#tme/tma binary
trans-androgyne · 15 days
kind of seems like the main reason people dislike TME/TMA is because they don’t think transmascs have privilege over transfems (which. we do). kinda funny to hear all these people be like “listen to trans people when they talk about their experiences with oppression” because they mean “listen to transmascs when we say we experience transmisogyny” and not “listen to transfems when they say we don’t understand the level of transmisogyny they face their entire life”
You’re correct that people take issue with the idea transmascs have privilege over transfems, but the main reason people dislike tme/tma in my experience is that it’s an inaccurate binary. People have more complex experiences with transmisogyny than it covers. An intersex person afab who grows facial hair may not be the intended target of transmisogyny but most certainly isn’t exempt either. Nobody is really fully exempt from any system of oppression, so it’s just not accurate. I don’t have a problem with the term tma to describe people who experience abundant transmisogyny, it’s tme I take issue with because yeah, it does talk over other people (not just transmascs, many people including cis perisex and intersex folks) about their real lived experiences with transmisogyny. And it is used for exactly what you’re acknowledging here: to say that everyone “tme” has privilege over everyone “tma.” That’s not how it works. Transmisogyny is awful but so are exorsexism and transandrophobia, from which binary trans women are exactly as exempt as non-transfems are from transmisogyny. Trans people do not have gendered privilege over each other. That is why so many people take issue with tma being used to say that transfems have it the worst of all queer people. Whatever happened to not engaging in oppression olympics? Why are we measuring privilege not based on the reality we see (transmascs having similar negative outcomes to transfems in many areas while having unique issues in other regards) but on trying to apply cis man & woman dynamics to the complex trans community?
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estrogenism · 2 months
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very very funny how intersex transfems are by far the most vocal haters of tme/tma as binary terms because of the way that perisex people use them to discredit intersex trans people's complex experiences. but sure it's just those horrible afab trans people again!!
[Plaintext: very very funny how intersex transfems are by far the most vocal haters of tme/tma as binary terms because of the way that perisex people use them to discredit intersex trans people's complex experiences. but sure it's just those horrible afab trans people again!! End Plaintext.]
(also do not fucking try to witch hunt these people. i will block you on sight, i cropped out the urls for a reason)
edit: reminder that this post was made first and foremost about intersexism, and while it's okay to discuss other forms of oppression in the tags and reblogs (especially since i tagged them as such), please stop trying to brush off the original point.
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intersex ppl: can you please listen when we say we don't wanna be put into boxes
perisex trans ppl: ok but rq can you tell me if you're afab or amab so I can decide whether to make fun of you or ignore you completely?
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renthony · 3 months
Sometimes I see trans infighting posts that make it so crystal clear that the OP isn't considering intersex perspectives at all.
Trans people who aren't intersex: do better, because y'all treat intersex people like shit.
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textk4kira · 15 days
A transmasculine person speaking about TME/TMA
Whenever a transmasculine person criticizes the use of the terms "TME/TMA", someone comes out of the woodwork to say:
"Of course, you criticize TME/TMA, you are transmisogyny-exempt! uwu"
It's almost like people who are negatively affected by something, might feel the need to speak on that thing.
Wow, who would have thought?
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delusionsofspace · 24 days
I feel bad for unfollowing some people I've followed for a long time but god damn you guys love inventing new binaries and labels to put on people huh
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dementedmk · 3 months
Controversial Opinion Time: TMA and TME are the most useless fucking terms I've ever seen gain widespread use on this site. There is no need to keep splitting us into smaller and smaller boxes and fighting between them. We don't need to Oppression Olympics our way into 2 different trans communities that hate each other. We're all dealing with the same type of shit. Transfem people have it harder in some ways, transmasc people have it harder in others, but it's the same groups of people who want us dead, and every time you encourage divisions in our community you're giving the people who want us dead exactly what they want.
Signed, a transfeminine person.
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yammoba · 3 months
It's like yeah, ultimatly who gives an actual shit about the specific name for something. I feel this way about identifing peoples identities and also when it comes to the words we chose to describe systems of oppression. Ultimately the importance lies in being able to communicate. And if a singular word doesn't apply, that just use a sentence. Thats probably what you'll have to do anyways 🙃 or multiple paragraphs that still end up meaning nothing.
Im just annoyed at the people who seem hellbent on subdividing transphobia experienced into the categories of "transmysoginy exempt" and "transmysoginy applicable" as some kind of universal truth depending on your agab and perceived transition "direction"? While also denying the legitimacy of transmasc specific transphobia. Like. They seem kinda contradictory.
Like, if transmasc are exempt from transmysoginy, (which could be debatable depending of the circumstance and deffinitions at play) than its extra fucking shitty to claim terms we use to describe "transmasc specific opression"* are like.... inherently misogynist or something i dont even know.
If you want to claim that the shit transmascs deal with is non-specific transphobia while specifying transmysoginy as something that blanketly does not apply to anyone except transfems than uhhh............. i do have some unfortunate information for you about the medical industry and how it treats transmascs. And how a lot of people veiw trans people as "just their assigned gender" even if they claim or act in support.
*if you wanna claim transmasc specific opression doesn't exist its a shit fuck rabbit hole and all i really want to say is like. obviously. It does. Fucking of course. Are you fucking stupid? This is why i hate all this to begin with. The "source" of that opression weather its out of a mysogonistic beliefe that ""womenhood"" must be protected or out of a belife that "men" are threatening etc is kinda down to the situation, and like most of trasnphobia, its a combo of both, in what ever ratio allows the most pain. The practical reality is that people get treated like shit by doctors and politicians. And like. Everyone.
I'm gennerally of the opinion that more terms is better, and if people feel like using tme/tma is helpful to decribe themself than cool. But like also... if you're working in that framwork than maybe think about why other people might make terms to describe their experiences. I guess I should too.
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lavenderedhoney · 6 months
Tme people who bitch and moan about transmisogyny theory: have you considered stepping on thumbtacks instead of following this blog?
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I'm not going to make the big long post I wanted to make about trans men's experiences with the intersection between transphobia and misogyny, instead I'll just say that the most recent person to be beaten to death in a girl's bathroom was someone you guys would consider TME so perhaps it's more complicated than certain trans people being """exempt""" from transmisogyny
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trans-androgyne · 8 days
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Nothing gives you a free pass to be a shitty person. It is not healthy or acceptable to assume every single person that you don’t think experiences transmisogyny would misgender you in an instant and lash out based on that. I’ve seen this used to justify suicide baiting and other awful behavior. If you think like this, block me before I block you. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: no matter how oppressed and/or traumatized you feel you are, you are capable of harm. And I don’t know how to explain to you that you should care about other people.
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hello! may I please ask about the whole "TME" and "TMA" labels?? I have tried to do research myself and have found no information about them whatsoever😭I apologize if I am disturbing you!!
Tma = Transmisogyny affected (AKA AMAB transfem)
Tme = Transmisogyny exempt (AKA AFAB transmasc)
The reason why me and other people don’t like the TME/TMA labels being used because it creates an unnecessary binary, especially when under a patriarchal society, it shouldn’t matter who’s affected by transmisogyny and who’s exempt what matters is that, as trans people, transphobes will hurt us for existing, with both transfems and transmasc being affected by this because of misogyny.
in a bigots eyes, trans men are “confused women” and “not possibly capable of making medical decisions for themselves” while transfems, despite bigots denying their womanhood, still treat them like they would any woman, critiquing them for either being “too feminine” or “not feminine enough” just like what transphobes would do with Cis women
And TME/TMA kind of ignores that fact. Trans people are discriminated against because of transphobia. Which is a mix between misogyny and overall bioessentialism which EVERYONE is affected by, not just AMAB transfems
Hope this helped!! >w<
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psychiatricwarfare · 10 months
i think sometimes people forget that there's more than one way to be trans & that bigots Do Not Care what flavour of trans you are, they want us all dead so can we please stop arguing over things that literally dont matter and lift each other up instead of tearing each other down? im sick of this afab vs amab, tme vs tma, transmasc vs transfemme, the total erasure of transnonbinary & trans intersex individuals (or just nonbinary & intersex ppl in general). im so so so sick of all these new boxes we're trying to stuff each other in when elder trans ppl fought so hard against those boxes!!
for fucks sake, no one trans group has it any better or any worse than any other trans group, we just have it different, the transphobes want us ALL dead - whether its for different reasons or by different means, dead is dead. they dont care if youre tme afab transfemme or if youre tma axab transfemmasc or if youre a god damn clown fish. its all the same "agenda" to them.
im so fucking done seeing posts saying "trans women have No idea what its like to deal with....." or "TMEs fuck off! you're not welcome here!" or any of that shit because THAT is exactly how white supremacists get a foothold in. THAT is how we lose this battle. fucking THAT is how we get divided and conquered. they want us to split up into smaller groups and fight each other, they want us to be too weak to fight back and the way to do that is to wittle down our numbers & until they can get away with outright killing us in broad daylight (more than they already have) they have to make do with splitting us up and turning us against each other
im just sick and tired of all the infighting, you're either with ALL of us or you're with the white supremacists, idfc if you are trans yourself. we need all of us to work together and put our differences aside. it is not that fucking hard to sit yourself down and go "ok well they may not know what it's like to be me, but i dont know what its like to be them either" and realise that turning against other trans ppl just bc "they dont understand" is ridiculous and just a bad move when we're in the middle of a fight for our fucking lives. who cares who's "more oppressed" this isnt the god damn olympics, this is the fight for human rights and right now we need to focus on keeping all of us alive. save your petty irrelevant fucking discourse for when we aren't focused on trying to keep our community ALIVE
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maxellminidisc · 2 months
From one tme person to another, please stop making trans women/woman one whole word when you use it and turning into a noun instead of using "trans" as an adjective. I've noticed a bit of an uptick in posts by other tme folks doing this in post with the intention to be positive and supportive but to do so is ultimately harmful to lots of our sisters who are uncomfortable and even upset by its use.* To turn trans woman into a noun is to basically denotes that trans women are not women, instead it divides them into some sort of "other" from other women. Using "trans" as an adjective on the other hand, simply adds a descriptor to a woman. Notice how we don't tend to do the same for "cis woman" or other descriptive language of identity.
*some trans women spell it all together and given they are TMA (transmisogyny affected) its perfectly within their power to do so! The issue is with us who are TME (transmisogyny exempt).
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slothgender · 3 months
Nah I see you post in support of tma/tme bullshit it's an unfollow sorrynotsorry
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dreamboyf · 3 months
"youre all in an echo chamber anyway heres a list of gross icky tmes to block because ummmmm they're talking abt issues that affect transmascs"
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