#dceu x reader
xoxo-mylove · 1 year
Missing Something You've Never Had
(Bruce Wayne x Batmom!Reader, Batmom!Reader x Batboys)
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Word count: 5,162
Synopsis: You walk in to your home to find your family looking a t you like a stranger. Your family’s counterparts discover the life they could have had and you severely miss your version of the batboys.
Warnings: Angst, LOTS and lots of angst, self-hate, Bruce Wayne’s destructive thoughts, parental issues, mommy issues and hell daddy issues too, very sad in general, I’m sorry in advance, fluff toward the end
(*A/N: I lied in my last post lol I definitely was not writing but I finished this very sad batmom one-shot that I hope will make up for it before going into this new year! I won’t guarantee another one-shot soon but I will promise you it will be an Al Ghul!Reader! So be on the lookout!! Anyway, keep in mind this Bruce is very much canon Bruce Wayne who is allergic to affection. I hope you enjoy lovelies)
Coming back from work and seeing your family look at you like you were an alien was definitely...shocking. And yet right there they were. 
After not seeing your family in the kitchen once you arrived home. you immediately went down to the Batcave.
Walking down the steps and approaching your husband with a smile you didn’t even hear Barry’s shout  ‘Wait Y/N!’ before you embraced your love and felt him stiffen under your touch.
It seems that your action ensued silence over the room and you slowly let Bruce go and looked around the room to see your boys looking at you with obvious shock underneath their cowls and masks.
 Damian looks at you with an expression you haven’t been faced with since when he first arrived at the manor. Your baby boy looking at you with suspicion and contempt was staggering. This was the first crack that formed in your heart.
Then there was Tim. Your Tim, looking at you with a guarded appearance and eyes screaming caution. Like you weren’t supposed to be there. Your boy who would immediately come to you after his night out and seek a hug. Now it was like he was looking through you, creating yet another crack in your heart.
Next was Jason whose face added to your heartbreak when he merely glanced at you. Not even sparing you an extra look as if you weren’t someone on his radar. Your Jay-bird looking at you with such indifference and lack of love.
And your first son. Your oldest looking at you with no love but concern. Not concerned for you but for his brothers. As if your mere presence was disrupting something. As if there is no reason you should be there.
No reason.
You glance back at Bruce to see him looking at you with that stare. The guarded batman stare. Now you feel dizzy. Quickly glancing towards Barry not wanting to see your Bruce looking at you like that, you face Barry with widened eyes and a flushed face. 
Barry looking at you with genuine sympathy says the words that confirmed all your worst fears. “This isn't your family Y/N. They’re from a different universe” 
God, you're going to be sick.
After seeing your shocked face and the uncomfortable, suffocating silence in the room Barry took you back inside the manor to explain to you and Alfred what happened. Leaving your fa- leaving them in the cave.
Apparently, Barry had a run-in with reverse Flash and somehow your family was sucked into a wormhole transporting them into another universe while taking a version of your family in that universe here. in your universe..... It was all very confusing and devastating to hear and you shed a few tears.
You had to have asked Barry a dozen questions about this other universe about where they could be, how this happened, and most importantly, how you were going to get them back. Barry told you that he and the league are figuring it out and will find them and you believe him.
So here you are sitting at dinner with a different version of your family in silence. It actually makes you want to cry.
Right now the boys would be telling you and Bruce about their day and catching you both up on their lives. Instead, they’re looking down at their plates while awkwardly glancing at you and hurriedly glancing away once you make eye contact with them. 
It’s horrible.
And don't even get started on Bruce, that man has made a point to not even glance at you the entire duration of dinner. Just sitting there with a blank face and clearing his throat every few minutes.
It’s horrible.
Having enough of the silence (felt like knives in your back not being able to talk to your family) you clear your throat and immediately all their eyes shoot towards you.
Flushing from the attention your smile hesitantly chooses to try and talk to them instead of silence. They are still your family. They’re still your boys and husband. You’re just not their person right now. And until you can see your family again (you will see them again) you still care for these people and will do anything to make sure they are comfortable in their home.
“I- I know this is- well this situation we are in is very.... umm well it’s very”
“Weird” Dick blurts out before he can stop himself, earning a look from Bruce whose attention has been solely on you since you opened your mouth.
“Yes, Hon- I mean yes, Dick It’s very weird. But this is--- no matter what universe you all are from it’s still your home. And I don’t want you guys to be uncomfortable in your own home so if you have any questions just.... well just ask.”
the silence stretches out between you all before you hear a voice from your left.
“What exactly are you to us- I mean what are you to them?” Tim asks.
The question itself was easy to answer before but now in front of the boys who you know have got through horrible and traumatic things just the same as yours. You don’t know how they will react especially Bruce, Mr. Idontdesrvelove. (Though he’s gotten so much better with you and the kids)
“Well, I'm your guy’s mom.”
Silence. Deafening silence and then Alfred thankfully arrives, saving you from the conversation you know you’ll have to have at some point. But not today. Not when it’s so fresh. 
“Miss Y/N, you do have an early day tomorrow so I think it’s all time we retire to bed. I'm sure you all are especially tired from your night.” Alfred says with a sympathetic tone you are so grateful for.
“Of course” You stand up from your chair drawing attention to you once again.
You face your......you face the boys and smile softly and bid them goodnight. Hoping that when you wake up that this is all a bad dream and Bruce will be snoring in the bed and you hear your kid's voices outside the door.
Bruce’s POV
This is all very uncomfortable. Bruce has a wife whom he’s never met in his life and who is the mother to his children.
Bruce watches you walk up the stairs to a bed that they share or he shares with you. The other him.
Ever since you hugged him in the Batcave and looked at him with eyes so tender and full of love Bruce couldn't help but feel a small amount of jealousy of....the other him. He has it all. He has children and a wife. Who loves him. He must not be as fucked up as he is. Your Bruce probably still has his parents or didn't witness their murder and has healthy coping issues. Yeah, he's envious of this other him.
Bruce looks to his kids to see them also confused staring at you. Is this what your kids have as a mother? Someone to go to for that soft and soothing guidance. How he remembers his mother was to him. He’s not just envious of the other Bruce but envious for his children. His rampant thoughts are stopped when Alfred- your Alfred speaks again. 
“master...Master Bruce, I've set you up in the spare room by master Jason’s. It is ready for you to retire in whenever you see fit. Boys your rooms are... well they  are ready for you but if this manor is different ill be happy to show you the way.”
“Don't worry Alfred this manor is the same as ours” Jason speaks up for the first time since arriving.
“Very well boys if you need me I'll be in the kitchen preparing tea for Miss Y/N” Alfred takes his leave and the boys instantly start up their conversations.
“This is freaky..” Tim says while glancing at his Bruce and brothers.
“Yeah. We have a...mother in this universe” Dick hesitantly says, like saying the word ‘mother’ is all but confusing to him.
“yeah, I probably don’t get snuffed by Joker in this one” Jason offers sarcastically. Bruce closes his eyes at this and leans back in his chair. He saw Jason’s Robin costume. Identical to the one in their Batcave. Maybe this universe isn’t as good as he thought if your Bruce still couldn’t save Jason from his fate.
Damian ever the blunt kid speaks Bruce's thoughts, “Tch, I don't think so Todd. I saw your infamous Robin costume. Identical to the one in our universe” He says snidely. 
“Yeah, me too evil spawn. It’s called a joke.” Jason responds while rolling his eyes.
“Boys. Enough” Bruce says with a firm tone that stops all conversation.
“Let’s go to the sitting room we have a lot to discuss.” Bruce stands up and leaves the kitchen hearing the sound of footsteps and disgruntled murmurs trailing after him.
Bruces POV
The boys and he have been talking about how to get back to their universe for a while. Bruce has made it a point to not bring up you in the conversation. Silence just ensues and awkward answers when you are brought up.
Talking with Dick about using the Batcave to contact this universes League and help get home he sees Damian get up off the chair and stride to a cabinet filled with...CDs? Damian grabs four of them and hesitantly grabs another looking at it for a second before putting it underneath the other four and walking back to the couch.
“I found CDs that have our names on them.” He announces effectively stopping all conversation and capturing all of our attention.
The silence stretches out before Dick speaks up, “Should we watch them.” When everyone is still silent he hurriedly explains himself “Well, I just mean are you curious about how the other versions of us live. Especially with Y/N”
It's silent again until suddenly Jason stands up ripping the CDs from Damian's hands (making him scramble up to get them back before Dick scolds him) and puts one in effectively shutting everyone up and their attention is drawn to the TV.
Dick’s POV
This whole day has been extremely weird and uncomfortable. Especially uncomfortable to know that another version of him has another mom. And yet as he watches the home video play out the feeling of uncomfortableness leaves and jealousy replaces it.
He watches Bruce and you record yourself making him his birthday breakfast. Something that sounds so simple and normal it makes Dick’s heart break a little.
“BRUCE STAWP!” You squeal dodging the whipped cream he tries to get on your face. “What? You can do it to me but I can’t do it to you?” your Bruce asks with a smile and whip cream plopped on his nose. “Yes, it is fair because I am the one making our son's birthday breakfast,” You say looking into the camera with a big beautiful smile. The boys and Bruce see your Bruce pick up the camera and record you putting the finishing touches on your Dick’s pancakes. “It’s six a.m love, the kid is still drooling right now” They hear Bruce say behind the camera.“Still Bruce, we need to sing happy birthday first thing in the morning!” your say with a childish whine. While balancing the tray of breakfast food and smiley pancakes in a tray.
Dick feels his throat close up and the need to run away while watching the video. This love that he sees you have for your Dick and the care your Bruce is showing is something he has never experienced since living with Bruce and yet misses. Can you miss something you’ve never had? Because this is definitely how he feels. Dick remembers the touch and love of a mother and watching this just reminds him of the feeling.
The boys watch as Bruce records you opening the door to your Dick’s room and see little dick sleeping with drool on his pillow.“God, he’s going to be embarrassed when he’s older and watches this video” they hear Bruce say with a quiet laugh. You turn and give him a fake stern look and crouch down by Dick’s bed and softly shake him awake. Your Dick slowly opens his eyes and focuses on you. His face instantly lit up and a smile breaks out on his face. “Mom!” he yells out happily pulling the covers back while you set the tray on his lap. Giving him a kiss on the cheek good morning. They hear Bruce laugh and tell Dick happy birthday while giving him an affectionate head shake. The boys and Bruce watch Dick and the two of you sing ‘Happy Birthday’, eat pancakes together, laugh and smile, and basically be a family. The video ends with Dick taking the camera from Bruce and whispering into the lens saying, “This is the best Birthday ever!” with a cheesy smile on his face.
Dick is uncharacteristically silent while everybody looks at him. He finally stands up and takes his CD out putting someone else’s in drawing their attention back to the TV. 
Damian’s POV
This whole thing is ridiculous. Everyone is getting all sappy over a single woman who none of them know. Damian sees this as stupid and it quite frankly makes him angry. He already has a mother. he doesn't need to listen and watch himself with a strange woman. 
And yet just like Dick, the anger turns to sadness and he also becomes jealous. Watching another version of himself receive the love and attention that Damian has only seen in movies and read in books. And yet as he watches him and his siblings fight to open presents he is reminded that he is just a kid.
Who just wants a family.
“Everyone! Everyone!” Video you calls out to your children currently fighting for presents. “Because this is Damian’s first Christmas with us he will be opening the first gift,” you say in a tone that makes all your children concede and watch Damian open one of his gifts. As you hand your Damian a gift wrapped in Christmas Robin wrapping and a black bow he immediately dives in and opens it to find a collar. Confused he looks at you and at his father to see you both smiling at him, chuckling. Your Damian watches you leave the room and come back in with a black kitten with white paws in your arms. Damian lets out a loud gasp and runs to you taking the cat in his arms. The camera zooms in on his blinding smile and his small whisper of “Thank you Ummi” to you. The boys and Damian watch as you give him a big kiss on his forehead and Bruce giving him a big hug.
The silence stretches out between the group because everyone knows that in their universe Damian doesn't receive Alfred the cat in such a memorable and sweet way.
Damian especially is just staring at the screen yearning for that motherly love. And a bad thought crosses his mind of what if they just stayed here. Damn the consequences. He wishes for this mom.
Tim’s POV
Tim’s always been curious and once he saw you giving an affectionate hug to Bruce and the pain that went across your face when his brothers and he looked at you with indifference.
 Watching his brother's faces while they watched their home videos he was a little scared of his.
 His mother has always been distant and he’s never really experienced motherly love but watching you in the home videos, he’s scared to see you with him and be consumed with jealousy like his brothers. Scared to watch you love a version of himself and not experience that love. 
And yet he watches his video and is filled with that feeling anyway.
“Hellooo whoever is watching this home video!” you say with a smile. “It’s probably us sweetheart,” Bruce says popping into the frame. You hurriedly move the camera away from him and talk to the camera. “Ignore him. But today we are at Tim’s school watching him graduate!” you say with a happy squeal and turn the camera to zoom in on Tims's figure clad in his cap and gown, oblivious to your recording him. “Tim is graduating with high honors and receiving multiple awards tonight” the boys and Bruce listen to your Bruce say in an obviously proud tone. The boys watch as multiple names are called and you both politely clapping for every student. And once you hear Tim’s name you both go ballistic. While as ballistic as your Bruce could go by whistling and clapping louder than ever with a proud grin. But for you, you're screaming at the top of your lungs, on the verge of sobbing, shouting “My baby boy!” earning looks from bystanders and laughs from your husband. The video ends with your Bruce recording you giving your Tim the biggest hug and kiss on the cheek while he smiles a bashful smile and celebrates with you and his dad.
Tim’s thoughts run rampant so much that he needs to lie down. He’s never felt this bitter and angry. His Bruce didn't come to his graduation and he’s watching everything he’s ever wanted happen on screen.
 It's not right and it's not fair. 
Why does your family get you and they don’t?
Jason’s POV
He already knows what’s going to be on that CD. He knows how he’ll react and he knows that he mentally can’t do that right now. He can’t watch something that he died for (a mother's love) play out in front of him.
He won't do it. 
“I’m going to bed” Jason suddenly announces. It's suffocating in the living room and he can’t deal with looking at anybody’s face any longer.
He doesn't stick around for an answer he just goes up to his...other his’s room. He expects to see a room identical to his but once he opens the door he sees a completely different room.
This one looks lived in. Like someone uses it. In his universe, he rarely goes into his childhood room. Too many memories and too many feelings he rather not face. But this room. There are recent pictures of him. Multiple pictures of him and his... family all happy together.
He hurriedly looks away and strips himself of his extra gear and lies on his..or his bed in silence. He feels uncomfortable very weird.
He turns on his side prepared to close his eyes and hopefully not wake up for a long time when he sees it. On his bedside table is a framed photo of you and him. He’s in front of you smiling a cheesy bright smile (missing teeth prominent in the photo) dressed in a Peter Pan costume. Your arms are wrapped around his neck with a beautiful grin on your face dressed in a Tinker bell costume. 
It’s so stupid but it makes him smile like a fool because at least a version of himself finally received the love of a mother. 
Something he’s yearned for all his life before joker was to have a mother in his life and the thought that he gets that in a different universe is what makes it easy for him to close his eyes and sleep that night.
Bruce’s POV
Jason just left and the suffocating silence returns. 
Bruce sees Dick slowly rise from the couch and tell everybody to go to bed and something about talking more in the morning. He hears his sons rise from the couch sleepily making their way into their rooms and feels Dick linger by the doorway.
“Bruce are....are you going to bed?” he hears the hesitance in his voice and he wonders if Dick was going to ask him a different question but stopped himself. 
Isn’t that the relationship they have? Unable to communicate and ask each other what's wrong.
It’s all his fault.
If he wasn’t so scared he could have found Y/N in his life and his family would have been different.
He would have been different.
he finally finds words to answer his son, “I think...I think I'm going to stay up a little while longer.” he says while turning his profile to him.
Bruce hears him whisper a soft “okay” and walks off into his room for the night. He waits until he hears the door close, to get up off the couch and grab the CD labeled ‘Wedding’.
The mere title makes his stomach drop but he’s always been one to emotionally scar himself. He sits back down to watch the video play out. He releases a strangled sigh when he sees himself in a suit and tie.
“What does the Groom to be have to say on this lovely day” a voice Bruce recognizes as Clark says. He sees himself looking at the camera dressed to impress with a small smile on his face rolling his eyes at his friend's tone. “I'm very happy today Clark” the lucky him responds. “Oh yeah! Why might that be you think?” Your Bruce sighs, “Because I'm getting married to the love of my life Clark.” Bruce hears your Clark release an annoying ‘awwww’ that makes your bruce roll his eyes and shoo him off. He watches the video for a while and he sees the whole league there. He sees his friends as Bruce Wayne and Batman all together for you and your Bruce. He watches your friends and your Bruces friends leave sweet heartfelt messages that you both probably watched later. Alfred's message is what makes his throat constrict. “I’ve known Master Bruce since he was a little boy and I can't tell you how happy it makes me to be able to see him finally share his life with the most graceful woman on this planet. Someone who continues to amaze me with her beautiful character and who I think of as a daughter. I am unbelievably happy that my boy has met you and is going to spend the rest of his life with you. I love you both very much.” With tears building in his eyes, he sees Clark open the door to see you in a white dress with a brilliant smile. When you open your mouth to speak is when the video starts to buffer and stop. 
Bruce sits up in his seat praying that the video starts to work again when it completely pauses on your face. 
The video stopped working. 
And maybe that is the breaking point but the tears fall and he drops his head into his hands. Shoulders shaking and gasping for breath he cries. He cries because of the life he could’ve lived. The person he could have lived it with.
He cries for the mother his kids could have had and the presence that could have helped them through their lives. His kids. His wonderful kids deserved that and he hates himself for not giving that to them.
He also hates himself for not letting himself have that.
He doesn't know how but he eventually gets up off the couch and walks to the extra room by Jason’s. He passes your room on the way and just stands in front of it. This is the room you share with him. The other him. 
He wonders what it feels like to sleep in another person's arms for years. He never knew he could want something like that. 
He doesn't sleep that night. Not even a little bit.
Waking up today felt like a dream for you. You closed your eyes relishing in the warmth you expected to be there only to feel cold.
Your eyes snap open. Oh yeah, he’s not here. 
They’re not here. And yet they are. They are all inside the manor in their rooms but they are not yours. They are not your boys or husband. They are versions of your kids and best friend.
But that doesn't mean you can be weird to them you scold yourself.
This is weird to them too. This woman they’ve never met in their lives claiming to be their mother and wife. You’d be freaked out too.
Right there in your bed, you swear to at least talk to your kids. Even though they are not your kids you could never not love any version of them. Getting ready for the day you walk downstairs to see them all inside the kitchen. 
Immediately all their eyes draw to you and you smile at them softly. “Good Morning,” you say to them all, failing to catch Bruce’s eyes. You hear soft greetings back while getting your coffee ready. 
“I’ve warmed up the car for you Miss Y/N” you hear Alfred say.
“Oh thank you! I'll be leaving in a few,” you reply back gratefully. You never wake up early enough to do it yourself. Bruce usually does it for you during the cold months.
“Where are you going?” you hear five different voices say all at once. You turn around to see them all looking expectantly at you. 
Shocked that they’ve said more than three words to you. It takes you a while to reply. 
“Oh, I um I'm going to work in early today, I'm an architect.” The silence and surprise in their eyes is kind of insulting. They must notice you take offense because Dick hurriedly tries to explain their shock.
“Not in an offensive way course. You seem very smart. It’s just being an architect in Gotham City. How do you find work?" he asks.
“Oh well, I usually deal with orphanages and hospitals in the city. And because it’s Gotham those are the most important buildings,” you say with a sad like chuckle.
“so you are not a vigilante?” Damian suddenly asks. The question receives looks from his brothers and father but a laugh just escapes you.
“Oh god no, the only vigilante work I do is cardio and that is enough in itself,” you say with a smart smile. They all give chuckles probably humoring you. Before you're hit with the reminder of leaving for your job 
“Shoot it’s seven! I- I gotta go but call if you need anything and.. and if you guys find anything out.” You look to see them all give you a nod and bid you goodbye before you are out the door.
Progress? hopefully.
Bruce’s POV
It’s been hours since you left and now he and the kids are at league headquarters trying to get back home. And bring your family home. Even though they may not want to leave. As selfish as it is he wants to stay. Even though he knows he’s not yours he would love to feel an ounce of what it's like to be loved by you. 
But because he knows you are deserving of the love back he knows he has to get your Bruce back. 
Your Barry has been going on and on about the plan he has to travel through the speed force successfully bringing this universe’s bat family back and then taking Bruce’s back to their universe. Everyone crowds around to see him do it. With his boys at his side, he watches the blinding red light zoom back and forth before eventually disappearing.
His family, the league members, and himself wait silently staring out waiting for Barry to come back. To come back with their lucky counterparts.
Bruce holds his breath when he sees Barry coming back and releases it when he sees Barry....with your family. He sees the exact version of his family all release breaths of relief and immediately look for someone.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out who they are looking for.
Finally, it seems like they spot Bruce and his kids cause they all simultaneously tense up and guard their expressions. It’s staggering how alike they both look at that moment but they both know only one of them has you.
 That’s what makes them different.
They all silently watch your family embrace their friends in the league before they walk to Bruce and his children.
It’s that awkward silence again before your Bruce speaks to him.
“How is she?” Three simple words that will stick with Bruce forever.
“She’s okay. The last time we saw her she was just leaving for work.”
Your Bruce just gives him a nod and walks off. Telling his sons he’ll be waiting in the car. Bruce imagines he’s antsy to see you. He would want to speed home if he knew he had someone like you waiting for him.
He’s about to walk back to your Barry to finally go home when your Damian speaks up, “You imbeciles better not have caused any heartache to my mother. Or I will personally ask Allen to take me ba-”
“OKAY! That’s enough of you Damian. Go wait in the car with Dad.” Dick says with his hand pointed to the black car.
“But I wa-”
“Go.” This time it’s Jason and Tim telling him and Damian just rolls his eyes and walks to the car muttering insults under his breath.
Your boys turn back to face Him and his kids, and Dick tries to start up a conversation but it’s too awkward talking to another version of yourself so they bid Bruce and his family goodbye, and they watch them walk to their car. Back home to you.
And once they safely arrive back in their universe it’s weird because they know what they're missing. What they could have had.
Walking into your home your not expecting to be bombarded with hugs.
Not. At. All. 
Still expecting for the other version of your family to be home or in the cave.
But you feel multiple familiar arms wrap around your waist and shoulders and you instantly know they’re home. 
You almost cry out of relief when they all scream ‘MOM!’ and squeeze you extra tight.
“AHHH my baby birds! I missed you!” You squeal out wrapping your arms (or trying to) all around your boys, kissing them all over their faces, and smothering them in your arms. You feel them loosen up and get a good look at all their faces and the tears start building in your eyes. Gods, you missed them so much. The horrible thought of never seeing them again had you going throughout your day feeling horrible.
You caress the cheeks and kiss all their forehead until they're begging you to stop. and trying to escape. You look down to see Damian still cuddled up to your side and almost melt, you kiss him on the head once more.
You hear all your kids talking at once trying to listen when you see him behind them. You smile with tears running down your cheeks and your kids part away from you and you run toward your husband, crying into his chest and hugging him with all your might. You feel your Bruce instantly wrap his arms tight around your waist and tuck his head into your neck. 
“I- I missed you... I missed you so much. So much” you say through tears.
“I know sweetheart. Me too. Me too.” You hear him whisper into your neck and pull his face back.
You look up to see him analyzing every aspect of your face, looking at you like you’re not real. 
You instantly wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him and it finally hits you that they are home. That he’s home.
And you can finally breathe again.
BROOO I definitely got carried away lol. AHHH BUT I LOVE IT SO WHO CARES! I've had this in my drafts for months and I'm so excited to finally be posting it. I hope you all ENJOYED! LOVE YOU LOTS! Feedback is always appreciated!! <333
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amphibiahawks321 · 2 months
HeroM!Reader : I'm here! What's the problem!?-.......
[Shows Harley sitting outside a candy store with a broken window next to her]
HeroM!Reader : .....
Harley Quinn : My hero has arrived! ^v^
10 Minutes later
[Y/N cuffed Harley]'
M!Reader : Let me get this straight, you broke into a candy store and stole one peppermint because you know the owner would call for the heroes and you know there was a 50/50 chance I'm the one coming all because you wanted to see me....
Harley Quinn : PFFTT! If you say it like that you made it sound like it's a bad thing
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redpool · 9 months
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alienguts · 6 months
Stay with Me (Bruce Wayne x f!Reader)
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Summary: Bruce and Y/N's tentative first date gets extended when a storm floods the roads.
Warnings: Fluff, idiots with feelings who can't communicate them properly.
Request?: Not really, but I like writing this dynamic to see where the relationship goes.
A/N: I doubt anybody would ever have a problem with how fictional dogs are characterised, but I like to think that Ace and Titus are friendly pups who like people.
1 - Picking up the Pieces | 2 - Kintsugi | 3 - Stay with Me |
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Earlier in the week, Bruce had asked Y/N to come over for dinner. Neither of them had said the word ‘date’, but it was certainly treated like one.
The plan was originally for the two of them to order pizza and eat it in front of the TV while Y/N showed Bruce all the movies that he’d missed out on over the years, but the rest of the Wayne household had other ideas.
As soon as she’d pressed the doorbell,the front door was flung open to reveal Damian suited up for patrol, his brothers crowding the doorway around him. The small boy tried to keep his composure as his much taller brothers tried to push past him, eager to finally see Y/N after missing her for so long.
“Boys, you have to let Y/N come in,” Bruce’s voice came from behind the wall of geared up heroes.
“We just wanted to say hi to her before we go,” Dick said as he stepped away from the door first.
“Before you go?” Y/N asked in surprise. “Where are you going?”
“Bruce put us on patrol so he can stay here for your date,” Tim said and tried to yank Damian away from her side.
Y/N looked at Bruce and saw his face turn pink in embarrassment.
“It’s not a date,” Bruce said quickly. “We’re just having dinner, that’s all.”
“Sounds like a date to me,” Jason said drily before slinking off into the manor, Tim and Dick following behind him after waving to Y/N.
Just as she was about to step inside the manor, Y/N felt a tap on her side. She turned her attention back to Damian, who had yet to follow the others.
“It was nice to see you, Y/N,” he said before heading down to the Cave.
“When did he get so nice?” Y/N asked once Damian was completely out of earshot. “No offence.”
“None taken,” Bruce said as he closed the front door behind her. “We all know how Damian can be. He must have missed you.”
When the cool evening air was shut out, the smell of food trailing in from the kitchen got stronger. The unmistakable smell of toasted bread and melted cheese filled Y/N’s senses and made her mouth water.
“You already ordered without me?” she asked as they made their way towards the kitchen.
“Not exactly,” Bruce said sheepishly.
A large cheese pizza sat in the middle of the kitchen island, steam rising from its surface. The counter against the wall was dusted with flour and an empty bowl of red sauce was ready to go into the dishwasher.
“Ah, so nice to see you Ms Y/N!” Alfred said as he appeared from behind the refrigerator door.
“Alfred made it for us,” Bruce said.
“Hope you don’t mind,” Alfred said with a warm smile. “We haven’t seen you in such a long time, I thought I would make something special.”
“I don’t mind at all,” Y/N said and took a seat at the counter. “Your cooking is just as good as ordering takeout.”
“You’re too kind, Ms Y/N.” Alfred took off the apron he was wearing and hung it up on a hook on a wall before making his way back to the foyer. “Enjoy your evening.”
Once Alfred had gone, Y/N turned to face Bruce who was now the colour of a tomato. She had to stop herself from laughing as he buried his face in his hands and groaned.
“Sorry about all of that,” he said as he took a seat next to her. “When I told them you were coming over, they all acted like it was Christmas.”
“I don’t mind,” Y/N said and took the pizza cutter that Alfred had left on the counter. “I like seeing your family.”
“Obviously they like seeing you too.” He watched as she cut two slices and passed one to him. “Wait, let me get some silverware.”
Y/N laughed before taking a bite of her slice.
“You’ve never changed, Bruce,” she said around the bite of hot pizza. “Just eat it with your hands!”
“Old habits die hard, huh?”
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Although Y/N hadn’t expected the night to go wrong, it went a lot better than she’d expected. Since Bruce had sent the boys out on patrol duty and Alfred was keeping track of the comms, there were no distractions other than Ace and Titus sniffing around and wanting to be cuddled.
While Titus was more wary of Y/N, having been trained by Damian to be on watch, Ace was more than happy to shove his snout under her arm and wedge himself between her and Bruce. Despite being a German Shepherd, he seemed to want to be a lap dog.
The night was spent in front of the seldom-used television in the living room, Y/N showing Bruce her favourite movies and shows that he’d missed out on. And that turned out to be almost every movie and show ever made.
“Bruce, how can you have a subscription to every single streaming service and have not even seen The Simpsons?” she’d asked at one point.
“I don’t exactly have the time to be sitting around watching cartoons, Y/N,” he said with a laugh.
“Well, fighting crime and running a company and attending charity events doesn’t allow for a lot of leisure time.”
By 10pm, Y/N decided that it was time for her to head back home. She still had the weekend ahead of her but she didn’t really want to spend the last part of her night stuck in traffic.
There was just one problem: it had started raining. Heavily.
Y/N had never seen so much rain before. As a native Gothamite, she knew how extreme the weather could be at times, especially during the colder months. But this was torrential.
Thankfully, Wayne Manor was on higher ground and away from any likely flooding but the same couldn’t be said for her apartment on the Lower East Side. She watched the rain from the safety of the living room, worrying about how she would get home, or whether she could get home at all.
“It’s really coming down out there, huh?” Bruce said from behind her, snapping her out of her head.
“Yeah,” she said, her breath fogging up the window. “God, I hope the roads are okay.”
“You could always spend the night here,” he said casually. Maybe a little too casually.
“What?” Y/N asked as she turned around in surprise.
“I can get Alfred to make up the guest room for you. I didn’t mean, spend the night.”
“Oh,” Y/N breathed in relief. 
They hadn’t made anything official yet, weren’t even calling the date a ‘date’, so why had her mind immediately jumped to that?
“But I don’t have anything to change into, or my toothbrush,” Y/N said quickly, trying to make the air a little less awkward.
“That’s no problem, I can get you some clothes and I’m sure we’ve got a spare toothbrush or two.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N asked as she moved away from the window. “I don’t want to intrude or anything.”
“Y/N,” Bruce said and rested his hands on her shoulders. “You’re family to us. You’re not intruding and I’m sure the boys will love you to stay over.”
Her heart warmed at hearing him speak so earnestly. She’d never been able to explain why she’d never felt comfortable in the manor when Selina was around, but it was all down to her own insecurities and jealousy. She hated to admit it to herself, but she hated being around them when they were a couple and she felt like she’d been cast aside, whether or not that was the case.
She didn’t care that it was selfish to think that Selina being out of the picture gave her her best friend back, but it was like he was finally seeing her again after years of being invisible. Like Bruce wanted her to be in his life again and wanted her to know that.
She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him, her head resting on his chest as she listened to his heart pick up its pace.
“Thank you,” she said softly.
Bruce returned her hug and rested his cheek on the top of her head, crouching down slightly so he could reach her.
“You’re always welcome here,” he said. “I can’t speak for everyone else, but I think the atmosphere would be better around here with you.”
Y/N lifted her head from his chest, about to step away, when he gently pulled her onto her toes and captured her lips with his own. She startled slightly at first before letting him guide her, moving her hands from his chest to loop loosely around his neck, the hair at the nape of his neck just brushing her fingers. Their lips moved together softly, chaste enough to not escalate the situation but just passionate enough to feel it.
Once again, it was over too soon for Y/N’s liking. Bruce pulled away and briefly rested his forehead against hers before standing up straight again. He reluctantly released her from his hold and took her hand to lead her upstairs.
“C’mon, we’d better find you something to wear.”
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When Bruce had said that he’d find something for Y/N to wear to bed, she didn’t expect him to give her his clothes. The look on her face when he’d handed them to her must have said something.
“I didn’t want to look through the boys’ clothes so I just got something out of my closet,” he said. “I hope that’s okay.”
“It’s okay,” Y/N said and took them before opening the door for the guest bedroom.
Bruce, naturally, was still wide awake and was going to join Alfred in the Cave but stayed up to help him make up the guest room and wish Y/N goodnight. Usually when she stayed over at a friend's house, she expected to sleep on their couch, not in a lavish guest room. But, then again, most people weren’t best friends with a billionaire.
“I had a really good night,” Y/N said as she lingered in the doorway . “We should have another night like this.”
“We should,” Bruce said with a warm smile. “I think the boys will be happy about that too. They were always asking when the next time you were coming over was.”
“Well, hopefully you can tell them that I’ll see them more often.”
“Don’t be surprised if they almost knock the door down tomorrow morning.”
They were quiet for a moment, neither of them wanting the night to end, but tiredness taking over Y/N’s body. She tried her best to stifle a yawn but only made herself look more tired.
“I’ll let you get some sleep,” Bruce said before stroking the side of her face with the back of his fingers and leaning down to kiss her forehead.
“Good night, Bruce,” Y/N said before reluctantly slinking into the bedroom.
As soon as the door softly clicked shut, Y/N inhaled deeply and slowly let her breath out. The night had felt like a dream and she couldn’t help but feel like she was going to wake up and find out that it had never happened. But the bundle of clothes in her arms told her differently.
She crossed the room to the bed and set the clothes down on it before undressing. Her own clothes felt scratchy and cheap in comparison to Bruce’s. He always told her that designer clothes weren’t important to him, but the quality of them clearly did. She pulled the plain grey t-shirt over her head and donned the sweatpants and sighed when the soft cotton brushed against her skin.
If she closed her eyes, it felt like Bruce was still with her, his strong arms circling her body and the scent of his cologne filling her senses. The clothes were far too big for her, but that didn’t stop her from feeling completely at ease.
Things were still moving slowly for the two of them; Bruce was still recovering from heartbreak, after all. But a slow pace was better than nothing. Y/N didn’t want to completely ruin everything by coming across too strong, but she wished Bruce was really there to sleep next to her.
Wearing his clothes would have to do for now.
As she drifted off to sleep, her mind conjured up the feeling of him holding her in his arms, stroking her hair, an echo of his heartbeat in her ear. Hopefully the next step in their relationship would come sooner rather than later, but she was willing to wait for him.
Even if that took forever.
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tiathecreator · 6 months
⋆⭒˚。⋆ my love mine all mine. ( dick grayson ) !
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎.𖥔 ݁ ˖✎ᝰ synopsis — " nothing in the world is mine for free, but my love, mine, all mine, all mine. " blk reader.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚warnings — possibly ooc dick ( i never write characters how they actually are lol ),angst, possibly hurt/no comfort ( ? ), unrequited love ( sorry y'all), she's a doozy y'all, dramatic x 100000.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ tia speaks — i need to stop listening to mitski while i brainstorm new fic idea because i just keep writing song fics. but alas, here we are. i literally love this album and i lowkey might make a masterlist for my song fics because i write sooo many of them. i hope y'all like this because i am proclaiming song fics to be my brand. i also suggest listening to the song as you read the latter half of this. dedicated to @pinkhoodi cuz this OUR man.
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"you'll be there, right?"
"are you kidding me? i wouldn't miss it for the world."
"where's dick?" your mother asked as you took a seat next to her at the dinner table. she was expecting the young man's presence, having gone as far to prepare one of his favorite side dishes and a little extra to take home. "i thought you said he was coming tonight?"
"more excited to see him than me, hm?" you joked, attempting to avoid your mother's question. she gave you a deadpanned stare, causing you to sigh dramatically before answering. "he told me that he couldn't make it a few hours ago, i just forgot to tell you."
"oh, honey..." your mom started, but you shook your head and offered her a reassuring smile.
"ma, it's not a big deal. i told him we could just celebrate another time," you lied, resting a hand on her shoulder as she gave you a sympathetic smile. your eldest brother sat across from you, having noticed dick's absence, but chose not to mention it. having heard the topic of conversation, he grabs your attention to congratulate you.
you were a small fashion designer, often dealing with making pieces for special events for the small city of bludhaven. you work out of a small shop that you rent with some of the money from your designs as well with the income from being a art teacher for the local elementary school. you took a leap of faith and sent a few of your designs to a big name corporations and they loved them, immediately offering you a position. this was your dream and everyone was excited for you.
and now, you're at the celebratory dinner your parents planned in your honor. the same dinner that dick was supposed to be at, pouring you a glass of merlot. he hadn't said a word. he hasn't answered your calls nor your texts. you tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, trying to convince yourself that this was just a misunderstanding on his part, but you couldn't help but care about his absence.
but this was your night. so, you sucked it up and smiled for the pictures with your friends and family. you laughed at the jokes. you even gave a big teary speech with the power of brandy.
"did you drive tonight?" your second eldest brother asked, watching as you swayed a bit before turning to look at him.
"no. i figured i'd have a ride home given that this was my celebration and i knew i'd drink, but..." you shrugged. "i'll probably just get a taxi."
"get in," he opens the passenger door, gesturing for you to get it. "i'll give you a ride."
you stared at him for a few seconds before giving him a drunken smile. "awww big brother, you're too kind."
"yeah, yeah. just remember me when you're rich and famous with your own fashion line, okay?" he said as you got into the passenger seat, drunkenly settling in the seat before turning to him and giving him a cheery smile and a thumbs up. he huffed a laugh before closing his car door.
he rounds the car, gets in, and begins to drive. he glances over at you before sighing at the melancholic gaze in your eyes.
"so," he started, his tone gentle. you perked up at the sound of his voice, turning your head to look at him. "dick didn't show."
"yeah," you sighed out, turning away to look out the window. "he didn't come."
"why?" he asked the pressing question that you were sure many others wanted to ask at the dinner as they noticed the empty chair to your left.
"he just... didn't come."
"you two fighting or something? because i can't seem to think of another reason as to why he wouldn't—" your brother started but you cut him off.
"i don't really wanna talk about it," you rubbed eyes, effectively messing up your makeup for the night. you didn't want to talk about how your best friend wasn't there to celebrate your greatest achievement to date. that was a tomorrow ( read: next week ) problem. "he didn't come. that's it."
there was a pause before he sighed. "okay."
"okay," you repeated, slouching back in your seat before smiling to yourself. "drop me off at the bar by my apartment? i could use one more drink."
"i think you've had enough to drink for one night," he responded as the parking garage of your apartment building came in the view.
as he pulled toward the gate of the garage, you looked out the window, noticing a familiar figure sitting on the hood of a car in front of your apartment building. you let another tired sigh before looking ahead of you.
"yeah, you're probably right."
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you woke up to someone pounding on your door, coupled with the pounding headache as a consequence from last night's drinking. you remove yourself from your bed, dragging your feet over to your door as the knocking continued.
"yeah, yeah, i heard you the first time," you groan as you open the door, keeping the chain lock secured as you did so. you rubbed your eyes as you asked "what?"
"y/n," you startled at the sound of his voice, immediately looking up and being met with the guilty gaze of dick grayson with a bouquet in his hand. hurt and anger filled you as you rush to close your door, unsuccessful as he shoved his foot in the crack of the door. "y/n, please. i'm sorry! just-just listen to me for a second."
"go fuck yourself, grayson," you said, leaning your full body weight on the door as you tried to get it to close despite his foot being in the way. "move your foot or i'm gonna fucking break it."
"just let me in so we can talk, y/n. okay? i just wanna talk," he begged as he tried to push the door open and away from his throbbing foot.
"i said, move. your. fucking. foot." you emphasized your words as you threw your body against your door, further crushing his foot. he removed his foot, allowing you to close your door. you leaned against it as the tears welled up in your eyes.
"y/n, please. just let me in. i know i fucked up, just let me in, so we can talk," he spoke through the door. you scoffed aloud, shaking your head at the desperation in his voice. you thought about leaving him there to talk to the door as you wallowed in self pity in your bed, but your hoping heart got in the way of your vengeful mind. you stood up and undid the chain lock before open the door and walking away, allowing him to let himself in.
"why?" was the first thing you said when he closed the door behind him.
"y/n, i know you're upset—" he started, but you shook your head.
"why didn't you come?" you asked again.
"i didn't mean to flake on you like that. okay, you know you mean the world to me. i just got so caught up yesterday, y'know? like with work and barbara, i just lost track of—"
"barbara? you missed the dinner because you were with barbara?" your voice cracked as you stared at him in disbelief.
it was always barbara.
it was barbara when he didn't come out with you for your 21st birthday. it was barbara when he missed all 10 of your calls when you found out your apartment was broken into and you just needed a place to crash for the night. it was barbara when you got rejected from your dream fashion academy and dick was the one person you wanted to comfort you and tell you that you were still good enough.
it was barbara when you finally worked up the courage to tell dick that you had been in love with him since you first met and he tells you that he finally got barbara to agree to give him a chance.
and each time, you sucked it up and forgave him, whether he knew he hurt you or not.
"yeah, i had some time to kill before the dinner and she asked me to come see her. and i mean, she's my girlfriend, so of course i went. and then i realized that it had gotten pretty late and by the time i would've gotten to the dinner, it would've been over. i came by last night, waiting for you to come back. i got this big bouquette and a cake from that shop on 2nd—" he rambled, sitting the flowers down on the counter and pacing across the floor as he tried to redeem himself.
"you missed my dinner for barbara? the dinner that my family, who lives 3 hours away, planned to celebrate me achieving the one thing that i've wanted since i could write...for barbara? for a little alone time with your girlfriend? you mean i sat through two hours of my mom coddling me because the one person i wanted to celebrate with, who i wanted to support me, didn't show because you were with barbara?" you interjected, fighting tears and swallowing the lump in your throat. dick stopped his pacing to look at you, a huge sigh leaving his body as he scratched the back of his neck.
the two of you stood in silence as you stared at the nervous man in front of you. dick opened and closed his mouth, searching for something to say as he notice the quivering of your bottom lip and the dewy glaze of your eyes.
"yeah," he broke the silence. "i know i fucked up yesterday, but that's why i'm here now. i wanted to fix my fuck up. y'know, take you out for like breakfast or to the art museum a few towns over with the fashion exhibit i told you about. we can spend the whole day out celebrating."
"well, i don't want to celebrate today. the time to celebrate was yesterday at dinner which you missed so," you shrugged at him, turning around walk into your kitchen area, hoping to contain your emotions for a few more seconds.
"i know this is important to you, okay, and i'm sorry that i missed the dinner yesterday, but i think you're being a little unfair to me, right now. i mean, i know that we're best friends and we always want to be there for each other, but i also have a life of my own. you can't always have me, y/n," he said.
you can't always have me, y/n.
the words rang through your mind as your head fell forward and your shoulders began to shake as the dam broke. your tears fell rapidly as you silently cried, refusing to make a sound to save the little bit of dignity you had left.
maybe you were being unfair. it was just a dinner and he was trying to make it up to you now. he was a busy man and you knew that, so him clearing his schedule for you was a good sign that he was sorry. and beside, he was right. you couldn't have him.
but just a little part of you, a very naive part, hoped that you could one day matter more that barbara when it came to dick.
you sniffled and let out a weak laugh. "you know what, you're right. i can't expect to have you all the time."
"y/n, you know i didn't mean it like that," he tried, approaching you to pull you into a hug as your tears still fell. you pulled away from him as you moved to lean on the sink. you crossed your arms before letting out another watery laugh and looking at the man.
"i think you should go home," you give him your best smile. it was strained and shaky, but it was all you could muster up.
"y/n, what about the museum—" he tried again. you shook your head for the umpteenth time.
"i'm not up for it today. you can make it up to me some other time but i really can't look at your face right now," you walked to your front door and held it open, waiting for him to walk out.
"no. i'm leaving you here to cry because i missed your dinner," he looked at you, frustrated that you suggested that he left you alone in the state that you were in.
"it's not about the dinner, dick," you exasperated. "i just think you should go. i'll give you a call when i'm free, okay?"
"y/n..." he started, not moving from his spot.
"dick, please leave," you finalized, gesturing to the door as you held it open. he began to walk to the door, dropping his head in shame. "take the flowers, too."
"the fl—you love daisies."
"barbara loves daisies. i like lillies. i appreciate the thought, but i think you should take them, too," you told him. he looked at the bouquet on counter before retreiving it and making his way out the door. he was silent as he left out of your apartment. he stopped in front of you for a few seconds, opening and closing his mouth a few time before leaving. you closed the door lightly behind him and slid down the door, resting your back against it as you allowed yourself to cry once more.
nothing is the world belongs to me, but my love, mine, all mine.
nothing in the world is mine for free, but my love, mine, all mine, all mine.
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© tiathecreator 2023. all rights reserved.
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harleypostss · 2 years
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Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy by @jamjoob
My Twitter HarleyPosts
My Instagram HarleyPostss
My account @harleypostss
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dckarma · 1 year
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Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy by Terry Dodson
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smartycvnt · 9 months
My Boo
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Title: My Boo Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader Summary: Bruce runs into his first love at a party. NR WC: 1097
"And just like Bruce Wayne's homecoming had been the herald of headlines, Y/n Y/l/n's homecoming brings the party of the century for Gotham City. I am Vicki Vale, signing off for the night." Y/n stood back as she waited for the cameraman to go back to the news van. Vicki turned around and smiled at her old friend. Y/n had been out of the city for a little over a decade, having left around the same time that Bruce Wayne had. Vicki rushed over to Y/n and kissed her cheeks like they had whenever they were teenagers. "As happy as I am to see you, I'd love to know why you came running back. I thought you were having a good time in Los Angeles."
"All good things have to come to an end," Y/n said casually. Vicki knew that it was loaded. She had read the news and heard the rumors about Y/n's failed marriages and being ousted from the entertainment company she had helped found with her former husband. Everybody had expected Y/n to bounce back though, just like she had time and time again. She was the woman who had watched her first love run off to Asia to find himself and then proceeded to marry the biggest superstar in the world just a year later.
"Well, come on, everybody is dying to see you," Vicki said. Y/n smiled as she allowed herself to be dragged into her own party. Y/n had earned herself a reputation like that of Gatsby for throwing lavish parties in LA and now showing up to them. There was a certain standard with people like her, and Y/n did what she needed to in order to live up to it. Personally, she didn't see the point of flaunting her money around, but the tabloids ran wild with speculation whenever she didn't. The money was nice and allowed her to do the things that she wanted to, but she wished that it hadn't come with the fame of being one of Gotham's "founding families."
Y/n stuck to Vicki for the majority of the night. The two of them had once been thick as thieves when they were younger, and Y/n had missed having that friend around whenever she was in California. Gotham had never been the easiest place to live in, but at least most of the friends she had made felt genuine. Los Angeles was full of people who wanted something from her. Gotham had its fair share as well, but they went about it in a different way. Y/n would have rather had someone be direct about what they wanted from her instead of just cozying up next to her with false intentions.
"Excuse me, do you think that I could borrow Y/n for a moment?" Y/n didn't like the look on Vicki's face as Bruce Wayne approached them. Y/n may have been out of the city, but she hadn't been living under a rock. She knew all about Bruce and Vicki's little thing while she had been away. Bruce had always been someone who Vicki was curious about, and Y/n thought they could have made a good couple if it wasn't for their own ambitions. It was the same line of thinking that had kept her out of Gotham for all those years after Bruce returned.
"Of course," Vicki agreed. Y/n watched as her friend walked away, leaving the two former lovers alone by the bar. Well, as alone as the two of them could be at such a populated event. Y/n waited patiently for Bruce to say something, but it seemed that despite his reputation, he hadn't moved too far from being the same awkward young man he had been before. Physically, he looked like a completely different person. He wasn't nearly as slender as he once had been. Bruce's poorly tailored suit jacket couldn't hide the way that his shirt strained as it stretched across his chest. Y/n knew Bruce better than to think that it was anything other than muscle underneath those clothes.
"Bruce, what are you doing?" Y/n asked him. Bruce looked surprised by the question. There were a hundred different things that he had expected Y/n to say to him, but that wasn't one of them.
"I'm checking in on a friend, hopefully apologizing while I'm at it," Bruce told her. Y/n shook her head as she wrapped her fingers around his tie.
"That's not what I mean. You're different, and not in the same way as when you came back from Asia. I can see it on your body and in your eyes," Y/n said as she tugged him down to her level. Bruce swallowed nervously as Y/n's eyes stared holes right through him. "But if you want to pretend for tonight that we're just old friends, go right ahead. I'll invite Vick over and we can drink ourselves stupid like we used to."
"You know, there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about you," Bruce said. Y/n turned away from him and flagged the bartender down for a drink. "Even after I came back and heard you married those assholes. I shouldn't have left without talking to you first."
"So glad that it only took you fifteen years to realize that Bruce, truly," Y/n said sarcastically. Bruce sighed as she placed his hand on the small of her back. "I kept waiting for you to come back, and then you did, but you never came to find me. I kept waiting for you to whisk me away back to Gotham, to save me from nightmare after nightmare before I finally fucking gave up. That's what I get for thinking you were going to be my hero."
"I'm not a hero." Bruce hung his head in shame.
"It's okay, I don't think I'm meant to be with anybody else," Y/n told him. She gave him a sad smile before she downed her drink as if it was a shot. "I never loved anybody like I loved you."
"Do you think that you could still love me?" Bruce asked hopefully.
"Maybe," Y/n answered teasingly. She pressed a kiss to Bruce's cheek before she got up from the bar to find Vicki again. There was a little extra pep in her step knowing that Bruce was watching her, that they were a little closer to being together again.
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funnyexel · 2 years
Til’ Sea Do Us Part
Arthur Curry (Aquaman) x Black Female Reader
Summary: After being in a complicated fling with Arthur, you take a much needed vacation to clear your head. But when your vacation uncovers an unexpected surprise, what will you do once confronted?
Warning(s): L Bombs, Hair pulling, Smut, Degrading, Praise
Word Count: 4.7k
Grabbing a shirt from the big pile of clothes on your bed, you fold it up and place it in your suitcase. Packing had to be the worst part of going on any vacation, your room would always be left in a total wreck afterwards.
“Knock knock.”
You sigh, already knowing who would have the nerve to knock on your door and actually say the words 'knock, knock'.
You say, knowing who was at your door before you ever opened it because there’s only one person who knocks like that.
“Am I disturbing you.” He pushes past you and goes to your kitchen.
“Actually, yes. You are.” He rolls his shoulders as he cracks a beer he got from your fridge.
“Too bad. What are you doing anyway.” He leans over, seeing the tornado in your room. Going in it, he immediately sees the suitcase.
“You’re leaving?” A serious statement finally leaves his mouth.
“Yeah?” You go back to folding and packing.
“Where are you going.”
He crosses his arms, demanding a response.
“Wow. You never listen to me.” You huff, being more aggressive with your clothes.
“What do you mean. Yeah I do, all the time unfortunately.” You roll your eyes, walking up to him and his arms relax at his sides.
“If you did you would know where I am going.” You shove a pair of pants into his chest, pointing to your dresser.
“Third drawer.”
“Don’t do this to me now. It had to be a while ago.”
He chugs his beer and quickly throws it away. Well to be fair, you did tell him around a month and a half ago so it has been a minute.
“A cruise. I’m going away on a cruise, Arthur.”
Done with the outfits you start packing panties and bras.
“Yeah, with your best friend. See, I do listen.” You chuckle in the slightest.
“Whatever you say.”
You take a few from your drawer and place them in two piles.
“Woah! What are you planning to do with those panties?” He points to a dark green lace panties you have in your hands.
“I’m a grown woman, Arthur.” He shakes his head and snatches your underwear.
“I’m gonna need you to keep it pg on this cruise.” He says stretching his arm up so its impossible for you to reach your underwear.
“Stop being a child and give me that.” You hold out your hand and he stares down at you not letting up.
“Come on! I don’t have time to play around, the boat is leaving this evening.”
You reach up, putting your hand on his shoulder, “Please,” You plead, he sighs and finally hands it to you.
Zipping up your suitcase, you roll it in the hallway by the front door. You shove him out your room, “Aria will literally kill me if I’m late.”
“It won’t be the end of the world.” He tries to persuade you to let him stay but you are relentless.
“No. But it will be the end of our vacation.” He turns to you in your doorway, towering over you.
“A moment can’t hurt…come on.”
He leans down mere centimeters from your lips. Temptation calls out to you, just one moment won’t hurt. You put your lips against his. A peck is all that could be managed with how fast you pulled away.
“Arthur, I can’t do this.” You keep your distance with your hand on his chest.
“What do you mean? Its a kiss.” He bites his lip, thinking about that teasing peck.
“A kiss that turns into touching, that turns into sex, that turns into you…not wanting a relationship after you rocked my world the night before,” You see the guilt in his eye,
“We tried that whole thing and it didn’t work. I know what I want and I’m not settling for less.” He runs his fingers through his hair.
“I rocked your world, huh?” He smugly says, but the unamused look on your face says that this isn’t the time to joke.
“Bottom line is, you’re not ready for commitment.” You take a deep breath, slowly closing the door on him.
“So I’m going to pack matching lace sets, short dresses and swimsuits that shouldn’t be labeled as such because I’m not casual sex, I am a person that deserves to be valued and not seen as a personal fuck toy.”
You closed the door on him, not letting him issue a response. It needs to sink in for him. You met up with Aria and got on the cruise, as soon as you both got your bags sent to your room you changed into swimsuits and lounged on the top deck by the pool.
“and I told him, I’m not casual sex, I deserve to be valued as a woman.” You tell her, taking a sip of your margarita.
“I know thats right. It was long overdue. You let him get away with too much shit.”
You take out the straw and down the drink, sighing.
“He fucks so good.” She laughs at your blunt words.
“And he can be sweet from time to time. He checks off all the boxes and I mean all.”
She opens her mouth to ask you further questions but ultimately takes you word for it. Continuing to listen you ramble on.
“He just can’t commit. Its always something and its always me!” A worker picks up your empty glass and asks if you want another.
“Pina colada with extra vodka please.” They nod to you.
“Darling, that’s just men. There’s always something wrong when you find the “perfect” guy. Whether that be snoring or in-laws. Sometimes I wonder if life was easier when we were dating women.”
She puts on her shades.
“For now lets tan or get darker in our case and we’ll continue this conversation in the room. I can feel the conservative stares.”
You chuckle at her and smile closing your eyes.A few days in and your battling a crazy hangover. You were in the Bahamas for two days, Aria had family there so she spent time with them while you recovered. You got food and everything but you stayed in the room.
“When you see him after the cruise, tell him how you feel and if he isn’t honest with you then forget him for wasting your time.”
Her words repeated in your head, thats one thing you could depend on her for. Telling you what you needed to hear, no matter how much you hated it. Looking out on the balcony from the comfort of your bed, the sun was long gone and the moon shined on the ocean. You contemplated going out to the deck party but you didn’t want to push your luck, you were convinced you were one shot away from throwing up if you didn’t recover properly.
“I guess drinking my problems away only does so much.” You smack your pillow over your face.
A banging was irritating you and the tv wasn’t doing enough. Getting out the bed you drink some water from the fridge and the banging continues, at this point it wasn’t in your head. Looking around, you figured that it was coming from the balcony door. Opening the locked door, you’re immediately backed into the room.
“I can handle those little outfits you wear but body shots is where I draw the line.” He says as he locks the door behind him.
“How did you get here?” You ask, jaw dropped.
“And you saw my story?” He looks at you from head to toe and shifts his stance.
“Of course I saw it. Me and 600 other people.” You nod.
“Why are you here? Did you get so horny, you had to track me down?” You cross your arms over your chest.
“No, don’t be ridiculous. Thats not the reason I came. I came because-“
“-Let me stop you right there. You came all this way somehow. Cut to the chase.” You tell him sternly with your finger placed against his lips, having a strong feeling he was on the verge of ranting.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks, not making any moves yet.
“No, you cannot.”
Who were you kidding of course you wanted to kiss him, honestly kissing barely touched the surface of what you wanted him to do to you.
“I understand. My life was a mess the week you were away. I found out I was a potential royal air to Atlantis, my half brother reeked havoc on the surface, tried to kill me in a duel, I found my mom, became king and I had a few near death experiences on the way.”
That is hard to follow up. Staring at him, your jaw slightly drops to his summary.
“This all happened in a week?” You exclaim in clear bewilderment. Processing everything he said to you, you smile to him.
“You found your mom.”
He smirks, you know how much it means to him to finally be with his mom. He always talked about how he wanted to at least have a conversation with her, he wanted her to see his growth and now he finally has that.
“So you’re a king?” He hums to your question, “Hopefully they know what they’re in for,” He nudges you, chuckling at your remark. Noticing how close you are to him, your breathing slows.
“I thought about what you said and is that really what you think? I see you as a sex toy?” You take a steady step back, your mind sways in distaste at those words leaving his mouth.
“You can reassure me all you want but your actions say so much.”
The eye contact was intense, he was looking for a lie something that told him you were lying but there was nothing. You were telling the truth. At this he practically collapsed on the bed, his hands stabilizing himself on his knees.
“Y/n, I don’t know what to say. What can I say?” He laughs sarcastically to himself.
“I don’t see you as a sex toy. I never did. Ever. I just…I have issues and I know you deserve way better than what I have to give you. But I want you. I always did, still do and I tried to stop, move on but that didn’t work.”
He says pouring out his truth to you. You know exactly what he’s talking about. That long night you two shared together, he lost his restraint? Pushing his hair back, he watches as your face goes through so much realization at once.
“I can work on my commitment issues. I can grow, I can mature. I will do whatever I possibly can to be a fraction of the man you need.”
You’ve never heard him speak about his feelings and issues so much. When you tried he would always change the subject but he was facing it head on. Whatever he’s been through definitely changed him for the better.
His name lingers on your lips as you move closer, standing directly in front of him. Doing your best to hold back tears, you take a breath.
“I-I…” The words couldn’t manifest on your tongue as you burst into tears. Wiping the tears away, you see him staring at you and embarrassment fills your whole being.
“I’m sorry. I need a moment.” You go to the bathroom in a rush.
Looking in the mirror, you shake your head. Crying in front of him had to be a new low. In the two years, you’ve cried over the whole mess of a relationship you both had, if you can even call it that, but you never cried in front of him. At all. He sat in shock. What did he say? Did he say the wrong things? His mother told him to speak from the heart and thats what he did. The whole thing is so overwhelming. When you saw him, you were determined to break things off but now you can’t bring yourself to do it. As corny as it might sound, it would feel like a piece of you was taken if you were to do it. Pulling yourself together, you grab a tissue, open the door and there he was ready to knock.
“I’m at a lost for words,” You sniffle, blowing your nose, “I was holding onto this for two years, just to hear you say that as I was ready to break this off.” He backs up as you get out the bathroom. His face visually drained, the optimism he had before now disappeared.
“Do you mean it?” You hiccup and he perks up, “I don’t want you saying all this to get in my pants.” You point to him and he puts his hands up, shaking his head.
“I mean it. I do. Sex didn’t even cross my mind.” You grace him with a small smile, complimented with puff eyes and tear stains.
Slowly he cups your cheeks, wiping your face with his thumbs. Leaning into you, he kisses the top of your head and hugs you. Rapping your arms under his arms, he holds you tightly and close to his chest. Stroking your head.
“I’m so glad you’re safe.” He mutters into your bonnet. The embrace was loving as if he was deathly afraid of losing you.
“I don’t want you to keep crying so let's stop talking about feelings for now.” You chuckle into his chest, looking up to him.
“I agree.”
You both figured things out yet tension was still in the air. Jealousy was somehow in the air. Shifting his head down, he kisses you. It’s no mediocre or shy kiss it was demanding and wanting. He was fully in the moment and so were you. Moving your arms up, you hooked them around his neck and he moved his down to your waist. Forcing his tongue in your mouth, he takes a breath through his nose. Drinking you in, squeezing your waist to make sure this moment is real. He went through so much just to recognize a great woman like you and understand not to let you go. This is the perfect moment. The moment for him to prove himself to you in this new relationship. Breaking away from the kiss, you hum as you lean your head back.
His kisses trail down your neck. Erratic patterns all over it, with the way he’s moving you know the hickeys will be more than visible even with your melanin skin. His touch is burning on your cold skin, you’re convinced steam is radiating off you with every touch and kiss.
“mm, arthur.”
You breathe out, sigh of relief leaving your lips as your shorts slide down your legs. He stops briefly, making sure you want this. Looking down to you, tenderness is seen in his eyes.
“touch me arthur.” You strip your skimpy shirt, revealing the matching set he was teasing you about.
“Keep talking to me like that and you might not like what I do.” He smiles, gripping you by the thighs and dumping you on the bed.
“This is your favorite color isn’t it?” You tempt him, the green lace on your body the physical representation of temptation.
The amount of wetness piling up in your underwear clearly amusing and exciting him as you hear a grunt rumble from his chest. Eyeing your body with a burning flame and pouncing on you, crawling on top of you. The bikini line that shows under your bra, your brown skin turning a shade darker from the sun, your tired hungover gaze and your curves. The dips on either side of your hips, the little chub on your stomach thats perfectly proportionate to your thighs and your soft shiny skin.
He notices everything, the inside of your thighs were calling to him, blinding him with the sparkly trail of wetness that left your cunt, your cute aching cunt. He shouldn’t be rewarding you, he thought, he should be punishing you for leaving him with a painful boner every time he saw you. But punishing is for another day, tonight is all about making everything up to you. Goodness are you attractive, your beauty alone makes him forget about every problem, every responsibility he has. All he thinks about is you when you’re in his view. He ran his hands over your body, soft touches from your knees to the inside of your thighs to tight squeezes at the sides of your stomach to light rubbing on your arms.
Reaching behind your back, he unclips your bra taking a good look at your breasts as he throws the clothing to the side. His hands cup your chest and you roll your eyes, slapping your hands on top of his to ensure he doesn’t move them. A cocky smirk plays at his lips as he leans down into your ear.
“tell me what you want,” he breaths lowly against your cheek, a moan falling from your lips as his knee nudges your clit.
“I want you to fuck me. Fuck me into the sheets. Please, please, pretty please.”
Your desperation meets no ends as you immediately beg him, you’ve experienced his strokes before, you know what you’re in for and thats what makes this even more of a tease.
"I guess I should give you what you want. Since you asked so nicely.”
You nod repeatedly as finger plays with the hem of your underwear. Yanking them down your legs, you kick them down, flinging them off them bed. You make things too easy for him, who needs foreplay when you’re so wet. Pushing a finger in your tight hole, its goes in without a problem. Unbuckling his pants, he takes them off and pushes them to the floor. Cock on full display for you, rubbing his soaked finger on the head of his dick, his breath shuddered. Pumping his dick a few times, he makes sure he’s his hardest for you before lining up with your hole.
You tap your stomach in anticipation, waiting patiently to be filled up with his big cock. Pushing through your squeezing he groans, halfway through he stops to take a few deep breaths.
“I missed your hole.” He grunts lowly, sounding pussy drunk when not even his tip is inside.
“Your pretty little pussy.”
His hand reaches down rubbing your clit as he hastily bullies his way inside your gummy walls. Your toes curl at the stretch and you feel the coil in your tummy winding up with each moment he's inside you.
“no one...m'..can fuck- fuck me like you.”
You gasp as he leans down, moving out of you and pushing in, he smirks. You’ve been craving this even if you never wanted to admit it out loud, you were singing like a canary for him and he couldn’t have loved it more.
“miss me, baby?” His hips pulled back and snapped forward, finally finding a sinful stroke.
He was knocking into you like he didn’t travel thousands of miles to see you on this boat. Speaking of, the rough currents of the deepest waters couldn’t touch the way he thirstily thrusted into you. The hangover will be the least of your worries later. Tightening your legs around his waist, your nails move across his back, threatening to break the skin barrier, shortened moans leaving your lips as wind is knocked out of your lungs with every move of his hips. He was determined to fuck that bonnet off your head so he can pull on your braids, making you tell him you love him, he knows you do. Why would you put so much effort into a person and relationship if you didn’t, but he was executing this step by step.
“w-wow.. A-arthur.” Your core was twisting and churning, your fingers could not match up to the climax you’re about to get from this man. His words are now registering to you.
“I did…m-miss you. Oh fuck. Yes! I did.” You whine in his arms, his hand tries pushing your legs down, all you can do is smile as he looks you in the eyes. Trapping him in a tight hold, your cunt soaks his dick, his tip curving and scraping the top of your g spot. Your nails scratched down his entire back as you came down from your high, moaning.
Prying your legs off him, he sits up, resting them on his shoulders. All the while watching as your face twists up from the sensitivity, the skin slapping matched with his balls hitting your ass over and over makes you want to stay on this boat forever.
“You’re so tight. Loosen up a little.” He asks as his movements slow down, he knows you’re doing it on purpose now.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” He says referring to him getting lost in you, shaking your head you grab his hand and interlock your fingers.
“its okay…” You smile to him and your hooded eyes gave away how dick drunk you are but if you say you’re okay then you’re okay. Keeping the slow pace, he pounds into you. The position mocked missionary and your soul honestly can’t take anymore of him staring into you with his piercing eyes. His other hand made its way to your head as he flipped you into another position, pulling off your bonnet and he holds onto your braids.
“Arthur!” You wince, head being pulled back and your back forced to arch, he had you on all fours. Right where he wanted you.
“do you have to be…this rough?” You whine and grunt as he holds your braids tighter. He’s considerate of where to pull your hair, so he doesn’t yank out your braids.
“What makes you think you don’t deserve it? I could do much worse. If you want that.” He says to you in between pants, his voice hitting a dangerous low in your ear. The promising opportunity leaving a smirk on your lips. Hitting your high once again, your body tingles all over, it felt like butterflies but more intense. Its confusing, isn’t it a tad bit too late for butterflies at this rate? he’s literally inside you.
“Tell me something.” He gathers your attention, pulling you completely out of your bliss and thoughts as his pace reaches a halt.
“And don’t lie to me.” He speaks deeply into your right ear, a message only meant for you to hear as his hand goes down and cups your mound.
“Do you love me?”
You bite your tongue, wincing at the pain. Out of all the things he could say…he said that.
“Is now really the time-“ You turn your head to the side, able to see him out the corner of your eye.
“Yes. Now is the time.” His expression is neutral, no joking or anything of the sorts, he is 100% looking for a truthful answer. You sigh.
“I do love you.”
The silence consumed the both of you as you stood on the bed in fucking position. Was that the answer he’s looking for?
“Say it again.”
He demands, rubbing on your clit as he grips your hair tightly.
“I love you.”
You bite back moaning the words, your fingers tangling in the sheets more and more.
Your legs cross at the ankles as you forcefully squeeze him in you, his fingers on your clit isn’t nearly enough.
“I love you, Arthur.” You exclaim, swallowing heavily and he shifts forward, his beard tickling your shoulder and cheek.
“I love you too.” He says in your ear, a smirk painted on his lips, as he kisses your cheek, neck and shoulder. Taking in a deep breath, you grin.
⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ﹤⋆
Breathing in and out, you sniffle at the hair that went up your nostril. Moving the hair out your face, you shift on the pillow, basically hiding your face in it. Nothing registered for you yet, for all you care its a regular morning in bed. A slight chill on your neck causes you to shrug and blink your eyes open, turning over your eyes focus on the surroundings.
“Look who’s finally awake.” She says in an sarcastic tone, looking up from scrolling on her phone.
“when did you get back?” You ask in a whisper, your throat sore as hell.
“Last night, although I had to take a detour because of all the ruckus you were making in here.”
She was definitely waiting for you to wake up to tease you. Letting out a short embarrassed giggle, you wave her off.
“you sound like an old lady.” She chuckles at your comment and sighs.
“could you pass me a shirt, I’m pretty naked.” Aria throws a shirt at your head, slipping it on, you sit up and look next to you. Arthur is passed out cold with a raging case of bedhead, the sight is one to be photographed and framed. Stretching and rolling your shoulders, you blink slowly as if your brain is still mush.
“Never thought I’d see the day where an underwear would be flung on my bed.”
You laugh, holding your stomach as she points to the panties she placed on the table in-between both beds.
“So thats where I kicked it.” Getting out the bed, you grab the underwear and put it with your dirty stuff, putting on new undies.
“What time is it?” You ask, picking up the clothes on the floor, folding his up nicely and placing them on the foot of the bed.
“11:42” You nod, stifling a yawn as you scratch your head.
“What on earth did you do to him?”
She utters, genuinely concerned as she stands over him, eyeing the visible hickeys, bites and marks all over him.
“Someone was hungry.”
“Do you ever get tired of teasing me.”
You ask, half rhetorical and half serious. Lifting up to stretch your stiff limbs as you watch her movements.
“Nope, you know what else I never get tired of?”
“Wine.” Your tired voice mixed with her joyous voice in a harmonious yet comedic way.
“So if you’ll excuse me, I have a wine tasting to get to.”
She grabs her purse and waves you off as she leaves the room. A sharp pain hits you in your bladder and you run to the bathroom. As you use the toilet, the pain leaves your stomach and you go back into the room.
“Good morning.” His raspy morning voice just makes you want to crawl under his skin.
“Good morning.” You shoot him a warm smile as he motions you to come closer. Standing by the bed, he reaches up and traces your jawline, rubbing your chin with his finger tips.
Pulling you down to his level to kiss you tenderly, a low moan leaving your lips, his hand moving up underneath your shirt to squeeze your hip.
“How are you feeling?” He breaks the kiss, sits up and off the bed in his boxers.
“I’m good, my stomach is hurting a bit but I’ll live.”
“Where is it hurting?” He helps you lift up your shirt and watches as you point to the area below your belly button.
“Somewhere here.” You grunt softly, accidentally touching the sore spot.
You shake your head.
You see what he’s doing, one hand trying to point out the problem and the other caressing your back, making its way to your butt.
He stares at your stomach, glancing at you for a moment, making you chuckle and utter a no. Your eyes go wide as he gropes your ass, playfully grabbing his wrist, you shake your head.
“You’re not slick.” You chuckle with him.
“Relax, I’m trying to assess your situation, so be a good patient and stay still.” He cackles mid sentence and finds his composure.
“The whore is jumping out, Arthur.” He bursts out laughing as you reach up to fix his hair, pulling down your shirt, you put on your shorts and point to his clothes.
“Let’s get some breakfast, I’m hungry.”
You tell him as your stomach rumbles. Putting on his clothes from last night, he turns to you as he messes with his hair.
“I’ll have to leave soon.” He warns you and you nod.
“Time is money then.” You grin, grabbing your phone and walking to the door with him close behind, before you open the door he spins you around.
“I love you.”
He gives you a kiss on the cheek and one on your lips.
“I love you too.”
You kiss him back several times as if you weren’t sure the others were up to par.
“Alright now we can go.” He says while opening the door for you and putting on some shades.
“Is that mine?” You ask as you walk through the hallway to the elevators, fingers interlocked.
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riotlain · 1 year
Can I have a Tim Drake x Autistic Male reader?
Like stimming Jazz hands, only using one cup for each drink (example: tall clear tequila Rose glass for Dr. Pepper, a mug that says 'Im a fucking Ray of sunshine' with sunflowers for coffee and tea.). Having crow love language, like finding a pretty rock and just giving it him. Type shit. The I refuse to wash my favorite fluffy blanket because it might change it's texture, autism. GIVE ME THE BAD HABITS!
Just Autistic, Autistic.
Bonus points: Reader confuses the shit out of Batman, because he can mask very well during Combat. But while explaining evidence he found, Reader rambles like he was in Arkham for 2 years. (If your confused on that last part, look up clips of 'Abby telling Gibbs what she found NCIS' on YouTube to get an idea.)
Thank you in advance,
-- Ever Autistic person tried of the ' UWU I'm shy and cute' autistic reader.
ok evil autism time.
cracks my knuckles. time to unleash this
He got you a tablet for when you need to communicate when youre nonverbal and now all he hears is "Shark attack in the aquarium" or some shit
He doesnt question you drinking out of certain cups. It isnt his mug youre drinking from so he doesnt care
You almost killed Dick tho bc he used the cup but anyways🙄🙄
Has all your rocks in a box on his desk. Appreciates them very much
Was a bit confused the first time though
"Here." *Hands Tim a pink rock* "I- Uh thanks??" "😊"
Has your stuff washed when you arent around. Last time he tried to do it infront of you yall literally brawled (You won bc of autistic rage)
Youre the only person who can clean your own room. Not even Alfred can. YOU KNOW WHEN HE DOES YOU CAN SENSE IT
He loves listening to your interests (gets mildly concerned when you say youre gonna blow a character up in an affectionate way)
Youve probably said the same to him but anyways
Ngl you probably knew he was Robin before he told you
"Are you ok??" *Glares* "I know who you are!"
Its his voice, hair, overall vibes (that people just dont pick up on i guess)
Youre a great hero if you are one. You are masking tho so the minute you arent heroing anymore you become the worst thing alive (joke)
"Tim... The suit feels like crumbs again. Im gonna claw my skin away" "No need for that?!?"
And you help him and Batman with detective work yahoo🎉🎉
"He should be here, Batman" "How you do know that?" "Common sense???"
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amphibiahawks321 · 2 months
Harley Quinn : Y/NNNNNNNN~
M!Reader : Hm? Yes harls?
Harley Quinn : I got us both a gift you'll loooooove~
M!Reader : And that is?
Harley Quinn : Matching t-shirts!
M!Reader : Awwww! That's so cute harls! ^v^
10 minutes later
M!Reader blushing : ......
Harley Quinn : Soooooo you like~?
M!Reader :
[Wears a shirt that says "I ♥️ Harley's tits"]
Harley Quinn :
[Wears a shirt that says "Y/N's stress balls~"]
[Y/N glares at her with a flushed and shocked expression]
M!Reader Blushing : .....
Harley Quinn : Genius idea? I know right!
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ynzu · 1 year
━━ iheartjongho ##18 𓂅 slow_posts
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moodboard ͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏ wallpapers ͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏ reblog account
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alienguts · 1 year
Warm Welcome (Harley Quinn x f!Reader)
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Summary: Harley’s back from Arkham and there’s only one thing she wants to do.
Warnings: NSFW, smut, F/F sex, cunnilingus, facesitting, fingering, just gals being pals 🔞
Request?: No
A/N: 🌈 gay shit here get your gay shit here 🌈
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Five minutes. It took just five minutes after getting home for Harley to try to get Y/N into bed.
The whole car ride home from Arkham was torturous for her. All she wanted to do was for Y/N to stop the car and let her rip her clothes off, but she had to show at least some restraint. But when she’d been behind bars for almost a year with nothing but her thoughts to keep her company, she couldn’t exactly be blamed for being a total horndog. She sat with her hands wedged between her knees for the 45 minutes it took to get home, her legs bouncing in excitement.
As soon as they got home and the front door to the apartment was locked, Harley pounced on Y/N, almost knocking her to the floor as she mashed her lips into hers. Y/N tried to keep her balance by throwing her hands out behind her, but she toppled over anyway, Harley following and crashing on top of her.
“Cool your jets, Harl!” Y/N said as she tried to wriggle out of Harley’s grasp. “We only just got home!”
“Six months, baby!” Harley whined. “I had to go six whole months without any action! The least you could do is let me fuck you now.”
“Not in the doorway! At least hold on until we can go to bed.”
Harley huffed and got off Y/N, letting her stand up. She’d just started to push her towards the bedroom when Y/N planted her feet firmly on the ground and her hands on Harley’s shoulders.
“Alright, now just wait a second, sweetie,” Y/N said, using the same tone she would with a hyperactive child. “You just got home after being away for so long. Just take a second to enjoy being home before jumping my bones.”
“But I haven’t seen you,” Harley said with a pout. “Or your titties.”
Y/N flushed and sighed deeply.
“Okay, but give me five minutes so we can put your stuff away.”
Harley grinned and bounced on the balls of her feet before kissing Y/N again.
“You’re an angel!” Harley said as she wrapped her arms around her. “I could do with a shower, my skin’s all dry from that nasty Arkham soap.”
“Take as much time as you need, I’ll still be here.”
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When she’d finished putting Harley’s things back in their places, Y/N was ambushed by an overpowering smell of shower and bath products. Clearly, Harley didn’t mind what scents went with each other and just went for whatever she liked most. Y/N faced into the closet as Harley wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into her body, her hands roaming under her shirt until they cupped each of her breasts.
“Harley, is there a reason why you’re completely naked?” Y/N asked as Harley started to kiss her neck.
“I just got outta the shower,” Harley purred into her skin and pushed her fingers underneath Y/N’s bra. “And I want to play with my girl.”
“Can’t I at least take my clothes off first?” Y/N said, her breath shuddering as she relaxed back into Harley’s body.
“But that’s my job,” she said as she caught her hard nipples between her fingers. “Taking the wrapping off is just as fun as what’s inside.”
Y/N whimpered and grabbed at Harley’s arms, feeling her soft, newly moisturised skin and she let her head fall back onto her shoulder as she nipped at her neck.
“C’mon, babydoll, let’s have some fun.”
She let go of Y/N and turned her around to lead her to the bed, making sure she got a good view of her body. When she noticed her staring, she twirled around and fluffed her hair, showing her pale skin and slender curves from all angles.
“Like what ya see, sugar?” Harley purred, taking note of how Y/N’s eyes were fixated on her, trailing from her legs, her hips, her perky breasts, and up to her face.
Y/N swallowed and nodded, her mouth too dry to say anything while the space between her legs started to throb. Harley sat on the mattress with her legs wide, her bare pussy exposed as she grabbed Y/N’s hand and guided her to stand between her legs.
“Can I take this off, honey?” she asked as she toyed with the hem of her shirt. Y/N nodded and let her pull it up and over her head, standing up again to throw it to the other side of the room before immediately removing her bra. “I definitely want this off.”
Y/N shivered slightly when the air hit her bare skin, her nipples hardening even more as her skin burned under Harley’s gaze. Harley bit her lip and groaned softly as she reached out to caress her breasts with both hands, rolling them in her palms and softly squeezing them before kissing each one.
“God I missed these girls so much,” she said, her voice muffled by the soft skin of Y/N’s breasts. “But you’re still wearing too many clothes.”
Y/N pushed her sweatpants down to the floor and wriggled her legs free of them without needing to move away from Harley, leaving her in just her panties. Just as Harley dipped her fingers into the waistband, she stopped and admired the cotton garment.
“These are so cute!” she cooed and grabbed her hips to turn her around so her back was facing her. “Bend over a second.” 
Y/N was confused but did as she was told, bending her torso down slightly as Harley sat down again. Just as she looked back to see what she was doing, she felt Harley pinch and smack her behind, making her squeak and almost lose her balance.
“Harley,” she whined impatiently as Harley rested her head on her lower back, caressing her behind and squeezing, just as she’d done with her breasts.
“You look good in these, baby,” Harley purred as she pulled away. “But they’ll look even nicer on the floor.”
Y/N couldn’t help how hard her pussy clenched at her words. For as distracted and silly as she could be in the bedroom, Harley knew exactly how to get her girlfriend in the mood. She said things that would sound corny coming from anybody else but that was exactly what she loved about her.
“C’mere,” Harley said and patted the mattress between her legs. “But leave those on.”
Y/N climbed into Harley’s lap, her legs on either side of her and her arms loosely wrapped around her shoulder. She could feel her cool breath on her warm skin, their faces just centimetres apart and their chests pushing together. Harley stroked Y/N’s back softly, tracing the notches of her spine with her fingertips and dipping them into the waistband of her panties.
“I really missed you, y’know,” she said softly. “Like, a lot.”
“I missed you too,” Y/N said in return, smiling warmly. She squeaked in surprise when Harley closed the gap between them, her soft lips on hers, caressing and drinking her in as she pulled her body closer and closer until she fell back onto the mattress, Y/N still on top of her.
Y/N eagerly returned her kiss and cradled Harley’s face in her hands, her eyes fluttering closed as warmth spread throughout her body, starting at her core and ending at her fingertips. Her lips parted slightly to let Harley slip her tongue between them, tasting her sweet mouth as Y/N tangled her fingers in her hair. She moved her hands down further to cup her behind and dipped her fingers under her panties, feeling her pooling arousal. Y/N whined against her lips when she felt her fingers circle her throbbing clit and broke off the kiss to catch her breath.
Without missing a beat, Harley trailed her kisses down Y/N’s neck and collarbones and moved her hands to underneath her breasts, squeezing and pinching them to make her whine and moan.
“Lie down, honey,” she said. “I want to play with these.”
Y/N got up and shuffled up the bed to lie down, her head resting on the pillow and her legs spread wide for Harley to lie between. She watched her as she crawled up her body, a wolfish expression on her face as she laid her face on her sternum between her breasts.
“God, I really missed these girls,” she purred into her skin before kissing softly.
“More than me?” Y/N teased as she ran her fingers through Harley’s hair.
“Of course not,” Harley said and nuzzled her face into Y/N’s warm skin. “I missed all of you.”
“I missed you too,” Y/N said, her breath hitching when Harley brushed her lips over her hard nipple.
She let her body relax into the mattress as Harley laved her tongue across her sensitive skin, teasing her nipple with the tip of her tongue before taking it into her mouth and sucking gently. Harley used her free hand to fondle the other breast, rolling it around in her palm and squeezing before teasing the nipple with her fingers. She could feel herself getting wetter as she played with her soft breasts and she had a good feeling that Y/N was too.
Harley switched her attention to Y/N’s other breast, leaving wet kisses and licking the nipple before taking it into her mouth and sucking again. She listened to how Y/N moaned softly as she played with her hair, running her nails through her roots and playing with the faded colours at the ends. Her hand trailed down Y/N’s body as she continued to worship her breasts, skimming over her stomach until it reached her sopping pussy.
“You’re so wet, baby,” Harley purred, her teeth grazing against Y/N’s nipple. “You’re gonna ruin these cute panties. How ‘bout I take ‘em off?”
“Please,” Y/N whined, pushing her hips into Harley’s hand.
Harley let go of her nipple and crawled back down her body, settling herself between her spread legs, her face eye level with her dripping cunt. She ran her fingers along the crotch of her panties, delighting in how her arousal had soaked through the cotton. Y/N moaned at the contact and her pussy clenched, as if it was begging Harley to fuck her.
“You really must have missed me if you’re this desperate,” Harley teased before kissing her clit over the wet fabric. She licked her arousal off of her lips and let out a short moan. “You taste good, honey. But I want the main course, not just an appetiser.”
If she wasn’t so pent up, Y/N would have made a comment about Harley being corny in bed. She’d been without a girlfriend for half a year so she was willing to let her be as corny and stupid as she wanted as long as it meant she’d get her pussy eaten.
It felt like an eternity had passed when Harley finally pulled Y/N’s panties down her legs and tossed them aside. She gently kissed along the insides of her thighs, teasing her until Y/N whined in frustration and tugged on her hair.
“C’mon, Harl, I thought you’d been waiting months for this,” she said as she tried to push Harley’s face into her cunt.
“Okay, okay!” Harley laughed before kissing her bare clit. “So impatient.”
Her tongue finally snaked out to run through Y/N’s wet folds, gathering her arousal as she made her way back to her clit. Y/N sighed in pleasure and let her head fall back onto the pillow as Harley worked wonders with her mouth, licking and sucking her sensitive skin at a leisurely pace. Pillow princess had never been an appropriate title, but Y/N was more than happy to let Harley call the shots and do anything she wanted with her body.
“You taste good, babydoll,” Harley mumbled into her pussy. “Definitely worth the wait.”
A moan crawled out of Y/N’s throat when she felt Harley tease her entrance with two of her fingers and slowly slide them inside. She kept her fingers still for a moment, letting her adjust to them before gently sliding them in and out of her, building up the pleasure and making her sweet spot swell.
Harley was getting wetter and wetter as Y/N’s arousal coated her tongue and fingers, the only thought in her head was being able to taste her and make her scream. She squeezed her legs together, trying to feel some friction, and watched as Y/N squirmed and moaned above her.
“You can’t be gettin’ close already, baby,” she purred as she started to curl her fingers into her sweet spot. “We’ve only just started.”
Y/N’s stomach was tying itself into knots as Harley worked her body into a frenzy, her clit twitching under her tongue and her pussy clenching around her fingers. A fire was spreading through her body despite the slow pace and she wanted nothing more than to trap Harley’s head between her thighs as she sucked her clit and finger fucked her pussy.
“Harley, I’m close,” Y/N said, her voice strained from keeping her moans at bay.
“Already?” Harley teased. She pulled her soaking fingers out and teased her clit with them as she lifted her head to watch Y/N writhe in frustration. Her mouth and chin were coated with her arousal, shining in the sunlight that streamed in through the window. “Want me to make you cum, sweet thing?”
“Harley, please,” Y/N begged, trying to push her head back down. Harley laughed and slid her fingers back into her desperate pussy.
“Anything you want, princess.”
Harley immediately set a faster pace, curling her fingers into Y/N’s sweet spot firmly and sucking on her clit harshly. She had planned on taking her time with Y/N and slowly bringing her to climax, but the way her body was reacting said otherwise.
Moans and cries flew from Y/N’s mouth as Harley stirred her body up, her nerves blazing and her climax fast approaching. She planted her hands on the back of Harley’s head and mashed her face into her dripping cunt as she begged her to keep going.
“Cum for me, baby,” Harley said, her voice muffled by her pussy. “Cum on my tongue, I wanna taste it.”
Y/N’s head fell back as pleasure washed over her, engulfing her and drawing all of the air out of her lungs. Her chest heaved and her hips bucked as Harley continued to draw her orgasm out of her, her breaths finally coming out in cries and moans until her body went limp and calm.
Once her body had completely calmed down, Harley pulled her fingers out of Y/N’s spent cunt and cleaned them off with her fingers, moaning when her taste hit her tongue again. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and crawled back up the bed to hover over Y/N and press her lips to hers, making her taste herself.
“I missed your taste,” Harley whispered against Y/N’s lips as Y/N cupped her perky behind with her hands.
“I wanna taste you,” Y/N said, her voice hoarse from moaning so much.
“You okay to stay where you are?” Harley asked. Y/N nodded, her body too boneless to do much else. “Good, cos I wanna sit on this pretty face of yours.”
Y/N swallowed and licked her lips as Harley placed her knees on either side of her head and lowered her wet pussy down onto her mouth. Her arousal immediately hit her tongue and flooded her mouth with her taste. Y/N ran her flattened tongue across Harley’s folds and clit, tasting her as if she was a sweet treat before paying more attention to her clit. She fluttered the tip of her tongue against the sensitive bud, making Harley writhe against her mouth.
“Don’t tease, baby,” Harley whined as she tried to smother Y/N with her pussy.
“You always tease me,” Y/N said, her voice muffled as she continued to pleasure her with her tongue. “It’s only fair that I tease you back for once.”
Harley huffed and grabbed hold of the headboard before grinding her core against Y/N’s mouth, making her flatten her tongue and keep her head still for her to ride. The bed creaked with every roll of her hips and the slack headboard knocked against the wall but neither of them seemed to care very much. They didn’t have neighbours to get mad at them and the bedroom was on an outside wall so they could make as much noise as they liked.
Harley certainly seemed determined to be as loud as she wanted. Moans and cries flew from her lungs as Y/N continued to lick and suck her, running her hands along her thighs and groping her ass as she drove her into a frenzy. She figured that Harley must have gone through her entire sentence without even touching herself since she could tell that she was already close.
“Y/N,” Harley moaned shamelessly. “I’m gonna cum, baby.”
Y/N wrapped her lips around Harley’s clit and sucked hard, her hands firmly holding her hips to keep her in place. She let her eyes drift closed and felt Harley grab her head, running her nails along her scalp as her arousal coated her face and her clit twitched in her mouth.
Breathlessly, Harley came into Y/N’s mouth, her cunt clenching and unclenching before her hips bucked wildly and she let her breath out in a loud cry. She gasped and panted as Y/N continued to lick her through her high, bringing her back down slowly and gently by stroking her skin and kissing her spent pussy until she’d caught her breath again.
With one final pleasured sigh, Harley lifted herself off Y/N’s face and moved around to flop down on top of her as she wiped her mouth clean, her face resting between her breasts. She could hear her thudding heartbeat through her chest and let herself be fully enveloped by Y/N’s warmth. 
They stayed like that for a moment, listening to each other breathe as the city continued to move outside. Y/N could have sworn that Harley was starting to fall asleep on her chest when she suddenly lifted herself up and shuffled up to kiss her. Harley’s lips were soft against hers, kissing her leisurely rather than crazed and desperate as she had when they first got home.
“I missed you,” Harley said against Y/N’s mouth before kissing her again.
“You already told me that,” Y/N said with a laugh. “Like, three times.”
“Well, that’s just how much I missed you!” Harley said as she pulled away.
“I missed you too, Harl,” Y/N said and pulled Harley back into her body, her arms tight around her as if she never wanted to let her go. “Just stay out of trouble this time.”
“I can’t make any promises, sugar,” Harley said. “But I’ll try for you.”
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harleypostss · 2 years
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Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy by @jamjoob
My twitter HarleyPosts
My Instagram HarleyPostss
My account @harleypostss
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shylemon0 · 2 years
Clark Kent dating a reader that can’t sleep without a stuffed animal (Headcanons)
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I am very much like this so umm- this was really easy to to write lol
Warning?: Hinted autistic reader, plushie/stuffed animal special interest, Clark becoming your replacement plushie,
A/N: im writing this note as i am halfway done with this hc and i just realized that this might be seen as some weird kink shit??? if that is the reason you are here please leave and dont put that energy near my blog im a minor, thank you. this one was more made as comfort not horniness ew
(Gn) ———
· He finds it adorable and completely understands the simple need for a comfort item  · You probably have a small stuffed toy in your bag when you need to go to work that you can hold (inside the bag so no one can see) it when stressed but if you didn’t bring it with you for some reason you could just hold Clark’s hand when stressed since his hands are surprisingly soft
· Sometimes Clark will pretend to be jealous of your plushies when he comes home to you just laying on the couch using one of your plushies as a pillow after a long day of work, it’ll just end up in him grabbing you so you two can cuddle and fall asleep because both of you are tired after a long day at work
· You know that these things give you comfort but you won’t let it control your life, so you won’t go and grab your comfort item just for a tiny amount of stress or discomfort since one day you just know you won’t have anything to calm you down and you’ll have to be ready for so it won’t be too much for you · He will buy you tons of stuffed animals and plushies because he knows how happy they make you
· You most likely were shy about letting him know about your little “quirk” since most people would think it was childish, but not him, he completely respects it and will stand up for you if any of your friends found out and started to make fun of you for it
· If you somehow lost your favorite plush and it’s the one you need to sleep with, Clark is there for you to calm down and help you try and find it, if you find it that’s great but if you don’t Clark will offer to cuddle with you to help you a little to fall asleep 
· After some time you probably won’t need a stuffed toy anymore to sleep since you have Clark there to cuddle up with :)
(I have a taglist now! It’s on my pinned post if you want to know more about it!)
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