#Batman: Hnn
puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 134
One of the young justice members is complaining about how their parents or mentors benched them after getting injured. 
And Marvel snorting and saying that that reminds him of Phantom. And of course, the YJ crew, ask who that is. 
“Oh Phantoms my big brother, pops never really understood our human halves or limits so…” and he just shrugs like he didn’t just drop Lore. And the teens smell blood in the water, they want to know more. 
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 4 months
The Joker was apprehended, sitting on the ground as Batman guarded him, but the kid--"Bruce Wayne's newest ward, how tragic! Hehehe!"--was nowhere to be found. Nightwing and Red Hood desperate searched the warehouse until a shuffling noise grabbed their attention.
A kid, black haired just like the kid in the Joker's broadcast, crawling out of a pile of boxes. "Is it over?" the boy asked quietly.
Nightwing guided him to the only exit, unfortunately walking past the boy's own kidnapper. "Yeah, kid. It's over. Come on-"
Like a shot, the boy rushed the Joker and kicked him right in the balls.
The Joker wheezed like a dying squeaky toy. Red Hood froze. Nightwing immediately snatched the boy up by the armpits, but all that did was give the boy the height to attack again, punting Joker in the jaw. The clown went down and cracked his head on the floor. He did not get back up.
There was a moment of silence before Red Hood roared with laughter, his helmet distorting the sound.
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waveoftheocean · 2 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
morning people 😒
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The HC of Danny’s hair gaining white streaks but with him being in Gotham.
He keeps dyeing it back to solid black, because he doesn’t want to attract attention by resembling a rouge or vigilante. He has to touch up the roots every 3 weeks so absolutely no one knows.
At some point Danny ends up running out of dye and his roots start to show through so he makes an emergency stop out of his usual way to pick up more dye.
Danny ends up literally bumping into a man that sets off a light version of his ghosts in the hair dye isle, he hadn’t run into anyone that set it off in Gotham yet and ends up having no idea how to react. After a few minutes of uncomfortable staring and silence Danny just awkwardly asks the guy the first thing that came to his mind, basically asking the guy if he’s buying dye to cover up the evidence of his death too.
Jason is now panicking because this scrawny kid just:
1. Thinks Jason died (the kid is right, but he shouldn’t know that)
2. Admitted/thinks that he died (the kid either did die or thinks he did, both are concerning for very different reasons)
3. Has evidence of white in his hair just like Jason (the kids eyes are blue, so his bungee jump back from death’s probably not related to the pit. Hopefully)
And 4. looks like someone Bruce would kidnap off the street and put in a colorful costume (probably the most worrying. The kid looked like a strong wind would blow him over, he wouldn’t make it as a bat or bird)
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phanboyo · 1 year
Captain Marvel had been left on monitor duty on Saturday night. Again. He couldn't really complain, since he'd started to try going back to school his availability for JL duties had been limited a little bit on weekdays. Not that he wouldn't cut school to help out if he were called, but the JL generally tried to be pretty accommodating when it came to civilian identity stuff, even if they didn't know his. And it's not like he usually had any weekend plans as Billy, anyway. Besides, the Watchtower had better food than the stuff he could usually scrounge up himself on the weekends.
Admittedly he hadn't been paying much attention to the monitors. Most of the JL were on Earth in their respective cities doing whatever it was they usually did on Saturday nights, and though it may be irresponsible, Marvel figured they could handle things as usual.
This is how Marvel justified taking a short break to grab a snack from the cafeteria, empty save for Hal, who had microwaved a burrito and left. This is also how Marvel let his short break turn into a long break while he read through a couple of the comic books Freddy had leant him. This long break is why Marvel had completely missed the entire earth being engulfed in supernatural plants.
Staring out the large window in the monitor room at the big green ball that had been his planet, Captain Marvel dropped the blueberry muffin he had brought from the cafeteria.
Marvel flew to the monitors and flitted from screen to screen, trying to figure out what had happened. There were a few short calls that had come through from Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Superman, and a few others inquiring what was happening. Marvel hadn't answered because he had been in the cafeteria. "Crap, crap, crap," he muttered, "I am so going to get in trouble for this."
The timestamps showed that the calls began to peter out until stopping entirely, the last one from the Flash, a little over 40 minutes ago.
"-ny input from the Tower would be helpful, no one's answering my calls. I don't know how long I can outrun these vines, they're everywhere and they're taking pe—whoa!" There was a crackle of wind, Captain Marvel thought he heard an echoing voice saying something about "feeding the children," straight out of a horror movie. "Man, she's creepy," said Flash under his breath, "the vines are—ah!—Taking people's minds or some—" there was another crackle and the recording lapsed into silence before cutting off entirely.
Captain Marvel hit the call button to the Flash. With each ring his heart climbed higher in his throat, no answer. He called the Batman, no answer, Wonder Woman, Superman, Cyborg, Aquaman, no answer. The planet had stopped emitting signals of any kind, and it seemed that no one was receiving them either.
"Holy heck," Captain Marvel muttered, staring at the hologram of Earth, a big green ball that had gone completely dark.
"Lantern!" Marvel shouted, flying out of the monitor room. "Lantern, there's an emergency!"
The Green Lantern popped his head out of his quarters, his expression turning serious as he saw the panic on Marvel's face as he shot down the hallway. "Cap, what's happened?"
"Mind controlling plants or something?" He said quickly. "No one's answering their comms, I didn't mean to—I didn't think anything would—I just wanted a muffin!"
"What?" Lantern asked, "a muffin?"
"Okay maybe I read some comics too, but it's not even a full moon—weird stuff usually happens on fulls moons and solstices—and with the Tower so empty I didn't think anything bad would—"
"Cap!" Lantern interrupted, "slow down, what happened?"
Marvel took a deep breath. "The Earth has been overtaken by mind-controlling plants?"
Lantern blinked and the two of them sped to the monitor room, a green planet sitting innocently below the Watchtower with the darkness of space as its backdrop. "Well... that's new," he said, his hand coming to scratch at the back of his head. He turned to look at Cap. "Do you know what it is? Or who?"
Marvel shook his head. "It happened too fast, no one knew what was going on. His face suddenly brightened. "Maybe there's something at the Rock of Eternity," he said. With a muttered word an a wide gesture, a portal opened, showing a stone room with glowing arches.
Marvel stepped towards it, but the Green Lantern grabbed his arm. "Wait," he said, "are those vines usually there?"
Marvel looked into the portal and saw fat green vines crawling out of one of the archways. "No," he said, eyebrows furrowing. The vines began to creep towards the portal, spines on the tips glowing green as if in anticipation. "How did they...?" The vines picked up speed and shot towards the portal.
"Close it! Close it!" Lantern shouted, leaping back, hand out, ring glowing green.
With a snap, the portal shut, cutting off the tips of the vines. In a second, they were enveloped in a translucent green sphere, containing them as they grew to fill the small space.
"I don't understand," Captain Marvel said, "the Rock exists in its own realm, it's supposed to be separate from Earth."
"Can't really help you with the magic stuff," Lantern said, examining the ball of vines in its green cage. "Who else is on the Tower tonight?"
"Uh," Captain Marvel shook himself and went to the screens to check. "Plastic Man and the Atom?"
"That's it?" Lantern asked.
Cap shrugged. "It's a Saturday night."
He hummed in acknowledgement. "Well, I guess we'd better let them kn—"
There was a light crackling noise and the vines in the green sphere shriveled. Lantern and Marvel both stared at it.
"Did you do that?" Cap asked.
"Don't think so," he answered. They stared at the black shriveled vines a little longer. Cautiously, Green Lantern opened the top sphere. When the vines didn't move, he dissolved it entirely, and the vines fell to the floor with a wet smack. The two stared at them a little longer.
"So... are they dead?" Captain Marvel asked.
"I think so?" Green Lantern replied.
Captain Marvel looked up out the window at the planet again to find it more or less back to normal. "Oh, I—huh." Another glance at the monitors showed that the planet was transmitting radio again, and signals received were back to normal range. "Crisis averted?"
The Green Lantern looked from the planet to Captain Marvel. "Guess so. Good job." His ring glowed and the blueberry muffin floated up from the floor. "You gonna eat that?"
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batmans-cheerleader · 2 years
my favorite superbat dynamic is when both of them are just really stupid
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yeyq · 2 years
Jason: Before you ask,
Jason: No, meds robbery isn't my job, that was Mark. He, just like YOU, doesn't know how to treat a flu.
Jason: No, I didn't kill Deric in the club. He was drunk and pissed off Penguin... Well, more like pissed on Penguin, actually.
Jason: No, I didn't start the shooting either. Not my fault Joshua's wife found a gun and what's worse- found Joshua.
Jason: And last but not least... No! How could you even think that I, out of all people, blew up Joker's base with miniBatplushies singing Batman theme song!
Jason: nananananananana BATMAN
Joker's base: *being blown up behind Jason*
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comatose--overdose · 2 years
Batman, leaving his birds in the Justice League's care for a few days: A few rules for looking after my anklebiters are as follows: Make sure to keep anything peanut away from Tim and don't let him have cheese. He's allergic but he'll try to eat it anyway. Jason needs to be given his space, and don't interrupt him while he's reading unless it's absolutely necessary. Diana stands the best chance of not being shot in that case. Stephanie doesn't like being alone for too long, and Cass shouldn't be left alone for too long. Things happen. Duke forgets that not everyone is as sturdy as he is, especially his siblings, Clark I'm trusting you specifically to keep an eye on him. Dick can mostly take care of himself but not if he's spending too much time taking care of the others, make sure he doesn't overwork himself. Good luck dealing with Damian, nothing I say is going to help you there except give him some art supplies and keep the knives away from him if you can.
The JLA:
B: [turns to leave and then stops, looking over his shoulder] Hnn... I suppose it's also fair to warn you that when I called them anklebiters it wasn't an exaggeration. They will bite if they feel threatened.
B, walking out: And if anything happens to my children on your watch, know that I will utilize all of my contingency plans.
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timdrakequotes · 19 days
Batman: And this girl you just released from prison?
Red Robin: A new Lynx. And she might be an undercover cop from Hong Kon. Or she might not. It’s complicated.
Batman: Hnn. Later we can talk about how I’ve dealt with Selina Kyle all these years…but for now…let’s just have some fun…
--Tim Drake with Bruce Wayne (Red Robin #17 – The Hit List: Epilogue: Back to Front)
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little-pondhead · 11 months
Eyes Of The Past - OLD CH. 2
Part 1
[TW: swearing, mentions of death, sickness, and general spookiness]
The Batfamily was in turmoil. Something was wrong with the city; they could feel it. There was a heaviness in the air, which wasn’t there before. Clouds hung low over the skyline, heavy with rain that refused to fall. Citizens didn’t bother to wander the streets, even during the day. The buildings seemed to curl in on themselves like the city was trying to form a shield between her streets and whatever was to come. Even the criminals were staying quiet! Joker hadn’t made a peep in days.
So, needless to say, tensions were high.
“How’d the raid on the Lounge go last night?” Tim rubbed his face as Bruce entered the Batcave. They’d all been running themselves ragged, trying to find the source of their unease.
Bruce grunted. “Hn.”
“He was busted.” Barbara filled him in from over their loudspeakers. She pulled up footage of the previous night on the Batcomputer, letting Tim examine every pixel of the interactions. “One of the workers spotted him during the stakeout and warned the Penguin. Hood was there, too.”
“Red Hood?” Tim sipped his coffee, clicking through the fuzzy videos. “I wasn’t aware he was up for collaborations right now.”
“He was there for a business deal,” Bruce muttered, obviously sulking.
“Bruce got yelled at for ruining the whole setup.” Barbara snickered. She opened up a short, thirty-second clip of Red Hood chewing Batman out in the middle of some dark alleyway, a grumpy-looking woman in the Lounge uniform standing in cuffs next to them. “The woman is Tamia Brone, the supervisor on shift for the evening. She was seen with the employee who tipped off the Penguin. She’s being held at Gotham PD right now, but will probably be released this afternoon since she’s not affiliated with the underground part of the business.”
“So the bust was useless?” Tim summarized.
“Hnn,” Bruce grunted again. The big bat was still sulking, fiddling with his belt’s equipment. Tim sighed. Bruce always got like this when Jason got angry with him. He was all solemn and sulky and resorted to one-syllable words for communication. He wanted to look something up on the Batcomputer, Tim could tell. He was just waiting for Tim to be done.
“Fine.” Tim spun the chair fully around and popped out of the seat as gracefully as he could. “Take the chair, Bruce. What do you want to find?”
Bruce practically teleported to the chair, fingers flying over the keyboard as he cleared the cam footage except for the stuff that came from his own bodysuit. He zoomed in on the moment the employee spotted him, using a program to clean up the stray pixels for a clear face of the boy’s face.
Tim leaned over Bruce’s shoulder, watching him work. “Oh, shit,” he realized. “That’s a kid! What is the Penguin doing, hiring minors?”
Furious keyboard sounds were heard over their intercom. “There are no minors in his employee database. But there is one recent hire; Danny Nightingale, age 18. No middle name.” Barbara recited. “He fits the description of the kid there, but there’s not much on his file. It’s most likely a fake name.”
“He’s a busboy.” Bruce finally spoke up. “Here’s the conversation with his supervisor.” He typed a few last words into the computer, and the audio started to play.
“-and the boy. Who is he?”
“Boy? What the hell are you talking about, Bats.”
“The one by the dumpster.”
“Danny? Hey, don’t you even think about bringing him into this! He’s a good kid; the best busboy I’ve ever had. If you scare him off imma beat you six ways to Sunday, you hear?? I don’t care what your stabby sidekick says about it!”
“He’s not in trouble, I just-”
“Like fucking hell I’d believe that! He was the one who tipped off the boss, everyone in the building knows that! But that poor boy is just trying to do his job. That kid risked his own health and safety to warn his boss against someone who, in his eyes, threatened his livelihood.”
“What? You didn’t notice the poor kid had gotten sick? Some detective you are.”
“He shouldn’t be working if he’s sick.”
“Like I’d tell him that. Danny’s parents kicked him out as soon as he turned eighteen. He needs money, Bats. Gotham ain’t kind to kids like him, you know this. If he was really sick, I’d’ve sent him home.”
“So he wasn’t sick?”
“Don’t twist my words, bastard. He had gotten sick, not he was sick. Poor kid has some nasty allergies. One of the boss’ associates was wearing something that didn’t agree with him, and he threw up."
“Don’t grunt at me, mister! It’s a legitimate allergy! Are discriminating against allergens now??”
“Oracle! Hey! Don’t glare at me, I know they’re real-Oracle! Make sure to save this clip in case Big Broody over here gets his head stuck up his ass again. Maybe seeing how he’s treating a sick kid will burst his bubble sometime.”
“Will do, Miss Brone.”
“AHA! I knew they were real! You’re a real one, Oracle!”
“I’m taking you down to the station.”
“If I’m not let out before my next shift, I’m letting Poison Ivy know that Robin stores extra weapons in the park!”
As the audio faded out, Barbara giggled and Tim sighed again. “Who on earth is this woman?” He asked, draining the rest of his mug in a single gulp.
“I took some night classes with her, a couple of years ago,” Barbara answered, pulling up Tamia’s personal file. A strong-faced woman stared back at them. “She’s a spitfire, but a good person. Danny probably reminds her of her younger siblings. They died a while back, and ever since, she’s been super protective of young kids who are on their own. Volunteers at the library on the weekends for kid events, helps out at the Mystery Elf Program every year for Christmas, and stuff like that.”
“How did she know about my weapons?”
Tim swore and jumped, turning on his heel. Damian, the little monster, had snuck up behind them again. Bruce just spared him a glance and went back to sifting through their files.
“Kids tell her things.” They couldn’t see her, but they could tell Barbara just shrugged at their inquiries. “Robin has a small cult following among the younger kids in Gotham, so Tamia basically has eyes and ears everywhere.”
“So we should investigate her.” Tim mused.
A roar of a motorcycle interrupted them. Jason peeled into the Batcave on his motorcycle, barely coming to a complete stop before he jumped off and sped to the computer. 
“Move, old man.” Jason snarled, practically hauling Bruce out of the seat to take his place.
“How dare you, Todd!”
“Shut up, Demon Brat!” Jason growled again, never looking away from the monitor as his fingers flew across the keyboard. 
Tim flinched. He knew, without having to look, that Jason’s eyes were glowing bright green right now. He was on the verge of a Pit episode. Usually, this meant he’d hole up in his many safe houses and drop off the grid for a while. The only reason he’d be in the Batcave right now was if he needed to find someone. Someone to kill. 
“Oh, good.” Jason leaned back. “You already started researching him.” Everyone looked on in dawning horror as Danny Nightingale’s exhausted and startled face looked at them, the screenshot taken from Batman’s body suit camera. 
“Jason…” Bruce started. 
But Jason wasn’t listening. “No one is allowed to go after him.” He simply announced. “I have questions for this kid, you ain’t getting in the way of that.”
“You can’t kill a civilian, Todd.” Damian challenged.  
Jason stood. Green light leaked from his mask, and his muscles were tensed like he either wanted to run for his life or throw hands. Tim took a step back. “That,” he ground out, pointing at Danny’s picture. “Is not a civilian. That is a threat.”
Danny felt like shit. 
It’s been two days since he frantically tipped off the Penguin to the Bat’s presence, and ever since, the Lounge has been shut down for unforeseen reasons. He didn’t know why, he was just a busboy. His boss had taken the news in stride, ordering him to book it out the back with some of the other servers. Tamia was on his heels the entire time, directing them all down a side alley with ease before getting snatched by Batman herself. Danny had screeched to a halt, intending to go back for her, but one of the bartenders had gripped his arm and hadn’t let go, hissing, “She’ll be fine! You’re the one who needs to get out of here!” Reluctantly, Danny complied, no matter how horrible he felt after. 
When everyone had split up, the bartender told him to only return to work when the boss told him to. Then, they all went their separate ways, and Danny woke up the next morning with an extra $3k in his bank account. 
To be honest, he spent that first day anxiously sneaking around the city, checking in on all his coworkers that were present that night. Everyone was okay, for the most part. The bartender who had dragged him was passed out on a shitty couch, beer bottle in hand, and one of the waiters was being yelled at by her boyfriend for having her shift cut short. Danny’s core ached at the sight. So when forgotten cans of coke in the back of their fridge exploded from a random spike of cold and cut the argument short, he hoped she didn’t mind his interference too much. 
Tamia, however, took longer to track down. To his horror, she was sitting like a grumpy cat deep within Gotham’s police station, glaring at any officer that tried to approach her. He was forced to tap into his invisibility, but he eventually snuck past security and over to her holding cell. He waited until she was alone, before letting out a tiny, almost inaudible rumble from his core, slipping through the bars with intangibility. The two shades at Tamia’s neck perked up, instantly zeroing in on him. While the older woman couldn’t see the shades, she must have felt something as well. She stiffened, glancing around subtly. 
“Who’s there?” She hissed. 
Danny shifted. He was…uncomfortable. But Tamia had done so much for him. “It’s me.” He whispered back, stepping closer and leaning close to her ear. Tamia flinched back, eyes darting to his face. He was still invisible, thank the Ancients. 
“Danny??” Tamia regained control of her expression and went back to her brooding look for the cameras. “What the fuck???”
“Sorry, Tam.” He apologized. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m fine, Danny. How are you here?”
“Uh…” He didn’t know how to answer that, so he just told her the truth. “I snuck in.”
Tamia gave his general location a side-eye. “You know Batman doesn’t like metas in his city.” 
And that was a tipping point, wasn’t it? Danny’s core buzzed in his ears with anxiety as his voice shook. “Are you going to report me?”
Tamia snorted, covering it up with a cough as a cop passed by. “Hell no. You’re a good kid, Danny. I’d never turn you in, even to the Joker.” 
“Ah,” he said awkwardly. “Thanks. Uh, do you want me to get you out of here?”
Tamia tilted her head. Her hair had come loose from its bun, with strands of curly hair falling into her eyes. “No,” she decided. “The boss has plans in place for things like that. I’m a legal employee and a good one he won’t leave to rot. I’ll be out of here by the end of the day. I’ll be alright.”
He sighed. “If you’re sure…”
“I am. Go home, Casper. Get some sleep.”
Danny’s face twisted at the name, but he nevertheless bade his supervisor and the two shades goodbye and walked back out the front doors of Gotham PD, not bothering to fly. Flying meant he had to go ghost, and that meant he had to deal with…other things. 
He decided to sleep the rest of the day, extremely spent from all the extra energy he had used up. Danny didn’t rise again till noon the next day, at which his stomach finally made itself known, demanding he seek out food. He lay on his bed for an extra hour, trying to desperately ignore the grumbles in his belly, but finally gave in, grabbing some cash to stuff in his pockets and making his way out of the shitty apartment building he lived in. Two kids threw rocks at his face as he passed through the front doors, but he just sidestepped and ignored them, letting the stones shatter the glass doors instead. 
The clouds are low. The Knights are away. Shades whispered and writhed at the edges of his vision. The Lady is sick.
Leave me alone. Danny groaned and rubbed his forehead. These days, the words of the dead seemed to pound at his head like a sledgehammer, relentless. An uncomfortable heat was building in his head. He ignored it. 
Danny rounded a corner and entered a gas station. “Hello!” The cashier greeted him, too cheery for the job they were working. “Let me know if you need anything!” He waved in acknowledgment and shuffled between aisles, staring blankly at the brightly colored packages of cheap food. His eyes couldn’t focus on the labels, so he just grabbed something with a cheetah on it. Danny then shuffled to the next aisle over and snatched a large bottle of something pink and bright. The cashier gave him an impeccable customer service smile, which he tried to return. 
“Personally, I like the smell of the blue flavor.” They scanned his items, and he had to nod and pretend he knew what they were talking about. “Here you go, that’ll be $6.27. Would you like a bag?”
“No,” Danny shook his head. “Thank you.”
“Have a nice day!” The bell rang over the sound of the cashier as Danny left. He was too tired and hungry to give them a proper response. 
Gotham’s skies were still dark and cloudy, which for once, Danny was thankful for. Sunlight would probably make his growing headache worse. He wandered around for a long while, just taking in the sights of the city. He didn’t know why, but less and less people had been on the streets these days, giving him a slight break from the relentless stares and whispers. He just had to avoid certain areas that were clouded with death, and he was good to go! He was free to walk around aimlessly all he wanted. 
Today, it seemed, his wanderings took him to a small, silent park. He pushed open the tiny gate and snuck inside. It was quiet as a cemetery, and looked like one, too. Hell, if Danny was in his right mind, he would have realized it was a cemetery. He’d argue later that there were no spirits around, so how could he have known? There was just a profound sense of emptiness that was suffocating the whole area, but Danny was so fed up with the rest of the city, he barely noticed. 
Instead, he simply made himself at home on a stone bench off to the side and tore open his feast, not tasting anything as he chowed down on the chips. A faint tingle on his tongue told him the chips were spicy, but how was he supposed to taste anything when his tastebuds were dead? Soon, the chips were gone, bag and all. (The only perk of being dead was that he acted as his own personal trashcan. Nothing was littered with him around!) Cracking open his heavy drink, Danny took a sip and stared at the sky. Just thinking about nothing as the day passed and the evening set. 
It’d been a long day. 
Jason jerked. Shivers ran up his spine, and the green in his vision got stronger. He was in the depths of a pit episode, some part of his brain told him. No one had been hurt yet. 
But someone was about to be. 
Jason jerked again and lunged for his front door, ripping off the lock Tim had put on it (trying to cage him like an animal) with his bare hands. He had no shoes, no helmet, no mask, nothing. But he bolted out the front door in a blind rage. His world was greengreengreen. 
A snarl ripped itself out of his throat as he jumped the last two stories from the main staircase to the ground level. His landing left a small indent on the tile. (How did he do that?) The front doors were already wide open, he’d left it that way. Jason tore down the street, silently thankful there was no one on the streets. 
Someone was going to die tonight. Someone had walked over his grave. 
Jason’s chest heaved as he bolted through alleyways, taking shortcuts to get to the one place he always refused to visit. There was a Bat following him now. Which one? Probably Nightwing. It didn’t matter. His hands were curled and his footsteps were loud. His heart pounded in his head, egging on the Pit. Phantom fingers ran down his arms, pushing his shoulders so he’d go faster. The city bent in on itself. Streets seemed to straighten out, letting him have a clear shot toward his target. 
He burst from the alleyways in a sudden rush, and Jason skidded to a stop to get his bearings. His feet were bleeding, he could tell. Whatever. His green eyes were glued to the tiny, limp figure of Danny Nightingale resting on a stone bench not five feet away from Jason’s grave. The one he was buried in. The one he crawled out of. The kid had walked on his grave. 
Jason rushed forward with a roar. 
“What the FUCK?!” Danny startled upright at the sound, quickly spotting Jason and scrambling to his feet. He had a half-filled bottle of pink Fabuloso cleaner in his hand but dropped that quickly when Jason lunged for him. 
“Jason!” Someone yelled, trying to grab at his shoulders. But Jason was too far gone in the pit rage, now. He was almost animalistic, growling and clawing at the kid’s retreating figure. Blood was getting smeared over the dead grass, with bits of glass from the alleyway being pushed farther into his skin. 
“Shit, man! I didn’t know this was your Haunt!” Danny’s eyes were filled with fear and worry, but his gaze was fixed solidly on a spot above Jason’s head. 
“This was my grave!” Jason managed to screech. He got a lucky hit in, and the kid tumbled away, clutching his shoulder where a bruise was already forming through his thin clothes. 
“I didn’t know!” Danny yelled again. He made no move to fight back. 
Something is wrong. A sudden, clear thought entered Jason’s head. It was like cold water had splashed him awake. These were not his words. These were not his actions. Jason was not in control of his body. 
Something else was speaking for him. 
A wail ripped itself out of his throat. Danny rolled to the side, avoiding his lunge. Jason could only watch helplessly as the kid was backed into a corner. For every step Jason took forward, Danny took two steps back. The kid was too used to this. He moved with too much ease, avoiding Jason’s wild swings like he could predict every movement. 
“Dammit, JASON!” Two pairs of hands gripped at his shoulders this time, forcing him to turn. Nightwing and Orphan (when had she gotten here?) tried their best to wrestle him down, heaving with the effort. 
“No! Don’t!” Danny bolted forward, right as Jason lunged for his own family in a haze of green. Time seemed to slow, and logically, Jason knew there was no way in hell Danny would have made it in time to do anything. Jason knew he was about to hurt his family, badly. He was about to break bones and claw at vulnerable skin. He was about to look his sibling in their eyes and see their hearts shatter. Jason was bout to break apart their family. Again. 
Then Danny screamed something, there was a flash of light, and suddenly there was a wall of fucking fire separating Jason from his siblings. From the outside world. 
Jason barely managed to avoid the flames, tucking himself into a sharp roll and popping up with his teeth bared. 
His brain tried to process what had just happened. 
His body screamed in rage.
His prey had disappeared. 
In Danny’s place floated a young boy. His eyes were as green as Jason’s. An iron crown wreathed in flames was set upon his head upside down, the sharp points causing rivers of green blood to run down from his hairline. Iron shackles chained his hands together. Pieces of charred armor clung to his body by thin straps. There was a chill in the air, and despite the fire, ice was starting to grow from the ground in a ring around the boy, curving and sharp, like it was trying to trap him in.
The boy looked at him, and Jason saw that he was crying.
[oOoOoO cliffhanger~]
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aprocessionofthoughts · 8 months
Bloody Sacrifice
ai-less whumptober2023 day 22- stress position fandom- dp x dc TW- blood summery- Danny is sacrificed in order to summon the Ghost King
ao3 masterlist
Batman and Nightwing were currently tied up and hanging from their wrists in a dusty old warehouse. Brue struggled to get out of the ropes but it was proving difficult.
They’d been investigating a cult, one of the many that popped up in Gotham, and hadn’t expected that one of the cultists actually knew some magic. 
The cult leader had chanted a spell that had rendered him and Nightwing imobile as the cultists strung them up. The spell had worn off by now, but because not only were their wrists tied with the rope secured to the ceiling, their ankles were also tied with another rope securing them to the floor. This left them stretched out and unable to escape.
The cultists had gathered around a stone table. 
“B,” Nightwing said, “there are shackles.”
“I know.” he yanked at the ropes again, but they still didn’t give.
Then the doors of the warehouse were opening and two cultists were dragging in a limp figure.
The vigilantes started struggling harder as the cutlists shackled the kid, because he was way too small to be anything but a kid, to the table. 
“Hey!” Nightwing called. “Wouldn’t whatever demons you’re trying to summon appreciate a vigilante as a sacrifice more than some random civilian?”
“Quiet!” the head cultist said, his voice ringing with power and Bruce felt his mouth involuntarily close.
The cultists gathered around the struggling teen, who now that Bruce looked closer seemed to have a flower necklace tossed around his neck.
They began changing and all the vigilantes could do was watch. One took out a knife. The boy stared with wide terrified eyes. He jerked in his bonds. 
As the chanting grew in volume a cultist reached forward and removed the flower chain necklace laying it on the ground.
The leader raised the knife. Bruce fought to cry out but no sound escaped.
The knife came down.
The kid let out a short scream that ended in a gurgle as blood bubbled up out of the kids mouth. Then the kid slumped and didn't move again.
Bruce slumped. He had been too late. The kid was dead.
Bruce was brought out of his thoughts by the cultists muttering amongst themselves. They seemed agitated. They went off to the side to continue talking. From the little bit Bruce could hear, it sounded like the ritual hadn’t worked.
Bruce was glad, but there was still a dead kid, and Bruce wanted nothing more than to send these cultists to the hospital.
“B.” Dick whispered and Bruce realized the magic keeping them silent had faded. 
He looked over at Dick who motioned with his head to the table.
Bruce looked over. 
The kid’s eyes were open and he was reaching for the knife buried in his chest. Bruce stared, wide eyed, as the kid pulled the knife out before sitting up. Then the kid looked over and froze as he caught sight of them. He brought a finger to his lips and then disappeared.
Then wind began to blow through the room and a ghostly vice echoed, “Who dares to wake me?”
The cultists scrambled. “We– We do my lord.”
“You have greatly displeased me. I do not like human sacrifices. I only accept the sacrifice of chocolate and gummy worms.”
The cultists didn’t have time to react as the wind picked up slamming them against each other several times before dropping them to the ground where they were then encased in ice.
Before Bruce had the chance to say anything he was being lowered to the ground and untied along with Nightwing.
“You can show yourself.” Nightwing said.
“Nah, I’m good. I’ve got to go. They kind of interrupted my night.”
“See ya.” and with a gust of wind the boy seemed to leave.
They were silent for a moment.
“New sibling?”
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Honestly I think it'd be funny if each time Bruce returns from time or interdimensional adventures he just keeps coming back with more kids. Like DC, you're telling me he wouldn't see sad child or child on a dying world and not take them home to be bundled up and given Alfred's cookies?
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
danny: -and that’s all you’ll get outta me!
batman: hnn
danny: [*transforming into phantom*] alright, you want the truth? i’ll tell you everything!
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dasha022 · 7 months
Chapter 4
"So, Superman and Phantom were cloned?"
Batman didn't stop his work on the keyboard at any point, so with his eyes on the screen and detailing every word of the information acquired, plus the reports from the YJ group, he proceeded to respond to the curious Nightwing; who had just entered the Batcave only two minutes ago.
Nightwing removed his mask and proceeded to roll his eyes in annoyance. "Could you provide a few more than your usual onomatopoeia response" so many years and his mentor hadn't learned his lesson about using mumbles or grunts as a response.
"When I finish the report, you can read it," replied the big bat without turning back...
Dick looked grumpily up at the man, grabbed a chair from the other desks, set down and pulled out his phone. Tim was currently at the YJ base. However, he would be doing the same as Bruce; and young Robin has a worse hiperfijasion than the big bat. So, his only safe bet would be Wally or Donna, but the second one it's traveling through Malawi on a humanitarian aid mission, so he's only left with Wally. He should have done that in the first place if he wanted to know the whole story instead of coming to Bruce. At least the flash family did know how to communicate things willingly and without loss any details.
Alfred, faithful to punctuality, made his presence known at the base bringing with him a tray of late-night snacks. "Master Richard, it's nice to have you around tonight. how's Bludhaven been?"
Nightwing put aside his cell phone and gave his full attention to the butler. Even though his best friend had just sent him a great paragraph telling him what happened and he was about to read it. Gossip can wait when it comes to Alfred. "I can't say it's all right because that would be a lie, but I can claim he's had one or two improvements these past few weeks."
"That's wonderful to hear, Master Richard." Alfred poured a cup of hot chocolate for Dick as he gave him a little smile. "You do what you can, and that's what counts." He continued, then turned to the other older adult in the room and the smile was once again a line on his face. "Master Bruce, do I have to unplug the Batcomputer so you can take a break ? or you will be finally pausing for a snack? you still haven't had any food since you've arrived.”
Bruce’s fingers stopped instantly, a deep sigh left the man’s lungs before he locked the computer, removed his hood mask and turned to his adoptive father with resignation. He did not look at his eldest son, for no reason did he look at that gloating face. He kept his eyes on the mug of hot chocolate and the pair of sandwiches that came with it.
 “Thank you, Alfred.”
“You’re welcome, sir.”
Just as Bruce was about to take a bite of his sandwich after a small sip from his chocolate mug, his league communication device started beeping. He heard Alfred sigh and that was all he needed to put his hood back on and put the call through to the big baticomputer screen.
“Batman, here.”
Phantom’s image took up the entire monitor, now without the cloned baby in his arms and a somewhat uncomfortable look on his face. “Hello, Bat. Phantom here, are you busy?”
“Phantom, did something serious happen?” the Gotham knight responded with another question. “Where are the… childrens”
Danny looked at the Gotham’s knight and wondered again how his mask was able to minimize the lenses in his eyes to reflect frowning eyes. Okay, he was straying from the topic at hand. “My little star is with my big sister and Hydor is helping to Cool his mother. Well, that’s what I want to talk to you about-”
“Hydor?” interrupted Dick, now with his mask firmly in place. Next to him, Alfred, also making use of his distinctive black opera mask.
Danny grinned with countless teeth, “Oh, the half-Kryptonian kid was agreed with my name option. I don’t know if he’ll change his mind later, but for the moment Hydor is the name we use to refer to him”.
Nightwing was about to speak again, but Batman cut his opportunity. “What did you mean by mother?” If they were talking about the child made with Superman’s DNA, then Phantom must have named Lex. However, the phantom hero didn’t have to name the villain. Bruce thought about how the hero had said he had ‘sisters’… plural. He didn’t say how many, but it was more than one.
Quickly, Bruce opened another window to the side of the call and brought up the reports regarding Clark’s cloning. As this one searched through the countless notations about the failed experiments, Danny spoke again.
“Yeah, well, I wanted to talk to you about that man.” Danny began, his expression shifting to somewhat serious, though mostly relaxed. “By your hovering movements over the keyboard, I’m taking it for granted that you have a clue what I’m going to say. So, I’ll give you the quick version of the subject.”
The search stopped at the penultimate document on the list and Batman didn’t know whether to be relieved or worried by such a find.
It couldn't be that...
Danny saw his pause and chuckled a little. “That was quick” he commented. “But yes, it looks like Lex was conned by his own team of scientists.” He continued this time without holding back his laughter, though no one in the cave seemed to share his amusement. “So, besides giving me a daughter, Cadmus gave me a nephew. Isn’t that great?”
“You mean the clone of Sup-.”
“Hydor” , corrected Phantom with a warning look and losing all grace from his face.
“You mean Hydor is the son of Superman and one of your sisters?” asked Nightwing again, his face not emerging from the surprise of the fact. “Wait, since when do you have sisters!”
“Since I can remember, And yes, the other donor for Hydor’s creation is not Lex, but is my little sister, Nightmare.” At this point Phantom began to levitate in front of the camera, from what Batman can deduce he is sitting in mid-air while suspending the communicator in front of him with his telequinesis.
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ali-annals · 2 months
Here, go stalk (aka the Coffee Phenomenon)
Pairing: Tim Drake x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
WC: 1.8k | Ao3 | TW: blood | A/N: for @/the-coffee-fandom for National Coffee Day 2023
Nightwing knocked on Red Robin’s mysterious rescuer’s window. She opened it with a stern look. “Really? And a blue and black vigilante outside my window isn’t as obvious as simply knocking on my door?” He shrugged, entering when she stepped back for him.
Thump .
The sound of light feet hitting the roof made the girl turn slightly.
All she saw was a black blob weaving around, making her dizzy.
With a put-upon sigh, she heaved herself up from her perch hundreds of feet above the ground and dusted herself off.
“Hey, are you okay?”
The blob collapsed.
The girl rushed over, the scent of blood hitting her nose as she got closer.
The blob was revealed to be one of the vigilantes of the city she was in, clearly badly hurt.
The girl quickly rolled up her sleeves and checked for the vigilante’s pulse and breathing.
Carefully, she rolled them over into the first-aid recovery position and inspected them for their injuries.
With a tsk and muttered reproofs, she yanked her shirt over her head and tore it at the seams into long, makeshift bandages. The vigilante was suffering from multiple knife wounds; some shallow, a couple quite deep.
Shaking her head as she realized her meagre first-aid equipment was useless, she raised her hand to her head. “Jument, voyage!”
“Robin, report.”
Robin raised a hand to his earpiece. “There is a small puddle of blood on the roof of Killinger’s Department Store. One of Red Robin’s Batarangs is a little ways from it. There is a ripped black shirt by the blood. It appears to have been used as a makeshift bandage, then discarded. No signs of a struggle or foul play.”
In the Batcave, Batman growled at the lack of clues. Nightwing’s name popped up on the Batcomputer.
[Incoming Call: Titan’s Tower: Nightwing]
“Hey, B. O told me Red Robin went missing. Raven is in Gotham incognito. I can ask her if she’d try to track him down.”
“Hnn.” Batman considered. “Okay.”
Fifteen minutes later, Raven entered the cave in her Titans uniform.
Batman explained the finer details of Red Robin’s disappearance, then Raven opened a portal to the roof where he had been last identified.
“There was definitely magical interference of some kind,” Raven decided. “Someone opened a portal. It’s unlike any portal magic I’ve seen, though. This might take some time.”
Batman & Co. waited on tenterhooks for Raven to finish her…whatever she did. Finally, she turned back to them. “I can trace the portal’s energy and hopefully follow RR.”
The Bats breathed a sigh of relief and waited even longer as Raven opened a portal and disappeared.
Raven blinked at the scene before her.
Red Robin was lying on a couch, unconscious.
A petite dark-haired young woman was sitting in the chair beside him, bent over him as she…sewed his suit up? At least, that was what Raven thought was happening.
“Excuse me? Who are you, and what are you doing?” The woman looked up, flashing a smile before she returned to her stitching. “Oh, you work fast. I’m a friend, and I’m sewing up Red Robin’s suit. It got badly cut up in some spots, so I’m fixing it till he can get a replacement.”
Raven wondered at the woman’s word choice, but didn’t say anything.
“Is he alright?”
“Oh, yes. He’s just asleep. I healed him from his wounds, but natural healing and rest is best.”
“You seem familiar,” murmured Raven. “Have we met somewhere before?”
She shook her head. “I don’t recall meeting you. Raven, from the Titans, right?”
“That’s me. What is your magic from? I can’t recall coming across a signature like yours before.”
“I don’t exactly flaunt my skills,” laughed the girl, snipping a thread. “There, you can take him home. I assume he won’t remember any of this at all, since he collapsed before I got to him.” 
“How did you find him?” Raven tilted her head curiously. “He was on a roof. That’s not exactly a common hangout spot.”
The woman laughed. “I’m not exactly common. I was on the roof to think. There’s nothing like a quiet nightscape to think over.”
Raven silently agreed. “Thank you for taking care of Red Robin.”
“Of course; I couldn’t just leave him there. He was bleeding out too fast and I didn’t know how to contact Batman.”
“I’ll leave you my number and Nightwing’s in case you come across something like this again. One of us should be available.”
“Thanks, Raven. Can I give you mine as well? Save Batman the trouble of stalking me?”
Raven’s lips quirked up at the edges. “Sure.”
Raven placed her and Nightwing’s business cards on the table by the woman’s sewing stuff, freeing her hands to pick up Red Robin, a card tucked into his belt by his rescuer.
With him slung over her shoulder, she opened a new portal and popped back into the Batcave.
“He’s been healed, courtesy of his rescuer. He’s currently unconscious so he can rest and naturally heal. I gave his rescuer my and ‘Wing’s cards in case she needs to contact one of us again, and I got hers.” Raven fished the card out of RR’s belt and handed it to Batman. “Here, go stalk.”
Nightwing knocked on Red Robin’s mysterious rescuer’s window.
She opened it with a stern look. “Really? And a blue and black vigilante outside my window isn’t as obvious as simply knocking on my door?”
He shrugged, entering when she stepped back for him.
“I wanted to say thank you for rescuing Red Robin and healing him. He’s the most energetic he’s been in ages. Probably because he actually had a good sleep. How did you do it?”
“Magic,” she winked. 
“The Teen Titans wanted to extend an invitation for you to partner with or join us, at your convenience.”
The young woman blinked back at him. “How much did Batman find on me that you want me to join your team?”
“Er…Raven vouched for you. Empath, you know? She could tell you’re inherently good.”
“Ah. I’d like some time to think about it, please.”
“Of course. You have my number, feel free to contact me whenever.”
“How is it going?” Raven stopped by the new recruit Marie’s room.
She looked up from her unpacking, a large red box in her hands. “It’s going well. I’m glad I accepted the invitation. I’m excited to work with a team!”
“We’re glad to have you.”
“So, Red Robin is also part of the Titans?”
“Yes, though he works under the moniker Robin, here.”
“Oh, that’s not confusing at all,” joked Marie.
Raven rolled her eyes in sympathy. “I know. That’s the Bats for you, and RR in particular.”
“So, you found your soulmate.”
Nightwing’s face appeared upside down in Marie’s vision, from where she was hanging upside down on the couch in the Titans’ den.
“Robin and you. You keep the exact same hours, drink the same unholy amounts of coffee, espresso, and energy drinks, and are both paranoid about your rooms and confidential information. You’re practically the same person in two bodies.”
“Huh.” Marie mulled that over for a bit, the increased blood flow fueling her brain, or so she claimed. “I wonder if we became that way because of heroing or if we became heroes because it fit our lifestyle like that. I should do a study on that.”
Marie flipped over the arm of the couch and headed down the hallway to Robin’s room, ready to get a partner to study the phenomena.
Nightwing sank onto the vacated couch and groaned, his head in his hands.
It came as no surprise when Robin and Epiphany revealed they were dating. Their strange living habits practically threw the two together. Luckily for everyone, they got along instead of clashing over their similarities.
The longer Marie spent around the Titans and assimilated to their family, the more she opened up. She used to be the leader of a small team of heroes in her city, but once their villain was finally defeated, almost all of her team members had chosen to give up their loaned powers and erase their memories of heroing.
Alone and tired, Marie had moved, changed almost everything about her, and kept a quiet profile. She had missed heroing, though, and when Nightwing approached her with the opportunity to join a team and not be the leader, she accepted. 
Her fellow members welcomed her with open arms, and she was filled with warm fuzzy feelings of belonging and love.
Raven gently placed her hand on Marie’s knee, exerting pressure until she stopped bouncing it rapidly up and down. 
Marie turned to her, only realizing she’d been literally vibrating in her seat as she met Raven’s eyes. “Okay, I might be a bit nervous meeting Batman and Oracle and Red Hood and Robin and Spoiler and Alfred,” Marie answered the unspoken question, her voice becoming higher pitched as she listed each member of the BatClan
“It will be okay,” soothed Raven, surrounding Marie with calming emotions. “Batman will like you because you saved RR, and everyone else will like you too. It’s going to go fine.”
“If you say so,” she muttered, only half-believing her best friend.
The zeta tube announced the BatClan’s arrival, and Marie stood nervously, though less uptight than when Raven first saw her. 
Red Robin was the first through, followed by Batman and the rest.
He immediately headed to her, presenting her proudly to the Dark Knight. “This is my Marie, Epiphany.”
Marie melted at his possessive use of her name, and the remaining nerves went with it. “It’s nice to meet you all, I’m Marie.”
“We’re happy to meet you, finally,” said Spoiler, bouncing out from behind Robin. “Nightwing and Red Robin said we’d love you, and they were right!”
The visit went very well.
Marie was surprised by Batman’s non-Batman-ness, but Spoiler leaned over to tell her he was on strict instructions from Nightwing, Raven, and herself not to blow this.
The BatClan eventually left, having collected the information Batman came to receive (and thus required everyone else to tag along and get a glimpse of Marie), and Marie and Tim curled up on the couch, mugs of Marie’s Special Brew in hand.
“That went better than I expected,” commented Tim, pressing a kiss to Marie’s head.
“Everyone was perfectly nice,” said Marie. “I feel like you were exaggerating your stories now.”
He snorted. “Trust me, I was not . Once they know for sure they’re not going to scare you off, then they’ll show you their true forms. It will be nothing but chaos and glitter from here out.”
Marie giggled. “You say that as if you don’t encourage chaos. But, speaking of chaos, I may have some outsourced help to make a splash worth remembering when I enter the world of Bat shenanigans.”
Their evil chuckles filled the den, and Raven retreated to her room. She wasn't getting involved when a Bat laughed like that .
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
Hii could you write a fic with either Lee!Batman or Lee!Daredevil & any ler of your choice :) and maybe focus on back tickles?🫶 hope your weeks going well !
Gonna add this onto the last batman anon ask too
Hi! Do you think you could write a fic with Lee!Bruce Wayne and any ler(s) trying to get him to smile/laugh more?😇
hi!! It’s that anon that asked for Lee!Batman, I don’t really have a preference for characterization of Batman in the fic so you can choose to write him however you like! (But maybe a bunch of teasing in the fic? :))
Thank you for the ask, I hope your week is going swimmingly too ☺️☺️❤️
Masterpost Link
Bruce would never admit it, but he loved moments like this.
Lying in bed, Clark's arms effortlessly wrapped around him, feeling his breath lightly trickle down the back of his neck.
Yeah. This was good.
"Someone's happy." Clark murmured, briefly squeezing a little tighter.
"You let out little hums when you're content. Any time we're cuddling and you make those little noises I know you're enjoying it."
"I do not hum." Bruce tightened his body slightly, still getting used to letting his guard down with anyone.
"Oh it's very tough and manly, don't worry." Clark teased, humming in a comically deep tone for emphasis.
"I don't do it."
The bed creaked as superman shuffled to see his lover's face better.
"It's not a bad thing to show when you're happy."
"I know. But I still don't do it."
Clark chuckled. "Ok ok, forget I mentioned it."
The two continued their cuddles for a moment longer, and Bruce began to relax a little more.
Deep rumbles began to radiate from the billionaire's chest as he slowly drifted into complete peace. Before he could get there completely, though, Clark's breathing turned to small breathy laughs.
"What?" Bruce groaned, annoyed at the disturbance.
"You're laughing!"
"Not at you!" Superman chuckled. "It's just cute that you hum."
Batman grumbled something about not being cute, before turning completely onto his stomach.
"Awwww Brucey don't be like that!" Clark beamed. "Can't a man call his boyfriend cute?"
No response.
"Come onnnn..." Clark gently let his fingers glide over Bruce's back, the sudden flex and almost-giggle he got back was the last thing he was expecting.
"Oh?" Superman grinned. "What's this?"
"hnn~nthng~" Bruce's slightly panicked voice was muffled by the mattress.
"Didn't catch that... You want me to do it again?"
"Cl~~rkkkkkk~!" Bruce groaned nervously, refusing to lift his head.
"Perfect!" Clark smirked, softly stroking his fingers from the top of Bruce's shoulders all the way down to his tailbone - leaving a shivery trail of goosebumps in his wake. He absolutely adored the way Bruce's back muscles tensed and rolled as he descended. There was something oddly hypnotic about it, luckily there was one thing to bring his out of his trance.
"Kehehent!" Bruce tried to grumble, but it came out as more of a giggle. "Stohohop ihihit!"
The small titters of laughter as Clark's fingers cascaded close to Bruce's sides were addicting, and Superman was far from finshed.
"Awwww cute little Bruce likes his tickles huh?" He teased, letting his nails lazily scatter along the obliques of his partner. "You should laugh more."
"Shuhuhut uhuhup..." Bruce mumbled sleepily, helpless in the sudden wave of relaxation that hit his body the more Clark touched it.
"And while I do love your giggles..." He grinned, fingers dancing dangerously close to Bruce's very ticklish sides.
Bruce whined and squirmed gently, not wanting to disrupt his own peaceful state.
As Superman's fingers returned to his shoulderblades, Bruce's mouth couldn't resist but twitch upwards as soft hums escaped his throat.
Clark smiled.
"I'll settle for those."
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