#study ideas
myhoneststudyblr · 5 months
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happy christmas eve!
mini update from me: semester 1 of second year done and i’m home now for my break. I also had a little mini trip to london where the Christmas vibes were perfect ✨
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Study Inspo 🌞
For the first time in my life I’m living in a tropical climate! Which is lovely, but since the Studyblr/academia communities’ aesthetic is (for the most part) very dark a dreary, I’ve felt a bit left out of the romanticisation of rainy UK weather. So for all of us living in the tropics/oceania, these are a few academia-related things I’ve adored doing while studying over here :)
Listening to a podcast/reading by the pool
Making sketches of the all the pretty wildlife & nature
Doing my recommended reading at the beach
Studying underneath a palm tree
Going to galleries and seeing all the local & Indigenous art
Reading outside at sunset in the city when the temperatures cooled off
Getting iced coffee on a study date
Taking a break walking in the botanical gardens/nature reserve
Listening to my lectures at an outdoor space at the library
Drinking coffee and writing on the balcony during the rain
Not having seasonal depression <3 <3 <3
[photos- Pinterest]
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fleece-and-tea-study · 11 months
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I've put together next week's schedule!! I love the colour coding and sticky notes so much!! ♡
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Note guide idea:
Highlight information in books to better understand.
Parts you do not understand
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lautums · 2 months
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mapletine · 2 months
delgal supportive brother
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+ original tweet under cut
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bluerosefox · 1 month
Kidnapped Persephone Style
Me: *tossing prompt idea up and down in the air before chucking it into the Void we call the internet*
Jason is dating Ghost Prince (not yet King) Danny and goes on a really awesome and romantic date on his day off. He forgot to tell the fam though. So when Red Robin comes to give Jason an update on some entil, he watches in muted horror as Jason is 'kidnapped' by a glowing entity in black armor and a nightmare looking horse (Danny is a bit busy doing paperwork, so he had his Fright Knight pick Jason up) off of a Gotham rooftop and into a green portal, while the knight had proclaimed Jason as their future Kings 'intended'..
No one on coms is ready for Tim to yell out
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Rewatching the first few episodes of fhjy because i guess i have nothing better to do and the way you can see how kibblespilly was supposed to be a counter to riz is so fucking funny. Its all there from the very beginning- the attitude, the tactics, the way she interacts with the party and everything- this is supposed to be riz's counterpart to run against him for student body president and have a terrible battle of wits and barbs
But in a twist that is perhaps THE most befitting to her ideal story of running against the boy she chose to be her antagonist, the intrepid heroes just straight up not taking the bait resulting in her instead having to go toe to toe against her idealized perfect rival's aggressive near-flunkie unsubtle chaotic friend is SO FUNNY.
Like I know some people are disappointed we dont get the riz vs kipperlily presidential whatever, I know it doesnt make tons of sense in that specific narrative way. But the fucking hilarious meta that even this didnt go her way is so funny. Because instead of rogue sneaking and behind the shadows plays and spy vs spy shit, we have just outward schoolyard taunts and shit like kristen exploding and jumping over the school and the exact kind of play that baits kipperlily into rage every single time and its so fucking funny. Kristen runs naked through the school and does party stunts and is STILL BEATING HER. She even clearly constructed her party to mirror the bad kids perfectly and craft each of them their own nemesis/counterpart and for the most part it like kind of worked EXCEPT FOR HER.
It must drive her fucking crazy that her cute little plot of rogue vs rogue didnt pan out at fucking all despite ALL the signs pointing to that making the most sense. This was something she just couldnt predict, couldnt mastermind. She got up onto that metaphorical stage for a debate and instead was met with a clowning act. Its so funny. I love fantasy high. Nothing you could have done would have changed this, fourdogs. You never had any power at all.
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ghost-with-a-teacup · 15 days
smutty brainrot part 3...?
you lay spread out on a desk, simon's desk no less, with papers scattered all around you in an attempt to clear the space.
between your spread legs knelt johnny, eagerly lapping up the evidence of your arousal like a man starved.
but your eyes weren't on him, instead they were simon who simply loomed in the corner, eyes roaming your body unashamedly. his mask was rucked up from when johnny pulled him into a kiss not 5 minutes earlier.
when he catches you watching him, the bastard only smirks smugly.
"oh gods," you moan, your eyes shutting in bliss as johnny presses his fingers in.
simon clicks his tongue, making his way over before grasping your chin. "eyes on me, pretty girl," he says, but your body refuses to obey his words.
he clicks his tongue again disapprovingly, gripping slightly harder.
"are you gonna make me repeat myself, love?"
this time you force your eyes open despite the flush of embarassment.
"there we go, that wasn't so hard, was it?"
somehow even more arousal pools in the pit of your stomach, your mind growing hazy.
"keep talking, l.t, our girl seems to like it," johnny says before delving back in. this time he swirls his tongue around your clit, and your back arches of the table involuntarily.
simon hums, pressing his hand down on your lower belly to keep you in place. that only serves to heighten the pleasure, and you feel yourself rushing towards that peak.
"you're doing so good, love. taking it so well," he murmurs into your ear, and you practically sob in pleasure.
"im close, oh fuck please, im so close," you say with a shudder.
"come on, cum for us pretty girl," simon says, and like a switch flipped you cum immediately, johnny's fingers and tongue helping you ride through your orgasm.
but soon after, it transitions from being 'too good' to 'too much', but johnny was always known for his voracious appetite after all.
you can't even gasp out the words, but simon can read you like the back of his hand.
"that's enough," simon mutters gruffly, a quiet 'tsk' escaping his lips as he grabs johnny by the hair, yanking him away from between your legs.
his eyes are dazed, drunk on the taste of you and your pleasure as he grins goofily.
"so...round two?"
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cattnipt · 5 months
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barghest-land · 5 months
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pursued by a memory
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myhoneststudyblr · 5 months
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went for a walk at sunset to decompress before semester 2 classes start again tomorrow
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 1: Dread on Arrival
(Part 2)
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sapphicacademic · 1 year
things to add to your journals
song lyrics for a specific mood
spotify codes for favourite songs
receipts from a trip
envelope for gifts from any small children you know
pages to press flowers in
ticket stubs
fortune cookie readings
daily three-card tarot pulls
watercolour paper for art
page cutouts
watercolours just in general
pressed flowers
other dried herbs
sketches (taped or glued in)
morning/evening routines
colour in the leftover paper backing from stickers and glue/tape it in
friendship bracelets that may have broken or come off
grocery lists or other shopping lists (glue in if written on other paper)
book quotes
block poetry (you'll have to take a page out of a book for this)
mental health goals
halloween: candy wrappers
fabric scraps
family recipes
different textured papers
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justl-12 · 6 months
Back to 5am
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paranoid about allies guessing her task, having to help reds- she is not escaping the tower
i finally had some free time to draw today
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crowleyanthonys · 2 months
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#mom says it's my turn to gif the lighter scene from jennifer's body
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