#kim possible athena
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Drakken: Shego are you really, really sure that you don't want to come along with me to visit my mother for Mother's day? She loves you very much you know!
Shego: And take away your precious Mother-Drewbie bonding time? Don't think so Doc. Now be a good son and pamper your mommy today.
Drakken: Hng, fine... Guess I'll just tell her that you are too busy with taking care of our children.
Shego: Bluedoltsaywhatnow--AAARGH!!
Drakken: I reprogrammed them to be the most loving, doting, clingy kids you could ever wish for! Enjoy getting pampered today, byeeee!
Happy mother's day to those who celebrate it!
To those who lost their mothers, I hope this day is filled with love, good memories and support.
To those who haven't been fortunate with a good mother role due to circumstances, know that you deserve so much in life. You are loved and not all mothers deserve children but all children deserve a loving home.
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ziananami · 5 months
💘👩‍🦰Orange haired Girls part 2👩‍🦰💘
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tinymewling · 1 year
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"You're almost too big to carry, kiddo."
"I know."
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those-other-ones · 1 year
What would you have changed about the Kim Possible live action?
I think a little more world building. A little more treating it like a pilot for a new show and less like a soft reboot, since it relied a lot on what people already know about the characters.
I don't think I would have gone so hard with the Athena and Kim friendship because it diminished Ron and didn't really leave room for a series to come from it, because Ron wouldn't have a place. And people who love Kim Possible also love the show for Ron Stoppable so it just wouldn't feel right having him exist only as the comic relief instead of also Kim's bestie and sidekick, since in essence the way the show ended left them with two leads, two Kims.
Still, the movie was incredible for Drakken and Shego content. They were the best part.
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acedisneyprincess · 1 year
It drives me nuts when people try to compare Kim’s reaction to Athena vs. Eric and act like her reaction to Athena’s actions is ooc as a result.
For starters, Eric doesn’t experience emotions- he just plays at them. Athena, however, does. She expressed anger and sadness and guilt by the end of the movie, at a point where she has nothing to gain by feigning emotions. Her sacrifice alone is proof of her love for Kim and others.
Second, Eric was a love interest, and Kim’s had those come and go, but Athena was a friend and a reflection of Kim’s own insecurities. Of course she’d want to protect her despite the betrayal, not to mention her own guilt at feeling jealous of Athena and letting that get in the way of their friendship and her ability to help Athena before she was taken. She wants to hold on to that friendship and repair the damage she’s done, damage that she didn’t cause with Eric.
Lastly, the live action Kim is as at completely different point in her journey than Kim in So the Drama. So the Drama Kim is ending her junior year and has been working big cases since she was 12 or 13 (so about 5 years), and has an established life in high school, while live action Kim is just entering her freshman year, has only been taking big cases for a year or two (assuming the laser scene in Sitch in Time is still canon without the time travel bit), and was already having a hard time adjusting and not feeling accepted when she met Athena.
So this Kim
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is closer to this Kim
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than she is to this Kim.
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Of course she’s gonna react differently.
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bcbdrums · 1 year
What would you have changed about the Kim Possible live action?
oh man, so many things...
like, I'm willing to acknowledge that it couldn't be like the cartoon. they had to update it for a modern audience. so like, the holo-kimmunicator, the modern slang...that sort of modernizing is fine.
mild canonical changes I did not like were the soccer instead of cheer. I know the hope is to appeal to little boys more, but if little boys already don't like Kim the soccer isn't gonna change that. she's still a girl. the boys will like Ron. all there is to it.
didn't like that they made Nana her maternal grandmother. literally no reason for that. and my gosh the character slaughter of James... unrecognizable. but that's Disney for you. at least it was extremely mild, but in some of their media the misandry is thrust into your face and as a result I'm always on alert for any hint of it, which is a shame.
the biggest thing though is that Kim just wasn't Kim in the end, and Athena at the end made no sense... the latter wanting to switch sides cuz she was gonna be destroyed, okay, that I can get. but in the critical moment when we should have seen Kim actualized into the fierce confident teen we fell in love with, she wimped out and gave an emotional "she's my friend" and it just. ruined the whole thing. I haven't seen the movie in a very long time... but like... caring what happened to her, wanting to defend her... like... no girl, that robot was against you from the beginning. she didn't join your side Kim, she just didn't want to be destroyed. and if she did suddenly swap allegiance for real...that's just....yeah bad writing. not consistent with the character or with a robot. and so yeah it just...none of it at the end there read like Kim Possible. I could get on board with her identity crisis easily, but how it ended....no.
what I would have wanted is the confident Kim we know, unforgiving of Athena but not actively fighting her unless she attacks. I'd want to see Kim defeat drakgo in the same way, but then I guess have Athena get free and go on the attack, Kim defeats her, and THEN reprogramming... not so much to get a friend but to honor a sentient being, despite the fact it's a robot. I don't see cartoon Kim looking at her as an equal partner in the team or anything... it would actually be really interesting if someone rewrote the movie from the cartoon canon characters' POV... and make it feel more like the show we all fell in love with.
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iinryer · 20 days
so. i have been saying since the top of the season that this feels like a reset, and a reintroduction to the characters (which makes sense for a new network!)—i know others have talked about to being a transitional and setup season as well, which i agree with.
ive been thinking about parallels and mirrors and what it might mean to overlay season seven over season four, the things that could possibly imply…
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[ID under the cut for easier legibility than alt]
(self indulgent honorable mention parallel: eddie’s blood in buck’s mouth, tommy’s soot on buck’s lips)
season four is the only other non-pilot season to have less than the full 18 episodes. season four is also the only season that ends on a life-altering arc-beginning injury for a member of the 118 (which also makes sense for a shorter than usual season, big hook to make up for the fewer episodes).
at the end of season four, eddie and bobby both end up dramatically injured (sniper). the end of season four also has the first mention of the will. now, i cannot say for sure that either of these are going to be mirrored, BUT. looking at the roadmap they’ve already given us… i have some feelings and predictions :)
and i’m not even going to begin digging into the vertigo references, others have more eloquent things to say, but i wanted to at least mention it because i DO think it’s going to come into play…
(if you can think of any other 4/7 parallels i would LOVE to hear them)
IMAGE ID: a three column spreadsheet with the categories “PLOT POINT” , “SEASON 4”, and “SEASON 7”. the text reads:
Buck learns something life-altering that makes things about the rest of his life make sense in hindsight
- S4: Daniel reveal
- S7: Bisexuality discovery
Eddie meets a woman and ends episode 7 of the season on a date with her
- S4: Ana
- S7: Kim
Maddie and Chimney have a major milestone in their relationship
- S4: Jee is born
- S7: They’re getting married
Something horrible happens right before they do
- S4: Albert’s accident
- S7: Chimney gets sick and goes missing
Buck makes a fool of himself on a first date
- S4: Veronica, and the “double date”
- S7: Tommy
Hen and Karen have struggles with the foster system and how to best protect and provide for their foster kids
- S4: Nia
- S7: Mara
Athena and Bobby have trouble communicating, putting their relationship in a rocky spot
- S4: Bobby sponsoring the woman from the pileup and hiding it, Athena telling Bobby that she had considered retirement but never talked to him
- S7: The cruise ship and Athena being unable to tell Bobbby why she's so uncomfortable with the prospect of down time together
Someone talks to Eddie about following his own desires in a relationship, not what's expected
- S4: Bobby about Ana, Carla about Ana
- S7: Bobby about Marisol
Buck has a heart to heart with Christopher about the anxiety he has towards the fragility of relationships with the people in his life
- S4: Shannon and people leaving him, feeling isolated during the pandemic
- S7: Shannon and the girls he's leading on
Hen and Karen meet another parent related to their foster children
- S4: Meeting Nia's mom in the park and having lunch with her and Nia
- S7: Finding Tyson and reconnecting him with Mara
Someone with the initials TK that Buck met in relation to a helicopter, kisses Buck in his kitchen after Eddie gets hurt and then has to leave
- S4: Taylor
- S7: Tommy
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aladygrieve · 14 days
so that was the best episode...possibly ever. Certainly of the last few seasons. It was SO well-written, and beautifully acted by like. Everyone. ESPECIALLY Peter and Angela (I know, I know, what else is new, but you can't tell me they didn't bring their S-tier game on this one).
Not every episode of 911 is an across-the-board hit. Sometimes there are arcs I'm less enthused about, characters I don't care for, calls that get a little silly for even for my taste, or acting choices that are a bit too big. But when this show shines, it fucking shines. I was RIVETED for every second of this one. The massive emotional payoffs - for Bobby and Athena, Bobby and the 118 in general, Hen and Karen, Eddie and Kim, Amir - they all sang. A few standout moments:
Athena's voice when she said "Too late" Broke MeTM.
Ditto Christopher saying "Mom?"
Bobby openly accepting Tommy and passing the cooking torch to Buck. I know he's good for you because we haven't had to talk about it. That is his DAD.
I know we all joke about fun it was to see Eddie let loose earlier this season and how Fox only cared about him when he was traumatized, but MAN that boy can suffer so beautifully. I am SO here for how deliciously fucked up he and Kim are.
Speaking of, they let Kim be a real person?? And she's great? I mean, she's a little fucked up too, but she's INTERESTING about it.
Let Mara Live 2k24
Am I right in thinking that Bobby giving Athena CPR at the end is the ONLY direct mouth-to-mouth we've seen in the entire show that didn't use the airbag? Because I have feelings about that.
I think it says something that one of the few episodes (if not the only one?) with functionally zero 118 calls is in my opinion the best they've ever done. Not that the calls aren't fun, but it proves - as if we needed proof - that the characters are the heart of the show.
I am counting the sleeps until next week because godDAMN.
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matan4il · 14 days
911 ep 709 first watch reactions
The way this ep starts with giving us a clear shot focused on the front, solely on Buck sitting between the man he's dating and the man he's been married to for the past six years, and only on them. XD I'm here for it.
Oh, Bobby. :( Feeling unworthy of his medal, and remembering his dad, and how everything went wrong after he got it. </3
Aaaah. Man, IDK. The openly and explicitly homophobic and racist captain cartoon just feels like an easy target now. Prejudice doesn't seem like it mostly gets expressed that way anymore, and when we only teach people to reject that kind, we not only fail to teach them to recognize subtler forms, we may be misleading them to think those more nuanced ones don't count.
Love Athena trying to "save" Bobby by contacting Amir. I'm always a sucker for a couple where they both save each other.
I enjoyed the little play with "Mother Hen," and I know it's not specifically about Buddie, but it is damn funny that when she's told she's raising more kids, they're the ones the camera focuses on. lol Raising a kid together for 6 years, still a couple of morons in desperate need of parenting from their colleagues. Even when Bobby's "wordless goodbye" moment with Buck is letting him cook for the 118, Eddie's by his side and they're doing it together. I swear, 911 said, "Take note, this is what a marriage looks like" and then just kept hammering the point for 6 seasons now.
Okay, I am pretty sure that, while Bobby's acceptance of Buck's first relationship with a guy, is really lovely, "Because we haven't had to talk about it" is not an actual good criterion for discerning whether someone is good for their partner or not. People whose spouses are abusive don't talk about it, either. :/ I am NOT saying that's Buck and Tommy, because it obviously isn't, it just feels like a line thrown in there to be cutesy, but which isn't actually helpful to people, who might take it too seriously.
I AM GONNA LOL FOREVER. So, just like Buck's bi awakening was all about Eddie, now Eddie's messed up whatever he has with Kim is gonna involve Buck, too? Gotcha. Battlefield boyfriends being off-battlefield boyfriends once more.
So... Buck was going to see Tommy, in an ep where TPTB have already paid for Lou in the role, so might as well use him as much as possible, but instead a non-emergency run in with Eddie's current whatever-Kim-is makes Buck ditch Tommy, and run straight over to Eddie's to help him? Look, I'm obviously a One True Pairing kind of shipper, so Buddie are it for me, as much as I can enjoy and see the value of Buck and Tommy as a stepping stone, and nothing will make me stop shipping Buddie (especially not after the tsunami eps), but 911 is feeding me way too well with how it frames these scenes and stories, I don't think the show's trying to get me to stop.
Man, if anyone's ever had a doubt that Eddie is the world champion at denial, this kitchen scene will def cure that.
"I'm worried about you." "Yeah, I'm worried about me, too." And then Buck, the one person who can ALWAYS penetrate through Eddie's denial wall, no matter how thick it is.
Eh, IDK how much the part where they try to re-define Shannon as the love of Eddie's life works, or how much it just serves to show he's still in denial, just a different kind than before, when Buck got through to him that he can't go on like this with Kim. For one thing, in his little retelling of their dysfunctional r/s, Eddie doesn't mention that Shannon was leaving him a second time, even before she died. Literal denial and repression.
So I'm gonna choose to believe Hen and Karen will get Mara back, because I can't deal with that particular storyline otherwise.
Kim's reaction is too deranged for me. Who does something like that, even if we assume the kindest of intentions? And then Marisol and Christopher's timing... I didn't sign on to watch a soap opera, but I guess I'm getting one free of charge?
"Now you gotta save yourself." If that ain't a painful summary of what growing up means, IDK what is. the conversation with Bobby's dad in his sleep was a good, painful scene, built right, leading to him hopefully getting his closure through saving his wife from a fire, and leaving us with just the right amount of suspension for next week and the season finale, where we'll see if he can let go of his past mistakes without a doppelganger dressing up like his dead wife...
Thank you for reading! If you’re looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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httpisaoki · 5 months
AOKI'S DRAFTS ! (finally revealed)
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aoki's note: okay i know ITS BEEN AWHILE but here's the things i've cooked up (multiple things that maybe I'll start working on..) also 'gusto with ya' is in fact the taglish au i've spoiled with last goodbye so sorry for the delay huhu and enjoyy!
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yn ln, a well-known tutor in her university, is secretly a hopeless romantic. what happens when her crush asks for tutoring? (uni au) (sakura fic)
2. OPPOSITE DUOS (possible taglish au)
people say opposites attract but does that really work for kim minjeong and mo daein? two of Yonsei's badminton aces, who are complete opposites. (badminton au, uni au) (aespa au, kim minjeong au)
3. LDR (taglish au)
long-distance relationships can be hard, some say. But it wasn’t a problem for [aespa member] and yn ln, two inseparable best friends until one of the two realizes they like the other a little more than a friend. (aespa au, non-idol au)
4. GUSTO WITH YA (taglish au)
athena briar (k), the campus crush who is known for being a heartbreaker, who easily losing interest in everyone she dates, meets rian valdez, a newly transferred scholar whom she finds interesting. (taglish au, uni au) (aespa au, yu jimin au)
5. FAVORABLE (taglish au)
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7. A NIGHT TO REMEMBER (goddess au)
falling in love with a mortal was a death wish. but the daughter of hades couldn’t care less. until meeting one fallen angel changed everything for both of their worlds.
8. ACE OF CARDS (boarding school au)
a new section arrives at Devon Academy for the new school year, but the thing is, no one knows who they are or where they're from, until one transfer student plays an impossible game of cards and wins, causing multiple events to occur in the academy.
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leandra-winchester · 9 days
Lots of speculation on the order of things after those stills came out, and some slightly weird takes on that, imho.
So here's mine.
Obviously, the Bucktommy dinner date comes first; Buck is happy and unburdened. There's no way he'd look like that after a) learning Bobby had a heart attack and his and Athena's house burned down and b) even 'just' what happened at Eddie's. No way he's happily grinning and smiling after that.
In hospital, he and Tommy are wearing the same outfits as in Buck's loft. Also, in the trailer, we can see Eddie already standing by the bed while the others rush in. So. Hospital comes next. (Buck got a call and rushed to the hospital with Tommy, who possibly drove him).
THEN he goes home with Eddie who tells him about the whole drama with Kim and Chris seeing her (Chris is probably at Pepa's or somewhere). Both Buck and Eddie are still wearing the same outfits as in the hospital.
And last, we get the scene with Chris being back and Eddie's parents being there. Which is likely the next day, or maybe even later. (And Chris tells Eddie he wants to spend the summer with his grandparents, probably).
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flowery-laser-blasts · 4 months
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My first attempt at trying to design my version of Athena that combines elements of Drakken, Shego, and a tiny hint of Kim and Eric/Synthodrone #901.
Ditched some elements to make it somewhat fit more into the show. Still not 100% satisfied with how she looks but I'll try again some other time! Meanwhile, enjoy this attempt :')
Total time 2 hours
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Fandom has come up with a lot of theories:
There is The Couch Theory, The Color Theory, The Invisible String Theory, and more. I love how creative and fun this fandom is.
I was wondering if I can pose one more. The Food Theory.
I'll place the maniacal rambling behind a cut.
So I was thinking about how the station let Eddie Diaz near the kitchen in last night's ep. We all know that is dangerous. I don't care if it is in a fire station.
Then I thought about food and kitchens have been themes throughout the series.
When Gerard was in charge, Hen and Chim were ostracized at meals. Yet, when Bobby took over, feeding his family was his love language. When Buck arrived for his first day, what happened? Bobby teased him then had him pull up a chair to sit down and eat.
Buck was hopeless in the kitchen, yet Bobby patiently taught him everything from the basics up. I think back to the scene with Buck having Bobby taste the chili. As the child of an amazing cook, I know the elation hearing something is delicious from a proud parent who is a master in the kitchen. Buck was the same. They became surrogate father and son over food and in that station kitchen.
When Bobby wants his family close, he organizes dinners and barbecues. He and Athena cook for each other. They have had many important conversations in kitchens.
Abuela and Pepa kept Eddie and Christopher fed. Why? They love their boys and, again, the food is symbolic of love and care and family. When Pepa was speaking to Eddie about being single, did you notice where they were?
I believe we've even seen Hen and Karen sharing homecooked meals. When homecooking is involved, it is always in the context of family.
Chimney and Maddie had their little food dates every week. They bonded over food.n
When Marisol and Eddie have been around food, it's takeout or in a restaurant. The same goes for Kim. Ana cooked for Christopher and Eddie, but he didn't return the favor. When breaking up with her, he pointed out the mess her cooking left, which could be a metaphor for the relationship itself. Ana was giving it her all and cared about Eddie and his son, but he was such a mess it was never going to go anywhere.
Now we get to what triggered this line of thought. Tim has stressed that he must choose what makes the final 43 minute edit every week. So things that don't matter are cut.
Then why in 7x9 do we spend time focusing on the spread at the ceremony? Buck and Ravi even go so far as to bring attention it, Ravi using the food as an excuse to show up on his day off so he doesn't have to admit he is really there to see his colleagues be recognized. We know he wasn't really there for the food. How? During Bobby's flashback, we see Bobby mentoring Ravi. That means Ravi is a part of the 118. Ravi, in Bobby's mind, is family.
Food has been central to Buck and Tommy's scenes. Their first date was at a restaurant. They got back together over coffee. Buck was seriously uptight over the sliders at the bachelor party. At the award ceremony, the food was even a focal point. I think Buck's comment was loaded, too, but that isn't a part of this.
Buck, after he gained culinary skills, spent many days cooking for Christopher and Eddie. Remember the lasagna he made at least three times to get it right last season? The one he and Eddie discussed couches over?
Buck didn't cook for Abby.
Buck didn't cook for Ali.
Buck didn't cook for Taylor. You all have to remember the frozen waffles, right? That was just sad. I mean, damn, you can't take her to breakfast after she gives it up?
Buck hasn't cooked for Tommy.
The writers have said before that everything is deliberate.
During the the station kitchen scene in 7x9, of all the possible combinations, we have Eddie, who can't cook, working next to Buck and the camera highlights that. They have a discussion about Eddie's issues in Eddie's kitchen.
Now, some people will point out that Buck and Tommy had their first kiss in Buck's kitchen. That is true, but the context wasn't familial or familiar. Tommy was there to fix things between Buck and Eddie. It almost sounded like he was...giving up on something. His monologue had that tone someone has when they realize that no matter what they do, whatever they are hoping happens or are trying to make happen is not going to happen. Then he was shocked by Buck expressing interest. His kissing Buck was clearly impulsive. It couldn't have been premeditated because Tommy had no clue Buck's attention was on him.
Tommy hasn't been in Buck's home, canonically, since the first kiss. Buck is always going outside the home to be with Tommy.
Since that kiss, Buck has watched Christopher, whom he cooked for. I know you all remember how that shirt and apron stretched over that chest. I am look respectfully. 👀
Many major events in the show happened in kitchens or during a meal one of the characters cooked.
Just putting that out there. Food for thought.
(I chose not to tag anything related to BuckTommy or Tommy Kinard, even though both are mentioned. While I support, and have since day one, that Buddie and BuckTommy can coexist peacefully, I limit my use of any tags related to that ship and character to maintain peace.
Please do not add any tags related to or utilized by that sub-fandom. Thank you.)
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an-li-su · 14 days
so for the finale we’re dealing with:
- Bobby resigning, almost dying and spiraling over his past. Athena recovering and staying with Bobby. Maybe investigating who started a fire? Idk if her injury will allow it though we don’t have much.
- HenRen fighting for Mara and standing up to that Ortez woman.
- Idk where even start with Eddie… first of all, I hope breaking up with Marisol (finally! i don’t see any possible scenario where she’s staying), second, dealing with Chris and that shit tone of damage that he’s done to him with Kim (i sooo don’t know where are they going with this one, like what he can possibly say to fix it? well, nothing), third, Kim herself (no comment on this one. before her showing up in a Shannon cosplay I was pretty neutral about her and even protective over her ‘cause it wasn’t her fault that Eddie went cuckoo bananas but now idk I feel like they’re both went off the rails) and finally - his whole family showing up (known from bts pictures - maybe they would want to take Chris after Eddie’s randezvous and maybe we’ll get a mention of the WILL)
- Madney staying happy and healthy peacefully raising Jee (sending this one to the universe🙏) but also i think they gonna help HenRen with Ortez
- Buck was pretty happy this season so I’m afraid something gonna happen to him🥲 but I’m praying it won’t! Well, he’s obviously will stay with Bobby and Athena as the rest of the team. On his own, he’s gonna be deep in Eddie’s problems ‘cause he’s in the scene with Chris and Eddie’s parents too…
I am so not ready for this. Gosh. And that’s the last one😭 PAIIIN
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sortasirius · 15 days
I’ve been kinda thinking about the finale (as if I ever do anything else) and I have a sort of theory on how it could all play out.
Most of this is spec, some of it is my writer brain, so with that what you will lmao.
With what the 911 on ABC posted on Instagram today, I think it’s fair enough to assume that the councilwoman who was the mother to that guy is about to get involved. That whole thing was kind of just brushed off, and the idea of revenge is being repeatedly being brought up (Amir, even the idea of Doug sort of enacting revenge on Chim while he’s hallucinating), along with the theme of loss and grief (Eddie’s current mess, Amir…again).
I’ve seen several theories saying that she would try to stop Hen and Karen from adopting Mara, and while I can see what they’re saying, I actually think it’s more along the lines of her preventing Hen from being interim captain.
We know something is going to happen to Bobby, with all the stills and bts in the hospital, including the one with the whiteboard that says “R. Nash” on it. And if Bobby can’t act as captain, the usual replacement is Hen, but if Hen is in the midst of this, and the entire 118 is caught up I think it’s plausible (especially with Ryan talking about how Eddie is “isolated” next season) that the councilwoman will basically fight to split them up, citing past cases and insinuating they are dangerous or unfit as a unit. The LAFD brass won’t want to get in a fight with city council and will separate them but won’t fire them. (A compromise they’ll think is good, but we know is terrible).
I personally think that Buck will be left at the 118. With Captain Gerrard. I really get the feeling that the councilwoman may know him and put him back in place there even in spite of his past.
If we think about Buck’s worst nightmare (being abandoned by those he loves) it fits perfectly. Being by himself in his house but without his family, with a new captain that he knows Hen, Chim, and Tommy hated. That’s the worst possibility for him. Throw in a potential fight with Eddie and you have the perfect storm for Buck, something that would be untenable for him long term.
Relationship-wise, I have a couple different thoughts. Either Gerrard being at the 118 brings Tommy and Buck closer together, because Tommy understands what an awful captain Gerrard is and is a shoulder to lean on for him while he has to deal with it (this is preferable and what I want lol).
Or, as much as I hate to say it, it could lead to a distance between him and Tommy, because Tommy doesn’t want to be around Gerrard (don’t blame him) and he can’t be there for Buck because he’s afraid of turning back into the person he tried so hard to escape.
And I don’t think we’d start season 8 with everyone back together. With 18 episodes (bless) they have time to draw out plotlines that they haven’t been able to this season.
If, as I fervently hope, Bobby makes a recovery from whatever happens to him, he’ll have to go through the same retraining that Buck did when he was crushed by the ladder, which would be an interesting contrast for him to be put in those shoes, maybe desperate to get back out to the field but not being cleared, Athena being worried about him the same way he was worried about her after she was attacked, all that.
I think Hen’s big conflict would be that she feels like them being separated his her fault, since she didn’t force the guy to get care. She would be okay in another house, but potentially feel like she’s starting over, just like with medical school.
For Chim, I think his biggest thing would be taken out of the 118, maybe he would be assigned to the 133 as an extra gut punch since it was Kevin’s house? I think there’s something interesting there.
And Eddie. Eddie, who is taking doppelgänger Kim out in public, while bringing his girlfriend to the medal ceremony. Something is coming here, this situation is precarious at best. I highly doubt he will still be with Marisol by the end of the season. At the same time, I don’t think he’s going to be with Kim either. With this photo, it could be that Chris finds out about Kim or something like that. If I had to guess, I would say that Eddie and Marisol are done by the end of 7x09.
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I could also potentially see Eddie being left at the 118 and Buck transferring to air support with Tommy, which could be interesting since Eddie was the one to leave last time. But for angst points, I think leaving Buck alone in his house which is suddenly no longer home, but hostile? I would eat that up.
Overall, with all those happy stills we got today, juxtaposed by the way press is talking about the screeners, I would say we’re in for a rough couple of episodes and a rough hiatus too.
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yesimacreepweirdo · 11 months
I watched the live action Kim Possible in hopes that Athena was Drakken and Shego’s actual child, only to be disappointed that the writers of the movie just ripped off So the Drama and wrote it as a friendship issue rather than a romance issue.
But on a serious note, my favorite baddies were hilariously awesome in the live action. That was one of the things they did right in this movie.
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