#BAMF Tim Drake
snakeredbirdbatkatana · 8 months
Tim Drake is usually called the smart Robin which I like don't get me wrong but all of the bats are smart and I do love my Tim but my Tim is just a bit different.
I want Tim drake half out of his mind fucking with Lex Luthor while he chugs 6 monsters. I want baby stalker who was heavy breathing putting together a red string murder board at 3:00 am with very sketchy stalker pictures of the Wayne's.
I want titans tower where Tim knew it was Jason and is about to home alone that shit. While also internally fanboying and giving Jason tips on how to murder the joker.
Tim Drake who doesn't get disturbed by Ra on Tuesday cause he knows Tim has plans with young Justice and Tim will destroy all of his bases again if he is bothered.
Tim who thought Damian was adorable and everytime he makes an attempt on his life gets a new paint set because that is the Drake way and no little brother of his isn't gonna understand premeditated murder.
TIM Drake who owns up to the clones and the boy who Kon knows is a little murdery gremlin and loves that about his boyfriend.
My Tim drake need to be balls to the wall fucking insane or I don't want that shit.
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yjcorefourenjoyer · 7 months
An AU where Batman when Jason dies, comes up with dark reasons why keeping villains alive is better than killing them. And it continues to get darker and more detailed the longer he’s in grief.
So when Tim become Robin he keeps on accidentally hearing Batman mutter to himself stuff like:
“Death is a mercy they doesn’t deserve”
“My revenge is something hell can’t reproduce”
“Let justice decide their fate”
“I won’t become like them. I’ll become worse, and I’ll do it while keeping to my rules”
and he just has to sit there pretending he can’t hear as Batman lists horrible reasons why keeping all the villains alive is better then just straight up killing them for his own sanity.
so early Tim’s motto when he wanted to kill a villains who was hurting people close to him and 100% deserved to die was:
“If i kill them now my revenge will end and hell’s will begins. I have to keep them alive so mine can continue”
Ofc as Batman recovers from all the grief of losing his son, and training the new Robin, he slowly stops thinking and saying stuff like that. Tim also knows that this thought process is wrong but it never fully goes away….
Years later when everyone is hanging out, Jason is complaining about why they have to keep the Joker alive and Tim just says what he used to say to himself all the time, out loud.
Tim: “if you kill the joker now your chance at revenge ends and hell’s begins, death is a mercy he doesn’t deserve. keep him alive, show him what hell wishes they could.”
And there’s just horrified and concerned looks from everyone in the room.
just a Au I enjoy exploring every once in a while. This would never happen but I love see a Tim with a slightly darker side to him that comes out every once in a while :p . hope you enjoyed it too
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
Batman's no kill rule (tw violence).
So, Tim tries to follow this decree. It's a pretty firm line in Bruce's version of vigilantism. We see the teen struggle a few times to uphold this, but he tries to in the end.
What if, because Tim became Robin watching this man toe the line between Batman's victims being hospitalized or killed, Tim got the wrong idea from this.
Instead of "killing is wrong" or whatever, Tim sees death as the last line to everything. The last line to Batman considering him to be a criminal, the last time the criminal has chances, and the last opportunity to punish someone. If they die, that's it. Game over for Tim and them.
Before that point? Well. Tim can do just about anything as long as it isn't murder. This cues Tim psychologically and physically brutalizing foe that are horrid people. 98% of the people Tim deals with get the regular Robin treatment. Those cruel few?
If you asked Tim about it, he wouldn't have a clue. Seems weird that Professor Pyg walked into a police station to turn himself in.
Gotham, right?
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ironicvixen · 2 months
Tim: Bruce, you know I value your opinion… I don't give a shit about your permission, but I value your opinion.
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nana-mizu-shiki · 2 months
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It was always amusing when people forgot that.
I honestly just really liked this one and really recommend it. If anyone knows of any similar I'd love some more Janet Drakes Son Tim fics!!
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Fucking love Mama Bird. It's great, I'm a sucker for good Tim and Dami fics. Also,
Tim after intercepting Bruce and Damian:
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Only difference is Tim didnt stop at the fucking table
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timkonshipper · 1 year
Tim Drake headcanon
He took a dip in the pit but came back from it stronger. It took a while to overcome the side effects but he redirected it into bankrupting Ra's and weakening his assasin empire.
He lured a couple hundred assassins away from Ra's to keep for himself. The small voice in his head told him he had already took a bunch of Jason's shticks and made them better so why not add another to the list.
He buys a big mansion somewhere in the middle of nowhere and starts his own assassin organisation
He takes the computer specialists and assigns them to scouting targets and draining their bank accounts(to be split among the assassins - tim had enough money).
He organises the rest by their specialities. Whenever he takes a new target he checks out their insurance coverage and replaces it with a really bad one. Then he sends out his groups according to the new insurance plan. For example if there is no dental insurance then the dental group will knock them up real bad. Combined with no money in their bank accounts, painful injuries and hospital bills that are not covered by insurance the targets feel emotionally drained(retribution for whatever they do to others). Then the special attack group ends them when they least expect it very painfully.
All in all he gets around gotham and branches out throughout the entire country.
But in the end he never has blood directly on his hands so he counts it a win.
He is also a shark in the boardroom and definitely uses his skills to his advantage. No-one questions him because they're scared shitless of him. He's practically a legend in the company.
Despite his many lucrative businesses he always makes time for date nights with kon and hangouts with kon, bart & cassie ♡ They all know of his assasin group but dont care since he's happy.
Also he ditches the dumb name and costume. He goes by peregrine and designs an actual costume - spiked leather jacket(inspired by kon), black onepiece(fitted with standard bat procedure) and black greek style circlet with wings(inspired by bart and cassie). He uses his bo staff but attaches retractable blades to make him seem like the bringer of death in a way
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batfam-fanfics · 2 months
Gasoline Comet Kerosene Sapphire by eggmacguffin
1 Chapter - 7228 words
There was an intruder in the tower. His teammates were vulnerable. The power was out. The comms were down.
Their only chance was for Tim to try to bring the Red Hood down on his own.
Jason goes looking for a fight. He finds one.
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jackie-q · 2 months
This fic is funny, go read it, yeah? It's unfinished tho- sorry...
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arenjix · 9 months
Baby Birds and Bat Caves
Gotham was built on a cave system. Batman has referenced a Bat Cave before. Tim is currently in the cave system. He is in the cave system that he entered from Drake Manor. Drake Manor is right next door to where Batman- The Bruce Wayne- lives. Holy Cavern, Batman! Tim had just accidentally wandered into the Bat Cave’s cave system. OR Tim, having found a weird hole after a storm, decides to go exploring ignoring the fact that This Is Gotham and They Probably Have Cursed Stuff Down There. Luckily, it was just a cave system that spans the entire Gotham underground. Unluckily, Tim is a very curious child.
(Stats/Tags are under the cut)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics)
Relationships: Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake, Tim Drake & Edward Nygma
Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Original Non-Human Character(s), Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Edward Nygma
Language: English
Additional Tags: Caves, Fluff, Weird Gotham City, Tim Drake-centric, BAMF Tim Drake, Kid Tim Drake, the Bat Cave, Kids are so curious, Smart Tim Drake, Tim please stop running around in gothams cave systems, Stalker Tim Drake, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, no beta we die like robin, Tiny Tim Drake, Tim Drake has the survival instincts of a wet paper bag, Crack Treated Seriously, Humor, Tim looking at the cave system under the city: you know this might as well happen, Bruce please stop him, Child Neglect, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Inspired by Welcome to Night Vale, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Magic shennanigans, BAMF Stephanie Brown, BAMF Cassandra Cain, Edward Nygma Tries, Cryptid Tim Drake, Tim Drake is Crow, Tim Drake is Not Robin, Kid Fic, Stephanie Brown is Starling, Cassandra Cain is Black Bat, Cassandra Cain is Black Bird
Series: Part 1 of Gotham Caves and Reality Aberrations
Published: 2022-03-20
Completed: 2022-06-30
Words: 30,113
Chapters: 20/20
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 6 months
You know what I find hilarious is how Jason and Dick somehow get coined the ladies men. I see people calling Dick a manwhore which is so untrue.
The only bat getting Bitches is Tim motherfucking Drake.
Tim is playing all sides 24/7 considering he is constantly busy and a hot fucking mess the amount he be getting is ridiculous.
Like think about it Tim is Brucie Wayne just without the stupidity.
I would love to be a reporter in Gotham because the Articles would be glorious.
Timothy Drake Wayne CEO by day and manwhore by night.
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yjcorefourenjoyer · 8 months
Dick: “heya Tim? So I was doing a quick check on everybody’s medical records and I noticed your says ‘missing spleen because of assassin’…….. care to elaborate?”
Tim: “✨No✨
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
Tw: Death, abuse
Villain Tim AU to Abusive!Bruce
Bruce hits, psychological tortures, and verbally/emotional abuses his kids. Tim, who's a villain, is fed up with this.
Tim twirls the revolver as he lazily peers at the man beneath his foot. He's bleeding, the head wound leaking into his eyes, and his breaths are coming out fast. The man is certainly not in a decent state and can't fight back.
"Recognize where we are, Batman?"
The man glowers at his son above him, his jaw clenched as he refuses to answer.
"No answer, B? Typical." The younger man rolls his eyes and presses his foot harder into Bruce's broken ribs. The father doesn't even grimace in pain. Tim's disappointed.
The gun finally stills in the younger man's hand, but his grip is loose. He uses that hand to gesture at their surroundings.
"It's the alley that created Batman and the place that caused an entire section of the city to fall into poverty. I wonder if Joe Chill realized he'd be damning entire city blocks by killing two people."
Tim shrugs as a coy smile suddenly appears.
"Say... this is also where you picked up Jason, right? The child you cared for, drove out to die, and then viscously beat when he returned?"
Tim grinds his foot into Bruce's torso as the smile drops from his face.
"I'm not a fan of those who hurt my siblings. I never retaliated against you in the past because it would've hurt them. No matter how much abuse you dealt out, they still loved you. Hell. I loved you too."
Tim's eyes drift down to the weapon he holds. Bruce's eyes follow and the grin Tim bears is cruel.
"Ah. You know this gun, right? For the two bullets it fired, you're intimate with its make, model, and the scratches on its handle. I bet you could recreate it perfectly from memory."
The man's eyes narrow, and his voice is hoarse when he speaks. Blood beads at the corner of his mouth, and his face is filled with barely contained rage. "Where did you get that?"
Tim snorts as he twirls the revolver in his hand again.
"You melted the original one, correct? Turned it into a symbol of protection after you bought it from an auction?"
Bruce doesn't bother to respond. Tim didn't need him to.
"You're not the only one who can replicate a weapon precisely. When you have a speedster for a friend, time travel is easy as well."
For a second, devastated horror flashes on Bruce's face. A moment that meant a lot to the older man was ruined with a fake. That, more so than the bruises littering his body, pains the older man.
Tim leans closer to Bruce and presses the barrel to the father's head.
Arctic eyes frozen in fury stare at resiliently bitter blue eyes. The teen's face falls to impassiveness as he regards his once mentor.
"You should've kept your hands off of my siblings. When I see you in hell, tell me how it feels to die the same way your parents did."
Three gun shots ring out in the alley. When the police arrive at the scene after a slow response time, they find Bruce Wayne sprawled out in the same spot Martha and Thomas Wayne were killed over three decades ago.
They never find who shot the Prince of Gotham.
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ironicvixen · 11 months
Tim Drake being a chaotic shit and one bad day away from taking over the world is the only Tim Drake I accept, thank you very much.
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huntressundone · 6 months
Hey all! Proud to announce that the final chapter of Vendetta is up now! Summary and Link below :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!!
He hadn’t been prepared to take on Red Hood in Titans’ Tower. No, Tim had fought cleanly. Fair. But he wasn’t in the business of making the same mistakes twice. And the Red Hood? Well…
Jason Todd should have stayed dead.
TW: Lazarus Pit Rage, violence
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See I want to focus on my main Tim Au
But the PARASITES want crime fam batsiblings w/ Tim starting it all
I want to focus on the main plot storyline, little angsty fun
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