#embrace the challenges
pratchettquotes · 26 days
"But I'd always understood, sir, that Unseen University was against the use of movable type?"
"Oh, I think it's time to embrace the exciting challenges presented to us by the Century of the Fruitbat," said the Bursar.
"We...that's the one we're just about to leave, sir."
"Then it's high time we embraced them, don't you think?"
"Good point, sir."
Terry Pratchett, The Truth
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lusilver001 · 5 months
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Councilor Sophie ✨
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
Whenever people who are entrenched in diet culture talk about how terrible chemicals are, I just want to whip out this:
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#diet culture#diet culture tw#described images#image description in alt#'it's got CHEMICALS in it' and so do you! and me too! IT'S ALL CHEMICALS ALL THE WAY DOWN#instead of running from this world we must learn to embrace it#i'm not particularly angry at people who say this because it makes me think that they're incredibly invested in diet culture...#...i just don't want the whole 'food = bad' or 'bodies = bad' to go unchallenged...#...part of the reason why diet culture seems just as prevalent now (if not moreso) is partially because it isn't really...#...challenged or questioned without provocation. it's just assumed to be correct because it makes you 'feel in control'#when chemicals are bad you can control what chemicals you consume. it's individualistic and places the blame onto you for 'being good'#it places responsibility onto the person in such a way that it becomes impossible to fulfill#it isn't that i'm upset that people want to treat their bodies in a way they think is responsible...#...moreso that the *way* they go about it ensures that they're stuck in a cycle of self-blame and even self-hatred#because the METHOD is ineffective. not the desire to treat your body well#also the state of ohio looks stupid and i do Not respect it#it looks like a ball that is simultaneously deflated and over-inflated#also their state flag looks silly to me#it looks like the person who was making it fell asleep making it#i'm just clowning on ohio at this point. have never been to ohio but. are you guys okay
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buckysteve · 7 days
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#you don't understand how over it had to be before we could be this back
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nefarrilou · 8 months
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Promt: Hallowed Ground 🕯💐 Olive's Iron Stone Throne
Beautifully remade Olive Specter by @gunthermunch 🥀
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heartslobbf · 9 months
hater alert! far too many people say that juri’s character arc ‘isn’t about her being sad about being gay, it’s about being sad about unrequited love that happens to be gay’ and. well. that is not true and by saying that you are completely flattening the brilliance of juri’s character arc which literally culminates in her being able to accept her own lesbianism despite her unrequited love, despite all her shame and self-loathing, despite this pursuit by Some Fucking Guy to try and ‘save’ her from these feelings. like if you think juri’s entire character is just ‘sad about shiori’ how do you appreciate even a modicum of the emotion packed into that final juri duel. it is both about shiori and, even broader, her lesbian identity and what that means to her intrinsically as a person, removed from romantic relationships and just purely as like. you know. Who She Is. the idea that even when juri’s locket is cut from her neck she is still a lesbian that’s still who she is and she cant change that and, crucially, she doesn’t want to even as she is agonised by these feelings. that’s why she forfeits the duel!!!! she’s clocking out she’s quitting she’s saying no!!!!!! this is me and ive got to be ok with that this is me and i can accept that this girl might not love me and i can keep living despite that. like. god im so normal arisugawa juri im so sorry that no one understands you and your intrinsically unapologetically lesbian storyline like i do
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 month
Embracing Autistic Challenges
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The Autistic Teacher
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destefaniart · 2 years
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Sometimes we just need to remember someone cares…hugs are the best.
Edit: welp, making dialogs in your second language late at night after several hours making a comic isnt as easy as it sounds.
I realized i had some grammar mistakes so im correcting them now :))
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marbleboa · 6 months
How about Minegishi with Dna???Or matsuo with that color pallet!!
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[palette meme]
Phew! This one was an interesting challenge!
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rainymoodlet · 5 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[ Second Vacation: Keaton! ]
I am fashionably late, as ever! For our second mini vacation, we have the charming Keaton Stratton by @duusheen! Now that I’ve actually played in Chestnut Ridge, I can tell ya - they have way rainier winters than they do snows! I wonder if our dear Bachelor can warm poor Keaton up? 👀
Part 1 of 6 🌹
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prismpuffle · 5 months
Current concept living rent free in my head is an AU where the Kitakami siblings went to Naranja/Uva Academy instead of Blueberry, and Kieran gets recruited as a Team Star Boss and has the time of his life! He's hesitant and a little intimidated by the idea at first, but in their pitch the other bosses explain how they also feel like socially awkward outcasts and formed this team to stick together. They proceed to give him a tailor-made costume, a Grass Crew base to defend (that he'll add plenty of Ogerpon imagery to ofc), and his own living battle car with built-in boss music to ride on top of while he challenges people, and by the tenth 'Wowzers' they've got him completely hooked.
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eisthenameofme · 19 days
Reading the Sabbat: The Black Hand v5 book, and it is apparently impossible for me not to see the Sabbat through a Queering Vampirism lense with some of the ways they're describing it. It's very obviously not what they're Trying to do, but that's the impression I'm getting anyway.
Like they start by saying the Purpose of the Sabbat is fundamentally to challenge the status quo, right before calling them fundamentally evil/monstrous antagonists and right after describing how scared all the other kindred are of them and how inscrutible they find their motivations. And then they go right into talking about the philosophy of embracing the Beast and fundamentally Cainite traits and inhumanity/monstrosity (what they are and what seperates them from the rest of society, the Other, which in this reading is also Queerness), to the horror of everyone else, and it's considered fundamentally an aspect of self destruction (see: how people act about trans surgeries). Also, treating something otherwise extremely taboo (ex. diablerie) as a "sacrament", like treating what is normally taboo/reviled as divine isn't also incredibly queer. Also alienation from society and difficulty forming connections.
You couldn't create a queer allegory more like catnip to me if you tried, is what I'm saying
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dkettchen · 11 days
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#meme#homemade memes#cw dysphoria#trans#bones are stupid#cw dysphoria venting#waiting out current phase of transition changes to happen#(cause I got my dose raised again in april & am waiting for my next two surgeries & continuing tryna build muscle 😔)#hoping it'll get to a point eventually where the affirming bits are overpowering enough to ppl's perception#that I can dress the bits I can't change (like hips) in things that suit them#and do the whole embracing looking trans thing without worrying abt the misgendering#but alas I won't believe in my body's ability to do that until I see it#seeing as I still get lady-ed & unquestioningly she/her-ed 5 years into HRT + post two highly visible surgeries#+ fully dressed in men's clothes + sporting the shortest hair I've ever had -.-#cis ppl learn what transmascs look like & what that means for words you use on them challenge 2024- difficulty level: impossible apparently#I've had several ppl in the last few months that I literally TOLD I am trans/'it's he/him'/was clocked as trans by#who then STILL proceeded to misgender me anyway???#like what more can I do than literally straight up tell you????#I told a clinician who was looking at my knee the other month that I was trans (cause they always ask abt all meds n diagnoses)#and he misgendered me as a trans woman on his report like-#sir I am 5'4" and have a flat chest baby face and facial hair#and I was telling you abt how I've been on HRT for years and have had several Transgender Surgeries#you're a bone doctor you know how bones work and what their limitations are and you have functionning eyes#you should be able to put 2 and 2 together abt how this works even if you've never met a trans person holy fuck#(I wrote a complaint and they amended the report and sent me an apology meanwhile but still like- buddy wtf)
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brown-little-robin · 4 months
#Robin processes emotions on main#already I am struggling with studying Japanese#not with the language itself so much. I'm making progress on that#but with this horrible kind of anxiety#I writhe not being the best at things that I'm trying to do. I writhe wondering if I should just give up.#this is why I had a horrible time studying Greek in high school as well: can't know it well enough fast enough#it's like I'm dying a little every day convincing myself no it's FINE not to know everything right away. it's OKAY.#it's okay if you stop learning Japanese in the future and it's okay if you keep learning Japanese. it's okay it's okay it's—#hhhhhhhhhhhh#it's such a complicated language it's making my stomach hurt right now thinking about how I want to learn kanji but it's So Much#and I don't know HOW to learn it#I've never really learned a language before (Greek does NOT count) and I'm learning all the complexities of the Japanese language and going#going oh....... this is........ actually extremely much...... and I'm never going to be a native speaker.......#I'm trying So Hard to embrace dying a little to my perfectionism every day but it's HARD. WAILS#No one Told me learning a language would make me want to cry because it's simply impossible to master!!!!#WAH!!!!#I'm trying to keep sight of the fact that it's not about my pride it's about having fun and embracing Small challenge and Small rewards#I really do feel so happy every time I recognize a word or understand the grammar when watching anime#it's just thinking about the Entire language that's psyching me out#Robin learns Japanese
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o2studies · 5 months
༻`` 04 Jan 24 — Thursday
100 days of productivity 4/100
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I'm up to date on my chem notes and I finished my math notes too 📝! I picked up my productivity again after a low by taking a hot shower and listening to Fabrizio Paterlini 🎶 Afterwards I focused on getting my mood back up and made up my 2024 vision board!! These will now be my goals for the year ^^
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moe-broey · 3 months
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Felt a deep need to forcemasc Moe (it/its, but it gets a little extra gender. As a treat) and. The doodle dump got a little out of hand 😅
Plus the textpost inspo!
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