#sense of self
pixieverse-icedtea · 11 months
i want to meet myself from someone else's point of view
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cupcakeshakesnake · 11 months
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As far as society is concerned, you are a chimpanzee.
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csms-jpg · 1 month
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Everything around you
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poetrybyonur · 6 months
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Confidence is rooted in a genuine sense of self-worth that is not dependent on external validation. Sense of self refers to your perception of the collection of characteristics that define you. A woman who has a strong sense of self and self confidence, and isn’t ashamed to show it, is hugely attractive and elegant, in my opinion.
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mirroredroads · 2 months
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in your own words... who are you? no one at all. Miss Ruby Williams (1928-2022) "Untitled" / Kaveh Akbar, "Calling a Wolf a Wolf" / Hearts of Darkness (1991) dir. Eleanor Coppola, George Hickenlooper, Fax Bahr / Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own (1929) / @haleyincarnate 's collage / Sophocles, Elektra, trans. Anne Carson [1123-1140]
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Here’s some positivity for identity-less headmates!
For many system members, having a solid or even partial sense of self can feel nearly impossible. Whether traits and interests fail to stick, dissociation-related issues complicate the process of forging an identity, or anything else causes difficulties with having an identity, many headmates may find that they can’t or don’t want to have much of an identity at all. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this! And this post is for those headmates with little to no sense of identity!
🌫 Shoutout to headmates without names, who can’t ever settle on a name, or who have a name that they really don’t like, connect, or identify with!
☁️ Shoutout to headmates who struggle to find hobbies and interests that hold their attention!
💨 Shoutout to headmates without passions, who often feel empty, unmotivated, or uninspired!
🌫 Shoutout to headmates who desperately want a more rounded out identity, but who haven’t been able to learn anything about themselves!
☁️ Shoutout to headmates whose trauma history has left them feeling like they have no identity or sense of self!
💨 Shoutout to headmates who have no appearance or physical characteristics!
🌫 Shoutout to headmates who are void, mist, fog, static, or whose identities are grounded in the fact that they have no identity!
☁️ Shoutout to headmates who are content with having no identity or sense of self!
💨 Shoutout to headmates who mask as other system members or others outside their system in order to give themselves temporary identities!
🌫 Shoutout to headmates who are symptom holders for dissociation, or for whom dissociation is so bad that they just don’t have an identity at all!
While not having an identity at all may feel confusing, frightening, or disheartening, we want to let you know that it’s okay to just exist as you are. You don’t have to have a well-rounded, steady sense of self in order to be loved, cherished, and cared for! You are a valid and important member of your system just the way you are, and you don’t have to change or adopt any sort of identity in order to be deserving of kindness and respect!
We truly hope you can find that kindness from the headmates in your system and others around you, and can in turn show that kindness to yourself! Know that it’s okay to not want any sort of identity, this doesn’t make you a bad person or less of a member of your system! And if you do wish your identity was more solid, we have full faith that you will be able to achieve this in the future. We hope you can take care of yourselves, and have a great day!
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autopsyfreak · 2 months
having to make changes to my appearance every so often, no matter how big or small those changes are, just to feel like i have some sort of control over my lack of a sense of self
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distantbell · 2 years
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oh god, please don’t touch me
bite the hand - boygenius // a pearl - mitski // got weird - dodie // first love / late spring - mitski // you don’t know how lucky you are - keaton henson // should’ve been me - mitski // f.r.i.e.n.d.s - keaton henson 
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typically-divergent · 2 years
who needs to dress up for halloween when you wear a costume every day hahah i don’t know who i am
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theshadowworker · 6 months
You don’t have to be a philosopher; you just have to want to know who you are
- Padmasambhava
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xxstargirl27xx · 1 year
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lost my sense of self
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Autism and sense of self
For as long as I can remember, I have been almost completely unaware of the fact that I'm a person. Of course, I was not always aware of other people and the fact that they have their own thoughts and feelings, but even once I gained that awareness, I only viewed myself as the sum of my thoughts. Just a floating brain, no connection to the body that I supposedly inhabit - this disconnect being greatly exacerbated by the lack of control I had over the body I'm in.
As a result, I have a flimsy-at-best sense of personhood and identity. I'm just a blank character that I have to memorise facts about. My name, my age, hair colour, eye colour, height, things I like, things I don't like… I have to repeat these facts to myself in my mind, to stop myself from forgetting it all. The real me (that I think of myself as) only exists in my head, and even that is tricky to hold onto with my mind being so polluted by everything around me, in the "real world". Noises, colours, lights, voices, words. I say it gets "loud" in my head, which is as close as I can get to explaining how it feels, but in reality it's so much more than just "loud". It splinters my true thoughts into fragments that end up scattered and hidden in the din of my memory.
I don't think in words. I don't think I will ever be able to describe the way I think, but I do know that the best way for me to separate my true thoughts from the rest of the noise in my brain, is to ignore the things that come fully-formed right away. I can't trust the "thoughts" in my head that are immediately there in words, that is always a strong indication that it's a script from somewhere else, and that it won't reflect my own opinions. Unfortunately, simply deciding if those scripts do match my opinion is not something I can easily do - it requires the skill, time, and energy to break down all of the words and their definitions, and then build it back up again - and the majority of the time, it's simply too overwhelming to even try.
Because of my fractured and flimsy sense of self, plus my strong interest in books and reading from a young age, I used to imagine that every time I read a book, my brain merged with the brain of the main character(s), and I now had their thoughts in my head, too. It was the best explanation I had for my "loud" brain, at the time. I would think to myself that all the times I really lost control of my body (especially my mouth), it was just another character taking over my body for a while. That explanation - despite being incorrect - was very comforting to me as a child, and helped me feel more like I could still have my own thoughts and opinions, even if I could never use my body to get them out to the real world.
I have always been a "daydreamer" - that's another explanation that other people indirectly gave me for my feeling of being a floating brain. I do daydream, but that's only a part of it, and when I'm daydreaming, it feels more like my brain finds a stream of interlocking thoughts and just goes with the flow. It's the least difficult and least confusing way of thinking for me. When I'm forcefully jolted out of it by a real world thing, it's very upsetting. The worst thing that can happen here is someone seeing my involuntary visible reaction to a thought, and assuming that I'm reacting to something in the real world that I wasn't even aware of. It makes me feel so disconnected and misunderstood.
I have a whole world in my head that can never mesh with the world outside of my head that my body lives in. The people around me who (I assume) live freely in the real world, with control and connection between their brain and body, will never be able to fully know me. It's very painful and disheartening. They can only see snapshots, when I work for weeks or months to write something like this.
Despite all that I've just said about my body and brain being separate, I still don't see "myself" (/my mind) as a cohesive whole. It has always felt splintered and confused, like a swirling mess of consciousness that's constantly fighting itself. The sort of things that come to mind when trying to express this are lava lamps, or oil and water.
Another thing that comes as a result of this low sense of self, is that exploration of my own identity is very challenging. There's lots of things I'd love to learn about myself, but the combination of barely understanding anything about myself, and my difficulty with language comprehension, makes this nearly impossible. I feel so lucky that through the internet and a lot of time, I was able to figure out my feelings towards my body, sex, and gender, and communicate that to my parents. But there were so many failed attempts during this process, and there were several years where my body and mind were both so busy and loud and out of control that I resigned myself to a miserable life, unable to express these parts of myself.
I still can't really put labels on myself, I don't understand the words, or what they mean in relation to my experience, enough. I would, of course, need to perceive myself as a person in order to do any of that!
My memory is a strange thing. I almost think of it as a sensitive creature living in my skull, easily startled and triggered, and with no sense of linear time, but possessing incredible pattern recognition. It seems to work in tandem with my emotions, and the more intense the emotion, the more I become mentally enveloped in the memories in which I felt the same way. The hardest thing about my memory working this way is the fact that I spend so much of my time pulled back to when I lacked communication, and that's the most painful thing I've ever gone through.
I'm so glad to be able to express myself like this now, even if it takes this much time and energy. Communication is worth any price.
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the-healing-mindset · 25 days
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mbti-notes · 5 months
Anon wrote: Hi! I’m 22 F, fairly certain that I’m an INFJ. I keep seeking role models to mould myself. I want to have some source of inspiration from external sources, I am not just looking for style, I’m looking to emulate their attitude and beliefs as well.
I think this ‘need’ for me has increased after a fallout with an acquaintance who was a close friend of my friend. She used to be very bossy and controlling of my friend and if I want to interact with my friend then I had to be on the other girl’s good books so I tried to be friends with her as well.
Eventually my friend cut ties with her and I too limited my interaction with her. She thought I somehow manipulated my friend to stop talking to her and lashed out at me, calling me a ‘Chameleon’. I didn’t like it but I can’t stop thinking if it was true. I wanted to become independent and bold to be unaffected of what others think of me
Maybe this is my way of overusing Ni to find purpose/ using Fe-Ti to rationalize my behaviours by using the ‘role models’ to set internal structure and avoid hurting? I don’t want to keep looking for role models because it’s exhausting, whenever I like someone, I feel as though I’m unworthy to choose them. How do I stop doing this/searching for motivation?
I'm a little surprised you said 22 because your way of thinking still seems a bit adolescent, in terms of ego development. Lagging development isn't abnormal or something to panic about. It's simply a sign that there needs to be some reflection or inquiry about the factors behind it. Addressing those factors is the pathway to getting personal growth going again.
Generally speaking, it's normal and healthy for kids and teens to seek out role models to emulate; it's one of the many learning methods that human beings utilize in the process of growing up into productive members of society. Observing good qualities and impressive achievements in others is a way of getting to know more about oneself and one's own good qualities and capabilities.
We can label ego development as "lagging" when, into adulthood, a person still doesn't really know themselves well enough to have formed a solid sense of self or personal identity. When you have a strong sense of self and a personal identity to express, role models mostly become obsolete except in rare cases where inspiration is needed for further personal growth. One defining characteristic of adulthood is independence, which means there is no need to rely on others to define oneself.
As such, it is indeed appropriate to be asking why you still rely on role models at 22, a time when you should already be independent. In adulthood, reliance on role models can become pathological when it's no longer about learning but more about trying to overcompensate for an unrecognized deficit in one's self. I don't know your history, so I can't give you an explanation. You'll have to reflect on it, but I can give you starter questions for reflection.
Do you have a strong sense of self? Do you have a personal identity, including your own ideas, ideals, beliefs, values, etc, that you want to express out into the world? If not, why not?
Do you understand what it means to "be yourself"? If so, why don't you (instead of trying to be someone else)? If not, then you need to do more to get to know yourself better.
It's not uncommon for this kind of lag in ego development to manifest as "chameleonism" in INFJs. Through immature Fe, many INFJs learn that it is to their advantage to be whatever others want to see in order to get the social acceptance they crave. Unfortunately, this shortcut to validation comes at a big cost of not developing a proper sense of self within. You use the word "unworthy". Low self-worth is one of the major factors behind chameleonism. You might want to read previous posts about it.
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stlz · 7 months
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some my most prized possessions. not really a poem, per sé, but something about it is "poetry" to me. it's a me-museum, i guess, for lack of a better explanation :) also, i'm new-ish to tumblr and am not sure how it works. hopefully this post is up to standard
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bandomgay · 2 years
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alex turner + escapism / absence of self / other worlds  - part 1/?
i aint quite were i think i am (2022) by arctic monkeys / star treatment (2018) by arctic monkeys / "I ended up making a world of my own": Alex Turner talks new music | Part 1/3 interview with annie mac (1/2) / by NIKOLAY TOLMACHEV /"I ended up making a world of my own": Alex Turner talks new music | Part 1/3 interview with annie mac (2/2) /  star treatment (2018) by arctic monkeys / one point perspective (2018) / this house is a circus (2007) by arctic monkeys /alex turner quote source: unknown 
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