#jason todd soft
in-som-niyah · 2 months
i want a gentle jason
Jason who kisses his way up your body when you're coming down from your high. He whispers a hushed 'you okay ma?' in your ear because he cares
Jason who cleans you up with a soft towel against your delicate skin with eyes burning with just how much he loves you
Jason who will shower with you if you're up for it, constantly kissing your neck, your shoulders, anywhere his bitten lips could reach as his hands lovingly spread suds around your body
Jason who brings you a warmed and fluffy towel and wraps you up in it, making you look like the most adorable burrito he's ever seen
Jason who rubs you down with expensive oils, creams and butters, making sure your skin stays soft for the next time he's itching to devour you
Jason who helps you back into your (his) comfy clothes, while whispering all of the million and one reasons he'll love you forever
Jason who massages your hips, back and thighs, while also smoothing his lips over his previous bites he left on your heated skin and maybe leaving some more
Jason who rubs firm and gentle circles into your lower tummy, the place where he felt his length protruding from mere minutes ago, to soothe the ache he must have left
Jason who kisses you to sleep with his limbs wound tightly around you, mentally praying for your touch to never leave him
Jason who leaves your sleeping body only to make you breakfast the next morning: french toast with fluffy pancakes with syrups and jams of your choice
Jason who battles with his own mind about his self worth and weather or not you should be with someone better. But he would rather (literally) die than have you thinking the same. You're perfect. End of story.
Jason who would burn the whole world down if misfortune ever dared to reveal itself to you. Nothing will ever hurt you. Nothing will ever stop him from looking down and seeing those bright, sparkling eyes and sheepish smile. He swears on his next grave.
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gleasonlovesjasontodd · 3 months
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Imagine waiting for jason to come out of the shower after his patrol but you are already so tired from waiting up for him so you just pass out spread out all over the bed covering his side and yours. Jason walking out his hair still damped as he sees you and his heart melts he changes into his boxers as he moves you so carefully like a porcelain doll as he gets in and immediately you move towards him as you nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck and he smiles before falling asleep cause he knows he has you with him
hehehe i hate this kinda but felt bad that i haven’t written something in a while
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nightwolf14292 · 27 days
AJSHAJAJASJS WAIT- I keep imagining the kids Jason takes care of calling him 'Tiger' because of his scars 😭✋
Like one of the street kids happens to catch him with his jacket off so they can see the scarring on his arms and their first reaction is basically "Wow! You have stripes, like a tiger!"
And Jason is obviously a little surprised considering the usual response to scarring in general is far less positive, but he just kinda shakes it off and is all "Yeah, sure kid.. Tiger.." And doesn't think anything of it.
Until all of the kids suddenly start calling him Tiger and keep asking to see his 'stripes' and now the majority of them greet him with a little tiger 'Rawr!' Whenever they see him, and he's honestly flattered af because he thinks it's adorable-
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allllium · 7 months
★ Jason Todd Fanfic Recommendations ★
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.★. .★. Fluff .★. .★.
Touch Starved ~ @fcthots
Low-Rise Melancholy ~ @stararch4ngelqueen
I know ~ @fcthots
Insecure Partner ~ @fcthots
° Cuddles With Jason ~ @stararch4ngelqueen
Time ~ @somewherebetweendisorder
° Touchy Reader ~ @katsumox
Werewolf!Jason ~ @sanguineterrain
We got Love ~ @makethatelevenrings
° Cold Sheets ~ @coaaster
Showers ~ @spidernuggets
° You're Going to be a Grand... Bat ~ @twilight-orchid
Drabble ~ @fic-over-cannon
Showers ~ @thesandsofelsweyr
Nightmares ~ @thesandsofelsweyr
Casually Proposing to Jason Todd ~ @spidernuggets
Meet Cutes ~ @indulgentdaydream
Cooking Lessons ~ @indulgentdaydream
Soft!Jason ~ @gay-dorito-dust
In Sickness and In Health ~ @i-talk-too-much
° Asexual!Jason ~ @sanguineterrain
Bath ~ @gay-dorito-dust
Banished ~
Lost Time ~
Say Sorry ~
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.★. .★. Hurt/Comfort .★. .★.
° Be With You ~ @chaotic-birds
Window Pains ~ @sanguineterrain
Pregnant ~ @millyhelp
Drabble ~ @sanguineterrain
Domestic Headcannons ~ @morverenmaybewrites
Out of the Bag ~ @indulgentdaydream
Drabble ~ @fcthots
I Feel Safe with You ~ @acourtofidiots
Drabble ~ @gay-dorito-dust
Nightmares ~ @killishin
Drabble ~ @sanguineterrain
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redbird-tf · 6 months
Scary movies
Jason todd x platonic/adopted reader
Summary: You convince Jason to watch a horror movie, but you end up scared while he remains unfazed. you later stumble into his room late a night like a little kid.
Word count: 564
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Jason wasn't big on movies and could care even less about horror movies. You had been begging him to watch this new horror movie with you and after two weeks of persuading, he agreed. As long as you could watch it at home, Deal. He got off patrol at one am and quickly changed as you grabbed the remote and popcorn. “I heard it's so scary,” you said handing him his bowl and sitting in your corner of the couch. “We’ll see,” he said reclining back.
Less than 30 minutes in you were curled into a ball with a blanket tightly wrapped around you. Jason, on the contrary, had his head resting on his chin “you ok?” He asked glancing as you squirmed “Yeah totally, we just started” you lied. “Good, we still have two hours” Jason stated mockingly, and he could hear you gulp. None of this phased him, broken figures, bashed in brains, gunshots, he sees this stuff every week. By the end, you had covered your eyes more than you had them open and said “i can't watch this” too many times to count. Jason got a small laugh out of it.
“What do you think?” You asked shaking “ok, not that scary though” he shrugged. “Your insane Jason, you know that?” You stated crossing your arms. He laughed “Goodnight y/n” he patted your shoulder walking by. When he reached his room he heard you flick the switch and quickly dash to your room. As your first time watching a horror film together and he found your reactions pretty funny.
He nestled himself in his bed and slowly began drifting asleep, not too long after though he was brought back by the sound of creaking floorboards. His hand reached around the headboard as he tightly grasped the hidden bat, his eyes stared at the door as the noise came closer. The door opened and he quickly released the bat “y/n, what are you doing?” he asked completely confused “i dont feel safe” you mumbled arms around a pillow. “What? y/n you know all the security i have here… motion detectors, alarms-“ you cut him off by calling his name. “I just..” you sighed feeling embarrassed “I'm just scared…can i sleep here for tonight?” You mumbled.
Jason sighed, he didn't want you to sleep next to him, but when he glanced back up and saw your big dough eyes, he folded. “Don't take all the blanket,” he said moving towards the edge. You smiled tucking yourself in. Jason had changed from his normal back sleeping position to a side position, making it a lot harder to fall asleep. He could hear you shuffling around and eventually stopping by your body hitting his back.
He gave you a second to turn away but you didn't. He turned to face you and you fit perfectly under his arm. He had planned to wake you up and tell you to back up, but you looked so peaceful he couldn’t wake you. He thought about nudging you away, but something wouldn't let him. You unconsciously nudged yourself into him more and he let you as he sighed in defeat. He pulled up the sheets and His arm rested around your head as he began falling into one of the most peaceful sleep he ever had, a small smile plastered along his face. The horror movie might not have scared Jason, but having you by his side gave him a sense of comfort.
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vinnieswife · 2 years
thank you - Jt
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Jason Todd/ red hood x neutral!reader
words: 475
warnings: mentions of wounds and cuts!
author’s note: i have a soft spot for this men
summary: Jason had a pretty rough night and you run a bath for him :)
"On the count of three, let's get up," you murmured, helping him place his arm around your shoulders as you held his waist tightly "one, two and three" you pulled jason off the mattress and with a soft grimace, he managed to stand up with you.
last night the red hood patrol had not gone as well as expected, he had a bad encounter with a group of criminals, when he arrived at your apartment his body was full of wounds and bruises, not to mention the deep cut on one of his sides, the wife in you immediately began trying to nurse him back to health.
You led him into the bathroom, helping him sit on the edge of the tub before he smiled and leaned down to press a chaste kiss to his temple "I love you Jay."
His lips also curved in a smirk and he softly hummed "I love you more princess" at his nickname, you let out a giggle.
The soft sound of water filling the tub was soothing in the silence, and you could hear jason’s shallow voice breathing as you stood close to him to remove the layers of clothing from his body, careful not to brush any wounds. You carefully peeled off the gauze that covered the cut on his side "that's going to sting" you said, his head fell backwards "job hazards" a giggle escaped your lips at his nonsense.
once his naked form was submerged in the warm water, you sat next to him on the edge, carefully you ran your hands over his shoulders a murmur of relaxation escaped his lips, before he opened his eyes to look at you "your hands are magic" he whispered , while you grabbed the bottle of shampoo from him.
"I believe you sir" you leaned in and pecked his cheek, squirting the shampoo into your palm before rubbing it in and beginning to move through his hair, massaging it. When you finished washing his body too, you looked at his relaxed face, seeing him sleepy.
your fingers reached out to caress his face tenderly, lovingly warming your heart as your soft touch made him shiver slightly.
he screwed up his face before blinking eyes open again "we're done" you told him in a soft tone smiling at him, he sat up properly and held your wrist, pulling you towards him carefully.
"Thank you" when his words came out of his mouth the butterflies in your stomach exploded, a smile adorned your face quickly.
you helped him out of the tub and change into the clean pj’s, you treated his wounds and as soon as that was done, he pulled you into his embrace, holding you.
You confidently exhaled in satisfaction, nuzzling your face into his chest as your arms wrapped around his frame.
“no patrol today”
"whatever you say ma'am"
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fr0doswagggins · 2 years
Untitled Jason Todd fic
A/N: this is a little something I started working on a while back ago and the original ending I had planned for it didn’t feel right so I kind of left it as is...plus it’s already quite long so I’m ok with it as is. Also this was written with a fem!reader in mind but I went over it and there’s not much description about the reader so it works for any pronouns :)
warnings: kind of annoying reader, slightly ooc Jason, smutty, lot’s of making out, Jason’s scars
You’re finishing up the last touches of your look when the limo arrives at your door. You quietly hop in the limo and ride in silence the twelve miles it takes to get to Wayne manor right outside Gotham city.
You arrive at the lavish building, admiring the architecture as well as the large crowd made up by some of the wealthiest people you’d ever know. You’d hate to admit it, but you were actually quite nervous. This was your first gala after all, even though by this point you’d been working with Bruce (or should you say Batman) for over a year.
You step out of the limo, straighten your clothes, and head for the fancy row of steps leading up to the entrance.
It would be an understatement to say that you’d met Bruce at a weird period of his life. You were a small time vigilante in Gotham and accidentally got mixed up with the wrong people. You were never supposed to be caught by the Batman, and yet you were. He told you to shut down your little operation, but you told him you really didn’t want to. You had to beg him to let you continue, refusing to give up your vigilante life. You explained to him that it was the only way you felt you were making a difference. He understood where you were coming from, and he reluctantly took you under his wing. And that’s how you got to know him. You worked together on so many missions that you ended up becoming one of his closest friends (or at least it was more like he had enough trust in you to know his secret identity and have access to the Batcave).
You cross the threshold into the house. You’d been there before but it was a whole different scene when it was full of people. You made your way through the crowd, trying to find a drink to calm your nerves. You made it to the bar and ordered a martini. As you sipped your drink you looked around the room. Your eyes widened when you made eye contact from across the room with a tall, handsome dark haired man with the slightest streak of white hair at the front of his head. That must be him. You immediately knew. That must be Jason Todd. You’d only ever heard stories about him, but you’d never actually met any of the bat family (except for Alfred of course).
The truth is. You didn’t know a lot about Jason. Just the most important parts. The haunting Robin suit displayed in the cave always caught your attention, that, and the gravestone out in the yard. Bruce refused to comment on it for the longest time. What you learned from him was just that he’d somehow been involved in his death, and he was extremely guilt ridden. You could tell it took a toll on your friend. You had to ask Alfred about it, but it also took him a long time to open up about it, and you essentially got the same story from him. His “Master Bruce” blamed himself for his son’s death and the reason he’d been so hesitant to take you in was because he was afraid of something happening to you. You had the gist of Jason’s story, though. He’d died, come back to life, and now he ran around the city terrorizing criminals as Red Hood.
You broke eye contact first, but you’d clearly caught his attention as he made his way towards you. His tall figure towered over you as he leaned over to the bar to order a drink. He wore a velvety red blazer that beautifully complemented his dark hair. You could tell he was muscular under the jacket as the seams looked like they were about to rip.
“Hello. You must be Y/N.” He says with a smile.
“How do you know my name?” You inquire. How would he know you if you’d never met? Did Bruce talk to him about you? How come he rarely talked about Jason to you?
“Well silly Y/N, my dad’s the world’s greatest detective. I have learned some skills from him you know.”
You scoff and roll your eyes.
“What, like you don’t know my name?”
“You’re right about that, Jason. I do know your name. And I also know that you’re a royal pain in the ass, so if you don’t mind, I’m going to go enjoy this party now.” You walked away as quickly as you could and hoped that he didn’t notice your shaking hands. That was not the experience you’d ever expected to have with the mysterious boy wonder, but his presence was intimidating you, and you were really struggling with your social interactions. You decided to go find Bruce.
“You know Y/N, it’s quite rude to assume things about people. We’ve only talked for two seconds and you’re already making judgement calls on my character?” You heard him call from behind.
“Yes. And for your information, I’ve heard enough about you to know that you’re a major nuisance to Bruce. You act like he doesn’t care about you, but I’ll have you know that he does. Bruce is my friend and I every day I have to see how much the guilt eats away at what little is left of him. So, forgive me for saying I don’t find your presence enjoyable.” You say it, but you know it’s a lie. So much curiosity about him and you finally had him right in front of you, but the only thing you can manage to do is bring up Bruce.
“Oh please. Seriously? Bringing up how Bruce was affected by the situation as if MY OWN DEATH wasn’t traumatic for me?” He’s inches away from your face.
“Fine. You’re right. That’s a fair point. However…” you trail off.
“However what?” He asks coldly.
“That doesn’t make it ok to murder people, Jason.” You say quietly.
Jason scoffs. “You clearly have been well indoctrinated by Bruce.”
You stare at him blankly. “Why does it matter if- “
“You know what, Y/N? I really don’t want to have this conversation. Enjoy the party.”
He starts to walk away from you, but you grab his arm, placing your grip right on his bicep. “Jason, wait!” You plea. “I’m sorry. I would like to get to know you. Genuinely. I apologize for my bluntness. Could we start over please?”
Jason takes a deep breath. “Fine.” He looks down at your hand that’s still holding his arm. You immediately let go.
“Nice to meet you. My name is Y/N.” You say shyly, staring at his green eyes.
“My name is Jason.” He holds out his large hand for you to shake. You grip it tightly and give it a firm shake, in spite of the fact that your hand is basically enveloped by his. You blush.
“So how did you know my name? Bruce tell you about me?”
“In all honesty? No. I did some of my own digging when I noticed [vigilante name] and the Batman started spending a lot of time together.”
“Oh wow. So, you stalked me?”
“No, I didn’t need to stalk you. I just pulled up Bruce’s file on you on the bat-computer.”
“He has a file on me? I knew it. That fucker.”
Jason smiles at you. You smile back at him and casually grab his hands. “Can I be completely honest with you?” Jason nods. “Bruce hasn’t really told me much about you either, and this might seem extremely nosy of me but I’m quite intrigued by what the real story is. Would you feel comfortable telling me about it? It’s ok if not, I totally understand.”
Jason stares at you for a moment, trying to read your face. “I think you should get me a few drinks first and then we’ll see.”
And with that you’re off to the bar. You make casual conversation first, telling him things about your life and sharing stories about Bruce. How much you’ve been sat at the bar is unclear, but you’re at a point at which he’s finally started opening up about what happened. The missing pieces of the incomplete story you’ve always wanted to know the truth of, finally falling into place. Your heart breaks for him, but you get the feeling he’s not one to ask for sympathy, so you do your best to not let it show. You just hold his hand however, and he surprisingly doesn’t let go for the whole thing. Not until he’s done telling you the last detail.
“And that’s why I don’t tend to come around the manor anymore. It’s not really the same anymore.” He says solemnly.
You give him a sad smile, unsure of what to say. You want to say thank you for sharing, but that hardly sums up how you truly feel. Instead, you reach up to cup his face, slowly. If he pulls away, you’ll take it as sign that he doesn’t want your comfort. Your hand reaches his face, and he does not pull away from you. You look at his eyes and he stares at you quizzically, unsure of what you’re trying to do. You start to lean into him, and he continues to stay still, but his eyes dart down to your lips briefly. He places his hand over yours and leans into your touch. You meet his lips, and he allows you to kiss him softly before returning the kiss to you. When you break the kiss, you’re still unsure of what to say. You silently search his eyes for answers, but he just continues to stare at you.
“So you wanna show me around the house or something?” You ask to break the tension.
“Um sure yeah. That’d be good.” he says, scratching the back of his neck.
You both start down the nearest hallway. It’s covered in paintings that are nearly as tall as the walls. Once you’ve gotten far enough away from the party you turn to kiss him again. You catch him off guard, but he leans into your touch once again. You place your arms around his neck to hold yourself closer and brings his arms around your waist. When you’re out of breath you break the kiss, leaning your forehead against his.
“Y/N, are you sure about this?” He asks.
“Yes.” You say, looking up at him. “I’m sure.”
You kiss him again, and this time more passionately. He reciprocates the kiss, running a hand through your hair. You let out a sigh at the feeling. He brings his hands down to your hips and you place yours on his firm chest. As his tongue runs along yours, he pushes you up against the wall. You kiss him fervently, running your hands through his hair as he picks your legs up and puts them around his hips. You sigh out his name. He begins placing open mouthed kisses down your throat. You pull at his hair, and he lets out a quiet moan.
“Jason we should at least go in a room” you whisper in his ear. He hums against your neck.
He kicks down the nearest door and tosses you on the bed. Once the door is locked his lips are back against yours. You wrap your arms around his neck and open your mouth to let his tongue in. You let out a muffled moan and he squeezes your waist. Jason takes his jacket off and you use this as a chance to undo your shoes. You grab his neck tie and pull him down on the bed along with you. You kiss his jaw as you undo his tie and toss it to the side. You begin kissing down his neck as you undo the button on his collar. His places his hands on yours and moves them to cup his face. You give him a deep kiss and you could swear you heard him let out a soft moan. You use this opportunity to catch him off guard and straddle his hips. He doesn’t seem to mind, since his hands move to your waist, and he continues to place kisses down your neck. You run a hand through his hair and let out a soft hum. You begin to try to unbutton his shirt, but his hands stop you once again. You gaze at him questioningly. He doesn’t meet your eyes, so you place a soft, gentle kiss against his cheek. He blushes at this, and it makes you smile a little. You cup his face place another soft kiss to his lips. He puts his hands over yours and kisses you back.
“You okay?” You ask.
He nods.
“Do you want to keep going? We don’t have to if you’re not sure.”
He hesitates. “No, it’s fine. Let’s keep going.”
“Are you sure?”
He meets your eyes. “Yes, I’m sure.” With that he places your hands back on the collar of his shirt so you can continue unbuttoning it. As you worked away at the buttons, you could start to see the Y carved across his chest that he’d told you about from his autopsy. You could see him get embarrassed at this, cheeks flushed, refusing to meet your gaze. You begin placing kisses down his scar, starting on the right side. You place slow, soft kisses until you get to the middle of his chest where the lines meet. You look up at him and he’s blushing, looking down at you, mesmerized. You make your way back up his chest placing kisses to the other side. Once you finish, you place another soft kiss on his lips. Jason tangles his hands in yours and rests his forehead against yours momentarily, smiling. You smile back at him.
He begins to feverishly kiss your lips once again, so you decide you want to let him take the lead and lay back down against the pillow. You part your legs and Jason understands your silent invitation....
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martiniluvr · 3 months
I just cannot get over the thought of Jason Todd cooing while you take his massive cock, talking you through the pain of stretching you out on it the first time, and giggling at each other from euphoria because of just how much love there is between you two AHHHH 😭
this ask is so good I had to let it marinate in my mind…anon take these flowers I beg 💐
18+ minors dni
“jay…” you say apprehensively, trailing off as you bite your lip. your eyes are fixed on jason todd’s huge body hovering above you, and you can hear your heartbeat in your ears. you look down anxiously at his hard cock resting right below your bellybutton and smearing your skin with precum, and instantly avert your gaze. fuck, that’s big.
“I don’t—um…I don’t think it’s…” you trail off, your cheeks burning. despite your nerves, you feel your arousal drooling out of you. he smiles and shakes his head lightly, reaching down to run his fingers over your entrance.
“don’t worry ‘bout that,” he coos, collecting your wetness on his fingertips as you shudder. “look at me, ma.” you tear yourself away from the sight of his length, meeting his stare. “that’s right. just keep lookin’ at me. you’re gonna be fine.”
his hand comes down to pump his cock, spreading your slick onto his shaft as he aligns himself between your legs. after a pause, he sinks the tip in, and you suck in a sharp breath at the stinging in your walls as he penetrates you. he pauses halfway to allow you to adjust to his girth, his brows furrowing at your tightness. shit, you feel good around him. you let out a whine at the unfamiliar feeling of his size, your nails digging into his shoulders.
“fuck…you’re doin’ good, ma,” he says, the muscles between his shoulder blades tensing. “c’mon, princess, just relax for me. worst part’s almost over, hmm? just a little more.” his words are strained with need; he’s holding himself back from fucking you like he wants to, the way a pretty cunt like yours deserves to be used. soon, he tells himself. soon.
“ready?” he asks, his green eyes searching yours. you nod anxiously, and he bottoms out inside you with a groan. you gasp at the flash of pain as he stretches you, right as jason’s hand comes up to caress your cheek. he looks down at your expression, with your eyes screwed shut and your lower lip trapped between your teeth, and lets out a soft laugh. god, you’re pretty.
“hey, eyes on me, ma,” he rasps gently. you pry your eyelids open to meet his gaze, and he smiles at you. “that’s right, baby. fuck—doin’ so good.” he rocks his hips gently, and you let out a quiet moan despite the ache. “so fuckin’ good for me.” he thrusts again, a little deeper this time, and you notice the stinging is starting to subside, pleasure gradually taking its place. you moan again, louder this time.
“startin’ to feel it, huh, baby?” he murmurs, his eyes glancing down at your stretched pussy taking him in. heat pools in your chest as you hum in agreement, a sheepish giggle escaping you when jason’s eyes lock back onto yours. he chuckles in return, before planting a longing kiss on your lips as his hips continue to rock slowly.
you whine into him, wrapping your legs around his waist to signal that you’re ready for more; he smiles against your lips as his arm snakes around your back, locking your body against his. oh, you poor thing. you have no idea what you’re in for.
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emo-batboy · 4 months
A Wild Battinson (Social Media AU)
Part 45 (Masterlist)
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(Part 46)
@bruciemilf it’s been months bestie but it’s tradition
If you follow me on my main, you know I haven’t actually been gone. I’ve just been on a few side quests. I’m also being fought over by two companies rn so that’s fun (and completely stressful, please I’m just a 22yo teenage girl) but we’re BACK for a limited time! Idk I’ve got like at least five parts in my drafts so let’s see what happens.
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panakina · 3 months
It’s very important to me that Jason is both an incredibly compassionate person with a big heart, and an absolute jackass.
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bruciemilf · 8 months
The Wayne manor is not a quiet place.
Someone Is always doing something, talking about anything, teasing, bantering, playfully slandering, so Bruce grew accustomed to noise. Its hard not to, with his nest of birds.
But this particular topic has him on mute;
"Why do YOU get him when he's old?"
" Oh my GOD, Jason, I'm LITERALLY the oldest. You ALWAYS have to get everything!"
Jason isn't at all interested in Dick's dramatics. He wraps all 6'4 inches around Bruce's leg like an affectionate leech. "You're the fucking meanest! You'll probably feed B those gross ass protein shakes and force him to watch re runs of Realest Housewives of Gotham!"
Cass is strong like a tsunami and silent as a snake, jumping on Bruce's back, beautiful eyes full of threat. " Dad stays. Mine."
Bruce pipes up, " I have a retirement plan--"
"Getting railed everyday at the Kent farm isn't a retirement!"
Tim gives Steph a look of disgust. "Gross."
Damian isn't above pulling out his swords. " If I don't get Baba, everyone is dying. Me included. "
"Damian. What did I say about threatening your siblings with murder?" Bruce asks expectantly.
" Oh, I'm not threatening, baba. I'm making a vow."
Alfred doesn't pry his attention from the chamomile tea he's preparing. " Master Bruce stays with me."
"...Alfred, I don't think you'll...You know, be around when Bruce retires--"
"Was that a contradiction?"
They all gulp. The argument is settled quickly, and Bruce spends the rest of his evening with head on Alfred's lap and his hand in Jason's hair, petting like a cat, and listening to RHOG on the TV.
He loves the noise.
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in-som-niyah · 6 days
do you think jason would pick up a stray baby chick and rub its cute little head and put it in his helmet for safe transportation and break all the traffic laws on his motorcycle just to get the chick home you your shred apartment where it would be safe and warm and taken care of???
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gleasonlovesjasontodd · 4 months
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Jason is just the sweetest boyfriend who helps you put on your jewelry. Buys you anything you want and notices when you like something and he secretly buys it. Gives you the sweetest kisses. Reads you poetry in the softest voice. He loves playing with your hair. When he comes home he is always very careful not to wake you up. Sleeps closer to the door. Gives the best forehead kisses. Loves to rub your hand with his thumb. Always ties your shoelaces for you even when you say you can do it. Helps you zip and unzip your dress when you need help. Learns to tie a bow for you. Walks closer on the sidewalk for you. Wipes your tears away and gives you the biggest hug. Lets you wear his jacket no matter how cold he is
he would just be the best boyfriend ever
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fandom-drake · 1 month
Different heros jokingly discussing the Red hoods tits vs Nightwings booty debate.
Jason and Dick who know exactly how much armor and kevlar pads the goods trying not to speak up.
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allllium · 2 months
desperately needing some soft Jason Todd fics right now 😓 if anyone has some good recommendations I swear you will officially be the best person on this earth 🙏
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redbird-tf · 8 months
Sick day redemption 
Jason todd x (platonic) younger reader
Summary: jason finds you sick at home after missing patrol, and has the chance to relive his favorite memory.
Word count: 519
Notes: based on comic in red hood and the outlaws new52
Warning: none
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Jason grew worried as he looked back down at his watch, it's been 30 minutes since you said you would meet him at the usual rooftop for patrol. You had told him you’d be running a few minutes late, but this is more than a few minutes. Jason looked around one last time before letting out a frustrated and anxious huff, leaving the rooftop.
“Y/n?” He called out quietly entering his apartment through the window. The breeze made the room cold, and the room pitch black. He heard a sneeze and quickly flicked on a light, it was dim but bright enough for him to see your outline on the couch. You sniffled again and your body shivered from the cold. Jason closed the window cutting off the breeze, but then froze.
He remembered a time like this. When he was still Robin, he had gotten sick on his way to patrol with Batman. Alfred refused to let him leave the manor, even if he was already in suit, and called Bruce to let him know. Jason thought Bruce was going to be disappointed in him when he got back, but to his surprise, the Batman came home early. When Bruce stepped into the living room Jason had begun to apologize. Bruce stayed quiet for a second before asking Alfred for some popcorn, somehow this made Jason more anxious and confused on top of that. “Taking the night off once in a while isn't a crime Jason” Bruce stated taking a set next to him. “Thank you, Alfred,” Bruce said taking the bowl of popcorn “So what do we got on,” he asked turning on the TV. Jason smiled as he sniffled, he leaned against Bruce as he began to relax. Jason had never felt so safe.
Jason smiled before returning to the present. He walked down the hall to grab a blanket. he stood behind the couch as he laid it over you. “Mm, Jason?” You grumbled as your eyes peeked open. “What-what time is it,” you asked frantically sitting up “12:30 am,” he said calmly “Oh no, I'm sorry i was getting ready, but then i felt sick so i sat down for a second and-“ he cut off your frantic explanation “y/n, it's ok, it's not a crime to take the night off,” he said placing his hand on your shoulder, “i think this calls for a movie night” he smiled walking into the kitchen. “Popcorn for me, and tissues for you” he joked sitting next to you.
You laughed before letting out a cough, “So you're not upset?” You asked turning towards him. “No” he replied softly “which movie should we watch?” He questioned starting to list off movie names. He flinched slightly feeling you unexpectedly lean against him. It took a few seconds for his shoulders to relax again as he stared down at you.
your body completely relaxed against his, he watched as your chest moved up and down as you softly snored. His expression changed from shock to a calm smile, wishing he could stay in this moment forever.
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