#batman movie 2022
emo-batboy · 9 months
Battinson: tearing through the streets of Gotham in his Batmobile, narrowly avoiding several crashes, concussed as we speak
Jaime, on the phone, watching from his dorm room at Goth Law: Mamá! Look, I know the news is talking about a serial killer, but it’s okay! I’m perfectly fine— dios mio. I think someone just blew up Wayne Tower. What? NO, I didn’t say anything.
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nat111love · 4 months
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THE BATMAN (2022) | dir. Matt Reeves  
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hqbits · 25 days
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i hear the secrets that you keep — when you’re talkin in your sleep!
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batmanlovesnirvana · 2 months
Nah, because everyone says that Damian speaks Arabic. LIKE, OF COURSE, BUT WHICH DIALECT THOUGH? Lebanese? Palestinian? Yemeni? Saudi? Or perhaps the league has its own accent and dialect? Does he understand the different North African dialects???
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dspectar · 2 months
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The (bat)man who sold the world
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bruciemilf · 10 months
I think the Batman (2022) sheds light on such an underrated detail of Batman's story, and that's, ironically, Batman himself. We see Bruce. As in actually, truly see him. the way he's so repulsed by himself when he's not Batman. The most apathetic we ever see him is towards himself. Bruce does not care If Bruce lives or dies because ultimately, he does not care for himself.
He's lonely and starves for people and contact but he doesn't want to be BRUCE. Even when he shares intimate moments, he's Batman, while everyone around him wants the man behind the cowl, because no one cares about an empty mask.
But the final scene? Where he's helping, saving, holding people tenderly? Where he doesn't wear the contacts? That's BRUCE.
Bruce who's tragedy with heartbeat, who has all the reasons to be a villain and leave Gotham for death and rot and he DOESN’T because at his core Bruce loves people so MUCH. Not Batman, not The Bat, not the Knight, -- it's BRUCE. BRUCE IS THE HEART. YOU CAN'T WRITE A GOOD BATMAN IF YOU DON'T WRITE A GOOD BRUCE WAYNE!
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sweetums0kitty · 11 months
Dear Universal Studios, please replace Harry Potter world with Barbieland. Please and thank you!
Or like I wish there was a cool big budget Gotham world.
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rokikubo · 3 months
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And I still believe that I cannot be saved
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banghwa · 1 month
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envelopandkissme · 7 months
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robert pattinson during his makeup test as bruce wayne in the batman (2022)
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minilev · 4 months
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9ffairs · 3 months
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nat111love · 4 months
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Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne
THE BATMAN ( 2022) — dir. Matt Reeves
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emo-batboy · 5 months
I'm sorry but your taste in Bruce Wayne is horrible. None of those guys in the pictures have what it takes to be a Bruce Wayne. They can be a Robin or something but they're so young. They're also all so ... Well I know Bruce is white but your picks are like obnoxiously white looks wise I'm really sorry I don't know how to describe it but you picked the a Bruce Wayne so bad I had to say it in some way shape or form. Wishing better taste upon you
Do you…do you not know about Matt Reeves’ The Batman?
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batmanlovesnirvana · 2 months
— The Waynes like the American royals or the Kennedys…
[ Matt Reeves, director of The Batman, spoke about his opinion on Thomas and Martha Wayne. The director revealed that his version of the Waynes was inspired by British or American royalty such as the Kennedy family. ] via KCRW
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KCRW: So many of the movie iterations of Batman going back to Tim Burton’s are about how Bruce Wayne is basically a part that he plays. And the Bruce Wayne that we see in "The Batman" is somebody who doesn't have that kind of equipment, who isn't shaped in that way, who doesn't find this kind of release in pretending to be something that he isn't. Both of his lives bleed into his alter ego and his more public iteration.
REEVES : “One of the things that was interesting to me was to focus on not an origin tale because we'd seen Burton had done that so well, and Nolan did it so well. I wanted to do an early years “Batman” and Bruce Wayne. And it was important to me that while it wasn't an origin story, he was, in the early years of what he was doing, and was still trying to make sense of himself, was still a young man trying to put himself together and find a way to function. This idea of not yet understanding even the asset that being Bruce Wayne could be, the way that other iterations of the character have where they realize, oh, I can be Bruce Wayne, and that can be another kind of mask. He's just not together enough yet to even understand how valuable that's gonna be.
I was interested in the idea that Bruce was at a stage where he couldn't bear the weight of the history of being part of the Waynes. I thought it might be a bit like a member of the Kennedy family like the American royals, or what a British royal would be like in the wake of a tragedy and how a lens has been put on you because of a family tragedy that you couldn't have never escape. And so his response would be to want to withdraw from all of this and not understand that in the mission that he was trying to do to try to make sense of his life, he might be able to use what had happened to him as a kind of mask, which could be useful to him.
This whole movie is about him coming into being. It's not about him mastering himself. Of course, it's a fantastical notion that you could master yourself. I mean, nobody masters themselves. What was really interesting was seeing somebody who was trying to master himself, but had a tremendous amount of what he was doing that he didn't yet even have awareness of. He wasn't aware of his motivations. And I was thinking about the idea of masks and sort of Jungian psychology and him being driven by his shadow side. That whole idea that in Jungian psychology, you're supposed to make yourself aware of those shadow impulses so that you're able to incorporate them into your life. I like the idea of him being at this stage in his life, where he really wasn't seeing that, and he didn't understand everything that was driving him because he was in a kind of emotional freefall. ”
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dspectar · 3 months
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Two years since The Batman (2022) who else reflected on the passage of time and this era! (I miss it dearly! Clearly!)
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