batman explained and handed you 50 cents and a note with a phone number written down on it.
You entered the phone booth, Red Hood squeezed himself in behind you, creating an uncomfortable closeness. You gave him a wondering look and he said ”Just so you and Riddler won’t plan anything”. You rolled your eyes and stated ”You’re lucky i won’t punch you, i didn’t even let him Tim stand this close to me and we were dating”.
You fed the 50 cents in to the payphone and tapped the number on the buttons, you held the headset to your ear as it dialed. Soon enough someone picked up. ”Batman! Is that you?” Eddie questioned. ”Wrong” you told him. ”Clue!” he exclaimed excitedly.
”I take it Batman got my message, tell him this riddle for to find my location ”I stand tall in the water surrounded by boats of all sizes, what am i?” Eddie said giddily, you rolled your eyes at the Riddle and said ”Come on Eddie, that’s the best one you can come up with, see you at the docks”.
”No you little- Batman was supposed to figure it out, don’t make me regret-” Eddie tantrumed as you hung up the phone. You and Red Hood exited the phonebooth, you turned to Batman and said ”He’s at the docks”.
The three of you got in to the Batmobile and Batman started speeding towards the docks.
You found Tim and Riddler waiting for the three of you at the docks. Tim’s body was battered as he was tied to a chair, a bomb strapped to the chair as well. Eddie stood a couple of feet away at the edge of the dock holding the detonator to the bomb, behind him in the water was a speedboat captained by Query and Echo, waiting for the two of you to be able to make a quick getaway.
”Welcome” Eddie said loudly. ”Thank you, Batman and Red Hood for reuniting me with my dear Clue” he tanked them mockingly. ”So here’s how this is gonna play out, Clue is gonna come over to me, we’ll boat away and leave you to rescue Robin, okay?” Eddie demanded madly.
Batman answered with a ”Alright”. Red Hood gave you a little push and you walked forward. You came closer towards the middle where Tim was sat, seeing him like this hurt. You knew you were meant to walk past him and join the Riddler in freedom but you still cared about Tim no matter everything that had happened between you.
You stopped in front of him and got down on your knees, Tim looked at you with a small smile. ”Uhm, what’s happening?! Clue, what are you doing?!” Eddie questioned confused but you ignored him. ”Are you okay?” you asked Tim brushing some hair out of his slightly bruised and dirtied face.
”I’ve been better” he answered humorously. ”Y/n, i’m sorry, i should’ve listened to you when i found Riddler’s plans instead of accusing you” Tim apologised. You cupped his cheeks and placed a kiss on his lips.
”It’s in the past” you uttered to him and remembered something. ”Hey, you know we never got to see that movie after the night at the motel, maybe we could see that together?” you suggested making Tim chuckle and say ”It’s a date”.
You gave Tim another kiss and stood up. ”Gotta go, my boat is waiting, don’t blow up while i’m gone” you said and walked to the Riddler. ”You’ve got some explaining to do” Eddie stated suspiciously from what he had just witnessed.
”Shut up Eddie” you muttered. ”Oh, that’s nice, i rescue you from Arkham and all i get is attitude, not even a thanks!” he ranted as the two of you climbed on board the boat and sat down behind Query and Echo. The boat then sped off, you spared Tim, Batman and Red Hood a glance as they faded in to the distance.
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cyberghouleo · 9 months
“She won't ever get enough once she gets a little touch”
Tim Wright x Bimbo! Reader
Tim starts becoming infatuated with someone he was supposed to be stalking. After weeks of being around you, he decides he can't take it anymore.
cw : bimbo! fem reader, fingering, cunnilingus, dom Tim, dumbification
wc : 2.8k
ao3 link:
a / n : requests are open !!
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Tim couldn’t take it, he couldn’t hold back anymore. What started off as a mission to get information out of you was starting to turn into an infatuation with you. And it wasn’t his fault, it was yours. You were the one who just had to wear the tiniest skirts he had ever seen out in public or wearing the tight crop tops that you often forgot to wear a bra with. Or the heels you could hardly walk in, causing you to stumble out in public and show your ass off to him.
He never planned on getting caught stalking you, he just wanted to be a silent watcher from your window as you played with yourself late at night or when you changed right in front of the window with the curtains wide open. But one night, he followed you too closely from work and he was sure his cover was blown. He figured as soon as you saw him, you would scream and tell him to fuck off. But it never came. Instead, you talked to him like he was a normal person and not someone who has been jerking off to the sight of you outside your window for the past few weeks. You were so dumb and naive when it came to your surroundings, you made everything so easy for him. All it took to get your number was lying about being a neighbor, and you were instantly giving him it. When you bent over to type your number in his phone, your tits almost spilled out your shirt. That’s when Tim knew he had to befriend you so he could get closer to making you his.
Playing your fake friend wasn’t a hard task, you mostly just called him or asked him to come over to your house, a house he already knew the entire floor plan from stalking you at night. You always wore the skimpiest clothes around him, short dresses that you never seemed to close your legs in, giving him a clear view of the tiny thong you were wearing. You often got your white shirts wet, showing off the lace bra underneath clearly. After you “befriended” him, it only gave him more chances to see you in sexual ways without you realizing it. You often would bend over in front of him, showing off your pink panties with no shame or realization.
However, as Tim played along as your neighbor/friend, he also saw just how naive and oblivious you were. You would tell him stories about your day and tell him the inappropriate things said to you, asking him to explain what it meant since you didn’t understand it. The idea of another man taking advantage of your intelligence and naivety to get a quick flash made him angry enough to want to track down the person and kill them for that alone. He hardly killed outside of required missions but anybody who disrespected you or got to get the same peeks that he got were the only exceptions.
The moment that made Tim finally lose it was when he was watching you walk home from the store. This was a normal occurrence that happened as he promised to himself that he would make sure you got home safely every day. You were walking through a crowded area when someone smacked your ass, running away laughing as you stood there confused and looking around for the assaulter. You gave up after a few seconds and continued walking home. He had already tracked the person down and gave them the deserved slow death, but he also needed to come over to put an end to this chase. He needed to make you his so you could have someone protect you in the public so nothing like this would happen again.
It was late in the afternoon when three loud knocks came from your door. You were wearing your usual short skirt and crop top as you opened the door, revealing a pissed off Tim wearing his usual flannel and jeans. Before you could open your mouth to greet him, he burst through your door as soon as you answered, pushing past you and storming into your living room.
“What’s wrong Tim?” You asked, head tilted and lips open slightly. Tim almost didn’t hear your question as he was focused on your lips, thinking how hot they would look wrapped around his cock as your mascara ran down your face.
He hissed, “You.” You bite the inside of your cheek, your head tilting to the side even more. “You’re the fucking problem, you’re such a tease to me.”
You stared at him blanking, not quite understanding what he meant. “Are you upset with me?” You asked, your arms coming together which caused your tits to be pushed together. You were going to be the death of him if you kept acting this way. He brought his fist up to his mouth, giving you a quick nod. Your lips formed into a cute pout. “What can I do to make you feel better?”
The question was almost too easy, it felt like a set up. He stared at you for a second to see if you were being serious or not before he responded. “I think the only way to make this up to me is to let me do something.”
You quickly nodded your head up and down, eyes wide open and full of hope. “Okay! I just don’t want to lose you as a friend, Tim.” God you were so fucking cute and so eager to please, it was a sight that could make him cum on the spot.
“Good girl, if you do what I say I’ll forgive you.” You really didn’t want to lose him as a friend, so you believed him. He had never given you a reason to doubt him before. You nodded in response as he approached you, his hand coming up to cup and caress your cheek. You leaned into the touch, eyes closed as you let out a sigh of content. It was endearing to see how much you trusted him, even after all the disgusting fantasies he thought of while he spied on you in your own house.
He started to lean towards you, his eyes locked on your lips that shone with lip gloss. As soon as your lips met he started kissing you desperately, your soft moans filling his mouth as his hand found its way to the back of your head, tangling itself into your hair. He tilted your head back to get a deeper kiss, you moaned as he tugged on your hair. You pushed your body into his, your chest pressed against his as your lips moved in sync with each other. His other hand rested on the small of your back, pressing you closer into him. This was the closest he had gotten to you before, and your smell was intoxicating to him. He pulled away from your mouth, a string of spit connecting your lips together for a split second. Your face was starting to heat up and your lip gloss was already smeared off your lips.
His hand traveled from your lower back to the front of your stomach, fingers slowly creeping under your crop top as he kissed along your neck. You moaned out softly as his hand groped your tit, he was never more thankful that you weren’t wearing a bra today. His fingers traced around your nipple before placing his thumb and pointer finger around it, slightly pinching as he felt it harden underneath his touch. You let out soft moans as you continued to push your body against his, desperate to get as close as possible to his touch. Your body was responding to his touches before your mind could, instinctively addicted to his touch as you felt heat start to pool within your stomach. While continuing to pinch your nipple, his mouth stopped near the bottom of your neck as he switched from kissing to softly sucking with enough pressure to leave a mark. He wanted everyone to see the mark and know you belonged to someone, specifically him. You let out soft whimpers as he nipped at the skin, moaning out his name quietly under your breath as you rubbed your legs together, desperate to get any type of friction between your legs.
Tim waited forever to hear you moan out his name, and he was starting to grow impatient as his jeans started to tighten up. He pulled away from your neck, his mouth detaching with a ‘pop’ sound before he turned you around, your back facing him. He guided you to bend over onto the kitchen counter, a hand placed firmly between your shoulder blades to keep you planted against the cold countertop. His other hand quickly found the end of your skirt, flipping it up onto your lower back. Your pink thong and ass were fully exposed to him, the same ass Tim had replayed over and over in his head as he jerked off late at night. He had only ever seen accidental upskirts so far, but now it was fully open to him and only him. His dick strained against his pants as he traced the outline of your slit, your body arching into his touch as you mewled out. His fingers ghosted over your lips, just enough pressure for you to moan out and try to push further back to feel his fingers more. You were such a fucking slut and he has yet to even do anything, he loved it. He slid your panties to the side, exposing your cute pussy to him. He waited for years it felt like to get this close to you, you were so vulnerable to him right now and you were all his.
His middle and pointer finger spread your lips open, you were already soaking wet and it only fueled his ego more. This was the wettest he has ever seen you, even when you were using your vibrator alone at night. After coating his middle finger with your wetness, he circled your clit in slow circles, your hips stuttering and grinding against him.
“Puh-Please Tim,” You moaned out.
“Please what?” He kept his slow pace as he pressed himself into you, his dick against your ass and his chest laying against your back. He could smell your shampoo and perfume, and he had to restrain himself from bucking his hips into your ass.
“Please touch me more.”
Hearing you beg underneath him made him instantly stand up straight, ready to show you how eager he has been for this moment and just how good he will make you feel. He removed his hand from your back, telling you to keep still as he kneeled below you.  Sitting on his knees underneath you as he stared up at your pussy, he placed his hands on your hips before flattening his tongue, starting with small kitten licks around your clit. The feeling of his tongue against you caused you to gasp out, moaning as he started licking in long deep strokes that started from your entrance and up to your clit. After a few licks, he stopped at your clit and started sucking, an action that causes your knees to buckle as you moan out loudly. Your hands try to grasp anything on the table to stabilize yourself as you feel your body start grinding against his tongue, begging to feel more of him. Tim couldn’t get enough of you, the taste of you made his dick pulse as he palmed himself through his pants. You were unapologetically moaning out loudly as you felt your core start to tighten up, heat from between your legs had started to spread throughout your whole body.
As soon as you started to grind weakly against his tongue, Tim pulled away with a sloppy wet sound as you groaned out from the lost contact. You were so close to cumming and needed him to push you over the edge of an orgasm. Tim stood up from underneath you, now standing behind you as you stayed bent over the countertop, your back falling up and down rapidly with your increased breathing.
“Timmm…” You whine out, your voice slightly muffled. Tim’s nails pressed crescent shaped indents into his palm as he clenched his fist, trying to distract himself from how hot his name sounded rolling off your tongue.
“Hmm?” He responded as his hand traced your ass slightly, the contact making you push your body against his hands even more.
“I want…I want you to make me cum.”
Hearing you moan this out made his hands instantly leave your body, reaching down to unzip his pants to pull his dick out. Precum was already leaking from his tip and down his length as he gave a few lazy strokes. His hand found your hip, resting there as he started to line himself up with your hole. You grinded up and down as soon as you felt his dick in between your thighs, mewling out as you desperately needed him inside of you now.
“God, you're such a pathetic slut for letting me do all this naughty stuff to your body. You're such a whore for letting me touch you this way, you know that?”
You moaned out a yes as you felt him start to stretch you out, his cock slowly entering you with ease. It took all of his restraint to not thrust deep into you, as badly as he wanted this, he also knew he was going to have to start off gently.
“You're so eager to make me happy, aren't you baby?” He didn’t mean to call you by the pet name but it came out so naturally he didn’t mind.
“Mhmmm… I just… want you happy, Tim.” Hearing you moan out his name made him let out a long groan.
Slowly, he pulled out and pushed back in until he bottomed out, both of you letting out moans at the sensation. The way you squeezed and tightened around him made him second guess how long he was going to be able to last inside you. You started wiggling your hips against him, thrusting back and forth against him as you started to grow impatient. The sight of you underneath him had Tim feeling as if he was dreaming, how badly you wanted him to start fucking you and how tight you were clenched around him.
His hands travel down to grip your waist before he started thrusting in and out at a slow speed. You let out a small gasp as you feel him start fucking you, trying to push your body against him to match his thrusts to pick up the speed. Tim takes the hint, quickening his thrusts as you moan out below him. The girth and size of him was hitting spots that you weren’t used to, a hot knot already starting to form as your nails scraped along the countertop as you struggled to find anything to hold onto while he pumped in and out of you.
The orgasm sweeps through your body as you clamp down around him, moans pouring out as drool spills from your lips and onto the counter below you. Tim continues to fuck you through your orgasm as you come down, your clit sending pulses through your body as you feel yourself start to twitch around him. Feeling how tight you were around his dick causes his grip on your hips to tighten, his fingers pressing deep into your skin as he tries to focus on anything but cumming now.
After trying to wait as long as possible, Tim gives a few weak thrusts in and out before he pulls out, instantly missing the grip your pussy had around him as his hand wraps around his dick and he starts pumping up and down. Cum spurts from his dick in long thick hot ropes as you feel it hit your lower back and spread around your ass, deep guttural grunts escaping him as he gritted his teeth. You stay still as you both try to catch your breath, Tim’s chest heaving up and down as he wipes the sweat from his forehead. He couldn’t remember the last time he was as worn out as he was now, but he also couldn’t remember a time he was this horny. Before he could grab something to clean off his cum from your ass, you looked back at him over your shoulder, your makeup now smeared and a fucked-out expression painted on your face.
“How else can I make you happy Tim?” You asked with a small smile that Tim returned with a grin as he felt himself start to get hard again.
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kazuko-stuff · 3 months
Batsis as Vtuber and Batfam finds out, save it for Stephanie and Alfred
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When you started out
You decided to try vtubing when you notice that you don’t have to show your face online
Since your family is too busy doing their nightly activities, you stream games as a way to pass time.
You usually stream FPS, retro, fashion and RPG games since it takes the most time
Overtime, you decided to try song karaoke streams after seeing other Vtubers doing singing, since you always wanted to be a singer but was too shy
You became well known overtime due to gaming content style and singing
Stephanie found out when she was watching your streams after hearing your voice and often do collabs together
If you join an agency
Overtime, you audition for well known Vtuber agencies that focus not only on streaming, but singing and dancing.
You got accepted to be part of the first generation of agency and Steph decided to join as she is also a fan of their talents.
Your avatar is based on a fairy godmother princess and your lore is being a fairy godmother in training from another world to bring happiness to others
Your fan base is known as fairies and members are part of the Designers. Your mascot is a cat name Momo
Your goals include having an original album, 500k subscribers, to meet your oshis, and perform live
If you have 1 million subscribers, you plan to coordinate a special outfit for the CEO as he is a legend, a chad and best girl
You befriend your other genmates and enjoyed being part of their projects
Because of your princess fairy-godmother image, along with Alfred raising you, you are seen the most Seiso of the group but there is still Yabai moments within the stream
You do French zatsudan, along with French classes streams, baking streams and embroidery and jewelry streams
Alfred is aware of your secret and is supporting you on the sideline. He always helps out with your projects and does contact your manager for help sometimes.
After reaching a big number of fairies, you have Alfred join your stream as a special guest star due to the fans wanting to see him
He is known as the fairy grand-pere and gave him an avatar with a lore that he is likely an envoy of family and was sent to help the royal family of all fairy guardians.
You two played Grand Theft Auto together and Alfred ended up getting to most shots along with many superchats from the fairies ( almost $5,000). He also answered the fans questions in a Q&A with him
You eventually had your first cover and did more favorite anime songs ( shojo anime)
You decided to work on your first original, focusing on a song that would match your image
You decided to due to 12 hour endurance stream for fun and that’s when your father found out
You were playing Hitman, when you were staying at the Mansion and he came to your door to see if you are alright, after hearing some game sounds thinking someone broke in, causing you to do an intermission break.
He asks why are still playing videos game in 1 in the morning and your told him that you must haven’t check the time only to notice your waiting load screen causing him to realize that you do streaming in secret, causing he go back to what he was doing, do to awkwardness
Tim found out after he watched Steph’s stream, when your gen-mates collaborated together, when he heard your voice and decided to be a Fairy to support you. He is amazed at your Japanese skills when you collaborate with other members in Japan.
Dick and Barbara found out when you were doing a karaoke stream at one point and joined your membership. You found out after seeing Dick’s super chat message
Damian found out after he overheard you during an ASMR Zatsudan, telling fairytale stories and singing lullabies, leaving him confuse why your doing this
Cass sometimes appears as a special guest in your stream and sometimes in Stephs.
Your father even sent a generous red superchat, showing he is supportive of your Vtuber activities. He is nicknamed by your fans Fairy God-daddy much to your flustered state and even got fanart based on your avatar. It didn’t help that you mention he is very popular among the ladies.
Overall they are willing to go to your concert, when you have one in person or go crazy on buying your merch. They also go to your special events as well when they have time.
Harley Quinn is also a big fan of yours and is part of your membership. She never misses a stream.
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brokenpieces-72 · 3 days
Prom Knights
Gotham Knights x f!reader
Scenario: It's prom night, and you are super excited because your crush asked you out and you got advice on your outfit to look perfect for them. You got a loud dress and cut your hair. Originally you were supposed to take a limo, but your crush texted you to say there were some issues so you just get dropped off. When you get to the doors and wait for your date you text them to see where they're at. He texts back saying he and his date are almost there. The whole thing was a set up by him and your mean girl bully. You feel humiliated when you go to confront them, and they make it worse with mocking. You rush out, and call for help. Hopefully they weren't on patrol tonight.
When you call Barbara you're choking back tears as hard as you. You feel so stupid. When Barbara picks up she's bright and professional, right up until she hears your tone. Big sister mode activates, and she's asking what's going on. You tell her you just want to be picked up, and she comes to get you. When she sees the cut hair and the dress she's immediately hugging you and getting you in the car. During the drive back to the clock tower where she made sure you had a comfortable change of clothes, she asked if you wanted to make any stops for food.
You get sat down at the clock tower to properly explain what happened, self esteem low, and blaming yourself for not thinking it through. Like your crush would eve- NO! None of that! Barbara is not gonna sit here, and listen to you hate yourself for something that was the fault of a group of immature teenagers. You're wonderful, kind and generous to give them a chance. If they can't see your worth, they're blind, enough said.
Barbara then gets out her phone and asks for their names, and socials if you have them. Vengeance can be a dangerous thing, she knows, but this? This was personal and well deserved. While you shower to get the crap out of your hair and off your face, changing into your comfy sweats (including an oversized hoodie), Barbara gets to work on her laptop. She don't need the bat computer for this shit, she was willing to make it personal. Accessing their social media and using your phone (with your permission) she tracks your bullies' socials and gets to work messing with them. First she exposes them online, leaving multiple comments on their prom posts calling them out, along with posting screenshots of your text conversations. Second she gets the guys to help by posting comments from time to time to ensure no amount of deleting can erase your bullies' exposure. Finally, and you've finished your shower by now, and are curled with a mug next to her, she sets up bots and spam messages to be sent to embarrass them and subscribe them to free trials for a number of things that make you laugh and gasp.
You still insist you aren't worth it, and she just gives you a hug and reminds you, that sometimes it's the small saves that make being a vigilante fun. Especially when she gets to see you laugh and smile. Now would you prefer pizza or Chinese? What movie do you want to watch and throw popcorn at?
Okay so originally you weren't going to call Jason. You work with him the closest and you know he can take revenge to a whole new level. Honestly though, you can't think of who else to call. When he answers and hears your unsteady voice and sniffles, he knows. You just ask him to pick you up, and to bring a change of clothes but he already has an idea of what happened. Jason hangs up and as he gets your clothes, he calls up Tim. Tim is a little confused because Jason doesn't usually ask for help, except for maybe Barbara and Dick, but that's it. When Jason asks about you though (you and Tim go to the same school), Tim looks around the venue and just sees your laughing tormentors mockingly imitating your pain. Jason just asks for their names, and Tim gives the main two. Then Jason asks for a massive favour. Tim agrees, he hates them too.
Jason finally shows up with your change of clothes and wow yeah short hair and that dress? Not important, you need to go back inside that venue. You really just want go home, miserable this once in a life time night got ruined because you were gullible for a few minutes. No no, you need to go back inside. Trust him. But you're a mess, and they'll just mock you more. Clean yourself up, get changed and then come back. He'll wait. You do so, and you go back into the dark dance hall with him. Your tormentors see you, and decide to mock you for pulling a new date from off streets, desperately trying to make yourself look good. Jason straight up crosses his arms as they talk, and half way, he barks at them to shut the fuck up. They should be lucky he wasn't willing to deck a couple of losers who will only ever peak in highschool. They don;t get the chance to protest before someone goes up on stage to announce winners for prom night.
Most of them are via draw and you did win yourself a gift card. Lucky you stayed. Then your tormentors were voted king and queen. They of course rub it in your face as they excitedly hold hands rushing up stage like some cheesy highschool movie couple. You ask Jason if you could go now. He tells you to wait, focusing on the stage as the crowns are given, pulling out his phone to record. The two of them stand happily, waving like celebrities... And then the buckets of soapy, foamy, water get dunked on them. You cover your mouth in shock, and yeah it's childish, but Jason has a grin on his face, before texting Tim, "Thanks".
He takes you to the clock tower after. You rewatch that video with him a few times, smiling. He didn't have to do all this. Jason did. You're his friend and basically his sister. That's what older brothers should do.
You don't need to call Tim, Tim is likely already there, and saw it all happen. Wow people are pathetically stupid sometimes. He did warn you about it a couple times, but didn't want to overstep. Seeing the situation there's a hint of guilt. Doesn't take long for him to get a text that says "you were right". Not a message he wanted to see, and not one that goes unanswered. Tim leaves to find you, and enlists Bernard (I know he's not in Gotham Knights, I don't care) to help him. The two of them find you feeling miserable.
The two of them come over to you and sit next to you, letting you cry it out. Tim has already sent an extra text to Barbara, asking if she has any dresses in your size and if she can bring one to the venue. Bernard takes you inside to help clean up the runny makeup off your face, while Tim gets the dress for you. While you get changed they wait, brainstorming ideas of how they could get revenge. Tim thinks small bits of revenge can be petty, but this? Nah, this was justified. You got humiliated and your heart broken all at once. No way your bullies walk away from that Scott free.
You come out and they plan to hang with you for the rest of the prom. No way they were risking you being alone with that couple. It's small but you figure the best revenge is to prove that shit like this won't defeat you. Whether the bullies liked it or not you did have people who cared about you, you have friends. This was your night, the same as everyone else! Live a little. Unfortunately, your tormentors refuse to let you be happy. The girl decides to try and ruin the dress, that fits well enough by trying to come up and apologize to you. Tim is about to get between you two, but you already know what she's planning seeing the messy food she's brought as a 'peace offering'. Oh she's so sorry, it was all just an innocent prank, she's so glad you were able to come back to enjoy yourself, awww. As soon as you see the hand with the cupcake move, you swipe it from her, and take a bite. Oh wow you're glad you didn't miss these. Her stunned look is enough to make you smile, but what Tim does is pure classic gold. Tim fake trips with a drink in his hand. OH HOW HORRID HER DRESS, HAIR AND MAKE UP ARE RUINED!!
Tim just hands her the glass, saying the drink is called Karma. You burst out laughing as Bernard pulls you into the crowd of other students, with Tim close behind. God you guys look like corny teen movie kids, but you don't care. Was it childish? Maybe. Do any of you care? Nah, it was worth it.
When you call Dick he says he’s busy but will be there in a bit. He asks if you want to stay and he’ll grab you something to change into, or if you want to just head to the clocktower. Honestly you don’t really know. You wanted to enjoy yourself tonight, but you feel humiliated.
When he arrives he gives you more comfortable clothes to wear, but still nice, and offers to be your date for tonight since your other one is a piece of garbage. Yeah, Tim is in there too, so why don’t all four of you hang out and you enjoy being a normal teenager for a night. He knows you put a lot of work into school and your night life, along with work. Tonight you get to forget everything. Live for a minute. Yeah he brought a suit. Yeah you can have a hug too.
You go in and you just avoid the popular pricks, while looking for Tim and his date. The four of you enjoy yourselves and you don’t feel alone. Of course you tormentors can’t let you have a nice night, that would be asking too much. The girl tries hitting on Dick, but he’s not having it. Just constantly repeats no thank you, no, and please leave us alone. Didn’t stop her from taking minor jabs at you. You didn’t want to start a fight or give her a reason to make your night worse. Dick wasn’t having it. He’s getting frustrated now, and is close to doing some he really doesn’t want to do. All it takes is a final comment as she turns and walks away. He makes another comment about her rear after she made plenty of friendly comments about his. Oh she didn’t like that. Not like her ass existed to begin with.
You burst out laughing, unable to hold it in. Tim is shaking his head but laughing alongside Bernard. The girl’s date kept her from going off on Dick, who just sat there with the “I don’t care” grin. You grin and enjoy the night while the two bullies get dragged off by chaperones, telling them they are way out of line. Once the night is done and Dick even offers a slow dance, you go back with Tim and Dick to the clock tower. He says he’s sorry you had a shitty night at the start. If you want to just chill with him and Barb in the clock tower for the rest of the night he’d be up for that. You do and you have a good time. No more tears. You have family and friends who make you feel special no matter what.
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @tai-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666
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randomperson3736 · 1 year
Crush- Batman: wayne family adventures
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Paring(s): batfam x child! Reader, Bruce wayne x daughter! reader, Duke Thomas x sister! Reader, damian wayne x sister! Reader, Dick Grayson x sister! Reader
Genre: fluff, funny, heartbreak
Warning(s): none
Word bank: Y/N- your name
Duke leaned against the wall of school building, staring at an attractive young girl reading on the stairs. Dick leaned in close behind him, scaring the infatuated young man. "Who you staring at?"
"GAH!" Duke held his arms close, blushing. "I'm not staring" Dick placed his hands in his pockets. "You like her, just ask her out"
"I'm not- that isn't- I mean, HYPOTHETICALLY, if I wanted to do that, how would I...?" He asked awkwardly. Dick smiled and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. " just ask her out for coffee or to see a movie or something. Worst thing she can say is no. Its really not that bad"
"Yes it is!" Duke stated terrified. The two walked to Dick's car as he gave advice. "Try and work in a pun. Ladies love puns" Duke lowed his head and sulked. "Jason's right. You do give the worst advice"
His crush waved at him and smiled. "Hey Duke!"
"...hi..." he whispered before putting his hands ro his head in embarrassment.
The two should to be lovebirds were partnered in science class. Duke was holding onto a blue beaker and Ana was writing down notes. "Ana? Um, I've been wondering..." Duke asked not paying attention to the chemicals he was holding. "Yes?" She responded, not looking up from her book. "I, um, I've been thinking about it and-" he started to pour the blue liquid into the beaker on the counter containing a green liquid.
"Don't do that" She stated worriedly. "Oh" Duke looked down disappointedly, thinking she was rejected him. "No, I mean don't do THAT!" In actuality, the blue liquid caused a chemical reaction with the green liquid, turning it into purple and it started bubbling.
BOOM! It exploded in their faces.
"Hey!" Duke turned around to see Ana standing behind him. "I tried catching you after class, but you practically sprinted out of there. I wanted to give you something" She sat next to him and handed Duke a small piece of paper. "What is this?"
"It's my number. In case you ever wanted to study together. Or... to see a movie or something, that'd be cool too" She stood up awkwardly, thinking he might reject her. "Or not, I guess. Don't worry about it"
"Wait! I'd love to see a movie with you" Duke stood up and smiled. "Or study. Whatever you want"
"Then I guess it's a date!" She smiled and waved goodbye to him. Duke looked at the paper one more time and cheered. "YES!"
Down in the batcave, Duke was smiling like a dork at his phone. Stephanie noticed this and leaned in closely ro take a peek. "Who are you texting? You've been smiling like a dork this whole time"
Duke turned his head and smiled awkwardly. "No one. It's nothing"
Stephanie snatched the phone out of his hands and immediately started to look at the chats. "Oh my God! Do you have a girlfriend? How long have you guys been dating? From these texts, I'm guessing the last couple of weeks!"
"Give it back!" Duke stretched his arm out to get his phone back.
Stephanie held his phone up high and told the others. "Look! Duke got a girlfriend!"
"Nice! Way to go!" Tim gave Duke a tumbs up while he picked up Y/N. "Ew. Gross" damian looked away with disgust. Duke's phone buzzed with a text from Ana. Stephanie held the phone with both hands, eyes twinkling at the screen. "You have date tonight???" Duke snatched his phone out of her hands. "None of your business. I'm going back up stairs"
As soon as he were out of sight, Stephanie leaned inor the two boys and little girl. "Tim, Damian, Y/N you thinking what I'm thinking?"
Y/N tilted her head in confusion. "Why do you need costumes for steak?"
Damian sighed. "No, Y/N. A steak out of where you watch over someone in secret"
"But... do you get steak?"
Tim started putting on a large trench coat and hat. "While... we did get steak that one time..."
Duke was waiting in front of the restaurant staring down at his watch, worrying why Ana wasn't there yet. "Duke! Over here!" He turned his head and smiled when he saw her. "Sorry I'm late"
"Your here, that's all that matters"
The two were sat outside with a small vase of pink roses in the middle. "This place is really nice!" Ana said as she admired her surroundings. "My brother Dick, recommended it..." he looked around and paused at a table holding his four disguised siblings. He frowned angrily. Stephanie quickly hid behind the menu. "Oh no. Do you think he saw us?" Tim peaked up from his menu to look at the couple. "He may have noticed"
"I told you these disguises were idiotic. Also the top head makes it easier to see Y/N"
"Leave her alone Damian. It makes her look fancy" Tim scolded his younger brother before turning his attention to the young couple. "Don't mind us!"
"Yea, Dami I look fancy" Y/N took a sip of her paper cup. While damian just rolled his eyes playfully. Stephanie waved at the couple and cheered. "You got this sweetie!" Duke hid his face in his hands in embarrassment. Ana smiled. "Is that your family?"
"Not after I murder them all" She held Duke's hand, making his cheeks git bright red. "I think it's kinda funny"
"So dates not ruined?" Duke asked smiling.
"No. And I'm not going anywhere"
"Awwww, look at them!" Stephanie cheered from the other table. "Bleh" Damain stuck he tongue out in disgust.
Duke was on the rooftop with his knees to his chest. He reminisced on the memories with his time with Ana. Duke heard the tap of a shoe and turned his head to see cass climbing through the window. "Hey"
She sat down next to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Sorry" Duck crawled in through the window on the opposite side to Duke. "Got room for one more?" He sat beside Duke on the other side. "So everyone knows?"
"Yeah. Detective training and all that. You get used to it" Dick laughed. "Great" Duke said sarcastically. "I've got Damian and Y/N gurading your door. They'll hold off Bruce until your ready for the break up talk"
"Wanna talk about it?" Cass asked.
"Ok" She leaned her head on his shoulder.
Duke looked up at the sky with tears threatening to fall. "She wants to be friends. How am I supposed to go back to that after everything?"
"It's okay to need space. You've allowed to give yourself time to heal"
"It doesn't feel like It'll ever get better" Dule held his knees ro his chest and started ro cry.
"It will. I promise"
"We've got you Duke. We're all here"
Dick hugged Duke and cass leaned on his shoulder, comforting the poor heartbroken boy.
Damian and Y/N sat outside Duke's room guarding him from their father. Damian held his katana and Y/N held a childerns book. "Dami, why is Duke crying?"
"The girl Duke feel head over heels for broke up with him. He is facing what they call a heartbreak"
Y/N put her knees to her chest. "But aren't they suppose to live happily ever after?"
"Life isn't a fairy tale Y/N. Feelings always come to an end"
"Why don't they ever talk about break ups in the stories? They make love look so easy"
"Because people want to believe that they can have a happily ever after with rainbows and unicorns. They believe they can prevent them from getting hurt. It's foolish really, that's why I do not condone in such acts. It is better to just accept reality than prolong the impossible" Y/N looked at Damian in confusion, but she kinda got it. She looked down at her knees and opened her mouth before closing it. Unfortunately for her, Damain noticed. "Yes? Do u have any question?"
"Umm... what if they have kids?" She mumbled.
Y/N had tears prickling in her eyes. "What if they had a kid, and fall out of love? What happens to the kid?" Damian mentally cursed himself for making her cry. "Usually it ends up in divorce and one of the parents takes the child"
"No... I mean... I..." she rubbed the tears from her eyes. "We were made out of love right Dami?" Damian dropped his katana and faced Y/N. "Y/N, where is this coming from?"
"I...I don't know. I mean, we have daddy but... but mommy... she... she..." Damian gripped her hand tightly making her fouce of him. "Y/N whatever that women told you was a lie"
"But she said she never wanted me and that she didn't love me..."
"Father made us with love. That's all that matters"
"So..." Y/N sniffed. "We were made out of love?"
"Of course we were" He hugged her tightly.
Duke was staring at his phone at photos of him and Ana. While his siblings helped a little with the pain, he was still feeling upset. He saw little Y/N in the door frame holding some children's books. "Y/N? What are you doing? Shouldn't you be in bed?"
"Um... well when Dickie told me what happened to you, I wanted to help" She showed her collection of books in her arms. "Whenever I feel sad, daddy or Dami read me bedtime stories and I thought maybe it could help you" Duke gave a small smile, "Alright. Let's try it out" He laid down awkwardly om his bed as Y/N tried to tuck him in. Y/N sat down on the side of the his bed and opened on of her books. "Once upon a time..."
It took a couple minutes before Y/N passed out. She did try to stay up but it was past her bedtime. Duke laid in his bed facing upwards at the ceiling. He was still awake and the stories didn't help, but he turned to the sleeping Y/N and smiled. "Thanks Y/N" Duke was still upset. His mind still racing from the question he kept asking himself 'what did he do wrong?' But the question started to become quieter. Maybe the stories did help. He yawned and tucked them both in and said "Goodnight" before difting off to a peacefull sleep.
Y/N was in her car seat on her way to pick up Duke, Tim and Damian from school with Dick. Dick was humming to the music on the radio until he was interrupted by his youngest sister. "Dickie, what's a crush?"
"Hmm?" He looked her through the review mirror. "Well, a crush is someone who has romantic feelings for another person"
"...I don't get it"
"Well, it's understandable since your still young"
She looked down and played with her fingers. "I always thought crush was a drink though?"
"That's another type of crush"
"Can I have a crush?" She asked innocently.
Dick started sweating. "Uh... not right now, baby bird. If Bruce and Damian found out you liked someone and that I said it was fine, I'll be killed"
"....Dickie I meant the drink"
"Oh, then of course you can! Just don't tell Aflred, he'd definitely kill me"
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goldengirlgalaxy · 1 year
(Cracky DP X DC AU I thought of)
Tim made plans with Danny, his loving boyfriend, the night before for the two of them to have another date the following day. However, when he woke up the next morning, checking his phone to make sure he remembered the time and place of the date, he found Danny's number was no longer on it and all of their pictures together were gone too.
Thinking it was one of his siblings playing a prank on him, he went to breakfast mildly annoyed. But annoyance turned to confusion when he noticed that all of his other siblings were in a bad mood. And when he asked Bruce if he had Danny's number, the man questioned who Danny was.
Eventually, the tension between the siblings broke out into a fight. Through the yelling, Tim was eventually able to determine that everyone was upset because they believed someone else had hacked their phones to erase all traces of their boyfriend. Their loving boyfriend, Danny.
It didn't make sense! Between all the Batkids, there was too big an age gap for it to make sense for all of them to believe Danny was dating them. Eventually deciding to look Danny up, Tim was horrified to discover that Danny Fenton was a man older than Bruce!
Something was going on here, and Tim knew it was bigger than just some soap opera drama.
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wolfjackle-creates · 8 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 15
Happy WIP Wednesday! (Ignores the fact that it's almost an hour into Thursday my time.)
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.2k
“Shit. Okay. I’ll fly us back. Bye Tim, everyone!” Danny picked up Tucker and flew away, turning invisible before he was more than a few yards away.
Tim sighed as he watched them. “Invisibility would be such a useful power. Paired with intangibility? Do you have any idea how much that’d help us out in Gotham?”
“Yeah, yeah,” said Cassie dismissively. “So what’re we doing for the next few hours?”
Wulf cocked his head and looked at them. Tim waved to him. “Let’s see what we can find out from our maybe-friend here.” Then, to Wulf, he asked, “Walker?”
Wulf’s bemused expression turned angry and he snarled.
Tim laughed and gave a thumbs up to show his agreement. “I’ve”—he pointed at himself—“heard”—this time his ears—“bad”—he scowled—“things about Walker.”
“Malbono,” said Wulf.
Tim grinned. “Very malbono,” he agreed.
Wulf bared his teeth, but this time, Tim thought it was more of a grin.
Cassie sat down on the ground. “So, Wulf and Danny are both targeted by this Walker ghost. How do we keep them safe?”
Tim shrugged. To Wulf, he said, “We”—pointing to him and his friends—“keep you”— pointing to Wulf—“safe. Secure. Protect.” Hopefully at least one of those words would be similar enough to the Esperanto word for the same concept.
“Protekti,” agreed Wulf.
Bart pointed at himself. “One.” Then to Conner, “Two.” Tim was called three and Cassie four. With a stick, he drew a crude figure of Danny’s ghost form, Sam, and Tucker, counting each one to seven. Then he pointed to Wulf. “Eight.” He drew the number in the dirt to reinforce the count. “Walker, how many?” He lifted his hands in an I-don’t-know gesture.
Wulf started with his hands close and slowly spread them wide. “Multaj.”
Tim’s stomach sank at the answer. They’d faced bad odds before, but it was never good.
“What does Walker want?” asked Conner.
But Wulf only looked at him in confusion and none of them could figure out how to ask that in charades.
Cassie grabbed another stick and began drawing. She started with a line and on one side, she had humanoid ghosts with tails instead of legs, on the other side she had stick figures. Then she drew arrows from the ghost side to the human side. Under the arrows, she drew question marks. Looking up, she asked, “How?”
Wulf bared his teeth again and pointed at himself. “Wulf.” He flexed his hand showing off his claws. Conner tensed at the action, but Wulf ignored him. Instead, he drew his hand down the air. Tim felt like he could hear tearing, but it was as if the sound originated in his brain, bypassing his ears entirely.
In the path of Wulf’s claws was a glowing green portal. Another gesture and it disappeared.
Tim stared in wonder. “So, if you’re here and with us, Walker can’t send any more ghosts to Amity. That makes things so much easier.”
Wulf only grinned at him.
Bart poked Tim’s side. “Think he needs to eat?”
Tim laughed. “You’re just hungry yourself. He’s already dead.”
Bart shrugged. “We haven’t had lunch yet.”
“I’m with Bart,” said Cassie. “I’m getting hungry. And it’d be rude to not offer anything to him. Bart, get us stuff from that burger place Danny took us to. And grab extra in case our new friend wants anything.”
Tim rummaged around in his bag and pulled out two hundred dollars cash. All three of his friends had metabolisms to match their powers. “Here, get as much as you want. Simple cheeseburger and fries for me.”
The others gave their orders and Bart was off.
The rest of the afternoon was spent mostly hanging out in the woods with Wulf. When Bart had offered him a burger, he’d sniffed it before pulling a face and giving it back. Bart just shrugged and ate it himself.
“Shouldn’t you be doing homework?” Conner asked Tim after a while. They’d run through most of the questions they could ask via pantomime and Bart and Cassie had taken to pointing at things and asking what they were called in Esperanto. “Bruce won’t be happy with you.”
Tim sighed. “No, you’re right. If we can’t research in the library, I should do something productive.”
Though it only took an hour and a half of going through his schoolwork for Tim to want to tear his own hair out. He slammed his book shut, making four pairs of eyes instantly fly to him.
“I can’t do this anymore! I can’t wait until I don’t need to be in school anymore. Who wants to spar with me?”
Conner stepped forward. “I’ll take the first round.”
“Great. I’m going to use the staff Danny gave me. I want to practice with it more.”
Wulf watched them as they sparred. Tim held his own against Conner, though ultimately the half-Kryptonian won. Cassie beat him next.
Bart sat the spars out because he won every time if allowed to fight. But he made a very good referee.
Tim and Cassie were having their third match of the day when Danny, Sam, and Tucker rejoined them.
Tim was breathing hard as he blocked another blow from Cassie with his staff. “Hey, Danny,” he said. Then he did a twist he’d learned from Dick coupled with a move he’d learned from Lady Shiva and Cassie was flat on her back. Tim grinned as he offered her a hand to help her up. “Looks like I win the last match of the day.”
“Well I won our two previous ones,” retorted Cassie as she took his hand.
Sam let out a whistle. “Damn, that was impressive. Where’d you learn to fight like that?”
“B sent me to Europe for several months to train from a bunch of different masters when I forced him to take me on.”
“Must’ve been good teachers if you can hold your own as a regular human against metas.”
Tim nodded and moved so he could nudge Danny. “I’ve been trying to convince this one to join me for a few weekends so I could get him some training, but he’d rather rely on luck and his powers.”
Danny rolled his eyes and scoffed. “You know that’s not what it is. I’m just afraid that if I leave any more often than I have to, something will happen!”
“Sure, sure,” said Tim. “But now that your parents know me and I can see just how bad it is, I’ll be coming to you to train you. No getting out of it now!”
Danny just groaned.
Tucker grinned. “Let me know when you come, and I’ll fit your training sessions into Danny’s schedule.”
Sam pointed her thumb at Wulf. “So, how’re we gonna sneak a giant ghost through town and into my house anyway?”
Danny shrugged. “I figured he and I could fly there invisibly. I’ll drop my invisibility and enter through the door so your parents or grandma see me enter, and Wulf will drop it once we’re in private.”
“Fine, fine. Come on, then.”
In the show, there was a time skip between when Danny caught up with Wulf during his school lunch period and the four (Danny, Sam, Tucker, Wulf) all cramming into Tucker's bedroom that night. So I have no idea if Danny returned to school or not. And if he did, what did Wulf do all afternoon and evening? How did they meet up again? Or am I right and Danny skipped?
Good thing we have other people here to help out this time and it doesn't matter!
I no longer do tag lists for this fic, but please checkout the Subscription Post if you want notifications when this updates.
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herlondonboy · 1 year
Begin Again
pairings: Taylor Swift x gn!reader
summary: just listen to Begin Again (Taylor’s Version).
warnings: none, it’s just fluff.
word count: 1.0k
A/N: for my friend that read the last TS oneshot and complained about how sad it was. Hope this fills up the ever-present hole in your heart like the Wanda smut did, emo boy xx
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It was Wednesday.
Probably your least favourite day of the week. It consisted of standing behind the till of a small coffee shop and making coffee for obnoxious customers that don’t understand that ‘we don’t have any more soya milk’ means that you’re out of soya milk.
You stood up with a heavy sigh when you heard the bell above the door ring and looked up. When you met eyes with the blonde that was walking over to you, you held your breath.
Her sunglasses blocked her eyes, but her smile was obviously genuine as she appeared at the counter.
You stammered to greet her, scratching your forehead as your cheeks and ears warmed up dramatically.
The blonde across chuckled at your nerves, assuming that you were trepidatious because she was her, “Hi!” She grinned, half expecting you to ask for a signature or photo because that’s what most people do when they see a celebrity, right?
You gave a nervous laugh, and you cleared your throat, “Uh, hey! What can I get for you?” You bit your lip, trying your hardest not to shamelessly check her out.
Keyword, ‘tried’.
“You’re staring at my chest,” Taylor said with a grin, making your eyes snap up to her, “I think you’re intending to admire my necklace, but it’s coming off as you staring at my chest,” She bit her lip.
Your eyes brightened at the reference, “Oh! Rose to Derek in season 4,” You pointed at her, making her laugh and nod. You smiled before shaking your head and glancing down for a second, “So, what can I get you?”
The blonde’s eyes widened in remembrance, “Uh, a tall, black coffee, please,” She asked sweetly.
“I’d ask for your name, but you’re the only one in here, so,” You chuckled, typing her order into the cash register as she handed you the money to put in the drawer.
Taylor frowned in realisation before smiling brightly and shaking her head, walking over to sit down. You smiled and turned to make her drink, which was probably the simplest one to make.
When you handed Taylor her drink, she thanked you and you went back. Sitting back behind the counter, you kept on glancing up at the blonde who was typing away on her laptop. When she was done, she walked back over to the counter with a cherry smile.
You glanced up and smiled politely, giving a simple goodbye, before looking back down. “It’s Taylor,” The singer said.
“What?” You asked in confusion.
“My name. You said you wouldn’t need it, but I want you to have it, so… It’s Taylor.”
Your eyes lit up and you stood, “I’m Y/N,” You shook her hand, “Same time next week?” You joked.
The blonde laughed and nodded, “of course.” She left, but not before dropping a hefty tip in the tip jar.
Taylor didn’t come the next week, much to your dismay, but she did the week after. Apologies were thrown at you, but you shook them all off, making her a drink. She sat down and you repeated the same process from the first time, only this time when Taylor came to tip you, you didn’t exchange names.
When Taylor walked over to you with her mug, you felt your cheeks warm up once more, “Uh, I know we don’t really know each other that well, but I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat?”
“Like a date?” Taylor asked, making you look down. “I’d love to go on a date with you, Y/N.”
You grinned, blushing, “Do you, uh, do you want my number?”
Taylor nodded and pulled out her phone, typing each number that you said and texting you so that you had her number, too. She liked you, a lot. It was nice being friends with someone who had a normal, balanced life, that didn’t know her as Taylor Swift, but just Taylor.
On Friday that week, you sat, anxiously tapping away on your table. It was bordering on 7 pm, the time that you and Taylor had agreed on, and you were half expecting Taylor not to turn up. When the door opened, you saw Taylor and stood up as she walked over to you. She got to the table and you pulled out her chair, allowing her to sit, before pushing her in.
You didn’t know how nice that action was, but she did.
The dinner went smoothly, and before you knew it, you were organising another date. Wednesdays quickly began your favourite day, as Taylor would try and make it to the little coffee shop every week at a similar time.
Taylor: I’m sorry, I can’t make it today. Something came up, I’ll be there next Wednesday. I promise
Y/N: Don’t worry about it!
Y/N: I was actually wondering if you wanted to catch a movie on Saturday? They’re playing Zookeeper at the theatre.
Taylor: I’d love to!
Saturday rolled around and after the movie, the two of you chuckled together, walking hand in hand to Taylor’s car. It went silent, and Taylor thought she had to say something so she spoke up, “You know, my bo-“
“You know, my pa-“ you spoke at the same time, making you grin. Taylor motioned for you to speak first and you nodded, “My parents actually bought that movie theatre back in the eighties. A few years before I was born. What were you gonna say?”
Taylor shook her head, ridding all thoughts of her ex-boyfriend, and smiled up at you, “This has been a great few weeks, you know?” She asked, “It was really nice meeting you, Y/N.”
She went to slip into her car when you called her name, making her turn back to you, “Will you be my girlfriend?”
The blonde grinned and nodded, “I’d love to be your girlfriend.”
You looked up at the sky to hide your smile before looking down at the ground, “Can I kiss you?”
“Please do,” Taylor whispered and you leaned forward, connecting your lips with hers, completely oblivious to the camera flashes around you.
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lazycats-stuff · 10 months
Tim drake x male reader
Angst where reader is dating tim and readers old boyfriend ( derek )comes back for reader and tim is really insecure so he thinks reader will actually go back to him. Which causes a massive break up with the both of them. And like 3 years later they meet again and tim finds out reader never got with derek cause cuz him loves too much
Ah yes, angst and fluff, my favorite thing. With a happy ending too, I hate sad endings. Also, I made the meet up far more dramatic then I should have, but hey.
Summary: Tim and (Y/N) are happily together. Until (Y/N)'s ex, Derek comes into the picture. Afterwards, it's pure chaos.
Warnings: angst and fluff, happy ending, break up, insecure Tim,
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Tim didn't know how he managed to get together with (Y/N). He was social and very friendly. Not that Tim wasn't friendly, but he wasn't social by any means. If he could stay inside and investigate all night, he would do it. But that changed a bit with (Y/N).
(Y/N) would make sure that he ate and that he tried to sleep for at least 6 hours. Not even Bruce could do that to Tim. And another amazing feat that (Y/N) has achieved was the fact that the entire family loved him. Bruce already adopted him emotionally.
And more importantly, Tim was happy with (Y/N) and (Y/N) was happy with Tim. Bruce just wanted Tim to be happy.
Everything changed one day when Tim and (Y/N) were out. It was a nice day and according to (Y/N), Tim was couped up and he needed some fresh air. Tim protested, using the cases as an excuse, but (Y/N) level him with a look and saying that he will tell Bruce.
Tim accepted defeat.
Hand in hand, they were walking in the park. Tim had to agree, it was a good idea to be out, in the fresh air and the sun.
" (Y/N)! "
That made both Tim and (Y/N) turn their heads. Tim tensed up and (Y/N) was just confused. Who was calling him? But once he turned around he recognized the person who called his name.
" Hey Derek, " (Y/N) said, waving at him.
" Hey, long time no see. " Derek said, eyes falling down on Tim's and (Y/N)'s hands.
" New boyfriend? " Derek asked, making (Y/N) nod.
" Yes, this is Tim, Tim this is my ex boyfriend Derek. " (Y/N) introduced the two men to each other. Tim's eyes looked Derek up and down. Derek was good looking, smiling and Tim could already tell that he was the popular kid in school.
Tim felt a ping of jealousy. A voice at the back of his mind. He buried it and shook his free hand with Derek.
" Well, Tim, you are lucky to have him. " Derek said. Tim tried not to get angry, knowing that there is no double meaning behind Derek's words.
" Nice to see you again (Y/N), but I have to go. If you want we can hang out later, a double date if you want. You still have my number? "
" I do. See you later then. " (Y/N) said goodbye and Tim just waived him off.
Tim was never jealous or possessive, but now he was questioning everything.
" So, he was your ex? " Tim started, knowing that he will look him up later.
" Yeah, we grew up together and we got together. We broke up when he moved away. " (Y/N) said, smiling at the memories. Tim just nodded and they went back to their walk, but Tim couldn't shake off that voice in his mind.
(Y/N) got back into contact with Derek and Tim was not really happy, but he didn't want to look like a possessive and jealous boyfriend. (Y/N) is allowed to talk to anybody that he wants. He didn't look into (Y/N)'s phone because he trusted him.
" Hey, are you coming? " (Y/N) asked Tim, who was laying down on the bed, laptop next to him.
" Where? " Tim asked, confused.
" On a double date with Derek. You know he mentioned it a few days ago. Don't tell me you forgot it. " (Y/N) asked.
" In my defense, I have patrol later. " Tim said, smiling sheepishly. (Y/N) sighed, shaking his head with a fond smile on his face. He gave Tim a kiss before leaving the apartment. Tim's smile fell and a feeling of dread filled him. The voice struck him once more, but with much more force.
Ugly, antisocial, weak...
Tim shook his head. He was going on patrol now, feeling like something was wrong.
Tim was crouching on the roof, watching the live camera feed from the bar that (Y/N) and Derek were in. He didn't like how Derek was touchy with (Y/N). He scowled and just watched. He had an audio too, so he listened in.
" So you are with a Wayne huh? " Derek asked and Tim's jaw twitched.
" Yes. And what's with that tone of yours? " (Y/N) asked, sensing something else under that tone. " I know you long enough to know when you are angry. "
Derek was silent for a moment, before ordering a shot of tequila. Tim knew something big was going to come out of Derek's mouth. You don't need tequila if you are confident in something you are about to say.
" I'm still in love with you. "
Tim felt his heart shatter. Of course. Who wants a nerdy, ugly boyfriend? He turned off the feed before he could hear what (Y/N) was going to say. Tim took a deep breath. Just as he thought that (Y/N) was the one...
(Y/N) came home upset at lies Derek told him. First that it was a double date, then the lies he said about Tim and his family. And now the confession... He loved Tim and always will.
He went straight to Tim's apartment, expecting to be alone. He nearly died of shock when he saw Tim.
" Tim you scared me. I thought you had patrol. " (Y/N) said taking his jacket off. He noticed how quiet Tim was and that scared him. Tim was normally quiet, but this was different.
" Hey Tim, is everything okay? "
" Oh it is. How was your date with Derek? " Tim asked, scratching his chin.
" It was not that good. " (Y/N) said, finally facing Tim. " But seriously, what's wrong? "
" Nothing, I just think that he didn't show out of the blue. " Tim started, watching (Y/N)'s reaction.
" What do you mean? "
" I think he is still in love with you. And I think that you share the same sentiment. " Tim said, laying it out on the table.
(Y/N) looked at him like he was insane. " Tim, are you insane? I love you. "
" I mean, he confessed to you! And who would want an ugly nerd, who lives off of coffee and is a vigilante who gets back home at questionable hours? I mean everyone would go for Derek. "
" I'm sorry, you followed me? " (Y/N) asked, shocked that Tim would do that.
" I had a bad feeling, so I tapped into the camera feed. " Tim said, making (Y/N) scoff.
" Well, if you listened long enough you would know that I rejected him. " (Y/N) defended himself. " Tim, I love you. That's why I'm with you. " (Y/N) said, moving closer.
He was shocked when Tim stepped back. " Tim... " (Y/N) whispered, clearly shaken by Tim's behavior.
" We are over (Y/N). " Tim said, leaving the room. (Y/N) stood there, tears spilling down his cheeks. Why?
It has been 3 years since the break up and both Tim and (Y/N) were unhappy. Neither of them could move on and worse of all, (Y/N) moved away from Gotham. Bruce and the others could see how Tim was broken.
No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get him to talk to (Y/N) or to them about it and he fell back into his old habits. Bruce also kept tabs on (Y/N), just in case he needed help. Bruce didn't blame Tim or (Y/N) for the breakup, just miscommunication on their parts.
Everything went fine until Deathstroke was hired to kill Tim Drake. Since he couldn't find Tim Drake, he decided to take (Y/N) hostage. Deathstroke always researches his targets.
With some investigation, Tim and the family found the base he had in Gotham. What Tim didn't expect was to find Deathstroke holding him hostage. And for how long was (Y/N) kept as hostage?
" Hello detective. I hope you know where to find Tim Drake. " Deathstroke started, but Tim couldn't listen to him. His eyes were on (Y/N), looking at the bruises on his face. He saw red. That anger multiplied by 10 when Deathstroke picked (Y/N) up by the back of his neck, pulling him against his chest and putting a knife across his neck.
" I know that Tim and this guy are exes, but I know that mister Drake and mister (L/N) loved each other very much. And I don't think that mister Drake would want (Y/N) to die. " He said it so calmly, that you wouldn't think that he was holding a knife against his throat.
It was all fine until he took his gun and shoot at the window, breaking the glass. He dragged (Y/N) to the edge and Tim was really getting mad. Despite the break up, he still loved (Y/N). Now, the only thing separating (Y/N) and death was Deathstroke's grip on his wrist, while (Y/N) was over the edge.
" Let him go Deathstroke. " Batman said, staring at Deathstroke.
" If you say so detective. " And with that, any type of self control that Tim might have had, was thrown out the window. He ran and jumped out the window, after (Y/N).
(Y/N) screamed as he started falling down. He closed his eyes bracing for impact, but Tim caught and managed to land on a nearby roof. (Y/N) clung onto Tim, shaking with fear and terror.
" (Y/N)? " Tim asked, trying to put (Y/N) down.
" Please... Don't leave me. " (Y/N) sobbed, clinging even tighter.
(Y/N) now found himself in the Wayne manor, safe and sound. Alfred took a quick look at (Y/N). Bruce saw how conflicted Tim was on the side. He walked up to him, seeing the conflict in his eyes.
" Tim, you have to talk to him. " Bruce said to Tim, grasping his shoulder.
" Bruce- "
" No. You two broke up due to some sort of miscommunication. You will not move on in any way if you two don't talk. "
Bruce walked away after that, ushering the others who were in the room. Tim sat down next to (Y/N), clearly not knowing how to start.
" Tim... Thank you for saving me. " (Y/N) said softly.
" I still love you. Even after 3 years, I can't stop thinking about you. "
That made (Y/N) smile, happy that Tim felt the same. " I couldn't either. "
Tim frowned. " But you were with Derek. "
" No, no my dear dumbo. I was never with Derek. I moved back in with my parents. The reason i came was because of Deathstroke. He kidnapped me and kept me as leverage to try to get the Tim Drake out of hiding. " (Y/N) said, taking Tim's hand in his.
" Oh (Y/N), I'm sorry! I shouldn't have let my insecurities get in the way. I should have talked to you. " Tim said, squeezing (Y/N)'s hand back.
" Well, this entire family is allergic to the word communication. " (Y/N) joked, making Tim smile. That much is true.
" You are right about that. " Tim said, taking a deep breath. " I realized that I can't live without you. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to have you back. " Tim stated.
" Well, you are going to have to start all over. It will take a while for me to fully trust you. " (Y/N) said, wiping his tears.
" So we are starting as friends? " Tim asked.
" Yup. " (Y/N) said.
" You won't regret it. " Tim said so quickly, making (Y/N) chuckle.
" Also, I want you to promise me something. "
" Anything. "
" If you ever have a problem or insecurity kicks in, you are going to come to me to talk about it. " (Y/N) stated, moving even closer to Tim. He missed him too much.
" I promise you. Can I ask you something? " Tim started hesitantly.
" Of course. "
" Can I kiss you before I start over? I missed it too much. " Tim admitted.
(Y/N) just cupped Tim's face with his free hand and kissed him. (Y/N) missed it too. Now they were both finally at peace and Tim was going to work his ass off to get back together with him.
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