#mer damian
meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 2 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 4
Damian's face twisted in disgust at the offending object.
Phantom's quirked in confusion. He nudged the massive striped bass towards the smaller siren. "What's wrong?"
"I am a vegetarian." Damian huffed. "And it's raw."
"Oh. Uh, whoops." Phantom shrugged. "I don't know how to break it to you, dude, but, like... There's not much better to eat out there."
Damian glared at him. "I would rather starve."
Perhaps he was being too stubborn. With a buffoon of a companion such as this, the situation was better treated as a survival scenario than a mere mission. Damian was no fool. Vegetarianism was a luxury afforded to those with the food abundance to choose.
That, and it had been a solid sixteen hours since his last meal. His tail felt sore and aching in a way he hadn't felt in years. His stomach growled and groaned, demanding something to fill it.
The last time he felt a hunger like this was when he was still in the League, when they sent him out on weeks long missions where he starved under moonlight and ate birds and rats to survive.
"Come on, Damian, you need to eat something." Phantom cajoled, as if his puppy-eyed look could ever match that of Richard's. "And the seaweed's not gonna sustain you. Believe me I tried."
"Are sirens obligate carnivores?"
"No, but-"
"Then tell me why I cannot sustain myself off of kelp and seaweed?"
"Dude, those things have literally no calories in them."
A valid point, but just because he was right did not mean Damian had to cede the point so easily. "Is the siren species so primitive as to not have cultivated plants in order to sustain their population?"
"I literally don't know how to answer that dude. Do I look like an ambassador or something to you?"
Damian frowned.
"Look, it's getting late and we'll need all the rest we can get. I promise it doesn't taste that bad. We'll try and work something out tomorrow, how's that?"
Damian sighed. "Very well, but only because I very my life, thank you very much."
"Thank god for that..."
Damian unwrapped himself from his tail, and approached the poor fish. "I am terribly sorry, fish. I will not let your sacrifice be in vain." He muttered.
He looked up to find Phantom with a small knife, cutting up the fish into messy fillets, like this was the first time he'd done so. Peculiar. Surely he had lived off fish his entire life, and had deboned many before this moment.
"Just so you don't get poked in the mouth by a bone or two. Those things suck."
Phantom offered a strip of meat. Shutting his eyes, Damian took the food, and shoved it into his mouth, chewing minimally before swallowing.
The taste was... acceptable.
More than acceptable. perhaps.
It would be a shame to let the fish's death go to waste.
Damian sank his teeth into the side of the fish, eyes almost rolling into the back of his head from the taste.
Some time later...
Danny floats back into the cave, a handful of kelp bundled up in his arms. "Hey Damian, look I know this situation sucks for you, like in every way, so I went out and got some greens for you, just so it's not all meat and- Wait, Damian?"
The boy in question slept fastly, his fins gently drifting back in forth in the small currents caused by Danny's entrance. His head was slumped against the bass he'd brought in earlier, little strips of fish still stuck in his teeth.
Now that he wasn't making faces and being angry at Danny, he was honestly pretty cute.
Danny wiped some of the bits of meat off Damian's cheek, careful not to scratch his soft scales with a misplaced claw. Despite being so small, Damian managed to chew through a sizable portion of the fish that was easily half his size or more.
Setting the child's body to the side, and draping a small blanket over him, Danny set to finishing off the rest.
He hoped everyone back home wouldn't worry too much. If the GiW boats didn't clear out by tomorrow, then they were in for a big problem. He and Tucker were working on making waterproof earpieces, but they weren't ready yet, and his waterproof phone had been left in his room when he'd rushed out to get Damian back. That meant no communication with Amity Island whatsoever. No way to get in contact with Bruce Wayne, and no way for his friends to know he and Damian were ok.
He was really in over his head, wasn't he?
The morning came with a very loud wake up call.
Danny jolted awake and bumped his head into the nearest desk overhead. "Who's attacking us?!"
Beside him, Damian jerked himself into a defensive stance (or as close to one as he could manage.)
The curtains of the cave were pushed open, allowing streams of sunlight to stream in and blind the boy with its glare. Peeking into the cave was the head of one Ember McClain, a vicious grin plastering her face.
"You never told me you got a kid!"
Damian chirped indignantly.
Danny sputtered. "Whawhwh Wh Wait a second!"
Ember pulled out of the cave, and squealed. "Yo Kitty! Dipstick's got himself a kid!"
A woosh of water rushed past, and Kitty's neon green and teal scales showed themselves. "Omg! Phantom aren't you like fifteen? What the heck?!"
Danny blushed deeply teal. "He's not mine I swear!"
Ember pushed Kitty out of the way. "Oh my gosh he's so tiny. Who's the lucky woman?? Or man??? Phantom what have you been getting up to without us?!"
Damian hissed at him from behind Danny's shoulder (when did he get there?) "Begone, harpies! And cease your accusations! I would sooner perish than be related in any way to this incompetent fool."
Ember trilled in adoration. "He's so freaking adorable. Where did you get him, Babypop? An orphanage??"
Danny would've done a spittake, if he was above water. "W-what?! Dude, literally where would even find an orphanage around here?"
"Did his parents dump you on him like Johnny was?"
"Uh I'm not even gonna question that."
Ember clasped her hands to her mouth in scandalous shock. "No way, did you finally turn to the dark side and kidnap him?"
Damian piped up again, gripping on Danny's shoulders with his unsheathed claws and rising higher. "Nonsense, I claim no familial relationship with this person, not by blood, law, or emotion. He is as close to me as any stranger would."
"Ouch Damian. I literally saved your life."
Ember and Kitty chortled and shorted. They clutched their bellies and lead against the walls of the cave. "It's just... PFPFTT Phantom you total scoundrel, ahah!"
"Yeah yeah, look I gotta get this kid back to his dad on Amity, and quick. He's probably losing his mind over there."
Kitty gasped. "So you did turn him."
Danny shushed them. "Don't scream it out for the whole ocean to hear!"
He rushed out the entrance of the cave and shooed them in, covering the doorway up as they entered.
"Look I'd really, really rather you guys keep this on the down low. This is kind of a huge deal right now." Danny said.
He turned to Damian, still perched on his shoulder, his little tail brushing against Danny's ghostly white sail. "Is it ok if I tell them?"
"if it will convince them to vacate the premises."
"If you have to know, Damian's the son of some ultra rich guy. Skulker got him for whatever reason, and I was forced to turn him."
"Dude, Skulker went for a literal child?!" Ember clenched her first, likely hiding her extending claws. Right, Skulker was a bit of a touchy subject for her. "Of his own kind, no less?!"
"That's fucking low, girl."
"And now the GiW are going crazy too. Probalby got a huge donation or whatever. We're just waiting untli they go away so I can get Damian back to his dad, without any dissections. That also means none of you guys should be going near the place either."
"Pfft, too late for that."
Danny froze. "Who did they get?"
"Relaaxx, Dipstick. I was just preparing another concert, only for like fifty boats to show up out of fuckin' nowhere. Luckily I heard them before they saw me, but come on! I was miles from Amity at that point!"
"Miles?" Damian whispered.
Danny felt the same way too. They were only increasing their patrols now, shit.
"It's bad enough that the rest of the Pod are freaking migrating. We haven't migrated in years!"
"Yeah, actually, Phantom you wanna join us? I know you have this whole, err, thing, with Amity Island, but we hardly see you. And Johnny's been itching for a rematch."
Danny looked over his shoulder, to where Damian was lost in thought. This might have been the first them he'd seen the kid not glaring.
"Thanks for the offer, but I need to get Damian home. It's my fault he's like this, and he's got a whole family out there waiting for him."
"Don't you too?"
Danny swallowed a thick of water. He did have a family, a family that was probably going crazy. But at least part of that family, and his friends, knew he could take care of himself, knew that he was a siren, knew that the water was his element. Damian's family didn't have that luxury.
"We'll figure it out."
The girls shared a look, and shrugged. "The offer still stands, Babypop. Oh, and i'll be sure to fuckin' dice Skulker next time i see him, lying, cheatin' bastard.
For a moment, the boys watched the two siren teens' trailing tails, before they turned a corner and disappeared.
"What was that?" Danny asked.
"If Amity Island is inaccessible to us, then we have to go to Gotham."
"Isn't Gotham-"
"On the East Coast? Yes, it is. It's our only option."
"That's thousands of miles, and you can't even walk!"
"Would you rather we stay here, waiting for the GiW to approach us and kill us both?"
Danny clenched his jaw. Damian was right, wasn't he.
"The only way to reunite me with Father is to go to Gotham. They will not be expecting us there."
"How can you be so sure?"
Damian dislodged himself from Danny's shoulder and floated in front of him. "Because they are unaware of the sirens' power of transformation, am I correct?"
"Good point, but wait, how did you know that?"
"I did some cursory research before coming here. The prevailing theories put forth by the supposed 'experts' on the matter asserted that sirens eat their human victims, with no mentions of turning. They have no reason to believe I am not dead., and no reason to suspect any siren activity in Gotham."
"And you're ok with that. Thousands of miles of swimming in the endless ocean full of things wanting to eat you?"
"Are you not?"
"Ok ok, calm down." Danny had to chuckle though. Rich as this kid may be, he was definitely not spoilt enough to sit still and wait for his dad to save him.
"And the fastest way to get to Gotham is via the Panama Canal." Damian puffed his chest out in what was probably pride. Danny stared at him, dumbfounded.
"You're kidding, right?"
"Have I ever jested to you before?"
"No seriously. The Panama Canal. You realise that place is monitored up and down, right? Literally the moment we get spotted, the locks are gonna, you know, lock down, and then we'll be stranded and sitting ducks to be chopped up by the GiW."
"That will not be an issue. You possess the power of camouflage, do you not? And again, they will not be expecting us in Panama, so they will have no reason to bring any sonars there."
Danny wanted to bang his head against the wall. This idea sounded so stupid, but not stupid enough that it was unfeasable.
"In addition, you said it yourself. Your negligence resulted in my permanent loss of humanity, so it is your responsibility to do whatever you can do right your wrong."
Shit. Came with being the son of a businessman, didn't it? This kid was guilttripping the hell out of him and Danny could honestly not say he didn't deserve it.
"Fiiiine. We're going to Panama."
"Excellent." Damian grinned. "Let us leave immediately."
Danny could only pray that none of the 50 things that could go wrong, did go wrong, but when was his luck ever that good?
No, instead, Danny strapped in whatever supplies he had laying around in the cave. To Panama we go...
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splendidcyan · 3 months
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Me every May: gonna do merm stuff this year!!! [Doesn't do merm stuff]
Me this Feb: yea merm time
Some silly cringe self indulgent batfam doodles!!! Bruce Wayne is a diver and adopted baby mer Dick Grayson and tbhhh idk anything else LOL. Damian doesn't know how to swim bc he was raised in the desert so it's a good thing his big brother and favorite person can teach him :) this Bruce is a mix of Battinson and the arkham games, since that's what I'm most familiar with. I rlly like how pale and Victorian he looks lmao. Also DONT ask how Damian is breathing while he swims, magic or smth idk
Alcohol markers and gouache on smooth Bristol paper.
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emacrow · 4 days
Damian it not funny, stop laughing!!
Damian seem to be in a good mood despite that hellish fight with the condiment man at the gotham Docks.
Dick thinks he somehow found and snucked in another stray again.
Which lead to the particularly hide and seek which was to find whatever Damian brought this time, because last time he tried to sneak one of the parade horses from the pride festival back to the Wayne Manor and Bruce had to bribe the owner whom had panicked about Sparklebell.
After they'd Waited for damian to go to school, they started the mad hunt which lasted 4 hours and 23 minutes, where Dick's blood curdling scream was heard which lead to the batfam finding him in Damian's bathroom, being particularly mauled and swung around like a chew toys by a small siren/mermaid like creature.
(How he being swung around)
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3 hours later of panicking, trying to fight the supernatural humaniod being who obvious also got intangible that literally swam through the walls with Dick's legs half way held in it's mouth throughout the whole manor. The one time Bruce is not in the manor due to a meeting...
Only for it to stop right in front of Damian who just got back from school, dropping a battered and most definitely injured Dick in front of him like he just caught a worthy meal to offer as it's chirp at him.
"No, we do not offer annoying sibings as meals, no you can't eat him." Damian stern spoke as the humanoid siren stop mere minutes away from about to put dick's leg back in its mouth as it's grumbled..
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mlim8 · 1 month
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May 1st, 2024 - HAPPY MERMAY!!!!!
I've had this ready for a while lmao just really wanted to draw mers 😌🧜‍♂️ - Enjoy a widdle Jon that decided to go snorkeling and made eye contact with something... a little bigger than a fish lol
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crookedlynerdywriter · 4 months
I’ve got this scene in my head for a Mer!Batfam AU where Bruce is human but he’s raising a bunch of merpups. And I just have this idea of him like picking one of his babies up out of the water while the pup screeches and bites him like that one video of a guy talking about how he pets his dog to relax while it bites the shit out of his fingers without really doing any damage. And he’s just like “and this is my precious little sweet heart *insert bat kid of your choice*”. The context being that merpups need to spend some time out of water for their bodies to properly develop the ability to breathe air rather than just using their gills to breathe water but like when babies get fussy for tummy time they don’t like being out of the water so they scream and hiss and bite but they’re not trying to hurt Bruce so much as show they’re upset (they get over it eventually but begrudgingly lol).
I also want to note that this idea has all of the batkids closer in age and younger because I like the idea of Bruce trying to manage a litter of mischievous little Mer-batpups and also because I think it could play into the idea of mers as social creatures that form pods and would likely usually raise pups communally in the pod and the pups would form their own little pod mirroring the adults.
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05ichasss · 9 months
Batfam merAu
Dick being dick
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florisa6s · 5 months
A idea- Mer au 2
(Just my thoughts and takes!)
Jason has fins that are spikey and he puffs them up whenever he feels in danger or angry but secretly loves having them petted but he would rather die again before admitting it (he likes to personally scare humans by acting like a sea monsters. Also I have no idea on the whole dying part in mer ideas I mean mostly I've seen people make him get kidnapped and stuff in fics so idk...)
Damian is a little boi who ends up gnawing at Bruce and Jason who just lay there as if nothing is happening while Dick panics and try to get Damian off (Damian doesnt bite Tim) he rarely bites Dick because he knows Dicks tail is more sensitive plus he always gets disappointed looks from him.
Damina accidentally bites Tim and in apology he licks at the wound feeling regret for biting him because as said earlier Tim would be a octopus boi!
Dick would be an dragon fish because pointed out by (@autistic-human) totally looks like him and I can see the others complaining about him taking up so much space. (Also a cool mention of Jason being a jellyfish and honestly I can see Dick trying to hug him only for him to get zapped)
I haven't decided what kind of mer Damian would be maybe like a piranha or a shark? (Just thought about him being a sea bunny, lol)
I never thought what type Alfred would be....?
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hood-ex · 1 year
Dick and Jason are making up in my fic and this is what Damian sees:
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Outsiders #44
And this is what Tim sees:
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Nightwing 2021 Annual
Damian: They sound like they want to rip each other's throats out.
Tim: 🤨 They're literally talking about getting sushi later.
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damianbugs · 1 year
I loved your mer au fic!! what other scenes and characters are you planning on writing about?
thank you so much friend 🫶🏾 though mer may 2023 is coming to an end i am starting my mermaid!batfam fic series fashionably late.
i have a couple wips i'm working on at the moment, all with the other kids! the next fic is most likely going to be of dick losing his baby scales for the first time (and bruce freaking out about it) or bruce finding shark baby cass (and also freaking out about it).
i also had a daydream about baby mer damian being able to hide in really tiny places (like super tiny. inside conch shells kind of tiny) and bruce freaking out thinking he's lost the baby talia JUST introduced him to, so that will definitely be written someday.
if you couldn't tell, a common theme with the mermaid au is bruce being entirely unprepared for just about anything to do with the baby mers.
i don't want to make it into a long fic or anything, so my mermaid world building is all just dotted around within all the fics, but i made a thread on twitter before about all the species the batfam would be and what tails they would have in this au. i can post it here as well if anyone would like to visualise the au!
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yozzers · 5 months
Yozi life update im trying to get that RA position and had a very nice moment w my current RA and finished my application, and threw my shot for some internships....lord give me mercyyyy
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starwrighter · 1 year
A DpxDc prompt because I <3 all of you but am too shy to talk in the discord.
The Subnautica au I promised! (I might make two of them)
Okay, so Danny is around 14 or 15 in this. He is still a halfa but the portal has been temporarily closed for plot reasons. So the portal is closed and Danny has no clue what to do now. Due to the portal being closed Danny's grades have improved exponentially enough that he gets an work offer from Altera (ignore the child labor it's the Giw/Altera's shady business practices fault)
Danny is ecstatic because he's finally getting the opportunity to go to space! He knows if he waits the portal will be reopened and he'll never have a chance like this again so he takes it. In less than a month Danny has been trained and is shipped off to the Aurora. He's heading towards planet 4546b with very little information on the planet itself.
The crash happens and Danny doesn't use his powers to save the ship because something around the atmosphere was preventing full accessing his powers in full. Danny scrambles to the life pods and ends up being the only one in life pod five. The whole life pod scene happens with Danny being knocked out by the panel flying off the wall.
He wakes up with the life pod on fire and quickly uses what he can of his ice powers to put it out not realizing there's a fire extinguisher. Danny exits the life pod and realizes that a lot of people he talked to on the ship not even a day ago were probably dead. Judging by his inability to go ghost, he wouldn't be reuniting with them in the ghost zone any time soon.
He is devastated but goes about exploring and trying to find any other survivors. His hope of finding survivors near the crash zone dies when the ship explodes and starts leaking deadly radiation. Danny of course rushes to try and fix this. It's easier for him to get there because he can stay under water for an inhuman amount of time and has a built up immunity to radiation as a halfa.
Now to the DC part of this. Let's stick with only the batfam existing in this universe. The entire batfam are classified as leviathan's. All of them have two forms with one of said forms being semi humanoid mer like appearance. They are still pretty big in this form, think 7-8ft at the smallest (aka Damian) The other form is something I like to call
Big f-ken fish™
Which is full on terrifying reapers (we'll decide what each of the fam specifically look like later) and a lot of them are chilling in the crash zone when Danny is fixing the Aurora's reactor. Danny has not yet been spotted by the reapers.
Now they're already pissed off because a big arse ship just crashed into their planet and destroyed a great deal of it. They don't exactly know what a space ship is but they do know that the technology is advanced and the only thing remotely close on their planet is from the precursors who were a bunch of pricks.
Before the explosion the fam kept an eye on the weird creatures that crawled out of the metal eggs They watch them almost immediately start dying from predators or Kharaa. They were there when the ship exploded and started leaking radiation and killing the local wild life much to Damian's despair.
So the Fam are pretty pissed off at this point and are circling the ship. They immediately noticed when the ship stops leaking radiation and spot Danny swimming away from the reck quicker than any of the other ones that crawled out of the eggs.
Granted most of the other ones from the eggs immediately died and didn't have faces (the wet suits looked weird and Danny refuses to wear them no matter how much easier they would make things >:(
They start watching him because obviously there's something odd about this thing it looks kinda like a much smaller version of their smaller forms. Danny is getting pretty ticked off that his PDA keeps making false alarms of leviathan's. Duke, and tim are the ones monitoring Danny in the safe shallows. Jason and Dick in the crash zone. Barbra and Stephanie in the kelp forest. Cass and Bruce are patrolling the grassy plateaus.Damian is by himself at the quarantine gun/ sunbeam landing sight.
Danny sets up base near the quarantine gun™ because for some reason even though he's not infected he can't turn the damn thing off. So Damian is the only one currently capable of watching him. Damian has a theory that he 100% sure is correct. As a 1600 year old leviathan he's not a baby he's almost an adult and doesn't remember being a baby. This thing crawled out of an egg and is super tiny so it is obviously a baby and a very smart one at that. While it didn't have the claws, gills, tail, or scales they had it was super fast, could freeze things, had super strong hands despite looking dull and frail, it could take useless scraps and rocks and turn them into complex structures. It was obviously a new type of leviathan the ship carrying eggs. Danny was the smallest of the babies but he was also the strongest, and smartest; surviving long enough to have eyes and hair. This baby was young enough that he still needed to surface for air he needed to be protected.
Danny has no clue he's now being stalked by a group of reapers that decided he was their new baby brother/son
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 2 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Part 8
Hope you enjoy <3 comment and tell me what u liked about it :D it gives me liiiife
Of course, getting into the town would be the first issue. Considering how coldly the guards had treated him earlier, attempting to casually paddle into the settlement would probably end up in disaster.
Thankfully, he wasn’t trained by Batman for nothing.
Damian stalked along the seafloor, flattening his sail and trying his best to avoid looking flashy. He kept a close eye for any patrols or wandering farmers, but the field was empty except for crops. They had likely turned in for the day, which worked out just fine for him.
Floral smells blanketed the field in a deep haze. It was oddly familiar with how vegetables smelled on land: verdant and pastoral, comforting. If he wanted to, he could probably pluck the greens growing on the edge of the field and bring them back to Phantom.
But there was likely even better food in the town proper, and medical supplies, and weapons.
So Damian pushed on. He absentmindedly nibbled some produce on the way, replenishing the energy he had squandered in his attempts to hunt. The crops were tall enough to completely obscure his body even if he were upright.
By the time Damian had crossed the fields, it was fully night time, and the field was cast with pitch black darkness, the moon obscured by cloud cover. The only light came from tiny windows out of the Atlanteans’ homes. Excellent. The cover of night was the best time to perform illicit activities.
Damian watched as the guards from earlier exited what was likely their barracks, alongside other guards. The building stood about three stories tall, with reinforced mud and stone lining its outer walls. The men and women filed out of the of barracks, armour half-undone and spears loosely gripped, laughing amongst themselves.
“The sirens trade to make another play at us. Some scrappy kid demanding shit. Could you believe it?” The man from earlier said. A chorus of laughter erupted. Damian turned his nose up at them from the rooftop he was perched upon.
Good thing about being underwater is that you didn’t need any grappling hooks to get up onto tall places. The locals didn’t either, which is why Damian kept a finger on the pulse of his lateral line, letting it warn him if anything came near.
Damian mentally noted its location, and continued. Most of the night patrols seemed to focus on covering the outskirts of the town, while Damian was already inside and in little danger of being discovered. After another brief search along the rim, carefully flitting between shadow to shadow, Damian found the jackpot. The storehouse.
It was a small mound dug into the rock with two large wooden doors and a lock. His nose picked up the same scent heavy in the area as out in the field, meaning that was likely where they stored their food.
Damian sensed no other people in the area, so he went to work. Unsheathing his claws, Damian set to work on the lock. He’d never picked an Atlantean lock before, but he was trained by Batman, so it posed little threat to him. With a click, the lock came open, and he pushed the storehouse doors just enough for him to slip inside, before closing it behind him.
Immediately he was assaulted by fragrancies and delicate flavours from every direction. Off to one side piles of crops were stacked up in neat rows. On the other side, hooks suspended the carcasses of fish.
Suddenly, Damian was made very aware of his lack of pockets.
Right, time to reroute, then.
Damian’s spine tingled. He dashed to the top of the storehouse, just as the door swung open and a pale blue light shined in.
“Hello? Anyone in here?” The soldier asked. He was a different one from the pair he had encountered earlier. This one was a bit older, a bit deeper in the voice. His posture was surprisingly relaxed, given the circumstances.
Damian could practically trace his gaze moving upward. Blast. Humans usually neglected to consider the verticality of their environment, and he could not afford to be discovered.
Damian descended up on the man. He gave a brief yelp, before Damian brought the Anti-Creep Stick upon his head. In swift fashion, the Atlantean crumpled up on the floor, still.
Maybe there was such a use for a blunt weapon anyway.
Dragging the Atlantean and tying him up in the corner, Damian set about on his task. Checking for any other interlopers, he quietly snuck out of the storehouse. It took him no time at all to trace his steps (his fin-strokes?) back to the barracks.
Careful to stay to the shadows, Damian landed on top of the barracks. The windows were small enough that a regular Atlantean could not squeeze through, but Damian’s meagre size could. Through the window, he took a peek. The room was empty. It seemed like an office of some kind, full of cabinets and paperwork.
Stalking the perimeter of the building yielded similar results. Of course the armory would be a little more secure than out in the open next to a window. There were about two guards in the entire building, which was perfectly fine by him. He’d broken into much more guarded places.
Tucking his fins flat against his scales, Damian squeezed through the window into an unoccupied hallway. The doors on the far right and far left, he had already seen. There were three more doors in the middle.
Sniff sniff… No scent coming from the first door. His lateral line tingled briefly, but the signal was weak, so it was probably detecting the residents of the building on a different floor.
The door was unlocked, which only sank Damian’s already low opinion of these people, and revealed a storage room, full of cabinets, and more paperwork.
Rubbing his hands clean of the stench, Damian investigated the second and third doors. Still nothing. He’d forgotten how much he missed Oracle’s intel. When was the last time he’d gone into a building solely off his own info?
Damian wiggled out of the window he’d come in. Time to do this the hard way.
It had taken him an embarrassingly long time to find the armory. Atlantean floor planning conventions were completely different to anything he’d ever imagined. He had some close calls with the two guards, which was embarrassing because it was only because he was about ready to pull his hair out looking for the damn place.
Eventually, on the toop floor (because of course it was the top floor), Damian found his prize. In one room, medicine, painkillers, bandages and splints practically spilling out of shelves and drawers. In another, scores of swords, bows and arrows, spears, as well as more magical water-bearers lined the walls. More importantly, bags and satchels. Damian wasted no time slinging two bags over his back, carefully minding his sensitive sail, and one satchel around his waist, and helping himself to whatever supplies he could gather.
It was as Damian was securing the last of his loot that a shrill scream sent every fin on his body standing straight up like goosebumps.
“S-S-S-s-SIREEN!” A young man’s voice cried out. Damian whipped his head around to see one of the guards staring right at him, his body quivering in terror.
A piercing alarm rang out. Dammit.
Damian bared his teeth at the man. Almost immediately, the guard passed out. At least that’s one problem solved.
Squeezing out the windows was more difficult this encumbered, but Damian had to be quick, or else the heightened security would pin him down. He gave his surroundings a once over. Guards were beginning to pour into the entrance of the barracks, giving him a moment to pull the last of his ill-gotten gains through,
“Hey you, stop!” An Atlantean ordered from overhead. Damian charged the wrist ray and fired two shots at her. One hit her shoulder and knocked her back. With her line of sight broken, Damian dove for the shadows.
Ducking and weaving between buildings, Damian found the streets crawling with search parties. He was forced to turn different corners, squeeze into boxes, and jerk out of the way before search lights could fall upon him, all as soldiers shouted orders and call outs.
It was positively nerve-wracking. Finally, he returned to the food storehouse, now with two soldiers poking their heads in. That won’t do at all. There was no more time for stealth.
Damian rushed up to one of the guards, and bashed his head in. The other one cried out, and pulled out a conch shell, but Damian blasted it out of his hands before he could sound the alarm. The Atlantean thrust his spear with both hands, but Damian was much faster. The Anti-Creep Stick slammed into the man’s helmet. The helmet vibrated back and forth with a dizzying ring and the guard went down.
The small siren boy rushed into the storehouse and stuffed whatever he could find into his bags, and rushed out. Meat, vegetables, fruit, he cared not, for he had no time to.
Bright light briefly blinded him.. “There he is! Get him!” Five patrol guards. Too many. Time was up. The patrol guards alerted more with a conch shell. They held spears at the ready. “Surrender now and we won’t have to take this any further, siren!”
Hah! They underestimated his tenacity.
Damian’s tail, which had been carrying him for hours now, was so sore it felt like it was about to fall off, but adrenaline animated it with supernatural zeal. He fired the wrist ray at will. The guards were forced to scatter as Damian dashed for the bounds of the settlement. Spears shot out, one almost nicking him in the tailfin, but Damian learned from Phantom’s tactics and kept low, zig zagging to throw off their aim. Soldiers poured out of the streets, firing arrows and spears at the young boy. Soon Damian was outside the limits of town. He dove underneath the field of crops, hoping the lose the soldiers.
The guards scattered out above him. His lateral line went crazy, pinging every single soldier in close range and putting him on high alert.
“There, in the seagrass!”
A spear narrowly missed his sail.
Damian recalled Phantom’s tactics. He flipped himself and swam belly up. With a clear shot, he began to pelt the guards with continuous shots from the wrist ray. An arrow sailed right for him, but Damian saw it clearly. He knocked it away with a flick of his sword. Another guard cut him off in front. The man lunged for him with arms outstretched, but soon learnt how bad of an idea engaging him in stabbing range was.
Before long, Damian had exited the field, and was rapidly approaching the ravine. The guards came hot on his tail, but as Damian descended into the depths, the narrow passageways and foreboding darkness meant that he was alone.
All in a god day’s work for Robin.
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devine-fem · 1 month
with the arrival of mermay i just feel the need to say that damian, the one who deserves the whimsy of being a beautiful and lovesick fantasy creature, is the only correct choice for the mer half of the ship…
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mlim8 · 1 month
Tumblr media
Y'all don't understand how much I love Mermay lol
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butcherlarry · 2 months
Weekly Fic Recs 62
Work slowed down a bit so I was able to get in some more reading :) One of the fics on the list has some awesome art too, so be sure to to check that out.
Star Tied by Imagine_sleeping - Superbat, wip. An update to the fic where Krypton still exists and adult Kal-El is looking for his soul mate :)
Dick Grayson and the Lack of a Social Media Manager by soyasauce - Batfam, complete. This is part of the Bruce is - involuntarily, he may add - the president of Gotham series. Dick is interviewed on a talk show about Bruce and his marriage to the superhero Batman. Shenanigans ensue.
The Bat and the Bird by supermanstoddlerleash - Superbat, wip. Alien bird Kal-El crash lands in Gotham. Batman in on the case!
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9 - Superbat & Batfam, wip. More of mer Bruce! Tim wakes up after some recovery from his injuries!
(Love) Triangles Have Mulitple Centers by frozenpotions - Superbat, wip. The love polygon gets even MORE complicated after Batman makes out with reporter Clark Kent. It also sounds like there is a perfectly normal date with NO SHENANIGANS in the future with Bruce and Clark. I am REASONABLY EXCITED about this.
Playing The Park by Elegitre - Batfatm, wip. Not only am I a sucker for omegaverse fics, but I am even more of a sucker for SECRET OMEGA omegaverse fics. Tim hides omega dynamic from the batfam. Shenanigans ensue.
here in our bed by TheResurrectionist - Superbat, complete. A sequel to Slade/Bruce fic, here as I am, where Slade fucks Bruce to sleep. This fic takes place immediately after when Clark visits Bruce in the morning as Slade is leaving. JEALOUSLY (and sexy times!) ENSUE!!!!!!
Get Familiar With Me by JUBE514, SalParadiseLost - Batfam, complete. A magic AU, where the bat kids are witches and Bruce is the familiar who they channel their magic through. Well, almost all the kids are witches, except for Tim. This causes a bit of drama :) There is also some lovely art of this au from jube-art! I love their adorable ears :)
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy by supermanstoddlerleash - Superbat, complete. This was such a cute fic to read! Battinson is interviewed by Reeves!Clark and then go on a date. Literal black cat and golden retriever energy that I didn't know I needed in my life.
nightcall by TheResurrectionist - Batfam, complete. An outsider's POV fic! A GPPD officer has a recording of a potential witness to a crime, but no one knows the language they are speaking. The bats are called in to figure out the language.
Echolocation by Violet138 - Superbat, complete. A super cute fic! Clark figures out Bruce needs glasses. Bruce is grumpy about this. Eye puns are used :)
under the heat-struck lily pads by deitybird - Batfam, complete. For some reason, Damian and Tim are getting along. Dick is on the case to figure out why!
Why your brother is in a cage? by Speechless_since_1998 - Batfam, complete. A short fic where Damian comes to the batfam early. Tim is playing with Damian while Jason babysits. Shenanigans ensue.
Padam by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas) - Superbat, wip. More of the college AU! @halehathnofury. Hale. HALE! This is my FAVORITE chapter so far! Bless you.
Happy reading!
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Mermaid au where Danny gets thrown into another dimensions ocean and turned into a mer. Unbeknownst to him, the batfam meets a similar fate a month later and crash into the ocean. They have a much harder time adjusting to thier new bodies and have to make adjustments for the new watery environment. Meaning they had to ditch most of thier gear in a hidden location until they found a way to return to thier human forms (not that thier pants will ever be of use again lol)
They swim to the surface to talk and hopefully come up with a plan, which is difficult due to the new set of sharp teeth some of them had. It was obvious most of them were different types of mer. All of them had scales, fins and scaly arms from thier elbows to thier very sharp/ claws. Tim was all black with a dull and unnoticeable red tent to the tip of his claws and sharp edges to his fins. It didn't take a lot to prove he was poisonous.
Cass was very brightly colored to her surprise. Her tail was colored like a sunset and she looked the least threatening of the group and the most like a traditional mermaid.
Stephanie was overjoyed to be her favorite color! Her purple scales came in coordinated patches throughout her body, like a sort of armor. Her stomach, upper back, elbows and knuckles all had the thick hard scales decorating them. It was clear her species was made for combat.
Bruce and Damian looked largely the same with the difference being thier colors. They had claws like Tim, but no sharped fins or poison.
Dick looked the least like a mer out of all of them. His tail was long and thick, his fins were small but flexible which allowed him to be fast and limber in the water, doing loops and flips in a blur of blue and black. He was having an absolute ball.
Jason was the...shiniest of the group. His orange, red and gold scales glistened in any amount of light and attracted fish to them that would be immediately adopted by Damian. Jason quickly grew annoyed at all the fish coming to peck at his scales and started coating himself in mud...that would just fall off due to the smoothness of his scales. He was not having a great time.
Danny was lovely. He had long flowing fins like that of a beta fish sprouting all over his tail. His body looked like it was swathed in inky black silks at all times. This, combined with the scales on his arms ruching up to his mid biceps made him feel like a lady at one of those galas Sam hated so much. He felt pretty. His past experience flying through the sky with his ghostly tail was much appreciated now that he had to figure out this mess of scales and muscle.
His Phantom form was much the same, except he was entirely white and glowed like a star in the dark of the ocean, leaving him feeling (and looking) like a bride on thier wedding day. His friends could never find out about this or the teasing would never end.
Danny came into contact with this pod of mer a few days after they arrived. They were racing towards him while he was in his Phantom form, which wasn't unusual for fish, but mer? He had never made contact with any of the other mer unless one came up to him to flirt or try to kill him for being too close to thier territory.
Deciding to err on the side of caution, Danny kept turning invisible whenever he saw them coming his way. It wasn't too long before the batfam came up with a plan to sneak up on the other mer. They sent Tim, the most well defended and darkest colored of them to talk to him and maybe get some answers. Or at least directions.
Things went wrong almost immediately. Phantom flared his fins the moment Tim tapped his shoulder and caught him in the silky appendages. What no one realized was that his fins weren't made of cartilage or whatever, but were genuinely made of thin, strong muscle for capturing prey. Toxins filled Tim's body leaving his body to go slack in the others hold, and Danny was wounded by the razor edge of Tim's fins as Tim's own poison entered Dannys veins.
Everyone was panicking.
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