melloollem · 19 days
Family Conflicts|| Bruce Wayne × Batmom Fem!reader × (Platonic)Jason Todd
Summary: Bruce mulls over the guilt he feels after a fight with Jason, you're the one who advises him and tries to sort things out.
Warnings: Comfort (with anguish), Platonic relationship with Jason, Family conflicts.
(DC masterlist)
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You were drying your hair after getting out of the shower, and walked into the room you shared. Bruce was sitting on the right side of the bed staring at the large pane of glass that overlooked the house's garden, too immersed in his own thoughts to recognize your presence.
You were aware that the recent argument was still plaguing his mind. You let the silence linger in the room for a while longer while you put on your clothes, waiting for him to take the initiative to talk to you. When you had finished, you leaned against one of the walls of the room, watching Bruce's back. The nights in Gotham were brutal, and the scars on his back couldn't deny it.
After a few minutes, a click escapes your mouth as you realize that he would choose to ignore your presence "Aren't you going to say anything?" Your voice broke through the man's numb state, but the silence remained, drawing a weary sigh from you. You wished the constant conflicts and obligations didn't consume Bruce's mind as much as they do, but you knew that was too much to ask of him, a man entirely dedicated to everything he did.
"Everything will be fine, he just needs some time." Bruce's guilt was consuming him, Jason was no longer the unstoppable killer whose goal was to kill Batman, but the relationship between the family was still complicated, everything was still too sensitive, like an inflamed wound.
"He doesn't hate you, he just needs some time," you repeated the assurance, trying to get into your husband's mind. "He was clear about how he felt," Bruce said to you for the first time that night, still motionless.
"So that's all I had to say to get you to say something" Your sarcasm lacked any real anger at Bruce's behavior, already used to dealing with the complicated man he was. "He'll never forgive me" That wasn't half of what he wanted to say, but it was all he had the courage to admit. Bruce was never the kind of person to speak his mind openly, you had to read him, understand him beyond his words and you were very good at doing that.
"You don't believe that. He's disappointed, but you can fix it." You knew that it would be much harder for Bruce and Jason to work things out, much harder than it was for you and Jason, not because Jason blamed you less for what happened, but because he and Bruce were too similar for their own good, Jason would never say what he felt out loud and neither would Bruce and they always hurt each other because between half-words Jason saw the worst in Bruce and Bruce saw a lot of his faults in Jason.
"What about you? Are you disappointed in me?" The blue-eyed man knew that he had acted improperly, despite Jason's behavior, Bruce knew that this was not the ideal occasion. You took too long to convince your son to return to the mansion and when he finally did, Bruce used the moment to reprimand him.
"I'm not sure, I just..." you bit your lips apprehensively "I wish you hadn't done that" you too were trying to make things right. It was distressing to see Bruce taking all the blame on himself and taking away the responsibility you had with Jason. "I need you to trust me, Bruce. We're in this together." There was no point in fighting with the man, he knew where he had gone wrong in this situation.
You moved across the room to stand in front of Bruce, you held his chin to make him look at you, guilt staining his blue eyes. He didn't want to ruin the progress you were making with your son, but it seemed that was all he had done since Jason's return. He knew the boy blamed you both equally, but when he made himself willing to move on, you managed to warm Jason's heart faster than Bruce could ever have wished. While Bruce mulled over the guilt of Jason's death, you sought the boy's forgiveness.
"I'm sorry" Bruce didn't know exactly what he was apologizing for, there were many of his actions that needed forgiveness, but you accepted it openly, knowing the sincerity of the words. "Everything will be fine" Bruce leaned his head on your stomach as he heard your words, that statement was all he could ever want from you. "I love you" he breathed as he closed his eyes, his words sounded like an oath, an intimate pact between you and an affirmation of the trust he had in your words "We can sort things out with Jason, okay? Both of us".
I was putting off posting this because I really like the story and I was afraid of how it would play out, but the fact is that I was afraid people wouldn't understand it. I don't think Bruce is a bad father, but he's certainly a complicated person. I know that's a bad summary and a bad name. Thank you to anyone who read this story. This is a repost.
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melloollem · 20 days
Cat and bird||Damian Wayne × No reader gender
Summary: You, like your mother, try your luck on one of Gotham's hunting nights
Warnings:No gender specification, teenager Damian, please read the warning at the end of the reading.
(DC masterlist)
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Robin was standing on top of a building when he felt a presence behind him. Before he could turn around, two arms encircled his shoulders in an unassuming manner, and he let out a tongue click as he noticed their presence.
"Tsk, what are you doing?" Despite his serious tone, there was no real reproach in his words. "Just walking, and you?" He ignored your question and looked straight ahead, you rolled your eyes in response to his behavior "Shouldn't you be with your mother?" He said as he looked down for any strange movement.
"She's probably with your father" So that's why he didn't hear back. Damian couldn't help but scrunch up his face at the thought.
"Relax, they're not doing that, she's trying to rob a bank" What was supposed to be a relief drew a weary sigh from the boy, now he was responsible for you.
"Come on, I'll take you home," he said, moving away from the edge of the building. You turned away from him and wrinkled your eyebrows as you said "This isn't happening" Damian looked at you as if to challenge you and you returned the look. The competition didn't last long, ending when Robin started walking towards the fire escape.
"Let's go, your mother will be angry" He always had the right arguments for victory and you were always a sore loser by rebuttal. "Maybe or maybe she sent me here to distract him" You and Damian knew it was just a bluff. Despite all your skill and effort. Selina would never allow you to help her with any robbery, even if it meant distracting Robin.
"You're not a good liar" Damian made light of the remark and continued to leave you behind. You gave in, but you weren't going to go out in total defeat.
"Let's bet" Damian turned in time to see the slow way you were walking backwards towards the edge of the building. "Whoever gets to my house first wins." At that moment, he walked towards you, understanding the hand to take your arm.
"No, we're not doing that. You don't even have any proper equipment." The moment he said that, you raised one of the hook guns he was using in front of your face before jumping.
He let out a sigh and went after you. Damian and his father had a very complicated relationship with the nickname "cat", it was the only thought he had in that brief fall before he got to you.
"Now you're here, stop resisting" you said as you walked around the table, you dodged the furniture majestically, that must have been a craze taken from your mother. "Agree to keep me company tonight" At that moment, the realization that you had planned to go to him just for this proposal struck Damian.
"I'm on patrol, my father will notice I'm missing," Damian said without revealing his desire to stay. His words brought a mocking smile to your lips as he said, "My mother's taking care of that." You nodded towards the television, which was broadcasting a story about a major robbery being carried out at the Gotham bank; you didn't even need to show Selina's face to know that she was responsible for the great deed.
"My brothers, they-" You rolled your eyes, interrupting him by saying, "God, boy. This isn't my problem, I've already done my bit, stay and do yours." Your gracious and endearing tone was abandoned, you weren't the only expert at pinching nerves in that room.
Damian debated internally whether it was worth staying, he knew how much Selina avoids any kind of contact you might have with someone from his family, it was her way of keeping you away from the world of vigilantes, something that wasn't very useful the second you and Damian ended up in the same room.
"I can tell my mother that you were protecting me," you said when you realized the dilemma the boy was in, although the proposal was true, the mocking tone was present in your voice.
"That's not happening," he said, walking over to your apartment window. You let out a humorless laugh at yourself for thinking that for a moment you had managed to convince Damian of something." See you tomorrow," he said, leaving you alone in the apartment. Your gaze fell on the television, where the headline read that Batman had managed to prevent the robbery. Today was not Kyle's lucky day.
When I write about minors (teenagers) even if I age them, I'll write everything as carefully as possible and the romance will be a subtext, and I'll also make a point of writing them more mature (there's no point in aging the character and leaving them acting like a child). I have no control over who reads this and I prefer to do it this way.
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melloollem · 1 month
In another universe Jason Todd was Johnny Cade.
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Pretending that this (The outsiders) isn't a dead fandom.
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melloollem · 1 month
"I thought I'd be the last person you'd ever let him hurt."|| Jason Todd × No reader gender
Summary:Jason's death meant nothing, your death meant nothing. He had lost so much and for no reason.
Warnings:Anguish, This is a lamentation.
(DC masterlist)
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Perhaps some part of Jason's still childish mind believed in the possibility of you still being alive, even after that.
When Jason's eyes closed as he was about to meet his end, your hysterical figure still staring at him, when he came back to life and discovered that your body was never found in the wreckage of that warehouse, it was as if a flame of hope was still in him, a reason to try.
Now he felt sick. You didn't die that night, when the Joker ran off leaving Jason to die, he dragged you with him. No matter how much resistance and fear you showed, in that warehouse there was only you, the Joker and Jason's lifeless body.
You survived months after Jason's death, living in the same hideout as the Joker hid from Batman. He didn't want to kill you, Joker didn't want anything to do with you, you were just the bait he used to attract Robin, now he was just bored with your presence. He tried to plan something to involve you, but nothing seemed so great after Robin's death, nothing could affect Batman so much.
He didn't perform a great deed or a great torture, he just shot you, just as he had done to thousands of other people. That meant nothing to him. Maybe you would have survived if Batman had found you first, but he didn't.
Now Jason had to live with it, knowing that you had died for this foolish reason and unlike him you didn't have a big raise, there was no reason for them to revive you with the Lazarus Pit. To them your life was as insignificant as your death.
He often wondered if that was all you had been to Batman. If Jason was your greatest failure, what were you? One more person the Joker killed? Just that? As if there had never been a life there? As if you weren't a person? A person that Jason loved? Jason thought he'd be the last person Batman would let the Joker kill, but no, then there was you and thousands of others.
He couldn't deal with it, he couldn't accept it. His death had no impact, his death didn't stop you from dying, even after that the Joker walked free, even after that he killed you, even after that he was still alive. As if Jason's death meant nothing, as if your life meant nothing. He had lost so much and for no reason. Not for a great purpose, not for a new beginning, you meant nothing and they had to pay for it.
This was inspired by a heardcannon from @brucewaynehater101 , not much to do with what was said, but I thought it was important to highlight the inspiration.
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melloollem · 1 month
Talking about Barbara Gordon
All the hate this character gets is just so stupid. A while ago (a long while) I was reading a Dick Grayson fanfic and the author decided to portray Barbara as an antagonist (almost a villain), I have no intention of limiting any author's creative freedom (do what you want with your writing, I guess), but SHE decided to explain herself immediately, she said she hated Barbara because of the comic where she cheats on Dick Grayson with Bruce and gets pregnant by Bruce, ok, did that really happen? Yes. Is that a good reason to hate Barbara? Nah, this is DC, do you remember how many stories have been written with these 100-year-old characters? I won't mention how many times DC has written the craziest things possible and then backtracker. And you can get all delusional and tell me "But she can hate the character for that, it's no big deal", ok, so let's pretend we don't know where this hatred comes from, shouldn't she hate Bruce too? Like the man who impregnated his own son's fiancée or girlfriend (I can't remember)? Why was this hatred reserved only for Barbara? This character has suffered many injustices, even from the writers themselves, do you really need to hate her for nothing?
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melloollem · 1 month
Before The Great Fall|| Jason Todd (Robin) × No reader gender
Summary: You and Jason have become friends because you have a habit of walking around the city at night and Robin has a habit of taking you home.
Warnings: Comfort, teenage Jason Todd, slight flirting (The relationship is much more of a friendship), English is not my native language.
(DC masterlist)
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"Where are you going so late?" A sudden voice said, making you stop abruptly and look up, trying to find its speaker, Robin. You wondered if Batman forced him to train that voice, it was so distinctive.
"Aren't you too young to be walking alone so late?" You hadn't found him yet, but now he seemed to be coming from a different, closer place. You turned your head in various directions trying to find him. "Aren't you too young to go out at night to beat up criminals?" You retorted, already frustrated by his behavior, wondering if he was going to show up.
"I'm here" Jason was enjoying how lost you looked. Before you had a chance to locate him, he dashed to your side, you turned away abruptly at the sudden appearance, the boy laughed, it was something that never lost its funny "It's never too early to start fighting crime" His voice tried to copy some kind of charm, the kind seen in movies. Now it was your turn to laugh. "If you say so," you shrugged, finding Jason's behavior hilarious.
Your reaction confused him, had you liked it? He dismissed the question with a shake of his head. "So... where are you going?" You thought about giving him an acid answer, but gave up because of how interested he seemed. "Flat tire," you said with a sigh of defeat. Jason's gaze fell on the bicycle you were carrying next to your body. It was so old that he wondered if it had really worked before the flat tire. You raised an eyebrow as you realized how much he was staring at the object in your hand.
The vigilante grabbed your bike and turned the other way. Your eyes followed the scene with attention and displeasure. "Are you going home" He answered your silent question, receiving a roll of the eyes from you. "There's no crime going on? Do you really need to keep an eye on me?" You haven't moved an inch.
"It's Gotham, it probably is" He shrugged simplistically "But tonight this is my area and if you're in it, I have to make sure you're safe" You didn't want to go home, but there was no point in arguing with Robin or he'd win, or his defeat wouldn't matter and you'd do as he said. You let out a sigh before hurrying to catch up with him. "If some super villain is following you and I'm about to die tonight, I hope you die with me," you complained walking alongside him, Robin laughed.
The two of you walked in silence. Now that you no longer had to look around, you let your thoughts take over, but Robin snapped you out of it by asking, "Where were you going so late?" You rolled your eyes at how insistent he could be. A stupid grin took over your face as you said, "I was going after crime, I'm..." You couldn't think of a hero's name fast enough to complete your joke.
"If you're a crime fighter, you'll lack appropriate attire" He looked you up and down, and you found his insinuation a little offensive. " Said Robin in his underwear," you whispered, but it didn't go unnoticed by him, who pushed you slightly with his body. His first choice of look hadn't been the best, whatever, Couldn't you forget that?
"I'm just kidding," you said when you noticed the boy's new bad mood, but your voice still sounded provocative. It was your favorite pastime to get on the vigilante's nerves.
"Answer my question" You rolled your eyes. "You're very nosy, don't you think?" Before he had a chance to respond, you added, "I didn't have an exact destination, I just went out to think for a while." Robin's eyes went down to your hands and the anxious way you waved them.
He hated the way that whenever things got bad at home, you left for Gotham without considering the dangers. He wanted to say something comforting about your family situation, but he knew you'd only get uncomfortable and try to change the conversation.
"You shouldn't do that, it's dangerous," Jason scolded you, even though he knew it wouldn't change your attitude. You couldn't walk around the city thinking that he would always show up to save you in any situation, you only believed that because it was what had been happening for months.
"Why not? That's how we met, you should be grateful to finally have some friends" You returned to your amused tone. He narrowed his eyes at how astute you were at changing the topic, but decided to let it go.
"You're not part of my personal life, why do you always assume that I don't have any other friends?" The answer came out in a monotone, he didn't know why he was still trying to fight you. "Who would want to be friends with a boy who goes out at night to fight crime? That's a sign of insanity to me," you said as if it were obvious.
"I don't think you understand the meaning of secret identity" He used his free hand to point at the mask covering his face, and you decided not to answer him.
The journey went smoothly, soon you'd be home. Jason thought you wouldn't say anything the whole way, but you did. "Do you think there's any chance of me getting out of Gotham?" The way you looked at him surprised Jason, like someone who thought he really had the answer to everything.
"Maybe, well, do you really want that?" The way his voice sounded more natural didn't go unnoticed by you. "I wish, but it seems that no one can escape Gotham, really escape." The simplicity of your speech made your lack of hope evident.
"Gotham has the lowest real estate prices in the region" Jason justified the phenomenon. You raised an eyebrow, expecting something more motivating from him, shouldn't he be a hero?
"You can be the one to change that" That was the wittiest and most realistic thing he could say, you accepted it gladly, at least he had tried.
"At least, if I stay, you'll have some friends" You brushed aside the seriousness of the conversation, not prepared to deal with it. He laughed quickly, with no chance to retort before he heard a call in his ear. You recognized the tension in his face, knowing there was some crime going on nearby.
"I'm in." You caught his attention, pointing your head towards your apartment, which was just ahead of you. "You can go." You took his bike and continued on your way. "Be careful, Robin." You shouted without bothering to look back, knowing he wasn't there.
This writing is intended to imitate those movies in which the characters just walk around while having a dynamic and intimate conversation. I hope you enjoy the relationship I build with Jason.
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melloollem · 2 months
Richard Grayson was decoded by Nothing New-Taylor swift.
I'm too lazy to work on it now.
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melloollem · 2 months
Jason would never say what he felt out loud and neither would Bruce and they always hurt each other because between half-words Jason saw the worst in Bruce and Bruce saw a lot of his faults in Jason.
I created this paragraph for a fanfic, but I think it's so good that it deserves its own post on my profile.
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melloollem · 2 months
Evolution of touch||Batboys × No reader gender
Summary: What physical contact with them would be like in a relationship.
Warnings: This is not suggestive, this is a comfort, English is not my native language.
Characters: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd.
(DC masterlist)
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Damian Wayne
I'd start with your shoulders touching, for a while that was as close as you got. When you got into a relationship, he automatically had the thought "we need to be more intimate", so he would just hold your hand as methodically as he felt was necessary and give you a few quick kisses on the cheek at length.
It took him a while to understand that he didn't owe you touch, but that it was something he genuinely wanted. But even after that, you were always responsible for guiding the touch, the difference being that now you were both comfortable with it.
His body didn't stiffen when you got close, on the contrary, he relaxed. When Damian realized how calm he was with your touch, he began to use it as a source of recharge. Was he too tired after a mission? His head will rest on your shoulder, of course, the touches he initiated only happened in private, but it was because Damian relaxed so much when he had you that he couldn't allow this vulnerability to escape in public.
Tim Drake
He's happy to accept, but he never starts any. Since you were just friends, you could give him quick touches and he wouldn't mind.
When you started dating, you could initiate longer touches and he wouldn't mind either, but he still wouldn't initiate anything. Your touch wasn't disposable for him, because he could see the intention, but if you showed your affection in another way, it would be the same for him.
He knows what you want to convey through touch and prefers to reciprocate in another way. But if touch was very important to you, he would create a pattern, certain places on your body that he would always keep his hand on as a way of saying "I appreciate your touch and I see how important it is".
Dick Grayson
When you were just friends, he was as close to you as he was to anyone else, hugs, friendly touches, lengths.
Now, when you started dating, he always had a romantic touch with you, it felt like he was counting down the seconds until the next time to kiss you, he was always hugging you, but it felt like the touches came from a position of pleasing, not like he really wanted your touch.
After a long period of relationship, his touch changes completely. Whereas before he always touched you romantically with the desire to please, now he touches you casually with the desire for comfort. He always kept one part of her body resting on his or the opposite. The kisses were still frequent, but now they came from him wanting to. He was incredibly relaxed in your presence.
Jason Todd
Slow burn, very slow burn. When you were just friends, touches were limited to handshakes. When you started dating, you could always lean on him, kiss him or even hold his arms, but there were clear limits.
You could lean against him, but don't hug him, you could kiss him, but don't take him by surprise, he'd just shy away from your touch, you could hold his arms, but don't hold his hands, he'd feel his reaction time slow down.
For your touch to really begin to deepen, there was nothing you could do, it had to come from Jason. You could only hug him once he got into the habit of doing it with you in search of comfort. You could only kiss him sneakily after he'd done it to you so many times that it would be unfair not to. You could only hold his hands, because he was always the first to pull yours away. This method might be unpleasant for some people, but for Jason it was perfect, knowing that you trusted him would make him trust you.
I've never seen anyone working on it and it's a great subject to tackle. Duke Thomas is not included because I didn't find enough content to project on top of it, sorry.
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melloollem · 2 months
Be Batman|| Bruce Wayne × No reader gender
Summary: Bruce must return to Gotham, it was his duty to save the city. He just wishes it didn't have to cost him leaving you.
Warnings: Anguish, No gender specified, English is not my native language.
(DC masterlist)
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You clicked your tongue when you said "Don't do that" Bruce's eyes met yours as he gave up hiding the papers. You approached the bed, taking the opportunity to take another look at each of them, it was the same as always, idealizations for Gotham, idealizations for Batman.
He looked at you for the disappointment that was usual whenever Gotham was mentioned, but you had pushed it away by swallowing. After recent events, you couldn't expect him not to want to return to Gotham.
You wanted Bruce to abandon all those plans, but even the news on the other side of the world was commenting on the city's current deplorable state, making it impossible. You don't know how you managed to distract Bruce from his goal for so long, after all, Gotham has never been well.
"So you'll be back?" Your question already had a definite answer, but you needed to hear him say it. Even knowing that your time with Bruce was just a phase until he returned to Gotham didn't make the situation any less painful, at least you were trying to be understanding.
"I'm thinking about" His speech was inhibited, but never insecure. Bruce never gave up on his plan to be Batman and he always let you know that you never convinced him to stay, you were just remedying his departure, but now it seemed like the limit.
"Thinking?" You nodded towards his passport on the bed, indicating that he had already made up his mind "I'm not stupid," you said before lying down on the bed behind Bruce.
"Come to Gotham with me" The request was a desperate attempt by the man to keep you close. You shook your head in the negative, even though you knew he wasn't looking at you. "How long before the League of Assassins finds me there?" Your question had no real value, you both knew the answer. You enjoyed a few minutes of silence while you debated your own questions.
You were dealing with the duality of wanting Bruce to stay and the knowledge that he should follow your ideals. Bruce, on the other hand, resented the certainty that he would return to his hometown and the pain he would feel in leaving you.
"You should go" The confession that broke the silence left Bruce confused. You were always opposed to the idea of saving Gotham, you believed that the city had nothing to offer but tragedy, at least that's what you said after discovering his real intention with the League training.
You struggled internally with the debate as to whether you should be honest in revealing your motivation in encouraging his departure. Honesty took over, despite your displeasure "I admire you for wanting to save that city" Even with all your effort, your contempt for the city slipped at the end of your speech, it's not as if you had any reason to grace Gotham.
"It's not about saving-" You rolled your eyes, interrupting by saying "Oh, don't start with your modesty. You've traveled the world, acquiring the skills for it, and even here now, with me, having the tranquility you know you'll never find in that city, you're still not at peace..." Despite your praise for Bruce, your regret was notorious. "At least it's an admirable act, Bruce, recognize that"
"Gotham needs help" He turned to look at you, seeking redemption for what he was about to do. He wished that saving Gotham didn't come at such a high price as losing you. You searched inside yourself for the forgiveness Bruce was looking for, but you couldn't even find the part that blamed him for leaving, there was only the part that was sorry.
"You really need this, don't you?" Your acceptance of reality was remarkable in the way your voice sounded like a whisper, as if the answer was something that didn't need to be said. You knew what would be the only outcome that would satisfy Bruce. He couldn't live a life being chased by the ghosts of Gotham, he wouldn't make it.
A few seconds were enough for you to draw up a new plan, now bearing in mind that Bruce wouldn't be with you. But you'd still be on the run from the League.
You got out of bed, picking up the papers that belonged to Bruce and handing them to him. You stopped in front of him, looking into his eyes as you said "Be Batman". You didn't give him enough time to tilt his head and capture your lips in a kiss before you walked away, turning your back on Bruce. You collected your things from the hotel room. You were going your separate ways.
This is a repost. The first time I posted this it performed very badly (so maybe nothing will change).
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melloollem · 2 months
Jason Todd who, after being resurrected, could no longer remember the good times with Bruce.
He only knows that he had good times, but he can't remember any of them.
Jason who wants those moments and suffers for them, he feels he has a void left by those memories inside him.
When he comes back to life, he looks for them in Bruce, but can't find them and wonders if there really was anything good there.
Jason Todd who was decoded by Crack baby - Mitski.
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melloollem · 2 months
I don't have a problem with rereading characters, but when it's the first time a character has hit the mainstream media and it's a reread, it's horrible and pointless, how are you going to rewrite a character that new fans don't even know how it was written? And the first vision of the character is going to be a wrong and distorted one. Ak Jason Todd? Reread (you may think it's a bad reread, but it's still a reread worthy of the name), Jason was already known to that audience (comics), the fans already knew who he was, fine. Titans Jason Todd? His first time in a major medium (Series) and his values have been distorted or simplified, that's not a retelling (You may like the titans Jason, that's not my point).
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melloollem · 2 months
You're no good to me|| Batboys × No reader gender
Summary: Your relationship is wrong, you're not doing each other any good and you need to find a way to cope.
Characters: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Duke Thomas.
(DC masterlist)
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Damian Wayne
He'd just walk away. Damian is so ingrained in the story of "being a bad person" that he would end the relationship immediately, believing that he's being the worst to you, even though it's clear how much the two of you are hurting each other. He would take full responsibility for all the fights, all the offenses. At a certain point he'll realize that he's hurt too, but he still thinks it's his fault.
Tim Drake
He's trying so hard to have you around. If Damian would leave immediately on realizing how bad things are, that wouldn't be the case with Tim, he believes he has to fight for it. All you've done is crash and burn? Okay, he can fix it, just give it some time. It would take Tim a long time to admit that you wouldn't work out. He'd also be ashamed of how hard he's trying. He wouldn't tell his family, friends, anyone, the excuse he'd give himself is "It's between us, no one needs to know", but in reality, he's just disappointed in himself for not being able to save your relationship.
Dick Grayson
He's lost. All the problems in your relationship were there from the start, you didn't love each other in the same way, the problem wasn't the intensity, it could never be, you were so dedicated to each other that even with the difficulties you started a relationship. The problem was the way you showed your love, which was very different from each other's personalities. The fact that it wasn't working out with a person he loved would cause him to start having major mood swings, and what was already bad would get worse. But the next thing you know, he's crawling to you apologizing (even for things that aren't his fault). He really doesn't know what to do and it would end in the worst possible way. He would take some drastic measure just to keep you away.
Jason Todd
He wouldn't admit it. Everything has changed recently, you don't look at each other the same way anymore, you don't love each other the same way anymore, and he wouldn't admit what's obvious, largely because this is a "silent ending", you haven't argued, you haven't broken trust with each other, you're just unhappy. How could he leave all those years and dedication behind for nothing? But he's not trying to rebuild your relationship either, he can see that there's nothing there. You were everything to Jason for so long, now he doesn't want to have anything.
Duke Thomas
He's the one who says "I get tired when I get sick and lose the strength to leave". It's not that he won't admit it, it's not that he denies it, it's not that he runs away, he just doesn't know what to do. He was so in love with you and now that's gone? He'll just stand there waiting for you to take the initiative, you can run away, fight, deny, just do something, because he won't do it.
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melloollem · 2 months
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Fandoms I write for and their Masterlists
This is a single blog for DC, but I have a secondary one where I write for other fandoms, here are some of them:
DC comics, The Outsiders, Stranger things, Marvel(MCU), etc(any others will be added here in the future)
Best's fanfics
Giving you hell|| Jason Todd x No reader gender
Loyal to the blood|| Damian Wayne × Male reader (coming soon)
The last dysnathy|| Batfamily × No reader gender (coming soon)
[I don't write:] Obscenity, mischaracterization of characters, anything weird (you know what).
[Don't interact if]: You have an explicit obscenity profile.
[Reblogging and interaction are always welcome].
This profile has [no age restriction] (When I need to write something more "mature" it will be marked).
[Requests are accepted], but make sure I'm really the person capable of building the story you're asking me for.
I'm not everyone's friend, homophobia, racism, transphobia or any kind of [prejudice is not accepted].
English [is not my native language], so be patient and feel free to correct grammatical errors. This is a blog [no reader genre most of the time], but if I think I need to write about a specific genre I will. Before any request [Read the rules], before asking me anything [Read the rules], before any interaction [Read the rules].
[When I write about minors (teenagers)] even if I age them, I'll write [everything as carefully as possible and the romance will be a subtext], and I'll also make a point of writing them more mature (there's no point in aging the character and leaving them acting like a child). I have no control over who reads this and I prefer to do it this way.
[This is an active profile].
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melloollem · 2 months
DC Masterlist
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Problem with your relationship|| Batboys × No reader gender
Summary: What would you say is the problem in your relationship with them.
You're no good to me|| Batboys × No reader gender
Summary: Your relationship is wrong, you're not doing each other any good and you need to find a way to cope.
Evolution of touch||Batboys × No reader gender
Summary: What physical contact with them would be like in a relationship.
Bruce Wayne
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Nights in the family||Bruce Wayne × Batmom reader × Batboys
Summary: Your children keep you company after patrol until your husband arrives.
Be Batman|| Bruce Wayne × No reader gender
Summary: Bruce must return to Gotham, it was his duty to save the city. He just wishes it didn't have to cost him leaving you.
Family Conflicts|| Bruce Wayne × batmom Fem! reader × (Platonic) Jason Todd
Summary: Bruce mulls over the guilt he feels after a fight with Jason, you're the one who advises him and tries to sort things out.
Richard "Dick" Grayson
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Jason Todd
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Old love young|| Jason Todd × No reader gender
Summary: Jason's jealousy over his best friend rekindles old feelings.
Giving you hel|| Jason Todd × No reader gender
Summary: After discovering that you were responsible for his resurrection, you and Jason Todd have an argument that results in the end of the relationship.
Before The Great Fall|| Jason Todd (Robin) × No reader gender
Summary: You and Jason have become friends because you have a habit of walking around the city at night and Robin has a habit of taking you home.
"I thought I'd be the last person you'd ever let him hurt."|| Jason Todd × No reader gender
Summary:Jason's death meant nothing, your death meant nothing. He had lost so much and for no reason.
Timothy "Tim" Drake
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We should date|| Tim Drake × No reader gender × Conner kent
Summary: It was obvious you liked each other, someone just needed to assume.
Damian Wayne
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Cat and bird||Damian Wayne × No reader gender
Summary: You, like your mother, try your luck on one of Gotham's hunting nights.
Harley Quinn
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Selina Kyle
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Conner Kent
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We should date|| Tim Drake × No reader gender × Conner kent
Summary: It was obvious you liked each other, someone just needed to assume.
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melloollem · 2 months
We should date|| Tim Drake × No gender Reader × Conner Kent
Summary: It was obvious you liked each other, someone just needed to assume.
Warnings: Showing anxiety(nothing serious), No gender specified.
This writing came from a conversation with the character a.i, but it's still a completely written story of mine (Credits to the creator of the character a.i @/fairybaby).
(DC masterlist)
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"Do you think it would be weird for three people to date?" Conner's voice said, interrupting the movie you were watching, at least you and Tim were, Conner was lost in his own thoughts as he stared at the ceiling of the room. He didn't ask anyone individually, usually accepting an answer from either of you. Tim's eyebrow rose at Conner's statement, but he still remained focused on the movie "I'm not sure".
"It depends for whom, certain people don't have the maturity for it" You made your contribution to the conversation, still staring at the television, not really caring about the question "Why is that now?" Tim asked Conner, that was a good question. Now you looked at Conner waiting for an answer.
"I was just thinking," he replied without looking at you. "I didn't know you could keep a train of thought" Your acid comment was met by a grumble from Conner, you looked at Tim expecting a reaction to your joke, but he just gave you a look, the one he always gave when he wanted to know if you were thinking the same thing.
"I mean... I'm not talking about us, obviously," Conner said after realizing how long you and Tim had been staring at each other, but he made the situation worse. "Nobody said that, but now it looks like you're talking about us because you said it." You looked at Conner "Tim agrees with me, doesn't he?" The boy who had previously been analyzing the situation now nods in agreement, drawing a defeated sigh from Conner "Okay" He adjusts himself on the bed to sit down "I'm talking about us".
"Do you think we should date?" You got straight to the point, taking the boys by surprise "You're not even going to take us on a dinner date?" The indignation in your voice was almost palpable "Wait... you want me to take you on a date?" Conner looked at you as if you had two heads, only now realizing how desperate you sounded. "No... no, obviously not" you said after a few seconds of awkward silence "Just saying, like if we were going to date, we should... you know" You looked at Tim desperately begging him to get you out of the situation, but he wanted to hear what you had to say just as much as Conner "We should have a first date, maybe? But I'm not saying I want anything" You avoided the boys' gaze as you said this.
"No, I get it" Tim said in an attempt to comfort you from your growing embarrassment "We get that" Now he was looking at Conner expectantly, you followed suit, seeking Conner's approval "I think that's fair" You were silent for a few minutes after Conner's response. There had always been an implied romance between you, this was the first time you had spoken about it out loud. "So, are you okay with it? Like if we date?" Tim asked intrigued, you had accepted Conner's "proposal" too quickly.
"Why wouldn't I be?" You looked confused "We spend all our time together, we do missions together, we take care of each other, people think we're dating, we even flirt all the time. Damn it, why aren't we dating yet? You should be ashamed of yourselves." You returned to your normal tone, it wasn't a problem for you to admit to wanting boys, you just didn't want to be the one to make the first move. Conner laughs, his expression relaxing with his statement "Yeah, that's something you could say" His tone makes Tim smile too, whatever tension there was in the room was now at an end.
"So, are we making a date?" Tim asked "Tim pays" you replied quickly "I bet I do" He let out a quick laugh "Should we plan for this weekend, maybe?" Conner suggested "Or we could go tomorrow" Tim said, pulling out his cell phone "I can clear my schedule" You and Conner were surprised by the suggestion, Tim was very faithful to his commitments. "Any day's good for me," Conner said giving a shrug.
"What would the dress code be?" Conner looked thoughtful at your question "Fancy?" he offered. "Probably" Tim replied, looking at his cell phone, trying to find a good restaurant to make a reservation "I'll look good in an elegant suit" Conner pretended to fix the collar of an imaginary suit "That's sad, I thought you'd be dressed like a Playboy girl" You mocked the boy, making an exaggerated sad face "To seduce me, you know?" Your words drew a laugh from Tim.
"Is that what you expect from me?" Conner joins in with a false tone of seduction "Make sure it's my outfit, since you insist" He gives you a wink "Look very sexy, darling and we don't even need a date for me to ask you out, that goes for you too Timothy" You all looked at each other for a few seconds before Conner couldn't hold in his laughter any longer, you and Tim followed his example.
"That would certainly make things easier" Tim was still laughing a little as he said the words, Conner struggled a little to stop the laughter as he said "We should do it" You and Tim raised your eyebrows at him, did he want us to dress sexy? "We should skip the first date part and just date already" He looked at you expectantly "That would be better" Tim said, now all he needed was your approval.
"So anxious" You were amused by how apprehensive they were "But of course, it's better if we're already dating" You shrugged simplistically, your answer drawing a shared smile from the two boys "Well, we'll have to tell the others, first our friends and then our families, I mean... we don't have to announce it now, we should keep things private for a while, at least until we get used to it all, right?" You and Conner watched Tim's anxious rambling, this kind of behavior was frequent in the boy, but it never ceased to surprise the two of you.
"Or we could announce it immediately, Bruce would like to know about it" Conner said amusedly trying to distract Tim from his growing anxiety, you followed his example "Will we have to ask Bruce for Tim's hand?" You saw that it worked when you heard a chuckle escape the boy "Maybe that's necessary" Conner now looked at you startled "You're joking, right?" Tim looks at you confused "Aren't you?" There's a long silence between the two of them, they do that thing of communicating with their gaze, before Conner turns to you and asks "Are we?".
You laugh at their awkward interaction "I have no problem asking for Tim's hand" You clear your throat, recovering from your laughter "I even have a little speech for that" They look at you in surprise "I'm sure you do" Tim says "You should share it with us" Now they're puzzled, had you really planned a speech? You get up from the bed in front of the boys, let out a sigh of preparation and begin to recite what you would say to Bruce "Batman, knight of the night, I am here to claim your son's hand in marriage, with the promise to honor him for the rest of my life" You end your dramatic performance with a bow to the audience.
An expression of relief flashed across their faces as they realized you were only joking, now they were laughing wildly at your act, Conner covering his mouth but still laughing just as loudly "Dark Knight" He struggled to repeat your words and Tim only laughed harder after that. You flopped onto the bed taking Conner's place among the boys, glad that Tim's worries were forgotten by him "I'll warn him in advance so he can get ready" Conner nodded in agreement with Tim "That's a good idea, it's going to be one of the most dramatic events of his life" Conner still had a big smile on his face, he was having a lot of fun with the whole situation.
"Rehearse a speech too, Conner, you'll have to fight as well" His speech drew uncontrollable laughter from the boy "I'd never do that, that's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard" He said a little breathlessly "He'll kick us out of his house and we'll probably lose our boyfriend" He laughed more, exaggerating Bruce's possible reaction "Tim will be locked in a cell and forbidden to see us" Tim's expression became tense again at the supposition of Bruce's possible reaction "Do you think there's a possibility of something like that happening? Do you think he'll really forbid us to see each other?" Conner's eyes widened, he'd forgotten how Tim couldn't see the humor in jokes like that.
You quickly moved closer to Tim, holding his face with a worried expression "No, no, no. He's just joking, everything will be fine" The question hadn't been put to you, but you could provide the answers Tim wanted "There's no reason for Bruce to do that" An instinct in you made you move closer to Tim with the intention of kissing him as an attempt at comfort, you slowed down when you realized what you were about to do. Was it acceptable to kiss Tim? You've always been Physically close, but not that kind of close. The boy swallowed as he noticed your intention, his eyes alternating between Tim's eyes and his mouth.
You asked him in a whisper if you could do that. Conner looked at the whole scene with admiration and when your lips captured Tim's after a silent approval from him, it was safe to say that Conner was ecstatic, fascinated by how common and acceptable that kind of interaction seemed between you, it was genuine and beautiful, a kiss that had no hint of anxiety because it seemed like you always knew you could have it. After the kiss Tim looked at you passionately as he said "Everything will be fine", an attempt to convince himself with the words.
"You're both crazy" was his only response to your interaction "Don't exclude yourself, you're crazy too" you pulled away from Tim, throwing yourself close to Conner who captured you in his arms "Well, it's safe to say that I am" You held out your hand to Tim, wanting him to come closer too. Tim follows your gesture, leaning forward and lying partially on top of you. Now you, Tim and Conner were snuggled up to each other.
"We should plan what we're going to say," Tim said, very much immersed in his own thoughts, he seemed to be talking to himself. The room was silent for a few seconds, all of you were having your own reflections on this "We don't have to" Conner said, drawing a defeated sigh from Tim "Maybe" The three of you seemed satisfied, but it only lasted a short time "But we should" He sat down on the bed now facing you "A little preparation wouldn't be bad. Bruce doesn't cope well with this kind of revelation" He was looking for some kind of agreement from you.
"You need to calm down, it's not like we're doing anything so nefarious. Your mission performance won't decline, he already knows us well, he's dated a thief and an assassin, you're with two heroes. We're at an advantage" You said, trying to show Tim that his ideas were altered, but that didn't diminish his fear "If it would make you feel better, let him be informed before we talk to him, tell your brothers and he'll cope fine, he's a grown man, Tim, remember that" You tried again. "Maybe you're right" He went back to his old position, looking less distressed, but still tense "We'll be fine" Conner said "Probably" Tim whispered "We will" You assured him.
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melloollem · 3 months
There's nothing you can tell me that will make me think that Jason Todd wasn't like this as a child:
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(Photos be: Pixote: A lei do mais fraco)
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