#damian al ghul-wayne
softmintpurejoy · 3 months
Does anyone know Damijon fics focused on superfam and not on batfam? Or at least where attention to both fams are divided equally? Like I really need that
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15minlatewithbatbucks · 11 months
In the League of Assassins, to return home to find one's personal quarters breached, door ajar, is a violation of the highest order - a threat, a declaration of war all rolled into one.
In Wayne Manor, it was WORSE.
Damian stood in the hallway, backpack clenched in one hand, glaring at his bedroom door with everything he had. In a just world, the door would have the decency to at least burst into flames. Alas, it did not and Damian came no closer to developing x-ray vision in the intervening moments.
He clicked his tongue and stalked forward, determined to spew vitriol of the highest caliber at the interloper.
Grayson and Todd had plans today - it was why Pennyworth had been the one to collect him from school. Brown and Cain were currently staying in the manor, but they usually only appeared around meals like the stray cats Damian fed behind the now defunct grilled cheese restaurant on the corner of Washington and 147th. Thomas and Drake usually returned later in the day - school and work respectively.
In short - Damian's room had either been breached by a stranger which was staggeringly unlikely, or there was a flaw in his information.
Throwing open the door, Damian's eyes met Drake's and every scathing insult died on his lips.
Because the older boy was sitting in Damian's desk chair with a pastel pink box on his lap. The same one that Damian had secreted away last night and hoped to return today with his older "brother" none the wiser.
"So, do you want to talk about this or..." Tim trailed off, seeming oddly relaxed.
"Get out of my room."
"Ok, because this Hello Kitty caboodle was a cherished gift from Stephanie and I was beside myself when I found out it was missing this morning."
Damian could see the bruising now, creeping up the side of Drake's neck where he'd turned to avoid taking a pipe to the throat.
"I decided to work from home," he explained unnecessarily, catching how Damian's eyes lingered on the too dark shadow around his collar. "Why did you take my makeup?"
Damian glared at him, lip curling in disgust.
"Ok," Drake said again. "At least tell me you didn't use my brushes and sponges. I don't want the cross contamination of your face germs."
"How dare you!" Damian hissed, clenching his free hand into a fist as well now. "To imply I'm unclean-"
"Oh my god, shut up. Everyone has weird face germs and whole ecosystems on their skin. People have mites in their eyelashes."
After a quick Google search, Damian determined that to be true and resolved to never think about it again.
"It's not sanitary to share," Drake concluded. Finally, he stood. Hopefully that meant that he was done with this whole mortifying ordeal. "But, Damian..."
"Leave," he ordered. Drake didn't. He just looked at Damian. It was- it was uncomfortable. Rude, even. And it certainly didn't make Damian sweat with the knowledge that a properly motivated Red Robin was nearly as observant as Batman himself.
"I'm going to make you an offer," Tim said, seemingly finding something in Damian's face or body language. "I'll take you out to a proper store for brushes and makeup - they'll be able to help with your shades and stuff better than I can - and as soon as we get home we'll never speak about it again."
Damian's eyes narrowed.
"Arguably so you'll be better able to go undercover - Bruce had me posing as Caroline Hill when I was a little older than you are now. But also, maybe it's a gender thing."
"It's not."
"Okay," Drake agreed easily. "But I'm going out as a woman if we do go - I have a rapport with the workers at the Sephora in Burnley."
Drake had no pride as a man, that much was obvious. Internally, Damian could admit that wasn't... Bad.
"Do you... Prefer to be a woman?" he asked stiffly because he may think Drake was a consummate waste of air, but he wasn't a monster. He would use the right pronouns.
"I don't really care," he said. "I don't feel strongly one way or another."
Leave it to Drake to half ass the entire concept of his own gender.
"If you go as a woman, would I present a hindrance to your cover?" Damian asked before he remembered that leaving for a little makeup outing with Timothy Drake was one of the last things he wanted to do.
"I could swing it," he answered. "But I think you might have fun dressing up. Have you seen my collection of wigs?"
Without knowing how, exactly, Damian found himself sat down at a proper vanity in Drake's private bathroom, hair framing his face in gentle medium brown waves. As Drake struggled with an unopened tube of eyeliner in the background, he looked at himself in the mirror.
A face achingly reminiscent of his mother's peered back at him.
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strslv-4sh · 5 months
Damian Wayne.
I literally had a dream about this design last night so I had to draw it
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Sorry if it's bad, I tried a new type of coloring, what did you think?
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reebmiester · 16 days
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tiny damian has a LOT to live up to
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spicy-apple-pie · 25 days
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Damian after coming out of surgery is a weird mixture of paranoid and affectionate.
Commission Info / Kofi
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ochibrochi · 5 months
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Al Ghul Family Values 🗡️ (2015 vs 2024 redraw under the cut!)
OGs might remember this one!!!!!!!!!! Someone somehow found this old ass post and the notification reminded me of it… but i still thought it was funny tbh�� so i wanted to redraw it!!!!!
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stormy-skyzzzzzz · 1 month
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the man the myth the legend
(he was gonna straight up shoot a guy)
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“Bruce Wayne is actually a really good father and all his children are just like that” is actually my favorite flavor of batfam
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arttuff · 25 days
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he is 10 apples tall
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evaningotham · 2 months
i need the batfam fandom to give damian the same energy we give tom hollands peter parker in fics like
i want Field Trip to Wayne Enterprises fics
fics where damian gets phone calls from his famous siblings in class
fics where damian has to deal with the other kids watching thirst traps of his older siblings
fics where he’s getting bullies and one of them shows up in full vigilante attire to scare the middle school bully
damian al ghul wayne fanfic that centers around his school life and protective family
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solarflare211 · 2 months
peak damian and batfamily interaction is him using overly formal vocabulary and syntax AT ALL. TIMES. he will never not be proper. even a few years into living at the manor and with all the colorful dialogue styles there, he still talks like he’s 53 and some sort of medieval noble. this is especially funnier whenever he has any sort of normal familial interaction. like:
damian: todd i have come to make a request of you.
jason: what?
damian: i was hoping you’d acquiesce to my demands of having you read me your favorite book while i prepare for slumber.(liked he used to when damian was a baby)
jason: you want me. to read you a bedtime story??
damian: tt. of course not. you reading the book and me preparing for bed are entirely coincidental. i just desire to hear your interpretation of the authors message and the voices you use when narrating.
jason: ….sure, kiddo. go brush your teeth and i’ll be there.
damian: thank you. i shall see you in my chambers.
bonus points for entirely monotone delivery like see this shit just makes me go off it’s so funny
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batbabydamian · 3 months
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in the guard's defense, fire ants sting 😔
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starspilli · 1 month
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laundry day
(pls click for better quality!)
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cosmicpoutine · 1 month
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someone beat his highest score in cheese viking. (if anyone tries to be weird and ship them in the tags im gonna fuck your mom and block you)
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yrkhn · 2 months
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2022. still proud of this one btw <3
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spicy-apple-pie · 1 month
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The Al Ghuls have a family curse of falling is live with pathetic men.
Commission Info / Kofi
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