#bad parent bruce wayne
galaxymagitech · 1 day
Whirlwind (Chapter 1/3)
With the League in turmoil, Damian is sent to train with his father, only to be turned away and cast out. Mother always told Damian that he will look Father in the eye and announce that he is his heir, come to train by his side. But how is Damian supposed to convince him when Father refuses to even look at his face?
(In a world where Damian is the eldest Robin, Bruce isn't used to taking in random children and reacts poorly to Damian's existence. So, of course, Damian sets out to prove his worth by waging war on Gotham's criminal element.)
Characters: Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Talia al Ghul
Warnings: by chapter, so see the start of each chapter
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Give me Bruce who in a furious tone yells out "JASON" but it isn't Jason who responds, its Tim- Because even after so many years, he still hasn't gotten used to B calling him by his real name.
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lioneliness-etc · 8 months
The thing that DC doesn’t seem to understand is that, to me at least, the moment that Batman acts abusive or antagonistic to his kids (and not just like making mistakes or being a flawed parent, but being an actively bad parent) he stops being a hero. At that point he is just a villain who fights crime to me.
Thats not a “superhero” story anymore, its not even a complex or morally-grey character, it’s not even a supervillain story. It’s a story about a shitty guy who happens to save people’s lives sometimes. And no amount of saving people makes up for him being terrible to the people in his personal life.
And maybe some people are interested in that story, but that’s just not a character I’m invested in reading about.
If I’m supposed to see batman as this cultural icon of of superhero media, the dark and vengeful protector of his city who hides his good heart and secret identity under the cowl and cape, then he needs to ACTUALLY have a good heart under there.
And in my book, people who mistreat those they claim to care about just aren’t good people. People who are bad parents (NOT flawed parents, NOT people who are bad at the difficult skill of parenting, I mean people with kids who don’t care about them but continue to be parents) aren’t good people.
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 2 months
What if one day Jason just puts the gun down.
At first Bruce is estatic no more murder no more compromises it's almost like having his son back his precious Robin.
Yet as time goes on he sees less of Jason and when he does he looks not well.
He's injured more frequently the entire underworld seems to be gunning for Hood but he can't say he isn't happy maybe Jaylad will have to call for backup.
He's working at the computer when Dick storms in heading straight for him.
"What does it take for you to be ten percent of a good parent clearly it's not your child dying so what will it take Bruce"
He's furious but he's also a detective before anything else.
"What exactly are you talking about."
Dick's entire body changes closing up the earlier anger gone for something colder even his eyes icing over.
"Jason is being hunted by all of Gotham because the Red Hood was based on the foundation of being the bat that kills. He changed everything about himself following your stupid rules, for what?"
Dick can't breathe he wants to tear Bruce limb from limb. Smash the entire cave he feels like there is nothing that can fix this.
He stares at Bruce waiting for what he doesn't know.
All this time and he's done.
"I am not burying my brother again because you are such a narssastic asshole who could give less of a fuck about anything other than being Batman. The reason every Bat or Robin comes to me is I actually love them unconditionally they don't have to doubt because Bruce they are enough."
"They could burn down the world and I would happily cheer them the fuck on don't call me, don't call Jason. I'm taking Tim, and Damian. You can go fuck yourself enjoy Batman cause that's all you will ever be."
He doesn't look back.
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 3 months
The Batfam after having to lie to their loved ones (AGAIN) and ruin entire relationships just to protect their secret identities:
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Bruce, calling Alfred after adopting yet another orphan:
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Bruce when any of his children tried to call him out for his shit:
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What the fam sees when they look at Dick’s Dicowing Era:
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All the sidekicks banding together like:
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Cop Dick be like:
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(Jason Todd priest era) Pov you go to mass in gotham and this guy is staring you down from the altar:
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Bruce trying to show his kids he’s cool like:
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Jason trying out for his school play in 6th grade like:
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perseus-jackass · 3 months
Thinking about the timeline of RHATO 25 to Red Hood: Outlaw 27. Because WHAT DO YOU MEAN Bruce beats the shit out of Jason AND disowns him AND bans him from Gotham, then Roy rescues him, then they split up so Roy can go to rehab and Jason can go after a gang?? AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN ROY DIES AND BRUCE IS THE ONE TO COME TELL HIM???? AND THEY HUG??? AND BRUCE IS LIKE OF THE PENGUIN DIDN’T DIE LOL MY BAD??? LIKE BRO YOU LITERALLY BEAT HIM UNCONSCIOUS A FEW WEEKS AGO???
I‘be been thinking about it for DAYS I can’t stop
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just-an17archer · 6 months
DC stop hurting Jason challenge
What in the fanfiction whump is this?
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This is why I should just stick with WFA
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mistergreatbones · 7 months
between willis and catherine being retconned into being abusive/neglectful, that fucking shoehorned talia romance, bruce having the character consistency of cottage cheese, and shelia's girlboss betrayal, what's really impressive is not jason coming back to life but how he seems to be holding the world reserve of shitty parents
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brucewaynehater101 · 6 days
Ok ok I just had an Absolute Idea
So it's a bad dad Bruce ok
And Jason is dating someone (Bruce thinks they're civilian, if they are or not is up to you)
But like he'd def show up as batman to warn them away from Jason, and he's justifying it as not wanting a civilian to be hurt. But in reality anytime Jason has a meaningful/healthy/even slightly normal relationship (that could lead to him drastically decreasing his rouge activity in the long run!) Bruce interferes and it's actually causing Jason serious hurt. Which increases Jason's emotionally fueled crime sprees. But Bruce sees it as saving someone from a murderous crime lord, and Jason is clearly being worse in frustration over losing someone he can have control over. (Bruce can you not see your own reflection or what bc that's what YOU do, not what Jason's ever done). If Jason knows about this I wonder if he thinks Bruce sees him as Willis. Like his idea of being replaced by a high society version of robin wasn't enough, now Bruce is assuming he's going to abuse his partners because blood doesn't mean anything unless you're street trash.
But this latest partner, when warned, laughed in Batman's face? Clearly they don't understand.... But then they tell batman "if I didn't know I could beat him, I would never have asked him out". And if they secretly aren't a civilian, they are telling the complete truth. But Bruce being Bruce, especially if comics Bruce would try to beat up said partner. To make sure if they were actually capable, which would make them a threat, of course. Bc comics Bruce has in some issues actively done harm to Jason, even orchestrating his certain death if he tries to do anything bat/crime related. But he won't do that to joker???
Anyways I want this paramour to soundly beat batman and handing him off to whoever will actively humiliate him the most while not killing him bc they don't want the rest of the bats after them. But it's like Harley, who Knows, so she unmasks him and does a livestream with Bruce Wayne tied to a chair telling embarrassing stories from college. Harvey dent shows up to help with more stories.
I just want Bruce being fucking owned
Just Bruce being taken out by some random ass character is great!
Bad dad Bruce does seem like the controlling type to micromanage his childrens' relationships (especially if he doesn't trust them). There's levels to this type of emotional abuse, control, and manipulation. In this AU, I hope Harley and Harvey humiliate the shit out of Bruce for that. Fuck him.
I also feel for Jason and wish him all the happiness he can obtain. He deserves a caring, thoughtful, and present partner who cherishes him. Just a supportive person to make him laugh and reassure him.
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Honestly do you ever think Bruce realises that Jason is still mentally 15 when he returns? Like think for a second, how traumatic must that be outside the other stuff. Your mind is 15! You've been gone for years, tortured, zombified, pitified, physically aged up, but you sir, are still 15!
15 is the age where you start learning adult independence. Where you start having your own identity and personality outside your parents and change how to view things.
And this guy! This one who is supposed to protect you is now beating you to a pulp when he gets the chance. The guy who promised you safety in his home is now the reason you fear ever seeing the ones who live in that same house.
And all that other stuff. That's just all gone. And Jason is still 15.
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Bruce Wayne, mentor to many- father to none.
I want the angst of B having to come to terms that he doesn't know ANY of his kids not anymore at least and maybe never and the fact his kids are just- used to it?
Visiting Dicks apartment, he finds a picture of him smiling while surrounded by a bunch of little kids in spandax uniforms. Turns out he'd been a gymnastics instructor for about four years now and his most recent team had everyone qualify for state. (Bruce didn't even know he still practiced)
Jason stopped accepting Wednesday night patrols, but when he looked into it he found out that was the night he went to DND nights with his roommates every week. The roommates he met last semester after he decided to go to college and get an english major. (Bruce didn't even know he had applied)
Checking the library he found a small pedastal plague put up by Alfred displaying just one book. It said Cass was the author. Apparently she had gotten super into writing and published a book talking about language deprivation and lack of accomidation for deaf/hoh children born to hearing families. She had a book signing last month, Alfred had gone and grabbed this copy now on display (Bruce didn't even know she liked to write)
Tim finished a case early and let it slip he needed to sign off early to "meet up with his boyfriends" and hung up before Bruce could process. It only took a small glance at his middle child's latest social media post to see him alongside Superboy (what was his name?) and a blonde boy he didn't recognize. Both were leaned in to kiss his cheek and the caption said "Happy 3rd anniversary!!" (Bruce didn't even know he was interested in boys)
Steph's birthday came around and Bruce got her a new account and shoved a couple thousand for her to buy whatever she wanted. But he quickly noticed a pattern of everyone getting her- cat supplies? Apparently She had adopted a cat about a month ago to celebrate her new apartment, Mister Mystery was his name, and she had asked everyone for supplies instead of other gifts. (Bruce didn't even know she had moved)
He decided on some impromptu father-son bonding and tries to track down his youngest. But Damian is nowhere to be found. He gets pretty close to calling an emergency meeting but the moment he messages Oracle she reminds him Damian is in Chicago. Damian had won an art competition at school and his piece qualified for a gallery spot. The entire family had gone days ago and he was due back the next day. (Bruce didn't even know he cared about art)
Then Duke- his youngest in terms of time spent. But one he had grown fond of just as fast as the others. Especially working the day shift the time they spent was limited. Bruce got them both lunch, but it wasn't until halfway through eating that Duke had turned to him with panicked eyes and asked if the stew had shellfish. Duke had a severe allergy, thankfully Jason had been just up the street and had an epi-pen ready before they took him to Leslies. (Bruce didnt even know he had any allergies, let alone one so severe)
The worst part? There was no blow up. His kids didn't take his idiocracy as a personal insult or even raise a fight. They just rolled their eyes and moved on. As everyone crowded in the room, surrounding Dukes bedside he could hear Barbras voice. "Its not your fault, Batman may be omnipotent, but Bruce doesn't know anything really"
He wasnt meant to overhear or maybe he was, Oracle had always been petty But he couldn't refute it.
"But you have us"
Well- thats just it wasnt it? Even when Bruce was absent- his kids had each other. But was that ever meant to be enough?
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literaryelise · 8 months
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 6 months
OK so now I'm thinking about birthday's
And everyone in this fandom seems to know the 16th birthday from hell and I'm gonna touch on it
Growing up, I had pretty shitty parents. I know I haven't talked too much about it, but my father was the king of fucking up my birthday and whatever, and would never get me a gift like this man was incapable of practically, remembering my birthday.
But I want you to think about that for a moment Bruce Wayne, who, for all intensive purposes, was a father figure to Tim went out of his way to psychologically torture that poor child on his birthday, and it is like never brought up again like the angst potential of the entire family finding out is astronomical.
But also, do you know how fucked up it is to feel on your birthday the day that is supposed to be about you your father literally going out of his way to fuck it up. That's not something you forget that is a vivid memory. 
That shapes you for all of your life never mind the fact that time travel is a big thing in the DC universe. That was a perfectly tailored way to destroy Tim Drake and I mean I talk a lot of shit about Bruce Wayne but I almost feel like that's worse than a lot of shit he's done in my personal experience some shit sticks with you my most traumatic memories are not actually physically abusive in nature it's the psychological shit that fucks with you.
So RIP Tim Drake and his emotional well-being because every bit of paranoia, every bit of his personality, his lack of trust all can stem back to the 16th birthday from hell.
I love when we can literally dig to the cause and the cause of every contingency Tim Drake has ever fucking written. Is Bruce motherfucking Wayne.
I can never not stop hating on Canon Bruce Wayne I don't care if we have him, hugging Tim in one comic
That man is a piece of shit and I will stand by that statement 
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 2 months
Just finished listening to "Liminal space" and no, I'm definitely not crying, you are! Ahhh a good podfic really brightens your day!
It's Tim centric and good god I loved every moment. He gets love and his friends back (kinda)!
That was so good. I feel enriched after having gotten through the whole thing in two days (T0T) it was so good I just kept wanting more.
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cindarslair · 1 year
There are two wolves inside of you. The good parent Bruce Wayne and the bad parent Bruce Wayne.
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aprocessionofthoughts · 8 months
For your own good
ai-less whumptober day 4-betrayal fandom- batman TW-dissociation, slightly suicidal thought (if you want to avoid don’t read the section between the 000000000), hurt/no comfort summary- Jason forcing Bruce to choose between the Joker and him doesn't go well at all
ao3 masterlist
Jason was trembling. 
His hands were cuffed and he was in the back of the Batmobile.
His plan had failed disastrously. He always knew it would. He just didn’t think it would end like this.
He had already tried talking to his dad… Bruce Batman, but the Bat had just ignored him.
“It's for your own good.” had been the only thing Batman had said to him before shoving him into the Batmobile.
His only mercy had been that the Joker had been left for the police to pick up. But that was still little consolation. 
Jason closed his eyes as the Batmobile pulled onto the bridge that led to Arkham.
He started counting his breaths, no use hyperventilating before he was even there.
The Batmobile jerked to a stop and Batman got out before opening the door to the back and pulling him out.
Jason stumbled, the only reason he didn’t fall was thanks to the bruising grip Batman had on his arm. His vision narrowed and his breaths picked up slightly. No. He couldn’t panic. Not here. When he was alone. Would they put him alone? Would Bruce Batman give him the courtesy of assuring he got his own cell?
A guard approached them.
This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening. His own dad father Batman couldn’t be leaving him to rot in Arkham.
Everyone knew the doctors were no good. Why was he doing this? He was leaving him in the same place as that clown.
Jason’s mind started to go blank and he let it.
The next time he was aware he was being shoved into a cell. He stumbled and fell, bruising his shoulder and hip on the concrete floor.
He heard his cell door slam shut.
He didn’t bother getting up, just curled into a ball and trembled.
Jason wasn’t fully present most of the time. It was easier that way. He could sit silently through his mandatory therapy session, he vomited any pills they gave him. The only problem was during meal times when all the prisoners from a block ate together. None of the big bads were there, mostly just other crooks but one had wanted to start a fight on Jason’s first day there. Jason had put a stop to that fairly quickly and the man had to be taken away by medics.
They had locked Jason in solitary confinement for 21 days. Part of Jason’s mind acknowledged that since he was 19 it was illegal to put him in solitary, but mostly Jason had just been glad. He kind of wished he could stay there, but he knew people kept in solitary for too long went mad and he rather liked his mind.
How long was he supposed to be here?
Was it for a certain amount of time or until he was ‘cured.’
There hadn’t even been a trial!
He asked his mandated therapist the next time they met. It had been the first time he had talked in a session. She just said that he needed to focus on getting better.
Jason hadn’t said anything after that.
What was there to cure?
The only cure would be undoing his resurrection.
5 years later
A car was parked in front of Arkham. Bruce Wayne was standing by it.
Soon, a young man was seen walking out of Arkham.
Bruce embraced the young man who smiled back with wide vacant eyes.
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