#part 1 of idk how many
too-much-tma-stuff · 11 months
Home for the First Time
It was early when there was a knock at the door of Wayne Manor, Bruce was still in his nightgown because even though it was nearly noon he’d been out late. He stayed back while Alfred opened the door, curious to see who it was and hoping he hadn’t forgotten he was supposed to meet with press or something today. But no, it was two children, nearly identical besides the fact one had blue eyes and the other green.
“Hello,” The blue eyed one greeted with a bright, charming smile, he had one arm out slightly, subtly shielding the green eyed boy who was hanging back a little, a serious look on his face and a stubborn set to his jaw. “My name is Danyal Al Ghul and this is my brother Damien. Perhaps Bruce remembers an ill advised dalliance with our mother Talia roughly 11 years ago? We are the result, and she says it’s time we meet our father and learn what we can from him.”
“Of course we’ll submit to a DNA test to prove our lineage,” The green eyes one, Damien, put in. Danial didn’t look at the boy as he nodded along.
Behind Alfred Bruce choked on his coffee and started to cough. Alfred was unflappable as always and simply nodded once. “I see, why don’t you two come through into the sitting room? The paternity test shouldn’t take long using our equipment, we’ll just need a bit of your hair,” Alfred said as he stood back and usured the kids in. Bruce deciding now would be a good time to disappear and compose himself before he had to meet these unexpected children.
Danyal was nervous and excited as they sat in the drawing room, cradling mugs of tea neither of them had drunk. Damien was probably suspicious of an attempted poisoning, but Danyal was just nervous! Not that he showed it, his hands didn’t shake and an impassive little smile stayed on his face as he observed every inch of the room. That was the difference between him and Dami really, Damien had been raised the heir to the Demon Head, Danny to the Bat and Wayne industries. They had gone through the same physical training of course but they had different behaviours ingrained in them.
Damien had been taught to repress all emotion and not show it at all where as Danny had been taught how to mimic them. Hide his true emotion and show the appropriate ones. A ‘press smile’ as they say, to charm and manipulate and give just the right half answers that truly gave nothing away. He excelled in science and technology which would be perfect for running Wayne Enterprises, so it mattered less that his reading skills flagged behind Dami’s a bit, or that he had been the weaker combatant.
Had been, until he had been struck by lightening and then revived by Lazarus. It had been a disappointment, but thankfully not something he could have been faulted for, an act of god to punish their grandfather for his avoidance of death and because even the gods feared who they would become. He remembered the strike, the unimaginable pain of it, and the aftermath as he lay on the ground, his heart stuttering and thumping to hard, then not, then fluttering, then not, then nothing as he had passed out.
He did not remember being dropped in the pit, but he did remember waking up within it. It burned through his veins, seeping in to the hand that had been struck holding his weapon, racing up along the fractals of energy, collecting the currents that still had him twitching uncontrollably and curling together into a hard ball in his chest. A wash of cold spread over him from his new centre, soothing the burn of the acrid, acidic pit. It made drifting there… comfortable.
He knew it shouldn’t have been, he had seen multiple people break the surface, gasping and screaming and clawing their way to shore, but it wasn’t for him. Then again Ra’s bathed in the pool, so maybe this was alright? It made him wonder about the people who never surfaced again, did they choose to stay because this was how it felt to them too? Drifting listlessly in comfortable… What? What was this feeling. Danny had turned and dove deeper into the pit, seeking answers as he always did, even when it wasn’t wise.
He didn’t know how long he swam before he could see the edges, the pool narrowing closer and closer till he could barely make it through, and then he found an exit. It was small, a porthole into a void of stars and doors. It was unlike anything he’d seen and he realised immediately it was calling to him, that was why he had dove. It wanted him to enter, it called it was where he belonged, it terrified him. When something far to large drifted by his little vantage point he fled back towards the surface, the life he knew, and the broken family he still loved.
He was a bit surprised to find that Damien and mother were still there but grandfather had already left. That was fair really, Danny didn’t know how long he had been down there, but his brother and mother are still there. It seemed Damien was being allowed a rare moment of weakness, on his knees by the edge of the pond, staring blankly into the water with their mother crouching next to him, rubbing his back though Damien’s eyes were still dry. They were… grieving him.
He burst through the surface of the glowing pool, gasping for air he scrambled up onto the bank, coughing up the disgusting liquid clogging his lungs. His ears were ringing and his sight narrowing to a green blur, completely unaware of what was going on around him until two hands, one the size of his own, and one larger land on his body. The smaller set held back his hair while larger rubbed his back, slowly sound returned and he heard his mother’s soft cooing and Damien’s panicked breath.
He gasped for breath and looked up at the two of them, the green retreating from his vision as he blinked rapidly. “Damien? Mother?” He had gasped seeing the relief overtake both of their faces that Lazarus hadn’t stolen his mind.
It hadn’t, in fact he was just as sharp as ever and had found that since then no one could detect him when he wanted to remain unseen, no door could stop him or keep him out. He was what any assassin dreamed to be, but it had also come with new awareness since he had been overhearing things no one would usually let him hear. He had heard the conversations Grandfather had with mother going back and forth about which of them should go to their father, since it was always meant to be Danyal but now with his new abilities he was clearly chosen by Lazarus so maybe he should be the true heir.
Danny known Grandfather was manipulative for as long as he could remember, not like Damien, who still had faith in the league and their grandfather. Damien was smart, and talented, he was suspicious enough for both of their physical safety, but he had a much harder time realizing when they were being manipulated, or when they were being used. That was alright, Danny could make up for this weakness as Damien had done for his unwillingness to kill. It had taken him a while of carefully planted seeds in both Grandfather’s ear and Mother’s to bring them around to the idea of both of them going to father.
Danyal didn’t know if father would be any better, but he would probably be easier to escape from then the league and maybe with some distance he would gain the courage to point out to Damien how it was wrong.
That was how life found them both sitting on their fathers couch, Danny’s tea long since having grown cold. He surfaced from his thoughts, seeing his eyes shimmering unnatural green in the reflection within the cup, as it usually did when he thought about his death.
He blinked it away in time to look up and see Bruce entering the room, he put his smile back on and stood, Damien following suit and looking sullen. They had agreed Danny would take the lead, but Damien still didn’t like it. “You must be Bruce, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Danyal said offering his hand to shake. Bruce blinked looking a little startled and shook his hand, Danny did his bast to give a good, firm handshake, hopefully his hands were too cold. “Mother always speaks highly of you, and even Grandfather admits there’s much we can learn from you,” He said, stepping back to let Damien shake Bruce’s hand as well.
“And anyone who can impress grandfather must be half a god,” Danny joked causing Damien to hiss and elbow his side as he usually did when he though Danny was speaking out of turn. Danny made a little oof sound and then gave Bruce a conspiratorial look, pleased to see he had made the stoic man crack a smile.
“It’s good to meet both of you as well, I’m sorry I didn’t know about either of you until today. The paternity test confirmed that you are my sons, Alfred is already setting up rooms for you next to each other in the family wing. In the mean time how would you feel about meeting a couple of your siblings? I believe Tim, Cass, and Stephanie are home at the moment? You’ve had a long trip, if you’d rather wait till tomorrow then I understand.”
“We’d love to meet them,” Danyal said, a little louder then usual to cover his brothers scoff. Damien scowled at Danyal who scowled back just as fiercely and tried to step on Damien’s foot, he knew the other boy would move out of the way before he could but it would make his point not to be disrespectful! It was clearer then clear that their father didn’t care much for blood given how much he loved all his adoptive children no matter what Grandfather thought. If Bruce wanted a biological heir he could have easily have gotten one, their blood might give them a slight advantage but they would have to prove their merits. But of course Damien believed everything Grandfather said still.
Damien dodged and then kicked back, Danyal rolling his eyes and dodging as well. Before a full fight could break out they both heard Bruce chuckle at them, Danyal gave the man a sheepish smile and while Damien blushed and looked down at the floor sulkily. “Alright, well then follow me. I’ll call Dick as well, I’m sure that when he finds out he has two new brothers to meet he’ll come running, I’m sure he’ll be here for dinner as well.”
“We’ve heard a lot about him too,” Danyal said with an impassive smile, they had to know about those who might be their competition after all. Danyal knew a bit more then Damien but they both knew what they needed to, like strengths and weaknesses. Danyal wondered if he was going to have to come to their adopted siblings defences, he fully expected Damien would try to assassinate them, whether or not it was actually wise to do so.
“Alright, then lets go see Tim first, he’s playing video games in his room. Steph and Cass are in the studio together,” Bruce said as he ushered Danny and Damien out of the sitting room and up a set of back stairs into the family wing of the manner. Danny and Damien following, having a silent argument of signs and dodgable blows about how exactly they should be handling this. What finally ended the argument was Danny flashing fang, his eyes glowing green and baring his teeth at Damien. Both to remind Damien of his true strength and to show how important this was to him, which made Damien relent for now he wasn’t sure.
Either way they had sorted it out by the time Bruce opened the door. “Tim, how do you feel about two new brothers?” Bruce said almost sheepishly and Tim groaned, pausing his game and spinning around in his chair.
“Damn Bruce where did you find these two?” He asked giving his adopted father a tired glare.
“On his doorstep,” Danny said promptly.
“We’re his biological sons,” Damien said at almost the same time, then glared at Danny who shrugged, both were true.
“Damn really?” Tim asked as he finally got up, examining both of them.
“We already did the paternity test,” Damien said with what Danny would call an unwarranted amount of pride.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Danyal. You can call me Danny if you want,” Danny said, stepping forward and offering Tim a handshake and his best smile. Tim blinked and shook his hand. “I’ve never played a video game, they didn’t allow such frivolities in the compound. They look like fun though, perhaps you could teach me?”
“Uh sure, sounds fun. What about you? You want to learn other little bro?” Tim asked looking to Damien.
“Why would I want to learn a skill with no practical use,” Damien scoffed. “My name is Damien, and I do not approve of nicknames,” He said, giving Danny a haughty look as he shook Tim’s hand. Danny just rolled his eyes.
“Whatever you say little D,” Tim scoffed. Damien gave an indignant squawk and before he could go for a weapon Danny grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and yanked him back.
“Okay that’s enough of that,” Bruce said, grabbing a knife Danny had missed Damien drawing and twisting it out of Damien’s grip as Danny got his brother in a headlock.
“Sorry about him, the League of Shadows doesn’t care much for social graces, I barely escaped being just as feral as him,” Danny joked before letting out an oof as Damien elbowed him in the side and escaped his hold.
“Eh it’s not the first time a brother has tried to kill me. I can look after myself,” Tim said, which was clearly a warning to Damien judging by the look. Danny knew that Tim could, but also knew he was still underestimating them, and he hoped that wouldn’t bite him before he figured it out. “Let me know if you change your mind, I’m sure you two have a lot of catching up to do with tech and media, I’ll be happy to be your guide.”
“Tt,” Damien scoffed and stomped out of the room.
“Well I’m looking forward to learning about all of that, I think it’ll be fun! Ignore him, he’ll come around. Just, uhh, watch him, That won’t be the last time he tries to stab you. If anything it’s a bonding activity for him,” Danny joked as lightly as he could before hurrying after his twin, Bruce on his heels.
Part 2: here
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Hobie Brown x Fem!Reader
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You never were able to sleep all that well, knowing that your best friend was out all night fighting crime, and out all day staging unpermitted political actions, and concerts with his band. Hobie Brown did entirely too much.
He makes it a point to check in every so often so that you know he hasn’t forgotten about you. His only non-band member friend and the only one in his universe that knew about his big secret. Hobie Brown was Spider-Punk, and it was a full-time, penniless gig.
Shortly after you had become friends, you learned about his identity on accident. You were glad you did though, because it explained a lot about his prolonged absences. When he officially became homeless because he didn’t have an actual job, you offered up your place until he could get back on his feet.
That was a few months ago. Now he happily has his own flat, but spends just as much time at your own flat, if not more than his own.
So when he hasn’t stopped by or called in a week, you were worried. You know that he got called to Spider Society HQ to deal with some anomaly threat, but that was a week ago. Normally he’d be back by now, or would call you mid-fight just to check in.
You’re in your cotton shorts and an oversized tshirt while you watch a scary movie in the living room before heading off to bed. You likely won’t sleep well anyway, so you’re not overly concerned about potential nightmares.
While jump-scares are a cheap way to get a reaction out of the audience, they get you every time. So when the music peaks and the demon suddenly appears on screen AND you hear a violently loud, very real noise right outside of your bedroom window, your heart jumps into your throat and you swear you can feel your soul leave your body.
Pausing the movie (there’s no way you’re gonna continue watching that tonight) you creep towards your bedroom. Slowly opening the door, you see a figure opening up your window very slowly and shakily stepping into your bedroom. You flick on the light and you immediately calm down.
“Hobie, you nearly gave me a heart attack! Where have you been!”
Hobie pulls his mask off and looks at you, and you immediately notice that his eyes seem unfocused.
“Sorry bout th’t love.”
He takes a step forward and promptly crumples to the ground.
You’re only frozen in shock for about 30 seconds, but it feels like ages. You rush forward and drop to your knees, attempting to scan him for injury.
“Hobie?? Oh my god what happened to you??”
Hobie groans and mutters something unintelligible. You immediately get to removing his leather vest and that’s when you see the blood seeping through his spidey suit. You suck in a sharp breath.
“Hobie, I’m gonna have to remove this so I can fix it okay? I know you don’t like hospitals so I’m going to stop the bleeding and see if I can fix this.”
You’re amazed that you don’t panic, as you carefully lift Hobie’s shoulders up towards you so you can peel the top half of his suit down until it hangs around his waist. Carefully leaning him back into a flat position on the floor you gulp. It’s a lot of blood. You’re hesitant to leave him but you have to grab the first aid kit and some towels from the bathroom. You run there and back and immediately press the towel to the gaping wound that stretches from his brusing ribs to his lower side of his stomach.
The minute you apply pressure his eyes fly open with a gasp and he tries to sit up.
“Hobie, Hobie stop” he looks panicked and disoriented. “It’s just me, love.” You adopt the nickname that he calls you hoping it’ll snap him back to reality.
It has the desired effect, and he winces as he slowly lays back down.
“That bloody hurts y’know th’t?”
“I know,” you look down at the towel which is thoroughly soaked through and replace it with the next one. “I can’t get the bleeding to stop,” your voice pitches up towards the end of the sentence showing how worried you are. “And I’m certain this needs stitches.”
Hobie peers at you, pain still clouding his vision. He manages to lift a hand and place it over yours. “No.. hmph, no hospitals.”
You sigh. What seems like hours (it was really only twenty minutes) you finally staunch the blood and prep for the stitches.
“This’ll be a bit painful innit.” Hobie phrased it like a question, but really it was a statement. You brushed the sweat from his forehead.
“It will. I’ll try to be as gentle as possible.”
You chew your bottom lip as you begin the sutures. Obviously you want to get it done as fast as possible, but it also has to be done right. With every pull you can feel Hobie tense up as he tries not to flinch.
His breathing is ragged so you try to distract him by getting him to talk.
“You know, I was worried when I hadn’t heard from you for a couple days. I know you don’t believe in consistency but I had a feeling something was wrong when you never checked in… how did this happen??”
Hobie squeezes his eyes shut as you pull the needle until this portion of the stitch is taut.
“Just the usual ‘azards that come wit being spidey,” he grits out.
You scoff. “Hobart Brown, in the last two years that I’ve known you, you’ve never even come home with a scratch.”
“We’ve had a bit of a multiverse crisis.. s’why I been gone for so long”
You hum in contemplation as you make your way through the last few stitches.
“What happened?”
You tie off the thread and disinfect the area again, as Hobie tells you all about Miles Morales and Miguel and The Spot.
“So these canon events happen to everyone?”
Hobie averts his eyes. “What of it?”
It seems like a touchy subject, so you decide to leave it alone. Just because your friends, doesn’t mean you’re entitled to know every little detail about him, just like he doesn’t know every little detail about you.
You help Hobie up off the floor, and lead him to your bed. His arm immediately crosses his middle holding his aching ribs. Hobie starts to protest, saying he’ll just head back to his flat.
“Hobie, please lay down. I want you here so I can make sure you don’t rip your stitches, and you’re not swinging to your place.”
“Aye I’ll do it, but not b’cause you told me to.”
Once he lays flat on his back you go change into some not blood soaked clothes. You decide to toss all bloody paraphernalia in the dumpster outside, so you slip on your sneakers. Not five minutes later, you’re perched on the edge of your bed.
“Miles seems like a good kid,” you say absentmindedly.
“‘e is, jus’ wanted to fit in wit the likes of us.”
You grab his hand. “I’m proud of you.”
He raises a pierced eyebrow at you. “For wha’?”
“Helping Miles try to stop this.” You rub your thumb across the back of his hand, the shock of finding Hobie the way you did starting to wear off, and a deep sense of unaddressed dread starting to set in.
Hobie shakes his head. “He betta stop ‘is event, or I got all a these stitches for nothin.”
Your thumb stops moving and you squeeze his hand.
“What does that mean?”
Hobie’s silence is VERY loud.
Finally the puzzle pieces start to click into place.
“Nothin’ love, I jus-“
“Hobart Brown, is this ridiculously deep laceration from Miguel O’Hara?”
Hobie winces at the deadly (deceiving) calm in your voice.
“Uh it’s possible-“
“I’m going to kill him myself.”
As if a higher power was listening to you, Hobie’s watch activated requesting he return to HQ.
“Love it’s prob’bly a trap-“
Too late. You reach across for his other wrist and slap the button that opens the portal. One minute you’re in your apartment, and the next you’re on your first interdimensional travel field trip, with Hobie right beside you.
Crossed Masterlist
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starfoundnight · 1 year
Yakuza boss!sukuna x chubby reader
This is my first post so please don't be too harsh about my writing. I am just doing this for fun and I can't promise the grammer will be perfect. I hope you enjoy what you read :)
Summary: you own a small cat cafe in such a bad area of town. The building was cheap so that is why you brought it. You installed sound proof to block out the noises. Sukuna heard about this tiny calm cat cafe and thought he should have a look at it, since he runs this part of town.
You heard the bell ring letting you know that someone came into the building. "Hello! Welcome to the cat cafe!" You look up to see a tall man taking off his coat and putting it on the hanger. He walks upto the counter and stares into your eyes, he looks a bit...disgusted? You look down at the counter and wipe your uniform to try and distract you.
"Aren't you gonna ask for my order?" His low voice sends shivers down your spine by your surprise. You look back upto him "I'm sorry for not asking sir, excuse me. Would you like to drink anything?" You push a small drink menu towards him on the counter "This is all you have?" You nod your head "yes sir, it's a bi-" "I'll have a black coffee then." You get a bit irritated "im sorry sir but you shouldn't interrupt a person talking. If you continue such a bad behavior I will have to ask you to leave." He looks into your eyes with a bit of anger and you look straight back standing your ground.
"A black coffee please." He repeats himself "that's much better! would you like to buy a sweet?" He looks at all the sweets "which ever one is your favorite, ill get it" you smile cheerfully "okay sir just sit down and please enjoy the cats company!" He walks away and sits down on the fluffy rug waiting for cats to approach him.
"Here is your black coffee and the sweet is for free!" You hand him his drink and a chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream and melted chocolate ontop with whip cream and a small cup of hot chocolate with a small cat foam art on it "if you can finish the sweet dessert that is" you hear him scoff a bit but then you see no cats have approached him "would you like me to help you with the cats coming closer?" You say a bit sheep-ish noticing his intimidating stare.
"Call me sukuna, not sir."
"Oh ok! Well then you can call me y/n!nice to know who you are sukuna!" You say cheerfully feeling a lot of weight come off your shoulders. "I love... black cats y/n" you look upto him seeing that he was staring at one of the black cats. "I'll go grab a black kitten for you" you walk away to the back and come back with a black kitten in your arms.
"Okay, be gentle with her sukuna she's just a week old..." you can see the scars on his hands as he holds it out but you also notice that his hands are really big as well. "I promise to be gentle with her" you gently put the kitten in his hands "would you like to name her?" He looks upto you a bit surprised "well I haven't came up with a name for her yet and she seems to love you more than she loves me" "I'll name her...uhmmm...blackie" you laugh at the name he gave the kitten and you couldn't stop laughing for a few minutes "I love the name!"
A few hours pass by and notice it's time to close the Cafe "This has been such a fun day with you today sukuna but it's time for me to close the Cafe down and let the cats sleep with their kittens, oh, here's my number!" You write your number on his hand and give him a tight hug good bye while the cats walked around his leg to say good bye too. He hands you a envelope "open it when you close the Cafe okay?" You nod to his request and thank him for the day together and hope to see eachother soon.
Sorry it's short but I hope you enjoyed! I will carry this own but right now I'm just so tired and I wanna post this to just read later.
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thesecondplacename · 1 year
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Title: The boy with the bread.
Summary: Peeta’s picked for the games.
Warings: Ang —--------------------------------------- Living in District 12 is the dream, no, really constantly being malnourished and worrying about being picked for the Hunger Games, it's a dream come true.
For all the sarcasm I spit out there is one thing that makes everything bearable, Peeta he’s the kindest man I know. Both of us have had a secret relationship for about a year, but it started long before I took the leap of faith and confessed my feelings to him. I make paints, not well but well enough that he trades a loaf of bread for half a dozen every 2 weeks. This exchange brought us close, and we got to know each other.
We both had a vision planned for our life. To get married when we aged out of the reaping, I was becoming more successful in District 12 making a steady income that helped feed my family and still have leftovers, scraps really but leftovers non the less. I was on good terms with his father and could hold a conversation with his mother, but Peeta, he was adored by my family. They absolutely loved him. We had a plan and only had to luck out a few more times and we were safe, or at least that's what we hoped would happen.
It doesn't matter how much you want something, how much you pray for something, sometimes you don't get what you want. I remember how my heart stopped when Peeta’s name was called, how I wanted to take his place but that look in his eyes stopped me, my entire life was overturned with just a single word. I was barely able to recognize that someone had volunteered, but when the district raised their hands in defiance I followed.
I was after his mother, she gave me a pitying look, and I knew that we hadn’t kept our relationship as good a secret as we originally thought. I walked into the room where he was standing, and almost burst into tears.
“Peeta,” I couldn’t think of anything to say, how could I give him reassurance that he would live when so many from our home didn't. “I love you, I love you so much. Please try to live, try to come home to me, please I can't do this without you.” I was crying.
He threw his arms around me and held me in a tight embrace. “You can, you can do anything you put your mind to, close your eyes when they show my death, you don't deserve to see me like that.” His voice was thick, he was trying so hard to say everything without breaking. “I love (Y/N). I love you, I’ll try, I promise.” We held each other trying to say everything before we were separated.
“Peeta, when you come home let’s get married, ok?” his blue eyes were staring at me so intensely. “Ok, let's get married after-” The peacekeepers came in before he finished.
We were separated.
Note: This was originally only going to be a two-part story, but there is only a certain number of words a post can have so apologies in advance for the people who don’t like that, I’ll be sure to link all the Fics together so it's more seamless to read. To restate this story will have multiple parts.
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gomujeokkoji · 6 months
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╭──────────.★..─╮ from my personal save folder! ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ downloaded from various platforms (tumblr, pinterest, google)
part 1 of ongoing... (1/???) ╰─..★.──────────╯
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puddleslimewrites · 1 year
Coffee Shop (Part 1)
Part 2 (Civilian) / Part 3 (Villain) / Part 4 (Superhero / Part 5 (Vigilante)
Hero eyed the newcomer when the bell above the door announced their arrival. They only looked for long enough to note their appearance before turning back to their coffee. Their latte wasn't hot anymore, but they brought it to their lips to take a sip regardless. They let their eyes roam around the room, taking in the faces around them.
"Hi, what can I get for you?" The barista's cheery voice filtered in through the noise of other patrons drinking and chatting around them. They'd chosen a table by one of the large floor to ceiling windows. Hero wasn't used to this type of atmosphere. For a place supposedly full of villains, the shop was rather pleasant. Peaceful and calming, like a summer breeze.
Idly, Hero watched the barista turn their back to the customer to make their order. Their gaze flickered over the stranger's face before returning to the worker. They didn't recognize them - not from the files or personal encounters. They weren't a hero, nor a notable villain. A civilian then, perhaps.
There was only one worker today, but they'd been assured that this was normal and that the single staff member was 'perfectly capable' of 'managing affairs' on their own.
Hero's eyes landed on the name tag pinned to the barista's shirt when they turned around again. 'Civilian' certainly didn't look like a fighter, but Hero knew better than anyone that looks were deceiving. They tapped a pen to their notepad. They didn't have much written, hyper aware of the open environment they were in.
"Will that be all?" The worker had a pleasant smile, Hero noted as they took another sip of their lukewarm coffee. The signature customer service smile really did make them seem so unassuming.
When a 'neutral zone' for supers had been set up right in the middle of the city, it had obviously drawn attention. It wasn't official by any means and of course the heroes were skeptical of this announcement. The shop was frequented by both villains and civilians, though it was speculated that any civilians who dared go in were simply villains in disguise. Since its opening and the owner's declaration the shop stood untouched, as if no one had ever dared challenge the ludicrous claim.
And of course there had been those who dared. And yet, no matter how destructive the attacks, the little shop remained standing. Any disputes between patrons with powers were handled with minimal violence, though discourse seemed rare despite the nature of those who frequent it.
After sitting here for over an hour, Hero thought that perhaps that intel wasn't as incorrect as their agency believed. It was hard to get worked up in such a calming environment. The music was light and unobtrusive and the smell of coffee and pastries made it hard not to relax.
Everyone who went in used it for what it was - a coffee shop. An unusual, indestructible one, but a coffee shop nonetheless.
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crushsblogstories · 11 months
Camping trip - Part 1
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None of these are my characters!
I came up with the plot.
Suggestive themes?!
Potential small inaccuracy! Though the exact date s'mores were invented is unknown, the first formal recipe is recorded in the 1927 book. Anne with an E takes place in the early 19th century so they might’ve had or might not have had s’mores, but there is still a chance they did.
Pronouns! Not specified
||Wordbank:|| Knickers - Shorts || Trousers - Pants||
Current: PART 1 [] PART 2
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It was nearing the middle of spring, as such the weather was warmer. Still the nights felt cold.
Your POV
I wake up to the warmth of the sun kissing my face through the window. I yawn as I stretch, sitting upright in bed. I do my morning routine, washing my face, brushing my hair and deciding what to wear for the day. It takes me nearly 20 minutes to choose as I don’t know what is appropriate for today. See, Ms. Stacy announced to the class about a week ago that we’d be going on a camping trip. Most of the girls groaned and sulked, but Anne and I were ecstatic much like the boys. Anne was excited because, in her words, ‘It will be a great opportunity to learn new things, see new horizons, and oh so many more wonderful things!’ Having been camping with my father before, I can not disagree, but opposed to Anne’s, my excitement was for the memories and the views. Out in the wilderness you can witness so many views you are restricted from in large towns and even small communities like Avonlea. And the memories you make can last for a lifetime. One time whilst camping, I fell into the river trying to grab a shiny rock I found. My dad tried to help but he fell in with me!
Laughing at the memory, I finally decided on a shorter-style dress, stopping a bit higher than the knee so as not to restrict me too much, along with knickers underneath just in case I want, or need to climb. I pack two more dresses along with knickers to match their dress accordingly — pajamas, a tent, some blankets and pillows, cream for bugs, another cream for poison ivy, and an extra set of clothes never hurt anyone right? After checking over everything I look up at the alarm clock on my bedside table, of which I now realize I forgot to set, seeing I have… WHAT? 30 minutes before school starts!? It’s a 20 minute walk, though I meet Ruby half-way and she walks slower than me, making it 30. 
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I quickly zip my suitcase, running out my bedroom door, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. My father is washing the dishes whilst my mother sips her tea with a large pregnant belly. “Y/N? I thought you left for school with your sisters. Hurry up you’ll be late” My mother starts, “Don’t you have a trip today? There’s toast on the table, hurry up and go.” My father finishes. “Yeah, we’re going camping and will stay out there for two days I believe” I say while I butter my toast, questioning myself on the ‘two’ of which showed in my tone. “Alright I’m off, love you! See you soon!” I yell whilst running out the door. I run as fast as I can in this stupid dress down the path, suitcase in hand, toast in mouth, regretting not grabbing an egg as well.
I’m almost to where I meet up with Ruby as I see her walking just where the paths meet, “Ruby!” I attempt to yell, though the toast in my mouth muffles it. I believe she heard me as she turned to look in my direction, “Y/N! My.. You look out of breath.” She says, adding a small laugh at the end. “I am.” I reply, taking the toast out of my mouth and beginning to walk with her. As we make our way to school we talk about fun and meaningless things, and I finish my toast. We arrive about five minutes before school starts, giving us time to talk to our other friends.
Entering the class with Ruby, I see everyone chatting amongst themselves. Me and Ruby walk over to the girls who are crowding up a desk, and greet them with “hello’s” and smiles, getting them in return. 
“So is everyone excited about the trip? I know I am.” I say smiling, when Tillie pipes up. “Well, I’m not so sure.. I hate even the thought of camping! All those bugs, all that dirt…” She trails off when a sudden, “EW!” burst from all the girls but me and Anne. After a short silence, we all start laughing and when we die down, Josey begins to speak. “As much as I hate the thought as well,” she shuffles in her seat to get more comfortable and clears her throat before continuing, “I plan to fall in the river in front of Billy so he helps me out and we have a-” she pauses, cutting herself off to create suspense, “moment!” She squeals out the word as she finishes her sentence. “Awww’s” and more squeals can be heard following the statement, though I stay quiet. I see no point. “What about you Y/N?” Says Diane, her along with everyone else, turning their attention to me. “Huh? What do you mean?” I reply, hoping she’s not asking what I think she is.. 
“Are you going to do something to get Gilbert’s attention?” Explains ruby, emphasizing Gilbert’s name. “If I want his attention I won’t get it by tripping over my own two feet. I’ll get it another way, like simply calling him over, or tapping him on the shoulder. I’m no damsel in distress and I do not need saving. Nor do I feel the need to pretend as if I do for attention.” I pause, turning my head to look at Josie, “No offense” I add, feeling as though it seemed harshly directed at her, though I was simply stating my opinion on the topic. “None taken.” Josie replies, relieving me a bit. 
See, me and Gilbert have been dating since we were 14, so a year now. He is an amazingly kind person, and doesn’t judge people harshly like that Billy Andrews. Gilbert’s also very chivalrous. Not in the sense that he puts his jacket over a puddle I can clearly walk around or even walk through if I feel like it. He understands I can do things for myself. He’s chivalrous in the sense that he goes out of his way to make me happy, or in his words ‘see my face light up’ and ‘see that beautiful smile’. I also must admit he is significantly good with words. ……… OK OK! He’s a smooth talker and I like it.. Happy?!
Snapping out of my self-induced argument, I see the girls are in separate conversations in groups of two or three. I join myself in a conversation with Tillie and Ruby when the boys come up to us, sitting at other desks or simply standing around. Gilbert is sat across from me, and Billy is stood next to him. Our conversations stop as we look at the boys in front and around us, then Billy begins to speak. “Are you guys scared of going camping? I get it. There are such big bugs and maybe you’ll have to touch a– a– a– fish!” He says in a teasing tone. “Oh be quiet Billy!” Diana speaks, though Billy turns his attention to Anne. Ignoring Diana’s statement, Billy begins speaking once more. “Oh but red-head here isn’t scared” Billy carries on the teasing tone leaning closer on the table. “Isn’t that right red-head? Or should I say, boy.” Now fully leaning on the table, Billy smirks as he sees he’s gotten to Anne. “I am not a boy.” Anne says looking straight at him, fists clenched in her lap.
“Are you sure? Cause you-” Billy starts, only to be cut off by me, “That’s enough!” I say standing up from my spot to emphasize the statement I am about to make, perhaps to dramatically but oh well. “I see no problem in being excited about going camping. I am excited about this expedition as well and I definitely know you are too because it was all you could talk about last Friday! Shall I pester you about it too?” There was a silent pause as I finished my enraged statement. He always picked on Anne the most. She’s told me how it makes her feel helpless as no matter how much she retaliates he continues the pestering. How she feels like just giving up at this point. So, I stand up for Anne when she won’t for herself. I get it, it can be hard after so long with the feeling of getting nowhere.
Out of the corner of my eye I spot Gilbert with a slight smile on his face whilst he looked at me. Billy looks down as all eyes shift from me, to him. “I’m… sorry…” Billy says, shocking everyone. I regain my composure quickly and speak once more, “Are you saying that to me or Anne?” I ask, keeping a firm tone. Billy raises his head slowly and looks at me for a second before turning his attention to Anne, “I’m. Sorry… Anne…” Billy says once again. Anne, still shocked, says “I-it’s… a-alright?” It came across as more of a question as she was still confused by what had just transpired. Not too many minutes later Ms. Stacy enters, coming from outside. “The carriages are here, you may pick who you ride with. Get your belongings and head outside” Ms. Stacy states. 
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(I know running with toast in the main characters mouth being late for school is an overused clishé, but it's pretty mch the only portable-breakfast they eat consistantly back then without needing a container)
Thank you for reading! Feedback is much appreciated though you are not obligated!
Requests are open here!
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1970sgothfreak · 1 year
Their unofficial daughter
It was a normal day in London, Layla and Marc were relaxing in their front room of the apartment, until they heard a crash outside of their door not knowing they were about to meet someone who would change their life.
No one’s pov:
The couple quickly sit up off their couch, looking at each other wondering what that crash sound was, Marc walked up to the front door and he could hear someone muttering curses under their breath.
“Ah…shit…stupid boxes and stupid apartment…and stupid heels”
It sounded like…a teenager?. Marc would look back at Layla confused and a little annoyed that someone had hopefully unintentionally ruined their day off, he opens the door but freezes seeing a teenage picking up boxes and putting the back on-top of each other while mumbling aggressively.
“AHHH” the teenager would turn around smacking another box onto the floor and groans annoyed
“Damn it…I’m sorry did I disturb you both..?”
“Yea you kinda did…”
“Shit I’m so sorry, this tiny ass hallway is not helping especially when the movers aren’t helping you”
Marc would notice her 1970s curly blow air hair, it was kinda wild and free and then noticed her very 1970s style of fashion minus the fact she had a few chains on the belt she wore.
She would move her hair out of her face showing a few old and faded scars on the side of her face, some looked like they were from knifes others…were hard to pinpoint what exactly caused them.
Layla pushes past Marc and smiles at the girl, holding her hand out for the girl to shake after placing the fallen box back onto the pile of other boxes.
“You must be the new neighbour I heard about! I’m Layla and this is my Husband Marc”
He would give one of those awkward waves and the girl would shake Layla’s hand and smile a little embarrassed especially because of the scene she caused.
“Hahah yea…that’s me, you two must be my Neighbours once again sorry about the noise…those stupid fucking movers….” She would look annoyed but would take a deep breath and calm down.
“I’m Rosemary, it’s nice to meet you both”
And that…was the start of the new adventure for Marc and Layla.
A/n: WOO FIRST PART IDC IF ITS SHORT now allow me to give some backstory of Rosemary.
She was raised by her Alcoholic mother who would spend her welfare check on booze or male prostitutes, her mother has countless charges for alcohol related crimes but rosemary always bailed out because of her job at a bakery, her dad isn’t in the picture he bailed when finding out her mom was pregnant and she hasn’t seen him since. She raised herself and decided to move out at 16 after a massive argument with her mother and her toxic boyfriend.
She knows archery and was on the streets for a while, mainly getting money by pickpocketing people and also getting into fights with gangs which is why she has the scars, she has trouble opening up about her past and has major trust issues along with some psychological trauma due to her mother constantly betraying her for never being the best and being the reason her dad left
She had a shit home life, raising herself and never having a proper childhood or knowing what it’s like to be an actual child so yea… Give me ideas for this pls :D
Oh also I’m deciding on wether she should be the Avatar of Seth or Horus
( also kinda tempted to give her a bf or at least create a love story for her)
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fckedupgarfield · 1 year
Bob Velseb X Reader: “I’m obsessed with you~”
Ok, this is part one of a smut project I’m making because yeah. Yippee <333
Your feet thumped against the ground as you ran through the woods, huffing deeply and swinging your arms aggressively. Ducking under stray branches and leaning trees, you dove down while trying to stay clear of hitting them. You groan softly, before basically launching yourself forward to get away. He was close, but you don’t know where he is…he was watching you…and you couldn’t see him. You halt in place, panting quickly as you scan the area in a paranoid manner. There was silence, no noise was made even by insects. If a pin were to be dropped, it would echo through out the entire forest. You spin in place slowly, looking at all angles of the area and listening closely…Then you slowly step back gently, making sure to be as quiet as possible. Suddenly, a large crack is heard from your left and you spin in that direction like a deer hearing a 100 ton truck coming at them on a highway (I’M SORRY, BRO I HAD TO.) You try to whip around to run but as you step down, you’re suddenly lifted up by your ankle and you find yourself hanging there. You yell out in surprise and began to work on the rope that keeps you strung up. While struggling and spinning in place, you heard footsteps slowly getting closer and closer ominously and you look around while scared gasps exiting your throat. Then you get spun from behind harshly, revealing the man who’s been chasing you through the woods.
Bob, your boss from Boys n’ Grills, ended up being the very thing you’d fear. You and him weren’t that close, you two would always check up on each other, making sure you both were ok…but that’s really it. You two didn’t really hang out much and he was mostly quiet whenever you spoke to him. And you couldn’t lie to yourself but you did like him a bit. Like, you mean his voice was very attractive, he looked good for an almost middle aged man, and you did like how shy and nervous he seemed to be around you. But right now, as you stare into his eyes while being hung upside down, you couldn’t see that shy, awkward man anymore. You could only see, what looked like…obsession? Naw, now that can’t be right?? Why doesn’t he look mad? Or evil? Or even malice? It’s just only love and admiration??
He held your face gently with one hand as you struggled with your ankle. You pause and stare back at him with a look of confusion as he speaks softly and carefully. “I’m so sorry this had to happen hun…but…you wouldn’t stop running away.” Your eyes widen and you wiggle, attempting to attack him using your arms but he quickly steps away, watching you intently with curiosity. He roughly grabs your face and you stop moving out of fear. He stared with dead, cold eyes with a terrifying smile and he analyzed you from head to toe, almost glaring. He spoke in a quiet, slow manner which sounded like he was trying to stay calm. “Stay. Still. If you do, I’ll let you down and I won’t hurt ya. Got it?” You stare at him with wide eyes, but you slowly nod while humming out an answer that no one could understand due to your mouth being covered. He hummed contentedly, happy with how your behaving.
He released your face and slowly walked behind you, heading to where the rope was tied down. You couldn’t see him and you tried to spin around, but to no avail. You hear a cutting sound then suddenly, you crash onto the ground, knocking the wind out of you. You groan and sit up, rubbing your back before you quickly stand and try to book it…you think North? It didn’t matter, you had to leave. You hear him let out a groan of frustration as you weave between trees and leaves. You saw the opening of the forest and you nearly cry tears of joy…but that was short lived. Thundering footsteps soon followed you and you look over your shoulder to see him right behind you with a deep frown, then you slammed against the ground as he tackles you. He basically squashes you as you clawed and cried out towards the opening, begging that someone, anyone would hear you but since it was late at night…you were stuck here with him. He rolled you over into your back and you try to hit him anywhere but he grabbed your shoulders, lifting you then shoving you back down harshly as he growled out. “Stay quiet! I told you to sit still, but you didn’t listen… Now I have ta tie ya up now.”
You begin to shout out but he shoved a cloth into your mouth as he rolled you onto your stomach again, tiring you up as if you were a weak animal. He ties your wrist tightly, making you cry out in pain as you feel the rope burn and dig into your skin. Then he moved onto your ankles, tying them just as tight, but your pants allowed them to not hurt as much. He stood up and you didn’t feel him near you until he hours you up over his shoulder and he walked off. As he kept walking, you tried wiggling and struggling but each time you did, he would just readjust you and grip you tighter. You soon just fell limp, feeling defeated and tired from running, screaming, and fighting. After you two “walked” for a while, Bob began to speak. “You know…I’ve been dreaming of this. You and me, being this close. It feels…you feel…intoxicating.~” You groaned and lied your head against his back, wanting to fall asleep but you couldn’t. You refused too. He felt you rest your head and he chuckled lowly and darkly, clear amusement in it. After blinking heavily for a few moments, you finally fell asleep without realizing it, falling completely silent.
Ok sooo, this is part one. We love that. I’ll make part two uhhhhh whenever I do. Also if something’s misspelled, no it’s not-. Peace out ✌️
Edit: Idk if I’m gonna continue it because like, I’ve been feeling really depressed and stressed out with life. So, maybe expect something else other than a part two to come out if I continue to write. Bye bye <3
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xx-sleepybunny-xx · 1 year
Peter Parker/Spider-Man x reader Avengers Infinity War
Thanos disappeared through a portal after Dr. Strange gave him the time stone and we all look around at each other you turned and glared at Peter Quill
“Great job star-lord,” you said sarcastically “you just ruined everything!”
“Hey! I did not ruin everything!”
“Yes you did! Why couldn’t you just wait another five fucking seconds we almost had the damn glove off!”
“He killed my girlfriend!” Quill yelled
“Oh yeah? Well a lot more people are gonna die now because of you!” You screamed at him absolutely furious.  Peter Parker came up to you and grabbed you by the shoulders pulling you away from Quill before you could luge at him.
 “Hey Y/n you need to calm down ok? If you don’t you might lose control of your powers.”
You sighed “Alright thanks Peter.”
Peter smiled at you “I love you Y/n.”
You wrapped your arms around Peter and buried your face in his neck “I love you too Peter.” You murmured
*magical time skip to after Thanos snapped his fingers*
“Mr. Stark,” Peter said “I don’t feel so good.”
You whipped around to face Peter your eyes widening in fear. Peter stumbled and Tony caught him “I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go.”
“Hey it’s alright I got you.” Tony said laying Peter down.
You ran over to Peter and Tony your eyes slowly filled with tears as you knelt down next to Peter. “No Peter please no.”
Peter turned to look at you “I’m sorry.” He murmured before he turned to dust. 
You jumped up and backed away shaking your head in disbelief “No.” you murmured “no no no no no!” You yelled
“Y/n stay calm.” You faced Tony furiously “DON’T TELL ME TO STAY CALM!” You screamed “Peter you is gone and you’re telling me to STAY CALM!?”
“Y/n.” You ignored Tony and simply screamed letting out all the emotions that you held inside you as a wave of your F/C magical power rushed out of your body across the whole planet. 
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“Y/n…” Tony began as you sank down to your knees your body shaking with sobs.
“Y/n it’ll be okay...” Tony said hesitantly, once you had stopped crying.
You slowly rose to your feet still staring at the ground then you raised your head and stared straight at Tony an empty look in your eyes. “Y/n wha-“
you cut him off “I’m going to kill Thanos, and I’m going to do it in the most brutal way possible. Let him see how it feels to be ripped apart.”
With that you turned and walked away using your powers to disappear.
*hey guys here's another fic I made way back in 2020 (it’s absolute shit ik but I wrote it awhile ago and I’m to lazy to edit it) I hope you liked it (even tho it’s terrible) Bye for now author out*
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pyonyonmomo · 2 years
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May fate bring us together again
Part 1
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➻ Synopsis: A couple lived in the middle of a bustling village 2000 years ago. They own a clothing store and have been dubbed a sweet couple by the villagers despite their differences in personalities. Their lives were tragically cut short one day, and the couple died together.
Timeskip , Two people cross paths 2000 years later and feel as if they know each other. That their meeting was not by chance, but due to Fate.
[ Shu Itsuki x Gender Neutral Reader ]
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One vast village has such a busy afternoon. Adults were working, children were playing, and despite the hot weather that had descended on the village, no one seemed to mind
As another customer enters the clothing store, the doorbell jingles. The costumer gaze in awe as they are stunned by the beautiful suits and dresses on display for the public to see whenever they enter the small store. "Ma'am, what can I do for you?" you inquired of the customer who had just entered; " Oh ! I remember you. You did order a dress to be made for you weeks ago, correct? ", Remembering the costumer's appearance, you recall them placing a costum order for a dress made entirely for some time ago.
"Why Yes ! I'm here to pick it up. I’m invited to this grand party , and wearing something formal yet fashionable is a must! “. After they've told you their name and given you the receipt, you go to the back of the front desk and look for a bagged dress that matches the description on the receipt. Unfortunately, you appear to be having difficulty finding the dress. With so many orders coming in and out, your mind goes blank whenever you have to recall the more detailed information you have discussed with the client about the dress prior to its creation. Having so many dresses in similar colors doesn't help either; it just confuses you.
" You're the store owner's partner, right?" ", you replied with a ‘yes’ without looking at them; focusing your attention on finding the costumer's dress. " So it is true ! I've been curious about your love story with your dear partner. Is it true he confessed his love to you at the village's mountain peak, quite the romantic spot if I say so myself ~” queried the customer, who was quite loud. It wasn't the first time you'd been asked about your love life. Ever since the public became aware of your and your partner's relationship, they have been eager to learn the full story. From the way he confessed to how long you'd known each other.
They were simply taken aback to learn that the eccentric fashion designer had finally found love, and that it was you. To be honest, the repetitive questions were bothering you a lot; day after day, a person or two would ask the same question; "so how did you two meet? ” , “ where did he actually confess ?” , “ how much do you love him ?” . You know better, so whenever they ask questions like those, you tell them it's a “long story” and try to escape them
The lady costumer today was asking the same question as to those who had asked before , and just as you were about to reason with them to how that question couldn’t be answered; someone from behind you grabs the dress wrapped in clothing wrap
“ The dress has been completed! Small bows and puffs add personality to the Paisley yellow fabric, and the sleeves are finished with a sewn piece of light fabric. When the owner moves, it gains a lot of mass. Giving it a gentle feeling”. Shu Itsuki, the owner of the clothing store and your beloved partner, gently places the packed dress on the counter. "Your order has been completed, thous you no longer have any business with us". Given Shu's intimidating demeanor, the costumer pays up front, without bothering to request a change, and leaves with their dress. You laugh at how quickly the customer left when Shu appeared. "You didn't have to scare them away like that, dear? ", slightly playing with shu, you take the payment left behind by the customer and place it in a box containing all assets from the clothing store.
“ Tsk !” , He places his hand on the edge of his brow, looking agitated. "Those ordinary folks should know when to mind their own business. Our relationship is none of their concern, Non !! who do they think they are? Asking all about it , especially in our precious clothing store. No respect !", you can tell he was irked by how many people were curious about your and Shu's relationship. It's a pain, but you're relieved that it didn't have a significant impact on your clothing store's sales too much
You held his hand, hoping to calm him down. "Fussing about it won't get us anywhere; we're still swamped with orders to fulfill." Your touch in his hand did the trick, and he gives you a small and bitter smile. With no time to waste, he summons his assistant, " Kagehira! Get my sewing machine ready! ”. Mika Kagehira , A young man with mid-length tousled black hair and two different colored eyes peers his head at the end of the staff room, “ on the way teach !!”. Mika, the assistant, went to the supply room. He tilts his head toward the almost empty cabinets for fabric, expecting to see it there. With so many orders coming in and having to assist Shu with his work, he overlooked to notify him that there was little to no fabric left to be used. “ hehe, Oshi-saaan!-”
Shu sighs visibly after Mika tells him that they don't have any more fabric and that he forgot to inform him sooner. He was quite strict about such things; not having fabric, especially when they were swamped with orders, was unacceptable. So he had decided to order more fabric from a material shop he trusts after giving him a few lectures. Mika will look after the store and Mademoiselle.
" I'll join you!" you said as Shu wore his glamorous hat. He had intended to leave you behind with Mika to keep an eye on the store, but who is he to turn down your offer to assist him? You both get to spend quality time and work together! a win-win situation.
“ then let’s be off. The sooner we come back , the sooner we can work on the orders “. Your face lights up with delight as he welcomes you to join him in acquiring additional materials. You dash to get your umbrella in order to shield yourself from the blinding sunlight, and you both quickly exit the store.
During the walk, there were definitely people giving you and Shu looks and whispers. You'd be lying if you said you didn't mind being talked about because of a stupid Rumor. However, in your case, you and Shu's special relationship isn't just a rumor. When you look at Shu to see his reaction towards the glances and whispers, you see him wear his usual confident and stoic expression. He wasn't bothered by the stares because, as an eccentric labeled by the public , he was used to people staring or even talking about him. But it was quite nerve-racking for him to deal with it right away, you chuckle. He gives you a puzzled look, but dismisses it as he begins enlightening the walk with his plans for the ordered dresses and suits.
When the two of you arrive at the sewing material store, you join him in ordering the color, size, and texture of fabric he had planned to order ahead of time. You carry a few items, some of which are light weight fabric and white thread. Shu looks around as you both approach the silk fabric station, glancing at each fabric as if he was already planning how he would use its soft and shiny fabric for his wonderful creations. "wisteria colored silk fabric, on the top left. One roll of it," he told the store employee. The worker instructs Shu to wait for them at their spot as they are going to retrieve the fabric from another room, leaving him and you after they have finished talking. You wondered why shu would order a wisteria colored silk fabric, given that there were no orders indicating the fabric color was wisteria. " What’s the fabric for? " you finally asked, casting a curious glance at Shu, who was still looking around the room filled with various colors of silk fabric.
He lets out a short chuckle and says, without looking at you, that he wants to create something with it. "Art has no boundaries, and I'm ecstatic to see how my creation turns out," he said. You didn't understand what shu said, and you wished Mika was here to translate what he had just rambled about
After a few moments of waiting the worker returned to Shu with one roll of the silk fabric he had requested. He finishes their fabric shopping and pays, satisfied with the quality. There was no way you could both carry the amount of fabric you had just purchased back to the store in one go. So you both only carried the ones that are frequently used, while the rest would be delivered to your store the next day.
When you and Shu return to the store, Mika greets you with a welcoming smile. He assists you in transporting all of the items you both purchased to the supply room. Shu returns to his workstation to continue working, and while he was distracted, you went to Mika to inquire about something.
“ ehh? Wisteria colored silk fabric ?”. He seemed to know something about the fabric you had asked about based on his reaction. Wisteria was a color you adored, so why would shu suddenly request it when it wasn't required at the time? Unless..“ ohhh! Someone of noble rank approached Oshi-San earlier and asked him to make some fancy clothes. He most likely didn't tell you because it was requested of him only recently~~”.
“then how come you know about it ?” , you sigh as you thought of it no longer. It wasn't uncommon for people to approach Shu personally to place in an order, so you didn't dwell on your curiosity anymore. Instead, you began to work on a crochet part of the sleeves, creating detailed floral patterns that matched the theme of the dress a costumer had ordered.
Shu sighs in relief behind the wall where you were working. In his mind, he was slightly praising Mika for covering up the secret surprise he had arranged.
“So even though all my creations are flawless, yours would be the most exemplary one I've ever made” ,
He smiles slightly, feeling the wisteria silk fabric on his table, before opening his sketchbook and continuing to illustrate his next masterpiece
⤀ ⤀ ⤀ ⤀ ⤀ ⤀ ⤀ ⤀ ⤀ ⤀ ⤀ ⤀ ⤀ ⤀ ⤀ ⤀ ⤀
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eddieswh0r · 2 years
It takes one, to know one.
Eddie Munson FanFic.
Summary: your whole world takes a turn when you realise he’s not the freak everyone makes out.
Warnings: Swearing, Violence, Drug use.
Word count: don’t ask 😅
This is part 1 of.. 🤷🏻‍♀️
P L E A S E PLEASE leave feedback and if you want the next part.
I hope you all e n j o y 😭🫶🏼
You smirked laughing at Jason’s remark to the absolute freak who was stood on the table across the cafeteria. Wavy brown hair, stood there with his fingers beside his head imitating the devil. Eddie fucking Munson. You hated him, with every ounce of your being, couldn’t stand the sight of the freak. What 19 year old plays Dungeons and Dragons AND if you had to hear Ozzy fucking Osbourne blast from his shitty clapped out van again you swear you’d combust in a rage and those stupid rings he wore, those stupid fucking oversized ridiculous rings.
“Y/n, COME ON!!” You snapped out of your scowling gaze at the metal head freak who had by now absolutely scared to death a fellow class mate and resumed his seat at the table. “Y/n, will you hurry up please? Chrissy has practise and you’ll be late for class” you gathered your things and followed Jason and Chrissy.
Chrissy was your best friend, you did absolutely everything together but she’d started spending more time with Jason recently but that was ok as the three of you did everything together, it wasn’t weird though being a third wheel. You loved Jason to bits and he was your hero, you looked upto him a hell of a lot. This only bought you closer together and your bond was unbreakable.
Seeing as he is your brother, after all.
“Y/N. you HAVE too. I can’t afford to be thrown off the basketball team, and Chrissy? Chrissy is smashing all classes and can’t be dropped off cheerleading”
“Jason.. please, he gives me the creeps! I can’t, I won’t. I hate him, he makes me wanna vom.”
“Look, please? Y/n for your bro? I promised the guys for the party you don’t wanna let them down do you?!”
You’d do anything, anything at all for your brother but this? This was gonna push you. You hated the idea of even being in the same school as Eddie fucking Munson, the freak, But going to get drugs from him for a party? It was a big ask, but you couldn’t let your brother down. You wouldn’t.
The cool autumn breeze moved some yellow tinged leaves along the floor of the woods where Jason told you to specifically be at 2:30pm. You left early, an hour before you had to be there, just to prepare yourself for meeting this freak.
“1:45pm, Hm. 45 minutes till IT turns up.” You mumbled under your breath. You looked around to make certain there was nobody nearby, you slipped your headphones on to your ears and hit play.
The music blasted through your headphones, your foot tapping and head bopping. You closed your eyes and listened. You HATED the fact you absolutely loved this music because it was what he liked. That freak. It made you feel sick but you loved it and it was SO good. The music took over you, you led down on the bench, tapping your feet still, doing a little air guitar here and there while your eyes are scrunched shut.
Unbeknownst to you, leaves are crunching under white reeboks. Eddie was early, he just wanted his pre sale joint in peace but no such luck.
“Hey? Hello…?”
You didn’t respond, your music turned up full whack, you were too wrapped up in now Ozzy, which you claimed you hated but in fact absolutely loved! Eddie walked over towards you and could hear the faint beat, with a confused look on his face he bent down beside you and stretched his neck over to hear.
“Well shit.. Ozzy” Eddie muttered with a smirk appearing on his face, you blasted another little air guitar, eyes still closed not knowing what was going on. You sniffed up
“what IS that, what is that smell?!?”
Your eyes shot open and you scrambled to your feet.
“MUNSON. I.. wha..” did he hear it? He must have done, he was pretty fucking close. Eddie stood there, smirk on his stupid face and a joint to his lips.
“Ozzy eh?” He grinned.
“Why are you even here so early? Half 2 it was said.”
“Hey man, I could ask the same” he said raising his hands. “I shouted but Ozzy was priority.” A slight chuckle left his lips.
Just looking at him made your blood boil, his stupid laugh and stupid hair around his face. It made you sick. You slammed your purse on the table.
“Are we doing this or what? I don’t want to be here a moment longer with you.” Your eyebrows furrowed into a scowl.
“You think you’re better than me huh?” Eddie mocked, placing his metal lunchbox down on the bench.
“I don’t think I am, I KNOW I am.”
“The only reason they keep you around Carver, is because you’re a loser. Like me. You have nothing to lose.” Eddie taunted as he was now stood face to face with you. “They use you.”
You could feel your throat beginning to get scratchy, he’d hit a nerve. Your blood boiled and your whole being exploded.
Your face was burning, the rage Inside you was too much to bare. Eddie nods in response to your outburst and leans in close to you, cm away from your face.
“Sorry what music do you listen to in secret? It takes one to know one, You’re a freak.” He smirked, massively.
Your words cut short, you froze still. What the fuck is happening.
Eddie held his cheek and you pushed him back.
you were in utter disbelief. Eddie planted his lips on yours, just out the blue, you didn’t know how to feel. Weirdly you didn’t feel sick or freaked out, you glared at him. Eddie was still holding his cheek, it was a fair smack you gave him.
“That shut you up, didn’t it Carver? I tell you what, you can fucking talk for the whole of Hawkins” he raised his hands, dramatically waving them around showing his pink burning cheek.
“I- you- I-“ you stumbled over your words, a low burning feeling in your stomach. It felt good, you didn’t want to admit it, man his lips were soft. You looked at his cheek and back at him. Eddie was still rambling on, you looked at him and I mean really looked. He had the softest eyes, you’d never noticed before.
“Carver, i really shut you up huh?” He smirked. “Fuck me man, you can talk. I thought we were here to do a deal? I mean like, im sorry but Jesus h chr-.”
You cut him off. Your hand twisted in the top of his T-shirt and lips on his. You wanted to make certain that it did feel good and you weren’t just longing for touch, any kind of touch, from anybody. But no, it did. It felt good, better than even. You liked it, his lips on yours, it was new, you still hated him but by god it was electric. Eddie really leant into the kiss, he was stood over you and as he put his hand on your waist you pushed him backwards letting out a breath.
“Where’s the stuff?” Breathing heavy, you looked at Eddie who had the most confusing look on his face, he signalled over to his metal box. You took it upon yourself to walk over and open it taking 2 small bags.
“These?” You called over while Eddie just stared at you. “Is it these 2 fucking bags or not?!” Slightly irritated in his no response, he managed to give you a slight nod this time, you grabbed your purse from next to the box and threw the cash into it and just walked off and kept walking, replaying over and over what had just happened. Was that real? Did that just happen?
. . .
Music was pumping throughout the house and garden, everyone was having such a good time. “CALL ME, ON THE LINE. CALL ME CALL ME ANYTIME” you and Chrissy jumped facing towards each other singing the song and laughing so loud. Jason was playing beer pong with his fellow basketball players and they’d already delved into the 2 small bags you’d got off Eddie for them. Eddie. Eddie fucking Munson. He’d been on your mind since what happened yesterday. You’d not seen him since but seeing as it was a Saturday and you’re not in school, why would your paths ever cross?
“Man, that was the BEST EVER CAMPAIGN. Eddie sure knows how to catch us off guard.”
You spun round on your heel at the mention of his name. What? Surely he’s not here? He wasn’t invited, he’d never be invited. But to your secret anguish, he wasn’t there. Dustin, Steve and Lucas. Of course, Lucas invited his friends. Steve was invited anyway, he was so cool and you’d always liked him, Jason didn’t care dustin was here, he wasn’t like the freak.
. . .
Outside was much cooler than the sweaty mess and wave of bodies that were crammed inside. You stumbled your way to the very back of the garden and propped yourself up on the bench, head between legs. “Fuck.. I’m gon-.”
You retched and retched, throwing up everything you’d drank. Your hair gathered behind your head out of your pale face and a hand rubbed your back.
“Ugh.. Chrissy thankyou. I don’t know why I’m so bad”
“I mean I’d look FINEE as a girl but you did drink way too much”
Your head span round so fast your neck could have literally snapped. “Eddie..” you said with almost a whisper as you wiped the corner of your mouth.
“What? Ho-. WHY ARE YOU HERE!!”
“Ive been here like 2 hours maybe? Your brother and his friends pretty much ran out and LOW AND BEHOLD THE FREAK WAS SUMMONED” Eddie stretched his arms above his head and practically shouted across the garden but nobody paid him attention.
“Go home EDDIE, no ONE wants..” *hiccup* “..wants YOU here!!” You stood up wobbling and almost falling to the side but Eddie caught you.
“Woah, woahhh. Looks like someone needs bed huh? You’re waaaay too drunk Carver. The fuck have you had to make you this bad” Eddie put his arm round your waist and yours round his.
“MUNSON I swear if you don’t let go of me I will SCREAM SO F-FUCKING LOUD”
“Go for it baby, you’re going to bed.”
Eddie threw you over his shoulder and carried you inside, not a single person turned their head to look as you glanced round, they were all too drunk to care. Jason was more or less dry humping Chrissy against the kitchen side, Dustin was well being Dustin, he was looking through the shelves and Steve was busy trying to flirt but with no avail. Your eyes heavy as Eddie carried you upstairs, he pushed your door open with his foot.
. . .
Led under your covers, your eyes closed. Tiredness took over and you fell into a deep sleep. Eddie point blank refused to leave, he was sat on the floor next to you making sure you didn’t throw up in your sleep, his hand on your forehead.
“Shit, you’re hard work Carver” he muttered under his breath as his eyes slowly closed. At this point you were both soundly asleep as Eddies hand slipped gently from your forehead onto your shoulder.
. . .
The sun peaked in through the gap in the drawn curtains, soft snores came from both you and Eddie who were still soundly sleeping. While sleeping your hand linked with his, fingers intertwined.
“Y/NNN.. will you GET UP!!!”
The call of your name from Jason didn’t wake you, nor Eddie and with a crash of your door opening Jason stood in the door way taking in what he could see before him, your hand linked with the freak, the freak that is Eddie Munson. Every part of Jason’s body boiled with anger.
“WELL WELL WELL. WHAT THE FUCK DO WE HAVE HERE THEN” your eyes opened slowly not knowing what was going on nor even having a clue your fingers linked with Eddies but before you could even process anything a hand was dragged from yours and you suddenly sat bolt upright seeing Eddie being pulled up by the scruff of his top by Jason.
“You wanna fuck around with MY sister freak? Huh? You wanna do things to her against her will? Wait till I tell everyone what you’ve done to her, you’re gonna fucking pay for this”
“Hey man, I d-did nothing, I was making sure she was okay! I- I didn’t.. I was just..”
And with that Eddie let out a loud grunt as Jason’s fist connected with Eddies stomach then his face, punch after punch. Eddies lip instantly burst, he was doubled over taking hit after hit. He looked at you, bleeding mouth, soft but scared eyes. You did nothing, nothing at all.
“Y/n.. please, t-tell him, it’s not li-like that”
“Shut the FUCK up, FREAK. She won’t help you, not after what you did to her, you were seen you know, carrying her upstairs against her will.”
You looked at Eddies face pulling your cover under your chin, you couldn’t do anything, you couldn’t speak. He needed your help, he needed you to tell the truth but you didn’t. You let him take beating after beating. Jason dragged him out your room and down the stairs and finally throwing him out the front door. Eddie led there, helpless.
“If I ever see your face again, FREAK. Just know you won’t like what happens.” And with a swift few kicks to Eddies ribs, Jason slammed the door.
. . .
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I don’t know if y’all want part 2😭🫶🏼
Part 2 ⬇️⬇️
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faofinn · 9 months
The Past Coming Back With The Light In The Morning
Part 1 | ???
You guys wanted it, here it is! This is part 1, so things might look a bit familiar, but there's plenty more to come :)
Winter, the worst time of year. Or, at least, Harrison thought it was. Deals were so much more difficult, stakeout so much harder when you could see your breath and not feel your feet. Cold season had well and truly got its claws in, and they'd found a firm hold on Harrison.
He wasn't going to let it stop him, but the fuzzy head and persistent cough and sniffle made him wary. The last time he'd pulled out of his job, the rest of Fred’s men had been quick to tease and taunt him, and he wasn’t in the mood for a repeat.
When the page went off in the middle of the night, he grumbled. It was just his fucking luck. Despite his protests, he still made it, turning up at the depot fuming.
The evening passed in somewhat of a blur, the fuzzy tinge to his thoughts only settling further. He knew he ought to just go home, but he couldn't let his small team down. He wasn't sure where the rain of bullets came from, but he saw Chris fall, felt the heat as they whizzed past them.
Harrison shouted down the radio, opening fire in return as he dragged Chris out of the way. He was more stunned than anything, a graze to his thigh and shoulder. The man Harrison had only ever known as Romeo finished the attackers off, rushing to their side as the alley silenced once more.
Reinforcements were quick to swarm them, the van swerving between warehouses to pick them up. They were quick to jump in the back, the five of them quickly taking stock and checking each other over.
Harrison quickly braced himself against the side as they started moving, the sudden movement sending a lance of pain through his abdomen. He groaned, unfortunately all too aware of the pain. His vest had a nick out of it, and he could tell by the budding bruises growing under it. The pain was worse than just that, and he couldn't quite believe it as his fingers came back red.
The bullet had missed the vest, only by a fraction, but that was all it needed to make its mark. He swore quietly, pulling on the velcro. The vest was stuck to his top, and his top to his skin, sticky red seeping through the fabric.
It took him a moment to catch up, and to realise he was being gently convinced to sit down. Their hands were gentle, though they shook. He rested his head against the side of the van, his vision starting to fade. He groaned, shaking his head as if to clear it, his brow furrowing.
"Fuck." He breathed, breaking off into heaving coughs. "This is bullshit."
"Hars, what do we do?"
He managed to glare at them. "Are you fucking wit' me?"
"There's just - it's a bit - it's just - "
"Fuck off with that." Harrison didn't have time for his crap. "One of you call…call Fao."
He barely managed the sentence, each word slurring into the next. He pitched forward as the van swerved, but he made no attempt to save himself. There was a dull thud as his body fell against the floor, his eyes rolled and unresponsive.
"What's going on back there?" The driver called gruffly.
"Harrison’s down."
"What happened?"
"I don't know!" His voice whined, his age showing through his panic.
"Call a medic alert, get the kit out and treat the fucker."
When Fao’s phone rang in the middle of the night, he startled awake, fumbling for it in the dark. He’d been out for dinner that night, definitely wasn’t sober, but the adrenaline was already doing a pretty good job of fixing that. They didn’t give him much information over the phone, just that they’d got a GSW and their rough location, in code so they’d be safe if anyone else happened to be listening. They were too far out to get back to the basement, and Fao would need to meet them halfway to treat.
He woke Ely, gave her a quick update, and pulled on some clothes, the first thing he found on the floor, his shirt and trousers from the evening. He didn’t have time to go looking for anything else, and bolted out of the house. There was kit in his car, and he knew there was kit in the van. He wasn’t sure what he’d need, but between both he’d probably have everything he needed. He sped through the streets to the meet location he’d been given, ditched his car somewhere safe, and scrambled into the van.
“What am I doing? Talk to me.” He asked breathlessly.
Harrison had become combative as he deteriorated, struggling between conscious and not. It scared the men, and they'd all taken a step back, too uncomfortable to help.
Fao was a welcome sight, his reputation preceding him.
"Uh, Harrison got shot. He won't let us near him, so we haven't."
Fao’s heart sank. Of course it was Harrison. “Oh, good. Just him bleed out all over the van, then.” He snapped, quickly throwing his hair up into a bun. “I need proper light, one of you sort that.” His voice was cold, commanding, rolling his sleeves up and quickly looking Harrison over. It wasn’t hard to see where the blood was coming from, and he shifted his weight to brace himself as he grabbed gauze and put as much pressure on it as he dared. “You. Come here, take over the pressure.”
“I, uh, I…”
“Shut up, I don’t want to hear it. Cover my hands with yours and hold the pressure until I say otherwise. Unless you want to start an IV? No? Didn’t think so.” He snapped, as the other man took over. He wiped his bloody hands off on his shirt, and shifted over slightly to Harrison’s arm, eyes looking critically for a vein as he rifled through the kit.
The pain somehow got worse. Harrison wasn't sure how, but it did. He cried out through gritted teeth, trying to arch away. It took a moment to coordinate, but he started swinging, trying to get away.
Fao ducked out of the way, catching Harrison’s fist and gently forcing his arm back down. “Harrison? It’s okay, you’re okay. It’s Fao, I’ve got you. Try and relax, you’re safe now. I’m helping, alright? Let me help.”
"He's going to hit me!"
“He’s half unconscious, try harder to dodge him.” Fao shot back. “I’m working as fast as I can.” He gritted his teeth as he tried desperately to get a vein, struggling with poor light and Harrison’s struggling. He got one eventually, shouting triumphantly. It wasn’t enough, and he wanted more access, but he could at least get some pain relief in, hopefully settle him.
Harrison twisted as Fao shouted, whining as he tried to get away. His chest heaved as he struggled to get his breath, the feeling he was drowning all too much.
“Sorry, sorry.” Fao soothed. “You’re okay, I’ve got you. It’s gonna be okay, Hars. Just focus on doing that breathing, let me to do the rest. Giving you something for the pain, now, gonna make it easier.” He told him, quickly checking the drug before he gave it.
His shouts died down into cries, quiet whimpering softly to himself. The pain had started to ease slightly, making it easier to focus. It made breathing more difficult, though, and he couldn't stop the panic coursing through him.
“You’re okay, that’s it. Well done, keep breathing for me.”
He turned his head, looking towards Fao's voice. "Help."
“I’m helping, I promise.”
"It hurts." He managed, finally managing to focus on him.
“I know, I know. I’ve given you some painkillers, they’ll work soon.”
"'m dying."
“No you’re not. Just focus on your breathing for me, let me sort the rest.”
"I am."
“That’s it, good.” Fao reassured. There was so much blood, and he was really struggling to properly control it. The van went over a bump and jolted, and Fao tried to brace himself on his knees. “Fucking hell.”
Harrison whined, trying to pull away from the pain. It was everywhere, though, and there was nothing he could do.
“Well done, that’s it.” He soothed. “I’ve got you.” He stretched for his kit, rifling through to try and find what he needed. He needed a trained someone, anyone who he could trust. Not Harrison’s little team.
Frustrated and tired, he started fighting against the other man. He got a solid elbow in their ribs, the relief of pressure against his side just bliss.
“I know, I know.” Fao murmured, moving to try and pack the wound.
He twisted again, curling away from Fao. His scream died on his tongue, his hands pushing against Fao's.
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts.” Fao muttered. He was happy enough with the packing, and moved to try and get a listen to Harrison’s chest. It was loud on the van, and he struggled to keep his balance as he listened, swearing to himself.
Harrison could feel himself slipping, the ceiling of the van swimming in and out of focus. Even the pain couldn't keep him conscious, his head lolling.
Fao’s stomach twisted as Hars lost consciousness, but he was relieved in a way. At least he wasn’t in pain. He didn’t like what he was hearing at all from his chest, and dug in his kit to find what he needed for a chest drain. It certainly wouldn’t be perfect, but it would do. He didn’t even bother talking to the other men as he grabbed a scalpel, found his landmark, and made the cut.
He definitely felt that, and he cried out again, but he wasn't with it any more. The men beside Fao retched, especially as blood quickly poured from the drain.
Fao rolled his eyes as the men retched. What he wouldn’t give for Steve or Finn or someone. Trying to manage this completely on his own wasn’t working. He took a set of obs as best he could, blood soaking his trousers and making them cling to him. The numbers he got back were more than a bit concerning, despite his interventions, and they weren’t getting any better. Fuck.
Harrison coughed and choked, spots of blood on his lips. His resps were through the roof, his heart rate doing its best to compensate for his blood pressure circling, for his blood volume pooling on the floor. He managed to catch Fao's eye, and he met his gaze with panic and fear in his eyes.
Fao locked eyes with Harrison. “I’ve got you, Tomcat. You’re gonna be okay.” He told him firmly. Things were just consistently getting worse, though, and Fao felt considerably out of control. He gave as much TXA as he felt he could, but it wasn’t close to enough to help the bleeding.
“How far out are we?” He snapped, asking whoever cared to listen.
"We've still got at least fifteen minutes."
“Fuck’s sake.”
Hars could feel himself slipping again, missing parts of the conversation. He grabbed for Fao's top, his hand leaving more bloodied streaks across it.
"I want Steve."
“We’re gonna be with him really soon, Hars.” Fao murmured. “He’s gonna be waiting for us at home.”
He shook his head. "I'm not gonna make it."
“As if I’m giving up on you. I’m gonna make sure you’re okay, alright? Hold on for me.”
He knew Fao was trying his best, and he’d continue to do nothing but. He trusted Fao with his life, and they unfortunately kept ending up in situations where it was tested. It didn’t take a genius to know he wasn’t okay, and the small bit or working brain he had left had worked out it probably wasn't going to end well.
He forced his eyes open again, though he didn't remember closing them. "It's okay."
Fao’s repeat set of obs were no better. In fact, they were worse. He swallowed thickly, digging around in his pocket for his phone. He needed to talk to Steve, needed someone medical he could talk to, to reassure him he wasn’t completely out of his mind.
He chucked it on the floor of the van on speaker as it rang, and he prayed he’d answer.
"Fao, talk to me. I heard the call for medical."
“It’s Hars, and it’s bad. We’re still miles out, in the back of a shitty van, and all I have is my kit.”
Hars stirred again. "Steve?"
"Hey, Hars. You causing problems for Fao, eh?" He tried to sound light for him, but even he could hear the waver in his tone. He cleared his throat. "What's happened with him? Head to toe, obs, and what kit do you have?"
“GSW, it’s gone just under his vest, entry is the abdo but exit is further up into the chest. Haemothorax on the right. I’ve got a drain in but it’s putting out so much fucking blood. Pulse 138, BP 76/50, SpO2 94 on high flow, Resps sitting at 36, he's still not getting chest rise on the right. He's with it enough, but he's starting to pass out and stay out. I've given the TXA but it's just not stopping. The floor is covered, I'm covered. It’s my kit, it’s decent. Airway kit, ket, paralytics, TXA. I’m just out of my fucking depth here, nobody else knows a fucking thing and I feel like I’m going insane.”
Steve took a moment. Well, fuck. "Right. Take a breath. Reassess, keep going ABCs. You need to get on top of that bleeding. He's not going to be able to compensate forever. Have you got anything to give? Will they follow instructions?"
“I know he won’t compensate forever.” Fao snapped. “I’ve got saline but no blood. They’re fucking useless, hadn’t touched him at all when I showed up. Not even put pressure on.”
"Fucking hell. Okay. Fluid bolus, see if that helps his pressure at all. He's not going to hold his airway by himself if he goes, so just be careful."
Fao quickly set up the fluids, wiping his hands on his trousers as he struggled with the connectors. Fluids running, he forced himself to breathe. “Alright. Fluids in. I want to sort his airway before it becomes a problem.”
"If you're thinking RSI, you need to trust they can help."
"Steve." Harrison interrupted again, apparently unaware of the conversation.
“I don’t think I’m going to have a choice, Steve. I’m watching him deteriorate in front of me, and we’re still miles out.”
"You can see him, not me. Do what you think is best."
Unimpressed by Steve's lack of response, he shoved at Fao with a frustrated grunt. "Steve."
Fao huffed. “Thank you, Hars.” He muttered under his breath. “He’s very insistent that he wants you, Steve.”
"Hars, we're just trying to help you."
"No." He shook his head, though Steve couldn't see, and Fao wasn't sure he didn't realise that.
“We are, I’m doing my best right now Hars. Focus on breathing like I said.”
He sniffed, setting himself off coughing again. The pain exploded again, despite the morphine, and, once more, slipped under.
God, it was just getting worse. He hated watching Harrison slip into unconsciousness again, powerless to stop it.
"Fao, talk to me." Steve's tone was tense, and Fao could hear him pacing.
“Unconscious again, I’m repeating obs.” Fao replied, his own tone similarly tense.
"Come on, Hars. Don't do this." Steve murmured, wishing he was there with them.
The blood pressure cycled, protesting at the numbers. It continued tightening, way into the two hundreds, and Harrison gave a whine. He tried to pull away from it, panicked.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Just give it a minute, I know it’s uncomfy.” Fao murmured, but it wasn’t a good sign. He knew full well it wasn’t high enough to need that kind of pressure - it was just struggling for a read full stop.
Harrison, of course, didn't listen. He twisted away, an unintelligible shout in both pain and frustration.
"Hars, listen to Fao. He's looking after you."
“It’s alright, it’s okay.” Fao tried vainly to soothe. But sure enough the blood pressure gave up, failing to get a read, and Fao’s stomach dropped. “Fluids haven’t done shit. It won’t even read, just cycles until it gives up.”
"You're going to have to give more, you can't RSI that low. Has he got a radial?"
It took Fao a moment. “No. Nothing.”
"Give him fluids."
“I might as well just pour them on the fucking floor.” Fao muttered, but swapped the bag over to give more.
"Just try."
“Yeah, they’re running.”
Harrison screwed his face up, managing to squint at Fao. He was sure he'd heard Steve too, but the huddle of men behind Fao were too small to be him.
“That’s it Hars, you’re alright.” Fao said softly, half as reassurance for himself.
"Where's Steve?" He slurred, more of a mumble than anything.
“On the phone with me.” Fao replied.
"Right here, Hars."
“Both of us are looking after you.”
“Don’t apologise.” Fao said firmly.
Harrison lapsed back into silence, somewhere between conscious and not. As the blood pressure started again, he whined once more, but didn't pull away.
Harrison’s blood was drying on his hands, as Fao waited for the machine to read, praying it would give him something. Just a number would be better than the endless cycling.
Harrison's breath caught in his throat again, and his frown deepened. He knew Fao was looking after him, and Steve was there too, somewhere. He could see Fao leaning over him, doing things in slow motion. Which left Steve..
Fao’s stomach twisted, and the noise Steve made over the crackled phone line was less than dignified.
“I’m right here, Hars. I’m right here, I’ve got you.” He replied, his voice wavering. “You’re going to be okay.”
He seemed to have a sudden rush of energy, though his observations were still terrible, and his prognosis even worse.
"Thank you." He muttered softly.
Fao sucked in another deep breath, forcing himself to re-focus. He had to keep doing this. “Blood pressure is a little less shit. I’ve at least got a number.”
"That's good." Steve managed.
Harrison reached for Fao’s hand, for a moment of comfort in his desperation.
Fao squeezed his fingers. “I’ve got you.” He murmured. He laid out his airway kit with the other hand, leaving smears of blood all over it, though he didn’t notice. He needed the blood pressure up a bit more before he could fully RSI, but it never hurt to prepare.
The squeeze managed to help, a tiny hint of a smile gracing Harrison's blood-splattered lips. He tried his best, his fingers twitching in Fao's before his eyes rolled. It didn’t take long for things to go south, as Hars took a breath and then stopped.
“Fuck.” Fao muttered, snatching up his kit. He couldn’t put this off any longer now, he needed control of his airway. Unsure just how conscious he was, having watched him flick in and out, Fao chatted away to him as he sorted it, half to keep himself from losing it. “Alright Hars. That’s you finding your limit, hmm? It’s okay, I’ll take over from here. Got some meds to get you off to sleep now, so you can have a nap whilst I do the hard work.” He quickly pushed the ket, watching him carefully. There were men clustered around Harrison’s head, and Fao snapped at them to move, which they did. Happy with his sedation, he pushed his roc, bagged until he was happy with it, and snatched up his tube and laryngoscope. He was rusty with his intubations, of course, so what better time to practice than in a dark, moving van covered in blood? But Harrison, for all he made Fao’s life difficult, apparently wasn’t a difficult airway, and Fao got it first time. He shouted triumphantly, checked his placement, and then secured it.
“Tube’s in, airway’s secure.”
Steve let out a shaky breath. "Good. Well done."
Fao couldn’t breathe for Harrison forever, not if he was going to continue to manage the bleeding. “Which one of you lot is the most competent here? Who’s not a complete idiot?” He asked.
They were all quiet, slightly afraid of Harrison and definitely afraid of Fao. After a moment, one of them stepped forward.
"I can help. What do you need?"
Fao looked up. “Are you capable of breathing?”
"For him?"
Fao huffed. “Essentially, yes. Every time you take a breath, I want you to squeeze this to breathe for him, too. Can you do that?” He asked, demonstrating. “I can’t sit here and do it, I’ve got other stuff to do.”
Panic flashed across his face. "Okay. Yeah." He swallowed, taking a moment. It was Harrison. He'd got him out of shit so many times before, it was only fair to return the favour. "I can do that."
“Just whenever you breathe, breathe for him too. Just got to think about breathing. Okay?”
"Okay." He moved to take Fao's place. "I can do that."
“Shout if you get stuck.” Fao murmured, and moved away, to carefully take yet another set of obs, praying they were better than before.
Steve hated being so far away, so unable to do anything. "Fao, talk to me."
“I’m taking obs.” Fao shot back. “I’ll tell you stuff when I know it.”
"You just went silent. I need to know what's happening."
“I’m trying to concentrate!”
"Fine, hurry up."
“Going as fast as I can.” He muttered. For once, Harrison’s obs had trended slightly upwards, and Fao was glad of it. “A bit better. SpO2 has come up, as has his BP.”
"Good. The tube will be helping with his sats."
“Yeah, that’s why I did it.” Fao said flatly.
"I just mean that he's not going to be resping at fifty or some shite."
"How's the bleeding doing?"
“Still fucking bleeding.”
"I've put a call out for more blood, you just need to get back."
“I’ll need the whole trauma setup.” Fao muttered, doing his best to manage the bleeding. “Can you go up and wake Ely? I’m going to need her."
"Everyone's up. They're just sorting the basement out."
“Good.” Fao was relieved he had a team waiting for him.
"If the second lot of fluids helped, you can give him another 500 bolus."
“It’s helped, but I don’t know for how much longer. I’ve got no pressors, and limited fluids.”
"You just need to get him back. If he's still got pressure, give it."
“Giving it now.” He muttered, trying to push his hair out of his face.
"Give me a run down of his obs once you've done that."
He finally got it connected and running, discarding the spent bag. His ‘assistant’ was doing well ventilating, surprisingly, and so he quickly started on obs. He hated having to do this in such an old fashioned manner, he missed his hospital conveniences and continuous monitoring.
But as he started, he just knew it was wrong, and when he didn’t find a pulse, his stomach twisted. “Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
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Lemon Zest / Cinnamon Stick Cookie story thing aaaaaaaa brainrot part 1
hey so like yknow these guys that i went nuts over on my main blog?
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well uh.
part 1 of the story under the cut
Lemon Zest Cookie had been told a story when she was younger about birds being pushed out of nests to teach them to fly. He had always thought that was awfully rude of the parent birds, but now it felt like maybe it was what Lemon Zest needed too. Baked part dragon, the cookie only had tiny little wings that didn’t let them do much of anything, really. She could glide or hover for a second, but nothing anywhere near worth of being called flight. After years of trying, Lemon Zest finally stood atop a rocky red cliff, near its home in Dragon City. Maybe it was finally time to fly. If this plan didn’t work, lemon zest didn’t know what he would do. Aside from potentially plummeting to her crumbling, anyway. They didn’t really want to think about that too hard.
The wind howled, dishevelling Lemon Zest’s ponytail. If they hadn’t discarded their cloak before coming here, it would surely be billowing too. The cookie took a deep breath. She unfolded her small wings, holding them steady against the warm winds. 
Stepping towards the edge of the cliff, they refused to look down. Ignoring every scream from its beating heart, Lemon Zest jumped off.
He fell for a moment, frozen. He ground was rushing to meet them and their wings weren’t doing anything. Crap. She flapped them as hard as she could. Crap, crap, crap, crap. It wasn’t working. Lemon Zest wasn’t falling any slower, and it was about to be reduced to a pile of crumbs. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. CRAP. CRAP. CRAP. CRAP. CR
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soldierboysbitch · 2 years
I always wanted some rugrats of my own. Now I got nothing (part 1)
My first soldier boy fic, soldier boy/f!supe!reader.
TW: violence, possible smut, obvious cursing, soldier boy in all of his soldier boy glory, future pregnancy. If there’s anything else that should be tagged let me know.
May be slightly OOC sometimes, manipulating canon as well.
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It had been a long time since anyone had bothered to show up to your door asking for Banshee. Despite that, when you threw open your door early in the morning still clad in a very old set of Vought produced Payback branded pajamas, it was the first thing you heard.
“Banshee? Would have thought you’d be a hell of a lot older.” A heavy British accent and a slightly unnerving smirk greeted you as soon as your door swung open.
Taking a moment to snap into old habit, you assessed the man in front of you. Rough looking, with a glint of danger in his eyes but he wasn’t a supe. You could tell that the tall skinny man behind him who looked like he might be about to throw up wasn’t one either. They looked familiar, familiar enough to set alarm bells off.
“Who are you and what the hell are you doing at my house?” You asked looking between the two men, decidedly putting most of your attention on the man with the accent. He seemed like the bigger risk in this scenario.
“Seems we might have a common enemy… and a common friend.” He spoke again glancing at your pajama shirt before back up at you again. “Names Butcher, and a little birdie informed me that you have a problem with Vought. Now… we do too.”
Now that was something you couldn’t deny. Vought had done a lot to make your life a living hell. You’d been part of the first trials of compound V, experimented on with promises of changing the world. Instead you’d ended up as nothing more than a cheesy marketing gimmick and a photo opportunity. When you’d lost your appeal, they’d used the chance the experiment a bit more. As soon as Vought got what they wanted, you’d gotten a tiny severance check and thrown out on your ass.
“Well congratulations, you’re one of millions with an issue with Vought. Hop in line.” You said about to shut the door on them. A familiar voice stopped you in your tracks before the door was fully closed.
“I’m sick of waiting in the fucking car like a kid while my mom goes shopping.” The voice rang out, that smooth timber and angry edge sending a rush of adrenaline and shock through your system.
Just as soon as the door was about to close, you flung it open again. You felt like you were looking at a ghost, he hadn’t changed one bit. His hair was the only thing that had really changed, instead of his polished slicked back army cut, it flopped a bit in his face now. Everything else was spot on compared to the memories you relived almost nightly.
“Ben?” Your voice sounded far away, even to yourself, as you stepped out of your house pushing the British man out of your way easily.
His head snapped towards you, and his face looked much like you assumed yours did. It had only lasted for a moment before that same old whiskey and honey smirk crossed his face. You noticed a hint of danger behind his eyes you never had before now, and you wondered what exactly had happened to him.
“Well fuck me upside down… (y/n)? Look at you.” That same old swaggered walk had you pushing the skinny one out of your way too as you closed the distance between the two of you.
“They said you were dead… in Nicaragua. Edgar came back and said you’d been killed and they’d taken your body…. How?” You asked, stopping an inch in front of him.
“Yeah well they fucking lied. Set me up and sold me out to the Russians. My own fucking team.” His fists were clenched at his sides and he was jaw was locking up the way it did when he was angry.
You reacted before the two men behind you could, gently putting your hand on Soldier Boy’s chest. “Hey… you want a drink?” You said simply, knowing him the way old friends did. “Come on… whatever these two fucking dicks wanna talk about they can talk about inside.” You gave him a little grin moving to turn on your heels and head inside, knowing he would follow.
Behind you, you heard the skinny one let out a relieved sigh and you wondered just what Soldier Boy was doing to them to have them this on edge. You knew he could be pretty aggressive, relying on his fists to do what he couldn’t say but neither of them looked beat up. You moved to the cabinet above your sink, getting out four glasses. “Whiskey or rum?” You asked already knowing the answer as you poured the whiskey. You filled Soldier Boy’s a bit more than the rest passing the glass over before taking a seat at your small kitchen table.
“Nice pajamas. Glad to see you’re still walking around with my face on your tits.” Soldier Boy’s self satisfying grin made you roll your eyes as you took a long sip from your glass.
“Part of my severance package, Vought really knows how to rub your face in the dirt when they’re done with you.” You said with a bit of a scowl, Vought really had a sick sense of humor.
“If you two are finished with your little, flirting session, we came here for a reason. We’ve come to a little agreement, that I think you might like to get a piece of. We’re finding Soldier boy here’s team, and in return he’s helping us take down Homelander. Now we know you’re the only part of that team that didn’t make it to Nicaragua, and we know… you want to get rid of Vought just as much as we do. We could use another supe against Homelander.” Butcher, you were pretty sure that was his name, drawled in that accent with a look on his face like you’d already said yes.
“So… who’s left on that list of yours? I saw Gunpowder and Crimson Countess are dead… that leaves the fucking wonder twins, Mindstorm, and Noir right?” You asked glancing between Butcher and Soldier Boy before finishing your drink. “Fucking count me in…. Not like I have much else going for me.” You said finally.
The look on the skinny one, who’s name you still didn’t know’s, face was a mix of surprise and hope. It had been a long time since you’d seen anyone look at you with hope in their eyes. You sent a look between them all before heading back into your room, opening your closet and digging to the back. It had been almost twenty years since you’ve even bothered to put the costume on. It took a moment to remember how to even tug it all on, but you managed. Slipping on your boots, you heard the door open and you didn’t need to look up to know just who it was. There was no mistaking the sound of those boots and the permanent gunpowder scent. You could still remember the first time you’d seen him.
It was 1951, the world was recovering from the Second World War and superheroes were appearing left and right. Vought had such a success with Soldier Boy that they’d decided they needed more. A world full of heroes specially selected to make them the most money. You’d been the first trial to be injected as a child, testing the possibilities. You’d destroyed home after home, even a Vought compound once before you’d learned to control your powers.
At twenty, Vought had decided you were ready. Going from concrete rooms to the spotlight had been such a change, and then you’d met him. Soldier Boy. He’d been barking orders and downing drinks like they were water but something had drawn you to him. Like a moth to a flame, you’d found yourself circling him. He’d sent you that swaggered grin, and he’d called you songbird. You hadn’t been sure if that was one purpose, or if he hadn’t bothered to learn your name. It hadn’t mattered then and it didn’t matter now.
“I’m glad you’re alive. I missed you.” Your voice was barely audible but you knew he heard you.
“Don’t be a pussy.” Came his reply, but you could hear the smile in his voice without ever turning around.
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mynameismiguel · 11 months
You can't imagine how amazing dancing with your favorite person can be.
I was dancing with Ed my best friend and it was fantastic. I'm not talking about the tiktok dances that everyone learns in their corner to make an aesthetic video with a nice landscape behind.
I'm talking about the dances at the end of the day when we were celebrating her birthday with friends and I was the last one at her house and to occupy the evening we put on some music and we started moving a little no matter how. We didn't care that it wasn't a nice dance. That wasn't the main thing. We were having fun and it was perfectly perfect.
I hope you can enjoy having a dance like that once in your lifetime because it's the littles moment that care.
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