#batmom fic
ultraxavbo · 18 days
I saw this TikTok, and it’s sooo funny, ok I’m going to do a mini pov if this happens with Batmom reader and Bruce Wayne
POV: your husband ( Batman) always makes excuses to buy expensive things to your children.
This week is Jason’s birthday and your dear husband has not stopped seeing every page on the internet trying to find the best gift for his son, even though all our children were raised with luxury, they were never spoiled kids, on the contrary they were always kind and humble children. But it is always difficult for him to buy simple things, since obviously this man was born with all the money in the world and he wants his children to have the best.
You sighed,“Bruce honey, you need to calm down, I don’t think Jason wants a private jet, he just wanted a professional coffee machine”.
“Yes I will buy a coffee machine AND the jet, he deserves a jet so he can go everywhere he wants”.
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bia-wayne-west · 4 months
Damian is going to have a little sister [Damian Wayne x Pregnant! Batmom]
Summary: You take a pregnancy test and find out you are pregnant. You will have a little girl. Bruce, Alfred and their other three children are happy, except Demian. Your fourth baby is jealous of the new member of the family.
Personagens: Bruce Wayne [Batman], Damian Wayne [Robin], Dick Grayson [Nightwing], Jason Todd [Red hood], Tim Drake [Red Robin] and Reader [You]
Word count: 1,366
Warnings: jealousy, fear of abandonment and pregnancy.
A / N: Hi. I planned this fanfiction months ago, but I only had time to write today. I always imagined what it would be like if Batmom got pregnant. Demian would probably be jealous and wouldn't admit it. So, I decided to write about it.
I hope you like the imagine
Remember that I am a Brazilian girl. I am not fluent in English and I am still learning. I apologize if I have any errors. Feel free to correct me.
Go and read my other stories on my MASTERLIST.
REQUEST ARE OPEN. Do not be shy. Ask as many imagines as you want.
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The test in your hands had two blue lines and your face had a huge smile. You had some suspicions, but you never imagined that after eight years of marriage, you would have a baby in your womb.
You thought you must be sterile because you had never been pregnant before, and even though the doctors said you were healthy, you didn't believe them. The test in your hand was proof that you were going to have five babies now.
You left the bathroom, putting the test in your pants pocket. The first person you saw when you left the master suite was Alfred. He will just come out of one of the guest rooms.
You ran to the butler you considered your second father. Alfred looked at you, thinking you were going to ask for something.
“Alfred, I'm pregnant!” You said it quickly, not having the courage to repeat it. The old man in front of you looked at you with wide eyes. After five seconds, he smiled at you.
It was difficult to make Alfred smile. He always maintained his serious appearance.
“Congratulations, Mrs. Wayne. It’s great news.” Alfred said.
You showed the butler the pregnancy test. He congratulated her again and left, with the excuse that he had to clean Timothy's room. You could see a big smile on Alfred's face as he walked down the stairs to the second floor.
You remembered that Bruce was on the Wayne Enterprise, running some errands and that he wouldn't be back until after 8pm. Dick and Jason went to Wally West's house to play basketball. Timothy was at school.
Demian was the only one at home. He was probably in his room or in the garden with Titus.
You walked to the room that had the 'Do Not Enter' sign. You knocked on the door a few times, hearing your son's voice telling you that you could come in.
“Hi, my love.” You said to Damian, who was playing videogame. He was sitting on the bed. The boy smiled at you.
"Hi mommy. Did something happen?" He questioned, his eyes anxious.
You sat on the bed too, watching your son continue to play his game, but he was paying attention to you. .
“I have something new to tell you. I found out today, so only you and Alfred know about it.” You said, reaching into your pocket and pulling out the pregnancy test to show Damian.
The boy looked at the object curiously, until he realized what it really was. He looked at you in amazement, as if he thought it was just a joke.
"You are pregnant?" He questioned.
"Yes." After you nodded, you saw him give you a sad smile.
“I think this is amazing news, Mom,” Damian said. He no longer looked you in the eye, focusing his attention on the television while he played.
"Are you okay, darling?" You questioned, moving closer to Damian.
The boy just nodded, and didn't look at you anymore. Then, you realized that he didn't like the news, and preferred to leave him alone. You knew Damian didn't like expressing his feelings.
"If you need me, I'll be in the kitchen" You said, leaving your son's room and walking down the hallway.
As soon as Bruce arrived and you told him you were pregnant, he had the best reaction possible. Your husband was extremely happy and excited. And Dick, Jason and Tim also loved having a new little brother.
The weeks passed very quickly, and soon became months, and suddenly, you were seven months pregnant. You had already done all the ultrasounds and discovered that you were having your first daughter. You were excited to have a little princess, and Jason and Dick started teasing Bruce about how he really was a girl's daddy.
Everyone in your family seemed to be happy, except Damian. He never said out loud that he hated the baby, but you could see that he stopped wanting to spend time with you. The boy spent more time in his room or in the Batcave, avoiding being close to you. Bruce said the boy would accept that he would have a sister after the baby was born, but you knew you had to have a talk with Damian.
You walked slowly down to the clock that hid the entrance to the Batcave. It was difficult to walk with swollen feet. You knew that Bruce was on patrol, but that he left Damian on the Batcomputer. As soon as you got out of the elevator, you saw your son look at you, but quickly turn away. You walked over to Damian, giving him a gentle smile. The boy didn't look at you again.
"Hello, my dear." You said.
He didn't answer you, and started pretending to type on the keyboard.
"I wanted to talk to you a little."
Damian just grumbled.
"I know you're sad about my pregnancy." You said. "But you know that in two months there will be a baby here."
He continued ignoring you.
"If it's because of your father, you know Bruce loves all his children equally." You commented. "And that no baby in this world will make your father love you less."
Damian finally turned around, looking at you. He had red eyes, looking like he was going to cry.
"It's not about my father." He said. "Is you!" He exclaimed.
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"You know!" He roared. "You were the first person who liked me, even though you knew I was Bruce's biological son and that I was conceived when he was drugged by Talia." Damian continued speaking. "And now, you will have your own daughter. Who has your blood and Bruce's"
You looked at him, surprised.
"Are you afraid I'm going to leave you aside?" You wanted to know.
"My brothers don't seem to see what's going to happen. That you and Bruce are going to love the baby more than we do." He started to cry. "I love you and my dad, and I know that now you will have your own family."
You said, walking over to your son. You held him by the shoulders, making him face you.
"Damian, that will never happen!" You exclaimed. "You, Dick, Jason and Tim never stopped being my kids, my little birds."
He looked away, looking embarrassed.
"I thought you wouldn't treat me like your son anymore" He said.
"It's normal for you to be jealous and afraid of losing all the attention you receive, but I want you to know that our relationship will never change." You commented. "Now that the problem has been resolved, do you want to go upstairs so we can make some cupcakes together?"
Damian quickly got up from the chair he was in, and threw himself into your arms, hugging you tightly. He placed his head on your chest, and surprisingly, you felt him caressing your belly for the first time. You lowered your head to look at your son, smiling at him.
"Yes, I want to go make cupcakes, Mommy." He said, using the sleeve of his sweatshirt to wipe his tear-stained face.
You and Damian went up to the house, leaving the Batcave. He started talking to you again, saying that he had had a brief fight with Jon Kent, but that they had already made up. He also told you that he was doing a literature project for school in a group, and that it was very easy.
As soon as you arrived in the kitchen, you grabbed all the necessary ingredients from the fridge and started mixing the cupcake batter, while Damian mixed the frosting. He told you that he wanted to color the cupcakes green and red, so you grabbed the food coloring from the pantry, letting him make the frosting any color he wanted.
Once the more than twenty cupcakes were ready, you and Damian sat on the counter while eating, talking excitedly about how the last few months had been when Damian had avoided you.
"Mother?" He caught your attention. "It'll be good to be a big brother."
You gave him a huge smile, and then kissed your son's cheek.
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ynscrazylife · 7 months
Summary: Bruce Wayne is the happiest he’s ever been in a while. He has a beautiful wife, amazing children, and is stopping crime left and right as Batman. All that shatters when you, his wife, mysteriously disappears.
Pairings: Bruce Wayne x Wife!Reader, Batfamily x Batman!Reader, Avengers x Reader (Platonic)
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Having to wait until morning to pull the security cam footage from nearby stores was hell. In the meantime, Bruce filled out a missing persons report (and nearly broke down whilst doing it). The worst part of it all was having to come home, alone, and face his family.
His kids and Alfred were exactly where he left them, all in the living room.
“Where’s Mom?” Dick was the first to ask, arms crossed. Neither he nor his brothers could hide the worry flickering across his face. Not even Alfred, who was usually so composed.
“I believe,” Bruce began, wanting to be strong for them. The image of your smiling face flashed in his mind and he slammed his hand against the nearby wall to steady himself. Get it together, he told himself. The weight of your shattered phone in his pocket felt like tons of bricks. “She’s been taken.”
He hated that that was all he could say on it. That was all he knew. He hated that he had to say it at all.
Five rounds of “What?!” echoed around the room. Bruce forced himself to look at Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian. At their pain. Their shock.
“I only found her phone, broken. But we will bring her home,” Bruce said, knowing that there was no keeping his children out of this investigation. “I will take the lead. I’m going to go downstairs and start working. Anyone is free to join me, but I’d also suggest trying to sleep. If you can.”
He started towards the stairs. Then, half-way there, he stopped and turned around, opening up his arms. It took a second, but the boys came to him, and Bruce tucked them in his arms with a strong, tight hug. Alfred watched for a moment, then walked around and put his hand on Bruce’s shoulder.
“We will find her,” Bruce vowed.
And, he thought, if you were harmed in anyway, if a single hair was out of place, he’d destroy whoever had enough nerve to do this.
Standing by Commissioner Gordon’s side, Bruce peered over the employee sitting at his desk, who was starting up the footage on his computer. They found the closest store to the spot where your phone was found and as soon as the sign switched from closed to open, they walked in.
“Here you go,” the employee murmured, pressing play.
The footage was grainy and dark but with narrowed eyes, Bruce was determined to take in all that he could. As soon as you walked into frame, Bruce couldn’t help but tense up, nervous about what they were going to see.
Your pace started slowing as you took out your phone. Then, a jolt of electricity — where it was coming from was off-screen — hit your in the back. Bruce fixed his jaw, trying not to lash out or yell or even cry as he saw you fall. The thought of you, limp on the hard, dirty sidewalk . . .
Then, two figures came into frame, lean builds and wearing all black. Bruce watched how one stomped on your phone screen and he took a breath. They were saying something to each other, but the footage didn’t have audio. It was impossible to make out. He curled his fingers into a fist when they each took one of your arms, starting to drag you away. They didn’t seem to care at all that your head was bouncing off the ground and Bruce wanted to smash the screen.
He’d make them fucking pay, that was for sure.
Gordon did the talking, thanking the employee and whatnot. Bruce was in a daze, the footage playing over and over again in his head. He hadn’t even realized that Gordon wrapped up the conversation until he was pulled outside. They went a few stores down, trying to find more security camera footage of where they took you.
When they did, Gordon and Bruce watched as the kidnappers haphazardly tossed you into the car. As if you were nothing. As if you weren’t the most precious thing in Bruce’s life. He made fists again. They drove away and the one good thing was that the footage captured the license plate.
Gordon drove them to the police station and Bruce practically forced him to speed. A goddamn license plate, that was their only clue. Bruce’s only hope. He was pacing back and forth while the police actually ran the plate, never staying still for even a millisecond.
Finally, Gordon emerged. “They must’ve stolen the car. We’ll start sending patrol units out, contact other local departments . . . We will find this car. We’ll find them,” he said confidently.
While patrol units drove all around the city and beyond, Bruce did the same in his Batmobile. He spent every minute of every hour on the road, only returning for food and a couple hours of sleep after numerous calls from Alfred. It was the second time when he came home that he saw how much this was affecting his children. A wave of guilt hit, he knew that he hadn’t been paying as much attention to them as he should’ve.
You would’ve told Bruce to leave it to your fellow detectives, who were hellbent on getting you home. You would’ve told Bruce that he didn’t have to be Batman. He had to be home. God, you were so good, it sometimes hurt.
Bruce sat with his four boys on the couch, his arms wrapped around them. He updated them on the case, told them everything he knew. Of course, they asked to join him on patrol, but Bruce told them there was no need. He was going to take a few days off to spend with them.
It was after those few days that Bruce received a call from Gordon. They were in the middle of a somber dinner when his phone rang and the vigilante sprang up from his seat, nearly knocking his chair over. Everyone paused their eating.
“Gordon?” Bruce asked. The last few times, Gordon had nothing big to tell him, but Bruce answered his phone the same way every time.
“We got the car. It’s abandoned, but they drove out of the city. Parked near the woods.”
Dick, Tim, Jason, and Damian all wanted to go search with their father, but Alfred assured Bruce that he’d have them finish their dinners. Bruce gave each one of them a kiss on the head and promised to be home at a reasonable hour (which Alfred would hold him to, bless the man) before he rushed off.
It took a little while to get to the coordinates that Gordon sent, but when he did, he found detectives and cops and even civilian-organized search parties. It warmed Bruce’s heart, how much the city adored you. They knew you as Mrs Wayne, the kind and brave detective.
He joined the search as Batman, looking high and low. He got deep into the woods when finally, he found something. A group of costumed people all looking around, some confused, some awed. Bruce could tell they didn’t belong.
“Identify yourself,” he growled, coming out of the shadows and approaching them.
They all turned to him suddenly. No one moved or said anything for a second, until a redheaded woman came forward. She looked to be around your age, maybe a couple years older.
“This is probably going to come as a shock, but please, hear me out,” the woman began.
“I don’t ‘hear’ people out. Identify yourself, now,” Bruce demanded, in no mood for games.
The woman sighed softly. “Fine. You can call me te Black Widow. Back home, I — we — are known as the Avengers. We’re looking for someone named Y/N,” she told him.
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charlotteking23 · 3 months
Forgotten Lunch (Bruce Wayne x Wife! Reader)
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You were driving in the car, with a sack lunch in the passenger street. Bruce had forgotten to take his lunch and being a thoughtful wife decided to bring it to him.
You were excited you rarely went to Wayne Enterprise because your job hours were the same as Bruce's. You had a day off, and right after you dropped his lunch, you were going to the nail salon.
You parked the car towards the back having less of a hassle to find a spot. Walking in you were immediately greeted by some of the employees who recognized you and saw them pointing at you, but you didn't mind being used to it.
The sound of your high heels echoes through the lobby towards the receptionist. The lady looked up, you could tell she seemed shy. "Hello, I was wondering if Mr.Wayne was in any meeting right now", You said softly. "No, Ma'am, Mr Wayne should be expecting you", she said carefully, scared she might say something wrong. You nodded at her and thanked her as you walked towards the elevator.
When the elevator opened you were surprised to see a lady being rude to the employees. Before you could say something the rude lady saw you and pulled you by the arm making your back slam against the wall. Oh hell no you thought This lady must really want an ass kicking.
I am Miranda, the Wayne Enterprises manager, which means I ensure, no new employees cause any trouble, Miranda said in a snooty tone. Before I could slap this bitch she looked me up and down in disgust was, this bitch. Who are you trying to impress with all that makeup and this dress, here we have a standard procedure of no makeup and uniform, that bitch Miranda says as rudely as possible.
"Say that to all that cake-on makeup you have on your face, who are you trying to impress?" you said as you inspected her horrifying face wishing you brought some sunglasses. Trying to divert the attention off of her she commented on my food. "Who made that the rat", Miranda said as if it was even a good comeback. "No, but even a rat can make better food than you", you replied fed up with this girl's behavior.
But again this bitch just keeps on talking, you were about to take your high heel off and stab her eye with it but then it would be a waste of a good heel. "What can you do? you are just a lowly employee", Miranda says with such confidence. "Miranda-", Bruce says but was cut off by the wicked witch of the west(Miranda). " Oh Mr. Wayne it's good to see you", Miranda said in a flirty tone. It's funny how fast that girl switches up when my man comes.
"Miranda!", Bruce yelled stopping Miranda in shock. "This lowly employee you spoke to was my wife", Bruce said with a stern tone not taking shit from anybody. This was a complete shock to Miranda as she started to stutter, "I-I-I didn't know I am so sorry Mr and Mrs Wayne", red in the checks from being embarrassed by the mistake.
"I don't care Miranda this is not the first time I've heard complaints like these before I decided to not do anything because of how dedicated you were but now that has changed", Bruce said with anger in his eyes. "What do you mean s-sir", Miranda said as if she was going to cry. "You are fired, I suggest you pack your things now or I will call security", Bruce said as calmly as he could but anger shown in his eyes. Miranda ran away as fast as possible, away from the peering eyes.
Bruce was quick to apologize to all the employees who were tormented by Miranda, knowing Bruce he probably promised something really expensive for them to take as an apology.
Bruce then looks at his wife taking her by the hand and leading her to the office. "Are you okay? what are you doing here? Do you want some water or anything?", Bruce said scanning Me from head to toe making sure there were no injuries. "I came to drop off your lunch you forgot to bring", you said smiling up at Bruce. All he could do was laugh and talk to you for the remainder of the time til he had to return to work.
"You know Mr.Wayne", you said holding his as Bruce walked with you towards the car." What Mrs.Wayne?" He said playfully. "You were really hot when you were taking charge", you said fanning yourself. "Maybe I should do that more often" Bruce said, cupping your checks and giving you a peck on the lips. "Definitely," you said as you pulled him back giving him a passionate kiss on his lips.
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k4marina · 5 months
bruce wayne x fem!reader || smau
all images used were found on pinterest !
pt. 2
pt. 3
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liked by harveydent and 20,482,291 others
brucewayne another successful charity gala.🥂
📍wayne mannor
harveydent another unforgettable night!
brucewayne that’s what i do best
racheldawes thanks for the invite bruce
brucewayne always 🩶
user001 i love rachel x bruce interactions 😭😭
user002 rachel’s with harvey. her and bruce have been friends since they were kids.
user003 i wish i could go to one of these galas and meet bruce and we would fall in love and get married (i’m delulu) 😭
user004 girlll ur so real for this (i’m also delulu) 😭😭
user005 y’all bffr bruce will never go out with any of us 😀
user006 yeah but a girl could dream 🙈 (i need to be locked up in arkham)
posted 04/20/2023
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liked by yourbff and 8,037 others
yourusername livin’ the life 😎
yourbff girl how tf did you get in there 😭
yourusername bitch idefk 😭😭
user007 wait this room looks familiar 🤔
user008 yea isn’t this bruce wayne’s gala room?
user009 what’s the big deal?
user007 it’s just weird how someone with zero ties to gothams elite was able to get into bruce wayne gala
posted 04/20/2023
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liked by yourusername and 20,482,028 others
brucewayne back to work
📍 wayne tower, gotham city
user010 his handsss 🧎‍♀️
user011 love the new necklace 😍😍
user012 ur so real for this bestie
user013 everybody talking about his hands but i’m looking at this man’s back
user014 plsss lemme claw it
posted 04/30/2023
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liked by brucewayne and 10,038 others
yourusername first time at the opera (am i doing this right?)
yourbff okayyyy i see you 😩
yourusername luv u!! 🫶🫶🫶
user015 ayoo bruce in the likes ?? 😀
user016 bruce, bby wyd here 🤔
user017 omg where did u get that dress??
yourusername xxxx.com :)
posted 05/15/2023
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liked by yourusername and 21,038,199 others
brucewayne there’s a first time for everything 🤷‍♂️
racheldawes what happened to going back to work? 🤨
brucewayne shush, i’m allowed to have a break
user018 😀
user019 is this what i think it is???
user020 wait waits going on?? what did i miss??
user021 ppl r thinking that bruce and this one girl r together 😭
user022 wait what 😭
user020 wait what girl??
user022 her yourusername. she was at bruce’s gala last week and now they’re at the same opera
user023 surly it’s just a coincidence 😭 (i’m delusional asf)
user024 i wish but the captions match 😭😭
posted 05/15/2023
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liked by yourusername and 22,918,194 others
brucewayne thank you monaco
racheldawes is this the “break” you were talking abt?
brucewayne yes :)
harveydent please tell me you’ll be back for our meeting
brucewayne 🤷‍♂️
user025 WHAAT
user026 babeeee i told you not to post me 😻😻
user027 girl that’s my man’s 😐
user028 WRONG that’s none of our man’s anymore 😭😭😭
posted 06/29/2023
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liked by brucewayne and 120,294 others
yourusername i 🫶 monaco
yourbff you need to bring me next time you go !!
yourusername ofcofc babes 😩🫶
user029 how does it feel living my life 😭😭
user030 just stop teasing us and post him 😭😭😭😭
user031 i don’t see it. why would bruce be into you?
yourbff um no.1 she’s hot asf no.2 she’s smart and no.3 what makes u think he’d want u 💀💀
user032 LMFAO 😭😭
user033 i need a bestie who’d defend me like this 😭😭
posted 06/29/2023
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liked by user030 and 18,927,928 others
tmz billionaire bruce wayne spotted with rumored girlfriend, y/n l/n, in monaco this last week.
according to inside information, the two met at wayne’s latest charity gala where they were introduced by the head of gotham university’s bioengineering department. y/n l/n was brought as a guest of the head of department and is studying for her phd in bioengineering. she also has a masters in biotechnology.
apparently, the conversation was first about finding new ways to turn waste products into a more sustainable energy source as wayne had shown interest in this topic a while back however, the conversation quickly turned more flirtatious and number were exchanged.
in may, almost a month after the gala, bruce and y/n were together at gotham city opera house. though, they weren’t physically seen together however, they were in the same opera room and their captions were almost identical to each other.
now, almost a month later, they’re seen together in manaco. could this be the start of a new romance?
let us know in the comments.
view 11,392,385 comments
posted 06/30/2023
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liked by yourusername and 21,397,928 others
brucewayne my girl 🤍
tagged yourusername
yourusername muahhhhh
yourusername ily 🫶🫶🫶
brucewayne i love you too 🫶
racheldawes i told you you’d like her
brucewayne yea yea 😒 (i’m joking, thank you rachel)
harveydent let’s go on a double date??
yourusername yesssss
user034 i’m 😭 so 😭 happy 😭 for 😭 you
user035 she’s literally living the y/n life and i can’t blame her 😭🫶🫶
user036 god, i’ve seen what you’ve don’t for other people 🛐
user037 onggg 😭🙏
posted 07/03/2023
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liked by brucewayne and 19,395,284 others
yourusername my man my man 😻😻
tagged brucewayne
brucewayne love you too sweetheart 🤍
brucewayne i thought you said you weren’t going to post that third picture 🤔
yourusername srry babes, i had too. you look to cute 🫶🫶
yourbff rue, when was this? 🤨
yourusername 😶
yourbff your still mine
yourusername ofcofc always 😩
brucewayne um 😐
youbff i said what i said 😤
user038 she did it she’s living the life 😭
user039 how does it feel living my dream life 😫
posted 07/03/2023
wanted to try smt new and i’ve been on my bruce wayne love train for a hot minute. i’m literally in love with this man someone help me 😭😭😭
anyways the next chapter of heart of the dragon is coming soon. lmk if y’all want a pt. 2 or more bruce wayne fics :)
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reveluving · 1 year
today's batmom thot of the day is:
Bruce's secret stash of your 𝙣𝙪𝙙𝙚 polaroids!
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warnings: smut obv (minors DNI!), thirsty!Bruce is thirsty for his wife <;3
check out my batmom m.list &lt;3
Nobody loves you more than your husband. Anyone to claim otherwise, be it his children, Alfred or even your own staff (which were basically teenagers who now sees you as their mother, at this point), well, that'll only happen when hell freezes over.
The problem is? The man is always busy, as a renowned business by day and a renowned vigilante by night. So, he can't always spend time with you as much as he hopes for. So, naturally, when he's graced with the opportunity to be with you, no doubt he uses it like it's his last day on Earth.
But when he can't?
His nude polaroids of you are his saving grace.
You see that gif up there? That's him sneaking glances at those photos at any given time.
I've actually mentioned this fact in one of my drabbles! One of his favourite ones is kept in his wallet, stashed in the same slot behind your cafe's business card—if in any case his kids have his wallet for whatever reason, the last place they'd investigate is your card.
Or at least, he could only hope none of them ever stumble upon it.
If not, he knew you'd never let him keep another one. It's happened before, and he was lucky enough to find it.
But, was it worth traumatizing his father figure, who was unlucky enough to have found it?
What was it, you might ask?
It was during your honeymoon in Japan, your hotel room overlooking the city at night. He had on you the bed, his thumb nestled in your lips as he bottomed out. The spurt of cum trailing from your cunt up to your pretty glossy lips. The pure bliss on your face as you take his hard cock and oh, it never fails to make his blood run hot.
"Messy girl." He tutted with a sly smile, cooing at the mix of your drool and his cum coating his fingers. The magnificent view of the Tokyo Tower plus the skyscrapers surrounding it was an added benefit; a variety of neon lightly illuminating your room, enough for Bruce to see you in your glory.
He already took a good nine or ten photos of you on his phone before tossing it aside with your polaroid camera, where he's also used it on you for another three, one of which will definitely be his number one. For now, he wanted no interruptions, and loomed over you, the dangerous look in his eyes barely hidden behind his wet hair made it clear that he was beyond done with you. It wasn't until you whimpered and rolled against his hips that the look he had was accompanied by a smirk, knowing that you needed him as much as he needed you.
Yes, that honeymoon had to be one of the best ones he's ever had, and he's been to plenty with you.
The point is, his family has had enough trauma, for they've witnessed their fair share of 'unspeakable events' in the past regarding the two of you, be it in the bedroom, some gala, your cafe's storeroom.
But that's besides the point.
We've only talked about one of his utmost favourite polaroids, so you can bet your ass that he has more than just one! Those other favourites are stashed in the bedside table, his office desk, both in the mansion and his company, the Batcomputer's drawer, and the Batmobile. All of which were locked for his own use, of course.
He probably has at least 20, and counting, even, for your husband is not only a pleaser in bed, but an artistic one, as well. His muse? You, duh. Whether it's a polaroid of you in his oversized dress shirt only or nothing at all, these keepsakes are far more valuable than any art piece in any prestigious galleries. Better yet, they're priceless, for they belong to him and and him only.
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a reupload. dumblr really testing me. going back to my IRL responsibilities cuz shit is crazy rn see yall in a few months tho <3 /j
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clangrogu · 3 months
DC x Reader Fic Recs
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It Got Worse by @hannibals-favourite-meal (Clark Kent x Reader, F!Reader, Wayne!Reader, SFW, Pregnancy, Bruce is overprotective)
Office Crushes by @hannibals-favourite-meal (Clark Kent x Reader, SFW, A/B/O Dynamics, Omega!Reader, Plus size!Reader, Slight angst, Protective!Clark)
Playground Chaos by @kimberly-spirits13 (Jason Todd x Reader, GN!Reader, SFW)
At the Stitches by @kimberly-spirits13 (Jason Todd x Reader, Black Widow!Reader, F!Reader, SFW, Reader has magic)
To the Paparazzi by @innerwomen (Bruce Wayne x Reader, F!Reader, Batmom!Reader, Husband!Bruce Wayne, SFW, Slight angst, Body shaming, Mild swearing, COVID-19 mentions)
Keep the Doors Locked by @hannibals-favourite-meal (Bruce Wayne x Reader, Batmom!Reader, Batboys x Batmom!Reader F!Reader, NSFW, Smut, Getting walked in on, Bi!reader mention)
Just a Couple More Minutes by @innerwomen (Bruce Wayne x Reader, Batboys x Batmom!Reader, F!Reader, Batmom!Reader, Husband!Bruce Wayne, SFW, Slightly Suggestive)
Illegal by @hannibals-favourite-meal (Batmom!Reader, Damian Wayne x Batmom!Reader, Bruce Wayne x Reader, F!Reader, SFW, Implication of smut, Puberty mentions)
What Is A Mother, But The Woman Who Loves Us Most? by @ragingbookdragon (Batmom!Reader, Batboys x Batmom!Reader, Bruce Wayne x Reader, F!Reader, SFW, Angst, Hurt/Comfort)
I Have Too Many Children by @ragingbookdragon (Batmom!Reader, Batboys x Batmom!Reader, Bruce Wayne x Reader, F!Reader, SFW, Implications of sex)
I’ve Finally Found Something For My Shelf by @ragingbookdragon (Batmom!Reader, Batboys x Batmom!Reader, Bruce Wayne x Reader, F!Reader, SFW)
"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me" by @allysunny (Bruce Wayne x Reader, F!Reader, SFW, Pregnancy, Bale!Bruce Wayne)
A New Beginning by @hannibals-favourite-meal (Bruce Wayne x Reader, Plus size!Reader, F!Reader, SFW)
Slumber Party by @bippot (Adrian Chase x Reader, F!Reader, SFW, Reader is kidnapped and kinda traumatised, Canon typical violence, Minor injuries)
Now or Never by @whirlybirbs (Adrian Chase x Reader, F!Reader, SFW, Mild depiction of injuries, Reader is a retired hero)
159 notes · View notes
stars-n-sweets · 3 days
me 🤝 @elusive-honeydew
“batmom is sade”
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67 notes · View notes
One Bad Day....Jason's Death
AI-Less Whumptober 2023: 8. Panic Attack, 12. Character Death, 23. Begging, 31. Crying, Alt. 13. Grief Fandom: Batman, Batfam, Batmom, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd Summary: Before Red Hood rescued her, before she was in prison, before she killed The Joker, Batmom experiences one of the most devastating losses of her life. Word Count: 5587 TW: Canon Character Death, Mentions of Torture, Brief Description of Injuries, Grief, Breakdown, Tears, Anger, Character Picks Up Reader Note: This is part of the One Bad Day.... series but can be read as a one-shot (though best to be read after Part 3)Part of @ailesswhumptober's whumptober event.
Series Masterlist
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It has been three days since you have heard from either Bruce or Jason and you are starting to get worried. Actually, you are way past worried—you are terrified. Something is wrong, you can feel it in your gut. A gnawing queasiness deep in your stomach that has you unable to eat or sleep while you wait for some sort of news.
Usually, you wouldn’t give this radio silence a second thought. While Bruce tries to send some sort of word as often as he can while out of town, it just isn’t always possible. Especially when he is away on this kind of work. Batman is a force of secrets and mystery. He can’t always risk finding a way to call his wife to tell her he is alright. 
You pull the blanket that is draped over your shoulders tighter around you and continue pacing. Alfred had placed it there a few ago, the last time he had come to check on you. When you had first begun to worry, the butler had remained by your side providing constant reassurance and support. But after a while, once it became clear you wanted to be alone, he retreated upstairs. Occasionally, he returned to the Batcave to bring you some food, water, or something to keep you warm, but otherwise, he had been keeping his distance. However, you know the second you call for him, he will instantly be there to get you whatever he possibly can. If only he could get you the one thing you truly wanted right now….
As if summoned by your silent wish, you suddenly hear the distant roar of a familiar engine growing louder by the second. Whirling around, a huge smile of relief on your face, you turn just in time to see the Batmobile burst into the cave and come to a stop in its usual spot. For the first time in days, you feel like you can breathe again as the driver-side door opens up and you catch a glimpse of Bruce, still in his Batman costume though he has removed his cowl and gloves.
Throwing your arms open wide as you approach the car, you exclaim, “There’s my boys!” Bruce doesn’t look at you as he climbs out of the Batmobile and walks slowly over to the passenger side. “I was just about to send out a search party. How was Ethiopia? Did you find–”
You stumble to a halt, your smile slipping from your face. An icy vice clamps down on your heart as you see Bruce lift something out of the Batmobile: a small limp figure wrapped in a torn yellow cape that reveals small glimpses of the red suit underneath through the holes and tears. Though the cape is also draped across the person’s face, you know immediately who is under it.
“No….” you gasp as your blanket slips from your shoulders to pool at your feet. “No, no, Bruce, no. Please, no.” 
As you wait for Bruce’s response, you cling to that last fragile shred of hope that it’s not what you think, that maybe he’s just hurt under there or sleeping or…or…….
But as your husband silently walks past you and lays the body on one of the nearby tables, the drawn, pained expression on his face coupled with the tender care he takes carefully arranging it is the final confirmation you need. 
Dropping to your knees, you let out an almost inhuman wail as the truth of the situation slams into you like a nuclear blast. Your baby’s gone. Jason is dead. And you have lost yet another child. 
You collapse forward, your forehead pressing hard against the cold cave floor as another wail tears through your chest. No. It can’t be true. Jason has to be alive. He has to be. Oh please, God, please don’t tell me you’ve taken my baby from me. Not again. Please.
As you continue to sob—worldless howls of grief and pain—you feel Bruce drape himself over you as if trying to shield you from this agony….but it’s too late. The damage has already been done and you have been irreparably broken.
In what seems like hours later, once you have exhausted yourself to the point you no longer have the energy or tears left to cry, Bruce sits back and pulls you carefully into his lap. As you lay curled in his arms with your head resting on his chest, you can feel his heart beating beneath you—so strong and steady—and it hits you that you will never again feel Jason’s heartbeat or hear him take a breath. All of those little signs of life you take for granted are just gone…and so is he.
Lifting your head to gaze up at your husband, you force your words through your aching throat, torn raw from all your screaming, and you ask, “What happened?” 
“The Joker,” Bruce says as he brushes a tear off your cheek. “He used Jason’s birthmother to lure him in, then he placed both of them in a warehouse that was rigged to explode. I arrived just as the bomb went off. I….I was too late to save him.”
The sound of Bruce’s voice breaking and the tears in his voice sends another jolt of pain into your heart and you nuzzle your head into his neck as you squeeze his hand. He silently squeezes back and you have to stifle a groan as you feel the bones in your hand shift and crack in his grasp, but you don’t say anything. You just let him continue to squeeze your hand long after the point it turns numb. 
You haven’t seen Bruce fall apart since the two of you lost the baby. Regardless of what heartbreaks or fights had come your way in the years since, Bruce had remained calm and stoic through it all. It’s just who he was. He was your rock, your lifeline in the roughest of waters, your source of comfort when you needed it the most—so the sight of him breaking adds another layer of grief to your own.
When he finally loosens his grip and you can tell he has regained some of his composure, you whisper, “Did he…. Did he hurt him before…?”
Bruce hesitates for a moment before murmuring, “You don’t need to know the details.” 
Which means yes. The Joker had probably tortured and beaten your baby bloody before blowing him up. Another sob threatens to tear from your lips, but you manage to quell it so it is just a whine deep in your throat. You had cried enough for the moment. Right now, you need answers and to come up with a plan. But first…you need something else.
Untangling yourself from Bruce’s arms, you unsteadily get to your feet and begin walking over to the table. Bruce leaps up when he sees what you are doing and he gently grabs your shoulders blocking your path. “Don’t. Sweetheart, just…just don’t. Trust me.”
“Let me go. I need to see him.”
You try to shrug him off but he holds you firmly in place. “No. You don’t. Don’t let that be the last image you have of him—I wish it wasn’t mine. He’s gone and seeing him like that won’t bring him back. So, I’m begging you, don’t.”
“Get out of my way, Bruce,” you growl as you glare up at your husband. “I need to see our son. I need to see what that monster did to him.”
For a moment, you aren’t sure what Bruce is going to do. His eyes flit across your face, trying to find the slightest hesitation he can grasp onto. But when he doesn’t find any, he sighs and slowly lowers his hands as he bows his head and whispers, “Please…Don’t look.”
But you have already pushed past him before he finishes his sentence.
You approach the table with a determined stride, yet you hesitate once you reach it. Jason was always a slight kid, even verging on scrawny, but he had never seemed smaller or more vulnerable than as your hand hovers over the cape still draped over him. Even that first night Bruce brought him home to you, he had so much fire and spirit in his little twelve-year-old body that his presence filled the room. Now, three years later, that fire and spirit had been extinguished and it hits you all over again how young he truly was—how young he would always be.
You feel Bruce come to stand just behind you but he doesn’t say a word. He has tried his best to stop you so now all he can do is wait for you to live with your decision and be there for the aftermath. Knowing he is right there for you gives you a renewed sense of strength and as you take a deep breath, you pull back the cape to look at your son. 
Bruce was right. You shouldn’t have looked.
Some of the damage you are expecting based on what Bruce told you. Burns litter Jay’s face and neck as well as his hands. In some places, they are light, almost invisible unless the light catches them just so. However, in other spots, the burns are so severe you can almost see down to the bone. His hands are the worst, so charred and blackened that you fear touching them despite the longing in your chest to hold his hand once more in yours. Looking at the burn patterns, it seems heartbreakingly clear that Jason had tried to protect himself from the blast by throwing his hands in front of his face…he had seen it coming.
Yet as horrible as that realization is, far worse is the damage you weren’t expecting to see on your son.
Beneath the burns and debris from the bomb, Jason’s body is broken, bruised, and bloody in ways that an explosion couldn’t have caused. One arm and leg jut out at odd angles and there are dark bruises all over his face, neck, and the parts of his torso you can see through his ruined suit. One eye is swollen and black, his nose is bent sharply to one side, and his lip is split open wide. You have seen enough blunt-force trauma up close and personal to understand what had to have caused all of this. 
Casting one last longing look at your son, you turn to face Bruce. You are visibly shaking, and when you speak, your voice is dripping with venomous fury, “Where is he?”
“Clark is tracking him down and he’ll alert me the second he finds him.”
“And then?” Bruce glances away, unable to look at you. Disbelief washes over you and you step closer to your husband. “Bruce, don’t tell me you are thinking of letting him live.”
“It’s not our place to–”
“He killed our son!” you hiss as you point to the body of the child you both loved. “Jason is—Jason is dead because of that maniac! We can’t let The Joker get away with this!”
“We won’t.” Bruce takes your face between his hands and bends over so his forehead is almost touching yours. “I swear to you, we will find him and throw him back into Arkham where he belongs.”
Wrenching from his grasp in disgust, you snarl, “For how long? A few weeks? A month if we’re lucky? Then he’ll just find another way to escape like he always does and he’ll hurt more innocent people, more people we love. How can you not see that this has to end? That it should have ended years ago.”
“My heart—” Bruce tries to take your hand but once again you snatch it away from him. “I know you don’t always agree with it, but we have a code. A code you agreed to follow when you joined me. And that code means that no matter what The Joker or anyone else does, We. Don’t. Kill. Otherwise, what makes us any better than them?”
“Maybe I don’t care about being better than them anymore. We’ve done things by the book, followed your rules, and where has that left us? Two dead children and a third who barely survived being shot. And you still talk about trusting the same system that allowed it to happen in the first place. Well, who’s next, Bruce? Who will be the next victim in your moral war? Alfred? Dick?....Me? Whose death will it take for you to realize that this won’t end unless we make it end?”
Bruce stares at you as if he is looking at a stranger and not his wife of ten years. Shaking his head slightly, he says, “I understand you’re hurting right now and you’re not thinking clearly. But once some time has passed and the feelings aren’t as raw, you’ll—”
“I’ll what? Forget my son is dead?” you snap.
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“Well, what did you mean? Give it time and things will just go back to normal? That this pain will fade and I won’t care that my son was murdered?”
“Our son.”
“Our son,” Bruce says. His voice has a sharp edge to it that momentarily takes you aback. “You keep saying ‘my son’ like you’re the only one who lost him. I know what you and Jay had was special but that doesn’t mean I didn’t love him too, or that I’m not in agony right now. I had to watch, helplessly, as that warehouse exploded knowing I was too late to save him. Then, I dug with my bare hands for almost an hour through the wreckage praying for a miracle only to find—” Bruce presses his hand over his eye as he takes a long, slow, shaking inhale then continues “And then I had to fly home watching vigil over our son’s body, all the while dreading this moment. Knowing I was coming home to shatter the woman I love. But the only thing that made that thought bearable was knowing we could mourn together and lean on each other for comfort. Yet all you can focus on is revenge and murder!”
“No, Bruce. I’m focusing on keeping the family I still have safe. I’m focusing on protecting this city just as you swore to do. I’m focusing on ending terror and chaos in the streets. And if that means one psychotic clown has to die to make that happen, then so be it.”
“We do not cross that line. Ever. No matter who we think deserves it. That’s just how things have to be.”
“Don’t you get it! Jason would still be alive if you had just—” All of your fury evaporates instantly and you inhale sharply as you realize what you were about to blurt out. Bruce’s expression hardens into a stone-cold mask usually reserved for the most lowsome of criminals and, stumbling back, you stutter, “I-I mean…I—”
“If I had what? Say it. Say it!” Now it is your turn to not meet his eye yet he pushes on. “You were going to say that if I had just killed The Joker years ago, Jason would still be alive!”
“I didn’t mean it. It just slipped out,” you whisper. “I know this isn’t your fault, Bruce. You told him not to go but I encouraged him to do what he thought he had to do. That I would support whatever decision he made.” Your voice cracks as you choke out, “I sent our baby off to his death, not you.”
It is the thought that has been nagging at the back of your head since you saw Bruce lift Jason’s body from the Batmobile. The unbearable truth you’ve been unable to face. Bruce had known something felt off about the situation and he insisted Jason stayed home. But when Jason came to you saying he had found his birthmother and needed to go see her, you put your foot down and forced Bruce to take him. If you had just listened to Bruce, if you had just really examined the facts instead of wanting to show Jason you were supportive, your son would still be alive.
Suddenly, it felt like the walls of the Batcave were closing in on you and you couldn’t catch your breath. Stumbling back a few steps, you say, “I-I can’t do this. I have to get out of here.”
The anger in Bruce’s face disappears as quickly as it appeared. He reaches out to you with a soft, “Sweetheart—” but you continue to back away.
“No. No, I need to go. I-I need to be alone.”
Bruce nods slowly. “Alright. That’s okay. Why don’t you go take a long shower and lay down and I’ll take care of things down here. I’ll come check on you when I’m done.”
You nod back and hurry over to the stairs leading up to the manor. But just as you begin to climb them, you pause and mumble, “I’ll be in Jay’s room.” then flee up the stairs before Bruce can stop you.
Once back in the manor, you move in an almost trancelike state towards the bedrooms. As you pass the kitchen, you hear a soft sniffling and you realize Alfred must have come down into the Batcave at some point and seen what happened. You have been so preoccupied with your own grief, you completely forgot about the butler who loved Jason almost as much as you and Bruce did. 
Part of you wants to go back and join him. After all, Alfred always knows how to fix anything and everything and maybe, somehow, he can fix this too. Yet as much as it pains you to admit, there are just some things even Alfred Pennyworth can’t do. So you continue walking.
When you reach Jason’s room, you don’t even pause before opening the door and shuffling in. In one fluid movement, you collapse onto your son’s bed and roll over, dragging his comforter with you until you are cocooned beneath the blanket. 
It seems impossible that just three nights ago you were sitting on this very bed with Jason next to you as he told you about how he had been tracking down his birthmother. He had been so scared to tell you for fear he would hurt your feelings. But you had just gathered him into your arms and pressed your lips into his hair as you promised him you would always be his “Ma” regardless of what happened on his search. That you would always love him….
Tears you did not think you could still cry began slipping silently down your cheeks. What would you have done differently if you had known that was the last time you would see your son? What else would you have said to make him understand how much he meant to you? How he had saved you from your grief once before and how you still needed him now?
You bury your face deeper into his pillow as you finally allow yourself to ask the question that you know will haunt you the rest of your life:
Could I have saved you if I had been there?
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For the next twelve days, little changes. The only time you leave Jason’s bed is to go to the bathroom, but otherwise, you lay curled in the center of his bed wrapped in his blankets and staring at his wall. Bruce and Alfred take turns coming to check on you several times a day, usually bringing food or drinks and trying their best to coax you into consuming something. You take a little nibble here and there or take a few sips of water, but it isn’t long before you return to your near catatonic state. 
Even when Dick arrives a few days after you learned of Jason’s death, it doesn’t make much of a difference. You do allow him to climb into the bed with you where you wrap him in a bone-crushing embrace, afraid if you let go you’ll lose him just like your other children. But eventually, he has to leave and you resume your solitary existence.
On day seven, Bruce slips into bed behind you and wraps his arms around you. For a long time, the two of you just lay there in silence. Then, softly, his lips brush against your ear as he whispers, “Please, sweetheart, please come back to me. I know you’re hurting. So am I. But I just lost Jason and I can’t….I can’t lose you too. Please, let me in. Let us help each other through this….Together.”
You know he’s right, and it kills you to know you are only adding to his heartbreak, but you just don’t have the strength or the will to be what he needs right now. So, you remain motionless in his embrace, your eyes never shifting their unseeing stare at the wall.
Eventually, Bruce accepts nothing is going to change. Pressing his lips to the nape of your neck, he whispers, “I love you. Please never forget that. And I’ll be waiting, as soon as you’re ready.” Then he slips from the bed and you are alone once more.
The next major change in your routine comes exactly two weeks after Jason’s death when Bruce and Alfred walk into Jason’s room holding a simple black dress. Silently, you allow them to put it on you before they lead you downstairs where Dick is waiting with the car. No one has to tell you where you are going. You already know.
For the short drive, Bruce sits next to you in the backseat, holding your hand tightly as he presses his lips against your temple with whispers of encouragement and love. You squeeze his hand back but make no other acknowledgment of his presence or support. You catch Dick glancing back at you in the rearview mirror a few times, concern etched on his face, and you wonder what he sees when he looks at you. That thought makes you withdraw even further into yourself in shame.
As Alfred pulls to a stop, you make no move to exit the car. Alfred and Dick both glance at Bruce for some sort of guidance as to how to proceed, and he motions for them to get out. Once you are alone, Bruce pulls you into his arms. “If I could spare you from this, you know I would. But we have to make some sort of public show or it’s going to look suspicious. And people are already asking questions. But I promise, the second we’re done, I’ll take you back up to the house. Okay?”
You nod, knowing he is right however much you despise it, and he smiles softly. Placing his finger under your chin so he can tilt your head back, Bruce kisses your forehead as he whispers, “That’s my girl.”
Then sliding his hand into yours, he opens his car door and steps out before helping you out. Immediately you are met with flashing lights and the whirring click of hundreds of cameras all pointed in your direction. You try to ignore them as Bruce leads you down the path lined with photographers and reporters, your face a blank mask void of any emotion. 
But that mask becomes harder to maintain as you hear the slight tittering of whispers passing through the crowd. And though you have over a decade of experience being the subject of Gotham’s rumor mill to get used to the kinds of things people say about you, these reach a new level of cruelty: 
“Look at the heartless whore. Can’t even spare a single tear for that poor boy Bruce so kindly took in.”
“I heard she didn’t even want to come today but Bruce insisted. Can you imagine? He deserves so much better.”
“She wasn’t even there when he died. Bruce planned a family trip overseas and she refused to go. She would rather stay here to be waited on hand and foot by that butler of theirs than spend time with her supposed family.”
“I bet she had something to do with the boy’s death. Probably didn’t want to share the Wayne fortune with anyone else. Bruce and the older boy should watch their backs. They could be next.”
You remember a time when you would have gone off on these people. Snapped back about how they didn’t know anything about you or your relationship with your family. Caused such a scene Bruce would have had to sheepishly drag you away while his face glowed bright red. But not today. Today all you want to do is curl up in a ball in front of them as you sob, asking how they can be so cruel or heartless to not see your pain or the devastation at your loss. How they could come here—here of all places—just to add to your suffering.
But you don’t. Instead, you allow Bruce to continue leading you forward until you stop in front of the freshly dug grave with the casket placed beside it.
Bruce (well, probably Alfred) had worked out all the details while you were locked in Jason’s room. A plot had been selected in the small graveyard on the edge of the Wayne estate, right next to where Bruce’s parents were buried. The casket is closed so you can’t see how they dressed Jay, but Bruce had promised you in the car that he tucked Jason’s Robin mask into his pocket like you asked. It was the only input you had given on the whole ceremony but it did make you feel a little better knowing he had it with him. 
To the world, this may just be the funeral of Jason Todd, but in reality, today you are burying two people, and you wanted to honor that.
Dick comes to stand next to you so you are sandwiched between him and Bruce. Though you don’t as much as glance in his direction, you are grateful to have your remaining son beside you. It is a calming reminder that not everyone has been taken from you. At least…not yet. 
As the ceremony starts, you hold your head high and stare straight ahead. It is harder than you thought, the weight of a hundred eyes boring into the back of your head, but you manage to remain calm and composed throughout the sermon.
It isn’t until they begin lowering the casket into the ground that everything goes wrong.
Unable to take your eyes off of the box containing your son as it disappears into the dirt, your body begins trembling violently as your knees give out underneath you. Luckily, Bruce catches you before you hit the ground but his touch does little to ease your trembling. 
Still staring at the casket, you begin repeating, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t…” 
Bruce pulls you tight against his chest, allowing you to bury your face into his jacket to muffle to sound. You claw desperately at the back of his suit, your chanting becoming more frenzied by the moment despite no longer looking at the grave. It’s just too much. All of it’s too much. “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t…” 
Mercifully, Bruce gently lifts you into his arms and carries you back to the car. You cling tightly to him, your arms around his neck, even as you continue shaking and babbling, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t…”
“Shhh….” Bruce coos gently. “It’s alright, sweetheart. You did so good. I know he’d be proud of you, just like I am. But it’s over now, and I’m taking you back to the manor just like I promised. It’s going to be okay.”
You nod into his neck as you finally manage to quiet down some. The words are still swirling in your head but at least they are no longer spewing from your lips. You thought you were stronger than this. You thought you could at least hold it together for an hour for your family’s sake, but you were so wrong. 
Even though it had been a closed casket funeral, knowing Jay was in there, seeing it disappear into the ground forever…it finalized everything in a way you hadn’t felt yet. All those days laying in Jason’s room, numb and disconnected from the world, you had distanced yourself from the reality of the truth. But there was no escaping it now. Jason was gone and there was nothing you could do to change that.
When you reach the manor, Bruce once again lifts you into his arms though you half-heartedly tell him you can walk on your own yet part of you is glad when he ignores you and continues to carry you up the stairs. You are somewhat surprised when Bruce returns you to Jason’s room without even asking. For some reason, you had assumed he would try to take you to the master bedroom to be with him.
You expect him to climb into bed or kneel down beside it, but once again he shocks you as he simply turns and walks to the door. He only pauses a moment to say, “I had Alfred put a fresh change of pajamas on the dresser.” Then he walks out and closes the door behind him.
You aren’t sure what to think about this. Has Bruce finally given up trying to reach you? Was he more embarrassed about your behavior at the funeral than he admitted? Or has he finally accepted you need time alone to deal with your loss? 
Still pondering his behavior, you climb out of bed and slip off the black dress you are wearing. Tossing it to the side, you walk over to the dresser to look for the clothes Bruce mentioned. The sooner you get them on, the sooner you can return to your blanket cocoon and lose yourself to your fog of grief once more. 
But as you spy the pajamas and you reach for them, your eyes land on something on the wall. Despite the fact today is May 11, Jason’s calendar is still turned to April. Since he left for Ethiopia on April 25th and was killed on the 27th, he never got the chance to change it. He would never know which classical author’s picture had been selected for May. Instead, Jason ran out of time and now it will forever be stuck on William Shakespeare.
Time….If only you had more time….
Three and a half years. That’s all the time you had with your son. It seems insane that someone who was in your life for such a short amount of time could leave such an impact on you, but there is no denying it. You know deep in your soul that you could not have loved Jason more if you had given birth to him or known him since the day he was born. He is your son just as much as Dick is, as much as the baby you had lost is, and now he’s gone too.
And it’s all because of The Joker.
For the first time since you had crawled into Jason’s room that first night, something besides sorrow stirs in your gut. The red-hot burn of vengeance that you have let your grief extinguish suddenly flares to life in your veins and your hands clench tightly on the edge of the dresser. 
Memories begin flashing through your mind: Sitting next to the bed, begging God to save an 18-year-old Dick as he clung to life after being shot by The Joker while on patrol; Monitoring the Batcomputer in horror as The Joker released his laughing gas throughout the streets of Gotham; Listening to Lt. Gordon’s sobs as he told Bruce what The Joker had done to Barbara;  Watching Bruce lift Jason’s lifeless body out of the Batmobile as your heart shattered in your chest.
He is responsible for all this death and this pain, year after year after year. He is the reason other villains think they can get away with whatever deadly scheme they have up their sleeves. He is why Arkham Asylum has become a swinging door deterrent that no one fears. He is the one who killed your son.
And he’s not going to get away with it any longer. 
Every cell in your body knows what has to be done, yet you also know the consequences if you do it. Is stopping this lunatic really worth destroying what’s left of your family? Can you really give up everything to ensure no one else ever feels this pain you are feeling?
You think about if your places had been reversed and it had been you who had been killed instead and there is absolutely no doubt in your mind that Jason would have burned the world down if it meant stopping The Joker. And if that’s true, how could you do anything less for your son?
With a newfound purpose driving you and a clear goal in your sights, you flip the calendar to May and pin it in place. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stares back at you as you press your finger to May 27th; 16 days from now and exactly one month after Jason’s death. That will be the day. The day you do what you should have done long ago. The day you will kill The Joker.
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Taglist: @juliaarwj, @calsjack, @theclassicvinyldragon, @zebralover, @megumimind, @freerangesweets, @@lapidaverunt-scriptor, @kiryoutann, @charmellaposts, @imperialabysssins, @dawnwriterimagines, @avitute
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robintherobiner · 4 months
male character gets turned into a female and it shows him the experiences his female friends go through and it teaches him to be better? incredible fic, i'd so read it.
male character gets turned into a female and everyone around him starts treating him gentler and fussing over him and he suddenly becomes super emotional? ew. what are you doing. thats a de-aging fic. not a gender-swap. being a women doesn't make you weaker or more emotional or more in need of protecting.
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ultraxavbo · 27 days
I feel that Bruce Wayne will marry a younger woman that has a normal life, i think if the writers create a character that fits just right for Bruce.
I think she will be the princess Diana of Gotham
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bia-wayne-west · 4 months
Milk with cookies and bedtime stories [Batmom x Damian Wayne]
Synopsis: It was just a few months ago that Damian was included in the Wayne family. He still didn’t like you, but you tried so hard to make him appreciate you. During a patrol, Damian got hurt and after Alfred took care of the little boy’s wounds, you surprised him with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk.
Characters: Damian Wayne and Reader [YOU]
A/N: I wrote this quickly. Hope you like. In this imagine, Batmom has been married to Bruce since he adopted Dick.
I want to apologize if there are any writing errors. I'm a Brazilian girl and I don't speak fluent English, so I may make some writing mistakes. Feel free to correct me.
I hope you read, like and feel how cute Damian is.
Requests are open
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You were sitting on the kitchen stool, reading a fashion magazine while you waited for your husband to return from patrol.
Bruce forbade you to stay in the Batcave, as he was afraid that someone would break in and find you, alone and unprotected.
As soon as you felt the ground shake, it meant that the Batcave had opened and that Batman had arrived with his Robin, Red Robin, Red Hood and Nightwing.
You ran to the clock that gave access to the secret entrance to Batcave. The elevator quickly took you to where your children and husband were.
“Hey, my love. You got back before 5am!” You said, running up to Bruce Wayne. He still wore black clothes and was without a mask. Your husband didn’t respond. He was serious and had a worried expression on his face.
“A man dropped Damian from a three-story building .” Bruce said looking at the boy who was sitting next to Alfred.
You finally noticed Damian, whose face was bruised and his leg was bandaged. You walked over to the boy and knelt in front of him.
“I’m fine, Y/N. I fell on top of a car and didn’t break any bones.”
“Damian, darling, are you hurt?” You asked, looking into Bruce’s son’s green eyes.
You smiled, in a motherly way. Damian didn’t consider you a mother, unlike the other three boys who called you ‘mother’ and ‘mommy’ all the time. Your husband’s son only considered you as a stepmother, but that didn’t stop you from taking care of him as if he were your son.
“I’m going to run you a hot bubble bath. After Alfred takes care of you, I think you’ll want to relax in the warm water.”
“Thank you, Y/N, but I’m not your baby.” He said rolling his eyes and turning his face to look at Alfred.
“Damian!” Bruce warned his son. But you smiled at your husband, showing that everything was okay. You left the Batcave, heading back to the mansion to prepare Dami’s bath.
Damian was already in his room. You were heading to the boy's room, with a tray in your hand.
The clock said 2:32 am, but you were sure the boy hadn't slept yet. The Waynes used to sleep only when the sun came up.
Yout left hand knocked lightly on the wooden door with the boy's initials engraved on it. Ypur ears picked up a “you can come in”, authorizing you to enter Damian’s room.
“I came to see if you were okay, Dami.” You said, entering and closing the door behind your body. Your arms came off the tray on the bed, seeing that the boy was sitting on the mattress. “I brought milk and cookies, this will definitely make you feel better.”
“Why do you do these things, Y/N?” He asked, with a questioning look.
“I didn't understand. Don't you like what I do for you?”
“At first I thought you had a plan to win me over and then you would hate me for being Bruce's biological son.” He said, seeing you take a cookie and offer it to him.
“I would never do that. I love you, Dami, even if you don't like me. These things I do for you are normal motherly actions.”
“My mother didn’t do any of that. She only got cookies when she did something good.” He said, his eyes shining like he was going to cry.
“Oh baby. I know you don't consider me your mother and I don't want to force you into anything, but I want you to know that these things I do are because I love you.” You explained, smiling widely at him and drinking some milk. “Do you know what my mother did for me when I was hurt?”
“No.” He said, while devouring several cookies. “She also gave you cookies and milk?”
“Yes, and she also told me a bedtime story.” You argued, running your hand through the boy's hair. “I'll tell you a story.”
“I’m not four years old, Y/N” He murmured.
“Damian, you’re not old enough to hear a good story before bed.”
“OK. Just don't tell stories about princesses or ponies.”
“Clear. I'm going to tell the story of a boy called Dami. He was so brave and beautiful, he was a strong and fearless boy.” His lips formed a smile as he said the words. Damian's eyes were bright and sweet. “One day, he went to the forest to play with the birds and found a portal to a magical world.”
“Like Narnia?: He asked, completely interested in your story.
“Yes, but without the closet. The magical portal led to a kingdom full of witches, fairies, vampires and any magical creature you can imagine.”
“Even elves?” He questioned you again. Now Damian was lying in bed and you covered him with the blanket.
“Of course, elves can't be missed.” You said. Your heart filled with love and you almost cried when you saw the image of the boy who hated you six months ago totally interested in a bedtime story. “In that kingdom there was a crystal that served as oxygen for all beings there, but a terrible villain broke this crystal and stole its essence, leaving the world without magic.” Damian still had complete fun with your narration. “Then, the queen called Martha went and asked the brave Dami to hunt down the villain and recover the essence of the crystal.”
“And he did this?”
“Yes! Dami took a sword and shield and went out to the magical kingdom in search of the villain. He went to an ancient village in the kingdom called Gothym and met three knights named Grayson, Todd and Drake. They sent Dami to the mountains where he would find the villain.”
“And he found it?”
“He found it, but it was difficult. The villain was hiding in a ruined castle north of Gothym. Dami fought bravely with the villain and defeated him. Dami recovered the essentials of the crystal and in exchange, Queen Martha gave him a personal portal to return to the kingdom as often as he wanted. Dami was a brave hero and defeated the evil villain.” You told the story while running your hand affectionately through the boy's hair. “Did you like the story?”
“Yes, it was the best story anyone told me.”
“I'm glad you liked it, my love. If you want, I can tell you a story every night.”
“Todd would make fun of me if he knew.” He said, looking at you so intently that you knew he was embarrassed for having liked the story.
“I'm gonna tell you a secret. I told Dick, Jason and Tim stories for three years, but they didn't want to.”
“Did you tell Todd bedtime stories?” He asked loudly, as if it were some blasphemy.
“Of course, and he loved them all.”
“So I want to hear stories before bed.”
“I'll love telling you, along with a glass of milk and cookies. Good evening, Dami.” You said getting up from the bed. Your lips found the boy's forehead.
“Good night, mom.” He said, making you look surprised at him. “I can call you mom? Since Dick, Jason, and Tim call you Mom, I thought you might as well.”
“Of course, my dear. You can call me mother and I will call you my son.” Your arms wrapped around the body of the boy, your son. Love seemed to explode in your heart. “Good evening, my dear son.”
“Good nigh, mom.”
You gave Damian one last kiss on his forehead, before picking up the tray and taking it to the kitchen. After washing the dishes, you went to the master suite, the room shared between you and Bruce.
Your husband was lying on the king size bed, waiting for you. After showering and putting on your pajama, you laid down on the bed.
“Damian called me mom.” You said to Bruce, earning a smile from him.
“With bedtime stories, milk and cookies.”
“How did this happen?” He asked, setting aside the iPad he was using to hug you.
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ynscrazylife · 8 months
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Summary: Bruce Wayne is the happiest he’s ever been in a while. He has a beautiful wife, amazing children, and is stopping crime left and right as Batman. All that shatters when you, his wife, mysteriously disappears.
Pairings: Bruce Wayne x Wife!Reader, Batfamily x Batmom!Reader
Series Masterlist
They came for you when you least expected it.
That’s how it always goes, right?
You were on your way home from Gotham’s Police Station, where you worked as one of the best detectives. You were already running late, as you so often did when you were deep into cases, and you weren’t paying much attention to your surroundings. You knew this city like the back of your hand, even when it was dark out, you could probably navigate home with your eyes closed.
You grabbed your phone from your pocket, wanting to update your husband that you’d be home soon. You already told him that you’d be a little late but you knew how he worried, and how he hated when you tended to push yourself at work with an abundance of cases.
Just as you began to type out a message, a sudden bolt of electricity hit you square in your back. You could hardly form a thought before your muscles locked, body tensing and seizing up, and you collapsed onto the ground, going limp.
Your phone shattered to the floor, the screen cracking as it met the pavement — just like your forehead, blood spilling as you banged your head.
A foot came smashing down on the phone, rendering it completely useless.
“Should we grab the phone? We don’t want anyone to know she’s gone.”
“She built a life for herself here. They’ll know either way, but they won’t get her back.”
Two pairs of arms hauled you up from the ground, dragging you back, legs and feet roughly hitting the sidewalk over and over again. Your wedding ring slips off your finger, falling onto the ground.
“Tell Dreykov we’ve got her. She’s coming home.”
One of the agents pushed a button on their belt. It began blinking and, wish a flash, the three of them — one unconscious — disappeared into thin air.
No one was around to see. It was a rather quiet night.
Bruce couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed when you still hadn’t shown up. Usually you’d text him if you were going to have a late night at the office, but you’d gotten to a habit of forgetting to send it over the past few weeks, too engrossed in whatever case was on your desk. Bruce already didn’t think that staying so light and pushing yourself was good for you, the forgotten texts made his stomach twist even more.
“Alfred, you haven’t heard from Y/N, have you?” Bruce asked, already knowing the answer.
His butler fixed him with a regretful, pitying look. He’d heard this question many a time before. “No, Sir. Perhaps one of the children has?” Alfred suggested. They both knew that if you hadn’t texted Bruce, you hadn’t texted anyone else.
Still, Alfred followed his boss into the main living room, where the kids were lounging. “Have any of you talked to your mother?” Bruce asked.
He received shakes of heads and murmurs of no.
Bruce sighed, sinking into his eloquent armchair, gaze resting on the clock as its hands ticked by. It was getting late, even for your standards. Should he be worried? You always scolded Bruce for being too overprotective, but still . . .
“Dad, look!”
Bruce snaps his head to see his son, Damien, standing over at the window. He joins him and the rest of the family crowds around, only to gasp in horror.
There, in the sky, is the unmistakable bat light. But not the usual one. No, this one is red. When the two of you got married, Bruce had a small device inserted into your bands. It would be able to detect a hard fall and, upon doing so, would display that light if you were ever in danger.
Bruce’s heart began pounding.
“Stay here. Alfred is in charge,” he instructed. Even though the kids were worried for their mother and wanted to go out with Bruce, no one dared go against him.
Within minutes, Bruce was suited up and hopping on his motorcycle. The Batmobile was too flashy for this time of night and he had no time to worry about making it invisible. Bruce sped off, not caring how cold or loud the air was was. He raced towards that light, expertly driving down the streets.
Coming to a sharp stop, Bruce sprinted towards where he could see the glint of the band. He looked around widely — the street was barren.
It was only when he got close that he noticed your shattered phone on the ground. This damage couldn’t have been done from a simple drop.
Bruce felt sick. Physically sick.
Something had happened to you. Something bad. There was no ransom, no villain threatening him. He always thought he’d know what to do if anyone he ever loved was endangered, but you had been taken from him.
There was never enough preparation for that.
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ii-larb-you · 2 years
DC fic recs
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Bruce Wayne
no other shade of blue - @embrassemoi
so damn charming - @drifterbruce
dark knight and deep bruises - @spilledkauffie
pick a color - @defaulttwig
I won’t drown, Batman - @twinklelilstarkey
morning routine - @moonlitdesertdreams
slice of life: cooking lessons - @ellana-ravenwood
jason todd and the haunted manor - ^^
all for us series masterlist - @the-daydreaming-show
her cafe - @reveluving
raising baby birds for dummies - @disgrays-on
at ease - @moonlitdesertdreams
“I want to see my little boy!” - @dragon-chica
long overdue - @apocalypse-shuffle
the circus - @imaginingmarvelandeverything
"carrying the other one in their arms" - @ragingbookdragon
batsis meet the batboys - ^^
mercenary - @unofficial-jaytodd-wife
Poly!Jason Todd x reader x Roy Harper
pick me up - @rev-wrath
bedtime with the boys - @dccomicsimagines
Jason Todd
learning to love slowly (2) - @to-the-stars8 (there are like multiple parts for this so go read them, I linked this one tho cause its my favorite)
"things must be catastrophic if you're calling me at this hours" - @embrassemoi
of soup and snowstorms - @makethatelevenrings
one-shot (featuring dami and tim) - @veronica-17-hood (MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FAVORITE FAVORITE WRTITEON THIS APP!!)
one-shot (featuring dami) - ^^
elopement - @dccomicsimagines
a baby in the family - @ellana-ravenwood
slumber party? - @moonlitdesertdreams
Poly!Damian Wayne x reader x Jon Kent
blurb #18 - @quillsareswords
myo pizza night - @unmotivatedwrit3r
Damian Wayne
cuddly damian - @ssak-i
what's a lock to a bat? - @unmotivatedwrit3r
gala with damian - @veronica-17-hood
protect you - @catxsnow
cutest softest damian thing ever - @quillsareswords (love all their writing!! It’s absolutely adorable)
“Don’t say a word about this” - @thesuperiorrobin
lipstick stains - ^^
my beloved - @glittering-moonlillie
Wally West
"hold still. this might sting a little." - @agentofkrypton
happy new years - @butwhyduh
Dick Grayson
cuddlebug - @ghost-soap (love all of their writing)
animal instinct - @cipheress-to-k-pop
much loved sister in law - @lazydoodlesandfanfic
Cassandra Cain
the girlfriend theives - @spvilers
Tim Drake
one-shot - @veronica-17-hood
Roy Harper
tired - @rev-wrath
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k4marina · 5 months
bruce wayne x fem!reader || smau
pt. 2 of this :)
pt. 1
pt. 3
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liked by yourusername and 21,304,272 others
brucewayne just going to leave this here
yourusername bruce- 😭😭😭😭
brucewayne what? 🤷‍♂️
user is that y/n’s face on his mug??? 😭😭
brucewayne custom made
user plsss 😭😭
user this man is WHIPPED
liked by yourusername and brucewayne
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liked by brucewayne and 20,364,208 others
tagged: brucewayne, racheldawes, & harveydent
racheldawes had such a blast you and bruce!!
harveydent thank you for gracing our engagement party with your presence 🙇‍♂️
yourusername ofc anything for the common people 💁‍♀️
brucewayne the prettiest 🤍
yourusername mwa 💋
user look at her dresssss 😍😍😍
user ikr 😭
user man i wish i was rich and had rich friends like y/n 😭😭
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yourusername posted a story 42 minutes ago
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user2 replied girl say sike rn 😨
user4 nononononknono u can’t do this. u can’t post smt like this and expect us to be calm U NEED TO EXPLAIN 😭😭
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liked by racheldawes and 22,293,108 others
yourusername life as of late 🙃
user WTF DOES “🙃” MEAN ???? 😭😭
user guys bruce didn’t like this post 😀
user maybe he’s busy 😭😭😭 (i’m delulu)
user noooo they broke up 😭😭
user it’s not confirmed, they still follow each other and have each others photos up
user but they also haven’t confirmed that they’re still together 😭😭
user if u and bruce brake up i’m going to be the next joker 😐
user frr 😭😭
user if they brake up then loves not real
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liked by racheldawes and 23,193,028 others
brucewayne only thing that matters
user bruce how could u fumble y/n???? 😭😭
user no fr she’s smart AND hot?? homie had it all 😭😭
user pls say sike if this is a prank then it’s not funny anymore 😭
user guys i think it’s time we admit the fact they’re not together anymore 😔
user nope not going to boooooooo
user no we’re not (i’m delulu)
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liked by brucewayne and 22,282,018 others
yourusername this place is like 18193819203x bigger than my last place
user what does this mean??? 😵‍💫😵‍💫
user pls tell me you’re still together otherwise i’ll kms 😭😭😭😭
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liked by yourusername and 23,139,730 others
brucewayne you guys really thought i’d let her go?
ps. it was her idea to be dramatic about her moving in
yourusername 🙈🙈
yourusername sryyyy just wanted to have some fun
user WAR IS OVER 🙏🙏
user pls don’t ever do that again, i almost had a heart attack 😭
user ya’ll know damn well that these two were giggling and kicking their feet while we were out here dying 💀💀
yourusername posted a story 1 hr ago.
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[caption: my forever 🤍]
thinking abt writing another brucewayne x reader fic 🤔
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Damian Wayne x Batmom
All she has ever asked for was that they stayed little forever
Warnings: reader is described to be significantly shorter than Bruce, growing up, vague mentions of puberty, implied smut
A/N: This was based on an incorrect quote I saw a while ago but can't find again, if you find it, please let me know so I can credit the author!
WC: 1.3k
Minors DNI
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She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but something was different about her youngest. It wasn’t his hair, he had gotten a haircut only last week. It wasn’t his clothes or his expression. But there was something fundamentally wrong with her baby bird and it was annoying the hell out of her.
“Ummi?” He glanced at her with his head tilted as his mother’s eyebrows scrunched up even more, the frustration on her face becoming apparent. She was practically glaring at him at this point, her fingers tightening around the ‘World’s Okayest Dad’ mug that was still full of her morning coffee.
Damian squirmed under her gaze. Suddenly everything he had ever done wrong flashed through his mind. Including the most recent incident of him sneaking out on a school night so he could prank Jason. She hadn’t said a word to him all morning, only freezing in place as he entered the kitchen, her body going stiff as she observed him.
She placed her mug down on the counter in between them, leaning forward on her elbows to get a better look at the Robin. Her eyes went wide and quickly filled with tears, shocking her boy, who slipped from his seat and embraced her, making her sob even harder.
He awkwardly rubbed her back, looking pleading up at his father who entered the room from behind her. He darted forward and took his wife from their boy. She immediately curled into him, crying into his white button-up. “What happened?”
Damian shook his head. “I don’t know. I came into the kitchen to get breakfast. She didn’t even say hi, just stared at me and then started crying.” Bruce gave his son a once over before sighing, a grin coming over his face. “I know what’s going on. I’ll take care of it.”
Bruce lifted her plump body into his arms, laying a gentle his to her forehead. “Go get ready for school, she’ll be ok.” With several long strides, he brought Y/N into the living room, laying her on top of him as he settled on the couch, allowing her to cry into his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around her.
Damian followed close behind, sitting on the edge of the coffee table, watching his mother sob, Bruce’s comforting hands on her back, slowly calming her down. “Ummi? Are you ok?” 
Y/N sniffed and reached out to her boy. Damian fell into her arms, squishing himself onto the small space left on the couch, which was much more difficult now that his limbs were getting longer. Bruce chuckled and sat up so they could all fit, winding his right arm around him as his left remained on her back.
“I’ll be alright my baby bird.” She gently kissed his forehead, letting Damian rest his face on her collarbone, soothed by her even breaths. “You know how you’ve been getting taller and your voice getting deeper.” He nodded against her skin.
“Well, my little love, that’s illegal and you need to stop it.” Bruce threw his head back and laughed, his chest rumbling below their heads. “My love-“ He started but was cut off. Y/N sat up and glared at him, immediately shutting him up. “It’s illegal! You promised to stay little forever! Remember!”
Damian had, indeed, promised his mother to never grow up. It had been a month after he first called her ‘ummi’ albeit, accidentally. She was sobbing hysterically as Tim walked the stage to receive his high school diploma, clutching onto Jason as he attempted to calm her down. 
Suddenly, she whipped her head around to the youngest of her children, grabbing his shoulders tightly and looking into his eyes with so much intensity that he swore she was looking at his soul. “Never grow up, baby bird. Promise me.” He was thoroughly rattled and immediately agreed with the distraught woman, who, as soon as she got an answer to the affirmative, turned back around into Jason’s arms to continue crying.
Now they are here. Damian was 13 and growing like a weed. He was already as tall as his mother, which wasn’t saying much since she was so much shorter than the rest of their family. But, there was no doubt that he was quickly growing from a boy, into a young man.
He was getting older and his mother didn’t like that one bit. “They all betrayed my Dams. They all grew up, but you were my one hope.” Her eyes were wide and filled with tears. She held him even tighter, repeatedly kissing his head like she would so when he had nightmares.
Damian glanced at his father who was shaking with silent chuckles. “Y/N, he has to go to school now.” She shook her head, glaring at her husband. “No.” Robin tried to pull away but she held him in place, trapping him against the couch. Bruce laughed at her annoyed expression, she looked so similar to a toddler at this moment. Bottom lip jutting out, trembling with the threat of more tears, eyes red and puffy, breath hitching with her cries.
“My love, he has to go.” She huffed and turned away, Damian still firmly in her grip. “Ummi.” More tears fell as she shook her head. Bruce sighed. “Alright, but remember, you forced my hand.”
With the grace and strength only Batman could possess, Bruce stood from the couch, arms looped around his wife as she held Damian close, determined not to let him go. His hands fell to her armpits and lifted Y/N even higher, her feet very high off the floor, but still, she didn’t release the boy. “Let him go.” “No.”
“Fine, we’ll do it the hard way.” Bruce pushed out so Y/N was suspended in the air by her arms, her legs dangling as she went limp in an attempt to get her husband to drop her. She squealed as he shook her back and forth like he was shaking out a rag full of dust. Her head lolled back and forth with the movement, Damian slowly slipping from her grasp.
“Bruuhuuuhuuuce! Stoohoohooop!” “Let Damian go.” He chuckled, still jerking his wife around. “Never!!!!” She shouted back, but just then, Damian wiggled a bit too much, and dropped to the floor below, landing gracefully on his feet. “Nooooo!” She cried, attempting to reach for her son who quickly scrambled away.
Bruce stopped shaking her but still held her at arms distance just in case. “You understand why I did that right.” Y/N pouted. “Cause you’re mean.” He chuckled and shook his head. “You can’t stop them from growing up love.” “I can try.”
He sighed as he placed her back on the ground, pulling her into his chest so he could hug her. “They have to start being their own people.” He looked over his wife’s head to Damian who had grabbed his schoolbag and was waiting in the hall to be taken to school. “This is what parents do.” He cupped her cheek, planting a sweet kiss to her puckered lips.
“Ok.” She surrendered, slumping against his warm body. “I guess you’re right.” “I’m always right, I’m-“ “I swear to god, if you say ‘I’m Batman’, you’re sleeping in the cave for a month.” He just kissed the top of her head.
Y/N turned in his grip to look at their boy, his awkwardly long body taking up more space in the door frame than she would’ve liked. “I love you baby bird.” She said, giving him a weak smile. He beamed at her. “I love you too, but I’m not coming back over there, I have a test today.”
“Be good ok, I l-love.” Then she started crying again and he took that as his cue to leave nodding his thanks to his father as he did. 
Settling back on the couch, Bruce soothed her once more. “You know, if you’re that sad about Damian growing up. Maybe we should have a baby of our own.” Her eyes narrowed at him. “Was this all just an elaborate plan to get me to have a baby with you?”
He smirked. “Fine, but you’re doing all the work.” “Anything for you.” Bruce smiled and flipped them over so she was below him, their lips meeting in a desperate kiss.
DC Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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