nando161mando · 25 days
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This couldn't have happened to more deserving people
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punkeropercyjackson · 27 days
Insert joke here about how t*rfs reduce women down to their biology even if they're cis afab and abuse them nonstop including sexual harrasment,try to take away our rights with their societal privileges and gaslight by turning it into 'female hysteria' on trans peoples part and are also huge racists who're obsessed with Ancient Greece so they're male socialized
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auroroboros1 · 2 months
[terf voice] trans men just want to escape from the patriarchy [proceeds to simp for the patriarchy]
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aphroditesbunny · 1 year
Gentle Reminder: Aphrodite loves all her children. Daughter or Son, Gay or straight, trans or cis, and anything in between. Our lady loves you just the way you are, you are perfect and beautiful.
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thisnerdjason · 2 years
Reminder that trans women are women even if you don't think they pass well!
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thetelesterion · 5 months
didn't think i'd need to make a post like this, but if you're a terf, or "gender critical," don't fucking follow me. don't interact with me, just fuck the hell off. i don't want anything to do with you or your bullshit.
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neatoburrito12threeto · 3 months
Something that happened to me years ago
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honeyriot · 1 year
It is so disappointing to read the most excruciatingly honest and nuanced fadcial feminist critique of misogyny, porn, oppression etc and then scroll down to see some completely non nuanced transphobic hatred. Or to see radical feminism smeared because OP was a terf. Radical feminism is smeared on both sides.
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hochulia · 1 year
Offtop from art posting
Yesterday I was reading my fav channel about lesbian and queer relationships (it’s be awesome blogger Sasha Kazantseva, google her). And there was a really good post about how to communicate and understand a person with unusual trans identity. Very educational. But in the comments terfs showed up and somehow find a reason to rage.
One of them posted this familiar long rant, how “gender ideology” is the reason why women oppressed and also “why the f we have to respect anyone’s pronouns/genders!!!” And I noticed how f-ing ridiculous this shit is and the fact they justify it by women’s rights is appalling.
I remember in 2016 I was still empathetic person, though that the most important thing is be your true self and was shocked when read the article about trans women in russia and how they have to survive. I f-ing didn’t know that the “gender ideology” was the root of all evil in the world until I found a very charismatic terf who lured people in her circle with based takes about feminism. Claiming she’s a radical feminist, she wrote really good things and added transphobia, racism and justification of child abuse here and there (yes she said it’s ok for women to beat and torture kids, because women is oppressed class). And I even wasn’t agree with most of her fash crap, but she helped me in awful times in my life, so I was willing to turn a blind eye. And yeah, was introduced to a new target for my rage, scary maniacs in womens clothes, whose only goal is to rape every child and woman in the toilets or locker rooms 🤡
So. Saying gender ideology is the reason of women’s oppression is so fucking funny, like read history books idk?? And if anything women’s rights are more protected in countries where trans rights are recognized. She also added, that trans persons reproduce stereotypes about women and women are hated for being feminine and if women weren’t feminine there would be no reason to hate. There’s a lot to unpack here, but this is so misogynistic. I loved being a girl since childhood, I always thought girls are cooler, and I consider myself a very feminine person even if I look super neutral or even masculine on the surface. 😮‍💨
And. The whining about people wanting to their identities/boundaries etc be respected, putting your “opinion” over people’s well-being is so immature and also fascist. Are you f-ing don’t know about basic human decency and politeness?? Try to learn how to live in civilized society maybe?? No one f-ing ask your shitty opinion about anyone’s body/face/gender/name/health etc, your shitty opinion have no value on this subjects, keep it to yourself.
And how they reduce even cis women’s for their flat definitions of women or sexuality. I of course share the experience of oppression with many cis women, there’s a lot of common things, and they influenced my life and personality. Yet I am unique human being, I have my own femininity, my own sexuality, my own mind. Seeing how she writes about women as a homogeneous mass and sexuality as a simple matter is so f-ing funny. Sis, I’m a living proof you’re wrong, so is any other person, there’s a whole world outside of your head of you didn’t knew.
Tl;dr I guess. To any gender critical feminist who fights scary gender ideology and trans people everyday, solution to your problems is to close your socials, put down your phone and go outside. Or play MH Stories 2, or stardew valley. Or meet your friends. And see a therapist. When you remember how to live a life you will save yourself from monsters in your head, amazing right? 😸
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dadjokeslady · 1 year
Dear TERFs / rad fems.
I got a question for you. Putting aside all the trans shenanigans, what is your policy proposal? Like, for real, what else do you want to change in the world?
I ask cause from where I'm standing all I can see is that you really dislike trans people, but it might be just the filter of what comes through my bubble.
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nando161mando · 7 months
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Anti-trans bigots and hate group Women's Declaration International (WDI) are coming to town this Nov. 19th.
Save the date to give them the welcome they deserve :)
@antifainternational @anarchistmemecollective @kropotkindersurprise @radicalgraff
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
A rdfem post got recommended to me because apperantly i hadn't been careful enough(at least i got a free blocklist out of it)and the very first line was so out of pocket stupid even by t/erf standards-Their idea of 'women forcing themselves to be presentable' was fucking acrylic nails.Obviously this is stupid period but acrylics are a fashion statement that was created by and continued and mostly influenced by to this day by BLACK WOMEN.It's a way of expressing ourselves,an art even,it's NEVER been about fitting into men's standards and in fact that's always been the opposite intended effect!!They're about what makes US happy,not anybody else
And that's just the thing rdfam always do-They make everything about men and their hatred of woc,black women especially and EVEN MORE SO TRANS women.It's never been about liberating women,it's about policing us.We can't be kiddy and pastel and bubbly and chaotic and indie and hopeless romantics who want to get the princess treatment,we're doing it for men 'even if we don't know it'(an actual thing one of them said to me on my post explaining that my brand of femininity comes from my kind of autism and their idea of 'real womanhood' was The Handmaiden and i WISH i was a kidding)and as if lesbians and aroace women who're like me in this aspect don't exist and they do and three of them are close friends of mine and have also talked about bullshit this is-And yes,all three of them are also woc,one pakistani and two black
And apperantly,we can't be edgy and rowdy and cocky and bitter and blunt and alt and and butch and uninterested in actively pursuing romance either because then we're 'too much like men and not really women so we might as well stop calling ourselves ones'.If we have brown skin or heavy body hair or big noses or other dark and strong features,we have 'biological faults' or whatever the fuck and they brag about hating men until someone realizes they're not a man but a woman and wanna physically and socially transition to feel like one to their full happiness they want them to be men instead.They sexually harras people,they invalidate mspec women for loving men AND lesbians for not liking women 'correctly' according to them because they love nonbinary women and transfems AND rentlessly mock aroace women for not feeling attraction by calling them losers and they don't even draw the line at kids.They use all kinds of slurs and ableist rethoric and are exactly two tippy toes steps away from being t/radwives
Nobody's more obsessed with ruining womanhood than rdfems except chauvinists and even then,they're just another variant of them that happen to have less political power.You're not an ancient greek goddess in women's history,you're grown ass women obsessed with genitals and gaslighting vulnerable young girls into your minions.You know nothing about girlhood and you won't learn until you get all those boots out of your mouths you're choking so hard on you can't speak anything but bullshit
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blueberry8278 · 8 months
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hypocrisy at is finest
(Idgaf if a terf reposts this, y’all fucking suck and to my trans siblings ily)
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soggedboytroutanti · 5 months
this user supports it/its and neopronouns
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my-guttedgirl · 2 months
psst if ur pro israel, terf, all lives matter, maga, a nazi, unfollow.,,,
Probs gonna post a rant later ab terfs heart
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jasontoddssuper · 2 years
It confuses the fuck out of me that t///erfs think that trans people are attracted to them-like bro,i already HAVE a girlfriend who loves and supports me in my gender identity-my xenogenders and neopronouns included-and she's not even trans!Why would i wanna give her up for some weirdo who has internalized misogyny,a victim complex and a gross obsession with genitals??????
D*smp fans and h*rny/tr*umacore blogs don't touch this post + Harry P*tter/Mar*uders Era fans go away too,y'all are t///erfs lite
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