#so now nightwing sees the kid he considers his little brother on the floor
nerdpoe · 8 months
AU where Jason went to the Titans Tower to beat the shit out of Robin, not kill him. Tim misunderstands and plans accordingly.
Tim thinks that Red Hood wants to kill him, full stop.
So when Red Hood shows up, the absolute second power gets cut, Tim swallows a slow acting little pill.
He gets into a fight with Red Hood, and just as Red Hood is about to take off his helmet to reveal...something, who cares what, the pill kicks in.
Tim's breathing and heartrate slow to practically nothing.
For all intents and purposes, he's very, very dead.
The pill had a medicine that creates a false state of death, capable of fooling almost anyone if they aren't a Super.
And Jason isn't a Super.
Jason, as far as he is concerned, is now kneeling over the corpse of the latest Robin. A corpse he made.
His biggest mistake.
So he tries to revive the kid, but nothing works. Nothing fucking works.
He knew that going into his Red Hood schtick he'd be turning into a killer, but this was not a death he wanted on his hands.
Then, he makes his second biggest mistake.
He stays too long, trying to revive the kid that stole his mantle.
Nightwing shows up.
Nightwing sees Red Hood, helmet off, crouched over the motionless, beaten body of Robin.
Red Hood gets a fight, alright.
Just not the one he wanted, and with an opponent that is actively attempting to murder him.
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
The Justice League Hangs out with Duke
Bruce: Duke, it's time we had the talk.
Duke: Uh... nope. No thank you. I'm not getting the sex talk from Batman.
Bruce: What? No! The Robin talk.
Duke: But, I'm- I'm the Signal now? Isn't it a bit late for a Robin talk?
Bruce: Son, it's never too late, not for this.
Duke: Um. Ok.
Bruce: When Dick, Jason, and Tim first started as Robins they created a tradition. A tradition that continued with Stephanie, Damian, and now you.
Duke: And that tradition is?
Bruce: Taking down the Justice League. By being annoying and slightly terrifying.
Duke: OHHHHHH. Is that why no one from the Justice League talks to me?
Bruce: Yes, yes it is. But don't worry. I made an arrangement that will allow you time alone with league members to continue the tradition. You have a week to prepare.
Duke: Cass, what do I do?
Cass raises an eyebrow at Duke.
Duke: For the Robin tradition thing. I have to take down the entire Justice League in a night using creative, outlandish, and original methods. But it's already been done by Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, and Steph. So what do I do? How can I be better than all of them.
Cass smirks: Take them down too.
Duke looking at Cass like she's crazy: What?
Cass: Take. Them. Down.
Duke: Holy shit, you are terrifying.
Cass just smiles and leaves.
-> One Week Later <-
Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, and Steph gather in the Watchtower.
Duke: Hey guys, Batman just wanted to go through some training exercises with everyone. He'll be a little late. Harley and Ivy escaped Arkham and are trying to grow penis shaped shrubs in all the public parks. But, don't worry he asked me to go ahead and start with out him.
Green Lantern: Why are you leading this meeting?
Duke: Batman is running late and he wants me to practice leading meetings.
Green Lantern, glaring suspiciously at Duke: Are you about to do that stupid Robin tradition where you torture all of us?
Duke: What Robin tradition? Also, I'm not even a Robin? I'm the Signal.
Green Lantern continues to glare at him.
Superman: Calm down Green Lantern, the Robins never do this in front of each other.
Every League member seems to relax at this.
Duke acting confused: Uhhh, yeah. Ok, we have a few housekeeping things to do according to the list Batman left. So, I'll have everyone pair up for sparring while I handle these individually.
Everyone is in the training room working out or sparring. Duke approaches Tim.
Duke: Hey Tim, Bruce wanted you to look in to that Bludhaven case. Is that ok with you?
Tim: Yeah, why wouldn't it be?
Duke: Oh, I just thought it might be difficult considering what Dick did.
Tim: ...What did he do?
Duke: Wait, you haven't noticed? Oh no, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything.
Tim: Duke. Tell me what he did.
Duke: Well, Jason said that he replaced all your coffee with decaf.
Tim: THAT BASTARD. No wonder I've been feeling so tired! I'm going to kill him!
Duke: Wait, just stop! I heard that he hid all of it in Green Lantern's room.
Tim: Wait, why there?
Duke: Something about you being afraid of him.
Tim: WHAT?! I'm not afraid of the Green Nightlight! I'm gonna find that coffee then make Dick pay.
Duke: Oh, well cool, good luck!
Green Lantern: Um, what are you doing in my room?
Tim: Where is it?
Green Lantern: Where's what?
Tim: You know what I want. Give up now or face the consequences.
Tim: Fine. Consequences.
Steph, sparring with Duke: So, what's it like being the first meta bat?
Duke: Not too bad, but I could do with out the whole 'predict the future' thing.
Steph, laughing: What? You can not see the future.
Duke: I bet you $50 I can
Steph: Your on.
Duke, makes everything around him light up and uses a weird voice: In the next thirty minutes Green Lantern will flee the Watchtower in fear. Soon after Dick will be attacked by Tim.
Steph, snorts in obvious disbelief.
Steph: That was so fake-
Green Lantern runs out of the tower looking terrified.
Steph: No way.
Tim tackles Dick and they start fighting like three year old's on the floor.
Steph, handing Duke $50: Holy shit Magic Man.
Duke makes things light up and does the voice again: Oh my god.
Steph, looking excited: What?!
Duke: The- the sushi. The sushi you brought today, it's made from-
Duke pretends to choke back a sob.
Duke: It's made from the fish who was the maid of honor at Aquaman's wedding.
Steph and Aquaman sit beside each other for lunch, she pulls out her sushi and looks at Aquaman sadly.
Steph: I am so, so sorry for your loss. But just know that her sacrifice is not in vain.
Aquaman, looks confused for a second then sees the sushi: NOPE. Not this again! I'm leaving.
Steph: Wait! I'm sorry!
Aquaman leaves as Steph tries to chase him down.
Jason is laughing and filming as Dick and Tim fight.
Duke, whistles: Man, imagine if that video went on YouTube.
Jason, looking confused: What?
Duke: I'm just saying if the video of Red Robin and Nightwing fighting like kids ever got on YouTube, it'd go viral. Oh and they would be so pissed!
Jason, laughs: Too bad B would kill me if I uploaded this.
Duke: Yeah, I guess so. And you can't upload it here because then Superman would get in trouble.
Jason: Why would the boy scout get in trouble?
Duke: Cause he always uses his YouTube account on the Justice League computer. So it'd look like he uploaded it and B would find out that Superman watches cat videos while he's on monitor duty.
Jason, smirking: Huh, so you're saying if I upload this on the League computer I'd piss off Bruce, Tim, and Dick and get Supes in trouble?
Duke, acting innocent: Huh, I guess so.
-> A Few Minutes Later <-
A call from Bruce comes up on the main computer.
Superman: Hey Batman, what can I do for you?
Bruce: You, Red Hood, cave now.
Jason: What? Why me?
Bruce: Because I saw that little home video you uploaded of your brothers.
Jason: What, that wasn't me!
Bruce: I could hear you laughing while you filmed.
Jason: Dammit.
Jason and Clark leave for the cave pouting like kids.
Duke: Hey, Black Canary?
Black Canary: Yes Duke?
Duke: I'm sorry to do this on such short notice, but I'm very worried about Dick and Tim.
Black Canary: Why?
Duke: Well, Tim keeps claiming that Dick is out to get him. Something about Dick messing with his coffee? And Dick feels like he's just being attacked for no reason and is worried about Tim's health. Is there anyway you could intervene?
Black Canary, looking sighing and looking exhausted: Usually I have three days of preparation before dealing with bats.
Duke: I know it's just-
Duke gestures to Tim and Dick rolling on the floor fighting.
Duke: They really need help.
Black Canary: Alright, I'll see what I can do.
Black Canary attempts to intervene only to get pulled into the fight. Now the three of them are tangled in a huge, confusing fight, that's filled with yelling and hair pulling.
Duke: Damian! Quick!
Damian: What is it Thomas.
Duke: I think somethings wrong with Dick and Tim and maybe even Black Canary. They're all fighting and won't stop! Can you help me contain them so that we can figure out what's going on?
Damian: Fine. I shall help.
Duke: Ok, just try to herd them into this containment cell.
Damian joins the fight managing to get everyone, including himself, into the containment cell. As Damian is trying to leave Duke closes the cell. Damian angrily yells and bangs on the sound proof walls.
Duke: What? Sorry, can't hear you! My hand slipped!
Wonder Woman: Very well done Signal.
Duke, acting innocent: Hm?
Wonder Woman: You tricked Red Robin into scaring Green Lantern away, then into fighting Nightwing. Once that fight broke out you tricked Red Hood into uploading a video to the internet using the Superman's credentials. By uploading that video he caused both himself and Superman to face Batman's wrath. You also used the fight to trick Stephanie into annoying Aquaman to the point of leaving. Then you involved Black Canary in the fight, which was her downfall. And, as a final touch, you managed to get Robin into the fight and trapped all in a containment cell. You successfully eliminated 9 foes with one trick.
Duke: You mean 11.
Wonder Woman: What?
Duke: 11. You see, I didn't trick Red Robin, I tricked Nightwing. I had a week to prepare. In that week I convinced Dick that Tim needed to cut back on the caffeine and that Dick should help by switching all of Tim's coffee with decaf. I also convinced him to hide that coffee in the watchtower, in Green Lantern's room. So that was all true.
Wonder Woman: But, that still does not make 11?
Duke: It does. Because This morning I moved the coffee. I replaced the Flashes decaf with Tim's ultra caffeinated coffee. You see Tim has it specially manufactured to increase the caffeine levels. And, while Flash doesn't usually drink his coffee in the morning, he's always running late and forgets, he does drink coffee during training breaks. Which is now. So in about five minutes we will have an incredibly caffeinated speedster in the Watchtower. And since you're the only one around right now with a chance of catching him, that's your problem.
Right as Duke finishes Flash runs by, majorly hyped up on caffeine.
Duke: Checkmate.
Martian Manhunter: It appears that I am the last remaining League member.
Duke: Yeah, I don't really understand this tradition but apparently every Robin ends it by picking a favorite league member.
Martian Manhunter: Out of all the League members, why have you chosen me?
Duke: Your smart and have a lot of cool powers. Also, I dunno, I hear you sometimes feel like an outsider with the league. Cause, the whole martian thing. And I know it's not the same but, sometimes I feel like an outsider with the bats, being the only meta and all.
Martian Manhunter: You have chosen me so that we may bond over our lack of connections?
Duke: Uhhhh, yeah?
Martian Manhunter: Hm. Very well, I assume that this is your “Robin Weakness”. Apparently every Robin has one.
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mochegato · 3 years
I Can’t Fight This Feeling
Chapter 5
Chapter 1     Chapter 4
The Gotham air was clear and crisp and so very still.  Noises from traffic and strays rummaging through trash floated up, filling the otherwise empty air.  The peace was barely broken by the sound of two sets of feet landing on the rooftop.  They stood there awkwardly shuffling next to each other for a few minutes.  Finally something seemed to break and Red Hood removed his helmet, still not making eye contact with his companion.  Nightwing looked at him for a second before following suit and removing his domino mask.  They were far enough up that nobody could see them and if Jason wanted to talk eye to eye, Dick wasn’t going to deny him.
When Jason still hadn’t spoken a few minutes later, Dick took the initiative and spoke first.  “Thanks for helping us today.  I don’t think we could have handled it without you,” he clapped Jason on the back.
“You would have been fine.  You would have figured it out,” Jason shrugged.  “You always do.”
“Not easily.  Not without a lot of pain,” Dick corrected him.
Jason chuckled.  He gave him a skeptical look from the corner of his eye.  “First time I’ve been accused of not being a pain by you guys.”  
Dick laughed and nodded.  “It’s been a while.”  He paused and watched Jason for a few seconds.  “It felt nice… working together again.  I missed this.”
Jason looked out over Gotham.  “Yeah, wasn’t so bad.  Don’t think B was too happy though.”
Dick grimaced at the reminder.  “Bruce, he… you know he doesn’t approve of your tactics.  He isn’t sure how to handle you, what to expect.  And the bat on your chest.  It makes it seem like he approves of your methods.”
Jason nodded.  “Not going to lie.  That was the original intent.  To mess with B as much as possible.  Cause as much pain as I could.  But that’s not why I use it now.  The bat… I use it so the kids don't get scared.  So they know they can trust me.”  He sighed, his eyes flicked over to Dick quickly before returning to the skyline.  “But, I think they’ve started to figure me out.  They know who I am now, so I can change that. I can take it off, use something different.”
Dick shook his head.  “No, you keep it.  I’ll smooth it over with Bruce.”
Jason nodded absently and kept his gaze focused on the city.  He shifted anxiously for a few moments nervously twitching.  Dick eyed him curiously.  He couldn’t remember the last time Jason looked nervous.  Angry? Yes, he’s seen that a lot. Annoyed, most definitely.  He’s even seen surprise and fear.  But he didn’t think he’s seen nervous since before… well, just before.
“You know, haven't killed anyone in a long time, right?” Jason asked quietly.
Dick’s eyes widened in surprise.  He had noticed, but he wasn't sure if it was intentional or a tactic to lull enemies and Bruce, though Dick wasn’t sure if Jason considered them as separate categories, into a false sense of security.  Dick kept his eyes looking out over the city, matching Jason’s gaze.  Jason was starting to open up, just starting to show some vulnerability, and Dick would be damned if he scared him off now.
“I did notice,” he nodded slightly.  “I just didn’t know the reason behind the change.”
Jason looked down again, shifting even more nervously now.  The sounds from the cars below floated up to them, filling the silence between them while Jason collected himself and prepared for the rest of the conversation.  “I'm getting married, Dickie bird.”
Dick gasped.  His head whipped to face him. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could even figure out what he wanted to say, Jason continued.  “And she's good, Dick.  She's really good.  She used to be a hero, but doesn't remember it.  So when you meet her, you  can't say anything.  I’m only telling you so you understand just how good and trustworthy she is and B can never know.”
Dick stared at him, mouth a gape and eyes wide open.  When?  Did Jason say ‘when’?  He had heard that right hadn’t he?  “…too good for me,” Jason continued, ignoring the effect he was having on Dick.  “But she won't let me say that in front of her.  It's almost like she actually believes it, that I deserve her.”  He chuckled ruefully and shook his head at the floor.  He looked up at Dick searchingly, like the lost little boy Dick remembered from his childhood.  
“Can you believe that? Somebody actually believing that.  She's everything we were ever supposed to be, but better.  She’s more compassionate than you.  She’s smarter than Tim.  She’s more creative than Damian.  She’s braver than me.  She’s perfect.
“And you know how when you actually meet someone that you think really highly of and actually spend time with them, you start to realize maybe they're not as amazing as you thought they were?  That they’re just human and they have issues and failures just like the rest of us?”  Dick nodded absently, still focused on Jason saying ‘when he got to meet her.’  
“She's not like that,” Jason continued.  “I met her.  I’ve spent so much time with her.  Hell, I'm living with her now. And the only thing I’ve learned is she’s even more amazing than I originally thought.  She is everything to me.  She makes me want to be better, but never asks me to be because she already thinks I am.  She’s seen me at my worst and she still thinks… she still loves me.” He looked up at Dick with tears shining in his eyes.  “Can you believe that?  Can you believe someone thinks that?”
Dick gave him a small smile and pulled him into a tight hug.  “Yeah, Little Wing.  Yeah, I can.”  His grin grew wider as he replayed the words in his head.  Jason was happy.  He was really happy.  He was loved. His baby brother was getting married. He let out an excited laugh. “You’re getting married.”  He pulled away to look in his eyes.  “Tell me you proposed in an over the top romantic way.  I’d hate to think all those classic, romantic novels were for nothing.”
Jason chuckled and clapped him on the shoulder.  “I did,” he assured him.  He settled down on the edge of the building and patted the space next to him for Dick to join him.  “Lots of flowers and candles and nostalgia.  She cried.”  He clasped his hands together in front of himself and smiled into them.
“You did too, didn’t you,” Dick teased knowingly.
Jason shot him a halfhearted glare but nodded.  “Yeah, yeah I did.”
Dick sat with him for a few minutes just basking in being able to sit next to Jason peacefully for the first time in a long time.  Finally, he looked over at Jason with a curious look.  “So, she’s the reason you stopped killing?  She asked you to stop?”
Jason shook his head then bobbed his head to the side instead.  “Yes and no.  She’s the reason, but she didn’t ask me to stop.  I stopped before she knew what I did exactly.  I stopped before she found out.  I stopped before I disappointed her.”
“Does she know…” he vaguely motioned to Jason’s costume.
“Yeah.  I told her. She knows everything.  She isn’t thrilled about a lot of it… almost any of it, but she never left me.  So… she knows who you guys are too.”  He grinned at the memory.  “She said the butts definitely don’t match.  Batman has padding.”  He pursed his lips in a pretend annoyed face.  “She said Nightwing’s matches though.  She wants to know your workout.”
Dick barked out a laugh loud enough for it to echo down the street.  Jason narrowed his eyes at him and pointed at him warningly.  “Yeah, so keep your ass away from my fiancé.”
Dick laughed louder and threw his arm around Jason’s shoulders and pulled him into a side hug.  “I’ll make sure to only face toward her at all times when we meet.  No turning around.”  He nodded in mock seriousness.
Jason shoved him away playfully and groaned.  “Don’t make me regret this, Dickwad.”
Dick laughed again.  He grinned over at Jason.  He’d missed this.  He’d missed this connection, the banter, the brotherly teasing.  He’d missed Jason.  “So… has she met anyone else?  In the family, I mean.”
Jason gave him a mischievous grin.  “Oh, she’s met all of you, you just didn’t know who she was.”  Dick looked at him questioningly, his mind started racing through all the women they’d met for the first time in the last year. Having had two galas in that time frame and a launch party and quite a few charity events didn’t help narrow down the possibilities.  “She won’t be a new face to you.  But, Alfred knows who she is.  He’s met her. He’s the only one that knows about us. Alfred loves her.”  He grinned again remembering them together.  His eyes lit up at the memory.  “They bake together.  He taught her how to shoot a shotgun.”
Dick barked out another laugh.  “No way! He won’t even teach us.”
Jason smiled pointedly at him.  “Bruce won’t let him.  But, Bruce doesn’t know about her and he doesn’t control what happens outside of his manor.”  After a few minutes he looked down and furrowed his brow in thought.  “She really likes you guys.  I think she and Tim would be good friends if… if I… if it wasn’t for me.  That’s one of the reasons… Family is so important to her and I want to have one with her someday.  So I thought… I thought maybe I should start with the one I already have.”
Dick nodded.  “It sounds like she’s had a big impact on you.”
Jason smiled back and stood up.  “She has. So, dinner?  Tomorrow?”
Dick stood up next to him and gave him another hug.  “Definitely.  Just let me know where and what time.  I’ll be there.”
“And Dick?”  Dick turned back to him questioningly.  “I don’t… I’m not ready for anyone else to know yet.”
Dick nodded in understanding.  “They won’t find out from me.  See you tomorrow, Jaybird.  Can’t wait to meet your fiancé.”
“You’re back earlier than you expected,” Marinette noted with a smile as she looked up from her sewing.  “Is that good or bad?  Quiet patrol?”
“Yeah.” Jason answered absently.  He ripped off his helmet and jacket.  He threw them both on the chair as he made his way over to Marinette. She squeaked as he picked her up and placed her in his lap.  He buried his head in her neck.  “Hey, Pixie.”
Marinette immediately dropped her fabric and wrapped her arms around Jason. She slowly stroked his back and gently scratched his head in an attempt to comfort him.  She nuzzled into his hair.  “Hey. Are you okay?  What happened?”
“It was fine.  I’m okay,” he assured her, hugging her a little tighter.  “I just ran into Dick tonight.”
She sucked in a breath and tightened her arms around him.  “Oh?” she tried to force her voice to stay casual despite the way her heart was racing.
Marinette waited a few minutes before continuing on.  “And how did that go?”
Jason pulled away from her so he could see her face.  He brushed some hair over her shoulder and settled his arm back around her before he spoke again.  “It went well actually.  He noticed that I changed.  He’s really excited to meet you.”
“Oh? You mentioned me?” she asked carefully. She knew how he felt about sharing any part of his life with is family.  Hell, she knew how he felt about his family in general so if he was sharing about her, it must have gone really, really well.
“Yeah… and I… um… invited him to dinner tomorrow, if that’s okay with you.”
Marinette’s heart stopped for a second.  He invited his brother to dinner.  He invited his brother back into his life.  This was… this was huge.  “I’m okay with it.  How do you feel about it?  Are you okay with him coming here?”
Jason settled his chin on her shoulder.  “I’m nervous… but excited.  I’m looking forward to it... I think.  I just… I don’t want to be a disappointment.”
Marinette pulled away from him just far enough to cup his face gently.  “The only one disappointed in you, is you. And you are far too hard on yourself.  You don’t deserve the way you treat yourself.”
“And B,” he added.
“Fuck Bruce,” she grunted before pausing.  “Not in a sexual way, obviously.”
Jason huffed out a laugh.  “Obviously.”
She stroked his cheeks gently.  “Parents make mistakes.  They have flaws and foibles just like everyone else.  You don’t become a parent and suddenly you’re perfect.  All the same flaws and foibles you had before are still there, just amplified by stress and fear of making a mistake.  But those aren’t yours to take on.  You aren’t responsible for his flaws.”
Jason chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes.  “Foibles, huh?”  He waggled his eyebrows.  “Oh yeah, talk literary analysis to me, baby.  Break down those characters for me.”
Marinette pushed his face away with a groan.  “Nerd.”  He laughed and hugged her closer.  Marinette looked back up at him adoringly and smirked.  “Just focus on the chaos when he finds out it’s me.”
Jason grinned back at her.  “He’s going to be so annoyed.  You’ve been working with them for months and he never knew.”  He chuckled at the thought.  “It’s going to be brilliant.”
Marinette laughed along with him.  “You should make sure to take a picture.”
Jason turned back to look at her.  His smile turned loving.  “You’re brilliant.”
Marinette rolled her eyes.  “Yeah, sure.”
“You are.”  He moved his head closer to hers.  “You’re brilliant” He kissed her forehead.  “…and beautiful.”  He kissed her cheek.  “…and brave.” He kissed her other cheek.  “…and… um… benevolent.”  He kissed her jaw.  “… and…”
She grinned at him and moved her lips until they were just a few centimeters from his.  “Run out of attributes already?”  She looked down at his lips and back up to his eyes.  “Shame.”  She stood up and walked out of the room with a flirty glance over her shoulder.
“Hey!” he called after her.  “I wasn’t done.  That was just the B’s.”  He grinned as he watched her swish her hips as she walked down the hallway.  “Come back here and let me love you, woman!” He jumped over the back of the couch and raced down the hallway after her.
@jasonette-july-event @jayjayspixiepop @aespades @how-to-function-properly @pawsitivelymiraculous @maribatserver @toodaloo-kangaroo
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awhitehead17 · 3 years
Batfam Alphabet: I - Injuries
Summary: When an offhand comment gets made about who receives the most injuries a big debate takes place to discuss this. Unable to agree on anything, the Bats decide to keep score of who gets the most injuries over the next 12 months. The results may surprise you. 
Enjoy! :D
The blissful silence within his apartment is rudely interrupted by the shrill of his phone suddenly ringing inside his pocket. Jason groans. Five minutes. Why couldn’t he just get five minutes of peace? Was that so much to ask for?
Cursing every god imaginable, Jason digs through his pocket until he finds and receives the device before scowling upon seeing the caller ID. Answering the call, he brings it up to his ear and doesn’t hesitate to snap a greeting, making it clear he isn’t pleased about being disturbed. “What do you want?”
“So there’s been a situation…” a hesitant voice speaks up on the other side of the phone.
Jason reaches up and pinches the bridge of his nose. That sentence alone is enough to start giving him a headache.
“How the fuck is there a situation? I left you guys not even fifteen minutes ago! I thought you were heading back to the cave?”
“Yeah, we were, but on the way back we heard gun shots and we found a gang fight happening. We intervened but while fighting Nightwing unfortunately got stabbed.”
Being told his brother has been stabbed makes Jason pause. There’s a remark on the end of his tongue that desperately wants to slip out but he doesn’t know if this is the right time for it. The tone of voice on the other side of the line makes it difficult to determine how serious the situation is.
“How bad is it?”
“Oh not that bad!” Tim chirps, Jason could now hear the amusement lacing his tone. “It’s just a stab wound on the thigh, more of a scratch than anything. Won’t need stitches or nothing. I figured I’d ring you to let you know because this now changes the board.”
Jason breathes out a long sigh and feels the tension leave his body. At least it’s not life threatening. This fucking family, he swears to God, if he hadn’t already been sent to an early grave he certainly would be now.
“So it’s enough to warrant a mark on the board?” Jason questions eagerly, already knowing what impact the answer will have. Now he knows it’s not serious he can think about other things.
“Oh yeah definitely.” Tim claims and Jason could easily hear the smile in his voice. “Even when it happened he muttered a curse and mentioned how it’s unfair because that now puts you ahead of him.”
At that Jason cackles. He bids his brother a goodbye before hanging up. Still laughing Jason moves through his apartment to his kitchen, digging through one of the draws he pulls out a large whiteboard and makes the needed changes to it.
This is something they all came up with at the start of the year from an offhand comment about who gets the most/least injuries out of their family. The comment triggered off a big debate and the result of it was to keep score of who gets the most injuries in the next 12 months.
They do not count life threatening injuries, because believe it or not they are not assholes and it wouldn’t be fair or even funny. Any minor injury can count (or at least minor for them). Any injuries done outside of the costume also count.
There are only a couple months left of the year but it’s currently pretty tight between most of them. Surprisingly Steph is winning with the least number of injuries so far. Following her, again surprisingly, is Damian. After him is Harper, Duke, Tim and then Jason. With his new injury today that puts Dick in last place, officially making Jason second to last. They hadn’t included Cass because firstly she didn’t want to be involved and secondly anytime she does get injured, which is extremely rare, it’s usually serious, so they collectively decided to not have Cass participate. Babs wasn’t interested and made it very clear on what her opinions of the competition was.
Before the new injury, Jason and Dick were in joint last place. His older brother now sustaining a new non-life-threatening injury changes the board. Jason couldn’t be happier, now he just has to make sure to not get injured at all in the next couple of months.
That in itself will be a challenge, but one not to be beaten easily Jason is up for it. He doesn’t care where he comes on the board, just as long as he beats Dick that’s all that matters.
Like most of the year, the last few months fly by and before Jason knows it, it’s New Year’s Eve and he’s attending a party with all of his friends and family.
While the party is being hosted at Wayne Manor, so somewhere familiar, there’s tension in the air which can be felt no matter where you go. To most it’s probably the anticipation of midnight approaching, that excitement that comes along with the clock striking twelve and the supposedly start of something new.
To Jason, however, it’s a count down until the results are revealed.
Jason has a vague idea of what the final results are going to be, after all he kept track of everything himself. Then again, it’s vague because he’s been away on a mission for the last three weeks only having gotten back two days ago. He hasn’t yet had a chance to catch up with everything that may have happened in those weeks he had been gone. For all he knows the board may have changed significantly and he wouldn’t have a clue.
Not long before midnight, Jason soon finds himself in the library with his siblings and friends. They’re scattered around the room sitting on the sofas and the floor with the news on in the background.
Cass stands front and center with a white board in hand ready to announce the results of who has sustained the least and the greatest number of injuries in the past year. They asked Cass to announce it as she hadn’t taken part, that way it’s fair and not biased.
Looking around the room Jason could see a variety of facial expression on his siblings faces. Some wearing smirks, like they know exactly what the results are, while other’s wear an expression of anticipation, clearly unsure on where they’ve come on the board.
Cass announces the names in ascending order, starting with last place first. To Jason’s absolute delight, Dick is in last place. He’s so happy to hear that he had beaten his brother in getting less injuries than him in a year. Dick simply sends Cass a tight smile and nod, obviously knowing he had lost before anything was declared.
After Dick is Jason. If he’s being honest, Jason is actually happier about that than the principle of being second to last, he beat Dick and that’s all that mattered. He certainly made sure Dick was aware of his delight.
After Jason is Duke, followed by Steph which was a surprise considering she had been in first for a really long time. Apparently she had a bad couple of months, reckless behaviour and stupid mistakes eventually added to her total therefore dropping her down the leader board.
Taking third place is Damian. Jason looks over at where he’s sat and he finds the kid fuming, clearly unhappy with his final position. In second place is Tim, which seems to surprise almost everyone, including Tim himself. The teenager sits on the sofa looking completely baffled but thrilled at the news. That finally leaves Harper taking first place as the person to have the least number of injuries in the past year. She jumps up to her feet yelling with joy and dancing around the room excitedly.
After the scores are announced Cass gives out little awards just as something extra which makes it all the more entertaining.
The most out-of-costume injuries award goes to Tim, who instantly claims that most of his injuries are because his best friends are meta’s and because he skateboards. No one believes the excuses however they don’t call him out on it.
The most ridiculous injury goes to Dick, who then explains how he got said injury. Apparently he miscalculated a jump when chasing someone and ended up scraping his side on a metal bin. Everyone stares at him after that story, wondering how such an experienced vigilante and acrobat even does that.
The most badass injury goes to Steph. She had gotten into a fist fight in the middle of the mall after some guys started shouting out vulgar language. Not taking any of their shit Steph beat them all to a pulp but not without taking some collateral damage herself. That award felt well deserved though it could have gone to someone else.
After wrapping up their competition they all decide to stay in the library and chill. They cheer for the new year when the clock strikes twelve and all exchange “happy new year’s.” They don’t go adventuring out to the party again which inevitably leads to Bruce hunting for them, out of worry or suspicion Jason’s not sure but when his adoptive father eventually walks into the library he’s met with a loud chorus of greetings
Bruce studies the group with narrowed eyes in suspicion. He meets each of their gazes before straightening up and leveling them all a glare.
“What’s going on? I haven’t seen any of you in a few hours only to find you all gathered in here, not fighting may I add. What have you done?”
Dick’s the first to respond. Being the oldest of the group he probably feels inclined to, especially when no one else offers up an explanation. “Wow Bruce, give us a benefit of the doubt would you, we’re simply enjoying being with one another for a change. New year and all that. Who knows, this may the start of something new.”
Bruce’s disbelieving expression conveys perfectly what he thinks of that explanation.
The room falls silent as they all stare at one another. Gestures and nods are shared between them as they try to get someone else to speak up but everyone stays silent, no one saying a peep. They never told Bruce about the competition; they really don’t know how the man would take the news but they’re all certain it wouldn’t be taken well. He definitely wouldn’t see the funny side of the whole thing, even if they explain the rules to it and how they’re not actually assholes and wouldn’t include life threatening wounds to the count.
In the end it doesn’t matter because eventually Bruce puts his hands up and shakes his head. “You know what, I don’t want to know. Whatever it is just keep it to yourselves and if you make a mess, clean it up. The less I know the better.”
With no more words Bruce turns around and leaves the room. For several moments after the man’s sudden departure they each exchange baffled looks, silently questioning what just happened. It stays like that for a while until several members of the family simultaneously shrug. The action causes an eruption of laughter and all of them end up cackling until they couldn’t breathe and had tears running down their faces.
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sketchingtons · 3 years
Tim as Starling, What does Nightwing consider him? Spiritually a son? Nephew? Little Brother in law?
That is a very good question!! It’s honestly something I’m still trying to figure out; I know I definitely want Kori to consider Tim like family (pretty much a little brother, tho I think Kori also fills a pivotal guardian/caretaker role as well since Tim’s parents are so often out of the picture), and I think it would be cute if the bat kids kind of see him like a cousin (one you see a lot and are super close with!), but that does leave me wondering what role Dick would fill exactly 🤔 Idk if I’m going to have Dick and Kori in a relationship in this au (maybe in the past but not current?) but they’re still super close friends so Dick takes on a big role in Tim’s life too; he starts helping Tim train in self defense (once he learns that Tim is fully human and not actually related to Kori in any way+I thought that would be a fun way for Timmy to still get ‘bat training” w/o being robin), gets very invested in his life and well being, and will often let Tim stay with him when Kori needs to travel/be out of town. Dicks experience/relationship with Tim even helps smooth out his relationship with Jason since it’s given him more “Big Brother” experience; and since he’s now very invested in making sure Tim has a healthy and well balanced life, he’s adamant on getting him friends and immediately sets up play dates with Tim and Jay lol. (This au will be pushing my Jason and Tim best friend agenda 😤 🙏 )
It can be really difficult sometimes to put hard labels on relationships created in a found family dynamic, because I think a person can fill many roles in these types of situations! Tbh if anyone wants to put in their own 2 cents/ideas I am all ears 👀
Also, since I couldn’t really give you a concrete answer, I offer this little comic I scribbled out about Dick and Tim’s first meeting (Dick ‘breaks into’ Kori’s apartment, almost face plants on the floor, pulls off a wicked save, and almost has a heart attack to see a whole child in his friends living room skshdj 😂 and yes Dick has long hair, I couldn’t resist haha)
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Dick, just in the neighborhood and wanting to stop by and see his friend, instead finding a whole child: ???
Tim, fiddling with his suit in his new mentors apartment, watching Nightwing break in: ???
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starculler · 3 years
Whumptober 2021: Day 1
Word Count: 2489
Read on AO3
Dick turned his head, trying to get a proper look at his brother without adding momentum to his slow, circular spin. His arms had gone alarmingly numb a while ago, pinned above his head, bound at the wrists by the same thick cord he hung from, and bearing the bulk of his weight unless he stretched out onto the tips of his toes. He considered doing so for a moment if for nothing else than to plant Jason firmly in his line of sight, but figured his peace of mind wasn’t quite worth stretching the painful length of bruising up and down his torso.
He’d managed well enough for the … hours? Days? Time had started to blend together after a spectacularly precise his to the side of his head, the blood long-dried and flaking against his cheek and jaw where it had dripped down from his hairline. His lack of broken bones — not for lack of trying if the pain in his sides was anything to go by — were at least a point in his favor. A little luck on his side, though he wouldn’t hold his breath hoping it stayed that way. It was a matter of if not when, as Jason’s own swollen, mottled-purple bruised wrist had proved.
“Jason,” he rasped again, wincing at the dull ache in his throat. “Jason, please,” he said, hating the frustrated edge leaking into his voice, “this isn’t the time for—”
“For what, Dick-face?” Jason snapped, voice echoing and too-loud in the still silence of whatever damp basement they’d been stashed in. “For more of your fucking martyr-hero stick? Maybe another round of trying to bullshit those fuckers into letting us go ‘cause that went so well last time? Maybe —”
Dick frowned as he finally circled back around to facing Jason, still bound at his ankles and wrists and cuffed to the leg of what might have been an old, rusted water heater or an antique stove after he’d slipped his restraints once already. He’d been caught only because he’d tried to help Dick. Jason’s next attempt had been a sore point since.
“Just,” Jason snarled, cutting off whatever he’d been about to say. “Just keep your useless trap shut unless there’s an actual idea rolling around in that empty fuckin’ head of yours.”
Thick, acrid anger burned through Dick’s chest and bubbled, useless, in his throat. His head throbbed, the steady drumbeat in his skull he’d felt since the hit that might as well have dissolved his concept of time in this godforsaken place growing to a much less negligible roar. He breathed through the pain and anger and the sudden nausea roiling in his stomach, the same slow, measured breaths Bruce had taught him as a kid. It would only do so much, but better that, he figured, than either letting his mouth run away from him or throwing up. Again.
“Jason,” he tried again once he’d sorted through the worst of what he felt, and wondered if he’d wind up with the name tattooed to his tongue from how much he’d repeated it. Had he ever used Jason’s name so often before now?
“Got anything new to say?” Dick pressed his lips into a thin, grim line and remained silent. Jason sneered. “Then shut the fuck up already.”
Dick sighed. He tried to shift, numb, prickling fingers wrapping clumsily around the cord keeping him suspended, and pulled to ease some of the pull on his shoulders only to slip. He hissed through clenched teeth, scrambling to stretch onto his toes and ignoring the ache along his sides and the burn in his back. There were more than bruises there, he knew — he’d screamed himself hoarse as they’d worked him over — but had refused to give it much thought beyond a brief acknowledgment of the pain. He stayed on his toes just long enough to breathe through what he’d done before easing off, slow and careful as he let his arms take the brunt of his weight again.
Jason’s head ducked, glaring once more at the cold, cement floor the second Dick’s gaze focused back on him. Some distant, probably slightly hysterical part of him wanted to laugh at that glimpse of concern he’d caught in his brother’s eyes. The anger for him rather than directed at him. It was nice, in a way, to know Jason cared — to be shown, however unwillingly. They had never really been close: Dick too distant to a brother he hadn’t wanted before Jason’s death, and too distracted after he’d come back to life and mellowed out enough to really come back to the family. It was nice, but unhelpful.
More than anything, Dick needed the ruthlessness the Red Hood was known for. He needed the man able, if not willing, to do what was needed for the sake of a plan. Not that Dick’s plan was much of one. He understood Jason’s anger in that regard. If anyone had told Dick to willingly leave one of his family in danger, he would have sucker-punched them in the face or worse. But he was the more injured of the two, strung up and beat and barely coherent most of the time because he’d spent his time running his mouth to keep their captors’ focus on him rather than on his brother.
Close or not, Dick had decided years ago that he’d do what he could to keep his family safe. If that meant taking a beating to spare someone else, then so be it. Even if it really fucking sucked.
“Jason,” he tried again, and rushed to talk when Jason’s head snapped up, glaring and ready to shout over him if need be. “No, shut up,” Dick hissed, gratified when Jason grimaced, fuming but silent. “I’m not telling you to abandon me here.” He was, they both knew he was, but there was no need to say it out loud. Their captors were playing with them right now, hoping to make Jason talk by hurting Dick. The chances of Dick dying after Jason was gone, though, were high. Still… “You’re not abandoning me. You’re getting help. We need help. Even if you somehow managed to get me down with a broken wrist, I don’t think I could walk out of here on my own and, again, you have a broken wrist. There’s just no way you’re getting me out of here alone.
“No,” he snapped when Jason moved to argue. “We’re good, can’t do what we do if we weren’t, but we’re only human.” Dick sucked in a single shaky breath and forced a grin that further split his lower lip. “I know you’ll come back for me, you and B and anyone else you can get your hands on. But first, you need to get out of here, find out where we are, and make the call. Got it?”
“You’re not the boss of me,” Jason growled, but there was no real heat to it. His shoulder had slumped, face twisted into a frown, and resignation visible in every line of his body. Dick was right and he knew it. “You’re not dyin’ here Dick-face,” he said, sharp and unhappy.
“I’m not,” Dick agreed despite the knots his stomach tied itself into.
Jason nodded, slow, and got to work getting free. The light across the room was too dim for Dick to see clearly — little more than the outline of Jason’s body and a few details catching the light visible, but he was enough of an escape artist himself to guess what Jason was doing. It would have been easier, faster, if they’d been caught as Red Hood and Nightwing instead of Jason Todd and Dick Grayson, but not impossible. All of them tended to carry at least some basic supplies on their person: lock picks, multi-purpose tools, a knife or two.
Dick held his breath while Jason worked, praying they hadn’t wasted too much time arguing and hesitating, and let it out all in a rush when he heard the distinct click of a cuff unlocking. He watched Jason stand, gingerly checking his fractured wrist and hissing when his fingers brushed it. Dick flashed him a smile, smaller this time but no less full of the same false confidence he’d injected into his earlier grin. And just as see-through. Jason frowned, nodded once, and stalked to the room’s only exit. After a brief moment spent listening for people on the other side and another to pick the lock, Jason strode through, silent as a shadow despite his bulk, and left Dick alone in the silence and near darkness.
Without another person there to occupy him, despite how neither had spoken much beyond brief check-ins and arguing about escape plans, time grew fuzzy. It seemed to slip through metaphorical fingers, no way to tell how long it had been since Jason had slipped out. The only relief was the lack of sound — no shouting, running, storming the basement, or anything else that might have indicated that Jason had been caught.
It was a relief.
It was a relief, until it wasn’t.
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
Jason couldn’t breathe.
The stale air cycling through his helmet tasted sour, made worse by the mingling damp, mold and the thick, coppery stench of blood. A fine tremor started in his hand, his white-knuckled grip on his pistol tightening until it threatened to either crack the grip or snap his fingers. He breathed in the deep, meditative breaths they all tended to use, but it did little to lessen the tightness in his chest and even less to banish the red haze creeping in at the edges of his vision.
A hand settled on his back under his jacket and pressed into the sweat-damp sweater he’d been wearing since they’d been caught, small but steadying. Firm and warm. A comfort and a warning bundled together in that special way only Cass managed. Calm, it seemed to say, but he could feel the way it shook, just slight enough that if he wouldn’t have noticed if he hadn’t been trying to focus on anything else but what lay in front of him. He swallowed, wanting to gag on the taste in his mouth. Wanting to storm out of this stupid cellar and press the muzzle of his gun to the temple of the nearest idiot and pull the trigger.
He wanted to crawl out of his skin. Crawl back in his grave. Be anyone or anywhere else because then, at least, this wouldn’t be his fault. He wanted to go back in time and strangle his brother for his idiotic ideas and too-good-self-sacrificial bullshit and find a way to switch places. Let Jason be the one on the floor because at least he’d already died. He’d lived the torture, the hopelessness, the last trembling breath before the explosion and the brief, concussive burn, so hot he’d felt cold. That, too, had been his fault.
It was funny, just a little, in an odd, hysteric kind of way.
He didn’t laugh. Didn’t cry. Didn’t move until Cassandra took him by the wrist and pulled him back up the stairs and out of the basement. His broken wrist throbbed, braced and in a sling because he’d refused anything more time consuming in lieu of going back personally with the others. It had taken him over an hour to find his way out of the maze of a hotel their captors had holed up in — some old place half fallen over with more rotted wood than intact some few miles outside of town — and another one and a half to find another living person with a cellphone.
Cass and Stephanie had found him some time after he called, his jacket, helmet, and guns in hand despite how they told him they were supposed to take him back to the cave so Alfred could check him over. Bruce, Tim, the demon brat, and Duke had gone after Dick. The girls hadn’t needed much convincing at all to take him there too once they’d at least stabilized his wrist and gotten him half-dressed in his Red Hood gear.
Stephanie and Duke were on the main floor, tense but trying to look casual where they leaned against moth-eaten, damaged furniture. Cass pulled him in their direction and past, out the door and into the cool, night air. Jason breathed it in with numb relief. He nearly jumped when another smaller hand touched his back, a brief pat before pulling away, and he looked to find Stephanie on his right and Duke on her other side.
“B commed,” she said, subdued and strained. “They made it to the hospital and N’s been taken in for surgery.” Her breath hitched, voice cracking toward the end. “They’re not sure if he’ll …”
“He will,” Jason rasped. “If there’s one thing I know,” he said, voice noticeably thick even through his helmet’s modulation, “it’s that luck fucking loves him. ‘S not about to run out any time soon.”
That pulled a startled laugh out of all three of them, and Jason’s lips pulled into an unwilling grin despite himself. He forced himself to breathe in sweet, fresh air and let some of the tension in his body drain out on the exhale. Dick would be fine, he told himself. The day Dick Grayson died without a single gray hair on his head was the day hell froze over, even if Jason had to drag him back to life kicking and screaming to make that true.
“I think we should make him a cake, for when he gets back,” Stephanie said, voice pitched up in a mostly poor attempt to cheer herself and them up. Duke nodded, about to say something when Cass interrupted with a cheerful chirp of:
“Two cakes.”
“Four,” Duke doubled to the girls’ obvious delight.
Jason groaned, tipping his head back dramatically and drawled, “None of you hellions are touching A’s goddamn kitchen. I’m not sitting through gross, obscure recipes for a week just ‘cause you decided to try playing baker.”
“I can bake!” Stephanie groused, and Jason laughed.
“You can go to a bakery,” Jason shot back. Stephanie huffed and Duke clapped her on the back while Cass muffled a small laugh of her own behind her hand.
Jason breathed in and finally holstered his gun as they reached the three bikes the trio had ridden in on. Dick would be okay, he told himself again, and for now he could do this. Play nice. Be a big brother. He owed that much, at least.
“I’ll bake,” Jason said giving the three a look before they hopped on their bikes, “and you can help.” He rolled his eyes behind his helmet as one cheer and two laughs rang out, then pulled himself carefully onto the back of Cass’ bike as she revved the engine, waiting for him to grab onto her so they could get back home.
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jasontoddshoe · 4 years
Strictly Business // Jason Todd
Chapter 1 - Reunion
Warnings: Language, Sexual Themes
Master List
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An annoyed puff of air escaped Jason’s lips as he stared at the man struggling beneath his boot. Of course the place he needed to go was exactly where he didn’t want to. After a moment of debating through his annoyance, Jason decided to just knock the man unconscious instead of killing him, this time. He adjusted his signature leather jacket before walking off, slinging his phone out of the pocket as he did so. After getting himself to a safe area he removed his helmet and brought his phone to his ear, calling someone he hadn’t spoken to for too long.
“Jason, long time no talk. What do you need?” The voice was surrounded by city noise as it came through the phone speaker.
“Your help, I’ll be there in 40 minutes, be ready to go” he answered before hanging up and jumping off of the rooftop he sat on.
“What’s with the elusivity Jason? We are brothers you know” Jason spun his head around to see Dick walking toward him, fully costumed as he was asked to be. The man smiled at him before pulling him in for a reluctant hug. Jason grunted, hugging him back loosely.
“The fox, what’ve you heard about her recently?” Jason asked, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible. Dick’s eyebrows raised as a smirk appeared on his face.
“Oh, so she’s the reason you’re in town then?” He ask suggestively, waggling his eyebrows at the Red Hood who only shook his head in return. 
“It’s not like that man, you know that” He fired back, placing himself down to sit on the ledge of the building. Nightwing strode over to him, plopping down next to him with a sigh. 
“I know, but I really want it to be” He replied, earning him a firm punch on the shoulder  from the slightly younger man. “Anyway, what do you need her for then?”
“I heard from a lot of people that she knows where Sionis is, I’m not gonna let him get away this time” Jason answered gruffly. “So do you know where she is or not?”
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re quite brash?” Dick asked in a mock British accent, making both of them chuckle slightly. “And yes I know where she is”
“I believe the verbatim of it was, ‘You know, you’re quite brash master Jason’” Both boys laughed again before standing up to get back to work for the night.
Jason could feel his heart thump to the bass of the loud song blaring through the nightclub. He crinkled his nose slightly annoyed by just how loud it was. Now Jason’s never opposed to partying, but He couldn’t hear anything, not even the voice of Dick despite being right next to him. The two vigilantes strolled through the crowded club anyway, both in search of you. It was Dick who finally spotted you after about fifteen minutes of searching.
Though it wasn’t audible from this distance, Jason could tell you laughed at something. Based on the way you threw your head back slightly and a bright smile adorned your face it was easy to tell. Jason felt that dreadful rush of warmth he got whenever you smiled, wash over him, and he mentally groaned.
The two boys started weaving their way through the crowd of loud, drunk party goers in their pursuit of you. You had no idea of the two guys hot on your trail as you started walking in the same direction towards the bar.
Jason let out a grunt as he sped up to grab you by the wrist. You stared down at the hand holding your wrist rather tightly and spun around quickly, going to hit the man with your now free hand, dropping your drink to do so. Thankfully, Jason had a feeling you’d swing if a stranger grabbed you so he ducked to avoid your surprisingly powerful swing. He was quickly met with your foot flying towards his face. Jason couldn’t describe how thankful for his reflexes he was in that moment as he caught your ankle and pushed your leg back to the ground. He held both of your wrists in one hand behind your back as you faced away from him with an annoyed look on your face.
“Now that’s no way to treat your favorite vigilante” Jason’s voice rasped softly in your ear. You knew it was him because you had to fight the shiver that threatened to run down your spine at the sound of his voice. Of course, you had to tease him in response.
“Dick?” Your voice asked loudly, though Jason still had to strain his ears to hear you. He rolled his eyes and his jaw involuntarily tightened when he realized his brother’s name is the one that fell from your lips. “I’m kidding Jay, I know it’s you” you commented cooly, slipping your wrists from his loosening grasp to turn and face him. “To whom do I owe the pleasure?”
“Sionis, let’s talk outside” he replied, sending a nod in the direction of Dick who was a few feet away. Dick nodded back, giving Jason a two fingered salute before disappearing into the crowd. Jason softly placed a hand on the small of your back before leading you out the door.
Once outside, Jason quickly wrapped an arm around your waist and grappled to the safety of a rooftop. The cool gust of air that rushed over your body sent a chill running across your mostly bare skin, the thin material of the dress you had on wasn’t helping. Your hands went to your arms, trying to get a little friction to keep them warm. Who knew Blüdhaven was so cold in the middle of fall?
Jason noticed and slipped his leather jacket from his shoulders and tossed it to you. You gave him a small thin lipped smile as you slipped the large coat on.
“Sionis is holding a gala and you’ve got a vip invitation, why?” He asked, staring over at you. His eyes raked up and down your frame wearing his jacket, a rush of warmth threatened it’s way to his cheeks, dusting them a soft pink color. An annoyed grunt left your lips as you crossed your arms and turned your head to the side.
“The pig has been trying to get with me for months and he can’t seem to take a hint. I wasn’t going to go to the gala” you answered honestly. There was no point in lying to Jason, he somehow seemed to always know you were. Jason tensed slightly at the thought of Black Mask trying to get with you. He mentally slapped himself in the face as a way of saying ‘snap out of it’.
“Well you are now, and I’m going as your plus one” Jason stated matter of factly. You raised you eyebrows, a small smirk working it’s way to your mouth.
“I guess that’s one way to ask a girl out” you teased, your smirk widening as his eyes rolled. He shoved his hands into his pants pockets and chewed on his lower lip for a second before responding.
“Sorry doll, but this is strictly business” he commented. It was your turn to roll your eyes as you took a step towards him. You opened your mouth to speak but he beat you to it. “We’re going to your apartment for you to grab clothes then we’re going back to Gotham”
“So bossy, I like it” you gave him a sly wink before slinking past him, leaping over to the next rooftop. “Well, are you coming? It was your idea after all” you called before running off toward the direction of your apartment. Jason let out a sigh before chasing after you.
“Remind me why were at this little hotel in the middle of the city” you asked Jason, trailing behind him while carrying a duffel bag. He only shook his head in response and kept walking toward the front desk. “Or don’t answer me, that’s fine too I guess” you huffed, the slight heels on your shoes clacking loudly against the tile floor of the lobby. It was becoming a struggle to keep up with Jason while also walking at a leisurely pace.
“You and I are staying here until the gala because I have to watch you so you don’t run away” he grumbled, trying his hardest not to look at you still wearing his leather jacket. He knew that if he looked at you he would just become a blushing mess and he needed to keep his composure. He abruptly stopped at the desk in front of what looked to be the only person working that night. Since you weren’t expecting him to stop walking, you crashed right into his back.
“Um hello? Could you warn some people before you just stop in the middle of your brisk walk?” You scoffed, backing up from him and walking to his other side.
“I need a room, two queen beds” he told the young man at the desk. He nodded and typed in some stuff on his computer. Jason refused to look at you even when you tried to get his attention. You let out an annoyed scoff and shook your head, crossing your arms sassily.
“I’m sorry sir, but we unfortunately only have single kings left” the boy behind the desk said. Jason let out an audible groan and glanced around the bustling lobby. “Would you like one of those?” He asked after Jason didn’t respond for a few minutes. Finally after his five minutes of ignoring you, he glanced over at you before heaving a heavy sigh.
“No, thank you” he replied quietly before grabbing your wrist and pulling you out of the hotel. Your eyebrows furrowed as he got back onto his bike and motioned for you to do the same.
“I thought you had to babysit me?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. There was a slight tinge of annoyance in your voice, both at him and at the fact that he had to watch you so you didn’t run off. Of course if he hadn’t been so insistent, you probably would’ve run off, but the complete lack of trust hurt a little bit. To be fair you’ve given him no reason to trust you, but still.
“If I have to share a bed with you anyway then we’re just going back to the manor” he explained, patting the seat behind him again. You nodded, slightly confused but you complied.
It was a fairly short ride to Wayne manor, considering the speed demon that Jason is. After parking his bike in the bat cave, he grabbed your hand to help you slide off the back. He took your bag for you and went to the area where everyone’s suits are held. Most spots were empty since it was still prime patrolling time, the only ones that were still there was Red Robin’s, which was Tim’s, and Robin’s, Damien’s suit.
“So you gonna explain to me why the fuck your mood switched like that?” You asked with a snap of your fingers when you said ‘like that’. He shook his head in response, making you grumble. “Ok then” after a few moments of awkward silence, he spoke up.
“You can put your suit in that one” he pointed to an empty one at the end of the row of cases. You nodded and stepped toward it. Glancing it up and down you noticed the name plate at the top: Catwoman. Your eyebrows shot up as you looked at Jason, the name of your old mentor surprising you a little bit.
“I never knew her and Bruce’s relationship was ever that serious” you commented, reaching a hand up to run your thumb across the engraved nameplate. Jason looked over at you, who was staring in slight astonishment at the case. He was already shirtless, changing out of his nightly attire into more comfortable clothes.
“It was for a little bit, until she went back to thieving again” he stated, kicking his boots of and tossing them lazily into his case. A soft puff of air left you as you looked at the ground.
“Yeah, once you get into this life it’s hard to stop” you mumbled, which you thought he couldn’t hear but of course he did. You shook your head and turned away from the case, slipping his leather jacket off your shoulders as you did so. “Here, thank you for letting me wear it” you said, holding it out for him to take.
“Yeah, no problem” he replied quietly, taking it and hanging it up quickly. “So, what makes it hard to stop stealing things?” He asked curiously, your previous statement lingering in his head.
“O-oh” your cheeks turned a little pink when you turned back to face him and he was stripped down to his boxers. “Um, you just get into a bunch of debt with different people who helped you out and then you end up having to steal to pay it off. At least that’s why I’m still here, I don’t know about Selina but I know I’m stuck like this for a while” you explained, looking everywhere around the cold bat cave except for at him. He slipped a pair of black joggers over his muscular legs, listening thoughtfully as you spoke.
“Who exactly are you in debt to?” He asked, watching as you unpacked your stuff and hung it up in the case.
“Some things in our relationship have to stay a secret Jay, things wouldn’t be interesting otherwise” you replied, patting his chest as you walked past him to the elevator up to the manor. He stood there for a moment, in thought, before jogging towards the elevator doors. His large form slid into the small elevator. Standing next to him made you feel so small, he towered over you easily with his 6’4 self.
“Trust me doll, things would stay interesting” his normal annoyingly sexy smirk returned to his face as he took a step toward you. His actions threw you off a little bit, especially since he was being so cold just a few minutes ago. Since you were off your game slightly, when the elevator jolted upward before getting into it’s steady rise, you stumbled, back hitting the side of the elevator. Jason took advantage of this to trap you there, putting a hand on each side of your head and standing awfully close.
“Oh my god, are you fucking bipolar? If not then you’ve got so damn extreme mood swings” you muttered, looking up at him. He stared down at you intensely before shaking his head and backing away, rubbing his eyes harshly.
“Sorry, I know it’s been a while but I swear my one dip in the pit still fucks with my head. I was an ass at the hotel” he stated, not completely lying but not telling the whole truth. He sucked in a small breath before looking back at you who nodded understandingly.
“It’s fine, I get that. Maybe try to explain that a little earlier on next time? Not when you’re trying to get a little something in an elevator” you suggested teasingly, poking his large bicep with a small smile on your face.
“I’ll keep that in mind” he laughed lightly. The two of you stepped out of the elevator and Jason led you through the hallways of the large Manor.
“Ah, Hello miss (y/n)” Alfred’s kind voice said as you entered the large living room. You smiled brightly at him, giving him a wave.
“(L/n)’s here?” You heard Damien ask confusedly, turning around on the couch to look for you. Tim nodded from next to him and turned around as well.
“Hi (Y/n)” he gave you a soft smile and a wave before turning back around. Jason’s eyebrows furrowed at the casual interactions that were happening between you and his family. “Didn’t you hear her come in Damien?”
“No, of course not. How could I? Her footsteps are practically silent” he defended, scowling at his older brother.
“In those heels? I think you need to train your ears a bit more” Tim shrugged, taking a sip from the coffee mug in his hands. Damien glanced at your shoes, which were indeed heels, and grunted, settling back into his spot.
“My ears are just fine Drake” he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest sassily. A small laugh escaped your lips at the young male.
“Clearly” Tim rolled his eyes.
“Come on (Y/n), my room’s this way” Jason said, putting his hand on the small of your back to start leading you toward a grand staircase.
“I know where your room is Jay” you smirked, patting him on the shoulder before starting your way down the familiar hallway.
“Yeah, she knows where your room is Jay” Tim teased, making Jason flip him off before he followed after you.
Your heels clacked quietly on the marble stairs as you jogged up them, never learning how to take stairs slowly nor carefully. When you reached the top of the very large, very grand staircase, you lifted up your feet one at a time to pull off the wretched shoes. You smiled slightly at the relief of the cold floor on your blistering feet and continued down the hall. Jason watched the whole ordeal, shaking his head but a small involuntary smile coming onto his lips.
The dark wooden door to his bedroom creaked slightly as you pushed it open. His bedroom, like the rest of the house, was very grand. A large king sized bed with a dark wood frame sat with the headboard against the left wall, a nightstand of the same wood on each side of it. The plush white sheets and comforter contrasted the wood very nicely, giving it a clean and sleek look. There was a desk and a few book shelves in the far corner of the room, and of course an attached bathroom that would rival the master bathroom in a million dollar home. To add his own little touch, there were accents of red almost anywhere Jason could fit them and still manage to make it look good. At the very back in the center a double sliding glass door, currently covered by floor length red curtains, led to a large balcony.
“So how exactly did you know where my room was?” Jason asked you, striding over to his bed and sitting on the edge. “I don’t recall ever bringing you here” he added, glancing you up and down slowly before locking eyes with you.
“Oh you haven’t, but you should make it a habit to lock your balcony doors. Wouldn’t want any thieves coming in would we?” You smirked, walking around to the other side of the bed and tossing your bag on the floor. He opened his mouth to speak but shut it again for a moment.
Jason then abruptly stood to his feet, walking over to the balcony doors. He pushed the curtain aside slightly and clicked the lock shut, giving you a small glare. You let a giggle escape your mouth before grabbing some clothes from your bag and walking off to his bathroom.
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jinmukangwrites · 4 years
Whumptober Day 16
"Nightwing, report."
Bruce says it more heartlessly than he means to. Here he is, dragging his eldest child through the grimy streets of the Theater District, kicking up abandoned, soggy pieces of litter as they stumble inch by inch towards the Batmobile, and he asks his barely lucid son to report as he hangs around Bruce's shoulder by a limp arm. 
And maybe it's just the quote unquote emotional constipation in him. Maybe whenever he sees any of his children this out of commission, something inside of him subconsciously crawls away to hide. Turn his face. Harden every single one of his outer layers until the sight of pain in his children's faces just doesn't bother him as much as it probably should. 
It does bother him. He just can't ever bring himself to show it while they're still in the heat of the moment. 
"Chum," he repeats when Dick simply lets out a little mewl. "Can you make it back to the cave?" 
Dick shakes his head against Bruce's shoulder, pain wrinkling the skin at the corners of his wandering eyes. Bruce noted Dick's been looking slightly off and to the left for the past five minutes. Bruce wishes he could see what Dick sees right now, tell him whatever he's seeing over there isn't real and it's all Crane's fear toxin, but he knows better. He's worked with plenty of victims who hallucinate enough times to know the worst thing you could do was ask them about the sights and sounds they were experiencing. Whether it's illusions caused by drugs or a mentally ill patient in Arkham, asking them to verbalize and explain was just as good as making it a reality for them. 
Bringing it out of their heads and into the real world. 
Judging by how Dick's still managing to get his legs to work alongside Bruce as they walk a little further, the delusions he's seeing must not be fully effecting him. 
"B- I…" Dick swallows and shakes his head again. "It's bad this- this time. I- I don't know if… if I can…"
He cuts off with a groan and Bruce drags them forward ever faster, wincing at the strain of the movement added with Dick's extra weight bearing down upon his wounded calf, sliced open by Scarecrow's scythe not ten minutes ago. 
Bruce has already administered the antidote into Dick's bloodstream, but it seems Crane has altered his formula once again. The most it's doing is slowing down the effects, but Bruce knows that sooner or later Dick will be completely lost to his nightmares, and Bruce will be helpless to do anything but work as fast as he can to create an antidote. 
"Just hold on, chum, just one more street and we'll be in the car, then we can figure all of this out."
Curse Crane for being around long enough to know that Bruce's most important tricks and tricks are within his utility belt. He got a lucky swipe at his hips during the heat of their now finished battle and broke a lot of the wiring he has within the device. The button to summon the Batmobile was broken, and seeing as Alfred was currently out of the country and most of his kids off doing their own things, he couldn't have anyone manually drive the Batmobile towards them. 
He's just glad Damian went with Alfred to England. The lad needed a trip out, and Alfred was happy to suggest bringing him along. Because, while that might mean there's no one to help Bruce while Dick is dosed up on fear toxin like this, it also means Damian won't have to see his eldest brother like this. 
"Br's," Dick mumbles beside him as the place where Bruce parked the Batmobile comes into sight. 
"Yes, chum?" 
"I can't… I- think-"
Suddenly, Dick jerks away from Bruce's grasp, and thanks to the blood-loss in his leg, he isn't quite strong enough to stop Dick from slipping from his hands and collapsing onto the floor, whining and trying to get back to his feet with the strength of a newborn fawn. 
Bruce rushes forward. "Nightwing!" 
He tries to grab at Dick and lift him back up, but Dick yelps and flinches violently like he's been shocked. "No please!" 
And… shit. The fear toxin is finally taking full effect. Of course it's had to happen now, when they were so close to the Batmobile. Within a millisecond, Bruce tries to determine what kind of procedures he'll have to enact to get Dick into the car and back to the cave. Does Dick simply need space? Or does he need to be restrained?
He should plan on restraints. Always plan for every outcome, but prepare for the worst case scenario first. It's a lesson he's forced himself to learn over the years, one he's taught to every child who he's ever mentored and called his own. 
"Please no, please stop-" Dick continues to whimper, slowly stumbling to his feet and backing up like he's one blow of the wind from falling over. "I can't-"
And Bruce moves. As much as seeing Dick like this hurts him, he also knows the longer the toxin is in Dick's system, the more potential damage it could do. It will be better in the long run to ignore Dick's internal struggles and get him to the cave than it would be to not startle him. 
Dick tries to fight him, his breaths coming out in panicked bursts as Bruce grabs onto his upper body and pins him to his chest. Dick immediately begins to struggle, his back to Bruce's chest and his arms trapped between Bruce's restraining ones. He yells out, screams to be let go and left alone, but Bruce grinds his teeth and manhandles Dick towards the car, forcing himself to ignore the pulsing pain in his leg or how he'll definitely have to stitch it himself later.
He gets to the car thankfully without anyone coming out to see what the ruckus was about. People scream all the time in the Theater District despite Bruce's constant attempts to lower the rate of crime. Where in normal cities, people would probably at least look out their windows to see what commotion was about, in Crime Alley it was smarter to keep the blinds shut and the doors locked. 
Shoving Dick into the car takes tremendous effort. Dick's full on panicking now, trying to hit and kick at Bruce with everything he's got, and by the time Bruce has him locked into the back of the Batmobile where the chair with restraints reside, he's sporting a number of new bruises along his chest and jaw.
He shuts the foot and leans against the car for a moment, catching his breath as a wave of dizziness crashes into him. Dick's writhing within the restraints of the chair, screaming and kicking, clawing at any straps his fingers can barely grasp at. 
Bruce sucks in a breath of air, hardens the shell around him, then limps towards the driver's seat. 
By the time he skids to a stop within the cave, Dick's gone from screaming and struggling to crying and heartbreaking attempts to simply curl up. Multiple times during the ride, he's called for Bruce to save him. To swoop in and make the pain stop. Multiple times he apologizes for not being good enough. For always failing. 
Bruce wants nothing more than to tell him that he's here, and that he'll fix this, and that he considers the man Dick Grayson is today to be one of his greatest achievements. Never a disappointment. 
But his vision is woozy and he feels nauseous thanks to the blood-loss, and he knows Dick will be deaf to any reassurances until he has an antitoxin in his system. There is no point in wasting time. Not when he could be spending it curing Dick's fears and then making sure he doesn't bleed to death. 
Because he's pretty sure if he bleeds to death while Alfred is in England, the man will bring Bruce back to life just so he can kill him himself. 
He slams his fingers on the button that opens all the doors of the Batmobile and then stumbles out. He leaves Dick restrained to the chair for the moment while he practically trips over his own feet towards the lab where he grabs a roll of gauze and ties it around his leg. He then grabs the nearest clean syringe, turns, and prepares himself for what he's about to do. 
He takes off his cowl, in hopes a familiar face will make the process easier, but Dick still sobs and screams and begs as Bruce shoves the needle into his arm anyway. 
"I'm sorry, please, it hurts- it hurts-"
He forces himself to tune it out, rushing back towards the lab as quickly as his hastily bandaged wound would allow and begins to analyze Dick's blood. Dick doesn't stop whimpering for the entire process, and by the time Bruce has an antitoxin ready, he's practically numb.
Numb to Dick's constant sobbing and expressions of fear. Numb to his own body. 
Everything spins as he walks like a dead man towards his son one final time. As much as it initially pained him to do, he's glad now that he has Dick restrained like this. He's so weak that he knows he wouldn't be able to fight off Dick's writhing if he were free.
He presses the needle into Dick's neck, ignoring how his cries and shouts become louder, his struggling becoming more violent. However, there's nothing Dick can do to fend off Bruce like this, and soon the entirety of the antitoxin in running its course through his system.
Both Bruce and Dick collapse, Bruce because of the overtaking dizziness, Dick because the fear toxin is now in process of being nullified. 
Dick's still hallucinating, Bruce can tell, but they're not as violent as what they were just a few minutes ago. Bruce can't really look and see through, he can barely keep his eyes open. It's all he can do to lean against the car and rest his head near where Dick's thighs sit on the chair. He can feel Dick twitching every so often, but the twitches become smaller the more time goes by. 
Eventually, Dick's whimpers become nothing more than tired sighs, and Bruce finally lets his eyes close. 
Bruce wakes up what must be hours later. He knows this, because the chittering in the cave above him is louder, a sign that it's morning and the bats are slowly beginning to return home.
He's laying on his back on top of one of the metal lab tables, various beakers and tools pushed to the side to make room for his body. His entire leg is numb, but not in the way that meant blood-loss and infection, but one that suggested a numbing agent. He groans and gets his elbows under him, wincing at the strain in his spine from the hard surface of the table. There's a tug in his wrist that belongs to an IV hooked to a bag of blood, and when he looks down he can see his leg has been expertly wrapped. Various medical tools lay forgotten by his legs along with a bloodied needle and a spool of medical thread. 
Then, his eyes catch onto a very pale, but peacefully resting Dick Grayson. Bruce has no idea how he escaped the restraints of the Batmobile, dragged Bruce all the way here, and patched up his leg, but judging by how he's absolutely knocked out cold, curled up in a very uncomfortable metal chair, it took a lot of strain for him to pull off. 
Bruce is just glad that Dick managed to escape the restraints after the antitoxin was administered, and not before. 
Slowly, Bruce slides the IV out from his arm and climbs off the table, cautious of his bad leg. Dick doesn't move as Bruce approaches, which is probably for the best. Bruce carefully brushes his hand against Dick's cheek, and finally lets himself feel something when Dick hums sleepily and leans into his touch. 
Dick is twenty-seven years old. But Bruce knows that Dick could grow to be forty, or eighty, or older, and Bruce would always see him as that little eight year old who first somersaulted into his life, the same little boy stood in front of Bruce with a determined set to his jaw; demanding Bruce let him out at night to fight crime.
"Dick," Bruce whispers, moving his hand up a little to sneakily check his temperature as Dick's eyelashes flutter open. "Chum, Alfred will murder us if we sleep all night in the cave."
"But'm comfy," Dick mumbles through a yawn and Bruce finds a grin slowly spreading on his lips.
"No you're not. Come on, up."
Dick groans as Bruce wraps his hand around his bicep to coax him to his feet. Soon enough, Bruce has Dick leaning against his side, arms wrapped around each other to support both of their weights. Together, they walk towards the stairs, dreading the walk up but knowing they can do it as long as they have each other.
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miss-choco-chips · 4 years
I saw this post https://dametsunax27.tumblr.com/post/616421151376359424/broke-tim-is-the-smart-one-bart-and-kon-are#notes from @dametsunax27 and couldn’t control myself. This makes no sense whatsoever. I’m sorry in advance.
One would think Tim Drake was the ultimate impulse control keeping his trainwreck of a team from going off the rails and burn.
One would be halfway wrong.
Cyborg is giving Kon lessons on how to beat ass at video games (and enjoying making it stick by thoroughly kicking his and goading about it like only a Titan could) when Dick’s little brother and now his teammate, Tim, Red Robin, stumbled out of the elevator. Dark glasses slightly askew let one catch a glimpse of his wide, pupil-blown blue eyes, and hair a utter mess; it was an understatement to say he was automatically worried.
Had he just been on a fight? But he didn’t seem beat up, or out of breath, so that couldn't be. He also didn’t look sick, but something was definitely off about him. Cyborg had never seen the teen look anything but perfectly poised, though a case could be make on how he always ever saw him during serious hero business. This could be usual Red Robin behaviour, for all he knew… still, this was Dick’s little brother, and if anything happened to him under Cyborg's watch, the unbidden rage of one Nightwing would fall on him and that wasn’t a pretty thing to receive, so he didn’t hesitate to pause the game and shoot Kon a worried look.
Said meta didn’t even seem phased, attention split between his frozen, half dead character on screen, and his apparently crazy friend.
-What’s up? -he asked, half turning to watch the small vigilante approach, when it was evident Cyborg wouldn't unpause the game until this was solved- Cracked a case? Finished a new game?
-Conner -Tim obviously tried to whisper, but ended up shouting halfway through the name; he also completely bypassed him, something the polite, all around good kid wouldn’t do unless in dire circumstances- Get ready. We are going out.
Cyborg tilted his head, looking around. There was no one else here, and Tim wasn’t suited up. This couldn't be a mission… right? 
Kon didn’t move from the couch, eyes squinted as if trying to decide something- Going where, bud?
-Nasa. We are rescuing the Aliens.
While that was a perfectly normal sentence to be said among superheroes who could and had traveled to literal space for missions, something didn’t quite make sense for Cyborg. Maybe it was the fact that Kon barely even blinked, instead looking like his suspicious had been confirmed.
-Uh huh. Which aliens?
-ET and its people, of course. We are gonna raid not only area 51, but all the other ones.
The meta just sighed, giving up and letting his controller back on the table in front of the couch.
-When was the last time you slept for more than thirty minutes at a time, buddy?
Tim threw both hands up- That doesn’t matter right now, Kon! The aliens need us! I’m calling Bart, you obviously can’t grasp the situation’s severity.
-No, wait, don’t/ -but it was too late, Tim already had his phone at hand, and he evaded all of Kon’s attempts at taking it away with a grace very specific of his family, but very surprising considering he was one step down from feral.
Bart was with them half a second later.
Once again, Conner was ignored. He slumped back into the couch, looking at the ceiling like a man deep into despair.
-Can you hack them? -a new blink and Bart seemed ready to go, butterfly net at hand and Indiana Jones hat above his massive mane of hair. His other hand had a very suspicious plastic bottle, that Cyborg quickly recognized as a very, very  sweet and caffeine imbued drink- We can probably use some blueprints to know where to go to find the aliens fast and free them.
-Already ahead of you. I haven’t seen any containment units, but there’s some open spaces that could be hiding underground prisons. We are going to check that out first.
At this point, Conner just seemed tired. He got up from the couch again and slowly but steadily approached the plotting geniuses as the talked about possible traps and battle strategies. Cyborg knew, on a superficial level, that Bart was, like, very smart and Tim was a veritable genius; but he hadn’t been quiet aware they were chaotic. Apparently, sugar rush and sleep deprivation pushed them both to… this.
Should he call Dick? There was still some responsibility to be taken from not making Tim sleep -or noticing how unhinged he was getting- before, but surely his old friend wouldn't blame him for something that, according to Kon’s face, was a normal occurrence.
-...And then, we look into the Director’s personal life, find his family, and take his wife hostage! Or husband, whatever, we ain’t letting heteronormative thinking stop us!
-Are you using that word right?
-I think so, yes. 
-Good, you get extra points for that one. 
-Should we also kidnap their kids, if they have them? I won’t feel comfortable about taking our answers from them, but their parents don’t know how far are we willing to go, so we can just bluff our way around it.
-Oh, oh! You can do the Batman voice! It’ll scare them so much, they’ll shit their pants without us even getting physical! And we won’t even need to take their children!
-No, we do need to. You know how I feel about backup plans.
-But you just said you don’t like the idea.
-I don’t remember which word I started this sentence with, Bart, don’t come at me with something I might or might not have said a few seconds ago.
The tired meta, who had been slowly and quietly approaching them, was finally close enough to snatch both their smaller bodies around the waist, tucking them under his arms and carrying them like that.
-I’m pretty sure half of what you two plotted somehow violates the Geneva convention. Crime is bad, remember Rob? 
Tim looked up at him, wide eyes over the rim of his dark glasses, blinking like butter wouldn't melt on his mouth. He was completely pliant, letting Kon float them all towards the elevator. Bart, on his part, trashed like a half feral cat, hissing and spitting. 
Cyborg distantly thought they’d be needing to disinfect the floor. Again.
-No! Kon, my man, you  can’t stop us! We are freeing your people!
-ET isn’t my people. Or real. 
-BLASPHEMY! Tim! Buddy, back me up. We said we were gonna free the aliens!
Tim tilted his head, glasses almost falling off, and stretched his neck enough he could see Bart at the other side of Kon’s broad chest.
-...who are you again?
-Not mine.
Cyborg couldn't hear whatever followed, as the elevator’s door closed. The living room was once again in silence.
Cyborg was having an out of body experience.
What the fuck?
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finallyaniguana · 5 years
Watch The Eyes: The Gotham City Airport [9]
[8]     masterpost     ao3     [10]
EDIT: so as it turns out there is not an extra day between Friday and Saturday. Its been so long since I wrote this chapter that i completely forgot to keep track of the days of the week so im bumping the schedule back a day (so the plane landed Sunday instead of Monday)
It had been a tense two weeks since Damian had spoken to Dick about what happened in the batcave. If the situation wasn't so serious, Damian would have laughed at his reaction.
"Wait, so you're telling me I was sparring with your soulmate?"
Damian nodded grimly.
"Dude... no hesitation. She kicked my ass."
He furrowed his eyebrows. 'Wait... she won? She can fight?'
"No, seriously. Whoever she is, she is fully prepared to deal with our family. Didn't even ask what was going on. You gotta let me know when you find her. I want a rematch."
While Dick was questioning his entire life, Damian was devising ways to attempt to find his soulmate. He was fairly certain she was in France by the language and time stamp, which he conveniently forgot to mention to Dick or anyone else for that matter. He also knew that she has friends named Alya and Nino. It wasn't alot to go on considering he had no idea where in France to start looking.
Alya was not a terribly common name, but being so young it was unlikely the girl had any press or accomplishments he would be able to search for. Since he didn't know her last name, he couldn't research her until he found his soulmate.
He hadn't been able to catch the name of the school. Maybe because the girl, Alya, was dragging him too fast. Or maybe it was leftover resistance to having a bond like this. But it would spell trouble for his entire family if she came to Gotham looking for Nightwing. He had no idea what her character was like. She could be totally reckless. Better to find her first.
He started a campaign of research, sparing none of his free time. But his isolation was leading him into weariness. He was usually fairly introverted, meaning he got his energy by spending time alone, but something was pushing him to spend time with others. So, to keep up his spirits and energy, he went outside the manor for his training. Kor'i was very excited to see him back, the rest of the Titans surprised. He didn't tell them about her, though. He wanted to keep that quiet.
He also went out of his way to spend more time with Jon, who was ecstatic that Damian had decided to find her.
"What made you change your mind?" Jon asked.
Damian sat in silence for a moment. His shoulders drooped and he exhaled.
"I don't know. It feels right , I suppose."
That was a good enough answer for Jon.
Despite not expecting any success, Damian searched up 'Alya France' on his computer. The only thing that came up was a site called 'The Ladyblog' which looked like a fansite about a superhero he'd never heard of. He scrolled through it for a bit before stopping on a video from about two years prior. He clicked it.
"Don't blink now, we're live from Paris. Yo peeps! Alya here bringing you the one and only Ladyblog. *gasp* What is that? Ladybug in action! Hang on, we're going for a ride."
The video continued to play in the background of Damian's mind. It could not be this easy. That was most definitely the girl he saw through his soulmate's perspective. He had absolutely no idea what the girl was talking about though. Ladybug? Chat Noir? Surely if this was real he would have heard about it. No, it must be some sort of fiction project or something similar.
She lived in Paris. Next he had to figure out what school this girl went to so he could figure out his soulmate's name. The textbook in Alya's hand being his biggest lead to the school.
From there... he would make his final decision. They would meet sometime in the coming year, but he didn't have to reveal himself since it was unlikely she would have figured out Nightwing's secret identity by then. Even Tim, undoubtedly the greatest detective of all the Robins, would have taken far longer to figure it out had he not seen Dick perform at Haley's a those years ago.
His mother would have told him to avoid the girl like the plague. Not even consider looking for her. She would only drag him down, add to the list of things that could be used against him. Make him go soft.
But his father? His brothers? They would say go for it. Even Batman, the ultimate loner, recognized the need to have connection. Thus starting his adopting spree that they are yet to be convinced has ended.
He'd trace that book to her school. Trace that book to her class. Trace that book to her. Unknowingly following a similar route to the Ladyblogger in front of him.
Tim sat in his office looking over the itinerary for the class that was visiting. Wayne Enterprises was sponsoring the entire trip.
• Dick was picking up the class from the airport and getting them to the hotel Sunday. Transportation had been secured for the whole trip.
• Dick was also to lead the tour of the building the first day, Monday. At least the public parts.
• Gotham High was accepting them the next few days Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, so the trip remained educational.
• A visit to the Gardens the next day, Saturday, a tour guide arranged.
• Back to Gotham High the next week, Monday through Friday. Tour of the Gotham museum of art Saturday.
• Gotham High again.
• Charity gala the last Saturday with a mention to the class president who wrote the winning essay. Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
He squinted at the name. There was something familiar about it.
'Pain is French for bread? That's got to be it,' he thought. He brushed it off. He had other work to accomplish.
Dick was to be meeting this class at the airport. As the tour guide, he was opening himself up to be the face of their entire trip. He would be accompanying them on all of their trips since Tim had work and Damian was in school (although some of the students were likely to end up in Damian's class). He wasn't sure if anyone would recognize him as Bruce Wayne's first son. To be quite frank, he was hoping they wouldn't. They were French so there was a good chance.
Dick was also on edge after having a discussion with Damian. He wholeheartedly supported him finding his soulmate. He seemed so desperate, bit in a quiet kind of way, even though for years he's been saying he wanted nothing to do with her, whoever she is.
He had been acting strange for two weeks. Rambling on. Cautious where he used to be fearless. Less like the grandson of the demon and more like... well a kid. An anxious kid. It was refreshing, even if he knew it was most likely Damain's soulmates personality peeking through Damian's cracked veneer. He was also becoming more social which absolutely floored B when his son brought Jon home to hang out or when he actually volunteered to train in the Tower with the Titans. It was strange. But a good strange.
The kids pouring out of the luggage claim looked absolutely exhausted. A seven hour flight would do that to you. Despite that, Dick noticed the group had two focal points between which students bounced back and fourth. An taller Italian girl and a much shorter girl with black hair to her shoulder blades.
He had a sign that said François Dupont which he flipped up, the kids pooling into the center of the area. All the kids looked around awkwardly. The small girl with the black hair noticed him first. She turned to to the redheaded teacher he hadn't noticed before. Caline Bustier he remembered. When Caline looked towards him, she ushered the kids in his direction, smiling at the girl who pointed him out.
All the teens flocked around him. The teacher smiled and extended her hand. He shook it.
"Alright! Francois Dupont, yes? Forgive me if my French is a little bit shakey. I haven't had too many occasions to speak it. My name is Richard. On behalf of Wayne Enterprises I welcome your class to Gotham!"
The kids all looked at each other with excitement.
"Now, if you'll all follow me. There is a bus waiting to take you to your hotel," Dick said brightly.
He beckoned them outside where a Coach bus was waiting. The luggage underneath, they were all ready to go.
"One more thing!" Dick announced.
They all looked at him. He held up a small digital camera.
"To prove to Mr. Wayne you all arrived safely. And for the contest webpage if that's alright with you."
He let Mlle. Bustier arrange the children so they could all be seen, she and Dick standing at either side of the group. The coach driver took the picture. The camera automatically downloaded all photos to his cell phone, so he was immediately able to send the picture to Bruce. That picture was from there sent to Tim who uploaded it to the contest webpage with the caption "The winning class!"
They all filed onto the bus. The Italian girl seemed to have priority over everyone else, or at least that's how several of her classmates treated her. She went on first. Not before subtly knocking shoulders with the small girl. It didn't seem friendly.
Since he had no details, there was little he could do unless whatever the situation was escalated under his watch. He decided to keep an eye on those two, just in case.
The teacher took roll once more. Satisfied that they had everyone, the bus started moving. After about forty five minutes, the bus rolled into the hotel parking lot. Dick stood first and went into the hotel.
He collected the room keys from the front desk while Mlle. Bustier handled getting everyone and everything off the coach.
He came back outside, passing off the thick envelope of key cards to the teacher, smiling brightly. She thanked him with her best English. Richard's face lit up in surprise.
"Oh!" he said. "I was unaware you spoke English."
Her expression grew slightly pained.
"Very little," she admitted. In French she continued, voice low. "Although our class president speaks it fluently and at least one of my other students has claimed to speak English quite well."
The word claimed was not lost on him. He chose not to address it at that time though. It was good to know that Miss. Dupain-Cheng spoke English, since she would be the one honored at the gala. He nodded to himself. Turning to the class he made an announcement.
"Names and room numbers are on the keys. Each of you should have one and may have them as a little keepsake at the end of your stay. As long as your teacher approves, I would have no issue with trading, and as long as everyone is okay with it."
A murmur passed along the small crowd. He nodded and turned back to the teacher. He pulled their itinerary out of his bag and passed it to her.
"I will be meeting you here at 8:30 am sharp. Everything you need should be on this paper including my personal cell phone if there is an emergency. On behalf of Bruce Wayne and his company, I again welcome you to Gotham."
When Dick finally arrived home, it was after Gotham High had let out. Meaning Damian was already home. He had been on edge for two weeks after his soul switching. Of course that spread to everyone in the house. Their identities would have to be comprised for this. But to see Damian happy... it might be worth it.
They had all discussed it and decided that Damian would find her and do some research, get to know her in costume, then decide if she could be trusted. Damian continued to give some weak protest over having a soulmate, but everyone could tell it was forced. He really seemed to want this.
'Speak of the devil,' he thought as Damian appeared in the hall.
"Baby Bird," he returned his brother's attempt at a greeting.
Damian squinted at him.
"You're home quite early," he stated.
"Yes, I just got back from the hotel. I was picking up the class that B's sponsoring. Remember the contest?" he asked.
Damian's eyes widened with knowing.
"Oh, I was unaware that they would be arriving so soon," he said.
Dick raised an eyebrow.
"You gotta pay attention, pal."
His expression soured.
"I've been a little busy, Grayson.
The older of the two stood there, considering that defense. Under the circumstances of the last two weeks, he would cut him some slack.
"Well, some of them are going to be in your class starting Tuesday," Dick informed him.
"Some of them?"
"Well, it would kind of be a lot to add all those kids to one class. So, the class is being split up into groups of two or three and sitting in on the different classes in your grade," he explained.
Damian nodded thoughtfully before his face lit up with panic.
He turned and ran up the stairs.
Alfred emerged from a room to his right.
"Master Dick. You're back. Where did Master Damian run off to?" the butler asked.
Dick stared up the stairs where his brother had run. Dick had started to expect this odd behavior that Tim had claimed was being channeled from Damian's soulmate. He shrugged. Another time then.
For the quote from the Ladyblog I used the English version of Pharoh, so if the translation isn't quite what you're expecting, that's probably why. Also the mention to Tim seeing Dick at the circus was a reference to Knightfall. Takes place pretty close after Death in the Family. Tim is high up on my list of favs so I just wanted to throw some praise for him in here so... yay Tim!!
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed :)
taglist: (CLOSED)
@vixen-uchiha @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @violatiger8 @mochinek0 @constancetruggle @yamadochie @seraphichana @captainmac6 @nataladriana9 @iggy-of-fans @riarkle-felinettelove @luciferge @mystery-5-5 @mellownieice @northernbluetongue @imanerddealwith @ayuchan07 @poshplumcot @annabellabrookes @legendaryneckjudgestudent @chez-pezeater @friedchickening @da-tasuky @crazylittlemunchkin @g-arya @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @witchbitch1998 @theatreandcomicfreak @lysslovsanime @zalladane @tbehartoo @goggles-mcgee @tumbling-down-hills-and-stuff @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl @melicmusicmagic @reichi-vogart
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kneesheee · 4 years
a surprising adoption
It all started with Hermes.
Of course, it did.
He was the god of thievery.
He was also considered the god of speed.
When his nephew, Kyle, started hanging around those mortal speedsters. He was intrigued. Diana, Donna, and Cassie tended to keep him away from their mortal friends.
He never met anyone that was as fast as he was. Even Apollo didn’t count since he tended to beat his friend on occasions.
Hermes was only the god of speed. These speedsters embodied speed. With a mischievous smile on his face, Hermes set off to pull of his greatest heist yet.
The person up next was Apollo and Hephaestus. They each took one looked at the redheaded archer that Jason was friends with, and both went: “Adoption time.”
It was awkward for both when they appeared outside of Roy’s workshop. They stared blankly at each other before both dived for the door. The two wrestled with Apollo coming out of top when Roy half asleep and more than a little paranoid had one of his exploding arrows pointed at their faces.
The stance. The detailing of the weaponry. The fierce look in his eyes. The half brothers shared a glance before nodding their heads.
With a slow smirk dancing on their faces, they reached for the mortal and disappeared from the earthly plane.
The next person to go was the man of willpower himself.
Ares had taken one look at Hal and just knew.
He kneeled with broken fists and knees. A part still untamed. He denied his truth self because he couldn’t stand to cause his friends pain. Ares decided to help him. This little mortal. This little child.
He understood where he was coming. Being the personification of war itself. He knew how hard it was to push down the urges. Maybe that’s why he always admired the little solider. From the second he saw him next Kyle.
It wasn’t his so-called willpower to overcome fear. It was his willpower to be better. He could see it in his eyes the need to cause destruction… the need to let all his grief and anger out being held back by a stubborn mindset and a sense of duty.
Ares knew rage. And he knew how deadly it could be when not properly managed. It had taken Kyle a while to learn how to use a weapon filled with an emotion he rarely gets to see.
The man of willpower was staring into nothing when Ares came for him. He could feel how the man reacted. The need to fight was strong.
He turned towards the god slowly with his ring beginning to glow. Ares smiled at him with all teeth before reaching out and taking him away.
After all, Ares wondered the same thing every day.
When will my war be done?
Kyle had just made it back to Earth when the Justice League called for a meeting. He was surprised to see Jason there. He knew that Jason was still considered public enemy number one. Yet, the other demigod had a blanket wrapped around him as Diana and Donna comforted him. Green Arrow was sitting beside them with his head in his hands and Dinah rubbing circles into his back.
He wasn’t the only one looking miserable or worried. Jay Garrick, Max Mercury, and Iris West-Allen were all sitting together. The woman was still crying. Not too far away from them Nightwing was sitting stock stilled. The emotions that Kyle was getting from him were filled with worry and confusion and pain. Wonder Girl and Superboy were huddled together around Red Robin as they all looked blankly around the room.
When he and the others stepped into the room, all eyes fluttered towards them. Dread filled Kyle when Diana and Donna’s face pinched. No. The last time the two of them looked so broken and closed to crying was when Jason died. Kyle couldn’t lose anyone else.
Donna walked towards him slowly wrapping him into her arms, “Oh Kyle.” He was already shaking his head. No. “Kyle, Hal’s missing.”
Hal? Hal who was basically his mortal dad. Hal who listened to him bitch and complain about his Olympian family and teased him relentlessly about the crush he had on Jason. Hal who was the reason that he was introduced to this group of highly weird people that he loved all the same. Hal who trained with him on using the rings and laughed when he used it the way his family taught him. Hal who told him that no matter what… never suppress his emotions. They are what make him.
He could feel John and Guy right behind him. He could sense Jessica and Simon moving closer to their group. “No. No. No,”
Superman stood up from his chair, “And he’s not the only one. Flash, Kid Flash, and Impulse were taken earlier today around 2 o’clock. Witnesses claim that it was streak of silver greenish light that snatched them away. And thanks to the Red Hood and Starfire, we’ve learned that Arsenal has also turned up missing. Taken directly from his workshop. Whoever taken him was good enough to not set off any alarms, but still decided that force entry was the key. We’ve only just realized that Hal was missing due to trying to reach him when witnesses also state that a bright blood red light taken him.”
Kyle could almost throw up. Two of his friends and Hal?
“Does anyone have any leads,” stated Batman as he gazed around the room. Kyle could sense the worry the man held for his children’s emotional state, but he did his best to shove them away. Donna led Kyle over towards Diana and Jason. Cassie huddled closer towards her effectively moving Superboy and Red Robin closer to their pile also.
[Neither Jason nor Kyle would admit how could it always felt to be around other godlings. Especially during times like this.]
The meeting dragged on and on. Jason had long ago zoned out. He was vibrating with worry about Roy. It was enough that only Kori could hold on to him now for comfort. The power of the sun and light burning in his blood making his unnaturally cold skin give almost third-degree burns.
He zoned back in when Donna’s face appeared in his line of sight, “Come back to us, little sun. Diana suggested asking the gods for help. Roy and Hal are close to you and Kyle. Wally and Bart are Cassie and I’s best friends. Maybe they have seen something if not, we could always ask Apollyon what he knows of their future.”
Jason nodded his head slowly. If anything, he was perfectly fine with this plan. His best friend was missing. What he needed right now was a hug from his dad and maybe some of Aunt Demeter’s hot chocolate. Anything to distract him from whatever torture Roy could be going through right now. He chanced a glance at Kyle who was turning a little pale.
Ah, Jason forgot that being the wielder of a literal mood ring and the son of love was bad for Kyle when he was in an unfiltered setting. There were too many emotions for the other demigod right now.
“Let’s get out of here.”
Jason, Donna, and Kyle all stared blankly at the sight of five grown men dressed in onesies. Adult size onesies with typical baby slogans that you’d find in the toddler section of Walmart.
“Dad,” Jason stated. “What’s going on?”
The four gods looked up from arguing over a feeding schedule to stare at them. Hermes was the one to break out into a smile first flying over to the speedsters’ sides. “Look, you guys, it’s a speedy baby! 3 of them!”
The three of them could only stare. The three mortal speedsters looked simultaneously happy and miserable. [Though it leaned more towards happy since Uncle Hermes provided them with an all you can eat buffet.] Roy was bent over Hephaestus’ favorite workbench messing around with Apollo’s third favorite bow. [Only Jason could touch the second, and only Artemis could touch the first.] While the Speedsters may have looked slightly sad, Roy was downright ecstatic.
Hal was the only one to seem at true peace. Him and Ares were doing one of the war god’s meditation techniques. Kyle was sure that Hal’s ring was flickering white.
Hephaestus smiled slightly from where he was holding onto his anvil while Roy rattled on about the quality of Apollo’s bows. Apollo turned to look at the others, “We all had the same idea. A little surprise adoption goes a long way. Meet your cousins and half-brother.”
“Kidnapping,” Donna deadpanned. “You kidnapped them.”
Apollo rose a brow, “By human laws, they are much too old to be kids.”
“But you’re not human,” Kyle questioned. The god of plague turned his gaze onto the White Lantern and Kyle decided to be quiet. This was the same god who threatened to rip his urethra tube out with only a toothpick for not so accidently drawing Jason in nothing but a chlamys.
Donna nodded her head at Kyle’s words, “He’s right. You’re not humans. You’re gods. Deities who have lived for more than millennia. They are so young compared to you all that you really can’t even call them children.”
Hermes clapped his hands excitedly, “Exactly. Besides, your little mortal friends weren’t treating them with the respect they all deserve. So… we’re keeping them. Okay bye.”
The herald of the gods quickly flies away cackling. Jason took one glance at the floor surrounding the kidnapped mortals. There was no one Hermes was going to just let someone steal from him. He was the god of thieves. He did the stealing.
It wasn’t on the floor, but on their clothes instead. A rune that didn’t release any of them unless the god that took them allowed it.
Apollo smiled a little mockingly, “We have a council meeting to get to about the Amazons. Jason? Kyle? We leave them in your care.”
Donna choked on her laughter as she turned to Kyle and Jason, “Congratulations, it’s a boy.”
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randomdcfangirl · 4 years
The Story of The Red Hood
(A/N): This is something I wrote a long time ago but didn't post because I felt like it was too unfactual. This is my version of Jason's backstory.
Jason telling his story on BuzzFeed Unsolved channel anonymously, not even the staff knew who he was. It was just audio and they put a few diagrams in the actual video to make it better.
"I'm The Red Hood and this is my story. I lived in Crime Alley which was formally known as Park Row in downtown Gotham. It's the hood or ghetto whatever you call it, there was a lot of projects around there, we lived in some but they have since been knocked down. My earliest memories are of my mom and dad arguing, a lot of times it would end in physical violence against me and my mom. My dad was a piece of shit to keep it short. He was a drug dealer and alcoholic, my mom ended up getting addicted to what he sold. I don't know what type because I was 4 when I noticed she was changing. It was pills of some sort.
So it was a repeat of yelling, beatings, going hungry and mom being high for about 2 years. One thing is my dad was a drug dealer but he wasn't a good one. It ended when my father got arrested and sentenced for a very long time. I was 6 and all I knew was that he was gone and that maybe things would get better, but they didn't. My mom didn't have a job and I was basically keeping us both alive at the age of 6. I knew how the hood worked, people out there were the only people I'd ever known. So I somehow kept us alive for another year and a half. Until one day I came home from school because I was in school at this time, can't tell you how I got there. But I called out for my mom and she didn't answer, I assumed she was high again so I searched the apartment and found her on the bathroom floor. She OD'd while I was at school, she was cold so she'd been there for awhile. So I called the ambulance and gave them the address then hung up.
I already knew I didn't want to be in the system or an orphanage so I grabbed some stuff in a little backpack and left. I'd rather be a street kid then in the corrupt system. I was a smart kid, I knew not to get mixed up in gangs and drugs. I was about to turn 8 when I first got on the streets. It was rough, I was already small and malnourished because we were broke and didn't eat often. After the first few months of being on the streets I had to prepare for winter and Gotham winter's are no joke. But I found out my dad was killed in prison, I wasn't upset, he deserved it after everything he'd done to people including me and my mom. But that meant I was the last of my family, I didn't know my Grandparents and I'm pretty sure my parents didn't have siblings so I had nobody left.
So I was on the streets for just over 2 years. The streets were probably better then my home with my mom and dad to be completely honest. One night I was in an alley and I saw the batmobile, I saw his wheels and in my head I was literally like "those will go for a lotta money down at the shop". So I started taking the wheels off, I got one off and was going to go for the other one but there was a deep voice behind me that said "what are you doing?". I turned and Batman was behind me and in my 10 year old brain I thought I was dead because he looked scary. I grabbed the tire iron I had and hit him in the gut to try and get away but it didn't work. I tried to apologise but he didn't let me and just asked a question "are you hungry?" Is what he asked me. I nodded and he took me to get burgers and we ate at a random place. He gave me a place to stay and it was scary at first because I didn't think I could trust him. I found out who he was, obviously I can't tell you that information, and I got even more skeptical about him. But he ended up adopting me and those first 3 and a half years were amazing.
I became the second Robin at age 12, I was trained by him and he was the father I never had. I truly considered him my dad, still do but don't tell him that. His somewhat dad was there too and he is like a Grandfather to me, he is the only other person in that family I will admit I love with all my heart. We call him Agent A. He's awesome. But everything went kinda bad when I turned 14 and was starting to see more of the shitty things people do. I got to reckless and if anyone knows that Batman or any other hero, unless they're like me, they have a strict no killing rule. So it got close many times with me, Batman and I started arguing a lot. It drove our relationship apart and he benched me from being Robin. So I wasn't allowed to patrol or do missions anymore because I was getting to reckless.
I didn't have anything to do and I don't exactly remember how I found this out but at 15 I found out my mom was alive and in Ethiopia. My mom who was dead wasn't my actual mom, she was just my dad's wife but she took care of me when she could. Before all the drugs, I mean I don't remember much but I have a few memories of her being a mom to me. So it was a complete shock to find out that my mom wasn't really my mom and that my real mom was in Ethiopia. So I told Bats and he said he knew so we got into another fight. So I did probably the stupidest thing I've ever done. I decided I would go to Ethiopia by myself so I did. How I got there and what I did when I got there isn't important.
I found my mom and went to her. It was good for a few hours then the Joker showed up. I was familiar with the Joker because I was Robin, I knew how crazy he was. So I was trying to protect my mom but she stabbed me in the back like a lot of people have. She was working with Joker and basically lead me to him. This is where my story gets really complicated. We both ended up tied up in a warehouse with him beating us with a crowbar. Mostly me because he wanted to teach Batman a lesson. I was going through this for months, I was in the middle of a warehouse being beaten to death with my mom by a deranged clown with a crowbar. He killed my mom at some point then he left the warehouse one day because he knew Batman was close. He told me to tell Batman 'hi' but he knew I wasn't going to make it to then. I tried to get the door open but he locked it on his way out and as I leaned up against it I saw the bomb. I knew I wasn't gonna make it and I didn't.
I know that's very confusing and the only way you'll understand is if you listen. The bomb went off and it burned for a few seconds but then it was cold and peaceful. You're at peace and it's nice, especially if you had such a life as I had. But it didn't last long to me, it lasted for what felt like a few minutes before I woke up underground. I was dead for 6 months, no pulse, no heart beat, I had an autopsy, I still have the scar. I woke up in my coffin at 16, I was calling for Batman but by his real name. I realized no one was coming and I freaked out and clawed my way out of the coffin. I wasn't all the way there, I was dead for 6 months so I had a good bit of brain damage and don't remember much from after I dug myself out of the coffin except that I broke a couple fingers, it ripped my nails out and I was bleeding all over my hands. After that I somehow ended up with a whole organization of assassin's. This woman who is very significant in a few of the bats lives was apart of it and was trying to nurse me back to health but it wasn't working.
The amount of brain damage I had was to much to fix so she threw me in something called the Lazarus pit. It's basically a fountain of youth except it can bring people back to life as well. Her father who was the leader of the assassin's discovered it and kept it secret. Most of them are destroyed now but I think there's one. The pit was painful, I remember that, it feels like you're burning alive and it does for a few minutes after you get out. Then you're extremely disoriented and crazy full of rage and anger. I still have some of that running through me but it's a lot better than the first few years. At this point in my story I'm 17, I started training with the league and the woman to get my memories back because most of those were still blank. I still have a few gaps in my memory but most of it is from before my dip in the pit.
In this training I was learning about Batman and Nightwing who was the first Robin and is kinda my older brother. We weren't close when I was Robin because him and Batman weren't on great terms so we didn't hangout much. I regained my memory at some point then I was told Bruce had another Robin, who is now currently Red Robin, and the Lazarus made me angry about it. I felt replaced but what made it worse was the fact that Joker was still alive. I was never mad at Batman or blaimed him for my death, the reason I was so angry was because after everything Joker put me through he was still alive. I felt worthless and it was even worse because I felt replaced as well.
I ended up leaving the assassin's base a month or so later. I was set on tormenting Batman, I was going to try and kill him, Nightwing and Robin. It was definitely the anger because I'd never put a kid in a situation I put Robin in now. I got to Gotham and started killing the bad people, like rapists, murderers, drug dealers, abusers, pimps, just anyone making another person's life a living hell. The reason I started doing it was because prison wasn't working for them. The drug dealers not as much as everyone else but I still killed some of them. I never killed the innocent, that's something I never did or ever will. So eventually I got Batman's attention and it took a couple months for him to figure out it was me. I wanted it to take longer but I made the mistake of saying his name. So because no one really knew it at the time it made things make sense but it didn't at the same time, because in their head I was dead.
So about a week later we ended up in another fight but he was holding back because he figured out I came back to life. But I had this whole plan to have him choose between me and Joker. Unfortunately it fell through and he didn't choose either of us, we were in and apartment building in a random apartment. I had Joker and we had a talk I guess you could say. More of me being angry and having a few choice words to say to him then anything else. I gave him choices but he didn't really choose. There was a bomb and it had like 10 seconds left and I shot at him. He had his back turned but he's Batman so he dodged it, with a few seconds left he grabbed me and Joker and jumps out the window so we're not caught in the blast. It was still kinda close but I left before he had a chance to register.
Let's just say I wasn't okay after that. I have PTSD, Anxiety and Depression from what Joker did to me so it was hard to except that I didn't mean anything more to Batman then Joker did. So I was a wreck, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, all I did was drink, I was about to turn 19 and definitely should not have been drinking. I became a bit of an alcoholic just like my dad and I hated that. I eventually got a grip on myself even though it was only a little. I left Gotham because I wasn't in the right state of mind to stay there. I traveled all over the place and in my travels I ran into Arsenal and we became best friends. Still are. We started working together as Red Hood and Arsenal, we were broke as hell. Eventually we ran into Starfire and we kinda just decided we'd become a team after hanging around each other a lot. Then The Outlaws was formed.
That was probably some of the best and worst years in my life. Best because I had those 2 by my side and they are still my best friends. Worst because my mental health was at an all time low. I couldn't sleep, I was having very bad PTSD episodes, my Anxiety was through the roof, so was my Depression. Arsenal had his own problems, so did Starfire and all we had was each other to lean on and it was all we could ask for. Just people who cared and understood. We did missions pretty often as a group and we would get paid by people who requested the jobs but it wasn't much. We've slept in the worst places, most of the time not sleeping at all. But our own lives kinda pulled us away from each other. Starfire went off world back to her planet, Arsenal and I stock together for awhile until he went back to Star and I went back to Gotham. I was in a better place, wasn't killing as much, the Lazarus through my system calmed down a lot. It still effects me but no where near as bad.
I was laying low in Gotham but the Bats found out. It was only 4 of them at that point, Batman, Nightwing, Robin 3 and Agent A. It was all good until I tried to kill the Joker. It was in another not so good state of mind but I wasn't able to kill him because the bats came. I was planning to kill him the same way he killed me, beat him with a crowbar and blow him up. I was 22 at that time. They got me away from Joker and took him into custody and I left to one of my safehouses. We eventually crossed paths again but it was awhile before I could actually talk to them again. So me and Nightwing ran into each other we ended up having a talk and we kinda made amends. It wasn't anything crazy. It took a long time for us to be okay with each other again. But eventually I was able to call them family again and I visit the house Batman lives in to see them.
But as time went on we added new people, we became a bigger family as you can see. Robin became Red Robin, then the current Robin, then Orphan, Spoiler, Batwoman, Signal, Bluebird and Bluebird's brother who isn't a Vigilante. I'm pretty much cool with everyone, no one I really have a problem with except Batman because we've been through so much together. I'm 25 now and things are better, I still have my struggles and family issues but that's my family. As much as I pretend to not care they're my family and I love 'em. So this was a less detailed version of my story and look how long it is. But anyway I don't really know why I did this but I did so bye I guess.
Oh and before you ask I am not the rapper NF. I actually really like and relate to his music because we've been through similar things but I'm not him. I know someone is going to ask that question."
The NF joke was just that a joke, don't come for me I love him lol.
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elyreywrites · 4 years
hips don’t lie (shakira shakira)
a crack fic born of a typo, and enabled by discord (shout out to the C&C discord server!! y’all are amazing.) also, it was a motivational gift for a friend. and a huge thanks to Bumpkin for being my beta on this fic!
title from Shakira’s “Hips Don’t Lie”.
AO3 Link
Teen 1,895 words Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne part of my batkids shenanigans series
Tim breaks a hip. Dick and Jason fight for the right of sitting shotgun. Barbara is the Actual Best. And Bruce is Suffering.
- - - - -
Tim leaned back against the wall in his cell and waited. He certainly wasn’t going to escape at the moment – not after some goon had slammed a metal bat into his hip. Standing wasn’t going to happen, much less fighting. As it was, Tim could block out the pain while sitting down and not moving. He’d dragged his body out of the desert after he was stabbed in the spleen, he could ignore this pain.
The sound of shattering glass and indistinct yelling brought a grin to his face. Ah, his rescue had arrived. Who did they send this time? The gunfire that broke out could mean Jason, or the goons had guns. Maybe both. The only guarantee was that it wasn’t Damian. He had a final paper due in the morning for school and Bruce ordered him off patrol.
The commotion lasted all of ten minutes. After another couple of minutes, something banged on the other side of the door.
“Hey Red, yell if you’re in here,” called Dick. After a second, he squawked, “What was that for?”
“He might be unconscious and can’t fucking answer,” Jason snarked.
Huh, both of them to the rescue. “I’m conscious,” he yelled. The lock clicked and his two older brothers strolled in, the keys dangling from the lock.
“Oh good,” Jason drawled, “then you can explain why the fuck you didn’t escape on your own.” He tossed Tim an extra comm, which he immediately put in.
Tim hummed. “I mean, it might have something to do with the metal bat that some asshole caught me in the hip with.”
Both men paused, just as Bruce appeared in the doorway. Tim knew his eyebrow was raised expectantly under the cowl. Tim looked straight at him and said, “I’m not very hip.”
In the background, Dick started snickering as Jason choked on his laughter. Bruce, though – Bruce went still. Bat still – the kind he only got in two situations. One, if he was about to drop into a fight. Two, when one of his kids made an exceptionally bad joke. The second often came before the Heavy Sigh of Exasperated Dad. “Your hip is injured,” he inferred, returning to the matter at hand. “What else can you tell us about the injury?”
Smirking, he complained, “Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.”
The snickering turned into near-hysterical giggles. Jason was wheezing under the helmet. And there was the Heavy Sigh of Exasperated Dad.
“Someone call Life Alert!” Dick gasped out through his giggling.
“Fucking hell, kid,” Jason managed. “You little fucking shit. We were worried about your goddamn ass, and here you are, making shitty jokes like you’re Nightwing.”
Bruce shook his head. “Your hip might be broken. Let’s–”
Dick cut off their father. “That’s so sad,” he choked out past his widening grin, “Oracle, play ‘Hips Don’t Lie’.”
Bruce froze. Tim watched with glee as Jason sunk to the floor, his wheezing turning into the high-pitched keening of someone laughing without air. And then – because Babs was the Actual Best – the song started playing over the comm line.
Ah, there it was: the second Heavy Sigh of Exasperated Dad, almost entirely drowned out by Shakira’s “Hips Don’t Lie”.
“Why,” he asked, long-suffering. “Why do you do this to me? Just… you two, get to the Batmobile. I'll get Red.”
Tim raised an eyebrow behind the mask. “You’re the one that chose to be a father. Really, you should have expected this.”
Bruce tilts his head, his own equivalent of a raised eyebrow when he’s in the cowl. “Oh, I’m supposed to expect my children to reference memes and make jokes when one has broken a hip. That’s what I was supposed to be prepared for, when I decided to take in a grieving child. The parenting books never warned me about that.” He leaned down and tried to carefully pick Tim up, as Tim gritted his teeth against the pain. In the background, “Hips Don’t Lie” faded away.
Over the comm, Jason scoffed. “As if you ever read any parenting books.”
“I know for a fact that you didn’t,” Dick added. “Agent A made enough pointed comments about it that I know you didn’t. Also, I call shotgun.”
“You can have shotgun over my cold, dead body, you dick!” Jason snapped.
“First of all, stop joking about your death! Second of all, fuck you, you know the rules! Hood, get back here! I fucking called shotgun as soon as the Batmobile was in view, respect the fucking rules!”
“You’ll have to drag me out!”
“Red Robin gets shotgun,” Batman cut in.
Tim looked at Bruce blankly. “One, Red Robin is staying out of this, as one of them has already tried to kill me before. Two, Red Robin has a broken hip and needs to be in the backseat, because there is no way in hell I can sit upright very well right now.”
“For shame, B,” Dick sighed. “Hood, I swear to fucking god, get the fuck out of shotgun! Batmaaaaan, Hood isn’t following the ruuuules!”
Tim felt the Heavy Sigh that time. Damn, three in one night? They were doing pretty well. “That’s not really anything new, though, is it?” Tim snarked.
“You wanna fuckin’ go, punk?” Jason called back.
Closer now, Tim could see as Dick shook his head in over-dramatic disappointment. “I can’t believe you, Hood. Breaking the Sacred Rules of Calling Shotgun. Threatening to fight a kid with a broken hip. What would Agent A say?”
“Oh shit.” Tim whispered, grinning, “you’re gonna be in trouble.”
Jason growled back over the line, apparently kicking out at Dick from his spot in shotgun. “Fuck you, I’m an adult!”
Someone hummed on the comm line. “Would you care to repeat that?” Alfred said, as calmly as ever.
At the same time, Dick grabbed Jason’s leg to pull him from the Batmobile. Both things caused Jason to squawk as he landed on his ass on the ground. “No, Agent A. Sorry, Agent A. Hey, that is not fair, I got there first! I have longer legs, and you’re gonna stick me in the back?!”
Bruce stopped for a second, watching the chaos of Dick trying to get into the passenger seat by climbing over Jason, who was still laying on the ground, while Jason kept grabbing his legs and pulling him back out. Tim watched Bruce, waiting. Wondering.
Bruce inhaled and–
Jason and Dick both froze as they heard the fourth Heavy Sigh of the night.
“Is… is that a record?” Jason asked, in a reverent whisper.
“I don’t know,” Dick replied, just as awed.
Tim smirked. “Robin and I have managed seven in one night.”
“What?!” Dick shrieked.
Bruce only looked tiredly upon his eldest sons. “Robin and Red Robin,” he said, as though that was enough explanation. Tim had to admit, it kind of was. No need to mention that it was only for show now, more for the purpose of antagonizing their family than anything else. Cass knew, because Cass always knew, but she only giggled whenever she witnessed their fights.
Jason and Dick stared at each other, Dick’s leg still caught in Jason’s grasp. “We can probably get at least five before we get back to the Cave,” Dick muttered lowly, as though the comm wasn’t picking up everything he said.
“Done,” Jason said. “But I still got here first so stop trying to claim shotgun.”
“Hmmm, nope. I called it as soon as the Batmobile was in view. Them’s the rules, little brother.”
Jason snarled. “I’m taller than you! I need the extra leg space more!”
“You are barely taller than me, and not enough to really matter for leg space.”
Batman carefully put Tim down so he was stretched out along the length of the backseat and climbed in the driver's seat. “How is it,” he began, “that Red Robin, your younger brother, is acting more mature than both of you.”
Jason and Dick both stared at Bruce in utter betrayal. Then Jason looked back at Dick. “Go share the backseat with Red, you’re the oldest. He’s in pain. He needs his big brother to tell him it’s okay.”
“God no,” Tim muttered. He did not want Dick’s smothering right now.
Dick gasped, head snapping to stare at Tim. “Holy shit, I didn’t even think about that! Red, does it hurt a lot? You need a hug.”
Plans for revenge were already forming in Tim’s mind as Dick climbed in the backseat with him, letting Tim lean back against him. Dick’s arms wrapped around Tim in what some considered a hug and others considered an inescapable hold. A hand was already carding through his hair and his oldest brother reassured him that they’d be back at the Cave soon. Jason was snickering from the passenger seat.
Dick needed a distraction.
“Hey, O?” Tim asked, “Can you connect to the Batmobile? You probably already know what I’m thinking.”
“Sure thing Red,” Barbara smirked. He knew she did – he could hear it. Through the speakers in the car, “Hips Don’t Lie” started playing, again.
Tim didn’t miss Bruce’s hands tightening on the steering wheel, probably refraining from sighing again. Of course, now that he knew they were actively trying to antagonize him, it was going to be a lot harder.
As Tim expected, with Shakira blaring out of the speakers, Dick and Jason joined in on the singing. Loudly and off-key. A grin stretched across his face. Normally, he’d join in, but the pain was a bit too much for him to do that. That was fine, Bruce was getting twitchy enough as it was.
There was still no sigh yet, though. No matter how terribly Dick and Jason sang along, even going so far as to be off-beat, Bruce only twitched. At least, until the Spanish came.
“You know Spanish,” Bruce whispered, pained, as Jason sang English words that sounded just similar enough. Dick was doing the same, but without coordination, they were singing different words, creating the sound of pure chaos. “Why are you doing this to me?”
“You only have yourself to blame,” Tim snickered.
The fifth Heavy Sigh of Exasperated Dad cut the awful singing off so Dick and Jason could scream their victory. Tim regretted nothing as he slammed his head back into Dick’s chin.
“Ow! Reeed, whyyyy?” Dick whined, leaning his head back away from Tim.
Tim would have twisted around to glare at him if that didn’t seem like a Bad Plan. “You yelled in my fucking ear! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“We’re here,” Bruce called desperately, dragging himself out of the car. “Please, boys, please. Just… stop. It’s been a long night. Take pity on your old man.”
“Eh, I’m gonna go the fuck to sleep anyway,” Jason shrugged as he climbed out. “We succeeded in our goal. Have fun with the broken hip, Timmers! Night!” Tim watched him go, incredulous. A broken hip wasn’t what he’d call “fun” – despite the jokes and references that could be made.
Dick helped Bruce get him out of the car, and then smirked. “Your new ringtone is ‘Hips Don’t Lie’, just so you know. Night, Timmy!”
Tim watched his brothers leave, beginning to twitch himself. “I’m never going to live this down, am I?”
“You’ll never be hip again,” deadpanned Bruce.
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mochegato · 3 years
Hope on Board
Chapter 17 - Flowers Break Like Promises
Chapter 1     Chapter 16
“What about Oliver?” Marinette suggested, looking up at him from her very cozy looking spot on the couch, surrounded by pillows and under a soft blanket.  Kismet was curled up on her lap purring away happily.
Dick scrunched up his nose considering just how brutal his murder at Bruce’s hands would be if he named his son after Oliver.  Probably wouldn’t be a murder, but Bruce would find other ways to punish him.  He was positive there were pictures he could show Marinette that Dick would never recover from.  “No, not Oliver.”
Marinette shrugged and clicked a few more links on her laptop.  “Arthur?” she offered instead.
Dick blinked a few times. Was she trolling him?  Was this her way of letting him know she knew about Nightwing and about the Justice League?  Any second now she was going to offer Barry or Diana.  He studied her closely.  She was completely relaxed, or at least as much as she could with her growing belly.  She looked up to him with innocent, guileless eyes.  He smiled at her.  “No.  How about Thomas John for the boy and Mary Sabine for the girl?” Dick offered instead, taking a seat next to her and scratching Kismet’s head.  Marinette wrinkled her nose at it.  Dick chuckled.  “Both our parents’ names included.”
“But what if we have more kids?  We’ve used up all the grandparent names in one go.  What do we do for the next one?  They don’t get a significant name?”
Dick grinned and gave her a suggestive look.  “Already thinking about more?”
Marinette rolled her eyes but leaned back to lay against him, resting her head on his shoulder.  “I thought it might be an option.  I always wanted more than two.”
Dick kissed her head. “Yeah, me too.  I thought three was a good number.  Maybe four.”
Marinette hummed in agreement and turned her head to nuzzle it into his jaw.  “Three or four sounds good to me.”
Dick squeezed her and looked back to the baby name website on her laptop.  “Okay, so which names do we use for these two?”
“I don’t think I want to name my daughter Mary.  No offense to your mother but it’s a bit too close to my name?  It feels wrong and confusing.” She added apologetically.
Dick nodded in agreement. She was right, that would get confusing, especially since he liked calling her Mari.  “How about middle names are grandparent names.  First names are names we like for different reasons,” he offered instead.
Marinette smiled up at him. “I like that.  Now we just need to figure out the first names.”  She quirked her lips to the side.  “What if you choose the boy’s first name and the girl’s middle name and I choose the girl’s first name and the boy’s middle name?”
Dick nodded and started thinking of names.  The girl was easy.  Mary would be a good middle name and wouldn’t get confused with Marinette.  Then again there was always his Mother’s middle name… But his son’s name was more difficult.  What would he want to call his son if he didn’t name him after his Dad or Bruce?  What were the important names to him?  He couldn’t use his brothers’ names.  He couldn’t use one of the other heroes’ names, he’d never live it down.  So, what other names were important to him? Zitka?  Cute, but hard pass.  Haley? No, he couldn’t do that. Robin?  He wasn’t going to put that out there so clearly.  But then again…
Marinette knew the boy’s middle name.  Thomas was her father’s name and Bruce’s father’s name.  It was the clear choice.  As much as she liked the idea of having a son named Tommy, it would have to be a middle name.  The girl’s name was more difficult because it was whatever name she liked.  So, what name did she like?  She couldn’t use a friend’s name and they already agreed not to use family names.  So it was a matter of what names she liked.  She knew what her father and Adrien would suggest, some pun.  Adrien would probably suggest Catherine so he could call her Kitty.  Pass. She could go with something significant to her like Coco or Vivienne or Vera or Carolina or Guo.  She loved flowers, she could go with Iris or Heather or Daisy.  Rose was out due to the friend rule.  But up until now, the most significant thing in her life had been being Ladybug, but she couldn’t name her daughter Tikki or Lucky.  But then again…
“I know what I want to do,” they both said at the same time and laughed.
“Well that was fast,” Dick observed with a smile.
“And for you,” Marinette agreed.  “Okay, let’s do the girl first.  I like the name Lucy.”
Dick repeated the name as if practicing how it sounded. “Lucy.  I like that.  Lucy Marie. French version of Mary.”
Marinette nodded. “Lucy Marie Grayson.” She turned to him with a smile.  “I love it.”
Dick nodded in agreement. “I do too.  Now the boy.  I like the name Robert.  Rob for short.”
Marinette repeated it. “Robert.  Rob.  Robert Thomas Grayson.  That’s a good name.”
Dick hugged her excitedly. “They both are.  I love the names.  And people said this would be hard.  They clearly don’t know what a good team we make.”  He gave her a quick kiss that turned into a longer kiss, which turned into an even longer kiss.  He pulled her into his lap to get her closer.  She started to pull off his shirt when his phone rang.  “I hate my phone,” he grumbled.  Marinette giggled and nodded in agreement.  “What?” he asked in an annoyed tone that he knew the person on the other side didn’t deserve.  “That is promising.  Okay, I’ll take a look tomorrow.”
Marinette raised an eyebrow at him as he hung up.  “Tomorrow?”
He nodded.  “Tomorrow.”
“Will you make the appointment at 3?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.  I’m really looking forward to it,” he assured her.  “I promise I won’t miss this one.  Now where were we?” he asked as he took off his shirt.
He was late.  He had tried to get out as quickly as possible, but he couldn’t.  There was always something more to investigate or to find.  Then he had to coordinate their next move, so he had to call into the other Titans to figure out logistics.  There was never a good time to get away.  And he had rushed out so quickly he hadn’t grabbed his phone. So here he was rushing to the hospital to try to maybe catch the tail end of Marinette’s ultrasound appointment and unable to let her know or check if she was still there.
He waited impatiently behind another woman as the secretary got her checked in and her insurance information.  His foot was tapping a beat at a speed that would impress Wally.  Finally, the woman stepped away to fill out her forms and Dick rushed up to the counter.  “Hi, I’m here for Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s appointment.”
The secretary raised an eyebrow.  “You must be the boyfriend,” the tone he used to say ‘boyfriend’ indicated to Dick just how badly he had screwed up.  Dick cringed at the thought.  “Her appointment got over about twenty minutes ago.  She already left.”
“Fuck,” Dick grumbled and dropped his head hard on the counter.
The secretary clicked a few buttons on his computer and wrote down an address on a piece of paper.  He slid it across to Dick.  “Good florist.  Really nice flowers and chocolates.”
Dick sighed and took the paper.  “Thank you. I’m sorry.”
The secretary shook his head. “Nothing to apologize to me for.”
Dick nodded in understanding. He couldn’t keep this up.  He knew he couldn’t.  Something had to give.  Marinette wasn’t going to keep forgiving him.  At some point she was going to reach her limit and snap at him.  And he would deserve it.  He wasn’t being fair to her and he knew that.  He wasn’t making the appointments he said he would make. He was leaving at the drop of a hat with little explanation.  
The only explanation he had offered was a lie.  He could alleviate a lot of this by just telling her the truth, telling her who he was, but he didn’t want to do that.  He didn’t want to drag her into this mess, especially with the Court as active as it was.  He didn’t want her worrying unnecessarily or worse yet, getting involved.  He wanted her and the babies as far away as possible from all of this.  The less they knew the better for them.
Dick stopped by the florist and a jeweler and their favorite take out place, making him even later getting home.  When he finally did, he heard the sound of laughter in the apartment.  He pushed his way in to find Marinette sitting on the couch with Jason.
“Hey, Dickhead.  Only,” he pretended to check his non-existent watch, “what? like three hours late.”  He gave Dick a pointed look.
“Yeah, I know.  What are you doing here?”
“You forgot this.  Roy thought you might want it back,” he said waving Dick’s phone in his hand.  “Couldn’t call you to let you know so he called me.  Thought I’d let Pixie Pop know and keep her company until you decided to show up again, hear about the ultrasound.”
“Thank you, Jason,” Dick growled.  He knew he screwed up.  He really, really didn’t need Jason reminding him or getting in his way of apologizing to Marinette, like he knew he needed to.  “I’m here now.”
“Again, only a little late. Mari and I were thinking about watching a movie.  Want to join us?” Jason offered with a snark in his voice.
“Jason…” Dick hissed.
“Jason,” Marinette gave him an exasperated look.
“Fine, whatever.  I’ll go.  Nice talking to you Pixie Pop.  You need anything, let me know.”  He glared at Dick on his way out the door.
Dick sighed and looked down before looking back up at Marinette with the most contrite expression she had ever seen.  “I am so sorry, Marinette.”
“Dick, this is the fourth time you’ve missed or been late for an appointment,” she answered quietly.
“I know,” he looked back to the floor, unable to match her sad gaze.
“If you can’t make them, that’s fine, Dick.  Most partners don’t.  But you keep telling me you can make it then don’t, with no warning.”
“I know,” he repeated, still looking to the floor.
“I asked them to wait for you because I was sure you were going to be there.  You said you wouldn’t miss this one.  I thought you would just be late again.  You promised.”
“I know I did.  I’m so sorry.  I really tried.  I couldn’t get away.  I didn’t want to let you down and I didn’t want to miss seeing my babies.”  
Marinette watched him as he spoke.  His entire body spoke to his remorse, but then again it always did.  He was always sorry when he missed an appointment or a date, when he was late, but then he always did it again.  She sighed and looked down.  She didn’t know what to make of it or how to respond.  She was starting to feel unimportant to him.
“I got these for you. I know they don’t make up for missing yet another appointment after I promised not to, but I thought they might make you happier.”  He held out the flowers for her.  
She took them with a mirthless smile.  “Thanks.”
“And I thought you might be hungry so I got us dinner.  I would have asked what you were in the mood for but,” he motioned toward his phone on the coffee table.  He set the bags on the counter.
“Thanks,” she repeated.
Dick let out a frustrated breath.  He knew he screwed up and didn’t know how to fix it.  The problem was what he already did and he couldn’t change that.  “Marinette, I’m so sorry.  I know I screwed up.  I know that.  I’m going to do everything I can to not repeat it.  I swear to you.  I don’t want to miss any of this.  I don’t want to disappoint you.  I don’t want you to think you can’t trust me.  I’m going to get a calendar and put it right on the refrigerator so I can’t possibly miss it and put every appointment and date on there.”  He took her hands in his and stared in her eyes, “I bought this on my way home to show you how much you mean to me.  How sorry I am.”  He pulled a box out of his pocket and handed it to her.
Marinette gave him an uncertain look but took the box.  She opened it with a gasp.  She took the necklace out of the box to examine it.  “Dick it’s beautiful.”
“Not as beautiful as you and not enough, I know, but I thought it would look good on you.”
Marinette shook her head and put the necklace back in the box.  “Dick, I don’t need flowers and jewelry.  I need you.  I need to know you’re in this with me, that I matter or lacking that, that at least the babies matter.  I need you to be there when you say you will.”
Dick’s eyes widened at her words.  His heart clenched.  She could not possibly think he wasn’t completely committed to this, to them. “Mari, do you… Mari, you and the twins are the most important things in the world to me.”  He stared at her with an intensity that made her believe him, or at least believe that he believed his words.  “You, this family we are creating, is the most important thing to me. I’ll do anything I have to in order to protect you three.”
Marinette immediately froze and stared at Dick wide eyed.  Her breathing picked up.  She hated those words.  She hated what they excused.  “Dick, what are you protecting us from?  What are you doing?  Is there something I need to know?”
“No,” he answered quickly, a little too quickly to be true.  His voice taking on a soothing tone.  “I just meant you are important to me, the most important thing.” He pulled her into a tight hug.  “Please never doubt that.”
Marinette nodded into his chest.  “Okay. I believe you.”
She didn’t sound entirely sure of her answer, but Dick wasn’t going to question it, he was just going to give her every reason possible to mean it.  “Can you tell me what I missed while I was being an asshole?”
Marinette giggled lightly, still strained but at least it was a move in the right direction, and grabbed two plates.  “Yeah, I can do that.”
Note: For those who don’t follow DC, the teams would frequently call the Robins, including Dick, ‘Rob’ for short.
Chapter 18
@dickinette-february @demonicbusiness @ichigorose @iloontjeboontje @ladybug-182 @toodaloo-kangaroo @dast218 @golden-promises @trippingovermyfeet @emimar7 @laurcad123 @lady-bee-fechin
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minicoopdetat · 4 years
character study.
Tumblr media
FULL NAME: August Levi Cooper
HOW IS IT PRONOUNCED?: August like the month, Chicken Coop- ER
IS THERE A MEANING BEHIND IT?: His mom loves a good hippy-esque name and fall is her favorite time of year. Fall’s a shitty name though and her choice was between Autumn and August, depnding on gender.
NICKNAMES: Coop. Cooper. Coop deville. Coop de Tat. Mini Coop. (( all of which he came up with))
AGE: 23.
DATE OF BIRTH:  April 2.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Salinas, ca.
HOMETOWN: Salinas, ca
LOCATION: Dayton, California
EDUCATION LEVEL: BA in Biological Science.
OCCUPATION: Vet Tech at the local Animal Clinic
ADDICTIONS: Sex. Sexting. Saying the work Fuck or any variation of it. Partying
HEIGHT: 5′10
BODY TYPE: fuckin ripped. that’s all you need to know
HAIR STYLE Geled and combed to bedhead perfection
STYLE: varies, very party boy chic, but can clean up well if need be. 
TATTOOS: he has seven ‘dragon balls’ in various places ( 1:inner wrist, 2: inner wrist, 3: shoulder blade, 4: hip , 5: behind his ear, 6: back of neck 7:ass); nightwing symbol (ankle); squirtle squad shades ( coming soon )
POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal. optimistic. passionate. outgoing. confident
NEGATIVE TRAITS: loud. tactless. gullible. dramatic. reckless 
WHAT DO THEY CONSIDER TO BE THE BEST AND THE WORST PART OF THEIR PERSONALITY?: Best part? His confidence. It’s something he was picked at for as a kid. He was way TOO MUCH and there were times he felt bad about his high energy, but he’s grown to embrace it and wear it that EXTRANESS like a fuckin gym badge. Worst part? What do you mean worst part? It’s all great. Unless you count the part where he can get over whelmed/overstimulated. Or you know, the fact he gets conned on the regular due to his trusting nature.
ANY TALENTS?: He’s a 3rd degree blackbelt and speaks Japanese. His epic pkmn battling skills. 
WHAT ARE THEIR FEARS?: dying alone and forgotten. skeletons. 
DO THEY HAVE ANY PHOBIAS?: not the universe its self, but the idea that one life is nothing but a speck, maybe tinier, in the grand scheme of things
WHAT IS THEIR SOFT SPOT?: friends & family. animals. underdogs. his ears and his collar bone.
LIST 3 PET-PEEVES THEY CAN’T STAND: shoes in the house. shoes in general. passive agressive behavior.
BEST MEMORY:  When his entire family came out to his last soccer game to be his cheering section despite being ousted by the rest of the team. He sat the bench, due to the fight, but they made a big deal out of it anyway.
WORST MEMORY: His first panic attack. He was in 4th grade and being sent to the principal’s office. It was a rainy day, so they’d been stuck inside the entire time and gym wasn’t for another hour or so. It was the classic struggle for him and Ms. Donaldson. She wanted him to sit still and well-- he needed to move. In kindergarten, pacing around, wiggling, bouncing, all that might’ve been excusable cause Kindergarteners were little. They couldn’t help it. But a nine year old? She had trouble giving him the same leeway so to make an example of him, she sent him to the principal’s. Fine. He didn’t care until he got half way down the hall and suddenly it felt like his chest was on fire. It tightened and he found himself struggling to breathe, leaving him light headed and trembling. He thought he was fucking dying and it didn’t help that he could see a class coming from the computer lab. So rather than let anyone see him, he ducked into the nearest broom closet and shut the door. Didn’t help. It was small. Too small and he tried the door. It didn’t budge. He tried again. Nothing. The room felt like it was getting smaller and smaller, his chest tighter to the point he was sobbing and banging on the door. He was going to die in there. He was sure of it. And he had so much to do. He hadn’t finished the last Saga of DBZ. He needed to take his black belt test. He never even got to ask Chelsey C out to get ice cream and he was so so sure he could score at least a kiss on the cheek and he leaned against the door, fists slamming on the door one last time before it opened, and he tumbled out into the floor. The principal, along with a good chunk of the his class were standing there as he crumpled and curled into a ball. Two minutes. That’s how long he’d been gone and how long it took for him to derail the first half of his school year. He did his best to ignore the teasing and generally did a good job. It wasn’t his last incident, but it was certainly the worst.
BIGGEST SECRET: He could’ve been a dad a few years ago. It was a random hook up and he was scared shitless, but planned on stepping up to do the right thing. She had a miscarriage though and he still wonders what his life would be like if she hadn’t.
BIGGEST WISH: To live life to the fullest, help animals out and have a strong support system. Oh and to prove Carol Baskin murdered her husband.
BIGGEST FEAR: Dying without anyone truly seeing him. He’s accepted himself, mess and all. He refuses to let anyone change what makes him him and refuses to beg anyone to see past his loud obnoxious self, but sometimes it’s all so exhausting. the idea of dying, and being thought of as just another insignificant fuck boi is fucking crushing.
FIRST KISS: Chelsey C. at the park across the street from the ice cream shop.
FIRST LOVE: Samantha Ruiz.  
CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND:  Adam Birch. Danielle Fitzgerald
CHILDHOOD PERSONALITY: Cooper was even more loud and showy than he is now. He had the energy of five Energizer bunnies and reeked havoc on the school. He actually had a special room dedicated to him at one point that the teacher just let him get his energy out in. Most of it was positive, though there were moments he became overwhelmed, angry or distraught. At first it was seen as dramatics, but it quickly snowballed to the point his teachers were requesting medicine of some sort. His mother enrolled him in therapy and they worked on rounding out his moods. It worked well enough that he was able to get by aside from a panic attack every once and a while. Other than that, he was and still very much is a high energy guy.
TURN ONS: Daddy kink. Confidence. Doe eyes. Independence. Glasses. Eye contact. Dirty Talk. Honesty. Wax play. Playful banter/teasing/laughing during sex. Having his hands restrained. Marking. Boldness. A pulse.
TURN OFFS: Bathroom play. Indifference. Judgement. Cynicism. Bullies (emotional or physical)
MOTHER’S NAME: elizabeth cooper
RELATIONSHIP WITH MOTHER: His mother is his biggest supporter and he loves her to death. She was there for him when he was struggling most and let him know it was ok to be him, no matter what other people thought or felt.
FATHER’S NAME: maxwell cooper
RELATIONSHIP WITH FATHER: His relationship with his father isn’t as close as he and his mother, but they love each other and have their own way of showing it.
SIBLINGS: maxwell cooper jr (36), summer cooper (34; heartborn), dawn cooper (32), buzz cooper (30; heartborn), willow cooper (28), skye cooper (26; heartborn)
PETS: Satoshi; “foster” dog
ROLE MODELS: His parents. His brother. Joe Exotic. Goku. 
FAVORITE PLACE: The animal shelter.
FAVORITE ANIMALS: White Tigers. Otters.
FAVORITE BOOKS: Most comics. The Giver.
FAVORITE MOVIES: Most of the Bond Movies. Hunger Games. Clue. Cabin in the Woods.
FAVORITE MUSIC: Anything by Usher. Childish Gambino. Doja Cat. MJ. Anything and everything really.
FAVORITE FOOD: Mexican. Steak. Crab Rangoon. THE RANGOON MOTHER.
DO THEY CURSE?: Excessively.
WHAT’S THEIR WORST HABIT(S)?: Talks about his dick too much. Clicks his tongue. Can’t sit still long periods of time. Trusts anyone and everyone.
ARE THEY AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL?: Both. But leans toward Night Owl.
HOW TIDY IS THEIR ROOM?: Incredibly tidy as is the rest of his place.
HOW LONG TO THEY USUALLY TAKE GETTING READY?: About an hour on a good day. He’s got a routine and he doesn’t sacrifice quality for speed.
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Title: Red Lace
About: Little Brothers are a nightmare and Tim’s in particular is on fire today. Damian riffles through Tim's room and finds a pair of red lacy undergarments and proceeds to embarrass his brother in front of the team. Tim and Cassie turn a nice shade of tomato red. Characters: Damian Wayne, Rose Wilson, Tim Drake, Cassie Sandsmark and Dick Grayson Setting: Titan’s tower Pairing: timxcassie / wonderbird  Notes: I like Damian a lot and I like to think he has fun at TIm’s expense. This is just supposed to be a fun little fic to get off my brain, also at Tim’s expense. I also like the wonderbird pairing so I thought why not. I really wish they were developed more/we saw more of them because I loved how complicated and angsty their ship was in the comics. Anyways, putting this out there because i’m always appreciative of reading others’ works featuring Wonderbird and in my opinion i’d love to see more of that pairing.  
Tim was mortified. He was going to kill him - Damien was dead, he was DEAD! The colour drained from Tim’s face as he watched a smug Damien Wayne twirl a red lacy thong from his finger. “Yours Drake?” the latest Robin said letting out a snicker as the words left his mouth. Out of the corner of Tim’s eye he could see Cassie’s face wide eye and turning bright red as she looked away hoping to not draw attention to herself.
This was payback, Tim knew. Damien had not taken kindly to Tim waltzing in with a mission for the titans. Damien all but quit complaining that the Titans liked Tim better, that they preferred to work with Tim over himself and they didn’t need two Robins.
Dick had convinced Damien to come back, but Tim had stayed for the time being to help out and fell into old habits, Cassie being one of those habits. They had called it quits a long time ago but old habits die hard and he found himself enamoured with her once again. Connor had taken a break from the Titans and left Cassie to find himself and Tim was no longer with Tam Fox after that fiasco. So it was only natural they would reconnect one more time, or at least that’s what Tim kept telling himself. They used discretion because despite being consenting adults, Connor was still his best friend and they didn’t need the team knowing their business. Least of all his little brother. If Damien was this bad not knowing who the undergarments belonged to, Tim couldn’t imagine what he would be like if he found the owner of the red lace.
Damien kept twirling, whistling low. “I mean I knew you got a new costume but to what extent I didn’t know until now..or maybe they’re someone else’s?” he grinned wickedly watching Tim die of embarrassment in front of their entire team as he looked around the room. “Anyone want to claim these?”
The rest of the titans privy to the scene either looked away in embarrassment for Tim or if they were beast boy their eyes were glued to the scene. “Oh Red and here I thought you were a prude. Looks like you’ve been getting someone’s panties in a twist, quite literally.” Rose piped up absolutely loving the scene before her. Tim would never describe Rose as giddy and yet here she was bouncing on the balls of her feet elated with this new turn of events.
Cassie’s hand squeezed into a fist. It was no secret she didn’t get along with Ravager. Rose got on Cassie’s nerves so easily, this was the last thing she needed. “Damien - this has nothing to do with official Titans business, and quite frankly it’s inappropriate.” Cassie said hastily. Her hardheadedness had gotten the better of her as Damien and Rose both turned to her setting their sights on Cassie. “Oh, deflecting? So these are yours princess?” Rose laughed. “Didn’t know you two were back at it.” she smiled sweetly as Cassie’s mouth dropped open rage filling the emotion on her face. “Cassie and Tim? you’ve got to be kidding me, he’s not cool enough to hit that.” Damien scoffed. “she’s' ' Damien gestured to her figure with his hands and Cassie all but shrieked at him.
Tim looked up at the ceiling and prayed to any god out there that would listen for Nightwing to show up. At least Dick would be able to put Damien in his place and for whatever reason Damien always listened to Dick. Tim was always the target, Damien’s punching bag. “For fucks sake Damien. Stop making shit up and give those back to whoever you stole them from.” Tim tried to discredit him. “I found them in your room Tim, nice try.” Damien flung them at Tim’s face with another snicker. Tim’s had caught them, not exactly sure what to do with them. If he pocketed them he was guilty, but he couldn’t just let them lay on the floor at his feet, somehow that was worse. Tim’s face was redder than before if that was even possible. “What were you doing in my room!” Tim fumed red lace now balled up in his fist. “Got bored. Found them with this.” Damien shrugged nonchalantly pulling a matching red lace bra from his cloak. “They match - i’d say you have good taste Cass but considering where I found them.” Damien tsked at her and let out another laughed at Tim’s expense and while some of the other titans couldn’t help but laugh along, namely beast boy, Tim and Cassie were seconds away from spontaneously combusting.
Tim wiped his face with his gloved hand. The joker hadn’t even made him sweat this bad. Was no one going to stop him? Thankfully Tim’s prayers were answered and Nightwing had walked into the room reading it very quickly. Tim - red face and holding red lace in his hands, Damien - with a shit eating grin and dangling a red bra, Ravager - taunting Cassie and Cassie - fists clenched and redder then Tim. In a quick scoop Dick had grabbed the bra and smacked Damien upside the back of the head, then Tim too for good measure. “Mission briefing in 5, move.” Tim was never more thankful for those words.
Damien had let out a manic laugh before leaving with Rose. Their tag team was not ideal Tim had decided. “Might want to give those back to Cass in private.” Dick had said handing the bra to Tim once the room was cleared. “How’d you - never mind, thanks.” Tim had exhaled taking his mask off feeling less suffocated. “Just curious, what happened to ‘but Connor?’” dick teased shaking his head. “I - it was one time.” Dick let out another laugh at Tim’s false admission. “Yeah, today maybe.” rolling his eyes he ruffled Tim’s hair. “He was in my room!” Tim complained. Dick shrugged. “Use better locks. You know he’s doing it to get under your skin.” Tim let out a frustrated sigh. “briefings in two better put those in a safe hiding spot and get going.” Dick said as he casually turned and walked out of the room leaving a frazzled Tim clutching red lace.
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