#please send an ask I’m planning on answering them all
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I have added a quirky comment here for the last year and a half, however now… I have no words.
jk I have all these words 👇
I know it is very bitter sweet, but this is the end of Reconnecting. Thank you all for coming along on this journey with me. I plan on making a behind the scenes video on my YT sometime soon. Feel free to send any asks you have I want to answer them all!
Please know I am not going to dissapear! I still plan on making content consistently, and my original comic RULE 5 is already underway, and if you’d like I’m certainly not against writing some exposition fics for Reconnecting 💜
Prev (3::8) / This is the End 💜
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miirohs · 2 months
world burning [c.l.c]
pairing: Mob Boss!Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader wc: 1.4k cw: someone is literally shot, charles kisses reader a bit forcefully an: to the anon who said they'd sell me their soul my cashapp is @bestfanficwriterever (jk jk, i hope that anon sees this tho). Real reminder to you all, again, that non of this stuff is to be encouraged irl and this is all meant as a fictional scenario!
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You could hear him softly cursing in French on the other line, whispering as the bed creaked in the background. It was obvious he had just woken up, and you felt terrible for waking him as well, knowing the day he probably had.
“Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, tu ferais mieux d'avoir une bonne raison de me réveiller (what's the matter, you'd better have a good reason for waking me up)-”
“Charles, I've been arrested, I need someone to come get me.” 
The muttering stopped, grogginess disappearing from his voice almost instantly. “Y/n? Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé bon sang chéri (y/n? what the hell happened darling)?”
“Charles, not now please,” You chastised softly, looking to the door as the guards quietly conversed among themselves outside the room, “I have no idea why this is happening and what they’re gonna do to me.” “How did you even manage to get arrested… Nevermind that, I just hope you haven’t answered anything they've asked of you.” He groaned, heavy thumping over the phone as you looked nervously at the door for any indication they’d been listening to your conversation.
“I’m not that dull,” You said quietly, looking down at your lap, “and it couldn't have been anything i did, all they did was seize the car from me in the lot and bring me here.”
He paused for a moment, silent over the line. You pressed the phone against your ear, straining for any sounds on the other side of the line.
“Stay put. I’m coming to get you.”
A shiver ran down your spine and you fumbled, tripping over your words in a hurry to get them out.
“Char, what are you planning on doing?”
He laughed humorlessly over the phone, the sound of keys jingling and door slamming making you jump back from the phone as if it’d grown a head.
“Exactly what I said I'm going to do, come and pick you up.”
You swallowed the thick ball that’d formed in your throat.
“You know what- never mind, send someone else in your place, maybe Carlos?” You bargained, earning a soft chuckle from him.
“Pas de souci, mon amour. Je ne fais que commencer (no worries, my love. I'm just getting started). They should’ve learned not to fuck with the wrong person. I’ll be there in another 20 minutes, you won’t need to call anyone else.”
You shivered as the line went dead, looking at the now opened door, all the cops watching you with a suspicious look.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
All you could do was shake your head.
Not even a grand total of 15 minutes later, a shouting match erupted, followed by loud bangs.
There was a single person you could think of who was capable of this level of chaos, and you could have swore you’d heard him threatening the cops right now.
“Where is she?”
“Don’t sir me, where the hell is she? Don’t tell me I have to blow another head off just for you to tell me.”
Everything seemed to fall silent for a couple moments, only a few voices daring to make a sound.
“Char?” You called out, a couple beats of silence weighing you down.
The sound of footsteps only got louder, stopping in front of the room you were in.
Keys jangled, the door slamming open as Charles walked in, a couple of police tailing him timidly to the outside of the door.
There were dark stains on his otherwise clean shirt, an indication of what happened visible in the peeved look on his face. Your eyes slowly trailed to his hand, a gun held tightly in his grip, smoking oh so slightly.
Noticing how your attention had drifted to the weapon, he put it down on the other side of the table as he approached you, shrugging off his jacket as he approached you.
“Tu vas bien maintenant (you're all right now),” He said quietly, running his fingers through your hair as he pulled you to him, “Come on, we’re going home.” 
You clutched his arm as he stood you up, eyes glued to the floor as you walked next to him.
You could hear their disappointed exhales, tinged with a bit of surprise as Charles kept a firm grip on your back, guiding you through the long hall to the main office.
As you continued to walk, he gently stopped you, turning around in the middle of the room as someone called for him.
“Fucks sake,” He sighed, turning around.
“Sir, i believe there has been a mistake-”
“What sort of mistake do you think you’ve made?” He snarled, his hand running down to your hand, lacing his fingers into yours.
“You see, the car we identified was yours and we thought that perhaps she’d stole it-”
“And you didn’t think to call me so I could deal with them myself?” He chuckled humorlessly, pulling you to his side. You held your breath, completely aware of what was about to happen.
“Charles, no-”
He shook his head at you, basically telling you to not interfere. You obliged, eyebrows creasing as you watch the poor man who had tried to explain himself get shoved to his knees.
“First off, you interrupt my very precious time, and then you have the audacity to say that you’ve made a mistake?” He stands back, waving at someone behind him to step forward to his side with a gun. “Do you know who she is?”
The man stumbled over his words, trying to plead for his life, but you already knew it was too late.
“Since you don’t seem to know, let me tell you. She’s the last face you’ll be seeing but since she’s here, I've decided to spare the rest of you for the time being. If I ever hear of anything happening to her again, anyone in this room will not be spared like they were today.” He remarked bemusedly, turning to you with the widest grin you’d ever seen from him.
“Chéri, close your eyes, and cover your ears as well.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. The second you did, there was a bang, followed by a thumping sound.
Something warm was on your face, but you didn’t dare open your eyes, shaky hands coming off your ears to touch your face.
“Don’t.” He was closer than you thought, causing you to jump as he rubbed what you assumed was a handkerchief against your face . “Don’t say anything, don’t look, just follow me.” 
You cracked open an eye, briefly wandering to the pool of blood a couple of feet away from you.
“What did I just tell you?” He remarked, barking at the rest in rapid french as he grabbed your hand and pulled you out the doors of the station.
There was an awkward silence as you lumbered into the passenger side seat, pressing yourself against the seat as he pulled out and onto the road.
“I’m sorry.”
“What are you apologizing for?” He muttered, hand reaching over to squeeze your thigh.
“I thought you’d be upset with me.” You looked down, noticing the dried blood on his hands, not that it made much of a difference to you anymore. Less than two years ago, you would have been horrified at the idea of blood within six feet of you, but you had come to accept it as a part of him you could never erase.
“No-” He punched the brakes, eyes slightly apologetic as you jumped from the sudden shock of stopping.
“No, no, Y/n, look at me,” His hand left your thigh, fingers curling around your chin and pulling your face to his, “You are not responsible for any of that, i gave you the car, remember? You are not to blame yourself because I would gladly do anything for you.”
“Char-” You whined, muffled slightly by the pressure of his fingers against your cheeks.
“I would give you the world to see you happy, so shut up and take it.” He pressed his lips harshly against yours, almost needy in the way he nipped at your bottom. Warmth seemed to stir inside you as he let you go, your own mind racing at a million miles per hour as he returned to the wheel as if nothing had happened.
However, under his breath, he muttered something that even escaped you as your thoughts drifted off elsewhere. “Le monde brûlera, si tu le veux ma chérie, je te le promets (the world will burn, if you want it to my darling, I promise).”
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princessbrunette · 18 days
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dbf!rafe thought he was doing a pretty good job at pretending he didn’t care too much about you. but it was coming to the late afternoon, and he’d driven past you wandering around town on your own wearing one of those stupid little mini skirts you’re crazy about and he had to do his duty and command you come with him. for your safety of course. he’d hate if some sick older guy got his hands on you.
“get in. c’mon.” he’s already acting irritable with you and it only spurs you on to act mischievous.
“why so glum, hm?” you pout, letting a small giggle slip through as you fasten your belt — the friend of your fathers glancing around the area briefly to see if anyone had seen his bosses daughter climb into his car before zipping off.
“what’d i tell you last time i saw you just— just walking around asking for trouble?” he berates and he’s not even sure why he’s so wound up. you just got him so pent up and touchy that he always found himself being this way with you.
“asking for trouble? mr cameron i was just hanging out.” you laugh, stretching your legs and going to rest your feet on his dashboard. he shoves your legs off, sending you a scalding glare.
“in that little skirt? yeah i wasn’t born yesterday, alright— you were probably off meeting guys.” he grumbles and you turn your head to him, heart fluttering at the jealous tone he had failed to conceal.
“oh no, not hanging out with guys my own age… that would be the most awful thing in the world, right?” you sark, and he resents the way he can hear the pretty smile in your voice without even turning his attention away from the road. he huffs out a scoff, shaking his head as he pulls up to the traffic light.
“told your old man i’d look out for you, right so — so i am just telling you that you shouldn’t be wandering around meeting guys dressed like a hooker. i know how guys brains work, okay — i am a guy. s’why i’m taking your ass home where you can’t get into any of that shit.” he rants, and before you can complain about him calling you a hooker your attention is caught by his promise to bring you home and you shoot up in your seat.
“no, please. just— anywhere else. not home.” you suddenly sound serious, and he nearly misses the stoplight turning green to glance at you in confusion.
“and why the hell not?” he drawls and suddenly you’re a lot more quiet. he raises his eyebrows waiting for a response.
“i’m fighting with my parents. i just… i don’t want to see them yet.” you sigh, staring at your manicure in your lap. as much as he wanted to teach you a lesson and drag you back into the house to your father, he knew what it was like to have a rocky relationship with his parents. because of this he sighs after his slight hesitation and turns in the direction away from your house.
“ah… shit, alright fine. the fuck do you wanna go then? gotta drop you somewhere, alright?” he relents and you beam.
“really? thanks mr cameron.” your elated expression calms itself into a pur as you lean across the gear stick and press a kiss to his cheek. he clenches his jaw.
“watch it.”
to this you respond with a giggle and he relaxes a little, knowing he had a little more time with you.
“where do you wanna go then? haven’t got all day, kid m’not a fuckin’ taxi.”
“hmm, your place?” you’re quick with your answer, almost like you had it planned. he’d given in a few times, let you have your way with him even though he knew it put his career on the line — and he told himself and you that this could go on no longer.
he huffs out a laugh, scratching at his cheek and shaking his head, choosing to ignore the suggestion. your bottom lip curls over at this, frowning a little.
“raaafe.” you whine and he resists an eye roll.
“what you’re — you’re serious about that shit?”
“mhm… i missed you…” you coo, and he feels your warm body lean across the centre console again, a clawed hand finding his thigh as you speak into his ear. “c’mon dad.” you groan and he feels a hot rush of blood fly through him at the nickname. god you were sick.
“don’t fuckin’ call me that.” he turns into his driveway at tannyhill, parking up infront of the house haphazardly before turning off the car and not making any move to get out.
“just wanna play a little bit.” you complain, kissing down his white shirt leaving lipgloss prints that he’d soon complain about down the expensive material as he watches you with parted lips, feeling your hot breath fan over his hardening crotch.
“well if you’re gonna suck me off just fuckin’ do it alright. don’t wanna hear that shrill ass little voice unless you’re tellin’ me how good that shit tastes. c’mon.”
you couldn’t help but obey.
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seungminxstay · 4 months
fwb / mingyu x reader / 18+ mdni
when you're in love with your fuck buddy
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You couldn’t help but let out a small sigh. Mingyu's body just barely touched your back. One hand was in your hair, the other holding a dryer, as he patiently untangled the wet knots. The proximity was too… domestic. Fluffy. Warm.
You had only planned to take a quick shower, just like always, but you somehow blanked out and ended up with shampoo in your hair. Mingyu’s shampoo. He had burst out laughing when you stepped out of the bathroom, dripping wet from head to toe, but was quick on his feet to get more towels and a dryer.
He gestured to the sofa. You didn't get it at first, standing dumbly as you held out your hand.
"Dryer, please."
"No, sit down. I'll do it."
You knew it was a bad idea from the very start. Because you wanted it so much. You did your best to argue, even trying to pry the dryer from his grip, but you eventually lost to his stubbornness.
Mingyu hummed softly as he ran his fingers in your hair, sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. He was too good at this. You thought of the other girls you’ve seen Mingyu with - he was always with a different girl. Did he let them steal his sweatshirts, dry out their hair, fuck roughly after such sweet foreplay?
You met at DK’s party. Mingyu was tipsy, but not drunk, as he leaned close to you the whole night, whispering silly jokes and bad pickup lines in your ear. Every time you laughed, his grin would widen, and that made you giggle more.
Mingyu was cute. Great smile. Funny. He was a friend of Seokmin, one of the nicest people you’ve ever met. Tall. Wide shoulders. Nice hair. You could come up with a long list of reasons why you absolutely had to sleep with him that night.
That was a month ago. Mingyu had somehow got hold of your number, though, and texted you quite often. One night eventually turned to a weekly basis. You weren't complaining, of course, but all the little details about Mingyu started making your heart race. It was getting hard to handle the dull pain that came with it.
You didn't realize Mingyu had stopped the drying, just his fingers running through your hair.
"Your hair smells like mine," he murmured, pulling you into his chest from behind. You could feel the heat of his body. And his hard on.
"From the very second you stepped out of the shower," he grinned.
He had such a pretty smile, and it didn't go away as he kissed you.
Mingyu’s warm hands made their way under your clothes, running up your hips to your breasts. You sighed in his mouth as he rubbed your nipples between his forefinger and thumb, gradually working you up. The steady stimulation made you lose your breath.
It was no surprise that when Mingyu slipped a finger between your folds, it was already slick. You weren’t wearing your underwear, knowing it would get tossed away in a heartbeat.
"Let me eat you out," he breathed, breaking away from the kiss. He spread your legs, gripping firmly on your thighs. Mingyu took his time with sex, but he wasn’t a tease - he went right to your clit, licking up a long stripe and rolling it intensely on his tongue. He was ever so eager to please.
"More, Gyu," you whined, grinding your hips on his mouth. God, that was hot. Mingyu went feral at your desperate chase for a climax, and his tongue dug deep in your pussy, delivering exactly what you needed.
You laced your fingers in the curls of his hair, tugging them instinctively. Mingyu moaned at the sharp stimulation, the vibration bringing you to your edge. You were so wet and needy for him.
“Such a good girl for me…”
“I’m so close, gyu… hmm… fuck.”
You were out of breath as you came on Mingyu’s tongue, head thrown back and legs shuddering.
“Good, baby?” he asked, though he already knew the answer. He wiped his mouth, licking his fingers clean and savoring the last of your arousal.
You slowly arose from your daze and pulled him in a messy hug, resting your cheek on his chest. You rummaged down his pants for his dick, and just the touch of his thick, heavy length made your mouth water.
“Fuck my mouth,” you whimpered
"God, I’d love that, but I want to be inside you, so bad. Let me come in your pussy,” Mingyu pleaded. His eyes were sparkling, really, and you couldn’t resist giving in to such a pretty frown.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, grinding on his bulge. How his dick glided along your folds, coming in contact with your clit, was almost enough to make you cum again.
Mingyu couldn’t take the teasing anymore. His large hands gripped your waist, hoisting you up and on his dick. You groaned at the sudden intrusion, loving every moment of it. You sank down and started bouncing on his cock, desperate for the surge of orgasm to crash over you.
Contrary to his rough thrusts, Mingyu’s moans were loud and whiny. His dick stretched your pussy in the most sinful way possible, hitting your sweet spot. His mouth was attached to your neck, nibbling on your soft skin, but his hands traveled everywhere - in your hair, tracing your jawline, kneading your breasts.
It was so easy to forget about everything when you see him so passionate and entranced in your sex.
You felt him throb inside, and your walls clenched instinctively, milking out the last of his cum. His pace slowed but yours quickened, drawing out a pretty moan from Mingyu as you came.
“Too much?” you whispered in his ears.
“Who said so?” Mingyu smiled. He was always up for a challenge.
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yanderemommabean · 8 months
ive had a thought about yandere sugar daddy like 👀👀👀 the chaos but also yes pls take care of me hehe
You tell him to fuck off and he keeps coming back. You don’t want his money, you don’t ask for it, that night was just a one night stand but he doesn’t really take your answers unless it’s yes.
He insists. Persists more than anything. You thank him for the gifts and even send some back but he simply won’t back off.
You think maybe if you sleep with him again it’ll get out of his system, so you have an admittedly mind blowing and earth shaking night together, but by morning you suddenly have a few thousand in your bank account and a cheeky smile greeting you when you throw a mug towards him in the kitchen.
“Oh hello! Anyway so about your plans tomorrow- if I pay you now care to cancel them? I’d love to have that time for me and you, business trips over seas get me jittery and you know just how to fix me up”.
“I don’t want your money” you sneer, blanket wrapped around your body as you try and explain this as thoroughly as possible, to get it through his thick skull. “I thought big business men like you would love a no strings attached thing anyway! Look just- stop, stop with the finance and everything. I mean it’s appreciated but not wanted. How am I even supposed to explain this to my tax guys?!?”
All you get in return is a snort, the man just sips from his drink and shakes his head. “Seems I owe Victoria that dinner in Paris” he murmurs “I forget the common folk can’t just pay off any issues. But this is your chance isn’t it? Just a bit of fun between the two of us for a while? “
Something about those words seemed hollow at best. With how hard he worked to break your walls down and get you back in bed, you were sure there was more than just playful fun. No. Those eyes held something more sinister, more dangerous.
“Fine. I’ll give you three months and we’re done. I’m also changing my bank account information and getting a new one entirely” you say as you turn around to get dressed and not look like you went through a bad dry cycle in the laundry room. You were too exhausted to try and think of anything else to say to him anyway.
He just smirks, reaching to pull you a mug down that wasn’t shattered in the sink behind him. His fingers brush over the ceramic as he thinks about when to get a matching pair. Maybe for Christmas? Valentine’s Day? Whichever fits the best.
Oh you’re so cute to think you can set a deadline with him. So precious. No, you dear sweet succulent being, no. You’re his. He isn’t letting you go. If anything, since he finally lured you back, his grip is tighter, more possessive.
He wonders if you’ll like the room he’s planning on building soon. Just for you. Then while you’re with him he can spoil you as he pleases, you don’t get to turn off your phone and ignore him all day then.
He’ll get to lavish you like you deserve. Maybe even spoil himself too if he’s honest, as he has a bit of an addiction to watching you fall apart from his touch and his words. Your eyes just look so pretty when they roll back like that!
-Mommabean (shush I’m not unhinged you are! Totally! I’m sooo not foaming at the mouth for this pshh no way! )
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logicallyblind · 11 days
Okay okay but consider possible batfam fic idea:  
so Bruce is in an emergency justice league meeting that got called but because its taking place at night he has a comm on in his ear playing at a low volume because all of the batfam are out on patrol around gotham covering his patrol route for him and because you know B is a paranoid, overprotective fucker he just to make sure everything is going smoothly for his kids but he doesn’t plan on actually letting them know he’s tapped into their network because he can already hear the lecture from Dick about trusting them to take care of the city.  
So he’s listening to them quietly while also paying attention to Clark talking about some alien diplomacy issue and his kids are YAPPING away about the stupidest shit to one another cause they don’t have B telling them off for ‘unprofessional unnecessary chatter while on patrol’ and  you’re getting a mix of all the dynamics between them all and the longer the meeting is going on the more B’s eye is just TWITCHING because his Dad senses are just going hay wire and he is just here like ‘I cannot say anything in front of the league because they cannot know I have children cause I'm Batman and I work alone blah blah blah’, usual brooding, but Damian and Tim are squabbling with one another about a rescue that took place an hour ago and Dick is challenging Jason to a parkour contest and Steph is challenging the Riddler to a riddle off with riddles she made up and have no answer just to piss him off and his dad sense is just like an alarm going off and then he just cant take it anymore cause Duke (pretend he’s on nightshift to make up for the man down or smth idk shh) says something like ‘I'm going to do my book report in the morning Richard leave me be’ even though Bruce KNOWS he isn't going to do it in the morning, this has happened before they have an AGREEMENT, a CONTRACT god damn it but they don't know Bruce is listening to the comms Duke just goes something like “its fine B won't even find out!” and Bruce just LOSES it there and then and just presses his comm and goes “NO. No, stfu all of you I am taking charge here” and he just starts going off on them all for the different things they were whining about like
“No Signal, go and do your damn book report right now you are not going to be doing it in the morning you always say you will and you never wake up early enough to get it done so then you end up speed doing it in the car while nearly stress crying and I am cannot deal with that while running on 49 hours of no sleep so go and do it right this damn minute. I am TIRED, I am tired boy go. GO. I love you, goodnight.” 
“N go and unload the damn dishwasher. I asked you four. FOUR days ago to do it and A is not coming home until next week please I am begging you I have been drinking my coffee out of bowls and a straw for days now. Thank you, I love you goodnight.”  
“Red Robin. Put the coffee down. No- I know its in your hand I can feel it. I can feel it in my BONES child you cannot hide from me, down. Now. Good. Get a piece of fruit and go to bed. No I don't give a fuck if- no. I don't care if the pentagon has laughably easy security to bypass right now it has been over 72 hours since you closed your eyes I WILL call A I will, I’ll do it right now. I’m calling him right now- good okay goodnight. I’m sending Dick to check on you to make sure you’re actually sleep. I love you too goodnight”  
“Robin I know you're there. Damn right go to bed, Titus can go with you yes you don't have to ask every night baby its going to be the same answer, I love you goodnight.” 
“Hood and Spoiler stop trying to goad rogues into fighting each other and go home. Hood will you- thank you. Goodnight I love you both....no S I will not ask Ivy if she’ll make you real life lil shop of horrors plant to leave at your ex’s house please stop asking. Goodnight.”   
"C are you- I love you too."
And he just lets out this enormous, patented Dad sigh and looks up after a few moments and realizes the entire justice league is just watching him absolutely GOBSMACKED because oh my god how long has this been going on for?? because like what the fuck this was cold, calculated, ‘they think he's actually a robot’ Batman, who just all of a sudden just went BOOM father mode is activated, this is a patriARCH, you know? Daddy bats alright. And he's just like, his facial expression doesn't so much as twitch but a light blush just appears on his entire face and then Clark is just like HEART EYES and Hal is just like HEARTEYES (??!!) and Barry is suddenly having a sexuality crisis because what the fuck is this, and Diana is just like, speechless but in love and he just mumbles after a few moments “...you can continue your speech Clark I apologize for my lapse in professionalism” and Hal is just like “NAH MOTHERFUCKER YOU ARE NOT BREEZING PAST THAT WHAT THE FUCK SPOOKY??” and then the entire situation just devolves in chaos.  
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ferrstappen · 11 months
max, the wag (for the third time) l Max Verstappen x reader
a/n: i was in the middle of writing this when news of Danny coming back to the grid!!! omg I'm so happy of seeing RIC and listening to his radios and everything, it wasn't the same without him <3
also, about requests. Please keep sending them, I've LOVED all the reqs I've gotten but right now im getting ready for my bar exam in a couple of weeks so my time is super super limited, but I promise I'll get to most of them (bc imsorry there are some reqs that I really can't connect with) after the exam, it's one of the things I'm looking forward to <3 but for now this kind of mediocre story telling will have to do...
ANYWAY, HOPE YOU LIKE THIS INSTALLMENT! you can find part 1 and 2 on the master list <3
summary: the continuation of your favorite paddock couple.
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Max arrived to the track by himself.
If he was being honest, it wasn’t on his plans to walk alone with the photographers, Red Bull marketing team snatching him for stuff right after he swapped his credential. Even from far away he was able to hear chants of fans and more media than usual. 
But you weren’t right there next to him. 
He knew it wasn’t your fault, Silverstone not being a track where he was usually welcomed with opened arms and he was aware of you not wanting to be too in the eye of photographers who didn’t make questions to you, but there still were different WAGs and outfits or whatever accounts tracking your every step, especially with the new wave of partners and sudden break ups and polemics. 
Still, the selfish part of him wanted you to enter the track with him, even if it was a few steps ahead or behind him, holding your hand and smiling as you complained about the amount of credentials you had to carry: the usual green VIP Paddock, Red Bull something. You’d think after all these years they’d know me, you’d say and he’d laugh.
On the other hand, you finished getting ready and called the front desk to get a taxi to get there, feeling a bit guilty of letting Max go on his own, especially when there were more eyes on the track with Brad Pitt being there and a lot of important people who’d want to talk with him all day. 
Texting Max to let him know you were already by the guests entrance waiting when you noticed some intense flashes getting near. You’d been around a time or two to know this wasn’t usual, maybe in Miami but not when you were on the abandoned back entrance, not very glamorous and low key. 
But you saw her…
Shakira, are you visiting Lewis?
Who are you cheering today?
Shakira, third Grand Prix of the year! 
Did you talk to Lewis before? Is he nervous?
Your eyes followed her, mouth opening when you followed her small frame, exuding class and sympathy, even Alexandra who was also making her entrance stopped to get a closer look of the Colombian bombshell. 
Of course, they didn’t ask her to show and get accredited, she just walked by with a radiant smile leaving paparazzi behind as she kept talking with the friend she came with. 
But wasn’t that a Haas credential?
It didn’t matter, it wasn’t important, because right then your brain made the connections and started dialing Max while nervously biting your polished nails. 
“Baby, everything okay? Are you already inside?” Max answered, but his words were quiet and rushed. 
“Yes, but you’re never going to believe…”
“I’m sorry we have a meeting, please don’t go to the paddock, go straight to the driver’s lounge, okay? Love you” 
He hung up and you wanted to pull your hair out, knowing he is the one and only person you wanted to share this information with, and you were also certain he was the only person who would truly appreciate the gossip and speculation about his fellow driver’s love life. 
Max was able to leave the meeting almost forty minutes later, getting outside for some air until he remembered your call and that you probably were bored to death on the lounge. He was turning around to go there when…
When he saw the one and only Shakira in all of her glory. 
He wasn’t starstruck or anything, being immune to celebrities and the imaginary pedestal where most people placed them, but this wasn’t about that, it was about the way she was supposedly hiding under a cap walking towards the Mercedes garage.
He covered his mouth and hastily made his way to you. 
You didn’t greet each other with the usual peck on the lips and short hug; his slightly widened blue eyes told you exactly what you needed to know as he opened the door to his small room. 
“Please tell me that you saw her!” You said as soon as he closed the door. 
“Yes, just now she was walking to Mercedes,” Max was whisper shouting as if someone would hear him and it was the highest of secrets. 
“Did you see Lewis?” You asked Max but he said no. “What if you try to ask Brad Pitt if he saw her and like if they’re friends… with Shakira?” This time both you and your boyfriend laughed at the idea.
"I did see Sainz trying to go unnoticed with a tall brunette,do you think she is the new girlfriend?" Max asked and you nodded.
"I'm pretty sure he cheated on Isa with her, and I am almost certain she was in the Paddock Club in Monaco during qualifying," Max whistled at the new information.
Now he kissed you, lips fitting perfectly against each other, but your eyes suddenly opened and separated from him. What? Why? What happened? Max was disconcerted. 
“Please don’t laugh at me because this is a serious idea…” You told Max who had your entire attention. “What if we write to Deuxmoi?”
“Deux what?”
“They have all the inside scoops  and sightings, even your name’s popped up once or twice,” Max’s eyebrows rose at the information. “We should write that Shakira was seen on the British Grand Prix and I am one hundred percent sure someone will have more information!” You proposed and Max chuckled.
“Schatz, I can just ask Lewis why she’s here,” Max told you before embracing you, his arms circled around your waist.
You rolled your eyes before resting your head on his chest, but suddenly it hit you, swiftly lifting your head and facing Max. 
“Then why haven’t you asked him yet?!”
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cgnab · 4 months
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pairings: hyung.line x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw(mdni!!) , filming , fingering , daddy kink , mommy kink , sub!binnie , dom!minho , begging .
author: two posts in one day ˙Ⱉ˙ ?!! also don’t ask why chan’s feels longer '◡' .
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“ look how wet you are—have you been playing with yourself ? “
he says as he’s sliding his dick into your entrance . He suggested filming both of you while you’re fucking so he could watch them when he’s away .
he inserts the tip inside you making you whine , wanting to have him fully inside .
“ channie—daddy want you inside me please!! “
“ there there , baby . I’ll fuck you as much as you want— “
he then slides his whole dick inside you slowly as to not make you feel any pain .
“ ah , ah you’re so tight baby , so good for me— “
he starts fucking you faster making you moan more into the mattress .
“Da—daddy!! So big , so big!! Ah— “
“ am I making you feel good baby? Want me to fuck you deeper huh? “
He starts fucking you faster , making you feel like cumming hard . But he suddenly stops just before you cum .
“ daddy—daddy , I was gonna c-cum . “
“I know baby , but don’t you wanna put a show for the camera huh? I’ll make you cum as much as you want baby . “
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“Yah , stop squirming around— “
he slaps your ass , so hard . he displayed the camera on an angle so it shows how good his cock with disappear into your cunt .
“ looks like my bunny want to get it hard huh? “
you were trying not to get out a moan instead of answering him .
he then slaps your ass hard , “ are you that cockdrunk that you can’t answer? “
“ m-min—move please!! “
“ oh I’m not going to baby , looks like you need to beg more . “
He then starts thrusting slowly , teasing you .
“ min!! Pleasepleasepleaseplease— “
he starts thrusting faster than before fucking you deeper , his tip hitting your cervix .
“ do you wanna cum—ah , do you? my little bunny . gonna cum inside you and fill ya up—fuck . “
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“ Bunny you’re riding me so good—ah! “
he tried to reach for your hips , but all he earned was a slap on his hand .
“ No no , no touching until I say baby . “
he really wants to touch you , he just wants to flip you onto the mattress and fuck you like a rabbit in heat .
“ ma-mommy!! g-gonna cum—gonna inside you mama!! “
then all of a sudden you stop riding him .
“ no bunny you won’t cum until I do , alright buns?? “
“ b-but ma— “
“ ah uh , no talking back to mama , let me cum first ok? “
you then take the camera to make him hold it , he’d probably forget to hold it still and focus on you riding him faster .
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“ fuck baby , clenching on me so hard—ah “
“ j-jinnie , wanna cum—wanna cum on your cock jinnie!! “
he holds your hips harder , then starts to fuck onto you harder .
“ you feel so good—shit!! I might cum a-anytime . “
you could feel yourself dripping from how much he has been fucking onto you , your things stained by your cum .
“h-hyun—daddy!! Daddy gonna cum on your cock please please!! “
He could feel himself cum right now .
“ W-whatcha say baby—I’m your daddy?? Yea—fucking into you good fuck— “
After a few thrusts you feel yourself cum on him so hard . “ f—fuck baby , cummin-cumming omg— “
after a few sloppy thrusts of his you could feel him cumming inside you , filling you good .
“ oh shit-looks like we got the camera dirty baby , looks like we should do it again— “
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(≧σ≦)₊˚✩Hello!! its Nana!! Hope you liked this fic hehe :3 if you’re planning on following me , please don’t be a minor!! Bc my blog is mainly 18+ , check my other posts if you’d like !! Sending a dms or a request in my inbox motivates me to write more!!
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© CGNAB , 2024 ★
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lqfiles · 4 months
SCORE THAT GOAL! — 36. basketball incidents.
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(wc: 1962)
“jeno, please explain to me one more time why we are here?” haechan asked from beside jeno. his gaze was fixed on jeno’s side profile as he awaited the boy to answer the same question he had asked before. jeno sighed. “look, i just wanna cheer them on. can’t i be supportive?” jeno explained in hopes of getting haechan off his back. he looked at jisung who walked on his right, the boy totally in his own world.
“yeah right, just admit that you’re upset that the basketball club gets to have friendly matches against other colleges while you guys don’t.” haechan chuckled and picked up his pace, leaving jisung and jeno a few steps behind. jeno scoffed. “i’m not upset.” he assured jisung, wanting some sort of validation from him. jisung hummed, still occupied in his own thoughts. “if you say so.” he muttered. “i do say so!” jeno rebutted.
“you guys came!” chenle’s excitement grew when his eyes landed on his group of friends who entered the indoors place. ningning nodded. “of course! you were so excited it was cute. wouldn’t want to miss something that makes you so happy.” she explained and chenle shied away, a sudden embarrassment overcoming him. “i’m gonna ignore that cute part, thank you for making it. i’ll make sure to win.” chenle placed a hand on ningning’s shoulder with a happy grin.
“where is sungchan?” you asked, looking around the basketball court in hopes of finding the said the boy. “he went to go and buy some water for later. can you believe that he was planning on ditching this match? he must’ve lost his mind..” chenle revealed with great shock, a frown growing on his face which resulted in all of you smiling at him. “i don’t know why you’re surprised, he doesn’t even like basketball. you just wouldn’t stop harassing him about joining.” you laughed out.
“i wouldn’t call it harassment.. more like a.. friendly suggestion” chenle reasoned. by now the other team had entered the place too and you took that as a cue. “we should go and find a seat before they’re all taken, make us proud chenle.” mark announced, motioning for the few empty seats. chenle nodded, sending him a thumbs up before continuing to stretch.
“do you think they will win?” ningning asked mark and you as the three of you sat down. you smiled, looking over at chenle who had ran over to sungchan when he returned. “you think chenle will ever let them lose? over his dead body.”
“jisung, don’t look but the hawk is in the nest, i repeat, the hawk is in the nest.” haechan yanked jisung backwards, harshly whispering into his ear, making jisung stumble a few steps back. “what the hell?” he grumbled back. “haechan, what are you talking about.” jisung wiped the hot breath that lingered around his ear away with the back of his palm before he gave haechan a confused looked. “i said, the hawk, is in the nest.” haechan repeated slower this time, head nodding towards the direction of the benches further ahead.
following haechan’s gaze, his eyes found the first row that was taken by a few people. his eyes widened for a second. “mark is here?” jisung asked, surprised. haechan threw his head back with a harsh sigh leaving his mouth. “yes, and look who is next to him.” haechan grabbed ahold of jisung’s jaw, turning his head a few centimetres to the side.
jisung felt his breath hitch for a moment as you turned your head to look at mark, probably laughing at whatever he said. “the hawk is here.” haechan repeated once more. jisung shook his grip off his jaw, throwing haechan a small glare. “why are you calling her the hawk, don’t be weird.” jisung said and his eyes made its way back to you and your friends.
“gosh, have you ever heard of an analogy? sorry for offending you.” haechan responded back, turning agitated by jisung’s reaction. a mischievous grin grew on haechan’s face a few seconds after as he continued to stare ahead and jisung knew better than to let haechan speak any further after that. “no, don’t even do anything.” jisung warned but haechan shrugged nonchalantly, putting his hands in his pockets.
“whatever, i’m gonna go and take a seat with my good friend (—). jeno, stop sulking and come.” haechan snapped his finger in front of jeno’s bitter face. “stop glaring at the basketball players.” haechan rolled his eyes, grabbing jeno’s arm ready to drag him along. “what’s even fun about basketball?” jeno bitterly spoke and haechan dismissed it. “yeah yeah, tell me all about it.” haechan mumbled and the two walked away.
“no- guys..” jisung tried to protest but had been unsuccessful. his friends had already made their way towards the first-row seats, making sure to make their presence known to both you and your friends. jisung watched as they greeted the others before haechan pointed a finger towards jisung’s direction.
panic surged through him and his feet had started to move on its own. before he knew, he stood right next to haechan, dragging the boy back by his cardigan. “aaand zero, see! i told you it would take 7 seconds exact for him to get here.” haechan wiggled out jisung’s grip, taking a seat in the second row, right behind ningning. jeno followed, taking a seat behind mark. “the fact that you can predict that is insane. how many times have you annoyed him?” jeno questioned.
jisung stood dumbfounded at the opening of the rows, eyes wavering between all of them until they landed on you. you were already looking at him and smiled when your eyes aligned. “hi.” you greeted and jisung couldn’t stop his own lips from shyly tugging upwards. “hey.” looking down at the spot next to jeno, he realised it was right behind you. slowly lifting his head back up to see both haechan and jeno grin at him, jisung scoffed. maybe jeno and haechan did know how to play cupid after all.
you had turned your body sideways to face him, focusing all your attention on him. “so what brings you here?” jisung awkwardly started. you chuckled, tilting your head a bit. “well, two of my friends play in the basketball team. why wouldn’t i be here?” you teased and jisung felt himself tense. what kind of stupid question was that, he mentally scolded himself.
“and what brings you here, football player?” you asked him and jisung smiled before nodding towards the person on his left. “jeno wanted to watch and dragged us along.” he explained. it felt like the whole room had turned silent, even though that was the total opposite. you hummed, your gaze still lingering on jisung. he let out an awkward cough, averting his eyes.
“how’s your throat?” jisung asked softly, but loud enough for you to hear. “oh, yeah my throat is alright now. your scarf is really warm, i might never give it back.” you laughed and jisung copied, looking back up at you. his top teeth were shown as he flashed a quick smile. “that’s okay, you can keep it. you’ll probably need it more than me.” jisung told you. and it probably looks better on you, jisung thought.
“seems like chenle really is hard-carrying his team.” mark commented as the match progressed. it had been around 20 minutes and the score was 2-3. as expected, chenle was the star player, priding the school by not missing a single shot handed to him.
“he runs the basketball club like the navy, he thinks he’s the coach.” you explained, watching chenle run around the field, throwing his hands around so his teammates would send him the basketball back. for a friendly match, he behaved like he could take down anyone in his way any moment.
“i wonder how much longer this is going to last.” haechan yawned from behind you. you couldn’t help but crack a smile, craning your head to look at the boy who was slumped in his seat. “theatre boy can’t even pay attention for twenty minutes?” you joked and haechan groaned, rolling his eyes dramatically. “there are other things i can pay twenty minutes of my attention to. watching men sweat as they run around with a ball in their hand isn’t one of them.”
“right! just a stupid game.” jeno butted in, folding his arms. all of you had turned to look at him. “jeno.. please, give it up.” haechan rubbed a hand over his face. he was already extremely bored, he couldn’t deal with jeno’s bitterness at the moment. the rest of you laughed, turning back to watch the game while you kept your eyes on haechan for a bit longer.
“better be watching, chenle will definitely ask you to point out your favourite part of the match.” you grinned at haechan who frowned in return. “why would he do that? we’re acquaintances at most, i’m not here for him!” haechan asked perplexed. you shrugged and leaned back, about to turn around again. “he loves praise, don’t be surprised.” was the last thing you said before you turned around.
you barely had time to register what happened. all you heard was ningning screech, and all you felt was your body being pushed aside by your shoulders. you instinctively closed your eyes, expecting to feel your body land on the seat next to you. you never did, instead the grip on your shoulders stayed until you opened your eyes. you looked to your side, taking notice of ningning’s body leaning into mark with wide eyes.
“are you okay?” you knew it was jisung, yet you weren’t expecting to hear him right next to your ear. you turned your head further to the left, face only a meter away from jisung who had gotten out of his seat, almost crouching behind your seat. the two of you were leaned in an awkward position and jisung soon lost balance, falling on his shins while simultaneously letting go of your shoulders.
you sat back up, looking behind you to see the basketball that had flown past you to the empty space between the first and second row. you looked over to the court to see chenle with his jaw dropped. he quickly mouthed something but you dismissed it and stood up to look at the row behind you. “i’m fine, are you okay?” you asked jisung who had just gotten back up, dusting off his jeans.
“yeah.. that was embarrassing..” he whispered as some of the audience was still looking over at you two. you nodded, scratching your neck. “it really was yeah, thank you for that. i didn’t even see it.” you thanked jisung as the both of you sat back down. he didn’t respond back and you watched as he looked at your arms for a few seconds before nodding. you were convinced you saw a tint of worry in his eyes, but didn’t want to look too deep into it.
“it’s okay, next time, be careful- n-not that it’s your fault of course! but still, don’t get hurt, you know?” jisung stammered, a sudden fluster washing over him. he barely looked you in the eye as he spoke, instead watching of his knee bounce up and down. “thank you, i will be careful.” you bit back your smile, reluctantly turning around to continue watching the match.
“holy shit.” haechan muttered with wide eyes. “wow.. never mind, maybe i do have a favourite part from this match.” a smirk had grown on his face, a smirk both him and jeno sent jisung as they nudged him. “fuck off.” jisung retorted back, trying to control the way his body was heating up.
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previous — master list — next
notes ; LONG CHAPTER, IM SORRY! tldr ; they all go to watch chenle and sungchan’s basketball match and a ball almost hits y/n but jisung saves you, yippie 🤗
TAGLIST ; @rksbae @222brainrot @severefireangelprune @violetvoo @prdshobi @kikookii @haechansbbg @en-dream @bbxnny-bbxtch @cvpidxo @jaeminslattes @90s-belladonna @softieluvsyou @wenjunblossoms @be0mluver @jeongintwt @myhaechan @love1again @ckline35 @cassie6392 @hibernatinghamster @starboys-gf @rllymark @mfaal @snflwrhaerecs4u @sunflowerbebe07 @ahnneyong @enhalovie @galacticpurpl3 @manooffline @luv4jeno @mikadorbs @1moo7 @ksywoo @ohdudehesflirting @savluvsmingi @finnydraws @invumi @crvzy-fujoshi @peterparkerluvvbot @hrjunluvs @i2kittenz @jisungji @http-peachie @jisyng @sweetcandycum @giaccolo @shotaroswifeyily @sinsgaybutthatsokay @be-my-sunrise @syzavxy @kyusqult @mxlly143 @o-schist @bigjishirt @snuglyjwi @hyunniesvlog @shuaadmirer
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
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get this right * aa23
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the thought of proposing to you is one that always comes easy to alex, but what he hadn’t expected is how difficult it is to execute it
pairings: alex albon x fem!reader
warnings: literally nOthing just a buNCH OF CUTE SHIT
notes: YALL i’ve been simping for this man for like weeks but in my head, he’s just such a sweetheart that i can’t imagine him in bad situations and nOW I FINALLY GOT IT
also… i’m really liking these multiple scenario fics… if you guys have any suggestions with stuff you want to see, please feel free to send them in here and this has been in my drafts since october oh my gooooood
(f1 masterlist)
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“you’re telling me you already bought the ring?” max raises an eyebrow at alex, completely baffled at the story his friend has chosen to bestow upon them.
to the question, alex nods. his head snaps to george, who then asks, “and you’ve had it for almost a month?”
again, the thai nods. “and you have yet to propose?” lando says his piece, just as shocked as the rest of the table is.
alex can only nod, dropping his head in disappointment. in the middle of their circular table sat a red velvet box. inside it is the ring that alex had very carefully picked out with his sisters and mother.
yet the diamond ring sits comfortably in the box instead of your finger. and so does he amongst his friends while he faces the million dollar questions as to why he’s had the ring and has yet to propose to you.
“are you having second thoughts?” charles speaks up, tilting his head and biting his lips in curiosity.
if the answer were to be a ‘yes’, that would be worrisome. considering alex is one of the more romantic people they all know.
“no,” alex finally speak, putting a firm hand down on the table. he meets all of their eyes and feels the judgement. he sighs. “i’m not having second thoughts. i want to marry (y/n) just as much as i said before.”
george lifts his hands up and throws alex a questioning shrug. “so what’s holding you back then?”
“well…” alex chews on the inside of his cheek. he glances down at the box and scrunches up his nose, recounting the numerous times he has tried to get on one knee for you.
“i’m afraid it’s really not that simple.”
-> 20 days ago
alex glances at the door of your shared apartment then his eyes jump to the clock hanging just above your decorative plant. you should be home any minute.
the living room has been decorated beautifully with the help of his sisters. there is a singular heart helium balloon tied down to the bouquet of roses that sits on the kitchen island.
he’s even dressed up in his best suit to greet you a warm welcome home.
he sinks further into his couch, shaking his leg in anticipation. he runs his thumb over the velvet material of the box.
alex hadn’t been planning on proposing to you so soon, if he were to be honest. but he woke up that morning to empty half of the bed, with a note in your handwriting reminding him how much you love him and that breakfast is on the table.
his heart felt so full and he just knew today is the day.
so he got up and called his sisters up. they decorated the house together. with their help, he at least has the slightest idea of what to say to you.
it would be embarrassing if he was stuttering every 5 seconds thinking of what to say to you next.
it was 15 minutes later that he started to get worried about you. you usually get home from work around the same time whenever he’s in town — give or take about 5 minutes.
as if you’d read his mind, his phone lights up with a text notification from you.
my car died. can you pick me up please?
without another question, he is already typing a response to let you know that he will be on the way. he adds on the fact that he will call a tow truck for you after you send him your location.
when he gets there, he sighs in relief that you’re safe. he’d already known you were stuck in the parking lot of a mcdonald’s, but how can he really know when he’s rarely home?
you’re sitting on the trunk of your car, eating some ice cream with your phone propped up a box of nuggets. you’re fully occupied by a video you’ve put on to accompany yourself during the wait.
“my love, why didn’t you sit in the car where the seat’s more comfortable?” alex asks as he opens the car door.
you turn your head and open your mouth with an answer, but immediately close it when he comes into view. your eyes scan him up and down, slowly gulping the remaining ice cream in your mouth.
you point at him with the spoon of your mcflurry. “why are you dressed all fancy? you were gonna go out, love?”
alex freezes. he hadn’t even thought of changing out of his outfit before coming to get you. now he has to scrape his brain for an excuse to throw you off, without sabotaging the relationship whole.
it’s like a lightbulb goes off in his head. you’ll totally buy the excuse. “i was giving my clothes a test run,” he giggles sheepishly, but hesitantly from the daggers you were shooting at him. “wanted to see what fit and what didn’t.”
he can almost envision the gears turning in your head as you process his lie. he sighs again when you turn away to lock your phone.
he’s a very bad liar. for two people who have been together for as long as you’ve been, it’s very easy to spot all his telltales.
he tries his best not to lie to you. today is when he’s exerting every single ounce of his ability to do so.
“my car battery died. i saw a screw lose when i’d checked,” you explain, gently climbing off the back of your car. you waddle over to him, lips puckered up as he bends down to meet your lips. “i’m sorry to trouble you, love. i’m sure you were enjoying your fashion show.”
he chuckles, pulling you in for a quick hug. “anything for you, my love.” he walks over to where you are and opens the mcdonald’s paper bag. “oh, you bought us dinner?”
“you dinner,” you correct him. you lean slightly into him with a loud and frustrated huff with your arms hanging around him loosely. “i’ve had such a long day at work today. it could really be deemed as the worst day; i just want to go home and relax.”
alex scrambles in his mind, thinking of several ways he can deviate you from the house a little longer. he makes a mental note to text his sister to do a quick cleanup before you make your way home.
he simply refuses to propose to you when you’re in a bad mood. he doesn’t think your answer would change depending on how you currently feel, but it just doesn’t feel right.
alex hums, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you. “what do you say we go to our spot up in the hills and chill for a little bit?”
he watches you in anticipation. if you didn’t agree, he really wouldn’t know what to do at all. there are only so many excuses he can make. and there's only so much time before his sisters can get to the apartment and get cleaning.
“hm, okay." you lean into him and squeeze him in your hug. “anywhere with you is relaxing.”
-> 18 days ago
so alex shall try again in the planned department. he is once again in your shared apartment. there is a singular rose this time with dinner on the table. this time, decorated by himself.
he’s practised in the mirror. what he should say. everything he had planned out a few days ago is forgotten as the nerves are slightly different this time.
he doesn't get nervous often, but whenever it comes to you, it's inevitable that it bothers him. when it first happened, it was a confusing feeling that he spent days pondering what exactly it is.
when george smacked his head and told him, he looked down shyly at the ground and nodded.
he got the same feeling when he asked you to be his girlfriend and met your parents.
his chosen seat is a bar stool this time, and he plays some games on his phone to remain calm and collected. though still a little bit distracted.
his attention is split between the phone in his hands and the door. occasionally, the footsteps in the hallway make his heart stop as he looks up and waits for a lock to click. it's never the door he wants to open.
his game is briefly interrupted, his mother's picture flashing on the screen while his phone buzzes. it's not unusual that she's calling, but it is a bit of a shock since she knows he's planning to propose tonight.
he picks up the call, an explanation as to why he hasn't texted at the tip of his tongue.
“i’m sorry, sweetie,” his mother’s panicked voice comes through the phone. “can you please come over? it’s an emergency.”
that’s all he needed to hear before he was darting all over the apartment. he’s popped the balloon, as there was clearly no need for it tonight, the rose is hiding behind a bunch of folded shirts in his drawer and the velvet red box goes back into the deepest pit of his underwear drawer.
this time, he remembers to change out of his clothes. it’s slightly less put together than before, but it was still an effort.
“alex, love?” the sound of the door opening makes him perk up. your voice bounces through the apartment, followed by the pitter-patter of the cats’ nails against the hardwood floor. “are you home?”
he stumbles out of your bedroom, pulling up his sweatpants. “i need to go over to mum’s.”
you stop dead in your tracks, the door still held open and the key in your hands. clearly, you notice his panic in the way he’s barely even greeted you. you raise your eyebrows and step aside, leaving a gap for him to go through the door.
“i can drive you if you want,” you offer him, watching him jog towards the car keys.
he’s shaking, and it’s noticeable from the way he’s struggling to find his wallet. his wallet that is very clearly sitting above the shoerack in the entryway.
you grab it swiftly and say his name. it makes him stop briefly, turning to you as he held up the couch’s cushion, still in search of his wallet.
you lift up the leather item and then show him your car keys. you nudge your head towards the hallway. “come on, i’ll drive.”
-> 10 days ago
third time's the charm, right? right?
alex sits in his chair, hands fixing his collar, then his hair, picking at the menu, and then the lace table cover.
"hey, love," you say from behind him, bending down to press a kiss to his forehead. "i'm sorry i'm late. there was traffic in the parking lot at the office."
"don't worry about it. i just arrived not too long ago." alex gets up to his feet, pulling you in for a tight hug. he presses a chaste kiss to your lips before running over to pull your seat back for you.
you thank him with the squeeze of his arm while you take your seat. you grab the menu and get comfortable in your seat. "have you looked at the menu yet?"
"not yet, i was waiting for you."
he feels like a stalker watching you from across the table. his hand is in his jacket's pocket, rubbing circles over the velvety material once more. when exactly is the right time to ask you?
"how was work?" alex starts, taking the menu into his hands, looking at you shyly as he awaits your response.
"it's alright. nothing out of the ordinary from me," you mutter with a shrug, flashing him a small grin before returning your attention to the menu. "the pasta looks good, don't you think?"
"i saw their salmon dish online - that looked good," alex answers. but he's been on the same page of the menu for a hot minute, his eyes have read the same item so many times that he has its description memorised.
all he can think of is how to transition to popping the question.
"it does look delicious... do you want to share a dessert after too?" you inquire, looking up at him with a huge smile. "i really want the lava cake."
"with vanilla ice cream?"
"of course!"
and you make small talk with him. which almost makes him forget the ring that's in the pocket of his jacket. you talk and he thinks and thinks and tries to find the perfect time to pop the question to you.
until your smile drops and your head angles to the side slightly. your lips part as your eyes move from his, over to the door in pure shock.
"love, what's wrong?" alex follows your moving gaze.
and he also freezes in his seat. it's his ex-girlfriend. the same exact person that you'd mentioned you thought you could never live up to.
all because his mother had slipped up and asked about her over casual conversation over dinner, and because you had noticed that his sisters still kept in constant contact with her.
he watches you, from the corner of his eyes, sink into your seat and drop your head. you press your lips together and give him a small smile. "maybe let's cancel dessert? i'm not very hungry."
-> now
"do you get why it's a little complicated now?" alex groans, throwing his head back. "it's not like i haven't tried."
charles presses his lips together, nodding slightly as he tries to assess the situation for himself. he hasn't proposed to anybody in his life, so what advice does he have to give his friend? "maybe you're overthinking it?"
"yeah," george nods. "maybe you just have to... ask her. just ask her."
"you're aware i'm proposing to her. i'm not just asking some random girl to be my prom date to the dance," alex lays out his situation slowly, scanning his friends' faces carefully.
they're not serious about just asking you without a whole get-up, are they? he never would have asked them if he'd known how minuscule this issue was to them. it's never as simple as just asking you to marry him.
it's an important question.
"actually, i think twiddle dee and twiddle dum have got a point," max smiles, pointing at their two other friends now rolling their eyes. "if it all keeps blowing up in your face when you plan your proposal, maybe you just need to do it when you... get the feeling. you know?"
"just do it when you're so overwhelmed at the thought of spending the rest of your life with her," george shrugs, taking a sip from his drink. "would help the nerves, and it makes it more genuine."
alex shakes his head. "i don't know. that doesn't make the moment very special, now, does it?"
"just try it, and then let me know."
-> 5 days later
"love!" your excited voice fills the house, prompting alex to lift his head from the armrest of the couch.
he'd been home all day, claiming a rest day from the gym and other press commitments before he had to do it all over again this weekend for another race.
"yes, love?" alex smiles, opening his arms, watching you walk out of the kitchen and excitedly walk over to him. "what's got you so preppy?"
"love, i was outside coming home from work, and i saw the cutest little snail right outside the apartment building," you giggle, dropping your bag by the foot of the couch. you drop yourself into his arms, adjusting yourself to fit the small space that the couch provides you. "i took a picture, look!"
"you took a picture of a snail?"
"yes!" you nod. "its shell looked so beautiful. and i even moved it to the side so that nobody could step on it unknowingly. just so sad when that happens to them."
and then he knows. it hits him, then and there, while you were rambling on about how beautiful this snail's shell is, that this is the moment. this is the moment that max was talking about.
he props his head up with his hand, nodding as you zoom into the picture you'd taken.
"we should get married," alex blurts, unable to hold himself back. the ring is not even with him - it's somewhere in the back of his closet. but it doesn't even seem like a necessary accessory for him at the moment.
"what?" you tilt your head, slowly dropping your hand into your lap. you sit up and look down at him. "alex, what did you say?"
"i have the ring and everything. hold on." alex scrambles to get off his seat, but you shake your head and put a hand over his chest. you pull him back into the couch, maintaining his position next to you with a puzzled stare.
"did you just say what i thought you just said?"
"yes. and i've been trying to propose to you all month," alex sighs, "something always goes wrong: your car broke down, my mum called, then we saw my ex in the restaurant. i tried setting it up, and of course, i ask you when i don't have the ring with me."
he's flailing his arms in the air as he explains his troubles to you, ultimately throwing his hands towards the direction of your bedroom before he slumps his shoulders and looks at you. "i wanted it to be a picture-perfect moment. i wanted it to be everything you dreamt about growing up. remember?"
"so i heard you right? you're asking me to marry you?" you can barely hide the smile growing on your face, eyes tearing up as you grab his hands. "i don't care about the ring. you're asking me to marry you?"
"do you still want to? i couldn't even propose to you right."
"of course, i want to marry you," you giggle, throwing your arms around him. you pepper his cheek with kisses, alex hesitantly wrapping his arms around your waist as he leans back onto the couch. "i love you, alex. you just had to ask me the question. i don't care how, where or when you'd say it."
"obviously, i didn't know that until now," alex laughs. he buries his face into your hair, making a mental note to thank max next weekend for the helpful tip.
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leossmoonn · 7 months
Welcome back, Sara!!! For a fluffy Mike idea, maybe just a cozy rainy day spent at home with Mike and Abby? Like watching movies with cups of hot cocoa under a mountain of blankets, and all that jazz
Hi Logan ☺️☺️☺️ thanks for sending this in. I’m always afraid of writing fluff fics bc like everyone wants the smut, but it’s reassuring to have this put in lol
it’s a sunday and mike just so happens to have the day off. he’s been working long and hard hours and you convinced him to take the day off. you and abby are so excited; you two planned the whole day from the moment you woke up to the time it was time for abby to sleep. unfortunately, it’s rainy and a sudden wind chill swept through. none of you need to get sick and mike didn’t want to make making abby carry an umbrella, so you make the quick decision to stay in. abby’s a little disappointed, but you try to make up for it.
the first thing you and mike do in the morning is make a fort with abby. and not just a little four corners fort. no, she makes you cover the entire living room with blankets. even the tv was included! you and mike are dragged into some play-pretend games. for a lot of them mike’s forced to play some sort of villan.
“why can’t i play the hero, abby?” mike frowns. “because that’s her job!” abby points to you.
mike gives you a look and you shrug. “abby’s the director here. cant fight with the boss.”
mike rolls his eyes, wanting to get out of the humid blankets and sleep, but he knows how happy this makes abby. and even though abby is making him play the bad guy, he knows she means it out of love and he also loves getting to spend as much time with abby as he can. watching you act is pretty cute as well.
once abby gets bored of playing in her fort — which is like 3 hours later — she decides she wants to watch a movie.
“let’s clean up first, yeah?” mike suggests. “no! let’s keep the fort up to watch the movie!” abby says.
“abby, no. we had our fun with the fort. it’s time to turn the house back to normal,” mike says. “please say we can keep the fort up!” abby pouts as she looks up at you.
mike gives you a warning look, but you can’t say no to abby. “let’s just keep the fort up for the movie, yeah?”
abby squeals and wiggles back into the fort. mike glares at you. “she’s never going to want to take it down.”
“she will when it’s time for bed, which is hours away.” you step closer to him, gently putting your hand on his shoulder. “how about i pop some popcorn — the real stuff on the stove — and i make us some hot coca, okay?”
well, who was mike to turn down stove-popped popcorn and hot cocoa. he felt like a little kid again. it doesn’t help that you and abby’s pouty faces were ganging up on him. he sighs in defeat and nods, crossing his arms around his chest.
“fine, but after the movie, we will clean all this up, okay?”
“of course,” you nod. you turn to abby who is lit up with excitement. “can i pick the movie?”
“yep! do you want any popcorn?” you ask her. “yes. can you put m&ms in mine?” she asks. “you got it, babe,” you answer.
you three settle in the fort, abby laying on her stomach right in front of the tv. she chose “Lady and The Tramp”, which was one of her more enjoyable movie choices.
“mike, you’re kind of like the tramp,” abby comments, popping a handful of popcorn and m&ms into her mouth.
you begin to laugh but cover it up with a cough when mike shoots you a glare. “abby, that’s not very nice.”
“he knows it’s true,” she says, kicking her feet up and dangling them in the air. “And you’re like Lady.”
you glance at mike, a small smile on your face. you lean into him, your nose brushing against the scruff on his cheek. “i think what she’s trying to say is that we are perfect for each other.”
the tips of his ears turn pink. he wraps his arm around you, pulling you in so your head rests on his shoulder. “she could’ve said it differently, though.”
you giggle, “nah, i think it’s accurate.” he rolls his eyes, but there’s no denying the smile on his face and twinkle in his eye.
mike ends up falling asleep towards the end of the movie. his head rests on your chest, both arms around your waist to hold you close. your hands are in his hair, massaging his scalp while the credits roll.
“why is he so tired all the time?” abby pouts. “he works a lot,” you say. “but i’m sure he’ll wake up soon. why don’t you help me clean the fort up?”
“do i have to?” abby frowns. “i think mike would appreciate that,” you say.
“ugh, fine. but only if we can have pancakes for dinner.”
you grin and nod, “you got it.”
mike wakes up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes. he twists and turns on the floor, the sizzle of bacon him bringing him into consciousness. he begins to open his eyes, his back beginning to ache from sleeping on the floor. he hears some giggling coming from the kitchen, sitting himself up on his elbow and peering over the couch. you’re at the stove, a spatula in your hand. abby’s sitting at the table, crayons littering the wood.
“look who’s up!” you exclaim. mike groans softly as he sits up, using the couch as a crutch to stand up. “i’m sorry i fell asleep. between the rain and the pillows —”
“shush,” you cut him off. he walks over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist, his fingers tracing sliver of skin on the small of your back that’s exposed. “i ruined our day.”
“no, you didn’t. right, abs?” you turn to her. “you did snore a lot, but you didn’t,” she says. you smile at mike, “see? all is well.”
“smells good.” he mumbles as he wraps both arms around your waist, placing his chin onto your shoulder.
“me or the food?” you glance at him with a teasing smile. he takes a not-so-nonchalant inhale of your skin. “both,” he answers.
“ew!” abby grimaces behind you two. you and mike both laugh and he presses a kiss to your cheek before pulling away. he brings some plates and silverware out, sitting across from abby and waiting for the food.
mike stares as you two discuss abby’s drawing. he can’t wipe the smiles off of his face. his life was never perfect and he knew it was never going to be, but if he could just keep this — keep you two — he would then be able to call it perfect.
“mike,” abby says with a little pout. “what’s up?” he asks.
“do you have to go back to work tomorrow?” she asks. “i do, but you also have to go back to school,” he states.
“i don’t want to,” she says. mike sighs, the calmness from his body fleeting. “you don’t have a choice, abby. i’m sorry.”
“i… i just mean… i want this day to last forever.”
his eyes widen and glance up at you. you’re rubbing her back soothingly, giving him an encouraging smile.
“maybe we can do something special for dinner again tomorrow,” you suggest. “we can watch a movie and even eat dinner on the couch.”
abby’s face lights up and she nods. “okay! can i pick the movie again?”
“only if you don’t compare me to a dog again,” mike says. abby giggles and puts a forkful of pancakes in her mouth before speaking again. “we’ll see,” she quips.
mike looks back at you, placing his hand inside of yours on the table. your feet slides up his calf, your eyes soft as you look over his face. his heart warms and for the first time in a while, he feels at peace.
531 notes · View notes
daddyricsdoll · 8 months
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✩ ♬ ₊˚.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Hello and welcome!! I'm Celina, an aries and aspiring WAG. I love my queen Lana Del Rey, as well as Arctic Monkeys, Måneskin, The neighbourhood and soooo many more! Literature from old poetry to dark romance satisfies me, and after smut, fluff is one of my favourite things to exist. McLaren is my favourite team with Lewis, Lando and Oscar being my favourite drivers. I also love football Liverpool and Real Madrid are my favourite teams.
I also have a side blog where I reblog things that don't relate to F1, like football and Beta Squad. Although I’m not too active on there. But I have recently started writing football fics on here too!!
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My requests are closed but you can still send me the kinkiest and unholy thoughts you have, I'm probably thinking them too. Or play it safe with fluff. Things that don’t relate to f1 at all are welcome too and many thanks from everyone who has interacted with my blog. 💗
Fics are oldest-top and newest-bottom.
© Don’t be afraid to reblog or comment but please do not copy my work. I work hard to write and publish it for people on this platform which also means I own it. Majority if not all of it is 18+ so you are warned. I do think it’s best for minors to not interact with the smut, but I can’t stop you like no one could with me. Anyways, I hope you have a stunning day!
1k ✭ Celebration!!
Latest work: Vanilla? ✭ Oscar Piastri
Personal favourites: To Love ✭ Lando Norris and Pleasure ✭ Paul Aron
Most popular: Vanilla? ✭ Oscar Piastri
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Lando Norris
Tender ✭ Lando Norris -Smut 0.6k words
Summary: Just a short blurb of smut and some sweet fluff with Lando after playing padel
To Love ✭ Lando Norris- Smut and Fluff 3.7k words
Summary: Lando Norris is easy to love, and how lucky I am that he's mine. These are the five moments that made us feel so much more than just love!
Last Christmas ✭ Lando Norris- Smut 1.9k
Summary: Christmas couldn't be finished without a special present from Lando, maybe more than one.
Masquerade ✭ Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri- Smut 2.2k
Summary: A night at a masquerade ball ended much better than you had ever dreamed of. Starting with two men and one you.
Now ✭ Lando Norris- Smut 1.5k
Summary: The ache between your legs was so strong seeing Lando hold control in the DJ booth at the club. But holding control of Lando also made your pussy drenched. Luckily Lando had a need for you too, and you both planned on conquering those needs.
Stream ✭ Lando Norris- Smut 0.8k
Summary: Lando had left you to stream Fortnite, and a hint of jealously sparked inside of you. But the thought of making him regret that choice, for now and the future, held a more prominent standing.
Touch me ✭ Lando Norris and Ollie Bearman- Smut 2.5k
Summary: After many times of asking you finally said yes to Lando, but with one catch. The innocent virgin Oliver Bearman would be there too.
Two is better than one ✭ Lando Norris and Jude Bellingham- Smut 3.9k
Summary: It was hard to suppress your feelings for your best friend since childhood, especially if he's the Lando Norris. But then you met an alluring man who had made you question if you had loved Lando or if this was an act of lust. Soon growing a desire for both men but still questioning what to do. Until they decided to give you the answer- two is better than one.
Hands and Knees- Suggestive 0.2k
From my 1k celebration! Summary: "If your parents weren't here you'd be on your hands and knees."
Daniel Ricciardo
Ride ✭ Daniel Ricciardo- Smut 1k
Summary: Daniels arm might have stopped him from a few things, but with his good girl willing to do anything and everything to take care of him, he could tick one of the boxes as satisfied.
Good Girl ✭ Daniel Ricciardo- Smut 0.8k
Summary: You wanted to please Daniel, but you didn't know how. Luckily Daniel is a great teacher even from the comfort of his couch and your head between his legs. Plus, he always gives rewards too.
Charles Leclerc
Bigger than the whole sky ✭ Charles Leclerc -angst 0.3k words
Summary: The aftermath of you and Charles' Relationship. He was bigger than the whole sky.
Carlos Sainz
Truth or Dare ✭ Carlos Sainz -Smut 1.5k words
Summary: You go to your best friends house for a distraction, but her boyfriend intrudes on that and you are left alone, until her brother comes along and decides a little game of truth or dare can be a distraction.
Far ✭ Carlos Sainz- Smut 0.8k
Summary: You and Carlos may have been Kilometres apart but that didn't mean you couldn't cum together.
The guy coming home to me ✭ Carlos Sainz- Fluff? 0.7k words
Summary: Investing in a F1 team in the middle of your worldwide tour was very outrageous and threw many questions at you. But of course they didn't know that you happened to date one of the drivers in the team, until a concert in Singapore.
Sebastian Vettel
Clandestine ✭ Sebastian Vettel -Smut 1.1k words
Summary: You lay on your bed masturbating imagining it's your dads young german friend that happens to be downstairs. You moan a little too loud and then someone opens the door.
Oscar Piastri
Soft ✭ Oscar Piastri- Smut 0.5k words
Summary: Some soft sex with Oscar after he won the sprint in Qatar.
Masquerade ✭ Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri-Smut 2.2k
Summary: A night at a masquerade ball ended much better than you had ever dreamed of. Starting with two men and one you.
Good Boy ✭ Oscar Piastri- Smut 1.3k
Summary: You love Oscar so much, especially when he's a good boy and you have control. And for being such a good boy you think Oscar deserves to cum many times.
Sensitive ✭ Oscar Piastri- Smut 0.3k
Summary: Just one more for Oscar, you knew he could take it.
Vanilla? ✭ Oscar Piastri- Smut 1.6k
Summary: It's always the quiet ones that are the freakiest. But that wasn't what every other driver on the grid thought as they teased Oscar and you for being too innocent to know anything beyond vanilla sex. So when you guys didn't put up a fight, they figured they were right... until someone was lucky enough to see you and Oscar on the other end of the spectrum of "plain sex".
Hold you- Fluff 0.2k
This is part of my 1k celebration! Summary: "Can I hold you?"
Ollie Bearman
First ✭ Ollie Bearman- Smut 1.1k words
Summary: Ollie deserves a reward after that amazing win in Monza.
Friends? ✭ Ollie Bearman- Smut 1.9k
Summary: You and Ollie were just friends, no matter how much your feelings grew or your need for his lips against yours. Well that was what you thought when you found someone else to put your mind to for the evening, but maybe not with Ollie's furrowed brows and glares.
Sweet ✭ Ollie Bearman- Smut 0.9k words
Summary: Watching a Christmas movie together turns into riding Ollie, and it's just as sweet as the hot chocolate he made.
My turn ✭ Ollie Bearman- Smut 0.6k words
Summary: You won your first race and now it's Ollie's turn to reward you.
Hate but I love you too ✭ Ollie Bearman - Smut 2.7k words
Summary: From when he ignored you then nearly kissed your lips. Or never said sorry to begging for you. Oliver was a rollercoaster of emotions and it's safe to say- It took hate to love him.
You ✭ Ollie Bearman- Smut 1k
Summary: You had adapted to what Ollie needed but recently you had noticed there was something else, and obviously you planned on conquering it.
Benefits ✭ Ollie Bearman- Smut 1k
Summary: Going to Ollie's home for dinner is easy. But being friends like this, has its benefits. In this case Ollie wanted his time home to be better than it already was, starting in his sim chair.
Touch me ✭ Lando Norris and Ollie Bearman- Smut 2.5k
Summary: After many times of asking you finally said yes to Lando, but with one catch. The innocent virgin Oliver Bearman would be there too.
How much I love you- Fluff 0.3k
From my 1k celebration! Summary: "You have no clue how much I love you."
Max Verstappen
You know ✭ Max Verstappen- Smut 1.9k
Summary: Max got his 3rd world title and he had an idea on how to celebrate.
False God ✭ Max Verstappen- Smut 4.5k
Summary: Being lost spiritually isn't something you can brag about, but finding a new belief in someone is. From that alluring man in the F1 paddock to finding out he's the Max Verstappen didn't effect you as much as discovering his lips are your new religion even if it's a false god.
George Russell
Quiet ✭ George Russell- Smut 1.1k
Summary: Maybe it was because you were proud, or maybe it was because he was yours. But you needed him, in more ways than one, starting in the car.
Lewis Hamilton
Please ✭ Lewis Hamilton- Smut 2.1k
Summary: You were supposed to celebrate Lewis's great P2 until you found out about the disqualification and he just needed something else.
Shut up- Smut 0.4k
From my 1k celebration! Summary: "Do you ever shut up?" "Only when I'm eating you out."
Liam Lawson
Little celebration ✭ Liam Lawson- Smut 0.7k
Summary: There was no doubt everyone beamed with smiles after Liam scored his maiden points in F1, which meant the race debrief between the two of you couldn't be the same as others. And you made sure of that.
Paul Aron
Pleasure ✭ Paul Aron- Smut 1.3k
Summary: Paul had the opportunity to drive a beautiful car, and have a beautiful passenger next to him. So why not make the most of it?
Jude Bellingham
Two is better than one ✭ Lando Norris and Jude Bellingham- Smut 3.9k
Summary: It was hard to suppress your feelings for your best friend since childhood, especially if he's the Lando Norris. But then you met an alluring man who had made you question if you had loved Lando or if this was an act of lust. Soon growing a desire for both men but still questioning what to do. Until they decided to give you the answer- two is better than one.
More coming soon... but while you wait you can look at some wallpapers!
978 notes · View notes
dilemmaontwolegs · 7 months
Declaration of Independence || LS2
Pairing: ex!Lando Norris x Piastri!Reader, Logan Sargeant x Piastri!Reader, Lando Norris x Carlos Sainz Jr Summary: When you find your boyfriend in the arms of his ex-team mate you realise all the rumours were true. With nothing keeping you in Monaco you head to your twin brother’s place in London before planning to return home to Australia. Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, sexual themes, angst, hurt/comfort, alcohol WC: 8k
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The phone rang for so long you thought it was going to go to voicemail but your younger brother must have caught it on the last ring. He could hardly talk as he panted from whatever exercise his personal trainer was putting him through and you stiffened your trembling lip, trying to sound as normal as possible.
You could almost see his forehead crumpling in confusion as the seconds ticked by before he answered. “What's wrong?”
“Shit,” you whispered as his protective tone triggered fresh tears and you heard him excuse himself from the gym citing ‘something’s wrong with my sister’. If only he knew how true that was. “I, um, need a favour.”
“Of course, whatever you need,” he answered instantly as a door banged shut at his end of the line. 
Overhead you heard the last call for the flight out of Nice you had bought a last minute ticket for and you shoved your phone between your ear and shoulder so you could fish your passport and boarding pass from your handbag. “Can I crash on your couch for a few days? Just until I can organise a flight home?”
“Home…what do you mean home?” Oscar asked, a moment before the request for a facetime popped up. His red and sweaty face filled your screen and you were sure yours looked similar from all the crying you had done on the drive from Monaco. “Are you at the airport? Where’s Lando?”
You shook your head as you tried to think of the words but they failed to emerge as you walked through the bridge to the plane that was waiting for you. “I…can I stay? Please.”
Worry filled his face but he nodded. Of course you could stay with him, you never had to ask, you were family. “I have a meeting with Zac soon but send me your flight number and I’ll send someone to pick you up.”
“You don’t have to do that. I can get a taxi.”
“No way. If it wasn’t Zac I promise I would be there, sis.”
“I know,” you sniffled, seeing you were at the plane door. “I’ve gotta go but thank you.”
“I’ll see you in a few hours,” Oscar said softly, pity in his eyes. “Love you.”
“You too, Jacky.”
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At first glance you thought maybe Oscar had forgotten to organise a ride for you. Dozens of suited chauffeurs held little signs up with names but none of them were yours and you started to make your way in the other direction only to find a familiar face.
“Hey,” Logan greeted with a smile, tugging the cord of your hoodie you were hiding under. “Sorry, I didn’t have time to pick up a suit and a whiteboard.”
You stepped into his open arms with a small chuckle that lacked its usual energy. “I suppose I can forgive you. I’m sorry you were roped into this. Isn’t this way below your pay grade?”
“Wait, I could get paid for this?”
You stepped back with a laugh and patted your pockets. “I only have a couple of euros on me, so you are out of luck there.”
He started to laugh before looking around you and saw you had no luggage with you. “I thought you were coming to stay with Oscar?”
“I, um, left in a hurry,” you said as your chest tightened again and you looked at the floor. The thought of returning to the bedroom and packing a bag had your stomach turning. “I’ll get some clothes later today.”
You could still see them, their bodies writhing between the sheets you had slept in only hours earlier. You had been hurt, finding Lando in the arms of another, but the real shock had been when he pulled away at your gasp and you saw Carlos’ dark head of hair on your pillow. The man you had welcomed as a friend into your home, the man you had been on double dates with countless times, was fucking your boyfriend - or being fucked by - you couldn’t quite tell from where you stood frozen in the doorway.
“Let’s get you out of here,” Logan said quietly, tucking you into his side as he saw your waterline begin to fill in the silence. The tears slowly leaked down your cheeks as he guided you out of the terminal and to his car, belting you in when you couldn’t move for fear you would fall apart. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I can’t,” you admitted as you shook your head and pulled your hoodie back now that you were behind tinted glass. You had learned quickly just how many people followed and photographed F1 drivers and didn’t want to find yourself on the gossip pages again just yet, or ever.
He sighed but gave you a nod before turning the engine on. “Well, when you are ready, I’m here.”
“No, Lo, I can’t tell anyone, ever. I signed an NDA.”
“Seriously?” He put the car back in neutral and pulled the handbrake as he swivelled in his chair to face you as you confirmed it with a short nod. “What the fuck. Does Oscar know?”
“Not yet. It’s…complicated.”
Logan bit his lip as he fought the urge to ask more questions but he had known you long enough to know you wouldn’t be pressed on a matter. You were blunt that way, just like your brother - so he pushed the matter from his mind and started the journey to the city where Oscar shared an apartment with Lily. 
“If it gets cramped, you can always hang out at my place. I won’t be there much in the day and I know Lily is studying for her exams at the moment. Oscar’s been whining that he hardly sees her face; it's always buried in a textbook.”
“It’s only for a few days, until I can find a flight home,” you said with a shrug. You didn’t exactly want to return to Australia but there weren’t any other immediate plans that came to mind. Oscar worked with Lando, so hanging out with him in the garage like you used to gave you as much excitement as getting your fingernails ripped off.
Logan’s lips turned down at the news as he pulled up to the modern apartment block Oscar had moved into when he settled in the city. “Have my address, just in case - or you can call and I’ll pick you up.”
You grabbed your phone from your handbag and sighed when you found the battery dead. “Shit.”
A click had you look up as Logan grabbed your hand and you wriggled at the ticklish feel of his pen inking your skin. “Problem solved,” he smiled as he clicked the pen shut.
“Old school,” you teased as you twisted your hand to read the address in a suburb not too far from Oscar’s. “Thank you, Lo.”
His eyes softened as you leaned across the console and kissed his cheek before getting out of the car. “Anytime. Seriously, I’m here if you need anything.”
“I know.” You walked around to his window that he had wound down and rested your hands on the trim. “I’m glad Jacky has a friend like you.”
“I didn’t do this for him. Technically you were my friend first.”
You smiled at the memory, how Oscar had called you a traitor for hanging out with his ‘enemy’ back in F3 only for the two to end up becoming close friends after their fight for the championship. “Friends huh? I hope you didn’t kiss him too,” you joked before the image resurfaced of Lando and Carlos kissing in your bed and you pushed away from the car, missing the way his eyes lingered on your lips. “Uh, I should go. Thanks again, Logan.”
You berated yourself the entire way to the one bedroom apartment on the top floor. It was a silly joke. You shouldn’t have even brought up the kiss, it wasn’t something you had really thought about in the last two years - when you were happy with Lando. It had just been a summer thing that happened after he moved to F2 but nothing had come of it.
If you were honest with yourself you would admit you ran away. You had caught feelings for Oscar’s friend and ran the moment you realised it. Incidentally, it led you straight to Lando. And look how that turned out.
“Hey, you’re here! Sorry, I just need to run to the library but make yourself at home!” Lily greeted in a rush as she opened the door, tangling her arms in her coat as she tried to hug you at the same time. “Oscar shouldn’t be too far away. He’s picking up Thai for dinner too, so text him what you want. See you soon.”
Your goodbye drifted down the stairs with Lily and you closed the door to see the kitchen table was strewn with textbooks and it overflowed into the living room. You could hardly see the coffee table under the stack of books for her Masters but you moved some that were on the couch aside and settled in with a sigh.
Lando rushed off the bed, pulling the sheet loosely around his body but it bared Carlos completely and you stepped back at the fast approach. You couldn’t stop staring, a thousand questions running through your mind but there was only one that seemed to be repeating. 
“Why?” You should have known at that point how little the physical relationship had meant to you because it wasn’t the fact he had cheated on you that hurt the most. It was the fact he never told you the truth - you were meant to be friends first and foremost - he could have come out to you and you would have accepted him as he was.  “Why didn’t you tell me you were gay?”
Lando’s hands entwined with the sheets, nervously twisting in the material as he hung his head. “No one is allowed to know.”
Your eyes darted to Carlos as he pulled his boxers up and stepped up to Lando’s side, a large hand low on his back, supportingly. “No one can know. Do you understand?”
“No, I don’t understand. I don’t understand what the fuck is happening!” Your breaths came too quick, the room starting to sway until Lando caught you and guided you out of the room to the couch. His voice murmured apologies quietly with each step but it felt like you were listening from beneath the surface of turbulent waters.
“-both our careers.”
You blinked twice as the sound began to clear and you focused on Lando’s lips still swollen from Carlos’ kisses. “If anyone finds out then they will void our contracts.”
“So you were just using me? And Isabella?”
Carlos looked away at the mention of his ex-girlfriend and you wondered if she had been through this very same situation, or if she were blissfully unaware after their breakup. Had she been sat in front of the two of them, Carlos sitting closer and Lando the one on the other single seater couch observing quietly.
“No, fuck, no, it wasn’t like that,” Lando assured as he squeezed your hand. “I love you.”
You saw the hesitancy in his eyes that were frightened and sad, and everything else all at once. “But…you love him too.” You could do the maths and remembered the rumours that had been swirling since he joined McLaren. He had loved Carlos before he ever even met you. “I wish you told me, before I loved you too. I’m, uh, I’m just going to go now.”
“Wait, you can’t go,” Lando panicked as he gripped your hand tighter. “No one can find out.”
“I won’t tell anyone, Lan, it’s not my place, but you could have trusted me. I would have been happy for you,” you whispered as you wiped your eyes, “but now I’m just hurt and embarrassed.”
You started to pull away from Lando’s hands but he sighed heavily, his shoulders sagging. Carlos shifted forward, ready to reach for Lando before your hard eyes cut to him and he froze. “I’m sorry,” Lando murmured reluctantly. “I know you wouldn’t say anything, and I know I’m an asshole to ask, but…”
You swallowed as you waited for the next punch to come but Lando shook his head as if it physically hurt to speak. 
“We need you to sign some papers,” Carlos finished for him. “A non-disclosure agreement.”
A bitter laugh choked from your lungs. “You guys really had this all planned out didn’t you. And if I say no?” True panic widened Lando’s eyes and his chest filled with a shaky intake of air, making you feel guilty for even asking. With a resigned sigh you dropped your head in your hands and muttered, “I’ll sign whatever you need, then I’m gone.”
“You don’t have to go.”
“What do you want from me, Lan?” you asked, tugging your hair in exasperation. “What do you want me to do? Join your harem? Be your housekeeper? What!”
“I…I just don’t want to be alone again,” he whispered, a look of longing cast back to Carlos who flinched. 
You stood up, watching him shrink back as you rose over him. “I’m not going to be your bed warmer because the person you actually want isn’t available full time. Now hurry up and get me the papers to sign while I pack.” You started to make your way to the bedroom before changing your mind and going to the home office where the computer and printer was along with Lando’s sim racer. “Actually, I’ll just start completely afresh, you can donate everything. Or bin it, I don’t really care.”
Lies. Lies. Lies. You did care. You were just too stubborn to let it show.
Dropping into the office chair, you opened your phone while you waited for the NDA knowing it wouldn’t be long since they were already prepared - like they had run through the scenario before. Tiktok seemed like a good way to waste some time until the second video was a CarLando edit and you nearly broke the screen as you slammed the phone down on the desk. 
“You ok?” Lando asked as he popped his head in the room at the bang.
Spinning away from his sad blue eyes you dropped your head on the desk with a thud. “Don’t ever ask me that stupid question again.” He started to leave the room but he stopped at the choked sound that came from your throat. “You know, I would have been an ally - if you had just told me.”
“An ally?” he echoed as Carlos joined him in the doorway. 
“But now…”
“You are an enemy?” Carlos asked, his tongue running across his teeth until Lando elbowed him. 
“No, not an enemy, don’t put words in my mouth. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you like losing your jobs, I just can’t be happy for you either - not at my own expense.”
A bounce jolted you awake and your hand lashed out, slapping your brother’s arm where he had flopped down on the couch beside you. “Asshat.”
Oscar grinned but it faded quickly as he turned serious and took in your appearance - just what you needed with an already damaged self-esteem. “You okay?”
“Been better.”
“Want to send him a bag of dicks?”
“He’d probably like that,” you said with a snort before shaking your head. “No, I honestly just need something to take my mind off him.”
Oscar smiled sadly. “I would offer to go out tonight but Kim would probably kill me if I missed training in the morning, or god forbid the flight. How about we go and get absolutely trashed on Sunday after the race? You are still coming, right?”
You had debated avoiding the race entirely but when Oscar did the worst pair of sad puppy eyes you held your hand out and shook on it. “Deal. Now what’s for dinner?”
“I got a bit of everything since you didn’t text me what you wanted.”
“Phone’s dead, can I use your charger?”
“Yeah, it’s next to the bed,” he said as he jutted his head to the bedroom before pulling himself up with a groan and complaining about his ageing body.
“Shut up, I’m older than you are.”
“You were only born eight minutes before me,” Oscar complained as he led the way to the breakfast bar - the only space large enough to seat three people for dinner.
“As someone whose races come down to one thousandth of a second I think you of all people would understand eight minutes is quite substantial.”
“She’s got a point,” Lily said with a giggle as she set the plates. 
“No she doesn’t, whose side are you on?”
“Oh, Jacky-boy, it was the first race of your life and I won. Lah-hoo-zah-her.”
Something warm and wet hit your face and you narrowed your eyes at Oscar as he picked up another string of pad thai. “Say that again?”
Lily sighed as your lips parted and you matched his smirk, knowing it was going to cause carnage but at least it was familiar territory and a good distraction. “Loser.”
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Lily and Oscar had gone to bed hours ago but you couldn’t sleep. The sound of the city was louder than what you were used to and the couch wasn’t as comfortable when you weren’t completely exhausted. 
Tossing the blanket back, you went to the bathroom and grimaced at your reflection. Dark circles hung under your puffy eyes and you were grateful that you had done some shopping after dinner. After making yourself a little more decent with a layer of makeup and some warm clothes you decided to take a walk to clear your head.
The streets only grew busier the further you walked from the nice neighbourhood and you found yourself in front of a pub that was overflowing with people despite it being so early in the week. You really shouldn’t have listened to the little voice in your head but you couldn’t argue that it had been one hell of a day so you agreed to treat yourself and stepped inside. 
Logan woke to a loud knock at his door and rubbed his eyes until the blurry clock beside his bed came into focus. Stumbling from the bed with his phone in hand, he padded his way downstairs and wondered who could be showing up at 2am until he saw you swaying in the peephole. Ripping the door open he didn’t realise you were using it to balance and caught you as you fell into him.
“Hey handsome,” you slurred with a grin as you checked out his shirtless body, feeling the hard muscles across his torso, before turning to wave back to the cabbie parked on his driveway. “Told you he was real!”
“Go inside, sweetheart, I’ll be back in a minute.” Logan settled you back on your feet and kissed your forehead before stepping out of his townhouse, sauntering his way to the black cab who still had his window down waiting. 
“Are you her brother?”
“No, Oscar’s a friend, so is she,” Logan assured the driver as he held out his iPhone to pay the fare. “Where did you pick her up from?”
“The Lion’s Head. She kept asking me to take her to her brother’s flat but had no phone or address. Found this one written on her hand though, lucky for her.”
“Yeah, lucky,” he sighed before patting the door panel and stepping. “Thanks for getting her here safely, you have a good night.”
By the time Logan had locked the door again you were passed out on his couch, your head hanging at an odd angle that couldn’t be comfortable. Scooping you up into his arms, he carried you up to his room, muttering under his breath as he walked, “What the fuck did you do, Lando?”
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You woke up in a peaceful haze with a warm arm curled around your waist and soft snores on your neck. You didn’t open your eyes, not wanting to take away from this moment as your mind found itself back in your body and not in the nightmare you had been trapped in. 
“I had the worst dream, baby,” you whispered as you snuggled into the warmth of his chest against your back and felt him wake with a yawn.
You froze at the voice in your ear, your eyes being blinded by the morning light as they flew open. “Logan,” you squeaked as you shot upright and twisted to see him on his pillow, the sunlight making him look like a golden greek god. “What the..?”
Your eyes drifted down his bare chest before you caught yourself and fixed them on his blue eyes instead, the shade thankfully far brighter than the pair that had haunted your dreams. “Um, Logan, you’re naked…” you lifted the sheet you had wrapped yourself in and exhaled in relief, “and I am not. Okay. That’s good, I guess.”
“I’m not naked,” Logan clarified as he held his hands up. “You showed up last night really wasted and crashed on my couch.”
You looked around the light modern room with a quirked eyebrow. “This isn’t the couch.”
“Thank you for pointing out the obvious,” he said as he dropped his hands and laced his fingers over his abs and fiddled nervously, drawing your attention back to them before you could stop yourself. “You didn’t look comfortable so I carried you to bed but you woke up crying and…”
Your chest tightened as he trailed off and looked out the window to his small backyard. “And what, Logan?”
“You said you didn’t want to be alone, so I stayed alright? Nothing happened, okay, I just…I couldn’t leave you like that.” He bit his lip as he turned to see your reaction, wondering if he had overstepped without meaning to, but you were already launching yourself across the bed and into his chest. 
“Thank you, Lo,” you whispered against his skin as you buried your head in his neck while his arms found their way around you. 
“Don’t thank me just yet,” he mumbled. “I had to call Osc to let him know where you were.”
“Ugh,” you huffed as you pulled away from him and looked for your phone before remembering it was still charging in Oscar’s bedroom. Your eyes landed on the bedside drawers and found your cash, rings, watch and half a dozen pretzels but it was the clock that blinked angrily at you. “Shit, I’m going to miss the plane!” You scrambled to get out of bed.
“Relax. It’s all sorted,” Logan said with a laugh as he helped untangle your legs from the sheets. “You’re flying with me this afternoon.”
You froze as you found your bodies close and you felt the ghost of his touch where he had held you tenderly and let you fall asleep in his arms. “Logan…”
“Don’t look at me like that,” he whispered as he closed his eyes and shook his head, but he didn’t move away. 
“Like what?”
“Like you used to.”
‘Fuck, okay I deserved that,’ you thought as he pulled away and walked into his wardrobe. He stepped out a moment later in a pair of grey sweatpants that hung low on his hips, but his chest remained bare like he was purposefully trying to taunt you with the sight. Flopping back into the pillows, you pulled his one over your face and silently screamed as you assaulted your younger self for the decisions you had made. 
“Want waffles?” 
You refrained from smothering yourself completely and peeked over the top of the pillow that was saturated in his scent. “Store bought or homemade?”
The incredulous look he gave you had you tossing the pillow aside and rising from the bed. You didn’t know how he did it but Logan made the best waffles and despite being a good cook yourself, you could never replicate it. 
Strolling down the hall with him, you looked across and waved a hand over his body. “So do you own a shirt in this mansion?”
He smirked and shook his head. “Nope, not a single one.”
“If you take me shopping after breakfast I promise to buy you one.”
He pulled a stool out at the kitchen island and pointed you towards it while he went to the pantry and gathered the ingredients. “Didn’t you just go shopping yesterday?”
“That was so yesterday, Lolo,” you drawled as his lips curled up and his chest bounced with a laugh. “I only got some warm clothes because London can’t seem to make up its mind whether it's in a heat wave or a storm. I can’t wear this in Singapore.”
“You’ll absolutely cook,” he agreed. “The humidity is meant to be insane.”
“It is. We usually stopover there on the way home.”
You watched Logan mix all the ingredients and heat up the waffle iron before he put the first batch in and leant against the counter opposite you, resting his elbows on the bench and chin on his hands. “Where are you going to hang out in Singapore?”
You knew he didn’t mean the tourist attractions and shrugged, really not wanting to think about that just yet. “Jacky wants me there so I’m going, but beyond that I don’t know. Lando’s taking care of the ‘announcement’ but I don’t know when that will be posted.”
“I didn’t realise he was such an asshole.”
You opened your mouth but you weren’t sure if you were going to condemn him or defend him so you closed it again.
You had spent hours combing over your relationship with Lando when you couldn’t sleep and realised you weren’t actually as angry about the breakup as you felt you should have been. Maybe that was a sign it was never really that serious, or that the attraction to Lando was simple in that he was good looking and you had built a strong friendship with him. Maybe that was all there was and you misread it all. 
He had still used you, and that hurt like hell. That was real.
“You’re always welcome at my garage, no orange though.”
Your lips twitched as you shook your head in amusement. “Papaya, but thanks, I might take you up on that - if you can save my waffle from burning.”
“Shit!” Logan nearly burnt himself rushing to get the waffle out but with a hefty drenching in maple syrup you could hardly taste the extra crispy parts.
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liked by oscarpiastri, nicolepiastri and 2,286 others
y/npiastri: @/oscarpiastri when can you get one of these?
oscarpiastri: I already have one Logan and that’s enough
y/npiastri: I meant the private plane egg
Username: Why isn’t y/n flying with Lando?
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Your phone started to vibrate with notifications as soon as you turned it on after touching down at Changi Airport and you could feel a headache beginning to grow until it felt the size of a certain British race driver. One that wasn’t Lewis or George.
Though you were expecting to see him after reading through the litany of text messages you had missed, it was still a shock to find Lando in the airport terminal.
“Hey man, thanks for giving her a lift,” Lando said with a stiff nod to Logan as he draped an arm over your shoulder and whispered, “I didn’t want to do this, I’m sorry.”
All around, you could see fans taking photos and found Lando’s forced smile waiting for you to respond. Your eyes darted to Logan but he wasn’t helping matters with the glare he was sending Lando so you gritted your teeth and wrapped your free arm around Lando’s waist. 
“I’m not doing this again in Japan,” you whispered back as you waved to a few of the fans. “I don’t care what your PR team says. I’m done.”
You didn’t know where Lando slept, and didn’t care enough to ask as you closed the hotel door in his face. It was one thing to pretend to still be in a relationship in public but it didn’t extend beyond that. He was already asking too much of you.
The peace and quiet didn’t last very long before a persistent knock drummed on your door. “I know you’re in there,” Oscar called out. “Open up before I tell everyone about Bobo-”
You were not amused as you unlocked the door and found the hall empty except for him and the bag of food he held. “Keep my teddy’s name out of your mouth,” you growled as you swiped the bag from him. “Lau Pa Sat?”
“Of course,” he shrugged nonchalantly, as if he hadn’t travelled across the city to go to your favourite hawker stand.
“Thank you. I guess you can come in.”
He chuckled as you made space in the doorway and closed the door behind him. His laugh soon died and he quirked an eyebrow as he passed the trash can and saw the McLaren merch that you had found in the wardrobe. “I’ll try not to be too offended.”
“You’ll get over it.” You took a seat on the couch and opened the containers, spreading the range of dishes across the coffee table as the mouthwatering scent filled the room. “Want some?”
“Race diet,” he reminded you with a shake of his head and a longing look at the food.
“Good, I don’t share well.”
“At least you can have the leftovers for breakfast tomorrow.”
You already had a mouthful of chicken rice and nearly choked on it before swallowing. “Leftovers? Yeah, right. I’m not on a race diet, this isn’t lasting the night.”
Dropping into the seat beside you, Oscar grabbed the tv remote and went straight to the movie channels. After finally deciding on the new Spiderman he settled into the cushions, ignoring the knock on the door, muttering, “Don’t answer him.”
From Logan: open up, I can smell food.
“It’s not Lando,” you said as you tossed the phone to Oscar who went and opened the door before taking his seat again.
“Expecting anyone else?” Logan asked as he saw all the food spread out.
“She’s eating her feelings,” Oscar stated, ducking on reflex as he expected to get a punch on the arm. There was a satisfied smirk on your face when his face disappeared under a well aimed pillow and you blew a kiss to Logan as a thank you.
“Do you want some?” you offered the American a dumpling with your chopsticks.
He leaned closer and looked at the tasty morsel inquisitively. “What’s in it?”
“Don’t ask, mate.” Oscar tucked the pillow behind his head and turned the volume up. “How’d you know I was here?”
“I didn’t come to see you,” Logan said as he dropped a package on your lap before he took a bite of the dumpling, the liquid inside exploding in a mess down your top. “Fuck, sorry.” He reached for the napkins on the table but his shaking hand knocked your drink over and Oscar sat back watching the chaos with a nostalgic feeling as Logan swore again. “Fuck.”
It reminded Oscar of being Logan’s teammate at Prema, back when things were simpler and the three of you would always hang out. Logan was always clumsy around you and it looked like it was something he would never grow out of.
“Is this your present?” you asked as you finally stopped laughing at Logan and picked up the package. “Why aren’t you wearing it? It was a gift.”
Oscar’s interest was piqued and he swiped it from your hands. You had promised to buy Logan a shirt, you didn’t say it was going to be a fashionable one. Opening the bag, Oscar pulled the green shirt out and held it up to read the front before turning it around, cackling loudly.
Got a problem with me? Talk to Mike Krack.
“I am not wearing that,” Logan laughed as Oscar balled it up and tossed it at his head.
“If you won’t, I will,” you dared as you went to reach for it.
“No way,” Logan teased, pulling it out of your reach as you tried to clamber over him to get it. “It's my gift and I’m keeping it.”
“Careful not to hurt him again, sis,” Oscar warned jokingly.
Logan winced at the reminder of the one time your leg had slipped in a similar situation and your knee had met a certain body part he was quite attached to.
“That was an accident!” you huffed as you sat back in your seat and grabbed a dish of Singapore noodles. “Don’t you have a girlfriend to call before her exam?”
Oscar checked his phone and saw the time and jumped up from the couch. “Shit! See you two in the morning.”
“Wish her luck from me, not that she needs it,” you called out as the door closed in his wake. It hadn’t even clicked shut and you had tossed the remote onto Logan’s lap. “Right, find a decent movie and not a bloody cartoon.”
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?” 
Logan laughed as you narrowed your eyes at him before continuing scrolling down the title list. “Fine, what about the new Jennifer Lawrence one?”
With a full stomach, you put the lids back on the containers and made yourself comfortable on the couch, laying your head on Logan’s lap and using his thigh as a pillow. Just like old times, you smiled as his palm started to brush over your hair softly.
You hadn’t read the synopsis when you agreed to the choice and you started to regret it. The entire plot was centred around a woman who was afraid of catching feelings and so she ran at the first sight of them. You grew uncomfortable as the movie played and neither of you laughed much - you were too busy wishing you didn’t see the similarities of when you did the same to Logan. And Logan, well he had a frown etched deep into his forehead.
“You’re thinking so loud that I’m getting a headache,” you said as you rolled onto your back and looked up at him. “What’s wrong?”
“Just thinking about the race. All the races, and crashes. I keep fucking up.” 
You waited for him to continue but he was staring at the tv without really seeing what was there so you paused it. “Mistakes happen. James seems like a good principle - he should have told you this.”
“He is, but I want to be better. I push harder to prove I can but then I crash out, but if I hold back then I come last. I just don’t know how to find the balance. I feel like a failure.” He looked away, ashamed.
You sat up and cradled his cheek in your hand, guiding his face back so you could see his eyes. “You’re not a failure, Lo. You’re a rookie, it’s about learning and getting experience.”
“Oscar’s a rookie too.”
“Yeah, but he had a year of testing to get used to the car. Don’t be so hard on yourself.” You decided at that moment that you were going to take up his offer. “And to make sure you remember it, I’ll be in your garage tomorrow. I might even bring a picket sign so you can see me from the track.”
“You would too,” he chuckled before sighing and releasing the tension in his shoulders. “It's completely selfish of me, but I missed hanging out like this.”
“Me too, Lo.”
“Are you sure you want to go home?”
“No,” you scoffed. “But what else can I do? I only left so Jacky wasn’t on his own but he has Lily now. I have no place to live and everything I owned is probably already in the Monaco landfill.”
“You could stay with me,” he offered before quickly adding, “I have a guest room.”
You couldn’t quite ignore the feeling of disappointment that set in your gut at the thought of being his roommate. “You’re too nice but you’ll want your privacy, it would be awkward if you brought a girlfriend home.” That thought unsettled you even more.
“You don’t have to worry about that,” he said a little sadly. “I have about the same success with dating as I do scoring points.”
“It’s only a matter of time,” you stated confidently. “I believe in you.”
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You were hardly spotted with Lando all weekend but that wasn’t abnormal since his team kept him busy with meet and greets. Unfortunately, arriving with Logan at the airport and then at the paddock each day had caused a few whispers to spread. Rumours of the breakup were popping up on the Wag blogs and the term homie hopper was being thrown around too.
Girl has gone and signed the Declaration of Independence. Y/N belongs to America now. The tweet made you giggle a little bit as you sat in Logan’s garage eating a slice of the cake you had baked the crew. You had kept them supplied with fresh baking all weekend after finding out Logan’s hotel suite had a fully stocked kitchen and they had quickly welcomed you after that.
The busy garage fell silent, the wheel guns shutting off as the mechanics put them down to watch the pair of McLaren men walking in from the pit lane. One smiled at the Williams shirt you wore, the other looked at Logan with a new interest.
“Kim thought he smelt your baking,” Oscar said as he spotted the cake before giving you a hug. “I get not being in papaya but this is just traitorous.”
“I don’t know, I quite like it. I was even propositioned - head baker sounds good to me. Especially since I need a new job.”
Lando’s smile dropped. “Wait, what?”
You could see the people around pretending to be busy but they collectively leaned closer. They were not ignorant to the rumours in the paddock.
“Quadrant doesn’t need me. I know I was only on the payroll because of you,” you said quietly. “I emailed Max my resignation when I got to Nice, I thought he would have told you.”
“Well I’m CEO and, as CEO, I’m not accepting it.”
“Don’t be a dick, mate,” Oscar interjected, placing a hand on Lando’s chest and giving him a little push back away from you.
“I didn’t sign away my basic fucking rights so if you want to piss away your money paying me for nothing then fine.”
A warm body pressed up beside you and you didn’t have to look to know it was Logan, before his accent confirmed it. “I think you should go back to your garage, now.”
Oscar sent Logan a grateful nod and headed towards the floodlights with a firm hand on Lando’s shoulder.
“Drive safe,” you called out, both of their heads turning back at your voice but you were only looking at one of them.
“Of course,” Oscar nodded seriously. “Don’t forget, we’re going out tonight.”
“How could I forget? Free booze - It’s the only reason I came.” You hooked your arm into Logan’s and peeked up at his stoic features, his eyes still staring daggers at Lando. “You’re coming too, right?”
“Sure,” he replied with a smirk. “Someone’s got to make sure you get tucked into bed…again.”
You choked on a laugh as his words had the desired effect and Oscar shook his head as his teammate swept from the room. “If that wasn't about my sister I would hi-five you,” he said with a smile in his tone. “Good luck out there.”
“You too.”
“That was naughty,” you teased as work resided in the garage.
The mechanics were busy preparing the car for the race when your phone vibrated in your pocket and Logan’s attention was taken by his engineer. Ducking away from the distracting noise, you answered the call and pressed a finger into your ear so you could hear.
“It’s, uh, me, Lando.”
“I know, I do have your number.”
“Oh, I thought you might have deleted it,” he cleared his throat and from the quiet at his end you knew he was hidden in his driver room. “I just wanted to let you know I’m posting the announcement before the race. And…I hope Logan makes you happy. Truly.”
“It’s not what you think, despite what he said before. He doesn’t even think of me that way.”
“I’m not sure who you’re trying to convince,” Lando said before sighing. “I know sorry doesn’t begin to cover it but for what it’s worth, I really am sorry. Anyway, I should go.”
You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat at the genuine apology, but you weren’t ready to say what he was wanting to hear, you weren’t ready to forgive him. “Drive safe, Lando.”
His exhale of relief drifted through the phone. “Thank you.”
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liked by y/npiastri, oscarpiastri and 13,286 others
Username: For once rumours were true
y/npiastri: twice [message deleted]
Username: Now we know why y/n was in Williams all week
Username: The Declaration of Independence everyone
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“Woah, slow down, sweetheart.” The glass was taken from your hand and Logan took a drink of it himself as he settled into the booth beside you. “That’s strong.”
“Fastest way to get drunk, and that’s exactly what I am aiming for.”
“Just let her get it out of her system,” Oscar suggested after breaking away from a conversation with Felipe, the Aston Martin reserve driver he had befriended. “Trust me, she’ll get trashed, blow off some steam and be over him tomorrow.”
“I am over him,” you stated as you took your drink back and jutted your chin to the tv screens replaying the podium celebration hours ago. “I just can’t seem to get away from them.”
Logan frowned as he followed your gaze and saw Carlos and Lando spraying each other with champagne before hugging tightly. “Them?”
Your eyes widened as you realised what you said and you shuffled closer to him. With a quick scan over the others, you found they weren’t paying any attention so you cupped your hand around Logan’s ear for some privacy. “Please forget I said that and never repeat it, please, you have to promise me.”
He chewed his bottom lip in contemplation before tipping his head down to yours and you felt his warmth breath across your cheek. “The NDA was about this, wasn’t it?”
“I don’t want you getting into trouble, and I don’t give a shit what those two do in their own time - he’s still an asshole for cheating on you. You deserve better than that.”
You looked down at your glass, tracing your finger around the salted rim. “You don’t think it’s my fault?”
“What?” he laughed before realising you were serious. “How would it be your fault?”
“I, I don’t know…” you lied.
“You think you turned him gay.” Logan was more astute than anyone gave him credit for, or maybe he just knew you too well. Grabbing your chin, he guided your face back so he could meet your eyes. “Sweetheart, you know that’s not how it works.”
“I know,” you whispered. “He was only with me because he was lonely. And I think I was the same. Oscar had just moved in with Lily and I was alone for the first time in my life. I just keep wondering what would have happened if I answered your call that night.”
His hand dropped from where it had slowly shifted to cradle your cheek. “Why didn’t you?”
You screwed your eyes shut as you remembered the summer that had changed your future completely. You had tried to resist the growing feelings for Logan but after a week spent on his uncle’s superyacht you realised you were deep in it. It had frightened you - the fear of losing him as a friend - if it turned out to be a mistake. It wasn’t just your friendship at risk either, there was the one of Oscar and Logan to think about too.
It had been overwhelming, so when the holiday came to an end you went incommunicado.
That was also the summer where Oscar had quietly been in talks with McLaren and at one of those meetings you had accompanied him to, you met Lando. Friendly, handsome, and no attachment to Oscar at that point, he was the escape you needed.
“Because I realised I loved you and it scared me. It still does, but I’m done running.”
You didn’t know who moved first and the consequences of the actions were far from your mind as your lips met. The club could have been on fire but you wouldn’t have recognised the sound of the alarms as your racing heartbeat echoed in your head and your hands fisted his shirt to pull him closer. You moaned when you felt him deepen the kiss, his tongue slipping past your lips as his hand traced down your spine.
His kiss were exactly like you remembered them, pillow soft lips that yearned with a hunger you could match. And you did.
“Dude!” Oscar interrupted as he threw a coin at you. “I’m right here!”
You tossed the coin right back at him. “Look away then, little brother. You’re the one who said to blow off some steam.”
“Ugh, not what I meant,” he said as he finished his beer. “I’m calling it a night. You two…have fun or whatever.”
“Wait, you’re not mad?” you asked as he grabbed his jacket, Felipe deciding to join him instead of becoming a third wheel.
“I’m not your keeper, you’re an adult. God knows you two have been googly-eyed over each other since you met.”
“Was not googly-eyed!”
“Whatever you say.” Oscar laughed at you as he rose from the table and ruffled your hair before clapping Logan on the shoulder. “Take care of her, please.”
“Of course, always planned to.”
Oscar nodded with a final wave. “I know.”
The need to get drunk was replaced with another need entirely and it didn’t take long before Logan closed the tab and paid the bill before hailing a taxi. His hand had not left your body for one moment, either resting on the small of your back or holding your hand - like he was afraid if he let you go you would disappear again.
When you woke in the morning, those hands still held you close, his legs tangled between yours, his skin warm against yours. For a moment you found the home you had been searching for since you left Australia as a teenager wanting to carve out a piece of the world as her own. For a moment you were in heaven.
You didn’t know how quickly that feeling would disappear. You didn’t know that photos of you and Logan’s kiss were already going viral.
Whore, slut, gold digger.
“Ignore them, sweetheart,” Logan said as he took your phone and turned it off for the flight to Japan. “You and I know the truth, that’s all that matters.”
It was hard to imagine having the strength to ignore the accusations, especially when you couldn’t defend yourself without exposing Lando. He must have known that too as for a second time in a week you found yourself in an airport terminal and facing your ex.
“Hey.” You didn’t know what to do when he opened his arms for a hug but after a moment you stepped into his embrace. “Logan called.”
You turned to Logan, a look of confusion clear on your face as you waited for an explanation. “It’s his fans bullying you, and if he really wants you to be happy like he said then the least he can do is show them there’s no problem,” he said with a shrug.
“He’s right,” Lando said as he nudged you gently. “I wasn’t lying when I said I hope we could still be friends. If you’re not ready for that then I’ll respect it but I’m still here if you need and I won’t stop apologising.”
Your night with Logan had washed away at the residual hurt that had been left by Lando and you softened at his words. Wrapping your arms around his waist you took a deep breath and released it just as heavily. “I forgive you, Lan. And he does make me happy, he always has.”
He smiled knowingly as you stepped back and under Logan’s arm. “Good. I’m glad.”
You smiled up at Logan before turning it to Lando, feeling lighter than you had all week - maybe all your life. There was no sarcasm or edge when you told him wholeheartedly, “I hope you get your happiness too.”
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m-ayo-o · 3 months
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2: who do you think you are, to give orders as you please?
m.list pt. 1 puppy visits u at work gn reader x sub toji cw: public toy use, anal play wc: 3k
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Your phone has been vibrating in your pocket all morning. It’s him. You know it’s him.
zzt zzt - another text.
zzt zzt - one more.
You should really turn the damn thing off.
zzzzzt zzzzzt zzzzzt - he’s ringing you - zzzzt, zzz–
“Hey, sweet thing. I’m a little busy right now.”
You decide to answer the phone in front of the board of directors you summoned for a meeting. You are the CEO, after all, you can do whatever you want.
“Need to see you. Today.”
“How demanding,” you comment, lowering your voice a little.
There’s a momentary silence on the other end of the phone while your directors start murmuring and tittering; probably discussing something mundane like which secretary they’re fucking.
“Please. Let me see you.”
A little devilish smirk crosses your face, with plans ever so evil and cunning starting to simmer.
“Ok. Come visit me at work, in say–” you hold the phone with your shoulder and tug up the sleeve of your jacket, bringing your watch into view, “an hour and a half.”
You hope this dreary meeting will be concluded before then. 
“Oh and Toji,” you stop him before hanging up, “don’t wear anything special. Just your usual shitty clothes.”
You shove your phone away and get on with the tedious meeting, your thoughts straying from the uninspired, bland conversation your directors are providing.
Your thoughts stray, imagining what you did to your play thing last time; how you strapped him up, how you made him beg... you can't wait to see him again.
But the meeting drags on and on– you recline back in the leather chair, tapping at your watch and starting to yawn, when you realise it’s nearly time.
You lift your heavy eyes from the swathes of paperwork you’re sifting through, finding a familiar large figure on the other side of the office through the glass panes of the meeting room.
He’s here. 
You catch a glimpse of your secretary trying to usher him away, but he persists. You see his lips moving, starting to point to where he can see you in the meeting room.
She can’t exactly escort him out of the building. And he’s clearly on his best behaviour, being too polite to call security– you audibly snort at the image.
As if they could handle him.
You notice the way her eyes flit about when he gets closer to her. He bends down and brushes her shoulder, easily getting her all flustered and awkward. 
She guides him to the tall glass panel of the door, knocking almost inaudibly before entering to whisper in your ear that someone is here to visit, and that she can ask him to leave if you’d prefer.
“Leave? Oh no, he’s right on time. Send him in.”
So she leaves, and he enters.
In those shabby, loose pants, his trademark slutty t-shirt that exposes his entire upper body, and the strong odour he carries in with him.
To you, the sight of him is exciting, his smell almost… arousing. 
But for your colleagues, the experience is quite overwhelming. They’re not used to seeing such men in their day to day lives. You notice them staring a little before you decide to break the silence.
“This is Toji.”
No further explanation.
You stand and approach the man, smoothing out the creases of your immaculate suit, and place a hand on his arm.
“Let’s take a break. Coffee in ten?”
You receive nods and positive murmurs as they gawk, watching you two step out of the meeting room. 
Needless to say, their topic of debate is going to revolve around your likely relationship, how huge he is… and what on earth you’re doing inviting a man like him to a place like this.
You lead Toji, who is looking uncharacteristically self-conscious, to your private office. 
You don’t exactly blame him, with your employees starting to stare and whisper. And they’re all dressed to the nines– you pay them well enough to afford luxurious work attire, so you demand that to be the standard in your office. And the dress code is stringent, down to the finer details such as accessories, hair and makeup. You once fired a woman for turning up wearing foundation a shade off her natural skin tone. You didn’t think it was too harsh– in this industry it’s good to keep people on their toes.
However, it’s all getting a bit much for Toji, making him feel cheap, dirty, and terribly out of place.
You can tell by his awkward glances and the way he appears to be swallowing down his pride with each nervous gulp.
When you’re behind the closed door of your office he seems to relax a little; the tension fades from his shoulders and his expression slackens again.
Not yet, Toji.
You press him against the thick wood of your office door, your hand splayed over the muscular expanse of his stomach.
“What was so important, that you had to visit me at work, pup?”
He feels an incredible rush through his chest, from hearing the pet name alone. He really is pathetic.
“Just– needed to see you.”
You watch him clench and unclench his jaw, looking away from your eyes.
“Come to whore yourself out again?”
There’s a chip in the steel of his exterior that he’s trying to hold up. But to you, that steel may as well be ice.
You could shatter him. You could melt him. With a touch.
And where your hand is pressing on his abs is starting to heat up nicely.
“I– I–”
The way you quirk your eyebrow up at him brings his gaze back down to your face.
“I need you.”
There it is.
“Hm,” a little smile plays on your lips. 
Yes, and I need you too. 
But you’ll never admit it; the way his need fuels your desire is almost embarrassing. 
But you’ve never had anyone like him… under your control. So you’re not exactly going to let go if all it takes is an unnoticeable percentage of your earnings to keep him in check. 
“Come,” you pinch at the black material of his shirt, tugging him closer to your broad, wooden desk.
“Here,” you place him facing the desk, “down.”
He bends, looking somewhat reluctant, until your hand snakes up the muscles of his back to provide a little encouragement.
“That’s it.” He plants his massive hands on the wood, lowering his body slowly, until you’ve got his ass pushing out and his chest resting on the expensive wood.
“Now,” you trace a hand up his spine, settling in his black strands, “we’re going for coffee with my useless directors in– five minutes.”
Oh, how time flies when you’re having fun. 
“I’m afraid that means I’ll have to rush this next part ever so slightly.”
You keep one hand in his hair, ensuring his face remains pressed against the wood, reaching the other into your desk drawer.
You retrieve two items, place them on the side, and start moving your hand down his back again, reaching the waistband of those baggy pants.
You tug them off with his boxers, making him flinch a little as his bare ass is exposed. 
“Stay still.”
The next sensation he gets is cool, wet and…
“Ghh– ah! Here? Really?”
He feels your lubed up fingers sliding over the tight ring of his ass. You push and press and work the muscle till he lets you in with a moan. You slide in and out, teasing out those little gasps that you love, then add another finger.
“Hmm,” you hum with pleasure, watching him settle into the rhythm, just before you pull out and wipe yourself clean– using his shirt, “I think you’re ready now.”
You select the next item, wetting it with lube and inserting it into his perfectly prepped hole. 
“Ahhh, ahh–” it’s bigger than your fingers. But he can take it.
You push it in nice and deep, then pull away.
“Time for coffee.”
“Y-you’re just gonna– leave that inside?”
“Yes? Is that an issue?” You quip, patting your hands dry of the harsh, alcohol filled hand sanitiser.
He struggles with the realisation for a second, then pushes his heavy body off your desk and tugs his pants up. 
Coffee is going well. Your subordinates are trying to dodge around the dark haired, proverbial elephant in the room, but their eyes still linger over him. He shifts and fidgets in the too small chair, feeling uncomfortable from their staring once again. 
Or maybe it’s the toy you shoved up his ass? You couldn’t care less. Either way, this is incredibly amusing.
You watch him try to answer their occasional questions, not returning much in the way of conversation himself.
“So, you work in the city, uh…” your CTO trails off.
“Toji. Yeah, I work here.”
He’s working right now. 
“And what exactly… do you do?”
He pauses, his green eyes darting up and down the woman’s face.
“For work?” She presses.
“I’m, uh–”
I’m a filthy whore. 
I kill people for money. 
I’ll do anything for money. 
“I’m a– ah! a, a driver.” 
The woman gives him an odd look, before rejoining the conversation with her colleagues.
You’re just quietly observing, tapping on your phone and leaning back with your legs crossed, watching the situation unfold.
Toji gets up, excusing himself. He doesn’t know what to do.
“Where are– mm, the bathrooms?” He asks you quietly.
You give him a smirk and point in their direction before returning to your phone.
He gets into the private cubicle, pulls down his pants and spreads his cheeks– trying to feel what you put inside him.
He can hear the quiet buzzing noise in the stillness of the bathroom.
The intensity suddenly increases.
His phone lights up in his pocket– but that’s the least of his worries.
His fingers press into the tight ring of his ass– he can feel it now, buzzing through his core and igniting that erogenous zone deep in his tummy.
“Ugh, uuuh–” 
He struggles and prods around back there, incidentally adding to his pleasure, before he huffs in defeat. His fingers are just too thick and clumsy, he can’t even get the thing out.
He stands in the cubicle, feeling the pleasure start to spread to his cock.
“Fuck,” he lets out an erotic sigh, looking down at the swell in his pants. 
The buzzing is relentless. He leans his body up against the panel of the cubicle in a desperate attempt to cool himself down.
He pulls his phone from his pocket.
don’t you dare take that out. come back and finish your coffee, pup.
He groans and readjusts his pants. Surely he can handle this, right? 
Not ten minutes into his return, with the hubbub of the break room dampening the sound of the vibrator, your puppy is turning into a massive horny mess.
You bet his shorts are getting sticky by now.
His big hands rest crossed over his lap, his thighs pressed together in an attempt to hide his huge bulge.
“nhh–” he lets little sighs slip his lips. They’re barely audible. But to you, those sounds are music to your ears.
He’s slowly getting louder as you dial up the intensity. He’s biting his lip, his eyelids starting to flutter closed from the pleasure, and you watch that pink tint cover his cheekbones.
You notice his hips start to twitch as he swallows and gulps, fidgeting around helplessly. He looks like he’s going to break out in a sweat, and all you can do is sit and admire the scene.
You flick and toy with the intensity of the remote controlled vibrator with your phone. It’s quite clever, really, allowing you to give him undulating pulses of pleasure, making his hips wiggle with that dumb expression on his face, all without touching him. 
He tries to hide it, nodding stiffly when anyone speaks to him.
But you keep playing, switching to sharp jolts now, making him jump and squirm in the chair. Then you bring it down, slow and steady, building him up again.
His hips start to twitch and he looks directly at you, his eyes flying wide with the shock of his impending orgasm. He shakes his head, desperately urging you to stop before he cums himself in front of your employees.
But where would be the fun in that?
You kick it up a notch and watch his eyes roll back. He barely stifles a groan, his hand flying up to slap over his mouth, startling your colleagues.
“Nhg- mhh-” he breathes heavily and presses his eyes closed for a moment. But he should know by now, you’re relentless. So you watch him stare at you in disbelief as the toy just keeps pulsing.
You torture him for a while, then round up your coffee break, dismissing your colleagues and leading him back to your office.
“Come on, pup. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
In the privacy of your office, you push him up against the door and start tugging down his pants and boxers. He tries to hide his face from the sheer embarrassment of shooting his load without being touched… from anal stimulation alone. Before you, he never knew he could do that. 
But he can and he will. 
Every time, without fail.
And the sight of the sticky, wet mess in his pants is starting to effect you. 
He’s getting the better of you. 
Day by day, it’s getting worse… your infatuation with his body is going to be the death of you. Or bankrupt you, at best. 
You’ve tugged his sweats down over his muscly thighs and you’re starting to kneel on the floor below him. 
His cock is still pretty swollen– you know he’s a shower, but with this girth, you can tell he’s still semi-hard. 
“Sure came a lot, didn’t you?” 
His beefy hands clench and tremor on the cold wood– you left the vibrator on a low setting while you inspect his cock. 
He nods carefully. He doesn’t want to encourage you anymore. He dreads the overstimulation but for that, he will get a bonus. 
The white liquid coats his shaft– it had nowhere else to go. So it lies slick over his skin, dripping back down to his balls. And his boxers could barely contain it.
You pull at the fabric until you’re getting him to step completely out of his clothes. You hold up his boxers in your hand and admire the mess. 
“So wet. Almost came through your sweats, didn’t you?”
He winces a little– it was close. When he felt the cum spurting out his tip he just closed his eyes and hoped that no one else could see it. He felt it pouring all over his boxers. It was so wet and dirty that if he sat there for a moment longer it would’ve seeped through the sweatpants as well. 
“That would’ve been embarrassing.”
You shake your head and gaze at the drippy mess of his cock. 
“Aren’t you so glad I brought you back here?”
You look up at him now, pressing him to answer. 
He nods rigidly. 
He can do better. 
With his boxers in your hand, you bring the material up to his cock and wrap it around the sticky member. You don’t want to get your hands dirty. 
“You know what grateful puppies say to their owners, don’t you?”
You start wiping his cock up and down, holding him tight through the black material. 
He’s pressed so close to the wooden door, trying to edge back, trying to reject the pleasure, but his cock is filling up again and you’ve got him under your thumb one more time. 
And he knows you’re going to regale him with how humiliating it must’ve been to ejaculate in public. You’re going to jerk him off through his underwear, using his own cum as lube.
And he’s going to thank you for it. 
“What do you say?” 
Your hand is gliding up his thick cock that’s about to burst again, maintaining eye contact with him the whole time, asking him how much he enjoyed being pleasured in front of your employees. 
“Th-thank you–” he chokes it out and your eyes light up. 
His whole body is yours. His mouth is yours. You can make him say whatever you want. 
“D-do it again– again, I– want them to watch–” 
But your puppy is getting ahead of himself. 
You wipe his cock clean and remove your hand. 
His hands jolt away from the door, desperately needing to wrap around himself to get out another milky load. 
He whines and his hands dig into his thighs. 
You watch his cock bounce with his pulse. You want him to cum like this. 
You use your phone to slide the vibrator setting up until an intense buzzing can be heard in your office. It’s vibrating against the wood, sounding through his tight muscles. 
His thighs start to shake and he groans, his eyebrows knitting together with that beautiful pleasured look, his hands clenching around nothing. 
“Ngh– I– I– ‘m mm– ughh–” 
He can barely get any words out. 
You stand up now, tracing a hand over his abs as they tense, his hips rutting wildly into the air. 
“Good boy, you can cum now~”
“Th-thank you—thanggyouu—” 
And you peer down his body and watch his cock erupt one more time. 
It’s like a fucking fountain. You really do wonder about his stamina sometimes. But you don’t question it, just keeping your eyes fixed on the drooling cum, slick and hot, the buck of his hips slowing until the liquid comes out in little dribbles, once again, making a huge mess of himself. 
And the wooden floor of your office. 
“Bend over.”
He’s barely had a second to recover. 
“On your knees.”
You deliver a harsh slap to his ass. 
“Make a mess of my office, you clean it up.”
Once he’s done and finally clean, he fidgets about and mentions taking the vibrator out. 
“Keep it.”
You wonder how far the connection will last from your phone. 
And you send him on his way with another hefty payment along with promises to fulfil his fantasy. 
He tried to backtrack, but you heard him. 
He wants them to watch.
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toji | chapters m.list
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burntheedges · 10 days
Maintenance Request Epilogue
Joel Miller x f!reader  18+ | ao3 | main post & chapter list chapter word count: 986
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a/n: well, y'all. We made it. 😭 I hope you enjoy this peek into our favorite couple's lives. Thank you all so much for reading.
I have loved seeing all of your reactions and answering your asks about the fic this week (please keep sending more for the celebration if you'd like!). There will be more asks going up today and I'm linking them on the masterlist for the fic as I post them.
I'm getting emotional again. Thank you all. You're the best and I mean that so sincerely. 🧡 and thank you, as always, to @katareyoudrilling 🧡 I think we'll be back to visit these two (I've already got plans for something about Joel finding the poem from Ch 23 thanks to an ask from @toomanytookas) but this is it for the main story. (Also, today is my birthday, so thank you for celebrating with me.)
chapter tags/warnings: fluff, flirting, cuddling, pet names (darlin', honey, baby), allusions to smut
Saturday, May 10 Summer Break
It was a beautiful late spring day, with a light breeze rustling through Joel’s back garden. You stood on the back porch and turned your face to the sun, smiling at the view.
You were tired – you’d lifted so many boxes already that day, you couldn’t bring yourself to even consider opening any of them right now. As you tried and failed to will yourself to at least make a plan, you felt Joel step up behind you. He slid his arms around your waist and tucked his face into your neck.
“I like the way you look on this porch, darlin’. The way your stuff looks in the house. Our house.” He pressed a soft kiss to your neck. “Looks right.” 
You grinned and leaned into him. “Well, that’s good, considering it’s way too late to change your mind now. All my books are here.” He huffed a laugh into your neck. “Once we mix them in with yours there’s no turning back. Gave up my keys and everything.” He pressed his smile into your neck in response.
You’d agreed to move in after the semester ended. Tommy, Beth, and Maria had helped, though they’d just left a few minutes ago – Tommy and Maria to return the moving truck, and Beth to pick up dinner. Tess had threatened Joel that he better have a housewarming party for you or else since she couldn’t make it.
You’d just gotten tired of lugging boxes around and stepped outside to see what Sarah, Ellie and Riley were up to. A sudden shout from the far end of the backyard drew your attention and you lifted up on your toes to try to see over Joel’s many plants. 
He did the same, arms still wrapped around you, and asked, “any idea what those three hooligans are doing back there?”
You laughed. “Well, judging by the stuff they dragged back there with them, I have a pretty good idea.”
“Oh?” He nuzzled into your neck again, clearly not too concerned with their antics.
You nodded. “Mentos. And Diet Coke.” 
He laughed, loud this time. “You’re kidding. They just discovered that old trick?”
“Seems so.”
“Feels like a different student tries it every term, so I guess I’m not surprised.” He sighed. “At least if they do it back there we don’t really have to clean it up, much.”
You elbowed him a little. “My thoughts exactly.” You were both quiet for a moment and you felt Joel relax into position behind you, leaning against the wall of the house and drawing you backwards to lean on him. 
“You think Elllie’s got a plan for her room, yet?” He sounded concerned, but you knew it was because he was anxious to help her however he could. 
“Yeah, she wants to freehand it. Some kind of mural.”
“Sounds like it’ll probably be pretty impressive. We can get her some paints, maybe tomorrow.” 
You smiled at his offer. “Poor Tommy, kicked out of his room.” 
Joel laughed at your words, but you felt him shake his head. “He’s busy with Maria, he don’t mind. Got better things to worry about these days.” You hummed, agreeing. “You know, darlin’, we got about half an hour before any of them get back.” He punctuated his statement with a quick nip to your neck and a thrust of his hips. 
You snorted. “Joel Miller, are you propositioning me? In front of the kids?” You waved your arm towards the back of the yard.
He huffed a laugh into your neck. “They can’t hear us and I’ve been dying to get you alone all day. Honey, you live here now. You aren’t going to leave later because you’re already home. It’s driving me crazy just thinkin’ about it.” 
You let your head fall back on his shoulder and grinned. “Half an hour, huh? Not a lot of time.”
He started pressing soft kisses down the side of your neck and you squirmed against him. “Enough time to make you come on my mouth, baby.” 
You started to turn in his arms, already giving in, when there was a sudden, whooshing eruption and shrieks coming from the back of the yard. You laughed. “Sounds like they figured it out.”
“Hmm, let’s worry about that later.” He grinned at you as he started to walk backwards into the house, taking your hands in his to lead you. “We got things to do and the clock is ticking.”
Both of you started giggling as you dashed up the stairs. You almost fell into his (your) room and caught yourself on the dresser. He grinned at you as he closed the door before grabbing you by the waist to guide you onto the bed. “Pants off, darlin’. Let me show you how happy I am to have you home.”
Home. You smiled and did as he asked.
He was right, after all. You were home.
...Then love comes, like a sudden flight of birds from earth to heaven after rain. Your kiss, recalled, unstrings, like pearls, this chain of words. Huge skies connect us, joining here to there. Desire and passion on the thinking air. -- From “Rapture” by Carol Ann Duffy
It was like getting a love letter from a tree Eyes closed forever to find you— There is a life which if I could have it I would have chosen for myself from the beginning -- “The Poem” by Franz Wright
a/n: thank you all. 🧡
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tag list: @harriedandharassed @jupiter-soups @ilovepedro @auteurdelabre @anoverwhelmingdin
@myloveistoolittle @iknowisoundcrazy @beezusvreeland @screechingphantommaker @bigboiseason123
@joelalorian @untamedheart81 @ashleyfilm @jessthebaker @jeewrites
@fluffygoffpanda @paleidiot @mithicakurogo @theclairvoyage @lizzie-cakes
@islacharlotte @syd-djarin @copperhalfcent @vabeachazn @spacedoutdaydreamer
@littlevenicebitch69 @secretelephanttattoo @pigeonmama @vickie5446
@glizzymcguirex @verymiraclemiracle @friskispunk
170 notes · View notes
cozage · 1 year
ahh! Sorry, I just saw your rules, I'll re-create the request!! Please answer this one instead of the recent one! <3 sorry for the bother.
Can you do hcs for luffy, ace and shanks, when their s/o pranks them by texting them "he's gone, you can come over now xx" Fem!reader :)) I love your writings btw! Don't overwork yourself and take your time!
A/N: I’m pretty sure you put Sabo in the first one but not in this request. but Sabo??? The guy who trapped someone in a burning building because he bad-mouthed Ace..that Sabo??? Clinically insane Sabo????? in this scenario???? I needed it. If you didn't mean to put Sabo the first time, then enjoy the freebee
Characters: F! reader x Luffy, Ace, Shanks, Sabo
Cw: a little angst, a few are kinda suggestive 
Total word count: 700
Prank Text
Literally it would go over his head. He’s so secure in his love for you and your love for him that he wouldn’t even comprehend what you’re trying to do. 
“What do you mean come over I just left???”
“Did you even send that to the right person???”
“Anyways see you tomorrow! Have fun with whoever you’re hanging out with!”
The next day he would ask how your evening was, and when you tell him it was a failed attempt at a prank he would just scratch his head and be like “you’re funny” and laugh it off. He still doesn't get what you were trying to do, but if it made you laugh, that's enough for him.
You put the phone down just for one minute after sending it. Just one. But when you come back to it, there's 10 texts and 5 phone calls. 
“Who???” “What???” “Y/n????” “Can you tell me what's going on?” “Who is coming over?” “Was that meant for me??” “Please pick up i need to talk to you”
Before you can even read them all, your phone starts buzzing again. It’s Ace. You answer, deciding that one minute was enough torture for the poor boy. 
“Hey!” you say, super cheery. “Who’s coming over?” Ace asked immediately. 
“Uh, nobody, actually! It was a prank, that’s all!” you reply. “Oh.” You can hear the sadness in his voice, he doesn’t believe you.
“You can come back if you don’t believe me,” you say. You feel bad about it now.
 “No, no, I trust you. It just scared me. I just thought…” he trails off. “You thought it was for another guy?” you finish. His silence tells you that your guess was right. 
“I’m sorry Ace, please come back. It was just a joke. I want you here. Movie marathon?” you asked, hoping to get his spirits back up. He reluctantly agreed. 
You all didn’t end up watching too many movies, but at least he came back. 
This bastard would play right along back. Just flip the table on you. 
“Good ♡ I just left. Wear something spicy 😘”
That would result in you calling him. He picks up on the second ring, making you wait just a minute. “What the hell do you mean wear something spicy?” You demand.
“Trying to get me riled up, huh?” he smirks, knowing that you’ve played your hand now and that he’s succeeded in flipping it around. 
“Shanks!” you pout. “That’s not funny!”
He laughs at you over the phone. “I meant what I said. I’m canceling my plans. Wear something spicy. Be home in five.” He hangs up without another word
When he gets home, he sure does make you regret sending that text in the first place (or…maybe not). 
You smirk when you see your phone buzzing. Of course Sabo’s immediate response was to call. Better to let him simmer in it. You put your phone down and pick up a book to read.
He calls again, and you ignore him again. Five minutes later he calls again. Ten minutes later he calls. You still ignore him. 
After about 45 minutes, there’s a knock on the door. You open it to find Sabo there, glaring at you. 
“It was a joke wasn’t it?!?” he demanded, and you busted out laughing. 
“Not funny!” he said. “I waited outside in the parking lot for an hour to beat up on any guy that even walked by your apartment!”
Your mouth dropped open in shock. “You did not,” you hissed, shoving him playfully. “I did!” he shot back. “I almost beat a delivery guy with the spare pipe in my car because he looked at your door!”
“Sabo!” you gasped. You couldn’t help but giggle at him and his possessiveness of you. 
He grinned, more boastful than embarrassed. “Since I’m here anyway…wanna go get dinner?”
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