apocalypse-shuffle · 1 year
RED HOOD | BATFAMILY (assorted canon)
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“Long Overdue” (Jason Todd & Batmom!Reader) and (background Bruce Wayne x Batmom!Reader)
| Reader was with Bruce in the past but grew distant after Jason’s death. No one tells her when he comes back from the dead until Bruce is forced to bring her in on a raid when they’re overwhelmed. -Jason and Batmom!Reader reunion.
| SFW, canon typical action/violence, cursing?, crying?
| This is like half fanon half UTRH/Batman:Hush. I’m really just fucking around with canon rn. Also the pictures used are just for aesthetics and have no contextual meaning to the story. (pic source - Batman: Three Jokers comic)
| 2k+ words
| parts: one, spurt, two, three, four, five, six/six point five, seven.
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Ma. God, no one called you that anymore. The way your eyes begin to prickle is a clear indication.
With you Dick wasn’t the type. Once he’d worked himself up to it he’d called you mom; slightly different from the few ways he referred to his bio mother, but something shared between the two of you all the same.
And Tim? Well he wasn’t your child plain and simple. Tim still had his parents for one, and for two he was intrinsically Bruce’s. By the time he’d figured his way into the Batcave you’d been gone, most of your shit moved out of the manor, and desperately waving divorce papers Bruce refused to acknowledge in the air. You didn’t have anything to do with his indoctrination outside of exactly one instance of him finding you to ask if you’d reconsider the separation. Some Batman needed a Robin and Bruce Wayne needed his wife type shit.
Either way Tim didn’t call you any rendition of mom because you weren’t his. The most you got was him addressing you by your maiden name and then eventually your first and you were content with that.
Then if he didn’t call you mom, the girls sure as hell didn’t either. Outside of Barbara the others never even became regular conversation partners. Cass was a rare sighting in your life and Stephanie and you’s relationship would never progress past the casual advocacy you tried giving her because she was another dead Robin to add to what’s now technically a list.
At the end of the day, out of all the people who considered you a mother, only Jason added that ‘a’ and you wanted to grip that name tight and hold it to you. Break your ribs open and force it into your chest cavity. The need to fulfill that ache cuts deep and you take a step forward.
Jason startles though, undoing all his own forward progress, and you falter. That’s right. Jason didn’t like for people to touch him. Definitely didn’t like hugs either. Not surprise ones at least. Before his death you’d gotten close enough he didn’t mind when you swooped in, but now?
“Can I-? Can I hug you?” You press trembling lips together for another horrible swallow. “Please…?”
Jason jerks, two hastily aborted movements at once, before his obstructed voice meets your ears.
You practically fall on him before pulling him into you. Unfortunately he’s just as stiff as his voice and you have to take a second to figure out how to slot against him.
Jason fits in your arms differently than he used to - broader and taller by a mile - but after a few beats he relaxes into them just the same. The subtle addition of weight makes a sob bubble up your throat.
You rap your knuckles on the side of the helmet.
“Take this shit off.”
He hesitates and a sharp pang manages to worm its way into the already shitty cocktail of emotions you’re feeling. It hits your spine like lightning, forces you up and has you an arms length away in half an inhale.
Maybe before now you’d been going through too much all at once for the trepidation to hit, but it was hitting now. You’d never seen Hood without- well without the Hood. Only Jumbie raised from the dead the way Jason did, and while you’d take your son anyway you could get him you wouldn’t accept some Thing parading around in his skin.
Reading your burst of movement for what it is, Jason backtracks, rising arms dropping to his sides. “Maybe I shouldn’t…”
“Jason Peter-” you inhale deeply, catching yourself, and hold a hand up to stop him. You both ignore the obvious way it trembles. “-only… if…if you want to. I’m not trying to force anything.”
He’s slow to nod, weight shifting from his left to his right leg and back again before he says something too low for you to hear. You’re about to ask him to repeat when he speaks up, this time aiming his voice somewhere around your shoulder while bowing his head.
“No, I- Alright. Just hold on.”
Haunches suitably raised and heart in your throat you pay close attention as the helmet comes up, Jason having released some catch in the back.
It goes over, the helmet clatters to the ground, and the man who stares back at you is…hard to place.
The low fluorescent lighting of the narrow room combined with the concrete walls casts soft enough shadows over his face that while his features are warped they’re not discernible. Which means you can’t completely rule out the uncanniness wafting off of him as just your brain (along with your entire perception of the universe) splinting in half.
It makes your face heat up. He looks familiar, but you can’t say you wouldn’t have passed him straight if you’d seen him on the street. He’s too big for one, even for how you’d all imagined he’d look grown up, standing more than a foot taller than the last day you saw him. Taller than malnourishment would’ve ever let him be.
The sob you let out makes you both flinch.
One hand snaps to your mouth, the other waving him off.
“I’m sorry I- I don’t-. This is just-”
Even with the way he’s leaning away from you he shakes his head. “I get it, it's fine.”
His voice is faint, cut up and hoarse like he hasn’t used it in a while, and it’s the prettiest thing you’ve heard in ages.
“Oh,” you laugh. The wet kind that makes your throat sticky. You can only stare at him, blurry form and all, words lost to you.
Eventually, after watching your fervent effort to wipe away tears that are in no way inclined to give you a break, arms crossed Jason takes a half step forward with a shrug.
“We can…try again?”
The next little laugh you let out you practically choke on but you nod all the same.
When Jason’s the first to move your heart starts speeding away like an overexcited middle school drumline. You roll with it though, pressing the heels of your palms into your eyes so they’re dry enough for you to actually see him clearly for a few seconds.
When he’s directly in front of you your hands come up slowly, giving him plenty of opportunity to move away. Or maybe to vanish.
When he does neither, only giving you a guarded look, you allow yourself to touch.
Problem is, the domino mask he’s wearing very quickly gets in your way and on your nerves when you move to frame his face. Quickly feels like if it’s not gone, if you can’t see his eyes, you’ll throw up.
To stop yourself from taking the risk and ripping it off you have to take a deep breath. Have to force down the thick build up of saliva gathering in your mouth so it pushes back the bile climbing up your throat.
“I’d like to see my son, Jason. All of you.”
To emphasize your point you tap the tip of your nail against the mask. There’s no intention on your part to cross his boundary but Jason’s hands snap up to hold onto your wrists all the same.
You look into the white lenses of his domino, fingers buzzing along the corner of the mask closest to them. His mouth twists into a frown.
You beg with the same ferocity a grieving mother once used when begging for her child back.
“You’re asking for a lot.”
He lets go and he takes a couple steps back and you don’t cry.
No, instead you swing your hands behind you. Clasping them together in a poor attempt to stop the buzzing sensation that travels from the tips of your fingers to take over your entire hand.
“Mmm,” you incline your head. “Well. I did help a boy get over first date jitters with a made up song once. Let that same boy talk me through an entire dissertations’ worth of his analysis of Their Eyes Were Watching God - as choppy as it was - because TWMS wouldn’t allow him to present it in class. Let him skip going to that same school and cry to me for hours after the death of Gloria Stanson. Remember a knife hidden in the corner on the highest shelf in his closet, and I remember not revealing any of that when I gave his eulogy because he once asked me to keep the important things between the two of us. So you don’t have to show me, but I think I make a pretty good qualifier when it comes to keeping this safe.”
You point straight to where his heart is tucked safely behind layers of gray armor before shrugging.
From the way his brows furrow over the domino you know he’s at least thinking about it so you step away to pick up your disregarded mask and stuff it in your waistband.
One blink. Six.
“You remember Rena?”
In front of him again, you rock back on your heels. “Mhm. And the ‘how to tie a tie’ lessons me and Bruce walked you through even though you didn’t wear a suit to that date. Remember that too.”
Jason’s smile is crooked on his face but it’s nonetheless present as he makes a noise of agreement.
“I’d just wanted to spend time with you two, I was never planning on wearing a suit to go to the skating rink.”
“We figured.”
You’re rolling onto the balls of your feet when that small smile drops and he shakes his head.
“I’m not that same boy anymore.”
You take in the way he could raise his hand and so easily touch the ceiling without having to jump. You clear the phlegm from your throat.
“I can tell.”
Jason grunts and makes a general gesture indicating something somewhere behind you.
“And I got no interest in trying to live up to whatever fucked up embalment Bruce’s got going on with my burnt suit in that case.”
That suit. Bruce’s memorial. His warning. Your breath hitches as you think of the smell of crisped blood and methanol. If Jason didn’t want to talk about it you sure as shit weren’t going to.
“I will one hundred percent take that into account.” You keep it simple, rocking on your heels again. He wasn’t asking for anything unreasonable so there wasn’t really any debate to be had. “You wanna be treated as you are? I can do that.”
Moments pass once you’ve said your peace where Jason does nothing but stare at you. The only indication he’s at all alive being his shoulders still moving - and you are watching. Eyeing that tell tale up and down like your own life will end at its falter. The pattern is slow enough to come off as pacivity but the time between each rise and fall is too measured to be uncontrolled. Exactly three point eleven seconds one way and three point eleven seconds the other. Every time.
Then he sighs, curses, and the little veil of dissolvent for the adhesive that adheres the mask to his face is in his hand. A different vial and color than when he was Robin; you don’t know why you thought it’d be the same. Or why it makes your heart clench that it’s not.
Between one thrum of the fluorescent lights and the next Jason is peeling away the domino, and you would be lying if you claimed to know where it disappeared to after that. Too caught up on what he’d been hiding to track it.
Blue. Nothing more and nothing less. Just blessedly familiar, vibrant blue. Not the dull gray they’d become by the time you were given the chance to put a gruesome sight of a child six feet under.
The “Oh wow,” tumbles from you without permission and then there’s zero hope for the waterworks you’d been holding back. The levee fails and you’re bawling before you know it. Barely holding back snot and who knows what else since you already feel like screaming.
At that point there’s no carefully thought out sentence for you to spew, no more hesitancy, no more measured breathing, and linear thought. Just the crushing need to have him close to you again.
You’re rushing forward before you know.
Wrapping your arms around Jason the next go around is both the best and the worst thing. You accommodate his new size faster, already writing over the ways he used to fit against you with the ways he does so now, but he’s still so stiff and he’s not reciprocating the hug either.
Maybe you should let go. You crossed the boundary too fast. Were too reckless. You literally have training on this and now you’re crowding him.
Okay, you’re pulling away. It’s a herculean effort but you’re forcing your arms from around his middle. You’ve got to, you don’t want to scare him off. Not when you just got him back.
There’s a soft “Not yet,” mumbled into your shoulder and then arms finally come around yours and you don’t hesitate to snap your own back into place.
He’s hugging you back.
You cry a little harder and bring one of your arms up to drape across his shoulders, pulling him closer. When you start rocking and Jason copies your momentum you press a kiss onto his temple.
“Hi,” you stutter out. Another sob. “Hi baby.”
Since he’s finally letting his arms wrap around you you don’t hesitate to run dark fingers through the truly unruly mass of black curls on his head. His hairs’ damp - most likely from sweat - but cool. Probably being tempered by the cold air blowing into the room.
It’s when you press a kiss to his forehead that you feel something else wet and your breath stutters.
“It’s okay. I got you, everything’s okay,” you whisper.
“God Ma-” his voice cracks and then you can hear the sobs he’s trying to muffle into your suit. “No it’s not.”
“I know,” you sob. “I’m sorry- so so fucking sorry.”
You sniffle and pull away to see him better. Jason’s face is flushed, his eyes wet, and cheeks streaked with tears shed. You hold your hands up to frame his face for a second time and run your thumbs through the tear tracks. His chest heaves as his body tries to regulate his breathing.
Jason clears his throat, gaze boring into yours. “Hi,” he says.
You smile, finally beginning to map out his face. First you move to frame his cheeks, too feel the warmth in them. To see if they still feel familiar. They don’t; you force yourself to accept that fact without letting it show in your expression, letting out a measured exhale before continuing. You find his jaw is more defined now too, cheeks devoid of the baby fat of five years prior.
From then on brushing your thumbs along his brows, over the bridge of his nose, traveling over his ears and skirting around his hairline - it all fills your mind with incoherent cheers.
Your thumbs hover over Jason’s eyes and you hum when he closes them for you.
The skin underneath your shaved off pads is soft. The thin layer of protection allows you to feel how his eyeballs shift, to see the way his veins show stark under light skin, to clock the life thrumming through him.
It makes your heart feel so goddamn light. You can’t stop smiling at the sight of him. Eyes still wet but clear.
“I feel like such a horrible mother,” you hiccup, hands slide down so you can once again cup his face. “I barely recognize you.”
Jason’s breathing shakes nearly in tandem with yours and his eyes squeeze tighter shut, head turning away.
“Don’t.” He takes a second to look up. Look right through you. Lashes wet and glassy eyes open, voice grating over his next words. “Don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault. I don’t blame any of you for that, but especially not you.”
What you want to do is argue. You should’ve never let him put on that suit in the first place, one fucked up son should’ve been the end of it. You should’ve dropped the case you were working the second you’d heard he’d run away and you should’ve found him. Instead you keep your thoughts personal, pinning them to your brain as if it’s a cushion so that you’ll never forget, and pull your son closer. An action which he allows, resting his head on your shoulder.
“I’m glad you’re back,” you whisper into his hair. The way he instantly shakes his head makes the cool strands tickle your jawline.
“You can’t mean that.”
“If I didn’t mean it I wouldn’t have said it, Jay.”
Jason tenses before responding, words spewing without warning.
“Yeah except I’ve killed people, and I don’t regret it, and Bruce hates that - and you probably do too - but his way isn’t good enough. The people in this city deserve better so I’m doing what’s necessary-”
And that has you bristling. He must notice too because he stops short and edges away, face steeping. Caught somewhere between wanting to leave and wanting to fully kick start an argument.
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed! I had to split this bitch in two cause it was 5,000+ words and I’m not in the business of under-indulging myself.
Listen, I’ve looked into it. Every mother/mother figure Jason’s ever had he’s referred to as “Mom”, but me personally, I didn’t grow up addressing my own mother that way so I wanted to play around with “Ma” (differentiate a little). What's funny though, is that I’ve read Dick referring to his mother as both “Ma” and “Mom” so that’s fun.
• TWMS = Thomas Wayne Middle School
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it. this is a sideblog tho so I won’t respond.
Tagged: @aarinisreading, @niphredil-14, @mxtokko, @calsjack, @brunnetteiwik
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charlotteking23 · 1 month
Hello! I know what I'm about to write here may seem strange, but in my head, it's just perfect. Imagine a scanario of Batmom×Batfamily where S/N(batmom) is a witch (like those in the Harry Potter universe), but she's always been afraid to tell her family because she feared they would start to hate her and that Bruce would ask for a divorce (and also because, as we know, there's a law that prohibits them from exposing this to not-witch). However, somehow they discover her secret, but in the end, everything turns out fine.
Sooooo... I am a witch
Bruce Wayne x witch reader
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It was an average day, nothing out of the ordinary, the boys were looking through their old stuff planning to donate it. They decided to start in the attic which they didn't even know they had. But boy was it filled with a lot of stuff in labeled boxes.
"Hey look my old toy car, I forgot I had you well time to donate you", Jason said tossing the car in a pile of stuff he didn't want.
"Hey guys look what I found", Tim said picking up a box with a do not open painted on the top of the box.
Damian took the box, "I think we're not supposed to open it, Oh well". He hurriedly opened the box, and the other boys peered their heads over Damian to see what was in the box.
Surprisingly when they opened it they saw a book, some photos, and other weird things. It all looks so cool like from a movie, Dick slowly took some photos out scrutinizing it.
"Guys look at this", Dick said holding out the photo in front of his brother's face.
"That girl she looks familiar", Jason said reaching out for the photo it was of a girl behind a tree wherein a green and black color robe.
"guys, that's Mom, see the girl has the same birthmark as Mom", Tim said pointing at the girl and the picture of his mom he had taken on his phone.
The boys hurriedly raced down the attic trying to find their mother. Damian had the box in his hand while Tim had the picture. They raced down the stairs almost knocking into Alfred in the process. Finally, they saw their mother in the living room watching one of her favorite movies Princess Diaries.
Y/n heard the sound of footsteps looking in the direction of the noise. She looked at what Tim was holding, and immediately Y/n got up and took the picture out of his hand. " where did you get this" Y/n demanded taking the other things from the other boy's hands.
"Mom, what is this? what have you been hiding? Dick said pointing at the picture. Mom, it's okay you can trust us", Jason said while nudging Damian to go and hug Y/n.
" I am a Witch, I am from Hogwarts where I learned to train and use my power. But not too long ago I fell in love with your father hiding the secret I was a witch, for I was prohibited from telling any non-witch about my powers. So I hid all my stuff in an attic before we got Dick, but you kids must have found it".
"so father still doesn't know", Dick said still trying to process this story. Y/n shook her head no. "You have to tell him Ummi", Damian said. "your right, I will tell him right when he gets home", Y/n said confidently.
Soon Bruce came home, greeting all his children before going upstairs to his and Y/n's room. There he saw Y/n sitting on the bed looking straight at him not a single emotion on her face.
Before Bruce could talk, Y/n started to cry heavily, slumping her shoulders, and looking away from Bruce. Bruce quickly rushed over to her scooping her up in a hug and whispering soothing things in her ear trying to calm her down.
"my pretty girl, what's wrong?", Bruce said continuing to massage Y/n's back. "Bruce, I have something to tell...I am a witch", Y/n didn't wait to see his reaction before continuing "You are probably mad at me but I understand so if you want a divorce then I am fine with it", Y/n said so fast it was hard for Bruce to even comprehend.
"Y/n were not having a divorce, I love you too much for that, no matter if you kept a secret you probably had your reasons and I am not mad", Bruce said in a reassuring tone. Bruce stood up holding Y/n close to him swaying them side to side and humming a beat. Y/n started talking about her past as a witch telling everything to Bruce. She felt so happy to finally tell Bruce after so long, feeling so much better.
"So does that mean since I have powers I can fight crime like you", Y/n said with her best puppy dog eyes. Fuck, it was so hard for Bruce to resist those puppy dogs eyes. "Fine", Bruce said letting out a groan and seeing Y/n jump up and down clapping her hands, smiling widely at Bruce.
Question for the readers: what is your house in Harry Potter?
mine is a Slytherin
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dragon-chica · 2 years
A Faithful Couple - Bruce Wayne x Batmom!Reader
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A/N: All of Bruce's inebriated ramblings are directly from a dream about Bruce saying to me this morning. Do you have some kind of beef with Aquaman? I don't know. Is that, in the head of Bruce, just a logical course of action between his wife and Aquaman? I don't know??
I've seen a quite a few fics were Bruce cheats on Batmom. In my canon, this would never happen. This fic isn't going anywhere, it was just due to a dream.
Bruce Wayne was well known to be a playboy. It was to be expected of his status and good looks, (even though he's told you of his past partners and you're quite sure they wouldn't even fill both hands) and also an image he has cultivated to deter and Batman suspicions.
As such, even though you were very happily married and known to be as well in the public eye, many people expected Bruce to cheat on you.
A harsh statement but it wouldn't surprise in his high society class, and you marriage has never stopped anyone trying to flirt with or seduce your husband at functions.
Others believed he was in a relationship with Batman, or after an interview once, Superman. (rumors which you and your children loved to remind him of)
But aside from small bouts of jealously from time to time that you let fester only because you both enjoyed the passionate night it would bring, you didn't worry about the forward attention your husband received,
Despite his perfected façade, you knew how truly awkward Bruce was and often needed time to just relax and recharge with his head on your chest after a draining night at a gala.
Hardly a man you needed to be concerned about hooking up with a stranger in your own home's closet.
You knew how loyal and lovingly devoted he was to you, and you alone. Something he had shown you endlessly through your years together.
After all, you've seen Selina. After the first time of meeting her, and being the clear switched over target to her honeyed flirting, you wondered if it might happen, or if he might entertain the idea of her joining you both-
But, Bruce had never mentioned anything besides trying to stop his ex from attempting to steal you away, your flustered expression making his want to interaction to end immediately, so you dropped the short lived fantasy.
That never stopped you and Selina from flirting though. So much that Dick once asked you if Selina was going to be his stepmom too, you received a small glare from Bruce at that.
And after an argument with Bruce once, little Tim asked "When you divorce Bruce can I go live with you and Selina?" You found it so funny you forgave Bruce just to go tell him. He was not quite as amused.
Cheating was something neither you nor Bruce ever entertained the idea of, and were rather open with feelings to each other (though it took a bit of deciphering on your part).
So you were rather surprised with Bruce tonight.
It had been a long night, a long case, and he had had a few more to drink that he usually would.
You found your husband in his study, face down resting on his arm against the desk, one hand tapping idly against an empty glass of scotch.
You glide your hand soothingly across his hunched shoulders and it's visibly as he relaxes, tension seeping away at your touch.
He let out a tired groan before sitting up, leaning back against his chair and fixing you with a look that would be more fitting at a WE business meeting, if not for his slightly lolling head and unfocused gaze.
You gave an amused little hum and raised an eyebrow while he appeared to try collecting his thoughts for an important announcement.
"You will either fight with one of the Aquas, but it will quickly turn into a night of long awaited passion. Or Bruce will finally come clean and ask you about a threesome with the one Super."
Your husband took a breath and clasped his hands together before finishing his statement.
"Either way, Bruce will be supportive."
It took you a moment to collect yourself, an incredulous huff of laughter at your husband, speaking in third person mind you, who must have been thinking very hard on this if his face tells you anything.
"Okay Bruce, first of all, I'm not going to cheat on you," You grab one of his hands, tugging him out of his chair and motioning him to come with the other. "-But you want me to fuck Aquaman? Why is Arthur your dream choice for my hypothetical infidelity?"
You wrap his arm around your shoulder and carefully head toward your room, Bruce attempting to walk without falling asleep.
"...Anyone would be better than Oliver." Now you do snort at that,
"And if you wanted to talk to Clark about a threesome you could just say that Bruce." his cheeks tint a little pinker than the alcohol's effect at that, mumbling as you sit him on the bed.
You start to remove his shoes when you notice he's already fallen asleep half off the bed.
"We'll talk about this another day my dear."
Y/n, annoyed: "Fuck Aquaman."
Bruce, fully accepting self-proclaimed fate, nodding sagely :/ "Someday you will."
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Batmomxbruce loving on each other and kid (or kids) walk in on them
Keep the Doors Locked
Bruce Wayne x batmom!reader
There’s a massive downside to having an army of children.
Warnings: smut, protected sex, getting walked in on, overstimulation, fluff, batman is scared of his wife, jokes about divorce, batmom is bi
WC: 1.1k
Minors DNI
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Bruce’s grunts were like music to your ears as he thrust into you, the fat head of his cock bashing almost painfully into your cervix. His massive calloused hand was pressing down on the back of your head, forcing your face into the black silk pillowcase, drool running down your chin and eyes rolling back into your skull.
“Fucking take it. Take my cock.” He growled, his other hand hitching your hips up higher so he could drive himself even deeper within you. He didn’t care that you had already cum twice on his cock and three times on his tongue and fingers. Your husband had already spilled his hot cum all over your generous tits but he was still going.
Between a recent injury during patrol, issues at Wayne Enterprises, an increase in villainous activity and baby Thomas learning to walk, which was quickly followed by running, neither of you have had any time with each other. It had been a month since you had sex and it definitely wore you both down.
So now, with Damian at the Kents for the weekend, and Thomas in Alfred’s care for the day, you had been quickly pinned to the Alaska king and ravished. 
The bed was now bare save for the pillow beneath your head and the two under your wide hips, keeping you propped upright as you went boneless. “Bruuuuuuuuuce.” You moaned, a less powerful orgasm washing over you, your pussy clenching down on your husband’s cock.
You shivered as his body slumped over yours, his face tucking into your neck as he shifted his arms to wrap around your thick waist, his hands resting on your plump tummy. “Perfect, my perfect girl.” Your pussy burned with the overstimulation but you still reached behind you and tugged on Bruce’s black hair, urging him to go faster, your voice failing you.
Bruce shifted his hips, angling his thrusts downwards. The knot in your stomach twisted tight and the breath knocked from your lungs as the underside of his dick rubbed deliciously against your g-spot. “God I missed this pussy.” He groaned into your ear, cock twitching wildly within you.
“Gonna make me cum.” His voice was gruff and dark, almost like when he went out on patrol. You attempted to roll your hips beneath him to match his thrusts but his assault on you was too powerful, your mind going completely blank as another orgasm built inside you.
“Hey dad, I- Holy Shit!!! What are you doing to my mother?!?!” Tim was standing frozen in the doorway, Bernard close behind him, face completely red and flushed as he desperately avoided eye contact with you. Bruce quickly caged you below him, trying to prevent the boys from seeing your naked body. “Out!” The door slammed shut and you heard the boys scramble away.
With a grumble, Bruce pulled out of you, making you whine. He sat back on his heels, wincing at your puffy lower lips. “Sorry love, guess I went a bit too hard.” His big hands rubbed your bruised ass cheeks but you just chuckled. “It’s fine my heart, just help me up, we should talk to the boys.”
Bruce pulled you up to his chest, lightly kissing your neck. He helped you off the bed and handed you one of his oversized hoodies for his days off and a pair of loose shorts before pulling the condom off his softening length and throwing it away and putting on his own clothes. Just as he was running a hand through his hair in an attempt to straighten it out, the door opened once more, a very angry Dick and Jason stood in the entryway, glaring daggers at their father.
“How dare you.” Jason hissed. “Defiling our mother like that. Shame on you.” He stroked your hair gently, cradling you to his large body. You stood there absolutely bewildered as Dick quickly followed his little brother, standing in front of his dad, staring him down. “In the middle of the day too?! When anyone could walk in?!” 
Bruce threw his hands in the air in frustration. “She’s my wife! We’re going to have sex! How do you think Tommy got here.” Both boys gasped. “Our mother is a saint, how dare you accuse her of such a thing.” 
“It’s a fact!” Bruce was clearly getting very annoyed at his two oldest sons and combined with the fact that he was still incredibly pent up, his face was steadily getting redder and redder as the vein in his forehead stood out even more. “No it is not! Everyone knows that Tommy was delivered by storks. I mean, that is what you told Damian.” Your head snapped up to look at the second Robin, eyes widening in shock as your husband suddenly went very quiet.
After you had gotten pregnant, Damian had quite a few questions as to how babies were made. And since you had given the sex talk to your other three boys, you left Bruce to do it himself. “Bruce. Tell me you didn’t.” He was avoiding eye contact. “I can neither confirm nor deny this.” “Jesus Christ.” Suddenly, you had a very bad tension headache, one that you got when any member of your family has done or was about to do something incredibly stupid.
“So big man, what room are you going to be sleeping in for the next month while ma decides if she wants to divorce you?” Dick seemed incredibly satisfied with himself for that. Jason had the smuggest look you had ever seen on his face as Bruce suddenly went very pale. “I’m just gonna, yeah.” And he turned and ran from the room, almost like he wasn’t Batman. 
The two older boys high fived each other, obviously having been planning on sharing that secret when the time was right. You sighed and dug your fingertips into your temples, trying to relieve the pounding in your skull. All you wanted was a day full of fun sex with your husband, now you’ve go to deal with said husband, telling your second youngest where babies actually came from, and comforting your middle child and his boyfriend.
Turning your glare on the two Robins, you cleared your throat. “I better be getting the best Mother’s day present ever for this.” “Yeah of course mom.” “Don’t we always get you awesome gifts?” They spoke at the same time. You smiled fondly at them and reached up to cup their faces. “Oh baby birds, when did you get so big?”
Jason’s face went red and he looked away but Dick nuzzled into your palm like the little puppy he was. “Alright, let me go deal with Tim and then your father is getting a very stern talking to.” You grumbled, pulling your hands away in favour of stuffing them into the pocket of the hoodie you were wearing. You strode to the door but paused right before you left the room, looking back at the brothers.
“And boys.” “Yes ma?” “If your father and I ever get divorced, I’m marrying Selina.” Their shouts of protest carried throughout the house.
DC Masterlist | Main Masterlist
All Works
Bruce Wayne
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Pt. 2 on Batmom reacting to Damian’s appearance?
"Where's Y/N?" Diana asked, looking around. There was a new child and two missing- it was weird.
"Gone," Bruce said looking uncomfortable, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Gone where?"
Bruce coughed, "She's taking some time away."
"What did you do?" Diana asked suspiciously, eyes narrowing. She watched the Batman wince and consciously trying not to glance towards the little boy who was glowering at her. Glancing from him to Bruce she felt her eyes widen, "You utter dog," she hissed, "How could you-"
She broke off looking to where the boy had gone from glowering to looking interested, pretending not to listen. "I hope she hits you with her car," she whispered.
"She'd have to get close to me to do that," Bruce snorted.
"Well allow me to help her," Diana said fiercely, Punching him in the chest, leaving him winded. The only reason she hadn't hit him in the face was that she felt that should be your job.
"Diana-" he panted, rubbing his sternum, "I didn't-"
"Well, obviously you did," she scoffed, going in search of Alfred. "Men. None of you are worth the trouble."
"Why didn't you stab him?" Diana scolded when you open the door.
"I couldn't even look at him," you murmur, letting the Amazon pull you into a bruising hug before she let herself in the door.
"I punched him for you."
You cringe and she added, "Not in the face though. I figure if anyone deserves to give him a proper beating it's you."
"I take it you also talked to Clark?"
She nodded and helped herself to a cup of tea before taking a seat. "He's on his way as we speak. Likely giving Bruce a hearty scolding- I asked Alfred to tape it for you."
You smile a little and curl up on the end of the sofa. You'd wanted to keep the private. At least until you'd decided how you were going to handle this. A divorce- while viable came with paperwork. And it WAS true that Bruce wasn't really in a position to argue with you. About anything. You could walk away with anything you wanted relatively easily. There was too much to just walk away from. Too much history. But now that people knew about it and battle lines were being drawn- it made things even more complicated. It was no longer a You and Bruce issue.
It was you and Bruce and the kids, and the fucking Justice League... They loved some juicy gossip. And Batman cheating on his wife and producing a child definitely qualified. And Given Bruce's persona as a generally not very likable asshole... If it came down to it, your leaving could effectively leave him out in the cold.
"Wanna go wander the beach?" you ask, "There's a bar that does a decent margarita."
The Amazon smiled. It was no small wonder you didn't want to talk about it. And far be it from her to make you. If you wanted to drown your sorrows, she'd just make sure you didn't wind up lost at sea or something. "Where are the boys? Alfred said-"
"I sent them back up to Bruce- it's not unusual for one or both of us to disappear for a while. But me and the boys at the same time? Tabloid fodder for weeks. And I don't think Damian is ready for that- Bruce either for that matter. The Kid deserves time to adjust."
And that, Diana reflected, was why Bruce needed you. Courage wasn't always running into battle. And Sacrifce wasn't throwing yourself into a one-person crusade. It was also why she was pleased to call you her friend. A lesser woman would have simply thrown them all to the wolves. And she could see the war on your face. She wasn't sure you could do it.
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morgansunflower · 2 years
My Sweet Boy
Bruce Wayne X Kent! Reader
Batmom! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language and angst
Superboy was not Superman's clone nor Lex Luthor's but instead of two who had a deep love for each other. Can this truly unexpected person be what brings them together?
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Bruce's P. O. V
I remember seeing Grayson's tears when his parents died. I knew then I would take care of him but the boy.. It was unexpected.. Greatly. I stood next to Superman as both Superboy and Robin talked. They had infiltrated Cadmus Labs, finding him.
"so he's ah clone of both you and.. My sister" Clark said nervously
"do you have a problem with that?" I asked with a glare
"no!.. I'm just saying this is a lot.. I know this is a big deal but.. Maybe we should wait to tell her?"
"I am fully aware of the fact it is much to comprehend" I declared.
It felt wrong to not say anything to her. She is millions of miles away from earth. He needs a father, and he needs a mother... he's a part of me and a part of one whom I have loved for years. He had my hair, and Y/N's eyes. He had her Kryptonian genes, such as heat vision, super-hearing, agility and strength. He has my detective skills. He has my stubborn nature and has Y/N's kindness. That night we went to the Bat-cave. Alfred of course was in shock. As if he'd seen the boy before.
"I am Alfred Pennyworth trusted butler to Batman.. And you are chap?"
"he's my new brother! His name is Superboy but we're giving him a civilian name soon!" Dick exclaimed, while Superboy had a blank expression.
"I see, care to explain in detail Master Bruce?"
"he's a clone, mixed with H/N's and Batman's DNA" I said
"well welcome to the family young man. I will show you to your room"
".. Thanks" he replied
"first, we need to go over the rules" I demand
"boooooring" Dick exclaimed
I take my cowl off "my real name is Bruce Wayne. Only a few people know my secret.. Keep it that way. You are only allowed to leave the premises with my permission not Grayson's"
"hey! I'm responsible!" Grayson defended
"get some sleep. We will discuss things further in the morning"
"fine" he scoffed
"ah mirror image of you, Master Bruce I might say"
Conner's P. O. V
"you'll love Y/N she's so much fun. She's sweet and she is so cool!" my new brother told me
I still feel worried she won't accept me.. Batman or Bruce or.. Dad.. He's different from what I was expecting. I honestly don't know what I was expecting. I can't imagine what she'll think of me. Her brother seems troubled by my presence. Will she hate me?
Y/N's P. O. V
I couldn't believe what I saw with my own eyes. A screen was of a boy. A 16 year, old boy. He had my eyes and Bruce's hair with his brooding expression. What am I going to do? I look at Bruce's worried expression.
"he as both of our DNA. Lex Luther had yours and Amanda Waller had mine. They were going to turn him into a weapon.. But Robin found him with his new team" Bruce said
"well he needs a father.." I said still in disbelief
"he needs a mother too Y/N. I don't want to ask too much of--" I cut him off
"no! I want to... ok Soo maybe I'll get him for one week and you can the next week? Why does this sound like a discussion between two divorced people?" I chuckled awkwardly
"I'd say it's between two friends who wants what's best for their... son"
I turn to see him. His eyes were wide open and expression worried. I can hear his, heart racing.
"hi.. I'm Y/N"
"hi" he replied shyly. "Superboy"
"I'm very glad to meet you.. I hate to say it but, well if you're going to school then I think you should choose your civilian name. You can take Bruce's last name..." he remained silent "so do you like the name, Conner?"
He looks at Bruce he nodded to his son ".. sure" Conner said.
"well great. If you want to, you can come by place anytime"
"you're not staying?" Conner asked with a half-confused half-disappointed tone.
"no.. I'm.. Conner Bat's and I.. We're not in a relationship" that hurt coming out more than I thought it would.
"ohh" he said looking off to the side.
I couldn't make myself look at, Bruce. Days later Grayson invited me over to swim with him and Conner. I swam with the kids as we, played together. Grayson held onto my neck. I hear, movement recognizing the steps and the Heartbeat. I look seeing Bruce in his suit and tie back from work.
"hey B!" Grayson said
"hey.. B" Conner said. It was still so new for him.
"hi Bruce want to come join us for a nice swim?"
"I don't swim" he replied sternly.
"oh c'mon B!" Dick encouraged
I look at Conner and put my finger to my lips to tell him to be quiet. I super-speeded up to Bruce's collar and pull him into the pool. They boys began to laugh together. Bruce swims up and splashes me. I began to laugh as he glared at, me. He then smiled and then laughed
"you're going to regret that, Kent" he playfully threatened
"try me" I replied playfully.
The longer I stayed the harder it was to think of leaving. Eventually night came. We went on patrol together. Afterwards I bid my goodbyes to the boy's. I awkwardly wave goodbye to Bruce and leave. I went into my house taking a deep breath. I can barely hold my feelings back anymore. Conner reminds me of him each time he comes to see me. I can't get away from him. I rest outside on my roof looking up at, the stars. I faintly hear, my name spoken. Bruce?
"I must sound mad for thinking you'll hear me or let alone listen. You healed my trauma even when I pushed you away... You were there for me throughout my life. You are my best friend and.. I am in love with you Y/N"
I flew to Gotham, straight to Wayne Manor. I flew above Bruce. He takes a deep breath and looks up to me.
"I love you too" I said landing onto the ground by him
Dick's P. O. V
Early in the morning, I open Bruce's bedroom door "hey B--" I then see Y/N's head peep up from the covers "Ahhhhhh!!! My EYES!!"
Conner and Alfred run through the hallway with Y/N's parents.
"good gracious child what ever is the matter" Alfred asked me
"don't go in there!" I exclaim.
They each look into Bruce's room. Y/N's cheeks bright red as Bruce tried to keep himself from panicking.
"what the hell?!" her dad exclaimed. "I'm going to shoot you Bruce!"
"Y/N Martha Kent!" her mom scolded. "what are you doing in bed with a boy?!"
"I'M BLIND!!!" I exclaimed
"Ma.. Pa.. Alfred.. boys lovely to see you all" Y/N awkwardly said.
Uncle Clark laughed for an hour straight when we told him.
Conner's P. O. V
Six months later. Robin and I went on patrol together. I had spent hours training with both of my parents this month. Bruce finally trusted me to go out on my own with Robin. I hear movement from several buildings away. I hear the rifle cock. I grab Robin and pull him away from the line of range. I feel the bullet go through my hip
"AHHHH!!!" I yelled out KRYPTONITE!! He was aiming for me. My eyes became red from the severe pain.
"Superboy!!" he shouted scared.
No! No! I don't want to die. I doubled over in pain. Robin kneeled by me.
"Conner!!" Dick exclaimed he touches his intercom "Robin to 833 we we need medevac stat! You're going to be OK big guy!"
I hear mom screaming in pain from the kryptonite that was inside me "save him! You save my boy!" she shouted to the medics who appeared.
Y/N's P. O. V
Bruce stepped out the Med-bay room. He looks at me and kisses my cheek
"the Kryptonite is out of sys--" Bruce stammered as Conner began yelling.
We both run into the room Conner's eyes were bright red. I quickly put my hand over his eyes so that it go into me and not the room or anyone else. I held him as he shakes.
"no! No! No! I don't want to go back in!" he shouted
"shhh it's OK Conner, you're safe" I whispered.
His eyes came back to his normal color but his breathing was anywhere but calmed down. He held onto me tightly. Bruce rubs his head.
"it's alright champ. You're going to be OK. You're safe. Where are you? What do you feel?"
"I'm in the Med-bay.." he takes a deep breath "I am hugging mo--Y/N"
"that's right son" I softly said kissing his face.
I gently lay him back down on his bed "you rest" I lift the thick blanket higher across his shoulders and kiss his head
"thanks Mmm---"
"it's OK" I encourage rubbing his head.
"Mom, Dad"
"my sweet boy" I softly smile rubbing his face.
I hear his breath calm down and hear his heart calming to a softer beat as he fell asleep.
Conner's P. O. V
I hear Mom's heart racing with the same pace as Dad. Her feet floated off of the ground with her, palm on her hand and other holding his own. Dad was, knelt down on one knee, with a ring in his other hand.
Requested taglist @too-strong-to-lose
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 10 months
Since Octavia (Buff Batmom) and Bruce have different superheroes identities. Imagine the amount of news attention, both of them would be receiving with their civilian counterparts and their hero counterparts. People would believe Bruce is cheating on Octavia with Black Death. Like for example Black Death just so happens to saved Bruce Wayne from a villain and Bruce kisses her on her mask (Black Death Mask Covers her Entire Face) but someone took a picture of them and it’s on the news. Or Octavia (Batmom) is seen pinning Batman against the wall making out with him and slapping his ass playfully after they’re done and someone recorded it. Then on the news it would said “Is Bruce Wayne, Octavia Hunter, Batman, and Black Death in a polyamorous relationship?”
Every time it happens, they both get reach out to by lawyers wanting to be there for the 'divorce for the century' and interviewers wanting to be the first to print their opinions, but neither bite and just respond with "Nah we're good." Which is where the polyamory idea is floated and then runs wild, but eventually fades into the background as like an obscure fact of "Oh yeah, the famous billionaire couple in Gotham are in a polyamorous relationship with Batman and the Black Death". One time someone asked Damian about his parents dating other people and he just goes "Black Death and Batman are very nice and I love them the same as my parents." Damian is fully aware of the confusion in the media and is having the time of his life confusing them more.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Long Overdue
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6bqkjX9
by apocalypse_shuffle (apocalypse_no)
Reader was with Bruce in the past but grew distant after Jason’s death. No one tells her when he comes back from the dead until Bruce is forced to bring her in on an ambush when they’re overwhelmed.
Words: 1781, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010), Batman (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Reader, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon
Relationships: Bruce Wayne/Reader, Jason Todd & Reader, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Mentioned Tim Drake, Alfred Pennyworth is a Saint, batmom reader, Reader-Insert, Black Reader-Insert, black y/n, Black female reader - Freeform, Angst and Feels, Jason and Batmom!Reader reunion, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, he's trying real hard, Post-Divorce, Jason Todd Has Issues, Crime Boss Jason Todd, this is like three and a half weeks after utrh, Tim Drake is Robin, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, batmom
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6bqkjX9
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apocalypse-shuffle · 1 year
RED HOOD | BATFAMILY (assorted canon)
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“Long Overdue” (Jason Todd & Batmom!Reader) and (background Bruce Wayne x Batmom!Reader)
| Reader was with Bruce in the past but grew distant after Jason’s death. No one tells her when he comes back from the dead until Bruce is forced to bring her in on a raid when they’re overwhelmed. -Jason and Batmom!Reader reunion.
| SFW, canon typical action/violence, cursing?, brief mention of suicidal thoughts
| This is like half fanon half UTRH/Batman:Hush. I’m really just fucking around with canon rn. Also the pictures used are just for aesthetics and have no contextual meaning to the story. (pic source - Batman: Three Jokers comic)
| 2k+ words
| parts: one, spurt, two, three, four, five, six/six point five, seven.
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You brace your hands on your hips, stern twist to your features.
“I failed worse than I thought as a parent if you think a couple of dropped criminals is going to make me hate you-.”
“There’s way more than a couple,” he scoffs.
You’re swiping your hand through the air before Jason’s even finished, the furrow on your face mirroring his own perfectly.
“And I truly don’t give a fuck.”
Whatever he was about to say stops dead on the tip of his tongue and he balks, eyes widening a fraction.
And it almost - it almost makes you laugh out loud. The way he says it.
The mirth that leaks into your voice can’t be helped. “Boy…” you shake your head. “Nothing about this situation is normal, your killing isn’t going to be the magic thing that throws me off. Plus, I have been looking into what you’ve been doing. I know you've killed people and honestly…I don’t care. The hero sticht was never for me, I have a code and it’s not Bruce’s, but at the end of the day none of that matters. Your choices are your own Jason.”
You swallow thickly before continuing, “You’re an…adult now, you don’t need my blessing.”
You won’t say it cause you know it’ll piss him off, but Jason didn’t operate in uncertainty the same as Bruce. So attempting to talk him out of a decision would’ve just been begging to have your time wasted. If Jason thought his way was what Gotham needed then that was the end of the discussion on his part. You only regret what facilitated the fundamental shift in his stance of what’s “necessary” to keep people safe.
In spite of what you've said Jason’s features go back to being steeped, brows meeting and jaw clenched.
“That’s- that’s true. I know that,” you hum an affirmative and his eyes flash to yours. You haven’t seen that look in years. Like he’s sizing you up. It makes the corners of your lips quirk that you get to see it at all. “Just making sure you know where I stand.”
Your brow raises.
“Uh huh,” you nod to yourself. You have an inkling about why exactly he felt the need to jump at telling you off. “Even if he gave you a hard time about what you're doing your father does still love you, you know?”
Jason shakes his head harder this time, almost snarling.
“He’s not my damn father.”
At his tone you stiffen too. The shift feels like a punch to the gut and you can’t help but react as if the hit was real. It almost feels like it was.
Jason hadn’t exactly been smiling before but if you’d thought he was being distant then, you’ve been shown for a fool now. All that grace he was giving you is completely gone.
“…,” you look over the harsh lines of his face, the way his upper lip curls, and it makes your chest ache. The conversation went worse than you thought then. Buildings blew up all the time in Gotham, and Jason didn’t seem too banged up but- “Alright. Okay, Jason, I’m just reminding you that he works in absolutes. His anger likely isn’t at you specifically, just your methods.”
He sighs out roughly and when he straightens completely out of your hold you have to swallow back a noise of protest. “I know that, but it shouldn’t excuse him.”
He crosses his arms.
“He left me,” he forces out. You squint, confused. “I was holding out for him and he left me for that damn clown. From what I gather Joker set off the explosives I tied him up with - which wasn’t my most well thought out plan but that’s not the point. The point is when it went off he didn’t save me. Bruce took the Joker and left me for dead. Not me and that green haired freak, just me. I woke up under piles of rubble by myself.”
Your face drops, you can feel it, and Jason definitely sees it by the way his scowl reappears.
“What, you don’t believe me? It’s too hard to reconcile the man you love being the type to leave me to die?”
You hold up a finger and Jason almost (almost) cusses you out, you can see it on his face, but five years away apparently didn’t stop your glare from being more effective than his. Batglare™️ be damned you were still his mother.
“Jason, Bruce has surprised me a lot today, but I’m not gonna take that out on you cause I know better. What I am gonna ask is that you not take that tone with me; if you do it again I’m walking out this room and we can try this another day.” You huff and relax back into the neutral position you were sporting before. “I understand you’re angry and- and I honestly don’t know why you aren’t more mad at me, but if this anger is not for me don’t take it out on me. Have I made myself clear?”
He doesn’t let his head duck like he might’ve years before. No, this time he stubbornly keeps eye contact but he can’t stop how a flush climbs all the way to the tips of his ears. He sighs, shoulders dropping.
“You’re right. I’m sorry Ma.” You inexplicably soften at his words and move to grab his hand, squeezing it and using your hold to pull him back in. He squeezes back the tiniest bit and you give him a closed mouthed smile. “You're being leagues more understanding than he was.”
“Well you are killing people Jay.”
“No. No, I’ve seen him treat Dent with more compassion and he kills. He murders. I watched him pick Joker over me. How am I less deserving than that monster? That doesn’t feel like absolutes or objectivity or whatever to me.”
Even in his quietness his voice crackles along the edges. You bite the inside of your lip. That was a good question. How did Bruce make that decision? Your brows move together. Your ex, even at his most logic driven, wouldn’t let that happen. Maybe with the Joker. He’d already tried the whole ‘I won’t kill you but I won’t save you either,” thing with the villain but this? Jason was nowhere close to Joker levels of bad. You can’t-
Looking at Jason now - Jason who’s genuinely letting you process what he just dropped on you - you cannot fantom what would possess Bruce to leave Jason to be overshadowed by death again. His son. Your fucking son. You sneer, teeth grinding together.
“I want to know what happened.”
Now is when Jason chooses to come back down. His anger going once more to the foreground in the face of your own rising temper.
“Ma…you don’t-”
“I do,” you stand up straighter. Jason’s schools his expression fast, but for a split second he was giving off the distinct impression of a teenager who just got caught in a lie and can’t figure out what gave them away. So where’s the lie? “Tell me.”
Jason blows air out of his nose and cuts you a slightly exasperated glare but he does start speaking.
“I- we fought. It wasn't exactly cute, we were both going hard, but the goal was leading him to where I had the Clown strung up, so I let him get more hits in than I probably should’ve.”
Jason pauses, looking over at you. You only nod, allowing him to move at his own pace. Jason’s only slightly expanding upon information you and everybody else privy to Gotham news already knows, but you doubt over the last couple years he suddenly turned pathological. Jason only ever lied out of omission when you lived in the manor so him keeping the fine details of what went down from you now didn’t ping nicely in the back of your mind.
“I begged him to let me kill Joker - for everyone’s sake,” he admits. Voice gaining levity as if he’s telling a particularly far-fetched joke before dropping back down. “I guess I should’ve known better, but I couldn’t believe it. That he’d just let Joker roam free after what he did to me - did to the hundreds of innocent lives he’s wiped off this planet. How could Batman let that go unpunished, you know? But I figured maybe he’d been holding out cause a what pixie boots me woulda done: saved the bastard despite everything for the sake of second chances.”
Another glance to you, but you don’t stop him so Jason keeps going. Voice quiet and more present yet no less intense.
“But he’s had enough second chances. We should’ve stopped giving them out to that sack of shit years ago but we didn’t, and that’s on us, but I was giving him a chance to rectify that and let me do it for everybody. To send him off to hell right where he belongs, and you know what he did instead?”
You hold his gaze even though it hurts seeing all that anger. All that betrayal.
“He chose Joker,” you say faintly.
“Yeah,” Jason nods. The smile he gives you is acidic. “He chose Joker. And I set him up for it, but only because B wouldn’t just get it over with. He just kept giving me every excuse in the book, cause apparently that was too hard of a decision to make for me. So screw it I made him pick between the two of us. Helped his indecision along. Let me kill Joker myself or kill me to stop me from killing him, since he wanted to save that monster so damn badly.”
“Jay,” you say, deflating.
A sharp shake of his head is all you get by way of acknowledgment for the assisted suicide he nearly instigated.
“Bruce’s solution? Sl-”
Jason stops. This time when he takes you in his eyes are far away, and he refuses to meet your gaze. A few deft beats before his mouth goes slightly agape but nothing comes out.
He chuckles, brushing you off. Nothing’s funny though and when he looks back to you there’s something new in his eyes you haven’t seen yet. An expression that distinctly brings you back to a fifteen year old calling to ask if you’d been lying to him too. If you’d known about Sheila Haywood the entire time and said nothing.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine.” He swallows, “It’s just…at the end I got…emotional. Reckless. Turned my gun on him and he threw a batarang into…into the muzzle and it exploded in my hand. Then in the confusion I guess Joker got free and set off the bombs…and you know the rest: I’m so good I cheated death a second time,” he smiles. Something too big and with too many teeth to seem real.
“I don’t know whether I’m happy about that ‘second time’ or not,” you hold out your other hand and when he steps to take hold of it a small grin tugs at your lips. “But that’s only cause I don’t think you know either.”
You also don’t feel like he’s telling you everything, but for now this was a battle you were willing to rage another day. As long as he was safe it could wait.
Jason’s own smile shrinks to something more genuine.
“Maybe not today, Ma.”
“Yeah, I got you,” you say. “I’m tired of crying anyway.”
There is - after all - still a draft hitting your eyes that you are hopelessly ignoring the feel of. Jason grins.
“Well I’m starting to get a little faint myself so maybe you’re onto something, Old Lady.”
For a second you stop smiling, shooting him a cross look and sucking your teeth. He backs away from you to scoop up his helmet with a lighter, more real chuckle.
“Oh am I, smartass?” You turn around and knock him on the shoulder, urging him out the door while he gives an exaggerated ‘ouch!’. “See, I’ll show you old since you think you big and bad now that you can reach the top shelf.”
Despite the lighter air you’ve managed Jason only keeps laughing for as long as it takes him to reach the door. Once he opens it he freezes before he walks all the way through and turns back to you.
“I’m sorry about…everything. By the way.” Standing on the threshold with the smallest little frown on his face, he looks like a boy again and you smile at that warry frown.
Shrugging in between rows of grappling guns and prototype pellets you shake your head, rolling the stiffness from your shoulders and letting the twinge from the wound in your arm ground you.
“Don’t worry about me, I get it. If one confrontation went to absolute shit why wouldn’t the other? Trust though, with the situation at hand Bruce is my problem not you.” You point at him. “But you better call me after this.”
Jason stays looking at you silently then gives you one nod and slips that helmet right back on. Inwardly you protest the action but outwardly you content yourself with nodding back.
When he turns away and you can’t see anything but reinforced tact gear and shiny red you find your mouth opening again.
“Love you,” you call out. Just so he knows you never stopped.
His voice is soft over the modulation of the helmet when he responds with a: “Thanks Ma,” then you can’t see him anymore.
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!!
Also, I’m thinking about going on hiatus after finishing Long Overdue to give myself a break and shit, so yeah. I’ll (probably) come back on some unspecified date in July though so it’s not like I’ll even be gone for that long. Or like most people give a shit, but whatever.
Also also, I don’t know if I hit the mark and if the feelings were feeling, you know? But I made an attempt, I think that’s commendable.
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it. this is a sideblog tho so I won’t respond.
Tagged: @aarinisreading, @niphredil-14, @mxtokko, @calsjack, @brunnetteiwik
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batfam-imagines · 7 years
Killer - Part 2
Part 2!! Woohoo! Definitely let me know what you think about this one? What decision should Batmom make?
Dick and Jason make their way down to Cave an hour after mom had asked them to leave. Jason had contacted Tim, told Red Robin that he needed to get back to Gotham as soon as possible and to bring Superboy. Y/N had practically adopted the younger Super when Superman decided that he didn’t want anything to do with him. Dick had taken Damian upstairs and managed to convince their youngest brother to go to bed.
Alfred sits quietly at the computer, watching a security feed. “Alfie, where’s B? And where’s mom?”
The butler turns and looks at the two oldest Wayne children, “Master Bruce has taken Miss Y/N to the GCPD. He has put her under arrest for murder”
Jason lets out an angry snarl, “I told her not to confront him alone! I knew he would do something stupid! Did he even listen to her?”
“Not from what I heard, Master Jason. He did not seem keen on listening to her side of the story”
The boys make their way to the monitor, watching as Batman shoves Sparrow forward, not even reacting as she stumbles and falls in front of the Commissioner. “That bastard. I’m gonna kill him. I’m gonna fucking kill him”
Dick growls, “I’ll help, little brother”
The Batmobile screeches into the cave several hours later. At this point, Damian, Tim, and Conner have all joined the oldest brothers in the Cave. Everyone knows what Bruce has done to Y/N, and they are all pissed.
“What. The. Fuck”
“Language, Jason”
“No! No, you don’t get to say that! What the fuck is wrong with you?! You arrested your own wife? You threw her into jail, for what? For killing the Joker? What -”
“Yes. Yes, I threw Y/N into jail for killing the Joker. She killed a man, she needed to be punished just like every other criminal in Gotham”
“Well, then you might as well arrest me and Damian! And probably Conner too! I know that he’s accidentally killed people, and Damian and I damn sure have! You might as well take the three of us to jail too. I’ll even make it easy for you! Here” Jason throws his guns on the floor at Bruce’s feet, “go ahead, cuff me” Still Bruce doesn’t move. “What are you waiting for?”
“I’m not going to arrest you Jason, and I’m not going to arrest Damian or Conner either. I’m not taking my own sons to jail”
Jason’s fist catches Bruce by surprise, and the crack of his nose breaking is undeniably satisfying. “You won’t take us to jail, and yet you throw her in jail without a second though! You fucking bastard!”
“Todd is right, Father. You are being unbelievably stupid right now. You have possibly just cause the end of your marriage, all because you would not listen to your wife.”
Dick places a hand on Jason’s shoulder, gently pulling him away from Bruce and back toward his younger brothers, “She did it for Jason, you know. She killed the Joker because he was about to kill Jason again, was going to recreate his death. Y/N … Mom killed the Joker so Jason wouldn’t break his promise to you. She did it because she thought that you would more willing to listen to her than to Jason”
“And how do you know this?”
“Because that’s what she told Jason.”
“You’re a dumbass, Bruce” It’s the first-time Tim has spoken up since Bruce got to the Cave. “She’s loved you through everything, even forgave you for getting her son killed, for lying to her about Dick’s death. Other than me, she was the only other one who didn’t think you were dead when you were lost in time. Without her you would probably still be lost. And you just tossed her aside, didn’t even give her a chance”
“Y/N took me in, practically adopted me. She’s the kindest woman I’ve ever known, do you really think she’s break a promise without good reason?” Conner crosses his arms over his chest, trying to hold back his anger.
“It doesn’t matter why she did it, all that matter is that Y/N killed a man”
Even Alfred is fed up with Bruce at this point, “Master Bruce, you are being unbelievably obtuse. I apologize for speaking out of turn, but I do not believe that I can listen to your excuses for another moment. I believe that I will be retiring for the evening. I would also like to request tomorrow off, it appears that I must make a visit to the police station”
“Alfred -”
The butler interrupts again, “Actually, I don’t believe that I need to request the time off, as it appears that I have almost a years’ worth of vacation and sick time. I am taking a sick day tomorrow, and I do not need your permission for those. Good night, Master Bruce. Boys.”
Jason snorts, “Damn. You really pissed him off. I don’t ever remember him taking a day off even when he was sick”
“It appears that you are completely alone in your decision, Father. I will also be leaving tomorrow morning to search for Ummi.”
“We’ll all go with you, Dami”
“Of course, I would expect nothing less. Hopefully, being alone in the Manor will give you time to think on your actions and formulate an acceptable apology.”
Bruce doesn’t even react, just turns toward the medbay to reset his nose. He completely ignores his sons, and even when he’s finished cleaning his face he doesn’t acknowledge that his children are still there.
You’re woken up the morning after you were sent to jail by the sound of dishes being washed and several people talking. Stumbling out into the living room you’re surprised to see all of your sons and Alfred quietly talking.
Dick, who for some reason is hanging upside down over the edge of the couch, grins when he sees you, “Hey, mom!”
“Boys, where are your manors? Go do the dishes and let Alfred sit down.” Connor starts washing the dishes, Tim dries them, and Damian puts them away. Dick gets up and wipes down the counters, and Jason makes you a plate and brings it to you. “Thank you”
“I’m so sorry, mom. It’s all my fault that Bruce arrested you, if I hadn’t -”
“Stop, Jay. I wouldn’t change what happened for anything. If it comes down to it, I will level an entire city for any one of you boys. I will do anything to protect my children, I don’t want any of you to ever doubt that”
“Why?” Damian sounds genuinely confused, “Why would you risk Father’s anger for one of us? You have no biological obligation to any of us, we aren’t yours by DNA. I understand that you love us, however it was Father’s decision to take us in”
“Damian, your father is not the one who decided to take you all in. Alfred and I were the ones to make that decision, and we informed Bruce that we would be taking you in, and that it was not up for discussion. I cannot have children of my own, and all of you are my sons. Perhaps not by blood, but by choice, and I am your mom by choice.” You glance over at the only Super in the room, “At least Bruce and I had a conversation about most of you boys. The first time Tim brought Conner home I told Bruce that there was no way in hell I wasn’t going to make  my son too”
The boys pile around you, taking up all of the available space on the couch. Even Alfred sits near you, placing a gentle hand on your knee. “We will all support you in any decision that you decide to take” The boys quickly voice their agreement.
“Wait, wait – What decision?”
“Whether or not you want a divorce, of course” Alfred says it so matter of fact, like this is just a normal conversation.
“A divorce!? Why would I get a divorce? Bruce and I fight all the time, we’ve always been fine in the end!”
“Ummi, Father has never put you in jail before. He has crossed a line, treated you as a criminal. That is something unforgivable.” Your youngest son curls closer, causing the other three to shift and smother you more, Conner floats above you, hovering. “He does not deserve you, Ummi. You – you are unique, you are kind in a world that is full of hate. Father can no longer be trusted with you”
“Dami, sweetheart, your father is a good man. He’s – confused. Confused and angry”
Jason huffs and you card fingers through his hair, “The kid’s right, mom. Bruce really overreacted, he crossed a line. I know you love him” Jason’s face scrunches at the word love, “and I never figured out how he managed to get you to love him back, but this shouldn’t be something that you just forgive.”
“We’ll side with you, even if you don’t get a divorce. I know that B trained us, and we’re his sons so we should side with him, but” Tim lifts his head at this, “You’ve always been the one there for us. You never tried to hide how much you love us. If – if you do get a divorce … will you still want us as your sons?”
“Oh, Timmy. Of course I’ll still want you as my sons!”
Dick grins and reaches over Damian to smack a kiss on your cheek, “Good! ‘Cause you weren’t getting rid of us!” Dick shifting around caused Damian to get displaced, and when he tries to get back in his spot he ends up kicking Tim, who knocks his forehead into Jason’s chin. This causes an all-out wrestling match in your living room. Conner yelps when Dick grabs his ankle, yanking him out of the air.
When the boys tumble to the floor, Alfred takes the now vacant spot next to you. “Miss Y/N, I hope that I am not overstepping any boundaries -”
“You’ve always been like a father to me, Alfie. You don’t have to worry about boundaries with me”
The older man’s eyes soften, “You have always been the daughter I never had, Y/N” He leans forward, and in a brief moment of affection, wraps you in a tight hug. “Whether or not I have overstepped boundaries, I hope you are not angry with me for this” Alfred pulls a stack of papers from … somewhere and hands them to you. “This is a divorce contract. You and Master Bruce never signed a prenuptial, and because of that you will receive 50% of everything that Master Bruce owns. This includes the manor, the corporation, and any assets he has. You will, of course, have to agree to a custody agreement for Master Damian. You legally adopted the boy, and he is old enough to choose which parent he would like to stay with”
Staring at the pile of papers, you take a steadying breath, “You’ve – you’ve really prepared for this. How the hell did you manage to get all of this done?” Flicking through a few more pages, you can see that Bruce has already signed everywhere he was supposed to. “What -”
“Master Bruce has a plan for everything, this includes a divorce. He has had a divorce contract for several years now, it is updated every year. All I did was retrieve it from the safe”
Tears spring up, “He’s had this for years? Planned to divorce me for years?”
“I do not believe that he planned to divorce you, Miss Y/N, only that he wished to be prepared for a divorce should one arise”
“I’ll need to read over everything today, but – I need to be alone to do this.” You glance over at the boys who have now separated into teams, Conner deciding to referee, and are still trying to take each other down. “Do you mind -”
“It has been quite a while since I have been to the zoo. I believe that today is a perfect day for the boys and I to rectify that situation. We will be back for dinner, Miss Y/N. Is that enough time for you to make a decision?”
“It should be, yeah. Thanks, Alfie”
“Of course, Miss. As the children stated, I will support and decision that you make.”
You flash a brief smile, and give each one of your sons a kiss on the cheek as they leave. Shutting and locking the door you stare down at the contract in your hand. On trembling legs, you make your way to the couch and start to read. You have a choice to make, a choice that will affect you for the rest of your life.
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cas-backwards-tie · 7 years
Too Attached
Request: Hey. Can I ask for a Bruce Wayne imagine where he and the reader are married for quite some time, but are having problems and maybe are considering a divorce? How the boys would react to it and stuff. You choose the ending, tho. Thanks so much
Warnings: Talk of Divorce, Hurt Boys, Arguing
Author’s Note: This literally got me so sad as I was writing. I hope this fulfills your request and I hope you guys like it. It was hard to come up with something the Reader and Bruce would fight over, but I got some help from my good friend @loudmouthwally (who’s great, you should check her out if you haven’t) and so now it’s probably x1000 better than it would’ve originally been. Hope you enjoy!
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I finally feel like it’s time to go to bed. I look over and pick my phone up, seeing that it’s 3:12 am I figure I should get some sleep as I’ve finally finished another chapter of my book.
As I reach over to take a sip of the water on my nightstand as the door opens. I sigh a little in anger as I try to ignore the problem, but feel the need to say something. “So you finally decided to come home” I mumble as I get myself comfy under the covers.
I hear a huff before the reply, “Y/N, you know it’s not like that.” I hear the sounds of ruffling fabric as I guess Bruce is changing into something to sleep in.
“Sure, sure...” I turn over so I don’t have to face him as I turn my little lamp off.
“What do you mean, sure? What’s that supposed to mean?!” He raises his voice a little, and I sigh knowing that either neither of us are going to sleep, or we’re going to ignore each other again and get some sleep.
“You know what it means Bruce” I try to snuggle further into my blanket to stop the thoughts racing through my mind.
“I know that it means you’re annoyed with me and obviously you don’t want to talk about it.” The bed dips as Bruce huffs again.
I risk a glance over my shoulder and sure enough he’s waiting expectantly. “I’m just tired of this Bruce...” The tears that start to well up in my eyes sting. I don’t want to have this conversation, yet, I know that bottling up our emotions for too long is not good and we’ve been doing that for a while now.
“Of what?” His voice softens, “Of us? Of me?” He puts his hand on my shoulder and turns me to face him, the tears still stinging my eyes, threatening to spill over.
I take a shaky breath before the words just flow out of my mouth without thinking, “Yes, and No... I’m just tired of this lifestyle Bruce!” I start to raise my voice as I sit up so I can look him better in the eye.
Bruce looks as if he’s about to speak but I continue on rambling, “I know- okay? I know that when I married you I married into this lifestyle, your lifestyle which came along with the boys and everything and- and.... I’m just tired of it Bruce! I can’t do this anymore,” oh here come the tears....
“Y/N, you know that I can-” Bruce speaks warily.
“Can’t give up Batman- I know! I know... We’ve had this talk before” I mumble the last part more to myself than anyone.
“Then what does this mean? Do you- Y/N...” Bruce staggers off, lost in thought.
“It means I’m tired Bruce! I’m tired of being alone- we never do anything together anymore, hell, we never even make love anymore, and I’m sick and tired of constantly worrying about you and the boys’ safety! I’m saying I CAN’T- I WON’T wind up seeing you in a body bag. I just can’t! I couldn’t take it! And I don’t know what to do about it. I wait for you to come home every night and am worried sick that something’s wrong constantly...” I look down at my hands which are fidgeting with one another, “maybe we should get a divorce....” I whisper, direly wishing the words hadn’t come out of my mouth the second they had. Wishing, that there was another way. Another solution. Something we could do. 
I look up at Bruce to gauge his reaction, only to find that he’s tense, with a grimace and his lips pulled tightly across his face. “I-If that’s what you want, then I guess....” I instinctively move my hand to place it on his shoulder, but decide against it. 
The night passes on, our conversation seems to slow after that. After I mentioned the possibility of getting a divorce. Eventually we both decided to just give up on our conversation and go to sleep, purposefully scooting to the edges of the bed.
The next morning isn’t easy. As everyone gets ready we all make our way down to the kitchen to eat breakfast.
When I get to the kitchen all the boys look up at me, seemingly expectant of something. “What? What is it? Is there something on my face?” I question, quickly looking towards the sink for a reflection, but it doesn’t work.
“Bruce already left.” Dick mentions monotonously.
This is when I know what’s wrong.
I feel like there’s nothing I can say. What can I say? I don’t know what to tell them, and I know that they know that something is wrong.
“What happened between you and Father?” Damian pipes up as he seems to ask nonchalantly between bites of his cereal.
“We,” I sigh, knowing that there’s no use in lying, they’d find out eventually and honestly, I’ve never been one to lie. “had a fight last night, that’s all.” I try to focus on making myself a bowl of cereal and ignore the looks on their faces which seem to be malicious... That could also just be my minds way of interpreting it because if I’m being honest, I’m still upset from last night.
“Oh we know,” Tim says in a way that makes my stomach sink.
“So what? What’s the outcome? I mean obviously Bruce is still mad at you,” Jason says with a saddened look to his face, making me really worried.
“To be honest, I’m not sure... We discussed some things, but- as of now, I don’t really know.”
“You’re getting a divorce, aren’t you?” Dick accuses.
I give a heavy sigh, “I don’t know! Okay?” I feel the tears threaten to spill over again, not even sure when they welled up exactly, either. “I’m sorry” I whisper, knowing that if Bruce and I did get a divorce, it’d only hurt these boys more, and knowing these boys, they’ve been hurt TOO many times in their young lives.
And I don’t want to be the cause for more. I wipe away a stray tear and turn my back to them to get the milk from the fridge, along with the blueberries.
With that I hear a huff and stomps away from the kitchen, which I know to be Dick’s when he’s angry or upset. Then follows Tim with a sigh.
“Why?” Damian’s voice ask shakily, which is unusual for the boy.
“I can’t take it anymore, Damian. I can’t keep worrying all the time that every night could be the night that one of my sweet boys returns home in a body bag. And that includes your Father.” I look up to see a tear run down Damian’s cheek, which then causes me to cry silently. I look over to Jason and he immediately looks away, not meeting my gaze.
Moments pass. No one moves.
“I understand,” Jason interrupts the silence first.
“What?” I ask as if I hadn’t heard him, but I want to make sure I’m hearing right.
“I understand” Jason says clearly and boldly.
Another couple moments of silence pass before Jason clears his throat and straightens the papers he’s pretending to read. “You don’t want to have to deal with it if any one of us died. I get it- hell, I’d probably do the same in your shoes. But it wouldn’t matter. Getting a divorce that is.” Jason growls.
“Why not? Why wouldn’t it matter?!” Damian doesn’t understand and tries to argue with Jason. Of course it would matter- they’d all be losing the only Mom in their lives that actually did anything for them- that’s why. But of course Jason and I both know that’s not what he meant by that.
“Because what if we died Damian?! She’d still feel JUST as bad if not worse that she left! It wouldn’t matter either way because she’s already attached... and once you’re attached there’s no way to detach... and not even divorce could do that.” Damian understands and backs down, returning to sit in his seat, glancing at me.
He seems to be trying to read me, as if for any proof to deny what Jason had said... but ultimately Jason was right, and there wouldn’t be anything to deny within my countenance. I return to making my cereal, worried about Dick and Tim’s reaction, but also grateful that at least Jason can understand the way I feel.
“I love you, you know that... right?” I offer up before being met with a nod from Jason and a small ‘yes’ from Damian.
“Then don’t leave us,” Damian says a few seconds later, and with that, I don’t know how to respond.
“I can’t promise that Damian” I whisper before I take a bite of my cereal.
The rest of breakfast is in silence. And I don’t know how to proceed with anything. I don’t know if staying or leaving would be better, and I can’t think of any way to fix the way I’m feeling. Bruce would never give up Batman, and my boys would never quit fighting either, it’s a lose-lose scenario and I don’t know which lose would hurt me less.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Hiii its me again, so maybe I can ask for Bruce and Dick arguing about the whole situation with batmom and maybe they will come to some useful conclusions? :33
"Fuck that!"
"DICK!" Bruce growled.
The younger man folded his arms and Bruce watched his jaw tighten. And unconscious imitation of you. A look you'd given them both a hundred times. And it hurt.
"Was it all a lie?" Dick countered, "It sure looks that way-"
"It's not your busine-"
"Of course, it is," Dick yelled, "You broke her fucking heart. For all I can tell this was just another goddamn contingency plan."
"It wasn't," Bruce said, his voice dangerously quiet. "It was a mistake. It got out of hand and I couldn't- not after-" He broke off. An old wound tore open in his chest. A pain he'd buried to try and keep you from comforting him instead of finding your own peace.
Dick's eyes narrowed and he was glad there was a desk between them, something to slow either one down before a punch could connect. "After what?"
Bruce shook his head, exhaling sharply.
"It's not-" he grappled with things for a moment. Struggling for the words to say. Years had passed and it still hurt.
He leaned heavily on the desk and pinched the bridge of his nose, "If you tell Y/N I told you-"
"Oh good, more secrets," Dick snapped.
"She lost a baby, Dick," he said quietly. And he knew how much worse that made this. How much more brutal it had been when Talia reappeared and exposed his biggest sin. Bringing with her a child. Not much younger than yours would have been. "It was- bad. I left her at home to recover. And from the start the mission was rough... I never meant for this to happen. Any of it. It just- did. And how could I come home and tell her-"
"God damn it," Dick breathed, "What the fuck is wrong with you? AND THEN YOU THOUGHT SHE'D JUST RAISE YOUR KID?"
Bruce winced, "I shouldn't have kept it from her but I-"
"I hope she does divorce you," Dick spat. "You're just lucky she doesn't want you dead."
And as Dick stormed out, the door slamming behind him, Bruce sank into his chair. He wished he'd never gone. He wished he would have just told you. But more than that he wished someone would tell him where you'd gone. He owed you everything and then some. And all he wanted was for you to come home. Even if you never forgave him, all he wanted was a chance to make it right.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
For Flash Friday... What about Batmom explaining to Dick the reason behind her and Bruce getting a divorce was mainly because of Jason's death?
“You’re getting awfully close with Ted Kord, mom,” Dick murmured, picking up a photo on the side table beside the couch.
She huffed a laugh, continuing to fold the clothes, setting the finished fabric on the cushion. “Teddy and I are just friends, Dickie. Nothing more.”
“That’s not what the media’s saying about you two.” He gazed at the two people in the photo, one his mother, the other Ted Kord; he had an arm thrown around her waist and she was holding up the camera, both had big smiles on their faces. Joyful, unbothered, carefree. How his parents used to be. “Did you guys take this on that trip to Cancún?”
Her hands stilled. “It was just a quick business trip. We were meeting a client.”
Dick gave her a smile though she could tell it was paper thin. “Mom, I’m not mad. You and dad have been apart for a couple years now. It’s okay for you to move on.”
At the mention of her ex-husband, her face darkened, lips pulling into a frown, and she busied herself with the clothes once more. “I’m aware of just how long Bruce and I have been divorced, Richard. You needn’t remind me.”
“Was it because of me?”
Her head shot up, eyes wide as she gaped at her first born, who was staring back at her with a mixture of lament and regret. “What?”
Dick gestured to himself. “The divorce…was it my fault?”
She tossed the pair of pants back into the basket and shifted, wrapping her arms around his neck. “No baby! Absolutely not!” his arms came around her waist and she felt his hands shake against her shirt. “Baby, the divorce was something Bruce and I both agreed on. And you certainly weren’t the reason for it.”
“Then what was?” he whispered tearfully, and just like that, tears flooded her vision.
She swallowed the lump in her throat, taking a deep breath to steady her voice and explain, “When Jason died…your dad and I drifted apart. Much more than we were able to fix.” She gently combed his hair. “He found solace in Selina’s arms and…and I found my own. After a year, we decided it would be best if we went our separate ways because we knew we were only hurting each other.”
Pulling away, she took his tear-stained face in her hands, pressing their foreheads together. “But you were never the reason we split up. Never.”
“I want you two to get back together,” he lamented. “I want my parents back.”
Her eyes filled with tears, heart tearing in her chest. “I know, baby. I know.”
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gothemoccentral · 3 years
A text post in which batmom is on her period and the boys don't know
Damian: *calls Bruce*
Bruce: *awensers in the batmobile on speakerphone* "yes damian?"
Damian: "I found mother crying in the foyer."
Bruce: *screeches around the corner in the opposite direction barely missing oncoming traffic* "thats just fine son, go check on her. I'll be back at the mansion in two minutes."
Damian: "Just so you know in advance if there's a divorce I'm living with her, robin or not, do you understand, father?"
Bruce: *narrows his eyes in annoyance*
Damian: "I will take that as a yes"
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Upcoming Stories....
This is the list of stories I am planning on writing but I have no idea when I'm gonna post them.
Andrew Garfield x Fem!Reader: Their first redo date. Taken after the events of All I Want
Dick Grayson x Batmom!Reader: You visit Dick after he forms the Titans to make sure he's okay.
Bruce Wayne x Batmom!Reader: Your kids tell you that Bruce saved Seline instead of you which causes you to ask for a divorce.
Let me know which one you guys want to read first. I'm just not sure which one to release or write first.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Long Overdue
by apocalypse_shuffle (apocalypse_no)
Reader was with Bruce in the past but grew distant after Jason’s death. No one tells her when he comes back from the dead until Bruce is forced to bring her in on an ambush when they’re overwhelmed.
Words: 1781, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010), Batman (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Reader, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon
Relationships: Bruce Wayne/Reader, Jason Todd & Reader, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Mentioned Tim Drake, Alfred Pennyworth is a Saint, batmom reader, Reader-Insert, Black Reader-Insert, black y/n, Black female reader - Freeform, Angst and Feels, Jason and Batmom!Reader reunion, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, he's trying real hard, Post-Divorce, Jason Todd Has Issues, Crime Boss Jason Todd, this is like three and a half weeks after utrh, Tim Drake is Robin, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, batmom
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/43644777
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