#the thrill of first love
clairettaa · 2 months
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Very limited knowledge of dreck I’m afraid
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amz-222 · 23 days
the thrill of first love but it's skk
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real-odark · 3 months
she dont on my wont till we aaaagreeeee.
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flynnarts · 3 months
StaticMoth - The Thrill of First Love
(CW: StaticMoth! If this ship is not for you, please skip this post; I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable! Just so you’re aware, the song itself is not inappropriate, but the video is. That is why I only linked the audio here. Just a silly sketch because I love the song and the ship.)
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Yes, I headcannon Valentino’s eyes to have little pupils when feeling intense emotions like Stolas. It’s a fun idea, okay???
There is no other reason as to why I drew this, I just loved this exchange in the song. BESIDES. Vox’s VA (Christian Borle) is singing this in the role of Marvin, so it’s already perfect.
I wanted to show the contrast here with Vox already being open and switching out of his work attire, removing his hat and changing into something more casual, but Valentino is still reserved and in his work clothes (Wings? Who knows.)
Yes, Vox is sparking little hearts; I thought it was cute, okay???
This was drawn on Procreate, just a doodle here.
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rrcenic · 6 months
if your otp isn’t “the thrill of first love”-coded then what is even the point
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the-grand-av3 · 23 days
Does anyone know that one radiostatic animatic that has the song "The Thrill of First Love" from Falsettos in it? I might’ve reblogged it but do you really think im about to search through 1000 something posts
I remember it's black and white, there were multiple parts to it, but the most notable (to me) was the beginning, that goes until the line--
"Don't (won't!) Don't (Won't!) DON'T. Agree.."
It was really good im tryna find it but i cant pls help me 🙏🙏🙏
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I'm sorry but Peter Lukas and Elias "Jonah Magnus" Bouchard own the song Thrill of First Love from Falsettos
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Musical Theatre Song Contest: Round One D
Submitter’s propaganda under the cut
The Thrill of First Love
Jewish Gay Couple Bicker But Still Love Each Other Very Much, Andrew Rannel and Christian Borle have so much chemistry in this.The line "I was trained in karate" ever fails to make me laugh
marvin and whizzer are the best fictional couple ever created maybe… also the passion dies!!! Passion Dies!!! part is my fav ever. also andrew rannells!! i mean cmon you couldnt vote against it
It’s incredibly gay, fun and falsettos is very underrated. Also, ANDREW RANNELLS AND CHRISTIAN BOLE!
Ring of Keys
Amazing storytelling, capturing a feeling of early queerness that I'd never heard put into words before. Also Sydney Lucas being an amazing child actor.
Ok this musical and song are both SO important to me. This song is about a young lesbian, who for the first time in her early childhood sees a butch, and her mind is blown that women can be like that. Super touching and a gorgeous song
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sunny-solarphim · 1 month
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Finals are finally over we are getting back into coding thanks for being patient here’s a peace of art I did a bit ago of Tes and dahlia <3
see you later alligator !
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
The interesting thing about Nygmobblepot and The Thrill of First Love is that it fits their ship dinamics both in Gotham and in the comics (at least in my fav version of them Pre-New 52 when Eddie was a PI and Oswald was lying about both of them being close before the coma but tbh I think it fits all comic versions of them).
The difference is the roles: comic Riddler is the perfect Whizzer, the more feminine carefree guy who cares a lot for fashion, gets bored quickly and has a huge problem with commitment but is also surprisingly good with sports and even the chess analogies (except he would never purposifully lose to fit an image). Edward fits Whizzer so well it's scary. And Oswald fits Marvin and his wish for the tradicional family to the point to want to twist his family to a tradicional one, who wants to pay for all the problems to go away but also wants to keep his money, comic Oswald fits Marvin a lot.
But than we go to Gotham and the pappers switch, Oswald is Whizzer with the fashion and quickly bonding with childrem and the fear of commitment and "what I want I devour" and Edward is the one trying to force the tradicional family and in denial, the one who doesn't care for menial things like fashion and "I'm best when I cheat".
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fuck zodiac signs what part of the thrill of first love do you sing????
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justaz · 3 days
lol arthur realizes with the other knights after watching merlin flirt and being hit with a wave of deja vu: holy shit you asked me out
merlin and the rest of the knights around a campfire after leaving a village bc gwaine and leon somehow started a brawl in the tavern: ???
arthur points at merlin: after valiant! you asked me to buy you a drink! you were asking me out!
merlin is busy cooking dinner and confused out of his fucking mind: what???…..valiant….oh the knight with the snakes.
gwaine who was slightly tipsy now stone cold sober and sitting up straight against a tree: wait. explain. what do you mean merlin asked you out??
arthur snaps his fingers as he recalls the memory: i apologized for sacking you and you said that if i bought you a drink we’d be even.
merlin now remembering how he had stumbled into camelot, picked a fight with a pigheaded bully which quickly turned homoerotic and flirtatious, and continued their teasing-flirting for days before merlin shot his shot and asked the prince out only to be rejected: oh yeah, i forgot i did that…..wait, you mean you didnt realize what i was asking?
arthur: no?? we argued everyday, how was i supposed to realize you were asking me out??
merlin now abandoning the dinner and staring across the camp at arthur while the rest of the knights watch their back and forth like a game of tennis: to you we were arguing, to me that was very much flirting. i thought you were flirting back so i decided to ask you. then you rejected me
arthur, mentally beating his past self up for fucking up their chance: i didn’t reject you!!! i just didn’t realize what you were asking me. how was i meant to? we fought every chance we got
leon, nudging elyan, glee and excitement riling through him: its happening!!! its finally happening!!! seven long, grueling years is finally paying off!!!
merlin, realizing the misunderstanding and acknowledging the fact that he wasn’t rejected, his flirtations just weren’t noticed - realizing he still has a chance: oh…oh i see. arthur, my dear, our fights were extremely flirtatious. need i remind you of what you said? “do you know how to walk on your knees? would you like me to teach you?” or “i could take you apart with one blow”
arthur, mental capabilities at an all time low: m…my dear….?????????
merlin grinning devilishly as he realizes that his flirtatious persona he had hidden away after falling head over heels for arthur can make a come back: that is what i called you. should i call you something else? say…mine?
percival gags in elyan’s ear: cheesy
elyan hides a laugh: at least they’re finally getting somewhere. better than the hopeless pining
arthur, flushed from head to toe: ah uh no um im uh
merlin thoroughly enjoying himself: oh come now, your majesty. use your words.
#meanwhile leon is praying his thanks to every god and goddess above for their mercy#his pain and suffering is so over#merlin is going IN on arthur who is red as fuck#gwaine is enjoying himself immensely#lancelot pulls out popcorn to watch the two idiots finally get their acts together#flirty merlin x flustered arthur#i think yes#listen. merlin lived in ealdor. a small village of maybe thirty people - four or five being his own age#he was thrilled to be in camelot and have new faces and people to meet#he was definitely the village tease or flirt or whatever#he was gonna be a rake in camelot but unfortunately managed to fall hopelessly in love with the prince of camelot#he burned his dreams of being a rake in exchange for arthur#the issue? arthur rejected his advances. next issue? merlin’s feelings remained and grew#so merlin is a lovesick puppy for a prince who doesnt feel the same and he cant find it in himself to look at anyone else bar a few cases#he and lancelot def slept together at least once. him and gwaine tumbled into bed a few times together#but his heart always belonged to arthur he just never imagined hed get a chance to let his affection be known#now that he knows arthur never knew of his intentions in the first place and was quick to deny he rejected him#merlin is more than happy to let that part of his personality come back and terrorize arthur is a way he hadnt been able to before#hes living his best life rn#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#merthur#knights of the round table#fanfiction ideas#prompts#headcanon
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lycheelsea · 24 days
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sigh. Falsettos 2016 again
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midnightdemonhunter · 11 months
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am i the original, the remains, or the later writing?
Fresh off my first watching of Sophomore Year, I was desperate for more Nightmare Forest-esque content for my beloved bad kids. Thankfully, I immediately stumbled upon @gilears fic Over and Through! I absolutely adored this fic, bingereading it in one go, and knew I needed to show my love and feelings somehow!!
So here are the six bad kids' personal hells, shown in my order of reading!
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skaspert · 1 year
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saturnerens · 13 days
im actually so serious when i say watching falsettos is difficult for me because both andrew and christian are So hot i cant even function
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