For your celebration about she fell first but he fell harder, with clark kent or logan?
It Got Worse
Clark Kent x Wayne!reader
Bruce Wayne thought that the worst thing to ever happen to him was his darling little sister developing a crush on his best friend, but oh boy, it gets worse.
Warnings: reader is Bruce’s adopted sister, Clark is a SIMP, fluff, pregnancy
WC: 487
Minors DNI
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3000 Follower Celebration
“Kal, stop staring at her. You look like a fucking creep.” Clark snapped back to reality, shaking himself from his daydreams. Bruce glared at him with a stern expression, his eyes dark with a raging anger reserved only for those who royally pissed him off.
Clark blushed and looked away, although he was conscious not to look even vaguely in your direction anymore. “It’s not being creepy, it’s being in love.” He retorted with a pout. Bruce scoffed.
“Actually the technical term is stalking.”
“She’s my fiancée.”
“She’s my sister.” Clark harrumphed and slumped down in the conference room chair. Obviously Bruce was going to get the kryptonite from his “super secret safe” if Clark even dared think about looking your way again, so the Kryptonian focused his ears and began to listen to your heartbeat instead. “Don’t.” Batman growled.
“I wasn’t even doing anything!” He whined, throwing his arms up into the air like a petulant toddler. 
“You two are already getting a whole day where the two of you can fawn all over each other and I am being forced to be there. So please, spare me the love-sick glances and blatantly inappropriate thoughts you are having about my little sister, until then.” Considering that the end of the conversation, Bruce turned back to his work, assuming that Clark would follow his lead. 
But instead there was a rush of air, causing the documents that had been carefully laid out on the table to scatter everywhere. With a heaving sigh, the older man looked up to see his future brother-in-law cradling you in his arms, lathering your face with sloppy kisses as you screamed with laughter.
Yet Bruce couldn’t help but smile. He remembered only two years ago when you would frequently collapse onto his couch, spouting about how in love with Clark you were and no matter what you did, he never reciprocated. In desperation for saving not only your happiness, but also his own sanity, Bruce had outright told Superman to ask you out. And he had been living to regret it ever since. 
Yes, you were happy and so was his best friend but the honeymoon phase had never ended. That led to an overabundance of pda, way way too many pet names, and a legitimate concern that Clark would drop dead the moment he saw you in your wedding gown.
You were trying to push your fiancé away, but he wouldn’t budge, instead one large hand slipped under your large shirt to cup your soft stomach. You placed your own hand on top of his as your lips met in an achingly soft kiss. Clark’s blue eyes sparkled with tears as you cooed something to him that your brother could not hear.
By the time the hero fell to his knees to kiss where his hand had just occupied, the realisation slapped Bruce in the face. This has just gotten worse.
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slut4thebroken · 10 months
“I’m not getting your father’s blessing though. I’d say it’s out of respect for you as an autonomous woman in the 21st century, but it’s more just out of spite.”
Jason 🤝 being Bruce’s #1 hater
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ice-cream-writes-stuff · 11 months
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《Clark Kent/Superman x Reader HEADCANONS》
"Ohoho~!" You laugh mockingly, sweet. Prideful and arrogant as you stand beside the reporter. "I'm glad to have met you, Mr. Reporter.. Maybe will see each other soon!" You chirped, soft and gentle as you wave him off, heading into the limousine.
I swear there's a fic of like Wayne!Reader out there that's shipped with Clark! I swear!
Also! I think it would be fun that the reader was the "comedic-villaness" troupe since the show is so "shoujo-esk".
I would see Wayne!Reader straight up going to Metropolis to spite Bruce or to "understand" this so called "superman"
Then meeting Clark and just dragging him to expensive places and Clark showing her the simple city life.
"So 'Superman', very... Heroic." You chuckle lightly, easily walking around the roof-top as the "Super-Man" floats beside you, watching you carefully as you shrug at him.
Honestly love this idea of a Spider!Reader just being like Punk-Spider/Ghost and a hint of Miles!
Two heros forced to trust each other without realizing their identity! Miraculous anyone? Jk
Either spider!reader is from another dimension trying to get home. Or lives in the same universe. Personally, I like the first option!
I need this written! Maybe I will one day!
[Aight' This has been on my mind since I first posted my old fic! So yeah! Tag me if your inspired and wanna write about my ideas! Or let me know in the comments that yall need these fics! Maybe I'll write them!]
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moonlit-imagines · 5 months
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a/n: me when i externalize my internal DCEU storyline (i like making my OCs reader in a way teehee) also maybe i will make HCs of this reader idk
not requested
You were one of the few faces Barry recognized when he mixed up the timeline so bad. Unfortunately for him, you had no damn idea who this kid was. You looked older, were older. But you were still Bruce’s kid. “Yeah, I can’t do that, Harry.”
“Uh, it’s Barry, but, uh, why not?” He replied, getting a little more frustrated at these converging situations. Getting his powers back, stopping Zod, fixing his mistakes. “I mean, you’re not exactly like my y/n. You’re like, severely badass and somehow even more stoic. And you have a whole army.”
“If what you’re saying about these ‘Kryptonians’ is true, I won’t put my soldiers in danger for a war they can’t win. They’re assassins, but they’re still human.” You explained to the timeline twins. “And I haven’t put on a Batsuit in ages, not that it’d do us much good.”
“Yeah, kid, after y/n’s mom and grandfather died, she gave up on the whole vigilante thing—so did I. The League of Shadows is peaceful, Gotham was saved, and we don’t have all these…what do you call them? Metahumans?” Bruce explained, turning to you. You cracked a smirk and shrugged.
“I’m sorry we can’t be more help, we just aren’t the same people you know.”
taglist: @locke-writes // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @randomfandomimagine // @summersimmerus // @bad4amficideas // @xoxobabydolls // @evilcr0ne // @amirahiddleston // @sydknee624 // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @elenavampire21 //
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cas-backwards-tie · 1 year
Chapter Four: Desolate Days
Heiress of Gotham
Masterlist | Previous Chapter
Bruce Wayne x Daughter!Reader
Summary: It’s time. The funeral has finally come around. While the expected have shown up, will the unexpected lead to loose threads in your life? It'll certainly raise questions, that's for sure.
Words: 3.7k
Warnings: Funeral, Depression, Threats, Crying, Angst,
Mentions of: Death, Bodies, Trauma,
A/N: While this chapter is angsty, and the next one contains some twists and turns, I promise it'll actually start to become more fun around chapter six once the reader gets settled into her new life!
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It wasn't easy, not by any means; a week full of setting up a funeral, at fifteen, for your mother... the only real family you've ever had. Sure, there were close family friends in your life, but they weren't a constant presence, not like her. All that flew out the window when you'd been orphaned, and now, who knows what will become of those relationships. You figure, only time will tell.
As for the actual events, tonight is the viewing, followed by a dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant you guys used to love, and tomorrow morning is the burial. While there'd been lots of talk about who would come and what it would mean to them, and you, the conversation never fully came to any certain conclusion.
You don't know and aren't close with your new siblings, and while from a publicity standpoint it makes sense they should come and show their support, your Father is really the only person who knew your Mother. Even then, how well did he truly know her? The question stands. With all this in mind, you know that Bruce is accompanying you tomorrow, and by extension, Alfred too. That much you're clear on.
Money is a tough subject. Isn't it for everyone? While you weren't rich growing up in Bludhaven, you also weren't in the degree of poverty that some are, either. Nevertheless, funerals you quickly learned, cost a lot of money. You'd think it'd be one thing to bury someone in your backyard (if you had one, that is), or even toss them in the dumpster (not that you'd do that), or even set them afloat on the river and nearest ocean (that either), yet, the government wants their money. That's always what it boils down too, doesn't it? Regardless, Bruce had been suspicious when you brought up paying for the funeral. He offered, and while you'd argued for a good half hour, you'd finally compromised with him.
He wants to pay for the funeral, and you can keep the money you--somehow--have for college. Apparently, he expects you to do that now, as well. Not that college was outside of the question before, but... you still have three years to think about it, don't you? All in all, he let you pick out what you thought your mother would like, which, ultimately sort of became what you'd like... right? Besides the preferences in her will, there was still the matter of some sort of plaque or headstone, obsidian or silver... the works. Trying to keep money in mind, you didn't go crazy, but you did let him deal with it while still trying to give her at least something fairly nice.
It all happened so fast, really. Picking out everything, setting things up, and sending out a message so your family friends would know when and where to show up to pay their respects if they wished to do so. Not many people knew about your recent transfer of guardianship, or rather, to who. And while there had apparently been somewhat of a civil kerfuffle with your mother's best friend in an attempt to waive Bruce of his fatherly duties, Bruce apparently decided to claim custody of you. That's what social services naturally thought was the best fit for you.
"You don't have to go in if you don't want," Dick speaks up from behind you.
Standing outside the doors to the funeral home, you know that all too soon the doors will open up for her viewing and you won't be able to escape. Regardless of how many people show up, you'll be met with stories, jokes, emotions, conversation, and things you're just not ready to handle. Staring at the doors, Damian walks past you, soon followed by Tim as they make their way to the door.
"Sure she does. Maybe not now, but sooner or later you have to," Tim offers you with a sympathetic smile, "otherwise you'll never forgive yourself."
"That's just his regret talking," Jason accuses as he straightens the lapels of his black vest and follows the younger boys. "You do what you want, kid." A pat on the back, he too heads inside, leaving you there, Dick still lingering over your shoulder.
"It's your decision," the Detective reminds you with a sympathetic and encouraging smile before pushing open the doors to the funeral parlor.
Standing there in your short black t-shirt dress, the hem whips in the wind as a storm brews in the distance by the Fawcett-Bludhaven border, eventually destined to head your way, closer to the ocean, no doubt. Though you're adorned by a simple black headband, the accessory doesn't keep your hair from hanging around the frame of your face, eyes glued to the fancy sheen of your church shoes: a pair of black mary-janes. 
"Are you second-guessing?" The gruff voice of your Father emanates from your side and you raise your eyes to meet his face. There's a forlorn and distant look in his eyes as he stares ahead at the double doors leading toward the place you know the two of you will be met with a familiar face.
With a subtle nod, he mirrors your action, a clearing of his throat as he straightens his tie. "I can't say I blame you. Though, I can make you an offer," he proposes. As he turns his head, you're met with knowing blue eyes, a hint of what you swear is mischievousness behind them. "If you ever need to bail, why don't we have some sort of code? A code word, what about that?" He expands, the furrowed brows on your face cluing him onto your thoughtful mentality.
"I have to think about it," you respond quietly, eyes roaming the property. While Bristol is an eclectic part of Gotham for sure, this part of town feels somewhat desolate. The nearest and nicest open-plot cemetery to Bludhaven, it was a compromise on everyone's behalf. Not far enough from Bludhaven to feel unlike home and lack a means of public transportation for those in need, and not one of the buildings in the city that are more mausoleum-like, an option you hadn't wanted to consider. She deserved something better. A rumbling of thunder echoes throughout the landscape, the sky growing dark in the distance; eyes brought to the weather, your mind churns. "What about... 'Blizzard'?" It wasn't totally innocuous, yet it wasn't entirely improbable either.
"It'll definitely be interesting to see how we manage to work that into conversation naturally," Bruce jokes, to which you offer him a quiet chuckle, the inkling of a smile working its way onto the corners of your lips.
"Is that okay?" You ask, unsure if he approves.
"Blizzard it is," the Billionaire agrees, stretching out a hand in a semblance of kinship. With a moment of consideration, it doesn't take long for your hand to meet his in conciliation. With a firm shake, you both turn to enter the parlor side by side.
Hand clutching the prized middle-school graduation gift you'd received from your Mother, a golden chain necklace with a teardrop image of La Virgen on it, you subtly run it back and forth along the chain where it rests on your sternum between your collarbones. Despite uncomfortable conversation and questions, you hadn't needed the code word. The attempt to try and visit your Mother before the service was unfruitful, people having shown up earlier than expected, others wanting to set up and you consequently helping like the obedient little girl you often were. Nevertheless, even now with only family members remaining, you still stand at a distance where only her hands propped up on her waist are visible.
Bruce had gotten by through making conversation, trying to get to know you and your acquaintances through their association and knowledge, though their questions often turned on him. Upon the revelation that you're not only now, but always have been a Wayne dawned on them. The natural questions would tend to follow. 'How well did you know her? Were you close to her?' As much as the Playboy would love to admit he didn't know your Mother on the level it would seem most people assumed, he also knew that sort of answer might tarnish any image of your Mother that these people already had in mind. Hence, he tended to use his usual tactics of evasion in a similar manner to any gala he'd attend.
The boys ended up doing recon in some sense, all in their own versions. Damian had intended to simply find a nice corner to sit in and text Jon about the plans for their next hangout and fill him in on the dreadful activities he's been put up to on the behest of his new 'sister'. If he could even call you that. Tim hadn't been filled in on the situation concerning your little expedition with Jason and what the elder had found during that time, so when Dick naturally seemed curious and a little too snoopy for his taste in concern of the event, it was only upon questioning his brother that he found out about the circumstances.
Dick went into this with the hopes of finding out information on your family, on what you all knew, the type of people you were, and what they knew specifically about you and your Mom. That much cash laying around even with the excuse of not trusting banks, in Bludhaven of all places, was ridiculous. Especially for the job he dug around and found out your Mother had. Therefore, he took to subtly interrogating people under the guise of attempting to get to know his new little sister better. 
Jason had intended to go only on the purpose of supporting you, and watching his family in suspect, considering they've all seemed dubious of your Mother and your family's involvement in some sort of criminal activity. While he'd been curious, watching you, talking to you, he's found that there's probably not much further whatever 'secret' your family is hiding goes. Sometimes people do things they need to do to survive, and if he's heard any stories about your Mother this evening, he'd suspect that's it.
Damian eventually caught wind of Grayson's not-so-subtle tactics of questioning people, and decided his evening would be much more fruitful doing exactly what his brother was doing, only in a more professional manner. After all, once he'd rounded the parlor he'd seen his Father doing the same thing in his own fashion, therefore, he can't be mad at them for doing the same when he's the one who's supposed to be setting the example, right?
Oblivious to your new family's motives, you try and work up the courage to say goodbye to her... to her face. Evading the happy images that filter through wild transitions on television's slideshow to the right, you run a thumb over the memorium card you'd taken. Even if they were for everyone else, you still wanted one. Room practically empty, you finally take the leap and close the space between you and the open casket.
Immediately you have to avert your eyes. It's... too painful. Yet, another curious part of you tempts you to take another look. Upon second glance it simply appears as if she's sleeping. Peacefully. There's no lacerations or marks, no sign of any sort of ill-wrought event, and yet, you know the wiser. "I hate this," you whisper through your teeth, jaw clenching in an attempt to keep your tears at bay. "It's not fair. I don't know why... why it had to be you." With a sniffle and a heavy sigh that bobs your shoulders, you reach out and place a small hand on her larger, and eerily cold hand. "I wish I could ask you, that I could talk to you- that you could tell me why- why you never told me! I don't- I don't want to do this but I know I have to, and he's giving me... all you ever wanted for me. I-" Breath coming quicker, you have to force yourself to speak the next words, determined not to break down in front of everyone. "Te quiero mucho, mamá, te extraño, y vas a recordar para siempre." With a gentle squeeze to her hand, you turn and head for the doors, eyes downcast as you avoid everyone.
Somehow, the universe always reflected its events; while it’d been mostly thunder and heat lightning the night prior, this morning the dark clouds have been pouring rain. Alfred had gotten you up, though really you hadn’t slept much in anticipation of what today would hold. Having been dressed for some time now, all you’ve done is sit at the window seat and stare outside, watching the rain pelt the earth repeatedly, unyielding in its triumph. You can’t help but think it’s like life, forceful until the end, when it eventually wanes and succumbs to a stop. Maybe you’re overthinking, but with everything that’s been going on… you don’t think you can help it.
“Hey,” your Father’s voice calls from the door, a gentle knock on the wood follows as he continues to open it and step through the threshold. “Are you ready? Breakfast is waiting, and then Alfred’s gonna take us,” he informs, “the boys are going to join for breakfast, but then it’ll just be us, alright?” 
Before he can get too far into the room you rise from the window seat and tear your attention away from the gardens. With a nod, you meet him halfway and follow downstairs.
Breakfast is mostly silent, as you’re sure no one is quite certain what to say. If they could say anything, that is. Hell, even Damian doesn't have a snarky remark, and Dick doesn't try and make meaningless conversation. It all comes and goes far faster than you'd imagined, though the food was delicious. With your departure and solemn looks from your newfound siblings, Alfred pulls the Rolls Royce up to a gentle stop before the Manor's fancy double doors.
It was hard to believe she was in there. Yes, you'd picked out the coffin, yes you'd seen her at the viewing, and yet... this is your Mother. The woman who birthed you, who fed you, who took care of you year after year, and was there for you no matter what. And now... she's gone.
It doesn't feel real. The rain pattering against the umbrella Bruce holds up over you. All the people who sit and stand opposite of the priest as he goes about his rites. Of course there came time for the eulogy, and while there was the option of making one yourself, you couldn't find it within yourself to do so. Like Tim had mentioned, this could be something you may regret later, but in this moment it feels like too much. There's a dull queasiness that never leaves your stomach as you stand, eyes cast downward as your hands lay clasped before you. Rain, muck, and mud cling to your black mary-jane shoes, the ground now beginning to flood as the soil's beared all it can soak up for the next coming weeks. 
People come and go, they give their well wishes and hopes for your sake, and yet you can't really put any of it to mind or manner as all you can focus on is the growing emptiness within you. This isn't how things were supposed to go. You weren't supposed to be burying your parent... not this soon. That's not how it works! 
It's the call of your name that stirs you from your thoughts. Eyes raising to the familiar face, you can't help but feel your eyes widen with the shock and astonishment that they had the audacity to visit... to stay. Yes, he wasn't a stranger; yet an acquaintance isn't necessarily a friend. The boy lifts his hands to cup one of yours between his. "I'm so sorry to hear what happened, Mi Amor, I'm always here for you, sabes," Saul says. Though there's a sympathetic look in his eyes, you don't trust him one bit. Not after he'd taken one opportunity after another and gotten trapped up with the man behind him: Antonio 'Angel' Marin. Sure, you'd dumped Saul before he'd become affiliated with the notorious Bludhaven mob boss, but it didn't do him any favors holding company like that. 
As Saul leaves you and heads toward the line of black cars along the cemetery road, you dread the man next in line. "It's an unfortunate thing, losing a mother," Angel speaks, "looks like luck had its way with you though, getting you out." From the outside it might seem inappropriate, or perhaps simply a mistaken and poorly judged comment, but you know better. Lips pursing, jaw tightening, you don't dare let your hands form into fists as you meet the man's eyes. 
His oily face and ratty mustache meet your gaze, and you suddenly feel anger beginning to simmer in your gut. Though you're not sure why. While there'd been a time you may have considered him a family friend, a protector, a genius, and a revolutionary... those times have gone. He hadn't done your family wrong, in fact, he'd done nothing but try to help you and your Mom out of poverty, and yet... there were always strings attached. Neither of you had seen them at first and once you'd wanted out, you'd luckily gotten out without too much of a fight. Thankfully, unlike some of the stories you've heard, and yet, somewhere within you the anger persists. Maybe it's the smug look on his face, his taunting words perhaps, but whatever it is, he irks you.
"Don't go gettin' into any more trouble, ya hear?" His thin voice lets out a wry chuckle and he lays a pat on your shoulder before you can dodge it. Watching him leave with his trail of two or three choice goons behind him, you can't help but feel like he'd only come here for one thing, and one thing only... to taunt you. Was it a warning? A sign? A way of telling you that without his protection you were doomed? Leading a life toward failure? Only to end up like your Mother? No... no, that can't be it. There has to be something else, that can't be it. 
"Do you know him?" Bruce asks, finally speaking up for the first time since the service ended. He'd seen the whole interaction, he knows who that man was... but he doesn't know if you do. Not truly, anyway. Even if the grimace and shiver that'd run up your spine was visible from the way you attempted to evade the evil man's touch. Eyes peering down at you, he's disturbed by the lack of eye contact you make. Maybe he shouldn't be... you haven't been talking or interacting as much as you had been in the days leading up to this, something that's normal, he can only imagine.
"Once," you respond faintly. Eyes coming back to the rolling hills of the cemetery you watch the rain continue to pour. Life doesn't seem to stir here, no sight of sneaky intruders like squirrels, doves, or robins, no other patrons coming to visit their loved ones on a day like this. Thunder cracks overhead, and the diminishing sound of tires on gravel signals the Angel's departure. With a thick swallow, your hands finally ball up into fists. A single tear finally breaches the confines of your eyelid and slips down your cheek. With a heavy sigh you turn, meeting Alfred who stands a few feet behind the both of you. Stomping over to him, you grab the bouquet of flowers you'd all picked up on the way. "If you want to say anything... here," you announce over the sounds of the thunderstorm. Undoing the plastic and rubber bands from the store-bought bouquet, you hand both the men a single flower. Determined that the rest should belong to you, you head over to the grave, uncaring if you get wet any longer as you're no longer under their umbrellas.
Though your teeth hurt from the way your jaw is clenched, you can't help it as the tears start to flow more freely. With everyone gone, you don't mind being here alone. Placing the flowers atop your Mother's casket, your hand lingers on the polished wood while your free hand hangs onto the necklace your Mother had given you. "I can't do this without you," the words come in a whisper, your head almost meeting the wood before you think better of it. You don't want to appear a broken-down mess in front of the men watching. "I don't know what t-to do."
Raindrops soak your hair, coat your dress and shoes, your socks have splashes of water and freshly cut grass, not to mention that your face is covered in a mixture of raindrops and tears. A few moments of silence is all you need before you finally gather the courage to say one last goodbye and turn away, heading down the hill back toward the car before the storm gets worse.
"Dick... there's something you should know," Bruce mentions quietly. It's obvious from his behavior that he's upset, that this won't be a long conversation. "Antonio Marin was at her funeral. He came up to her and spoke something cryptic. I asked her about it and she said that she knew him once. I know I asked you all not to dig around, but, this is in your territory and I thought you should know." Evading his son's eye contact, he straightens his tie and sniffs, still clad in his tuxedo from the funeral. "I'll see if I can get any more information out of her, but... I don't want her caught up in this... I don't-" he sighs, finally turning to meet his son's gaze again with a look he's only seen once before, "-I don't want her getting hurt."
"I... understand." With a nod and a sympathetic look upon his face, the younger man stretches out his hand to lay it on his Father's shoulder in a small form of comfort. He knows Bruce well enough to know that anything too grand would steer him away, and while the thought of another child getting hurt at his behest unburies all the trauma Dick knows Jason's death had brought him, Dick knows they can't change the past. "I- we won't let that happen. I promise you that, Dad."
forever taglist: @ohdamnadam , @safarigirlsp , @jynzandtonic , @moonlightsolo
hog taglist: @luvly-writer , @clairese1980
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imbadatwrighting · 7 months
Sneaky Cat
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I was going to write this as a songfic but changed my mind last minute so it took a little longer than expected. Anyways to the person who asked for this I had to smush some things together I hope that’s alright and the smut lowkey ain’t dat great. Also just started watch future man…do what you want with that information
Pairing: Selina Kyle x Male reader
Tags: NSFW 18+ at the end, sex with plot? (Idk I’ve never read a post with that), Wayne!reader, adopted!reader, sweet!reader, fluff, smut, Bruce and reader having tension, no use of Y/n, 2nd pov, soft dom!reader, brother issues, lowkey rushed to the sex half way through, oral (reader giving), unprotected sex, cream pie, missionary , prolly a lot of spelling errors
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“Selina! Have you seen my tie?” Your voice boomed across the whole second floor of the house unintentionally.
“This tie?” your girlfriend of two years asked, holding up a gold tie. She leaned against the door frame staring at you with her classic cat eyes.
A smile plastered on your face, walking towards her. “This is why I love you,” you grinned, reaching down to plant a kiss on her lips and grab the tie.
You could feel the smirk she made through the kiss before breaking it off. “No other reasons?” she asked, a devious smile on her face.
You walked back to your mirror, staring at her through it while you put your tie on. “Not any I can remember I’m afraid.”
She swayed closer to you, wrapping her hands around your waist and maneuvering her head to be beside your shoulder. “That’s too bad. Here I was thinking you loved me for my brilliant ideas,” she pouted before hiding her mouth with your shoulder so you couldn’t see her smile.
A small groan left your lips as you ran your hands through your hair. “I wouldn’t say making me go to this gala was a good idea.”
“You own the most stocks and are a co-owner of Wayne Enterprises, I’m afraid you have to go.”
You turned around to face her, slowly wrapping your arms around her waist. Her hands moved up to your chest, smoothing out a wrinkle. “You only want me to go so you can steal valuables from the guests, my dearest.”
Selina huffed before turning away towards the door. Her hips swayed as she walked away. “Let’s not leave Alfred waiting much longer mi amor,” she grinned.
You stood still for a moment, unsure of what you heard was right. You ran towards Selina, observing her eyes for any sense of sarcasm or lying.
“Do not tell me Bruce will be there too,” you spoke slowly, walking down the steps of your mansion with Selina. The sounds of heeled shoes hitting marble, echoed in the area.
“If I remember correctly, your parents gave Wayne Enterprises to both you and Bruce and he still plays apart in it,” she replied hastily, not caring enough to make eye contact.
“When he’s not playing good guy in his bat costume, sure, but all he cares about is fighting crime over and over again, he cares little about what happens to Wayne Enterprises or even me!”
“If I remember correctly you fight crime too.” Selina walked faster, reaching the first floor before you, grabbing a necklace on the marble counter.
She stared at the black diamonds shinning under the light, eventually moving her hand with the necklace towards you, gesturing you to put it on her.
You sighed, grabbing the necklace. “When I was with his all I did was stare at the computers in his little cave.”
“You still do,” Selina hummed.
“That different,” you grumbled. “When I was working with him, no one even knew my name or I was a vigilante at all. You had no idea who Umbra Mortis was after I told you. Or that I was his brother.”
“I do now. People know who Umbra Mortis is now.” Selina turned to face your towering figure after felling the necklace be latched on.
“They still don’t know I’m his brother. He refuses to tell people I’m his brother because I was adopted.”
“That’s not true,” Selina said, following you out the door.
“How’d you know? You ask him?” You smirked.
“Maybe,” Selina replied, before grabbing you arm, only being a couple feet away from the limo containing your brother and his butler. “Listen be nice to him and you might even get a special treat,” she grinned, pulling you down into a kiss.
It felt longer that it was but you savored every second of it. You observed the taste of cherries that presented itself onto your tongue.
You hummed as she broke away from the the kiss slowly. You wished you didn’t have to go to the gala, instead staying home with Selina watching her favorite movie in bed.
You opened the door of the limo, letting Selina get in before you while you held the door. You could hear pleasantries given from where you stood as you desperately wished you would have to get in the limo with you older brother.
You could feel your brothers gaze on you as you entered the limo.
“Greeting Master Wayne,” Alfred nodded, quickly driving off. You smiled at the man, he always had called you by your last name since you could remember. It wasn’t that you weren’t close to him, he just wanted to always show his upmost respect towards you.
“Brother,” Bruce greeted. It didn’t seem like the type of greeting you would give your brother, more like a greeting to a stranger.
A curt nod was given to Bruce as you intertwined your hand with Selina’s soft hands. Your fingers played with her rings that she stole from multiple museums.
“I haven’t seen you in a while,” Bruce brought up, eyes still trained on your figure. Your eyes broke away from Selina’s perfect figure.
“Whose fault was that?” you murmured, rolling your eyes. Selina’s heeled foot quickly hit your leg in annoyance. Your eyes quickly looked over to your girlfriend before moving back to look at Bruce.
Bruce paid no mind to your comment. “I see,” he commented, not saying anything else.
A wave of awkwardness took over the limo as the two brothers or interact with each other, or at least one of them did.
“Talk to him, querido,” Selina whispered in your ear, running her nails down your suit.
You rolled your eyes not looking at your girlfriend. “What are you doing here Bruce?” you say bluntly, being forced to say something.
“I’m going to a gala, brother. It’s good for my image.”
“Alfred making you go?”
“It seems you know me too well brother.”
You hummed. “Well, after having to be around you, most of my life, it seems I have to. If not, I might have become a worse brother than you.”
Selena scoff at you as Bruce squinted his eyes. “I gave you no reason to say I am a bad brother.”
An irked expression fell on your face as you glared lightly at your brother. “You have multiple recent to being a bad brother! You left me on a mountain by myself, at fifteen!”
An annoyed expression fell on Bruce’s face. “How many times do I have to tell you it was an accident, I thought you already left,” he said, fingers massaging his temple.
“How am I supposed to believe that when just an hour before you were screaming at me and wishing I wasn’t in your life,” you glared, feeling Selena’s hands down your back and comfort and also as a warning.
“Boys, enough of this, we’re already at this gala so pretend you like each other,” Selina smirked, an obvious fake smile before elegantly getting out of the limo.
You spared Bruce no mind as you got out after your girlfriend, you hand finding the perfect resting spot on her waist.
“Just talking to me and a couple guests won’t get anything you’re hoping for tonight,” she whispered, slowly pushing your arms off her waist, a smile still on her face. “Talk to Bruce or you’re getting nothing tonight.”
With that same grinning smile she walked off, most likely towards the bar full of drunk old fish man with pockets full of money.
With a sigh you slowed your walking, letting Bruce catch up to you. “My apologies for my inappropriate acts Bruce.”
“Don’t act like that,” he said, talking in a whisper, occasionally nodding his head at a couple men and woman.
“Act like what?” you ask.
“Like we’re not brothers. You haven’t talked to me like a brother since you were fifteen.”
“You throw me in the side Bruce, you always have. I had no reason to treat you like a brother when you were too busy to acknowledge me.”
Bruce looks at you with an unreadable expression on his face before taking a deep breath.
You went to scoff before he spoke up. “I’m sorry,” he said is a hushed voice. It almost made you stop in your tracks. Not once has your brother ever apologized to you. Not when he pushed you down the stairs, or when he played a mean April fools day prank on you.
You stayed silent for a minute smiling when contractors and other business partners walked by.
You didn’t care about them at the moment, your first thought was on your brother. Then of course Selina forty feet away at the bar.
“I’m sorry as well… brother,” you spoke, slowly walking away from Bruce towards Selina.
“I talked to him and even said sorry,” you smile, hand going up to her shoulders.
She turned around staring up into your eyes. “Considering Bruce looks like a kicked puppy I would say you did it like you were supposed to.”
You frowned at her words. “Listen it’s the best you’re going to get out of me tonight, now can we just go home?”
Selina digs a gold watch out of her purse, looking at the time. “We’ve been here for no more than ten minutes so unfortunately not mi amor.”
“You’re just being mean at this point,” you groan walking to wherever Selina sways to.
“At least an hour then we can leave,” she smirks pulling you to the dance floor. “For now, we dance.” She puts one arm around your neck and the other into your hand and she waltz’s to the relaxing music.
Your eyes met her sparkling black ones as waves of emotion overflowed your body. She made you fall in love with her every day.
“I can’t stay here Selina,” you growled in her ear.
She paid no mind to you as she twirled and danced. She was enjoying this and you both knew it.
“Selina,” you growled once again. Your heart was practically beating out of your chest.
“I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait. I’m not going home because you’re horny.”
Your hand traveled down her waist, lightly grazing her ass. Her subtly eyed you, eyes narrowing down. “Relax my love, no one is watching,” you whispered, softly biting her ear as you leaned down.
You could feel Selina get hotter as you continued to dance on the dance floor. Your thoughts were not on Bruce nor anyone else but Selina. You didn’t care about anything except Selina.
“You’re playing a dirty game baby,” Selina murmured in your ear, hands gripping your body.
“I wouldn’t have to if we left.”
Selina stayed silent once more, like she was contemplating the answer she would choose. “…fine,” she murmured.
A grin fell on your face before you dragged her out of the gala, you opened the door of a rentable limo. You didn’t have to say any words to the man. Almost everyone in Gotham knew where you lived. It was hard to miss it.
Selina sat down close to you, kissing your neck. You exhaled a breath, holding her waist. “If you keep it up, I’m going to get a boner before we get home,” you groan.
She seemed to only hum and that, keeping up with the original pace.
The drive home seemed longer than anything before. It felt like the limo driver was going slower on purpose. Selina didn’t let it stop her as she spread hickeys all over your neck.
The white limo stopped at the entrance to your mansion. Selina and you quickly rushed out, leaving behind cash for the driver. Poor man must have been a little traumatized.
You pushed Selina through the door into your room. Her hot breath could be felt on your face.
You unzipped her black dress before she reach for her necklace. “No,” you breathed out. “Keep it on.”
You could feel her lightly moan against your neck as you removed your tie and shirt.
You hoisted Selina up before gently throwing her on the bed.
“Fuck,” you moaned out. Crawling on the bed to be face to face with your girlfriend. “You’re so hot baby.”
Her hands reached up to your neck, pulling you down into her. The kiss was sloppy; full of lust. Her legs wrapped around your unclothed waist.
You head traveled down kisses her neck towards her tits. She grabbed onto your hair as you left a trail of kisses to her clit.
Your hot breath only made her wetter. You licked her clit slowly before making eye contact with her. She let out a breathy moan as you stared her down. Your mouth latched onto her clit sucking and licking like a mad man.
“Fuck,” she moaned, gripping your hair harder. You let out a quick sound before resuming your task.
“God I love your pussy,” you rasped, sticking two fingers into her drenched hole. Her shaky legs wrapped around your head.
Your fingers thrusted in and out of her as your teeth lightly grazed her clit. She could feel her orgasm already coming. “Baby,” she groaned, quickly tapping your head. You removed your mouth from her wet clit as you looked up at her.
“I need it in me,” she whispered, almost like she was embarrassed. She could hear you undoing your zipper as soon as the words came out of her mouth.
Her legs released you from her grip as she pulled you up to be face to face with her. She could feel your hard cock rubbing against her clit. A soft moan came out of her as her arms wrapped around your neck.
“I’ve wanted you all day, baby,” you groan, lips attacking her own as you slowly entered her wet pussy.
“I know,” she smirked out before moaning loudly as you thrusted in and out of her. “God, I forgot how big you were.”
Your arm traveled down to her waist giving you a better angle to thrust into her. “You’re so tight, honey,” you breath out, hair falling down on your eyes.
Nails grazed down your back as you thrusted harder into your girlfriend. Her girlfriend arched your back letting out a whimper. “I’m close baby,” she whimpered feeling her orgasm about to come.
“Just a little more. You can hold out baby,” you grunted, pounding into her at an inhuman pace. Your cock overwhelming her senses.
Her legs shook as her head turned to the side, giving you a better view of her neck. “I’m close, I’m so fucking close,” she panted.
Your hand gripped her waist tighter, feeling her slowly get tighter. “Let go baby,” you muttered, feeling your release about to come.
A high pitched moan left your girlfriend as her pussy tightened around you and legs vibrated rapidly. You gave a few more quick thrusts before coming inside her.
Your moved you hand to move your girlfriend face towards you. Her fucked out eyes looked at you as she panted hard.
You slowly pulled out of her before kissing the top of her head. “I love you,” you sighed, getting up to clean her up.
“Bath or no bath?” you asked, grabbing a hand towel from the bathroom.
“No bath,” she grinned weakly, pulling you towards her. “Just want you.”
“You got me baby,” you smirked, handing her one of your comfy shirts after cleaning her up the best you could.
She slipped on your shirt, it draped over her figure as she huddled towards your figure getting in bed.
You looked at the shirt, too big for your girlfriend. “God just looking at you turns me on.” You kissed your smiling girlfriend.
“You’re handling that issue yourself.”
You smiled harder at her. You didn’t care about Bruce in the moment or fighting crime, just caring about marrying the girl laying next to you.
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scourgeofgotham · 11 months
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♡ trophy ♡
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pairing: roy harper x fem!wayne!reader
warnings: angst
attempted suicide, kidnapping, stalking, age gap
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your older brother's best friend is infatuated with you.
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♡ You sat down on a park bench in the middle of the night, waiting to meet your online boyfriend for the first time. You felt someone sit next to you on the bench, “Will?” You excitedly gasped. You looked over and saw a familiar face.
“Roy?” you frantically asked. “What are you doing here?”
You would have never guessed that your older brother's friend would be sitting next to you at night. He’s been one of Dick’s friends for the past 15 years. “What do you mean? You don’t recognize your boyfriend?” He grabbed your chin and he kissed you passionately.
You couldn’t breathe, you felt his hand on your thigh. “But— you’re Dick’s and Jason’s friend… you’re too old to be with me…”
“Your age doesn’t matter, baby. You need to come home with me. I’m gonna keep you safe and I’m gonna love you more than anyone ever will.” he whispered.
“Roy, you are 10 years older than me…”
“I know, angel. But I need you. I can’t live without you,” he whispers as he starts to tear up a bit from sadness and excitement. “You’re gonna come be my little trophy.” he grinned. “You’re going to take me against my will?” you trembled. “If you’re not going to come willingly.” He chuckled and caressed your face. “What if Bruce finds out? He’s not gonna stop looking for me…”
“Bruce could never find us. Just imagine, me and you in the home I own. Just us. I know I couldn't live without you,” he whispered.
He kissed your cheek.
“What if Dick finds out? That his best friend kidnapped his baby sister?”
“Nobody is gonna find out about us, angel. I'm gonna lock us away and I'll keep you safe. I can't lose you, you're the only thing that's truly mine,” he said in a hushed tone. "I will keep you safe. I will never let anyone hurt you," he said softly. “I don’t— I don’t wanna go with you…” you choked, “I can’t let you take me.”
"Please, little one. I can't let you go," he whispered and he started to get forceful. He grabbed your hand and started pulling you off the bench.
You fought back, trying to hit his pressure points. You had to try to escape him. "Angel!" he growled. He grabbed your arms and he started dragging you to his car. You tried to kick him, but every effective way of trying to take him out didn’t work. “What happens when my family finds out I’m gone?”
"They won't find you." he said, as he opened the door of his car. "Get in."
You grabbed one of his fixed bladed arrows out of his quiver and held it to your neck. “I’ll kill myself if you get close to me…” you sobbed. "Baby, please. You're just overwhelmed right now. Just take a deep breath..." he tried to calm you down. He walked towards you. You pressed the arrow to your neck, cutting your neck slightly. “Stop.”
"Baby," he said softly. "It's okay. I'm here... You don't have to be scared." He started to take a few more steps towards you. You stepped backwards and pressed the arrow in deeper. “I’ll cut my arteries.” You took your other hand and grabbed your phone to dial Barbara. He slowly made his way towards you, he tried to make his voice feel as soothing as possible.
"Don't do that," he said softly as he took another step towards you. "Everything is going to be okay. It's just us...." You dialled Barbara’s number and you took a deep breath, and dug the arrow across your neck.
Roy slowly stopped approaching you. “Baby!” he exclaimed. “Don't do that,” he shouted at you. You cut your neck open, and started to feel lightheaded from the blood loss. You heard Barbara pick up the phone and answer. “Hello?”
He felt mad at you, he shouted, "What the hell are you doing?!" He quickly ran towards you and took the arrow out of your hand. He grabbed your phone and chucked it across the park.
He tried to stop the bleeding and he took out a cloth to stop the blood. He was panicking and he kept crying your name. "Don't you dare pass out...." he growled in a harsh tone.
You fainted, fading to black.
Roy shook you and he slapped you hard to keep you awake. "Don't you pass out, god damn it," he yelled.
He picked up your body in his arms. "Don't die." He placed down your body gently on the passenger seat. He placed the cloth on your wound. He started the car and he started driving to the hospital. He was quiet the entire ride. He was driving fast, swerving in and out of lanes. He got to the hospital and he got out of the car. He opened your car door and picked your unconscious body up. He walked into the emergency room and immediately caught the attention of the medical assistant at the front desk.
The medical staff came rushing into the emergency room and they took a look at your wound. "She's lost a lot of blood and she passed out due to the blood loss," one of the nurses stated. "Can you help her?" Roy asked, he had tears in his eyes. He was trembling. They put you on a gurney. “It looks like her carotid artery and her jugular vein is still intact.”
“We need to give her a blood transfusion,” a nurse said. One of the doctors put a cloth on your wound.
"Please, do something," Roy whispered to himself. He was on the verge of tears. He was still covered in your blood and he kept a worried expression on his face. A few hours go by and your name is called out in the waiting room.
Roy looked up at the doctor with a worried expression. "Can I see her?" He asked. The doctor nodded and he let Roy go into the room. He looked at you in your hospital bed, a huge bandage wrapped around your neck. "...Is she gonna be okay," Roy said softly. His eyes were still red from crying.
The doctor talked about how lucky you were, if the bleeding had started a few minutes sooner that you would've died. They placed an oxygen mask on your face and they started to monitor you. Roy walked into the room and his eyes immediately went to your unconscious body. You looked very pale as you were breathing softly and slowly.
"Darling..." he said softly and he approached you. He hugged you tightly, he was still covered in your blood. "...You're so lifeless," he whispered as he held you. "I— don't think I can handle the thought of losing you... I love you..."
He hugged you tightly and he looked at the doctors that were monitoring your health. He waited for a response. "Baby...?" he whispered and he gently stroked your hair. "Come on, angel... Come back..."
As the night passed, several nurses and different medical staff came by. Your heartbeat started increasing. You slowly woke up, and you felt a bit hazy. Roy still had his fingers woven in your hair and he was looking at you, he was waiting for you to respond. Your eyes fluttered open, wincing at the bright hospital lights.
You tried to speak, but couldn’t due to the oxygen mask. You closed your heavy eyelids again. "Baby..." he whispered. "Are you okay..?" his eyes were still red from crying. He looked at you with so much relief. "I'm so happy you're alive," he wiped the tears off his face. “It’s been half a day sweetheart.” You looked at him and tried to speak, but couldn’t. The huge wound on your neck was prohibiting you to speak. "Baby, please," he got close and he kissed your forehead. "Everything is gonna be okay. Please trust me."
He smiled at you.
You tried to move away from his kisses and failed. “I—“ you choked, it hurt too much to talk. He took off your oxygen mask and watched you breathe. You tried to sit up, but felt too weak too. "...Don't move. You lost a lot of blood. Just rest and relax," he said in a sweet voice. "Take a deep breath, angel. You're alive. That's the most important thing..." He was still holding your hand and he was softly stroking your hair. He leaned down and kissed you softly.
"I'm so happy that you're alive, my sweet angel." He caressed your cheek with his other hand. You moved your head away from his hand. You didn’t want him to touch you. He noticed that and he stopped caressing you. "Baby... Don't feel scared or uncomfortable. I just want to protect you." He looked at you with his sweet eyes.
You shook your head and started to cry. You tried to shove him away, but your arms were too heavy. "...Angel, please calm down," he said in a soft voice and he grabbed your hand. He kissed your cheek. "Be calm, don't be scared of me, angel." He kissed your forehead and he let go of your hand. "Hey," he said softly, he went closer to you. "Angel, don't cry. I'm here for you."
"Don't you trust your boyfriend?" he whispered. You reached for his phone and looked at him. You couldn’t talk and he didn’t know any sign language. He noticed that you were trying to communicate with him. "Do you want to type something for me, angel?" he asked.
You opened his phone, and saw his collection of photos of you. Changing in your apartment, out in public with very few friends, at work, and sleeping.
Your eyes wide with horror, he had a picture with his collection of your panties. He stole your panties. He broke into your apartment. Your mouth was agape, and you started crying. He looked at you and he noticed that you had found his pictures. He tried to grab his phone from you.
"Baby, I can explain everything... I promise."
"Please, I just want to protect you," he said softly, his eyes filled with tears and sadness. "Please." He begged. You motion for him to explain, you tried to look at him. You croaked, “Expl—“ It hurt too much to speak. You could barely swallow without crying from the immense pain.
"I promise the photos aren't a big deal... Baby, you make me so happy and the photos let me see you when I'm sad, when you're not with me," his voice was still filled with a mixture of sadness and excitement.
"You're the only woman in this world, baby... You're mine and you belong to me. I don't want anyone else having you..." You stared at the wall next to him, tears falling down your cheeks.
"Baby, you know you make me happy, right, angel?" he whispered. "I feel so loved by you. When I look at your pictures, I think, "That's my angel. I'm the only one that has her heart, and you're so beautiful in all the pictures I have of you..." he smiled, he was still blushing and he was tearing up.
There was a knock at the door, a nurse came in with her cart. “I’m here to give you some more morphine for the pain.” She stated. She walked by your bedside and changed out your iv, “There you go. You may start to feel very tired, it’s just a side effect.” She walked out of the room and closed the door.
You wanted to be away from him, you wanted to die rather than be forced to stay with him. Yet, here you were. You were still alive and you couldn’t scream for him to be taken away from you. You made yourself be stuck with him, you were his trophy. You hated him. He was a monster, he took away your voice. He was going to take away your freedom. He had no right to cry, if you could you would kill him the same way you wanted to die.
He started petting your head, he was still hoping that you'd forgive him. "Please... Please baby, look at me. Forgive me, please," he whispered. "You're the only girl for me and I don't care about anything else other than you," he whispered. "Please, angel..."
There was a knock at the door.
The doctor came into the room, “Are you feeling better Ms. Wayne? Your boyfriend here said someone came into your apartment and slit your throat. It’s amazing that you survived. I haven’t introduced myself, I’m Dr. Freeman.” You look down at the blanket and stared off into space.
Dr. Freeman looked at Roy, “She’s not going to be able to talk for a long time. She will need to communicate in different ways, it’s going to be tough. You’re lucky you have a boyfriend who loves you so much Ms. Wayne.” He looked at you, “I will need the room to discuss some doctor—patient confidentiality. To discuss what happened.” He turned to look at Roy, "Please tell me I'm allowed to stay with her," Roy said to the doctor. “Mr. Harper can I ask you to step outside?”
He noticed that you were looking away from him and he started to feel a bit worried. Roy nodded his head and he went outside. The Doctor looked at you, as he shut the door.
This was it, your chance to get away from Roy.
“Here’s a pen and paper, I need you to answer some questions.” He handed you a notepad. “Did you hurt yourself?” You looked at him and you started to write, I tried to. Roy stopped me.
“Why did you? Why did you want to end your life?” You looked at him, and started writing.
Because I couldn't deal with Roy any longer, you wrote quickly on the paper. I don’t want to die, I just wanted to get away from him.
“Has he hurt you in anyway?”
He hasn't hurt me in a physical way, you wrote down. Only emotionally and mentally. He looked at what you wrote and he looked concerned. "Does he abuse you?" he asked quietly. No. you wrote down. "Are you afraid of him?" he asked. Sometimes.
He nodded his head. He was writing something down on his notepad. "Alright, does anyone in your house know about you and Roy?" You wrote down, No one knows.
He wrote something down once again.He looked at you for a few seconds, he was still a little bit concerned. But you couldn't blame him. "Alright... Can I ask you just one last question?" He quietly asked, and you nodded jn response. “Do you fear for your life?”
You thought for a moment.
Sure, Roy stalked you. He was obsessed for god only knows how long. But… he hasn’t hurt you? Not with Roy. You wrote down quickly, and then thought about the question. He scares me sometimes but I don’t think he would ever hurt me.
Am I going to be put in a mental hospital? Since I tried to kill myself?
"No, that's not going to happen," he said confidently. "There will be people that'll be here to monitor your health, and Roy will be here with you for some time. You'll get the help you need and we'll make sure that you never end up hurting yourself," he assured you. “You’re a Wayne. This will be the closest thing you’ll ever get to being involuntarily committed.” He said. “Your answers about your home life and Roy have given us no indication that he is a threat to you.”
“If there is anything else you need to tell me before I let him in, tell me now. However I suggest you two get couple counseling.” He looked at you to see if you were hiding anything from him. You shook your head, and he smiled and let Roy into the room.
"Thank you," you whispered as you rubbed your eyes. Roy entered the room. He was still hugging himself and looking at the ground. "Babe," he mumbled, he was glad that you were okay.
He sat down next to you on the bed. “So what’s going to happen?” Roy asked the doctor. "Roy, we are going to find a counselor for you and your girlfriend. You two will have to attend sessions with that counselor," he said. "Also, you'll get checked up on by a group of psychiatrist. Don't worry, this is only to make sure that your girlfriend is doing okay." He started to look at Roy. "Is there anything that you would like to tell us?" he asked. Roy shook his head in silence. He was still hugging himself.
“She had said you lied about how her throat got slashed… Care to explain the story?” The doctor said. You looked at him, he looked like a small broken child holding themselves. He read the note you gave him.
"I–I panicked," he answered. "She was bleeding so much and I didn't know what to do. I was scared and I was the only one who could save her in that situation... I was scared of losing you, babe..." he started tearing up a little bit. "Please, forgive me..." he begged. “I didn’t want her to end up locked away or anything… So I lied and said someone had slashed her throat…” Roy finished.
He was still crying and he started wiping his eyes. "Please, please understand," he said with a sad voice. "I'm just scared of losing her... Angel, I don't know what I'd do without you in my life. Everything is dark and there's no happiness without you... I love you..." he whispered.
“There will be a psychiatric evaluation to see if she still has the tendency to hurt herself. If we feel like she’s not a danger to herself then she can go home soon,” Dr. Freeman explained.
"Okay, I understand," Roy said as he nodded. "Thank you," he whispered. "Are you feeling better, angel?" he asked, he was a bit relieved now. You turned over to face away from him. The doctor left the room and closed the door behind him. Roy noticed how cold you were with him and his eyes were filled with sadness. He stayed quiet for some time, but he couldn't help it. "Baby, I'm sorry... Please, tell me that you forgive me," he asked, his voice was sounding a bit desperate. "Please..."
You stayed silent and in the same position. He kissed the back of your neck, he was trying to be as affectionate as he could. "My angel..." he whispered, "I want you to say that you forgive me." You shook your head, and tried to sleep. He kept kissing your neck, he was still hoping that you would forgive him. He was hugging your body. "Please say that you'll forgive me."
You turned around to face him, your eyes widen at how close he was to you now. He was laying next to you in the hospital bed. This was the first time in ages you looked at Roy and didn’t feel disgusted. You mouthed, “Why me?”
"Why you? Because I love you, angel," he whispered, he was being completely honest. You could see his eyes filled with love and affection, he was staring at you with pure sweetness. "I love you, baby. I love you so much."
"Do you believe me, angel?" he asked with a sad tone. “List reasons.” you whispered. "Reasons, why I love you..." he sighed and he looked at you.
"Your eyes are stunning, angel," he said softly, "I love the way you speak to me." He placed his hands on your cheeks. "Your lips are the most beautiful ones I've ever seen," he whispered, you could tell that he meant every word. "Your hair looks like it's made out of silk, the most beautiful hair I've ever seen," he continued. He smiled as he touched your hair. "I love you so much..." Roy started caressing your cheek and hair. “I love your eyes so much that I could drown in them. I love your hair so much that I wanna get tangled in it. I love how sweet and cute you are that I wanna put you in my pocket and hold you forever. I love how you try to help everyone around you.” Roy grinned and stared directly into your eyes. “I love everything about you.” He smiled.
You blushed and felt a strange sensation in your chest. His lips were inches away from yours and you could feel his breath.
You could feel his lips getting closer. You couldn't help it and you felt so good hearing all those sweet words. You were starting to feel butterflies in your stomach. "Your smile is so beautiful, angel..." he whispered softly, his voice filled with affection. He slowly leaned towards you and he kissed your cheek.
“You’re the missing piece of our family, baby… Lian is going to be so happy when I bring you home…” He grinned and caressed your face.
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cinnamoodles · 2 months
FIC IDEA (do not steal)
um so if i hypothetically wrote a clark kent x wayne!fem!reader fic with lots of angst and an accidental pregnancy and galas and hot clark… would you read it?
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dreamlandcreations · 2 years
Believer masterlist
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Bane x Wayne!Reader
Summary: You grew up as an orphan in Gotham and you only found out who your parents were after leaving the orphanage...
Warnings: kidnapping, murder, violence, smut, age gap, implied reader description by relation (Bruce Wayne x Rachel Dawes)
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Chapter 1  • Summary: It was hard to find Bruce Wayne in his solitude, it would be harder to explain who you are...
Chapter 2 •  Summary: You find out your father's most well-hidden secret...
Chapter 3 • Summary: His worst fear comes true, you get caught up in his business...
Chapter 4 • Summary: During the first few weeks of your captivity you spend most of your time with Bane...
Chapter 5 • Summary: Batman comes to your rescue... or something like that...
Chapter 6 • Summary: Months go by as the city is on lockdown...
Chapter 7 • Summary: The end?
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kurogxrix · 7 months
me when the READER in the X READER has a name:
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like babe the fic ate but i do NOT look like an Aurora🙁
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c1nnam00n · 3 months
me seeing that my fav character barely/doesn’t have any fanfics OR imagines
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kimjun · 7 months
girls are like “I want a boyfriend” but reject everyone because none of them are their comfort characters
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holy-minseok · 7 months
We need mean!reader, angry!reader, misunderstood!reader, creepy!reader, gross!reader, toxic!reader, nonforgiving!reader, selfish!reader, narcissistic!reader, dark!reader, FEDUP!reader. That bitch is way too nice, passive, and sensible. ✋🏾😂
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Bruce: I raised five perfectly functional children
Y/N: *tearing up* You have five other children we don’t know about?!
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fluffy-anna · 12 days
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cas-backwards-tie · 1 year
Chapter One: Seed Uprooted
Heiress of Gotham
Masterlist | Next Chapter
Bruce Wayne x Daughter!Reader
Summary: After the loss of your mother, it feels as if all hope is lost. Fortunately, you’ve been placed in the care of your absentee father. The Wayne name has always been said to come with a few odds and ends that you’d have to get used to, the question is: will you?
Warnings: Angst, Anti-Police themes, Cursing, Death, Depression themes, Orphanage
Words: 1,569
A/N: This has actually been in my drafts and in my docs for... at least three years, I know. It's been rewritten at least twice, and I'm finally deciding to put it out there.
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I remember that day. I remember exactly where I was when I’d found out. I remember the moment I met him.
The high-pitched ringing gives permission for us to finally leave the classroom, Mrs. Gurdept’s earlier demand that “the bell doesn’t dismiss you, I do.” did not divert anyone’s attention from packing up. Backpack already strung across your shoulders, you’re out the door along with everyone else. While your friend Daisha talks about how annoying the classmate is that sits next to her in History, it’s the uniformed men coming your way that catches your attention. It’s the BPD: Bludhaven Police Department. Parting the sea of students the police officer’s eyes scan the faces of the students passing them by. Heart rate rising, you try to keep your eyes on Daisha, determined to look engaged in conversation enough to skate past them without questioning.
“Miss?” One of the officers steps in front of you, blocking your path. Eyes immediately jumping up to his face, you scowl. “Can you answer a few questions for me?” Rumor has it they’re looking for Perdy Chapman, one of the sophmores who supposedly ran away from home once he’d been ousted as a drug runner for Marin’s gang; worst part was… he was funny, nice, and a straight A student. Officer reaching into the pocket on his breast, the white glimpse of a folded paper is barely seen before you respond. There’s no doubt it was some sappy photo of your classmate that you most definitely don’t want to see.
“No, I’m sorry, Officer. We’re late to practice!” Instantly grabbing Daisha’s hand you tug her along behind you, speedwalking toward the exit. She doesn’t question you; most of the kids know by now: never talk to the police. If you haven’t done anything wrong, then there’s no reason to talk to them. They’re all corrupt anyway.
Sitting on top of the cement blocks blocking off the parking lot from the kiss-and-ride line, Daisha playfully smacks your arm. “‘We’re late to practice’? Are you kidding me? You were so fucking quick with that!” A fit of laughter consumes the both of you, the imagined perplexed looks upon the cop’s faces bringing you practically to tears. It takes a while to calm down, the conversation turning into gossip, and eventually into Daisha sharing some of the memes she’d recently seen online. 
“Do you think it’s gonna rain?” The question leaves your lips as your eyes watch the dark, ominous clouds roll through the sky. A wet smell of oncoming rain lingers in the air like the humid and hot summer nights in the Carnaveron District. 
“Well… if the clouds aren’t an obvious sign, I’d say yes,” she teases. The three short honks are our signal: her mom is here. Jumping off the cement blocks we head over to the spot she’s parked in line, a soft drizzle makes itself known as the drops plunk the roof of the car. Daisha sweeps you into a quick hug before getting into the car, the duo waving goodbye before driving off. Since you don’t live far, it’s easier to walk. It’s the one part of your routine that consistently brings you joy. The breeze and gentle pitter of rain on your skin help clear your head of all the school drama. Off toward home, you find yourself beginning to get lost in thought about tonight’s homework assignments. It’s only the buzz of the cell phone in your pocket that brings you back to reality. “Auntie?”
“It’s your mother, get to the hospital as soon as you can. Cuidate, mija.” The dial tone signals the call’s ended. Frozen there on the sidewalk, time doesn’t seem to pass; thunder rumbles in the distance, it’s the only thing that reminds you that time is still moving. It starts to sprinkle rain.
~~~Two Hours Later~~~
Technically you were an orphan… at least that’s what you’d thought. Legally they were mandated to send you to a state-run orphanage. Everyone probably thinks they don’t exist today, and yet, there it was… right in front of you, open and waiting: the gates of purgatory calling your name. Though on the borders of Bludhaven and the streets that lead toward the country part of the state, the building looked like any other. Brown bricks, tall elongated windows; it would look like a ghastly warehouse to you from the outside if you didn’t notice the tricycle on the lawn, or the chalk drawings on the sides of the building and sidewalk leading up to it. 
“I have to take this call, excuse me,” the social worker steps away from the black hatchback sedan. Lost in your own world, it doesn’t even occur to you to eavesdrop on her call. There’s no possible way that things could get worse than this. Nonetheless, many ‘mhms’ and ‘okay, I understands’ are heard throughout the field adjoining the driveway. The grey clouds finally starting to disperse, it’s quiet out here, the only murmur of your social worker talking and the occasional passing car fill the air. Just as the numbness starts to churn in your stomach at the thought of your Mom, there’s a knocking on the car window.
“Damn!” There’s an exasperated and ludicrous look in her eyes. “Someone’s got one hell of a guardian angel lookin’ out for you, kid. Follow me.” Even if she’s audible through the glass, she doesn’t wait to check as she turns and heads toward the orphanage’s entrance. Though thoughts of running away cross your mind, there’s no logical reason to do so. What’s left out here for me? Nothing.
Once inside of the building you're told to sit tight on one of the wooden benches by the entrance office. Though the social worker chats with the warden, you don't pay them any mind. Their words go in one ear and out the other, your fiddling fingers in your lap far more entertaining as you try and comprehend what the toll of your mother's death will have on the rest of your life. Fifteen, and no longer any semblance of security in any realm of matter toward your future. How did this happen?
It feels as if it's instantaneous, yet the wall on the clock shows over half an hour has passed. Doors creaking open with the cool ocean-ladened after-rain wind, an older man closes the umbrella he'd been holding over the younger-looking man who strides into the building with a sort of conviction that only exists through the air it permeates. They both are adorned in long trench coats and sunglasses, though the younger wears a black hat.
"Lisa! I assume this is her," the broad man addresses your social worker before turning his gaze down toward you. With the click of the door's lock as it seals shut, all noise diminishes in the halls of the orphanage aside from the faint echo of children's laughter in the distance. The building instantly warms by a few degrees and the men take off their sunglasses, pocketing them. Mouth subconsciously falling agape, you recognize him. The man standing before you is one you've only seen on billboards, television, and in magazines: Bruce Wayne. He crouches to your eye-level.
"Yes, this is-" Lisa, the name of the woman you'd only known as your social worker, begins to introduce you. What follows truly feels like some sort of grief-stricken concoction of fantasy, and though it might be dangerous, you follow it.
It isn’t until the car pulls up to the door that you snap out of it. “This isn’t a joke?” He must be tired of it: this most likely being the fifteenth time you’ve asked such a thing in the last hour.
“No. It’s not,” while one might pick up on the disappointed tone in his voice, Bruce Wayne offers a small, sympathetic smile. His hand gently comes to rest on your shoulder, leading you out of the clean, sleek Rolls Royce.
“It’s a pleasure, Miss,” the elderly man states your name in a titular way. Taken aback, he hardly registers in your mind. Too many thoughts and emotions consuming you, leaving nothing but a rapidly beating heart and a million questions tucked inside the body of a young girl. The fields had turn back into factories, factories into skyscrapers, skyscrapers into trees, and by then you’d finally come onto the property. In the dark there wasn’t much to take in; light illuminates windows upon rows of windows that span so far you wonder for a moment if they ever stop. Yet the edge of the mansion can be spotted from your place by the door, too weary to step inside.
"Are you coming?"
"I'm afraid if you stand out there all night you'll catch a cold," the older gentleman, whom you've already forgotten the name of, warns.
"That reminds me, Alfred, please go set up a bath for her. I'll take her upstairs," Bruce delegates. Though you wouldn't know it for months, he decided to give you a moment. Waiting at the door, he remembers the hours and days that followed his own parents' death. He's well aware that this is undoubtedly a big moment for you, and thus, a little patience won't hurt.
"This is..." you can barely even come up with a sentence, let alone a string of thoughts as you take in the palace before you.
"-your new home? Yes." He finishes the thought for you.
taglist: @ohdamnadam, @safarigirlsp, @jynzandtonic , @moonlightsolo
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